Veknironth wrote:Well, my suggestions are with the schedule. I recommend not staggering the games as they were this time. Make 3 blocks for games and place all the games in them. For example 9:30-13:30, 14:30-18:30, 19:30-21:30. That would make it so that everyone could, if they wanted, play in 3 games a day and it gives an hour for the gam going over time or for having lunch between games. Also, being able to sign up for a game before arriving in Detroit would be great.
"Maybe sign up here on the forums."
I agree that the way the games were staggered made it difficult to get to and from some of them.
I too think that a block system would work well. Much like a college course schedule. And if a certain GM wanted to run a double block Wormwood game, that could be fit in as well and still leave one other block available if players wanted another game that day.
As far as the sign up sheets go;
Putting them out daily (ie, put out Friday's on Friday morning, etc.) might be a good idea. Even with the schedule posted the morning games might be a little thin on players, though I think there will still be those that rush to the warehouse in the morning to get signed up.
Someone also suggested having the games be half "first come, first served" and half from whoever shows up at the table.
If I end up GMing, I plan on doing something like this;
Lets say I want 8 players for my game. I'll take the first 4 people signed up. If one of them is missing then names get bumped up the list. For the sake of explanation lets say the first 4 people show up and the sign up sheet has 12 spots on it. The 8 people left on the sign up sheet and whoever shows up at the table and wants to play, well they get to roll for a spot. Highest d20 rolls win the spots. I figure this is in the spirit of the game and will be totally random.
This is assuming that I have more than 8 or 10 people sign up for my games.