bg rounds

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bg rounds

Unread post by kevarin »

looking for feed back or changes on this please thought
this was an interesting idea that norad might do to help
augment there normal weapons against the bugs

bug juice rounds
this round come in two typs and looks like a glass or plastic
bullet with some metal reinforments to keep it from breaking
apart in the gun

the round is filled with bug juice and will break apart on impact
since the amount of bug juice is so small one round does no
futher damage after it hits but short bursts will do damage over time
and bypass the bugs ar doing damage straight to its sdc and hp

rate of fire is one shot or short bursts 3 to 6 rounds
if a long burst is tryed with these rounds the rounds start to
break up in the gun from the heat build up from fireing

.50AE bug juice round
single shot -3D6
short burst -3D6x3 initial impact , 2D6 following melee round
after that , the chemical becomes inert

this round will bypass the bugs ar doing damage straight to
its sdc and hp

5.56mm rifle round
single shot -5D6
short burst -5D6x3 initial impact , 3D6 following melee round ,
and 1D6 on the third melee round . after that , the chemical becomes

this round will bypass the bugs ar doing damage straight to
its sdc and hp
Last edited by kevarin on Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total. my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world

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Re: bg rounds

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No offense, but I like it. I don't see myself using it much though.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: bg rounds

Unread post by kevarin »

just for kicks came up with this to use with an emp bomb
on another post thought some weapons that werent electrical
might be interesting

bg balls

this is a .68 cal paint ball filled with bug juice
rather than paint

any paint ball gun can be used

were useing a gun with a 200 round hopper
with a harness carring one tank and 4-140 round reload tubes
and a heavy duty remote coil

any thoughts on this would be great

bg balls
single shot -1D6
short burst 10 rounds -3D6x3 initial impact , 2D6 following melee round
full melee burst 100 rounds -2D6x10 initial impact ,1D6x10 following melee round
after that , the chemical becomes inert

this round will bypass the bugs ar doing damage straight to
its sdc and hp my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world

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Re: bg rounds

Unread post by RockJock »

I like the paintball idea, or even shotgun shells. I don't know if a 9mm would deliver enough to be worth while.
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Re: bg rounds

Unread post by kevarin »

was thinking of something along the underworld vampire and werwolf rounds
i thought they were 9 mm but i could be wrong my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world

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Re: bg rounds

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I thought they were two, but they might have been 32's.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: bg rounds

Unread post by kevarin »

could allso be a 45 never really thought about it till now whats the largest pistol calliber anyway ? my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world

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Re: bg rounds

Unread post by vika »

kevarin wrote:could allso be a 45 never really thought about it till now whats the largest pistol calliber anyway ?
I guess that the Desert Eagle .50 is the largest.
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Re: bg rounds

Unread post by RockJock »

.45 ACP is a good bit bigger then any of the common 9mm (shorts, parabellum etc), or a 32 ACP. A .50 Action Express (.50AE) is a little smaller then .50 calibur, but is about as big a pistol round as you get. There are some fairly uncommon rounds in .454 and .44 magnum which are in the big nasty range. There are also guns like the Taurus Judge that are a big revolver that can fire .410 shotgun shells, or .45 Long Colts, which are like an old cowboy round.
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Re: bg rounds

Unread post by kevarin »

ok so i will change the ammo on the bg round to a .50 AE
that round should be big enough to carry the bugjuice
and do some damage my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world

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