New Biological enhacements

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New Biological enhacements

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Something old , something new and something blue (well some host armor coudl be blue). Tell me what do you think! :D

Probing Tongue: The long (10ft/3m) tongue had a small ball on its tip, that unwrap into tiny little tendrils. These are super sensible feelers, able to detect even the slightest electron movement and translate it if possible into a coherent data to the brain. In simple word probing inside a person nose or inside an active robot’s head could allow a deep probe for recent events.
Limit: the tongue can scan for anything happened in latest 6 hours. The probing is highly invasive and does 2d6 hit point/MDC damage. The victim had to be restrained somehow
Prerequisite: Prehensile tongue that is replaced by the probing tongue
BIO-E Cost: 10 points

Razor Tongue: The tongue has sharp edges, like a razor and a pointed tip and is coated in strong acid saliva. This allow it to be used as unexpected and deadly weapon.
MDC and Length: same as prehensile tongue
Mega Damage: 2d8+2 plus the acid saliva continue to do 2d4 damage for other 1d6 melee round
Tongue Bonuses: +1 attack per melee with the tongue
Limit: The sense of taste is reduced by 20%
Prerequisite: Prehensile tongue that is upgraded to Razor
BIO-E Cost: 15

Power Arms: A pair of hyper muscular hands and arms, grotesquely big, as thick a tree trunk. The hands double the size than normal. These massive arms have more hit power and are able to lift greater weights. Ideal for Heavy workers and fighters
Bonus: +6 to punch damage, lift(not carry) 100% more than normal, carry 50% more weight than usual ,+1d6x10 M.D.C. to both power arms
Side Effect: The fingers and hand are not too good for fine works, -5% penalty to all skill that require fine manipulation
Prerequisite: Elongated arms that is upgraded to Power Arms.
BIO-E: 15

Strengthened Bones: The bones are hardened by increasing calcium density and lacing them with super carbon fibers. This make the bones surprisingly hard and yet flexible, unbreakable under most circumstance.
Bonus: the bones break only if suffer more than 70 MDC in a single blow/impact, +2 to roll with punch fall impact
Bio-E cost: 20

Hollow Bones: Much like bird the bones are hollow and ultra light, but really thought. This reduce overall weight and allow fast and agile movements
Bonus: add + 10 to Spd, +1d6 to PP and Leap 10ft higher and farther , reduce weight by 50lb
Side Effect: Reduce M.D.C. by 25% , Max PS is 22
Bio-E cost: 15

Built For Speed: Body is long ,sleek and slender, with an highly flexible spine designed for quick start, high impact running, and quick turns. The entire body is tailored for more aerodynamic configuration. Increase Speed attribute(running speed) by four times, +3 roll with punch/fall or impact, and +1 to dodge. Can swim and climb at half his running speed
Bio-E cost: 25

Massive Build: Huge, Hulking muscle-bound body and/or barrel chested, probably with a disproportioned small head. The Biotic/Gorehound is 4d6x10% larger and heavier than normal.
Bonus: +1d8x10+10 to M.D.C., +1d4 to P.S.
Side Effect: Fingers are large and thick, so there is a –15% skill penalty on skills that requires a delicate touch or small, thin fingers, but they also add 1d6 to punching hand to hand damage
Bio-E cost: 60( generally not suitable for Host armors , although some like a huge and heavy host armor)

Temperature regulation sail: This is a fin like structure running down form the head along the spine. The fin act like a natural solar panel , allowing to hold the temperature constant, feel comfortable in any temperature between the zero absolute to 130 degree Fahrenheit .
Bonus: +4 to save vs. temperature related illness and attacks
Bio-E cost: 10

Additional Mouth: Just an additional mouth located somewhere on the body. This mouth can bite, taste or even talk.
Bio-E cost: 5 per mouth

Inner Mouth: A small, extendible mouth is located inside the mouth, in the place of the tongue. The inner-mouth extends up to one food (0.3 m), and shoots out at high speed. The inner-mouth can chew and swallow like a normal mouth. Extending the inner-mouth into an enemy does 3d4 damage, while a bite with the mouth’s small but incredible sharp teeth deals 1d8 damage per melee.(chomp chomp chomp).
Bio-E cost: 10
Prerequisite: Prehensile tongue

Stretch Jaw: The jaw can unhinge, like a snake, to stretch and open three times wider than normal. The throat muscle are also very flexible, allowing a normal human sized being to swallow something like the size of an ostrich egg whole, without ill effect.
Add +3 to bite damage
Bio-E cost: 5

Legs: Tentacles : the legs are replaced by eight octopus-like tentacles with a reach of 12ft(3.6 m)
These reduced running speed by half, but enable to climb like a monkey and swing from trees or similar structures at double his normal running speed and he is +20% to climb, + 10% to swim(or base swimming skill of 45%) and + 10% to acrobatics skills
M.D.C. of modified lower body:1d6x10+20
M.D.C. of the tentacles: 1d4x10+10 each
Bio-E Cost: 35; spending additional 20 Bio-E points for each pair of tentacles you can use them in battle adding +1 attack per melee for pair.

Enhanced Agility and Physical dexterity: The maximum PP for Gorehounds and Biotics is 35
Warmounts can have to 50. Host armors cannot get this enhancement because this will snap most of the pilot own muscle and bones(ouch!)
Bio-E cost: 10 per each PP points beyond the starting P.P. attribute, plus spending 30 Bio-E points it is possible to get +1 to autododge(dodging without spending an action)

Legs: Dolphin tail : Much like the Serpentine Lower body, lower body, hips, legs and feet are replaced with a dolphin(or fish) like body and tail, giving a mermaid look. This is a very specialized features, because is of little use on dry land. Actually is rather a penalty when not in water , Spd and PP are reduced by 60% , halve normal attack bonuses and get no initiative. Of course in water is another story.
Size: Add +1d4+6 to the Armor’s overall length
Bonuses: +2 to host armor P.S., +3 to P.P. while swimming, +20% to Swim skill(or base swimming skill of 60%), add +1d6x10+30 Mph to swimming speed, +1d4x10 to Main Body M.D.C.,+ 3 to autododge while swimming(making sharp turns while swimming at full speed) , + 1 to initiative, leap 20 ft above water, +15% Prowling underwater, increase depth tolerance by 2000ft.
Mega Damage: 1d6 for a Tail whip, full speed ram does 2d6 +1 for each 20 mph of speed
Bio-E cost: 50

Power Bite: The muscle of the jaw are reinforced, while the serrated teeth increase their size, sharpness and density. In a word the bite damage increase greatly. Teeth regrow constantly , like in sharks
Bonus: Bite does 1d4x10 +1 per 5 point of P.S.
Side effect: head is slightly oversized and assume an animalistic, shape, T-rex , Shark or Pit-bull like
Prerequisite: Bite attack
Bio-E cost: 25

Modified Pituitary gland: The growth regulator of the body is now modified to make the character bigger and stronger. Each level increase height by one or two feet, add +1d4x10 lb to weight, +10 M.D.C. , +1d6 to PE and +1d4 PS.
Bio-E cost: 10 per growth step, for a max of 30 Bio-E

Throat Sonic Blaster: the vocal cords are modified to allow the show of high powerful sonic blast. This is generally high pitched shriek, a sonic wave that hit like a cannon ball, and damage matter to molecular level.
Damage: 1d8+2 Mega-damage, plus human sized target had 01-45% likelihood to be knocked to the ground, losing initiative and two melee actions
Range: 100ft for additional 5 bio-e can hit with a 12ft wide cone that travel for 20ft
Bio-E cost: 15 + 5 bio-e for a wave effect

Amplified Biological Clock time: The Brain is modified to react better, accelerating the perception and enhancing its processing speed ,placing the mind in a sort of semi-controlled trance where everything seem to move slower and you are aware of everything that surround you.
Prerequisite: Enhanced neurological Connection, must have a centralized brain
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +2 to autododge(doge without suing an action), increase running speed by 1d4x10%, +1 attack per melee, +3 to roll with punch fall or impact
Bio-E cost: 30

Turtle Shell: The body is encased in a very hard shell, like that of the turtle. The shell is heavily armored and does reduce damage suffered in a melee round by 20 points, but is also very awkward and add a penalty of –10% to Acrobatics, Prowl, and all skills that require extreme dexterity
M.D.C: +100
Prerequisite: Horned defense
Bio-E cost: 25

Die hard: The nervous terminations are reduced, and most vital organs are reinforced. All this to allow the Biotics/Gorehound can fight up to PE attribute x 3 below zero M.D.C. before collapsing and even after than they still are alive for 1d4 minutes before dying, in addition they are impervious to pain
Bonuses:+20% to save vs. coma death, +2 to all saving throws, immune to pain
Bio-E cost: 20

Additional pair of limbs usable as both arms and legs: Placed in the midsection of the body can be used as arms and hands, adding one action per melee, or as additional legs increasing running speed by 20 +2d6 Mph
Prerequisite: a pair of insect limbs that is upgraded in this way
Bio-E cost: 15

Tentacle Neck: The neck is elongated and elastic, like a snake. This add 3ft to overall height and an additional attack per melee with head butt only. The head and neck is very flexible, can turn 180 g° and is +2 to dodge and + 3 to entangle/choke opponents.
Bio-E cost: 10

Experimental Enhancement Features :This are still in field testing and often illegal

Back-up brain: The Biotic/gorehound does have another brain that work as back up unit, in case the main brain got damaged. This second brain, while keep track of all memories is smaller and not as fast as the main one, so when the main brain is gone you feel like your mind is somehow sluggish in response. Generally is a safety mechanism to reach the nearest human haven and get the head healed back..
Bonus: +4 to save vs. coma/death
Penalties: the backup brain is –4 IQ and –2 ME
Side Effect: when the head is healed there is a risk for the Biotic to develop even further insanities
Requirements: Dislocated Brain
Bio-E cost: 30

Barbed wire web: weird, there aren’t better word to define this enhancement. Altering the structure of organic web-spinners cause the formation of a different recipe of the web itself. The web form some small crystallization along its line, making it in all facts a barbed wire web.
Mega-Damage: being stuck in the web inflict 1d4 mega-damage per melee
M.D.C.: increase M.D.C. of the web by 2d6 M.D.C.
Requirements: Spinnerets and Webbing
Bio-E cost: 10

Rolling Ball: The Splicer’s armor allow him to coil into a perfect ball, like an Armadillo. If this was all then this bio enhancement would not be worth the expense, but luckily is not just that. The body also carry a series of small pods of shifting mass that allow the Spicer to roll at considerable speed. Like a giant wheel or better ball.
M.D.C.: add +80 to M.D.C, +20 when coiled
Bonus: +4 to roll vs. punch, fall or impact
Rolling Speed: 2d6x10 Mph , could accomplish a ramming attack doing 3d8 Mega damage plus 10 per 20 mph of speed
Requirements: Reinforced exoskeleton
Bio-E cost: 20

Dislocated brain: Much like in insects, the brain of the biotic/gorehound is not in the head, that is now just a sensory and feeding organ, but located in the chest or abdomen. The Torso is slightly more developed, bigger, than normal while the head is slightly flat. The main advantage is that one can survive beheading, although you are pretty much blinded and unable to feed afterward.
Bonus:+ 40 M.D.C. to main body
Bio-E cost: 15

Super Neurological Attunement (dreadguards and roughnecks only): The Host armor is modified with a series of genetic surgery operations that increase the level of symbiosis between armor and pilot. This result in an great increment of performance , and add even the amazingly ability to pilot and control the armor even when nor wearing it! Sadly there is the side effect that one always feel your host armor , is like you never wear it off and more that most Splicers is hard distinguish where and when the Host Armor end and the pilot begin, causing a series of mental dysfunction
Bonus:+ 2 attack per melee, +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, Autododge, +3 to roll vs. punch, fall or impact, +10% to save vs. coma/death, can control his host armor to 1 mile per level of experience
Requirements: Enhanced Neurological Connections.
Side Effects: roll for one biotics insanity
Bio-E cost: 25

Configuration morphing: VERY, VERY experimental, only few Dredguards host armor and some Biotics(test lab subjects) do exist with such enhancement in the entire world. In few words allow Splicer to change their shape in a limited way. The humanoid structure cannot be changed but some of the Biological Enhancements can. Re-roll half of the bio-e of the host armor and choose new features for the new configuration. Example could be a combat configuration and a flight configuration, or a close combat configuration and a blaster configuration. It took one melee to change from a configuration to another
Bio-E cost: 30 – in theory one could buy this enhancement many time but apart from the high price more than one additional configuration is physically taxing and reduce the life span by 1d8x10%!
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I like them! They look pretty good!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Thanks. I hope also the others would like it and use it. :)
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Well is a power converted from PU2(the origin of 90% of Splicer).
Being built for speed does not mean you're weaker. Rather the opposite, you've to be tough and with a solid musculature to run at fast pace. But if you think a more heavy price should be added
Here a possible idea.
Built For Speed:
Bio-E cost: 25
Requirements: Increased Metabolic Rate
Side effect: reduce overall MDC by 10%, cannot have mounted weapons that ruin aerodinamic , like a gore cannon, casting gun and so on. Only small and sleek weapons,like claws, combat spurs, forearm blades, light cells, electrical weapon, bio-rocker are possibles but only four can be built before ruining the aerodimanics of the body. And about this issue, the look become very peculiar with even the head shape assuming a more narrowe and flat outlook.
Note: Built For Speed can be combined with flight, but the flight speed bonus is only of 50% and not 400%

As for barbed wire. Is experimental, so not eveyrone could get it. But doesn't need a particular diet. Perhaps drinking more water and eating more salt, but nothing more than this. The process is similar to the resin production.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a pretty cool idea!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

And wait for biotic models( much like cyborg models, only biotics, they got some more features and some odd side effect and look)
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

That's a ....
akkk I kannot believe there is someone that does not know Powers Unlimited 2, sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited written by Carmen Bellaire, before splicer. His ideas for bio-technology are started there. ! How in name of Xy this could be!
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

AGGGHHH MY HEART!!!..........
:shock: I cannot believe what I've just heard! You don't like HU.....
This is.....beyond....comment..... :shock:
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Do you know that there is magic and psionic in HU aren't you. Anyway , you're asking to be smithed to dust ain't you? After all HU is the basis of most recent palladium stuff. Land of Chaos? Based on HU Chaos Earth? Based on HU SPlicer? is HU without psionic and magic and without the invulnerability superpower(but give it time ). We can say that HU is the base for making palladium games . Is agreat game, one of the best that come out from Palladium Books. And sell way much more that Splicer.
Now I prefer you not to be so.....well so.
I was in a joking funny tone. You did not sounded nor joking nor funny.
You take things too seriously, as msot people in internet. Cool donw dude. 8)
Is better for you.
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Ok no problem. With message obar dis eays isunderstood things. that's why exist emoticons :D
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

PU2 is a great book imho.

Yeah Heroes Unlimited outdates RIFTS by 6 years. Rifts is the new kid on the block compaired to HU. Splicers is the Baby of PB at the moment.

"Not the Mommy...AGAIN!! I'm the Splicers, Gotta love me."

I perfer HU2 way of handleing Power Catagories. To a degree. Its more focused than Rifts and its OCC methods.


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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Configuration morphing: VERY, VERY experimental, only few Dreadguards host armor and some Biotics (test lab subjects) do exist with such enhancement in the entire world. In few words allow Splicer to change their shape in a limited way. The humanoid structure cannot be changed but some of the Biological Enhancements can. Re-roll half of the bio-e of the host armor and choose new features for the new configuration. Example could be a combat configuration and a flight configuration, or a close combat configuration and a blaster configuration. It took one melee to change from a configuration to another
BIO-E Cost: 30 – in theory one could buy this enhancement many time but apart from the high price more than one additional configuration is physically taxing and reduce the life span by 1d8x10%!

Would a Lazarus Gland help reduce the problems with this enhancement?
Could Battleshape be used as a basis for some of the configurations?
Your new enhancements reminded me of this. There are a couple more but I will have to find them.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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I think my bio-modification slightly predate that particula iczer power. But again we both start from HU, we have similart fonts and likewise minds(albeit iczer is less lazy) so is not a surprise that we got similar ideas :-D
Saldy no Lazarus organ won't offset this penalty, as is caused by the inherent stress that the biomodification cause on the body.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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new enhancment-ultavore
this enhancment allows the creature/bio-suit to digest ANYTHING that it can fit into its mouth or chew up!
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Re: New Biological enhacements

Unread post by runebeo »

All great upgrades. The ones I just love are Back-up brain & Dislocated brain. I hate just leaving a good brain out in the open on a pair of shoulders.
I will be 125 living in Rio de Janeiro when the Great Cataclysm comes, I will not survive long but I will be cloned threw the Achilles project and my clones will be Achilles Neo-Humans that will start a new Jedi order in Psyscape. So You May Strike Me Down & I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. Let the Clone Wars begin!
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abtex wrote:Could Battleshape be used as a basis for some of the configurations?

Your new enhancements reminded me of this. There are a couple more but I will have to find them.

The Baron of chaos wrote:I think my bio-modification slightly predate that particula iczer power. But again we both start from HU, we have similart fonts and likewise minds(albeit iczer is less lazy) so is not a surprise that we got similar ideas :-D

I did not say you copied or used Battleshape to create Configuration morphing, but can it be used to make new configurations for the enhancement.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abtex wrote:
abtex wrote:Could Battleshape be used as a basis for some of the configurations?

Your new enhancements reminded me of this. There are a couple more but I will have to find them.

The Baron of chaos wrote:I think my bio-modification slightly predate that particula iczer power. But again we both start from HU, we have similart fonts and likewise minds(albeit iczer is less lazy) so is not a surprise that we got similar ideas :-D

I did not say you copied or used Battleshape to create Configuration morphing, but can it be used to make new configurations for the enhancement.

Never Said that you did. Only that we got similar ideas. But yes, I think it could be possible. :D
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Slime rockets!
Basically a LARGE spout that shoots out LARGE amounts of slime to entangle robots/foes & make them easier to kill.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abe wrote:Slime rockets!
Basically a LARGE spout that shoots out LARGE amounts of slime to entangle robots/foes & make them easier to kill.

Slimemold Jello'o'doom....pack the warhead full of quick-maturating slimemold spores that grow explosively(maybe less effective in arid conditions and more potent in humid climes, with the slime molds drawing water bulk from the atmosphere?).
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The Baron of chaos wrote:And wait for biotic models( much like cyborg models, only biotics, they got some more features and some odd side effect and look)

If you have those Biotic models rolling around somewhere, I would love to see them. Me and my players are all quite fond of your creations. Matter of fact, your Heretic and Epitaph are what convinced half my group to try splicers.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Sorry about the double posting...

Experiment Type-El Advanced Lazarus Gland: This advancement of the Lazarus Gland takes regrowth to a new level. Whenever the Host Armor regenerates, this gland makes it stronger. Regeneration takes 3D6 days to grow, as the increase in the armor takes longer. After the growth period, the host armor emerges, retaining all bonuses, enhancements, and MDC. NO REDUCTIONS. In addition, the host armor gains 1D6X10 MDC to the main body, and 1D6 MDC to the rest. The Host Armor’s PS increases by 1, height is increased by 3 in, weight increases 100 lbs, and the owner will find that the armor has up to 50 Bio-E worth of enhancements that the Armor chooses, so that it will be harder to defeat the same way. For example, if an opponent destroyed the host armor with fire, the host armor will regenerate with resistance to heat. Also, the armor has the Doomsday Gland until complete evaporation. After each regeneration, if this is not a host armor, there is a cumulative 1% chance that the being changes one step in alignment, from Principled->Scrupulous->Unprincipled->Anarchist->
;Aberrant->Miscreant->Diabolic. After one alignment step change, the chance is reset. Also, there is a cumulative 2% chance to develop insanities, usually having to do with the multiple deaths, and hatred of things that kill it.
Bio-E Cost: 100
Prerequisite: Lazarus Gland, Modified Pituitary Glandx3
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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stinky gland!
basically a gland that is either under the armpit or the palms of the hands,it sends out a hyper-smelly version of the musk that skunks usually emit(basically like standard skunk musk but 5 times smellier than the usual stuff)
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Re: New Biological enhacements

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice additions! I hope you keep adding to this list!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: New Biological enhacements

Unread post by Ziggurat the Eternal »

Epic new stuff bro, keep that junk coming.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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acid spitters-multipul orfaces that can shoot out mdc acid at enough vilocity to cause 2d2 damage in addition to the acid damage.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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by 2d2 I mean you flip a coin twice with heads meaning 2
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Once again, is doing the work for you guys:

6 Most Bad@$$ Murder Weapons in the Animal Kingdom

The Mantis Shrimp's Fists of Death
In fact, the punch of the mantis shrimp is so fast, it actually lowers the pressure of the water in its path which--conveniently for a badass sea-ninja who fancies some pre-cooked crab--boils the water around the punch. Steven Seagal's probably only done that once or twice at best.

The Trap-Jaw Ant's... Trap Jaw
The speed of their jaw is useful for catching food and also facilitates one of the most incredible evasive maneuvers, or party tricks, in nature. In a tight spot the ant can bite at the ground and use it to jump incredible distances, the human equivalent of which would be the ability to snap into a Slim Jim with such ferocity it rocketed you over a four-story building.

The Giant Amazonian Centipede's Ninja Skills
The giant amazonian centipede has 42 murderous legs, but it only uses ten of these to keep hold while it dangles, catches and eats. So to further enhance the captive flying fat guy scenario, imagine doing the whole thing while hanging from the ceiling with only two toes.

Pistol Shrimp's Laser Claw
Wait, it gets weirder. The sheer force of the bubble collapse means it reaches temperatures up to 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit, a.k.a. hotter than the surface of the f***ing sun.

The Palm Salamander's 18,000-Watt Tongue
he strongest muscle in the human body (the quadriceps) can put out about 100 watts of power. The salamander's tongue can produce 18,000 watts. If your thighs were a generator they could barely power a light bulb while our amphibious friend would be running two five-ton air conditioning units. Your thighs officially suck.

The Jellyfish's Supersonic Stingers
The nematocyst cell fires the harpoon at such a high speed, the force of the acceleration equals 1,000,000 times the force of gravity. An astronaut will typically encounter four to five Gs during takeoff, which means if you put a jellyfish in the space shuttle, and it fired its stingers at the moment of takeoff, it would travel back in time [citation needed].
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Stat that <expletive> UP!!! I demand stats!!!!
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Munchkin Slappin GM wrote:Body expantion- on cammand yuo can make your blow up like a puffer fish. Great for grappling when on buddy can get a propper grip on you.

Body contraction- kind of the reverse of the above. Good for fitting into small places, and thoughing off in enemy on the true size of there opponant.

If you stat it, they will spend Bio-E on it.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool material. Now we need that in a form useful to the game!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Cosmentic enhancment kids version-makes the armor look like a muppet(gets better looking as the armor & wearer ages)
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Defense Mode: If the Host should lose consciousness the Host Armor will enter a Berserker Rage/Defensive state, in which anything moving within 35 feet or sensor range of the Host Armor it will be attacked friend or foe. While in this state the Host Armor can fight as long as 25% of the heads Mass/M.D.C are still intact and the head has not been severed from the body. The Host Armor will stay in this state for 10 minutes or until the Host regains consciousness / (regenerate the lost MDC to the head)
Prerequisite: Enhanced Neurological Connection, Super Regeneration
Bonuses only apply when in the Defense Mode Start: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +4 to auto dodge, increase running speed and PS by 1d4x10%, +2 attacks per melee, +4 to roll with punch fall or impact
Bio-E cost: 60
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Another very nice piece of gear! Please keep them coming.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: New Biological enhacements

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alcoholic jelly-evolved from slime jets makes machines act drunk!
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abe wrote:alcoholic jelly-evolved from slime jets makes machines act drunk!

Hmmm....maybe more like an electro-conductive living battery jelly-slime that distorts a 'bot's internal electrical systems(via a powerful electromagnetic field around it) causing it to lose program-integrity and maybe even short out...or some other technobabble... :D
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Grinder jaws-shaped like a lampreys mouth it allows you to grind up opponents to a fine paste! Prequisite-lithavore metabolizim & tusks?
Bio-e cost 45
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Cat whiskers-the user of said enhancement gains +12-35% to any skill that requires rough body dexterity, not fine dexterity, just rough dexterity.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abe wrote:Cat whiskers-the user of said enhancement gains +12-35% to any skill that requires rough body dexterity, not fine dexterity, just rough dexterity.

If you're talking percentages, that's skill dexterity, that IS fine dexterity. 'Rough body dexterity' as you seem to describe it would be covered already under bonuses for dodging and parrying, which don't use percentages(and maintaining balance would be separate set of organs anyway, not cat whiskers) such as +1, +2, etc., and those sorts of bonuses are taken care of by existing antennae and extrasensory types.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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How about some eating equipment (butter knives, forks & spoons) for feeding the bio-suits?
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abe wrote:How about some eating equipment (butter knives, forks & spoons) for feeding the bio-suits?

Uhm, no. As military equipment, the 'suits need to be as self-contained as possible, so carnivorous suits come with the appropriate teeth to chew their own food(anything extra, such as more powerful jaws, is purchased with Bio-E points), herbivore suits have the appropriate molars, lithovores rock-cracking jaws, etc..

You want to gather extra food for your living equipment? You can use your hand weaponry to hunt extra prey, or regular agricultural equipment(like scythes) to cut plants, like hay, for your grazers.
But utensils specifically for hand feeding your 'suit? You done designed the thing wrong then, and you're carrying extra gear-weight you could be using for other more useful stuff.

And bio-engineered eating utensils, which have to be fed in turn, are a waste of gene-work and biomass. Luxuries that the Houses and the Resistance can ill-afford to waste.

I'd be far more interested in bio-mods to the armor that allow it to feed -the pilot-, or at least filter and process extra bio-matter or water to help keep the Splicer alive in the field.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Beaver teeth? You know to eat the trees and such? Perquisite could be tusks.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abe wrote:Beaver teeth? You know to eat the trees and such? Perquisite could be tusks.

No, tusks are an entirely different form of dental development and would not precede beaver teeth.

Beaver-style teeth IMHO are already handled by existing jaw enhancements. Furthermore, when dealing with the Machine, you're not granted the time to chew down a death'bot.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:Beaver teeth? You know to eat the trees and such? Perquisite could be tusks.

No, tusks are an entirely different form of dental development and would not precede beaver teeth.

Beaver-style teeth IMHO are already handled by existing jaw enhancements. Furthermore, when dealing with the Machine, you're not granted the time to chew down a death'bot.

How about chainsaw tusks then, bio-e 45 effect-your tusks gains a chain like system that can cut through the tuffest metals causing 1d12 damage per attack. Perquisite would be tusks of course.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

Unread post by TagsPB »

abe wrote:
taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:Beaver teeth? You know to eat the trees and such? Perquisite could be tusks.

No, tusks are an entirely different form of dental development and would not precede beaver teeth.

Beaver-style teeth IMHO are already handled by existing jaw enhancements. Furthermore, when dealing with the Machine, you're not granted the time to chew down a death'bot.

How about chainsaw tusks then, bio-e 45 effect-your tusks gains a chain like system that can cut through the tuffest metals causing 1d12 damage per attack. Perquisite would be tusks of course.

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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Transformer biotic:gives the outrider mount/bio-suit the ability to mimic a machine for all purposes except causing nanoplauge! Might work for fooling (at least temporarily) the machine into thinking that your a technojacker?
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Platypus bill: gives you limited ability to sense electricity & possibly find hidden machinery (to foil ambushes?)
Ppe needed:75?
If you have any better idea on how to do this, I’m all ears!
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abe wrote:Platypus bill: gives you limited ability to sense electricity & possibly find hidden machinery (to foil ambushes?)
Ppe needed:75?
If you have any better idea on how to do this, I’m all ears!

I'm pretty sure somebody already did electromagnetic senses, based on sharks' sensory pits(a platypus's bill in itself does not constitute an EM detector).

And Splicers does not use PPE for biotech construction, it's Bio-E, same as in Mutant Ninja Turtles and After the Bomb construction rules for animal powers.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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Sorry, I meant bio-e
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Re: New Biological enhacements

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abe wrote:Sorry, I meant bio-e

Abe, familiarize yourself with the proper game terms when creating something.
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Re: New Biological enhacements

Unread post by OrionPrime »

taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:Sorry, I meant bio-e

Abe, familiarize yourself with the proper game terms when creating something.

I agree but also vote to cut him a break as no one else is posting new stuff for splicers.
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