Invented Spells

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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:I'll give it a try...

Baker Magic:

Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie.
This spell allows the caster to put a person(or several smaller animals) in a coma-like sleep, wrapped in an outer crust of baked goods, to be awakened instantly when the crust is broken
Level: 8
Range: Touch
Effects: Places the target in a coma-like sleep during which they appear as dead, consuming no oxygen and showing no life signs. The spell also creates an outer wrapping crust or breadlike rind(5d6 SDC, A.R. 9, for comparative damage) around the target. The caster can affect persons, or numbers of smaller animals, of 120 lbs weight +10 lbs per level of level of experience.
Duration: Stasis lasts 4 hours per level of experience
Saving Throw: If the target is involuntary, they get to save versus magic to resist being put into a come/sleep(this does not apply to animals like birds or rats)
PPE Cost: 40

Suggestions? Modifications? Been awhile since I created any spells...

Curses! I was still working on how to make that a spell and you beat me to it! Taalismn!!!!!

No, got any improvements in mind? Longer duration? Tougher crust? (maybe I should note that the occupant of the crust can automatically break out once the duration expires...)
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You don't want the crust seeming too thick, it still has to appear to be edible, so that about right. And the duration is okay, he would just have to serve it quickly, especially since he would not want to be anywhere around when it "goes off". I like it, you just beat me to that one, really.
I am working on the Tailor Magic and Baker Magic O.C.C.s and hope to get them up soon.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Tailor Mage O.C.C.

The specialization of the Tailor is creating spells related to clothing. It is his trade and all magic is learned to support his livelihood.

Special Abilities of the Tailor Mage

1. Superior Craftsmanship: Clothing created by the regular methods and not by spell to create them have either an Awe Factor or Horror Factor, depending on the style, of 7 +1d4, increasing by +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. The Tailor must actively be displaying a suit to draw attention. Everyone watching will have to save, those failing less likely to notice things around them (those sneaking past or around are +15% to their prowl skill). Even being roused by danger or combat they are without initiative, lose one melee attack, and are -1 to all combat actions (-5% to skill performance, too) for 1 melee round.

2. Measuring Eye: The Painter is +4 to Perception rolls.

3. Artistic Ego: The Tailor believes he is greater than he is, but this provides certain bonuses. The painter gains +2 vs. Mind Control and +2 vs. Awe Factor and Horror Factor on top of any other bonuses.

4. Spell Knowledge: Unlike other magic users, the Tailor Mage's magic knowledge is limited to Tailor magic and only a handful of Wizard spells. The mage starts with 8 +1d6 Tailor Magic spells selected from levels 1-4 and 1d4 Wizard spells selected from levels 1-2. At each level of experience thereafter, the mage may select three additional Tailor spells up to two levels aove his current level of experience, or two Wizard spells from levels one and two.
Additional types of Available Spell Magic: The Tailor Mage can NOT learn to perform ritual magic, only spell magic, and even then the types of magic he can learn are limited to Tailor Magic levels 1-6, usually learned for the purposes of repairing robes and clothing, Wizard spells from levels 1-6 as well as Wizard spells dealing with cleaning fabric. The Tailor Mage will never learn combat magic of any kind.
Base PPE: PE attribute x3 +3d6. The Tailor Mage will gain 2d6 PPE per level of experience.
OCC Bonuses: +1 IQ, +1d4+1 to MA, +2 to ME, +4 to save vs. Illusions, and +1 to save vs. Horror Factor at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 (in addition to any other attribute bonuses, special abilities, RCC bonuses and any bonuses provided by Artistic Ego.

5. Notes: Each Tailor Mage possesses his own equipment which he does not allow others to use, including special scissors, measuring tape and sewing needles.

6.Alignment: Any, but typically Principled, Anarchist, Abherrant or Diabolic. Attribute Requirements: An IQ of 14 and an MA of 13 or higher. A high ME and PE are useful but not required.

7. Special W.P.: W.P. Scissors: +1 to strike with scissors at levels 1, 3, 7, 10 and 13; +1 to parry with scissors at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13; +1 to throw scissors at levels 4, 8 and 12, scissors not designed to be thrown. A typical pair of small scissors inflict 1d4 damage, medium to large inflict 1d6 damage, and large fabric shears do 2d4 damage.

8. O.C.C. Skills:
Sewing (+30%), professional quality
Art: Drawing (+20%)
Fashion (See Rifter #19; +20%)
Wardrobe & Grooming (RUE; +20%)
Disguise (+20%)
Cosmetology (Rifter #19, +10%)
Socialization (Rifter 19; +10%)
Etiquette (Rifter 19; +20%)
Basic Math (+30%)
Business and Finance (+20%)
Dickering (Rifts China 2; +20%)
Five Domestic skills of choice (+10%)
Four Rogue skillsof choice(+10%)
One additional skill program (+5%)
1d6+5 secondary skills
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Baker Mage O.C.C.

The specialization of the Baker is creating culinary masterpieces and dessert and pastry items to impress and delight.

Special Abilities of the Baker Mage

1. Culinary Excellence: Foodstuffs created by the regular methods and not by spell to create them have either an Awe Factor or Horror Factor, depending on the type, of 7 +1d4, increasing by +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. The Baker must actively be decorating cakes or such to draw attention. Everyone watching will have to save, those failing less likely to notice things around them (those sneaking past or around are +15% to their prowl skill). Even being roused by danger or combat they are without initiative, lose one melee attack, and are -1 to all combat actions (-5% to skill performance, too) for 1 melee round.

2. Measuring Eye: The Baker is +4 to Perception rolls.

3. Master Chef: The Baker believes he is greater than he is, but this provides certain bonuses. The baker gains +2 vs. Mind Control and +2 vs. Awe Factor and Horror Factor on top of any other bonuses.

4. Spell Knowledge: Unlike other magic users, the Baker Mage's magic knowledge is limited to Baker Magic and only a handful of Wizard spells. The mage starts with 8 +1d6 Baker Magic spells selected from levels 1-4 and 1d4 Wizard spells selected from levels 1-2. At each level of experience thereafter, the mage may select three additional Baker spells up to two levels above his current level of experience, or two Wizard spells from levels one and two.
Additional types of Available Spell Magic: The Baker Mage can NOT learn to perform ritual magic, only spell magic, and even then the types of magic he can learn are limited to Baker Magic levels 1-6, usually learned for the purposes of purifying food, Wizard spells from levels 1-6 as well as Wizard spells dealing with food manipulation. The Baker Mage will never learn combat magic of any kind.
Base PPE: PE attribute x3 +3d6. The Baker Mage will gain 2d6 PPE per level of experience.
OCC Bonuses: +1 IQ, +1d4+1 to MA, +2 to ME, +4 to save vs. Illusions, and +1 to save vs. Horror Factor at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 (in addition to any other attribute bonuses, special abilities, RCC bonuses and any bonuses provided by Master Chef.

5. Notes: Each Baker Mage possesses his own equipment which he will not let others use.

6.Alignment: Any, but typically Principled, Anarchist, Abherrant or Diabolic. Attribute Requirements: An IQ of 14 and an MA of 13 or higher. A high ME and PE are useful but not required.

7. Special Skill: Baking: The baker is skilled in knowing how much heat and in what measure ingredients must be added to successfully create tasty dessert items, pastries and other foodstuff. A failed roll means his cake fell,the cookies were burnt or hard, orit just tastes bad. Base Skill: 30%,+5% per level. Adds +15% to the Cook skill.

8. Specialty Skill: Lore: Recipes: The baker knows the stories surrounding the invention of different desserts and breads. Base Skill: 60%, +5% per level.

9. O.C.C. Skills:
Cook (+30%)
Basic Math (+30%)
Writing (+10%)
Research (+20%; recipe related)
Chemistry (+20%)
Chemistry: Analytical (+20%)
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical (+20%)
Botany (+30%)
Brewing (20%)
Masonry (+10%)
Fasting (+20%)
Preserve Food (+30%)
Identify Palnts and Fruits (+30%)
W.P. Blunt (for use of pots, pans and rolling pins as weapons)
One additional skill program of choice (+5%)
+1d6+5 secondary skills
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Wow, somebody's been busy.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:Wow, somebody's been busy.

I feel like having a toasted croissant and some donuts after reading the Baker Mage (although I think the name is a bit tacky; I'd refer to it as the Culinary Maestro myself).

But seriously, I'd also include the ability to make magic needles and threads, and enchanted sewing machines for the Tailorist, and the ability to enchant ovens, stoves and refrigerators for the Culinary Wizard (possibly also enchanting cutlery as well).

Those would have to be part of the spells, I would think, but I will work on it.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

TrumbachD wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:Wow, somebody's been busy.

I feel like having a toasted croissant and some donuts after reading the Baker Mage (although I think the name is a bit tacky; I'd refer to it as the Culinary Maestro myself).... or the Culinary Wizard.

yes there is certainly the possibility for expansion, but the baker magic is pretty darn good as is!
Remember SG1 has an awful lot of projects going at the moment.

It actually was taking too long with them and I kind of rushed, so they probably do need a little tweaking here and there.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:You don't want the crust seeming too thick, it still has to appear to be edible, so that about right. And the duration is okay, he would just have to serve it quickly, especially since he would not want to be anywhere around when it "goes off". I like it, you just beat me to that one, really.
I am working on the Tailor Magic and Baker Magic O.C.C.s and hope to get them up soon.

Okay...tweeked the duration for 6 hours per level of experience...a LITTLE more time...
I'll also add that the crust breaks up and largely disappears, but the person/animals still should have enough for a light breakfast after that nap...

Hold that thought...I took a second look at your Cooking Coccoon and realized yours is 4th level and has a duration in DAYS...At eighth level 4 and 20 Blackbirds should last longer or have more power behind it...and eighth level bun should have a more than 6 hour shelflife before it goes stale...Maybe 6 days per LoE? Maybe a healing component?...hmmm...gotta rethink this one and take it back to the drawing may yet have a chance to do this spell RIGHT, Stone Gragoyle....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I probably should do a write-up of that spell regardless, because we could always do a minor version and a major version. You could always just keep the one you wrote as is and just lower the spell level to third and PPE cost to twenty.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Weaving Spells
Level Six

Straw Into Gold
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell enchants a spinning wheel to perform alchemical alterations upon straw.

Tailoring Spells
Level six

Leather To Lace
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell alters fabric texture and density as preferred by the mage.

Going back over the oldies to make sure I don't redundant or plagerize spells, I figured I'd add my two cents on this....

I'd specify for Spin Straw into Gold that it takes about 25 lbs of straw into an ounce of gold....that's still a very fair tradeoff...

Leather to Lace; I'd specify that the spell affects a square yard of leather per level of experience...
Also: does the SDC and protective value of the leather change? I'd say not; that would make this a VERY useful spell...making a leather bodysuit into a lighter and more flexible, but still equally protective, garment....

I'd also spin off (for Rifts applications) two variants:
Eighth Level: Sheerize
Duration: Permanent
PPE Cost: 35
Effects: Alters any padded and plastic armor types into lace or sheer fabric without affecting protective properties....thinner, lighter weight(lose 80% of weight and any movement penalties)...Note: Does NOT affect metal types, nor does it affect EBA or armor types with embedded electronics(the resulting suit would have to be expensively re-modified to incorporate those features)

Twelveth Level: Chain Weave
Duration: Permanent
PPE Cost: 60
Effects: Alters metal armor types into lighter chain mail or metallic lame fabric without affecting protective properties....thinner, lighter weight(lose 80% of weight and any movement penalties)...Note: Does NOT affect EBA or armor types with embedded electronics(the resulting suit would have to be expensively re-modified to incorporate those features)
Last edited by taalismn on Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Mephisto wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:Wow, somebody's been busy.

I feel like having a toasted croissant and some donuts after reading the Baker Mage (although I think the name is a bit tacky; I'd refer to it as the Culinary Maestro myself).

But seriously, I'd also include the ability to make magic needles and threads, and enchanted sewing machines for the Tailorist, and the ability to enchant ovens, stoves and refrigerators for the Culinary Wizard (possibly also enchanting cutlery as well).

When you say magic needles I immediately began thinking of magnetized compass needles or rather needles with spells like 'Locate' cast on them...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Sorry, I keep forgetting to put in specifics.

Weaving Spell Level Six

Straw Into Gold
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell enchants a spinning wheel to perform alchemical alterations upon straw. it takes about 25 lbs of straw into an ounce of gold. Can affect up to 200 pounds of straw per level.

Tailoring Spells Level Six

Leather To Lace
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell alters fabric texture and density as preferred by the mage. The spell affects a square yard of leather per level of experience.
The protective value of the leather does not change.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sorry, I keep forgetting to put in specifics.

Weaving Spell Level Six

Straw Into Gold
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell enchants a spinning wheel to perform alchemical alterations upon straw. it takes about 25 lbs of straw into an ounce of gold. Can affect up to 200 pounds of straw per level.

Tailoring Spells Level Six

Leather To Lace
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell alters fabric texture and density as preferred by the mage. The spell affects a square yard of leather per level of experience.
The protective value of the leather does not change.

"I told you this was going to be a field op, and to dress appropriately! What the hell are you doing wearing a LACE MESH SHIRT?! This is going to be a raid on a keep, not a hit on and run on at the bordello, you stupid elf!"
"This WAS and still IS, technically, a leather jerkin! I just had it re-tailored is all! At least I don't creak every time I move like you, loudmouth!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Re:

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sorry, I keep forgetting to put in specifics.

Weaving Spell Level Six

Straw Into Gold
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell enchants a spinning wheel to perform alchemical alterations upon straw. it takes about 25 lbs of straw into an ounce of gold. Can affect up to 200 pounds of straw per level.

Tailoring Spells Level Six

Leather To Lace
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 20
This spell alters fabric texture and density as preferred by the mage. The spell affects a square yard of leather per level of experience.
The protective value of the leather does not change.

"I told you this was going to be a field op, and to dress appropriately! What the hell are you doing wearing a LACE MESH SHIRT?! This is going to be a raid on a keep, not a hit on and run on at the bordello, you stupid elf!"
"This WAS and still IS, technically, a leather jerkin! I just had it re-tailored is all! At least I don't creak every time I move like you, loudmouth!"

"You'r going into battle dressed like THAT?" :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:
TrumbachD wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:Wow, somebody's been busy.

I feel like having a toasted croissant and some donuts after reading the Baker Mage (although I think the name is a bit tacky; I'd refer to it as the Culinary Maestro myself).... or the Culinary Wizard.

yes there is certainly the possibility for expansion, but the baker magic is pretty darn good as is!
Remember SG1 has an awful lot of projects going at the moment.

I know he has a lot of projects on the go (as do I, I'm just a lot slower at cranking out material than he is).

Just remember, quality is more important than quantity. Sure I put out a lot of stuff, but I make quite a few errors as well (whereas Mephisto is a lot more careful about what he posts).
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Yep...quality matters...especially when you're talking food-based magics...

Shackles of Dough(or DoughNet)
Level: 4
Range: Can be cast 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience. Covers a 5 ft square area +2 ft per level of experience
Effects: This spell allows the caster to create and throw a ball of soft dough that covers and entangles its target(25% chance of covering the victim's face and head, cutting off their vision, as well). The gooey dough acts like a Magic Net or Force Bonds, holding with a Supernatural PS of 25. The dough can also be bitten through(effectively has 200 SDC, or 20 MDC), but tastes horrible, and is terribly gooey(70% chance of posing a choking hazard to whoever tries to bite their way out). Spells like Escape also do not work, since the soft dough flows around its target as they move. At the end of the spell's duration(or when cancelled) the dough dries up into dust, cracks up, and falls away.
Duration: Two melees per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard Dodge
PPE Cost: 6
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Re:

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:"You'r going into battle dressed like THAT?" :lol:

And now we have some idea of the early development of the Rune Battle Bikini...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"You'r going into battle dressed like THAT?" :lol:

And now we have some idea of the early development of the Rune Battle Bikini...

Hey, we battle broads gotta look good. ;)
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Re: Re:

Unread post by taalismn »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"You'r going into battle dressed like THAT?" :lol:

And now we have some idea of the early development of the Rune Battle Bikini...

Hey, we battle broads gotta look good. ;)

Yeah, testosterone makes men extremely vulnerable to that sort of thing...Also serves to amplify the 'What the He---?" factor when that lace catsuit just turned a swordblade, leaving the swordsman open to a faceful of razor-ringed fist....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"You'r going into battle dressed like THAT?" :lol:

And now we have some idea of the early development of the Rune Battle Bikini...

Hey, we battle broads gotta look good. ;)

Yeah, testosterone makes men extremely vulnerable to that sort of thing...Also serves to amplify the 'What the He---?" factor when that lace catsuit just turned a swordblade, leaving the swordsman open to a faceful of razor-ringed fist....

"It was an itsy-bitsy, teeny weenie Greater Rune soul drinking bikini that she wore for the first time that day; an itsy-bitsy, teenie weenie dimension traveling bikini, so the dragon she'd come to slay...
"'1-2-3-4, help me to break down the door...'" :lol:
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"You'r going into battle dressed like THAT?" :lol:

And now we have some idea of the early development of the Rune Battle Bikini...

Hey, we battle broads gotta look good. ;)

Yeah, testosterone makes men extremely vulnerable to that sort of thing...Also serves to amplify the 'What the He---?" factor when that lace catsuit just turned a swordblade, leaving the swordsman open to a faceful of razor-ringed fist....

"It was an itsy-bitsy, teeny weenie Greater Rune soul drinking bikini that she wore for the first time that day; an itsy-bitsy, teenie weenie dimension traveling bikini, so the dragon she'd come to slay...
"'1-2-3-4, help me to break down the door...'" :lol:

:lol: Clever.
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Re: Invented Spells

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I distinctly remember a Heavy Metal comic short focused around a legendary weapon that turned out to be a gold mesh bodysuit...any woman donning it gained the power to instantly Awe-Strike any male into gaping paralysis...

To be gender-fair, the ability to turn something like a suit of padded Urban Warrior body or Huntsman armor into a tuxedo has serious potential for a tailor working in any place from Tolkeen to Gotham City...
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:I distinctly remember a Heavy Metal comic short focused around a legendary weapon that turned out to be a gold mesh bodysuit...any woman donning it gained the power to instantly Awe-Strike any male into gaping paralysis...

To be gender-fair, the ability to turn something like a suit of padded Urban Warrior body or Huntsman armor into a tuxedo has serious potential for a tailor working in any place from Tolkeen to Gotham City...

That is why tailor magic is so great.

Level Six Weaver Magic

Steel Wool
Range: Touch; affects two yards of wool yarn per level
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 20
The mage can weave garments which have the protective qualities of chain mail (A.R. 13, 30 S.D.C. per yard).


Level Six Tailor Magic

Steel To Silk
Range: Touch; affects 2 square yards per level
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 25
This spell alters sheet metal to become the thinness of silk but retain the same protective quality (A.R. 15, S.D.C. 50 per yard)
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Re: Invented Spells

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Got anything that will create, say, a glove that allows for precise dextrous motion, unhindered sense of touch(like a surgeron's glove)...but protects against subzero cold? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Got anything that will create, say, a glove that allows for precise dextrous motion, unhindered sense of touch(like a surgeron's glove)...but protects against subzero cold? :D

Tailor Spell Level Seven

Kid Gloves
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
P.P.E. cost: 28
The mage can enchant gloves to optimize the user's dexterity, adding +2 PP, add +10% to all skills using the hands, and providing protection against cold up the the wearer's ME number of degrees Fahrenheit below zero, -1 degree Fahrenheit per level.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Thanks.... :ok:
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Re: Invented Spells

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Got anything that will create, say, a glove that allows for precise dextrous motion, unhindered sense of touch(like a surgeron's glove)...but protects against subzero cold? :D

Tailor Spell Level Seven

Kid Gloves
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
P.P.E. cost: 28
The mage can enchant gloves to optimize the user's dexterity, adding +2 PP, add +10% to all skills using the hands, and providing protection against cold up the the wearer's ME number of degrees Fahrenheit below zero, -1 degree Fahrenheit per level.

You should have a couple lower prerequisite spells, with one to enchant fabric to stay warm (called something like Warm Coat) and another to enchant gloves for dexterity, so this would be a combination spell of those.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Got anything that will create, say, a glove that allows for precise dextrous motion, unhindered sense of touch(like a surgeron's glove)...but protects against subzero cold? :D

Tailor Spell Level Seven

Kid Gloves
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
P.P.E. cost: 28
The mage can enchant gloves to optimize the user's dexterity, adding +2 PP, add +10% to all skills using the hands, and providing protection against cold up the the wearer's ME number of degrees Fahrenheit below zero, -1 degree Fahrenheit per level.

You should have a couple lower prerequisite spells, with one to enchant fabric to stay warm (called something like Warm Coat) and another to enchant gloves for dexterity, so this would be a combination spell of those.

Level Two Tailor Spells

Smoking Jacket
Range: Touch
Duration: One hour per level until dissolving starts, then one melee round per S.D.C. of the garment
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.cost: 5
The mage can enchant a garment he has created to dissolve slowly into mist, creating a cloud around the wearer (10X10X10 feet maximum), causing their vision to be impaired so they, or anyone else caught in the smoke, will be unable to see more than three feet in front of them.

Warm Jacket
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 6
The mage can enchant a garment he has created to protect against cold, providing the wearer protection against degrees Fahrenheit below zero equal to their ME attribute number, -1 degree Fahrenheit per level.

Delicate Gloves
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 6
The mage can enchant gloves to increase the wearer's dexterity, giving a bonus of +2 to P.P. and +10% to skills using the hands.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Level Four Tailor Spells

Range: Touch
Duration: One hour per level of experience before it ignites, then will burn until destroyed
Damage: 2d6 per melee round to wearer unless removed, reducing garment S.D.C. by one point each melee round
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 10
The mage enchants a garment he has created to ignite after the duration of the spell, or at a specific time as desired (time must be determined when casting spell), though it can be set to trigger in response to body heat. The enchantment only remains on the garment for the duration listed, so if set to go off in response to body heat and not donned in time, it will effectively negate the spell.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Level Four Tailor Spells

Range: Touch
Duration: One hour per level of experience before it ignites, then will burn until destroyed
Damage: 2d6 per melee round to wearer unless removed, reducing garment S.D.C. by one point each melee round
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 10
The mage enchants a garment he has created to ignite after the duration of the spell, or at a specific time as desired (time must be determined when casting spell), though it can be set to trigger in response to body heat. The enchantment only remains on the garment for the duration listed, so if set to go off in response to body heat and not donned in time, it will effectively negate the spell.

"You're on fire, Byab!"
"Yeah, and don't I know it! The chicks are really digging the Ba-Ba-Boom B-Yab ttooonnniiighhhtt!!!"

Moral of Above: Make Sure Your Tailor Isn't Related to Any of Your Ex-Girlfriends
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

I originally posted these to a Steampunk thread:

Control and Enslave Machine
Lvl 10
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 48 hours per level
Saving Throw: None, but mage must save vs. electrical feedback (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or have his brain fried (2d4X10 HP damage)
P.P.E. cost: 80
This incantation can be used to control machinery such as robots. At the end of this spell, the mage must roll a second saving throw to disconnect from the robot.

Control Robot
Lvl 11
Range: 600 feet
Duration: 5 hours per level
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 125
This allows the mage to control the robot like a puppet. When activated, the mage can access any of the robot's systems with no harm to himself.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Gryphon Chick wrote:I originally posted these to a Steampunk thread:

Control and Enslave Machine
Lvl 10
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 48 hours per level
Saving Throw: None, but mage must save vs. electrical feedback (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or have his brain fried (2d4X10 HP damage)
P.P.E. cost: 80
This incantation can be used to control machinery such as robots. At the end of this spell, the mage must roll a second saving throw to disconnect from the robot.

Control Robot
Lvl 11
Range: 600 feet
Duration: 5 hours per level
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 125
This allows the mage to control the robot like a puppet. When activated, the mage can access any of the robot's systems with no harm to himself.

What's the A.I. limit on the Control Robot? Drone? Or Robotic? I'd give Neural Intelligences a saving throw, and TRansferred Intelligences either MAJOR saves or immunity...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I originally posted these to a Steampunk thread:

Control and Enslave Machine
Lvl 10
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 48 hours per level
Saving Throw: None, but mage must save vs. electrical feedback (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or have his brain fried (2d4X10 HP damage)
P.P.E. cost: 80
This incantation can be used to control machinery such as robots. At the end of this spell, the mage must roll a second saving throw to disconnect from the robot.

Control Robot
Lvl 11
Range: 600 feet
Duration: 5 hours per level
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. cost: 125
This allows the mage to control the robot like a puppet. When activated, the mage can access any of the robot's systems with no harm to himself.

What's the A.I. limit on the Control Robot? Drone? Or Robotic? I'd give Neural Intelligences a saving throw, and TRansferred Intelligences either MAJOR saves or immunity...

Good point. The A.I. limit on these was not taken into consideration. I will have to fix them.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Drifter magic

"Somebody Else's Problem"
Level: 6
Duration: 20 min per level
Range: Line of Sight or 100 yards whichever be shorter
Save vs magic: standard -2
PPE: 20
This spell causes the caster or other to be disregarded by people as if the char is somebody else's problem to deal with. This effects all people with in line of sight so long as the hero does not do anything to make that person's problem. Even when he does, the spell's effect is only negated for that one person. Is ineffective against sentient androids.
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Re: Invented Spells

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New standard Invocation

Top Spin
Level 6 (or maybe 7th)
Cost: 40 P.P.E.
Duration: 1 melee round per level
Range: 20ft area per level

This spell turns the caster into a spinning vortex of wind that slowly brings objects towards him. It's often used in combination with other spells like carpet of Adhesion or maybe cast "float in air" over a cliff and then cast TS to pull individuals off. Because the caster is spinning so fast and is slightly altered (part insubstantial part physical) they take 1/2 damage from all attacks leveled at them: physical projectiles are -2 strike (no penalty for energy), physical melee attacks are -1 but a successful hit has a 60% chance of disarming a melee weapon (+5 disarm) or a punch/kick has a 60% chance of knocking attackers 300 lbs. (or less) 1D6 feet back and taking one melee attack away from them.

***note the caster cannot attack or cast spells (the only thing he can do is cancel the spell prematurely if desired)***

This spell can "pull" objects (including living creatures) weighting up to 200lbs per level. Objects reaching the center are either tossed out 1D6x10 feet (to be reabsorbed again and causing 1D4 S.D.C.) 35% chance, or dropped within 2 feet of the caster 65% chance (moving beyond that 2 ft area gets you caught again).

Air Warlocks can get this at 4th level and costs only 25 p.p.e.
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Re: Invented Spells

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New tattoo spell

Mass Burst
Cost: 40 P.P.E.
Duration: Instant
Range: 5ft area per level
Damage: 2D6 per level (M.D. of course)
Image: humanoid figure with explosive energy radiating from it
*penalty: cause 1D6 S.D.C damage per level or 1D4 M.D.C per level(if an M.D./undead slayer type) to the caster

Ever wanted to become a living grenade? I didn't think so...but there are those who would. This spell does just that, but beware of nearby friends.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Syndicate wrote:New tattoo spell

Mass Burst
Cost: 40 P.P.E.
Duration: Instant
Range: 5ft area per level
Damage: 2D6 per level (M.D. of course)
Image: humanoid figure with explosive energy radiating from it
*penalty: cause 1D6 S.D.C damage per level or 1D4 M.D.C per level(if an M.D./undead slayer type) to the caster

Ever wanted to become a living grenade? I didn't think so...but there are those who would. This spell does just that, but beware of nearby friends.

This would be good for that gnome that the orks in the party always throw at the enemy.
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Re: Invented Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Syndicate wrote:New tattoo spell

Mass Burst
Cost: 40 P.P.E.
Duration: Instant
Range: 5ft area per level
Damage: 2D6 per level (M.D. of course)
Image: humanoid figure with explosive energy radiating from it
*penalty: cause 1D6 S.D.C damage per level or 1D4 M.D.C per level(if an M.D./undead slayer type) to the caster

Ever wanted to become a living grenade? I didn't think so...but there are those who would. This spell does just that, but beware of nearby friends.

This would be good for that gnome that the orks in the party always throw at the enemy.

*Unfortunately,Gnomes aren't listed as being able to receive tattoos*

...but an interesting concept to say the least... :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

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My contribution to Tailoring Magic....

The Tailoring version of the Locate spell, but slightly cheaper, PPE-wise, and more effective, owing to the actual planting of a material focus on the sought person or object(note however, that this spell will only locate the clothing so tracethreaded, and not the person wearing it, so if the article of clothing is discarded, the mage will only be able to find that, and not the whereabouts of the former wearer).
Level: 6
Range: 20 miles per level of experience
Effects: This allows the mage to sew a special thread into an article of clothing, that acts as a locator beacon. With a thought and a small expediture of PPE, the mage can tell where the article of clothing the thread is in is, provided it is within range.
Duration: Permanent. Location-fixing is instant.
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 20 for the in-sewing, 7 for locating

Mattress Tag
Sometimes used in conjunction with TraceThread, this spell is applied to articles of clothing and will instantly alert the mage if the clothing has been tampered with or destroyed. This is typically used to warn the mage that one of their creations has been discovered, or, in the case of tailor-mages with very physically-active clients, that they can soon expect a new order for a replacement garment.
Level: 7
Range: 20 miles per level of experience
Effects: In the event the Tagged clothing is destroyed, or, if used in conjunction with TraceThread, the Thread is removed or tampered with, the mage will get a sudden warning flash, provided they are within range.
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 25
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Re: Invented Spells

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Were you still planning on redoing Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie?
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Re: Invented Spells

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Not sure if there is something like this yet....

Thread Cut lesser

This spell follows a single thread to cut the cross-weaves of fabric it is in, consuming the thread. This spell also bonds the cut cross-weaves together to prevent fraying. Natural fibers take as much as armor fibers to cut because they're anti-fraying magic stays on with the fabric while with armor fibers and other synthetics, the fibers are physically bonded to each other. [Sort of like melting the end of a nylon rope together]

Level 3
Range: a single thread in a cloth by touch.
Duration: instant / permanent
Damage: a single cut in a single bit of cloth
Save vs magic: N/A (magic cloth are immune)
PPE: 5 for natural fibers and armor threads, 3 for synthetics

Thread Cut
This spell, like the lesser version, follows a thread to cut fabric, but the thread can be just be laying on top of the cloth. While the thread is being consumed, cuts the cloth under it is cut and the edges are bonded together to prevent fraying. Magic fabrics are immune to this magic.

Range: one thread by touch.
Duration: instant / permanent
Damage: a single cut in a single bit of cloth
Save vs magic: N/A (magic cloth are immune)
PPE: 6 for natural fibers and armor threads, 4 for synthetics

Thread Cut greater
This spell has all the features of the 'thread cut' spell, but can ether cut multiple layers of fabric [ 2 layers per level ], or to cut magic cloth.

Range: one thread by touch.
Duration: instant / permanent
Damage: a single cut in a single bit of cloth
Save vs magic: standard for magic cloth, N/A for mundane cloth.
PPE: 20 for natural fibers and armor threads, 10 for synthetics, 30 for magic cloth.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Not in that way, no. Nice set of spells. :)
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Re: Invented Spells

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cool.

Were you still planning on redoing Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie?

If you got a better take on it, by all means, go ahead...I'm currently making up tech-toys for Rifts...But if we can always come up with different titles depending on what direction we take with the spell...I mean, a similar spell could be called 'Preservation Perogy' , 'Shelf Life', or 'Bread Bed'... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cool.

Were you still planning on redoing Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie?

If you got a better take on it, by all means, go ahead...I'm currently making up tech-toys for Rifts...But if we can always come up with different titles depending on what direction we take with the spell...I mean, a similar spell could be called 'Preservation Perogy' , 'Shelf Life', or 'Bread Bed'... :D

I was waiting to see what you would do with it. I have been busy creating a steampunk style Kronos god in Palladium Fantasy so had not gotten back to mine.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Cooking/Drifter magic

Cooking Flame
level 3
Range: touch
Duration: 10 min per level
Save vs magic: N/A
PPE: 5
This spell creates a flame of normal fire one the spot the mage touches. The flame does not consume what it is attached to, but will set things alight if they are put into the flame. The flame is adjustable in size from one candle to medium campfire.
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Re: Invented Spells

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All I got so far are some basic ideas and no time to flesh them out:

*Shield of Denim---produces a shield or wall of stiff fabric that acts as a protective barrier...
*Extra Starch----Causes fabrics to temporarily acquire armor-like protective values

Just in keeping with an insane inner monolgue I had while driving: "The Minion War...A demonic tide intent on destroying our world! Enslaving our people! Only magic can stop them!
And Earth's sorcerors are...otherwise preoccupied....Now it falls to a group of unlikely third-rate mages to protect our world from DOOM!"
(cut to a motley pack of aforementioned third-raters...A LUdicrous Mage, a Sponge Mage, Origamist, a Baker Mage in a dirty apron, Tailor Mage with her measuring tape looped around her shoulders, a Painting Mage looking appropriately grim and fanatical, plus any other oddball magic practitioners you know...all looking off-camera with an expression of "okay...why did I have to come to work TODAY...?")
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Perhaps this is why so many schools of magic disappeared.

Tailor Magic Level One

Shield of Denim
Range: Touch; affects a square foot of cloth per level
Duration: One hour per level
Saving Throw: None, does not work on magically altered cloth
P.P.E. cost: 1
The mage can stiffen cloth to serve as a shield to parry blows. Said cloth has an S.D.C. of 5 per square foot after alteration. The cloth can be folded prior to using the spell on larger fabric to get a smaller yet thicker shield.

Extra Starch: Lesser
Range: Touch; affects two yards of fabric per level
Duration: One hour per level
P.P.E. cost: 2
The mage can stiffen cloth to serve as armor. Affected cloth has an A.R. of 8 and an S.D.C. of 20 per yard of material used

Tailor Spells Level Two

Extra Starch
Range: Touch; affects two yards of fabric per level
Duration: Six hours per level
P.P.E. cost: 4
The mage can stiffen cloth to serve as armor. Affected cloth has an A.R. of 10 and an S.D.C. of 20 per yard of material used

Tailor Spells Level Three

Extra Starch: Greater
Range: Touch; affects two yards of fabric per level
Duration: One day per level
P.P.E. cost: 6
The mage can stiffen cloth to serve as armor. Affected cloth has an A.R. of 12 and an S.D.C. of 20 per yard of material used
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Excellent....Perhaps the tailoring profession WILL survive the Minion War with spells like those :) ...
"Hey, you've just survived a Demonic Invasion! What better way to celebrate than BUYING A NEW SUIT? Or maybe a BRAND NEW DRESS! Come on down to Universal Tailoring, and we'll give you a 10% discount on a cutom, hand-tailored, suit or dress, 20% off our off-the-rack collection. Got a wedding that you promised out of desperation? An awards ceremenony to honor your courage? We got your fashion statement waiting, and we're waiting to make your fashion statement a reality! Universal Tailoring; Regardless of Your Gender, Your Shape, Your Sizee, We'll Suit You."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Perhaps this is why so many schools of magic disappeared.

Extra Starch: Greater
Range: Touch; affects two yards of fabric per level
Duration: One day per level
P.P.E. cost: 6
The mage can stiffen cloth to serve as armor. Affected cloth has an A.R. of 12 and an S.D.C. of 20 per yard of material used

"yah, it's great protection, but I can't move at all"
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

"...and it scratches, too...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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