Phase World does specifically state in the text that the promethians have Frigate size ships other than the Star Ghost.
(see: Star Ghost Stats)
...and yet we've never seen them in 15 years of Phase World.
Will The GSA agent have two OCC's or Two diffrent MOS's, one for Investigation(FBI,Galatic Police) and One for Covert OPS (CIA) as Mentioned in PhaseWorld?
I'll let you know when I get there
I thought the Zhokil like Most ships was too Big to land to dissembark Troops, And what of the other star faring races, how do they get off ship with no shuttles/shuttle pods (ships boat/launch) or transpoters, when there is no star port or space station to dock to when the ship is to big to land or not practical to due so? Also its a bit un-economical to send down a CAF Assault Shuttle every time an Explore goes to explore and chart a new world.(this needs to be addressed in a future book i think)
Any ship that uses a contra-gravity drive is technically able to enter an atmosphere... even the Doombringer. It's not that it's not possible, just highly impracticle. As I wrote, many such vessels move so slowly in atmo that they will be blown to pieces during their descent. Assault shuttles and smaller craft can more easily avoid things like missiles and anti-capital ship ground-based weaponry. You coul land the entire Explorer on some alien world, especially in an ocean or prarie... but would you really want to? The only reason the Altess do it as a matter of course is their arrogant presumption that nothing can hurt them.
Will we ever see Program sets for the Altess Advocate Robots other than the listed Combat set? I was surpised that a Medic program set was not also given. The Zhokil has an Altess crew complement of only 20 overall and yet a Med Team of 20, so how is this possible unless some of the Adovcates are program as Medics or All of the Altess crew is Doubling as Medics?
Sure... you can give them medical skills if you want.
[/quote]I hope the CAF Sheild Bearer Tank will make its Appearence in Thunder Cloud Galaxy as Promised? (i know we has to ask Carl about that one)
I didn't write it in it didn't really fit the theme. Maybe in Corkscrew.