Invented Spells

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Re: Invented Spells

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gmapprentice wrote:heheheheh... eh....... it'd probably be more funny to me if i knew what Palladium's faeries were like. oh well. not bad. and happy halloween to everyone!

Thanks! May you have hordes of munchkins over and still have enough candy left over to put you into a suger-coma for several days afterwards!
Palladium faeries tend to be anarchistic self-serving mercurial little buggers who do what they want, when they want....they're creatures of magic, and they aren't entirely on the same mental wavelength as the rest of us...En masse, the smaller Fae are nasty, though individually they're not very impressive...the larger ones are trouble though, with the muscle, physical and magical, to really ruin your day...Most Faeries live for the moment, but Leprechauns and the like can hold very long grudges, so it's a wise idea not to cross them...or just kill 'em the moment you're done with them...Faeries are also high on the list of 'asset species' harvested by the Splugorth; they are favored components(whole or portioned) in many biowizardry creations...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:heheheheh... eh....... it'd probably be more funny to me if i knew what Palladium's faeries were like. oh well. not bad. and happy halloween to everyone!

Thanks! May you have hordes of munchkins over and still have enough candy left over to put you into a suger-coma for several days afterwards!

You got to make sure you have out the candy you don't like 1st, to make sure you have the candy you like left over.
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Re: Invented Spells

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(btw I made the following, and any resemblance to something else is happenstance)
Faerie Dragon
These dragon types have recently been appearing over the face of Rifts earth and throughout the megaverse. No-one knows where they might be coming from, or if they are 'true' dragons. However, unlike other dragons these like to be together with others of it's kind, and other dragons don't (as yet) hate them on sight like they do with normal dragons. Most scholars are pretty sure that so far the sightings of these dragons have been Hatchlings but there is only there size, about the size of a st. bernard, and lack of focus that most adult dragons have. The most interesting thing about these dragons are that they come in many different colors and have many different wing types.
Alignment: any, but mostly selfish
Attributes:(H) IQ: 3d6 ME: 3d6 MA: 4d6 SNPS: 3d6+7 PP: 2d6+6 SNPE: 3d6+6 PB: 1d6+12 Spd: 3d6+12 flying spd: 2d6x20
Size: 2.5 to 3.5 feet tall (to shoulder), 6 to 9 feet long (tip of snout to tail tip), 6 to 12 foot wingspan.
Weight: 175 to 300 pounds
Nat. AR: 11
Hit points: PE times 10, +1d4x10 per level
SDC: 3d8x10
PPE: 2d6x10, +1d4x10 per level
Awe Factor: PB÷2
RCC skills: faerie, Goblety, and dragonese at 98%, and two other lang skills, land navigation, dance, gym at level 1 proficiency. Can choose a OCC once they reach third level. Keeping track of each Dragon exp. and OCC exp. concurrently and separately.
NPC skills level: 1d4
Nat Abilities: Nightvision 100' (can see in total darkness), excellent color vision seeing into the near IR and UV. Bio-regen at 5d6 HP or SDC per minute, T-port self LoS or 50 meters per APM, metamorphose at will: 1 hour +1d2 hours per level: from chiwawa size to pony size animal. resistant to all magic (half damage, effects, and durations)
Breath weapon: Each Faerie Dragon will have ether sleep breath (same as cloud of slumber) or charm breath (same as Charismatic Aura)(each w/o PPE cost)
Vulnerabilities and weaknesses: dancing and good music
Combat: Use dragon combat hth,min: 4 APM
Damage: as per SNPS table, tail does punch damage,at L3 replace "tail slap power strike" with "round house Tail strike": power punch damage and counts as two attacks
Magic: can select a Magic OCC @ level 3 and can learn/taught spells at any time. Prin. of magic 82%+3% per level. Can cast spells costing up to half their base PPE from ambient PPE.
Psionics: none saves as a minor Psi
Habitat: anywhere, but are normally found near faerie colonies.
Average life span: unknown
Enemies: Slavers of any sort, and those that hunt faeries.
Allies: these dragons have an uncanny friendships with faeries and sprites.

Rifts notes:
MDC is equal to their HP and sdc combined.
Despises the splugorth.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Nice....Reptilean Fae...aside from Toadstools that is... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:Nice....Reptilean Fae...aside from Toadstools that is... :D

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Re: Invented Spells

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Clear water
Range: touch
duration: I/P
saving throw: N/A
PPE: 1
This Basic spell purges a bucket of water of pathogens and suspended solids.

Hair do
Duration: 10 min per level
Range: touch
Saving throw: N/A
PPE: 4
Styles hair with just a touch. 30%+5% per level skill, +40% if casting with a drawing of what the mage intends, +50 if they have a photograph.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Tentative Bibliomancer OCC:

Bibliomancer (The Book Mage) OCC
“Not in my Library you ain’t!”

“Knowledge is Power” is the credo of the Bibliomancer, a specialist mage who draws strength from written knowledge. Bibliomancers supposedly got their start during the dark days of the Coming of the Rifts, as scholars struggled to preserve libraries and repositories of printed knowledge from the chaos and destruction around them. Due to their tendancy to cloister away from sight, and their reclusive attitudes, the practice of Bibliomancy and its practitioners never got much attention, and few outsiders knew they existed at all, especially with the collapse of the educational system and skyrocketing rate of illiteracy that accompanied the fall of civilization.
Bibliomancers are avid collectors of books, manuscripts, scrolls...just about anything written(it should be noted that most Bibliomancers will collect other materials as well, like CDs, DVDs, and tapes, but their main focus, and the source of their power, is on books and manuscripts). They collect, hoard, restore, and repair just about anything they can get their hands on, from trashy mass-market romance novels, comic books, and gas station maps, to government documents, magic texts, and technical blueprints. They frequently work with, or against, Rogue Scholars in their efforts to build up their collections. Some collect to preserve and ultimately make available to the public the words of the past, while others zealously collect to create their own private libraries of rare or unique items. Such is their focus that their collections become to them places of power. Whether it’s because they can tap into undercurrents of PPE unique to books that only they can sense, or if it’s just because they feel more comfortable around books, Bibliomancers are actually more powerful in the presence of books, being able to draw more easily on the currents of magic when they’re surrounded by their books. Many an illiterate book-burning mob has found to their dismay that the meek little librarian has transformed into a mystical powerhouse as she fights to protect her collections. Also, because many libraries in the Dark Age following the Coming of the Rifts became essentially armed camps or fortified monasteries, the Bibliomancers’ ancestors often armed themselves heavily, and that training continues to the modern day...that same meek little librarian has shocked just as many attackers and vandals by producing a heavy machine gun and displaying a ruthless profficiency with it as she has with magic....
Bibliomancers tend to be curious, inquisitive types of many interests, although mainly of an academic sort. Their heads tend to be stuffed full of knowledge on a broad variety of topics, though rarely beyond general knowledge of them. A Bibliomancer may know more about human anatomy than the regular man-in-the-street, or knows where to quickly look up lists of drug reactions, but they wouldn’t be able to perform surgery or formulate an antidote to a toxin; their knowledge is book-knowledge, rather than practical experience.
It is not unusual to find Bibliomancers working in libraries or bookstores, or as archivists; they tend to stay close to their places of power. Occasionally, one may find a Bibliomancer in the field, traveling in search of more books to add to their collections, or escorting a cargo of precious library materials to another location.

Bibliomancer O.C.C.

Alignments: Any, but most Bibliomancers are Good or Selfish
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. and M.E. of 12 or higher. A high M.A. and P.S. is also desirous, but not required
Racial Requirement: None
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
1.)Initial Spell Knowledge:
Starts with 6 Bibliomancy Spells frm Levels 1-4
From the regular lists: Globe of Daylight, Eyes of Thoth, Memory Bank, Instill Knowledge, Mend the Broken, plus 4 spells from levels 1-4. Bibliomancers typically gravitate towards acquiring spells of an illusory, sensory, or defensive nature.
Wards, Create Magic Scroll(costs 25% less PPE)

2.) Learning New Spells
Bibliomancers are able to learn spells more rapidly and often than other mages due to their access to study materials. For each level of experience, the Bibliomancer can learn 1 Bibliomancy spell and one regular spell equal or less than their current level of experience.
Bibliomancers can also learn/acquire spell knowledge in the normal fashion.

3.)Sense Books/Scrolls---Bibliomancers can instinctively sense books, manuscripts, and scrolls; ( 40% + 5% per level of experience), at a range of 100 ft (+ 50 ft per level of experience)...for every 10 books/scrolls/manuscripts in one place, add +5% and + 25 ft to the range, and magic books add +1% and +30 ft to range; the larger the collection, the easier it is for the Bibliomancer to sense them, like a kindred calling.

4.) Book Strength---Bibliomancers can carry/lift 3 times their normal PS in paper products (so that's P.S. x30 lbs for carrying, and P.S. x60 lbs for lifting for most normal beings).

5.) PPE: 3d4x10 +P.E.+2d6 per level of experience
Supplemental PPE: The Bibliomancer can draw PPE from ley lines, nexus points, and other people as normal

*PPE Recovery: 4 points per hour of sleep, or rest. Meditation/Reading restores 8 per hour. DOUBLE when in a bookstore or library

*Dependency(Books)----Whether it’s because they can tap into levels of PPE few others are even aware of, or because they are so (over) specialized in their focus, Bibliomancers are at their most comfortable(and most powerful) when around books. This is reflected in their higher rates of PPE recovery when reading or when in among books.
A bibliomancer must be within 200 ft(+100 ft per level of experience) of a cache of books (at least 50 or more) to draw upon their full powers and potentials; beyond that area, they, like Technowizards, have to pay DOUBLE the PPE cost for their (non-Bibliomantic) spells, and they draw PPE from ambient sources at the same rate as other mages.

6.) Psionic Powers:--Bibliomancers can be considered to be Minor Psychics, save at 12 or better versus psionics, and have the following powers:
-Perfect Recall
-Speed Reading
-2 powers of choice from Physical, Sensitive, or Healing
I.S.P.: M.E. +3d6+1d6 ISP per level of experience

O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy(native language)(+25%)
Language(native language) 98%
Literacy(2 languages of choice)(+20%)
Language(2 of choice)(+15%)
Computer Operation(+15%)
Lore: Magic(+15%)
Lore(2 of choice)(+15%)
Hand to Hand: Basic
2 W.P.s of choice
Skills: Select 7 ‘other skills at Level One, plus an additional 2 skills at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Communications: Any(+5%)
Domestic: Any(+5%)
Electrical:Basic Electronics only
Espionage: Intelligence only(+10%)
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics only
Medical: First Aid only(+10%)
Military: None
Physical: Any except Acrobatics
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any
Science: Any(+5%)
Technical: Any(+10%)
Wilderness: Identify Fruits and Berries and Carpentry only(+10%)
Weapons Profficiencies(W.P.):
Secondary Skills: 4 at level one, +1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11
Experience Tables: Use the Technowizard Exp. tables
Standard Equipment:
Robe with several dozen pockets. If they must wear armor, they’ll select types with overcoat-style design, like armored trenchcoats or the Branaghan EBA, that they can conceal and protect books under.
Weapons to match W.P.s, and 1d4 clips for each of them. Box-cutter style knife with retractable blade.
Backpack, several large sealable water-proof shoulder sacks, magnifying glass, clippable mini-reading lamp, half dozen notebooks, pocket of pens and pencils, several pads of adhesive notes, tape dispenser and bookbinding kit, a dozen slip-covers and two dozen sealable plastic bags.
Bibliomancers don’t travel light; they frequently carry a small collection of books around with them wherever they go; this can encumber them, sometimes dangerously so, but trying to persuade them to part with their books is one of the great all-time frustrations of dealing with Bibliomancers. Itinerant Bibliomancers will, depending on how they prefer to travel, a wheeled handcart or extra beast of burden to carry their books. Those prefering motorized transportation will drive a van or light truck, or their motorcycle will have a towed trailer or sidecar devoted to extra cargo.
Starting Money:
Bibliomancers start out with 1d4x1,000 credits in savings, and 4d4x1,000 creits in Black Market items(mainly books, computer discs, manuscripts, etc.).
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Munchkin Slappin GM wrote:This is like the Rogue Scholar of mages, I like it. It's the kind of thing Palladium needs more of.

Thanks...I didn't want to make them TOO all-powerful(that would be self-interest power-bloating), but I want them to be downright DANGEROUS in their places of power and if they have time to study up... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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gmapprentice wrote:i like it too. nice to see unique forms of magic and magic users.

man, now i really wanna be a librarian when i'm out of college... :lol:

A Bibliomancer is what -I-, as a Librarian, would LIKE to be... :D

Fixed the explanation for Book Strength
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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Range: self other by touch
Duration instant
saving throw: standard if unwilling
PPE: 30
This spell conditions the body as if it had gotten enough exercise to maintain normal peak condition.

Richard Simmons
Range: appears with in 10' of the mage
Duration: 30 min per level or till done exercising
Saving throw: none, (vs annoyance 18 to ignore, ME bonuses apply)
PPE: 30
A apparition of a short thin man in neon work out shorts and a tank top appears near the mage and energetically talking to get the mage, and anyone near him to get up and work out. The apparition will keep going till the people in Line of sight of the apparition have done at least 30 min of exercising.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Munchkin Slappin GM wrote:
taalismn wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:i like it too. nice to see unique forms of magic and magic users.

man, now i really wanna be a librarian when i'm out of college... :lol:

A Bibliomancer is what -I-, as a Librarian, would LIKE to be... :D

Fixed the explanation for Book Strength

I think you should make a spell that allows the Bibliomancer to make a book that syphons PPE from people who read it, thaen stores it for the mage.

Books that create illutions when read out loud.

Thanks for the idea!

And,....oh great..I forgot to add in the stats for sensing books...
Okay, it's still a WIP....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Exercise
Range: self other by touch
Duration instant
saving throw: standard if unwilling
PPE: 30
This spell conditions the body as if it had gotten enough exercise to maintain normal peak condition.

Richard Simmons
Range: appears with in 10' of the mage
Duration: 30 min per level or till done exercising
Saving throw: none, (vs annoyance 18 to ignore, ME bonuses apply)
PPE: 30
A apparition of a short thin man in neon work out shorts and a tank top appears near the mage and energetically talking to get the mage, and anyone near him to get up and work out. The apparition will keep going till the people in Line of sight of the apparition have done at least 30 min of exercising.

Richard should have a Horror Factor...with either people who are mortified by his skinniness, overweight folks who dread exercise, or just people who think 'Sweatin' to the Oldies' is tacky...

Now we need an Aerobic Exorcist OCC... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:Richard should have a Horror Factor...with either people who are mortified by his skinniness, overweight folks who dread exercise, or just people who think 'Sweatin' to the Oldies' is tacky...
... snip

I'll let the GMs make their own judgement about if and when.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Running in place (lesser)
Range: 5' away per level
Duration: 10 min per level
Saving throw: special
PPE: 60
This spell creates a area that anyone stepping into can't walk, run, slither, jump, or crawl out of, no matter how fast they are. The spell was intend as the enchantment for a magical treadmill. The spell also works on pas, robots, and vehicles that travel along the ground if the area of the field is larger then the target. The targets feel as if they are moving normally but retain their position in the spell unless acted on an outside force. In essence this spell traps what ever moves into it along the ground. However, if what ever has walking into the spell can fly they can easily escape the spell by flying off of it. This spell does not effect those it is cast under for some odd reason, so a favorite tactic of the mage is casting it underneath themselves and then running away. The spell covers a 3' per level radius.

Running in place (greater)
PPE: 80
The greater version is exactly like the Lesser version but it creates the illusion of really moving by providing an image moving landscape to those trapped in the spell.
A TW in New Lazlo, who just came back from traveling to distant worlds, is working on a full emerson video game based on this spell.
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Re: Invented Spells

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The Travelers Trail
Range: self and a few others close by
Duration: one hour
saving throw: special
PPE: 100
It is not know whether this spell compresses the real space of the world or if it makes an extra-dimensional space, but the effect is to give the people walking in it to travel great distances in a fraction of the time. The effective rate for someone walking is 20 mph per level of caster. The spell has an effective area of effect of 10' radius, anyone falling to far behind the caster is dumped out of the spell effect, but anyone on the outside of the spell can't see the travelers The down side to this spell is that only humans pedestrians can use it. due to,that it does not effect machinery nor will animals walk into the spell effect area.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Unearthed an earlier Aerobic Exorcist OCC idea and refurbishing it, seeing as Drewkitty's on an exercise binge(or is it a runner's high?)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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Rip CD (lesser)
L3 Tech spell
Range: touch
Duration: 1 sec per track
Saving throw: none, unless magically sealed are immune.
PPE: 1+1 per track
Transfers audio CDs to a a comp with a audio player. The mage has to be touching both the CD and the Computer while doing the transfer. (with a tower comp, touching just the keyboard is okay.)
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Re: Invented Spells

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Munchkin Slappin GM wrote:Spell: Mimic Sonic Speed
Level 12
Range: self or others by touch
Duration: Ten minutes per level
ST: none
PPE 275

This spell gices the mage the super ability Sonic Speed at first level power.

Running or flying?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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My guess is he typoed
The assignment was for a supersonic flight spell.

Faire Lure
Range: touch, 10'
Duration: 1 day per level
Saving throw: standard, -5 if touching
PPE: 50
This spell makes the target 'get noticed' by the fae folk of the area (20 miles radius or the valley they are in, which ever is shorter). After they notice the target, it is up to the Fae to decide what they want to do: ignore him, inspect him, annoy him, or make his life a living hell. If there are no fae in the area there is no-one to notice him.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Invented Spells

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gmapprentice wrote:can you define "of the area"?

"near by"
The nebulous definition so GMs have to decide if there are fae in the surrounding landscape for it to effect.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Faster then a Jet (lesser)
L11 Archmage spell
Range: self, or touch
Duration: 20 min per level
Saving throw: N/A
PPE: 204
This spell lets the archmage, and one other, to fly at speeds up to 800 MPH. The archmage needs to wear protective gear for even thou this spell provides some protection from the elements, only from the wind. The max altitude is limited to the hypoxia tolerance the archmage has or 50,000 feet, whichever is lesser. All flight time over Ley Lines doesn't count toward the duration.

Faster then a Jet (greater)
L13 Archmage spell
Range: self, or touch
Duration: 20 min per level
Saving throw: N/A
PPE: 234
This spell lets the archmage, and one other, to fly at speeds up to 800 MPH. Protecting the archmage from the elements, the wind,and from hypoxia, the max altitude of the fight is 50,000 feet. Flight time over Ley Lines does not count towards the duration.
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Re: Invented Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:can you define "of the area"?

"near by"
The nebulous definition so GMs have to decide if there are fae in the surrounding landscape for it to effect.

Well, maybe a half-mile per level of experience just for something for stat-mongers to chew on? By 10th level, you've got a swath 10 miles in diameter around you to pull in Fae...more if you're moving fast...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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Mystic Babysitter
Duration: 1 hour+ 1 hour per level above L10
Range: appears near caster
saving Throw: N/A
PPE: 105
Creates a servant/playmate for a child that protects the child and keeps them out of life threatening danger.
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Re: Invented Spells

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More bibliomancy:

*Watchful Volumes
Level: 3
Range: Touch, Line of sight
Effects: This spell enables the mage to enchant a book to act as a video recorder, capturing motion imagery and sound of anything in line of sight of the book. The Biblimancer can then, with a touch and a turning of a page, play back what the book has witnessed. Great for security surveillance and spying. The book can be placed open, spine out, or pages out, and will record everything that happens within normal line of sight and earshot. The book can be 'rewound' and played back by the mage.
Duration: 3 hours per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 7

*Words of Life
Level: 5
Range: Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Effects: This spell allows the bibliomancer to instantly heal themselves by drawing on the latent energies (as he perceives them) in a book. The spell instantly restores 4d6 SDC OR 1d8 MDC OR 2d6 Hit Points, but the book is destroyed in the process.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None. If trying to drain a magic text, the text gets a saving throw against this spell.
PPE Cost: 15

Level: 7
Range: Touch
Effects: Book-Pal enchants a book to give it the ability to talk and move like a living thing. The book can read itself aloud, but it can also carry on simple conversations and answer simple questions(“Who are you?” “I’m Hanzel and Gretel!””Are you Hanzel OR Gretel?””I’m Hanzel and Gretel!””What are you?””I’m a book!””Are you alone?””No, I’m not!””Who else is here?””You are!”), giving the illusion that it is ‘alive’, but in reality all the book is doing is running a simple ‘Clever Hanse’ routine...If a question is beyond its ability to answer simply, it will repeat back the question or statement as another question(“Do you know where the wizard who works here is?””Do YOU know where the wizard who works here is?”). The Book-Pal can also be used to record audio messages and play them back when activated. The voice of the book can be the mage’s own, or can be determined by the mage at the time of casting. This spell is typically used for sending messages, creating distractions, and teaching young readers.
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience. The Book-Pal can lay dormant for up to 1 day per level of the mage’s experience.
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 18

*Literary Haven
Level: 10
Range: Self
Effects: This spell enchants a book, openning a dimensional pocket accessed through it, large enough to hide the caster/target. Here the person can wait in a softly-lit area, the walls of the area covered with the text and illustrations of the book, while time passes. The air is clean(if smelling of bookbinding and printers’ ink), and the seating as such is quite comfortable. While inside the book, the person is only dimly aware of what is happening outside the book, and time passes as normal for them inside the pocket. The pocket provides neither food nor water, so people will need to bring such in with them. However, they will not need to pass waste while in the pocket, so that isn’t a problem.
If the book is destroyed, the person(s) inside the pocket will be immediately dumped back out into the real world, to face whatever danger awaits.
Duration: 6 hours per level of experience
Saving Throw: If used to trap someone involuntarily inside the book, the victim gets a save versus magic(+3) to avoid being pulled inside.
PPE Cost: 150

*Wylie’s Insulated Volumes
Level: 10
Range: 10 ft. Creates a shelter roughly 6 ft in diameter
Effects: This spell forms a wall or small shelter(large enough for two people) made of books or magazines(At least 50 actual pages of paper/text must be available to initiate the spell; if there aren’t enough pages/books to provide enough coverage, then the spell will recreate duplicate books from ectoplasm----anybody attempting to read the other books will find them to be generic volumes of illegible text, or simply copies of the real text used to ‘seed’ the spell) that protects the occupants from the ravages of weather, without damaging the books/paper. The books are enchanted to protect against scorching heat as high as 200 degrees F, or freezing temperatures as low as -120 degrees. The hut also has 40 MDC +5 per level of experience. If the hut is destroyed, then so too is the original book/magazine/paper. Once the spell ends, the extra pages disappear, and the original book/magazine is magically rebound and restored to its original state.
Duration: 1 day per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 70

*Never Ending Story
Level: 15
Range: Touch
Effects: Never Ending Story allows the Bibliomancer to enchant a book and infuse it with a portion of their life energy, then put a drop of their blood on the last page, and close it. The book can then be set aside as an insurance policy against premature death. If the Bibliomancer should die within the duration of the spell, the book will re-open itself and began turning its own pages, casting a ressurrection spell that culminates with the mage appearing naked beside the book, with his memories intact up to the point that he cast the spell, and with a permanent loss of 20 PPE and 2 Hit Points.
The book can be reused for the Never Ending Story spell, in which case the ritual only costs 500 PPE for each subsequent use. However, the permanent PPE and Hit Point cost remains.
Duration: 24 hours per level of experience; if the mage DOESN’T die in that time period, the spell harmlessly disipates.
Saving Throw: None; strictly voluntary
PPE Cost: 550
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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Book Chatting(minor)
Range: touch to set enchantment
Duration: permeant
Saving throw: special
PPE: 146
The spell enchants two books together to form a link between each o what is written in one is also written in the other. The books can be separated any distance so long as they are with in 100 miles of each other. Enchanting the books is strait-forward requiring just the PPE for the spell and a blood thumbprint on the 1st and last pages of each book. If one of the books is taken out of range, the books store up the messages till they are both on the same planet and exchange the accumulated messages. If taken off planet or separated by dimensional barriers then each month they are apart to roll under the spell strength of the mage (2 out of 3) to stay connected.

Book Chatting(lesser)
Range: touch to set enchantment
Duration: permeant
Saving throw: special
PPE: 306
The spell enchants two books together to form a link between each o what is written in one is also written in the other. The books can be separated any distance so long as they are on the same planetary body. Enchanting the books is strait-forward requiring just the PPE for the spell and a blood thumbprint on the 1st and last pages of each book. If one of the books is taken off planet, the books store up the messages till they are both on the same planet and exchange the accumulated messages. If separated by dimensional barriers then each month they are apart to roll under the spell strength of the mage (2 out of 3) to stay connected.

Book Chatting
Range: touch to set enchantment
Duration: permeant
Saving throw: special
PPE: 436
The spell enchants two books together to form a link between each o what is written in one is also written in the other. The books can be separated any distance so long as they are with in 24 light hours of each other. Enchanting the books is strait-forward requiring just the PPE for the spell and a blood thumbprint on the 1st and last pages of each book. If one of the books is taken out of range of each other, then the books store up the messages till they are both come back into range and exchange the accumulated messages. If separated by dimensional barriers then each month they are apart to roll under the spell strength of the mage (2 out of 3) to stay connected.

Book Chatting
L15 (SoL)
Range: touch to set enchantment
Duration: permeant
Saving throw: special
PPE: 596 & 4 perm PPE
The spell enchants two books together to form a link between each o what is written in one is also written in the other. The books can be separated any distance and across dimensions. Enchanting the requires the PPE for the spell and a blood thumbprint on the 1st and last pages of each book. If separated by dimensional barriers then each month they are apart to roll under the spell strength of the mage (2 out of 3) to stay connected.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Good...another approach(es) to the same problems faced by my spell True Texting... :D :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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A TW could possible make a variant of the spell to use in PDA/Cell phone like TW device. Probably having to break up a gem of some sort to provide the congruency need for it to work.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn » long as you don't get stuck with a Demonic billing plan... :demon:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Mystic Babysitter
Duration: 1 hour+ 1 hour per level above L10
Range: appears near caster
saving Throw: N/A
PPE: 105
Creates a servant/playmate for a child that protects the child and keeps them out of life threatening danger.

Got some more substantial stats for the Babysitter? How strong, how fast, any skills, etc?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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'Living spells'...I keep forgetting about the awesome possibilities of those critters...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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Mystic Babysitter
Duration: 1 hour+ 1 hour per level above L10
Range: appears near caster
saving Throw: N/A
PPE: 105
Creates a servant/playmate constructed of magical energy but seemingly real, for a child that protects the child and keeps them out of life threatening danger. Able to play with their ward and make up games for them to play, utilizing the objects around them. When faced with eminent danger, these tend to pick up their charge and run away.
Stats: Q:10 A:15 S:7-12 P:10 B:6-15 d:50
xDC: 50 ( x=S in sdc settings and x=M in MDC settings)
Height: ether matching the caster's height or the height of the ward.
combat: 6 APM, +5 to Dodge and parry
Only if the babysitter is protecting someone do any attacks harm the construct, all others pass harmlessly through.
Will carry things and do menial tasks if set to by the caster, but there must be a child about to anchor the spell. The babysitter will dissolve if more then 500' from the caster or the ward.
*If this spell is cast on a leyline with 4 times the base PPE cost, the duration of the spell is unending with no range limitations. The personality of the babysitter will also develop with time. Will always be watchful of children, to protect them.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Much better...I'd add an empathic connection to the caster...the caster can 'check' on the emotional state of the mystic nanny and if the nanny is engaged in combat or is destroyed, the caster is instantly alerted...In the former case, it might lead to some false alarms, for instance, if the nanny is simply swatting a small animal or insect away from the ward, but for that you can have remote viewing or a similar spell for back up...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:Much better...I'd add an empathic connection to the caster...the caster can 'check' on the emotional state of the mystic nanny and if the nanny is engaged in combat or is destroyed, the caster is instantly alerted...In the former case, it might lead to some false alarms, for instance, if the nanny is simply swatting a small animal or insect away from the ward, but for that you can have remote viewing or a similar spell for back up...

Those are things that indevidual mages can modify the spell to do, but that would raise the spell cost.

Just got back from a trip with 2, 5 hour drives and a a few hours of can't do anything, so I have a bunch of spells topost later.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn » up, man....driving long distance...even a 1 hour trip can turn me into a muscle pretzel....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn up, man.... driving long distance...even a 1 hour trip can turn me into a muscle pretzel....

An hour, ha. that is a one way commute. We southern Californians take those in stride.
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Re: Invented Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
taalismn up, man.... driving long distance...even a 1 hour trip can turn me into a muscle pretzel....

An hour, ha. that is a one way commute. We southern Californians take those in stride.

This explains a LOT about Californian road culture... :D
Heck, it takes about an hour to clear the LA smog zone...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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These be a part of my Click and Clack Automotive series.

Fix A Flat
Level: 5
Range: touch
Duration: Instant perm.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 25
Fix A Flat mends the holes in a single tire, restoring it to a single xDC; and refilling the air to the proper air pressure.
note: this spell does not fix tread wear issues, only fixed holes in the tire so it can be still used.

Revitalize Tire lesser
Level: 6
Range: touch
Duration: Instant perm.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 40
This spell makes the tire as if new, mending, re-treading, and adjusts to the correct pressure, of a single tire.

Revitalize Tire greater
Level: 8
Range: touch, 10'
Duration: Instant perm.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 60
This spell makes four tires as if new, mending, re-treading, and adjusts to the correct pressure.
Note: touch indicates touching the vehicle the tires are mounted on, the 10" for unmounted tires.

De Grease
Level: 8
Range: touch
Duration: Instant perm. (till it gets dirty again.
Saving Throw: n/a
Cleans the motor compartment of all the gunk dirtying it, depositing it to the ground underneath it.

Bleed Breaks
Level: 2
Range: touch, 10'
Duration: Instant perm.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 10
Removes all gasses and non-oil liquids from the break lines.

Find Shorts
Level: 2
Range: touch, 10'
Duration: 10 min
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 7
Finds any short circuits in the vehicle.

Clown Car
Level: 12
Range: touch
Duration: 30 min.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 70
Doubles the passenger capacity of a small car, with an additional two people per Level of the mage.
note: for this spell the standard person is 6' tall and weighs 200 lb.

Running Lights
Level: 4
Range: touch, 10 min.+5 min. per level
Duration: appears with 10' per level of caster
Saving Throw: n/a (see below)
PPE: 20
This spell creates phantom lights that mimic running lights of a vehicle traveling overland. During daylight hours, this spell does not work for it's intended purpose, to distracting & mislead anyone tailing the mage's vehicle. To see through the deception at night, a perception roll vs 14 is needed. The spell has no maximum effect range, and will go on till the duration ends following the road it was set on.

Phantom Car
Level: 6
Range: appears with in 10 feet per level
Duration: 20 min. + 10 min. per level
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 35
Creates an apparition of a ground vehicle that acts like a normal vehicle of it's type, to distract or mislead others. To see through the deception at night, or on a clean highway takes a perception roll of 18. However, during daylight hours on a dirty road, or just plane dirt road, the target number drops to 12, because the apparition does not throw up any dust. The spell has no maximum range of effect, it will go on the road it was set on till the duration runs out.
If the apparition is set so it will 'run into' another vehicle, the HF is vs 16 for those who don't make their perception roll. The apparition does absolutely no damage, other then any soiled underthings, to anything it passes through.

Phantom ATV
Level 11
Range: appears in the immediate area of the mage
Duration: One hour per level of mage.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 65
This modern variant of the phantom horse spell, that can be ridden by anyone. Each phantom ATV can carry 2 people, a driver and a passenger. They appear to be semi transparent , and glow with the colors of the mage's choice. To ATV enthusiasts, they have a PB of 18, to everyone else, they just look like ATV. Their top speed is 70 mph, but since they don't actually touch the ground they leave no trail on the ground to follow, except for what plants may have been disturbed. These can leap up to 20 feet and 60 feet across.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn » techno-wizards are all OVER those spells!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

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Comp spells

Find Bugs
Level: 7
Range: touch
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: special
PPE: 40
This spell scans any program for any potential bugs that it might have in it. The long duration is so the programmer can work on multiple bugs in one duration, not having to go back and re cast it find out if the bug was taken care of and where the next one is.
The lesser versions this spell (one per language) can only read one programing language, L6, 30 PPE.

optical computer lesser
Level: 7
Range: touch
Duration: 24 hours per Level
Saving throw: n/a
PPE: 58
Turns a <gem> into an optical computer processor or a memory unit. The mage can cancel the enchantment or recharge the enchantment at anytime.

optical computer greater
Level: 9
Range: touch
Duration: perm
Saving throw: n/a
PPE: 70
Turns a <gem> into an optical computer processor or a memory unit. The mage can cancel the enchantment or recharge the enchantment at anytime.

old tech to optical computer integration
level: 7
Range: touch
duration: perm
Saving throw: n/a
PPE: 65
lets the mage connect a electric comp part an optical computer part.


Book Google
Level: 5
Range: touch
Duration: Instant perm.
Saving Throw: special
PPE: 28
If the mage has some idea of the information he is looking for, then they can use this spell. To do this, the mage stands the book on its binding and then casts the spell. If any relevant information is in the book, the spell will open the book to the page it's on. If the book does not contain any relevant information, the the book will fall to the side, unopened.
This spell will not work on any book that has been sealed in any sort of way.

Healing magic

Purge Nits, Ticks, & Mites
Level: 5
range: 10 feet
Duration: Instant Perm.
Saving Throw: none
PPE: 20+1 per extra person
Kills any insects living on the surface of a person that is less then .25 inch across. All others are driven off the person. This spell can do the same for one set of bedding for 25 PPE. (bed, sheets and blanket)

Correct Vision
Level: 6
Range: touch
duration: instant perm.
Saving Throw: standard if unwilling
PPE: 28
Corrects vision problems that are due to focusing problems.

Mend Cirrhosis
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant perm.
Saving Throw: Standard if unwilling
PPE: 70
Will heal a person's or animal's liver of any and all diseases, even liver cancer (so long as it has not yet spread to other parts of the body) This spell does not keep the liver healthy after its usage. Was first developed to cure alcohol abused livers.
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Re: Invented Spells

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[I did say I was board out of my mind during the trip, didn't I. ;) ]

Mirror mirror on the wall
Level: 7
Range: 10'
Duration: 30 min. per level
Area Covered: 18 square feet per level
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 72
This spell creates a two dimensional reflection field reflects all forms of light hitting it. However, the field makes an image that is with out the reversing effect a normal mirror has. (i.e.: if a right handed person what to hold up his right hand, the image would look like it was holding up it's right hand. Where a normal mirror the reflection would look like it was holding up it's left hand.) The field does not interact with solid matter, and anything not light can pass through the field unaffected. (i.e.: anyone shooting a firearm, or throwing a grenade, or talking through the field the bullet, grenade, or sound will pass through w/o hinderance). Nor does the solid matter effect the field. It does not break up the field to pass solid matter through the field.

Fire Detector
Level 5
Range: Touch to Enchant
Coverage Area: one room.
Enchantment Duration: Till set off
Alarm Duration: 10 min. per level, or till the uncontrolled fire is put out
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE 40
This spell can be cast on any non-living object, detects any uncontrolled fire in the coverage area. Stoves, candles, fire place fires will not set this spell off unless they turn into uncontrolled fires. The alarm sound is a high decibel pericing sound, that even full environmental armors.
While fire elementals do not set this spell off, any fires they start will.

Air <instrument>
Range: self or other by touch
Duration: 10 min. per level
Saving throw: n/a
PPE: 28
Makes a "air" instrument that plays like a real one. Has a volume of 90 Db at 50 feet.

Wet Concrete lesser
Level: 5
Range: 10'
Duration: Instant perm.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 40
Creates up to 1 cubic yard of wet concrete per level. As this is 'wet' concrete, it needs a form and time to set and cure.

Wet Concrete greater
Level 7
Range: 10' per level
Duration: instant perm.
Saving throw: n/a
PPE: 74
Creates up to 1 cubic yard of MDC concrete per level, or up to 10 cubic yards of SDC "regular" concrete per level. As this is 'wet' concrete, it needs a form and time to set and cure.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn » concrete would come under the auspices of an existing spell like Crumble Stone or Quicksand, you think?
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn concrete would come under the auspices of an existing spell like Crumble Stone or Quicksand, you think?


but the spells presented are closer in concept to the create wood spell.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Food spells

Onegiri & Sake (greater)
Level 7
Range: Up to 30' away
Duration: perm.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 20
This incantation makes 5 Onegiri and one pint of Sake for every 2 levels of experience. The Quality both the Onegiri and the Sake start off at 50% (average quality) the increases by 5% each level the mage gains. (If the mage learns the spell @ L5, then @ L7 she would have a 60% quality) This spell can not be cast while drunk. The containers the sake come in disappear when emptied.

Onegiri & Sake (Lesser)
Level 5
Range: 10'
Duration: perm
Saving throw: n/a
PPE: 13
This spell turns rice into onegiri or/and sake. Needing a handful of rice for each onegiri or pint of sake.
The Quality both the Onegiri and the Sake start off at 50% (average quality) the increases by 5% each level the mage gains. (If the mage learns the spell @ L5, then @ L7 she would have a 60% quality) This spell can not be cast while drunk. The containers the sake come in disappear when emptied.

Waffles & 'Tea or Coffee'
Level 7
Range: Up to 30' away
Duration: perm.
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 20
This incantation makes 2 waffles and one coffee cup of Coffee or glass of Tea for every level of experience. Both the waffles, Tea, and Coffee are hot enough to eat or drink with out burning. The Quality both the waffles and drinks start off at 50% (average quality) the increases by 5% each level the mage gains. (If the mage learns the spell @ L5, then @ L7 she would have a 60% quality) The plates, flat ware, and cups and glasses disappear when they are empty.

Butter & Syrup
Range: Up to 30' away
Duration: perm.
Saving throw: n/a
PPE: 12
Makes one stick (1/2 cup) of butter and 0.5 cups of syrup per level. The containers they come in disappear when emptied.

Eggs and 'Bacon or Sausage'
range: with in 30'
Duration: perm
Saving Throw: standard
PPE: 15 (+2 PPE to add in veggies or cheese to the eggs)
This spell makes eggs and 'bacon or sausage' to the mages taste or to another's taste. If the other fails their saving throw then the eggs are made to the mage's understanding of what they like. [if the mage can remember what the way the other likes his eggs from a previous time, then they can be made just like the previous time.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Ah! Magic foods....the breakfast of champions(Wheaties and sake) :fl:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:Ah! Magic foods.... the breakfast of champions(Wheaties and sake) :fl:

humm... *writes down the idea this has sparked*

Pizza and beer
range: with in 30'
Duration: perm
Saving Throw: standard
PPE: 20 (+3 PPE to add a topping to the pizza)
This incantation makes 1 pizza 12" diameter +1" per level and one pint of beer for every level of experience. Both the pizza and beer can be warm or cold as desired. The Quality both the pizza and beer start off at 50% (average quality) the increases by 5% each level the mage gains. (If the mage learns the spell @ L5, then @ L7 she would have a 60% quality) The pizza pan and glasses disappear when they are empty.
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Re: Invented Spells

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TW Spell
Instant Prototyping (greater)
Level 10
Range: 10'
Duration: 5 min. per level
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 120
This spell created for Techno-Wizards, lets the Techno-Wizards create a working prototype of a mechanism, out of mystical energy. Each bit and moving part in the prototype has ether 1 MDC or 100 SDC, depending on the setting. The prototype can not be a battery nor a 'fuel', so any power or fuel needs to be supplied to the prototype for it to run. The maximum number of moving parts is 100 per level of the Techno-Wizard.
Limitations: This spell is not available till the techno-wizard has at least one engineering skill at 98%.

Instant Prototyping (lesser)
Level 5
Range: 10'
Duration: 5 min. per level
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 50
This prototyping spell is similar to the greater spell but with no skill limitation, but only makes one part with 1 MDC or 100 SDC.

Jade Silhouette
Level 9
Range: the mage's shadow
Duration: 5 min. per level
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 90
This spell transforms the mage's shadow into a minor stone golem that looks sort of like the mage. The golem's PP is the same as the mage's, and has 238 SDC (100 MDC), with supernatural PS of 20 & +5 vs negate magic. Drawing from both the elemental planes of earth and shadow, the golem appears to be made of black jade.
Limitations: Te mage has to have a shadow, and the shadow has to fall on bare earth or stone for the spell to work.
Side effects: The mage has no shadow while this spell runs it's duration.
Each time the spell is cast, some portion of the mage's clothing is turned black, and if all the clothing is black or the mage is nude, then the spell turns the dead portions of the mage's hair or skin black. If there is nothing to turn black, then the spell will fail to work.
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Re: Invented Spells

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*Grim Portents
Level: 10
Type: SPELL(can be considered to be a curse)
Range: 100 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Effects: This spell does nothing obviously harmful to the target, but it renders all augeries and predictions of fortune on the victim to be grim, foreboding, and at best muddied and uncertain. Good luck charms placed on them will wilt and fall off, luck pennies will tarnish, astrological charts will be queered in their interpretation(even if, in reality, the astrologer would predict a positive outcome), and even psionic powers like clairvoyance will give even foggier and ambigious readings. Truly sadistic GMs might throw in black cats running across the victim’s path, vultures circling overhead, and forests of ladders in the way.
Combined with an Aura of Doom, this spell can quickly drive a superstitious victim into maniac depression.....
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience of the caster
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 50

*Malicious Whispers
Level: 5
Type: Spell
Range: 200 ft
Effects: Similar to the Ludicrous spell They’re Gonna Laugh at You!, this spell causes the victim to hear, at the edges of their perception, people around them muttering or whispering conspiratorially or making crude or critical remarks about the victim behind his back...of course, when he turns around, there’s nobody saying anything untoward....This can make the victim distracted(-1 to initiative, -10% to skill rolls), irritated, and angry(-1 to dodge/roll).
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 10
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:*Grim Portents
Level: 10
Type: SPELL(can be considered to be a curse)
Range: 100 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Effects: This spell does nothing obviously harmful to the target, but it renders all augeries and predictions of fortune on the victim to be grim, foreboding, and at best muddied and uncertain. Good luck charms placed on them will wilt and fall off, luck pennies will tarnish, astrological charts will be queered in their interpretation(even if, in reality, the astrologer would predict a positive outcome), and even psionic powers like clairvoyance will give even foggier and ambigious readings. Truly sadistic GMs might throw in black cats running across the victim’s path, vultures circling overhead, and forests of ladders in the way.
Combined with an Aura of Doom, this spell can quickly drive a superstitious victim into maniac depression.....
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience of the caster
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 50

*Malicious Whispers
Level: 5
Type: Spell
Range: 200 ft
Effects: Similar to the Ludicrous spell They’re Gonna Laugh at You!, this spell causes the victim to hear, at the edges of their perception, people around them muttering or whispering conspiratorially or making crude or critical remarks about the victim behind his back...of course, when he turns around, there’s nobody saying anything untoward....This can make the victim distracted(-1 to initiative, -10% to skill rolls), irritated, and angry(-1 to dodge/roll).
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 10

I am loving these. :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

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Switch (lesser)
Level 9
Range: touch (ether the mage and another or two others)
Duration: 1 hour and +1 hour from every level above 9
Saving Throw: n/a, both have to be willing participants
PPE: 76
Switches the minds of two people. At the end of the duration, or when canceled the mines switch back to their own bodies.

Level 11
Range: touch (ether the mage and another or two others)
Duration: Indefinent, till one or the other wants to switch back.
Saving Throw: n/a, both have to be willing participants
PPE: 81

Switch (greater)
Level 14
Range: touch
Duration: special
Saving throw: Standard if unwilling
PPE: 321
This incantation can have two effects, ether a group switch or a forced switch.
† Group switch, the people to switched must be willing participants and need to be touching each other. The who switches with whom is random. But the mage casting the spell can influence who is switched with whom in generalities. Such as "each participant switches with an opposite gender person", "the participants switch with same gender people", or " the participants switch with same race participants." The duration is two hours per level of the mage that cast the spell, or till the person in the mage' body cancels the spell.
† Forced Switch: same as 'switch (lesser" but one or both of the participants are unwilling. If any of the unwilling participants pass their save vs magic, then the magic does not take effect.

Note: After two minds have been switched once, as per Switch lesser) or Switch, then they may develop an affinity for each other, and any random switching as in 'Switch (greater) or switch items sets, then those two minds will have a 40% chance of switching with each other. No matter what external factors there may be.

Will leave the matter of death of one side to each individual GM.

Switch Items, are made in sets of the same sort of items; earmuffs, watches, gloves, rings, etc...; and if the person puts the item on themselves then they are counted as a willing participant. The switch lasts for 2 hours, but can preempted by another switch if people trade about the 'switch items'.

Copy Mind
Level 13
Range: touch
Duration instant perm.
Saving Throw: none
PPE: 331
This spell copies the mind of the spell caster into a prepared receptacle. For TW's this might be a android or a super computer, if a flesh sculpture or cypbermage it might be a mindless body, for a shifter it might be a mindless SuperNatural creature, or something like a golem. None if the abilities of the mage are copied with the mind.

Copy Mind greater (ritual)
Range: special
Duration: special
Saving throw: none
PPE: 1500
After a receptacle has been prepared, this ritual links the receptacle and the soul & mind of one being. When the being dies, the mind and soul of the being are transferred to the receptacle, no matter how far away they are apart. The side effect is that during the transfer, the being looses one level of experience.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:*Grim Portents
Level: 10
Type: SPELL(can be considered to be a curse)
Range: 100 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Effects: This spell does nothing obviously harmful to the target, but it renders all augeries and predictions of fortune on the victim to be grim, foreboding, and at best muddied and uncertain. Good luck charms placed on them will wilt and fall off, luck pennies will tarnish, astrological charts will be queered in their interpretation(even if, in reality, the astrologer would predict a positive outcome), and even psionic powers like clairvoyance will give even foggier and ambigious readings. Truly sadistic GMs might throw in black cats running across the victim’s path, vultures circling overhead, and forests of ladders in the way.
Combined with an Aura of Doom, this spell can quickly drive a superstitious victim into maniac depression.....
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience of the caster
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 50

*Malicious Whispers
Level: 5
Type: Spell
Range: 200 ft
Effects: Similar to the Ludicrous spell They’re Gonna Laugh at You!, this spell causes the victim to hear, at the edges of their perception, people around them muttering or whispering conspiratorially or making crude or critical remarks about the victim behind his back...of course, when he turns around, there’s nobody saying anything untoward....This can make the victim distracted(-1 to initiative, -10% to skill rolls), irritated, and angry(-1 to dodge/roll).
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 10

I am loving these. :lol:

Well, I started with the premise 'What if a mage had a target who, because of pre-arranged conditions or economic circumstances, he couldn't just BLAST the guy and get the job done with?'...Driving an arrogant swaggering egomaniac who knows he has enemies up the wall and liable to make mistakes that could be capitalized on, suggested itself....

To that end I add:

*Skunk Sweat
Level: 4
Range: 100 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Effects: This spell alters the victim's body odor and breath to produce a truly DISGUSTING odor that permeates an 80 ft+10 ft per level of experience area of effect centered on the target(or shift it accordingly with regards to wind). Anybody not protected by breathing apparatus, taking a whiff of this smell, must roll versus their M.E, or begin bazooka-barfing for at least 1d6 melees after they get out of the area of effect(HALF all APMs and rolls due to incapacitation), and even those who make the saving roll, but who lack eye protection, will find their eyes watering(-1 to initiative, strike, dodge, and parry).
Worse yet, this spell edits the victim's sense of smell so they don't smell it themselves...
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 10
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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