Upgrading Certain Spells

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Unread post by rat_bastard »

my advice is to come up with higher level versions like 2 levels higher that different effects
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Unread post by GhostKnight »

Follow the NightBane rules. I have a bunch of spells (in particular, 1st level warlock spells) that I incrementally increase up to 8th level. For example, doubling the ppe and increasing the level by 1 quadruples the area or amount affected.
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GhostKnight wrote:Follow the NightBane rules. I have a bunch of spells (in particular, 1st level warlock spells) that I incrementally increase up to 8th level. For example, doubling the ppe and increasing the level by 1 quadruples the area or amount affected.

Dont you mean PB system's spell creation/modification rules found in the Through the Glass Darkly book? They are not just rules for the NB setting, (unlike the rules found iin RUE.)

As for what I would like to see..Seal: effecting one item, seals for all but the caster, duration caster's life time

For smashed

Fire Ball variants
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PostPosted: 08 May 2003 17:05
I had a human sorcerer in Nightbane who designed a bunch of Fire Ball variants for his personal use. The SDC damage for these spells may seem high but they were designed with Nightbane in mind where a call lightning does 3d6+6+1d6 per level instead of PFRPG's 1d6 per level.

Bouncing Fire Ball
Level: 6
Range: 90’
Duration: 1 melee
Damage: 4d6+1d6 SDC per level (1d4 MD per level)
Saving Throw: Dodge, -2 to dodge the initial shot, -6 to dodge all subsequent shots
PPE: 17
The spell caster creates a fire ball which after hitting its initial target can strike one additional target per level. Unlike other Fire Balls, a Bouncing Fire Ball must be aimed. The caster is +3 to strike, -1 for each additional target. If the mage misses any of his ricochet shots, the spell ends.

Burning Fire Ball
Level: 7
Range: 90’
Duration: 1 melee per level
Damage: 1d8 SDC/1d4 MD per level
Saving Throw: Dodge, must roll an 18 or higher
PPE: 25
The spell caster creates a large fire ball which he can hurl at a target, inflicting 1d4 MD per level. The spell continues to deal damage for one melee per level. Rolling in the dirt will put out the flames, but water will not. The fire ball effects a 1’ area per level of experience.

Explosive Fire Ball
Level: 7
Range: 90'
Damage: 5d6+1d6 SDC per level (1d6 MD per level)
Saving Throw: Dodge, must roll an 18 or higher.
PPE: 25
The spell caster creates a large fire ball that explodes on contact with its target. In addition to the damage, the explosion has a 01-40% chance of knocking victims off their feet. The explosion affects a 10' radius.

Ranged Fire Ball
Level: 6
Range: 300'+100' per level
Damage: 1d8 SDC/1d4 MD per level
Saving Throw: Dodge, must roll an 18 or higher
PPE: 20
The spell caster creates a large fire ball that can be hurled at a target with awesome speed. As it flies through the air, the fire ball makes a high pitched whistling noise.

In the "Damage" section of the spell's statistics I list both the SDC and MDC stats. I listed the MD in the spell description of Burning Fire Ball because at the time I was basing my Fire Ball variants, well...of the Fire Ball spell, and that's how its worded.
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Unread post by Nightshade37 »

Here is a variant of Invincible Armor that one of my characters created using the info from Through the Glass Darkly:

Defensive Shield: 8th level
Range: Self or one other by touch
Duration: 3 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 40

Encases the target in a form-fitting invisible magic field. It has 30 mdc per level of the caster, takes 1/2 damage from all forms of energy attack, and if destroyed will disappear in a flash of light, absorbing any extra damage.

Traded out the full environmental and regenerating qualities for 5 more MDC per level, and getting rid of the annoying red glow.
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Unread post by Warwolf »

gadrin wrote:stolen! :D

I believe the "proper" terminology would be:

Spelljacked! :lol:
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

gadrin wrote:stolen! :D

Remember to post full acreditaions for the spell creations if posting it somewhere.
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Unread post by Scrud »

The Last Darkness wrote:Also the Principles of magic rules can get dangerous.
I had a player one time some years ago that used those rules to reverse effect alot of spells. Vulnerable to Energy comes to mind, he played this whole "Dubuff mage" rout that was weird and powerful.
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Re: Re:

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TrumbachD wrote:
The Last Darkness wrote: The Principles of magic rules can get dangerous.
I had a player one time some years ago that used those rules to reverse effect alot of spells. Vulnerable to Energy comes to mind, he played this whole "Dubuff mage" rout that was weird and powerful.

On the other hand, enhanced Reversed versions of some of the "Inflict Specific condition" type spells, Specically:
Paralysis (lesser) level 3.
Blind level 4 and
Mute Level 9
could all be used by a mage to cure these thing without resorting to implants wich cause PPE/ISP Loss.

Moving Freely
Range: 60'
Duration: 1 min. per level
Saving Throw: none
PPE: 15
This spell lets a person suffering from paralysis of any sort to move freely throgh-out it's duration. If the paralysis is caused by an active magic spell, then this spell negates the paralysis for the duration of this spell. If the paralysis is physical in nature, then this spell acts to bridge the damaged nerves so the target can control their own limbs, deadening any pain they might of had due to the movment.
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Re: Re:

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TrumbachD wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Moving Freely
Range: 60'
Duration: 1 min. per level
Saving Throw: none
PPE: 15
This spell lets a person suffering from paralysis of any sort to move freely throughout it's duration. If the paralysis is caused by an active magic spell, then this spell negates the paralysis for the duration of this spell. If the paralysis is physical in nature, then this spell acts to bridge the damaged nerves so the target can control their own limbs, deadening any pain they might of had due to the movement.

Great spell.
question: for a permanent fix, would you need to give up a Permanent PE point Like in the HU Revised version of "Restoration"?
(Although this line was dropped in the RUE Description of that spell)

For a perm fix you need healing magic or a good neurosurgeon.
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Re: Upgrading Certain Spells

Unread post by Syndicate »

Orb of Cold

Range: 400ft (doubled)
Duration: same
Damage: 4D4 +2 per level (increased damage)
Saving throw: same
P.P.E.: 10
*upped to level 5*

*special* in addition to print, orb can be directed by channeling another 5 p.p.e. and is then +4 to strike (if the initial strike misses the mage can still expend the extra p.p.e and get a second shot at it!...but the damage is 1/2 rounded down).
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Re: Upgrading Certain Spells

Unread post by Syndicate »

...this may have been done...

Magic Net
Range: 20ft per level (slight increase)
Duration: same
Saving throw: (higher than the mage's attack roll)
P.P.E.: 8 (slight increase)

Covers a 5ft + 2ft area per level
Net has 3 M.D.C. per level (takes 1/4 damage from blunt objects, full from sharp/bladed weapons, ranged attacks have a 45% chance of doing any damage and those inside always take 1/2 damage).
Those inside the net are -8 on all combat actions, lose 2 attacks, and are -25% on skill rolls (except escape artist which is -5%)

Mage is +2 to strike plus any P.P. bonuses and those from W.P. Net (if taken).
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Re: Upgrading Certain Spells

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

L5 edit
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Syndicate »

TrumbachD wrote:
The Last Darkness wrote:I think all common invocations should have a look over. Most are fine while others need a Tweak.

The Temporal Magic in particular should be expanded.

In Particular it should allow travel to the past as well as the future, wich in canon it currently does not!
Also, there should be a temporal variant of the TW specializing in temporal Items.

Wonderful idea...

They did expand on the temporal magic in the newest dimensional book, but it's only a few new spells (though they are some pretty awesome invocations). I wonder if there is a new temporal magic thread out there?
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