Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Would You Become Cold-Blooded??

I'm Already Cold-Blooded!!
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Rahmota wrote:Yep a choice to betray their species and end their lives to become a monster.

How is becoming a Cold Blooded betraying their species and becoming a monster? :?

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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Rahmota wrote:A near human is a living, sdc structure sentient life form with a humanoid basic body shape and limited inherent powers. Juicers, mages (but not witches as they are slaves and pawn of an extra planar being) dogboys, psychics etc... are all classified as near human. As human is the measure against which all other beigns are considered the closer to human nominal the being is the more likely it is to fall into a near human category. being undead, having an MDC body or MDC inherent abilities, or other equivalent considerations causes the subject to be classified as either a creature or a monster depending on if it can peacefully coexist with humans.

And considering how there is no US in Rifts no Dwarves cannot be citizens of the US. No one in Rifts can be.

At least the Cold-Blooded have a choice and a say in the matter
Yep a choice to betray their species and end their lives to become a monster.

I embrace my inner Monster casting of the shackles my humanity to go forth into battle against Vampires, Xiticix and Demon Hordes (Oh, my!!). !!Plus I get a great health plan called Regeneration!!


P.S. Rahmota, I do understand your point of view. You and I see things differently...and thats alright. As long as, You (and your players) have fun in your game and I have fun in mine, everything else doesn't matter. It's still an interesting debate and remember to keep Gaming On :ok:
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Rahmota wrote:A near human is a living, sdc structure sentient life form with a humanoid basic body shape and limited inherent powers. Juicers, mages (but not witches as they are slaves and pawn of an extra planar being) dogboys, psychics etc... are all classified as near human. As human is the measure against which all other beigns are considered the closer to human nominal the being is the more likely it is to fall into a near human category. being undead, having an MDC body or MDC inherent abilities, or other equivalent considerations causes the subject to be classified as either a creature or a monster depending on if it can peacefully coexist with humans.

Hmm, interesting. You know, like a platypus is interesting. A human mage like a mystic or who learns their craft, even warlocks who bond with Elementals for their magic are still biologically human, but their knowledge and faith in the power of magic actually allows them to do things without mutation or technological advantage. But they're still as human as any other. Juicers and Crazies are actually considered by everyone as augmented humans, the same as psychics. Their abilities give them advantages above the norm of humans, which by in a level playing field would say they're better in strength, endurance, agility or enhancement like the ability to read minds or create a Psi-Sword. They're still human, but many would say they're better. Depending on their actions would make them worse. You know, like hunting immigrants who have no chance of ever seeing their homeland again, several generations born onto Rifts Earth as the only home they've ever known, then killing their babies, violating their women and constantly telling them that they're not as good as you are. It smacks of fear, terror tactics of a group trying to overcompensate for their shortcomings and lack of ability without technology. You know they're more powerful, so you try the psychological trick of making them less than you, hence without the same rights to live. Monsters can be human too. I define monster by action and nature, not biology. The Janissary are going to be the next generation of CS babies, capable of slaughtering creatures with their bare hands and genetically they're superior to normal humans. All it's going to take is the point when they decide to stop taking orders from beings less than they are and the CS will have created monsters. Once again, they were born into supernatural strength and abilities without a choice. Physically, technologically, the Janissary are superior in many aspects. One would consider becoming Cold-Blooded to come close to having a level playing field if they have no psychic potential to become a Mega-Juicer.

And considering how there is no US in Rifts no Dwarves cannot be citizens of the US. No one in Rifts can be.

Really? So the cast of dwarves in The Wizard of Oz aren't US citizens? The actors and actresses who played Ewoks who were born here or went through classes to become citizens was just a case of little people being punked? Verne Troyer isn't a citizen? They're called dwarves, aren't they? Last time I checked, they didn't need a green card if they were born in the US. And what about the movie Alien Nation? If you pass the tests, you can become a citizen, despite alien origin and physiology. As far as Rifts Earth is concerned, the old government may be remnants of memory, but the right to respect sentient life in other forms is a sign of a mature population. And I'm sure that even The Republicans would consider an inhuman ally a citizen after a trial period and ceremony in the tradition of the good ol' USA.
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Another advantage of becoming Cold-Blooded is if your primary foe is a Necromancer, a Cold-Blooded can't be reanimated if killed, and the Necromancers can't use their organs or limbs to boost themselves. If you have a fear of being slain then your body used as a weapon against those you care about, this is a HUGE selling point!
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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londonbaz wrote:
DtMK wrote:I'm glad this topic came up, it reminded me about the potential for the Cold-Blooded. Virtual immortality, natural enemy status of the undead, and none of the creepy bloodletting of vampires. I'm currently writing up an NPC for my Madhaven game, an N'mbyr Gorilla Man Cold-Blooded as a member of a wicked merc group called The Black Vultures. Their hand to hand strikes also harm entities, so they have an advantage. And with an N'mbyr becoming Cold-Blooded, at least they have the option for temporarily gaining Supernatural P.S.

Couple this with the natural psionic or mystical nature of some races, the next question would be what would the best mortal/S.D.C. race be to be transformed into a Cold-Blooded? I debated over using the N'mbyr or a Blucie from D-Bees of North America. If you're looking for hellacious conversion to M.D.C., there's the Bayou Ursines or original Lyvorrkians from Vampire Kingdoms, pre-M.D.C. update along with the giant races.

Avianne, Minotaur, Blucie, Ogre... all have massive appeal. Look outside the box as well - the trust/intimidate bonus coupled with D'Norr Devilman (with its high MA) can be nasty just to create the terrifying individual brooding in the corner...

Gromek Cold-Blooded would be cool.


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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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DtMK wrote:See, this is another thing that gets me about the description of the Cold-Blooded. You can be any other human or D-Bee when transformed as long as you're mortal or S.D.C. Because it's not a full undead conversion, natural abilities should be kept, as it's an O.C.C., but they keep flip-flopping on it, calling it an R.C.C. So which is it? If you're a human, Blucie, N'mbyr or others starting out, THAT'S a race. The Cold-Blooded conversion is a potion and rituals. The Corrupt is an O.C.C., right?

Maybe should ask the Q&A to get some definitive answers about this. But I can see a persecuted race like Changelings, Auto-G's, etc. going through the process for revenge against those that wronged them. Natural abilities I'd allow, and even I'd be hesitant at full blown P.C.C.'s going through it, except the Momano headhunters also allow Bursters, Zapper, Nega-Psychics and Mind Melters into their ranks.

I know Cosmo-Knights are an O.C.C. too, and the transformation is more drastic. But let's say a Ley Line Walker or Mind Melter become chosen by the Cosmic Forge. Okay, their magic/psionics are replaced with Cosmic goodness. They screw up and fall, they lose plenty of their powers, but now have the option of Ley Line Walker or Mind Melter again? It's a trade-off. But there's no coming back from being Cold-Blooded!

COLD BLOODED is a Transformation. It is really a RCC.
BORG OCC is really a RCC also as it is permanant transformation.

OCCs should be simple JOBS. They should be simple Skill Lists nothing more. Like the Education Levels in HU2.
RCC are a State of being. RCCs should have the option of having OCCs (Jobs) for their Skills.


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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Sure, I might sign up for Cold-Blooded. I'm not sure what it is really (dont have the book).
If it allows me to fight Supernaturals I just may go for it.
Any chance of Death/rejection like the Anti-Monster Cyborgs ??
Any cool special abilities gained ??
What are the Drawbacks...all of them please


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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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TechnoGothic wrote:Sure, I might sign up for Cold-Blooded. I'm not sure what it is really (dont have the book).
If it allows me to fight Supernaturals I just may go for it.
Any chance of Death/rejection like the Anti-Monster Cyborgs ??
Any cool special abilities gained ??
What are the Drawbacks...all of them please

1. Become M.D.C.
2. Robotic Strength
3. Fast Regeneration 1d6 melee(even limbs, eyes, ect..if buried in ground)
4. Many Stat bonuses (ME, MA, PS, PP, Spd, ect..)
5. Many Immunities (Cold, gases, ect...)
6. Regenerate back to Pseud-Dead status even if all that is left is the head (must be buried and then welcome back)
7. Ageless
8. Nightvision
9. Enemy of Vampires (cannot be turned), Necromacers and similiar creatures
10. Loss of 1 point of PB
and a few other bad side effects...mostly the need for raw meat, bone and blood (However, it can be animal and can go 1 day without per PE, So PE 15 must eat once per 15 days) along with chance of insanity (But in Rifts Earth Who isn't a little Crazy.)
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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And as long as you're a mortal, S.D.C. being, whatever natural abilities your race possesses, you retain!
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

Unread post by Thinyser »

DtMK wrote:And as long as you're a mortal, S.D.C. being, whatever natural abilities your race possesses, you retain!

Conjecture (as it never states that... nor does it state not).

I'd allow it but only in certain high powered games. :D
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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I asked that on the Q&A forum, so far the popular consensus is that they DO. It's the closest thing we have to an official ruling at this time.
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

Unread post by Thinyser »

DtMK wrote:I asked that on the Q&A forum, so far the popular consensus is that they DO. It's the closest thing we have to an official ruling at this time.

Still conjecture and IMO only appropriate if you think its right for your game's power level.

Its vague but to me there is more weight put on the transformation than on the base race and I don't think it was writen to intentionally allow the base race to retain any of its special abilities.

I could have been left vague intentionally to encourage this question to arise in the creation of the character and require THAT GM to make the call rather than the book spelling it out.

I'd prefer it to be spelled out and I'd prefer it to be a "No, You lose your special racial abilities and become a coldbloded with these abilities". Then, I could allow it if I chose to, but wouldn't have to dicker with rules lawyers that always want to use said vaguery to their benefit.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Thinyser wrote:
DtMK wrote:I asked that on the Q&A forum, so far the popular consensus is that they DO. It's the closest thing we have to an official ruling at this time.

Still conjecture and IMO only appropriate if you think its right for your game's power level.

Its vague but to me there is more weight put on the transformation than on the base race and I don't think it was writen to intentionally allow the base race to retain any of its special abilities.

I could have been left vague intentionally to encourage this question to arise in the creation of the character and require THAT GM to make the call rather than the book spelling it out.

I'd prefer it to be spelled out and I'd prefer it to be a "No, You lose your special racial abilities and become a coldbloded with these abilities". Then, I could allow it if I chose to, but wouldn't have to dicker with rules lawyers that always want to use said vaguery to their benefit.

Even going for just a human conversion will still give you many benefits.
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Cold-Blooded is a Transformation.
As a Transformation you becoming a new RCC. You should lose any old RCC special powers and abilities.


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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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Ok Have the book now, and read up on Cold-Blooded. Cool RCC/OCC.

Become a Titan Juicer. 2000 SDC, 400 HP, PS 40 "Supernatural"...
When its time to Retire at yr 5, instead of waiting to die, I'd change to Cold-Blooded instead.
SDC/HP become MDC + 40 = 2440 MDC. Supernatural PS reduced to Robotic, but gain a +6 to PS.

Not a Bad Deal overall for this concept... :D


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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

Unread post by Thinyser »

TechnoGothic wrote:Ok Have the book now, and read up on Cold-Blooded. Cool RCC/OCC.

Become a Titan Juicer. 2000 SDC, 400 HP, PS 40 "Supernatural"...
When its time to Retire at yr 5, instead of waiting to die, I'd change to Cold-Blooded instead.
SDC/HP become MDC + 40 = 2440 MDC. Supernatural PS reduced to Robotic, but gain a +6 to PS.

Not a Bad Deal overall for this concept... :D

dwarf titan juicer then convert to cold-blooded, same concept but in the end you're not 12 feet tall. IMO being 2x human height would make being a titan juicer a pain in the arse so start off shorter and end up taller than a human but still better than 12'.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

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TechnoGothic wrote:
DtMK wrote:See, this is another thing that gets me about the description of the Cold-Blooded. You can be any other human or D-Bee when transformed as long as you're mortal or S.D.C. Because it's not a full undead conversion, natural abilities should be kept, as it's an O.C.C., but they keep flip-flopping on it, calling it an R.C.C. So which is it? If you're a human, Blucie, N'mbyr or others starting out, THAT'S a race. The Cold-Blooded conversion is a potion and rituals. The Corrupt is an O.C.C., right?

Maybe should ask the Q&A to get some definitive answers about this. But I can see a persecuted race like Changelings, Auto-G's, etc. going through the process for revenge against those that wronged them. Natural abilities I'd allow, and even I'd be hesitant at full blown P.C.C.'s going through it, except the Momano headhunters also allow Bursters, Zapper, Nega-Psychics and Mind Melters into their ranks.

I know Cosmo-Knights are an O.C.C. too, and the transformation is more drastic. But let's say a Ley Line Walker or Mind Melter become chosen by the Cosmic Forge. Okay, their magic/psionics are replaced with Cosmic goodness. They screw up and fall, they lose plenty of their powers, but now have the option of Ley Line Walker or Mind Melter again? It's a trade-off. But there's no coming back from being Cold-Blooded!

COLD BLOODED is a Transformation. It is really a RCC.
BORG OCC is really a RCC also as it is permanant transformation.

OCCs should be simple JOBS. They should be simple Skill Lists nothing more. Like the Education Levels in HU2.
RCC are a State of being. RCCs should have the option of having OCCs (Jobs) for their Skills.

Couple things:

1) Nowhere does Phaseworld say anything about Cosmo-Knights losing any racial or other previous powers. I have looked extremely carefully throughout the book for any such statement/rule, and it is not present. That is merely an assumed view by readers who see a retention of previous powers as a window to excessive power, and connected to the statement that there are no known instances of SN beings or CoMs becoming Cosmo-Knights. Note even that that last part is not actually stated one way or another, but left ambiguous, and up to GM interpretation. If you want to erase CK's previous races' powers, go for it, but it's not actually a rule.

I would also argue that noting that the CK description doesn't specifically say that previous powers ARE retained is a misplaced burden of proof. A description of transformation and empowerment can only be expected to state what has changed, not everything that hasn't changed.

2) To TechnoGothic's point about OCCs vs RCCs, isn't that basically the differences between a race and an RCC? And why couldn't a combat borg learn a new job w/o converting back to biosystems? Just because his body was engineered to be a killing machine doesn't mean that his state of being is entirely for the purpose of combat, or that his state of being is exclusively that of a killing machine. RCCs are separated from OCCs because what they are defines them so greatly and requires so much effort be put into developing as that *whatever they are* that they don't have the time to learn an OCC separately. That's why RCCs are generally excluded form also picking an RCC. Those who have the time or ability to learn an OCC instead are a "race" instead. And there are instances of RCCs learning OCCs too, but generally it's in long-lived species, after they've mostly developed as a *whatever they are* (ie Dragons once they're become an adult learning multiple magic OCCs etc).
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

Unread post by Carindel »

Darkorinth wrote:If I was in Rifts I'd probably become a statistic.


I wouldn't accept the transformation. While I do believe in the soul, I'm not sure whether such a transformation or not would destroy the soul as I conceive it. I also don't think that monsters are the only ones who can betray their species; humans do it to other humans all the time. Treachery, murder, rape, oppression...More important to me would be my aspirations and my sense of community. I'd like to think that all my philosophy, theology, psychology, and meditation would manifest themselves as some form of psionics - although with a nickname like "Gunslinger" (my orientation group at college, and it just stuck) my options might be kinda limited :-)

Here's the more pressing concern to me. It seems that this transformation would destroy any hope at a sense of community, friendship, marriage, having a family, and all the other things which humans today and in Rifts Earth still share. It would turn one into an outsider. Even with a sense of purpose, and even if one were able to overcome the negative side effects (which is MUCH harder, I conjecture, than most people think...look at how hard it is to quit smoking, or even to avoid smoking in other places where people are) you would still be set apart, viewed as another monster (which, whether or not it's true, might very quickly turn a person into a real monster) Having gotten your increased chances of survival, would they really be worth it? For me, the cost is too high.
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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Thinyser wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Ok Have the book now, and read up on Cold-Blooded. Cool RCC/OCC.

Become a Titan Juicer. 2000 SDC, 400 HP, PS 40 "Supernatural"...
When its time to Retire at yr 5, instead of waiting to die, I'd change to Cold-Blooded instead.
SDC/HP become MDC + 40 = 2440 MDC. Supernatural PS reduced to Robotic, but gain a +6 to PS.

Not a Bad Deal overall for this concept... :D

dwarf titan juicer then convert to cold-blooded, same concept but in the end you're not 12 feet tall. IMO being 2x human height would make being a titan juicer a pain in the arse so start off shorter and end up taller than a human but still better than 12'.

Titan Juicers are +60% to +100% Taller than their old self.
I'm 5'7". At +60% I'd be ... +3 feet or so. 8'7" tall. to 11' Tall. Not bad. I'd go with the 60% myself. Very Tall Person but not Gigantic/Inhuman scale.


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Re: Would You Become Cold-Blooded ?

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

My answer is still the same.

YES !!

After I become a Titan Juicer and near retirement of course. Then its Cold Blooded Conversion time.


"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan
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