E.G.G. Embryonic Genome Generator. What would you make?

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Re: E.G.G. Embryonic Genome Generator. What would you make?

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Too tempting.
Upon later reflection, I'd have a Sphynx cat with functioning bat-wing & that can fly. Maybe mutate a Flying Fox into Full Human Looks, but keep her size normal and the wings as separate limbs.
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Re: E.G.G. Embryonic Genome Generator. What would you make?

Unread post by Rali »

I would probably make a pony sized hippogriff or small griffin.

macksting wrote:Don't have AtB2, but I'm looking for something entertaining to ponder. What does the EGG require, and are there rules to its output besides the obvious need for relevant input?

The EGG was only mentioned in the pre-Crash history; it's not actually a device that can be used in the game.

ATB2 wrote:One of the most dramatic new products was called the EGG®, or Embryonic Genome Generator. Sold as "make your own mutant" kits, the first EGGs were used to grow transgenetic mice. EGGs suitable for growing dogs, cats and other pets quickly caught on. Within months, people all over the world were experimenting by mixing genes from different animals, and even from humans (which was against the law, but since every human carries a full set of human chromosomes ... ).

Think of them as an artificial womb tank.
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Re: E.G.G. Embryonic Genome Generator. What would you make?

Unread post by Beatmeclever »

I'd mix the genes of a lizard, a cat, and a primate, add functioning bat wings that are separate limbs, a scorpion sting to the tail, and try to make sure it has an acceptable level of intelligence. I would shoot for sharp claws, teeth, and two horns; small wings on the back (providing the power of flight); and the level of intelligence should allow it to understand what one is saying to it. On the defensive end, I would look for it to be quick, nimble, and strong (being able to carry a human in flight, several times heavier than itself). I would look for ways to give it the ability to spit fire so it would need to be immune to the extreme heat and flames that it could generate, and would also be able to withstand high heat delivered by others to a certain degree. It should be able to immerse itself in a pool of lava without a scratch (just because, really, I think it is something Dragons should be able to do).

I've always wanted a pet dragon (pseudo-dragon, dragonet, whatever you want to call it). :)
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Re: E.G.G. Embryonic Genome Generator. What would you make?

Unread post by VR Dragon »

I would not go so out there myself. I would just take the DNA of my favorite critter and make more evolved humanized for of it.

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Re: E.G.G. Embryonic Genome Generator. What would you make?

Unread post by bradshaw »

Make a 6 foot tall monster that is just a Human Big Toe with arms and legs, or maybe a Popsicle guy.
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