[New Martial Art] Kiaido

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[New Martial Art] Kiaido

Unread post by Mantisking »

Kiaido (The Way of the Spirit Shout)
Entrance Requirements:
M.E. of 12 or better.
Skill Cost: 14 Years (Exclusive)
An unusual and esoteric art that grew out of Mikkyo Buddhism and the expression of Ki through vocalization. While it does train the body, most of that training revolves around becoming healthier and strengthening the lungs and vocal passageways for the rigors of extended use. Physical martial skills are taught more as a way of developing endurance than fighting techniques.

Combat is simple for a kiaido-ka. Assess the threat and use the appropriate Kiai.

Schools that teach this style can only be found in Japan. But like most Koryu (classic martial arts) becoming a student can be difficult.

Note: All Strike and Damage bonuses apply to the Kiaijutsu Martial Arts Technique.

Costume: Standard Gi.
Stance: Horse Stance.
Add 10 to Chi
Add 2 to M.E.
Add 4 to M.A.
Add 1 to P.E.
Attacks per Melee:
One (1).
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Maintain Balance.
Attack Moves: None.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defense Moves: Automatic Dodge, Multiple Dodge, Disarm.
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Palm Strike, Knife Hand.
Foot Attacks: Snap Kick, Sweep Kick (MC Page 172).
Jumping Foot Attacks: None.
Special Attacks: Disarm.
Holds/Locks: None.
Weapon Kata: None.
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Behind, Knock-Out/Stun, Knockout/Stun from Behind.
Martial Art Powers:
Automatically receive Martial Arts Technique: Kiaijutsu (basic level). Select two (2) Powers from Special Kata (including Chi Kata).
Languages: Japanese (Full Literacy)
Cultural: Play Musical Instrument (Flute), Cooking, Singing.
Physical: None.
Survival: Identify Plants & Fruits.
Temple: Holistic Medicine
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Flute (Blunt).
Philosophical Training: Buddhism.
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: An Yin (8 Years), Ba Gua (8 years), Sankukai (6 Years), Tai Chi Ch'uan (5 Years), Yu Sool (7 Years).
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Maintain Balance, Knockout/Stun or Critical Strike from Behind.
2nd: +1 to Strike with Kiai, Knockout/Stun or Critical Strike from Behind.
3rd: +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Strike.
4th: +1 to Damage, Kiaijutsu range is now 50 feet.
5th: +1 Attack per Melee (May use Kiaijutsu two times per Melee Round.), +1 to Strike with Kiai
6th: +1 to Parry/Dodge, Character can now use the intermediate level of Kiaijutsu, Automatically receive Martial Arts Technique: Zanshin.
7th: +1 to Disarm, +1 to Strike.
8th: +1 to Strike with Kiai, Kiaijutsu range is now 60 feet.
9th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Knockout/Stun or Critical Strike on a Natural 19+.
10th: +1 Attack per Melee (May use Kiaijutsu three times per Melee Round.), +1 to Parry/Dodge.
11th: +1 to Damage, +1 to Strike with Kiai.
12th: +1 to Strike, Character can now use the intermediate level of Kiaijutsu, Automatically receive Chi Mastery: Find Weakness.
13th: +1 to Disarm, +1 to Maintain Balance.
14th: +1 to Strike with Kiai, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
15th: +1 Attack per Melee (May use Kiaijutsu four times per Melee Round.), +1 to Parry/Dodge.
Why Study KIAIDO?
It has a greater range than any other non-weapon martial art.

Kiaijutsu (Revised): The art of the Kiai, or martial yell. This is a powerful skill that can knock over multiple opponents with the use of the voice alone. Depending on the Kiai used , victims can be unbalanced, damaged, or even killed. The maximum range for all Kiai is 40 feet (12.2 meters). the yell takes the place of all melee attacks/actions and must be the first attack of the Melee Round. Only Kiaido has access to the Intermediate and Advanced yells.

Here are the various types of Basic yells:
Kizetsu Kiai (Stun Yell): A Kiai that stuns anyone in range who fails to Save vs. Pain. Effect: Stunned for 1D4 Melee Rounds and can only defend, not attack. Range: Normal.
Chikara Kiai (Force Yell): This is a Kiai that simply knocks people backward without damaging them. Everyone, friend or foe, within range must Save vs. Pain to avoid being affected. Effect: Knocked back 3d6 feet and lose one (1) attack that Melee Round. Range: Normal.
Shogeki Kiai (Shock Yell): Anyone in range who fails to Save vs. Pain will end up being hurt. Effect: 1D6 damage,a successful roll with Punch/Fall/Impact (10 or better) will reduce the damage by half. Range: Normal.
Sento Kiai (Combat Yell): This Kiai is done to one person only. The attacker must make a Strike roll of 12 or better. Effect: 4D6 damage, the target can Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact normally. Range: Half normal.

Here are the various types of Intermediate yells:
Naguru Kiai (Strike Yell): This yell knocks over anyone in range. Effect: Knocked down, lose Initiative and one (1) attack. Range: Half normal.
Shinkei Kiai (Nerve Yell): This Kiai funnels sound into a precise enough point to strike Atemi on one person. The attacker must make a Strike roll of 16 or better. Effect: One (1) limb paralyzed for 6D6 Melee Rounds. Range: Half normal.
Chiyu Kiai (Healing Yell): This Kiai also funnels sound into a precise enough point to strike Atemi on one person. The attacker must make a Strike roll of 16 or better. Effect: Reverse the effect of Shinkei Kiai, or heal 1D6 S.D.C. Range: Half normal.
Uchi-Kudaku Kiai (Shatter Yell): This yell uses sound to shatter a single object. It can only be used once per Melee Round and must be the first and only attack that round. The attacker must make a Strike roll of 14 or better. Effect: Object is broken as in Tamashiwara (Page 122 N&S). If used on a person, does 1D6 Automatic Critical damage to Hit Points. Range: Half normal.

Here are the various types of Advanced yells:
Kyofu Kiai (Fear Yell): This affects everyone in range by sub-sonically creating a sense of fear. All targets must Save vs. Insanity. Effect: All who fail the save must run away or be -4 to all Combat Rolls for 3D6 Melee Rounds. Range: Half normal.
Odoyaka Na Kiai (Calming Yell): A soothing Kiai that affects everyone in range. all targets must Save vs. Psionics. Effect: All who fail the save must stop attacking for six (6) Melee Rounds. As Calming Minds Zenkjorike (Page 123 N&S). Range: Half normal.
Shi Kiai (Death Yell): This Kiai is done to one person only. It can only be used once per Melee Round and must be the first and only attack that round. The attacker must make a Strike roll of 18 or better. Effect: Instant Kill as Deathblow (Page 129 N&S), if the target successfully Rolls with Punch/Fall/Impact they are reduced to half their Hit Points and S.D.C. Range: One quarter normal.
Unaru Kara Ryu Kiai (Roar of the Dragon Yell): More of a rumble than a roar, this yell uses subsonics to shake one (1) target to pieces. It can only be used once per Melee Round and must be the first and only attack that round. Effect: As the Vibrating Palm Zenjorike (Page 124 N&S). Range: One quarter normal.

Designer's Notes:
  • This has been in my notebook for a very long time. I may have posted in sometime in the deep past.
  • If you do have an older version, this has been tweaked and updated a bit.
  • I've always thought Kiaijutsu could be expanded, and was probably inspired by an old Dr. Strange comic.
  • All Kiai that effect multiple targets use a Save vs. X. Single target Kiai use a Strike roll.
  • The Death Yell is now truly that.
  • All Japanese names are the closest approximations using limited resources.
Last edited by Mantisking on Sun May 16, 2010 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [New Martial Art] Kiaido

Unread post by Mantisking »

Ninjapuppy wrote:Sweet, post more if you got it.

Thanks. I've got a few more I'm working on.

Ninjapuppy wrote:I remember reading about someone who was interested in using tamashiwara at range. your shatter yell would be perfect.

That's true. I'll have to provide a link.

Ninjapuppy wrote:I also noticed that there isn't a section, or maybe there is, but I didn't find it, on New Martial Arts. Hope other contribute too.

On this message board?

Ninjapuppy wrote:Reads more like a " super power" level martial art. ( Not munchy, juuuust right)

Because it's usable at range?
"I know twenty-six different points on your body I could hit and release enzymes into your brain to compel you to tell the truth -- Talk!"
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Re: [New Martial Art] Kiaido

Unread post by taalismn »

Ninjapuppy wrote:Sweet, post more if you got it. I remember reading about someone who was interested in using tamashiwara at range. your shatter yell would be perfect. I also noticed that there isn't a section, or maybe there is, but I didn't find it, on New Martial Arts. Hope other contribute too. Reads more like a " super power" level martial art. ( Not munchy, juuuust right)

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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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