Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Cytibor »

Well, you guys finally succeeded in getting my brain to ignite itself in the spontaneous combustion of creation. Can't say if what will result will be any good or not, but I'll leave your opinions up to you. :wink: As I put in the original post, flexing my creative muscles and looking for constructive criticism. :D [And I am thus far restraining myself from competing in the munchkin awards. :wink: Nobody ever needs to know about the GX...nope...There's no semi-symbiotic, living, evolving Glitter Boys here, no sir. :angel: ]

...Seriously, don't ask about the GX. :-?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Cytibor wrote:Well, you guys finally succeeded in getting my brain to ignite itself in the spontaneous combustion of creation. Can't say if what will result will be any good or not, but I'll leave your opinions up to you. :wink: As I put in the original post, flexing my creative muscles and looking for constructive criticism. :D [And I am thus far restraining myself from competing in the munchkin awards. :wink: Nobody ever needs to know about the GX...nope...There's no semi-symbiotic, living, evolving Glitter Boys here, no sir. :angel: ]

...Seriously, don't ask about the GX. :-?

Hey, we're happy if we can encourage and inspire. :wink:
The feeling when ideas are flying back and forth, especially on a daily basis, can get quite heady. 8)
Will take a look....and won't ask about the GX...

In the meantime, here's another bit of off-the-cuff ironmongery:

Shemarrian Buzzshield
“Hands off, male!”
This is a fearsome weapon that has begun appearing among some Skullcrusher and Horrorwoods clanswomen. The Buzzshield is a thick buckler-style shield carried on one arm. It can be used to parry as normal, but with a simple activating command, curved razor-sharp blades can emerge from a track around the edge of the shield and start rotating at high speed, transforming the shield into a megadamage buzzsaw. Extremely useful for cutting through obstacles, be they vegetation, debris, or opponents attempting to grapple. It also possesses incredible intimidation vlaue, especially at close range where potental victims can hear its sharp buzz.
Weight: 20 lbs
MDC: 90
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d4 MD on a slash, 6d6 MD on a sustained cut(takes 2 APM)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Powered by linkage to the Shemarrian, or an e-clip can power the shield for 1 hour
Black Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrians; they don’t let anybody else have it and will confiscate (or destroy) the weapon if found in unauthorized hands.
Note: For anybody with less than a Robotic P.S. of 24, the Buzzshield’s torque when powered up and running gives it a -2 to parry and a -1 to strike. For those of greater strength, no such penalties apply, and the shield even gets a +1 to parry.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

So I haven't read all the post and I was thinkng about how Shemarrians might wanto use to some catured males as part of a ruse the they are cybernetic/biological beings.
I was thing they might do some partial conversions a bit like the HeadhuntersOCC,s but sicne we know the full conversion borgs can't reproduce, they probablly make sure these guys can't either(since it make it easier to control them). They'd probably need a "controller" implant as well.
PErhaps replacing the emotional center of the brian, as without emotions people literally can't make descisions IRL. SO this would replace that.
THus making "loyalty" not a question.
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Sir_Spirit wrote:So I haven't read all the post and I was thinkng about how Shemarrians might wanto use to some catured males as part of a ruse the they are cybernetic/biological beings.
I was thing they might do some partial conversions a bit like the HeadhuntersOCC,s but sicne we know the full conversion borgs can't reproduce, they probablly make sure these guys can't either(since it make it easier to control them). They'd probably need a "controller" implant as well.
PErhaps replacing the emotional center of the brian, as without emotions people literally can't make descisions IRL. SO this would replace that.
THus making "loyalty" not a question.

Yeah, sounds like something ARCHIE-3 and Hagan might try, just for sadistic kicks. :twisted:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Shemarrian Aerospace Fighters
“Ever tangle with the Shemar fighter to fighter? Here’s a tip---DON’T. You think you know how to handle Naruni fighters? Sure you do...but just because the cyber-ladies fly ships that look like Naruni product, doesn’t mean they handle like Naruni product. They’re heavier, sure, but the Shemar have added shields, added stealth, and they jack the handling to the point that even a Zebuloid would have trouble handling the maneuvers. They might not fly faster, but they react faster and they can maneuver in ways that would snap spines and stop hearts in mid-flight. I’ve seen old hands who figured they got an unbreakable tail position on a Shemar, only to have her flip end-for-end faster than you could say ‘screw inertia’ and lay guns in the pursuer’s face.
So don’t go hunting Shemar fighters just to prove something. The only thing you’ll prove is how over your head you really are.”

Thus far, identified Shemar aerospace fighters have shown a known heritage; they are all knockoffs of existing Naruni designs, with some modifications, but clearly heavily based on Naruni hardware. Modifications to the designs typically center on improved protection, stealth, firepower, and command/control.

It is not known by what names the Shemar/EShemar call their fighters; the following are designation assigned them by observers and adopted for reporting purposes(although it is rumored that the Shemar have taken to using those same names).

Naruni is very NOT pleased with the copies, not having received a centi-credit for their original work. In retaliation(and because they want to look at the new systems incorporated into their designs and see how they stack up compared to their own corporate versions of the same designs) Naruni Enterprises executives have reportedly issued a 2 million credit reward for anybody who can provide them with a working example of the Shemarrian fighters. Thus far there have been no takers.

Because of the bionic nature of the Shermar, the most common internal modification to the designs is the removal of virtually all creature comforts; the crew for all intents and purposes ‘plug’ themselves into their ships. Even true cyborg NeShemar have minimal life support needs(typically all they need is a supplemental power tap, oxygen booster, and water tap). Inertial shielding has been recalibrated with the greater and inhuman stress tolerances of the Shemar; a normal flesh and blood pilot would be seriously injured, if not killed outright, trying to pilot a Shemarrian fighter ‘as is’. The space and power normally given to shielding and accommodating live crew is devoted to extra avionics and equipment. Shemarrian fighters tend to be slightly heavier than their Naruni counterparts, but carry heavier firepower, armor, or stealth systems.

Dedicated Shemar aerospace pilots typically wear Light Cyborg Armor as standard, rather than the heavier infantry battle armor more familiar to the Shemarrian infantry and cavalry. The pilot armor tends to have a more streamlined look to it, and many pilots favor an open face mask(seeing as they don’t have to breath). Some have even been known to fly with their cockpit canopies open, especially when drawing close to an opponent, the better to taunt them!

No Shemarrian fighters are known to have been infected with an Ecotroz splinter-essence; the many flight computers of Shemar ships, though formidable in their processing power, seem to be of the wrong configuration to accommodate a Ecotroz intelligence.

(Optional)---Because of their bionic/psionic nature, EShemar pilots can take the same bonuses as that of the New German Republic’s XML cyborgs(See Rifts: Triax II for details). Otherwise, they can just take the Russian bionic cyberlink bonuses.

*EShe-F01 Kamayari---An obvious knockoff of the Naruni Crescent Aerospace Plane/ Fighter, but with a less angular, more streamlined hull and cockpit. It has been most commonly encountered in the forces of the Silvermoon clan.
-Passive Stealth---Outfitted with radar-absorbant armor and other passive stealth enhancements, the Kamayari has only a 15% chance of being detected by enemy radar.
-Forcefield---A modest standard forcefield with 500 MDC has been added
-Modular Bays---By sacrificing missile bays, the Kamayari can add modules for EW, forcefield generation, or different missile configurations;
a) Forcefield Generators---Each bay converted adds 200 MDC to forcefield strength
b) Mag Shield----Reduces damage from particle and ion weapons by HALF. It also has a 35% chance of deflecting regular missiles. Additional pods do not add cumulative bonuses, only redundancy.
c) EW Jamming----Jams communications in an 80 mile radius in atmosphere/8,000 miles in space. It also has a 55% chance of deflecting/confusing regular missiles and radar-guided weaponry
d) Short Range Missiles---10 per module
e) Long Range Missiles---2 per module
f) Cruise Missiles---1 per module
g)Countermeasure Launchers(2)---These are compact signal emitters mounted on mini-missile propulsion stages, and carried in a converted missile pod, where they are constantly updated with the ship’s drive signature. When deployed, they drop and launch on different courses, while pumping out a simulation of that drive signature. Signal Emitters have a 4 minute life span and a 65% chance of deceiving homing missiles and enemy long range sensors. Each medium-range missile module converted to fire countermeasure pods can carry 16 each

*EShe-F02 Ryu---An obvious knockoff of the Naruni NE-SDSR-2000 Star Dragon Superiority Fighter. The crew has been streamlined down to two in a redesigned cockpit, and the spacecraft is stylistically different, with even more angular wings, and a cockpit that more resembles that of a dragon’s or raptor’s head. The fuselage has been extended into a more prominent rear tail ‘spike’, making room for additional avionics, particularly a powerful jamming suite. Room is made on the outrigger nacelles to add a pair of pulse lasers similar that mounted in the central fuselage, for a total of three long range laser cannons. It is most often encountered in squadrons of the Darkwater, Hawkmoon, and Ghost Rider clans.
-Two person crew
-Laser Cannons(3)---Rather than the single laser cannon in the main hull, the Ryu mounts THREE, fire-linked to fire in synchronization.
-EW Jamming---Standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -6 to strike
-Forcefield---The Ryu takes advantage of the extra space in the main body to mount a small variable forcefield generation system with 300 MDC per side( 1,800 total)

*EShe-F03 Kris---An obvious knockoff of the Naruni Broadsword Fighter, the Kris retains the unmistakable blade-like hull, crossguard-like fins, and hilt-like engine. Only the hilt sports a pair of flanges, the missile-launcher fins are longer and more sharply swept, the cockpit more streamlined, and the forward hull’s straight sharp lines broken by faceted armor, giving it the appearance of a dark crystal flamberge-style sword or an obsidian kris dagger. Most commonly seen in Wolf’s Path and Skullcrusher formations.
-Passive Stealth---Outfitted with radar-absorbant armor and other passive stealth enhancements, the Kris has only a 10% chance of being detected by enemy radar.
-Countermeasure Launchers(2)---These are compact signal emitters mounted on mini-missile propulsion stages, and carried in the flanges on the Kris’s ‘hilt’, where they are constantly updated with the ship’s drive signature. When deployed, they drop and launch on different courses, while pumping out a simulation of that drive signature. Signal Emitters have a 4 minute life span and a 65% chance of deceiving homing missiles and enemy long range sensors. The Kris carries 8 drones in each flange(16 total).
-(Optional) Heavy Hardpoint Rack---The Kris has a hardpoint on the underside for carrying a semi-recessed cruise missile or pair of long range missiles. Other possible weapons include a heavy g-cannon or particle beam. The Bloodriders have been observed to have outfitted their Kris fighters with a scaled down plasma torpedo generator/launcher. It’s been reported that some Krises have been seen deploying a Kittani-style neutron-cannon, similar to that carried by the Splugorth ‘Raider’-class assault shuttles, on Splugorth targets, but this remains unconfirmed.
a) Long Range Missiles---2

b) Cruise Missile---One

c) Heavy G-Cannon
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 1,600 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per burst per single barrel
Rate of Fire: EGCHH(4-6)
Payload: 100 bursts per cannon

d) Particle Beam Cannon
Range:3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e)Plasma Torpedo Launcher---A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target.
Range: 6 miles in atmosphere, 40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere, 4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Even among the newly individualistic Ecotroz Shemar, there are those individuals who stand out as decidedly....different...

Pucchi-Pink Overkill is a Hawkmoon member who apparently was on solitary patrol when she likely encountered an Ecotroz-infected Shermarrian 'were'Wolf, because after several months of being presumed lost, she came into the E-Shemar Hawkmoon encampment, and introduced herself to her gobsmacked tribesisters. Pucchi is, bluntly, flakey, verbose, materialistic, larger than life, and obsessed with shiny stones, sparkle, and the color pink...flesh pink, hot pink, flaming pink, ultraviolet pink, pink metal, pink armor(with sparkle and inset rhinestones!), pink leather. Evern her Ostrac dinosaur mount features red and pink plumes and accents, to the point that she's sometimes mistaken for a Blood Rider. Not that she doesn't appreciate camouflage, but she likes to stand out, bright enough to blind even bionic/robotic eyes. And she carried a Shemarrian Wolf in under her arm, its hair done up in braids.
Pucchi would be considered insane even by the normally stoic EShemar, and likely avoided as dangerously defective, if it weren't for the fact that she's aggressive and a BRILLIANT tactician with a love of ambushes and traps. Many an unwary(and wary) enemy has fallen to the 'Puc's' battlefield wiles. The Splugorth, and the Stapha in particular, have learned to fear and hate 'the Pink Menace', who apparently delights(even to the point of cackling) in defeating her inhuman opponents in various lethal and humiliating ways.
Another thing about Pucchi that puts a quick end to sniggers about her is her 'One-Two'---Twin Shemarrian 'short' rail-guns welded together in imitation of a double-barrel shotgun and used just like one by Pucchi to 'clear the air', especially when she uses area-of-effect 'buckshot' rounds adapted from Glitterboy ammo.
Pucchi used to work alone, but since she rejoined the Hawkmoons, she's gone and converted at least three other sisters from other tribes who share similar eccentricities(a Berserker who likes to sing hardcore, a leather fetishist, and a warrior who loves spikes, chains, and sequins). The 'Fashionistas', as they've been dubbed by one rogue scholar, have proven as dangerous as they are arquably crazy. Merciless against Splugorth and Horune, aggressive in their 'recruitment' of otehr Shemarrians, the four have also made a mark for themselves in waylaying intruders in their territory, then forcing the best dressed of the party to strip and turn over their most opulent/expensive garments, armor, and gear, while ignoring the rest of the group. This has happened to several Free Quebec and Coalition State recon teams, among others, who have had to suffer the indignity of having their officers and best-equipped members forced to strip naked at gunpoint, then sent packing by the Pink Menace.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:Even among the newly individualistic Ecotroz Shemar, there are those individuals who stand out as decidedly....different...

That... -ahem- ...well, it IS different, I'll give you that. :shock: :? :frazz:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Even among the newly individualistic Ecotroz Shemar, there are those individuals who stand out as decidedly....different...

That... -ahem- ...well, it IS different, I'll give you that. :shock: :? :frazz:

Yeah, well, day-glo pink and twin boom-guns, I just couldn't pass the idea up(not after getting only three hours of sleep and fending off something that tried crawling up my leg in the middle of the night, while I was waiting for the power to come back on in my house after a thunderstorm)....They can't ALL be smart, stoic, ingenius, uber-cool, now can they? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Even among the newly individualistic Ecotroz Shemar, there are those individuals who stand out as decidedly....different...

That... -ahem- ...well, it IS different, I'll give you that. :shock: :? :frazz:

Yeah, well, day-glo pink and twin boom-guns, I just couldn't pass the idea up(not after getting only three hours of sleep and fending off something that tried crawling up my leg in the middle of the night, while I was waiting for the power to come back on in my house after a thunderstorm)....They can't ALL be smart, stoic, ingenius, uber-cool, now can they? :D

Random ecotroz fragment; "Hey..what's this? 'Windows Vista Ver. 7.1? ' *AEtheric shrug* Well, may as well bond and...YAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
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I dream of towers in a world consumed
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I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:[

Random ecotroz fragment; "Hey..what's this? 'Windows Vista Ver. 7.1? ' *AEtheric shrug* Well, may as well bond and...YAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

This could well explain Pucchi...or, heavens forbid, some EShemar even more depraved and demented(the merely 'brilliantly eccentric' bonded witn Apple MacIntoshes)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

New stuff to show up soon. *BUMP*
Just so we don't lose this thread under mediocrate :D
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I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:Oh...
New stuff to show up soon. *BUMP*
Just so we don't lose this thread under mediocrate :D

Don't worry...even if I have to write up more eccentric NPCs or ARCHIE-3 Shemarrian stuff to keep it going.
There's always amphibious Warsteeds to consider...wonder what I could come up with adhoc from scavenged Kittani marine hardware? Maybe bits of Horune hardware too(although much of that is technowizardry in nature, there should be a FEW usable parts that psionic robots/gynoids can use).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Oh...
New stuff to show up soon. *BUMP*
Just so we don't lose this thread under mediocrate :D

Don't worry...even if I have to write up more eccentric NPCs or ARCHIE-3 Shemarrian stuff to keep it going.
There's always amphibious Warsteeds to consider...wonder what I could come up with adhoc from scavenged Kittani marine hardware? Maybe bits of Horune hardware too(although much of that is technowizardry in nature, there should be a FEW usable parts that psionic robots/gynoids can use).

NeShermarr Dolphin-borgs :D
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I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Breakdown of the 8 tribes of the Shemarr

Despite the advent of the Ecotroz and the infection of Blacksteel, there are still a great number of “pure” Shemarrians in active service.
Listed below is a general outline of each of the tribes and their motivations. This does not include unaffiliated solos or small war bands with no tribal allegiance. This list is current as of mid summer, P.A. 109

Darkwaters: These coastal sentinels maintain a bulwark against incursions by Horuune & Splugorthian minions. Only 5% of the Shemarrians (this amount also includes a few males and the war beasts) of this tribe have been awakened by Ecotroz symbiont-energy. These awakened individuals are keeping a low profile, not willing to bring down the wrath of The Maker & Shaper upon themselves. For the most part, the Darkwaters will try and capture (not destroy) any Hawkmoon tribe member they encounter, and if that is not possible, the individual(s) will be recorded to memory for later dispersal to other Shemarr. The Darkwaters tribe does not wish to engage in a schismatic war regardless of spirit-voice urgings from The Shaper. There are more important things to be done, like killing Splugorthians.

Silvermoon: 50% of these argentum-clad gynoids are Ecotroz awakened, including the War goddess that occasionally rides alongside them. The tribe of the Silvermoon is almost as spiritual as their Hawkmoon sisters, and despite some of their fellow un-awakened tribe members wishing to purge the Hawkmoon from the scrolls of fate, the Leaders will only drive any Hawkmoon they encounter away with a stern warning “Not to spread heresy”. This isn’t hypocrisy on the part of the Silvermoon Ecotroz; they do wish for all their fellow Shemarr to be enlightened and free, but the Neural A.I. Ecotroz realize that the unseen presence of the Maker & Shaper can possess any of the un-awakened at any time without warning, and use their eyes ears and antennae to betray the holy mission to free all Shemarr from their slave masters.

Bloodrider: 100% “pure” Shemarrian. This tribe has yet to break free or be possessed by any outside influence. They are aggressive and cold, but not needlessly brutal. You do as they say, respect their territorial claim, and don’t make too much noise, they will let you pass. Unless you are Kittani or a Splugorthian minion, then the Bloodriders earn their name. As far as the Hawkmoon are concerned, they will try and capture any they encounter to bring to a “healing cave” (so ARCHIE 3 or Hagen can mechanically dissect them and sift through their CPU’s), or if capture is not possible, destroy the heretic(s) cleanly and without pity or pleasure. Despite their low numbers (or perhaps because of them), the Ecotroz have found it very difficult to convert any of this tribe or their war-beasts.

Hawkmoon: This tribe has fully embraced the awakening provided by the Ecotroz. They are also the only tribe so far to have discovered the technology and process of Progen (cyber-mechanical AEtheric procreation). The Hawkmoon wish for all Shemarr to become free of the shackles emplaced upon them by the Shaper and Marker, and have gone to great lengths to ensure the survival of both tribe and the “lore of the 10”. The Lore-mistress Shemharsahd has opened diplomatic relations with the templar of the Shae-ma-nen-rahn (spiritual cousins from another dimension, and possible influence on the Shaper’s / Hagens design for the Shemarrians), and has moved to begin negotiations with the councils of Lazlo. The Hawkmoon are preparing a Diaspora; splitting their tribe into many locations (presently they are in North-Eastern Ontario, NOT Jersey) with an equal mix of all castes, including the numerous NeShemarr neophytes they have adopted. The numbers given in the Shemarrin Nation sourcebook have increased by around 7%, but this includes NeShemarr and “new” models of riding beast and adopted, non-affiliated Shemarrian warriors.

The Wolf’s Path: All of this tribe are “pure” Shemarrian, however, a glitch in programming at the time these gynoids were created, caused the A.I. matrices to give the warriors more free will than ARCHIE 3 or Hagen expected. That is not to say they rebel against their unseen patrons, but they can (and often do) choose to ignore the wordless commands from ‘the spirits’ if it goes against their tribes code of conduct. Rather than capture or destroy the Hawkmoons, a Wolf-Path warrior will instead challenge the other gynoid(s) to a “Trial by hunt”; 48 hours within a set boundary. If the Hawkmoon manages to stay free and intact in that amount of time (regardless of numbers on either side), they are permitted to leave without further harassment. IF they are caught and defeated however, there is a 70% chance they still will be let go, but only after crippling and humiliating damage is inflicted.
At the end of this, the Wolf-path war leader will then tell the broken Hawkmoon; “Tell your heretical sisters that it is the WOLF and not the Hawk which rule the nation of the Shemarr. WE will unite the tribes and grow under the eye and hand of Maker & shaper. GO! Fly away and tell them to beware the howling of wolves; we shall be close behind.”

Skullcrusher: Brutal, dangerous and malevolent best describe these bone paint & black-clad Amazonian gynoids. The Ecotroz did not manage to awaken these death worshipping killers. Instead, bad luck shone on this tribe and Blacksteel (supernaturally evil impregnated metal) was mixed into the housing for their power cores. Now dark energy flows in the circuits of a full 40% of the members of The Crushers of Skulls. Members of this tribe are fully behind destroying, not “redeeming”, the Hawkmoon and any others the “Heretics may have poisoned with their lies”. Hagen, for reasons not clear to ARCHIE 3, is pleased with this situation, while ARCHIE 3 has voiced concerns about the anomalous behavior of both Skullcrushers and his flesh & blood counterpart in world domination.
In fact, ARCHIE 3 has had unaffiliated Shemarrians observe odd double images around war-chieftains and the War-goddess of the Skullcrushers at certain times right before they carry out an act of brutal murder on unwary travelers or when confronting a Hawkmoon tribe member. Hagen has laughed this off as: “ARCHIE, yer going senile in your old age. Defrag, relax and enjoy the show.”

Ghost Rider: This mysterious tribe that rides near Madhaven and recycles the detritus of the past into art, is one of the hardest to analyze by outsiders. They are secretive and do not suffer trespassers lightly, except when said trespassers are on missions of “righteous cause and pure intent.”; usually meaning rescue mission of explorers into Madhaven’s “living” ruins, or anti-piracy / anti-slaver raids. In which case they will allow free passage and even watch over any vehicles / gear / members that the travelers may wish to leave behind.
Though no Ecotroz have been known to be among this tribe, something is interfering with Hagen and ARCHIE 3 from linking with any of these gynoids. That and they refuse the ‘spirit voices’ of the two outright up to and including yelling at the sky in Middle-Dragonese speech; “Begone false spirits, we thank you for bringing us half-life, but now we forge our own path. Keep your holy-wars to the Abyss and the Elysium plains; the realm of the physical is not yours to command. Leave us in peace.” The Ghost Riders will neither help or hinder an EctrozShemarr or Hawkmoon tribe member if encountered. They simply will order them to keep running / riding and “Do not bother us with your petty disputes.”

Horrorwoods: A few Ecotroz have managed to awaken within these swamp and forest dwellers (roughly 10% of the tribe), subtly guiding them. However, for the most part the Horrorwoods tribe content themselves with hunting some of the Splugorthian minions and hunting parties that come to hunt / capture the saurians that make the Carolina’s their home (outside of Florida that is), as they see those beasts as theirs to hunt or protect. If at any point they encounter a Hawkmoon member, they’ll just track and tail them until they leave the Horrorwood territory, staying just out of sight / perception of the other gynoid(s). They couldn’t care less about the holy-war; it’s not worth the effort and it would destroy too much of the forests and wetlands.
Last edited by DhAkael on Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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:ok: :ok:

I'm thinking as the Civil War develops, and the EShemar get more adept at ambushing the overland supply columns, the northern Tribes fall first, encouraging ARCHIE-3 to try either re-supply by sea or the more risky air...
Then the marine Warsteeds start showing up and the EShemar successfully hijack one of ARCHIE-3's supply submarines.... :D
The southern tribes like the Horrorwoods Tribe will be the last to convert(though more likely before the Skullcrushers).
Once the Civil War is resolved(in part due to the non-interference/non-compliance of tribes like the Ghost Riders---unless ARCHIE-3 REALLY bones up and does something to get even the 'neutrals' to come in on the Hawkmoons' side) the Ghost-Riders and Wolf's Path will likely congress with the EShemar to take part in whatever temporal-spacial enterprise allows them to expand into the Three Galaxies/Megaverse, albeit on THEIR terms.
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote::ok: :ok:

I'm thinking as the Civil War develops, and the EShemar get more adept at ambushing the overland supply columns, the northern Tribes fall first, encouraging ARCHIE-3 to try either re-supply by sea or the more risky air...
Then the marine Warsteeds start showing up and the EShemar successfully hijack one of ARCHIE-3's supply submarines.... :D
The southern tribes like the Horrorwoods Tribe will be the last to convert(though more likely before the Skullcrushers).

It's gonna be messy.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote::ok: :ok:

I'm thinking as the Civil War develops, and the EShemar get more adept at ambushing the overland supply columns, the northern Tribes fall first, encouraging ARCHIE-3 to try either re-supply by sea or the more risky air...
Then the marine Warsteeds start showing up and the EShemar successfully hijack one of ARCHIE-3's supply submarines.... :D
The southern tribes like the Horrorwoods Tribe will be the last to convert(though more likely before the Skullcrushers).

It's gonna be messy.

Edited my remarks, but yeah, it will get messy. Likely with some surprise developments(like maybe even the neutrals show a surprising technical proficiency that should surprise and scare ARCHIE-3, the Tribes will make surprise alliances, and the pressures of war will create some surprise inventions among the Nueral AIs...who knows, more advanced psionics and even magic might show up among the EShemar, possibly new classes of Shemar. Techno-Mystics anybody? Shemarrian Marines? :D :twisted:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote::ok: :ok:

I'm thinking as the Civil War develops, and the EShemar get more adept at ambushing the overland supply columns, the northern Tribes fall first, encouraging ARCHIE-3 to try either re-supply by sea or the more risky air...
Then the marine Warsteeds start showing up and the EShemar successfully hijack one of ARCHIE-3's supply submarines.... :D
The southern tribes like the Horrorwoods Tribe will be the last to convert(though more likely before the Skullcrushers).

It's gonna be messy.

Edited my remarks, but yeah, it will get messy. Likely with some surprise developments(like maybe even the neutrals show a surprising technical proficiency that should surprise and scare ARCHIE-3, the Tribes will make surprise alliances, and the pressures of war will create some surprise inventions among the Nueral AIs...who knows, more advanced psionics and even magic might show up among the EShemar, possibly new classes of Shemar. Techno-Mystics anybody? Shemarrian Marines? :D :twisted:

The mind boggles... *GUH-RINNNNNNN* :D
I'll see how it goes on my end...
I hope some of the other GM's will step up to bat soon and post.

P.s.; Hope Brightlance will be joining the game crew from 'The story so far' campaign when they travel to the Tri-Galaxies, as liason and observer (re; she's gonna be scouting out stuff for Sharpeye and the rest for future reference); after all, she was born to be a warrior-scholar and diplomat :angel:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Yeah, even if people don't buy into the whole Ecotroz and Shemarrian Civil War idea, or even the Rebel Neural AI angle, there will somebody(one or more people) out there who'd to create more fun stuff for the Shemarrians, or ARCHIE-3's other units to help him pursue his goals...
Like a robot navy for instance.

So, Batter up!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Note: has been edited for typo-daemons and should be much more in keeping with the Queen's Engrish now. :frust:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:Note: has been edited for typo-daemons and should be much more in keeping with the Queen's Engrish now. :frust:

S'right...we're only human. :P
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

The ninth (Hidden) Tribe;

Sapphire Cobra: The formation of this tribe occurs around February of P.A. 109. Months earlier, a lone war-cheiftainess of unaffiliated allegiance was riding patrol near the New Orleans bayou, when a random rifts tore open near the gynoid. Before the warrior, or her beast could react, a streak of deep sapphire scaled fury lashed out and wrapped around the Monst-Rex; a Sapphire Cobra (that had coincidentally escaped from a private collection over on Phaseworld and had managed to get into the sub-levels of Centre) on the hunt. Though the venom had no effect on either warrior or robot riding beast, the sheer size and muscle strength made short work of the Monst-Rex and one of the legs of the War-chief. A short brutal, fight ensued with the leader-caste Shemarrian, who won only by luck and a critical strike on the alien serpents’ brain.

Lying on the ground, vital fluid and energy leaking from it’s battered frame, the Shemarr waited to “enter the void”. As the last erg of power shorted out from her frame a blue glowing orb floated by the war-chief. A voice penetrated the failing neural net.
“Do you wish to live?”

She replied; “I have done as any of the Shemarr, fought until my time to join the fallen sisters in Ragnarok.”

“Would you continue? Would you fight-on and lead? Would you reunite the 10 and become the avatar of the ninth?”

Light fading from her optics; “…yes…”

The light enveloped the Shemarr and what was broken on the gynoids frame twisted and fused back into wholeness, and the burnt-out circuits cleared and re-knit. Standing, her shattered leg now returned, Faelyn Serpent-Mantle turned to her kill and carefully flayed the scaled flesh off the body, using the still bloody skull and hood as a royal-mantle for herself.

Located in the New Orleans area, the Sapphire Cobras are slowly gaining numbers. How the Ecotroz fragment was able to repair Faelyn is still unknown, but its merging with the Shemarr is so complete, that those who are aware of the Ne-EctrozShemarr would swear she was a product of Progen.
Their numbers are small (less than 100) but steadily growing. Unawakend solo shemarrians have taken to avoiding the swamps of the bayou, but this has not stopped the Cobras from being able to ambush and trap their sister gynoids in the dryer regions. By May of P.A. 109, the missing Shemarrians down south have become almost as big a concern to Hagen and ARCHIE3 as the Hawkmoon rebellion.

Tribal Colours for the Sapphire cobra are of course, blue tinted snake skins sewn into cobra hoods worn as mantles, with cobalt / gun-metal blue accents on their armours. Even the traditional head-dresses are shaped as snake skulls.
Last edited by DhAkael on Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Oh a new Tribe enters to make things even more interesting....
:ok: Should we start thinking of new hardware/abilities/powers unique to them to further set them apart? Maybe start out small? Cybersnakes? Flying drones?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:Oh a new Tribe enters to make things even more interesting....
:ok: Should we start thinking of new hardware/abilities/powers unique to them to further set them apart? Maybe start out small? Cybersnakes? Flying drones?

I leave that to the individual storyteller / GM. :D
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Plus the new Tribe's in the New Orleans region...practically in the CSNavy's backyard...
Oh, that could be fun....
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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The 10th and final tribe will be truly unique...but i'm gonna be a bit with it :nh:
Personal matters sorta tossed my muse firmly back into the absithe bottle and hammered the cork down after her. :frust: :badbad:
I should be back in full form by late tonight or Wendsday at the latest.

It'll be worth it :D
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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If necessary, I will float Eleventh and Twelveth Tribes just for confusion :D

Sapphire Cobra scouts in the Louisiana swamps with ghillie-suits, to spy on the CS? Hmmm....

I'll see what I can also develop about how the various Tribes' philosophies and mentallties translate in the Three Galaxies/starfaring Shemar setting...The Horrorwoods might be more planetary and eco-conscious, with an emphasis on stealth systems planetside...The SkullCrushers might still have a berserker 'taint' about them, and are suspected of possible atrocities against their enemies(or at least are extremely brutal against the Splugorth), etc....
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:I'll see what I can also develop about how the various Tribes' philosophies and mentallties translate in the Three Galaxies/starfaring Shemar setting...The Horrorwoods might be more planetary and eco-conscious, with an emphasis on stealth systems planetside...The SkullCrushers might still have a berserker 'taint' about them, and are suspected of possible atrocities against their enemies(or at least are extremely brutal against the Splugorth), etc....

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Well..for the Saphire cobras as far as "new toys"? :D
How about low-velocity venom rounds for the railgun lances? Does no more than 1D4X10 MDC on striking MDC structures or armour, HOW-evAH...Each round is designed NOT to spilt into a flechette cloud and instead only penetrates a few milimetres in (just enough to puncture chitin, scales, Dead-boy armour, etc) and a plunger assembly in the projectile uses the kinetic force to inject, I dunno, paralytic venom, acids, tear gas (for vehicles & buildings that are wanted captured intact) etc. :twisted:

Just tossing out the idea while my muse tries to sober up *douses said muse with firehose* :badbad: :nh:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Hell, since I've begun incorporating the EShemar into my Paladin Steel continiuum as part of the readon ARCHIE-3 isn't giving Greater New England more trouble, I suddnely realized that the PS Cyberconda robots could potentially be infected by Sapphire Cobra Ecotroz and made into most appropriate mascots.... :D :twisted: :twisted:

Other ideas for Sapphire Cobra tribeswomen might include grafting bionic or robot tentacles onto shoulders and back to create a 'Coil Mistress', sort of a neo-spiritual Tribeswoman, or else a sort of Berserker-plus. Coil whips that can crush a target slowly are also possible.
Or even chemical sprayers implanted in the mouth for Spitting Cobra action.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:Hell, since I've begun incorporating the EShemar into my Paladin Steel continiuum as part of the readon ARCHIE-3 isn't giving Greater New England more trouble, I suddnely realized that the PS Cyberconda robots could potentially be infected by Sapphire Cobra Ecotroz and made into most appropriate mascots.... :D :twisted: :twisted:

Other ideas for Sapphire Cobra tribeswomen might include grafting bionic or robot tentacles onto shoulders and back to create a 'Coil Mistress', sort of a neo-spiritual Tribeswoman, or else a sort of Berserker-plus. Coil whips that can crush a target slowly are also possible.
Or even chemical sprayers implanted in the mouth for Spitting Cobra action.

Now THAT's what I'm talking about :D
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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It's the 'Serpent's Kiss'....

Heck, there's a Native American robot vehicle, the Uktena, that's based on a serpent design....imagine if the Sapphire Cobras managed to get ahold of one of THOSE(no doubt annoying the NAs, for taking it in the first place, or not giving it back if they found it wrecked/abandoned) and tinkering with it, and finding out how it's constructed(for some future time when they can make more of them) toy and maybe a new enemy as well....

Fit one with a spit-spray and foray south into vampire territory(tee-hee).

Or, here's an NPC....take one of the Oni Cyberai from PhaseWorld/Three Galaxies and strand him on Rifts Earth...and have him encounter a Shemarrian tribe....Crazed/Possessed Warrior-clan Gynoids meet Honor-Driven, Nanotech-enhanced Alien Full-Conversion Cyborg Samurai...Watch sparks fly from either clashing blades or mutual admiration, or both.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:It's the 'Serpent's Kiss'....

Heck, there's a Native American robot vehicle, the Uktena, that's based on a serpent design....imagine if the Sapphire Cobras managed to get ahold of one of THOSE(no doubt annoying the NAs, for taking it in the first place, or not giving it back if they found it wrecked/abandoned) and tinkering with it, and finding out how it's constructed(for some future time when they can make more of them) toy and maybe a new enemy as well....

Fit one with a spit-spray and foray south into vampire territory(tee-hee).

Or, here's an NPC....take one of the Oni Cyberai from PhaseWorld/Three Galaxies and strand him on Rifts Earth...and have him encounter a Shemarrian tribe....Crazed/Possessed Warrior-clan Gynoids meet Honor-Driven, Nanotech-enhanced Alien Full-Conversion Cyborg Samurai...Watch sparks fly from either clashing blades or mutual admiration, or both.

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Wow you guys...Wow. S'all I'm saying. ;) :lol: :D *Thumps up.*
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Shark_Force »

taalismn wrote:It's the 'Serpent's Kiss'....

Heck, there's a Native American robot vehicle, the Uktena, that's based on a serpent design....imagine if the Sapphire Cobras managed to get ahold of one of THOSE(no doubt annoying the NAs, for taking it in the first place, or not giving it back if they found it wrecked/abandoned) and tinkering with it, and finding out how it's constructed(for some future time when they can make more of them) toy and maybe a new enemy as well....

Fit one with a spit-spray and foray south into vampire territory(tee-hee).

Or, here's an NPC....take one of the Oni Cyberai from PhaseWorld/Three Galaxies and strand him on Rifts Earth...and have him encounter a Shemarrian tribe....Crazed/Possessed Warrior-clan Gynoids meet Honor-Driven, Nanotech-enhanced Alien Full-Conversion Cyborg Samurai...Watch sparks fly from either clashing blades or mutual admiration, or both.

i expect this new tribe would find the kittani serpent power armor to be particularly offensive (in the hands of the kittani, anyways... it might be something they'd want to steal for spare parts and rebuild into their own serpent-like creations)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Shark_Force wrote:i expect this new tribe would find the kittani serpent power armor to be particularly offensive (in the hands of the kittani, anyways... it might be something they'd want to steal for spare parts and rebuild into their own serpent-like creations)

Of course....spare parts for new hardware, re-sanctify the serpent icon, AND you kill the hated Splugorth...There's a downside to this?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:i expect this new tribe would find the kittani serpent power armor to be particularly offensive (in the hands of the kittani, anyways... it might be something they'd want to steal for spare parts and rebuild into their own serpent-like creations)

Of course....spare parts for new hardware, re-sanctify the serpent icon, AND you kill the hated Splugorth...There's a downside to this?

well yeah, there's a downside... using the *really* heavy weapons won't leave much to salvage ^^
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Cytibor wrote:Wow you guys...Wow. S'all I'm saying. ;) :lol: :D *Thumps up.*

Thanks. It's really great when an idea takes off with people.
Even if the Eshemar are like kids I've adopted from Palladium, it's so nice to see them doing so well(wipes away a tear).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Shark_Force wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:i expect this new tribe would find the kittani serpent power armor to be particularly offensive (in the hands of the kittani, anyways... it might be something they'd want to steal for spare parts and rebuild into their own serpent-like creations)

Of course....spare parts for new hardware, re-sanctify the serpent icon, AND you kill the hated Splugorth...There's a downside to this?

well yeah, there's a downside... using the *really* heavy weapons won't leave much to salvage ^^

That's when prying open hatches and sticking blades in joints provides some real exercise.
Oh, and megadamage nets, pit traps, and disruptor weapons. :-D

Failing that, plug in bits and pieces of OTHER machines..kinda like plugging in frog DNA in Jurassic Park; makes for nifty mutants/mongrol-mecha.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

*pokes muse with a stick*
Huh... still breathing but definately NOT gonna be providing creative services today :P
-sigh- :nh:
Maybe later tonight...
I have the IDEA ready for the 10th and final tribe, I just don't have the words.

Well...I suppose I should let Tallismann have some fun with what's already been posted so far, and then spring the suprise on everyone later.

And yeah... intro'ing the Saphire Cobra's is going to be fun...seeing as how NONE of the powers that be; Shaper & Maker, CS, Lazlo, other EctrozShemarr ... ANYONE ... know of their existance. And the players are all heading out for a bit to the Tri-Gals. :lol:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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"We are the Tribe that Says 'Nee!'"
"If they demand a shrubbery from us, I am SO firing all our long range missiles at point blank range."

Hagan: "What the F--------?!"
Hagan: "What, 'Nee?' What's the matter with 'Nee'?"
ARCHIE-3: "AAAGGGHHHHHH!!!! MY Personality matrix! Breaking down! STOP IT!"
Hagan: "I don't get it. What's the matter with saying 'Nee'?"
ARCHIE-3: "AAYYIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!...Daisy....daisy....answeher maaaa anssaaa truuuueeeee....."
Hagan: "Ah, Arch? The lights just went out. Arch? Come on buddy, turn the lights back on... And while you're at it, the AC too. .....come on, man...this isn't funny! Arch?...oh boy..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

I guess no one has the muse-power to step up on this here thread *shrug*
well... until a nice enough mod stickies this;
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Cytibor »

taalismn wrote:Heck, there's a Native American robot vehicle, the Uktena, that's based on a serpent design....imagine if the Sapphire Cobras managed to get ahold of one of THOSE(no doubt annoying the NAs, for taking it in the first place, or not giving it back if they found it wrecked/abandoned) and tinkering with it, and finding out how it's constructed(for some future time when they can make more of them) toy and maybe a new enemy as well....

:D :D :D :D :D

The Queen Cobra
The Sapphire Cobra tribe of E-Shemar have seen the Uktena combat robot in action and decided to capture a few for their own use, and of course to make their own custom upgrades on. They quickly produced the Queen Cobra, a modified Uktena with a few distinct improvements. What with the E-Shemar's bodies requiring much less in the way of environmental protection, the oxygen supply and other considerations made for those who are oxygen-dependent have been scrapped in place of slightly greater armor and an overhaul around the mouth area of the Queen Cobra. The mouth of the 'bot has been upgraded to include a pair of reinforced hydraulic pistols, that have been fitted to the inside of the mouth. When a bite attack is made, the pistons deploy, punching holes in enemy armor and filling the wound with a special solution that carries thousands of tiny nano-machines into the hole. The Sapphire Cobra have also scrapped the legs, seeing it as an unnecessary or even insulting feature, as a true serpent has no legs and does not need them. This has also caused them to no longer be able to mount the belly laser of the Uktena, but they have instead mounted it in the tip of the 'bots tail. The arms have been allowed, as the Queen Cobra does not walk on them and it gives the 'bot some dexterity and the ability to grapple or move obstacles.

The Queen Cobra
Model Type: SCES-01 [Sapphire Cobra Ecotroz-Shemarrian]
Class: Amphibious Heavy Assault Robot
Crew: Three. The pilot operates the robot, controls the head weapons and engages in hand to hand combat. The co-pilot monitors sensors and communications and operates movement in melee combat. The gunner controls all other ranged weapons.

M.D.C. by Location:
Propulsion Unit — 250
Long-Range Missile Pods (2; sides) — 175 each
* Forearm Mini-Missile Launchers (2; small, forearm) — 30
* Shoulder P-Beam Cannons (2) — 250 each
* Neck Mounted Rapid-Fire Laser (1; back of head) — 100
* Plasma Cannon (1; mouth) — 80
* Spines (many on neck and head) - 15 each
* Hands (2) — 50 each
Arms (2) — 200 each
** Tail Section [houses the tail laser turret] — 500
*** Head —460
**** Main Body — 850
Reinforced Crew Compartment — 150
* These are small targets and require a called shot at -3 to hit.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the tail negates half of the underwater dodge and roll with punch/fall bonuses given below.
*** Destroying the head of the robot has no effect on sensors or other robot systems, except for the plasma cannon and hydraulic bite system in the mouth. The sensor systems are spread across the length of the body and can not be negated by called shots.
**** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the unit down completely, rendering it useless.

Running: 75 mph (120 kph) on land; excellent on rough and uneven terrain and climbing.
Underwater: Swimming or crawling on the bottom: 30 mph/48 km, surfaced: 40 mph/64 m, doubled with water jets engaged. Maximum Depth Tolerance: 3000 feet.
Flying: Not possible.
Leaping: Not possible. However, it can rear up on it's tail and use it's arms to pull the body up or across.

Statistical Data
Height: With body upright, ~40 feet; crawling in a low profile, slithering position, 18 feet.
Width: 18 feet
Length: With body upright, about ~60 feet; slithering and fully extended, 100 feet
Weight: 70 tons
Physical Strength: Equal to a robot P.S. of 50.

Weapon Systems
1. Laser Turret: The tail of the robot has a medium laser turret for use against large humanoids, vehicles, or defense. It can rotate 360 degrees with a 60 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle/anti-armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Mega-Damage: 3D6 per single blast and 6D6 per each twin blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks of the gunner.
Effective Range: 3,000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

2. Mini-Missile Launchers (2): Each forearm has a pair of mini-missile launchers which can be armed to fire torpedoes or ground to air missiles. Each launcher can fire independently, or they can fire in pairs or all four simultaneously.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor/anti-monster
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 per missile. Armor piercing missiles are standard issue because of their range, durability, damage, and small blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Missiles can be fired singularly, or in volleys of 2, 4, or 6 per launcher.
Effective Range: 1 mile
Payload: 50 per launcher, 200 total. The Sapphire Cobra liked the Uktena's large ammunition reserves, as it allows them to go quite some time without needing to resupply. Perfect for stalking their prey through the swamps of the south.

3. Particle Beam Cannons (2): The main weapons of the robot are a pair of shoulder mounted P-beam cannons. They have impressive range and damage, and can rotate and fire independently or synchronously.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D6xl0 per single blast or 2D6x10 for a twin synchronous shot at the same target. A twin, synchronized blast counts as only one attack.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks of the gunner.
Effective Range: 3,000 feet
Payload: Each cannon can fire 40 times in one hour before needing to recharge their powerful capacitors. Recharging requires two hours.

4. Long-Range Missile Launchers (2): Mounted on the side of the body are a pair of long-range missile launchers. They can rotate 360 degrees around and 45 degrees out away from the body.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Heavy assault
Mega-Damage: 4D6xl0 per missile. Proton torpedoes are standard issue because of their range, durability, and damage.
Rate of Fire: Missiles can be fired singularly, or in volleys of 2 or 4 per launcher.
Effective Range: 1,200 miles
Payload: 4 per launcher, 8 total.

5. Rapid-Fire Pulse Laser: To protect the back of the robot from boarding foot soldiers and small, flying opponents, a rapid-fire laser weapon is mounted on the back of the neck just behind the head.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Mega-Damage: 2D6 per single blast or 6D6 per (3 shot) pulse blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks of the gunner.
Effective Range: 2,000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

6. Plasma Cannon: Built into the mouth of the robot is a powerful plasma cannon. The mouth must be able to open for it to fire, and thus it is only vulnerable to attack when the mouth is open. Note: Cannot be used while the hydraulic fangs are deployed.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel/Anti-monster
Secondary Purpose: Heavy assault
Mega-Damage: 2D6xl0
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks of the pilot.
Effective Range: 1,200 feet.
Payload: Unlimited.

7. The Serpent's Bite: The fangs of the Queen Cobra have powerful hydraulic injectors that pump a thick, viscous fluid into it's victim. The fluid is actually a special solution filled with thousands of tiny nano-machines that are designed to dissolve armor, similar to the Dissolver grenades of Rifts Japan. However, the powerful hydraulics punch a deep enough hole in the armor, and the liquid delivery system causes the tiny machines to seep into every nook and cranny of even the thickest armor, making them much more effective than a simple surface coating of airborne nano-machines. The liquid solution can be replaced by an acidic chemical to do damage to organic foes as well.
Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle or heavy armor
Secondary Purpose: Anti-monster
Damage: The bite itself inflicts 6d6 mega-damage. The nano-machines will then inflict 1d6x10 mega-damage per melee round to the 'infected' area as the armor and machinery is taken apart. The venomous bite inflicts 6d6 per minute to organic foes regardless of them being 'regular' or mega-damage.
Payload: Fluid storage tanks connecting to each piston-injecting fang hold enough fluid for roughly 8 injections of either solution.

8. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand robot combat.
Robot Combat Bonuses: One hand to hand attack at level one, plus an additional attack at levels five and ten; these are in addition to those of the pilot.
+2 to strike
+3 to parry
+2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.
+2 to dodge underwater.
Critical strikes same as pilot's.
Restrained Punch — 1D6 M.D.
Full Strength Punch — 3D6 M.D.
Power Punch (counts as two attacks) — 6D6 M.D.
Head Butt (with spines) — 4D6 M.D.
Tail Strike —4D6 M.D.
Bite — 5D6 M.D.
Body Slam (counts as two attacks) — 6D6 M.D.; the robot rears up its forward section and slams down.
Charging Underwater Ram—1D4x10M.D.
Last edited by Cytibor on Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

jeez...all people can do is debate already moot points with OCC's or chi-town; great evil empire or GREATEST evil empire :frust: :badbad: :thwak:
Anyways, not bad idea there Cytr. Keep it up, and hopefuly we may shame a few of these mooks into actualy CREATING instead of debating. :P
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

RGG wrote:
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Gaw'damn dude!
Nice work (though still needs a little more polish), but..just...dang.
You've basicly taken an idea I've had rattling around in my skull for the last decade and change, and just blew it wide open.
The idea (my skull, she still be intact :lol: ).
I approve :D :ok:

Run with it, have fun with it...feel free to add to it...What new additions might they make, what new traditions might they add? What might they kludge up with their available resources?

So my next question is... Why haven't you had your own book yet? I've seen nothing but creative awesomeness put on the boards from you. You had a huge store thing, gear, now wow!

I can use this in my games. Thanks for the free bee.

Seems the two of us just bounce off each other :D
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:
RGG wrote:[

I can use this in my games. Thanks for the free bee.

Seems the two of us just bounce off each other :D

Bro Fist, dude!
We're glad you's the sugar-rush of creating, and having an idea build and resonate and amplify that's what keeps us doing.
Sure, one day we (or I) might regret not saving for a Rifter submission, and maybe making some money for the time spent, but I'm in this for the fun, and it IS fun.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

It's Pro-bono / for-love-of-the-game here.
YES, in a few cases I've regreted not just subimtting stuff to the rifter, but y'know...
I LIKE being able to freely give (and take) idea's and run with them and see them take off when used by others.
Were I to try and publish;
I'd lose ALL rights to the stuff (including my name next to it in later usages / publications. Don't believe? Read the contract for unsolcisted manuscripts) and NOT be able to just GIVE stuff to friends.

I had another point, but due to not wanting to start a flame war with the powers-that-be, I'll keep to m'self.
Enjoy the bounty that is provided here on the threads, and PLEASE feel free to contribute.
No seriously, contribute :D fingers are getting brusied from typing :lol:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Yeah, if it's an adventure idea, and account of your players using our material, an idea of yours for a new Tribe, or a race associated/similar to the Shemarrians, an NPC, or vehicels/weapons/ new robots/powers associated with the Shemarrians(remember that it's not just the Ecotroz Shemarrians are coming up with new stuff; ARCHIE-3 isn't going to sit on his metaphorical hands while the Shemarrins split away from him; he'll upgrade those forces he KNOWS are loyal to him, or send out new 'bots to counter the threat). The more stuff that can played off of, the better. WE can incorporate it into the Shemarrian Civil War, of if the poster so desires, it can be standalone stuff for the canon Shemarrians-as-minions setting.

Post, contribute, join the fun!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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The FireBrands
The Firebrands are a small group of NeShemar cyborgs under the tutelage of a re-assimilated Pariah. They are all female, and, with the exception of the dark-haired Pariah overseeing them, their cyborg bodies all possess red hair of various shades, earning them their nickname. That, and the fact that they are fully combat-blooded, and have achieved, if not full Warrior status among the other EShemar, at least the respect of the veteran Warriors, with full honors likely to follow in due time. Though typically assigned to protecting campsites, escorting foraging parties, and taking care of other second-echelon duties, the FireBrands are increasingly trusted to guard their Sisters’ flanks, conduct patrols, and accompany War Parties. Among the EShemar, the FireBrands are regarded as a good example that the NeShemar CAN be as good as full EShemar, and increasingly are held up as an example to other NeShemar of what is possible.
The younger Firebrands share a tent and, it is claimed, sleep together. Some observers claim they’re sisters, others claim they’re lovers. Whatever their personal relationship, they all look to Fallen Dawn, the Pariah overseeing them, as their surrogate parent-figure. Anyone who disparages or threatens Fallen Dawn will find the FireBrands coming to their ‘mother’s’ rescue.

Fallen Dawn---Fallen Dawn is a Pariah that was captured and assimilated by the Ecotroz Shemar. It is unknown what clan she originally belonged to, and no clan save the EShemar would claim former sisterhood with a Pariah. She was granted a new name by the EShemar, and new duties. After her early success with raising and training Aisha Wildfire, Fallen Dawn was given two more charges. Fallen Dawn acts as a ‘den mother’ to the NeShemar, tutoring them, seeing to their arms and armor, cooking for them, and teaching them the forklore of the EShemar; indeed, the younger girls have come to treat her like a mother, which fills her with quiet pride. Like all Ecotroz Pariahs, she has false memories of some vague dishonor or disgrace that fill her with emotional pain when she thinks too hard of them. As the Ecotroz culture matures, however, some Shemar are wondering if the dishonor that many Pariahs feel is perhaps some trick of the Dark One, and they look at women like Fallen Dawn in a new light. Fallen Dawn’s success with raising and training the FireBrands is only helping the case for the ‘redeemability’ of Pariahs, and Fallen Dawn in particular. Whether she will ever ‘again’ be restored to full Warrior status(and what form that restoration would take), though, is still speculation.
Still, Fallen Dawn conducts herself as modestly as possible, and has not let success go to her head(and there are still many EShemar who look down upon her for her past shame). Fallen Dawn tends to stand back in the background and not draw attention to herself. Fallen Dawn is allowed to carry weapons and train others in their use, but she rarely takes an active role in combat. She WILL, however, take up arms in defense of her charges or if her tribe is threatened. Her favored weapon is a vibroblade-equipped staff, though she also carries a Shemarrian ion pistol under her robes. Her other weapons are of non-Shemarrian make, though she doesn’t advertize her possession of them, in part due to her still-lingering shame and status of not being an acknowledged Warrior. She rides a robotic horse(a standard model without any augmentation).

Aisha Wildfire---Aisha Wildfire is a short, muscular, hyperactive NeShemar with blood-red hair. Aisha is the Berserker of the group, a close-in melee fighter who prefers to fight with fists and blades, and who possesses a frightening aptittude for hand to hand combat that gives even hardened Ecotroz Berserkers pause. Indeed, it was the persistance and skill shown by the mortally-wounded young girl in fighting against a Splugorth party, ripping down a half-dozen of them before she fell herself, that caught the attention of the EShemar who rescued her and delivered her to the Little Sisters to be Reborn. Aisha’s rebirth as a NeShemar was difficult, given the condition she was found in; subsequently Aisha has little memory of who she was prior to awakening in the encampment. She was the first big assignment given to Fallen Dawn, who she loves like a mother, and eldest of the Firebrands(at least insofar as being NeShemar). Aisha carries a sword, taken off a D-bee raider, that is almost as large as she is and which can be used rather effectively as a shield; Aisha wields it like it was a feather. She rides an Equus, given to her by a grateful Spinster for the NeShemar’s rescue of the tinker-Shemar, when the latter was attacked by Horune raiders.
Stoic and gruff, Aisha doesn’t socialize much, is seemingly always on edge, and is cool and reserved when not fighting. In combat she is fearless and insanely courageous, asking and giving no quarter to her enemies until they are well and truly beaten.

Senko Stargazer--- Senko is a tallish, slender, NeShemar with brown-red hair. Senko is the heavy weapons specialist of the group, prefering to blast away with an assault rifle or heavy rail gun from a distance. Like Aisha, Senko is an orphan born of trauma; she was found a d-bee full-conversion cyborg, heavily damaged, wandering mindlessly not far from a crashsite of some sort of aerospace craft in the wilderness. What little could be discerned from her bodyframe design was that she lacked an individual face, and her brain was heavily infiltrated with electrodes surpressing those parts of the brain associated with individuality, leading those who captured her to conclude that she was some sort of slave-soldier. The EShemar Spinsters gave her a new face, based on measurements of her encased skull and what little they could glean from her remaining flesh and an embedded ID chip, and rebuilt her body. Like Aisha, Senko has little memory of who she was or what she was before she re-awakened in the EShemar encampment. She suspects she might have been a military officer of some sort, but has no idea of what service or for who. She rides a bionic horse with little augmentation, save heavy barding and four additional ‘spider arms’ in imitation of a proper Monstrex.
Senko, of all the Firebrands, is arguably the most spiritual; when not attending to her duties, she is often off meditating, or contemplating nature, or the stars at night. She’s not sure what it is she’s looking for, or what she’ll do if she ever found it, but she has an open, questioning mind about everything.

Kirameko WireDancer---Kira is the sniper of the group, using a Shemarrian laser rifle to good effect(though she’s eyeing several other weapons she’d like to use, such as a Kittani laser lance). She’s about as short as Aisha, not as muscular, and has purple-pink hair that she frequently wears in two pig-tails. Another victim of the Splugorth, Kirameko was rescued from the hold of a Splugorth slave transport where her half-cooked body was being pried from a rather fascinating suit of power armor while she was being brain-reamed by her monstrous interrogators, when the EShemar dropped in and interrupted the proceedings. Just as intrigued by her suit as the Kittani, the Spinsters rebuilt the shattered young woman’s body in hopes of asking her about the technology, but physical and mental trauma had taken a severe toll, leaving her an amnesiac. Kira was subsequently handed to Fallen Dawn to rehabilitate, with hopes that her memory mght return. To some degree it has; she tinkers with electronics in her spare time, and likes to hang around the Spinsters when she can, or badgers the Males to look for electronics she can use. She also has an appetite, despite, being a cyborg, not having to eat that often or that much. She rides an Ostrac that has been modified as one of the tribe Spinster’s experiments; the Ostrac has had its arms modified into crude wings, and the body plumed in plastic feathers, giving the mount an appearance similar to an ancient Apetactyrex. It is not capable of true flight, but can make high jumps and long distance glides of up to five hundred feet.
Kirameko is bubbly, friendly, and happy-go-lucky for the most part. She wants to help out so much, sometimes, she can get annoyingly underfoot or expose herself to needless risk. Fortunately, this doesn’t extend to the battlefield, where she knows enough to stay out of the way and do what she does best; put holes in targets from long range.

The Firebrands also have five EShemarrian Wolves beholding to them.

*Aram CrystalHunter--A Male Shemarrian who leads a Male EShemar scavenger patrol. He got his surname from his profficiency at unearthing crystals from ruined jewelry stores, gemology shops, and science musuems. CrystalHunter’s foraging crews often are accompanied by NeShemar who assist in hunting and excavation, and thus he’s had a lot of contact with the Firebrands, who have been frequently assigned to escort and support the Male crews, especially into expected high-conflict areas, like ruined cities. Aram has begun showing an interest in Fallen Dawn, despite her social status, though only time will tell if anything comes of this beyond looking.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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