What do zombies crave?

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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What do zombies crave?

Unread post by Severus Snape »

During our session on Saturday evening while playing LNOE (see separate thread for that), we had a discussion about what zombies crave. And, the obvious answer is brains. So we started trying to figure out what else they could crave. And here's the list we got through.

If a zombie was a vegetarian or a baker, he would crave grains.
If a zombie was a conductor or an engineer, he would crave trains.
If a zombie was a pilot, he would crave planes.
If a zombie was a plumber, he would crave drains.

And that's what we came up with. We couldn't come up with more as it was late, we were all punch-drunk tired, and we were laughing so hard that we could barely breath.

Can anyone add to this list?
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Re: What do zombies crave?

Unread post by Gamer »

If a zombie was a giggalo, he would crave Janes.
If a zombie was a slaver, he would crave chains.
If a zombie was Navy, he would crave coxwains.
If a zombie was a whiner, he would crave complains.
If a zombie was a bowler, he would crave lanes.
If a zombie was a poet or Nostradamus , he would crave quatrains.
If a zombie was FEMA, he would crave floodplains.
If a zombie was a landscaper, he would crave terrains.
If a zombie was a shop a holic, he would crave bargains.
If a zombie was Ponce De leon , he would crave fountains.
If a zombie was a Lawyer, he would crave sustains.
If a zombie was a gravedigger, he would crave remains.
If a zombie was a baron or the United States, he would crave suzerains.
If a zombie was Michael Jordan, he would crave Hanes.
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Re: What do zombies crave?

Unread post by Arnie100 »

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Re: What do zombies crave?

Unread post by Traska »

Why, Brawndo of course.

Brawndo's got what zombies crave. It's got electrolytes.

Of course, if a zombie were a window washer, it would crave panes.
If the zombie had a leg so damaged it couldn't even shamble, it would crave canes.
A zombie in Denmark would crave Danes.
A zombie electrician would crave mains.
A zombie carriage driver would crave reins.
A conflicted zombie vampire would crave veins.
And of course, a zombie speech therapist would crave rains in Spain that fall mainly on the plains.
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Re: What do zombies crave?

Unread post by sHaka »

A zombie collector of famous berets would crave Saddam Hussein's
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Re: What do zombies crave?

Unread post by Silveressa »

If the zombie were a masochist it would crave pains
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Re: What do zombies crave?

Unread post by Anthar »

If a zombie was a psyhciatrist he would crave the deranged.
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