Creation of New Tolkeen

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Astral Pantheon
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Creation of New Tolkeen

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Where would You build New Tolkeen?? ( Earth, Mars, Alternate Dimension, ect...)

What Alliances would You seek to gain?? ( Lazlo, Ancient Dragons, Federation of Magic, Divine, Demonic, Phase World, the Old Ones, ect...)

What would You make the Main trade of this city?? (Raw Material creation, barter/trade town, Tw-devices, Magic healing, Scroll creation, ect...)

What would You have as the main defense of the town {at least, to start}?? ( 240 Zombies, 120 Minor Demons [60 M.D.C. each] , 60 Golems <any type> , 30 Magic Empowered Guardians {1 major & 1 minor HU power} , a couple Iron Juggernauts, One adult Dragon-10th lvl Air warlock, or something special...)

What kind of leadership?? (Counsil, King, Elected, ect...)

Any Race or Class not Allowed in the City?? (Demon, Dragon, Ogre, Necromancers, Bursters, ect...)

Feel free to add anyhting else to the city you wish But remember You and whoever you assemble will build the New Tolkeen from the ground up.
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Astral Pantheon
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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Where would You build New Tolkeen?? ( Earth, Mars, Alternate Dimension, ect...)

I would select Mars or the Astral Plane to build the New Tolkeen.

What Alliances would You seek to gain?? ( Lazlo, Ancient Dragons, Federation of Magic, Divine, Demonic, Phase World, the Old Ones, ect...)

I would seek alliances in Phase World and even HU but stay away from Earth for a few years until the City was complete.

What would You make the Main trade of this city?? (Raw Material creation, barter/trade town, Tw-devices, Magic healing, Scroll creation, ect...)

I would focus on raw materials (Iron wood, water, ect...) and Talismans with Spells or P.P.E. Storage.

What would You have as the main defense of the town {at least, to start}?? ( 240 Zombies, 120 Minor Demons [60 M.D.C. each] , 60 Golems <any type> , 30 Magic Empowered Guardians {1 major & 1 minor HU power} , a couple Iron Juggernauts, One adult Dragon-10th lvl Air warlock, or something special...)

30 Magic Empowered Guardians with Invulnerability & Impervious to possession and mind control...would be my starting force and law enforcement in New Tolkeen.

What kind of leadership?? (Counsil, King, Elected, ect...)

A pseudo-Royal figure head (no power...more for moral) and Elected Counsil.

Any Race or Class not Allowed in the City?? (Demon, Dragon, Ogre, Necromancers, Bursters, ect...)

Anyone unable to behave themselves inside the City. Demons and Devils... case by case.

Thats the start of my New Tolkeen :D
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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I would never create a village, town or city named NEW TOLKEEN. The name has too much history associated with it, the second the Coalition got wind of a place calling itself NEW TOLKEEN thay would come down on the place like a Hammer no matter where it was.
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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Mallak's Place, I agree the Coalition would go after anyone that called themselves New Tolkeen, if the CS could reach the new city/village (I did place my New Tolkeen on Mars :twisted: ).

paxmiles, secluded would be a good to start any new magic town.

P.S. I do wonder how a New Tolkeen would do in Germany (Could help the humans or the Gargoyles or play both sides :twisted: ).
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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Where would You build New Tolkeen?? Earth , Oregon or Washington. Anywhere farther to the east would make it too tempting. Like a few of the others I'd not call it New Tolkeen..Haven would be more appropriate but I could see it getting the nickname of New Tolkeen eventually once it rose to power & if a large number of it's citizenry/leadership survived the fall of Tolkeen.

What Alliances would You seek to gain?? ( Lazlo, Ancient Dragons, Federation of Magic, Divine, Demonic, Phase World, the Old Ones, ect...) None at the start , maybe local Native Americans (Not Traditionals or such) & D-Bee communities. Eventually Arzno & a few of the non-Humansupremisist & anti-Magic communities. Cyber Knights & Justice Rangers could be trusted.

What would You make the Main trade of this city?? (Raw Material creation, barter/trade town, Tw-devices, Magic healing, Scroll creation, ect...) Barter/Trade town that also specializes in TW-Devices, Magic Healing & such.

What would You have as the main defense of the town {at least, to start}?? ( 240 Zombies, 120 Minor Demons [60 M.D.C. each] , 60 Golems <any type> , 30 Magic Empowered Guardians {1 major & 1 minor HU power} , a couple Iron Juggernauts, One adult Dragon-10th lvl Air warlock, or something special...) No idea I'd have to go through my books.

What kind of leadership?? (Counsil, King, Elected, ect...) Republic style government with strong constitutional protections or a Thing/Council.

Any Race or Class not Allowed in the City?? (Demon, Dragon, Ogre, Necromancers, Bursters, ect...) No Evil Dragons , Demons/Devils & such. They must not make the same mistakes of old Tolkeen & Magic Zone.
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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I likes it.
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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On a Special Day of a Special Time of the Year...
TOLKEEN itself repairs all its Damage in one exposive act. Everyone Who died in the rubble and had not been removed from the City find themselves Alive again as well. All of Tolkeen's defenses are UP and running. The CS is at the Monent unaware of this happening, and the few CS troops nearby will not be able to tell anyone, due to their Electronics being Fried by Magics and a Ley Line Storm equal to Hurrican catagory 5 for Everyone outside the city.

The Resurrected rename the city ... NEW TOLKEEN. They start magics to help them for when the storm ends. One of the NEW Mages to the city knows a Ritual to Hide the City from the CS forces. They Cast this ritual using the PPE of the Storm. Once completed, the City is invisble and intagable having been merged with the Ley Lines Triangle somehow. Leaving the City Limits forces you back into the real world. But a Mage must use a ritual to reeneter the city.
CS forces who try to enter the City find dead soil and feel on edge forcing them to move out of the area. The CS will suspect that the remains of the City was destroyed in the Ley Line Storm and left the area unlivable. So unlivable that the planet is scarred forever in the place it once existed at.

more to come.


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Dr Megaverse
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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Astral Pantheon wrote:Where would You build New Tolkeen??

The most logical place is somewhere in the west. Most of the refugees have gone that way and down near the Colorado Baronies would be a good place to find kindred spirits. Plus it's closer to the Lyn-Syrial who could provide a good helping hand. Not to mention staying off the CS radar.

What Alliances would You seek to gain

Colorado Baronies, Lazlo, New Lazlo, Lord Coake, Ixion, Native American tribes in the area, Bandito Arms, and if enough Shifters are talented enough Phase World.

What would You make the Main trade of this city??

TW devices makes sense, especially war machines. Of course there is always the production of basic armor, weapons, and living items because the west is a brand spanking new market. There's going to have to be some raw material mining, maybe they could contract with the Baronies and Silvereno to help mine minerals, etc.

A neat idea is to create a force of Irong Juggernauts and rent out their services to dispatch supernatural menaces, bandits, etc.

What would You have as the main defense of the town {at least, to start}??

I've always LOVED the idea of them getting their hands on a Nazca Line Maker and "rearranging" some Ley-lines to create a magic power grid. Pulling a page from the Order of the White Rose I'd create a MASSIVE TW defense and detection network utilizing TW spell projectors, magic detection methods, and using the ley line to power conventional P.P.E. powered weapons. Plus of course Several Iron Juggernauts!

What kind of leadership??

The Council was a good idea. I'd tweak election processes and requirements for the realities of the situation but otherwise if it aint broke.

Any Race or Class not Allowed in the City??

Leaning more towards a "Lazlo" type of town, less bitter and more happy to have a chance to start over. I'm willing to admit any non evil individual. Anyone who doesn't torture or maim or kill, etc. Follow the rules and you can come in, and genuinely don't be an evil perosn.

Feel free to add anyhting else to the city you wish

I would love to see the reformation of a Tolkeen state. I think this has ENORMOUS story potential and is a great way to bring back together old characters! I envision a happier, safer Tolkeen, but could also see an angry, vengful Tolkeen working to strike at their old enemy.

An especially interesting situation would be a deal between new Tolkeen and The Fed. of Magic in a two pronged east-west attack on CS territories.
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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Astral Pantheon wrote:Where would You build New Tolkeen?? ( Earth, Mars, Alternate Dimension, ect...)

I would utilize the magical potential of the people and create a floating city not in anyone location but located more toward the west.

Astral Pantheon wrote:What Alliances would You seek to gain?? ( Lazlo, Ancient Dragons, Federation of Magic, Divine, Demonic, Phase World, the Old Ones, ect...)

No official alliances to begin with but perhaps some unofficial contact with Lazlo and other trusted groups/people.

Astral Pantheon wrote:What would You make the Main trade of this city?? (Raw Material creation, barter/trade town, TW-devices, Magic healing, Scroll creation, ect...)

Since this would be a moving city a resource based economy seems unlikely, so I would focus on creation of magical devices/scrolls, magic education and research, construction of flying vehicles both magical and mundane. Iron Juggernauts would be constructed and refined and given the nature of the city the flying variety would be the most prevalent. There would be strategic portals to various locations where raw materials would be gathered and sent to the city.

Astral Pantheon wrote:What would You have as the main defense of the town {at least, to start}?? ( 240 Zombies, 120 Minor Demons [60 M.D.C. each] , 60 Golems <any type> , 30 Magic Empowered Guardians {1 major & 1 minor HU power} , a couple Iron Juggernauts, One adult Dragon-10th lvl Air warlock, or something special...)

The city and its resource gathering hamlets would be protected by 'The Guard' a quasi military-police force. There would be a mix of magical and man-at-arms. The city itself would be surrounded by clouds using a combination of warlocks/air elementals and mages using cloud magic for concealment. Also illusion would also be employed as a protective measure. Along with typical defensive enchantments(armor of Ithan, metropolis, to name a few) there would be sufficient AAA guns to runoff most attack as well as several ground assault cannons should they be needed. Also mobile weapon platforms would be employed be they TW flyers, flying power armor, attack fighters and Iron Juggernauts.

Astral Pantheon wrote:What kind of leadership?? (Counsil, King, Elected, ect...)

I would have a King/Queen and a High Council. The throne would hold the power of low, middle and high justice and veto on the council. The council would keep the throne in check by control over the financial system, be it the annual budget, taxation, spending bills, etc. So if they don't cooperate then nothing gets done. (Of course they will be politicians and they may spin nothing as progress)

Astral Pantheon wrote:Any Race or Class not Allowed in the City?? (Demon, Dragon, Ogre, Necromancers, Bursters, ect...)

A general acceptance of all intelligent beings are welcomed provided they uphold the law, except supernatural monsters and predators. Also no demons or devils allowed.

Astral Pantheon wrote:Feel free to add anyhting else to the city you wish But remember You and whoever you assemble will build the New Tolkeen from the ground up.

The city would be modular in construction to allow for expansion. Also as the city grows several outlining citadels would be built. These floating fortresses could be detached if needed for an operation or campaign without risking the city. They would have heavy AAA and ground assault abilities and could transport several hundred troops in addition to crew. The city would start off small and grow over time. While the city would be a free city everyone would be required to serve in the guard at some point or contribute else ware to the city.
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Re: Creation of New Tolkeen

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TechnoGothic wrote:OPTION 1

On a Special Day of a Special Time of the Year...
TOLKEEN itself repairs all its Damage in one exposive act. Everyone Who died in the rubble and had not been removed from the City find themselves Alive again as well. All of Tolkeen's defenses are UP and running. The CS is at the Monent unaware of this happening, and the few CS troops nearby will not be able to tell anyone, due to their Electronics being Fried by Magics and a Ley Line Storm equal to Hurrican catagory 5 for Everyone outside the city.

The Resurrected rename the city ... NEW TOLKEEN. They start magics to help them for when the storm ends. One of the NEW Mages to the city knows a Ritual to Hide the City from the CS forces. They Cast this ritual using the PPE of the Storm. Once completed, the City is invisble and intagable having been merged with the Ley Lines Triangle somehow. Leaving the City Limits forces you back into the real world. But a Mage must use a ritual to reeneter the city.
CS forces who try to enter the City find dead soil and feel on edge forcing them to move out of the area. The CS will suspect that the remains of the City was destroyed in the Ley Line Storm and left the area unlivable. So unlivable that the planet is scarred forever in the place it once existed at.

more to come.

I don't normally make these kind of comments, but dosn't this premise strike you as a bit too cheesy?

"Suddenly everyone is alive again and everything is not only rebuilt but better than ever with a new super spell protecting us"

This goes beyond the realm of beleivability, sheer, far beyond anything even normally conisdered a MacGuffin.
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