The Strider Evolved

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The Strider Evolved

Unread post by slappy »

Chuck decided to flex his artistic muscles by drawing his take on the classic Strider. ... -175940523

Since it was different looking enough from the classic write up, we gave it its own write up.

Cygnus Strider

The Strider’s speed and versatility has made it a favorite War Mount among Outriders since it was first introduced. This tried and true design served the Resistance well for generations, but one lesser known Great House thought this ugly little beast had room for improvement. This House loved the majesty and grace of birds and tended to favor avian features in their creations. They felt the Strider lacked the elegance and beauty of the ancient Velociraptors it was inspired by, and they sought to remedy this failing.

Originally, they simply wanted to replace the ugly misshapen head of the original Strider with a beautiful swan-like design, but once they realized the functional benefits this move provided they looked for other facets to improve. Replacing the pointed head with a razor sharp beak allowed the Strider to make much more damaging strikes with its dual tusk spears without fear of injuring itself. The beak not only offered protection, but it could inflict impressive damage as well during head butt/peck attacks. The inside of the beak is still full of sharp teeth, and the addition of the scissor-like edge of the beak greatly increased the power of its bite attacks.

Another change they made to the Strider design was to add a long, muscular tail to increase the mount’s stability. This gave the new Cygnus Strider much greater control at high speeds which increased its maneuverability substantially. The large feathers on the tip of the tail are actually composed of a super strong ceramic material. This not only enables the mount to use it as a rudder while running, but it also makes a formidable weapon. The razor sharp tail feathers inflict impressive damage from tail whip attacks or during high-speed strafing runs. The average size of the War Mount was increased slightly to deal with this additional counter weight, so while the Cygnus Strider is somewhat larger and heavier, it is still as fast as its smaller cousin.

To complete the upgrade, its spike launchers were enhanced with special explosive-filled spikes to really give the Cygnus Strider some offensive punch. The new Strider design started as a cosmetic change, but eventually it turned into a significant improvement of this dependable workhorse of the Resistance, one its creators were eager to share. Unfortunately, they were not quite as skilled as some other Houses at protecting their proprietary designs. They sold the DNA sequence for the Cygnus Strider to several Great Houses who then sold it as well, and so on, and so on until eventually the design swept across the planet. While the originators did not ultimately receive the credit they so richly deserved, they are still proud to see their creation slowly and steadily replacing the old Strider design.

Class: Rapid Strike War Mount.
Crew: One rider.
M.D.C. by Location:
• Shoulders & Spike Launchers (4) - 100 each
• Forelimbs (4) - 80 each*
• Legs (2) - 220 each
• Foot Sickle Talons (2; large) - 50 each*
• Tusk Spears (2; head) - 20 each
• Tail - 150
• Head-180**
• Main Body – 320***
• Rider's War Saddle - 100

* A single asterisk indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "Called Shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.
** Destroying the head will eliminate all optics and sensory systems, reduces the maximum speed, the number of melee at-tacks and all bonuses by half.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body kills the War Mount.

Running: 330 mph (528 km) maximum, but normal cruising speed is only 120 mph (193 km). The Strider can reach speeds of 420 mph (672 km), but only for short bursts of 2D4 melee rounds, after which it must drop to cruising speed for the next 2D6 minutes or pull up lame. Note: The War Mount can run all day at cruising speed without fatigue, but can only maintain maximum speed for ID4 hours at a stretch, with an hour of rest or walking in between each full speed run.
Leaping: The Strider leap up to 80 feet (24.4 m) high or across from a standing position, an additional 50% that distance with a short running start, and double running at full speed.
Digging: 10 mph (16 km) through sand or dirt, but half as fast through clay, rock or stone. Digging does not tire the War Mount and it can dig a hole deep enough to adequately hide in one minute.
Swimming: Cannot swim.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m).
Width: 3-3.5 feet (0.9 to 1.1 m)
Length: 5 feet (1.2 m) plus a 7 foot (2.1 m) long, feather-tipped tail.
Weight: 1000-1200 Ibs (450 to 540 kg).
Cargo: 800 Ibs (360 kg) can be carried on its back, but it can pull up to 2600 Ibs (1170 kg), but any weight over 1000 Ibs (450 kg) reduces the Strider's maximum speed by half.
Physical Strength: ID4+30 (Supernatural P.S.).
Production Cycle: One year gestation, plus one and half years growth time.
Operational Lifetime: 55 year life span.
Trade Value: 3-4 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 4D6 M.D.C. per hour for the main body and ID8 M.D.C. per hour for all other locations. The War Mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at least two M.D.C. points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive re-generation takes ID6+6 days.
Horror Factor: 8 against humans not with the Resistance, none against robots.
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts.
Feeding: The Strider is an omnivore with a diet of 60% plant matter, and 40% other (carrion, meat, insects, processed food, etc.). Eats from 50 lbs to 80 lbs (22.5 kg to 36 kg) of food a day.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism, the War Mount requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Strider is able to function independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. However, the creature tends only to take action to defend itself when threatened or when obeying the commands of an Outrider or Packmaster. Striders like humans and accept them as an equal member of the flock, but as an equal they don't respect other people's privacy or property, and only obey their Outrider/master and other forceful Outriders, Packmasters or people they know very well and like. Otherwise, the War Mount ignores, nips or runs away from people who try to command, corral or bother it. The animal recognizes robots as a dangerous enemy, but attacks only if threatened or commanded to do so by someone it will obey. Though the animal likes humans, it won't come to their aid out of loyalty or friendship. Unless the Strider is under the command of a rider, it is every man (and Strider) for himself.
Alignment: Considered Unprincipled or Anarchist. Striders can be pesky and mischievous, getting into food supplies, sniffing through a character's gear or supply station (devouring any edibles it can find), and grunting, snorting and whining when it is bored. Striders like to be on the go all the time and are easily bored after one hour of standing around doing nothing (unless sleeping) and that's when they wander off to go investigating or get into trouble.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. ID4+6 (medium to high animal intelligence), M.E. ID6+7, M.A. ID8+8, P.S. 31-34 (Supernatural P.S.), P.P. ID8+8, P.E. ID8+ 18, P.B. 2D6, Spd. (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks Per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged attacks, +3 to strike in hand to hand combat, +3 to parry, +4 to dodge, +I to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +2 to disarm, +5 to save vs. mind control attacks and the War Mount is totally immune to Horror Factor (and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 60%/20%, Escape Artist 65% (infamous for un-tethering itself, undoing rope, slip-ping chains, opening pens and corrals, etc.), Identify Plants & Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%, Land Navigation 90%, Pick Pockets 50%, Prowl 50%, and understands languages (3) at 80%. Recognizes robots and machines as enemies to be avoided.
Combat Capabilities:
• Restrained Forelimb Strike: 5D6 S.D.C.
• Full Strength Forelimb Strike: 3D6 M.D.
• Restrained Kick: ID6 M.D.
• Full Strength Kick: 3D6 M.D.
• Leap Kick: 6D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks.
• Sickle Talon Kick: 5D6 M.D.
• Leaping Sickle Talon Kick: ID6xlO M.D., but counts as two attacks.
• Stomp Attack: ID6 M.D.
• Biting Jaws: 3D8 M.D.
• Peck with Beak only: 2D6 M.D.
• Stab with single Tusk Spear: 3D8 M.D.
• Peck with Beak and both Tusk Spears:1D4x10+10 M.D., but counts as two attacks.
• Tail Slash: 3D6 M.D.
• High Speed Tail Slash (minimum speed 100 mph/160 km): 4D8 M.D.
• Body Block/Ram: 4D6 M.D. and has a 01-50% chance of knocking an opponent as large as 12 feet (3.6 m) tall off his feet. If knocked down the victim loses initiative and two melee at-tacks/actions. This attack counts as two of the War Mount's melee attacks.

Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Tusk Spears (2): Housed along both sides of the Strider's head are long, pointed tusks that end in a deadly point. The Strider can fire these tusk spears with incredible force. Each tusk spear is two and a half feet (0.76 m) long.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Mega-Damage: 3D8 M.D. per spear.
Rate of Fire: Each spear fired counts as one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 120 feet (36 m).
Payload: Two, but a new pair will appear in a incredibly quick three hours.
2. Lightning Arc Thrower: Located on the top of the Strider's head is a dish that fires bolts of lightning; just point the head and shoot.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Robot.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 4D12 M.D. per single blast. Does an extra IDI2+ 10 M.D. to robots and machines that have their internal wiring exposed or have less than 30% of their main body M.D.C. left.
Rate of Fire: A maximum of four blasts per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet (61 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Bonus: + I to strike with lightning blast.
3. Shoulder-Mounted Explosive Spike Launchers (4): The standard spikes were hollowed out and filled with a special high-explosive compound that detonates when exposed to air. About a second after the spike hits its target, a small muscular vent in the base opens to allow air to rush in and trigger the blast. This design has proven to be more effective than impact-triggered explosives because it allows the spike to penetrate deeper into the target before detonating, which inflicts much greater damage.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Mega-Damage: lD8 M.D. per spike from the initial impact plus 4D8 M.D. to a 3 foot area from the explosive charge.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10. Each individual spike or an entire volley of spikes counts as one melee attack. When a volley is launched, roll only once to strike, either all the spikes in the volley hit or they all miss.
Maximum Effective Range: 180 feet (54 m)
Payload: The launchers have a payload of ten spikes per shoulder, for a total of 40 spikes, but the entire payload can be regenerated in 2D4 hours, provided the Strider eats as least 10 lbs (4.5 kg) of food.
Bonus: + 1 to strike with shoulder spikes.
4. Slashing Tail: The long, muscular tail is tipped with large feathers composed of a durable yet lightweight ceramic. Its main purpose is to act as a rudder during high-speed maneuvers, but the razor sharp feathers can also be used to slash opponents from tail whips or during strafing runs.
Primary Purpose: Maneuvering
Secondary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per tail whip or 4D8 M.D. from a strafing slash (applies at speeds over 100 mph/160 km).
Rate of Fire: Each strike counts as one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 7 feet (2.1m).
Last edited by slappy on Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Strider Evolved

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Hooray, a much needed redo! As always, the artwork is fantastic; another 5 star job.

slappy wrote:but one lesser known Great House thought this ugly little beast had room for improvement.

Hey, are you picking on me?! :D I'll admit, comparing the Strider to Leonard Part 6 in an earlier post was a bit harsh. This is a great write up; enough changes to give it some more flavor, but enough of the original to (hopefully) satisfy those fans who liked it.

slappy wrote:they simply wanted to replace the ugly misshapen head of the original Strider with a beautiful swan-like design. Another change they made to the Strider design was to add a long, muscular tail to increase the mount’s stability.

Amazing what a difference these two changes alone make; now this thing looks like it could put up a decent fight. And strangely graceful at the same time.

slappy wrote:To complete the upgrade, its spike launchers were enhanced with special explosive-filled spikes to really give the Cygnus Strider some offensive punch.

This was a MUCH needed improvement. As originally written, I think the Spike Launchers are fairly worthless so I'm glad to see them made much more useful.

Excellent work, as always.

Two follow-up questions:

1. Was this a planned sourcebook creation or one you guys did "on the fly"?

2. Does this mean we'll see a revamped Leviathan in the near future?
Last edited by Guy_LeDouche on Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Strider Evolved

Unread post by slappy »

Glad you liked it. I definitely wanted to keep the flavor of the old while improving it slightly enough to make it a bit more...desirable.

This was pretty much done on the fly (literally this week). We don't have much room in the sourcebook so we're just throwing these out for fun.

And yes, the Leviathan artwork is done and I'm doing the write up now.
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Re: The Strider Evolved

Unread post by 89er »

I'm glad at the new warmount, but I'm also glad Chuck found that next level. So what does CHAZIO mean?
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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Dude......that is totally awesome........fantastic improvement
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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Re: The Strider Evolved

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They should be the Default Outrider War-Mount.
Mega-Horses as Default.


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Re: The Strider Evolved

Unread post by Shark_Force »

TechnoGothic wrote:They should be the Default Outrider War-Mount.
Mega-Horses as Default.

nah, they'd have to make ultra-horses or something instead of the mega-horse.

mega-horses don't actually link up with the rider at all, so the main feature of getting to ride a war-mount would be lost. (on a side note, i do think there should be a ultra-horse that is basically just a mega horse with the full warmount features, maybe a little bit more stamina and maybe a bit faster, which would be issued to experienced packmasters, falconers, roughnecks, biotics, scarecrows, etc for when they need something a bit more than a mega-horse but don't have enough need to get assigned a full proper warmount. at most, it should have maybe one melee weapon, probably not even that... something to make it better at charging i guess)
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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Shark_Force wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:They should be the Default Outrider War-Mount.
Mega-Horses as Default.

nah, they'd have to make ultra-horses or something instead of the mega-horse.

mega-horses don't actually link up with the rider at all, so the main feature of getting to ride a war-mount would be lost. (on a side note, i do think there should be a ultra-horse that is basically just a mega horse with the full warmount features, maybe a little bit more stamina and maybe a bit faster, which would be issued to experienced packmasters, falconers, roughnecks, biotics, scarecrows, etc for when they need something a bit more than a mega-horse but don't have enough need to get assigned a full proper warmount. at most, it should have maybe one melee weapon, probably not even that... something to make it better at charging i guess)

We do have a true Stallion Warmount already in the works and it is illustrated. just so much to deliver.
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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89er wrote:I'm glad at the new warmount, but I'm also glad Chuck found that next level. So what does CHAZIO mean?

Thanks 89er! “Chazio” means a completion of one chapter of my personal journey as a developing Artist with the clarity of understanding what my next chapter of development & agenda will consist of to hone & accomplish. For me, Chazio marks a definitive point & chapter in my life. “Chaz” for my first name Charles and “io” or “Zio” being the technical honing and journey.
Last edited by Premier on Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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Guy_LeDouche wrote:Hooray, a much needed redo! As always, the artwork is fantastic; another 5 star job.

Hey, are you picking on me?! :D I'll admit, comparing the Strider to Leonard Part 6 in an earlier post was a bit harsh. This is a great write up; enough changes to give it some more flavor, but enough of the original to (hopefully) satisfy those fans who liked it.

Thanks Guy! Yeah we enjoyed the outcome of this one. I do remember your "Leonard 6" comment, but I thought it was NMI who said it, Oh well, it did draw my attention for good reason and results! We feel that every Warmount in the Splicers settings should be formidable in their own regard and aesthetically pleasing to give a good variety to choose from.

Amazing what a difference these two changes alone make; now this thing looks like it could put up a decent fight. And strangely graceful at the same time.

Oh man, when thinking about how this superpredator avian raptor would fight now with that beak action Slappy gave it, oh man, I can't help but to imagine 10,000 BC's "Terror birds" meets Jurassic Park's "Velociraptors", then with those vibro sycthe talons, and the horrific tail slashes for deliverying deep & huge gashes/lacerations; all the while hitting opponents with the Lightning Arc thrower & Spike explosives, thus making the target vulnerable to the serious melee onslaught, just nasty, intense action at its best...!

Then adding whatever additional Bio-E enhancments and arsenal upgrades & whatever the Outrider has in additon to the Cygnus Strider's arsenal, mann... riding one of these like a speeder bike/cyclone through the brush and tall grass, closing in at 330 - 420+ mph with some long-ranged weapon and by the time I pass the target it is over for it. Man... these things get me going.

What would a Level 4 or 5 Cygnus Strider & Outrider even be like, let alone a squadron flock of them pack hunting their territory for their Great House?

slappy wrote:To complete the upgrade, its spike launchers were enhanced with special explosive-filled spikes to really give the Cygnus Strider some offensive punch.

This was a MUCH needed improvement. As originally written, I think the Spike Launchers are fairly worthless so I'm glad to see them made much more useful.

Excellent work, as always.

I certainly agree with you. Slappy wrote & rounded this one out very well
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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Mega-Horse are War-Mounts.
As War-Mounts they can Link to Outriders. All War-Mounts can go this. Specially if the Mega-Horse is his Personal War-Mount.


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Re: The Strider Evolved

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TechnoGothic wrote:Mega-Horse are War-Mounts.
As War-Mounts they can Link to Outriders. All War-Mounts can go this. Specially if the Mega-Horse is his Personal War-Mount.

nope. all *true* warmounts get the ability to link to outriders, which implies there is such a thing as a non-true warmount of some form.

so quickly check your splicers book, under the mega-horse statistics section you'll see: "senses and features: none"

now notice that the stuff on p. 109 says it's all the features (and also includes the senses in point 3, for that matter). notice that the other war mounts all say something along the lines of "standard for war mounts" or "standard"... with the exception of the regular horse (which has the same "none" entry) and the gorehounds, which give a specific list of which features from page 109 the gorehound has, which makes it clear that the senses and features entry is in fact referring to the stuff starting on page 109. well, at least it makes it clear if you've ever taken the time to make a packmaster and had to juggle numbers until your eyes started to cross and you suddenly notice that one little line that makes it all so obvious in hindsight that you actually didn't get to combine all those bonuses and now you have to revise all the numbers for when your packmaster is riding his mega-horse. (why yes, coincidentally that is exactly how i know of this particular detail... what could possibly have given it away??? :P )

now, like i said... a war mount that is actually just a mega-horse but with all the regular features of a true warmount (i suppose not self-destructing isn't a huge loss at least) would make a lot of sense for when you want to issue something a bit more combat-capable than a regular mega-horse, especially for those few OCCs that can take the war mount riding and combat skills (only one i noticed is packmasters in the core book) but which really shouldn't have a full warmount (and let's face it, with the resources of a full pack, i don't think a packmaster really needs to be given a combat monster of a warmount... simply getting combined bonus attacks per melee and combined other bonuses is already plenty powerful for the role of scout or co-ordinating the attacks of his pack!). from the sound of it, we may be getting something along those lines. but as far as the original splicers rulebook is concerned, it doesn't exist (although it is really easy to miss, and also really easy to houserule in). as i mentioned, about the only change i would really make to the stat line other than putting "standard" in place of "none" for such a mount would be the ability to actually keep up with the packmaster's hounds, which should really be standard for a packmaster's mega-horse imo.
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Re: The Strider Evolved

Unread post by taalismn »

Absolutely FANtastic!
Long Live the Cavalry!
Long May They Ride!
:ok: :ok: :ok:
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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Thanks Everyone for the support and I was wondering if anyone has encountered the new Striders or rolled up one yet?
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Re: The Strider Evolved

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Not yet. The outriders in my group rarely use a strider. One did and it was pretty sweet. One played a Zephyr, and one a Behemoth.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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