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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york


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N.A.A.T for North America armored transport

N.A.A.T for North America armored transport was the first in was a Large Company but grew and very large N.A.A.T was a transport mercenary unit as a support unit but
North America Mercenary Escort Services was affront unit to test and be an all out while N.A.A.T would be fully support combat. While N.A.M.E.S was an all out merc unit .but grow in time N.A.A.T stay unknown but N.A.M.E.S was known and stay under the radar of the coalition it able to dance a very find line during the rise of the coalition sates N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S was able to save thousand of family during what N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S Call the purge wars . This allowed N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S allowed setting a plan into motion not to take over the coalition states but to survive under it but they notice there was a hidden force behind the coalition states (and that was the republicans). N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S were the first to see them and when they got the fuel plan into well step down one the republicans plan was noble but was putting their eggs in a basket and avoided at all cost no matter what was their option. Then republicans failed and forum this type neo-Nazi government and it was a shock for them. The main secret was that N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S were from the golden age of man, a massive army( Para-trooper OCC, marine OCC new navy and Tin man OCC tank OCC ) and many Glitter boy suits ,SAMAS ( found in new west) and many NEMA armored suits and infantry OCC ,weapons and support personal were ready to move but were teleported 300 plus years later. Just before the formation of the coalition states, many saw in shock what happen to the worlds and to North America and could beat the begin of the coalition states with time but would be able to hold ground and magic was also against N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S and well it was better to honker down . This saves N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S for a future of hidden shadows operations while N.A.M.E.S took in the front operations, it help new comer in the MDC arms race. Thanks to an A.R.M Tech personal staff that joined them (military) was able to make negation with just about all the well know in North America. They were well know in other part of north America where the coalition states has not arrive but are well aware of the coalition states thanks to N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S . While
Wellington industries (W.I), North America Black market, Tundra ranger, Lazo, Iron heart, El Paso & Ciudad Juarez:, Ishpeming were just starting N.A.A.T came in and help keeping cost down as a transport company or so many thought but N.A.A.T had fire that rival any mercenary company, merchant force as they were called first or magic as well for they collected magic items as well and help big time. So when N.A.A.T was getting too big N.A.M.E.S was made this allowed to bring new blood in from the locals and from many families that would die during the purge wars hundreds of not thousands join and help N.A.M.E.S grow. Many were just farmers trappers but learn to “be all you can be “disposition an old say saying form the army. N.A.M.E.S has brown water and limited navy which no one knew at the time. This saved many during the purge wars while N.A.A.T had a conventional air force and army way, N.A.M.E.S used marine and Parra trooper ideas it works well. While it help in many ways Larsen brigade, Braddock’s Bad boys, Air Superiority ,Inc, Combat Medical services
Silverado (S)& Colorado baronies, North east tribes( NET) , Southeast tribes (SET),Plains tribes( PT) , and Southwest ,Fades town ,The Great Trade Road (T.G.R)
For getting supplies and support they are well know with these unit or area. but they ask to reveal who they are but be seen as an unknown merc unit for N.A.A.T and a known merc unit for N.A.M.E.S and it has help big time . It throws the coalition states N.A.A.T as a little well unknown and a wanna be know mercenary unit play with the big boys.
N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S have many spies in coalition states they are not know yet. They always help N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S they are in the hundreds in all level from the military to civilian area. Some even work under the emperor and under his son as well as the intelligence department and even in lone star!!! They gotten a lot of Naruni enterprise
Tech and are adapting for N.A.M.E.S to use over seas and as last defense for N.A.A.T base operation. The lost of Iron heart was hard first but N.A.A.T has the abilities now to keep making these love hardware and no will know how many were made in North America .Also N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S love merc town and love Bandito arms, Arzno, Columbia as well. Tolkeen was always a place to get new magic features add to N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S but saw the writing on the wall and left and came to save the live of so many family who were not combat personal and thank to the cyber knights they again many lives like in the purge wars.
The black market has work hand in hand but both draw the line no drugs, slave trade, and cyber snatcher, and must work on which Assassination can be done. It works well for decades North America ….

N.A.M.E.S made it big in time with NGR in recent event the lost of a major city N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S lost a lot of hardware but not man power during the fall of massacre in Wroclaw. This open a secondary security force that help make N.G.R governments, D-bee militia force (or DMF), Kingdom of Tarnow been afraid of what could happen. Allowing what looks old tech found new life and many other toys it can use and when NGR troops see something that is attacking monster and not them well they look the other way. This added a buffer that no one is aware off till the next big war come that caught N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S off guard when the coalition states and NGR join forces .but what is unknown even to the coalition states N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S were able to get save the coalition states forces to Europe . Coalition states forces detect unknown missiles flying a large enemy targets to scatter the enemy surprised and saved coalition states forces/tack force!!! Even coalition states forces know there was someone watching from a distance and save their rear ends on a few occasion. NGR troops told them just look the other way and don’t figure it later, and to the shock of seen angels coming out of no and help then they disappear. As well as other robot vehicles that are human design of nature doing the impossible and no magic used (look at N.A.A.T Germany). This has worried coalition states forces what is over there, that why coalition states forces are involved to see what there and maybe find something that will aid them or get their dirty little hands on.

mercenary company
A. Outfits #6. Unlimited Clothing
B. Equipment #8. Unlimited Equipment
C. Vehicles #6. Unlimited Vehicles
D. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots #6. Maximum Firepower
E. Communications #6. Superior Communications
F. Internal Security #6. Impregnable
G. Permanent Bases #6. Company City
H. Intelligence Resources all
H. Intelligence Resources I.
Special Budget #5. Big Bucks
J. General Alignment #6. Scrupulous/Principled
L. Criminal Activity All but no slave trade
K. Reputation/Credentials #3. Unknown by the coalition N.A.A.T #4. Known N.A.M.E.S
M.Salary5. Excellent Salary# 6. Outrageous Salary

N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S
After to coalition war
N.A.A.T North America /South America sector remember they cover hundreds of miles and can hold their won in combat but need N.A.M.E.S, which covers even more
Has the following all at max numbers
Secret 95:+10pts-equipment +10pts-outfits +10pts (Special Forces)
Free Company 145pts:+10-vehicle +10 outfits +10-weapons ( combat personal)
Large Company: 200pts: +10-vehicles +10-budget (support personal)
Mercenary Army: 300pts:+20-budget and weapons +20-outfits (secondary task forces)
Large Mercenary Army: 500pts +20-vehicles +20-budget (primary task forces)

Equipment +10, outfits + 40, vehicle +40 , budget + , weapons+ 30, budget + 40, any + 10,

That a total of 1240 base points

Sponsorship varies look below
This is why Government: old US military power and hidden allied Fronts (ALL of weapon competitors/dealer in North America and black market!!!
+20pts-intelligence resources +20pts-criminal activities +10pts any
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts-weapons +10pts-budget +10pts any

Equipment +40, outfits +40, vehicle + , budget + 10,
Intelligence resources +20, criminal activities+ 20, any + 20

N.A.M.E.S North America /South America / Europe, Atlantic and pacific sector!!!!
For North America
Free Company (special operation forces) that 400 combat ready
Large Company secondary task forces) that 1000 combat ready
Mercenary Army (primary task forces) that 10,000 combat ready
Large Mercenary Army ( logistical combat force) 1,000,000 total , 400,000 combat ready , another 100,000 combat ready but will take 24 hours to go and 300,000 to support all four combat units
145pts +10-vehicle +10 outfits +10-weapons
200pts +10-vehicles +10-budget
300pts +20-budget and weapons +20-outfits
500pts +20-vehicles +20-budget
Total base points 1145
Vehicle + 40, outfits + 30, weapons + 30, budget +50, any +10,

Sponsorship Criminal: Organized Crime North America,Government N.A.A.T all North America weapon dealers, black market and Kingdom of Tarnow, N.A.M.E.S, D.M.Z And Independent small security firms Front in Europe
+20pts-intelligence resources +20pts-criminal activities +10pts
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts-weapons +10pts-budget +10pts

Intelligence resources+20 , criminal activities+ 20, outfits+ 40, equipment+40 , weapons+20 , budget+ 10,any +40 ,

Combined vehicle +40, outfits+70, weapons+ 50, budget + 60, intelligence resources +20, criminal activities+20, equipment +40, any+ 50,

“OK you rookies time to see where you fit your role in tank. You will be drill to death and see who is true leader are and followers in the tank, this will not be a picnic. there will be live fire in two month and who is a spotter to see where there might be mine even I.E.D so some of you are farmers , ex militia , fisherman but in the end you need to protect each other butts you will be come tank pilots so better than others .”
Drill sergeant talking to green soldier’s northern gun, G.A.W and ex tolkeen citizens

In all tanks there are three(3) to five (5) crew, and a standard tank works this Tank commander, Reloader/ auxiliary gunner, Driver / Pilot ,Main gunner/ gunner,/Communications officers/ auxiliary gunner, Operator /secondary gunner all have a job to do but also keep an eye outside the more the better .And have special in one of these role as well and has been vital in combat .But it can be a flaw as well to lose even one can throw the combat crew off their game or duties (which can be fatal in combat). Battle tanks have been around or since 1916 at best guess or over 479 years .A major factor in all tank are speed, armor and fire a well balance of all three give a battle tank good combat performer in the battlefield. This counts only on track and hover technology (in PW gravity drive has reduce to amour and fire power and the latter the crew training) .In realty rifts earth realized there are four factor a major factor in all tank are speed, amour and fire a well balance of all three give a battle tank good combat performers in the battlefield and last the crew itself.

There, also another factor the crew itself not all have the same training in a modern combat .Some say the use of a tank are no longer needed only an APC for transport .Then ask why the coalition have tanks ,for that matter why do the NGR have tanks too( in PW too why use tanks) .Even with robots and other offense technology to take out a tank and crew .The tank are still needed in the battlefield .The myth that a tank is outdated to robot pilots and easy to destroy have cost the lives of many rookie robot pilot .Act as secondary attack role or support role has been vital in the coalition they excel at own the secondary line at terrible cost to tanks and crew but allowing many more to live .The NGR still use tank and hover tank in both front lines and secondary line of support .Some tank can go toe to toe with other robot and win. Then add more than one tank in the field well that changes everything in the battlefield (one is bait the others hides for the ambush).

Training for a tank crews is different due to the government idea in Military terms of combat (different OCC in rifts earth as well in Phase world) .They are seen as expendable (those with low tech below rifts earth technology or at rifts earth level or the exact opposite like the NGR, or RIFTS JAPAN) this applies as well to PW.
When there are three to five players each can have a role to play in a tank .This a special place in role playing to the playing characters or division .Still they must work as a team in order to survive in combat. (I remember testing with group of player who didn’t get along well and were playing pranks at each other and fight each other. But when in combat mission they work as a team taking out several tanks, APC, robot and the dangerous anti tank robots glitter boys power amour and many soft targets as well. Even low fly targets .It was fun see how they didn’t like each other but were so deadly in combat ...and lucky).

The last thing is that these tanks are old tech but can do series damage in a modern battlefield to any target and add other military hardware that is a force multiplier. The Tank maybe old technology but still useful this applies to all roles playing setting (rifts earth, phase world and other gaming setting with M.D.C setting).

In all tank there are three to five crew, and a standard tank works this way tank commander, Reloader, driver, main gunner, secondary gunner all have a job to do but also keep an eye outside the more the better (-4 to initiative to enemy)

( the main reason why I made this O.C.C class was because I had to many player at the time about 18 + and one GM ,so tank and transport are vital in rifts earth and later in Phase world well it took of from there. And it is better to have to tanks with a total of 12 crew plus infantry 6 that 18 not to mention APC crew .it made better playing and control for with out losing fun and drag time)

Pick one

1. Tank Commander:
Add 1d4 to initiative add+1 at level 3, 6, 9, and 12. add +2 at level 15 , +25% to all detection skills When on or in the tank ( plus IQ if any), horror factor (bad reputation) /Awe (good reputation ) starts at 6 add + 1 at level 3,6,10,11,Add +2 at 15 level , give Moral to crew in combat roll on H.F , target lock ( strike from main gun) +1 add 1 at level 3 ,6,9,11,add+2 at level 15 , special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover ) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus half if caught of guard

2. Reloader:
To the Main Gun: ADD 1 to rate of fire, plus add+1 at level 3, 6, 9, and 12. Add +2 at level 15. Note if done manual, add +2 to Rate .Of. Fire if systems is automatic (this also applies if the systems fails) special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus half if caught of guard

3. Driver /Pilot:
Add 25 % to driver a particular vehicle ( plus IQ if any), for the rest 15 %, add only +2 dodge on tracks vehicles , on hovercrafts( add +3 only plus any other bonus at half the cost Example :pilots has a total of 4 to dodge reduce to 2 )/ Gravity drive add +4 to dodge can add other bonus , half if caught of guard

4. Auxiliary gunner /communications officers :
add +15% radio basic and add+12 any communications skills ,add +1 to attacks initiative, strike ,to all heavy weapons ,special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover ) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus , half if caught of guard

5. Operator /secondary gunner :
To all W.P heavy weapons add +2 to attacks, + 2 to strike, +2 initiative, special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus, half if caught of guard

6. Tank crew Reputation horror factor (bad reputation) /Awe (good reputation ) :
this applies in before / during and after combat shock ( to the enemy ) and awe ( to allies/ friendly force ) add +1 if they survive every battle , +2 a major battle ,last stands -1 fail , win +4 , take down a mayor target or stop over welling force +2 , loss battle minor -1 , major-4 ,have a stalemate in battle by players +4 , by the enemy -5 ,fail mission -6, loss tank -10, tank disable -5 , stay in the fight with tank disable +2 ,win tank disable +8, loss battle ( and survive ) tank disable -6 ,work together in battle +1 ,against each other -2, save another tank and crew +2 , come to the rescue against over welling odds wining +6 , win +10 fail -6, save a squad (S) +3 / 5,miliatary hardware minor+3 major /important +7, save power amour +5 , save giant size + 8 , fix tank in the middle combat +7 , loss crewman Tank Commander -8 others -4 ,taking out slow moving aircraft ( under 300 MPH) +3 , medium speed 301 to 600 MPH +5 , mach speed + 9 , supernatural being minor 150 MDC or less +4 , supernatural being 151 to 300 MDC + 6 , supernatural being 301 plus + 8 , ruthless in combat +8 , honorable +5 , save innocent live ( non military personal ) +9 , shielded save innocent live ( non military personal ), flee – 10 (that run like hell ) , but tactical withdraw successful +9 / partial success -3 , fail – 8

Tank definition:
The main battle tanks are vehicles serving a role, in active military service with countries of the world. A main battle tank (MBT) is the type of powerful, heavily-armored and highly mobile tank which is the backbone of a mechanized land force. A tank with a good balance of firepower, cross-country mobility, and armored protection, and therefore capable of carrying out the roles of breakthrough, exploitation and infantry support; the primary tank of a country or armed forces
A.P.C definition:
An armored personnel carrier (APC) is an armored fighting vehicle designed to transport infantry to the battlefield.
A.P.C is usually armed with only a machine gun although variants carry recoilless rifles, anti-tank guided missiles (A.T.G.M.s), or mortars. They are not usually designed to take part in a direct-fire battle, but to carry troops to the battlefield safe from shrapnel and ambush. They may have wheels or tracks.
I.F.V definition:
An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as (mechanized) infantry combat vehicle, (M) ICV) is a type of armored fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them.

Skills specialized for Tank pilots and APC /IFV Base Skill 34%+4 per level
Pilot skills for rifts earth

1. Military: Pilot tracked/ treads tank
2. Military: Pilot wheeled base tank
3. Military: Pilot hover craft tank
4. Military: Pilot tracked treads / APC/IFV
5. Military: Pilot wheeled APC/IFV
6. Military: Pilot hover craft APC/IFV
7. Military: Pilot half tracked APC /IFV
Pilot skills for phase world
1. Military: Pilot tracked tank
2. Military: Pilot wheeled base tank
3. Military: Pilot hover craft tank
4. Military: Pilot Gravity drive tank
5. Military: Pilot tracked APC/IFV
6. Military: Pilot wheeled APC/IFV
7. Military: Pilot hover craft APC/IFV
8. Military: Pilot half tracked APC /IFV (rare )
9. Military: Pilot Gravity drive APC /IFV

The following are M.O.S for Rifts Earth a total
I) Pilot MOS tank type of vehicle track ONLY ADD 25% (any MDC setting)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
1) 4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
4) Pilot motorcycle,
5) Pilot military tank Tracked OR wheel base
6) Tracked +construction vehicle
7) Truck
8) Weapon system
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon

II) Pilot MOS type of vehicle hover tank ADD 25 %( any MDC setting)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Language native tongue
5) Hover craft (ground) tank & APC
6) Jet pack
7) Hover cycles, sky cycles & rockets bike
8) Weapon system
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon

III) Pilot MOS anti- aircraft tank (A.A.A.) ADD 25% (coalition solider, Rifts Mercenary, or a FWC pilot) Rifts earth only
As #1 but specialized in A.A.A tank of coalition(CTX-52 “Sky sweeper ,note has the copied and gravity type weapons add 50% to range for rail gun, gravity type weapons time 3 ,laser type times two the range)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
1) 4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
4) Pilot motorcycle
5) Pilot military tank track OR wheel base (PW hover or gravity drive systems )
6) Tracked +construction vehicle
7) Truck
8) Weapon system
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon
Add +3 strikes in weapon, by can fire at 50 % range by half bonus to strike for rail gun or any projectile weapons only

IV) Pilot MOS A.P.C/I.F.V ADD 25% as per number I but remove Pilot military tank remove Pilot military tank
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
1) 4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
4) Pilot motorcycle,
5) Pilot military A.P.C/I.F.V Tracked OR wheel base
6) Tracked +construction vehicle
7) Truck
8) Weapon system
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon

V) Pilot MOS Hover A.P.C/I.F.V ADD 25% as per number I but remove Pilot military tank, Truck, Tracked +construction vehicle – add Hover craft (ground) add +15% APC type add 25 % only
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
5) Pilot motorcycle, or hover cycle
6) Pilot military Hover A.P.C/I.F.V only ( PW can have gravity drive systems)
7) Hover craft (ground) add +15%
8) Weapon system
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon

VI) Pilot MOS gravity drive C ADD 25% (Phase worlds) but remove Pilot military tank, Truck, Tracked +construction vehicle, Pilot military APC (no hover vehicle or Tracked)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
5) Pilot motorcycle,
6) Pilot military tank/A.P.C/I.F.V gravity drive only ( PHASE WORLD ONLY )
7) Weapon system
8) W.P heavy military weapons
9) W.P military flame throwers
10) W.P heavy MDC weapon
VII) Dual class MOS: Can selected any other tank skills and APC one of each (BUT that particular vehicle, if use another type reduce by half their skill base) MOS if allowed by GM
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
5) Pilot motorcycle,
6) Pilot military vehicle RIFTS Earth APC/IFV type wheel base, Tracked, hovercraft PICK ONE
Pilot military vehicle RIFTS Earth tank type wheel base, Tracked, hovercraft PICK ONE
Pilot military vehicle phase world type only wheel base, Tracked, hovercraft, Gravity drive PICK TWO for PW
7) Tracked +construction vehicle
8) Truck
9) Weapon system
10) W.P heavy military weapons
11) W.P military flame throwers
12) W.P heavy MDC weapon

Coalition tank pilot (PW tank pilot)

N.G.R tank pilots (PW tank pilot)

North American armor tank mercenary, (N.A.A.T O.C.C) (PW tank pilot)

Japan tank pilot (PW tank pilot)

Soviet tank operator/South American Tank O.C.C Pilot (PW tank pilot)

Or (S.A.T) or South American Army Tank Pilot O.C.C (PW tank pilot)

Warlord tank chariots(PW tank pilot)

In rifts earth the coalition tanks pilots and NE tank pilots have similar skills and wages. but skills bonus are different ( slightly )an example the coalition tank pilots get +10% will N.E tank pilots get +15% .after that the role they play are the same as well . Still the coalition goes for Blitzkriegs tactic (or light strike tactic use in Europe in WW II). . Coalition tanks pilots prefer to hit hard and fast keep the enemy where when they will attacks any weak areas when found. will NE tank pilots prefer to attack long range attack and give light/medium tank ,APC support like battle ship ,and will only get up close and personal if necessary in combat ( which almost often in phase world ) Still in rifts earth many see tank out of time ,old tech that should be replace . Many who become coalition tanks pilots are volunteers and make a career in the coalition states. Many robots or those who train in robot piloting look down at them and only see a moving bunker in their eyes. This has made rival among tank crew and pilots crew as well. Sometime even infantry see tank as big target to shot here, and even super solider in the coalition see them as a magnet to hit. Many Tanks have fallen easy by coalition juicers but in military exercise done within coalition tank have done fair to good. But many will say in is just a military exercise and not the real thing. however that all change when there was the coalition wars in north America , tank crew suffered the worst losses and the lost of so many tank destroy ( note not disable) . This was due to the fact that many tank crew stay near or as close as possible the there tank and ready to fight. The lost of the first line during the scorer revenge was a terrible lost to infantry, super solider ( juicer ) , cybors , robot pilots and ,robot vehicles .but for some reasons tank were not hit at first , for this gave vital time to get to the tanks pilots to get to their tanks . Coalition tanks pilots didn’t wait for orders and save d many military personal to escape, but at the cost of the tank (disable first and later destroyed) and tank crew. Even with their tracks destroyed, many tank crew choices to fight to the very end and give the vital time to complete their mission. During the attack on coalition army the tolkeen went for following targets 1) any robots and robot crews and last robot pilots and dog boys, 2) cybors 3) collation juicers and 4) last their base of operations. And they were the first to fall if they stand and ,however the tank crews were always close just a few feet ,due to the teleportation attacks .this allow many tank crews to mount their tanks and fight to the bitter end ,and some survive ,few became P.O.W . Many tank commanders made improvised third line that barely held together that allowed many troops and vital noncombat crews to run for safety and slow the carnage that the sources revenge had on coalition troops .All this came at a terrible cost for many tanks and tank crews . there was reason why many die to the very ends many who became a career tank pilots which are know now is for the fact many coalition tank pilots were volunteer s. If they die their family became automatic citizens to coalition stare that was the case for about 70% who applied!!!!! The coalition many sure they work together as a team and found sub culture that was nor visible to many within the coalition as well to many outsiders as well. .
The coalition always look where they can use tank to the maximum effect in nay battle filed .unfortunate the one that got the glory were robot pilots and because many were volunteers to becomes citizen of the coalition they were look down ( by many with the army ).As robots pilots moved first the APC and Tank work together as a team and kept theirs distance .they combine power amour ,gunships ,and air support and finally tanks ( due to the fact many tank were slow and easy targets ). During the unofficial tactical retreat tank proved that they can handed themselves in a fire fight ,even though it was disorganize tank crew later called by many coalition who survived tank pilots . Now robot pilots and tank /APC work as one .they each other as equal this happen after the loss of 67 % tank of all type were lost in the first wave and 46 % lost of all APC type in the coalitions army .still with the terrible were lost tank divisions were many faster than robots .this made many join the tank pilots to join and bring a larger number of personal into the folds later follow robots of all type .After all not all can be robot pilots.

While N.E tank pilots OCC use the same stats used by the coalition army, the question is why? N.E has a vast amount of tanks and need to show off or display there tanks. Those skills are taught for two fold s. 1) it is cheaper to have someone show you in a display case , but 2) demonstrate how it runs 3) you never know if you have to defend NE merchandise if things go south .this became very handy in phase world in the center where the minion tried to take over or destroy it .tank we used in the center where literal all hell broke loss .NE tank and powered amour were all need to make a stand while APC carried non combat personal out of the combat area while infantry were the last line of defense foe non-combats personal . NE has similar used after the first wave on earth that failed. NE uses the heavy tanks first and robots and medium tanks as second line to attack or defense while the third line is used by APC and so .NE understand best their gear using it deadly results and pin blank attacks as well by tank pilots ,ands their tanks can do. This OCC have the best gear in all of Phase world and maybe the mega verse .lastly if they need cybors the NE has the best of the best as well as heavy infantry to back them up this is a force multiplier in any battle .there have been many reports that just using NE conventional vehicle many have stop and surrender without firing a single shot . Their training may look simple to many in phase world’s standard but they are a lean fight machine in phase world.

Rifts earth their some of the best tank OCC that can match even beat tank to tank battle ,they are the following NGR tank pilots ( CWW Tank Pilots in Phase worlds) ,Japanese tank OCC ( bushido tank pilots in Phase world ) ,Soviet tanks pilots /( I.D.F Tank pilots in phase worlds ) all these tank pilots are the best there is in Rifts earth and in phase world as well as any MDC setting .this does not matter if they tanks with treads, wheeled tanks , hover tanks ,or gravity drive tanks in Phase world . They are considered career driven tank pilots in both rifts earth and in phase world for they are the bane to many enemy’s or respected by the civilian population. they have different training , tactic but they adapt to any type of warfare form open ware fare to urban , to jungles , icy conditions , to desert warfare .they are not push over in there tank , for they look beyond what is there form super soldiers, IED, to ambushes and blow out of the map. All these governments use tem from assault to defense position to tactical retreat. While in phase these pilots are respect as well in the military and populations as well due to the fact that tank have been longer than any other piece of equipment that they know. Many prefer to have a being driving a tank than a drone by all power blocs in phase world and are recognize as such. They can even drop in orbit however they are considered a wild card doing this maneuver (which has works well so many times to the surprise of many in phase world). but bushido tank pilots in Phase world are seen as rent cops in a tank but they can handled themselves as any professional tank pilots .while CWW tank pilots are portray as hero of the old guard ready to fight the good fight with the TGE tank slaves in phase world . The need to have tanks and tank pilots are is sometime times simple economics and who can still fight. Look at FWC which have rebel from tank pilot’s slaves to true tank professional inside of the TGE! the need to have tank/ APC in three galaxy to bring troop to the front line are vital to support tank and give additional reinforcements to supplies ,and even bring the injured or the dead as well. There has been time that tank can do serious damage and be a shock and awe to stop an opposing force. All these tank pilots will be vital to repel the demons that will attack the center in phase world and the rest of the galaxies’ as well. They will all common tank technology in phase world from track, hover technology to gravity drive technology in three galaxies.
There is an OCC that has been around North American tank pilots that many don’t realized until the after coalition war ,they are North America tank mercenary( in phase world they are FWC tank pilots ). In rifts earth are North America tank mercenary or tank merc’s ,but just like rifts earth and phase world their is a special class call legacy tank pilots ( or ACE tank pilots )
Let start in rifts earth when North American tank pilots were from the US army and Marine Corps and the national guarded , they survived the coming of the rifts for many years. They had many tank both SDC and MDC, they help formed many towns, and help the black market to some extend in the beginning. When the coalition still at its infancy they had almost all of tank pilots of North America (about 89%) and APC as well .all was good but when the coalition was formed many lost their contracts with the coalition due to the new technology the SAMAS and other coalition robots recover from the great library .Many were forced to other with their tanks and APC to make money ,and allowed place like tolkeen ,and kings dale and G.A.W to mention a few as well as the black market ( big time).many were as defense town or as escort transport of all goods .they were not the most advance but could do the job. (In rifts earth there are three type of tanks/APC wheeled / tracked /and hover technology).the tank divisions that were left in North American allow the formation of many mercenary armies today in rifts earth. if the coalition would of kept the tank pilots this would have allow the coalition to take over all of North America , a terrible mistake later down the road ( which the coalition have kept a major secret ).
In rifts earth as well in the FWC their elite force know as legacy tank pilots able (just like the glitter boys). They were born in a tank/APC having better combat skills than a North American tank pilots, even the collation armed forces and even NGR!
While in Phase world the FWC tanks pilots as the same exact as the North American tank pilots ( as well as legacy tank pilots call ace tank pilots ) .there were formed out of need to fight the TGE . The CWW help at first recover and keep tank formations (secretly of course). They also help add more tank pilots when the FWC liberated more worlds and some became standard mercenary tank pilots. The level of technology used in phase worlds are wheeled, track tanks, hover tanks as well gravity drive tanks. FWC uses all type of tanks to fight the TGE.
Both classes are well respected and hated in rifts earth and in phase world. And lastly will be need in for the mions wars that will catch may of guard.
NOTE: legacy tank pilots (or ACE tank pilots in phase world)
• they pick two skill abilities
• pick two specialization of any type of any type tank and APC can combine as well
• add +2 to horror factor /awe M.E ,P.S,P.E, M.A,-1 to PB for man , for women add +3 to PB ,add +10 to piloting ground vehicles of any kind , but for women +17 % to piloting ground vehicles of any kind
Now we going to know about two tank pilots class that are well not the best but can do the job .they are the TGE empire tanks pilots (most 79%) are slave driven to pilots tanks of the empire and warlord chariots tank units they the lowest bonus to any other tank pilots as well training . but some ( not all have some recognition) .still tanks are needed in both area on rifts earth and in phase world ,but robots pilots and even jetfighter get more coverage than a tank division in both armies . they have know turn tail and run when taking heavy loss .But if they are treated with some respect they can do some series damage if not careful. They reason they act like this for they have been force to fight not by choice and fight to the death with out knowing it. On top of that unlike NE tank pilots and even coalition armed forces which are volunteers they are slaves or forces to train from a fisherman to tank pilots with out choice and make do with what you got (or act like conscripts soldiers) so when fighting they expect heavy robot vehicles and some air support will be add, and if robots on the retreat you do the same as well or die fighting.
This different for TGE tank pilots who don’t trust their tank slave pilots crews and are considered expendable in the field of combat (they get half bonus and reduce skills percentage by half!!1 but if they get a chance to take down a TGE master they get full bonus!!!!). their have been hundreds of deserters ion the TGE you can see that in FWC ,some become tank Merc Outfits and keep it a secret to many . Outside the FWC TGE tank pilots are seen as bad blood the TGE with get to blow of the map, if they are found as runaway slave with a tank (which is the first time). It hard to get rid that type of reputation (NO awe factor, but to their horror (factor) a runway slave) and their have been many, many documented proof that TGE with take out a run away tank crew and sometime hunted down (not always). So if you choice to this class watch out for TGE wrath!!! . Few can go to a quiet and normal life style which is why they go as Merc tank crew or join FWC against the master that saw then as nothing more than cannon folders in battle. So they become Anti- TGE tank crew and to be famous taking down TGE face to face in the eyes of many CWW and any one who hates the TGE. This has given TGE loyal to the empire to take out the traitors down fast and with deadly response.

Techno wizard tank pilots (or UWW techno tank pilots in phase worlds) are not know even were used in the collation wars! The reason that survived is for the fact they saw join with dark force was not always a good idea (they can turn on you). Which indicate that tolkeen was going to loss to the coalition and were keep to run fist and they had help doing it. And all that they to action have live to tell about using technology and magic have given the ability to hit hard fast and deadly results. unfortunate the loss of tolkeen have cause to brake into to three factions one group use Abram and Paton tanks and many APC ,while second front that is against the collation states they use European tank and APC ( NE tanks and APC with magic abilities as well )that have thrown the coalition to loss their balance. And the third uses WWII battle tanks and APC of the old North American Empire and dame good at it. They all get a +5 to horror factor and later +3 when familiar with like 1d4+1 times later. To see then use technology and magic have given them a terrible advantage to anyone they face, they attack with deadly result and use concealment right in plain sight to many even to coalition troops as well! This has caught the eye of some Merc outfit company to use them quiet and public to avoid the coalition warpath upon them. The coalition is being to suspect magic tank crews are real and not a myth. This will scare the hell out of the coalition and even tank crew that must face them .the coalition is look to who they might be but all attempts have failed.
For TW OCC no change only add Military Skills to OCC plus pilot tank or APC pick one
Plus 1d4 modern W.P skills and hand to hand basic ONLY
Rifts main books
• Optional TW Defensive features pg336
• TW gems list look at page 133 to 134 only
Books of magic all heavy weapons only
• None OF THE FOLLOWING bimaney, cloud magic , blue flames , dolphin magic , mezca line ,necromancy , shamanistic magic, tattoo magic ,bio wizard magic ,biowardy, herbal magic, blood magic , millennium tree magic , eylor magic , farie magic , or nature magic, or bone magic

GM NOTE it seems there is an ancient dragon and is teaching may TW and many TW assistance, and finally many NON TW mechanics to make their own designs. Their also many high powered being (GM choice join this little pet project). All three factions have decoys bases and secret base of operations in North America and so call safety zones as well each guild has enough to make magical tanks and have TW tank Pilots .
Use techno wizard OCC no change but reduce all penalties by half as well time to make the tanks as well for they are very well funded to make magical and technological tank.
Last edited by ZINO on Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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now OCC plus other data
Coalition tank pilot add 10%
Naruni Enterprises ADD 25%

(N.E. Company add Literacy native tongue)

Language: native tongue (English)
Math basic
All have the following
Sensory equipment
Weapon system
W.P E pistol
W.P E rifle
Pick one: Tank Commander, Reloader, Driver /Pilot, Auxiliary gunner /communications officers, Operator /secondary gunner
Pick one:
I) Pilot MOS Tank track
II) Pilot MOS Hover tank
III) Pilot MOS Tank AAA
OCC related skills 5 skills NE Pilot 8 skills plus, at levels 3, 6, 9, 12
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: any
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid only
Military: any
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related: any
Rogue: any
Science: any
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness any
Secondary Skills 4 plus 1 at level 3,7,10
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: none
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid
Military: none
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related: any
Rogue: any
Science any
Technical: none
WP: any

RIFTS EARTH N.G.R tank pilots ADD 25%
(C.W.W) ADD 25%

Literacy native tongue
Math basic
Laser communication
Optic system
Sensory equipment
Basic electronics
Computer repair
Electricity generation
Vehicle amour
Weapon engineer
Pilot hover cycles, & rocket bike
WP heavy military weapon
WP military flamethrower
WP heavy M.D weapons
Pick one:
• Pilot hover craft
• Pilot military tank and APC
• Pilot hover craft (ground)
• Pilot gravity dive ( phase world only)
Hand to Hand basic
Pick one: Tank Commander, Reloader, Driver /Pilot, Auxiliary gunner /communications officers, Operator /secondary gunner
Related O.C.C add 10 result the same
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: intelligence, wilderness survival
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid, holistic medicine
Military: all but no demolition underwater navel history
Navel tactics
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any but no robots + power armor
Pilot related: any
Rogue: all
Science: mathematics: advanced
Technical: computer programming, computer operation kick fighting general repair, maintenance, history pre rifts (tank) history post apocalypse (tanks), jerry rig salvage
WP: any
Wilderness: land navigation, id plants + fruits
Preserve food, wilderness survival
Secondary skill 6 add 1 skill at level 2, 6, 9 11
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills any
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid only
Military: any
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related any
Rogue: any
Science: any
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: any

North American tank mercenary, ADD 25%
South American tank mercenary ADD 20%
(F.W.C)ADD 20%

Optic system
Radio: basic
Sensory equipment
Sign language
WP heavily military weapon
WP military flamethrower
WP heavy M.D weapon basic math
Pick one:
• Pilot hover craft
• Pilot military tank and APC
• Pilot hover craft (ground)
• Pilot gravity dive ( phase world only)

Pick one: Tank Commander, Reloader, Driver /Pilot, Auxiliary gunner /communications officers, Operator /secondary gunner

OCC related 7 skills plus add 1at level 2,6,9,10,12,
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: any
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid, holistic medicine
Military: any
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any but no robots + power armor
Pilot relate: any
Rogue: all
Science: any
Technical: computer programming, computer operation kick fighting, general repairs, maintenance, history pre rifts (tank) history post apocalypse (tanks), jerry rig salvage
WP: any
Wilderness: land navigation, id plants + fruits
Preserve food, wilderness survival
Secondary skill 5 plus 1 at level
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills any
Horsemanship skill: any
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: any
Military: any
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related any
Rogue: any
Science: any
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: any

Japan tank pilot ADD 25%
(BUSIHDO Company) ADD 25%

Language: native tongue
Laser communication
Basic math
Literacy: native tongue
Optic system
Radio: basic 45+5pl
Sensory equipment:
Sign language
Basic electronics
MOS tank tracks
WP heavy military weapons
WP heavy MD weapon
WP heavy military flamethrowers
WP knife
WP pick one any
Hand to Hand expert
Pilot military tanks +A.P.C
Pilot Truck
Pilot Track construction vehicles
Detect ambush
Detect concealment
Wilderness survival
Basic mechanical
Electrical generations
MOS Hover tank/gravity drive Pw only
Replace with the following pilot and keep the rest of the skills
Pilot hover tanks/A.P.C
Hover crafts (ground)
Hover cycles, sky cycles & rocket bike
Pick one: Tank Commander, Reloader, Driver /Pilot, Auxiliary gunner /communications officers, Operator /secondary gunner

Have 11 related skills plus 3, 6, 9,1,0,12,15
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: any
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid, holistic medicine
Military: all but no demolition underwater navel history
Navel tactics
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any but no robots + power armor
Pilot relate: any
Rogue: all
Science: mathematics: advanced
Technical: computer programming, computer operation kick fighting general repair , maintenance, history pre rifts (tank) history post apocalypse (tanks), jerry rig salvage
WP: any
Wilderness: land navigation, id plants + fruits
Preserve food, wilderness survival
Secondary skill 4 plus 1 at level 3.6.10
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: None
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills any
Horsemanship skill: any
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: any
Military: None first aid only
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related any
Rogue: any
Science: any
Technical: any
WP: any

Wilderness: None

Soviet tank operator ADD 25%
(I.D.F in phase world) ADD 25%

Language: native tongue
Laser communication
Optic system
Sensory equipment
Detect ambush
Detect concealment
Wilderness survival
MOS pilot track tank tape
Military tanks & A.P.C
Track construction vehicles
Weapon system
MOS pilot Hover /gravity drive type
Hover tanks
Hover craft (ground)
Hover cycles & snowmobiles control
Combat driving

Pick one: Tank Commander, Reloader, Driver /Pilot, Auxiliary gunner /communications officers, Operator /secondary gunner
Look at NGR tank related skills
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: intelligence, wilderness survival
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid, holistic medicine
Military: all but no demolition underwater navel history
Navel tactics
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any but no robots + power armor
Pilot relate: any
Rogue: all
Science: mathematics: advanced
Technical: computer programming, computer operation kick fighting general reappraise, maintenance, history pre rifts (tank) history post apocalypse (tanks), jerry rig salvage
WP: any
Wilderness: land navigation, id plants & fruits
Preserve food, wilderness survival

Secondary skill 4 add 1 at level 3, 7, 10, 11
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills any
Horsemanship skill: any
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid, holistic medicine
Military: any
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related any
Rogue: all
Science: any
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: any

Warlord tank chariots ADD 15%
(T.G.E) ADD 10%

Language: native tongue
Basic math
Literacy native tongue
Radio basic
Sensory equipment
Detect ambush
Detect concealment
Wilderness survival
Pilot motorcycle and snowmobiles
Tracked & construction Vehicles
Weapon systems
W.P heavy Military weapons
W.P Military flamethrowers
W.P heavy MDC weapons
Pick two skills below
• Pilot tank & APC
• Pilot hovercraft /tank ( ground)
• Pilot gravity drive? ( PW Only)

Hand to hand Basic

Pick one: Tank Commander, Reloader, Driver /Pilot, Auxiliary gunner /communications officers, Operator /secondary gunner
Related skills plus 10 at Level 3, 6, 8,10,11,15
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: intelligence, wilderness survival
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid, holistic medicine
Military: all but no demolition underwater navel history
Navel tactics
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any but no robots + power armor
Pilot relate: any
Rogue: all
Science: mathematics: advanced
Technical: computer programming, computer operation kick fighting general repair, maintenance, history pre rifts (tank) history post apocalypse (tanks), jerry rig salvage
WP: any
Wilderness: land navigation, id plants + fruits
Preserve food, wilderness survival

Secondary skills 5 plus 1 at level 3, 6,9,12
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills any
Horsemanship skill: any
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid, holistic medicine
Military: any
Physical skills: any
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related any
Rogue: any
Science: any
Technical: any

• Mercenaries table N.A.A.T Size started as a free company to lager mercenary army at the end of the coalition wars in North America
A) sponsorship : Varies secret to several governments and made may fronts like in Merc town
B) outfits: unlimited
C) equipment unlimited
D) vehicles unlimited
E) weapons maximum firepower but No robots vehicles
F) communication superior communication
G) internal security impenetrable
H) permanent bases :several from HQ to several permanent bases
I) intelligences: from several scouts detachment to several infiltration network
J) special budget big buck and Mega bucks
K) general alignment: Scrupulous and Principles
L) criminal all but Robbers
M) reputation/ credentials from Unknown to well know depends on the party
N) salaries : Excellent to Outrages salaries

N.A.A.T (North American Amour Transport) history (rifts earth)

N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)has been around before the formation of the coalition states and was constantly use as defense, patrols and most transport and escort of all type. From material to manpower to decoy or traps to get enemy back then. They at the time N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T) had a good job as well with other forming communities at the time. However that all change with the formation of the coalition stares, N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)saw the writing on the wall and made it move all important asset out of the forming of the coalition states .And the primary mover on many people kick out of the coalition states as easy and comfortable as possible. But sometimes had to rush thing along due to the fact that the coalition states were not so patient (could of turn deadly at some point). They saved hundred if not thousand of lives that time frame a surprise to many. This made it possible later down the road for N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)to work with putting the foundation for the following communities in no particular order Wellington industries, G.A.W, Ishpeming, Manistique Impreium, Lazo, Northern gun, Wilk’s laser company, North America Black market , King dale, tundra ranger, Iron heart and last tolkeen. All of these communities or companies were small at the time and was there to help, in transport, escort, patrols, City defends or company defends, fight of bandits, monster, demons and other threats (even the coalition a few time get a win or a draw). On thing that will surprise everyone and win their heart and minds is the fact they didn’t try to get a monopoly in the begin allow competition. This allowed for N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)to Intel on all Merc units and later in the future for you see information is ammunition. At the time many had military vehicles but few robots this allow them to act as a delivery service from mail, food supplies, medical supplies and weapon supplies to any who could afford it. This free company or company force back up by many small outpost became vital to support all types of supplies that were need and are still from rifts west to Canada. their one main goal transport all type of good but no slavering or drugs ,this allow them to have a good reputation in the beginning and later as N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)grew to army size by this time they work in so many area so many areas transportation they were only known by top officials. They kept robots pilots as rent a cop, or their duties that need to fill a role .this has work in their favor in keeping cost down and getting the job done (sometimes no matter what the cost).

N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)travel far to get their hand on many military vehicles that was once only in one particular area that all change .when they got their hand on sea going vessels .what they did next was simply they use magic, work with tolkeen, lazo, and new lazo without anyone knowing. They took nine Sea king ships and put a rift gate inside the ship cargo bay, only lock toward new west. This gave protection from the coalition states and allowed the transport of many materials and military hardware to come to North America and to south America ( someone trying to running away as well ) . They travel to Europe and to South America but at the lost of 3 ship with all hands.

This was terrible cost but the pay off was above what N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)expected. They shared their ideas with all major company for one simple reason, no would say where they all got there hands on it. This made impossible for like the coalition to suspect some one brought from South America or Europe NGR .each of the following has something to offer to trade and make a hell of large profit and walk away the wiser (almost a win, win situation that N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)has made, cooperation was the keep and it work perfectly).not only hardware but all are share technology to making the exact knock unit and many are happy to see new military vehicles been many So N.A.M.E.S( OR N.A.A.T)relation with the following is:

1. Wellington industries (W.I) secret governments help sponsorship, for every piece of equipment is made NAAT get weapons systems; on top of that they get to test many weapons systems before they come out to the market. Since NAAT was there help W.I since they open shop, W.I has not forgotten them and are in excellent relation with W.I as well. W.I has weapons systems that N.A.A.T , N.A.A.T either pays ahead , get store credits and sometime lower it rate .this help both sides to keep their relation a secret and allowed other companies and kingdoms to work with them . And not just as Merc but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well. By the end of the CS war W.I grown to one mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus five small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well.
2. G.A.W secret governments help sponsorship again NAAT was there help GAW, and had a knack to make GAW look good. For they were adware of many military bases of the old US American empire. They told GAW where to look and made a killing money wise with the coalition making its navy and other secrets to GAW. Again working hand in hand, GAW has given the vehicles and secret upgrades to match even CS vehicles .then add W.I weapons systems reducing the cost to make new military vehicles. Again secrets are important to get thing done and the excellent relationship they have help both sides. And not just as Merc but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well this also applies to the water way GAW has in use. Also. By the end of the CS war they grown to one mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus six small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well(to show their planes and helicopters as well).
3. [b]Ishpeming (ISP) [/b]secret governments help sponsorship, NAAT again was there many times to help defend and protect Ishpeming, the need for military hardware was there but MDC levels were low. Still pay with blood to protect Ishpeming form bandits, demon, and monster that tried to over run their base of operations many times before. All which fail and allowed Ishpeming to grow to what we know today. Only few key public officials know this and pass it down to the next public officials as well. NAAT has many hid out there and will use for varies use of transport or R&R for soldiers, or transporting people too and other missions as well. And not just as Merc but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well. . By the end of the CS war W.I grown to one mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus five small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well. . By the end of the CS war they grown to one mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus four small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it own security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well.
4. Manistique Impreium (M.I) secret governments help sponsorship for every piece of equipment is made NAAT get a some weapons systems; on top of that they get to test many weapons systems before they come out to the market. Since NAAT was there help Manistique Impreium since they open shop, Manistique Impreium has not forgotten them and are in excellent relation with Manistique Impreium as well. W.I has weapons systems that N.A.A.T , N.A.A.T either pays ahead , get store credits and sometime lower it rate .this help both sides to keep their relation a secret and allowed other companies and kingdoms to work with them . And not just as Merc but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well. By the end of the CS war they grown to one mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus four small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well
5. Lazo (L): secret company size in TW and magic company size for each .they have been rumors that NAAT help many run away from the CS war. Even the CS has investigated if this was true when that happen open it (supposedly) to the CS (which caught the CS of Guard for their honesty …. ya right) .the investigations that followed were not pleasant or kind but it show no wrong doing on part of NAAT. However the rumors are true over 12,000 people who had no magic or little powers were help escape the genocide that happen in the CS wars. For this they all thankful and keep this secret is vital in order to escape the CS persecution as well. Many are help NAAT in area of TW and other forms of magic that not evil ( like blood magic ands so on ) .many are used mostly in the new west and near vampire infested areas, as well other mission where technology is not enough and the need for magic to fight magic is needed. This has help NAAT and magic forces in area where Merc companies have fail due to the fact they have limited experiences with magic or none what so ever. These groups are consider Ultra high or Elites forces and never said to be magic of any kind. They all want to stay under the radar and those that they do encounter them are TO dead to tell about it. However there been time that CS has caught them and are awarded if caught alive the danger they are. so many prefer to die to the very last many man or women ,this has made NAAT sad and hurt when this happens . NAAT tries to limited the use of these forces and always help their families, due to lost of life (indirectly). And due to this kindness and understanding many would rather die and take the secret to the grave before betraying them N.A.A.T and their families as well. And not just as Merc but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well. Lazo has set up a hidden airport with a large amount of GAW aircrafts with TW features added.
6. New lazo (N.L) .well there are some relation with New lazo but quietly due to fact that New Lazo is young. Being young sometimes you don’t see the dangers, like lazo does see. And after the war with CS and the fall tolkeen it better to say quiet for a while. However NAAT has given secretly the means to defend themselves form an attack or able to resist the CS as well. Still transport of good and material are need and NAAT is there to help but is war breaks out with the CS they do as they did before with tolkeen. NAAT see war as bad for business but will adept to all situation.
7. Northern gun (N.G) secret governments help sponsorship, for every piece of equipment is made NAAT get some weapons systems; on top of that they get to test many weapons systems before they come out to the market. Since NAAT was there help N.G since they open shop, N.G has not forgotten them and are in excellent relation with N.G as well. N.G has weapons systems that N.A.A.T needs , N.A.A.T either pays ahead , get store credits and sometime lower it rate .This help both sides to keep their relation a secret and allowed other companies and kingdoms to work with NAAT . NAAT were able to stop a feud with W.I and this has helped clam the both sides and a huge gaining’s for all three sides. And not just as Merc outfit but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well .recently NG has open (thanks to NAAT) an airport medium size plus three small size not part of NG .ALL these airport have it own security forces and
8. Coalition states (C.S): NAAT and coalition what can be said both know each other and realized the mistake they did by not stopping the CS before it was formed. How they have known the CS would become a giant in North America .When the coalition ask certain people to leave NAAT was there to help ( which is you said something the wrong way you were kill on the spot ). Instead of fighting with the CS like so many did but failed. NAAT many it clear they will an armed transport company (or merc outfit).during the Bloody Campaign NAAT was vital again to help thousands of innocent families before all hell broke loss. Slowly but surely they have grown in size but not at the level of the CS. they did several deals with the CS ,but thing change with the coalition stares when war broke on tolkeen and later with free Quebec .the CS was divided and had to fronts , this allow NAAT to step in ( which many were caught off guard by this) in aiding for transport of medical supplies , non military supplies , mail ,and saved CS solider from the jaws monster and demon hordes . All this was video or confirm by injured officers of the CS. Many CS officer will look the other way in the filed due for the fact that many were saved by NAAT , and NAAT always rewards as well directly or indirectly this has allow NAAT operation to run smoothly many time .
9. North America Black market (N.A.B.M). NAAT in the being had to get low down and dirty to get the black mart what they need to send out, but they never deal with drugs and slavery, or acting as bandits theses were the main factors that allow NAAT to function above and quietly from other Merc companies. And gods have mercy on their soul if caught doing this act of crime. NAAT has the first one help the Black to what it is today but now they pick and chose what they transport. They are respect in the black market and the black market families are always will to help NAAT, and for a profits as well. DURING
10. N.G.R governments help sponsorship: recent Merc ops were rare, but that all change recently (Triax 2 book). They most operate outsides NGR borders or wilderness area. they travel by boast one sea king and (and other vehicles CSN Mark I barracuda, Black EEL torpedo, Triton patrol) is all they need .they (NAAT ) has used to transport instantly or every 12 hours supplies that are need or special personal thru their D-gate systems . NAAT found a niche in which they are helping NGR and D-bee militia force (or DMF). they supplying tanks, Patton’s turn S.D.C to M.D.C, Slinger light tank from Rifts South America 2, GAW -998 hummer pg 129 Merc ops book fully upgraded*, GAW super Bradley APC rifts mercenary book (hero unlimited main book) Merc ops book 250 fully upgraded*, GAW M113 (Mark III) merc ops book 159 fully upgraded*, Reloader hover vehicles from Free Quebec book, stinger Turbo tank form NGR mind works book, and many hand held weapons. This also includes better training for D-Bee and humans that are joining these D-Bee communities. The NGR was surprise of the military hardware and the training of D-Bee and humans but as NGR spies realized to let NAAT and the D-bee militia force (or DMF) add an extra buffer to NGR which is badly needed. However there few out cries, the president has made clear that they are need in the war against Gargoyles Empire and soon Brodkil empire .For they may face two or more war fronts against NGR and it allies. However this may hurt NAAT if not careful for the CS spies are in NGR and NAAT is fully aware of this.
11. Kingdom of Tarnow governments help sponsorship. The king of Tarnow was not so willing at first and had to go over some tests, which were nothing they expected but work hard for. Even though it helps, they are only seen as useful opportunity for the Kingdom of Tarnow. NAAT is very careful with the Kingdom of Tarnow and has established a base of operation like they done in NGR with D-bee militia force (or DMF).Just in case they need to fall back. but after the king saw what exchange NAAT had to offered things have been Iron out for the better ,Still NAAT is careful for they seen the king acting strange ( which they don’t say out loud ). And they feel like it is tolkeen. They are looking at set up a third base of operation, but so far it looks good dealing with the Tarnow. And just like D-bee militia force (or DMF) is getting hardware they are helping make a better defend for the Kingdom of Tarnow for been surrounded by the Brodkil Empire doesn’t help.
12. German Black market (G.B.M): ah NAAT was hoping to make contact with German Black market and they did, you ever wonder how the German Black market send product under the false name of NGR and operative as well. At first thing went well but once the methods NAAT started to distance themselves due several investigation going on in North America. NAAT offered express route to North America weapons and other materials, however theses material were assemble in North America like the cars been sold and other items. This has help keep clear NAAT name (if caught) and NAAT is offering just in case things get hot German Black market (G.B.M) and need to leave fast. Which will help both sides in case these items that are been sold in North America blow in their face. However German Black market (G.B.M) is puzzled how fast they get their merchandise across the Atlantic. However don’t ask and don’t tell policy is better than finding out how they do it.
13. King dale (K.D) secret governments help sponsorship NAAT again was there many times to help defend and protect King dale (K.D), the need for military hardware was there but MDC levels were low. Still .NAAT pay with blood to protect Kingdale (K.D) for bandits, demon, and monster that tried to over run their base of operations many times before. All which fail and allowed King dale (K.D) to grow to what we know today. Only few key public officials know this and pass it down to the next public officials as well. NAAT has many hideouts there and will use for varies use of transport or R&R for soldiers, or transporting people too and other missions as well. And not just as Merc outfit but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well. . By the end of the CS war they grown to one mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus five small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well.
14. Free Quebec (F.Q) NAAT was not able to work with free Quebec directly due to the fact that they are just as paranoid as the CS states. But help free Quebec won them over what the coalition was doing getting new war machine and kept Quebec out of the loop at first. Quebec at first could not believe what the CS was doing, Quebec intelligence unit confirm what NAAT was saying and even made a bold move to show the CS was even willing to fight free Quebec if it had to. How they did it is kept under super classified in free Quebec and no one want to even hear about this either. NAAT won a few contract here and there, but was able to improved Free Quebec transportation systems and this allowed NAAT to function better than the black Market that is in Free Quebec again right in plain sight of free Quebec .they have been able to get a few legally military hardware and are now making sure there is a Knock off .This has made free Quebec just upset afraid of some making a Knock off of their GB units. But later will realized their worrying will disappear once they see it was when they went to war with the CS and not stolen right under their noses (that what NAAT made free Quebec think).
15. Tundra ranger (T.R) secret governments help sponsorship NAAT has begin help the tundra ranger in any type of transportation possible .from air drops to pick as well air to land support by A-10 war hog to , F16 to AC 130 support to medical supplies ,search and rescue to ground combat as escort duty and so on. This has won the hearts and minds of the tundra ranger. Plus able to get their hand on new gear as well but all at a very reasonable cost so both sides are benefiting. This has allowed setting addition base at reasonable distance to the CS and other location by air which few are even awarded of. . By the end of the CS war they grown to two mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus 11 small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well
16. Iron heart (I.H) was a secret government’s help sponsorship for every piece of equipment is made NAAT get some weapons systems; on top of that they get to test many weapons systems before they come out to the market. Since NAAT was there help Iron heart (I.H) since they open shop, Iron heart has not forgotten them and are in excellent relation with Iron heart (I.H) as well. Iron heart (I.H) has weapons systems that N.A.A.T , N.A.A.T either pays ahead , get store credits and sometime lower it rate .this help both sides to keep their relation a secret and allowed other companies and kingdoms to work with them . And not just as Merc outfit but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing. NAAT was able learn about the week of IH fall, they had however not the exact date. However they made sure there were escape plan as well as a decoy run. All which well for many D-Bees again able to fool the CS forces. On top of that they had copies all weapons and designs so other could copies to make Knock Off. They also help to an extended Iron Heart Avenger as well in supplies. . By the end of the CS war they set out to have spies in place due to the lost of I.H.
17. Tolkeen (TO) NAAT was help in the being but magic always seem to take over. In what ever they tried Magic was beating the hell out off NAAT ,but the CS made it sometimes hard to send supplies and other Non military use .this is where NAAT took over with the permission of the king .however in order to work and to make it secrets was always need . NAAT was able to get its hand on many magic vehicles mostly tanks ,APC , gunships all from the US empire Armed forces ,no even knows this either . When all out war broke out NAAT refuse to join in the war due to the dark forces that tolkeen defense forces were using. The only thing the NAAT did was help many families escape the carnage follow again had knack to be at the right place and right time. Even after the families that would have been killed were saved by NAAT operating as transport use only and sometime using both sides to saved lives. Even the CS was not awarded of this and just as the tolkeen defense forces were not awarded as well. This put as heroes to NAAT abilities to play on both sides’s of fence and not get destroyed. This will be remembered for all those who they saved in CS and tolkeen civilians in the future.
18. City of Newtown was recently new at the time, it first order of business was to buy as many military hardware; NAAT could get theirs hands on. This work well due to the fact NAAT was able to get posing Merc unit to buy many product rights in front of CS spies and City of Newtown security force. something that made NAAT make to direct contact was the juicer program that said you can be cured .right away NAAT went in high gear in getting as many products that new had to offer at the time and when they got wind of the situation that pull out fast that very night and let NAAT juicier stay behind as serene forces to protect the rear. Also to find out what was going to happen next for the juicer Uprising happen again NAAT thank their lucky stars again. NAAT is the only Merc company that has all of City of Newtown equipment and weapons systems ,and are sharing with Wellington industries, G.A.W, Ishpeming, Manistique Impreium, Lazo, Northern gun, N.G.R, King dale, ( to see if they can make a Knock off ) and lastly tundra ranger. There are Billion of credit that NAAT will make of course one main rules remain secrets are important in all parties for it to work. So far everyone wants apiece of the action, which what NAAT wants.
19. El Paso & Ciudad Juarez: NAAT has been dealing with these two cities but is very careful about due to the fact there is really no law. There always some to bride or help under the table or radar. sometimes thing don’t work well either and this is where NAAT not only has a heavy convoy for professional but has a large contingent of real professional Robot Pilots 6 level , heavy ground support , and conventional air support ,which has been use on a number of times ( and settle things). They always have Urban combat as well ready which many now know not to mess with and sometime they have taken up to 25% control of a city ( when this happens there is no violence/crime and many residence wish they could stay ). But many know that not possible and always indirectly repaired damage areas of heavy to light combat if possible (which is often).
20. Japan :no contact
21. Merc town (M.T). NAAT is part of Merc town and only for the best Merc companies to work with .Due to the fact NAAT are a transport Merc Company but Robots are need (but not all the time). Everyone who works with NAAT think this their main base of operation is here at Merc town, but it is not. It is part of a major network so if an attempt is made to shut down NAAT (you will open a hordes nest). What NAAT has done is help some Merc companies as well as small units that are trusted when call upon or own them a favor or trade. And because NAAT offers very good pay there always a list which NAAT is very careful who they use and sometimes decoy transport as well.. By the end of the CS war they grown to three mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus six small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well .
a. Robot control (R.C) was their favorite Merc unit and was paid very well; however the cost of NE and getting hunted by everyone didn’t help this Merc outfit. NAAT went out of there way to help persecution just about from everyone dealing with NE. Robot control was shock about the when they got slap with a bill with N.E -TARDER JOE, this didn’t go well to say the least . NAAT was able to help to certain extend both ( how this was done well no one is talking about and if there is someone who might want well they wont ,they will be six feet under ground before that happens). All the one that were will to get help by NAAT (which is unknown how many were sent very far west and NAAT is preparing just in case addition roués of escape just in case. this is a sad story for Robot control which would have been NAAT number Merc outfit, for this is what can happen to any Merc outfit if not careful.
b. Larsen brigade (L.B): NAAT is now hitting it big since Robot control no longer around. As before been quiet about their operation for need of robot pilots. NAAT has been able to supply Larsen brigade with I.H weapons and other goods as well. Larsen is surprise to see how effective they are in getting the good to him as well the budget to keep running from Maine to Texas. NAAT made clear what they are going to do and clear of the dangers, they even have paid ahead of time which Larsen sometime does not like, but the pay high and so are the risks at time. But as long as NAAT keep it part of the bargain so will Larsen.
c. Naruni enterprise (N.E -TARDER JOE). NAAT love using Robot control but when saw the writing on the wall, they went and help Robot control those that choice to lived to tell about it. But Robot control Robot control saw a major lost, even when offered to help Robot control was not enough. TARDER JOE was almost killed by Robot control , NAAT made it look as a heroes ,still TARDER JOE needed to get the hell out but couldn’t the CS just mention one almost got to him . NAAT was willing to help but as a cost. TARDER JOE saw his way out and used it, however NAAT was able to get it hand on some hardware and blue print .which TARDER JOE didn’t want to shared but seen that this was the only way and on top of that was very secretive Merc outfit .he had to note they made sure TARDER JOE was treated well as customer but TARDER JOE was sacred out of his wits’ .Knowing he could die in this piece of mud ball and that he wanted out …now. When TARDER JOE kept his part, so did NAAT (however TARDER JOE was paranoid thinking he would get double cross). TARDER JOE will see NAAT as a helpful business Type Company that may be use in the future. But NAAT want to limit dealing with NE after seen how they work, better pay ahead and leave no credit with NE. that where NAAT stands.
d. Crow commandos (C&C) have used NAAT been saw and needing to get theirs hand on items which can take not weeks but months. This is where NAAT has help again quietly. And NAAT has asked for help at time and giving gifts for their well done job and keep a friendly relationship.
e. [b]Demon busters [/b]have been call so many times to help with supernatural menaces by NAAT. That been times they flown them and fast to help. Demon busters were shock on how fast they moved then from part of the America they thought they would take week or ask from the coalition indirectly as well. General Smith was surprise on getting magical items that were sometimes need and already made. Just that they were not 100 % suited to take down and need help. General Smith see NAAT as big if not better than the black market and now ask for thing that sometimes hard to get, but always a reasonable price to get.
f. Braddock’s Bad boys (B.B.B or tripe B) are used for transport of important good as well decoy mission as well. Sometime as guard duty or ask if they need a certain type of mission (which they wish to do). Braddock’s Bad boys are well surprise when he tells what need and later what he wants. NAAT always have something with this Merc outfit and pay well and supply them with what they need or want as long as the job is done which works swell for both parties. however his daughter Janet Braddock doesn’t like ,if it is too good to true it is not .However NAAT has gotten wind of this and are very careful.
g. Air Superiority ,Inc : has got a major boost from NAAT knowing that they are the only air Merc unit ,and having a large air support came and hammer out a deal and the rest is history. NAAT has given by end of the coalition war to helping Free Quebec in air support roles .NAAT was behind helping Air Superiority, Inc to get a secret contract with Free Quebec. they set up to airports now in Merc town which added many of the following GAW A10 warthog, GAW F-16, GAW Hercules, GAW Blackhawk, GAW super Zulu cobra, GAW super longbow apache , GAW Kiowa warrior helicopter , GAW super huey, GAW super Chinook, GAW super tom cat, NG Dragon fly, NG SKY Bunker from Merc OPS BOOK ,5 more IH AC 29 castle ,12 IH grey falcon attack jet, Zancudo transport from Rifts South America book 1, Assault hover bike pg 85 from Juicers uprising all vehicles from pages 81 to 87 , Knock off striker Attack Helicopter page 124 Rifts under the sea, Knock off XM 280 fighter jet pg 127 secret fighter wing from NGR book thank to new Babylon( N.B) By the end of the CS war they grown to three large airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus four medium size airports and 15 small airports as well ( thanks to NAAT help)
h. Tennessee Headhunters: N.A.A.T just loves all types of headhunter class they even went and gave at first free supplies of weapons and amour vehicles for it was hope to win them over as with robot control. The gamble paid off for future endeavors in just about anything which has been profitable. Good pay and sometime an easy run but their been times well thing get bad, but has Always kept their and all their promises as well to Tennessee Headhunters and so have they. . By the end of the CS war they grown to one small airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus six runways ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it own security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well
i. Combat Medical services: NAAT was surprise of this Merc outfit so much that they send to this Merc outfit Triax MZ-10 fully loaded, WR-505 super cargo fully loaded, XM -250 medical from NGR book, as well many GAW -998 hummer, GAW Hercules page, GAW Blackhawk, GAW super Chinook, GAW super Bradley APC, GAW M113, NG SKY Bunker page, IH maiden APC,, Hussar APC, and Zancudo transport. Due to them now in almost part of some major MERC large army and as well As NAAT services. Due in part of new medical transportation of personal in Merc outfit town , and have Two full company strength and support as well Wellington industries, G.A.W, Ishpeming, Manistique Impreium, Lazo, Northern gun, King dale, Tundra ranger, Larsen brigade, Demon busters, Braddock’s Bad boys, Air Superiority, Inc, Tennessee Headhunters, Silverado (S)& Colorado baronies, The Great Trade Road, and final Arzno, plus 5 more ready in Merc town .they are in high demand from a small Merc outfits to lager as well . Also. By the end of the CS war they grown to 5 small airport with airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus six small runways ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well
22. Rifts New West (R.N.W) is where NAAT main base of operations and under ground all of them (about 6 in totals) and 12 decoy bases as well as 48 outposts. Away from the CS and everyone else.
a. Bandito arms (B&A) NAAT has secret governments help sponsorship, for every piece of equipment is made NAAT get some weapons systems; on top of that they get to test many weapons systems before they come out to the market. Since NAAT was there help Bandito arms (B&A) since they open shop, Bandito arms (B&A) has not forgotten them and are in excellent relation with NAAT as well. Bandito arms (B&A) has weapons systems that N.A.A.T , N.A.A.T either pays ahead , get store credits and sometime lower it rate .this help both sides to keep their relation a secret and allowed other companies and kingdoms to work with them . And not just as Merc but also as public transportation this allows NAAT to work in the open with any knowing, which has been help for security reason for catching many CS spies off guard. This has been an embracement to the CS states private and public as well.
b. Silverado (S)& Colorado baronies (CB)has small outpost and has well defensed technological and magic as well .they have help in getting products and better trade for the town as well. All this at a very reasonable prize, lastly they NAAT has made a small airfield and have been very useful.
c. North east tribes( NET) , Southeast tribes (SET),Plains tribes( PT) , and Southwest tribes(SWT) NAAT has made friends in trade , medical supplies and other humanity aid as well , even weapons. This open door to hid military weapons and training NAAT personal.
23. Small kingdoms (S.K) in North America, there many small kingdom that don’t show up in radar to many and NAAT has made it business to set up shop and this has help varies transportation of goods and material as well as protection of the small kingdoms (which are vital to NAAT). the following are major points
a. Fades town (FT) NAAT has made friends in trade, medical supplies and other humanity aid as well, even weapons. NAAT always keep it distance due to the nature of Fades town (FT) but is will to do it if for now, and when they have a better understand as hid outs as wells .
b. stromspire secret governments help sponsorship(SS) wiliness to get magical supplies has help but NAAT and will come to their Aid if the real federation of magic tries to shut stromspire down not with out a fight with NAAT help .
c. The Great Trade Road (T.G.R) NAAT has made friends in trade, medical supplies and other humanity aid as well, even weapons. NAAT has made a small airfield and have been very useful for long range support and transport and this is where robot control is station at where bandit have learn the hard way not to mess to any of their operations. NAAT has made friends in trade, medical supplies and other humanity aid as well, even weapons. NAAT has made a small airfield and have been very useful for long range support and transport
d. Phoenix area secret governments help sponsorship (P) N.A.A.T has made friends in trade, medical supplies and other humanity aid as well, even weapons. NAAT has made a small airfield and have been very useful for long range support and transport
e. Arzno secret governments help sponsorship (AZ) has made friends in trade, medical supplies and other humanity aid as well, even weapons. NAAT has made a small airfield and have been very useful for long range support and transport and this is where robot control is station at where bandit have learn the hard way not to mess to any of their operations. NAAT has made friends in trade, medical supplies and other humanity aid as well, even weapons. NAAT has made a small airfield and have been very useful for long range support and transport as well. . By the end of the CS war they grown to one large airport , three mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus six small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) and 12 runways with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well
24. south America: knew their was other governments trade was there major mission when they arrive it caught many off guard and the CS ( to see North America Merc outfit and a large one )
25. Columbia (COL) , The Local Caudillos(TLC), Italo Industries (II), Nuevo Peru (NP), New Peru( N.P),southern federation ( S.F), new Babylon( N.B) many went on high alert at first and allowed only one Sea king the rest waited at a distance; it took over month in talks to see what they offered. The D gates that each ship has allowed to get products that were exotic. NAAT and the Columbians are working to keep it secret with the coalition embassy in Columbia. NAAT trade just about everything and transported important personal to visit North America!! But stay out of the radar of the CS, trade has been so good that NAAT offers Merc service as well to raw materials that are need. New Babylon (N.B) help improved it D – gates systems as well to avoid unexpected accidents.
The silver river republic (SSR) due to fact there is war over everyone head NAAT has made it clear they will be neutral on only supply humanitarian Aid and no military when war breaks out
Note: the following Columbia (COL), Italo Industries (II), southern Federation (S.F), new Babylon (N.B). By the end of the CS war they grown to three mediums airport with large airport security ,anti-air craft systems ,plus 12 small size airports ( thanks to NAAT help) with each it won security forces ,and there even for civilian use for each as well
N.A.A.T vehicles
Merc ops book
• *(note add 100 to 200 to Main Body then add 30% to All location including main body, special force or elite units add a force filed add 100 to 300 MDC to main body plus 25 to 150 any other location plus force filed add 100 to 400 MDC )
• GAW M1A1 tank (Mk III) PG 127(250 TOTAL) fully upgraded *
• GAW -998 hummer pg 129 Merc ops book 560 fully upgraded*
• GAW A10 warthog (120 totals) Merc ops book 55 fully upgraded*
• GAW F-16 MK III pages 132 Merc ops book 39 fully upgraded*
• GAW Hercules page 133(125) Merc ops book 125 fully upgraded *
• GAW Blackhawk page 144 (120 total) Merc ops book 250 fully upgraded*
• GAW super Zulu cobra 2010 class 250 total fully upgraded (pg 135) or SDC to MDC 100( hero unlimited main book ) standard GAW *
• GAW super longbow apache page 135 Merc ops book 250 fully upgraded*
• GAW Kiowa warrior helicopter page 136 Merc ops book 300 fully upgraded*
• GAW super huey (hero unlimited main book) Merc ops book 450 fully upgraded *
• GAW super Chinook page 137 Merc ops book 250 fully upgraded*
• GAW super Bradley APC rifts mercenary book( hero unlimited main book) merc ops book 250 fully upgraded*
• GAW M113 (Mark III) Merc ops book 159 fully upgraded*
• GAW super tom cat coalition navy page 75 fully upgrades*
• NG Dragon fly page 79 * Merc ops book
• NG SKY Bunker page 81 add 30 % to MDC locations*
• All weapons from pages 87 to page 126
Rift mercenary book
IH all vehicles *(note add 100 to 200 to Main Body then add 30% to All location including main body)
• IH hammer MBT*
• IH fist medium battle tank*
• IH bolt missile vehicles*
• IH maiden APC -10 *
• IH grey falcon attack jet*
• AC 29 castle bomber 4 and AC 29 transport * 10
• Iron eagle attack helicopter *
• Black EEL torpedo *
• Triton patrol *
• Sea king 7 (lost 1 to the coalition ,1 to bandits and 1 lost in a storm ) total of ten
• Naruni carnivore MK II * plus FF 400 MDC double the weapons in the coaxial, and culpa
• Naruni juggernaut MK II * plus FF 400 MDC double the weapons in the coaxial, and culpa 3
Rifts South America 2
• Puma class medium tank pg 180 *
• Hussar APC pg 182 *
• Slinger light tank pg 60 *
• all weapons and Body amour from page 163 to 167
Rifts South America book 1
• Lancero light tank /APC page 31 *
• Zancudo transport total 30( both types) and attack helicopter pares 33 *
• all weapons from pages 22 to 24
Juicers uprising all vehicles from pages 81 to 87
• Tarantula combat jump bike ( for juicers only) pg 81 *
• Road boss bike pg 82 *
• Rolling thunder all purpose vehicles pg 84 *
• Assault hover bike pg 85 *
• all weapons , body armor, Equipment pages 66 to 76
Rifts WB lone star all hover bikes pages 54 to 61 * 30 each
Rifts under the sea
• 5 Iwo-jima class MIFV pg 121 *
• all weapons and body armor on page 116 to 117
• Knock off striker Attack Helicopter page 124
• Knock off sea equipment pages 137 to 140
Rifts under the sea all sea suits pages 137 to 143 * 5 of each
Free Quebec (F.Q) book
• Cougar hover jeep pg 53 *
• Bobcat hover cycle *
• Reloader hover vehicles *
Rifts RPG main book
• All vehicles in pages 226 to 228 *12 each
NGR book
• XM 250 hover stations *
• XM 270 VTOL page 127 *
• XM 280 fighter jet pg 127 secret fighter wing
• XM 300 Mini terror tank * secret fighting unit
• XM 350 leopard page 136 * secret fighting unit
• M2-10 page 138 * secret fighting unit
• WK 5054 hauler *page b140
NGR mind works book
• All sea Kingdom of Tarnow vehicles *
• Sting ray powered Armor add 30% to all MDC location FOR GAW costal defends *
• Sea star add 30% to all MDC location FOR GAW costal defends*
• All sea Kingdom of Tarnow land vehicles only add 30% 10 of each FOR GAW costal defends*
• stinger Turbo tank FOR GAW costal defends*
• Sea drat Mini sub FOR GAW costal defends*
• lightning Hydrofoil FOR GAW costal defends*
• Walesa Cargo ship FOR GAW costal defends *
Sourcebook 01 - A.R.C.H.I.E.
• all labor bots *
# GAW M1A1 tank major modifications *
Replace main gun with the following:
• IH 200 MM auto cannon pg 107 rifts weight 2 tons Can be double barrel
• IH 120 MM IH-b auto cannon page 120 weight 2 tons Can be double barrel
Add to coaxial or culpa or both following up to four hatches
• IH -10 RJ pa112 Can be double barrel
• IH-100 RG pg 108 Can be double barrel
• 30 MM auto cannon Can be double barrel
• 14 MM machinegun 118 Can be double barrel
• NE PB cannon pg 130
• Naruni PB cannon pg 133
• Can add to any tank Naruni force field found in pg 133 /134 or wheel base ,track APC only
• NAAT special feature the IH 200 MM auto cannon, 120 MM IH-b auto cannon, 30 MM auto cannon fire a burst of two rounds or single shot so a 1d6x10 would do 2d6x10 or a 2d6x10 single shot ,a burst would be a 4d6x10 ,and so on .
Or extend range so a 6000 feet would turn to 12000 feet (note 5280 is 1 miles!!! That 2.06 miles) but a 1d6x10 turns to 1d4x10 ,burst 2d4x10 , so a2d6x10 turns to 2d4x10 burst 4d6x10 turns to 4d4x10 only the heaviest rounds are fired
• Now you can use the following weapons as hand held for giant size robot single shot rifle all the same but internal 12 round clip IH 200 MM auto cannon and 120 MM IH-b auto cannon are made by the following Wellington industries, G.A.W, Ishpeming, Manistique Impreium, Northern gun, King dale and finally Kingdom of Tarnow in Europe
• Now you can use the following weapons as hand held for man size robot burst rifle all the same but internal 120 burst round clip 30 MM auto cannon are made by the following Wellington industries, G.A.W, Ishpeming, Manistique Impreium, Northern gun, King dale and finally Kingdom of Tarnow in Europe and can have added a small clip 30 burst or ,larger clip 60 burst, drum 120 burst, belt 240 belt , MDC 45 small clip, MDC 60 larger clip, MDC 80 drum, MDC 120 belt
Coalition Navy
• Knock off CSN – 20 spear gun page 45 *
• Knock off CNS –T30*
• ALL Limpet Mines page 46*
• Knock off CS under water sled page 56*
• Knock off CS jet ski page 57*
• Knock off CS Wave Demon perfect condition add 30% to all locations *
• Knock off CSN Mark I barracuda perfect condition add 30% to all locations 15 of each*
• Knock off CSN Supply class Merchant Marine Transport perfect condition add 30% to all locations *
• Knock off Eagle Unmanned Aircraft (E.U.A) *
• Knock off CS CH- 12N Attack /transport *
OCC Class
• All man of arms (but no robot pilots)
• Paratrooper Page 30 mercenary Adventure book
• Tin solider HAZMAT Page 32 mercenary Adventure book
• All head hunters
• all juicer types
• ALL Cybors
• Robot pilots varies from Mission to mission use mostly from Major Merc company that are known
• All the OCC class from Rifts – Mercenaries
• Rifts - Ultimate Edition all but Crazies .Man of magic are considered Ultra secret forces
THE BIGGEST SECRET OF NAAT; what few know about NAAT is the original company back in the days is. The following
1. NAAT was rally a combination of US empire army, air force , coast guard , marine and army reserved, and were rifted to that time period
2. NAAT was formed saw the Coalition was becoming into power and were shock of what it stood for
3. could not beat the CS even if they tried to
4. the only choice was to from a free company that would help in the role as mediator and stay neutral ,to transport of any goods
5. to survive in this alien world call Rift earth
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

O.C.C conventional fighter pilots class
This type of OCC fall under specialized class of fighter pilots, that a niche in rifts earth and phase world for many merc outfits or Independent nations or Planet found as well. They started showing up right before the coalition war about 15 years. They are a sub culture with in many merc outfits and even other kingdoms, or small nation for North America to South America. What is scary this OCC is similar to North America Empire US military quick start during new cold war and many phase worlds are so similar that also scary as well. Well for phase world this could apply as a reserve forces or independent military class with so many world in CWW ,UWW and this applies to private defense companies ( oh NE fighter pilots ).
Rifts earth propeller pilot / Rifts earth attack gunship fighter pilot/ Rifts earth Transport gunship fighter pilot
These are WWII plane designs from the America Empire to German and Japanese type aircraft G.A.W, Ishpeming (ISP) ,Manistique Impreium (M.I), Northern gun Bandito arms
, are making different design and cost are low which helps easy choice a company size merc out fit to large merc army . They are used from escort, air support, air to air and there many merc companies large and small that can offered it.
Wellington industries, King dale are also give support as to weapons and adding extra feature since they are playing catch up. However Arzno is ahead making a killing since a few engineers decide to get G.A.W, Ishpeming (ISP), Manistique Impreium (M.I), Northern gun to help make manufacturing factory and are sending funds to Arzno and expand it base of operation and add a few techno wizards from Lazo, New lazo (N.L), Stromspire . Arzno has enough resources to give air support to The Great Trade Road better safety top travel which many bandits can’t beat them in the air or in resources.
Free Quebec has a small merc outfit as spies and acting as independent merc outfit. While Coalition states see as a waste of time and money, however has suffered several bad engagements. It is cheaper than a military hover cycle and are been many by the hundreds .North America Black market
Larsen brigade, Air Superiority Inc (which is base in Merc town), Tennessee Headhunters, Iron Heart Avenger, Tundra ranger are having an expansion to air support as well mostly small squad of merc outfit that need to stay in work.
Also G.A.W, Ishpeming (ISP) ,Manistique Impreium (M.I), Northern gun Bandito arms are manufacturing factory AC 130 for major mercenary outfits like Larsen brigade ,Air Superiority ,Inc .Tennessee Headhunters and secretly Iron Heart Avenger has gotten of hold of a few AC130 . but it doesn’t stop there as mention above the need foe cheap and improved military hardware has allowed to have gunship pilots or better known as’ attack choppers , helicopter gunships” , or as “attack heli “ which they don’t mind at all . They are in high demand in north America, Japan , south America as well .
NOTE : these MOS are found thru out most of the world, but only in north amerce is where they specialist

Hover cycle specialist
Hover cycle specialist are the most common from gangs , mercenary company ,military forces they are found in north America , Germany, Japan , as well in phase world . They are know to be specialist in several Hover cycle but it varies due experience. Able to make death defining stunts at a certain level, however there are few who are high level characters and are consider like gods among hover cyclists.
Rifts earth Jet fighter pilot /Trans-atmospheric fighter pilot
Can republic
Space stations of Rifts earth
Phase world
Rifts Earth space fighter
Can republic
Space stations of Rifts earth
Phase world
Rifts Earth Transporter ship fighter
Can republic
Space stations of Rifts earth
Phase world

Phase world space fighter pilot (C.C.W)/ (F.W.C)/ (T.G.E)/ (N.E)

General skills

For Rifts earth General skills
• Language Native 88%+1 per level
• Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
• Math basic 45%+5% per level
• If trained by merc outfit add 3d6% or nation add 20 %MOS
• Hand to Hand: Basic only

Rifts Earth M.O.S
• M.O.S Rifts earth propeller pilot (Mercenary)
Radio: Basic
Airplane (single engine to four engines)
Specific Airplane picks two add +10 plus any other like MOS bonus
Jet Packs
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
W.P. Heavy Weapons
pick one W.P Revolver ,W.P. Automatic Pistol, and W.P. Energy Pistol

• M.O.S Hover cycle specialist (Rifts earth)
Hover Craft (Ground)
Specific picks Hovercycle or Hover Craft (Ground) two add +10 plus any other like MOS bonus
Weapon Systems
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
Radio: Basic
W.P. Automatic and Semiautomatic Rifles
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

• M.O.S Rifts Earth Jet fighter pilot /Trans-atmospheric fighter pilot (Mercenary)/ (I.D.F for Phase world )
Jet Aircraft
Jet Fighters
Specific Jet Fighters picks two add +10 plus any other like MOS bonus
Radio: Basic
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
Weapon Systems
Jet Packs
W.P. Energy Pistol

• M.O.S Rifts Earth space fighter
(Mutant in orbit / colonies)
*Spacecraft, Small - 60%+3%
Spacecraft advance pick two types
Specific Spacecraft Small picks two add +10 plus any other like MOS bonus
• Type: chemical
• Type Ion drive
• Type: plasma drive
• Type: traction drive
• Type: Nuclear power
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
Radio: Basic
Ship to ship combat
Space Fighter
Weapon Systems
Navigation: Space
W.P. Energy Pistol
Jet Packs
Space Combat: Zero Gravity (Advanced)
Space: Depressurization Training
Space: Movement in Zero Gravity
Space: Oxygen Conservation
• M.O.S Rifts Earth Transporter ship fighter :
(Rifts Mutant orbits Transport ships)
Pilots type of engine: pick two
• Type: chemical
• Type Ion drive
• Type: plasma drive
• Type: traction drive
• Type: Nuclear power
Radio: Basic
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
Spacecraft, General
Spacecraft Advanced medium size to large
Ship to ship combat medium size to large
Specific picks combat medium size to large two add +10 plus any other like MOS bonus
Orbital navigation
Navigation: Space
Navigation: Interplanetary
W.P. Energy Pistol
Jet Packs
Space Combat: Zero Gravity (Advanced)
Space: Depressurization Training
Space: Movement in Zero Gravity
Space: Oxygen Conservation
Weapon Systems
W.P. Energy Pistol

• M.O.S Rifts earth attack gunship fighter pilot (Mercenary)
Specific Helicopter picks two add +10 plus any other like MOS bonus
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
Optic Systems
Radio: Basic
Weapon Systems
Pick one W.P Revolver ,W.P. Automatic Pistol, and W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
W.P. Heavy Weapons
W.P. Grenade Launcher
Wilderness Survival
• M.O.S Rifts earth Transport gunship fighter pilot (Mercenary)
Airplane (single engine four engines) pick AC 130 or AC 129 air castle
Radio: Basic
Radio: Scramblers
Weapon Systems
Jet Packs
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment
W.P. Heavy Weapons
pick one W.P. Revolver ,W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
W.P. Heavy Weapons
W.P. Grenade Launcher
Wilderness Survival

For Phase world General skills
• Language Native 88%+1 per level
• Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
• Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
• If trained by merc outfit or nation add 20% MOS
• Hand to Hand: Basic or Hand to Hand: Expert at a cost of two secondary skills

Phase world M.O.S

• M.O.S Phase world fighter pilot (C.C.W)/ (F.W.C)/ (T.G.E)/ (N.E)
Spacecraft, Small type pick type
Space Fighter
The Space Fighter Elite
Pilot gravity drive systems
Specific Space Fighter picks two add +10 plus any other like MOS bonus
Radio: Basic
Optic Systems
Spacecraft advance pick two types
• Type: chemical
• Type Ion drive
• Type: plasma drive
• Type: traction drive
• Type: Nuclear power
Ship to ship combat
Navigation: Interplanetary - 45%+5%
Navigation: Orbital - 50%+5%
Navigation: Space - 40%+5%
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment - 30%+5%
Weapon Systems
Space Combat: Zero Gravity (Advanced)
Space: Depressurization Training
Space: Movement in Zero Gravity
Space: Oxygen Conservation

Fighter pilot Abilities

Rifts Earth:
Jet fighter
Simplified Dog-Fighting rules use D20 dice
Dog Tail:
Evasive Action:
Tilt Dodge/jinking:
Heroes' Unlimited: Pages 86-90
Maintain radio silence:
Terrain masking
Range envelope
Extreme Range: over the horizon shot
Long Range: long Range Missiles, cruise Missiles
Medium Range: Short range Missiles, Medium Range Missiles
Short Range: cannon, rail gun, and any beam weapons, Mini –Missiles, Short range Missiles
Close Combat: Dog fight cannon, rail gun, and any beam weapons

Phase World:
Phase World rules (p. 151).
The Space Fighter Basic & Elite
Heroes' Unlimited: Pages 86-90
Range envelope
Extreme Range: over the horizon shot
Long Range: long Range Missiles, cruise Missiles
Medium Range: Short range Missiles, Medium Range Missiles
Short Range: cannons, rail gun, and any beam weapons, Mini –Missiles, Short range Missiles
Close Combat: Dog fight cannon, rail gun, Gravity weapons and any beam weapons

O.C.C Related skills 6 for rifts earth /9 for Phase world add 1 at level 3,7,9,11,15
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: any
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid
Military: any
Physical skills:
Pilot skills: any
Pilot related: any
Rogue: any rifts earth only
Science: Technical:
WP: any
Wilderness: any rifts earth only

O.C.C secondary skills 5
Communication: any
Cowboy skills: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage skills: none
Horsemanship skill: none
Mechanical skill: any
Medical: first aid
Military: none
Physical skills: as per rules
Pilot skills: as per rules
Pilot related: any
Rogue: all
Science: Technical:
WP: any
Wilderness: none
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Jorel »

Customer Service Director for Northern Gun

"The Devil's among us!
Stay back boy!...This calls for Divine Intervention!
I kick arse for the Lord!"
-Father McGruder- Braindead (a.k.a. Dead Alive)
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Jorel wrote:Impressive.

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

OK we done our homework here ,we are going to get G.A.W a lot of retool to make lot of old pre-rift hardware up to rifts standards , so don't let the enemy's know we are using old but new toys .
said a N.A.A.T operative

when will get them ?
said A G.A.W operative

very soon we just finish setting our bases to supply you with the tool to make your own toys . you will start getting at night drops not far from your base or this other location which shall be ?

said a N.A.A.T operative
well not come to our base if operations
said A G.A.W operative

Done you know whee said a N.A.A.T operative

you will start by getting tanks ,A.P.C AND other military plane , just remember we want a small donation for every vehicle you make we trust you it is to yourr liken?said a N.A.A.T operative

yes we will I just never thuoght there was ever going to be a M.D.C mag said A G.A.W operative
STOP THERE !!!we can not say more YOU never know "said a N.A.A.T operative ............................................................................................
sorry forgot how you operate said A G.A.W operative
just cheeking our and your coms thank end of com talk said a N.A.A.T operative
how can y............said A G.A.W operative

dame why are they paranoid it just PRErift not even the collation waste their time anymore with G.A.W operative #1

you just don't get do you G.A.W operative #2

no way G.A.W operative #1

my grand farther used to tell stories about N.A.A.T G.A.W operative #2
THAT NOT POSSIBLE !!! that mean they been around since the foundation of the coalition!!!G.A.W operative #1

right you are G.A.W operative #2

you have no idea what we getting G.A.W operative #2

G.A.W operative #1 just look at with AWE TO G.A.W operative #2
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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M4 Sherman
The M4 Sherman, formally Medium Tank, M4, was the primary tank used by the United States during World War II. Thousands were also distributed to the Allies, including the British Commonwealth and Soviet armies, via lend-lease. In the United Kingdom, the M4 was named after Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, following the British practice of naming their American-built tanks after famous American Civil War generals. Subsequently the British name found its way into common use in the U.S.
The Sherman evolved from the Grant and Lee medium tanks, which had an unusual side-sponson mounted 75 mm gun. It retained much of the previous mechanical design, but added the first American main 75 mm gun mounted on a fully traversing turret, with a gyrostabilizer enabling the crew to fire with reasonable accuracy while the tank was on the move.[4] The designers stressed mechanical reliability, ease of production and maintenance, durability, standardization of parts and ammunition in a limited number of variants, and moderate size and weight. These factors made the Sherman superior in some regards, to the German light and medium tanks that had swept across Europe in the blitzkrieg campaigns of 1939-41, and which still made up the majority of German panzer --albeit usually in up-gunned and up-armored variants-- forces in the later stages of the war. The Sherman ended up being produced in large numbers and formed the backbone of most Allied offensives, starting in late 1942. The original Shermans were able to defeat the relatively small German tanks such as the Panzer II and III they faced when first deployed in North Africa. Later, they found themselves seriously outmatched against newer up-gunned and up- armored Pz.Kpfw. IV and Panther medium tanks and wholly inadequate against the armor and range of the Tiger I and later Tiger II heavy tanks, suffering high casualties against their heavier armor and more powerful 88 mm and 75 mm cannons. Mobility, mechanical reliability and sheer numbers, supported by growing superiority in supporting fighter-bombers and artillery, offset these disadvantages to an extent. Later versions of the Sherman introduced 76 mm guns, giving them better armor penetration than the original 75 mm gun, though still insufficient at range against most late war German tanks. Producing more Shermans was favored over rushing adoption of the heavier M26 Pershing, which was developed too late to play a significant role in the war. In the Pacific Theater, the Sherman was used chiefly against Japanese infantry and fortifications; in their rare encounters with lighter Japanese tanks with weaker armor and guns, the Sherman's superiority was overwhelming.
Production of the M4 exceeded 50,000 units, and its chassis served as the basis for numerous other armored vehicles such as tank destroyers, tank retrievers, and self-propelled artillery. Only Mikhail Koshkin's design of the Soviet T-34 tank was ultimately produced in larger numbers during World War II. Many German generals and many historians considered the T-34 the best tank of the war,[5] but even so the Russians recognized the Sherman's particular advantages when they used them in certain niche situations.[6]
The Sherman would finally give way to post-war tanks developed from the M26. Various original and updated versions of the Sherman would continue to see combat effectively in many later conflicts, including the Korean War, the Arab-Israeli Wars, and Indo-Pakistani Wars into the late 20th century, against the T-34 and sometimes much more contemporary Soviet tanks.[7]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... rmanM4.jpg
An M4A3E8 70 mm armed Sherman tank made during the
Production history
Designed 1940
Produced 1941–
Number built 49,234[1]

Weight 66,800 pounds (30.3 tonnes; 29.8 long tons; 33.4 short tons)

Length 19 ft 2 in (5.84 m)
Width 8 ft 7 in (2.62 m)
Height 9 ft (2.74 m)
Crew 5 (Commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver)
63 mm
Primary weapon
75 mm M3 L/40 gun
90 rounds
weapon .50 cal Browning M2HB machine gun (300 rounds),
2 × .30-06 Browning M1919A4 machine guns (4,750 rounds)
Engine Continental R975 C1, air-cooled, radial, gasoline
400 hp (298 kW) gross at 2,400 rpm
350 hp (253 kW) net at 2,400 rpm
Power/weight 15.8 hp/tonne
Transmission Spicer[3] manual, synchromesh,[3] 4 forward (plus 1 overdrive)[3] and 1 reverse gear
Suspension Vertical Volute Spring Suspension (VVSS)

range 120 miles at 175 U.S. ga (193 km at 660 l; 80 octane)
Speed 25 to 30 mph (40 to 48 km/h)[2]

In June–July 1944, the Army accepted a limited run of 254 M4A3E2 Jumbo Shermans, which had very thick armor, and the 75 mm gun in a new, heavier T23-style turret, in order to assault fortifications. The M4A3 was the first to be factory-produced with the HVSS (horizontal volute spring suspension) suspension with wider tracks to distribute weight, and the smooth ride of the HVSS with its experimental E8 designation led to the nickname Easy Eight for Shermans so equipped. Both the Americans and the British developed a wide array of special attachments for the Sherman; few saw combat, and most remained experimental. Those that saw action included the bulldozer blade for the Sherman dozer tanks, Duplex Drive for "swimming" Sherman tanks, R3 flamethrower for Zippo flame tanks, and the T34 60-tube Calliope 4.5" rocket launcher for the Sherman turret. The British variants (DDs and mine flails) were among "Hobart's Funnies", named after their commander, Percy Hobart of the 79th Armoured Division.
The M4 Sherman's basic chassis was used for all the sundry roles of a modern mechanized force: roughly 50,000 Sherman tanks, plus thousands more derivative vehicles under different model numbers. These included M32 and M74 "tow truck"-style recovery tanks with winches, booms, and an 81 mm mortar for smoke screens; M34 (from M32B1) and M35 (from M10A1) artillery prime movers; M7B1, M12, M40, and M43 self-propelled artillery; and the M10 Wolverine and M36 Jackson tank destroyers.
Rift standard Sherman’s tank class
Much of the weakness of the conventional version has been replacing and makes many better then before. N.A.A.T has work to make this tank cheep using G.A.W, cheapwell INC, N.G and kinkdale . They easy to make and can deliver defense for any location or escort however the coalition see as waste of time. The coalition calls them tummy cookers (high command wonder the hell they got this nick name) and many as well. However they have been known to turn the tide of battle only cost in number which seem to be the choice. So far G.A.W, cheapwell INC, N.G, kinkdale and N.A.A.T as well made over 50,000 that’s about 300,000 in less than a year!!! Only inside the Crew of three has driver with standard view but also a digital display of with 180 degrees view, tank commander and gunner all have the same abilities, finally the auto-reloader replace the extra crew .The MDC machinegun one next to the main gun , one on top as remote turret, and one for the diver. Also you have added on to help the tank and have all the features of RIFTS robots found page 215. Small tank and very fast (due to small Jet engine) make hard to hit and cheap.

1. Nuclear powered 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max
2. Radar :none
3. combat computer :add +2 strikes main gun , +3 MDC machine gun , +3 dodge
4. laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
5. radio standard 5 miles , NAAT uses 30 miles
6. External audio pick up :same as robots
7. spotlight
8. Ejection systems :none but has escape hatches
9. Self-Destruct systems
10. Voice actuated locking systems
11. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment
12. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles ( for night operations )+ 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike

Crew 3

Turret: 175
Turret armed cockpit compartment 150
Main gun 100
Armed cockpit (in main body) 175)
MDC machine gun (x3) 35
Main body 300
Engine (rear) 125
Tracks 100
Up armored per side add 175 each front ,sides(x2) , bottom turret ,and cover the tracks (x2) they look like small box

Weapon systems: N.A.A.T has been able to share vital information to the buyers and maker of theses tank and sell .A technology that in the golden Age of Man was recent begin to make in USA and Russia, however N.A.A.T was only able to make for themselves .the coalition just found out about these weapons and are banned in civilian sectors only. This was secret that help N.A.A.T survive and now will shared without getting catch by the coalition.

Short barrel low velocity 70 MM rapid fire auto-cannon
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
70 mm -1d4x10 M.D (max damage 40),a two round burst 2d4x10 M.D

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
70 mm- 5d10 M.D (max damage 50) a two round burst 4d4x10 M.D

A.P.F.S.D.S round
70 mm -1d10x10(max damage 100) , a two round burst 5d4x10 M.D
Range 2500 feet
R.O.F: Single shot or a two round burst
Payload: 100 rounds

Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 roun rounds ds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Jumbo Sherman’s
Long before the Invasion of Normandy in northern France was finalized, American warplanners were aware of the fact that the Germans would be ready to fight a determined defensive battle from coast to Berlin. They would be well armed, well prepared and well situated to take on any Allied advance heading their way through their skillful use of tanks, upgunned armored vehicles and towed artillery systems placed at strategic chokepoints. The requirement, therefore, would be for an "assault tank" to make its way through the enemy front and dislodge or destroy the prepared enemy at the heart of the defense. As such, the Americans knew that they would need a tank of some superiority in terms of armor protection and lethal armament - something beyond the current offerings of the time. With the M26 Pershing already in development, the hope was to have the new heavy tank ready to go to war by late 1944. However, all was not proceeding as planned and the M26 was delayed from arriving in Euopre until 1945. As such, other stopgap solutions were entertained.

US authorities took what it already had in some number, the M4 Sherman medium tank, and began a process of up armoring the beast for the dedicated assault role. The engine remained the Ford V8 GAA series powerplant though the gearbox was altered to compensate for the added weight of the extra armor. Of course the additional armor also served to bring down the operational speed of the base Sherman design - normally a stately 25 to 30 miles per hour - now degraded to 22 miles per hour. The front hull of the tank received no less than 5.5 inches of armor thickness and protected the valuable drive train system. The upper front hull retained its base Sherman angled facing as it served well to combat incoming enemy projectiles, measuring 4.5 inches at its thickest. The glacis plate was protected by up to 4 inches of armor while the turret was revised to 6 inches of protection. Up to 7 inches of armor was used around the gun mount and 1.5 inches of rolled armor was utilized over the superstructure sides. Although initially intended to carry a 76mm main gun, the production form of the new Sherman fitted the standard 75mm main gun due to its proven characteristics when firing its High-Explosive (HE) projectile. 106 projectiles of 75mm ammunition could be stored about the hull and the new turret, allowing the crew to sustain fire for periods of time. Anti-infantry and aircraft defense was from the M4 standard, made up primarily of a 0.50 caliber heavy gun on the turret top, a 0.30 machine gun in a coaxially fitted mount next to the 75mm main gun and a 0.30 caliber machine gun in a bow mount at the front right face of the hull, opposite the driver's position, manned by the radio operator. All told, the vehicle weighed in at 42 tons and suspension remained the base Vertical Volute Spring Suspension (VVSS) system found on other Shermans. Its operators were therefore warned to proceed with some caution when utilizing the new tank in a cross-country setting, the suspension system being prone to failure under the added weight.

In March of 1944, the US government inked a deal that would bring it some 254 of the modified Shermans to life to which the Ordnance Committee applied the designation of "M4A3E2" to the type - "E" signifying the type as an "experimental design". Production of the upgraded Sherman commenced at light speed to help get the armor up to the front lines as quickly as possible. By late 1944, the M4A3E2 was already being delivered into the eager hands of awaiting American tank crews and commanders in Europe. The new mount was christened the Sherman "Jumbo" by her crews to signify its improved, oversized stature.

Traditional operating tactics held that US tank formations proceed in columns for a quick response to enemy action and offer lesser approaching targets to the awaiting enemy. Once the enemy was located, the column could then fan outwards and call upon a more uniformed response. With the Jumbo now in inventory, the heavily armored system was called upon to head up such column formations and absorb the first volley that the awaiting enemy had to offer - volleys that would have traditionally annihilated base Shermans in the same role.

Once in action, the Jumbo performed admirably well to the point that they were being requested by both commanders and tank crews. Even American General George S. Patton himself went on the request list. When the need went unfulfilled, he quietly gave the order to strip any non-functioning M4 Sherman (those with welded hulls) of its armor and upgrade existing Shermans to something like the new "Jumbo" standard. As such, the M4A3(76)W and M4A3(76)W HVSS systems in his stable were uparmored "in-the-field" thanks to the ingenuity of Army welders and those local European craftsmen hired by the military. Even armor from cast-off enemy German tanks was used in the endeavor, leaving these Shermans as a collective eclectic group of medium tanks with no original Sherman "face" to be found among them. These quick-field conversions went on to be known as "Expedient Jumbos" and some 100 existing M4s were converted to Sherman Jumbos in the short span of three weeks. Ultimately, the Jumbo did see her 75mm main gun give way to a more powerful 76mm caliber, completing her metamorphosis from medium tank to legendary war winner. The Sherman Jumbo proved instrumental in reaching pinned 101st Paratrooper at Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge - the 101st having always denied the idea that they needed rescuing from Patton to begin with.

With the Allies advancing against Germany in the west and the Soviets taking Berlin in the east, Adolph Hitler committed suicide in his underground Berlin bunker in mid-April. While an air war still raged over the skies of Germany to an extend into May and pockets of German resistance still waged war, the war in Europe was essentially over, made formally so by early June. This left the world with the task of taking down the Empire of Japan in the Far East, to which the Sherman Jumbo, and all her fast conversions, were shipped back stateside in preparation for the ultimate invasion of the Japanese mainland out in the Pacific. However, Japan capitulated after a lengthy failed sea campaign, a determined Allied bombing effort that decimated morale, infrastructure and mar-making capabilities and the two American atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The surrender of the Empire of Japan in August of 1945 completed the Second World War in whole by September.

With the war over, production of most war-goods was curtailed or ceased altogether. Much of the war time equipment remained for training or was placed in storage. Some 96 Sherman Jumbos were still in the US inventory in 1948, this out of the 50,000 or so Shermans produced in all

Overall Length: 24.74ft (7.54m)
Width: 9.51ft (2.90m)
Height: 9.68ft (2.95m)

Accommodation: 5
Weight: 41.9 US Short Tons (38,000kg; 83,776lbs)

Armament Suite:
1 x 75mm main gun OR 76mm main gun (later)
1 x 0.50 caliber anti-aircraft heavy machine gun on turret.
1 x 0.30 caliber caliber coaxial machine gun
1 x 0.30 caliber bow-mounted machine gun
1 x Smoke Mortar

104 x 75mm projectiles
300 x 12.7mm ammunition
4,750 x 7.62mm ammunition
12 x M3

Engine(s): 1 x Ford GAA 8-cylinder 4-cycle 60 degree gasoline engine delivering 500hp @ 2,600rpm.

Maximum Speed: 22mph (35 km/h)
Maximum Range: 100 miles (161 km)

NBC* Protection: None
Nightvision: None
Jumbo Sherman’s The Rift standard
Crew 3

Turret: 275
Turret armed cockpit compartment 190
Main gun 100
Armed cockpit (in main body) 200)
MDC machinegun (x3) 35
Main body 350
Engine (rear) 180
Tracks 120
Up armored per side add 250 each front ,sides(x2) , bottom turret ,and cover the tracks (x2) they look like small box this is the first to go plus any damage 25 M.D.C does no damage

Weapon systems: N.A.A.T has been able to share vital information to the buyers and maker of theses tank and sell .A technology that in the golden Age of Man was recent begin to make in USA and Russia, however N.A.A.T was only able to make for themselves .the coalition just found out about these weapons and are banned in civilian sectors only. This was secret that help N.A.A.T survive and now will shared without getting catch by the coalition.

Long barrel low velocity 75 MM rapid fire auto-cannon
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
75 mm -1d4x10 +5M.D (max damage 40), a two round burst 2d4x10 +5M.D

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
75 mm - 5d10+5 M.D (max damage 50) a two round burst 4d4x10 +5M.D

A.P.F.S.D.S round
75 mm -1d10x10+5(max damage 100), a two round burst 5d4x10+5 M.D
Range 1500 feet
R.O.F: Single shot or a two round burst
Payload: 100 rounds

Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun
smoke projectiles covers 30 feet payload: 30 rounds

http://www.militaryfactory.com/imagevie ... escriptor=

http://www.militaryfactory.com/armor/de ... mor_id=111

Sherman Firefly

The Sherman Firefly was a World War II British variant of the American Sherman tank, fitted with the powerful British 17 pounder anti-tank gun as its main weapon. Originally conceived as a stopgap until future British tank designs came into service, the Sherman Firefly became the most common vehicle with the 17 pounder in World War II.
Though the British expected to have their own new tank models developed soon (and were loath to consider using American tanks), British Major George Brighty championed the already-rejected idea of mounting the 17 pounder in the existing Sherman. With the help of Lieutenant Colonel Witheridge and despite official disapproval, he managed to get the concept accepted. This proved fortuitous, as both the Challenger and Cromwell tank designs experienced difficulties and delays.
After the problem of getting the gun to fit in the Sherman's turret was solved, the Firefly was put into production in early 1944, in time to equip Field Marshal Montgomery's forces for the Normandy landings. It soon became highly valued as the only British tank capable of defeating the Panther and Tiger tanks it faced in Normandy at standard combat ranges. In recognition of this, German tank and anti-tank gun crews were instructed to attack Fireflies first. Between 2100 and 2200 were manufactured before production wound down in 1945.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... irefly.jpg

Specifications Weight 34.75 long tons (33 tonnes) Length 19 ft 4 in (5.89 m)
25 ft 6 in overall Width 8 ft 8 in (2.64 m) Height 9 ft (2.7 m) Crew 4 (Commander, gunner, loader / radio-operator, driver)
Armour 89 mm (turret front) Primary weapon OQF 17 pdr (76.2 mm) gun
77 rounds Secondary
weapon Flexible .50 (12.7mm) Browning M2 machine gun (generally not mounted)
Coaxial .30 (7.62 mm) Browning M1919 machine gun
5000 rounds Engine Chrysler Multibank (5 x inline-6) petrol
425 hp Power/weight 11.8 hp/ton Suspension Coil spring Operational
range 120 miles (193 km) Speed 25 mph (40 km/h)

The concept of fitting a 17 pounder gun into a Sherman tank had initially been rejected by the Ministry of Supply's Tank Decision Board. This was due to the use of the American-built Sherman tank. The British Army had decided in early 1943 that, with the expected emergence of new British tanks designs that were to be superior to American supplied tanks, the British Army would once again start equipping their armoured divisions with British tanks rather than American ones. This view was based on the fact that there were two tank designs under development. First there was the Cromwell tank which was expected to use the Vickers High Velocity 75mm gun; this gun would have superior anti-tank performance to the US 75mm and 76mm guns as well as a good high explosive shell. The other was the A30 Challenger which was based on the Cromwell but with the even more powerful 17 pounder gun .[1] The specifications for the follow-up designs to the Cromwell, which would become the Comet and the Centurion, to be armed with 17 pdr guns were being laid down. As a result, mounting a 17 pounder on a tank chassis the British were planning on retiring from service was not seen as desirable.[2]
Although there was no official backing for the idea, many individuals for a variety of reasons attempted to mount a 17 pounder on the Sherman tank. The earliest attempt can be credited to Major George Brighty of the Royal Tank Regiment while he was at Lulworth Armoured Fighting School in early 1943. Despite the fact the A30 Challenger was undergoing initial trials at Lulworth, Brightly seemed to be convinced the Sherman was a better mount for the 17 pounder. However he was stymied by the turret of the Sherman, which was too small to allow for the very long recoil of the gun. In a rather desperate move, Brighty removed the recoil system and locked the gun in place, thus forcing the entire tank to absorb the recoil, but this was a far from ideal situation and there was no telling how long the tank would have been able to handle such a set-up.[2]
Around this time in June 1943, a colleague of Brighty, Lt. Col. George Witheridge of the Royal Tank Regiment, arrived at Lulworth. A veteran of the North Africa campaign, Witheridge had experienced firsthand the lopsided battles between British tanks armed with 2 pounder guns against Rommel's formidable panzers and anti-tank guns. During the disastrous Battle of Gazala in mid 1942, Witheridge had been blown out of his (75mm armed) Grant tank, and though he recovered from his wounds, he was declared unfit to return to combat duty. Instead, in January 1943, he was posted to Fort Knox in the United States for six months to advise on gunnery, where he was "sold" on American tanks.[3] While at Lulworth, Witheridge inspected the A30 Challenger, and "joined in the chorus of complaints" about the tank. Upon looking up Brighty and learning of his attempts to use the Sherman, Witheridge lent his assistance.[1] He advised Brighty to solve the recoil issue.
Not long after, Witheridge and Brighty received a notice from the Department of Tank Design (DTD) to cease their efforts. Unwilling to abandon the project, Witheridge, using his connections with such influential people as Major General Raymond Briggs, former GOC of the 1st Armoured Division in North Africa and now Director of the Royal Armoured Corps, successfully lobbied Claude Gibb Director General of Weapon and Instrument Production at the Ministry of Supply to make it an official ministry project. In doing so, the endeavour was taken out of the hands of the highly enthusiastic and devoted amateurs at Lulworth who had initiated it and given to professional tank developers.[1][4]

It was W.G.K. Kilbourn, a Vickers engineer at the time working for the Department of Tank Design, who transformed the prototype into the tank that would serve the British forces from D-day onwards. The first thing Kilbourn had to fix was the lack of a workable recoil system for the 17 pounder. The 17 pounder travelled 40 inches back as it absorbed the recoil of the blast. This was too long for the Sherman turret.[5] Kilbourn solved this problem by redesigning the recoil system completely rather than modifying it. The recoil cylinders were shortened to allow the turret to take the gun and its recoil, and the new cylinders were placed on both sides of the gun to take advantage of the width of the Sherman's turret rather than be hindered by its height. The gun breech itself was also rotated 90 degrees to allow for loading from the left[note 1] rather than from on top.[6] The radio which was mounted in the back of the turret in British tanks had to be moved. An armoured box (a "bustle") was attached to the back of the turret to house the radio. Access was through a large hole cut through the back of the turret.
The next problem encountered by Kilbourn was that the gun cradle, the metal block the gun sits on, had to be shortened to allow the gun to fit into the Firefly, and thus the gun itself was not very stable. Kilbourn had a new barrel designed for the 17 pounder that had a longer untapered section at the base, which helped solve the stability problem. A new mantlet was designed to house the new gun and accept the modified cradle. Thus, while the 17 pounder for the Firefly was a modified variant, it would have to be factory built specifically for it.[2][6]
Kilbourn had to deal with other problems. On the standard Sherman tank, there was a single hatch in the turret through which the tank commander, gunner and loader entered and left the tank. However the 17 pounder's larger breech and recoil system significantly reduced the ability of the loader to quickly exit from the tank if it was hit. As a result, a new hatch was cut into the top of the turret over the gunner's position.[7]
The final major change was the elimination of the hull gunner in favour of more 17 pounder ammunition, which was significantly longer than the 75 mm shell and thus took up more room.
By October and November 1943, enthusiasm began to grow for the project. The 21st Army Group was informed of the new tank in October 1943.[citation needed] Even before final testing had taken place in February 1944, an order for 2,100 Sherman tanks armed with 17 pounder guns was placed. This reaction was understandable, as the Challenger program was suffering constant delays and few would be ready for Normandy, and even worse, the realization that the Cromwell tank did not have a turret ring big enough to take the new High Velocity 75mm gun (50 calibres long), so the Cromwell would have to be armed with the general purpose Ordnance QF 75 mm. Thus the Sherman Firefly represented the only available tank with firepower superior to the QF 75 mm gun in the British Army’s arsenal. Not surprisingly, it was given the ‘highest priority’ by Winston Churchill himself.[1]
The nickname "Firefly" is not found in wartime official documents. It was sometimes used at unit level (Brigade/Regiment) war diaries from March 1944, with another nickname being 'Mayfly'. During the war, Shermans with 17 pounder guns were usually known as '1C' '1C Hybrid' or 'VC', depending on the basic mark of the vehicle. In British nomenclature, a "C" at the end of the Roman numeral indicated a tank equipped with the 17 pounder.[note 2] The Firefly had no armour or mobility advantages over the normal Sherman tank.


The main armament of the Sherman Firefly was the Ordnance Quick Firing 17 pounder. Designed as the successor to the British QF 6-pounder, the 17 pounder was the most powerful British tank gun of the war, and one of the most powerful of any nationality, being able to penetrate more armour than the Tiger I's 8.8 cm KwK 36, the Panther tank's 7.5 cm KwK 42, or the M26 Pershing's 90 mm gun.
The Firefly 17 pounder was able to penetrate some 140 mm of armour at 500 m (550 yd) and 131 mm at 1,000 m (1,100 yd) using standard Armour Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APCBC) ammunition at a 30 degree angle. When supplied, Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot (APDS) ammunition could penetrate some 209 mm of armour at 500 m and 192 mm at 1,000 m at a 30 degree angle, which on paper was able to counter almost every German tank at any likely range .[8][9] However, early production APDS rounds lacked accuracy and being a sub-calibre shot, the actual penetrating shot at around 50 mm wide was less destructive after it had penetrated enemy tank armour than the 76.2 mm APCBC shell. In any case, APDS ammunition was rare until late 1944.
Despite the Firefly's superior antitank capabilities, the tank was regarded as inferior to the regular Sherman against soft targets such as enemy infantry, buildings and lightly-armoured vehicles. As the war in Europe neared its close, the Allies found themselves encountering these more often than heavy German tanks. Allied tank units therefore typically refused to completely switch to Fireflies. A good HE shell only became available in late 1944 and even then was not as potent as the standard Sherman 75mm HE shell.[1] Another problem was that the powerful blast from the 17 pounder gun kicked up large amounts of dirt as well as smoke, making it difficult for the gunner to observe the fall of the shell and thus relying on the commander to observe the fall of the round and to order corrections. Dirt and dust revealed the position of the tank, so Sherman Fireflies would have to move every few shots to avoid detection. The recoil and muzzle blast could be severely jarring to Firefly crews and the muzzle blast frequently caused night blindness as well. This was a common problem on any tank armed with a high velocity gun, including Panther and Tiger tanks. The cramped nature of the turret meant that loading the large 17 pounder shell was difficult so Fireflies had a reduced rate of fire compared to regular M4 Shermans.[6] Since the Firefly was a stopgap to get a 17 pounder gun mounted on a tank, these problems were never eliminated as the Firefly was to be retired with the introduction of the new British tank designs.
The Firefly's secondary armament was the standard .30 inch coaxial machine gun in the turret. The hull mounted machine gun had been removed to increase ammunition storage for the main gun. A top-mounted .50 cal machine gun was also attached, though many crews removed it due to awkward mounting and position near the commander which limited a full 360 degree view when unbuttoned in battle.
In 1945, some British Shermans were fitted with a rail on either side of the turret for two "60 lb" (27 kg) high explosive 3 inch rockets. These were used at the Rhine Crossing by the tanks of a single squadron of the 1st Coldstream Guards. The tanks were called "Sherman Tulips". The tanks fitted were conventional Shermans and Fireflies. The rockets, inaccurate when fired from aircraft, were less inaccurate when fired from a tank as they were being fired from a stationary point and had little slipstream over the fins. Despite this, the RP-3 was effective when its 60 pound warhead hit the target.[10]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... nelson.jpg

The Rift standard Sherman Firefly
As The Rift standard Jumbo Sherman’s
But main gun 80 MM high powered auto cannon

L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
80 - 89 mm -5D10 M.D (max damage 50), a two round burst 1d10x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
80 - 89 mm -1d6x10 M.D (max damage 60),a two round burst 2d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
80 - 89 mm -2d6x10(max damage 120), a two round burst 4d6x10

R.O.F: single, a two round burst
Range: 2500
Payload: as above
NOTE: night if near or outside they get night blindness -9 to all for 1d6 hours!!!, but if inside this is negated

update all tanks get +2 to dodge plus pilots IF they have specialized piloting the Sherman tank
Last edited by ZINO on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

can be added to any Sherman class tank
T34 Calliope
http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1296088574
The Rocket Launcher T34 (Calliope) was a tank-mounted multiple rocket launcher used by the United States Army during World War II. The launcher was placed atop the Medium Tank M4, and fired a barrage of 4.5 in (114 mm) rockets from 60 launch tubes. It was developed in 1943; small numbers were produced and were used by various US armor units in 1944-45. It adopts its name from the musical instrument "Calliope", also known as the steam organ, which had similar lined pipes.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... France.jpg
• Rocket Launcher T34 (Calliope) - Version carrying 60 4.5 in (114 mm) rockets in arrangement of a group of 36 tubes on the top, and a pair jettisonable groups of 12 tubes on the bottom (M4A1 not jettisonable).
http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1296088576
NOTE in rifts use any mini missiles

• Rocket Launcher T34E1 (Calliope) - Same as T34 but groups of 12 jettisonable tubes replaced by groups of 14 tubes.

NOTE in rifts use any short range missiles

• Rocket Launcher T34E2 (Calliope) - Caliber of rockets increased from 4.5 in (114 mm) to 7.2 in (183 mm), number of tubes remains at 60. Saw combat in 1944-1945.

NOTE in rifts use any medium range missiles
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

N.A.A.T had the abilities to make M.D.C hardware which allowed to survive in rift setting and shared with others
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun

Tank rifle

L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
10-19 mm -3d4 M.D ( max damage 12 )
20 - 29 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 )
30 - 39 mm-5d4 M.D( max damage 20)
40 - 49 mm -4d6 M.D ( max damage 24)
50 - 59 mm -5d6 MD( max damage 30 )
60 - 69 mm -6d6.D( max damage 36 )
70 - 79 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
80 - 89 mm -5D10 M.D( max damage 50 )
90 -99 mm -1D6X10( max damage 60 )
100 - 110 mm -2D4X10 M.D( max damage 80)
111 mm - 120 mm- 1D10x10M.D ( max damage 100)
121 - 130 mm -2D6X10M.D( max damage 120 )
131 - 140 mm 4D4X10 M.D( max damage 160)
141 - 150 mm -3D6x10 M.D( max damage 180)
151 - 160 mm -4d6x10 M.D( max damage 240 )
161 - 170 mm -5d6x10 M.D ( max damage 300 )
171 - 180 mm -6D6X10 ( max damage 360 )
181 - 190 mm- 1D4X100 ( max damage 400 )
191 - 200 mm -8d6x10 M.D ( max damage 480 )

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D (max damage 18)
20 - 29 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20)
30 - 39 mm -4d6 M.D (max damage 24)
40 - 49 mm -5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
50 - 59 mm -6d6 MD (max damage 36)
60 - 69 mm -1d4x10/ 4d10 M.D (max damage 40)
70 - 79 mm- 5d10 M.D (max damage 50 )
80 - 89 mm -1d6x10 M.D (max damage 60 )
90 -99 mm- 2d4x10 (max damage 80)
100 - 110 mm -1d10x10 M.D (max damage 100)
111 mm - 120 mm -2d6x10 or 3d4x10 M.D (max damage 120 )
121 - 130 mm -4d4x10 or 2d8x10 M.D (max damage 160)
131 - 140 mm -3d6x10 M.D (max damage 180)
141 - 150 mm -4d6 x10 M.D ( max damage 240 )
151 - 160 mm -5d6x10 M.D ( max damage 300 )
161 - 170 mm -6d6x10 M.D ( max damage 360 )
171 - 180 mm -5d8x10 M.D or 1d4x100( max damage 400 )
181 - 190 mm- 7d6x10 M.D( max damage 460 )
191 - 200 mm-8d6x10 M.D( max damage 480 )

A.P.F.S.D.S round

10-19 mm -5d6 M.D ( max damage 30 )
20 - 29 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 )
30 - 39 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
40 - 49 mm- 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
50 - 59 mm -1d6x10 MD( max damage 60 )
60 - 69 mm -2d4x10 ( max damage 80)
70 - 79 mm -1d10x10( max damage 100)
80 - 89 mm -2d6x10( max damage 120 )
90 -99 mm -4d4x10 ( max damage 160)
100 - 110 mm -3d6x10 M.D( max damage 180)
111 mm - 120 mm -4d6x10 ( max damage 240 )
121 - 130 mm -5d6x10 M.D( max damage 300 )
131 - 140 mm -6d6x10 M.D( max damage 360 )
141 - 150 mm -1d4x100 M.D( max damage 400 )
151 - 160 mm -7d6x10 M.D( max damage 420 )
161 - 170 mm -8d6x10 M.D ( max damage 480 )
171 - 180 mm -9d6x10 M.D ( max damage 540)
181 - 190 mm- 1D6X100 M.D( max damage 10d6x10 or 1d6x100 )
191 - 200 mm -11d6x10 M.D ( max damage 1d6x100+100 )
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The .50 Beowulf

The .50 Beowulf [12.7 x 42 mm Rb] is a rifle cartridge developed by Alexander Arms for use in a modified AR-15 rifle. The cartridge utilizes a rebated rim, sized to match the rim of the 7.62x39mm and 6.5 mm Grendel rounds. It is very similar in dimensions to the .500 S&W Magnum revolver cartridge.

According to the manufacturer, it was descended from the .50 Action Express, a cartridge originally developed for the Magnum Research Desert Eagle pistol, with significant modification to improve functionality and safety in the AR-15 platform.

The round is intended to improve stopping power greatly at short-to-medium range as compared to the standard 5.56mm. One of its advertised uses is at vehicle checkpoints, since the heavy bullet's flight path is not easily deflected by auto glass or standard vehicle body panels.
With normal bullet weights between 300 and 400 grains, overall cartridge length shorter than that of an AR-15 magazine well, and holding to pressures limited by the AR gas system, the .50 Beowulf remains at best a medium-powered cartridge. Alexander Arms uses gas ports adjusted for a pressure of 15,000 PSI, making its ballistics roughly equivalent to those of early .45-70 Government rounds rather than the higher pressure rounds tolerated by modern lever action rifles such as the Marlin Model 1895.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ridges.JPG

.30 caliber Beowulf Assault rifle
Damage standard
S.D.C 3D6 SDC single shot
1D6 x10 SDC five round burst

Light M.D Rounds 1d4 MDC or three rounds burst 3d4 MDC
ROF range: 3000 feet
Payload standard clip 30 rounds, long clip 50 rounds, drum 100 rounds , box 145 rounds
Weight 9 pounds, add half pound for long clip, 2 pounds drum,3 pounds box

Super Beowulf .50 caliber Assault rifle
Type: ballistic
Round .50 calibers
Wt: 10 pounds
Rn : 4500 feet
5d6 SDC single shot
3d6 x10 SDC five round burst

MDC round
1D6 per round
5D6 five round burst
Payload:30 round clip long clip 40 round ,drum small 100 round or 50 round ,box clip 250round
Box clip wt 10 pound
DU/DEAP - Round 2d8 per round MDC
2d4x10 for 5 round burst
Range 4000 feet
Under barrel auto grenade launcher,
40 mm USE Chaos Earth - Core Rulebook PAGE 58 NEMA GLR-540 MARK 2 light need a P.S of 9 or better payload 12 rounds rest the same
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M3 Lee

The Medium Tank M3 was an American tank used during World War II. In Britain the tank was called "General Lee", named after Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and the modified version built with a new turret was called the "General Grant", named after US General Ulysses S. Grant.
Design commenced in July 1940, and the first "Lees" were operational in late 1941.[1] The US Army needed a good tank and coupled with Great Britain's demand for 3,650 medium tanks immediately,[2] the Lee began production by late 1940. The M3 was well armed and armored for the period, but due to design flaws (high silhouette, archaic sponson mounting of the main gun, below average off-road performance) it was not satisfactory and was withdrawn from front line duty as soon as the M4 Sherman became available in large numbers.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ntmini.jpg

Weight 30 tons (27.2 metric tons)
Length 18 ft 6 in (5.64 m)
Width 8 ft 11 in (2.72 m)
Height 10 ft 3 in (3.12 m) - Lee Crew 7 (Lee) or 6 (Grant)
Armor 51 mm
Primary weapon 1 × 75 mm Gun M2/M3 in hull
46 rounds
1 × 37mm Gun M5/M6 in turret
178 rounds Secondary
weapon 2-3–4 × .30-06 Browning M1919A4 machine guns
9,200 rounds Engine Wright (Continental) R975 EC2
400/340 hp (298/254 kW) Transmission Synchromesh, 5 speeds forward, 1 reverse Suspension vertical volute spring Ground clearance 18 in (0.46 m) Fuel capacity 662 liters (175 US gallons) Operational
range 193 km Speed 26 mph (42 km/h)(road)
16 mph (26 km/h) (off-road) Steering
system Controlled differential

In 1939, the U.S. Army possessed approximately 400 tanks, mostly M2 light tanks, with less than a hundred of the discontinued M2 medium tanks.[3] The United States funded tank development poorly during the interwar years, and had no infrastructure for production, little experience in design, and poor doctrine to guide design efforts.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ds_023.JPG

M3 Grant at the US Army Ordnance Museum

The M2 series medium tank was typical of AFVs many nations produced in 1939. When the U.S. entered the war the M2 design was obsolete with a 37 mm gun, 32 mm frontal armor, machine gun main armament and a very high silhouette. The Panzer III and Panzer IV's success in the French campaign led the U.S. Army to immediately order a new medium tank armed with a 75 mm gun in a turret. This would be the M4 Sherman. However, until the Sherman was in production, an interim design with a 75 mm gun was urgently needed.
The M3 was the solution. The design was unusual because the main weapon – a larger caliber, low-velocity 75 mm gun – was in an offset sponson mounted in the hull with limited traverse. A small turret with a lighter, high-velocity 37 mm gun sat on the tall hull. A small cupola on top of the turret held a machine gun. The use of two main guns was seen on the French Char B, the Soviet T-35, and the Mark I version of the British Churchill tank. In each case, two weapons were mounted to give the tanks adequate capability in firing both anti-personnel high explosive ammunition and armor-piercing ammunition for anti-tank combat. The M3 differed slightly from this pattern having a main gun which could fire an armor-piercing projectile at a velocity high enough for efficiently piercing armor, as well as deliver a high-explosive shell that was large enough to be effective. Using a hull mounted gun, the M3 design was produced quicker than if a turret mount gun had been manufactured. It was understood that the M3 design was flawed, but Britain[4] urgently needed tanks.
The M3 was tall and roomy: the power transmission ran through the crew compartment under the turret cage to the gearbox driving the front sprockets. Steering was by differential braking, with a turning circle of 37 feet. The vertical volute suspension units included a return roller made with self-contained and readily replaced units bolted to the chassis. The turret was power-traversed by a electro-hydraulic system - a electric motor providing the pressure for the hydraulic motor. This rotated the turret fully in 15 seconds. Control was from a spade grip on the gun. The same motor provided pressure for the gun stabilizing system.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... -front.jpg

Front view, M3

The 75 mm was operated by a gunner and a loader. Sighting the 75 mm gun used a M1 periscope - with an integral telescope - on the top of the sponson. The periscope rotated with the gun. The sight was marked from zero to 3,000 yards[5] with vertical markings to aid deflection shooting at a moving target. The gunner laid the gun on target through geared handwheels for traverse and elevation.
The 37 mm was aimed through the M2 periscope, though this was mounted in the mantlet to the side of the gun. It also sighted the coaxial machine gun. Two range scales were provided: 0-1,500 yards for the 37mm and 0-1,000 yds for the machine gun.
The British ordered the M3 when they were refused permission to have their tank designs (the Matilda infantry tank and Crusader cruiser tank) made by American factories. British experts had viewed the mock-up in 1940 and identified several flaws - the high profile, the hull mounted gun, radio in the hull, smooth tracks, the amount of armor with insufficient attention to splash-proofing the joints.[6] The British agreed to order 1,250 M3, to be modified to their requirements - the order was subsequently increased with the expectation that when a superior tank was available it could replace part of the order. Contracts were arranged with three US companies, but the total cost was approximately 240 million US dollars. This sum was all of the British funds in the US and it took the Lend-Lease act to solve the financial problems.

The prototype was completed in March 1941 and production models followed with the first British specification tanks in July. The British cast turret included a bustle at the back for the Wireless Set No. 19 radio. It had thicker armour than the US one and removed the US cupola for a simple hatch. Both US and British tanks had thicker armor than first planned.[7] The British design required one fewer crew member than the US version due to the radio in the turret. The US eventually eliminated the full-time radio operator, assigning the task to the driver. The British realized that to meet their requirement for tanks both types would be needed.
The US military utilized the "M" (Model) letter to designate nearly all of their equipment. When the British Army received their new M3 medium tanks from the US, confusion immediately set in[8], as the M3 medium tank and the M3 light tank were identically named. The British army began naming[9] their American tanks, although the US Army never used those terms until after the war.[10]. The M3 tanks with the new turret and radio setup received the name "General Grant," while the original M3s were called "General Lee," or more usually just Grant and Lee. The M3 brought much-needed firepower to British forces in the African desert campaign.
The chassis and running gear of the M3 design was adapted by the Canadians for their Ram tank. The hull of the M3 was also used for self-propelled artillery and recovery vehicles.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... osef-2.jpg

M31 TRV showing dummy hull gun

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _Monty.JPG

A Grant Command variant used by General Montgomery housed at the Imperial War Museum in London

Much of the weakness of the conventional version has been replacing and makes many better then before. N.A.A.T has work to make this tank cheep using G.A.W, cheapwell INC, N.G and kinkdale . They easy to make and can deliver defense for any location or escort however the coalition see as waste of time. The coalition calls them The grave for six brothers (high command wonder the hell they got this nick name) and many as well. However they have been known to turn the tide of battle only cost in number which seem to be the choice. So far G.A.W, cheapwell INC, N.G, kinkdale and N.A.A.T as well made over 20,000 that’s about 100,000 in less than a year!!! Only inside the Crew of three has driver with standard view but also a digital display of with 180 degrees view, tank commander and gunner all have the same abilities, finally the auto-reloader replace the extra crew .The MDC machinegun one next to the main gun , one on top as remote turret, and one for the diver. Also you have added on to help the tank and have all the features of RIFTS robots found page 215. Small tank and very fast (due to small Jet engine) make hard to hit and cheap.

Nuclear powered 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max
2. Radar: none
3. Combat computer: add +2 strikes main gun, +3 MDC machine gun , +3 dodge
4. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
5. Radio standard 30 miles, NAAT uses 90 miles
6. External audio pick up: same as robots
7. Spotlight
8. Ejection systems: none but has escape hatches
9. Self-Destruct systems
10. Voice actuated locking systems
11. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment
12. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles ( for night operations )+ 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike
Crew 3

Top Turret: 120
Side Turret 190
Turret armed cockpit compartment 200
Main gun 150
Armed cockpit (in main body) 175
MDC machine gun (x4) 35
Main body 320
Engine (rear) 125
Tracks 100
N.A.A.T can add up armor 120 M.D.C per side front(x1), sides (x2) , button (x1), rear(x1)
Weapon systems
NOTE in rifts Primary weapon 1 × 75 mm Gun M2 / 90 mm Gun M3 in hull
120 rounds,1 × 37mm Gun M5/M6 in turret, x4 Heavy M.D Machine gun

37mm Gun
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
37mm Gun 5d4 M.D( max damage 20) single shot ,a 4 ( four ) round burst 2d4x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
37mm Gun -4d6 M.D (max damage 24) single shot ,a 4 ( four ) round burst 1d10x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
37mm Gun -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 ) single shot ,a 4 ( four ) round burst 4d4x10
R.O.F: single shot, ,a 4 ( four ) round burst
Payload; 200 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun

Primary weapon 1 × 75 mm Gun M2/M3 1 x 90 mm in hull

Damage: the 75 MM will be on all none N.A.A.T vehicles

75 mm Gun
75 mm Gun( many found of the low powered damage which is why it was replace with a high caliber gun a 90mm tank rifle )
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
75 mm Gun -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 ) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 2d4x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds ( many found of the low powered damage which is why it was replace with a high caliber gun a 90mm tank rifle )

75 mm Gun - 5d10 M.D (max damage 50) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 1d10X10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
75 mm Gun -1d10x10(max damage 100) single shot, a (two) round burst 5d4x10
R.O.F: single shot, a (two ) round burst
Range: Varies
NOTE 1 miles = 5280 feet
2500 feet surface to surface direct line of sight
4000 feet surface to air direct line of sight Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
4000 feet surface to air surface indirect line of sight artillery fire Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
Payload 120 rounds
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun

90 mm Gun
Damage: Varies
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds

90 mm Gun -1D6X10( max damage 60 ) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 2d6x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 4d4x10
90 mm Gun - 2d4x10 (max damage 80)

A.P.F.S.D.S round
90 mm Gun -4d4x10 ( max damage 160) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 4d8x10
Range: Varies
NOTE 1 miles = 5280 feet
3000 feet surface to surface direct line of sight
5000 feet surface to air direct line of sight Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
5000 feet surface to air surface indirect line of sight artillery fire Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet

N.A.A.T had the abilities to make M.D.C hardware which allowed to survive in rift setting and shared with others
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun
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Forgot cost
M4 Sherman/ Jumbo Sherman’s/ Sherman Firefly/ T34 Calliope/ M3 Lee

Standard model cheap well fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid ( range x2) 50,000 credits nuclear look at Rifts - Sourcebook 1 - Rifts Sourcebook power Source page 101 or solar powered batteries as well ,hydro electric engine range (x 5) 60,000 ,used 35,000 credits

Beowulf class assault rifle
.50 Beowulf class 3500 credits
Rounds 200 credits for 200 rounds

.30 caliber Beowulf Assault rifle 2500 credits
Rounds 120 credits for 400 rounds
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M18 Hellcat

The 76 mm Gun Motor Carriage (GMC) M18 was an American tank destroyer of World War II. The manufacturer, Buick, gave it the nickname "Hellcat" and it was the fastest tracked armored fighting vehicle during the war with a top speed up to 60 mph.[1]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... t_side.jpg

In December 1941, the Ordnance Corps issued a requirement for the design of a fast tank destroyer using a Christie suspension, the Wright/Continental R-975 engine, and a 37 mm gun.
In light of experience gained in North Africa, the 37 mm gun was found to be inadequate and the design was changed to use a British 57 mm gun. During the development process, the design was further upgunned to a 75 mm gun, and then finally to the 76 mm gun. The Christie suspension requirement was also dropped, and replaced with a torsion bar suspension. The design was standardized in February 1943 and production began in July 1943.
As a new design, the M18 incorporated several innovative maintenance features. The Wright R-975 engine was mounted on steel rollers, which permitted it to be disconnected from the transmission, rolled out onto the lowered engine rear cover, serviced and then reconnected to the vehicle. Similarly, the transmission could be removed and rolled out onto a front deck plate to allow repairs and inspection.
The T70 prototype for the M18 first saw combat at Anzio, Italy, and production versions of the M18 were used in North-West Europe and Italy from the summer of 1944 onwards.
In contrast to the M10 tank destroyer, which used the chassis of the M4 Sherman, the M18 Hellcat was designed from the start to be a fast tank destroyer. As a result it was smaller, lighter, and significantly faster, but carried the same gun as the Sherman 76 mm models. The M18 carried a five-man crew as well as 45 rounds of main gun ammunition, and an M2 Browning machine gun on a flexible ring mount for use against aircraft and infantry.

Specifications Weight 17.7 metric tons (39,000 lb)
Length 6.68 m (21.9 ft) (with gun)
5.28 m (17.3 ft) (without gun)
Width 2.87 m (9.4 ft)
Height 2.57 m (8.4 ft)
Crew 5 (Commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver)
Armor 5 to 25 mm (0.2 to 1.0 in)
Primary weapon 1× 76 mm (76.2 mm) M1A1 gun45 rounds
weapon 1× .50 cal M2HB machine gun800 rounds
Engine Continental R-975-C4, 9-cylinder, radial piston gasoline engine
340 hp (253 kW)
Power/weight 18.9 hp/t Suspension Torsion bar
Operationalrange 168 km (105 mi) Speed up to 97 km/h (60 mph, maximum road)

The main disadvantages of the M18 were its very light armor, and the inconsistent performance of its 76 mm gun against the frontal armor of later German designs such as the Tiger and Panther. The open-topped turret (a characteristic which it shared with the M10) left the crew exposed to snipers, grenades, and shell fragments. The doctrinal priority of high speed at the cost of armor protection thus led to an unbalanced design. The problem of the main gun performance was remedied with High Velocity Armor Piercing (HVAP) ammunition late in the war, which allowed the 76 mm gun to achieve greater frontal armor penetration, but this was never available in quantity.
While the M18 was capable of high road speeds this attribute was difficult to use successfully in combat, but along with the high top speed was a commensurate ability to accelerate rapidly and change direction rather quickly.[2] Although sustained travel at road speeds was hardly ever used outside of the Allied response during the Battle of the Bulge,[2] most Hellcat crews found the higher speeds especially useful in a sprint to flank German tanks, which had relatively slow turret traverse speeds, and such maneuvering allowed the tank destroyer crew a shot instead into the enemy's thinner side or rear armor. In general, Hellcat crews were complimentary of their vehicle's performance and capabilities, but did complain that the open top created a cold interior in the Northern European winter of 1944-45.[2] This problem was not helped by the fact that the air-cooled engine pulled a percentage of its cooling air through the crew compartment, creating in effect, a large armour plated refrigerator. It was not designed to do so, but it proved impossible to seal off the crew compartment entirely from engine induced drafts.
American armored doctrine was based on using tanks solely in a support and exploitation role, usually in conjunction with infantry. Tank destroyers, such as the Hellcat, were to be used against tanks. To this end the Hellcat was not intended to engage in protracted combat, and had light armor and extremely high speeds to quickly respond to breakthroughs in the line by German armor. In reality, the opposite was true, as the Sherman ran into encounters with German tanks far more often than intended, and near the end of the war, tank destroyers were increasingly used as self-propelled artillery in support of infantry for lack of any other targets.

The only M18 variant which was produced in significant numbers was the Armored Utility Vehicle M39, a turretless variation used to transport personnel or cargo or as a gun tractor. This version was armed with a single M2 machine gun on a flexible mount. 650 early production M18s were converted into M39s by removing the turret and fitting seats for up to eight men in the open fighting space.[3] M39s saw combat during the Korean War, primarily as armored personnel carriers and munitions carriers, and were finally declared obsolete on February 14, 1957.[4] About 100 M39s were transferred to the West German Bundeswehr in 1956, where they were used to train the reestablished Panzergrenadier armored infantry units.[5]
The M18 continued in production until October 1944, when the war was nearing its end. 2,507 had been produced by that time, at a unit cost of $57,500. Though all tank destroyer units were disbanded by the U.S. after the war, surplus M18s continued to see limited service.
In rifts this should not be out there but it is ,it act as defense tank ,by many small towns and as well as defensive potions . all crew wear MDC body amour due no crew protection form the elements ,as well no cover for the top area ,still cheap to make .only cheap well dare to make a few 400 tank which they surprise to sell them in less than a week!!! So the started making them ( all but N.A.A.T) with mix result .still to make ,cheap, easy to fix and maintain like the other tank is the main reason is in production

Open Turret: 175
Main gun 100
MDC machine gun (x3) 35
Main body 250
Engine (rear) 125
Tracks 100
Up armored per side add 175 each front ,sides(x2) , ,and cover the tracks (x2) they look like small box.

75 mm Gun
75 mm Gun( many found of the low powered damage,but still used any way )
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
75 mm Gun -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 ) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 2d4x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds ( many found of the low powered damage which is why it was replace with a high caliber gun a 90mm tank rifle )

75 mm Gun - 5d10 M.D (max damage 50) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 1d10X10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
75 mm Gun -1d10x10(max damage 100) single shot, a (two) round burst 5d4x10
R.O.F: single shot, a (two ) round burst
Range: Varies
NOTE 1 miles = 5280 feet
2500 feet surface to surface direct line of sight
4000 feet surface to air direct line of sight Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
4000 feet surface to air surface indirect line of sight artillery fire Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
Payload 120 rounds

Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE can add a second weapon systems to turret

Standard model cheap well fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid ( range x2) 25,00 credits no nuclear powered systems look at Rifts - Sourcebook 1 - Rifts Sourcebook power Source page 101 or solar powered batteries as well ,hydro electric engine range (x 5) 30,000 ,used 10,000 credits
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M36 tank destroyer

The M36 tank destroyer, formally 90 mm Gun Motor Carriage, M36, was an American tank destroyer used during World War II. It was known as Jackson or Slugger by the British,[citation needed] after the Confederate general Stonewall Jackson. American soldiers usually referred to them as TDs for 'tank destroyers'.[3] The M36 first served in combat in Europe in September 1944, and served until the end of the war; it also served during the Korean War, and in the armies of several other countries.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 04zx4t.jpg

With the advent of heavy German armor such as the Panther and Tiger, the standard U.S. tank destroyer, the 3in Gun Motor Carriage M10, was rapidly becoming obsolete, because its main armament, the 3in M7 gun, had difficulty engaging these new tanks past 500 meters. This was foreseen, however, and in September, 1942 American engineers had begun designing a new tank destroyer armed with the M3 90 mm gun. This was several months before any Allied unit encountered a Panther in combat, and well over a year before any US unit encountered a Tiger in combat.
The first M36 prototype was completed in March 1943, with a new turret mounting the 90 mm M3 gun on a standard M10 chassis. After testing, an order for 500 was issued. The prototype was designated T71 Gun Motor Carriage; upon standardization the designation was changed to 90 mm Gun Motor Carriage M36 in June 1944.
Like all US tank destroyers, the turret was open-topped to save weight and provide better observation. Postwar, a folding armored roof kit was developed to provide some protection from shell fragments, as with the M10. The M36 had a large bustle at the rear of its turret which provided a counterweight for the main gun. Eleven additional rounds of ammunition were stored inside the counterweight.

Specifications Weight 29 metric tons (64,000 lb) Length 7.46 m (24.5 ft) (w/ gun)
5.97 m (19.6 ft) (w/o gun) Width 3.05 m (10 ft) Height 3.28 m (10.8 ft) Crew 5 (Commander, (3x) gun crew, driver)
Armor 9 - 108 mm (0.35 - 4.25 in) Primary weapon 90 mm M3 gun
47 rounds Secondary
.50 cal Browning M2HB machine gun
1,000 rounds
Engine Ford GAA V-8 gasoline
450 hp (336 kW) Power/weight 15.5 hp/t Transmission Synchromesh gearbox with 5 forward and 1 reverse ratio[1] Suspension Vertical Volute Spring Suspension (VVSS) Fuel capacity 192 gallons[2] Operational
range 240 km (150 mi) on roads Speed 42 km/h (26.1 mi/h) (road)

It was not until September 1944 that the vehicle first began to appear in the European Theater of Operations. About 1,400 M36s were produced during the war. The need for 90 mm gunned tank destroyers was so urgent that, during October-December 1944, 187 conversions of standard Medium Tank M4A3 hulls were produced by Grand Blanc Arsenal. These vehicles, designated M36B1, were rushed to the European Theatre of Operations and used in combat alongside standard M36s. The M36 was well liked by its crews,[citation needed] being one of the few armored fighting vehicles available to US forces that could destroy heavy German tanks from a distance.
After World War II, the M36 was used in the Korean War. It could destroy any Soviet-made AFV deployed in that theatre. One postwar modification was the addition of a ball-mounted machinegun on the co-driver's side, as in many other armored fighting vehicles of the time.
The M36 was used by the French army, during the First Indochina War.
M36s were also exported after World War II to various countries. One of the recipients was Yugoslavia where the engine was replaced with the 500 hp Soviet-made diesel engine used in T-55 main battle tanks. Yugoslavian M36s participated in the Croatian War of Independence (1991–1995) but they are no longer in service with the Croatian Armed Forces due to their withdrawal immediately after the war. M36s were also used by Serbian forces in Bosnia and Croatia, and they were used during the Kosovo War as decoys for NATO air strikes. They were also supplied as part of U.S. military aid to Pakistan in the 1950s and served in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.
The Republic of China Army acquired eight ex-French examples in 1955 and had them stationed in Kinmen island group, where they are deemed more maneuverable than the bigger M48A3 and later CM11/12 MBTs while being more powerful than M24 and M41 light tanks. As of April 2001, at least two still remained in service with troops defending Lieyu Township.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 050krh.jpg

In rifts this should not be out there but it is, it act as defense tank, by many small towns and as well as defensive positions. All crew wear MDC body amour due no crew protection form the elements ,as well no cover for the top area ,still cheap to make .only cheap well dare to make a few 400 tank which they surprise to sell them in less than a week!!! So the started making them ( all but N.A.A.T) with mix result .still to make ,cheap, easy to fix and maintain like the other tank is the main reason is in production, and sometime was push as escort duties

Open Turret: 175
folding armored roof kit 100 to 180
Main gun 100
MDC machine gun (x3) 35
Main body 300
Engine (rear) 125
Tracks 100
Up armored per side add 175 each front ,sides(x2) , ,and cover the tracks (x2) they look like small box.

Standard model cheap well fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid ( range x2) 60,000 credits nuclear look at Rifts - Sourcebook 1 - Rifts Sourcebook power Source page 101 or solar powered batteries as well ,hydro electric engine range (x 5) 80,000 ,used 25,000 credits

90 mm Gun
Damage: Varies
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds

90 mm Gun -1D6X10( max damage 60 ) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 2d6x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 4d4x10
90 mm Gun - 2d4x10 (max damage 80)

A.P.F.S.D.S round
90 mm Gun -4d4x10 ( max damage 160) single shot, ,a ( two ) round burst 4d8x10

Range: Varies
NOTE 1 miles = 5280 feet
3000 feet surface to surface direct line of sight
5000 feet surface to air direct line of sight Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
5000 feet surface to air surface indirect line of sight artillery fire Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
Payload : 120 rounds

Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE can add a second weapon systems to turret

Standard model cheap well fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid ( range x2) 25,00 credits no nuclear powered systems look at Rifts - Sourcebook 1 - Rifts Sourcebook power Source page 101 or solar powered batteries as well ,hydro electric engine range (x 5) 30,000 ,used 10,000 credits
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

M7 Priest

The 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7 was an American self-propelled artillery vehicle produced during World War II. It was given the official service name 105 mm Self Propelled Gun, Priest by the British Army, due to the pulpit-like machine gun ring, and following on from the Bishop and the contemporary Deacon self-propelled guns.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... at_APG.jpg

Witnessing the events of the war, U.S. Army observers realized that they would need a self-propelled artillery vehicle with sufficient firepower to support armored operations. Lessons learned with half-tracks (such as the T19) also showed that this vehicle would have to be armored and fully tracked. It was decided to use the M3 Lee chassis as the basis for this new vehicle design, which was designated T32.

After reworking the M3 by providing an open-topped superstructure, mounting a 105 mm howitzer and, following trials, adding a machine gun, the T32 was accepted for service as the M7 in February 1942 and production began that April.
While the first M7s were produced for the U.S. Army, supply was soon diverted to support the Lend-Lease program. Ninety M7s were sent to the British 8th Army in North Africa, who were also the first to use it in battle during the Second Battle of El Alamein as well as their own Bishop,a 25-pounder gun howitzer armed self propelled gun. The M7 soon proved successful and the British requested 5,500 of them, an order which was never fully completed.
They did find problems with the M7 though, as the primary armament was of U.S., not British standard. This meant that the M7s had to be supplied separately, causing logistical complications. It was a problem that was only truly resolved in 1943 on arrival of the 25-pounder-armed Sexton developed by the Canadians on a similar chassis. Until that time though, the British continued to use the M7 throughout the North African Campaign, the Italian Campaign and even a few during the early days of the Normandy Invasion. After the Sexton appeared, most British M7s were converted into "Kangaroo" armored personnel carriers.
In U.S. service, the M7 was a great success. Each U.S. armored division had three battalions of M7s, giving them unparalleled mobile artillery support.[clarification needed]
A total of 3,490 M7s were built and they proved to be reliable weapons, continuing to see service in the U.S. and allied armies well past World War II.
In rifts this should not be out there but it is, it act as defense tank, by many small towns and as well as defensive potions. All crew wear MDC body amour due no crew protection form the elements ,as well no cover for the top area ,still cheap to make .only cheap well dare to make a few 400 tank which they surprise to sell them in less than a week!!! So the started making them ( all but N.A.A.T) with mix result .still to make ,cheap, easy to fix and maintain like the other tank is the main reason is in production

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... -_JPG1.jpg

Specifications Weight 50,640 lb (22.97 metric tons) Length 20 ft (6.02 m) with sandshields Width 9.41 ft (2.87 m) with sandshields Height 9.67 ft (2.95 m) over AA machine gun Crew 7
Armor 51 mm (2 in)
Primary weapon 105 mm M1/M2 Howitzer
69 rounds
weapon 1 x .50cal M2 MG
300 rounds
Engine Continental R-975 C1
400 or 340 hp
(298 or 254 kW) Suspension vertical volute spring
Operationalrange 120 mi (193 km) Speed 24 mph (39 km/h) on road
15 mph (24 km/h) off road

Open Turret: 175
Optional folding armored roof kit 100 to 150
Main gun 100
MDC machine gun (x1) 35
Main body 275
Engine (rear) 125
Tracks 100
Up armored per side add 175 each front ,sides(x2) , ,and cover the tracks (x2) they look like small box, can have top armored with
folding armored roof kit add 50 MDC only

Weapon systems

Tank rifle
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
105 mm -2D4X10 M.D( max damage 80) single shot, a ( two ) round burst 4D4 X10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds

105 mm -1d10x10 M.D (max damage 100) ) single shot, a ( two ) round burst 5D4X10


105 mm -3d6x10 M.D( max damage 180) ) single shot, a ( two ) round burst 6D6X10

R.O.F: single shot, a (two ) round burst

Range: Varies NOTE 1 miles = 5280 feet
NOTE 1 miles = 5280 feet
3000 feet surface to surface direct line of sight
4000 feet surface to air direct line of sight Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet
5000 feet surface To air surface indirect line of sight artillery fire Note when this happen is does half damage to a blast radius of 10 feet

Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE can add a second weapon systems to turret

Standard model cheap well fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid ( range x2) 25,00 credits no nuclear powered systems look at Rifts - Sourcebook 1 - Rifts Sourcebook power Source page 101 or solar powered batteries as well ,hydro electric engine range (x 5) 30,000 ,used 10,000 credits

Standard model cheap well fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid ( range x2) 30,00 credits no nuclear powered systems look at Rifts - Sourcebook 1 - Rifts Sourcebook but can have power Source page 101 or solar powered batteries as well ,hydro electric engine range (x 5) 35,000 ,used 15,000 credits
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1296139716

.30 caliber single barrel auto pistol

.30 caliber single barrel auto pistol and bottom left single barrel auto pistol.50 calibers and to the right top Are .30 caliber dual barrel auto pistol and bottom left dual barrel auto pistol.50 calibers .these weapon are part of N.A.AT high powered and close quarter combat and act as personal defense weapons . Light weight weapon and can do over it weight class; built-in ant recoil systems and a mass large clip are all standard good to excellent and carry both red light targeting with blinding flash systems and can turn to thermos light target systems in the wear can see by selecting the frequency of the light in the human eye can not ,even D–bee who can see in infrared spectrum wont know they are been targeted .the coalition has banned this weapons but are loved by so many even officers buy it as a collection items of course. All these hand held weapons can carry a vi bro blade or two under the barrel!! For that up and close combat which has saved the life of so many gun user. Cowboys love this design as well as many gun collectors to mostly all man of arms.

Single. 30 Caliber barrel auto pistol

• single shot M.D.C AP rounds 1d4, H.E rounds 1D6 M.D.C,

• two rounds Burst (this is similar to the tank rifle used) M.D.C AP rounds 2d4, H.E rounds 2D6 M.D.C,

• Incendiary M.D.C rounds:
(this used for anti Vampire 1d4 M.D.C single shot to any one but Vampire 5d4 M.D.C single shot use know table but twice the so a 12 damage KO table is 24, critical hit 17 or better aiming for main body hit the heart damage x10, for the head x5 plus K.O table .note if the damage goes over its MDC point they are vaporized, sliver acid round against were beast same thing but melt K.O table the same)

R.O.F: single shot, burst two rounds
Range: 300 feet
Payload: 30 rounds standard clip, but can use small clip 24 rounds (don’t forget plus 1 in chamber)
Note: silencer due to the extend barrel add 150 feet plus +1 to strike, must be at least 5 feet close to hear something, perception roll 12 or better if know to be in the area, or 15 or better not known to be in the area, needs a P.S 8 or better to use .single barrel auto pistol, infrared targeting standard +1 to strike, thermo target laser ( can not be seen by optic thermos / infrared only if you know frequency ADD +1 strike ,can not used both at the same time battery life 6 to moth constant use , up 1 and 6 month used here and there, flash light plus high intensity blinding light -9 to human , vampire and slimier D-bee -12 to strike , parry, dodge, roll and are blinded for 1d4 melees ,S.D.C beings 1d4 minutes

Dual . 30 Caliber barrel auto pistol


• Single shot M.D.C AP rounds 1d4, single shot H.E rounds 1D6 M.D.C, this is one barrel fired, aim shot

• two rounds Burst (this is one barrel fired ) M.D.C AP rounds 2d4, H.E rounds 2D6 M.D.C, single barrel fired

• incendiary M.D.C (this used for anti Vampire 1d4 M.D.C to any one but Vampire get 5d4 M.D.C use know table but twice the so a 12 damage K.O table is 24, critical hit 17 or better aiming for main body hit the heart damage x10, for the head x5 plus K.O table .note if the damage goes over its MDC point they are vaporized, sliver acid round against were beast same thing but melt K.O table the same) aim shot

• Dual single shot two rounds fired M.D.C AP rounds 2d4, H.E rounds 2D6 M.D.C( both barrel fired ) that two rounds aim shot

• Dual Burst ( both barrel fired ) that four rounds fired AP rounds 4d4, single shot H.E rounds 4D6 M.D.C, this is one barrel fired, aim shot

R.O.F: single shot one rounds fired, dual shot two rounds fired, Dual burst four rounds
Range: 300 feet
Payload: 30 rounds standard clip, but can use small clip 24 rounds (don’t forget plus 1 in chamber)
Note: silencer due to the extend barrel add 150 feet plus +1 to strike, must be at least 5 feet close to hear something, perception roll 12 or better if know to be in the area, or 15 or better not known to be in the area, needs a P.S 8 or better to use .single barrel auto pistol, infrared targeting standard +1 to strike, thermo target laser ( can not be seen by optic thermos / infrared only if you know frequency ADD +1 strike ,can not used both at the same time battery life 6 to moth constant use , up 1 and 6 month used here and there, flash light plus high intensity blinding light -9 to human , vampire and slimier D-bee -12 to strike , parry, dodge, roll and are blinded for 1d4 melees ,S.D.C beings 1d4 minutes

Single . 50 Caliber barrel auto pistol


• Single shot M.D.C AP rounds 1d6; H.E rounds 2d4 or 1d8 M.D.C aim shot

• Two rounds burst (this is similar to the tank rifle used) M.D.C AP rounds 2d6 , H.E rounds 4d4 M.D.C this is one barrel fired, two rounds fired

• M.D.C Incendiary ( this used for anti Vampire 1d6 M.D.C to any one but Vampire 5d6 M.D.C single shot use know table but twice the so a 20 damage KO table is 40 , critical hit 17 or better aiming for main body hit the heart damage x5 , for the head x3 plus K.O table .Note if the damage goes over its MDC point they are vaporized, sliver acid round against were beast same thing but melt K.O table the same )
R.O.F: single, burst two rounds
Range: 400 feet
Payload: 30 rounds standard clip, but can use small clip 24 rounds (don’t forget plus 2 in chamber)
Note: silencer due to the extend barrel add 150 feet plus +1 to strike, must be at least 5 feet close to hear something, perception roll 12 or better if know to be in the area, or 15 or better not known to be in the area, needs a P.S 8 or better to use auto pistol, infrared targeting standard +1 to strike, thermo target laser ( can not be seen by optic thermos / infrared only if you know frequency ADD +1 strike ,can not used both at the same time battery life 6 to moth constant use , up 1 and 6 month used here and there, flash light plus high intensity blinding light -9 to human , vampire and slimier D-bee -12 to strike , parry, dodge, roll and are blinded for 1d4 melees ,S.D.C beings 1d4 minutes

Dual . 50 Caliber barrel auto pistol


• M.D.C AP rounds 1d6, H.E rounds 2D4 M.D.C, single shot ( one barrel fired ) aim shot

• Dual Single shot M.D.C AP rounds 2d6; H.E rounds 4d4 or 2d8 M.D.C ( both barrel fired ) aim shot

• burst two round (this is similar to the tank rifle used) M.D.C AP rounds 2d6, H.E rounds 2D4 or 2d8 M.D.C, (single barrel )

• Dual burst four round fired (this is similar to the tank rifle used, both barrel fired four rounds ) AP rounds 4d6, H.E rounds 4d8 or 1d8 M.D.C,

• incendiary M.D.C ( this used for anti Vampire 2d8 M.D.C to any one but Vampire 5d8 or 1d4x10 M.D.C use know table but twice the so a 20 damage KO table is 40 , critical hit 17 or better aiming for main body hit the heart damage x5 , for the head x3 plus K.O table .Note if the damage goes over its M.D.C point they are vaporized, sliver acid round against were beast same thing but melt K.O table the same )

R.O.F: single, burst two rounds
Range: 400 feet
Payload: 30 rounds standard clip, but can use small clip 24 rounds (don’t forget plus 2 in chamber)
Note: silencer due to the extend barrel add 150 feet plus +1 to strike, must be at least 5 feet close to hear something, perception roll 12 or better if know to be in the area, or 15 or better not known to be in the area, needs a P.S 8 or better to use auto pistol, infrared targeting standard +1 to strike, thermo target laser ( can not be seen by optic thermos / infrared only if you know frequency ADD +1 strike ,can not used both at the same time battery life 6 to moth constant use , up 1 and 6 month used here and there, flash light plus high intensity blinding light -9 to human , vampire and slimier D-bee -12 to strike , parry, dodge, roll and are blinded for 1d4 melees ,S.D.C beings 1d4 minutes

10 MM auto pistol

10 MM single barrel auto pistol and to the button top are 10 MM dual barrel auto pistol. These weapons are part of N.A.AT high powered and close quarter combat and act as personal defense weapons. Light weight weapon and can do over it weight class; built-in ant recoil systems and a mass large clip are all standard good to excellent and carry both red light targeting with blinding flash systems and can turn to thermo light target systems in the wear can see by selecting the frequency of the light in the human eye can not ,even D–bee who can see in infrared spectrum wont know they are been targeted .the coalition has banned this weapons but are loved by so many even officers buy it as a collection items of course. All these hand held weapons can carry a vibro blade or two under the barrel!! For that up and close combat which has saved the life of so many gun user. Cowboys love this design as well as many gun collectors to mostly all man of arms.

10 MM single barrel auto pistol

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1296139719

• M.D.C AP rounds 3D4 , H.E rounds 3D6 M.D.C,

• burst two round (this is similar to the tank rifle used) M.D.C AP rounds 4D6 , H.E rounds 6D6 M.D.C,

• incendiary M.D.C ( this used for anti Vampire 1d4 M.D.C to any one but 5d10 M.D.C use know table but twice the so a1 2 damage KO table is 24, critical hit 17 or better aiming for main body hit the heart damage x10 , for the head x5 plus K.O table .note if the damage goes over its MDC point they are vaporized, sliver acid round against were beast same thing but melt K.O table the same

R.O.F: single shot OR burst two rounds
Range: 400 feet
Payload: 30 rounds standard clip, but can use small clip 24 rounds (don’t forget plus 1 in chamber)
Note: silencer due to the extend barrel add 150 feet plus +1 to strike, must be at least 5 feet close to hear something, perception roll 12 or better if know to be in the area, or 15 or better not known to be in the area, needs a P.S 10 or better to use auto pistol, infrared targeting standard +1 to strike, thermo target laser ( can not be seen by optic thermos / infrared only if you know frequency ADD +1 strike ,can not used both at the same time battery life 6 to moth constant use , up 1 and 6 month used here and there, flash light plus high intensity blinding light -9 to human , vampire and slimier D-bee -12 to strike , parry, dodge, roll and are blinded for 1d4 melees ,S.D.C beings 1d4 minutes

10 MM dual barrel auto pistol

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1296139715

• M.D.C AP rounds 3D4 , H.E rounds 3D6 M.D.C, aim shot this is one barrel fired

• two round burst (this is similar to the tank rifle used) M.D.C AP rounds 4D6 , H.E rounds 6D6 M.D.C, this is one barrel fired

• incendiary M.D.C ( this used for anti Vampire 1d4 M.D.C to any one but 5d10 M.D.C use know table but twice the so a 12 damage KO table is 24, critical hit 17 or better aiming for main body hit the heart damage x10 , for the head x5 plus K.O table .note if the damage goes over its MDC point they are vaporized, sliver acid round against were beast same thing but melt K.O table the same

• Dual fired Dual burst four rounds ( both barrel fired ) AP rounds 1d4x10+8, H.E rounds 2d4x10 M.D.C, single shot

R.O.F: single shot OR two rounds burst OR Dual burst four rounds
Range: 500 feet
Payload: 30 rounds standard clip, but can use small clip 24 rounds (don’t forget plus2 in chamber)
Note: silencer due to the extend barrel add 150 feet plus +1 to strike, must be at least 5 feet close to hear something, perception roll 12 or better if know to be in the area, or 15 or better not known to be in the area, needs a P.S 12 or better to use .30 caliber single barrel, infrared targeting standard +1 to strike, thermo target laser ( can not be seen by optic thermos / infrared only if you know frequency ADD +1 strike ,can not used both at the same time battery life 6 to moth constant use , up 1 and 6 month used here and there, flash light plus high intensity blinding light -9 to human , vampire and slimier D-bee -12 to strike , parry, dodge, roll and are blinded for 1d4 melees ,S.D.C beings 1d4 minutes

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... SW_610.jpg

There also a market for revolver only single barrel note single shot ONLY!! rest the same 6 round Chambers,8 rounds chamber FOR .20 /.50 caliber and 10mm caliber revolver as well this is top right
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

The following tanks Tank was N.A.A.T ideas as line back for military base heavy amour, good fire power and slow as turtle. The coalition calls them armadillos due to the heavy amour and sometime takes more than one pass to kill. Still, other sees as defense weapon or heavy recon, to brake thru enemy line .everyone will see them because they are slow, slowly but surely they will get thru is their tank Motto. And this is for a reason they are the most crazy tank crew you are going to face or they have a dead wish, or nothing to lose.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T30_Heavy ... y_Tank.JPG

“Nothing venture nothing gain” is what they are say now, before they hit combat operation and they let everyone know once combat operations started .however N.A.A.T didn’t want these tank as offensive but more defense role ,but it turn out nothing is what to be expected in rifts earths. Easy to repair or replace parts and reduce crew but has room for 6 if need rarely used and cheap .this give a reason to stay inn the market.

T30 Heavy Tank

The T30 Heavy Tank was an WWII American tank project developed to counter new German tanks. The T30 was designed at same time as the T29 Heavy Tank. Pilot models were started in April 1945 and were delivered in 1947. The 155 mm fired two-piece (shell and charge) ammunition. The loader was helped by a powered rammer.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... t_View.jpg

A variant of the tank designated T30E1 had an additional hatch at the back of the turret for ejecting the shell casings. Another variant of the tank is the T30E2. A single variant was also produced in the post-war era as the T57, which replaced the conventional turret with an oscillating version that allowed the fitting of an automated loader.
A surviving example is currently located in front of Marshall Hall at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Tank has the following
1. Radar :none
2. combat computer :add +2 strikes main gun , +3 MDC machine gun , +3 dodge
3. laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. radio standard 5 miles , NAAT uses 30 miles
5. External audio pick up :same as robots
6. spotlight
7. Ejection systems :none but has escape hatches
8. Self-Destruct systems
9. Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment
11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles ( for night operations )+ 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike
12. Nuclear powered 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... y_Tank.JPG

Specifications Weight 65.8 metric tons
(145,000 lbs) Length 11.57 m (37 ft 11.5 in)
Width 3.80 m (12 ft 5.5 in)
Height 3.20 m (10 ft 6 in)
Crew 6
Armor 25 to 280 mm (0.98 to 11 in)
Primary weapon T7 155 mm L/40 gun
(T7E1 for the T30E1)
34 rounds Secondary
weapon 7.62 mm machine gun
Engine Continental AV1790-3 aircooled
704 hp (net) Power/weight 10 hp/tonne Suspension torsion-bar Speed 26.5 km/h (16.5 mph)

Rifts T30 Heavy Tank
Turret 325
Amour crew compartment turret 250
Main gun 150
Main body 450
MDC machine (next to main gun) varies one in each sides (x2)
Main Amour crew compartment (in the Main body) 250
Tracks(x2)120 each
Engine 250
Cupola (x1) varies
Side amour one per can add 100 to 250 per sides(x) ,front (x1),rear(x1) turret (x1),under belly(x1) note this ids the first to take damage

Weapon systems
155 MM tank rifle
Damage: varies
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds blast radius :5 feet
155 mm -4d6x10 M.D (max damage 240) a (two) round burst 8d6x10
H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds blast radius :5 feet
155 mm -5d6x10 M.D (max damage 300 ) a (two) round burst 1d6x100
A.P.F.S.D.S round blast radius: 1 feet
155 mm -7d6x10 M.D ( max damage 420 ) a (two) round burst 2d4x100 +20
R.O.F: single shot, a (two) round burst
Range: 5000 feet direct fire, 8000 feet indirect fire
NOTE 1 miles = 5280 feet
Payload: 120 rounds each

MDC Machine Gun (x2) with main gun
MDC Machine Gun (x1) culpa

Churchill tank

The Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22) was a heavy British infantry tank used in the Second World War, best known for its heavy amour, large longitudinal chassis with all-around tracks with multiple bogies, and its use as the basis of many specialist vehicles. It was one of the heaviest allied tanks of the war. This series of tanks was named after Winston Churchill,[1] who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Minister of Defense at the time, and had been involved with the development of the tank as a weapon during the First World War.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ill_IV.jpg

Weight 38.5 t (37.9 long tons)
Length 24 ft 5 in (7.44 m)
Width 10 ft 8 in (3.25 m)
Height 8 ft 2 in (2.49 m)
Crew 5 (commander, gunner, loader/radio operator, driver, co-driver/hull gunner)
Armour 16 to 102 mm (In the MK VII front armour 152 mm)
Primary weapon QF 2 pdr (early Marks) 75 mm gun
Secondaryweapon 2× 7.92 mm Besa machine guns ‘
Engine Bedford horizontally opposed twin-six petrol engine
350 hp (261 kW) at 2,200 rpm
Power/weight 9.1 hp/tonne Transmission Merritt-Brown 4 speed constant mesh epicyclical gearbox Suspension coiled spring
Operationalrange 90 km
Speed 15 miles per hour (24 km/h) Steering
system triple differential steering in gearbox


http://www.military-art.com/mall/images ... hm0839.jpg

Initially specified before the outbreak of the Second World War the (General Staff designation) A20 was to be the replacement for the Matilda II and Valentine infantry tanks. In accordance with British infantry tank doctrine and based on the expected needs of World War I-style trench warfare, the tank was required to be capable of navigating shell-cratered ground, demolishing infantry obstacles such as barbed wire, and attacking fixed enemy defences; for these purposes, great speed and heavy armament was not required.
The vehicle was specified initially to be armed with two QF 2 pounder guns each located in a side sponson, with a coaxial BESA machine gun. A third BESA and a smoke projector would be fitted in the front hull. The specification was revised to prefer a turret with 60 mm of armour to protect against ordinary shells from the German 37 mm gun. Outline drawings were produced based on using the A12 Matilda turret and the engine of the Covenanter tank. Detail design and construction of the A20 was given to the Belfast shipbuilders Harland and Wolff who completed four prototypes by June 1940. During the construction period the armament was reconsidered which including fitting either a 6 pounder or a French 75 mm gun in the forward hull. In the end a 3-inch howitzer was chosen.[2][3] The A20 designs were short-lived however, as at roughly the same time the emergency evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk occurred.
At 43 tons, with a 300 hp Meadows engine, the A20 had limited power. Vauxhall were approached to see if they could build the A20 and one example was sent to Vauxhall at Luton to see if they could provide an alternative engine. To this end they developed a flat 12 petrol engine.[4]

With France conquered, the scenario of trench warfare in Northern Europe was no longer applicable and the design was revised by Dr. H.E. Merritt,[note 2] Director of Tank Design at Woolwich Arsenal, based on the combat witnessed in Poland and France. These new specifications, for the A22 or Infantry Tank Mark IV, were given to Vauxhall in June 1940.[5]
With German invasion looking imminent and the United Kingdom having lost most of its military vehicles in the evacuation from France, the War Office specified that the A22 had to enter production within the year. By July 1940 the design was complete and by December of that year the first prototypes were completed; in June 1941, almost exactly a year as specified, the first Churchill tanks began rolling off the production line.
A leaflet from the manufacturer was added to the User Handbook which stated that it had great confidence in the fundamental design of the tank but that the model had been put into production without time for proper honing and that improvements would be made in time.
“ ....Fighting vehicles are urgently required, and instructions have been received to proceed with the vehicle as it is rather than hold up production.
All those things which we know are not as they should be will be put right... ”
The document then covered for each area of the tank affected, the fault, precautions to avoid the fault and what was being done to correct the problem.
http://www.military-art.com/mall/images ... hm0839.jpg

This hasty development had not come without cost though, as there had been little in the way of testing and the Churchill was plagued with mechanical faults. Most apparent was that the Churchill's engine was underpowered and unreliable, and difficult to access for servicing. Another serious shortcoming was the tank's weak armament, the 2 pounder (40 mm) gun, which was improved by the addition of a 3 inch howitzer in the hull (the Mk IICS had the howitzer in the turret) to deliver an HE shell albeit not on a howitzers usual high trajectory. These flaws contributed to the tank's poor performance in its first use in combat, the disastrous Dieppe Raid in August, 1942.[citation needed]

Production of a turret to carry the QF 6 pounder gun began in 1941 but problems with the plate used in an all-welded design led to an alternative cast turret also being produced. These formed the distinction between Mark III and Mark IV.[6]
The poor performance of the Churchill nearly caused production to be ceased in favour of the upcoming Cromwell tank; it was saved by the successful use of the Mk III at the Second Battle of El Alamein in October 1942.

The second major improvement in the Churchill's design, the Mk VII saw first used in the Battle of Normandy in 1944. The Mk VII improved on the already heavy armour of the Churchill with a wider chassis and the 75 mm gun which had been introduced on the Mk VI. It was primarily this variant, the A22F, which served through the remainder of war and was re-designated as A42 in 1945.
The Churchill was notable for its versatility and was utilized in numerous specialist roles.

http://images.rcuniverse.com/forum/upfi ... y74878.jpg

The hull was made up of simple flat plates which were initially bolted together and welded in later models. The hull was split into four compartments: the driver's position at the front, then the fighting compartment including the turret, the engine compartment, and the gearbox compartment. The suspension was fitted under the two large "panniers" on either side of the hull, the track running over the top. There were eleven bogies either side, each carrying two 10-inch wheels. Only nine of the bogies were taking the vehicle weight normally, the front coming into play when the vehicle nosed into the ground or against an obstacle, the rear acting in part as a track tensioner. Due to the number of wheels, the tank could survive losing several without much in the way of adverse affects as well as traversing steeper terrain obstacles. As the tracks ran around the panniers, escape hatches in the side could be incorporated into the design. These were retained throughout the revisions of the Churchill and were of particular use when the Churchill was adopted as the AVRE.
The Bedford Vehicles engine was effectively two engines in horizontally opposed configuration ("flat twelve") on a common crankshaft. There were four Solex carburettors each on a separate manifold that fed three cylinders formed as a single cylinder head. The elements of the engine and ancillary components were laid out so they could be reached for maintenance through the engine deck covers. Air for the engine was drawn from the fighting compartment through air cleaners. Cooling air was drawn into the engine compartment through louvres on the sides, across the radiators and through the engine compartment by a fan driven by the clutch. This fan blew the air over the gearbox and out the rear of the hull. By opening a flap between the fighting compartment and the engine compartment this airflow could be used to remove fumes produced by firing the armament. The 1,296 cubic inch capacity engine was rated at 350 bhp at 2,000 rpm delivering 960 lb.ft over a engine speed range from 800 to 1,600 rpm.
The gearbox featured a regenerative steering system that was controlled by a tiller bar instead of the more commonplace brake levers or a steering wheel. The tiller was connected with servo assistance, hydraulicly to the steering brakes. The Churchill was also the first tank to utilise the Merritt-Brown gearbox, which allowed the tank to be steered by changing the relative speeds of the two tracks; this effect became more pronounced with each lower gear, ultimately allowing the tank to perform a "neutral turn" when no gear was engaged where it could fully turn on its own axis. There were final reduction gears, of the planetary type, in the driving wheels.
The first turrets were of cast construction and were rounded in shape, providing sufficient space to accommodate the relatively small 2 pounder gun. To fulfil its role as an infantry support vehicle the first models were equipped with a 3 inch howitzer in the hull in a layout very similar to the French Char B. This enabled the tank to deliver a useful high-explosive capability while retaining the antitank capabilities of the 2 pounder. However, like other multi-gun tanks, it was limited by a poor fire arc - the entire tank had to be turned to change the aim of the hull gun. The Mk II dispensed with the howitzer and replaced it with a bow machine gun and on the Mk III, the 2 pounder was replaced with the 6 pounder, significantly increasing the tank's anti-tank capabilities. The tank underwent field modification in North Africa with several Churchills being fitted with the 75 mm gun of destroyed M4 Shermans. These "NA75" variants were used in Italy. The use of the 75 mm, which was inferior as an anti-tank weapon to the 6 pounder but better as an all-around gun was soon made standard on successive versions.
Churchills made use of the Vickers Tank Periscope MK.IV. In the Mark VII, the driver had two periscopes as well as a vision port in the hull front that could be opened. The hull gunner had a single periscope as well as the sighting telescope on the BESA mounting. In the turret the gunner and loader each had single periscope and the commander had two fitted in his hatch cupola.
The armour on the Churchill, often considered its most important trait, was originally specified to a minimum of 16 millimetres (0.63 in) and a maximum of 102 millimetres (4.0 in); this was increased with the Mk VII to a range from 25 millimetres (0.98 in) to 152 millimetres (6.0 in). Though this armour was considerably thicker than its rivals (including the German Tiger I tank, but not the Tiger II) it was not sloped, reducing its effectiveness. Earlier models were given extra armour by the expedient of welding extra plates on.
On the Mark VII, the hull front armour was made up of a lower angled piece of 5.5 in (140 mm), a nearly flat 2.25 in (57 mm) plate and a vertical 6 inch plate. The hull sides, were for the most part, 3.75 in (95 mm). The rear was 2 in (51 mm) and the hull top 0.525 in (13.3 mm). The turret of the Mark VII was 6 in (150 mm) to the front and 3.75 in (95 mm) for the other sides. The turret roof was 0.79 (20 mm) thick. Plate was specified as IT 80, the cast sections as IT 90.[7]
The A22F, also known as "Heavy Churchill" was a major revision of the design. The most significant part was the use of welding instead of rivetted construction. Welding had been considered earlier for the Churchill but until its future was assured this was no more than testing techniques and hulls at the firing ranges. What welding reduced in the overall weight (estimates were around 4%), the thicker armour of the A22F made up for. Welding was also required fewer man-hours in construction. The hull doors changed from square to round which reduced stresses. A new turret went with the new hull. The sides, which included a flared base to protect the turret ring, were a single casting while the roof which did not need to be so thick was a plate fitted to the top.[8]
Since the engines on the Churchill were never upgraded, the tank became increasingly slower as additional armour and armament was equipped and weight increased; while the Mk I weighed 39,118 kg (40 long tons) and the Mk III weighed 39,626 kg, the Mk VII weighed 40,643 kg. This caused a reduction in maximum speed of the tank from its original 26 kilometres per hour (16 mph) down to 20.5 kilometres per hour (12.7 mph). The engines also suffered from many mechanical problems.
Another problem was the tank's relatively small turret that prevented the use of powerful weapons; definitive versions of the tank were armed with either the QF 6 pounder or the derivative QF 75 mm gun, both having reasonable powers against armoured and soft targets respectively but with limited performance against the other. Although earlier Churchills could out-gun many contemporary German medium tanks, like the Panzer IV with the short-barrel 75 mm gun and the Panzer III's 50 mm gun, with its 6 pounder, and the thick armour of all Churchill models could usually withstand several hits from any German anti-tank gun, in late war Germans had 75 mm high-velocity cannons as their main armament and increased protection, against which the Churchills' own guns often lacked sufficient armour penetration to fight back effectively.
The Churchill had many variations, including many specialised modifications. The most significant change to the Churchill was that it was up-gunned from 2 pounder to 6 pounder and then 75 mm guns over the course of the war. By the war's end, the late model Churchill Mk VII had exceptional amounts of armour - considerably more than the German Tiger tank. However, the firepower weakness was never fully addressed. The Mark VII turret that was designed for the 75 mm gun was of composite construction - cast with top and bottom plates welded into position.[5]
It is important to note that, despite its weaknesses, the Churchill had a significant advantage that was apparent throughout its career. Due to its multiple bogie suspension, it could cross terrain obstacles that most other tanks of its era could not.[citation needed] This feat served well, especially during the fighting in Normandy particularly the capture of Hill 309 between the 30 and 31 July 1944 in operation Bluecoat conducted by VIII Corps.

Churchill tank was design to work as defensive role but many use as attack support or heavy force recon, slow but effective in straight combat. However if it need to retreat it can’t that why tank fight to the very end, even when the tank is disable. A major weakness is under powered guns but it the most wanted tank easy repair ,fix and can take a beat down .
Tank has the following
1. Radar :none
2. combat computer :add +2 strikes main gun , +3 MDC machine gun ,-4 dodge due to gearbox ,-10% piloting
3. laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. radio standard 5 miles , N.A.A.T uses 30 miles
5. External audio pick up :same as robots
6. spotlight
7. Ejection systems :none but has escape hatches
8. Self-Destruct systems
9. Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment
11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolet Optic range 2 miles ( for night operations )+ 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike
12. Nuclear powered 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max

Turret 275
Amour crew compartment turret 200
Main gun 110
MDC machine (next to main gun) varies one in each side (x2)
Main Amour crew compartment (in the Main body) 150
Main body 375
Tracks(x2)100 each
Engine 200
Cupola (x1) varies
Side amour one per can add 100 to 250 per sides(x) ,front (x1),rear(x1) turret (x1),under belly(x1) note this ids the first to take damage

Weapons systems
75 MM Tank rifle
Damage: varies
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
70 - 79 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
70 - 79 mm- 5d10 M.D (max damage 50 )
A.P.F.S.D.S round
70 - 79 mm -1d10x10( max damage 100)

Machine Gun (x2) looks above
Crew 3, but can have up to 6 (six)
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by taalismn »

Ah, making your bid to enter the fiercely competitive arms market for Rifts Earth (and beyond)?

So far, so good. :D Formating's still a little choppy, but English isn't your primary language is it?(in which case the massive amount of work you've done is still pretty impressive). :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:Ah, making your bid to enter the fiercely competitive arms market for Rifts Earth (and beyond)?

So far, so good. :D Formating's still a little choppy, but English isn't your primary language is it?(in which case the massive amount of work you've done is still pretty impressive). :wink:

I am humble by your words :oops:
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

[strike]HOW DO I DELETES THIS ?....never mind
For America NAAT

For Germany and America

The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV or Humvee) is a military 4WD motor vehicle created by AM General. It has largely supplanted the roles formerly served by smaller Jeeps such as the M151 1/4 ton MUTT, the M561 "Gama Goat", their M718A1 and M792 ambulance versions, the CUCV, and other light trucks. Primarily used by the United States Armed Forces, it is also used by numerous other countries and organizations and even in civilian adaptations. The Hummer series was also inspired by the HMMWVs.

The High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) uses independent suspensions and portal geared hubs similar to portal axles to make for a full 16 inches of ground clearance. The vehicle also has disc brakes on all 4 wheels, and 4-wheel double-wishbone suspension. The brake disks are not mounted at the wheels as on conventional automobiles, but inboard mounted disk brakes, which are attached to the outside of each differential. The front and rear differentials are Torsen type, and the center differential is regular, lockable type. There are at least 17 variants of the HMMWV in service with the United States armed forces. HMMWVs serve as cargo/troop carriers, automatic weapons platforms, ambulances (four litter patients or eight ambulatory patients), M220 TOW missile carriers, M119 howitzer prime movers, M1097 Avenger Pedestal Mounted Stinger platforms, MRQ-12 direct air support vehicles, S250 shelter carriers, and other roles. The HMMWV is capable of fording 2.5 ft (76 cm) normally, or 5 ft (1.5 m) with the deep-water fording kits installed.

Optional equipment includes a winch (maximum load capacity 6,000 lb (2,700 kg)) and supplemental armor. The M1025/M1026 and M1043/M1044 armament carriers provide mounting and firing capabilities for the MK19 grenade launcher, the M2 heavy machine gun, the M240G/B machine gun and M249 SAW. The newly introduced M1114 "up-armored" HMMWV also features a similar weapons mount. In addition, some M1114 and M1116 up-armored and M1117 Armored Security Vehicle models feature a Common Remotely Operated Weapon System (CROWS), which allows the gunner to operate from inside the vehicle, and/or the Boomerang anti-sniper detection system. Recent improvements have also led to the development of the M1151 model, which is quickly rendering the previous models obsolete. By replacing the M1114, M1116, and earlier armored HMMWV types with a single model, the U.S. Army hopes to lower maintenance costs.

In the 1970s, the United States Army concluded that the militarized civilian trucks in use no longer satisfied their requirements. In 1977, Lamborghini developed the Cheetah model in an attempt to meet the Army contract specifications. In 1979, the Army drafted final specifications for a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle, or HMMWV. In July of that year, AM General (a subsidiary of American Motors Corporation) began preliminary design work, and less than a year later, the first prototype, the M998, was in testing. In 1980 other vehicles had been delivered, including M1025 and M1026 models. In 1980 over 500 vehicles had been produced
In June 1981, the Army awarded AM General a contract for development of several more prototype vehicles to be delivered to the U.S. government for another series of tests, and the company was later awarded the initial production contract for 55,000 HMMWVs to be delivered in 1985. Ft. Lewis Washington and the 9th Infantry Division was the testing unit to employ HMMWV in the new concept of a Motorized Division to counter the Russian Motorized units. Yakima Training Center; Yakima, Washington was the main testing grounds of the HMMWVs from 1985 through December 1991, when the Motorized concept abandoned and the Division Deactivated. HMMWVs first saw combat in Operation Just Cause, the US invasion of Panama in 1989.
The HMMWV has become the vehicular backbone of U.S. forces around the world. Over 10,000 were employed by coalition forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom, the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The HMMWV was designed primarily for personnel and light cargo transport behind front lines, not as a front line fighting vehicle. Like the previous Jeep, the basic HMMWV has no armor or protection against nuclear, biological, and chemical threats. Nevertheless, losses were relatively low in conventional operations, such as Desert Storm. Vehicles and crews suffered considerable damage and losses during the Battle of Mogadishu due to the nature of the urban engagement; however, the chassis survivability allowed the majority of those crews to return to safety, though the HMMWV was never designed to offer protection against intense small arms fire, much less machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. However, with the rise of asymmetric warfare and low intensity conflicts, the HMMWV has been pressed into service in urban combat roles for which it was not originally intended.
After Somalia, the military recognized a need for a more protected HMMWV and AM General developed the M1114, an armored HMMWV to withstand small arms fire. The M1114 has been in limited production since 1996, seeing limited use in the Balkans before deployment to the Middle East. This design is superior to the M998 with a larger, more powerful turbocharged engine, air conditioning, and a strengthened suspension system. More importantly, it boasts a fully armored passenger area protected by hardened steel and bullet-resistant glass. With the increase in direct attacks and guerrilla warfare in Iraq, AM General has diverted the majority of its manufacturing power to producing these vehicles.

In response to the vulnerability of HMMWVs operating in Iraq, "Up-Armor" kits were designed and installed on M998 HMMWVs. These kits, of which there are several types and iterations, include armored doors with bullet-resistant glass, side and rear armor plates, and a ballistic windshield which offer greater protection from ballistic threats and simple IEDs.
Although some of these kits were available prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, they were not provided in great numbers to American forces in Iraq prior to the invasion. As a result of this, American soldiers and Marines often improvised extra armor with scrap materials, known as "hillbilly armor" or "farmer armor" to improve the safety of the HMMWV. While this may have made the vehicle somewhat safer from a ballistic attack, it also increased the weight and raised the center of gravity of the vehicle, reducing its acceleration, handling, braking, reliability, and service life due to its overstressed suspension and drivetrain.In addition to this, the majority of Humvees and other coalition vehicles used in the invasion of Iraq were fitted with Combat Identification Panels to reduce the possibility of friendly fire during combat. These were fitted to the driver and front passenger doors with cutouts to allow access to the door handles through the panels, and also on the hood between the windshield and top grille.

n December 2004, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld came under criticism from U.S. soldiers and their families for not providing better-equipped HMMWVs.Rumsfeld pointed out that, prior to the war, armor kits were produced only in small numbers per year. As the role of American forces in Iraq changed from fighting the Iraqi Army to suppressing the guerrilla insurgency, more armor kits were being manufactured, though perhaps not as fast as production facilities were capable of bringing them online. Even more advanced kits were also being developed. However, while these kits are much more effective against all types of attacks, they weigh between 1,500 to 2,200 lb (680 to 1,000 kg) and have some of the same drawbacks as the improvised armor.Unlike similar-size civilian cargo and tow trucks, which typically have dual rear wheels to reduce sway, the HMMWV has single rear wheels due to its independent rear suspension coupled with the body design.
The armor on most up-armored HMMWVs holds up well against lateral attacks, when the blast is distributed in all different directions, but offers little protection from a mine blast below the truck, such as buried IEDs and land mines. Explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) can also defeat the armor kits, causing casualties.
The armor kits fielded include the Armor Survivability Kit (ASK), the FRAG 5, FRAG 6, as well as upgrade kits to the M1151.[10][11] The ASK was the first fielded, in October 2003, adding about 1,000 pounds (450 kg) to the weight of the vehicle. Armor Holdings fielded an even lighter kit, adding only 750 pounds (340 kg) to the vehicle's weight.The Marine Armor Kit (MAK), fielded in January 2005, offers more protection than the M1114, but also increases weight. The FRAG 5, the latest fielded armor kit, offers the greatest protection but may still be inadequate to stop EFP attacks. The FRAG 6 kit, designed to do just that, is still in development, however its increased protection comes at a hefty price. Over 1,000 lb is added to the vehicle over the FRAG 5 kit, and the width of the vehicle is increased by 2 feet (61 cm). In addition, the doors may require a mechanical assist device to open and close.
Another drawback of the up-armored HMMWVs occurs during an accident or attack, when the heavily armored doors tend to jam shut, trapping the troops inside.As a result, HMMWVs are being fitted with hooks on their doors, so that another vehicle can rip the door off, freeing the troops inside.In addition, Vehicle Emergency Escape (VEE) windows, developed by BAE Systems are currently being fielded for use on the M1114 uparmored HMMWV, with 1,000 kits ordered.
The soldier manning the exposed crew-served weapon on top of the vehicle is extremely vulnerable. In response, many HMMWVs have been fitted with basic gun shields or turrets, as was the case with M113 APCs after they were first deployed in Vietnam. The U.S. military is currently evaluating a new form of protection, developed by BAE Systems as well as systems designed by the Army, which are already in theater.The new gunner's seat is protected by 1.5 to 2 feet (46 to 61 cm) high steel plates with bullet-proof glass windows. Additionally, some HMMWVs have been fitted with a remotely operated CROWS weapon station, which slaves the machine gun to controls in the back seat so it can be fired without exposing the crew. The Boomerang anti-sniper system is also being fielded by some HMMWVs in Iraq to immediately give troops the location of insurgents firing on them.

n December 2004, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld came under criticism from U.S. soldiers and their families for not providing better-equipped HMMWVs.[8] Rumsfeld pointed out that, prior to the war, armor kits were produced only in small numbers per year. As the role of American forces in Iraq changed from fighting the Iraqi Army to suppressing the guerrilla insurgency, more armor kits were being manufactured, though perhaps not as fast as production facilities were capable of bringing them online. Even more advanced kits were also being developed. However, while these kits are much more effective against all types of attacks, they weigh between 1,500 to 2,200 lb (680 to 1,000 kg) and have some of the same drawbacks as the improvised armor.[9] Unlike similar-size civilian cargo and tow trucks, which typically have dual rear wheels to reduce sway, the HMMWV has single rear wheels due to its independent rear suspension coupled with the body design.
The armor on most up-armored HMMWVs holds up well against lateral attacks, when the blast is distributed in all different directions, but offers little protection from a mine blast below the truck, such as buried IEDs and land mines. Explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) can also defeat the armor kits, causing casualties.
The armor kits fielded include the Armor Survivability Kit (ASK), the FRAG 5, FRAG 6, as well as upgrade kits to the M1151.[10][11] The ASK was the first fielded, in October 2003, adding about 1,000 pounds (450 kg) to the weight of the vehicle. Armor Holdings fielded an even lighter kit, adding only 750 pounds (340 kg) to the vehicle's weight. The Marine Armor Kit (MAK), fielded in January 2005, offers more protection than the M1114, but also increases weight.The FRAG 5, the latest fielded armor kit, offers the greatest protection but may still be inadequate to stop EFP attacks.[The FRAG 6 kit, designed to do just that, is still in development, however its increased protection comes at a hefty price. Over 1,000 lb is added to the vehicle over the FRAG 5 kit, and the width of te vehicle is increased by 2 feet (61 cm). In addition, the doors may require a mechanical assist device to open and close.[
Another drawback of the up-armored HMMWVs occurs during an accident or attack, when the heavily armored doors tend to jam shut, trapping the troops inside. As a result, HMMWVs are being fitted with hooks on their doors, so that another vehicle can rip the door off, freeing the troops inside. In addition, Vehicle Emergency Escape (VEE) windows, developed by BAE Systems are currently being fielded for use on the M1114 uparmored HMMWV, with 1,000 kits ordered.
The soldier manning the exposed crew-served weapon on top of the vehicle is extremely vulnerable. In response, many HMMWVs have been fitted with basic gun shields or turrets, as was the case with M113 APCs after they were first deployed in Vietnam. The U.S. military is currently evaluating a new form of protection, developed by BAE Systems as well as systems designed by the Army, which are already in theater.The new gunner's seat is protected by 1.5 to 2 feet (46 to 61 cm) high steel plates with bullet-proof glass windows. Additionally, some HMMWVs have been fitted with a remotely operated CROWS weapon station, which slaves the machine gun to controls in the back seat so it can be fired without exposing the crew. The Boomerang anti-sniper system is also being fielded by some HMMWVs in Iraq to immediately give troops the location of insurgents firing on them.
Another weakness for the HMMWV has proven to be its size, which has limited its deployment in Afghanistan because it is too large for many forms of air transport. This size also limits the ability for the vehicle to be manhandled out of situations. Additionally, troops in Bosnia found the vehicle's wide track to be a liability, since two HMMWVs could not pass each other on narrow mountain roads

Other countries in Europe and South Africa employ a number of different light armored vehicles, both tracked and wheeled, and some even built in the U.S. by Cadillac Gage, that are designed more specifically for low intensity combat situations, and are more resistant to small arms; some trucks even have high v-hull bottoms to deflect mine blasts.
The Army has purchased a purpose-built armored car, the M1117 Armored Security Vehicle in limited numbers for use by the United States Army Military Police Corps. In 2007, the Marine Corps announced an intention to replace all HMMWVs in Iraq with MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) armored trucks because of high loss rates, and has issued contracts for the purchase of several thousand of these vehicles, which include the International MaxxPro, the BAE OMC RG-31, the BAE RG-33 and Caiman, and the Force Protection Cougar, which have been deployed with the Army and Marines primarily for mine clearing duties. Heavier models of Infantry Mobility Vehicles (IMV) can also be used for patrol vehicles. Unfortunately, some MRAP vehicles have been known to become stuck or roll over much more readily due to their high center of gravity and overall larger size compared to the HMMWV.

In rifts the HMMWVs is a classic icon of earth past and to have to withstand in the MDC environment is love by so many ,that even Triax industries are making them as well as N.A.A.T . There is also an S.D.C coming out for civilians as well and they are cheap. The mass production in less than a month 80,000 M.D.C model, 100,000 S.D.C model and has result in killing in Europe ,(just like America ).

In America, they as common as American pie, which is selling well but only the M.D.C. The HMMWVs is love as in American , there are who make this model .

Model Type - SDC Hummer/Humvee
Class - All Terrain Vehicle
Crew - 1 + upto 4 passnegers

SDC By Location

Main Body [b]
Military 375
Civilian Main Body 360
H2 Main Body 340
H3Main Body 325
[b]Wheels: [b]
Military 120
Civilian 100
[b]Doors: [b]
Military 110
Civilian 100
[b]Wind shield [b]
Military 85
Civilian 70
[b]Engine: [b]
Military 145
Civilian 140

Armour (military version only) - Stops handgun fire up to .357 magnum and rifle fire up to 7.62mm


Ground - 160kph
Range (approx) - 500km


Height (approx) - 6ft
Length (approx) - 15ft
Width (approx) - 7ft
Weight (approx) - 2.5 tons

Cargo - 500kg-2000kg
Power System - Diesel Engine Diesel Engine Diesel or Gas Engines
Cost - 75 000+

Weapons (military version only)in Robotech® The Macross® Saga Sourcebook

Weapon Type - .50cal MG or Automatic GL or TOW launcher
Primary Purpose - Anti-infantry anti-infantry anti-armour
Range - 1500m 600m 4km
Damage - 3d6x10+30 per burst 3d4x10 2d4x100
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks HAND TO HAND
Payload - 120bursts 120 1
Bonuses - NA NA +1 strike

Bonuses and Penalties

-3 Dodge

Systems of Note

Basic Information Package (speedmeter etc)
Stereo system (Civilian)
Radio Communication (Military)

[strike] M.D.C Model Type -Hummer/Humvee

By Location CivilianH2H3

[b]Main Body[b]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _HX_NY.jpg

Range (approx) - 500km, allied as before runs on cold fission fuel systems run time 2 weeks on a constant

Varies type Military

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... errain.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... wv-036.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... treads.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... -HMMWV.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... star-t.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... eHMMWV.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... umvees.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... Humvee.JPG

Weapons (allied military version only)
Weapon Type – pick 2 ..50cal MG or Automatic GL or TOW launcher or Automatic GL orshort range missiles 4 only or 16 mini missiles systems
Weapons (non-military version only)
Weapon Type – pick ONE .50cal MG or Automatic GL orshort range missiles 4 only or 16 mini missiles systems

Bonuses and Penalties ;varies with weapons systems

Systems of Note

Basic Information Package (speedometer etc)
Stereo system (Civilian)
Radio Communication (Military)

By Location M.D.C

Crew: 5, two fronts, three rear , two patient
:badbad: Military LIGHT fly hummer (yes I know I did anyway I did a :lol: LOL too )

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295311489

Replace top turret
Retractable Rotors main 75 each (2)
Retractable Wings (2) 175
Rear tail fan systems – 200 (1)
Mount weapons system (3)
Wing hard points (3) per wing 25b each
Weapons (allied forces military version only)
Can put up to one on per door section two rears and side seat driver one heavy machine gun
per hard points one medium range missiles , 4 short range missiles each ,or 18 mini missiles system each
Speed ground ad above
Fly max speed 300 MPH
Conventional fuel systems 300 miles external tanks 500 miles ,
allied forces fly for 2 weeks if need be , built in auto flight computer
Bonuses: + 6 dodge flying,


The M1151 Enhanced Armament Carrier is an improved version of the standard High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) designed to replace the M1025A2 utilised by the United States Armed Forces as a response to United States Central Command requirements.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... /M1151.jpg

Main Body 210+100 to 200
Wheels 35
Doors 55 +66
Windshield 60 +66
Engine 125 +100 to 200
M.D.C. turret Shield 100 TO 250
Rest the same

Humvee manufacturing in China( use civilian model)
There are at least two Chinese automobile manufacturers building Humvee copies, possibly with the assistance of AM General. Both Humvee copies rely heavily on imported U.S.-made parts including chassis, gear box, and diesel engine. It appears that at least one company, Dongfeng Motor Corporation (DFM), has the full consent and cooperation of AM General. Both manufacturers claimed that they will be able to gradually increase the percentage of indigenously made content on the vehicles in the future, since the PLA is unlikely willing to accept any equipment that relies largely on foreign made parts.
During the 1988 Beijing Defence Exhibition, AM General demonstrated an example of its M998 4x4 high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle (Humvee) to the People's Liberation Army. The vehicle was reportedly left in China after the exhibition closed for further testing and evaluation. The PLA did not show much interest initially due to the vehicle’s high unit price and maintenance costs, but this attitude was somehow changed during the 1991 Operation Desert Storm, when the Humvee gained high publicity in front of press cameras.
The Chinese petroleum industry has purchased a small number of Hummers, the civilian version of the Humvee, through commercial sources from the United States since the mid-1990s. This provided the Chinese auto makers with an opportunity to examine the vehicle closely and for reverse-engineering. In 2002, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) revealed its Humvee copy known as SFQ2040 “LieYing” (Falcon). Later in 2003 another Humvee copy EQ2050 'Dongfeng Armour' developed by DFM made its debut in a car show. Both companies are actively promoting their products to the PLA as a potential candidate for the replacement of the Soviet-inspired jeep-size BJ2020S series light utility vehicles currently used by the PLA.
Both EQ2050 and SQF 2040 are based on imported AM General Hummer H1 chassis. The DFM EQ2050 is powered by a Dongfeng licensed built Cummins EQB150-20 110kW/2,700R turbo-charged diesel, but it can also be fitted with the U.S.-made V8 diesel originally designed for Humvee. Both vehicles have a 5-speed gear box and a 2-speed transfer box. They are both four-wheel drive with independent suspensions and central inflating system. The EQ2050 also has re-designed lights and radiator to make itself look different from the original Humvee.
Like the Humvee, both vehicles are available in a range of configurations including soft-top, hard-top, truck, shelter, etc. Dongfeng recently introduced two wagon versions of the EQ2050: the EQ2028 and its armoured military police version EQ2058.
Meanwhile Shenyang Aircraft Industry Co (SAC) version called "Zhanshen," for God of War, is trying to impress the PLA with a vehicle-mounted mobile air defence missile system jointly developed with NORINCO, the primary weapon manufacturer in China. The missile system, mounted on an SAC SFQ2040, is similar to the U.S. Army HMMWV-mounted Avenger air defence system. SAC also emphasizes the low cost of its SFQ2040, only one third of the price of the U.S.-made Humvee.
Unlike the steel body EQ2050, the SAC SFQ2040 has an aluminum alloy body, making it much lighter than the former. Both vehicles have limited armour protection against small calibre weapons. The vehicles can be fitted with additional equipment such as air conditioning, GPS, night vision equipment, vehicle-mounted radio, electric winch, and multipurpose weapon mount.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 50_-_4.jpg[/strike][/strike]
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Re: N.A.AT

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HOW DO I DELETES THIS ?... never mind
2)For America

AK 98

This weapon will be the most hated weapon for the coalition .BUT will be the simplest M.D.C weapon to make and use against the coalition /alien/monster in rift earth America . They are capable of doing damage to infantry all the way to a mecha/ alien/monster. This will be the bane for to a mecha/ alien/monsters and later will be used by private companies (like N.A.A.T) which will be copied by other as well. They will be hated but the need weapon systems will have look modern

Below the AK series this type the one on top is a standard AK 98 with under barrel 30MM grenade launcher.
It shows standard clip outside and below drum clip, attach to the AK is a long clip
And the second on the bottom AK series call AK 98 type II for extended range with box clip
AK 98 (picture below)

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295151394

M.D.C 35
AK 98 - 2000 feet
AK 98 type II - 3500 feet
Under barrel 30MM grenade launcher 200 feet for direct fire, indirect fire 3000 feet
Damage: AK 98 – OR AK 98 type II
L.E.A.P round
• 1D4 M.D.C single shot ( 1)
• 3d4 M.D.C three(3) round burst - short burst
• 4d6 M.D.C six(6) round burst - medium burst
• 1d4x10 +8 twelve (12)round – long burst
• 1D6X10 M.D.C twenty four rounds (24) full Melee
• 1D6 M.D.C single(1) shot
• 2D6 M.D.C (3)-short burst
• 3d6 M.D.C three (3) round burst -medium burst
• 5d6 M.D.C six (6) round burst -long burst
• 1d6x10 M.D.C twelve (12)round – full melee
Under barrel 30MM grenade launcher
Blast Radius 5 feet
H.E 30MM grenade launcher 5D4 M.D.C, HEAT round 5d6
R.O.F: single shot, short burst, medium burst, long burst, full melee burst
Payload: AK 98
Standard clip 30 rounds, long clip 46 rounds, drum clip 99 rounds, Box clip 150 rounds, and barrel clip 270 rounds
30MM grenade launcher 12 rounds

AK 98 series below is a barrel clip with under barrel 40 MM grenade launcher. The AK 98 with silencer and no muzzle flash
40MM grenade launcher (picture below)
H.E 1d4x10 M.D.C, H.E.A.T 1D6X10 M.D.C
Under barrel 40MM grenade launcher 200 feet for direct fire, indirect fire 3000 feet
Payload 40 MM 16 rounds
The rest the same
http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295151396

AK 98 SHOTGUN CALL Saiga -12 shotguns (picture below)

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295151397

This version is a AK 47 version shot gun design for close quarters combat .The AK 98 below or bottom is the standard AK 98 with under barrel shot gun
Saiga -12 shotguns single shot 4d4 , burst 5d6 +2 M.D.C
Under barrel 40MM grenade launcher or under barrel 30MM grenade launcher
ROF: single shot or burst
RANGE: 200 feet
PAYLOAD: 30 round clip, long clip 45 round, drum 99 round, drum 120 round, box 150 round
Under barrel shot gun
As Saiga -12 shotguns but 30 round clips, long clip 45 round, drum 99 rounds

This weapon will be the Second most hated weapon for coalition /alien/monster in rift earth .BUT will be the simplest M.D.C weapon to make and use against to a coalition /mecha/ alien/monster forces. They are capable of doing damage to infantry all the way to a mecha. This will be the bane for coalition /alien/monster in rift earth and later will be used by private companies which will be copied by other companies as well. They will be hated and needed at the same time.

Below the AK series this type the one on top is a standard AK MG light (AK light machinegun) .
It shows standard two drum clip and it will first used by the N.A.A.T elite squads. And by Allies forces later called A.F. Allies will call the AK light machine gun simple and effective; however the down fall is reloading the dame thing takes two 30 seconds to reload, after that well it can take a punch and give it back. Final some companies in 1 year will copy this simple weapons systems and the rest will be history

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295581178

length : 4 feet
Range: 3500 feet
Damage: AK MG LIGHT varies
R.O.F: varies
L.E.A.P round
• 1D4 M.D.C single shot ( 1)
• 3d4 M.D.C three(3) round burst
• 4d6 M.D.C six(6) round burst
• 1d4x10 +8 twelve (12)round
• 1D6X10 M.D.C twenty four rounds (24) burst
• 2d6x10 M.D.C forty eight rounds (48) burst
• 1D6 M.D.C single (1) shot
• 2D6 M.D.C (3)-short burst
• 3d6 M.D.C three (3) round burst
• 5d6 M.D.C six (6) round burst
• 1d6x10 M.D.C twelve (12) round burst
• 2D6X10 M.D.C twenty four rounds (24) burst
• 3d6x10 M.D.C forty eight rounds (48) burst
R.O.F: single shot, or varies burst
Payload: AK MG
Standard clip : two barrel clip 280 rounds total 560
weight 20 pounds fully loaded

This weapon will be the Second most hated weapon for the gargoyles and mind works as well as the Brodkil .BUT will be the simplest M.D.C weapon to make and use against to a mecha/ alien/monster forces. They are capable of doing damage to infantry all the way to a mecha. This will be the bane for gargoyles and mind works as well as the Brodkil and later will be used by private companies which will be copied by other counties as well. They will be hated and needed at the same time.

Below the AK series this type the one on top is a standard AK MG light (AK light machinegun) .
It shows standard two drum clip and it will first used by the N.A.A.T elite squads. And by Allies forces later called A.F. Allies will call the AK light machine gun simple and effective; however the down fall is reloading the dame thing takes two 30 seconds to reload, after that well it can take a punch and give it back. Final some companies in 1 year will copy this simple weapons systems and the rest will be history

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295581178

length : 4 feet
Range: 3500 feet
Damage: AK MG LIGHT varies
R.O.F: varies
L.E.A.P round
• 1D4 M.D.C single shot ( 1)
• 3d4 M.D.C three(3) round burst
• 4d6 M.D.C six(6) round burst
• 1d4x10 +8 twelve (12)round
• 1D6X10 M.D.C twenty four rounds (24) burst
• 2d6x10 M.D.C forty eight rounds (48) burst
• 1D6 M.D.C single (1) shot
• 2D6 M.D.C (3)-short burst
• 3d6 M.D.C three (3) round burst
• 5d6 M.D.C six (6) round burst
• 1d6x10 M.D.C twelve (12) round burst
• 2D6X10 M.D.C twenty four rounds (24) burst
• 3d6x10 M.D.C forty eight rounds (48) burst
R.O.F: single shot, or varies burst
Payload: AK MG
Standard clip : two barrel clip 280 rounds total 560
weight 20 pounds fully loaded
Last edited by ZINO on Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

HOW DO I DELETES THIS ? never mind
F-14E Tomcat

F-14E Tomcat is an MDC soup tomcat to be as sea or land fighter has the ability to act as sea base jetfighter and land base jetfighter. This has allowed the coalition not to question them but has a few clashes .which not is admitting but this due that the coalition pilots are in love of this old work horse. N.A.A.T also has the F- 14 stealth cat as back up. Getting back to F-14E Tomcat use rift nuclear power systems similar to the NGR can with stand MDC attacks. This model F-14E Tomcat is all purpose attack jet fighter, with ASEA radar systems, look down radar systems call ASEA ground detection systems for air to ground and dog fighting has been deadly coalition and merc outfits as well ,add it improved or modified rifts weapons systems has made even deadlier F-14E Tomcat . For some reason whenever Combat Medical services make an S.O.S they are several F-14E Tomcat in the area, which many wonder why ( HINT : Air Superiority ,Inc thank to N.A.AT). But they most stay with N.A.AT operations and this has been predictable at time. But for some unknown reason they have top of the situation from coalition jetfighters, to ground to air attack and some mercenaries companies. The second one to notice Larsen brigade and Air Superiority,Inc never attack each other but talk in radio chatter which is unknown at this time . This no shots are fired but some come out this without firing a shot. Still the F-14E Tomcat is base M.D.C model which no one know ( HINT well maybe) still can work but is just generation 4 jetfighter, compared to the coalition generation 4.5 jetfighter, only NGR has generation 4 jetfighter , generation 4.5 jetfighter and generation 5 jetfighter.

Model Type - F-14E Tomcat

Rifts earth America
Class - Interceptor/Multi-role attack craft
Crew - 2

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _Watch.jpg

S.D.C By Location

Nose/Cockpit 220
Main Body/fuselage 600
Wings (2) 200 ea
Tailplanes (2) 140 ea
Engines (2) 280 ea

AR - 11 (vehicle AR)

Armour - Stops all standard handgun rounds and upto and including 7.62mm rifle rounds. Explosive and ramjet rounds are still effective.


Flying - Mach 2.34 at high altitude, mach 1.1 at low altitude
Range - Combat Radius 925km
Altitude - 15000m (50000ft)


Height - 4.9m
Length - 19.1m
Width - 11.6-19.6m
Weight - 33.7 tons maximum, 19.8 tons empty
Cargo - Minimal survival gear
Power System - 2× General Electric F110-GE-400 afterburning turbofans
Cost - 38 million dollars US


Weapon Type - 20mm Vulcan cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter
Range - 1200m
Damage - 6d6x10sdc per burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload - 34 bursts
Bonuses - NA

Weapon Type - Hardpoints (10)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - can carry the following: 2 Light HE air to air missiles + 2 heavy HE air to air missiles and 4 HE air to air missiles OR 4 Heavy HE air to air missiles and 2 HE air to air missiles OR 6 HE air to air missiles OR 2 Light HE Air to air missiles and 4 heavy HE air to air missiles OR 2 light HE air to air missiles and 4 HE air to air missiles
Bonuses - NA

bonuses and penalities

-3 dodge

Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 250km
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 400km
Chaff/Flare Dispensers
Targeting Computer
Combat Computer
Ejection Systems

M.D.C F-14D Tomcat
M.D.C By Location

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 2_Wiki.jpg

Nose/Cockpit 20 can add 66 M.D.C
Main Body/fuselage 180 (base M.D.C) plus 140 M.D.C can be add and later 100 to 150 M.D.C
Wings (2) 200 each
Tailplanes (2) 100 each
Engines (2) 55 each can add 100 to 150 M.D.C

Range - Combat Radius 925km, but allied uses cold fission drive fuel systems that 2 week of fuel
Weapon Type - 20mm Vulcan cannon
look at ohther MDC vehicles

Weapon Type – Hard points (10)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload – each hard point can carry 4 short range missiles , 2 medium range missiles or 1 long range missiles or 18 mini-missiles pod
Bonuses – as per missiles pilots carry a variety on missiles

bonuses and penalties

+3 dodge allied dodge +6

Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 250 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 40 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers
Targeting Computer allied add +2
Combat Computer allied add +1
Ejection Systems
Last edited by ZINO on Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

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HOW DO I DELETES THIS ?...never mind

4)Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey
The Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey is a multi-mission, military, tilt rotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability. It is designed to perform missions like a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. This configuration is used by the us Marine Corp and the US Army featuring a remotely operated weapon turret for the MV-22, based on the remote guardian system (RGS), which provides 360° coverage. The RGS is belly-mounted on the MV-22 and is armed with a GAU-17 7.62mm mini-gun. It is replacing the Marine Corps' CH-46E and CH-53D.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 1-2008.JPG

On the ground

rifts earth
N.A.A.T will use this bid and it new American icon of the American Huey transport helicopter, apache gun ship and the cobra gunship used by the marine of the old American

They will make both SDC and MDC due to it demand ,need sometime for N.A.A.T operation in north America .

Crew: 4: Pilot, Co-pilot and two crew.
Passeengers: 24 Troops.
Primary Purpose: Assault transport for troops, equipment and supplies.
SDC by location:
*Belly Turret - 100
*Door Gunner Weapon Mount - 50
Bay Door - 200
**Rotors (2) - 150 each
Wings (2) - 300 each
**Engines (2) - 300 each
Tail - 200
Cockpit -150
***Main Body - 600
* A sing asterisk denotes a target that is difficult ro hit. To hit these targets requires a called shot and made with a -3 to strike.
** The rotors are a difficult target to shoot and require a called shot with a -4 penalty. Destroying one rotor while the aircraft is engaged in VTOL will cause it to crash. If the aircraft looses one rotor in fixed wing flight, its speed will be reduced by half. No penalty to strike the engines though the same results will occur.
*** Depleting the SDC of the main body destroys the aircraft.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... rawing.png

Ground: Only by being towed by another vehicle.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _Coast.JPG
The MV-22B can hover stationary, or achieve a maximum speed of 351 mph(565 km). Its maximum altitude is 15,000ft (4572 m).
Statistical Data:
Height: 6ft (1.83m) main body, 22ft 7 in (6.73 m) including rotor.
Width: 6ft (1.83m) main body, 84ft 7in (25.78m) including rotor.
Length: 24ft 2in (7.37m) main body, 57ft 4in (17.47m).
Weight: 16.57 tons
Range: 1,011 miles, 1,627 km.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... radius.svg

This was it range with regular fuel but with cold fission drive systems now it is 2 weeks
Cargo: Up to 3 tons without affecting performance and up to 4 tons, but this will reduce the range by half.
AR: 10, will delfect small arms fire up to, but not including the .50 caliber.
Cost: $96.2 million.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... _HMMWV.jpg

Weapon Systems:
1. Belly Gun(1): Remote Guardian System is belly-mounted on the MV-22 and is armed with a GAU-17 7.62mm minigun.
Purpose: Anti-personnel and Assault.
Damage: 6D6 per round
Range: 4,000 feet (1219m)
Rate of Fire: Bursts only use burst rules.
Payload: 2,000 rounds.
2. Door Gunner's Turret (1): Any machinegun up to a .50 caliber can be mounted for use in the rear bay door.
Sensors and Other features: The CV-22 are equipped with a Raytheon AN/APQ-186 terrain-following, multi-mode radar. The helicopter night-vision system is the Raytheon AN/AAQ-16 (V-22) FLIR, which is mounted on the nose. The aircraft's electronic warfare suite includes the ATK AN/AAR-47 missile warning system, which consists of four electro-optic sensors with photomultipliers, a signal processing unit and a cockpit display. The aircraft is also equipped with a radar and infrared threat warning system and chaff and flare dispensers with 60 rounds of dispensables. The CV-22 also has the Suite of Integrated Radio Frequency Measures (SIRFC).[/quote]

Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey GUNSHIP

MDC by location:
*Belly Turret - 100
*Door Gunner Weapon Mount - 50
Bay Door - 100
**Rotors (2) - 50 each
Wings (2) – 100 to 200 each
**Engines (2) - 55 each can add up 100 MDC
Tail - 100
Cockpit -150
***Main Body –(BASE) 60 but can add 100 to 300 MDC
* A sing asterisk denotes a target that is difficult ro hit. To hit these targets requires a called shot and made with a -3 to strike.
** The rotors are a difficult target to shoot and require a called shot with a -4 penalty. Destroying one rotor while the aircraft is engaged in VTOL will cause it to crash. If the aircraft looses one rotor in fixed wing flight, its speed will be reduced by half. No penalty to strike the engines though the same results will occur.
*** Depleting the SDC of the main body destroys the aircraft.
Weapon Systems:

One under belly modular system
If can carry up to three weapons systems

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295129053

1) Weapon Type - 20mm tri barrel Gatling gun
Primary Purpose - anti-amour
Range – 2 miles
Damage -
H.E.A.P 20 mm -5d4 M.D single shot, 5 round 1d10 x10
L.E.A.P 20– 3d6 M.D, 5 round burst 2d4x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round 20mm- 6d6 MD5 round burst3d6x10
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 200 bursts
Bonuses – long range at 1 mile or more add +2 strike

2)Weapon Type - 30mm autocannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 2 miles
Damage –
H.E.A.P only
30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D , six round burst 3d6x10 M.D
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 1200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet

3)MDC .50 cal Machine Gun (2) or

4) Short range missiles pod carrying 8 short range missiles or 18 mini missiles

5) Medium range missiles payload 2 only
Last edited by ZINO on Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

Wow, there's a lot of data here. This thread would be much easier to read if the first post contained an introduction to what it was you were posting; something like: "Here is an article about tank crews for Rfits earth I've been writing." or something.
The word "THAN" is important. Something is "better than" something else, not "better then", it's "rather than" not "rather then".
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by taalismn »

Also try putting your small arms in separate posts, rather than as a divider between entries on tanks(and variants thereof)...the shift can somewhat wrenching and confusing to the reader.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

grandmaster z0b wrote:Wow, there's a lot of data here. This thread would be much easier to read if the first post contained an introduction to what it was you were posting; something like: "Here is an article about tank crews for Rfits earth I've been writing." or something.

got will do :)
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:Also try putting your small arms in separate posts, rather than as a divider between entries on tanks(and variants thereof)...the shift can somewhat wrenching and confusing to the reader.

got it will do ;)
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Re: N.A.AT

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The F 14 stealth cat

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1292806856

SETTING: future post apoplectic rifts earth
This will be the third over the counter stealth jet the Allied nation mostly US however this old war horse by adding thrust vectoring nozzles allow the aircraft to turn tightly, and perform extremely high alpha (angle of attack) maneuvers such as the Herbst maneuver (or J-turn), Pugachev's Cobra, and the Kulbit, though the J-Turn is more useful in combat.F14 stealth cat is also capable of maintaining a constant angle of attack of over 60° to 88°, yet still having control of roll. Also learning from the Russia make half bake M.D.C SU class jet fighters but make better .

Plus adding from the F22 fighter
First look/first shot/first kill in all environments:
A combination of improved sensor capability, improved situational awareness and improved weapons provides first-kill opportunity against threats. The F 14 stealth cat possesses a sophisticated sensor suite that allows the pilot to track, identify and shoot the threat before it detects the F 14 stealth cat. Significant effort is being placed on cockpit design and avionics fusion to improve the pilot's situational awareness. Advanced avionics technologies allow the F 14 stealth cat sensors to gather, integrate and display essential information in the most useful format to the pilot.

The F 14 stealth cat catengines produce more thrust than any current fighter engine, especially in military (non-afterburner) power. Called "super cruise," this characteristic allows the F 14 stealth cat to efficiently cruise at supersonic airspeeds without using afterburners. This capability greatly expands the F 14 stealth cat operating envelope in both speed and range over current fighters that must use afterburner to operate at supersonic speeds.

Increased maneuverability:
The F 14 stealth cat has been extensively designed, tested and refined aerodynamically during the demonstration/validation (dem/val) phase and the current Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase. The F 14 stealth cat sophisticated aero-design and high thrust-to-weight ratio provide the capability to outmaneuver all current and projected threat aircraft. To ensure the F 14 stealth cat provides air dominance for deep-interdiction aircraft, it operates at medium and high altitude at ranges superior to current generation air dominance aircraft.

This will sacred the heck out of rookie pilots in the coalition pilots level 1 to 5, any for any other pilots level 1 to 8. No jet fighter will be able to match and many will fear this bird prey .

In one instance 6 talon were lost by unknown jet fighter all they IFF got was F 14 stealth cat ,which theirs no data in the coalition ( they posses supposedly all data of north America military hardware)

Air-to-surface capability:
The F 14 stealth cat has a secondary role to attack surface targets. The aircraft will be capable of carrying two 1,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions (J.D.A.M.s) internally and will use on-board avionics for navigation and weapons delivery support.
similar to F 22 but cheaper

The F 14 stealth cat

M.D.C By Location

Nose/Cockpit 150 can add 100 M.D.C
Main Body/fuselage 250 (base M.D.C) plus 140 M.D.C can be add and later 100 to 150 M.D.C
Wings (2) 200 each
Tailplanes (2) 100 each
Engines (2) 150 each can add 100 to 200 M.D.C

Range :allied uses cold fission drive fuel systems that 2 week of fuel
Weapon Type - 20mm Vulcan cannon
look at other MDC vehicles

Weapon Type – Hard points look below

Bonuses and penalties

Dodge +6, (add +4 stealth and Jamming or ECCM) +4 with missile +4 add to all missiles plus +2 with guns ,+8 roll (add +4 stealth and Jamming or ECCM) with out +4

Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 250 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 40 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers
Targeting Computer allied add +2
Combat Computer allied add +1
Ejection Systems

The F 14 stealth cat

• Length: 62 ft 1 in (18.90 m)
• Wingspan: 44 ft 6 in (13.56 m)
• Height: 16 ft 8 in (5.08 m)
• Wing area: 840 ft² (78.04 m²)
• Airfoil: NACA 64A?05.92 root, NACA 64A?04.29 tip
• Empty weight: 43,430 lb (19,700 kg)
• Loaded weight: 64,460 lb (29,300 kg)
• Max takeoff weight: 83,500 lb (38,000 kg)
• Powerplant: ( RIFTS uses nuclear powered 520 yearsPratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans does not over heats )2× Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans
o Dry thrust: 23,500 lb[207] (104 kN) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 35,000+ lb (156+ kN) each
• Fuel capacity: 20,000 lb internally,or 26,000 lb (11,900 kg) with two internal fuel tanks
• Maximum speed:
o At altitude: Mach 3.5
o Supercruise: Mach 2.5
• Range: >1,600 nmi (1,840 mi, 2,960 km) with 2 internal fuel tanks
• Combat radius: 410 nmi(471 mi, 759 km) ( in rifts pilots P.E X 2 HOURS )
• Ferry range: 4,000 mi
• Service ceiling: 65,000 ft (19,812 m)
• Wing loading: 77 lb/ft² (375 kg/m²)
• Thrust/weight: 1.08 (1.26 with loaded weight & 50% fuel)
• Maximum design g-load: -3.0/+9.0 g
• cost 100 million US dollars rifts 500,000 credits

Internal weapon systems Armament

* Guns: 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61A2 Vulcan 6-barreled Gatling cannon in starboard wing root, 480 rounds later medium rail gun
internal Hard points:
* Air to air loadout:
o 6× AIM-120 AMRAAM ( or short range missiles )
o 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder
* Air to ground loadout:
o 2× AIM-120 AMRAAM and( or medium or long range missiles )
o 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder for self-protection, and one of the following:
+ 2× 1,000 lb (450 kg) JDAM or
+ 8× 250 lb (110 kg) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs
* internal Hard points: 4× internal -wing pylon stations can be fitted to carry 1200 US gallon drop tanks or weapons, each with a capacity of 8,000 lb
or in each 4×internal -wing pylon
6× AIM-120 AMRAAM ( or short range missiles ) total 24 missiles or four long rang missiles one per internal -wing pylon total 4 missiles or 12 medium range missiles per internal -wing pylon total 12 missiles

The following maneuver can be done by F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat
The Stall Turn ( -5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... -turn2.jpg

To execute a Stall Turn, the aircraft must start in level flight and nose up to a vertical flight path until it comes to a stop. At which point the model aircraft yaws through 180 degrees, then dives and finally recovers straight and level on a flight path in the opposite direction to the entry. Entry and exit should be at the same height. Low powered aircraft types would be expected to execute a shallow dive at full throttle in order to pick up the necessary speed before commencing the maneuver. The Stall Turn will allow players to regain the offensive position.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike

The Herbst Maneuver (J-Turn) (-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... neuver.jpg

The Herbst Maneuver, Herbst Reversal, or simply J-Turn, is another classic post-stall maneuver. The goal of the maneuver is to quite simply reverse the aircraft’s heading angle and to complete the reversal at the same point and velocity that the maneuver was started from. The maneuver typically resembles the one illustrated; the aircraft pitches to a high AOA to stop the forward component of its velocity, puts in rudder at the top of the climb to point the aircraft down, and then dives to regain speed as it returns to the starting point, enabling a rapid direction change.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike if their a chance to attack but it better use for retreat

The Cobra(-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Cobra2.jpg

The Cobra is yet another post-stall maneuver. The two primary characteristics of this maneuver are 1) a rapid pitch-up to near 90 degrees AOA and 2) a rapid decrease in velocity by 50-75%. (The latter is due to the fact that the aircraft is flying through the air on its tail when at 90 degrees AOA, and therefore is incurring a huge drag penalty.) The maneuver also results in an increase in altitude due to the lift generated at AOA values greater than zero.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for but it better use attacking or retreat, enemy jetfighter losses all his attack.
The Kulbit (-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Kulbit.jpg

An aircraft could shoot an opponent directly behind them by extending the Cobra past 90 degrees to a full 180 degrees. The aircraft actually pitches all the way from 0 to 360 degrees AOA while flying in a nearly straight line, except for the altitude increase as before with the Cobra. This allows for ideal missile shot positioning.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for attacking only , enemy jetfighter losses all his attack
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

In north America N.A.A.T ,has been busy since the coalition war upgrading to old hardware to full M.D.C ,the need for ground warfare it need for defense or escort transport . They need to be able to fight the good fight, over 26,000 have been save during the coalition wars there been many who join to help those in need in the west . N.A.A.T is hold back these in case it need to be used

Model Type - A-10A Thunderbolt II

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ight-2.jpg

SDC Class - Close Air Support and Ground Attack Aircraft
Crew - 1
SDC By Location
Nose/Cockpit 300
Main Body/fuselage 700
Wings (2) 350 ea
Tailplanes (2) 300 ea
Engines (2) 300 ea
GAU-8 100
AR - 12 (vehicle AR)
Armour - Stops all standard handgun rounds and upto and including 12.7mm/.50cal rifle rounds. Explosive and ramjet rounds are still effective.
Flying - 835kph
Range - Combat Radius 460km
Altitude - 13700m (45000ft
Height - 4.5m
Length - 16.3m
Width - 17.5m
Weight - 23 tons maximum, 11.3 tons empty
Cargo - Minimal survival gear
Power System - 2× General Electric TF34-GE-100A turbofans
Cost - 11.7 million dollars US
Weapon Type - GAU-8 30mm gatling cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-vehicle
Range - 1200m
Damage - 1d6x100sdc per burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload - 60 bursts
Bonuses - na

Weapon Type - Hardpoints (11, 4 per wing, 3 fuselage)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - each hard point can carry: 1 light HE air to air missile or 1 HE air to ground missile or 1 19-shot HE mini-missile launcher or 1 4-shot A/P mini-missile launcher or 3 Light HE bombs or 2 HE Bombs or 1 Heavy HE bomb or 1 HE Cluster bomb
Bonuses - na
Bonuses and Penalities-2 dodge

Systems of Note
Radar- Range of 150km
Radar Warnign Receiver - range of 200km
Chaff/Flare Dispensers
Targeting Computer
Combat Computer
Ejection System

M.D.C By Location
Nose/Cockpit 60 plus up to 100 M.D.C
Main Body/fuselage 40 M.D.C can add 140 plus 200 TO 325 TOTAL 505
Wings (2) 100 TO 200 M.D.C
Tailplanes 45 TO 100 M.D.C
Engines (2) 55 Plus 100 M.D.C
GAU-8 (nose) 35 M.D.C
Power System - 2× General Electric TF34-GE-100A turbofans run cold fission drive systems for 2 weeks

Weapon Type - GAU-8 30mm gatling cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-vehicle,or anti anything
Range – 3 miles
Damage /R.O.F–
Weapon Type - GAU-8 40mm Gatling cannon
30 MM 5d6 M.D single shot, 10 rounds burst 5D6X10 M.D.C ,20 round burst 1D6x100M.D.C
30 MM 4d6 M.D single shot, 5 rounds burst 2d6x10,20 round burst 4D6X10M.D.C
A.P.F.S.D.S round
30 MM 1d4x10 M.D single shot, 5 rounds burst 5d4x10 ,20 round burst 1d10x100 M.D
Rate Of Fire - single shot or , 5 rounds burst equal to pilots attacks or fire a 20 round burst ( yeah do the math )
Payload – 1000 rounds
Bonuses – add +3 to strike

Range 5 miles

Weapon Type - Hard points (11, 4 per wing, 3 fuselage)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - each hard point can carry: carry short range missiles 4, per hard points, 2 PER medium range missiles or 1 long range missile or combination bum bombs

Bonuses – varies with missiles
Bonuses and Penalties +2 to dogfight ( Thanks air to ground radar) to with GAU-8 30mm or 40 mm Gatling cannon , +6 dodge, +3 strike at any ground targets, +4 initiative at any ground targets with GAU-8 30mm or 40 mm Gatling cannon , plus add weapons systems, and W.P, dumb bomb range over 5500 feet -3 to targets that are moving ,any travailing at 400 MPH or faster -9 to hit

Model Type - AV-8B Harrier II Plus
Class - V/STOL Ground Attack Craft

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 750pix.jpg

Crew - 1
SDC By Location
Nose/Cockpit 150
Main Body/fuselage 470
Wings (2) 120
Tailplanes (2) 90 ea
Engines (1) 200
VTOL Thrusters (2) 100 ea
AR - 11 (vehicle AR)
Armour - Stops all standard handgun rounds and upto and including 12.7mm/.50cal rifle rounds. Explosive and ramjet rounds are still effective.
Flying - 1070kph
Range - Combat Radius 560kmkm
Altitude - 10000m (33000ft)
Height - 3.6m
Length - 14.1m
Width - 9.3m
Weight - 14.1 tons maximum, 6.3 tons empty
Cargo - Minimal survival gear
Power System - 1× Rolls-Royce F402-RR-408 (Mk 105) vectored-thrust turbofan
Cost - 35 million dollars US
Weapon Type - GAU-12 25mm gatling gunpod
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter
Range - 1500m
Damage - 1d4x100+80sdc per burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload - 15 bursts
Bonuses - na

Weapon Type - Hardpoints (7, 2 per wing, 3 fuselage)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - Each hardpoint can carry 1 of the folling: Light HE air to air missile, HE air to air missile, HE air to ground missile, Light HE bomb, HE bomb, HE Cluster Bomb
Bonuses - na
bonuses and penalities

-1 dodge

Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 200km
Radar Warnign Receiver - range of 300km
Chaff/Flare Dispensers
Targeting Computer
Combat Computer
Ejection Systems

M.D.C Model Type - AV-8B Harrier III Plus

M.D.C By Location
Nose/Cockpit base 15 M.D.C ADD UP TO 66 M.D.C
Main Body/fuselage: base 50 M.D.C plus 140 M.D.C add 100 to 200 M.D.C
Wings (2)100 to 150 M.D.C
Tailplanes (2) 9 M.D.C to 50 M.D.C
Engines (1) 55 M.D.C can add up to 100 M.D.C
VTOL Thrusters (2) base 10 M.D.C can add up to 100 M.D.C

Weapon Type - GAU-12 25mm Gatling gun pod
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter
Range – 3 miles
Damage –
20 mm -5d4 M.D, five round burst 1d10x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D five round burst 2D4X10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD five round burst 3D6X10

Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload – 1000 ROUNDS OR 200 bursts
Bonuses - +3 to strike in dogfights , -3 to hit target moving at 400 MPH in the ground ,+4 still targets Under 400 MPH

Weapon Type - Hardpoints (7, 2 per wing, 3 fuselage)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - Each hardpoint can carry 4 SHORT RANGE MISSLIES ,OR 2 MEDIUM RANGE MISSLIES OR mini missiles pods 12 each can mix it up
Bonuses and Penalties varies with missiles

+7 dodge

S.D.C Model Type - M1A3 Abrams w/TUSK

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... MSS%29.jpg

S.D.C By Location
By Location
Main Body 1700
Turret 1000
120mm Cannon 500
Tracks (2 sets) 950 ea
Track Wheels (9 450 ea
.50 cal Machine Gun (2) 150
7.62 Machine Gun (2) 50 ea
Loaders Gun Shield /turret 200
Commanders Turret 300
Weapon Type - 100mm smoothbore Cannon
Primary Purpose - Anti-Armour
Range - 4000m maximum direct fire, 12km maximum indirect fire
Damage - 1d6x100+100sdc HE
3d4x100sdc HEAT
2d4x100+100sdc A/P
1d4x100+100sdc FRAG blast radius 25ft
Rate Of Fire - 3 per melee
Payload - 40 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike

Weapon Type – (x3).50 cal machine gun (1, one above the main gun and two turret)
Primary Purpose - Anti-Infantry
Range - 1500m
Damage - 3d6x10+30sdc per 10 round burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 100 bursts
Bonuses - NA

Type - Optional Mk 19 Automatic Grenade Launcher (replaces .50 cal mg on commander’s turret)
Purpose - anti-vehicle/infantry
Range - 1200m
Damage - 3d4x10 per grenade blast radius 15ft or 6d6x10 per 10 round burst, blast radius 30 ft
Rate of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Ammo - 200 grenades
Bonuses – na

Bonuses and penalties
-6 dodge
Systems of Note
Thermal Vision - Range 2km
Targeting System +1 strike
Combat Computer
NBC Protection
Commanders Turret is remote operated
Loaders Turret Can be Remote operated
Army telephone at rear for infantry to communicate to crew without opening the tank up

M.D.C Model Type - M1A3 Abrams w/TUSK

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... MSS%29.jpg

Class - Main Battle Tank
Crew - 4
M.D.C By Location
Main Body base 266 M.D.C can add only 100 M.D.C but plus w/TUSK 100 to 300 M.D.C
#TUSK 250 to 375 for the front, sides, turret,
Turret 100 plus 25 M.D.C to 65 M.D.C plus 100 to 200 M.D.C tops
120mm Cannon 120 M.D.C
Tracks (2 sets) 100 each
M.D..C .50 cal Machine Gun (3)
Loaders Gun Shield /turret ( 3)200 M.D.C
Commanders Turret 200 M.D.C
# is the first to get damage, but must take 75 MDC or less do no damage
Ground - 67kph over the road, 48kph off-road
Range - 390km
Height - 2.44m
Length - 9.77m
Width - 3.7m
Weight - 68.4 tons
Cargo - Minimal survival gear and personal weapons
Power System - Honeywell AGT1500C multi-fuel turbine engine replace with fission drive systems
Cost - 4.35 million dollars US
Weapon Type –lL.E. Round or light explosive rounds

100 mm -2D4X10 M.D( max damage 80)
dual shot or burst 4d4x10 , or
four found shot or quad burst 4d8x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds

100 mm -1d10x10 M.D (max damage 100)
dual shot or burst 5d4x10 , or four found shot
or quad burst 5d8x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round

100 mm -3d6x10 M.D( max damage 180)
dual shot or burst 6d6 x10 ,
or four found shot or quad burst 1d4x100+100

120 MM
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds

120 mm- 1D10x10M.D ( max damage 100)
dual shot or burst 5d4x10 ,
or four found shot or quad burst 5d8x10

H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds

120 mm -2d6x10 or 3d4x10 M.D (max damage 120 )
dual shot or burst 4d6x10 ,
or four found shot or quad burst 8d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round

120 mm -4d6x10 ( max damage 240)
dual shot or burst 8d6x10 ,
or four found shot or quad burst 1d6x100+100

Payload – 200 rounds
Bonuses - +4 strike to any ground target , but can be used as ant aircraft gun elevation up 89 degrees ,but -1 going above mach 2
Smoke round blast radius blast radius 25 feet each (can be in color…or in high definition)
Tear gas round blast radius blast radius 20 feet
Infrared round: this is to be used to see in the dark for allied force in the night operations
Smoke round blast radius blast radius 25 feet each ( can be in color)
Tear gas round blast radius blast radius 20 feet
Infrared round: this is to be used to see in the dark for allied force in the night operations
Range : direct fire 7 miles , indirect fire up to 15 miles
Weapon Type - .50 cal machine gun Robotech® The Masters Saga Sourcebook)
later 120 MM smoothbore Cannon
Damage :these are special round design to do heavy damage to ground or to air target

Type – add (x3)Mk 25 Automatic Grenade Launcher
Bonuses and penalties
-6 dodge
Systems of Note Range 5 miles
Thermal Vision -
Targeting System
Combat Computer
NBC Protection
Commanders Turret is remote operated
Loaders Turret Can be Remote operated
Army telephone at rear for infantry to communicate to crew without opening the tank up
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

German Black market
free Quebec coalition states Ishpeming Columbia Arzno The Great Trade Road Combat Medical services Air Superiority ,Inc King dale Northern gun , Tolkeen
German Black market (G.B.M)
D-bee militia force (or DMF)

Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! We found unknown rebel force in North American, they attacking high level targets in Canada, North America, and new west and as far as Columbia. They have mostly coalition targets at first, they very trained fighter on land, air, and even at sea. However the sea operation are unconfirmed as of yet, still we notified the coalition, free Quebec a and other a local governments .Finally to merc town if you find any information and can confirm bases of operations or military operations in the areas with the following vehicles . You must have video and audio confirmation to be study and analyzed to confirm data; IF it is true then we paid just for the data 100,000 credits, shot down a jetfighter 250,000 credits,and capture a pilot alive 500,000 credits ,find base of operations 1,000,000 credits , any land military vehicles 400,000 credits , capture any crew 350,000 all transaction are final.Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!!”

This alert is come from coalition states , free Quebec, Northern gun, King dale, Air Superiority ,Inc, Combat Medical services, The Great Trade Road, Arzno, Columbia and to allied N.A.A.T forces call A.F .

NOTE: many have join the alert but don’t why, just that this a small merc out with powerful and old European hardware that can do heavy damage and that many are rebel from Tolkeen forces . this goes deeper the coalition has made heavy crack down to German Black market (G.B.M) and also the North American black market has help as well, plus N.A.A.T warned not to do certain operation to the G.B.M. but as any new kid in the block they didn’t listen, still N.A.A.T got the G.B.M from Germany to stop the G.B.M that function in North America. This was to stop a blood bath by both black market and later by the coalition forces, however the operatives were able to obtain data, on how to work quietly, make maintain , repaired and produce new MDC (but with excellent German quality) .Because of this the G.B.M that was operating in north America broke with German Black market of Germany and there was a major battle ensued from hand head weapons to robots and jetfighters. This caught N.A.A.T and German Black market (G.B.M) form Germany off guard heavy loss from both sides. The Only good thing N.A.A.T /German Black market operative were able to take out the all those operative that knew about N.A.A.T involvement , however the American G.B.M were here to stay. They are roaches the more you kill the more they come and haunt you and that they are good. That they did was take those with hatred towards coalition, her were going to function as terrorist army /sea and air. This to built quickie armed units due the loss of the coalition and later other merc units. Against all odds they made out alive, why because of the collation war, the live that were lost, the refugees who want to hit the coalition and those that support them and the D-bee that want war. This is what N.A.A.T was avoiding so long ago. Something so small turned so big that it forces all to pay attention and nobodies know where they are going to strike ,plus they had other hardware that no has which they will get ther hands on .plus there are going to be other organization that will support them not in conventional warfare but unconventional warfare and the use of magic .
SO enjoy
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

The 10 MM Omega Beowulf is a cannon rifle is the last design to take down any knows conventional robot, APC, I.F.V or a tank weapons. These are used only by N.A.A.T elite forces not special force. This weapon was made during the golden age of man and was hated by all GB pilots at that time. In realty N.A.A.T had for some time ,but couldn’t make ,until now using Triax tech. however Triax was not awarded back then over 300 year ago , and didn’t know they could make the weapon .this little secret will be as long as possible and be used carefully and will be used in north America. this doesn’t include under barrel weapons
http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1296343972

The 10 MM Omega Beowulf
3d4x10, (short) three round burst, 4d6x10, (medium) six round only
H.E Light M.D Rounds

3D4 single round, (short) three rounds burst 6d6, (medium) six round 1d 6x10+12, (long) 15 rounds burst 3d6x10

S.D.C single round, (short) three rounds burst, (medium) six round,
MDC: single round, (short) three rounds burst, (medium) six round, (long) 15 rounds burst

Range: 3000 feet

Payload standard clip 30 rounds, long clip 60 rounds, drum 120 rounds , box 240 rounds
Weight 9 pounds, add half pound for long clip, 2 pounds drum,3 pounds box

Cost :3000 credits , 100 credits for each round
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

NOTE: many have join the alert but don’t why, just that this a small merc out with powerful and old European hardware that can do heavy damage and that many are rebel from Tolkeen forces . this goes deeper the coalition has made heavy crack down to German Black market (G.B.M) and also the North American black market has help as well, plus N.A.A.T warned not to do certain operation to the G.B.M. but as any new kid in the block they didn’t listen, still N.A.A.T got the G.B.M from Germany to stop the G.B.M that function in North America. This was to stop a blood bath by both black market and later by the coalition forces, however the operatives were able to obtain data, on how to work quietly, make maintain , repaired and produce new MDC (but with excellent German quality) .Because of this the G.B.M that was operating in north America broke with German Black market of Germany and there was a major battle ensued from hand head weapons to robots and jetfighters. This caught N.A.A.T and German Black market (G.B.M) form Germany off guard heavy loss from both sides. The Only good thing N.A.A.T /German Black market operative were able to take out the all those operative that knew about N.A.A.T involvement , however the American G.B.M were here to stay. They are roaches the more you kill the more they come and haunt you and that they are good. That they did was take those with hatred towards coalition, her were going to function as terrorist army /sea and air. This to built quickie armed units due the loss of the coalition and later other merc units. Against all odds they made out alive, why because of the collation war, the live that were lost, the refugees who want to hit the coalition and those that support them and the D-bee that want war. This is what N.A.A.T was avoiding so long ago. Something so small turned so big that it forces all to pay attention and nobodies know where they are going to strike ,plus they had other hardware that no has which they will get ther hands on .plus there are going to be other organization that will support them not in conventional warfare but unconventional warfare and the use of magic .

T-84 MBT
The T-84 is a Ukrainian main battle tank, a development of the Soviet T-80 main battle tank. It was first built in 1994 and entered service in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 1999. The T-84 is based on the diesel-engined T-80 version, the T-80UD. Its high-performance engine makes it one of the fastest MBTs in the world, with a power-to-weight ratio of about 26 horsepower per tonne (19 kW/t). The T-84 Oplot is an advanced version incorporating an armoured ammunition compartment in a new turret bustle; ten of these entered Ukrainian service in 2001. The T-84-120 Yatagan is a prototype model intended for export, mounting a 120 mm gun capable of firing standard NATO ammunition and guided missiles.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 84Tank.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... TMP-84.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... atagan.jpg

S.D.C Model Type - T-84 MBT
Class - Main Battle Tank
Crew - 3

S.D.C By Location

Main Body 1250
Turret 500
Tracks (2) 350 ea
Track Wheels (many) 120 ea
Engine Compartment 450
Main Gun 300
Machine Guns (2) 50

AR - 17 (vehicle AR)

Armour - Stops all standard handgun rounds and upto and including 15mm rifle rounds. Explosive and ramjet rounds are still effective.

Speed - 65kph
Range - 40km


Height - 2.22m
Length - 7.09m
Width - 3.78m
Weight - 46 tons

Cargo - minimal survival and crew gear
Power System - 1 diesel powerplant
Cost - millions of US dollars


Weapon Type - 125mm smoothbore cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-tank/armour
Range - 5km direct, 8km indirect
Damage - 1d6x100sdc HE, 3d4x100sdc HEAT, 2d4x100+100sdc AP, 1d4x100+100sdc FRAG
Rate Of Fire - 3 per melee
Payload - 43 rounds of various types
Bonuses - na

Weapon Type - 7.62 machine gun
Primary Purpose - anti-infantry
Range - 450m
Damage - 2d4x10+20 sdc per burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 50 bursts
Bonuses - na

Weapon Type - 12.7mm machine gun
Primary Purpose - anti-aircraft/light vehicle/infantry
Range - 1800m
Damage - 3d6x10sdc per burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 100 bursts
Bonuses - na

Bonuses and penalties

-5 dodge

Systems of Note

Targerting system - +1 strike ranged
Communications Range 500km
NBC Protection

M.D.C Model Type –MDC T-84 MBT
Class - Main Battle Tank T-84
In rifts earth this will be most common combat vehicles used by rebel forces. The main reason this is to serve as a stoping gap. But later the rebels will see it effectiveness and will continue to make them .
M.D.C By Location

Main Body 125 plus 100 to 300 MDC total 425 for rebel forces (+reactive amour add 100 to 200 per side one per side, under and front /one turret
Turret 200
Tracks (2) 120 each
Track Wheels (many) 25 each
Engine Compartment 50
Main Gun 150 each
MDC Machine Guns (3) 50 each
reactive amour 100 to 250 per sided
+reactive amour is protect from enemy fire and is the first to damage , after that if hit by a 17 or better on the rear or bottom engine take damage , as well as crew no reinforce cockpit ,only MDC body amour rebel does not have this feature
NOTE non rebel forces don’t have reactive amour, unless purchase or stolen

Power System - 1 nuclear powerplant
range unlimited


Weapon SYSTEMS: turret main gun
Powerful main gun and automatic reloading mechanism. Good armored protection. Ability to fire anti-tank guided missiles from the main gun. Active counteraction system against anti-tank guided missiles. Powerful multi-fuel engine. Tank has high mobility and maneuverability features and is easily driven and furthermore has high average speed.
After many losses during the coalition of rifts earth many, many tank fall due to little or no AAA, this change by making the T84 A.A.A, it has all the features from rebel forces at first . now add the following below
Weapon systems: turret main gun

L.E. Round

125mm smoothbore cannon -2D6X10M.D( max damage 120 ),rapid shot two rounds 4d6x10 , three round shot 6d6x10 , four round shot 8d6x10 , eight round shot not possible

H.E. Round

125mm smoothbore cannon -4d4x10 or 2d8x10 M.D (max damage 160), rapid shot two rounds 4d8x10, , four round shot 6d8x10, eight round shot not possible

A.P.F.S.D.S round

125mm smoothbore cannon -5d6x10 M.D( max damage 300 ) rapid shot two rounds1d6x100, three round shot not possible, , four round shot 2d6x100 ,eight round shot4d6x100

Weapon SYSTEMS: turret main gun AAA side guns rapid fire auto cannons
L.E. Round
125mm smoothbore cannon -5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) rapid shot two rounds1d10x10, three round shot 4d4x10+10, , four round shot 5d4x10, eight round shot 5d8x10

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1295828904

Heavy A.A.A
H.E. Round

80 mm -1d6x10 M.D (max damage 60) ,rapid shot two rounds2d6x10, three round shot 3d6x10, , four round shot 4d6x10, eight round shot not possible
A.P.F.S.D.S round

80 mm -2d6x10( max damage 120 ) rapid shot two rounds 4d6x10, three round shot 3d6x10, , four round shot 4d6x10, eight round shot not possible

Weapon Type - 20mm gun light guns A.A.A
Primary Purpose - anti-Armour
Range – 2 miles
Damage - THIS A SINGLE GUN!!!!!
H.E.A.P 20 mm -5d4 M.D single shot, 5 round 1d10 x10
L.E.A.P 20– 3d6 M.D, 5 round burst 2d4x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round 20mm- 6d6 MD5 round burst3d6x10
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 259 bursts (X2)

#2) Weapon Type – (X2)remote control turret MDC machine gun use on top turret
Rate Of Fire - single shot, Auto loader systems
Payload - 1000 round

Weapon Type – (X1)remote control turret MDC machine gun use on side of main gun
Primary Purpose - anti-aircraft/light vehicle/infantry
Range - varies
Damage - 3d6x10sdc per burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload – 2000 rounds

Bonuses and penalties

-1 dodge

Systems of Note

Targeting system - +3 strike ranged, +4 to shot any type of aircraft with AAA,main gun +2
Auto loader
Communications Range 50 miles
NBC Protection
Infrared /thermo optics
Last edited by ZINO on Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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NOTE: many have join the alert but don’t why, just that this a small merc out with powerful and old European hardware that can do heavy damage and that many are rebel from Tolkeen forces . this goes deeper the coalition has made heavy crack down to German Black market (G.B.M) and also the North American black market has help as well, plus N.A.A.T warned not to do certain operation to the G.B.M. but as any new kid in the block they didn’t listen, still N.A.A.T got the G.B.M from Germany to stop the G.B.M that function in North America. This was to stop a blood bath by both black market and later by the coalition forces, however the operatives were able to obtain data, on how to work quietly, make maintain , repaired and produce new MDC (but with excellent German quality) .Because of this the G.B.M that was operating in north America broke with German Black market of Germany and there was a major battle ensued from hand head weapons to robots and jetfighters. This caught N.A.A.T and German Black market (G.B.M) form Germany off guard heavy loss from both sides. The Only good thing N.A.A.T /German Black market operative were able to take out the all those operative that knew about N.A.A.T involvement , however the American G.B.M were here to stay. They are roaches the more you kill the more they come and haunt you and that they are good. That they did was take those with hatred towards coalition, her were going to function as terrorist army /sea and air. This to built quickie armed units due the loss of the coalition and later other merc units. Against all odds they made out alive, why because of the collation war, the live that were lost, the refugees who want to hit the coalition and those that support them and the D-bee that want war. This is what N.A.A.T was avoiding so long ago. Something so small turned so big that it forces all to pay attention and nobodies know where they are going to strike ,plus they had other hardware that no has which they will get ther hands on .plus there are going to be other organization that will support them not in conventional warfare but unconventional warfare and the use of magic .


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... P-1_03.jpg

Armor 6–33 mm (0.24–1.3 in) welded rolled steel
Primary weapon 73 mm 2A28 Grom low pressure smoothbore short-recoil semi-automatic gun (40 rounds)[5]
9S428 ATGM launcher for 9M14 Malyutka (4 + 1 rounds)[5][6][7] Secondary
weapon 7.62 mm PKT coaxial machinegun (2,000 rounds)
Engine UTD-20, 6-cylinder 4-stroke V-shaped airless-injection water cooled multifuel 15.8 liter diesel
300 hp (224 kW) at 2,600 rpm[5][6] Power/weight 22.7 hp/tonne (17.0 kW/tonne) Suspension individual torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers on the 1st and 6th road wheels Ground clearance 370 mm (15 in) [5][6] Fuel capacity 462 l (102 imp gal; 122 US gal)[6] Operational
range 600 km (370 mi) road[8]
500 km (310 mi) off-road[6] Speed 65 km/h (40 mph) road
45 km/h (28 mph) off-road
7–8 km/h (4.3–5.0 mph) water[6][7]
The BMP-1 is a Soviet amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle. BMP stands for Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty (Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты), meaning "fighting vehicle of infantry").[9] The BMP-1 was the world's first mass-produced infantry fighting vehicle (IFV).[6][10] It was called the M-1967, BMP and BMP-76PB by NATO before its correct designation was known.[11][12]
It was a revolutionary design combining the properties of an armored personnel carrier (APC) and a light tank. The Soviet military leadership saw any future wars as being conducted with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, where unprotected infantry would soon be either killed or incapacitated by radiation or chemical and biological agents. A vehicle like the BMP would allow infantry to operate from the relative safety of its armored, radiation shielded interior in contaminated areas and to fight alongside it in uncontaminated areas. It would increase infantry squad mobility, provide fire support to them, and also be able to fight alongside main battle tanks.[13]
The BMP-1 was first tested in combat in the 1973 Yom Kippur War where it was used by Egyptian and Syrian forces. Based on lessons learned from this conflict and early experiences in the Soviet War in Afghanistan, a version with improved fighting qualities, the BMP-2 was developed. It was accepted into service in August 1980.
In 1987, the BMP-3, a radically redesigned vehicle with a completely new weapon system, entered service in limited numbers with the Soviet Army.

Production history Designer Pavel Isakov (Design Bureau of the ChTZ)[1]
Designed 1961–1965 Manufacturer Kurgan Engineering Works (KMZ) (USSR)[1]
ZTS Dubnica nad Váhom (Czechoslovakia)
Military Motorization Works No. 5 (Poland)
See also Production history section for details. Produced 1966–1983 (USSR)
unknown–1988 (Poland) Number built More than 20,000 of all variants (USSR)[2]
More than 3,000 of all variants (PRC)[3]
1,994 (Czechoslovakia)
274 (Poland)
~800 (India)[4] Variants BMP-1, BMP-2, MLI-84, Boragh, see also BMP-1 variants. Specifications (Ob'yekt 765Sp3) Weight 13.2 tonnes (13.0 LT; 14.6 ST)[5][6] Length 6.735 m (22 ft 1.2 in)[5] Width 2.94 m (9 ft 8 in)[5] Height 2.068 m (6 ft 9.4 in)
1.881 m (6 ft 2.1 in) to turret top[5][6] Crew 3 (commander, driver and gunner) + 8 passengers

Mechanized infantry tactics during the 1950s were similar to World War II methods in which APCs were used as "battle taxis"; they brought their infantry up to the front line where they then dismounted and fought on foot while the APC provided suppressive fire from its on-board armament.[13]
Existing APCs offered little or no protection from either nuclear or chemical weapons as they were either open-topped or could not be sealed sufficiently. Furthermore, the infantry had to disembark to be able to use their weapons.[13]
The requirement for the BMP was first drawn up in the late 1950s. The requirement stressed speed, good armament, and the ability for all squad members to fire from within the vehicle. The armament had to provide direct support for dismounted infantry in the attack and defense and to be able to destroy comparable light armored vehicles.[14] The vehicle needed to protect the crew from .50 cal machinegun fire and 20–23 mm caliber autocannons across the frontal arc, as well as from light shell fragments at distances between 500 m and 800 m.[15]
Firepower consisted of the innovative combination of the 73 mm 2A28 Grom gun and the newly developed 9S428 anti tank wire guided missile (ATGM) launcher for the 9M14 Malyutka (AT-3A Sagger A) ATGMs. The gun was intended to engage enemy armored vehicles and firing points at a range of up to 700 metres (770 yd), while the missile launcher was intended to be used against targets that were 500 metres (550 yd) to 3,000 metres (3,300 yd) away.[15]
Requirements were issued to the various design bureaus between 1959 and 1960. There was a question as to whether the BMP should be tracked or wheeled, so a number of experimental configurations were explored including hybrid wheeled/tracked designs.[1]
The tracked Ob'yekt 764 was chosen because its front engine design provided a convenient and fast way of mounting and dismounting through two rear doors. The original production prototype, which was built in 1965, was designated BMP.[16] Small scale production began in 1966.[1]

Driver's station

The driver sits in the front on the left side of the hull. He has three TNPO-170 periscope vision-blocks to provide vision when his hatch is closed.[24] The driver's center vision block can be replaced with a TVNO-2 active night binocular vision device for use in night and poor visibility conditions or with a TNPO-350B extended periscope when swimming with the trim vane erected.[7][24] The BMP was the first Soviet armored vehicle to use a simple yoke steering system.[25

Commander's station

The commander's station is located behind the driver's station and is provided with a removable OU-3GA2 or OU-3GK infrared searchlight with an effective range of about 400 metres (440 yd).[26] A dual mode (day/night) TKN-3B 5x/4.2x magnification binocular vision device is coupled to the infrared searchlight. Two periscope vision blocks are also fitted with a heating and cleaning system.[27][28] The commander's station is equipped with a R-123M radio set.


he BMP-1 has a conical turret equipped with a fume extraction system and an electric traverse drive with a manual backup system.[12] The main gun has a dead-zone over the commander's hatch (between the 10:00 and 11:00 o'clock positions), where the gun must be elevated over the infra-red searchlight to avoid crushing it. When the gun is facing backwards it prevents hatches on top of the troop compartment from opening. The low profile of the turret means that the barrel of the gun is less than six feet off the ground, so it cannot be fired over the heads of advancing infantry.[11][29] On the other hand, the low profile of the turret makes it a difficult target. The same turret is used in the BMD-1.

Gunner's station

The gunner's station is located to the left of the main gun. The gunner has a dual mode (day/night) 1PN22M1 6x/6.7x magnification image intensifying monocular periscope sight, four day-use periscope vision blocks, an optical rangefinder and a OU-3GK removable infrared or white-light searchlight.[28] The 1PN22M1 sight has a maximum range of 400 metres (440 yd) at night, 900 metres (980 yd) with the use of the infra-red searchlight.[6][23][28] The sight is marked stadiametricly with the apparent size of a 2.7 metres (8.9 ft) tall tank at various ranges.
The original sight was replaced with the 1PN22M2, which has an additional scale for the OG-15V HE-Frag rounds used by the Ob'yekt 765Sp3, produced from July 1974. The new sight has two day scales for the two projectiles - one from 200 to 1,600 metres (220 to 1,700 yd) and the other from 400 to 1,300 metres (440 to 1,400 yd).[28]


Main armament is the 73 mm 2A28 "Grom" low pressure smoothbore semi-automatic gun. It is fed from a forty round magazine located around the turret ring.[30] Cyclic rate of fire is 8 to 10 rounds per minute, with the gun returning to an elevation of +3° 30' to reload after each shot if the autoloader is used. The gun can be reloaded by hand if necessary. The autoloader is unreliable and can be dangerous to the crew.[8][30] Some units removed the autoloader altogether when new vehicles were delivered, but the mechanized ammunition conveyor magazine was kept.
The 2A28 'Grom' smoothbore gun fires the same PG-15V projectiles as the SPG-9 infantry light recoilless gun but with a smaller propellant charge. The PG15V HEAT warhead can penetrate 280 to 350 mm (11 to 14 in) of steel armor - more than enough to penetrate the frontal armor of NATO MBTs of the 1970s, such as the US M60A1, the British Chieftain or the German Leopard 1.[30] The modernized PG-9 shell is able to penetrate up to 400 mm (16 in) of steel armor. This gun is unable to penetrate the front armor of modern NATO MBTs such as the US M1A1 Abrams, the British Challenger 2, or the German Leopard 2, but it has been claimed that it can penetrate the side armor of these tanks in some areas.[31] Under battlefield conditions it has a maximum effective range of 500 m (550 yd).[32]
OG-15V high explosive ammunition was made available in the 1970s. The warhead has twice the weight of explosives as the anti-armor PG-15V; it is intended for use against troops or soft targets.[30]
A coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun is mounted to the right of the main armament[30] for which the BMP-1 carries 2,000 rounds.[33]
The 2A28 'Grom' gun and PKT coaxial machine gun cannot be accurately fired while the vehicle is on the move over rough ground as the turret is unstabilised.[30]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... e_Base.jpg


Mounted on the gun mantlet, the 9S428 ATGM launcher is capable of firing the 9M14 Malyutka, (NATO: AT-3A Sagger A); the 9M14M Malyutka-M (NATO: AT-3B Sagger B) and the 9M14P Malyutka-P (NATO: AT-3C Sagger C), all of which are intended to be used against enemy MBTs and other AFVs at distances from 500 to 3,000 m (550 to 3,300 yd). These ATGMs can penetrate up to 560 mm (22 in) of steel armor (NATO standard at the time).[6]
The BMP-1 carries 5 ATGMs (one on the launching rail, two inside the turret and two inside the hull). Each 9M14M weighs 10.9 kg (24 lb), a 9M14P with semi-automatic control is 11.4 kg (25 lb). These missiles can only be fired in daylight because it lacks a night sight. Besides such advantages as interference immunity and simple control equipment, wire-guided ATGMs are hampered by significant disadvantages such as: a relatively low flight speed, response delay, the inability to load a new missile until the previous one has reached its target and a very long minimum range (500 m (550 yd)).[12] Successful operation of the ATGM while the vehicle is on the move requires a very skilled gunner.
BMP-1s that were not modernized to BMP-1P standard now in Russian service can use 9M14-2 Malyutka-2 (NATO: AT-3D Sagger D) ATGMs (developed in 1995), which have either a tandem shaped-charge or high-explosive thermobaric warhead.[11][34]
The BMP-1 was a threat to NATO APCs, light AFVs, and even MBTs of its time, by use of its main gun or ATGM. Nevertheless, the strong anti-tank focus of its armament didn't provide sufficient firepower against enemy unarmored vehicles, infantry and light fortified positions, especially during mountain battles, (mostly due to the low elevation angle of the main gun). The appearance of the more successful BMP-2 armed with the 30 mm 2A42 dual-purpose autocannon solved this serious problem

Troop compartment

The troop compartment located at the rear of the vehicle can carry up to eight soldiers. There are four firing ports on each side of the vehicle and a single firing port in the left rear door; a combination fume extractor hose and cartridge deflector is provided to clip on to weapons at each station

Soldiers sit on two padded benches along the center line of the vehicle and face the sides. Vehicle batteries, electric equipment and the main 330 l (73 imp gal; 87 US gal) fuel tank are located between the benches, with tool stowage beneath.[35] There are four large D-shaped hatches in the roof of the hull which can be opened from the troop compartment. The airtight rear doors of the troop compartment also contain fuel tanks

pace inside the troop compartment is limited. There is little room for personal equipment, which leads to it being stowed outside while on operation, sometimes limiting rearward traverse of the turret. The seating is also cramped, especially for troops in full battle dress, leading to some armies reducing troop capacity to seven

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... g_arcs.png

Amphibious capability

The BMP-1 is amphibious, propelling itself in the water using its tracks, assisted by hydrodynamic fairings on the track upper side covers. Top swimming speed is 8 kilometres per hour (5.0 mph). The shape of the hull and some features (hollow road wheels and road wheel arms with air chambers) aid flotation. The BMP-1 can overcome water barriers with a current speed up to 1.2 metres (1.3 yd) per second and waves up to 0.25 metres (0.82 ft) high. More challenging conditions require engineer support.[6]
Before entering the water the trim vane at the front of the hull should be erected to prevent water from flooding over the bow. While in its traveling position it serves as additional frontal armor. The rear doors of the troop compartment must be closed tightly before entering the water.
The BMP-1 can cross water obstacles such as rivers and lakes but it is not intended for sea landing operations.

Protection issues fix

The BMP-1 had significant shortcomings in its protection scheme, which only became obvious during the Soviet War in Afghanistan. It seats its driver and commander in a tandem layout, on the left hand side of the front of the hull alongside the diesel engine. When an antitank mine hits the BMP-1's left track, the explosion usually destroyed one to three left hand side roadwheels, penetrated the bottom and killed or seriously wounded the driver and the commander which caused painful losses of specialist personnel in the Soviet Army. Drivers laid sandbags on the bottom of their compartment in an effort to protect themselves against possible mine attack. The same kind of explosion under the right track were much less dramatic for the driver and the commander who remained relatively safe.[39] If the vehicle hit a tilt-rod antitank mine, its steeply sloped lower front glacis plate allowed the mine's arming rod to tilt with little resistance until the mine was well under the chassis. When it eventually detonated, the blast was usually sufficient to kill or badly wound the driver and the commander. The Soviet 40th Army in Afghanistan began to receive improved BMP-1Ds (the so-called "Afghan" variant) from 1982 onward which, among other improvements, included an additional armored plate under the driver's and commander's stations. This situation was addressed in the later BMP-2 design, where the commander shares the two-man turret with the gunner. The driver's and engine compartments could be equipped with additional bottom armor for improved protection against landmines filled with up to 2.5 kilograms (5.5 lb) of explosives.

There is also a protection issue concerning the reloading of the 9M14 "Malyutka" and 9M14M "Malyutka-M" ATGMs in NBC conditions because doing it through the small hatch from inside the vehicle would destroy whatever protection the fighting compartment's NBC protection suite gave.
The compactness and low silhouette of the vehicle are generally advantages on a battlefield. Critical areas such as the engine compartment and ammunition storage area, fuel cells and the troop compartment are located in such a manner that became the standard for many IFVs and APCs. Penetration anywhere in these areas will often result in mobility and/or firepower damage and/or disabling of the personnel.[11]
BMP-1 and BMP-2 series vehicles share a major drawback with many Soviet tanks. Ammunition is stored near or even inside the fighting compartment which makes them more vulnerable to a hit from an anti-tank round or a missile across the side arc. If that happens, the ammunition often explodes, killing everyone and completely destroying the vehicle.[40] During the fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya, hits by rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) penetrated the BMP-1's armor in 95% of cases. This often resulted in the vehicle burning until the ammunition exploded.[39] Due to these limitations, Soviet/Russian soldiers customarily rode on the outside of the BMP-1, sitting on top of the hull while in combat zones. This tactic had also been adopted by their American counterparts during the Vietnam war, when they found their own M113 APCs were vulnerable to RPG attack. It has an obvious downside on the likelihood of passenger survivability in a war-zone. The armor of BMP-1 IFVs is also insufficient to deal with AP cannon rounds - sufficiently thick armor would increase the weight of the BMP-1 considerably and jeopardize its amphibious ability. Some military analysts support the idea of returning to the concept of open-topped APCs as the armor of light AFVs cannot protect the crew from anti-tank weapons. Modern APCs are mostly used in local conflicts instead of hypothetical large-scale wars with NBC weapons.

The problem most often cited by western analysts is the design of the main fuel tank. Due to the low profile of the vehicle the designers have had to place the fuel tank between the two rows of outward-facing seats, meaning that the infantrymen sit very close to the bulk of the vehicle's fuel storage, extra fuel is carried in the hollow armored rear doors. Therefore a hit by an armor-piercing incendiary round would set the fuel contained there (especially, if kerosene is used instead of diesel), on fire. The burning fuel would move into the crew compartment, resulting in the death or injury to the infantrymen (if they are unable to leave the vehicle via the roof hatches), and a possible explosion. However, the rear door tanks are almost always empty when the BMP goes into combat as they are only meant to increase the road travel range of the vehicle. In intense war areas where the BMP sees action often and it is relatively near to its base of operations, instructions highly recommend detaching the rear door tanks from the fuel system, filling them with sand as additional protection of the troop compartment and adding fuel to the internal main fuel tank from other sources when the need arises. This was not practiced by some crews of BMP-1s during a number of local conflicts, e.g., in Chechnya, which resulted in frequent attempts by the enemy to hit the rear doors of the BMP-1s. The inner fuel tank is more vulnerable than that of many modern IFVs - the thin side armor means that penetration is likely to occur to the inner fuel tank as well.

Another potential flaw in the BMP-1 is its troop seating layout. In order to allow the infantrymen to use their assault rifles and machine guns while on the move, firing ports were installed in the sides of the hull and in the left rear door. Soldiers are seated on two back-to-back benches, mounted along the center line of the troop compartment. If hit by a more advanced type of magnetic anti-tank mine, the resulting explosion could kill the entire complement of infantrymen. In many other troop carriers, soldiers are seated on separate benches against the hull sides. This layout might prohibit the use of infantry weapons from inside the troop compartment, but in most cases the loss of life from a mine would be significantly less, although the loss of lower limbs would still be frequent. It should also be noted that most conscript soldiers do not receive much training in firing from inside the vehicle while it's moving. Even for professional soldiers, the unstabilized firing port periscopes makes it very difficult to conduct aimed fire while on the move. Nevertheless, the ability of soldiers to use their weapons from inside the vehicle is of extreme importance during urban warfare, especially, when repulsing enemy ambushes.

The BMP-1 has no air conditioning or air cooling system, its crew members and passengers suffer heavily in hot climates as its air filtration system and exhaust-ventilation fans cannot provide any comfort at high temperatures.[39] During the Yom Kippur War crews kept some of the roof hatches open. This meant that they were vulnerable to machine gun fire from higher ground. Only a few examples of the BMP-1 were intended for export - mainly to countries with a hot climate (for example, the Slovak-Belorussian "Cobra-S"), they are equipped with an air conditioning system. The cooling system for the engine is improved, as is the additional forced air cooling system of the engine compartment and radiator. The exhaust system helps to eject gases together with hot air from the engine compartment through the grille located on the right-hand side of the hull roof in front of the turret.


The BMP-1 can make its own smoke screen by injecting vaporized diesel fuel into the exhaust manifold using the TDA engine thermal smoke generating system.[42] Later models also have an array of 902V Tucha smoke grenade launchers which can form a screen 80 m (87 yd) wide, 200 to 300 m (220 to 330 yd) in front of the vehicle.[42]
A number of BMP-1s were fitted with mountings for the KMT-10 plow-type of mine-clearing system in the early 1980s. It is installed on the front of the hull in line with the tracks. The plow weighs 450 kg (990 lb) and can be attached in 30 minutes, emergency detaching takes around 10 minutes. The KMT-10 is intended for clearing anti-tank mines under different ground conditions. It is pneumatically-driven and takes 4 seconds to switch from the traveling position to the digging position. The mine-clearing plows are very narrow, with just two digging tines, each 300 mm (12 in) wide, (the same as each track), which limits them to clearing surface-laid mines, in particular scatterable anti-tank mines. A chain mounted between the plows can detonate tilt-rod mines. Maximum mine-clearing speed is 15 km/h (9.3 mph).[12][43][44]
When the NBC protection system is configured and operating, the crew and passengers are protected from chemical weapons, biological agents and nuclear fallout by an air filtration and overpressure system which consists of the NBC filter element and the blower/dust separator.[12]
BMP-1s were equipped with one RPG-7/RPG-7V [5] shoulder-launched anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) and five PG-7 rounds or one 9K32 Strela-2/9K38 Igla man-portable anti-aircraft missile launcher and two replacement missiles.[23] It carries 1600 rounds for two PK general-purpose machine guns.

S.D.C By Location

Main Body 700
Tracks (2) 350 ea
Track Wheels (many) 120 ea
Engine Compartment 450
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns (2) 50

M.D.C By Location

This soviet s class A.P.C In rifts earth north America will be the second common combat vehicles used by rebel forces. The main reason this is to serve as a stoping gap. But later the rebels will see it effectiveness and will continue to make them.

Main Body 70 plus 100 to 250 (+reactive amour add 120 per side one per side, under and front /one rear)
Tracks (2) 100 ea
Track Wheels (many) 50 ea
Engine Compartment 55
Main Gun 100
Machine Guns (2) 55
Primary weapon 100 mm short-recoil semi-automatic gun (300 round auto-reloaded rounds) use Robotech® The Masters Saga Sourcebook hover tank all same range 2 miles range ,indirect fire 6 miles
9S428 ATGM launcher for replace with medium range missile total 6 ROF 1 at a time
Secondary weapon M.D.C coaxial machinegun (4,000 rounds)
Engine: Range 1500 miles RIFTS nuclear power
Speed off-road 45 PMH road70 water (on top) only 10 miles per hour
Standard infrared, thermos for night ops 4000 feet

+reactive amour is protect from enemy fire and is the first to damage , after that if hit by a 17 or better on the rear or bottom engine take damage , as well as crew no reinforce cockpit ,only MDC body amour A.U.L does not have this feature

M.D.C By Location
A.U.L s class
Main Body 200
Tracks (2) 75 ea
Track Wheels (many) 25 ea
Engine Compartment 45
Main Gun 100
Machine Guns (2) 25
Weapons systems port can be any MDC machine gun standard weapons x4 per sided total 8, payload 600 rounds
add to bonus then -2 to strike

Primary weapon 73 mm 2A28 Grom low pressure smoothbore short-recoil semi-automatic gun (40 rounds)
Damage 79 mm- 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
ROF one or two round burst 1d10x10
Range 1 mile

9S428 ATGM launcher for replace with medium range missile total 6 ROF 1 at a time
weapon Any M.D.C coaxial machinegun (2,000 rounds)
Engine: Range 1500 miles
Speed off-road 40 PMH road 60 water (on top) only 5 miles per hour
Weapons systems port can be any hand held weapons x4 per sided ,
Last edited by ZINO on Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!! !!! We found unknown rebel force in North American, they attacking high level targets in Canada, North America, and new west and as far as Columbia. They have mostly coalition targets at first, they very trained fighter on land, air, and even at sea. However the sea operation are unconfirmed as of yet, still we notified the coalition, free Quebec a and other a local governments .Finally to merc town if you find any information and can confirm bases of operations or military operations in the areas with the following vehicles . You must have video and audio confirmation to be study and analyzed to confirm data; IF it is true then we paid just for the data 100,000 credits, shot down a jet fighter 250,000 credits, and capture a pilot alive 500,000 credits ,find base of operations 1,000,000 credits , any land military vehicles 400,000 credits , capture any crew 350,000 all transaction are final. We have new information if you see the aircraft you can shot on sight and hatred. That’s right open fire on the following military aircraft Sukhoi Su-30, Sukhoi Su-33, Sukhoi Su-34, and Sukhoi Su-35.
But do not engage alone. They are always in three or in pairs of two that’s four. We don’t know why at this time. They will fight to the death, no questions asked and no mercy on their part. They have hit collation military bases, collation outpost, and communication post as well as ground to air missiles batteries .recent hit and run Merc town, Air Superiority ,Inc and Combat Medical services with heavy loss and attacking Non-combat convoys, and non combated transport vehicles all hand lost Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! The coalition Air Superiority and N.A.AT are combining to stop these unnecessary attacks. Please report sighting and position of the target mention or IF are capable of stop enemy mission operation you may do so and destroy target units please show gun camera and wreaked of target but be waned they will do many bombing .this will give more chances to counter attack them ”

This alert is come from coalition states , free Quebec, Northern gun, King dale, Air Superiority ,Inc, Combat Medical services, The Great Trade Road, Arzno, Columbia and to allied N.A.A.T forces call A.F .

Recent attacks led by rebel force when requesting to make several attacks to using Air Superiority base and later try to set base of operation in Merc town, and when refused to supplies before a major attack to free Quebec and to coalition bases in Texas from Combat Medical services. Attacks Combat Medical services by a senceless bombing runs. This was done by a series warning for refusing not aiding rebel forces and this was when rebels were will to pay.

Sukhoi Su-30
The Sukhoi Su-30 (Cyrillic: Сухой Су-30) (NATO reporting name Flanker-C) is a twin-engine, two-seat military aircraft developed by Russia's Sukhoi Aviation Corporation. It is a multi-role fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions.
The Su-30 started out as an internal development project in the Sukhoi Su-27 family by Sukhoi. The design plan was revamped and the name was made official by the Russian Defense Ministry in 1996. Of the Flanker family, only the Su-27, Su-30 and Su-35 have been ordered into serial production by the Defense Ministry. All the others, such as Su-37, were prototypes.
The Su-30 has two distinct branches, manufactured by competing organizations: KnAAPO and the IRKUT Corporation, both of which come under the Sukhoi group's umbrella. KnAAPO manufactures the Su-30MKK and the Su-30MK2, which were designed for and sold to China, and later Indonesia and Vietnam. Due to KnAAPO's involvement from the early stages of developing Su-35, these are basically a two-seat version of the mid-1990s Su-35. The Chinese chose an older but lighter radar so the canards could be omitted in return for increased payload. It is a dedicated strike fighter designed for long-range air-to-surface attack missions, similar to the American F-15E.
Irkut traditionally served the Soviet Air Defense and, in the early years of Flanker development, was given the responsibility of manufacturing the Su-27UB, the two-seat trainer version of the Su-27. When India showed interests in the Su-30, Irkut offered the multi-role Su-30MKI, which originated as the Su-27UB modified with avionics appropriate for fighters. Along with its ground-attack capabilities, the series adds features for the air-superiority role, such as thrust-vectoring, forward canards and a long-range phase-array radar. Its derivatives include the MKM, MKA and MKV for Malaysia, Algeria and Venezuela, respectively.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... flight.jpg

The Su-30 is a multi-role fighter. It has a two seat cockpit with an airbrake behind the canopy.
The Su-30MK is capable of accomplishing a wide variety of combat missions at significant distances from the home base, in any weather conditions and during radar jamming, both by day and night.[citation needed] This multi-role aircraft is adequately fitted for the entire spectrum of tactical and operational combat employment scenarios, varying from counter-air tasks (i.e. gaining air superiority, air defense, air patrol and escort) to ground attack, suppression of enemy air defenses, air interdiction, close air support and maritime attack. Additionally, the Su-30MK can perform ECCM and early warning tasks, as well as exercise command-and-control over a group of aerial combat assets performing joint missions. It has a 9 g load maneuverability.[citation needed]

The Su-30MK's aerodynamic configuration is an unstable-in-longitude triplane. To increase lifting effectiveness and enhance maneuverability of the aircraft, canards are installed. They are deflected automatically to ensure controlled flight at high angles-of-attack. Canards, however, are installed only in some Su-30 variants like the Su-30MKI.
The integrated aerodynamic configuration, combined with the thrust vectoring control ability, results in unprecedented maneuverability and unique takeoff and landing characteristics. Equipped with a digital fly-by-wire system, the Su-30MK is able to perform some very advanced maneuvers. They include the well-known Pugachev’s Cobra and the Bell. This allows the aircraft to rapidly strip airspeed, causing a pursuing fighter to overshoot.[2] While performing a somersault maneuver the aircraft makes 360-degree turn in the pitch plane without any loss of altitude. In the Controlled Flat Spin maneuver the aircraft performs several full turns in the horizontal plane, with zero forward speed, virtually on the spot.

Angle of attack

The Su-30MK's aerodynamic configuration is an unstable-in-longitude triplane. To increase lifting effectiveness and enhance maneuverability of the aircraft, canards are installed. They are deflected automatically to ensure controlled flight at high angles-of-attack. Canards, however, are installed only in some Su-30 variants like the Su-30MKI.
The integrated aerodynamic configuration, combined with the thrust vectoring control ability, results in unprecedented maneuverability and unique takeoff and landing characteristics. Equipped with a digital fly-by-wire system, the Su-30MK is able to perform some very advanced maneuvers. They include the well-known Pugachev’s Cobra and the Bell. This allows the aircraft to rapidly strip airspeed, causing a pursuing fighter to overshoot.[2] While performing a somersault maneuver the aircraft makes 360-degree turn in the pitch plane without any loss of altitude. In the Controlled Flat Spin maneuver the aircraft performs several full turns in the horizontal plane, with zero forward speed, virtually on the spot.


he aircraft's power plant incorporates two Saturn AL-31F afterburning low-bypass turbofan engines. Two AL-31F turbofans, each rated at 12,500 kgf (123 kN, 27,550 lb) of full afterburning thrust ensures Mach 2 horizontal flight speed, 1,350 km/h speed at low altitude, and a 230 m/s climbing rate.
With a normal fuel reserve of 5,270 kg, the Su-30MK is capable of performing a 4.5-hour combat mission with a range of 3,000 km. An in-flight refueling system increases the flight duration up to 10 hours with a range of 5,200 km (3,231 miles) at cruise altitudes of 11–13 km.
The long range significantly increases deployment options. The missions vary from prolonged patrols, and escorts to long-range intercepts and ground attacks.

Diagonally 2D thrust vectoring control

Differential ±15-degree deflection of the engines' asymmetric nozzles (with turn axes positioned at 32-deg angle to each other) enables pitch/yaw thrust vectoring control. Depending on the maneuver to be performed, nozzles deflections can be synchronized with or differ from the deflections of horizontal tail planes.
Two-member crew

A two-member crew configuration contributes significantly to enhanced combat capabilities, due to rational distribution of workload between crew members. While the first pilot flies the aircraft, controls weapons and performs manoeuvring dogfight, the co-pilot employs BVR air-to-air and air-to-ground guided weapons in long-range engagements, monitors tactical environment to ensure situational awareness, and performs command-and-control tasks in group missions.

• Radar: Either a N001VE or Phazotron N010 Zhuk-27 or an N011M BARS pulse Doppler passive electronically scanned array radar. Capable of detecting and tracking up to 15 air targets, while concurrently attacking four of them. The N011M BARS radar (featuring a 20-m (65.6 ft) resolution) ensures detection of large sea-surface targets at a distance of up to 400 km (248.5 mi), and small-size ones at a distance of up to 120 km (74.5 mi).
• Other avionics include an integrated optronic sighting-and-navigation system with a laser gyro navigation system; helmet-mounted displays, a head-up-display, multi-function color LCDs with image mixing ability; and a GPS system (GLONASS/NAVSTAR compatible).
• IR and laser sighting pods to detect and engage small-size ground targets are available for installation. The aircraft is provided with an ECCM facility intended to subvert hostile electronic and electro-optical countermeasures.
• The aircraft features autopilot ability at all flight stages including low-altitude flight in terrain-following mode, and individual and group combat employment against air and ground/sea-surface targets. Automatic control system interconnected with the navigation system ensures route flight, target approach, recovery to airfield and landing approach in automatic mode.

Specifications (Su-27PU/Su-30)

General characteristics
• Crew: 2
• Length: 21.935 m (72.97 ft)
• Wingspan: 14.7 m (48.2 ft)
• Height: 6.36 m (20.85 ft)
• Wing area: 62.0 m² (667 ft²)
• Empty weight: 17,700 kg (39,021 lb)
• Loaded weight: 24,900 kg (54,900 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 34,500 kg (76,060 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× AL-31FL low-bypass turbofans
o Dry thrust: 7,600 kgf (74.5 kN, 16,750 lbf) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 12,500 kgf (122.58 kN, 27,560 lbf) each
• Maximum speed: Mach 2.0 (2,120 km/h, 1,320 mph)
• Range: 3,000 km (1,620 nmi) at altitude
• Service ceiling: 17,300 m (56,800 ft)
• Rate of climb: 230 m/s (45,275 ft/min)
• Wing loading: 401 kg/m² (82.3 lb/ft²)
• Thrust/weight: 1.0
The Su-27PU had 8 hardpoints for its weapon load, whereas the Su-30MK's combat load is mounted on 12 hardpoints: 2 wingtip AAM launch rails, 3 pylons under each wing, 1 pylon under each engine nacelle, and 2 pylons in tandem in the "arch" between the engines. All versions can carry up to 8 tonnes of external stores.
• Guns: 1 × GSh-30-1 gun (30 mm caliber, 150 rounds)
• AAMs: 6 × R-27ER1 (AA-10C), 2 × R-27ET1 (AA-10D), 6 × R-73E (AA-11), 6 × R-77 RVV-AE(AA-12)
• ASMs: 6 × Kh-31P/Kh-31A anti-radar missiles, 6 × Kh-29T/L laser guided missiles, 2 × Kh-59ME
• Aerial bombs: 6 × KAB 500KR, 3 × KAB-1500KR, 8 × FAB-500T, 28 × OFAB-250-270

RIFTS EARTH Sukhoi Su-30

MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 120
Main Body/fuselage 240
Wings (2) 100 each
Tailplanes (2) 75 each
Engines (2) 155 each

Speed as above

Range ,fossil fuel system range add 50% sold to , nuclear powered systems run time 72 hours rebel forces

Statistics: as above


Weapon Type – (x2) GSh-23-6 23mm gatling cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-fighter
Range – 3 miles
Damage - 2d4x10 uses DU rounds !!!! both cannons 4d4x10
Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload - 130 bursts each cannon
Bonuses - na

Weapon Type -
Su-30MK's combat load is mounted on 12 hardpoints
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks 2,3,4,56, or all
Payload – 2 long range missiles , or 8 medium range or 16 short range missiles , 18 mini missiles pod
Bonuses – as per missiles
Bonuses and penalties look below Vectoring control
Systems of Note
Radar - Range of 300 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 200 miles +2 dodge
Chaff/Flare Dispensers x 48
Targeting Computer add +1 to all missiles but not to mini missiles pod
Combat Computer add +2 to ALL weapons
Ejection Systems

Vectoring control

The following maneuver can be done by,
The Stall Turn ( - thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... -turn2.jpg

Stall Turn

To execute a Stall Turn, the aircraft must start in level flight and nose up to a vertical flight path until it comes to a stop. At which point the model aircraft yaws through 180 degrees, then dives and finally recovers straight and level on a flight path in the opposite direction to the entry. Entry and exit should be at the same height. Low powered aircraft types would be expected to execute a shallow dive at full throttle in order to pick up the necessary speed before commencing the maneuver. The Stall Turn will allow players to regain the offensive position.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike

The Herbst Maneuver

The Herbst Maneuver (J-Turn) (- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... neuver.jpg

The Herbst Maneuver, Herbst Reversal, or simply J-Turn, is another classic post-stall maneuver. The goal of the maneuver is to quite simply reverse the aircraft’s heading angle and to complete the reversal at the same point and velocity that the maneuver was started from. The maneuver typically resembles the one illustrated; the aircraft pitches to a high AOA to stop the forward component of its velocity, puts in rudder at the top of the climb to point the aircraft down, and then dives to regain speed as it returns to the starting point, enabling a rapid direction change.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike if their a chance to attack but it better use for retreat

The Cobra

The Cobra

(- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Cobra2.jpg

The Cobra is yet another post-stall maneuver. The two primary characteristics of this maneuver are 1) a rapid pitch-up to near 90 degrees AOA and 2) a rapid decrease in velocity by 50-75%. (The latter is due to the fact that the aircraft is flying through the air on its tail when at 90 degrees AOA, and therefore is incurring a huge drag penalty.) The maneuver also results in an increase in altitude due to the lift generated at AOA values greater than zero.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for but it better use attacking or retreat, enemy jetfighter losses all his attack.

The Kulbit

The Kulbit (-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Kulbit.jpg

An aircraft could shoot an opponent directly behind them by extending the Cobra past 90 degrees to a full 180 degrees. The aircraft actually pitches all the way from 0 to 360 degrees AOA while flying in a nearly straight line, except for the altitude increase as before with the Cobra. This allows for ideal missile shot positioning.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for attacking only , enemy jetfighter losses all his attack

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... tsov-1.jpg

Sukhoi Su-33

The Sukhoi Su-33 (NATO reporting name: Flanker-D) is a carrier-based multi-role fighter aircraft produced by Russian firm Sukhoi beginning in 1982. It is a derivative of the Su-27 ‘Flanker’ and was initially known as the Su-27K. The main differences from the Su-27 are that the Su-33 can operate from aircraft carriers and is capable of aerial refueling.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... tsov-1.jpg

Design and development

Full scale design development of the Su-33 started in 1984 as T-10K, under Konstantin Marbashev. N.F. Sadovnikov was appointed the Design Bureau's chief test pilot for the programme. Conceptual design had passed critical design review by November 1984, with the detailed design finalized in 1985.[1] The Su-33 first flew in May 1985.

Unlike comparable American carrier-borne fighters like the F-14 Tomcat, the Su-33 uses a ski-jump instead of catapult for carrier takeoff. Using the ski-jump avoids the high catapult-induced loads, and provides the aircraft with a positive pitch and climb angle upon launch. However, when using a ski-jump, the Su-33 cannot launch at maximum takeoff weight.
The Su-33 sports canards that shorten the take-off distance and improve maneuverability, but required reshaping of the leading edge extensions. The canards counter pitch-down force generated by leading and trailing edge flaps reducing approach speed by a factor of 1.5; they also act as destabilizers in supersonic flight, by reducing pitch trim drag. The wing area was also increased, though the span remained unchanged. The wings were fitted with power-assisted folding, and the vertical tails were shortened to allow the fighter to fit in the typically crowded hangars of an aircraft carrier. The rear radome was shortened and reshaped to allow for the tail hook, as well as to save space inside the hangars. The IRST was moved to provide better downward visibility and an L-shaped retractable refuelling probe was fitted to increase range.
The Su-33 carries guided missiles such as the Kh-25MP, Kh-31 and Kh-41. The plane can be used in both night and day operations at sea. It can operate under assistance of the command center ship, or in conjunction with a Kamov Ka-31 (a variant of the Ka-27) early-warning helicopter. The R-27EM missiles provide it the capability to intercept antiship missiles.
Other than air defence, the duties of the Su-33 include destruction of enemy ASW, AWACS, and transport aircraft, anti-shipping strike, support of amphibious landing, escort, reconnaissance, and laying of minefields.

Soviet Union and Russia

During testing, each pilot made 400 landings on a concrete runway matching the size, and shape of the carrier deck (the NITKA), in order to practice no-flare landing technique before making an actual landing on a carrier deck. Despite this, at one point a minor accident occurred during a touch-and-go. During a landing, the wind blew at 45 degrees to the port beam causing the prototype (then called T-10K), piloted by Victor Pugachev, to drift 3 m off course, nearly causing an accident. As the aircraft cleared the deck, a landing gear oleo struck several struts on the lower hull sponson. The struts buckled but the aircraft was undamaged. The pilots of both the MiG-29K ‘Fulcrum-D’ and Su-27K had all already seen the struts but did not complain about the placement because they were below flight deck level, their only objection being the turbulence generated by the sponson, which was later fixed.[2]
The first actual carrier landing did not pass without incident, as would be hoped. It was discovered that despite the shortening of the fighter, it was still too tall to fit through the hangar door, and special clamps had to be fitted to the landing gear to squeeze it through the hangar.[2]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... -06153.jpg

The next day, it was found prior to takeoff, that when the water cooled jet blast deflectors were set at their normal setting of 60 degrees, they were too close to the engine nozzles. They were ordered to be set at 45 degrees, but the actuator could not hold them in that position. The crew then improvised makeshift braces out of steel pipe to hold the deflector in position. Unfortunately, the welders neglected to clear the metal fragments that resulted from their work, and these fragments pelted observers. Then to make matters worse, the pop-up detents would not retract when ordered, and the prototype sat in front of the shield for 8 seconds longer than the maximum safe time of 6 seconds. This then caused the shield's water pipes to explode, blowing apart the shield. Some observers believed the fighters fuel lines had ruptured and ran, fearing an explosion. Viktor Pugachyov, who was piloting, was then ordered to throttle back his engines which resulted in the detents retracting, causing the fighter to jerk forward. Pugachev reacted quickly and stood on the brakes and shut off the engines. The fighter was towed to another position and Pugachev took off without using jet blast deflectors, or detents, climbed steeply, performed the Pugachev’s Cobra and flew away. From then on, a Kamov Ka-27PS search-and-rescue helicopter was flown close to the carrier in the event of an accident.[2]
The Su-33 entered service in the Russian Navy in 1994. An air regiment comprising 24 fighters of the type was formed upon the Russian Navy’s only operating aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov. Russia currently operates 19 Su-33s, which need to be replaced by 2015.[3] According to the newspaper "Bulletin Reports", the Russian Navy expects to buy the MiG-29K to replace Su-33 from 2011 to 2015.[4] But in October 2010 an upgraded Su-33 was tested.[5][6] Then in January 2010 the Russian Navy announced an order for 24 MiG-29Ks.[citation needed]

Potential operators

The state-run company Rosoboronexport is finishing negotiations with the People’s Republic of China to ship up to 50 aircraft totalling US$2.5 billion.[7] China would initially acquire 2 aircraft worth US$100 million for testing and then have further options to acquire an additional 12-48 aircraft. The fighters are intended to be used with the fledgling Chinese aircraft carrier program.
At the sixth Zhuhai Airshow in fall 2006, the first deputy director of the Military Technological Cooperation Bureau of Russian Federation, lieutenant general Aleksander Denisov of the Russian Air Force, publicly confirmed at the news conference that China had approached Russia for the possible purchase of Su-33, and negotiation was to start in 2007. The Xinhua News Agency subsequently published the information on its military website the same day (November 1, 2006) that China planned to "introduce Su-33".[8] China had previously obtained a manufacturing license for Su-27 production.[9]
An unnamed Russian official told UPI that the Chinese order for only seven aircraft was far too small to justify restarting the production line. Sukhoi is working on a more advanced version, the Su-33K, though technical details need to be worked out to integrate the advanced technologies of the Su-35 fighters into the Su-33 airframe.[10]
China seems to have purchased an Su-33 prototype from Ukraine and is studying it to make a similar fighter, identified as the Shenyang J-15 by Russian military experts.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... u-33-2.jpg


General characteristics
• Crew: 1
• Length: 21.94 m (72 ft)
• Wingspan: 14.70 m (48.25 ft)
• Height: 5.93 m (19.5 ft)
• Wing area: 62.0 m² (667 ft²)
• Empty weight: 18,400 kg (40,600 lb)
• Loaded weight: 29,940 kg (66,010 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 33,000 kg (72,750 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× AL-31F afterburning turbofans
o Dry thrust: 7,600 kgf (74.5 kN, 16,750 lbf) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 12,500 kgf (122.6 kN, 27,560 lbf) each
• Wingspan, wings folded: 7.40 m (24.25 ft)
• Maximum speed: Mach 2.17 (2,300 km/h, 1,430 mph) at 10,000 m (33,000 ft) altitude
• Stall speed: 240 km/h (150 mp/h)
• Range: 3,000 km (1,860 mi)
• Service ceiling: 17,000 m (55,800 ft)
• Rate of climb: 230m/s (45,350 ft/min)
• Wing loading: 483 kg/m²; (98.9 lb/ft²)
• Thrust/weight: 0.83
• Maximum turn: +8 g[17] (+78 m/s²)
• Landing speed: 235-250 km/h (145-155 mph)
• 1 × 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds
• Up to 6,500 kg (14,300 lb) of munitions on twelve external hardpoints, including:
o 4 R-27 and 4R-73 air-to-air missiles
o Various bombs and rockets
o ECM pods

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _Su-34.jpg

Sukhoi Su-34

The Sukhoi Su-34 (Russian: Сухой Су-34) (export designation: Su-32, NATO reporting name: Fullback) is an advanced Russian 2-seat fighter-bomber. It is intended to eventually replace the Sukhoi Su-24 and the Tupolev Tu-22M.[6]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _Su-34.jpg


A dedicated fighter bomber version of the Sukhoi Su-27, first developed from the 1980s for the Soviet Union (with the Sukhoi bureau designation T-10V), it made its first flight on 13 April 1990 and was originally designated Su-27IB (IB: Istrebitel Bombardirovshchik / Fighter Bomber).[7] It was developed in parallel with the two-seat naval trainer, the Su-27KUB (KUB: Korabelnyy Uchebno-Boyevoy, shipboard combat trainer), although, contrary to earlier reports, the two aircraft are not directly related.[8]

Budget restrictions led the program to stall repeatedly, and led to the prototype aircraft being displayed publicly under a variety of roles and designations. When first described in the official Russian press in 1994 it was described as the Su-34. The third pre-production aircraft was shown at a Paris Air Show in 1995 as the Su-34FN (FN for "Fighter, Navy"), described as a shore-based naval aircraft, and it was displayed as the Su-34MF (MF for MnogoFunksionalniy, multi-function) at the MAKS air show in 1999. At the 1999 Paris Air show the aircraft was nicknamed the Platypus due to the unusual shape of the nose. The Russian Air Force has apparently recently adopted the designation Su-34.

he aircraft shares most of its wing structure, tail, and engine nacelles with the Su-27/Su-30, with canards like the Su-30MKI/Su-33/Su-27M/35 to increase static instability (higher maneuverability) and to reduce trim drag. The aircraft has an entirely new nose and forward fuselage with a cockpit providing side-by-side seating for a crew of two. The Su-34 is powered by the AL-31FM1, the same engines as the Su-27SM, but its maximum speed is smaller at Mach 1.8+.[9]


The Su-34 has a three surface planform, with a conventional horizontal tail at the rear and a pair of canard foreplanes in front of the wings for extra lift and more maneuvering power. The Su-34 has an active-safety system with artificial-intelligence elements. This system enables the plane to execute just about any stunt and combat maneuver and to fly at near ground level at a maximum speed of 1,400 km/h (765 kts). The Su-34 can also fly in TERCOM (Terrain Contour Matching) mode, bypassing unexpected obstacles and streaking through ground air-defense zones.[citation needed]
The Su-34 has 12 pylons for up to 8,000 kilograms (17,635 lb) of ordnance, intended to include the latest Russian precision-guided weapons. It retains the Su-27/Su-30's 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon.[17] The Su-34 ordnance load includes subsonic and supersonic homing missiles and glider bombs, can destroy hardened and well-camouflaged targets at a range of up to 250 km. The airplane has enlarged capacity internal fuel tanks for practical unrefueled flight of 4,000 kilometres (2,160 nm). With three refuelings, the Su-34 is capable of covering a distance of more than 14,000 kilometres (7,560 nm).[citation needed]

Cockpit and avioni

Unlike the earlier Su-27, the Su-34 has a modern glass cockpit, with colour CRT multi-function displays. Its avionics currently are based around a Leninets V004 passive electronically scanned array radar, and a UOMZ laser/television system for designating and guiding precision-guided munitions. The front-mounted radar is supplemented by a rear-aspect V005 radar housed in the long tail "stinger". The Su-34 is equipped with comprehensive ECM equipment, including an infrared missile launch detection system.[citation needed]
The avionics suite has an extended architecture of computers, memory boards, color multi-function displays, and processors designed as self-contained information processing modules. They consist of large Argon digital computer units with specially programmed processors that use multiplex data-exchange channels. All information modules are controlled by a dual central computing system that fully coordinates workload and provides all relevant information to the flight deck. Two-way data link enables the mission planning and weapon aim-point computations to be loaded or updated while in flight or aircraft to aircraft. As a penetrating attack aircraft, the Su-34 incorporates an advanced multi-function phased array radar capable of terrain following and avoidance for high speed, low level operations.[citation needed]
The Su-34's most distinctive feature is the unusually large flight deck. Much of the design work went into crew comfort. The two crew members sit side by side in a large cabin, with the pilot-commander to the left and navigator/operator of weapons to the right in NPP Zvezda K-36dm ejection seats. An advantage of the side by side cockpit is that duplicate instruments are not required for each pilot. As long missions require comfort, it has pressurization that it allows to operate up to 10,000 metres (32,800 ft) without oxygen masks, which are available for emergencies and combat situations.[18] The crew members have room to stand and move about the cabin during long missions.[19][20] The space between the seats allows them to lie down in the corridor, if necessary.[18] A small toilet and a galley are located behind the crew seats.[18][19]
A long-range surveillance radar, passive detection systems, system of communication for tactical and strategic voice and data in a single platform with long-range capacity with flight refuelling, transform the Su-34 into a way of monitoring and recognition in real time and platform of command and control, forming a complete battle management system.


General characteristics
• Crew: Two
• Length: 23.34 m (72 ft 2 in)
• Wingspan: 14.7 m (48 ft 3 in)
• Height: 6.09 m (19 ft 5 in)
• Loaded weight: 39,000 kg (85,980 lb)
• Useful load: 8,000 kg (17,600 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 45,100 kg (99,425 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× Lyulka AL-31FM1[26] turbofans, 13,500 kgf (132 kN, 29,762 lbf) with afterburner each
• Maximum speed:
o High altitude: Mach 1.8 (1,900 km/h, 1,180 mph)
o Low altitude: Mach 1.2 (1,400 km/h, 870 mph) at sea level
• Combat radius: 1,100 km (680 mi)
• Ferry range: 4,000 km (2,490 mi)
• Service ceiling: 15,000 m (49,200 ft)
• Wing loading: 629 kg/m² (129 lb/ft²)
• Thrust/weight: 0.68
• Guns: 1 × 30 mm GSh-30-1 (9A-4071K) cannon, 180 rounds
• Hardpoints: 12 × wing and fuselage stations with a capacity of 8,000 kg (17,630 lb) and provisions to carry combinations of:
o Missiles:
 R-27 air-to-air missile
 R-73 air-to-air missile
 R-77 air-to-air missile
 Kh-29L/T (AS-14)
 Kh-25MT/ML/MP (AS-10)
 Kh-59 (AS-18)
 Kh-58 (AS-11)
 Kh-31P (AS-17)
 Kh-35 Ural (AS-20)
 Kh-65S OR Kh-SD
 Moskit or P-800 Oniks anti-ship missile
o Bombs:
 KAB-500L OR KAB-500KR
 KAB-1500L/KR guided bombs
 FAB-250,FAB-500,FAB-1500 unguided bombs
 S-8, S-13, S-25 rocket pods
o Other:
 fuel tanks, EW and reconnaissance pods.

MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 150
Main Body/fuselage 260
Wings (2) 120 each
Tailplanes (2) 90 each
Engines (2) 175 each

Speed as above

Range ,fossil fuel system range add 50% sold to , nuclear powered systems run time 72 hours rebel forces

Statistics: as above


Weapon Type – (x2) GSh-23-6 23mm gatling cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-fighter
Range – 3 miles
Damage - 2d4x10 uses DU rounds !!!! both cannons 4d4x10
Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload - 130 bursts each cannon
Bonuses - na

Weapon Type -
Su-30MK's combat load is mounted on Hardpoints: 12
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks 2,3,4,56, or all
Payload – 2 long range missiles , or 8 medium range or 16 short range missiles , 18 mini missiles pod
Bonuses – as per missiles
Bonuses and penalties look below
Systems of Note
Radar - Range of 300 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 200 miles +2 dodge
Chaff/Flare Dispensers x 48
Targeting Computer add +1 to all missiles but not to mini missiles pod
Combat Computer add +2 to ALL weapons
Ejection Systems
Bonuses and penalties air to grind target + 4 to shrike with missiles but not mini missiles, +6 to dodge, roll
+15 for any repairs , long range attacks runs add +15 % to piloting , data link with other fighters add +1 to all

Sukhoi Su-35
The Sukhoi Su-35 (formerly Su-27M;[6] Cyrillic: Сухой Су-35, NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) is a Russian heavy class, long-range, multi-role one-seat fighter. Developed from the original Su-27 air superiority fighter, it was originally designated Su-27M and later named Su-35. Due to the similar features and components it contains, the Su-35 is considered a close cousin of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI, a modernized Su-30 variant for India.[7]
The original Su-35 has been further developed into the Su-35BM, classed as 4++ generation fighter by its manufacturer. It entered into serial production as the Su-35S.[8] The Su-35 is in service in small numbers with the Russian Air Force.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... lyakov.jpg

The Su-35 is an advanced version of the Sukhoi Su-27, and was initially designated Su-27M. The Su-27M development began in the early 1980s.[9] A Su-27M prototype (T-10S-70) first flew in 1988. Changes from the Su-27 include canards, upgraded engines, new radar, and a digital fly by wire flight control system.[10] Other changes made were glass cockpit, aerial refueling probe, twin-wheel nose gear, more powerful radar, two additional underwing pylons, additional fuel capacity, and larger tail fins with horizontal carbon fibre tips.[11]

The first prototype was publicly displayed in 1992 at the Farnborough Airshow.[12] Sukhoi changed its designation for the fighter from Su-27M to Su-35 in 1993.[9] Ten prototypes Su-35s were built with four being converted Su-27s and the others being new-builds.[13] Three production Su-27Ms were completed in 1996 and delivered to Russian Air Force (VVS) that year for testing.[14] Five Su-35s have been used by the Russian Knights display team. In total 15 flight-capable Su-35 (Su-27M) aircraft were produced, including a Su-35UB two-seat prototype.[1] Two of these Su-35s were modified into Su-37s in the mid to late 1990s.[15] The Su-35 has been nicknamed "Super Flanker".[1]

Although the original Su-27M/Su-35 prototype never entered serial production, many proposed improvements were incorporated into export variants of Su-27, such as Sukhoi Su-30MKI. However, the Russian Air Force did not receive the advanced variants and continued to use a Su-27 fleet procured in Soviet times, with small complements of Su-30s.


From the mid-2000s, Sukhoi and its KnAAPO division further developed the Su-35 concept and improved it with additional cutting-edge technologies eying potential foreign sales,[16][17][18] marketing it as Su-35BM (Bolshaya Modernizatsiya/Deep Modernization).[citation needed] The modernized version has also been called Su-35-1. The expediences of 2008 South Ossetia war has also opened its prospects as a stopgap boost to the ageing fleet of mostly rudimentary Su-27 line fighters in the Russian Air Force.[citation needed] The modernized Su-35 will be interim design until the fifth generation PAK FA fighter enters service.[16] The modernized Su-35 is considered to be 4++ generation by Sukhoi.[16]

The modernized Su-35 was presented at the MAKS-2007 air show in August 2007. The new features of the aircraft include a reinforced airframe with a more extensive use of titanium alloys, thus increasing the airframes durability to some 30 years or 6,000 service hours[19], a reduced radar signature from the front,[16] and an improved passive electronically scanned array radar. The aircraft featured many other upgrades to its avionics and electronic systems, including digital fly-by-wire and a rear-looking radar for firing Semi-Active Radar missiles. The new Su-35 omits the canard and speedbrake; to maintain maneuverability equal to or greater than canard-equipped fighters, the Su-35 uses the new 117S engine with fully-rotating vectoring thrust nozzles.[20][21]
The new Su-35 version first flew on 19 February 2008.[16] On 18 August 2009, the Russian Defense Ministry announced a contract for 48 Su-35S (Serial) fighters along with 16 Su-27/30 fighters to be delivered by 2015.[22][23]
In September 2010 Sberbank agreed to provide funding for the Su-35 program.[24] On 14 October 2010, Sukhoi company announced that the first production Su-35S had completed general assembly and that the first planes would be delivered to the Russian Ministry of Defense by the end of the year.

General characteristics

• Crew: 1
• Length: 21.9 m (72.9 ft)
• Wingspan: 15.3 m (50.2 ft)
• Height: 5.90 m (19.4 ft)
• Wing area: 62.0 m² (667 ft²)
• Empty weight: 18,400 kg[52] (40,570 lb)
• Loaded weight: 25,300 kg (56,660 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 34,500 kg (76,060 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× Saturn 117S with TVC nozzle turbofan
o Dry thrust: 8,800 kgf[53] (86.3 kN, 19,400 lbf) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 14,500 kgf (142 kN, 31,900 lbf) each
• Maximum speed: Mach 2.25[47] (2,390 km/h,[50] 1,490 mph) at altitude
• Range: 3,600 km (1,940 nmi) ; (1,580 km, 850 nmi near ground level)
• Ferry range: 4,500 km (2,430 nmi) with external fuel tanks
• Service ceiling: 18,000 m (59,100 ft)
• Rate of climb: >280 m/s (>55,100 ft/min)
• Wing loading: 408 kg/m² (84.9 lb/ft²)
• Thrust/weight: 1.1
• 1 × 30 mm GSh-30 internal cannon with 150 rounds
• 2 × wingtip rails for R-73 (AA-11 "Archer") air-to-air missiles or ECM pods
• 12 × wing and fuselage stations for up to 8,000 kg (17,630 lb) of ordnance, including for a variety of ordnance including air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, rockets, and bombs such as:
• AA-10 Alamo: R-27R, R-27ER, R-27T, R-27ET, R-27EP, R-27AE
• AA-12 Adder: R-77, and the proposed R-77M1, R-77T
• AA-11 Archer: R-73E, R-73M, R-74M
• AS-17 Krypton: Kh-31A, Kh-31P Anti-Radiation Missile
• AS-20: Kh-59
• AS-14 Kedge: Kh-29T, Kh-29L
• KAB-500 Laser-guided bomb
• KAB-1500 Laser-guided bomb
• LGB-250 laser-guided bomb
• FAB-250 250kg unguided bombs
• FAB-500 500kg unguided bombs
• S-25LD laser-guided rocket, S-250 unguided rocket
• B-8 unguided S-8 rocket pods
• B-13 unguided S-13 rocket pods
• Irbis-E passive phased array radar

Sukhoi Su-37

The Sukhoi Su-37 (NATO reporting name: Flanker-F) is a Russian experimental multi-role jet fighter aircraft. It is a single seat fighter modified from the 1st generation Su-35 prototypes for thrust vector control testing.[2]
The Su-37 is not to be confused with the S-37 Berkut (Su-47) forward-swept wing technology demonstrator or the single engined S-37 canard delta naval fighter proposed by Sukhoi in the early 1990s.[3]

The Su-37 is derived from the original Su-35, which was initially designated Su-27M.[4] A Su-27M prototype (T-10S-70) first flew in 1988. Changes from the Su-27 include canards, upgraded engines, new radar, and a digital fly by wire flight control system.[5] Sukhoi changed the Su-27M's designation to Su-35 in 1993. Later Su-35 prototypes added a glass cockpit and modified tailfins.[4]
The Su-35 design was modified into the Su-37 by adding 2D thrust vectoring nozzles.[5] The first Su-37 test aircraft made its maiden flight in April 1996 equipped with vectoring nozzles.[6] The Su-37 appeared at the 1996 Farnborough airshow[4] piloted by Sukhoi test pilot Yevgeny Frolov. A second Su-37 was similarly converted in 1998.[1] It should also be noted that the planes were never officially referred to as Su-37 by the Russians, merely as modified Su-35. The Su-37 name and "Terminator" call sign were given to them by NATO who believed they were substantially more advanced than the 35's and as Russian planes always use odd numbers 37 would be the next in line. However Su-35 development continued and modern Su-35's are greatly more advanced than the Su-37 prototypes that flew in the 1990's, some of that technology being incorporated to the Su-35BM.
The Su-37 did not reach the production stage, although by mid-2000 Sukhoi introduced several modernizations of Su-27, such as Su-30MKI and 2nd generation Su-35/Su-35BM, which feature similar improvements such as improved avionics and radar systems, and thrust vectoring engines.

Specifications Su-37

Data from Gordon and Davison[8]
General characteristics
• Crew: 1, pilot
• Length: 22.183 m (72 ft 9 in)
• Wingspan: 14.7 m (48 ft 3 in)
• Height: 6.43 m (21 ft 1 in)
• Wing area: 62.0 m² (667 ft²)
• Empty weight: 18,500 kg (40,790 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 35,000 kg (77,160 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× Lyulka AL-37FU afterburning turbofans
o Dry thrust: 7,600 kgf (74.5 kN, 16,750 lbf) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 145 kN (32,000 lbf) each
• Maximum speed: Mach 2.30 (1,550 mph[9])
• Range: 3,700 km (2,230 mi)
• Service ceiling: 18,000 m (59,100 ft)
• Maximum G loading: 10/-3 g
• 1 × 30 mm GSh-30 cannon with 150 rounds
• 12 × wing and fuselage stations for up to 8,200 kg (18,080 lb) of ordnance

http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 1296522262

MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 180
Main Body/fuselage 300
Wings (2) 160 each
Tailplanes (2) 120 each
Engines (2) 200 each

Speed as above

Range ,fossil fuel system range add 50% sold to , nuclear powered systems run time 72 hours rebel forces

Statistics: as above


Weapon Type – (x2) GSh-23-6 23mm gatling cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-fighter
Range – 3 miles
Damage - 2d4x10 uses DU rounds !!!! Both cannons 4d4x10
Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload - 130 bursts each cannon
Bonuses – add+1 strike

Weapon Type -
Su-30MK's combat load is mounted on Hardpoints: 12
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks 2,3,4,56, or all
Payload – 2 long range missiles , or 8 medium range or 16 short range missiles , 18 mini missiles pod
Bonuses – as per missiles
Bonuses and penalties look below
Systems of Note
Radar - Range of 300 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 200 miles +2 dodge
Chaff/Flare Dispensers x 48
Targeting Computer add +1 to all missiles but not to mini missiles pod
Combat Computer add +2 to ALL weapons
Ejection Systems
Bonuses and penalties improved avionics add + 1 to attacks, and thrust vectoring add +8 doge and roll

Bonuses and penalties Vectoring control

The following maneuver can be done by,
The Stall Turn ( - thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... -turn2.jpg

Stall Turn

To execute a Stall Turn, the aircraft must start in level flight and nose up to a vertical flight path until it comes to a stop. At which point the model aircraft yaws through 180 degrees, then dives and finally recovers straight and level on a flight path in the opposite direction to the entry. Entry and exit should be at the same height. Low powered aircraft types would be expected to execute a shallow dive at full throttle in order to pick up the necessary speed before commencing the maneuver. The Stall Turn will allow players to regain the offensive position.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike

The Herbst Maneuver

The Herbst Maneuver (J-Turn) (- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... neuver.jpg

The Herbst Maneuver, Herbst Reversal, or simply J-Turn, is another classic post-stall maneuver. The goal of the maneuver is to quite simply reverse the aircraft’s heading angle and to complete the reversal at the same point and velocity that the maneuver was started from. The maneuver typically resembles the one illustrated; the aircraft pitches to a high AOA to stop the forward component of its velocity, puts in rudder at the top of the climb to point the aircraft down, and then dives to regain speed as it returns to the starting point, enabling a rapid direction change.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike if their a chance to attack but it better use for retreat

The Cobra

The Cobra

(- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Cobra2.jpg

The Cobra is yet another post-stall maneuver. The two primary characteristics of this maneuver are 1) a rapid pitch-up to near 90 degrees AOA and 2) a rapid decrease in velocity by 50-75%. (The latter is due to the fact that the aircraft is flying through the air on its tail when at 90 degrees AOA, and therefore is incurring a huge drag penalty.) The maneuver also results in an increase in altitude due to the lift generated at AOA values greater than zero.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for but it better use attacking or retreat, enemy jetfighter losses all his attack.

The Kulbit

The Kulbit (-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Kulbit.jpg

An aircraft could shoot an opponent directly behind them by extending the Cobra past 90 degrees to a full 180 degrees. The aircraft actually pitches all the way from 0 to 360 degrees AOA while flying in a nearly straight line, except for the altitude increase as before with the Cobra. This allows for ideal missile shot positioning.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for attacking only , enemy jetfighter losses all his attack
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!! !!! We found unknown rebel force in North American, they attacking high level targets in Canada, North America, and new west and as far as Columbia. They have mostly coalition targets at first, they very trained fighter on land, air, and even at sea. However the sea operation are unconfirmed as of yet, still we notified the coalition, free Quebec a and other a local governments .Finally to merc town if you find any information and can confirm bases of operations or military operations in the areas with the following vehicles . You must have video and audio confirmation to be study and analyzed to confirm data; IF it is true then we paid just for the data 100,000 credits, shot down a jet fighter 250,000 credits, and capture a pilot alive 500,000 credits ,find base of operations 1,000,000 credits , any land military vehicles 400,000 credits , capture any crew 350,000 all transaction are final. We have new information if you see the aircraft you can shot on sight and hatred. That’s right open fire on the following military aircraft Sukhoi Su-30, Sukhoi Su-33, Sukhoi Su-34, and Sukhoi Su-35.
But do not engage alone. They are always in three or in pairs of two that’s four. We don’t know why at this time. They will fight to the death, no questions asked and no mercy on their part. They have hit collation military bases, collation outpost, and communication post as well as ground to air missiles batteries .recent hit and run Merc town, Air Superiority ,Inc and Combat Medical services with heavy loss and attacking Non-combat convoys, and non combated transport vehicles all hand lost Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! The coalition Air Superiority and N.A.AT are combining to stop these unnecessary attacks. Please report sighting and position of the target mention or IF are capable of stop enemy mission operation you may do so and destroy target units please show gun camera and wreaked of target but be waned they will do many bombing .this will give more chances to counter attack them ”

Sukhoi Su-25

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... u-25Ub.JPG

The Sukhoi Su-25 is a single-seat, twin-engine jet aircraft developed in the Soviet Union by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It was designed to provide close air support for the Soviet Ground Forces. The first prototype made its maiden flight on 22 February 1975. After testing, the aircraft went into series production in 1978 at Tbilisi in the Soviet Republic of Georgia. Russian air and ground forces nicknamed it "Grach" ("Rook"). NATO assigned the new aircraft the reporting name 'Frogfoot'.

Early variants included the Su-25UB two-seat trainer, the Su-25BM for target-towing, and the Su-25K for export customers. Upgraded variants developed by Sukhoi include the Su-25T and the further improved Su-25TM (also known as Su-39). By year 2007, the Su-25 is the only armoured airplane still in production except the Su-34 whose production just started.[1] It is currently in service with Russia and various other CIS states as well as export customers.

During its more than twenty-five years in service, the Su-25 has seen combat with several air forces. It was heavily involved in the Soviet war in Afghanistan, flying counter-insurgency missions against the Mujahideen. The Iraqi Air Force employed Su-25s against Iran during the 1980–89 Iran–Iraq War. Most of them were later destroyed or fled to Iran in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. In 1993, Abkhazian separatists used Su-25s against Georgians during Abkhazian War.[2] Eight years later, the Republic of Macedonia Air Force employed Su-25s against Albanian insurgents in the 2001 Macedonia conflict, and in 2008 Georgia and Russia were both reported to be using Su-25s in the 2008 South Ossetia War.[3]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... u-25T5.jpg

In early 1968, the Soviet Ministry of Defence decided to develop a specialised shturmovik armoured assault aircraft in order to provide close air support for the Soviet Ground Forces. The idea of creating a ground-support aircraft came about after analysing the experience of shturmovaya (attack) aviation during World War II, and in local wars during the 1950s and 1960s.[4] The Soviet fighter-bombers in service or under development at this time (Su-7, Su-17, MiG-21 and MiG-23) did not meet the requirements for close air support of the army.[4] They lacked essential armour plating to protect the pilot and vital equipment from ground fire and missile hits, and their high flight speeds made it difficult for the pilot to maintain visual contact with a target. Having taken into account these problems, Pavel Sukhoi and a group of leading specialists in the Sukhoi Design Bureau started preliminary design work in a comparatively short period of time, with the assistance of leading institutes of the Ministry of the Aviation Industry and the Ministry of Defence.[5]

In March 1969, a competition was announced by the Soviet Air Force that called for designs for a new battlefield close-support aircraft. Participants in the competition were the Sukhoi Design Bureau and the Design Bureaux of Yakovlev, Ilyushin and Mikoyan.[6] Sukhoi finalised its "T-8" design in late 1968, and began in work on the first two prototypes (T8-1 and T8-2) in January 1972. The T8-1, the first airframe to be assembled, was completed just before a major national holiday on 9 May 1974. However, it did not make its first flight until 22 February 1975, after a long series of test flights by Vladimir Ilyushin. The Su-25 surpassed its main competitor in the Soviet Air Force competition, the Ilyushin Il-102, and series production was announced by the Ministry of Defence.[7]

During flight-testing phases of the T8-1 and T8-2 prototypes' development, the Sukhoi Design Bureau's management proposed that the series production of the Su-25 should start at Factory No. 31 in Tbilisi, Soviet Republic of Georgia, which at that time was the major manufacturing base for the MiG-21UM "Mongol-B" trainer. After negotiations and completion of all stages of the state trials, the Soviet Ministry of Aircraft Production authorised manufacture of the Su-25 at Tbilisi, allowing series production to start in 1978.[8]

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, several Su-25 variants appeared, including modernised versions, and variants for specialised roles. The most significant designs were the Su-25UB dual-seat trainer, the Su-25BM target-towing variant, and the Su-25T for antitank missions. In addition, an Su-25KM prototype was developed by Georgia in co-operation with Israeli company Elbit Systems in 2001, but so far this variant has not achieved much commercial success. The Su-25 is the only armoured airplane still in production in 2007.[1]

The Russian Air Force operates the largest number of Su-25s, and has plans to upgrade older aircraft to the Su-25SM variant. However, this process has been slowed due to a funding shortfall, by early 2007 only seven aircraft had been modified.[9]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... oncept.jpg

All versions of the Su-25 have a metal cantilever wing, of moderate sweep and high aspect ratio, and equipped with high-lift devices. The wing consists of two cantilever sections attached to a central torsion box, forming a single unit with the fuselage. The air brakes are housed in separate fairings at the tip of each wing. Each wing has five hardpoints for weapons carriage, with the attachment points mounted on load-bearing ribs and spars.[12] Each wing also features a five-section leading edge slat, a two-section flap, and an aileron.

The flaps are mounted by steel sliders and rollers, attached to brackets on the rear spar. The trapezoidal ailerons are located near the wingtips.[13] The fuselage of the Su-25 has an ellipsoidal section and is of semi-monocoque, stressed-skin construction, arranged as a longitudinal load-bearing framework of longerons, beams and stringers, with a transverse load-bearing assembly of frames.[10] The one-piece horizontal tailplane is attached to the load-bearing frame at two mounting points.[13]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... sSu-25.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _Su-25.png


The pilot flies the aircraft by means of a centre stick and left hand throttles. The pilot sits on a Zvezda K-36 ejection seat (similar to the Sukhoi Su-27), and has standard flight instruments. At the rear of the cockpit is a 6 mm (0.24 in) thick steel headrest, mounted on the rear bulkhead. The cockpit has a bathtub-shaped armoured enclosure of welded titanium sheets, with transit ports located in the walls. Guide rails for the ejection seat are mounted on the rear wall of the cockpit.[10]
The canopy hinges open to the right, and the pilot enters using the flip-down ladder. Once inside, the pilot sits low in the cockpit, protected by the bathtub assembly which makes for a cramped cockpit. Visibility from the cockpit is limited, being a trade-off for improved pilot protection. Rearwards visibility is very limited, though a periscope is fitted on top of the canopy to compensate. The basic model's cockpit control layout is rather old-fashioned.[11] The newer Su-25TM and Su-25SM models have an upgraded avionics and weapons suite, resulting in improved survivability and combat capability.[12]
The cannon is located in a compartment beneath the cockpit, mounted on a load-bearing beam attached to the cockpit floor and the forward fuselage support structure. An airtight avionics compartment is behind the cockpit and in front of the forward fuel tank. On the left-hand rear side of the cockpit, a built-in ladder provides access to the cockpit, the upper part of the engine nacelles, and the wing. The nose is fitted with distinctive twin pitot probes and hinges up for service access.[10]


The avionics system of the Su-25 consists of several components:[16]
• Weapons-aiming system, providing targeting data for ground munitions, as well as the targeting of aircraft in VMC: the Klen-PS laser rangefinder utilises a glass porthole in the aircraft's nose and is perhaps the most notable item of avionics. It provides a laser target designation capability whereby the pilot locks the designator onto a target through his gun-sight allowing launch of a laser-guided missile and using the Klen-PS to guide it. Dropping a laser-guided bomb would be more difficult, however, given the porthole’s forward view. This suggests that Su-25s would use "buddy designation" i.e. one aircraft standing off a safe distance to illuminate a target while the other attacked it.[11]

• A DISS-7 Doppler radar
• Navigation system, permitting flight in day and night conditions, both in VMC and IMC, and providing flight data for the weapons-control system and flight instruments
• Radios for air-to-ground and air-to-air communications
• Weapons-control system
• Self-defence suite, incorporating infra-red, flare and chaff dispensers capable of launching about 250 flares and dipole chaff, and an SRO radar warning receiver that can alert the pilot of incoming attacks on the aircraft
• An SPO-15 radar homing & warning system (RHAWS)
• An SO-69 identification-friend-or-foe (IFF) transponder
Specifications (Su-25TM)
General characteristics
• Crew: one pilot
• Length: 15.33 m (50 ft 11)
• Wingspan: 14.36 m (47 ft 1 in)
• Height: 4.80 m (15 ft 9 in)
• Wing area: 30.1 m² (324 ft²)
• Empty weight: 10,740 kg (23,677 lb)
• Loaded weight: 16,990 kg (37,456 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 20,500 kg (45,194 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× Tumansky R-195 turbojets, 44.18 kN (9,480 lbf) each
• Maximum speed: 950 km/h (590 mph, Mach 0.77)
• Combat radius: 375 km (235 mi)
• Ferry range: 2,500 km (1,553 mi)
• Service ceiling: 10,000 m (22,200 ft)
• Rate of climb: 58 m/s (11,400 ft/min)
• Wing loading: 584 kg/m² (119 lb/ft²)
• Thrust/weight: 0.51
• 1 × GSh-30-2 30mm cannon with 250 rounds
• 11 hardpoints for up to 4,400 kg (9,700 lb) of disposable ordnance, including rails for 2 × R-60 (AA-8 'Aphid') or other air-to-air missiles for self-defence and a wide variety of general-purpose bombs, cluster bombs, gun pods, rocket pods, laser-guided bombs, and
• air-to-surface missiles such as the Kh-25ML or Kh-29L

In rifts earth the Su-25TM

In rifts earth the Su-25TM is a fly tank with wings for MDC ground and air to air support . Beating N.A.A.T air escorts jet fighters 4 to 1 loss and ground forces3 to 1, this also an anti robot plane, rugged, able to work in any type landing field and easily repaired
MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 210
Main Body/fuselage 400
Wings (2) each150
Tailplanes (2) each 120
Engines (2) each 175

Speed as above

Rang: fossil fuel system range add 50% sold to, nuclear powered systems run time 72 hours rebel forces

Statistics: as above

• 1 × GSh-30-2 30mm cannon with 250 rounds
• 11 hardpoints for up to 4,400 kg (9,700 lb) of disposable ordnance, including rails for 2 × R-60 (AA-8 'Aphid') or other air-to-air missiles for self-defence and a wide variety of general-purpose bombs, cluster bombs, gun pods, rocket pods, laser-guided bombs, and
• air-to-surface missiles such as the Kh-25ML or Kh-29L
Weapon Type - 30mm autocannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 2 miles
Damage –
H.E.A.P only
30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D , six round burst 3d6x10 M.D
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 1200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet

11 hardpoints
Payload Per 1 hardpoints can carry 2 long range missiles , 16 medium range missiles, 24 short range missiles , 24 mini missiles or 120 Light MDC explosive missiles MDC 1d6 each ROF in tens only 10 ,20 ,30, and so on or all ( roll 1d10 hit for volley of 10 ,2d10 for a volley of 20 and so on

Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 300 air to air miles ,ground range look down and shot 10
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 40 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers
Targeting Computer allied add +2
Combat Computer allied add +1
Ejection Systems
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!! !!! We found unknown rebel force in North American, they attacking high level targets in Canada, North America, and new west and as far as Columbia. They have mostly coalition targets at first, they very trained fighter on land, air, and even at sea. However the sea operation are unconfirmed as of yet, still we notified the coalition, free Quebec a and other a local governments .Finally to merc town if you find any information and can confirm bases of operations or military operations in the areas with the following vehicles . You must have video and audio confirmation to be study and analyzed to confirm data; IF it is true then we paid just for the data 100,000 credits, shot down a jet fighter 250,000 credits, and capture a pilot alive 500,000 credits ,find base of operations 1,000,000 credits , any land military vehicles 400,000 credits , capture any crew 350,000 all transaction are final. We have new information if you see the aircraft you can shot on sight and hatred. That’s right open fire on the following military aircraft Sukhoi Su-30, Sukhoi Su-33, Sukhoi Su-34, and Sukhoi Su-35.
But do not engage alone. They are always in three or in pairs of two that’s four. We don’t know why at this time. They will fight to the death, no questions asked and no mercy on their part. They have hit collation military bases, collation outpost, and communication post as well as ground to air missiles batteries .recent hit and run Merc town, Air Superiority ,Inc and Combat Medical services with heavy loss and attacking Non-combat convoys, and non combated transport vehicles all hand lost Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! The coalition Air Superiority and N.A.AT are combining to stop these unnecessary attacks. Please report sighting and position of the target mention or IF are capable of stop enemy mission operation you may do so and destroy target units please show gun camera and wreaked of target but be waned they will do many bombing .this will give more chances to counter attack them ”

Mil Mi-24
The Mil Mi-24 (Cyrillic Миль Ми-24, NATO reporting name 'Hind') is a large helicopter gunship (and attack helicopter)[1] and low-capacity troop transport (Carries 8) produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and operated from 1972 by the Soviet Air Force, its successors, and over thirty other nations. In October 2007, the Russian Air Force announced it would replace its 250 Mi-24 helicopter gunships with 300 more modern Mi-28s and possibly Ka-50s by 2015.[2][3]
In NATO circles the export versions, Mi-25 and Mi-35, are simply denoted with a letter suffix as "Hind D" and "Hind E" respectively. Soviet pilots called the aircraft летающий танк (letayushchiy tank, “flying tank”). More common unofficial nicknames were Крокодил (Krokodil, “Crocodile”), due to the helicopter's new camouflage scheme[4] and Стакан (Stakan, “Glass”), because of the flat glass plates which surround the three place cockpit of the Mi-24A.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... P_edit.jpg

During the early 1960s, it became apparent to Soviet designer Mikhail Leont'yevich Mil that the trend towards ever-increasing battlefield mobility would result in the creation of flying infantry fighting vehicles, which could be used to perform both fire support and infantry transport missions. The first expression of this concept was a mock-up unveiled in 1966 in the experimental shop of the Ministry of Aircraft's factory number 329 where Mil was head designer. The mock-up designated V-24 was based on another project, the V-22 utility helicopter, which itself never flew. The V-24 was similar in layout and configuration to the UH-1A Huey, with a central infantry compartment that could hold eight troops sitting back to back, and a set of small wings positioned to the top rear of the passenger cabin, capable of holding up to six missiles or rockets, with a twin-barreled GSh-23L cannon fixed to the landing skid.

Mil proposed the design to the heads of the Soviet armed forces, and while he had the support of a number of strategists in the armed forces, he was opposed by several more senior members of the armed forces who believed that conventional weapons were a better use of resources. Despite the opposition, Mil managed to persuade the defence minister's first deputy, Marshal Andrey A. Grechko, to convene an expert panel to look into the matter. While the panel's opinions were mixed, supporters of the project eventually held sway, and a request for design proposals for a battlefield support helicopter was issued. The development of gunships and attack helicopters by the US Army during the Vietnam War convinced the Soviets of the advantages of armed helicopter ground support doctrine. This had a positive influence on moving forward with the development of the Mi-24.[5]
Mil engineers prepared two basic designs: a 7-ton single-engine design and a 10.5-ton twin-engine design, both based on the 1,700 hp Izotov TV3-177A turboshaft. Later, three complete mock-ups were produced, along with five cockpit mock-ups to allow the pilot and weapon station operator positions to be fine-tuned.
The Kamov bureau suggested an army version of their Ka-25 Hormone ASW helicopter as a low-cost option. This was considered but later dropped in favor of the new Mil twin-engine design. A number of changes were made at the insistence of the military, including the replacement of the 23 mm cannon with a rapid-fire heavy machine gun mounted in a chin turret, and the use of the then-under development 9K114 Shturm (AT-6 Spiral) anti-tank missile.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... oviet1.jpg

A directive was issued on 6 May 1968 to proceed with development of the twin-engine design. Work proceeded under Mil until his death in 1970. Detailed design work began in August 1968 under the codename Yellow 24. A full scale mock-up of the design was reviewed and approved in February 1969. Flight tests with a prototype began on 15 September 1969 with a tethered hover, and four days later the first free flight was conducted. A second prototype was built, followed by a test batch of ten helicopters.
Acceptance testing for the design began in June 1970, continuing for 18 months. Changes made in the design addressed structural strength and fatigue problems, and reduced vibration levels. Also, a 12-degree anhedral was introduced to the wings to address the aircraft's tendency to Dutch roll at speeds in excess of 200 km/h, and the Falanga missile pylons were moved from the fuselage to the wingtips. This gave the helicopter its characteristic wings. The tail rotor was moved from the right to the left side of the tail, and the rotation direction reversed. The tail rotor now rotated up on the side towards the front of the aircraft, into the downwash of the rotor, which increased the efficiency of the tail rotor. A number of other design changes were made until the production version Mi-24A (izdeliye 245) entered production in 1970, obtaining its IOC in 1971. It was officially accepted into the state arsenal in 1972.[6]
Russia has developed the Mi-28 Havoc and Ka-50 attack helicopters, which are smaller and more maneuverable and do not have the large cabin for carrying troops. The Russian Navy however has no plans to retire their small number of Mi-24s. As for the Russian air force the service is severely short of funds, the "krokodil" will serve for many years to come

The core of the aircraft was derived from the Mil Mi-8 (NATO reporting name "Hip"): two top-mounted turboshaft engines driving a mid-mounted 17.3 m five-blade main rotor and a three-blade tail rotor. The engine configuration gave the aircraft its distinctive double air intake. Original versions have an angular greenhouse-style cockpit; Model D and later have a characteristic tandem cockpit with a "double bubble" canopy. Other airframe components came from the Mi-14 "Haze". Two mid-mounted stub wings provide weapon hardpoints, each offering three stations, in addition to providing lift. The load-out mix is mission dependent; Mi-24s can be tasked with close air support, anti-tank operations, or aerial combat.
The body is heavily armored and can resist impacts from .50 caliber (12.7 mm) rounds from all angles, including the titanium rotor blades. The cockpit is an even more heavily armored titanium tub and can resist impact from 37mm cannon rounds. The cockpit and crew compartment are overpressurized to protect the crew in NBC conditions.

Considerable attention was given to making the Mi-24 fast. The airframe was streamlined, and fitted with retractable tricycle undercarriage landing gear to reduce drag. The wings provide considerable lift at high speed, up to a quarter of total lift. The main rotor was tilted 2.5° to the right from the fuselage to counteract dissymmetry of lift at high speed and provide a more stable firing platform. The landing gear was also tilted to the left so the rotor would still be level when the aircraft was on the ground, making the rest of the airframe tilt to the left. The tail was also asymmetrical to give a side force at speed, thus unloading the tail rotor.[6]
A modified Mi-24B, named A-10, was used in several speed and time to climb world record attempts. The helicopter had been modified to reduce weight as much as possible, and among the measures used was to remove the stub wings.[6] The speed record over a closed 1000 km course set on August 13, 1975 of 332.65 km/h still stands, as does many of the female specific records set by the all female crew of Galina Rastorgoueva and Ludmila Polyanskaia.[7] On 21 September 1978 the A-10 set the absolute speed record for helicopters with 368.4 km/h over a 15/25 km course. The record stood until 1986 when it was broken by the current record holder, a modified Westland Lynx.[8]

Comparison to Western helicopters

As a combination gunship and troop transport, the Mi-24 has no direct NATO counterpart. While UH-1 ("Huey") helicopters were used in Vietnam either to ferry troops, or were used as gunships, they were not able to do both at the same time. Converting a UH-1 into a gunship meant stripping the entire passenger area to accommodate extra fuel and ammunition, and removing its troop transport capability. The Mi-24 was designed to do both, and this was greatly exploited by airborne units of the Soviet Army during the 1980–1989 Soviet war in Afghanistan. The closest Western equivalent was the Sikorsky S-67 Blackhawk, which used many of the same design principles and was also built as a high-speed, high-agility attack helicopter with limited troop transport capability;[1] it, like the Mi-24, was also designed using many components from an already existing product, the Sikorsky S-61. The S-67, however, was never adopted for service. Another relatively close western equivalent is the US MH-60L Direct Action Penetrator, a special purpose variant of the UH-60 Black Hawk which is capable of mounting a variety of weapons on its stub wings, including AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and Hydra 70 rockets.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 4_HIND.svg

General characteristics

Crew: 2-3: pilot, weapons system officer and technician (optional)
Capacity: 8 troops or 4 stretchers
Length: 17.5 m (57 ft 4 in)
Rotor diameter: 17.3 m (56 ft 7 in)
Wingspan: 6.5 m (21 ft 3 in)
Height: 6.5 m (21 ft 3 in)
Disc area: 235 m² (2,530 ft²)
Empty weight: 8,500 kg (18,740 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 12,000 kg (26,500 lb)
Powerplant: 2× Isotov TV3-117 turbines, 1,600 kW (2,200 hp) each
Maximum speed: 335 km/h (208 mph)
Range: 450 km (280 miles)
Service ceiling: 4,500 m (14,750 ft)

Internal guns
• Flexible 12.7 mm Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B Gatling gun on most variants. Maximum of 1,470 rounds of ammunition.
• fixed twin-barrel GSh-30K on the Mi-24P. 750 rounds of ammunition.
• flexible twin-barrel GSh-23L on the Mi-24VP and Mi-24VM. 450 rounds of ammunition.
• PKT passenger compartment window mounted machine guns
External stores
• Total payload is 1,500 kg of external stores.
• Inner hardpoints can carry at least 500 kg
• Outer hardpoints can carry up to 250 kg
• Wing-tip pylons can only carry the 9M17 Phalanga (in the Mi-24A-D) or the 9K114 Shturm complex (in the Mi-24V-F).
• Bombs within weight range (presumably ZAB, FAB, RBK, ODAB etc.), Up to 500 kg.
• MBD multiple ejector racks (presumably MBD-4 with 4xFAB-100)
• KGMU2V submunition/mine dispenser pods
First-generation armament (standard production Mi-24D)
• GUV-8700 gunpod (with a 12.7 mm Yak-B + 2x7.62 mm GShG-7.62 mm combination or one 30 mm AGS-17)
• UB-32 S-5 rocket launchers
• S-24 240 mm rocket
• 9M17 Phalanga (a pair on each wingtip pylon)
Second-generation armament (Mi-24V, Mi-24P and most upgraded Mi-24D)
• UPK-23-250 gunpod carrying the GSh-23L
• B-8V20 a lightweight long tubed helicopter version of the S-8 rocket launcher
• 9K114 Shturm in pairs on the outer and wingtip pylons

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... Mi-35P.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... kB-127.jpg
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... y_82RB.JPG

S.D.C Model Type - Mi-24D
Class - Gunship Helicopter and Transport
Crew - 1

SDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 300
Main Body/fuselage 650
Wings (2) 120 ea
Tailplane 400
Engines (2) 200 ea
Main Rotor 120
Tail Rotor 50

AR - 12 (vehicle AR)

Armour - Stops all standard handgun rounds and upto and including 7.62mm rifle rounds. Explosive and ramjet rounds are still effective.

Speed : as above

Statistics : as above

Cost - 10's of millions dollars US


Weapon Type - 12.7mm Machine Gun
Primary Purpose - Anti-infantry/Light Vehicle
Range - 1500m
Damage - 3d6x10sdc per burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 100 bursts
Bonuses - na

Weapon Type - Hardpoints (4)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - 4 Mini-Missiles or 1 Rocket Launcher (18 shot, range of 1200m, 3d6md damage) or 1 Light HE Bomb each
Bonuses - na

bonuses and penalties

-3 dodge

Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 100 miles
Radar Warnign Receiver - range of 50 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers
Targeting Computer
Combat Computer
Ejection Systems

M.D.C Model Type - Mi-24D
Class - Gunship Helicopter and Transport
Crew – 1pilot and 1 co pilot ,8 troops

M.D.C By Location

Nose/Cockpit 30 MDC can add 100 to 150
Main Body/fuselage 65 plus add 150 to 250
Wings (2) 120 ea
Tailplane 40
Engines (2) 55 ea
Main Rotor 25
Tail Rotor 25

Weapon Type – any heavy M.D.C Machinegun
Primary Purpose - Anti-infantry/Light Vehicle
Range - varies
Damage - burst
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 300 bursts
Bonuses - varies

Weapon Type - Hardpoints (4)
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - per hard point 1 long range missiles , 4 medium range ,8 short range missiles, 16 mini missiles , 120 Light MDC explosive missiles M.D.C 2.5 inch rockets M.D.C 1d6 each ROF in tens only 10 ,20 ,30, and so on or all ( roll 1d10 hit for volley of 10 ,2d10 for a volley of 20 and so on

Rebel Special Forces Model Type - Mi-24E
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... Mi-35P.jpg

M.D.C Model Type - Mi-24D
Class - Gunship Helicopter and Transport
Crew - 1

M.D.C By Location

Nose/Cockpit 125
Main Body/fuselage 350
Wings (2) 120 each
Tailplane 50
Engines (2) 125 each
Main Rotor 75
Tail Rotor 25
weapons as above but chin 30 MM gun
30mm tri auto cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 3 miles
Damage –
H.E.A.P only
30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D , six round burst 3d6x10 M.D
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 1200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet plus
Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 250 miles
Radar Warnign Receiver - range of 50 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 24
Targeting Computer +1 to strike under 1000 feet, 1001 feet plus +3
Combat Computer+1 to strike
Ejection Systems
Built in E.C.M and E.C.C.M systems +20 % jamming, getting detected -1d4x10% add to attacks / strike 1 to 4 with all weapons plus doge + 3

Super Model Type - Mi-24 F
http://www.airforce-technology.com/cont ... -mk-II.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... d_2006.jpg

As M.D.C Model Type - Mi-24D but no Built in E.C.M and E.C.C.M systems and hard point total 6 add 50 M.D.C Nose/Cockpit, Main Body/fuselage, Wings, Engines

Super Hind Mk V
http://www.ate-group.com/medias/product ... /mi-24.jpg
http://www.airforce-technology.com/cont ... -mk-II.jpg
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!! !!! We found unknown rebel force in North American, they attacking high level targets in Canada, North America, and new west and as far as Columbia. They have mostly coalition targets at first, they very trained fighter on land, air, and even at sea. However the sea operation are unconfirmed as of yet, still we notified the coalition, free Quebec a and other a local governments .Finally to merc town if you find any information and can confirm bases of operations or military operations in the areas with the following vehicles . You must have video and audio confirmation to be study and analyzed to confirm data; IF it is true then we paid just for the data 100,000 credits, shot down a jet fighter 250,000 credits, and capture a pilot alive 500,000 credits ,find base of operations 1,000,000 credits , any land military vehicles 400,000 credits , capture any crew 350,000 all transaction are final. We have new information if you see the aircraft you can shot on sight and hatred. That’s right open fire on the following military aircraft Sukhoi Su-30, Sukhoi Su-33, Sukhoi Su-34, and Sukhoi Su-35.
But do not engage alone. They are always in three or in pairs of two that’s four. We don’t know why at this time. They will fight to the death, no questions asked and no mercy on their part. They have hit collation military bases, collation outpost, and communication post as well as ground to air missiles batteries .recent hit and run Merc town, Air Superiority ,Inc and Combat Medical services with heavy loss and attacking Non-combat convoys, and non combated transport vehicles all hand lost Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! The coalition Air Superiority and N.A.AT are combining to stop these unnecessary attacks. Please report sighting and position of the target mention or IF are capable of stop enemy mission operation you may do so and destroy target units please show gun camera and wreaked of target but be waned they will do many bombing .this will give more chances to counter attack them ”

NOTE: many have join the alert but don’t why, just that this a small merc out with powerful and old European hardware that can do heavy damage and that many are rebel from Tolkeen forces . this goes deeper the coalition has made heavy crack down to German Black market (G.B.M) and also the North American black market has help as well, plus N.A.A.T warned not to do certain operation to the G.B.M. but as any new kid in the block they didn’t listen, still N.A.A.T got the G.B.M from Germany to stop the G.B.M that function in North America. This was to stop a blood bath by both black market and later by the coalition forces, however the operatives were able to obtain data, on how to work quietly, make maintain , repaired and produce new MDC (but with excellent German quality) .Because of this the G.B.M that was operating in north America broke with German Black market of Germany and there was a major battle ensued from hand head weapons to robots and jetfighters. This caught N.A.A.T and German Black market (G.B.M) form Germany off guard heavy loss from both sides. The Only good thing N.A.A.T /German Black market operative were able to take out the all those operative that knew about N.A.A.T involvement , however the American G.B.M were here to stay. They are roaches the more you kill the more they come and haunt you and that they are good. That they did was take those with hatred towards coalition, her were going to function as terrorist army /sea and air. This to built quickie armed units due the loss of the coalition and later other merc units. Against all odds they made out alive, why because of the collation war, the live that were lost, the refugees who want to hit the coalition and those that support them and the D-bee that want war. This is what N.A.A.T was avoiding so long ago. Something so small turned so big that it forces all to pay attention and nobodies know where they are going to strike ,plus they had other hardware that no has which they will get ther hands on .plus there are going to be other organization that will support them not in conventional warfare but unconventional warfare and the use of magic .

Mil Mi-28

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 802%29.jpg

The Mil Mi-28 (NATO reporting name 'Havoc') is a Russian all-weather day-night military tandem two-seat anti-armour attack helicopter. It is a dedicated attack helicopter with no intended secondary transport capability, better optimized than the Mil Mi-24 for the anti-tank role. It carries a single gun in an undernose barbette, plus external loads carried on pylons beneath stub wings.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 802%29.jpg
in 1972, following completion of the Mi-24, development began on a unique attack helicopter with transport capability. The new design had a reduced transport capability (3 troops instead of 8), omitted the cabin, to provide better overall performance and higher top speed. Improved performance was important for its intended role fighting against tanks and enemy helicopters and covering helicopter landing operations. Initially, many different designs were considered, including an unconventional project with two main rotors, placed with engines on tips of wings (in perpendicular layout), and with an additional pusher propeller on the tail. In 1977, a preliminary design was chosen, in a classic single-rotor layout. It lost its similarity to the Mi-24, and even the canopies were smaller, with flat surfaces.
Design work began on the Mi-28 began under Marat Tishchenko in 1980.[2] In 1981, a design and a mock-up were accepted. The prototype (no. 012) was first flown on 10 November 1982.[2] The second prototype (no. 022) was completed in 1983. In 1984 the Mi-28 completed the first stage of state trials, but in October 1984 the Soviet Air Force chose the more advanced Kamov Ka-50 as the new anti-tank helicopter. The Mi-28 development was continued, but given lower priority. In December 1987 Mi-28 production in Rosvertol in Rostov on Don was approved.

In January 1988 the first Mi-28A prototype (no. 032) flew. It was fitted with more powerful engines and an "X" type tail rotor instead of the three-blade version. The Mi-28A debuted at the Paris Air Show in June 1989. In 1991 the second Mi-28A (no. 042) was completed. The Mi-28A program was cancelled in 1993 because it was deemed uncompetitive with the Ka-50, and in particular, it was not all-weather capable.
Then the Mi-28N, was unveiled in 1995, the N designation meaning "night". The prototype (no. 014) first flew on 14 November 1996. The most significant feature is a radar in a round cover above the main rotor, similar to that of the American AH-64D Longbow Apache. Mi-28N also has improved Tor vision and an aiming device under the nose, including a TV camera and FLIR. Due to funding problems, development was interrupted. A second prototype with an improved rotor design was unveiled in March 2004 at Rosvertol.
Changes in the military situation after the Cold War made specialized anti-tank helicopters, like Ka-50, less useful. On the other hand, its all-weather, two-seat variant Ka-52 had worse performance due to increased weight. The advantages of the Mi-28N, like all-weather action ability, lower cost, and similarity to the Mi-24, have become important. In 2003, the head of Russian Air Forces stated that the Mi-28N will become the standard Russian attack helicopter.[3

The first serial Mi-28N was delivered to the Army in 2006.[4][5] By 2015 a total of 67 Mi-28Ns is planned to be purchased, when the Mi-24 is to be completely replaced.[5][6]
An export variant of the Mi-28N, designated Mi-28NE, and a simpler day-helicopter variant, the Mi-28D, based on the Mi-28N design, but lacking radar and FLIR have also been developed.

The Mi-28 has two heavily armored cockpits, a windshield able to withstand hits from 7.62–12.7 mm caliber bullets, a nose equipped with electronics, and a narrow-X tail rotor (55 deg) with reduced noise characteristics. It is powered by two 2,200 hp Isotov TV-3-117VM (t/n 014) turboshaft engines.
While the Mi-28 is not intended for use as a transport, it does have a small passenger compartment capable of carrying three people. The planned purpose of this is to enable the rescue of downed helicopter crews.
The Mi-28N features a Helmet mounted display for the pilot. The pilot would designate targets for the Navigator/Weapons officer, who proceeds to fire the weapons required to fulfill that particular task.

One armament that is commonly seen amongst Mi-28s are a pair of 8 Ataka missile racks along with 2 B-13L rocket pods, each able to carry 5 S-13 rockets. Other rocket options include two B-8 rocket pods, each able to carry up to 20 S-8 rockets. The 30 mm chain gun is a staple amongst all Mi-28 combat loads.
The Atakas used have 4 variants for different tasks. The 9M120 Tandem High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) warhead variant is used against tanks fitted with Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA), its penetrative ability is stated at 800 mm Rolled Homogeneous Armour (RHA).[7] The 9M120F Thermobaric variant is used against infantry, buildings, bunkers, and caves. The 9M120O expanding rod warhead variant is used against other helicopters. All the variants have a range of 6 km. The 9M120M improved version has a longer range (8 km) and better penetration (900 mm of RHA).[8] All of the variants use SACLOS missile guidance.
The S-8 and S-13 rockets used by the Mi-28 are usually unguided. In the most common configuration, one can expect 40 S-8 rockets or 10 S-13 rockets. Both rockets have their variants, from HEAT warheads to a Thermobaric warhead. The S-8 has a shorter range and smaller warhead than the S-13, but compensates with numbers. Currently, the Russian Air Force are upgrading their S-8 and S-13 rockets to guided rockets. The project, named "Ugroza" (Menace), will use Laser guidance[9] or optical guidance (by means of a TV screen) to guide the rockets to their targets. Rockets upgraded under Ugroza receive the suffix of "Kor". Ugroza also allows the rockets to be fired at their maximum kinematic range, while maintaining an accuracy of 0.8-1.6 m Circular Error Probable (CEP).
The gun armament of the Mi-28 is the 30 x 165 mm Shipunov SA42 Autocannon. It is a select fire, dual-feed gun, which allows for a cyclic rate of fire between 200 rounds per minute to 550 rounds per minute. Its effective range varies from 1500 meters for ground vehicles to 2500 meters for air targets. Rounds from High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) to Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS) can be used. Stated penetration for the 3UBR8 is 50 mm of RHA at 1500 meters.

General characteristics
• Crew: 1 pilot (rear), 1 navigator/weapons operator (front)
• Length: 17.01 m (55 ft 10 in)
• Rotor diameter: 17.20 m (56 ft 5 in)
• Height: 4.70 m (15 ft 5 in)
• Disc area: 232.35 m² (2,501 ft²)
• Empty weight: 8,600 kg (18,960 lb)
• Loaded weight: 10,700 kg (23,590 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 11,500 kg (25,350 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× Klimov TV3-117VMA turboshaft, 1,636 kW (2,194 shp) each
• Maximum speed: 320 km/h (172 knots, 199 mph)
• Cruise speed: 270 km/h (145 knots, 168 mph)
• Range: 435 km (234 nmi, 270 mi)
• Combat radius: 200 km (108 nmi, 124 mi) ; with 10 min loiter and 5% reserves
• Ferry range: 1,100 km (593 nmi, 683 mi)
• Service ceiling: 5,700 m (19,000 ft)
• Guns: 1× chin-mounted 30 mm Shipunov 2A42 cannon with 250 rounds (±110° horizontal fire)
• Hardpoints: Two pylons under each stub wing to mount bombs, rockets, missiles, and gun pods. Main armament configurations include:
o 16 Ataka-V anti-tank missiles and 40 S-8 rockets, Or
o 16 Ataka-V anti-tank missiles, and 10 S-13 rocket, Or
o 16 Ataka-V anti-tank missiles, and two 23 mm Gsh-23L gun pods with 250 rounds each.
o Other ordnance: 9K118 Sheksna and 9A-2200 anti-tank missiles, 8 Igla-V and Vympel R-73 air-to-air missiles, 2 KMGU-2 mine dispensers

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... mament.jpg

Nose/Cockpit 170
Main Body/fuselage 300
Wings (2) 110 each
Tailplane 25
Engines (2) 100 each
Main Rotor 50
Tail Rotor 20

Weapons sytems

30mm auto cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 2 miles
Damage –
H.E.A.P only
30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D , six round burst 3d6x10 M.D
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 1200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet

Hard points
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks
Payload - per hard point 1 long range missiles , 4 medium range ,8 short range missiles, 16 mini missiles , 120 Light MDC explosive missiles M.D.C 2.5 inch rockets M.D.C 1d6 each ROF in tens only 10 ,20 ,30, and so on or all ( roll 1d10 hit for volley of 10 ,2d10 for a volley of 20 and so on
Systems of Note

Radar - Range of 100 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 50 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 48
Targeting Computer: +2 strike
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems
Last edited by ZINO on Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

I know we can use this art work for free as long as we don't sell it and must give credit, this is the art work

http://strangevehicles.greyfalcon.us/pi ... laufer.jpg

By Michael Surbrook
yet I tried to make contact and ask just to make sure .I was dealing with the wrong artist and I can't find or make contact to this person.

I was thinking of a poor man glitter boy armed for Germany in RIFT EARTH N.G.R

first I want to thank you Michael Surbrook for letting use this wonder 3d art since the closet thing I could find ,because I can not draw for jack. and i prefer to show with illustration ,still I thank you again I cloud not without your help



The first boxy basic robot made by D-bee militia force (or D.M.F),basic humans shape ,with one arm carrying a dual 20 MM cannon , main gun over and under barrel heavy M.D.C machine gun or rail gun and a 75 MM tank rifle ,remote controlled or manual controlled MDC machine . Simpler and easy to repaired this unit carries dual armored protection systems (more like body amour) to better combat endurance before they were disable by monster force. With this armored it stop that from happening, love by all in D-bee militia force (or DMF), thanks to N.A.A.T and cheapwell engineers’ .the reason why it allowed to be built was for NGR allowed some type of robot, and not to advanced .looks like a tank with arms and legs,before or the first had three man crew but now it has one pilots . On top of that nuclear powered robot is more expensive then vehicles, but it was costly. However D-bee militia force (or DMF) knew that many other small nations (also Triax) had fossil ready and a lot, cheap easy to get to powered their simple war machines and no missiles. NGR approved and the rest is history, ten of thousands are been made for the D-bee militia force (or DMF), local enforcement in refugee zones and even merc outfits that legal by NGR. This basic robot is the first before the second larger model is on line thanks to NGR. It call poor man GB suit or small tin can is what is called by NGR soldiers, but this can works. The only complaint pilots have to no left arm, but this was done to budget cost for the other robots.

http://strangevehicles.greyfalcon.us/pi ... laufer.jpg

Germany Model type basic humanoid robot
Crew first model 3 later 1

Right arm 100
Right arm shield 200
Dual barrel 20 mm rapid fire 50
Main 75 mm cannon 100
30 mm rapid auto rapid fire cannon 80
Main body 250
Legs (2)200
Amour up legs (2) 150
Sided engine plates 200
Engine 100
Any heavy cupola (x1) 35
Armored rooster pit 120
Side amour one per can add 100 to 150 per sides(x1) ,front (x1),rear(x1) turret (x1),legs ( x1 each) any damage 50 or less bounces off


13 feet tall
11 feet long
9 feet long
Weight: 15 tons
Speed: 80 MPH in urban or city or plains, wooded area 30 MPH
Powered systems: fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid and back up battery powered time 12 hours recharged by switch battery
Range: 600 miles fossil fuel powered or any alcoholic liquid back up battery powered time 12 hours recharged by switch battery add 200 miles
Cost 100,000 credits

Weapons systems
Over and under barrel Main gun
75 mm cannon under barrel
Damage: pick two type of rounds
L.E. Round
75 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 ) single shot or2d4x10 dual shot only
H.E. Round
75 mm - 5d10 M.D (max damage 50 ) single shot or 1d10x10dual shot only
A.P.F.S.D.S round
75 mm -1d10x10(max damage 100) single shot or 5dx10 dual shot only
Range direct 800 feet, indirect fire 3000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 80 rounds for each type of round

Top barrel 30 MM auto cannon
Damage: pick two type of rounds
L.E. Round
30 mm-5d4 M.D (max damage 20) single shot or 1d4x10 dual shot only
H.E. Round
30 mm - 4d6 M.D (max damage 24) single shot or 1d4x10+8 dual shot only
A.P.F.S.D.S round
30 mm -1d4x10 M.D (max damage 40) single shot or 2d4x10 dual shot only
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 300 rounds

Cupola any MDC remote control or manual control machine gun , any medium rail gun or dual barrel light rail gun varies

M.D.C Stats

20 mm auto cannon right arm
L.E. Round
20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) single shot or 6d6 dual shot only
H.E. Round
20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20) single shot or1d4x10 dual shot only
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 ) single shot or 2d4x10 dual shot only

Range direct 800 feet, indirect fire 3000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 400 rounds
punch 1d4 right arm shield
powered punch 3d4
kick 4d4

But in America is a god sent gift but better features recent loss with rebel forces and bandits and monsters attacks have gone up by 70 percent. The cost of using mercenary cost would have broken the bank in N.A.A.T due to massive expansions after the coalition war. They (N.A.A.T) hope time to get more personal in 1 year rest but the rebel have forces to take out the emergency forces out to the front just barely able to hold the line if not for smart officer and C&C (command and control services), N.A.A.T would had to retreat to the west base operations and to tundra ranger bases. And thank god for Henry ford interchangeable parts and parts from the Jumbo Sherman tanks and hell cat it was possible getting over 60,000 units plus part in just 2 months. At first many they were doing well but when facing copied versions of wild weasel S.A.M.A.S, VT-T S.A.M.A.S (Rifts - World Book 14 - New West page 181 to 187) and U.S.A S.A.M.A.S( Rifts - World Book 15 - Spirit West PAGE 196) N.A.A.T have had heavy damage to tin man and by unknown giant robot . recent add on techno wizard features there are the following one standard copied S.A.M.A.S ,these are special forces units in the rebel army and the elites are techno wizard features 8 defense powers and 4 offensives powers level varies 1 to unknown!!! The losses of tin man unit are very high but numbers have allowed for many sector to get supplies ,help ,aid or free rebel activates .many call them poor man GB ,tummy boys, rent bot , to oven cookers however they work well For N.A.A.T . They keep the same boxy design fro Germany just they add a flag on top to identify squads.N.A.A.T special fores use as a disguise GB boom gun stats all the same just add pylons payload add 50% more ammo, recently addition the elites add 4 magic feature from techno wizard features no whee near the rebel designs .

http://strangevehicles.greyfalcon.us/pi ... laufer.jpg

America Model type basic humanoid robot
Crew 1

Right arm 150
Right arm shield 200
Dual barrel 20 mm rapid fire 50
Main 75 mm cannon 100
30 mm rapid auto rapid fire cannon 80
Main body 250 officers 320
Legs (2)200
Amour up legs (2) 150
Feet Pylon ( for GB model
Sided engine plates 20
Engine 100
Any heavy cupola (x1) 35
Armored cockpit 120
Side amour one per can add 150 to 200 per sides(x1) ,front (x1),rear(x1) turret (x1),legs ( x1 each) any damage 50 or less bounces off


13 feet tall
11 feet long
9 feet long
Weight: 15 tons
Speed: 120 MPH in urban or city or plains, wooded area 30 MPH, jump thuters from 5 feet to 600 feet long plus goes up to 100 feet high
Powered systems: fossil fuel or any alcoholic liquid and back up battery powered time 12 hours recharged by switch battery
Range: standard model sold to allies 600 miles fossil fuel powered or any alcoholic liquid back up battery powered time 12 hours recharged by switch battery add 200 miles , unlimited range nuclear powered 5 years or more
Cost 100,000 credits standard model, only battery powered defensive unit 150,000, nuclear powered 175,000 plus nuclear engine cost

Weapons systems
Over and under barrel Main gun
75 mm cannon under barrel
Damage: pick two type of rounds
L.E. Round
75 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 ) single shot or2d4x10 dual shot only
H.E. Round
75 mm - 5d10 M.D (max damage 50 ) single shot or 1d10x10dual shot only
A.P.F.S.D.S round
75 mm -1d10x10(max damage 100) single shot or 5dx10 dual shot only
Range direct 800 feet, indirect fire 3000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 80 rounds for each type of round

Top barrel 30 MM auto cannon
Damage: pick two type of rounds
L.E. Round
30 mm-5d4 M.D (max damage 20) single shot or 1d4x10 dual shot only
H.E. Round
30 mm - 4d6 M.D (max damage 24) single shot or 1d4x10+8 dual shot only
A.P.F.S.D.S round
30 mm -1d4x10 M.D (max damage 40) single shot or 2d4x10 dual shot only
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 300 rounds
Or main gun boom gun that’s rift stats the same!!! But disguised (this are N.A.A.T special forces)

Cupola any MDC remote control or manual control machine gun , any medium rail gun or dual barrel light rail gun varies

M.D.C Stats

20 mm auto cannon right arm or any single barrel or dual barrel rail gun/ Heavy M.D.C machinegun payload x5
L.E. Round
20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) single shot or 6d6 dual shot only
H.E. Round
20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20) single shot or1d4x10 dual shot only
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 ) single shot or 2d4x10 dual shot only

Range direct 800 feet, indirect fire 3000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 400 rounds
HAND TO HAND use Rifts - Main page 44
use robot
punch 1d4 right arm shield
arm shield powered punch 3d4
kick 4d4
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Zer0 Kay
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Don't you think that all tanks made in the GA would be autoloaders?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

N.A.A.T AIR forces were many by three plane Henkel He 162, Me 262 Ho 229 and last P -51,they Were the and are the back bone of N.A.A.T but with recent 4,4.5 and 5 generations jet fighter come on line the lass have been horrible about 45 to 60 % loss . thank goodness had more advanced MDC jet fighters and came to the rescue or aid to allies . This has caught off guard the Rebel forces. Still able to adapt easily has been hard to take the rebel air forces off the sky still N.A.A.T AIR forces, something to mention there been many private purchases by coalition officers as a personal plane which is why rebel forces have attack N.A.A.T AIR forces , coalition , and other as well. But they are all register by coalition law enforcement.

Heinkel He 162

The Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger (German, "People's Fighter") was a German single-engine, jet-powered fighter aircraft fielded by the Luftwaffe in World War II. Designed and built quickly, and made primarily of wood as metals were in very short supply and prioritised for other aircraft, the He 162 was nevertheless the fastest of the first generation of Axis and Allied jets. Volksjäger was the Reich Air Ministry's official name for the He 162. Other names given to the plane include Salamander, which was the codename of its construction program, and Spatz ("Sparrow"), which was the name given to the plane by Heinkel.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... lor010.jpg

Heinkel had designed a little aircraft, with a sleek, streamlined fuselage. The BMW 003 axial-flow turbojet was mounted in a pod nacelle uniquely situated atop the fuselage directly aft of the cockpit. Twin vertical tailfins were mounted at the ends of highly dihedralled horizontal tailplanes to clear the jet exhaust, a high-mounted straight wing with a forward-swept trailing edge and shallow dihedral, an ejection seat was provided for the pilot (deemed far more valuable than the machine itself)[citation needed], and tricycle landing gear that retracted into the fuselage. The prototype flew within an astoundingly short period of time: the design was chosen on 25 September and first flew on 6 December, less than 90 days later. This was despite the fact that the factory in Wuppertal making Tego film plywood glue – used in a substantial number of late-war German aviation designs that were meant to be constructed from wood – had been bombed by the Royal Air Force and a replacement had to be quickly substituted.
The first flight of the He 162 V1, by Flugkapitän Gotthard Peter, was fairly successful, but during a high-speed run at 840 km/h (520 mph), the highly acidic replacement glue holding the nose gear cover on failed and the pilot was forced to land. Other problems were noted as well, notably a pitch instability and problems with slideslip due to the rudder design. Neither was considered important enough to hold up the production schedule for even a day. On a second flight on 10 December, again with Peter at the controls, in front of various Nazi officials, the glue again caused a structural failure. This allowed the aileron to separate from the wing, causing the plane to roll over and crash, killing Peter.
An investigation into the failure revealed that the wing structure had to be strengthened and some redesign was needed, as the glue bonding required for the wood parts was in many cases defective. However, the schedule was so tight that testing was forced to continue with the current design. Speeds were limited to 500 km/h (310 mph) when the second prototype flew on 22 December. This time, the stability problems proved to be more serious, and were found to be related to Dutch roll, which could be solved by reducing the dihedral. However, with the plane supposed to enter production within weeks, there was no time to change the design. A number of small changes were made instead, including adding lead ballast to the nose to move the centre of gravity more to the front of the plane, slightly increasing the size of the tail surfaces.
The third and fourth prototypes, which now used an "M" for "muster" (model) number instead of the older "V-for-Versuchs" (experimental) number, as the He 162 M3 and M4, after being fitted with the strengthened wings, flew in mid-January 1945. These versions also included small aluminium wingtip "droops", reportedly designed by Alexander Lippisch and known in German as Lippisch-Ohren ("Lippisch Ears"), in an attempt to cure the stability problems via decreased dihedral. Both were equipped with two 30 mm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannons in the He 162 A-1 anti-bomber variant; in testing, the recoil from these guns proved to be too much for the lightweight fuselage to handle, and plans for production turned to the A-2 fighter with two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons instead while a redesign for added strength started as the A-3. The shift to 20 mm guns was also undertaken because the smaller-calibre weapons would allow a much greater amount of ammunition to be carried.
The He 162 was originally built with the intention of being flown by the Hitler Youth, as the Luftwaffe was fast running out of pilots. However, the aircraft was far too complicated for any but a highly experienced pilot. An unpowered two-seat glider version, designated the He 162S (Schulen), was developed for training purposes. Only a small number were built, and even fewer delivered to the sole He 162 Hitler Youth training unit to be activated (in March 1945) at an airbase at Sagan. The unit was in the process of formation when the war ended, did not begin any training, and it is doubtful that more than one or two He 162S gliders ever took to the air.

Various changes had raised the weight over the original 2,000 kg (4,410 lb) limit, but even at 2,800 kg (6,170 lb), the aircraft was still the fastest jet aircraft in the air at 890 km/h (550 mph) at sea level, with speeds reaching 905 km/h (562 mph) at 6,000 m (19,690 ft).

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... cht300.jpg
General characteristics
• Crew: 1, pilot
• Length: 9.05 m (29 ft 8 in)
• Wingspan: 7.2 m (23 ft 7 in)
• Height: 2.6 m (8 ft 6 in)
• Wing area: 14.5 m² (156 ft²)
• Empty weight: 1,660 kg (3,660 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 2,800 kg (6,180 lb)
• Powerplant: 1× BMW 003E-1 or E-2 (meant for ventral attachment) axial flow turbojet, 7.85 kN (1,760 lbf)
• Maximum speed: 905 km/h (562 mph)
• Range: 975 km (606 mi)
• Service ceiling: 12,000 m (39,400 ft)
• Rate of climb: 1,405 m/min (4,615 ft/min)
• Guns: 2 × 20 mm MG 151 cannons with 120 rpg (He 162 A-2) OR 2 × 30 mm MK 108 cannons with 50 rpg (He 162 A-0, A-1)
MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 100
Main Body/fuselage 140
Wings (2) 75 each
Tailplanes (2) 55 each
Engine 100 (1)

Weapon systems

20 mm auto cannon
L.E. Round
20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) single shot or 6d6 dual shot only
H.E. Round
20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20) single shot or1d4x10 dual shot only
Range direct 800 feet, deflection shot fire 2000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 300 rounds
30mm auto cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 2 miles

30 mm auto cannon

H.E.A.P only
30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D ,
Range direct 1000 feet, deflection shot fire 4000 feet
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet

Radar - Range of 40 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 20 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 48
Targeting Computer: +2 strike
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems

Messerschmitt Me 262

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... e_USAF.jpg

The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe ("Swallow") was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft.[5] Design work started before World War II began, but engine problems prevented the aircraft from attaining operational status until mid-1944. Compared with Allied fighters of its day, including the jet-powered Gloster Meteor, it was much faster and better armed.[6]
In combat, when properly flown, it proved difficult to counter due to its speed. Me 262 pilots claimed a total of 509 Allied kills[7] (although higher claims are sometimes made)[Notes 1] against the loss of about 100 Me 262s.[citation needed] The design was pressed into a variety of roles, including light bomber, reconnaissance and even experimental night fighter versions.
The Me 262 is considered to have been the most advanced German aviation design in operational use during World War II.[9] The Allies countered its potential effectiveness in the air by relentlessly attacking the aircraft on the ground, or while they were taking off or landing. Maintenance during the deteriorating war situation and a lack of fuel also reduced the effectiveness of the aircraft as a fighting force. In the end, the Me 262 had a negligible impact on the course of the war due to its late introduction and the small numbers that were deployed in operational service.[10]
The Me 262 influenced the designs of post-war aircraft such as the North American F-86 and Boeing B-47.[9]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _262_2.jpg

Side view of a Me 262B-1a/U1 night fighter, Wrknr. 110306, with radar antenna on the nose and second seat for a radar operator.

Specifications (Messerschmitt Me 262 )

General characteristics
• Crew: 1
• Length: 10.60 m (34 ft 9 in)
• Wingspan: 12.60 m (41 ft 6 in)
• Height: 3.50 m (11 ft 6 in)
• Wing area: 21.7 m² (234 ft²)
• Empty weight: 3,795 kg[63] (8,366 lb)
• Loaded weight: 6,473 kg[63] (14,272 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 7,130 kg[63] (15,720 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× Junkers Jumo 004 B-1 turbojets, 8.8 kN (1,980 lbf) each
• Aspect ratio: 7.32
• Maximum speed: 900 km/h (559 mph)
• Range: 1,050 km (652 mi)
• Service ceiling: 11,450 m (37,565 ft)
• Rate of climb: 1,200 m/min (At max weight of 7,130 kg) (3,900 ft/min)
• Thrust/weight: 0.28
• Guns: 4 × 20 mm or 30 mm MK 108 cannons (A-2a: two cannons)
• Rockets: 24 × 55 mm (2.2 in) R4M rockets
• Bombs: 2 × 250 kg (551 lb) bombs or 2 × 500 kg (1,102 lb) bombs (A-2a only)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... rawing.svg

MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 120
Main Body/fuselage 170
Wings (2) 100 each
Tailplanes (2) 80 each
Engine 100 (2)

Weapon systems
auto cannon (x4)
20 mm auto cannon (x4)
L.E. Round
Damage : 20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) single shot or 6d6 dual shot only
H.E. Round
20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20) single shot or1d4x10 dual shot only
Range direct 800 feet, deflection shot fire 2000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 300 rounds
30mm auto cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 2 miles

30 mm auto cannon

H.E.A.P only
Damage : 30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D ,
Range direct 1000 feet, deflection shot fire 4000 feet
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet
12 mini missiles per wing
Bombs use medium range missiles dumb b Bombs

Radar - Range of 40 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 20 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 48
Targeting Computer: +2 strike
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems

Horten Ho 229

The Horten H.IX, RLM designation Ho 229 (often called Gotha Go 229 due to the identity of the chosen manufacturer of the aircraft) was a late-World War II prototype fighter/bomber designed by Reimar and Walter Horten and built by Gothaer Waggonfabrik. It was the first pure flying wing powered by a jet engine[1] and designed to be more difficult to detect with radar - the first aircraft to incorporate what is now known as stealth technology.[2] It was a personal favorite of German Luftwaffe chief Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, and was the only aircraft to come close to meeting his "1000, 1000, 1000" performance requirements. Its speed was estimated at 1,024 km/h (636 mph) and its ceiling 15,000 meters (49,213 ft).[3]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... rawing.jpg

In the early 1930s, the Horten brothers had become interested in the flying wing design as a method of improving the performance of gliders. The German government was funding glider clubs at the time because production of military and even motorized aircraft was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I. The flying wing layout removes any "unneeded" surfaces and, in theory at least, leads to the lowest possible drag. A wing-only configuration allows for a similarly performing glider with wings that are shorter and thus sturdier, and without the added drag of the fuselage. The result was the Horten H.IV.
In 1943, Reichsmarschall Göring issued a request for design proposals to produce a bomber that was capable of carrying a 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) load over 1,000 km (620 mi) at 1,000 km/h (620 mph); the so called "3 X 1000 project". Conventional German bombers could reach Allied command centers in Great Britain, but were suffering devastating losses from Allied fighters. At the time, there was no way to meet these goals — the new Junkers Jumo 004B turbojets could provide the required speed, but had excessive fuel consumption.
The Hortens concluded that the low-drag flying wing design could meet all of the goals: by reducing the drag, cruise power could be lowered to the point where the range requirement could be met. They put forward their private project, the H.IX, as the basis for the bomber. The Government Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium) approved the Horten proposal, but ordered the addition of two 30 mm cannons, as they felt the aircraft would also be useful as a fighter due to its estimated top speed being significantly higher than that of any Allied aircraft.
The H.IX was of mixed construction, with the center pod made from welded steel tubing and wing spars built from wood. The wings were made from two thin, carbon-impregnated plywood panels glued together with a charcoal and sawdust mixture. The wing had a single main spar, penetrated by the jet engine inlets, and a secondary spar used for attaching the elevons. It was designed with a 7g load factor and a 1.8x safety rating; therefore, the aircraft had a 12.6g ultimate load rating. The wing's chord/thickness ratio ranged from 15% at the root to 8% at the wingtips.[1]
Control was achieved with elevons and spoilers. The control system included both long span (inboard) and short span (outboard) spoilers, with the smaller outboard spoilers activated first. This system gave a smoother and more graceful control of yaw than would a single spoiler system.[1]
The aircraft utilized retractable tricycle landing gear, with the nosegear on the first two prototypes sourced from a He 177's tailwheel system. A drogue parachute slowed the aircraft upon landing. The pilot sat on a primitive ejection seat. It was originally designed for the BMW 003 jet engine, but that engine was not quite ready and the Junkers Jumo 004 engine was substituted.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... rawing.jpg

General characteristics
• Crew: 1
• Length: 7.47 m (24 ft 6 in)
• Wingspan: 16.76 m (55 ft 0 in)
• Height: 2.81 m (9 ft 2 in)
• Wing area: 50.20 m² (540.35 ft²)
• Empty weight: 4,600 kg (10,141 lb)
• Loaded weight: 6,912 kg (15,238 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 8,100 kg (17,857 lb)
• Powerplant: 2× Junkers Jumo 004B turbojet, 8.7 kN (1,956 lbf) each
• Maximum speed: Mach 0.92, 977 km/h (607 mph) at 12,000 m (39,370 ft)
• Combat radius: 1,000 km (620 mi)
• Ferry range: 1,900 km (1,180 mi)
• Service ceiling: 16,000 m (52,000 ft)
• Rate of climb: 22 m/s (4,330 ft/min)
• Wing loading: 137.7 kg/m² (28.2 lb/ft²)
• Thrust/weight: 0.26
• Guns: 2 × 30 mm MK 108 cannon
• Rockets: R4M rockets
Bombs: 2 × 500 kg (1

Nose/Cockpit 180
Main Body/fuselage 250
Wings 200each
Engine 100 (2)

Weapon systems
auto cannon (x4)
20 mm auto cannon (x4)
L.E. Round
Damage : 20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) single shot or 6d6 dual shot only
H.E. Round
20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20) single shot or1d4x10 dual shot only
Range direct 800 feet, deflection shot fire 2000 feet
R.O.F: single shot or dual shot only
Payload: 300 rounds
30mm auto cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 2 miles

30 mm auto cannon

H.E.A.P only
Damage : 30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D ,
Range direct 1000 feet, deflection shot fire 4000 feet
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet
Rocket (replace with mini –missiles) note natural stealth due to design -20 to detect

Radar - Range of 40 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 20 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 48
Targeting Computer: +2 strike
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems

P -51 The North American Aviation

P -51 The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang was an American long-range single-seat World War II fighter aircraft. Designed and built in just 117 days to a specification issued to NAA by the British Purchasing Commission, the Mustang first flew in Royal Air Force (RAF) service as a fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft before conversion to a bomber escort, employed in raids over Germany, helping ensure Allied air superiority from early 1944.[2] The P-51 was in service with Allied air forces in Europe and also saw limited service against the Japanese in the Pacific War. At the start of Korean War the Mustang was the United Nations' main fighter but the role was quickly shouldered by jet fighters, including the F-86, after which the Mustang became a specialised ground-attack fighter-bomber. In spite of being superseded by jet fighters the Mustang remained in service with some air forces until the early 1980s.
As well as being economical to produce, the Mustang was a fast, well-made, and highly durable aircraft. The definitive version, the P-51D, was powered by the Packard V-1650, a two-stage two-speed supercharged version of the legendary Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, and was armed with six .50 caliber (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine guns.
After World War II and the Korean War, many Mustangs were converted for civilian use, especially air racing. The Mustang's reputation was such that, in the mid-1960s, Ford Motor Company's Designer John Najjar proposed a new youth-oriented coupe automobile be named after the fighter.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... /Bott4.jpg

General characteristics
• Crew: 1
• Length: 32 ft 3 in (9.83 m)
• Wingspan: 37 ft 0 in (11.28 m)
• Height: 13 ft 4½ in (4.08 m:tail wheel on ground, vertical propeller blade.)
• Wing area: 235 ft² (21.83 m²)
• Empty weight: 7,635 lb (3,465 kg)
• Loaded weight: 9,200 lb (4,175 kg)
• Max takeoff weight: 12,100 lb (5,490 kg)
• Powerplant: 1× Packard V-1650-7 liquid-cooled supercharged V-12, 1,490 hp (1,111 kW) at 3,000 rpm;[118] 1,720 hp (1,282 kW) at WEP
• Zero-lift drag coefficient: 0.0163
• Drag area: 3.80 ft² (0.35 m²)
• Aspect ratio: 5.83
• Maximum speed: 437 mph (703 km/h) at 25,000 ft (7,600 m)
• Cruise speed: 362 mph (580 km/h)
• Stall speed: 100 mph (160 km/h)
• Range: 1,650 mi (2,755 km) with external tanks
• Service ceiling: 41,900 ft (12,800 m)
• Rate of climb: 3,200 ft/min (16.3 m/s)
• Wing loading: 39 lb/ft² (192 kg/m²)
• Power/mass: 0.18 hp/lb (300 W/kg)
• Lift-to-drag ratio: 14.6
• Recommended Mach limit 0.8
• 6× 0.50 caliber (12.7mm) M2 Browning machine guns with 1,880 total rounds (400 rounds for each on the inner pair, and 270 rounds for each of the outer two pair)
• 2× hardpoints for up to 2,000 lb (907 kg) of bombs
• 6 or 10× T64 5.0 in (127 mm) H.V.A.R rockets (P-51D-25, P-51K-10 on)[nb 15]

• Maximum speed: 487 mph (784 km/h) at 25,000 ft (7,600 m)
• Range: 1,160 mi (1,865 km) with external tanks
• Service ceiling: 41,600 ft (12,700 m)
• Rate of climb: 3,300 ft/min (16.8 m/s)
• Wing loading: 40.4 lb/ft² (197.4 kg/m²)
• Power/mass: 0.23 hp/lb (385 W/kg)
• 6× 0.50 inch (12.7mm) M2 Browning machine guns with 1,880 total rounds (400 rounds for each on the inner pair, and 270 rounds for each of the outer two pair), or 4 of the same guns with 1,600 total rounds (400 rpg)
Rifts P-51
MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 100
Main Body/fuselage 140
Wings (2) 75 each
Tailplanes (2) 55 each
Engine 100 (1)

Weapon systems

.50 calibers(x6) machine gun
Damage: 5d4 short burst (5 rounds)only all six firing 2d6x10
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: 2400 rounds or 400 rounds per machine gun
NOTE can add four more .50 calibers machine gun in fuselage 400 rounds per machine gun vthat would be 5d4x10 ,
NOTE +15 piloting, +1 dodge

Radar - Range of 40 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 20 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 48
Targeting Computer: +2 strike
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems

Piper PA-48 Enforcer

The Piper PA-48 Enforcer is a turboprop powered light close air support/ground-attack aircraft built by Piper Aircraft Corp. Lakeland, Florida. It was the ultimate development of the original World War II North American P-51 Mustang. The Enforcer concept was originally created and flown by David Lindsay, owner of Cavalier Aircraft, in response to the United States Air Force PAVE COIN program, but Cavalier did not have the political clout or manufacturing abilities to mass-produce the Enforcer, so the program was sold to Piper by Lindsay in 1970.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... r_USAF.jpg

in 1968, Cavalier Aircraft owner/founder David Lindsay began developing a highly modified version of the Cavalier Mustang for use as a counterinsurgency aircraft. Cavalier initially mated a Rolls-Royce Dart 510 turboprop to a Mustang II airframe. This privately-funded prototype was also intended for the same CAS/COIN mission that the Mustang II was built for. The Turbo Mustang III had radically increased performance, along with an associated increase in payload and decrease in cost of maintenance, and was equipped with Bristol ceramic armour to protect the engine, airframe and pilot. Despite numerous sales pitches to the US Air Force, neither the US military nor any foreign operators purchased the Turbo Mustang III.
Seeking a company with mass production capability, the Turbo Mustang III, renamed the "Enforcer," was sold to Piper Aircraft in late 1970. Cavalier closed up shop in 1971 so the founder/owner, David Lindsay, could help continue develop the Enforcer concept with Piper. Piper was able to lease a Lycoming T-55L-9 engine from the USAF (the engine Lindsay wanted initially) and flew the aircraft some 200+ hours. In 1984 with a $US12 million appropriation from Congress, Piper built two new Enforcers, giving the new prototypes the designation PA-48. These aircraft were evaluated by the USAF, but flown only by Piper test pilots.
In 1971, Piper built two Enforcers by heavily modifying two existing Mustang airframes, fitting them with Lycoming YT55-L-9A turboprop engines along with numerous other significant modifications. One airframe was a single seat (called the PE-1 and FAA registered as N201PE), the other a dual-control aircraft (the PE-2, registered N202PE). Prior to the Pave COIN evaluation, N202PE was lost in a crash off the Florida Coast on 12 July 1971 due to flutter caused by a Piper-modified elevator trim tab. Although the Enforcer performed well in the Pave COIN test flown by USAF pilots, Piper failed to secure an Air Force contract.

Specifications (PA-48)
General characteristics
• Crew: One
• Length: 34 ft 2 in (10.40 m)
• Wingspan: 41 ft 4 in (12.60 m)
• Height: 13 ft 1 in (4.00 m)
• Wing area: 408 ft² (37.9 m²)
• Empty weight: lb (kg)
• Loaded weight: 14,000 lb (6,350 kg)
• Powerplant: 1× Lycoming YT55-L-9 turboprop, 2,455 shp (1,831 kW)
• Maximum speed: 405 mph (650 km/h)
• Range: 920 miles (1,480 km)
• Service ceiling: 37,600 ft (11,465 m)
• Rate of climb: 5000ft/min (m/s)
• Wing loading: 34 lb/ft² (167 kg/m²)
• Power/mass: 0.18 hp/lb (0.29 kW/kg)
• Ten underwing hardpoints for a variety of stores. Optional six .50 M2/M3 machine guns
Rifts Piper PA-48 Enforcer

MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 120
Main Body/fuselage 150
Wings (2) 75 each
Tailplanes (2) 55 each
Engine 100 (1)
Propeller (4) 20 each

Weapon systems

.50 calibers(x6 to 10 ) machine gun
Damage: 5d4 short burst (5 rounds)only all six firing 2d6x10
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: 2400 rounds or 400 rounds per machine gun
NOTE can add four more .50 calibers machine gun in fuselage 400 rounds per machine gun vthat would be 5d4x10 ,
NOTE +15 piloting, +1 dodge

Weapon systems (10)
Ten under wing hard points
Can be 50 calibers machine gun as above!! Or
One short range missiles /bomb/ per hard points
Or 8 mini-missile pod per hard points

Radar - Range of 40 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 20 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 48
Targeting Computer: +2 strike
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems

North American F-82 Twin Mustang

The North American F-82 Twin Mustang was the last American piston-engine fighter ordered into production by the United States Air Force. Based on the P-51 Mustang, the F-82 was originally designed as a long-range escort fighter in World War II, however the war ended well before the first production units were operational, so its postwar role changed to that of night-fighting. Radar-equipped F-82s were used extensively by the Air Defense Command as replacements for the P-61 Black Widow night fighter. During the Korean War, Japanese-based F-82s were among the first USAF aircraft to operate over Korea. The first three North Korean aircraft destroyed by U.S. forces were shot down by F-82s, the first being a North-Korean Yak-11 downed over Gimpo by the USAF 68th Fighter Squadron.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ustang.jpg

initially intended as a very long-range (VLR) escort fighter, the F-82 was designed to escort B-29 Superfortress bombers on missions exceeding 2,000 mi (3,219 km) from the Solomons or Philippines to Tokyo, missions beyond the range of the P-38 Lightning and conventional P-51 Mustangs. Such missions were part of the planned U.S. invasion of the Japanese home islands, which was forestalled by the surrender of Japan days after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
n October 1943, the North American Aircraft design team began work on a fighter design that could travel over 2,000 mi (3,219 km) without refueling. It consisted of a two-fuselage design, somewhat similar to the experimental German Messerschmitt Bf 109Z "Zwilling". Although based on the lightweight experimental XP-51F, which would later become the P-51H Mustang, it was actually an entirely new design. North American Design Chief Edgar Schmued incorporated two P-51H Mustang fuselages lengthened by the addition of a 57 in (145 cm) fuselage plug located behind the cockpit where additional fuel tanks and equipment could be installed. These were mounted to a newly designed center wing section containing the same six .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine guns as a single-engine Mustang, but with more concentrated fire. The outer wings were strengthened to allow the addition of hard points for carrying additional fuel or 1,000 lb (454 kg) of ordnance. The two vertical tails were also from the XP-51F, but incorporated large dorsal fillets for added stability in case of an engine failure. The aircraft had a standard landing gear with both wheels retracting into bays under each fuselage center section.
The XP-82 was to be powered by two Packard-built Rolls-Royce V-1650 Merlin engines. Initially, the left engine was a V-1650-23 with a gear reduction box to allow the left propeller to turn opposite to the right propeller, which was driven by the more conventional V-1650-25. In this arrangement both propellers would turn upward as they approached the center wing, which in theory would have allowed better single-engine control. This proved not to be the case when the aircraft refused to become airborne during its first flight attempt. After a month of work North American engineers finally discovered that rotating the propellers to meet in the center on their upward turn created sufficient drag to cancel out all lift from the center wing section, one quarter of the aircraft's total wing surface area. The engines and propellers were then exchanged, with their rotation meeting on the downward turn, and the problem was fully solved. The first XP-82 prototype (44-83886) was completed on 25 May 1945, and made the type's first successful flight on 26 June 1945. This aircraft was accepted by the Army Air Force on 30 August 1945. AAF officials were so impressed by the aircraft while still in development that they ordered the first production P-82Bs in March 1945, fully three months before the aircraft's first flight.

Prototype XP-82s, P-82Bs and P-82Es retained both fully equipped cockpits so that pilots could fly the aircraft from either position, alternating control on long flights, while later night fighter versions kept the cockpit on the left side only, placing the radar operator in the right position.
Although some P-82B airframes were completed before the end of World War II, most remained at the North American factory in California waiting for engines until 1946. As a result, none saw service during the war.
Like the P-51 Mustang, the first two prototype XP-82s, as well as the next 20 P-82B models were powered by British-designed Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, built under license by Packard. These provided the fighter with excellent range and performance, however, the Army had always wanted to give the Twin Mustang a purely American and stronger engine than the foreign-designed P-51's V-1650 (built at Packard plants, dismantled after the war). In addition, the licensing costs paid to Rolls-Royce for each V-1650 were being increased by Britain after the war. It therefore negotiated in August 1945 with the Allison Division of the General Motors Corporation for a new version of the Allison V-1710-100 engine.[1] This forced North American to switch subsequent production P-82C and later models to the lower-powered engines. It was found that Allison-powered P-82 models demonstrated a lower top speed and poorer high-altitude performance than the earlier Merlin-powered versions. The earlier P-82B models were designated as trainers, while the "C" and later models were employed as fighters, making the P-82 one of the few aircraft in U.S. military history to be faster in its trainer version than the fighter version.

On 27 February 1947, a P-82B 44-65168 named Betty Jo and flown by Colonel Robert E. Thacker made history when it flew nonstop from Hawaii to New York without refueling, a distance of 5,051 mi (8,129 km) in 14 hr 32 min (347.5 mph/559.2 km/h). This flight tested the P-82's range. The aircraft carried a full internal fuel tank of 576 gal (2,180 l), augmented by four 310 gal (1,173 l) tanks for a total of 1,816 gal (6,874 l). Also, Colonel Thacker forgot to drop three of his external tanks when their fuel was expended, landing with them in New York.[2]
To this day, it remains the longest nonstop flight ever made by a propeller-driven fighter, and the fastest such a distance has ever been covered in a piston-engined aircraft (the record for the longest unrefueled flight by a propeller-driven aircraft of any type is held by the Rutan Voyager). The aircraft chosen was an earlier "B" model powered by Rolls-Royce Merlin engines (see "Survivors" below).

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... tang_1.jpg

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... tang_1.jpg
General characteristics
• Crew: 2
• Length: 42 ft 9 in (12.93 m)
• Wingspan: 51 ft 3 in (15.62 m)
• Height: 13 ft 10 in (4.22 m)
• Wing area: 408 ft² (37.90 m²)
• Empty weight: 15,997 lb (7,271 kg)
• Max takeoff weight: 25,591 lb (11,632 kg)
• Powerplant: 2× Allison V-1710-143/145 counter-rotating liquid-cooled V12 engines, 1,380 hp takeoff (1,029 kW each) each
• Maximum speed: 482 mph (400 kn, 740 km/h) at 21,000 ft (6,400 m)
• Range: 2,350 mi (1,950 nmi, 3,605 km)
• Service ceiling: 38,900 ft (11,855 m)
• Guns: 6 × .50 in (12.7 mm) Browning M2 machine guns
• Rockets: 25 × 5 in (127 mm) rockets
• Bombs: 4,000 lb (1,800 kg)

Rifts North American F-82 Twin Mustang
Rifts Piper PA-48 Enforcer

MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 120 each
Main Body/fuselage 190 each
Wings (2) 100 each
Tailplanes (2) 60 each
Engine 150 (1) each
Midsection 250
Propeller (4) 20 each

Weapon systems

.50 calibers(x6 to 10 ) machine gun
Damage: 5d4 short burst (5 rounds)only all six firing 2d6x10
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: 2400 rounds or 400 rounds per machine gun
NOTE can add four more .50 calibers machine gun in fuselage 400 rounds per machine gun that would be 5d4x10,
NOTE +15 piloting, +1 dodge

Weapon systems (18)
Ten under wing hard points
Can be 50 calibers machine gun as above!! Or
One Medium / short range missiles /bomb/ per hard points
Or 8 mini-missile pod per hard points

Radar - Range of 40 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 20 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 48
Targeting Computer: +2 strike
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II

look at Rifts – Merctown page 144

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II[1][2] is a tandem two-seat, twin-engined, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor fighter/fighter-bomber originally developed for the United States Navy by McDonnell Aircraft.[2] It first entered service in 1960 with the U.S. Navy. Proving highly adaptable, it was also adopted by the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Air Force, and by the mid-1960s had became a major part of their respective air wings.[3]
The Phantom is a large fighter with a top speed of over Mach 2. It can carry over 18,000 pounds (8,400 kg) of weapons on nine external hardpoints, including air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, and various bombs. The F-4, like other interceptors of its time, was designed without an internal cannon, but later models incorporated a M61 Vulcan rotary cannon. Beginning in 1959, it set 15 world records,[4] including an absolute speed record, and an absolute altitude record.[5]
The F-4 was used extensively by these three U.S. services during the Vietnam War, serving as the principal air superiority fighter for both the Navy and Air Force, as well as being important in the ground-attack and reconnaissance roles by the close of U.S. involvement in the war.[3] The Phantom has the distinction of being the last U.S. fighter flown to attain ace status in the 20th century. During the Vietnam War, the USAF had one pilot and two WSOs,[6] and the US Navy one pilot and one RIO, become aces in air-to-air combat.[7] It continued to form a major part of U.S. military air power throughout the 1970s and 1980s, being gradually replaced by more modern aircraft such as the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon in the U.S. Air Force; the F-14 Tomcat and F/A-18 Hornet in the U.S. Navy; and the F/A-18 in the U.S. Marine Corps.
The F-4 Phantom II remained in use by the U.S. in the reconnaissance and Wild Weasel (suppression of enemy air defenses) roles in the 1991 Gulf War, finally leaving service in 1996.[8][9] It was also the only aircraft used by both U.S. flight demonstration teams: the USAF Thunderbirds (F-4E) and the US Navy Blue Angels (F-4J).[3][10][11] The F-4 was also operated by the armed forces of 11 other nations. Israeli Phantoms saw extensive combat in several Arab–Israeli conflicts, while Iran used its large fleet of Phantoms in the Iran–Iraq War. Phantoms remain in front line service with seven countries, and in use as an unmanned target in the U.S. Air Force.[12] Phantom production ran from 1958 to 1981, with a total of 5,195 built, making it the most numerous American supersonic military aircraft.[3][13]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 4_1968.jpg

In 1952, McDonnell's Chief of Aerodynamics, Dave Lewis, was appointed by CEO Jim McDonnell to be the company’s Preliminary Design Manager.[14] With no new aircraft competitions on the horizon, internal studies concluded the Navy had the greatest need for a new and different aircraft type: an attack fighter.[15]
In 1953, McDonnell Aircraft began work on revising its F3H Demon naval fighter, seeking expanded capabilities and better performance. The company developed several projects including a variant powered by a Wright J67 engine,[16] and variants powered by two Wright J65 engines, or two General Electric J79 engines.[17] The J79-powered version promised a top speed of Mach 1.97. On 19 September 1953, McDonnell approached the United States Navy with a proposal for the "Super Demon". Uniquely, the aircraft was to be modular—it could be fitted with one- or two-seat noses for different missions, with different nose cones to accommodate radar, photo cameras, four 20 mm (.79 in) cannon, or 56 FFAR unguided rockets in addition to the nine hardpoints under the wings and the fuselage. The Navy was sufficiently interested to order a full-scale mock-up of the F3H-G/H, but felt that the upcoming Grumman XF9F-9 and Vought XF8U-1 already satisfied the need for the supersonic fighter.[18]
The McDonnell design was therefore reworked into an all-weather fighter-bomber with 11 external hardpoints for weapons and on 18 October 1954, the company received a letter of intent for two YAH-1 prototypes. On 26 May 1955, four Navy officers arrived at the McDonnell offices and, within an hour, presented the company with an entirely new set of requirements. Because the Navy already had the A-4 Skyhawk for ground attack and F-8 Crusader for dogfighting, the project now had to fulfill the need for an all-weather fleet defense interceptor. A second crewman was added to operate the powerful radar


The Phantom gathered a number of nicknames during its career. Some of these names included "Rhino", "Double Ugly",[100] the "Flying Anvil", "Flying Footlocker", "Flying Brick", "Lead Sled", the "Big Iron Sled" and the "St. Louis Slugger".[101] In recognition of its record of downing large numbers of Soviet-built MiGs,[102] it was called the "World’s Leading Distributor of MiG Parts".[100] As a reflection of excellent performance in spite of its bulk, the F-4 was dubbed "the triumph of thrust over aerodynamics."[103] German Luftwaffe crews called their F-4s the Eisenschwein ("Iron Pig"), Fliegender Ziegelstein ("Flying Brick") and Luftverteidigungsdiesel ("Air Defense Diesel").[104]
Imitating the spelling of the aircraft’s name, McDonnell issued a series of patches. Pilots became "Phantom Phlyers", backseaters became "Phantom Pherrets", fans of the F-4 "Phantom Phanatics", and call it the "Phabulous Phantom". Ground crewmen who worked on the aircraft are known as "Phantom Phixers".[3]

General characteristics
• Crew: 2
• Length: 63 ft 0 in (19.2 m)
• Wingspan: 38 ft 4.5 in (11.7 m)
• Height: 16 ft 6 in (5.0 m)
• Wing area: 530.0 ft² (49.2 m²)
• Airfoil: NACA 0006.4-64 root, NACA 0003-64 tip
• Empty weight: 30,328 lb (13,757 kg)
• Loaded weight: 41,500 lb (18,825 kg)
• Max takeoff weight: 61,795 lb (28,030 kg)
• Powerplant: 2× General Electric J79-GE-17A axial compressor turbojets, 17,845 lbf (79.4 kN) each
• Zero-lift drag coefficient: 0.0224
• Drag area: 11.87 ft² (1.10 m²)
• Aspect ratio: 2.77
• Fuel capacity: 1,994 U.S. gal (7,549 L) internal, 3,335 U.S. gal (12,627 L) with three external tanks (370 U.S. gal (1,420 L) tanks on the outer wing hardpoints and either a 600 or 610 U.S. gal (2,310 or 2,345 L) tank for the centerline station).
• Maximum landing weight: 36,831 lb (16,706 kg)
• Maximum speed: Mach 2.23 (1,472 mph, 2,370 km/h) at 40,000 ft (12,190 m)
• Cruise speed: 506 kn (585 mph, 940 km/h)
• Combat radius: 367 nmi (422 mi, 680 km)
• Ferry range: 1,403 nmi (1,615 mi, 2,600 km) with 3 external fuel tanks
• Service ceiling: 60,000 ft (18,300 m)
• Rate of climb: 41,300 ft/min (210 m/s)
• Wing loading: 78 lb/ft² (383 kg/m²)
• lift-to-drag: 8.58
• Thrust/weight: 0.86 at loaded weight, 0.58 at MTOW
• Takeoff roll: 4,490 ft (1,370 m) at 53,814 lb (24,410 kg)
• Landing roll: 3,680 ft (1,120 m) at 36,831 lb (16,706 kg)
• Up to 18,650 lb (8,480 kg) of weapons on nine external hardpoints, including general purpose bombs, cluster bombs, TV- and laser-guided bombs, rocket pods (UK Phantoms 6 × Matra rocket pods with 18 × SNEB 68 mm rockets each), air-to-ground missiles, anti-runway weapons, anti-ship missiles, targeting pods, reconnaissance pods, and nuclear weapons. Baggage pods and external fuel tanks may also be carried.
• 4× AIM-7 Sparrow in fuselage recesses plus 4 × AIM-9 Sidewinders on wing pylons; upgraded Hellenic F-4E and German F-4F ICE carry AIM-120 AMRAAM, Japanese F-4EJ Kai carry AAM-3, Hellenic F-4E will carry IRIS-T in future. Iranian F-4s could potentially carry Russian and Chinese missiles. UK Phantoms carried Skyflash missiles[113]
• 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61 Vulcan 6-barreled gatling cannon, 640 rounds
• 4× AIM-9 Sidewinder, Python-3 (F-4 Kurnass 2000), IRIS-T (F-4E AUP Hellenic Air Force)
• 4× AIM-7 Sparrow, AAM-3(F-4EJ Kai)
• 4× AIM-120 AMRAAM for F-4F ICE, F-4E AUP (Hellenic Air Force)
• 6× AGM-65 Maverick
• 4× AGM-62 Walleye
• 4× AGM-45 Shrike, AGM-88 HARM, AGM-78 Standard ARM
• 4× GBU-15
• 18× Mk.82, GBU-12
• 5× Mk.84, GBU-10, GBU-14
• 18× CBU-87, CBU-89, CBU-58

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... TOM_II.png

M.D.C F-4 The Phantom, shared by Air Superiority and N.A.AT
Crew 1 for Air Superiority Inc, N.A.AT Crew 2
M.D.C By Location
Nose/Cockpit 180
Main Body/fuselage 275
Wings (2) 100 each
Tailplanes (2) 75 each

Weapon Type
30mm auto cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-armour
Range – 2 miles
Damage –
H.E.A.P only
30 MM -5d6 M.D single shot or three round burst 2d4x10 +10 M.D , six round burst 3d6x10 M.D
Rate Of Fire - equal to gunners attacks
Payload - 1200 rounds
Bonuses - +1 strike under 1000 feet, +4 at 2001 feet

9 external hard points
Payload per hard points – 3 long range missiles, or 9 medium range or 20 short range missiles, 24 mini missiles pod

Radar - Range of 300 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 100 miles
Chaff/Flare Dispensers payload 100
Targeting Computer: +2 strike add to weapons systems
Combat Computer: +1 strike
Ejection Systems
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Re: N.A.AT

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Zer0 Kay wrote:Don't you think that all tanks made in the GA would be autoloaders?

no it must say it or player must install it the systems or so company which there are many in America
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by taalismn »

Is it really necessary to cut and paste entire chunks of the historical aircraft/vehicle description from other sources, instead of of simply writing your own capsule summary of the important parts...like the vehicle, when it was made, who made it, who used it, a few interesting features(maybe a brief physical description), and why it was important enough that some post-Rifts company decided to make an updated copy of it?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:Is it really necessary to cut and paste entire chunks of the historical aircraft/vehicle description from other sources, instead of of simply writing your own capsule summary of the important parts...like the vehicle, when it was made, who made it, who used it, a few interesting features(maybe a brief physical description), and why it was important enough that some post-Rifts company decided to make an updated copy of it?

thank you so much will try to add this bit of Info
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

N A AT Elites Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite, or ACE robot pilots
N.A.A.T Elite’s Robot Pilots AKA THE EliteS, or ACE robot pilots
Type: man at arm
Setting: rifts earth and phase world
Many Mercenaries said it was a myth, to the coalition it was a joke. But that all changed in the North American war called the coalition wars changed all that, and there attacks are to be afraid of. They have seen to attack up three targets, there tactics are simple hit two targeted with gun or beam combine as welled, while waiting to hit the third target with missiles systems with mini-missiles , short range missiles , medium range missiles to long range missiles. When first seem in action it made many mercenaries to coalition Robot pilots to see then as special forces /anti amour / robot fighter .That was a mouth full , and frozen many pilots know that fight to the end , this was a terror to any with heavy Mecha weapons , robots , power amour even techno – wizards are afraid in combat. But something was also learn the hard way ,they will fight in groups of three to six and when their target is disable , or surrender , they go to the next target. Many are learn by the barrel of a gun or rail gun there several types of robot elites fight in that area ( which is to late by that time). They will take any advantage in the fog of war, even if cost there lives. They have taken target more powerful like dragons, to large mercenaries company and have come on alive (but heavy damage). Something that is common to the Robot Elite’s Pilots is that they don’t show of or get cocky disposition. They will act like a regular robot pilot, and will only show what the do in combat. They saying is” action specks louder than words” and keep there principles. This has confuse many robot pilots, they are tough but are gentleman at all times, and something different from other man at arm they dress very well and have been identify for there well matter and dress very well which has help their appearance and other situation.
Which help talking with the opposite sex or making deals or getting the contracts

General skills
Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
O.C.C skills add 1d4x10% one time only
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
Radio basic 45%+5%
Navigation: Land, Air, Water 40%+5% per level
Weapon systems 40%+5% per level
Sensory Equipment 30%+5%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Hand to hand expert

M.O.S ground robot only very common
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pick one below
Pilot pick 4 ground mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot combat basic for any flying robot other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pilot pick 4 flying mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot ground combat basic (flying only) other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

M.O.S ground robot only very common
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pick one below
Pilot pick 4 ground mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot combat basic for any flying robot other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pilot pick 4 flying mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot ground combat basic (flying only) other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

Pick one MOS Roll one time 4d6% add for MOS

M.O.S Air very common
Pilot 3 flying mecha (single seater) any fly robot combat elite pick two any land vehicles
Robot combat basic (land only) other type
Robot combat flying Robot elite
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

M.O.S space for rifts space or Phase world
Pilot 3 flying mecha (single seater) any fly robot combat elite pick two any land vehicles
Robot combat basic (land only) other type
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons
zero G combat

M.O.S Sea Rift under the sea or south America ,rifts Japan ,few in North American
Pilot 2 sea mecha (single seater) all robot combat elite
pick one Robot combat basic (land only) other type or Robot combat basic (land only) other type
zero G combat
Swimming 50%+5% per level
SCUBA 50%+5% per level
W.P harpoon & Spear Gun
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol

M.O.S Giant/heavy for Phase world/ OR NGR ,coalition
Pilot 1 OR 2 (G.M CHOICE) giant/ robot combat elite
Pick one Robot combat basic (land only) other type or Robot combat basic (land only) other type man size for both
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapon

O.C.C related skills 6 and add 1 at level 3,6,8,10,15 (ADD 5d6%)

Communications: any +15%
Cowboy: general only +15% land or air only
Domestic: any
Electrical: None
Espionage: any
Mechanical: any
Medical: None
Military: any
Physical: any
Pilot: by MOS only, any conventional only
Pilot Related: any
Rogue: any
Science: None
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: MOS land or MOS air are allowed
Secondary Skills 4

• NOTE All get the following :Modify there Mecha(s)/robot(s) if they don’t have a weapon system on both sides in forearms , shoulder and hips, or backs as well in wing add 100 M.D.C to 200M.D.C To Main body and to arms , legs ,head, and to reinforce cockpit compartment and to main wings ( fins)100 M.D.C plus 30 % to all M.D.C locations,plus add a NGR force field of 100 M.D.C recover in 24 hour if depleted ,if not depleted recovers 10 MDC PER 30 minutes
• Abilities All get the following: if they stay in their filed of MOS and have to pilot a robot different, they get only +1 to all and weapons training. However if get on air to ground MOS they-3 to all .they will not black out, get dizzy, or loss sense of direction (where up or down).Immune to all type unknown mecha or techno mecha related. Will any do thing to improved combat abilities even use magic up gear add on and know latest mecha in their field of MOS. They also get the following. Each M.O.S get certain abilities which is as follows. Must have a cider jack to do the following
• Abilities All get the following: Add+ 2to P.P, P.S, P.E, M.E, All get the following (this is their trade mark) able to attack two targets and a third target in one attack. this how it work any weapon system that is direct line of sight can fire at tow different at the same time but divided it strike rolls, the third attack comes from in direct attacks it missiles systems lock on to the third target no penalties on the (that why no one wants to be last) add 2 attacks .and a horror factor /awe 8 add 1 level 3, 6, 9, 12, at level 15 add 1d4+1 who know what he is N.A.A.T Robot Elite’s Pilots .
• Abilities All get the following: able shoot rail gun or any projectile at 50% furthered and missiles only
• Abilities All get the following: Battle rage add another +2 attacks , strike (all type),add +1d4+1 to horror factor , -2 to dodge , roll ,parry, add speed to Mecha 50% for 1d20 minutes , Add Mecha take 2d4x10 damages to legs for non flying Mecha , for flying or sea Mecha damage does to propulsion systems
• M.O.S ground robot / M.O.S ground robot only Add +2 strikes or parry, can make power Amour move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs, due to push mecha beyond it limits
• M.O.S Air /light the face saying “death from above “ if shooting at the head add +3 to strike or on call shots add+2, add +2 to dodge in the air only, if pilot has a P.P 19 or higher they + 2 auto dodge and any other add Bounces ,make surprises attack from they air +3 initiative( must be declared buy player) can make power Amour move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs ,due to push mecha beyond it limits
• M.O.S Sea Add +2 strike or parry, can make power move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs and flight engines systems due to push mecha beyond it limits , sea attack up and go back in the water must have at least 12 feet deep+3 to strike or on a call shots add+2, if pilot has a P.P 19 or higher they + 2 auto dodge add Bonus must be in the water ,make surprises attack from they sea +3 initiative( must be declared buy player),

equipment varies with location , they always have a second unit ready in time of peace,but in military operation they have 1d4+1 ready go
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Rifts co-pilots OCC
They are the unsung heroes for the last 10 to 90 years .they are specialist as back –up pilots or sensory pilots. Rifts co pilot’s are not all equals but are good in what they do. No one knows where they came from but they have been useful since any can remember and they the unseen for a long time in North America, but that change recently with the coalition wars. It was a dark moment where Pilots were need badly in both fronts, for Rifts co pilots OCC it a time to rejoice in combat to help in an area that many were unseen. They became useful in both sides of the war. The need for a Rifts co pilots OCC to help pilot land, air, sea (well in river really) they are happy to for a good pay of course. On the coalition front they help pilots and support crews for payment and to get a job or various reasons and on the Tolkien for the money or gloried or were anti-coalition reasons they came to help even if they were familiar with magic (still they did pretty well which impress many on both sides during the war).Like rift tank operators they were good in what they did and stuck with it till the very end. In Europe /NGR are the most demanding OCC needed, and the most respected in Europe. During the war they have fallen in three areas of expertise communication Specialist, or pilot’s specialist or General Copilot class. In the North America they became well known in the coalition wars in both sides of the war and this has sharpened their skills (those that survive the war). They specialize in what they do. They were unknown until the coalition wars broke out in North America. Some say that they belong to the U.S.A Empire Military, co-pilots of the old and have survived somehow, but no one really knows. However they are known to watch the pilots back when they go to combat or type of missions. Because Rifts co-pilots varies greatly in what do. Rifts co pilots have become a specialist in that area; still not all Rifts co-pilots are the same which is why they stick to what they know best. In reality this OCC came directly from the old USA empire military forces of the air force support personal and /or assist pilots in military jet fighters, hovercrafts, and gunship support. The coalition is very worry with all these pilots that are coming out from all major cities / Mercenary Company which are better than the coalition pilots with the right hardware.

Rifts Copilot class O.C.C Related all get the following
Attribute Requirements: 10 Higher in P.S, P.E, and M.E add 1d4x10% +10
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Physical labor
W.P Heavy military weapons
W.P Heavy M.C weapons
W.P Energy pistol
W.P pistol
Imitate Voice/sound 42%+2/36%+4 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Language Native 88%+1 per level
Mathematics: Basic & Advanced 45%+5% per level
Hand to Hand: Basic only no upgrade

Pick one M.O.S
M.O.S #1 COPILOT COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST Note: add 1d4x10% +10 to skill, pick one
PLIOT 1D4 (no robot or power amour type or Mecha)
M.O.S #2 COPILOT SPECIALISTS Note: add 1d4x10% +10 to skill pick
PICK 1D4+3 IN PILOT (giant size or two to pilot Mecha)
Pick one M.O.S
M.O.S#3 GENERAL Copilot class Note: add 1d4x10% +10
Radio: Basic 45 %+5 per level
Navigation: Air, Land, Water 40% +5 % per level
Electronic Countermeasures30%+5% per level
Cryptography25% +5% per level
Laser communications 30 %+5% per level
Sensory equipment 30 %+5% per level
TV/Video 25%+5% per level
Surveillance 30%+5 % per level
Imitate Voice/sound 42%+2/36%+4 per level

Note pick one from numbers 1 to 5

1. Any flying Vehicles, pick only 1D4+3 Military add skills Parachuting for Military air Vehicles only
2. Ground Vehicles, pick only 1D4 Military add skills trap/mine detection add1d4x10+5%
3. Sea Vehicles only pick only 1D4 Military add swimming add SCUBA skills
4. Robot & power armor pick only 1D4 Military 1D4 Giant size Elites
5. all hovercrafts pick either skill from #2 or #3

OCC related skills 4 other skills and one(1) 3,6,9,11 and ADD 5d4%+10%
Communications: Any (+5)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: O.C.C related
Espionage: only wilderness survival , Detect Ambush, Detect Conceal, Land Navigation, NBC Warfare , Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Traps Trap/Mine Detection,
Mechanical: O.C.C related
Medical :First aid only
Military :Any(+15)
Physical : limited to Hand to Hand: Basic the rest are allowed any
Pilot any
Pilot Related: look O.C.C
Rogue: none
Science: math and Chemistry only
Technical: only Computer Operations only
W.P: any
Wilderness: hunting and navigation only
Secondary Skills 4 more secondary skills from "other" without bonuses (only I.Q IF any)

Bonus add+2 to any range weapon ,+1 attacks for pilot +3 initiative +1d4+1 to dodge/roll and this are natural skill (,these skill work only in military Vehicles ) The Pilot get the following +1to all, +1D10+10% piloting and add +2 attacks to the pilot( do not apply this to any military jets with no V.T.O.L abilities ).

For the Co pilots #2 to 5 only Detect ambush, prowl 30%+5 add 1d4x10+5 % added this is considered a natural abilities under 120 MPH,

These are the second heavy hitter in combat, they are cyberborgs solider professional rifleman and are toughs nail in combat. They are giving fire suppuration in combat. Showing no fear no retreat unless order (a tactical retreat). They well with rifle man unlike mercenary not just for credits they fight for what right and will go that extra mile to get it .some are human other are partial cyberborgs . Like man hunter only seem as champions for the innocent. They have been report that they fought against treble odds against demons and even coalition fight getting refugees out of combat zone, even helping injured coalition/cyber knights troop helping them on their mission is done. Sometime they hold the line even die taking out the enemy; there are many true reports of them fighting to the last man/ cyberborgs to save lives. Someone said they “a true North America hero” too many. And there been time where coalitions troops have help them back where use of firepower is seen and has sacred ho they fight by their sided. They are professional solider who will do what they have to do. They fear for they have been known to attack or suppression fire to not two targets, nor four targets but up to five targets in one attack .And let me tell you this you don’t want to be the fifth target because it will be in a world of hurt. And if somehow that target survives it will be in a world of hurt, and I mean serious a real world of hurt. Many coalitions have seen one a think is a juicer in fire power .There many report the coalition soldier and enemy force keeping away will protect refugees in a very active area to clearing the skies form power amours to military jet to rocket cycle. Glitter boy target them first for there been report of been the perfect killer glitter boy power amours and this has the coalition to look at it tactics .that why there told not to engage unless engage first (this is the same rule to war pig towards coalition troops). The famous for take out heavy target like tanks, APC, heavy gunship, military jet fighters, gun emplacements, power amours, heavy power amours and even dragons! All get an 8 year service and some on even longer. And on thing to be noted there been no AWOL for this class. Most are disable people that can make difference or have had a serious injured (about 70 percent).

RIFTS Pig man Add 1D4X 10%+10%
Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
Radio basic 45%+5%
Cooks 30%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Pilot Automobile 60%+2% per level
Pilot truck 40%+2% per level
Pilot Jet packs
Hovercraft (ground) 50%+5% per level
Force march
Physical Labor
W.P shotguns
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P energy rifle
W.P Rifle
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons
W.P submachine gun
Hand to hand judo

OCC related skills 8 add 1 at level 3,5,7,9,1,15 Add 5d6+10%

Communications: any Add 10%
Cowboy: None
Domestic: any
Electrical: None
Espionage: any Add 10%
Mechanical: None
Medical: None
Military: any Add 10%
Physical: any
Pilot: any Plus Add 10% to any ground
Pilot Related: any Plus Add 10% to any ground
Rogue: None
Science: None
Technical: None
WP: any
Wilderness: any Add 5d6+10%

Secondary Skill 4

RIFTS WAR PIG Abilities cyberborgs there are three types anti personnel partial cyberborgs (like a head hunter) and heavy cyberborgs they are 6 feet, any taller are considered assault cyberborgs all have the following
• Able to attacks four different targets at the same time note divided by half all strike rolls , but the fifth has full strike for they fire heavy missile
• Horror Factor 8 add 1d4 due reputation later add 1 at level 5, 7,9,11,and at level 15 add1d4
• All have four arms
• Add +2 attacks to hand to hand , and add +1 to strike with any Range W.P taken by characters , +2 at close combat that 800 feet range or closer
For partial cyberborgs use the head hunters rules they get the following
• MDC 50 (4) arms ,forearms(4) 50 MDC, upper arms (4)100 MDC, ,feet(2) 20MDC, legs (2) 100 MDC , Head use( helmet!! ) Main body use body amour!!!
• Features arms hand P.S and P.P 20 they get the maximum, on Bionics P.S 22 that the maximum, hands three features no weapons ,writes features one ,knuckles features: none, finger features : none ,forearms (4) totals , each get 2 weapons features or non weapons features, shoulders or upper arms one weapons features or non weapons features .
• Legs max speed 58 MPH, leap 5 feet and 10 feet with a head start in full armor!!!
• Legs P.S and P.P get the maximum 20 on Bionics P.S 22
Weapons features

• Foot blades retractable
• Compartment legs medium space ( or ammo bins)
• LE-B1 Light Espionage amour for patrols 15 MDC
• LI B2 for combat 150 MDC

How many features

• Head pick 4
• Eye pick 2
• Ears pick 4
• Mouth /jaw pick 2
• Chest pick 2
• Cosmetics pick 12

Heavy /assault
• Foot blades retractable
• Legs medium compartments HI B – Heavy body amour 360 MDC , hands (4) 50 MDC , forearm(4) 50 MDC ,upper arms (4) 100, feet (2) 20MDC , head (1) 100 , cyberborgs main body 280 max
Number of weapons & features at first level

• Have four heavy Bionics arm with max P.S
• Hands (4) pick 2 large or 3 small
• Wrists(4) pick one
• Knuckles None
• finger features : none
• forearms (4) totals for each pick 3 heavy weapons
• shoulders (2) pick one
• upper arms(4) pick one
• Cosmetics pick 8
• Legs P.S and P.P get the maximum 176 MPH leap 7 feet, 15 feet across with head start in full gear
• Same penalties as heavy cyberborgs
• Have cyber nano-robots repairs in arms (4), leg(20 main body, head(1),
• All have retractable blades
• Horror factor 12 later add 1 at level 3 5,7,9,10,12,13,at level 15 at 1d4+1 hen in combat when firing all for weapons at different target and add +2 Horror factor at the fifth target only , even those with high M.E reduce by half when fire upon
• Reputation/awe Horror factor 10 add 1 at level 3,4,6,7,9,10,12,15add+2
• Built in jet pack speed 100 MPH nuclear power ,under 75 MPH can prowl

Assault cyberborgs
As above only they are over 7 to eight feet and add 50 MDC to all locations and 50% more ammo

Rifts transporter
Rifts Transporter is the life line for North America. They supplies many good from all towns, They either love to Drive, fly or go by rivers even to the sea itself .Many have made a living for the last 100 plus year in rifts earth, but were never that organize. They were free to travel send goods from the big coalition states to G.A.W it didn’t matter they had to get the goods there. Still there are many dangers bandits, monsters, and even where you were sending to. Officials said it not ban, later they would change the laws. But all this change in North America: The need to come together and work as one was great .there was one problem how? That all change about 15 years before North America went to war. Many Rifts Transporter saw it coming and supplies the good and getting a pay was very important as well living to enjoy your check for what ever reason they were. A mercenary company wanted to be transporting goods of types of goods and took advantage by working out how there were going to provide protection and any type of support to get the goods where they need to go. This also help make sure no got the upper hands in cheating the Transporter as well been fair if there was a change (there would have been a major fire fight, which was bad for trading for both sides).Some wanted to Drive, fly or go by rivers even to the sea itself, so they were trained as military personal and offered better skill working from the ground up this work. In the end they started been call N.A.A.T (North American Armored Transport).When the war came and many mercenary saw as baby sitting job , boy were they wrong . And second the pay went through the roof. They had tanks; APC, IFV, light transport, and air support many outposts for support and communications and other needs as well and the means to carry large loads of goods, they were ready. As mercenary left they quickly pick it up and help supplies keep running in all of North America. Bandits had to pick there fights, even though they were no advance to the coalition they can pack a hell of punch and give a world of hurt. They had to dress well and know the Languages of that area read write and use weapon. Some say this is from army reserves forces of the USA Empire but none are looking for the are unsung hero who go and send the goods

Rifts transporter O.C.C
Language Native 88%+1 per level Add 5d6+10%
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level Add 5d6+10%
Language other add 1d6+1 Languages Add 5d6+10%
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level add 1D4X 10%
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level Add 5d6+10%
Radio basic 45%+5% Add 1D4X 10%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level Add 1D4X 10%
Public speaking 30%+5% per level Add 1D4X 10%
Navigation: Air, Land, Water 40%+5% per level Add 1D4X 10%
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level add 1D4X 10%
Force march
Physical Labor

Pick one M.O.S Add 1d4x10%+10%

M.O.S Land
Pilot Automobile 60%+2% per level
Pilot truck 40%+2% per level
Hovercraft (ground) 50%+5% per level
Pick two any land vehicles
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Prowl 25%+5%
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Rifle Hand to hand basic

M.O.S Air
Pilot Airplane 50%+5% per level
Jet Aircrafts 40%+4 per level
Military jet fighters (general) 40%+4% per level
Military Combat Helicopter 52%+3% per level
Parachuting 40%+5%
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
Pick two fly vehicles
Hand to hand basic

M.O.S Sea
Pilot Boat Motor race & Pilot Hydro Foils 55%+5% per level
Pilot Boat sail type 60%+5 per level
Pilot Boat ships 45%/40%+5%
Pick any two seas vehicles
Swimming 50%+5% per level
SCUBA 50%+5% per level
W.P harpoon & Spear Gun
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
Hand to hand basic

OCC related skills 4 and add 1 at level 3,6,8,10,15 (ADD 5d6%)
Communications: any +15%
Cowboy: general only +15%
Domestic: any
Electrical: None
Espionage: any
Mechanical: any
Medical: None
Military: any
Physical: any
Pilot: buy MOS Pilot robot or Power amour only
Pilot Related: any
Rogue: any
Science: None
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: MOS land or MOS air are allowed
Secondary Skills 4

BOUNUS any penalty doing stunts on Land, air, divided it by (2) , W.P and add +2 to all

Rifts combat controllers
Rifts combat controllers are train to take (or take out) control of any ground installations, airports, buildings they to act like local enforcement agents (SWAT or heavy SWAT), tougher than a rifleman or heavy infantry solider. They go take out heavy placement weapons or go ahead of a convoy, escort. They have been as Melee specialist and good in hand to hand combat .they will any weapon they can find. They have been known as first to go and the last to leave in combat. They let the enemy know they are coming even one has stop or slow down to a halt A larger force then they are. There famous words are "Semper Fi," due to the coalition war. All coalition respects these solder due that they keep there word and as well many mercenary armies including D-bee as well.They know when they the rest follows so they go first and leave last to make sure the rear is protected.They like Communications officers, to military specialist to rear support as a transport leave making sure if they can help someone from the jaws of death, they will do it in an heart beat.sometime they get so close to the enemy hand to hand is the best option and many have fallen due to their well train combat .some are seen as melee expert and many rather engage in range attacks only .
RIFTS Combat Controller Add 1D4X 10% +10%

Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Radio basic 45%+5%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Sensory Equipment 30%+5%
Surveillance 30%+5%
Cryptography 25%+5%
Prowl 25%+5%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Pilot Automobile 60%+2% per level
Pilot truck 40%+2% per level
Detect ambush 30%+5% per level
Detect traps/mines 30%+5% per level
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
Force march
W.P shotguns
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P energy rifle
W.P Rifle
W.P picks 5 ancient weapons
Hand to hand judo

OCC related skills 8 add 1 at level 3, 6, 11, 15 Add 5d6+10%

Communications: any
Cowboy: general only
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage: any
Mechanical: none
Medical: None
Military: any Add 10%
Physical: any Add 10%
Pilot: any Add 10%
Pilot Related: any Add 10%
Rogue: any+15% Add 10%
Science: None
Technical: any+15%
WP: any
Wilderness: any +15%

Secondary Skills 4
• Abilities SDC 2D4X10 Hit Points add 1d4x10 ADD 1D4+2 toM.A, M.E,P.E,P.S,Spd. Add +2 dodge ,+1 parry ,any attack on the rear /back with any weapons times (x) three (3), on a critical hit x4 , Fatigue at half the rate , add 10 Points to SDC hand to hand combat, 50% are minor Psionic , 35% are major .
• Reputation horror factor /awe 8 later at level 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13,15add +2
• Any ancient weapons thrown add 1 d4+2 in W.P chosen by OCC
• Combat awareness +3 to any horror factor, when commanding + 3 to save in combat,+2 to all in combat to sqauds , military vechles add + 2 to iniciative ,+1 to attacks ,+2 to all , If a fly mecha /power amour add +3 to all ,air support of any type add +3 to all to sqaus and military veclies that cant fly.This when they are in Communications with and /or gruond units.
• Pick one in the following range W.P or W.P pick 5 ancient weapons
• range W.P :W.P shotgunsW.P handguns (add +1 to all)W.P energy pistol (add +1 to all)W.P energy rifle (add +1 to all)W.P Rifle (add +1 to all) pick rhree (3) Mordern any
• W.P pick 5 ancient weapons add plus +3 to all any weapons

RIFTS Elite Combat Fighter Pilots ( north America)
RIFTS Elite Combat Fighter Pilots started appear when military jet / choppers were introduce to many mercenary company that were ready buy from Iron heart, golden age weapons and many others company . Many mercenary companies don’t have dedicated fighter pilots like the coalition’s states or N.G.R forces .That why they became to be seen in more and more 10 or less years before the coalition wars started in North America and are been seem in Europe as well looking for work . There two fields that came out of this one a very common OCC Combat Jet Fighter Pilots or better known as fix wing pilots and the second is rotary wing pilots which is look at down by power amour Pilots .But when there is a down pilots that when they are seen as angles with open wings to pick them up in the middle of combat zone or injured personals. However rotary wing pilots still are needed in the filed not just for combat but for rescue .Where other mission a jet fighter can not do. Many robot pilots see rotary wing pilots as second class old tech. But why does the coalition army have military coppers and so does NGR? They are well train and go well with rifts co pilots OCC. Many have been welcome to join many mercenary companies for control of the sky and close air support teams or C.A.S.T missions or High Altitude Support Teams (H.A.S.T) for fix wing pilots or Combat Jet Fighter Pilots. The coalition does not see this OCC as true military pilots but in reality they are military Pilots with what they can get there hands on. In Europe /NGR are the most demanding OCC needed, and the most respected as well. What few people know is that this OCC if from the USA Air Force and later adopted by the US Navy/ Marine forces . But something different from other man at arm they dress very well and have been identify for there well matter and dress very well which has help their appearance and other situation.

RIFTS Elite Fighter Pilots Pick one M.O.S
M.O.S Air Fighter Pilots (common known as fix wings pilots) all get ADD 5d6% +10% one time
Literacy Native 40%+5 % per level
Language Native 88%+1% per level
Mathematics: Basic & Advanced 45%+5% per level
Radio: Basic45%+5% per level
Sensory equipment 30%+5% per level
Sign language 30%+5% per level
Parachuting 40%+5% per level
First Aid 45%+5% per level
Wilderness Survival 30%+5% per level
Computer Operations 40%+5% per level
Parachuting 40%+5% per level
Pilots Airplane 50%+5% per level
Pilots jet Aircrafts 40%+5% per level
*Pilots Military Jet Fighters (pick 1d4+1 models add+10%, +1 to all) 40%+5% per level
Navigation 40%+5% per level
Weapon systems 40%+5% per level
W.P Heavy M.D.C weapons
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Energy Pistol
M.O.S GUNSHIP PILOTS (known as common rotary wing pilots) ADD 1D4X10+10 % one time
Literacy Native 40%+5 % per level
Language Native 88%+1% per level
Mathematics: Basic & Advanced 45%+5% per level
Radio: Basic45%+5% per level
Sensory equipment 30%+5% per level
Sign language 30%+5% per level
First Aid45%+5% per level
Wilderness Survival30%+5% per level
Computer Operations 40%+5% per level
Navigation40%+5% per level
Weapon systems 40%+5% per level
Pilot hovercrafts or hover cycles, skycycles, and rockets 70%+5% per level
# Pilot military combat helicopters /combat hovercrafts (pick 1d4+1 models Add +10% and +1 to all) 52%+3% per level
W.P Heavy M.D.C weapons
W.P. Energy Pistol

W.P Heavy military weapons
W.P. Automatic Pistol

*Fix wings pilots get pick one abilities

1) Super sonic military plane get the following add +2 attacks; add +2 to any range weapons add 15% +1d4+1, initiative, dodge, roll note this is for general military planes
2)Elite military combat jets only add +2attacks, add +2 to any range weapons +3 roll, +25 % piloting skill, 1d4+1 initiative , these skill work only in military Vehicles Detect concealment /ambush, detect traps only, prowl 30%+5 add 1d4x10 % added this is considered a natural abilities . Note this applies to a specific type of military jets only.

3)V.T.O.L/ or S.T.O.L either sub sonic or super sonic aircraft add +2 attacks, add +2 to any range weapons +1 to dodge ,roll, initiative, +20% piloting ,only V.T.O.L these skill work only in military V.T.O.L Vehicles Detect concealment /ambush, detect traps only, prowl 30%+5 add 1d4x10 % added this is considered a natural abilities
4) Engage multiple targets when attacking / strike with any weapons divvied strike roll by even numbers if attacking two target in one attack melee divvied by 2, or attacking four targets in one attack melee divvied by 4 and so on (can go into negative if the pilot wish and add any other penalty as well) .But must be facing both target at the same time when attacking and have initiative only. Add 1 attack, add +1 to any range weapons, and add +1d 4+1 to M.E, P.P, P.E, P.S and 1d 10 years to the pilot
#Rotary wing pilots pick one abilities
1)Any helicopters add +2 attacks, add +2 to any range weapons +3 roll, +25 % piloting skill, +1 initiative , these skill work only in military Vehicles Detect concealment /ambush, detect traps only, prowl 25%+5 add 1d4x10 % added this is considered a natural abilities
2) Elite military. (Note this applies to a specific type of military gunships only.)
note this is for specific military combat helicopters only add +2attacks, add +2 to any range weapons +3 roll, +25 % piloting skill, 1d4+1 initiative, Dodge ,Roll , these skill work only in military Vehicles Detect concealment /ambush, detect traps only, prowl 30%+5 add 1d4x10 % added this is considered a natural abilities
3) Engage multiple targets when attacking / strike with any weapons divvied strike roll by even numbers if attacking two target in one attack melee divvied by 2, or attacking four targets in one attack melee divvied by 4 and so on (can go into negative if the pilot wish and add any other penalty as well) .But must be facing both target at the same time when attacking and have initiative only. Add 1 attack, add +1 to any range weapons, and add +1d 4+1 to M.E, P.P, P.E, P.S and 1d 10 years to the pilot
OCC related skills 1d4+1 other skills ADD 5d4% +10% (I.Q IF any).one (1) skill at level 3, 6,8,10

communications: Any (+5%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical :O.C.C related Espionage: only wilderness survival, Camouflage, Counter Tracking, Detect Ambush, Detect Conceal, Land Navigation, NBC/WMD, Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Field Armored, Traps Trap/Mine Detection,(+10%)
Mechanical: none Medical: First aid only
Military: Any (+15)
Physical: limited to Hand to Hand: Basic, the rest allowed any
Pilot: limited any Ground Vehicles and Hover Vehicles +20 %only
Pilot Related: any (+10%)
Rogue: any
Science: Any except math and Chemistry Technical: only Computer Operations, Computer Programming, Cyber jacking, Computer Hacking Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Weapons Training, Salvage, Literacy, Language (+10%)
WP: any
Wilderness: hunting and navigation only
Secondary Skills 4 skills more secondary skills from "other" without bonuses (only I.Q IF any).

RIFTS Heavy Infantry/gunner
Rifts Heavy Infantry are considered by many the sniper anti tanks, armored personal transports A.P.C, Infantry fight vehicles IFV, gunship and power amours (even transports like the coalition death head transport). There been report that there really are two type one at long range like a sniper and the second up close and personal (which is true), but nobody knows .For those that do are six feet under even coalition solider from the foot solider to vehicles to power amour fear them ( roll on horror factor ) . There been times that troops have stop (company’s that is) to make sure they are not in the area and done recon to the point of carpet bombed large areas. Glitter boys see they as the small version of themselves, as going back to basic combat. A shoulder mount weapon and taking light targets to heavy military vehicles /robots and even dragons (all this has been confirm in combat as well).they are strong and well train in the of anti armored vehicles from collations to as far as NGR and many more . This is use full when there a heavy hitter combines with war pig they can change the outcome of not joust a mission but survive to tell about. They use decoys weapons mounts to attack lager forces to taking out or disabling the dangruos targets and setting Demolitions or disabling them. When large enemy force find out there is a heavy infantry they get very nerves once they are seen in action. Be afraid very afraid. But something different from other man at arm they dress very well and have been identify for there well matter and dress very well which has help their appearance and other situation. When theirs a team many of just Heavy Infantry they famous stop columns of tanks, even robots of all type. But the are fear are any flying power and jet fighter they can shot down missiles and military air crafts and helicopter pilot avoid there control air space . To army soldiers making sure that no bridges or bottle necks areas are not tarps, but time and time again. They have stopped heavy military vehicles and all types of robots once they can defend or make an offense stands.
Heavy Infantry add1d4x10%+10%

Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
Radio basic 45%+5%
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
NBC Warfare 35%+5 per level
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Navigation: Air, Land, Water 40%+5% per level
Prowl 25%+5% per level
Demolitions 60%+3% per level
Demolitions Disposal 60+3% per level
Demolitions underwater 56%+4% per level
Swimming 50%+5% per level
SCUBA 50%+5% per level
Pilot Automobile 60%+2% per level
Pilot truck 40%+2% per level
Hovercraft (ground) 50%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
W.P Knife
W.P Swords
W.P energy pistol
W.P energy rifle
W.P Rifle
W.P shield
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

Hand to hand judo
OCC related skills 9 add 1 at level 3, 7, 10, 15

Communications: any
Cowboy: none
Domestic: any
Electrical: none
Espionage: any
Mechanical: none
Medical: none
Military: any, military Add +15%
Physical: any Add +15%
Pilot: any, military vehicles (ground) Add +15%
Pilot Related: any Add +15%
Rogue: Add +15%
Science: none
Technical: none
WP: any
Wilderness: none
Secondary skill 6

Heavy Infantry abilities
• In addition to any other bonus add as well from strike from W.P
• All get 1d4+1 to P.S, P.E,M.E,SPD, Add 1d10 years Add 2D4X10 SDC,add6d6 Hit Points
• Shoulder mount missiles add +2 to strike
• Machine gun /shotguns , Grande launchers Rail guns / heavy energy weapons + 3 to burst/ shot
• Any ground to surface to air missiles systems +2 add to strike even at fast moving target
• Any surface to surface attack with any missiles systems add 1d4+1 strike
• any Remote weapons mount add +3 attacks , plus +2 to all
• With Exo-units can use two heavy weapons systems
• With no Exo Unit use only one weapon systems
• Anti tank specialist carries 3 missiles either short range 3d6x10 range 3 miles MDC heavy 5D6X10 range 6 miles ROF every other attacks
• surprise attack as a Horror factor 14 +1d4 , when known 9 add 1 at level

Pick one
1. close range assault
• any (Machine gun /shotguns , Grande launchers Rail guns / heavy energy weapons )weapon mounts add the following +3 attacks , add +2to strike ,duck and cover (dodge) +3,add 1d4 to initiative ,there range is from 15 to 20 feet to 1200 feet+20 to prowl , Camouflage .

2. long range assault
• Rocket, missiles launchers Rail guns / heavy energy weapons ,add 4 attack add +1d4 strike on aim shots ,shooting wild no aim +1 strike these are weapons mounts
• Shooting down missiles 1d4+1

Heavy Exo-infantry
Modify any heavy body armor and add the basic Exo-unit add 50 MDC to main body amour ,add 30 MDC to other locations ammo bin get 125 MDC , Shields small (add +4 parry to) 80 to 110 MDC , Large Shield 120 to 200 MDC(add +2 to parry) NOTE GETS ONE SHEILD , times two P.S and SPD .nuclear power for 1 year .

Rifts Medical solider
Rifts Medical solider are different type of combat medical personal. They well train is the art of medicine and war .many join to heal but must know how to fight in the fog of war as well. There training start young and finish when they are ready sometimes 6 year or more, none are allowed to leave in this trade. Many don’t want to for there much reason why still they try hard. This has cause in the field not to shot thee man and women for their courage under fire and not shock battle wounds and disease; Instead on how to heal and cure or make comfort a patient. Many will have given their lived from a cyber knight to a coalition solider for they are doctor and only fight if the must. There been reports that some have not use their weapons in the north America conflict the coalition wars and even the enemy have not fight them when medical soldiers are treating them for their reputation. They use conventional medicine to natural medicine in the field which they are train in case medial soldiers cant get standard medicine or some others reason why that why even common people will go out of the way for help or to help a medical solider.
Rifts Medical solider Add 1D4X 10%+10%

Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
Cooks 30%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Sewing 40+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Field Surgery 16%+4% per level
Paramedic 40%+5%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Holistic Medicine 30/20%+5%
Cybernetic Medicine 40/60%+5%
Pilot Automobile 60%+2% per level
Pilot truck 40%+2% per level
Chemistry 25%+5%
Chemistry Analytical 30%+5%
Chemistry Pharmaceutical 45%+5%
W.P Knife (add +3 to all)
Pick two of the following W.P
W.P energy pistol
W.P handgun
W.P energy handgun
W.P energy Rifle

Hand to hand Expert (can take Hand to hand basic and get 4 more skills)
OCC related skills 10 add 1at level 3, 6, 9, 11, 15 Add 5d6+10%
Communications: radio basic only

Cowboy: general only
Domestic: any
Electrical: none
Espionage: none
Mechanical: none
Medical: any +15%
Military: any +10
Physical: any
Pilot: no military vehicles, no robots Piloting
Pilot Related: any
Rogue: any
Science: any+15%
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: none

Secondary skill 5
• Bonus add 1d4+1 to horror factor at level 3, 6, 9, 11, at 15 add 3, in battle wounds or disease, 1d6+1 to P.E,P.S, M.A, M.E, I.Q
• Id a person from seen how ill they disease are 30%+5% per level add I.Q (if I.Q is 12 then do the following 30% plus I.Q plus and any I.Q bonus) ADD 15% by talking to the patient, getting a closer look, any Symptoms, etc. (RANGE 10 FEET OR CLOSER).
• Horror factor/awe due to reputation of a Rifts Medical solider 0 and add +1 at level 3, 6, 9, 11, at 15 add 3 Horror factor
• Add 1d6+3 years olds
• + 5 to all dieses
• 45% have Psionic in sensitive , 35% minor Psionic ,or 25% are major Psionic

RIFTS Rifleman
“A Rifleman what the hell are you another mercenary?!!” “I am not mercenary I am a solider SIR, I am here to protect your goods SIR!!!” these are trained solider of N.A.A.T (North American Armored Transport) .It became apparent in north America there were going to many open areas where protection of trades goods , property and life was going to be affected . Their mission varies form protection of goods and trade where supplies are needed to be sent. They work with farmers, to major company needs in transport of anything that can not be nailed to the ground. One of there says are “Be all you can be’ and their seconds say is “an army of one “. They are soldiers from all walks of life, not just for the credit but to make a difference from hill of Montana to the eastern sea board of North America they have come. They are tough man, and women who been hardship on Rifts Earth and want to make change in North America and in Europe. They have protected coalition solider from demons to protection of safe passage to the west sending thousands of refuges; doing search and rescues to refugees trap in combat areas. They work well like the Cyberkinght but refuse to join sides only to help. They saw tolkeen lost with hatred towards the coalition (as well as the coalition states) and saw no plan to retreat if either side would fall. Many Coalition solider thank them (quietly) for saving them from death many times and sending troops back when injured .Many solider are Officers now remember what N.A.A.T did and die trying to saving a life. For this they have built reputations of solider of peace or neutral, never stop until it is done from humanitarian reason to search and destroy to protect the innocent no matter what the cost. In a time of heroes was need they came hearing the call across the North America continent and Germany where war is going on. There help has been accepted with open arms to those who need them .The NGR see them as the old U.S ARMY soldiers of earth past and young, inexperience and will to do what they were sent for to help the innocent and has help increased defense in Europe .The coalition in high positions is worry as a militia that can read and write, but lower to middle class see differently. That a RIFTS Rifleman an army of one. They are know to keep clean when they can , but sometime in war /battle field that does allow but when they can dress in uniform at all times well . But something different from other man at arm they dress very well and have been identify for there well matter and dress very well which has help their appearance and other situation.
RIFTS Rifleman add 1D4X40%

Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
Cooks 30%+5% per level
Sewing 40+5% per level
Radio basic 45%+5%
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Sniper (add + 2)
Pilot Automobile 60%+2% per level
Pilot truck 40%+2% per level
Detect ambush 30%+5% per level
Detect traps/mines 30%+5% per level
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
NBC Warfare 35%+5 per level
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Navigation: Air, Land, Water 40%+5% per level
Prowl 25%+5% per level
W.P energy pistol (add +1 to all)
W.P handgun (add +1 to all)
W.P energy handgun (add +1 to all)
W.P energy Rifle (add +1 to all)
W.P Knife
Force march
Physical Labor

Hand to hand Martial Arts up grade loss one skill in OCC Related for each hand to hand
OCC related skills 12 other skills ADD 5d4% +10% add 1 skill at level 3, 6,9,11,15

Communications: Public Specking, Radio basic, Optical systems, Surveillance, TV/ Video Add 10%
Cowboy: general only
Domestic: any
Electrical: none
Espionage: tracking and OCC
Mechanical: none
Medical: first aid
Military: any
Physical: any
Pilot: any
Pilot Related: any
Rogue: any
Science: math only
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: any
Secondary skill 5

Abilities of a rifleman/solider are
• add 1d4 horror factor related to any war
• add +3M.E,P.S,P.E,Speed,
• can shot with one a two handed rifle/Energy rifle or Energy pistol / hand gun pick one add +2 to initiative ,attacks with that weapon pick, note this is at one target only can attack two targets but divide strike rolls by two
• has a horror factor/awe 8 add 1 at level 4 ,6,8,10,11,at level 15 add 3
• 40% are minor Psionic , 15 are major Psionic 10% are master Psionic with all abilities (very rare)
• Add 1d4x10+20 S.D.C , 6d6 hit points
• Add plus 1 to strike ,parry ,dodge ,roll in hand to hand combat
• In off duty well dress and make a statement for he/she that thy are different that others man at arms ( add1d6 to P.B with the right clothes , G.M Discretions)
Roll the following
• 35 % don’t like magic
• 45% will only if they have to
• 55% don’t care unless it will help a mission or combat
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!! !!! We found unknown rebel force in North American, they attacking high level targets in Canada, North America, and new west and as far as Columbia. They have mostly coalition targets at first, they very trained fighter on land, air, and even at sea. However the sea operation are unconfirmed as of yet, still we notified the coalition, free Quebec a and other a local governments .Finally to merc town if you find any information and can confirm bases of operations or military operations in the areas with the following vehicles . You must have video and audio confirmation to be study and analyzed to confirm data; IF it is true then we paid just for the data 100,000 credits, shot down a jet fighter 250,000 credits, and capture a pilot alive 500,000 credits ,find base of operations 1,000,000 credits , any land military vehicles 400,000 credits , capture any crew 350,000 all transaction are final. We have new information if you see the aircraft you can shot on sight and hatred. That’s right open fire on the following military aircraft Sukhoi Su-30, Sukhoi Su-33, Sukhoi Su-34, and Sukhoi Su-35,For SU 37 1,000,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
But do not engage alone. They are always in three or in pairs of two that’s four. We don’t know why at this time. They will fight to the death, no questions asked and no mercy on their part. They have hit collation military bases, collation outpost, and communication post as well as ground to air missiles batteries .recent hit and run Merc town, Air Superiority ,Inc and Combat Medical services with heavy loss and attacking Non-combat convoys, and non combated transport vehicles all hand lost Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! This is not a drill …. Attention ….. Attention…. This is a level one ALERT!!!!! The coalition Air Superiority and N.A.AT are combining to stop these unnecessary attacks. Please report sighting and position of the target mention or IF are capable of stop enemy mission operation you may do so and destroy target units please show gun camera and wreaked of target but be waned they will do many bombing .this will give more chances to counter attack them ”

Sukhoi Su 47

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ropped.jpg
The Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Russian: Су-47 Беркут - Golden Eagle) (NATO reporting name Firkin), also designated S-32 and S-37 (not to be confused with the single-engined delta canard design[1] offered by Sukhoi in the early 1990s under the designation Su-37) during initial development, was an experimental supersonic jet fighter developed by Sukhoi Aviation Corporation. A distinguishing feature of the aircraft was its forward-swept wing, similar to that of the Tsybin's LL-3.[2], that gave the aircraft excellent agility and maneuverability. And while serial production of the type never materialized, the sole aircraft produced served as a technology demonstrator prototype for a number of advanced techhnologies later used in the 4.5 generation fighter SU-35BM and current Russian 5th generation fighter prototype Sukhoi PAK FA.

Originally known as the S-37, Sukhoi redesignated its advanced test aircraft as the Su-47 in 2002. Officially nicknamed Berkut (Golden Eagle), the Su-47 was originally built as Russia's principal testbed for composite materials and sophisticated fly-by-wire control systems.
TsAGI has long been aware of the advantages of forward-swept wings, with research including the development of the Tsibin LL and study of the captured Junkers Ju 287 in the 1940s. Forward-swept wings yield a higher maximum lift coefficient, reduced bending moments, and delayed stall when compared to more traditional wing shapes. At high angles of attack, the wing tips remain unstalled allowing the aircraft to retain aileron control. Conversely, forward sweep geometrically creates increased angle of incidence of the outer wing sections when the wing bends under load. This creates more lift, more load, more angle of incidence, etc. This leads to a tendency for the wings to fail structurally at lower speeds than for a straight or aft-swept wing. Forward swept wings counter this by being designed to twist downward as they bend upward. This twisting-as-it-bends is done with composite materials on the S-37, but it can also be done with conventional materials.
The project was launched in 1983 on order from the Soviet Air Force. But when the USSR dissolved, funding was frozen and development continued only through funding by Sukhoi. Like its US counterpart, the Grumman X-29, the Su-47 was primarily a technology demonstrator for future Russian fighters; however, Sukhoi briefly attempted to market the Su-47 to the Russian military and foreign customers as a production fighter in its own right.


http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i0OznbEOEU8/S ... u-47.2.bmp

The Su-47 is of similar dimensions to previous large Sukhoi fighters, such as the Su-35. To reduce development costs, the Su-47 borrowed the forward fuselage, vertical tails, and landing gear of the Su-27 family. Nonetheless, the aircraft includes reduced radar signature features (including radar absorbent materials),[ an internal weapons bay, and space set aside for an advanced radar. Though similar in overall concept to the American X-29 research aircraft of the 1980s, the Su-47 is about twice the size and far closer to an actual combat aircraft than the US design.
To solve the problem of wing-twisting, the Su-47 makes use of composite materials carefully tailored to resist twisting while still allowing the wing to bend for improved aerodynamic behavior. Due to its comparatively large wingspan the Su-47 is to be equipped with folding wings in order to fit inside Russian hangars.
Like its immediate predecessor, the Su-37, the Su-47 is of tandem-triple layout, with canards ahead of wings and tailplanes. Interestingly, the Su-47 has two tailbooms of unequal length outboard of the exhaust nozzles. The shorter boom, on the left-hand side, houses rear-facing radar, while the longer boom houses a brake parachute.


The Su-47 has extremely high agility at subsonic speeds, enabling the aircraft to alter its angle of attack and its flight path very quickly while retaining maneuverability in supersonic flight. The Su-47 has a maximum speed of Mach 1.6 at high altitudes and a 9g capability.[1]

Maximum turn rates, and the upper and lower limits on airspeed for weapon launch, are important criteria in terms of combat superiority. The Su-47 aircraft has very high levels of maneuverability with maintained stability and controllability at extreme angles of attack. Maximum turn rates are important in close combat and also at medium and long range, when the mission may involve engaging consecutive targets in different sectors of the airspace. A high turn rate of the Su-47 allows the pilot to turn the fighter aircraft quickly towards the next target to initiate the weapon launch. Like most other fighters with fly by wire controls, the Su-47 achieves some of its high maneuverability through relaxed stability[
The swept-forward wing, compared to a swept-back wing of the same area, provides a number of advantages:
• higher lift-to-drag ratio
• higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers
• higher range at subsonic speed
• improved stall resistance and anti-spin characteristics
• improved stability at high angles of attack
• a lower minimum flight speed
• a shorter take-off and landing distance


http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i0OznbEOEU8/S ... /su-47.jpg

The Su-47s fuselage is oval in cross section and the airframe is constructed mainly of aluminium and titanium alloys and 13% (by weight) of composite materials. The nose radome is slightly flattened at the fore section, and has a horizontal edge to optimise the aircraft's anti-spin characteristics.


The forward-swept midwing gives the unconventional (and characteristic) appearance of the Su-47, earning it the nickname of 'devil' and 'slingshot'. A substantial part of the lift generated by the forward-swept wing occurs at the inner portion of the wingspan. The lift is not restricted by wingtip stall. The ailerons - the wing's control surfaces - remain effective at the highest angles of attack, and controllability of the aircraft is retained even in the event of airflow separating from the remainder of the wings' surface.
The wing panels are constructed of nearly 90% composites. The forward-swept midwing has a high aspect ratio, which contributes to long-range performance. The leading-edge root extensions blend smoothly to the wing panels, which are fitted with deflectable slats on the leading edge; flaps and ailerons on the trailing edge. The all-moving and small-area trapezoidal canards are connected to the leading-edge root extensions.
A downside of such a forward-swept wing design is that it geometrically produces wing twisting as it bends under load, resulting in greater stress on the wing than for a similar straight or aft-swept wing. This requires the wing be designed to twist as it bends - opposite to the geometric twisting. This is done by the use of composites wing skins layed-up to twist. Despite this, the plane was initially limited to Mach 1.6. Recent engineering modifications have raised this limit, but the new limit has not been specified.

Thrust vectoring

The thrust vectoring (with PFU engine modification) of ±20° at 30°/second in pitch and yaw will greatly support the agility gained by other aspects of the design.


The cockpit's design has focused on maintaining a high degree of comfort for the pilot and also on the pilot being able to control the aircraft in extremely high g-load maneuvers. The aircraft is equipped with a new ejection seat and life support system. The variable geometry adaptive ejection seat is inclined at an angle of 60°, which reduces the impact of high g forces on the pilot. The seat allows dogfight and missile avoidance maneuvers with significantly higher g loadings than can normally be tolerable. The Su-47 pilot uses a side-mounted, low-travel control stick and a tensiometric throttle control. Pilots, however, claim that the cockpit gives them low visibility due to poor design. This reclined seating arrangement was first used in the American F-16.[

General characteristics
• Crew: 1
• Length: 22.6 m (74 ft 2 in)
• Wingspan: 15.16 m to 16.7 m (49 ft 9 in to 54 ft 9 in)
• Height: 6.3 m (20 ft 8 in)
• Wing area: 61.87 m² (666 ft²)
• Empty weight: 16,375 kg (36,100 lbs)
• Loaded weight: 25,000 kg (55,115 lb)
• Max takeoff weight: 35,000 kg (77,162 lbs)
• Powerplant: 2× Lyulka AL-37FU(planned) Flying prototypes used 2 Aviadvigatel D-30F6 afterburning, thrust-vectoring (in PFU modification) turbofans with digital control
o Dry thrust: 83.4 kN (18,700 lbf) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 142.2 kN (32,000 lbf) each
• Thrust vectoring: ±20° at 30° per second in pitch and yaw
• Maximum speed: Mach 1.6 (Achieved in test flights ) (1,717 km/h, 1,066 mph), projected 2710 km/h
* At sea level: Mach 1.14 (1,400 km/h, 870 mph[2])
• Cruise speed: projected 1,800 km/h on dry thrust, 2650 km/h on full thrust
• Range: 3,300 km (2,050 mi)
• Service ceiling: 18,000 m (59,050 ft)
• Rate of climb: 233 m/s (46,200 ft/min)
• Wing loading: 360 kg/m² (79.4 lb/ft²)
• Thrust/weight: 1.16 (loaded) / 1.77 (empty)
Number of hard points: 14: 2 wingtip, 6-8 under wing, 6-4 conformal under fuselage
• Guns: 1 × 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds
• Missiles: 14 hardpoints (2 wingtip, 6-8 underwing, 4-6 conformal under the fuselage)
o Air-to-air: R-77, R-77PD, R-73, K-74
o Air-to-surface: X-29T, X-29L, X-59M, X-31P, X-31A, KAB-500, KAB-1500

Rifts EARTH Sukhoi Su-47

This will be the most hated aircraft due to it advanced 5.5 generation to anyone who have to engage them. This jet fighter is able to ripple fire from air to air to air to ground easily. They attack or defend in packs of three or four no less and one always fight to the death. There’re no reasons at time why they fight to the death and they are very deadly in combat which add to myth of suicide pilots. They shown to even generation 4 to generation 5.5 they can stand there ground or should we say the sky and denied anyone who challenges them. Pilots who do engage them say it is as if they know what maneuvers Pilots going to do. This has made many to turn tail and run, sometime only number is what saves a Pilot. And even then to run they must do extreme maneuvers to escape, and they are hit first they do even know they under fire till to late for 50 to 80 percent. Pilot worst nightmare is when the fight in a close dog fight due to the fact that there are three instead of two plane at here six o’clock .

MDC By Location

Nose/Cockpit 200
Main Body/fuselage 300( the Elite model 400)
Wings (2) 190 each
Tail plane (2) 120 each
Engines STOL/VTOL systems (2) 250 each

Speed as above plus super cruise top speed 1.8 ,top speed Mach 2.8 afterburners

Range ,fossil fuel system range add 65% sold to , nuclear powered systems run time 72 hours for rebel forces

Statistics: as above


Weapon Type – (x2) GSh-23-6 23mm gatling cannon
Primary Purpose - anti-fighter
Range – 3 miles
Damage - 2d4x10 uses DU rounds !!!! Both cannons 4d4x10
Rate Of Fire - equal to pilots attacks
Payload - 250 bursts for each cannon
Bonuses – add+1 strike

Weapon Type -

Su-30MK's combat load is mounted on internal weapons bay , 15 total :locations 2 wingtip, 6-8 under wing, 4-6 conformal under the fuselage
Primary Purpose - Anti-fighter, anti-installation
Range - As per missile type
Damage - As per missile type
Rate Of Fire - 1 at a time equal to pilot attacks 2, 3,4,56, or all
Payload –per Hard points 4 long range missiles, or 8 medium range or 16 short range missiles, 18 mini missiles pod any bombs times two
Bonuses – as per missiles
Bonuses and penalties look below
Systems of Note
Radar - Range of 300 miles
Radar Warning Receiver - range of 200 miles +2 dodge
Built-in E.C.C.M and E.C.M systems,and R.A.M
Missile jamming systems for heat/thermo/radar pilots roll on sensory skills -5d4% ,if successful all missiles -1d6 but not mini missiles ( -1 to -6)
Chaff/Flare Dispensers x 98 total
Targeting Computer add +1 to all missiles but not to mini missiles pod
Self-destruct systems the most powerful MDC long range missiles stats
Combat Computer add +2 to ALL weapons
Ejection Systems
Bonuses and penalties improved avionics add + 1 to attacks, and thrust vectoring add +9 doge and roll

Elite Rebel : has 4 offensive TW features ,8 TW defensive features and VTOL

Penalties look below

Bonuses and penalties Vectoring control

The following maneuver can be done by,
The Stall Turn ( - thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

The following maneuver can be done by,
The Stall Turn ( - thanks to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... -turn2.jpg

Stall Turn

To execute a Stall Turn, the aircraft must start in level flight and nose up to a vertical flight path until it comes to a stop. At which point the model aircraft yaws through 180 degrees, then dives and finally recovers straight and level on a flight path in the opposite direction to the entry. Entry and exit should be at the same height. Low powered aircraft types would be expected to execute a shallow dive at full throttle in order to pick up the necessary speed before commencing the maneuver. The Stall Turn will allow players to regain the offensive position.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike

The Herbst Maneuver

The Herbst Maneuver (J-Turn) (- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... neuver.jpg

The Herbst Maneuver, Herbst Reversal, or simply J-Turn, is another classic post-stall maneuver. The goal of the maneuver is to quite simply reverse the aircraft’s heading angle and to complete the reversal at the same point and velocity that the maneuver was started from. The maneuver typically resembles the one illustrated; the aircraft pitches to a high AOA to stop the forward component of its velocity, puts in rudder at the top of the climb to point the aircraft down, and then dives to regain speed as it returns to the starting point, enabling a rapid direction change.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike if their a chance to attack but it better use for retreat

The Cobra

The Cobra

(- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Cobra2.jpg

The Cobra is yet another post-stall maneuver. The two primary characteristics of this maneuver are 1) a rapid pitch-up to near 90 degrees AOA and 2) a rapid decrease in velocity by 50-75%. (The latter is due to the fact that the aircraft is flying through the air on its tail when at 90 degrees AOA, and therefore is incurring a huge drag penalty.) The maneuver also results in an increase in altitude due to the lift generated at AOA values greater than zero.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for but it better use attacking or retreat, enemy jetfighter losses all his attack.

The Kulbit

The Kulbit (-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Kulbit.jpg

An aircraft could shoot an opponent directly behind them by extending the Cobra past 90 degrees to a full 180 degrees. The aircraft actually pitches all the way from 0 to 360 degrees AOA while flying in a nearly straight line, except for the altitude increase as before with the Cobra. This allows for ideal missile shot positioning.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for attacking only , enemy jetfighter losses all his attack
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:Is it really necessary to cut and paste entire chunks of the historical aircraft/vehicle description from other sources,

well i been ask by some students ask to post some history and a little bit of rifts earth
instead of of simply writing your own capsule summary of the important parts...like the vehicle, when it was made, who made it, who used it, a few interesting features(maybe a brief physical description), and why it was important enough that some post-Rifts company decided to make an updated copy of it?

I agree with this
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Rifts North America N.A.AT and allies tank divisions

While in north America this Patton tank series will be add to the Sherman tank legend reliably and easy to repairs , and a good medium size thank to the bring to rifts earth digital standards ,M.D.C standards and cheap to get for any merc outfits . They are seen as heavy starter for many small to full size mecr outfits. While many will see this tanks Patton series tanks as medium tank to support defensive or escort and letting the Sherman’s tank as rapid cavalry tanks ( or light tanks ) the Merkava will be love by NAAT crew and act as A.P.C all in one as well fast ,heavy tank plus A.P.C will catch many off guard in the battle field and give them a extra force multiplier . low cost will be used by N.A.A.T Allies will love the tank and hated by those whose are knock out by some old tank of earth past

• M46 Patton Cost 900,000 credits

• M47 Patton Cost 1,000,000 credits

• M60 Patton Cost 12,00,000 credits

• M88 Recovery Vehicle Cost 1,300,000 credits

• Merkava Cost 2,000,000 credits plus add 50,000 credits for any new features

• M46 Patton

• M47 Patton

• M60 Patton

• M88 Recovery Vehicle

• Merkava

M46 Patton

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 30705.JPEG
The M46 was a medium tank that was designed in the United States. It was the first tank to be named after General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army[2] during World War II and one of the earliest American advocates for the use of tanks in battle[3] The M46 Patton was an improved M26 Pershing tank and one of the U.S Army's principal medium gun tanks of the early Cold War, with models in service from 1949 to the mid 1950s. On 30 July 1948, the M46 was named the Patton, in honor of General George S. Patton Jr.[4] It was not widely used by U.S. Cold War allies, being exported only to Belgium, and only in small numbers to train crews on the upcoming M47. The M46 tank was designed to replace the M26 Pershing and M4 Sherman.

After World War II, most US Army armored units were equipped with a mix of M4 Sherman and M26 Pershing tanks. Designed initially as a heavy tank, the M26 Pershing tank was reclassified as a medium tank postwar. The M26 was a significant improvement over the M4 Sherman in firepower and protection. Its mobility, however, was deemed unsatisfactory for a medium tank, as it used the same engine that powered the much lighter M4A3. Its underpowered engine was also plagued with an unreliable transmission.
Work began in January 1948 on replacing the original power plant with the Continental AV1790-3 engine and Allison CD-850-1 cross-drive transmission. The design was initially called M26E2, but modifications continued to accumulate, and eventually the Bureau of Ordnance decided that the tank needed its own unique designation. When the rebuild began in November, 1949, the upgraded M26 received not only a new power plant and a main gun with bore evacuator, but a new designation along with a name - simply M46. In total, 1,160 M26s were rebuilt: 800 to the M46 standard, 360 to the M46A1

The only US combat use of the M46 was in the Korean War. On 8 August 1950 the first M46 Patton tanks belonging to the 6th Tank Battalion landed in South Korea. The tank proved superior to the much lighter North Korean T-34-85, which were encountered in relatively small numbers. By the end of 1950, 200 M46 Pattons had been fielded, forming about 15% of US tank strength in Korea; the balance of 1,326 tanks shipped to Korea during 1950 included 679 M4A3 Shermans, 309 M26 Pershings, and 138 M24 Chaffee light tanks.[5] Subsequent shipments of M46 and M46A1 Pattons allowed all remaining M26 Pershings to be withdrawn during 1951, and most Sherman equipped units were also reequipped.[6]
Known M46 series operators include: 1st Marine Tank Battalion and regimental Antitank Platoons of the 1st Marine Division by 1952, 72nd Tank Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Division by January 1952, 64th Tank Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division, 73rd Tank Battalion of the 7th Infantry Division by January 1951, 6th Tank Battalion of the 24th Infantry Division, 140th Tank Battalion (took over the tanks of the 6th Tank Battalion) and regimental tank companies of the 40th Infantry Division (CA ARNG) by October 1951,[7] and the 245th Tank Battalion of the 45th Infantry Division (OK ARNG) by 1952.[8] Several other regimental tank companies gained M46/M46A1s by the end of the war, including the 7th and 65th Infantry Regiments of the 3rd Infantry Division.[9]
In the 1950s, small numbers of M46s were leased, at no cost, to some European countries for training purposes, including Belgium, France and Italy, in preparation for the introduction of the M47. US instruction teams used the vehicles to train European tank crews and maintenance personnel.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ussels.jpg

The M46

M46A1 in Belgium; one out of eight vehicles leased to Belgium in 1952, this particular tank was donated by the USA to the Royal Army Museum of Brussels in 1984

Weight 44 metric tons
Length 8.48 m
Width 3.51 m
Height 3.18 m
Crew 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, assistant driver)
Armor 102 mm/4 inches maximum
Primary weapon 90 mm gun M3A1
70 rounds Secondary weapon 0.5 in (12.7 mm) M2 machine gun
2x .30 cal M1919A4 machine guns Engine Continental AVDS-1790-5A V12, air-cooled Twin-turbo gasoline engine
810 hp (604 kW) Power/weight 18.4 hp/t Transmission General Motors CD-850-3 or -4, 2 ranges forward, 1 reverse Suspension Torsion bar suspension Ground clearance 478 mm Fuel capacity 878 liters Operational
range 130 km Speed 48 km/h

NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun
D-bee militia force (or DMF) 500,000
N.A.A.T standard in North America
Cost 900,000
Crew 3
Reactive armored Note any damage of 60 M.D.C or lees no damage bounces off

M.D.C Stats
Main Body 120 can add up to 200
Turret 100 can add up 150
Tracks (2) 100
Track Wheels (many) 20 ea
Engine Compartment 100
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns 20
Culpa (1)20
Culpa shields (1)100

Weapon system
Type: 90 MM tank rifle
A.P.F.S.D.S round
90 mm -4d4x10 (max damage 160)
H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
90 mm- 2d4x10 (max damage 80)
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
90 mm -1D6X10(max damage 60)
Range 4000 feet
Rate of fire: single shot and dual shot
Payload: 100
Bonus +1 range

Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun

M47 Patton

The M47 Patton is an American medium tank, the second tank to be named after General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during World War II and one of the earliest American advocates for tanks in battle. It was a further development of the M46 Patton tank.[2]

The M47 was the U.S. Army and Marine Corps primary tank, intended to replace the M46 Patton and M4 Sherman medium tanks.[3] The M47 was widely used by U.S. Cold War allies, both SEATO and NATO countries, and was the only Patton series tank that never saw combat while in US service.
Although roughly similar to the later M48s and M60s, these were completely new tank designs. Many different M47 Patton models remain in service internationally. The M47 was the last US tank to have a bow-mounted machine gun in the hull.

Although a new power plant corrected the mobility and reliability problems of the M26 Pershing, the subsequently renamed M46 was considered a stopgap solution that would be replaced later by the T42 medium tank. However, after fighting erupted in Korea, the Army decided it needed the new tank earlier than planned. It was deemed that there was not enough time to finish the development of the T42 and fix various problems that were likely to emerge in a new design. The final decision was to produce another interim solution, with the turret of the T42 mounted on the familiar hull of the M46. The composite tank, developed by the Detroit Arsenal, was named M47 Patton and entered production in 1951. Its main gun was the M36 90 mm gun with an M12 optical rangefinder fitted. The secondary armament consisted of two .30cal Brownings, one bow machine gun in the hull and one coaxial machine gun in the turret, and a .50cal Browning M2 on a pintle mount on the turret roof. The M47 was the last American designed tank to include a bow machine gun. The T42 turret had a larger turret ring than the M26/M46 turret, and featured a needle-nose design which improved armor protection of the turret front (similar to the M60A1 tank of 1962), an elongated turret bustle and storage bin which protruded halfway across the engine deck, and the turret sides were sloped to further improve ballistic protection; this gave the turret a decidedly lozenge-shaped profile. It also featured the M12 stereoscopic rangefinder, which was designed to improve first-round hit probability but proved difficult to use; the rangefinder protruded from both sides of the upper turret front, which would be a feature of American tanks until the advent of the M1 Abrams in 1980.[4]
Production began at the Detroit Tank Arsenal in June 1951 before the M47 was standardized for production. Delays in shipment of the M12 rangefinder and other problems due to the rushed production schedule caused a protracted testing period, and the first M47s were not fielded to the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions until summer 1952. Standardized in May 1952, the M47 Patton's production ran until November 1953; Detroit built 5,481 tanks, and American Locomotive Company (Alco) produced 3,095, for a total production run of 8,576 M47 Pattons.[5]

The M47 was used by the Turkish Army, in the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July and August 1974, with an estimated 200 Pattons involved in the action. At least one operational M47, number 092273, was captured by the Cyprus National Guard and remained in service until 1993. The example is currently stored at the camp of the 25 EMA in Paphos as a training and memorial exhibit.[12]
In the 1980s and early 1990s, the Turkish army used M47 tanks against the PKK terrorist groups in Turkey and Iraq. Later the M48A5 and its Turkish variants replaced all the M47 in the late 1990s.
The M47 was used by Jordan in the Six Day War in 1967. Pakistan used M47s against India in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. Iran used Pattons against Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war.
Croatia used M47s against the Serbs in the Croatian War of Independence but their performance was inferior to that of the Soviet T-55s. The Pattons were retired from service immediately after the war, and are now used as gunnery/missile targets during military exercises.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 1e/M47.jpg

Specifications Weight 46 tonnes (50.7 short tons) combat ready Length 27 ft 11 in (8.51 m) Width 11 ft 6.25 in (3.51 m) Height 11 ft (3.35 m) Crew 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, assistant driver)
Armor 4 in (100 mm) Primary weapon 90 mm gun M36 -71 rounds
Secondary weapon .50 cal (12.7 mm) M2 machine gun 2 × .30 cal (7.62 mm) machine gun
Engine Continental AVDS-1790-5B V12, air-cooled, Twin-turbo gasoline engine810 hp (600 kW)
Power/weight 17.6 hp/tonne Transmission General Motors CD-850-4, 2 ranges forward,
1 reverse Suspension Torsion bar suspension
Fuel capacity 231.94 USgal (878.0 l; 193.13 imp gal)
Operational range 81 mi (130 km) Speed 30 mph (48 km/h)

M.D.C Stats
Main Body 160 can add up to 200
Turret 130 can add up 150
Tracks (2) 100
Track Wheels (many) 20 each
Engine Compartment 130
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns 20
Culpa (1)20
Culpa shields (1)100

Weapon system
Type: 90 MM tank rifle
A.P.F.S.D.S round
90 mm -4d4x10 (max damage 160)
H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
90 mm- 2d4x10 (max damage 80)
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
90 mm -1D6X10(max damage 60)
Range 4000 feet
Rate of fire: single shot and dual shot
Payload: 100
Bonus +1 range
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun

M60 Patton

M60 Patton
The 105 mm Gun Full Tracked Combat Tank, M60, is also known (but was never officially named)[2] as the M60 Patton, and is a second-generation main battle tank (MBT)[3] introduced in December 1960.[4] It was widely used by the U.S. and its Cold War allies, especially those in NATO, and remains in service throughout the world today despite being superseded by the M1 Abrams. Egypt is currently the largest operator with 1,700 upgraded M60A3s, Turkey is second with more than 900 upgraded units in service, and Israel is third with over 700 units of Israeli variants.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... sa_023.jpg

Although developed from the M48 Patton, another interim until replaced by the M60, the M60 series was never officially classified as a Patton tank, but as a "product improved descendant" of the Patton series of tanks.[5] On 16 March 1959, the OTCM (Ordnance Technical Committee Minutes) #37002 standardized the vehicle as the 105 mm Gun Full Tracked Combat Tank M60.[6] With the US Army's deactivation of their last (M103) heavy tank battalion, the M60 became the Army's first main battle tank[7] during the Cold War.

The M60 traces its roots to the late WWII-era M26 Pershing heavy tank from which the M48 was developed. In 1957, plans were laid in the US for a tank with a 105 mm main gun and a redesigned hull offering better armor protection.
The resulting M60 series largely resembles the M48 it was based on, but has significant differences. The M60 mounted a bore evacuated 105 mm main gun, compared with the M48's 90 mm, had a hull with a straight front slope where as the M48's hull was rounded, had three support rollers per side to the M48's five, and had road wheels constructed from aluminum rather than steel.
The improved design incorporated a Continental V-12 750 hp air-cooled, twin-turbocharged diesel engine, extending operational range to over 300 miles (480 km) while reducing both refueling and servicing. Power was transmitted to a final drive through a cross drive transmission, a combined transmission, differential, steering, and braking unit.
The hull of the M60 was a single piece steel casting divided into three compartments, with the driver in front, fighting compartment in the middle and engine at the rear.[8] The driver looked through three M27 day periscopes, one of which could be replaced by a night vision periscope.[8] Initially, the M60 had essentially the same turret shape as the M48, but this was subsequently replaced with a distinctive "needlenose" design that minimized frontal cross-section to enemy fire.
The M60 was the last U.S. main battle tank to utilize homogeneous steel armor for protection. It was also the last to feature an escape hatch under the hull.
Originally designated the M68, the new vehicle was put into production in 1959, reclassified as the M60, and entered service in 1960. Over 15,000 M60s (all variants) were

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... -03658.jpg

Marines from Company D, 2nd Tank Battalion, drive their M60A1 main battle tank during a breach exercise in Operation Desert Storm in 1991. The tank is fitted with reactive armor and an M-9 bulldozer kit.

The M60A1 RISE Passive of the U.S. Marines saw action during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, opposing Iraqi armor which included the T-54/T-59, T-55, T-62, Type 69, and T-72. The M60A1s were fitted with add-on explosive reactive armor (ERA) packages and supported the drive into Kuwait City where they were involved in a two day tank battle at the Kuwait airport with the loss of only one vehicle and no crew. They saw service with the United States Marine Corps, and the Saudi Arabian Army.

Weight M60: 50.7 short tons (46.0 t; 45.3 long tons)M60A1: 52 to 54 short tons (47 to 49 t; 46 to 48 long tons) depending on turret design.
Length M60: 6.946 meters (22 ft 9.5 in) (hull), 9.309 meters (30 ft 6.5 in) (gun forward)[1]
Width M60: 3.631 meters (11 ft 11.0 in)[1] Height M60: 3.213 meters (10 ft 6.5 in)[1] Crew 4
Armor 6.125 in (155.6 mm) Primary weapon 105 mm (4.1 in) M68 gun (M60/A1/A3)
152 mm (6.0 in) M162 Gun/Launcher (M60A2) Secondary
weapon .50 cal (12.7 mm) M85
.30 cal (7.62 mm) M73 machine gun Engine Continental AVDS-1790-2 V12, air-cooled Twin-turbo diesel engine
750 bhp (560 kW)[1] Power/weight 15.08 bhp/t[1] Transmission General Motors, cross-drive, single-stage with 2 forward and 1 reverse ranges[1] Suspension Torsion bar suspension Ground clearance 0.463 meters (1 ft 6.2 in)[1] Fuel capacity 1,457 liters (320 imp gal; 385 U.S. gal)[1] Operational range 300 miles (500 km)[1] Speed 30 miles per hour (48 km/h) (road}[1]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... -03658.jpg

Marines from Company D, 2nd Tank Battalion, drive their M60A1 main battle tank during a breach exercise in Operation Desert Storm in 1991. The tank is fitted with reactive armor and an M-9 bulldozer kit.

M.D.C Stats
Main Body 160 can add up to 200
Turret 130 can add up 150
Tracks (2) 100
Track Wheels (many) 20 each
Engine Compartment 130
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns 20
Culpa (1)20
Culpa shields (1)100

D-bee militia force (or DMF) reactive armor 100 per side front ,sides ,bottom, turret (this is the first to go when take damage http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... 658.jpgThe tank is fitted with reactive armor and an M-9 bulldozer kit.)
Weapon system
Type: 100 MM tank rifle
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
100 mm -2D4X10 M.D (max damage 80)
H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
100 mm -1d10x10 M.D (max damage 100)
A.P.F.S.D.S round
100 mm -3d6x10 M.D (max damage 180)
Range 6000 feet
Rate of fire: single shot and dual shot
Payload: 100
Bonus +2 range
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun

M88 Recovery Vehicle

The M88 Recovery Vehicle is one of the largest all weather armored recovery vehicles (ARV) currently in use by United States armed forces and Israel Defense Forces. There are currently three variants, the M88, M88A1 and M88A2 Hercules. The M88 series has seen action most noticeably in Vietnam, the Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and to a lesser extent during the Kosovo War where they were deployed to help recover heavy armored vehicles of the Allied ground units. The current M88A2 replacement cost is around $2,050,000.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _in_pm.jpg
The design of this vehicle was based on the chassis and parts of the automotive component of the M48 Patton and M60 Patton tanks. The original M88 was introduced in 1961, M88A1 in 1977, with the current M88A2 introduced in 1997.
Originally manufactured by Bowen McLaughlin York (later the BMY division of Harsco Corporation) in 1961, the company would later merge with FMC Corp. to form the United Defense Industries in 1994, which was in turn acquired by BAE Systems in 2005 to become BAE Systems Land and Armaments. In February 2008 the company was awarded a $185 million contract modification from the U.S. Army to manufacture 90 Army-configured M88A2s, four United States Marine Corps-configured M88A2s and authorized spares list parts.[1]
Specifications Weight • M88/M88A1: 56.0 t (123,000 lb)

M88A2: 70.0 t (154,000 lb)
Length 27.13 ft (8.27 m) Width 11.25 ft (3.43 m) Height 10.25 ft (3.12 m) Crew 3
Armor Hull and cab armored to protect against small-arms fire up to 30mm direct fire weapons Primary weapon M2 .50 cal heavy MG with 1,300 rounds Engine • M88/M88A1: Continental (now General Dynamics) AVDS-1790-2DR V12, air-cooled Twin-turbo diesel engine
• M88A2: Continental AVDS-1790-8CR, V12 air-cooled Twin-turbo diesel engine
• M88/M88A1: 750 hp (560 kW)
• M88A2: 1,050 hp (780 kW)
Transmission XT-1410-5A cross-drive (3 speed forward, 1 speed reverse) Suspension Torsion bar suspension Ground clearance 17 in (0.43 m) Operational
range • M88/M88A1: 450 km (280 mi)
• M88A2: 322 km (200 mi)
Speed • M88/M88A1: 42 km/h (26 mph)
• M88A2: 48 km/h (30 mph)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... hicle.JPEG
Marines use an M88A1 to load a Honeywell AGT1500 gas turbine engine back into an M1A1 Abrams at Camp Coyote, Kuwait in 2003
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _m88_2.jpg
The primary user of M88 is the US Army, this M88A1 is seen here out on a mission in Iraq.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ehicle.jpg
M88A2 Hercules

M.D.C Stats
Main Body 200 can add up to 300
Tracks (2) 110
Track Wheels (many) 20 ea
Engine Compartment 150
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns 20
Culpa (1)20
Culpa shields (1)100


The Merkava (Hebrew: מרכבה (help•info), Chariot) is a main battle tank used by the Israel Defense Forces. It was first introduced in 1978, and four main versions of the tank have been developed and deployed. The "Merkava" name was derived from the IDF's initial development program name.
It is optimized for crew survival and rapid repair of battle damage. Following the model of contemporary self-propelled howitzers, the turret assembly is located nearer the rear than in most main battle tanks. This gives the crew additional protection against a frontal attack by putting the engine between them and the attack. This arrangement also creates more space in the rear of the tank that allows increased storage capacity, as well as a rear entrance to the main crew compartment allowing easy access even under enemy fire. This allows the tank to be used as a platform for medical disembarkation, a forward command and control station, and an armored personnel carrier. The rear entrance's clamshell-style doors provide overhead protection when off- and on-loading cargo and personnel.
It was reportedly decided shortly before the beginning of the 2006 Lebanon War that the Merkava line would be discontinued within four years.[3] However, on 7 November 2006, Haaretz reported that an Israeli General Staff assessment had ruled of the Merkava Mark IV that "if properly deployed, the tank can provide its crew with better protection than in the past," and deferred the decision on discontinuing the line.[4]

The Merkava series of tanks dates to the 1960s, when Israel drew up plans to remove its military-industrial complex from reliance on foreign factories. Israel's economy and national reserves, backed by U.S. military grant aid[5], allowed it to purchase nearly any land, sea, or air platform and weapon from friendly nations, but Israel's infrastructure was not capable of producing those items domestically.
In 1965, Israel's military establishment began research and development on a domestically-produced tank, the "Sabra"[citation needed] (Hebrew slang for a Jew born in Israel, not to be confused with the modern Sabra tank). Initially, Britain and Israel collaborated to develop the United Kingdom's Chieftain tank that had entered British Army service in 1966.[citation needed] However, in 1969, Britain decided not to sell the tank to Israel for political reasons.[6].
Israel Tal, who was serving as a brigade commander after the Suez Crisis, restarted plans to produce an Israeli-made tank, drawing on lessons from the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Israeli forces were outnumbered by those of the Middle East's Arab nations. Realizing that they could not win wars of attrition, the Israelis set stringent requirements of crew survivability and safety for the new tank platform.[6]
By 1974, initial designs were completed and prototypes were built. After a brief set of trials, work began to retool the Tel HaShomer ordnance depot for full-time development and construction. After the new facilities were completed, the Merkava was announced to the public in the International Defense Review periodical. The first official images of the tank were then released to the American periodical Armed Forces Journal on May 14, 1977. The IDF did not officially adopt the tank until December 1978, when the first full battalion of 30 tanks was delivered for initial unit training.

Merkava Mark I

The Mark I is the original design created as a result of Israel Tal's decision, and was fabricated and designed for mass production. The Mark I weighed 63 tonnes and had a 900 horsepower (670 kW) diesel engine, with a power to weight ratio of 14 hp/ton. It was armed with the 105 millimeter M68 main gun (a licensed copy of the British Royal Ordnance L7), two 7.62 mm machine guns for anti-infantry defense[8], and a 60 mm mortar mounted externally, with its operator not completely protected by the tank's hull.
The general design borrows the tracks from the British Centurion tank, which had seen extensive use during the Yom Kippur war.
The Merkava was first used in combat during the 1982 Lebanon War where Israel deployed 180 units. After the war many adjustments and additions were noted and designed, the most important being that the 60 mm mortar needed to be installed within the hull and engineered for remote firing—a valuable feature the Israelis had initially encountered on their Centurion Mk3s with their 2" mortar MkIII[9]. A shot trap was found beneath the rear of the turret bustle where a well-placed shot could jam the turret completely. Installation of chain netting to disperse and destroy rocket propelled grenades and anti-tank rockets before impacting the primary armor increased survivability.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... trun-2.jpg

Merkava Mark II

The Mark II was first introduced into general service in April 1983 and incorporated several upgrades as a result of the previous incursion into Lebanon. The new tank was optimized for urban warfare and low intensity conflicts, with a weight and engine no greater than the Mark I[10].
The Mark II used the same 105 millimeter main gun and 7.62 millimeter machine guns as the Mark I, but the 60 millimeter mortar was redesigned during construction to be located within the hull and configured for remote firing to remove the need to expose the operator to enemy small-arms fire. An Israeli-designed automatic transmission and increased fuel storage for increased range was installed on all further Mark IIs. Anti-rocket netting was fitted for increased survivability against infantry equipped with anti-tank rockets.

Many minor improvements were made to the fire-control system. Updated meteorological sensors, crosswind analyzers, and thermographic optics and image intensifiers gave greater visibility and battlefield awareness.
Incrementally improved versions of the original Mark II were designated:
• Mark IIB, with thermal optics and unspecified updates to the fire control system.
• Mark IIC, with more armor on the top of the turret to improve protection against attack from the air.
• Mark IID, with next-generation modular composite armor on the chassis and turret.

Merkava Mark III

The Merkava Mark III was introduced in December 1989, and had many major upgrades to the drivetrain, powertrain, armament, and safety systems. The most prominent addition was the incorporation of the locally-developed IMI 120 mm gun.[11] This gun and a larger 1,200 horsepower (890 kW) diesel engine increased the total weight of the tank to 65 tonnes (140,000 lb), but the larger engine increased the maximum cruising speed to 60 km/h (37 mph)[12].
The turret was re-engineered for movement independent of the tank chassis, allowing it to track a target regardless of the tank's movement. Many other improvements were made, including:
• External two-way telephone for secure communications between the tank crew and dismounted infantry,
• Upgraded ammunition storage containers to minimize ammunition cook-off,
• Addition of laser designators,
• Incorporation of the Kasag modular armor system, designed for rapid replacement and repair in the battlefield and for quick upgrading as new designs and sophisticated materials become available,
• Creation of the Mark IIIB, with unspecified armor upgrades.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... a3tank.jpg

The more advanced, Merkava Mark III Baz model, with weaponry highlighted

Design features

Optimized for urban combat, the new model has a better Efire-control system, the El-Op Knight Mark 4. Modular Armor on all sides, from the Merkava Mark IIID, including the top and a removable V-shaped belly armor pack for the underside.
Tank rounds are stored in individual fire-proof canisters, which reduce the chance of cookoffs in a fire inside the tank. The turret is "dry"; no active rounds are stored in it.
Some features, such as hull shaping, exterior non-reflective paints, and shielding for engine heat plumes mixing with air particles to confuse enemy thermal imagers, were carried over from the IAI Lavi program of the Israeli Air Force to make the tank harder to spot.
The Mark IV includes the larger 120 mm main gun of the previous versions but can fire a wider variety of ammunition, including HEAT and sabot rounds like the APFSDS kinetic energy penetrator, using an electrical semi-automatic revolving magazine for 10 rounds. It also includes a much larger 12.7 mm machine gun for anti-vehicle operations (most commonly used against technicals)[14].

Upgraded fire control system

The new fire-control system enables the Merkava to shoot down helicopters and find and destroy armored attack helicopters such as the French Gazelle and the ubiquitous Russian Mil Mi-24, both used by Israel's neighbors.

Digital battlefield management system

The tank carries the Israeli Elbit Systems BMS (Battle Management System; Hebrew: צי"ד), a centralised system that from tracked units and UAVs in theater, displays it on color screens, and distributes it in encrypted form to all other units equipped with BMS in a given theater.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... mer003.jpg

Namer in Yad LaShiryon 62nd Independence Day exhibition.

Namer (Hebrew: leopard, which is also an abbreviating of "Nagmash (APC) Merkava") is a heavy infantry fighting vehicle based on Merkava Mark IV chassis. In service since 2008. The vehicle was initially called Nemmera (Hebrew: leopardess), but later renamed to Namer.
Namer is armed with either M2 Browning machine gun or Mk 19 grenade launcher mounted on a Samson Remote Controlled Weapon Station, another 7.62 mm MAG machine gun, 60 mm mortar and smoke grenades. Like Merkava Mark IV it is optimized for high level of crew survival on the battlefield. Namer may carry up to 12 crewmen and infantrymen and a stretcher, or two stretchers and medical equipment.
On July 20, 2007, StrategyPage

Reported that the first fifteen Namers will be delivered in 2008, and over a hundred more will finally equip two combat brigades. Golani Brigade used two Namer IFVs during Cast Lead operation.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... tion-3.jpg

Specifications Weight 65 tonnes Length 9.04 m (29.66 ft): rear to muzzle
7.60 m (24.93 ft): without gun Width 3.72 m (12.2 ft)—without skirts Height 2.66 m (8.73 ft)—turret roof Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)
Armor Classified composite matrix of laminated ceramic-steel-nickel alloy. Sloped modular design.
Primary weapon 120 mm (4.7 in) MG253 smoothbore gun, capable of firing LAHAT ATGM Secondary weapon 1 × 12.7 mm (0.5 in) MG 2 × 7.62 mm (0.3 in) MG
1 × 60 mm (2.4 in) internal mortar
12 smoke grenades Engine 1,500 hp (1,119 kW) turbocharged diesel engine
Power/weight 23 hp/ton Payload capacity 48 rounds Transmission Renk RK 325 Suspension Helical spring Ground clearance 0.45 m (1.48 ft) Fuel capacity 1400 litres Operational
range 500 km (311 mi) Speed 64 km/h (40 mph) on road
55 km/h (34 mph) off road

N.A.A.T standard add Force field 400 MDC (that N.E tech copied by N.A.AT)
N.A.A.T standard Crew 3, can carry 6 heavy infantry, OR 8 medium to light infantry

M.D.C Stats
Main Body 120 can add up to 300
Turret 100 can add up 200
Tracks (2) 110
Track Wheels (many) 20 each
Engine Compartment 150
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns 20
Culpa (1)20
Culpa shields (1)100

Cost 1,000,000 plus add 50,000 for each new feature

All have Merkava to shoot down helicopters and find and destroy armored attack helicopters, main gun add +2 to strike Battle Management System add to tanks APC and squads a +1 to all bonus.+3 dodge
Merkava Mark I
Add 60 mm mortar
Use rifts merc ops as in page 126 and 127, note same but Rate Of Fire 1shot or 10 shot, range: indirect 6000 feet minimum range 100 feet payload : all five types 200 each total 10,000 rounds
the main gun look below
Merkava Mark II
105 millimeter main gun and 7.62 millimeter machine guns plus 60 millimeter mortar increased fuel storage for increased range, Anti-rocket netting, thermal optics, more armor, modular composite
M.D.C Stats
Main Body 190 can add up to 200
Turret 150 can add up 200
Tracks (2) 120
Track Wheels (many) 20 each
Engine Compartment 150
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns 20
Culpa (1)20
Culpa shields (1)150
Range: x3

Anti-rocket or missiles netting take half damage from any missiles, thermal optics, more armor, modular composite look below
Weapon system
Type: 100 MM tank rifle
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
100 mm -2D4X10 M.D (max damage 80)
H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
100 mm -1d10x10 M.D (max damage 100)
A.P.F.S.D.S round
100 mm -3d6x10 M.D (max damage 180)
Range 6000 feet
Rate of fire: single shot and dual shot
Payload: 100
Bonus +2 range
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun
Modular composite: Amour type reactive type, anti energy type, anti missile, anti-kinetic Note reduce 50% damage plus any 60 M.D.C or less no damage
Merkava Mark III
as above IMI 120 mm gun, Optimized for urban combat, exterior non-reflective paints, and shielding for engine heat plumes mixing with air particles to confuse enemy thermal imagers
Main Body 190 can add up to 200
Turret 150 can add up 200
Tracks (2) 120
Track Wheels (many) 20 each
Engine Compartment 150
Main Gun 125
Machine Guns 20
Culpa (1)20
Culpa shields (1)150
Weapon system
Type: 120 MM tank rifle
L.E. Round or light explosive rounds
120 mm- 1D10x10M.D ( max damage 100) dual shot 5d4x10
H.E. or Heavy explosive rounds or H.E.A.T Rounds
120 mm -2d6x10 or 3d4x10 M.D (max damage 120 ) dual shot 4d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
120 mm -4d6x10 ( max damage 240 ) dual shot 8d6x10
Rate Of Fire : single or dual shot
Payload: 100
Bonus +1 range
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds, medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet N.A.A.T range 3 miles
Payload: 1200

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun or a second M.D.C Machine gun
Modular composite: Amour type reactive type, anti energy type, anti missile, anti-kinetic Note reduce 50% damage plus any 60 M.D.C or less no damage , exterior non-reflective paints, and shielding for engine heat plumes mixing with air particles to confuse enemy thermal imagers -60% to detect .
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by taalismn »

Okay, now if you REALLY wanted to score points, making a 'Golem' Merkava able to drive itself and operate as a roving robot... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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