N.A.A.T for North America armored transport was the first in was a Large Company but grew and very large N.A.A.T was a transport mercenary unit as a support unit but
North America Mercenary Escort Services was affront unit to test and be an all out while N.A.A.T would be fully support combat. While N.A.M.E.S was an all out merc unit .but grow in time N.A.A.T stay unknown but N.A.M.E.S was known and stay under the radar of the coalition it able to dance a very find line during the rise of the coalition sates N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S was able to save thousand of family during what N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S Call the purge wars . This allowed N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S allowed setting a plan into motion not to take over the coalition states but to survive under it but they notice there was a hidden force behind the coalition states (and that was the republicans). N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S were the first to see them and when they got the fuel plan into well step down one the republicans plan was noble but was putting their eggs in a basket and avoided at all cost no matter what was their option. Then republicans failed and forum this type neo-Nazi government and it was a shock for them. The main secret was that N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S were from the golden age of man, a massive army( Para-trooper OCC, marine OCC new navy and Tin man OCC tank OCC ) and many Glitter boy suits ,SAMAS ( found in new west) and many NEMA armored suits and infantry OCC ,weapons and support personal were ready to move but were teleported 300 plus years later. Just before the formation of the coalition states, many saw in shock what happen to the worlds and to North America and could beat the begin of the coalition states with time but would be able to hold ground and magic was also against N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S and well it was better to honker down . This saves N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S for a future of hidden shadows operations while N.A.M.E.S took in the front operations, it help new comer in the MDC arms race. Thanks to an A.R.M Tech personal staff that joined them (military) was able to make negation with just about all the well know in North America. They were well know in other part of north America where the coalition states has not arrive but are well aware of the coalition states thanks to N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S . While
Wellington industries (W.I), North America Black market, Tundra ranger, Lazo, Iron heart, El Paso & Ciudad Juarez:, Ishpeming were just starting N.A.A.T came in and help keeping cost down as a transport company or so many thought but N.A.A.T had fire that rival any mercenary company, merchant force as they were called first or magic as well for they collected magic items as well and help big time. So when N.A.A.T was getting too big N.A.M.E.S was made this allowed to bring new blood in from the locals and from many families that would die during the purge wars hundreds of not thousands join and help N.A.M.E.S grow. Many were just farmers trappers but learn to “be all you can be “disposition an old say saying form the army. N.A.M.E.S has brown water and limited navy which no one knew at the time. This saved many during the purge wars while N.A.A.T had a conventional air force and army way, N.A.M.E.S used marine and Parra trooper ideas it works well. While it help in many ways Larsen brigade, Braddock’s Bad boys, Air Superiority ,Inc, Combat Medical services
Silverado (S)& Colorado baronies, North east tribes( NET) , Southeast tribes (SET),Plains tribes( PT) , and Southwest ,Fades town ,The Great Trade Road (T.G.R)
For getting supplies and support they are well know with these unit or area. but they ask to reveal who they are but be seen as an unknown merc unit for N.A.A.T and a known merc unit for N.A.M.E.S and it has help big time . It throws the coalition states N.A.A.T as a little well unknown and a wanna be know mercenary unit play with the big boys.
N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S have many spies in coalition states they are not know yet. They always help N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S they are in the hundreds in all level from the military to civilian area. Some even work under the emperor and under his son as well as the intelligence department and even in lone star!!! They gotten a lot of Naruni enterprise
Tech and are adapting for N.A.M.E.S to use over seas and as last defense for N.A.A.T base operation. The lost of Iron heart was hard first but N.A.A.T has the abilities now to keep making these love hardware and no will know how many were made in North America .Also N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S love merc town and love Bandito arms, Arzno, Columbia as well. Tolkeen was always a place to get new magic features add to N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S but saw the writing on the wall and left and came to save the live of so many family who were not combat personal and thank to the cyber knights they again many lives like in the purge wars.
The black market has work hand in hand but both draw the line no drugs, slave trade, and cyber snatcher, and must work on which Assassination can be done. It works well for decades North America ….
N.A.M.E.S made it big in time with NGR in recent event the lost of a major city N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S lost a lot of hardware but not man power during the fall of massacre in Wroclaw. This open a secondary security force that help make N.G.R governments, D-bee militia force (or DMF), Kingdom of Tarnow been afraid of what could happen. Allowing what looks old tech found new life and many other toys it can use and when NGR troops see something that is attacking monster and not them well they look the other way. This added a buffer that no one is aware off till the next big war come that caught N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S off guard when the coalition states and NGR join forces .but what is unknown even to the coalition states N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S were able to get save the coalition states forces to Europe . Coalition states forces detect unknown missiles flying a large enemy targets to scatter the enemy surprised and saved coalition states forces/tack force!!! Even coalition states forces know there was someone watching from a distance and save their rear ends on a few occasion. NGR troops told them just look the other way and don’t figure it later, and to the shock of seen angels coming out of no and help then they disappear. As well as other robot vehicles that are human design of nature doing the impossible and no magic used (look at N.A.A.T Germany). This has worried coalition states forces what is over there, that why coalition states forces are involved to see what there and maybe find something that will aid them or get their dirty little hands on.
mercenary company
A. Outfits #6. Unlimited Clothing
B. Equipment #8. Unlimited Equipment
C. Vehicles #6. Unlimited Vehicles
D. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots #6. Maximum Firepower
E. Communications #6. Superior Communications
F. Internal Security #6. Impregnable
G. Permanent Bases #6. Company City
H. Intelligence Resources all
H. Intelligence Resources I.
Special Budget #5. Big Bucks
J. General Alignment #6. Scrupulous/Principled
L. Criminal Activity All but no slave trade
K. Reputation/Credentials #3. Unknown by the coalition N.A.A.T #4. Known N.A.M.E.S
M.Salary5. Excellent Salary# 6. Outrageous Salary
N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S
After to coalition war
N.A.A.T North America /South America sector remember they cover hundreds of miles and can hold their won in combat but need N.A.M.E.S, which covers even more
Has the following all at max numbers
Secret 95:+10pts-equipment +10pts-outfits +10pts (Special Forces)
Free Company 145pts:+10-vehicle +10 outfits +10-weapons ( combat personal)
Large Company: 200pts: +10-vehicles +10-budget (support personal)
Mercenary Army: 300pts:+20-budget and weapons +20-outfits (secondary task forces)
Large Mercenary Army: 500pts +20-vehicles +20-budget (primary task forces)
Equipment +10, outfits + 40, vehicle +40 , budget + , weapons+ 30, budget + 40, any + 10,
That a total of 1240 base points
Sponsorship varies look below
This is why Government: old US military power and hidden allied Fronts (ALL of weapon competitors/dealer in North America and black market!!!
+20pts-intelligence resources +20pts-criminal activities +10pts any
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts-weapons +10pts-budget +10pts any
Equipment +40, outfits +40, vehicle + , budget + 10,
Intelligence resources +20, criminal activities+ 20, any + 20
N.A.M.E.S North America /South America / Europe, Atlantic and pacific sector!!!!
For North America
Free Company (special operation forces) that 400 combat ready
Large Company secondary task forces) that 1000 combat ready
Mercenary Army (primary task forces) that 10,000 combat ready
Large Mercenary Army ( logistical combat force) 1,000,000 total , 400,000 combat ready , another 100,000 combat ready but will take 24 hours to go and 300,000 to support all four combat units
145pts +10-vehicle +10 outfits +10-weapons
200pts +10-vehicles +10-budget
300pts +20-budget and weapons +20-outfits
500pts +20-vehicles +20-budget
Total base points 1145
Vehicle + 40, outfits + 30, weapons + 30, budget +50, any +10,
Sponsorship Criminal: Organized Crime North America,Government N.A.A.T all North America weapon dealers, black market and Kingdom of Tarnow, N.A.M.E.S, D.M.Z And Independent small security firms Front in Europe
+20pts-intelligence resources +20pts-criminal activities +10pts
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts
+20pts-outfits +20pts-equipment +20pts-weapons +10pts-budget +10pts
Intelligence resources+20 , criminal activities+ 20, outfits+ 40, equipment+40 , weapons+20 , budget+ 10,any +40 ,
Combined vehicle +40, outfits+70, weapons+ 50, budget + 60, intelligence resources +20, criminal activities+20, equipment +40, any+ 50,
“OK you rookies time to see where you fit your role in tank. You will be drill to death and see who is true leader are and followers in the tank, this will not be a picnic. there will be live fire in two month and who is a spotter to see where there might be mine even I.E.D so some of you are farmers , ex militia , fisherman but in the end you need to protect each other butts you will be come tank pilots so better than others .”
Drill sergeant talking to green soldier’s northern gun, G.A.W and ex tolkeen citizens
In all tanks there are three(3) to five (5) crew, and a standard tank works this Tank commander, Reloader/ auxiliary gunner, Driver / Pilot ,Main gunner/ gunner,/Communications officers/ auxiliary gunner, Operator /secondary gunner all have a job to do but also keep an eye outside the more the better .And have special in one of these role as well and has been vital in combat .But it can be a flaw as well to lose even one can throw the combat crew off their game or duties (which can be fatal in combat). Battle tanks have been around or since 1916 at best guess or over 479 years .A major factor in all tank are speed, armor and fire a well balance of all three give a battle tank good combat performer in the battlefield. This counts only on track and hover technology (in PW gravity drive has reduce to amour and fire power and the latter the crew training) .In realty rifts earth realized there are four factor a major factor in all tank are speed, amour and fire a well balance of all three give a battle tank good combat performers in the battlefield and last the crew itself.
There, also another factor the crew itself not all have the same training in a modern combat .Some say the use of a tank are no longer needed only an APC for transport .Then ask why the coalition have tanks ,for that matter why do the NGR have tanks too( in PW too why use tanks) .Even with robots and other offense technology to take out a tank and crew .The tank are still needed in the battlefield .The myth that a tank is outdated to robot pilots and easy to destroy have cost the lives of many rookie robot pilot .Act as secondary attack role or support role has been vital in the coalition they excel at own the secondary line at terrible cost to tanks and crew but allowing many more to live .The NGR still use tank and hover tank in both front lines and secondary line of support .Some tank can go toe to toe with other robot and win. Then add more than one tank in the field well that changes everything in the battlefield (one is bait the others hides for the ambush).
Training for a tank crews is different due to the government idea in Military terms of combat (different OCC in rifts earth as well in Phase world) .They are seen as expendable (those with low tech below rifts earth technology or at rifts earth level or the exact opposite like the NGR, or RIFTS JAPAN) this applies as well to PW.
When there are three to five players each can have a role to play in a tank .This a special place in role playing to the playing characters or division .Still they must work as a team in order to survive in combat. (I remember testing with group of player who didn’t get along well and were playing pranks at each other and fight each other. But when in combat mission they work as a team taking out several tanks, APC, robot and the dangerous anti tank robots glitter boys power amour and many soft targets as well. Even low fly targets .It was fun see how they didn’t like each other but were so deadly in combat ...and lucky).
The last thing is that these tanks are old tech but can do series damage in a modern battlefield to any target and add other military hardware that is a force multiplier. The Tank maybe old technology but still useful this applies to all roles playing setting (rifts earth, phase world and other gaming setting with M.D.C setting).
In all tank there are three to five crew, and a standard tank works this way tank commander, Reloader, driver, main gunner, secondary gunner all have a job to do but also keep an eye outside the more the better (-4 to initiative to enemy)
( the main reason why I made this O.C.C class was because I had to many player at the time about 18 + and one GM ,so tank and transport are vital in rifts earth and later in Phase world well it took of from there. And it is better to have to tanks with a total of 12 crew plus infantry 6 that 18 not to mention APC crew .it made better playing and control for with out losing fun and drag time)
Pick one
1. Tank Commander:
Add 1d4 to initiative add+1 at level 3, 6, 9, and 12. add +2 at level 15 , +25% to all detection skills When on or in the tank ( plus IQ if any), horror factor (bad reputation) /Awe (good reputation ) starts at 6 add + 1 at level 3,6,10,11,Add +2 at 15 level , give Moral to crew in combat roll on H.F , target lock ( strike from main gun) +1 add 1 at level 3 ,6,9,11,add+2 at level 15 , special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover ) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus half if caught of guard
2. Reloader:
To the Main Gun: ADD 1 to rate of fire, plus add+1 at level 3, 6, 9, and 12. Add +2 at level 15. Note if done manual, add +2 to Rate .Of. Fire if systems is automatic (this also applies if the systems fails) special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus half if caught of guard
3. Driver /Pilot:
Add 25 % to driver a particular vehicle ( plus IQ if any), for the rest 15 %, add only +2 dodge on tracks vehicles , on hovercrafts( add +3 only plus any other bonus at half the cost Example
![Razz :p](./images/smilies/tongue.gif)
4. Auxiliary gunner /communications officers :
add +15% radio basic and add+12 any communications skills ,add +1 to attacks initiative, strike ,to all heavy weapons ,special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover ) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus , half if caught of guard
5. Operator /secondary gunner :
To all W.P heavy weapons add +2 to attacks, + 2 to strike, +2 initiative, special Auto Dodge (call Duck and cover) add +2 to Auto Dodge and give half the doge bonus, half if caught of guard
6. Tank crew Reputation horror factor (bad reputation) /Awe (good reputation ) :
this applies in before / during and after combat shock ( to the enemy ) and awe ( to allies/ friendly force ) add +1 if they survive every battle , +2 a major battle ,last stands -1 fail , win +4 , take down a mayor target or stop over welling force +2 , loss battle minor -1 , major-4 ,have a stalemate in battle by players +4 , by the enemy -5 ,fail mission -6, loss tank -10, tank disable -5 , stay in the fight with tank disable +2 ,win tank disable +8, loss battle ( and survive ) tank disable -6 ,work together in battle +1 ,against each other -2, save another tank and crew +2 , come to the rescue against over welling odds wining +6 , win +10 fail -6, save a squad (S) +3 / 5,miliatary hardware minor+3 major /important +7, save power amour +5 , save giant size + 8 , fix tank in the middle combat +7 , loss crewman Tank Commander -8 others -4 ,taking out slow moving aircraft ( under 300 MPH) +3 , medium speed 301 to 600 MPH +5 , mach speed + 9 , supernatural being minor 150 MDC or less +4 , supernatural being 151 to 300 MDC + 6 , supernatural being 301 plus + 8 , ruthless in combat +8 , honorable +5 , save innocent live ( non military personal ) +9 , shielded save innocent live ( non military personal ), flee – 10 (that run like hell ) , but tactical withdraw successful +9 / partial success -3 , fail – 8
Tank definition:
The main battle tanks are vehicles serving a role, in active military service with countries of the world. A main battle tank (MBT) is the type of powerful, heavily-armored and highly mobile tank which is the backbone of a mechanized land force. A tank with a good balance of firepower, cross-country mobility, and armored protection, and therefore capable of carrying out the roles of breakthrough, exploitation and infantry support; the primary tank of a country or armed forces
A.P.C definition:
An armored personnel carrier (APC) is an armored fighting vehicle designed to transport infantry to the battlefield.
A.P.C is usually armed with only a machine gun although variants carry recoilless rifles, anti-tank guided missiles (A.T.G.M.s), or mortars. They are not usually designed to take part in a direct-fire battle, but to carry troops to the battlefield safe from shrapnel and ambush. They may have wheels or tracks.
I.F.V definition:
An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as (mechanized) infantry combat vehicle, (M) ICV) is a type of armored fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them.
Skills specialized for Tank pilots and APC /IFV Base Skill 34%+4 per level
Pilot skills for rifts earth
1. Military: Pilot tracked/ treads tank
2. Military: Pilot wheeled base tank
3. Military: Pilot hover craft tank
4. Military: Pilot tracked treads / APC/IFV
5. Military: Pilot wheeled APC/IFV
6. Military: Pilot hover craft APC/IFV
7. Military: Pilot half tracked APC /IFV
Pilot skills for phase world
1. Military: Pilot tracked tank
2. Military: Pilot wheeled base tank
3. Military: Pilot hover craft tank
4. Military: Pilot Gravity drive tank
5. Military: Pilot tracked APC/IFV
6. Military: Pilot wheeled APC/IFV
7. Military: Pilot hover craft APC/IFV
8. Military: Pilot half tracked APC /IFV (rare )
9. Military: Pilot Gravity drive APC /IFV
The following are M.O.S for Rifts Earth a total
I) Pilot MOS tank type of vehicle track ONLY ADD 25% (any MDC setting)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
1) 4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
4) Pilot motorcycle,
5) Pilot military tank Tracked OR wheel base
6) Tracked +construction vehicle
7) Truck
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon
II) Pilot MOS type of vehicle hover tank ADD 25 %( any MDC setting)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Language native tongue
5) Hover craft (ground) tank & APC
6) Jet pack
7) Hover cycles, sky cycles & rockets bike
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon
III) Pilot MOS anti- aircraft tank (A.A.A.) ADD 25% (coalition solider, Rifts Mercenary, or a FWC pilot) Rifts earth only
As #1 but specialized in A.A.A tank of coalition(CTX-52 “Sky sweeper ,note has the copied and gravity type weapons add 50% to range for rail gun, gravity type weapons time 3 ,laser type times two the range)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
1) 4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
4) Pilot motorcycle
5) Pilot military tank track OR wheel base (PW hover or gravity drive systems )
6) Tracked +construction vehicle
7) Truck
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon
Add +3 strikes in weapon, by can fire at 50 % range by half bonus to strike for rail gun or any projectile weapons only
IV) Pilot MOS A.P.C/I.F.V ADD 25% as per number I but remove Pilot military tank remove Pilot military tank
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
1) 4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
4) Pilot motorcycle,
5) Pilot military A.P.C/I.F.V Tracked OR wheel base
6) Tracked +construction vehicle
7) Truck
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon
V) Pilot MOS Hover A.P.C/I.F.V ADD 25% as per number I but remove Pilot military tank, Truck, Tracked +construction vehicle – add Hover craft (ground) add +15% APC type add 25 % only
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
5) Pilot motorcycle, or hover cycle
6) Pilot military Hover A.P.C/I.F.V only ( PW can have gravity drive systems)
7) Hover craft (ground) add +15%
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
9) W.P heavy military weapons
10) W.P military flame throwers
11) W.P heavy MDC weapon
VI) Pilot MOS gravity drive C ADD 25% (Phase worlds) but remove Pilot military tank, Truck, Tracked +construction vehicle, Pilot military APC (no hover vehicle or Tracked)
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
5) Pilot motorcycle,
6) Pilot military tank/A.P.C/I.F.V gravity drive only ( PHASE WORLD ONLY )
7) Weapon system
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
9) W.P military flame throwers
10) W.P heavy MDC weapon
VII) Dual class MOS: Can selected any other tank skills and APC one of each (BUT that particular vehicle, if use another type reduce by half their skill base) MOS if allowed by GM
1) Radio basic
2) Sensory equipment
3) Sign language
4) Add 1 WP any , northern America any 2 W.P
5) Pilot motorcycle,
6) Pilot military vehicle RIFTS Earth APC/IFV type wheel base, Tracked, hovercraft PICK ONE
Pilot military vehicle RIFTS Earth tank type wheel base, Tracked, hovercraft PICK ONE
Pilot military vehicle phase world type only wheel base, Tracked, hovercraft, Gravity drive PICK TWO for PW
7) Tracked +construction vehicle
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
9) Weapon system
10) W.P heavy military weapons
11) W.P military flame throwers
12) W.P heavy MDC weapon
Coalition tank pilot (PW tank pilot)
N.G.R tank pilots (PW tank pilot)
North American armor tank mercenary, (N.A.A.T O.C.C) (PW tank pilot)
Japan tank pilot (PW tank pilot)
Soviet tank operator/South American Tank O.C.C Pilot (PW tank pilot)
Or (S.A.T) or South American Army Tank Pilot O.C.C (PW tank pilot)
Warlord tank chariots(PW tank pilot)
In rifts earth the coalition tanks pilots and NE tank pilots have similar skills and wages. but skills bonus are different ( slightly )an example the coalition tank pilots get +10% will N.E tank pilots get +15% .after that the role they play are the same as well . Still the coalition goes for Blitzkriegs tactic (or light strike tactic use in Europe in WW II). . Coalition tanks pilots prefer to hit hard and fast keep the enemy where when they will attacks any weak areas when found. will NE tank pilots prefer to attack long range attack and give light/medium tank ,APC support like battle ship ,and will only get up close and personal if necessary in combat ( which almost often in phase world ) Still in rifts earth many see tank out of time ,old tech that should be replace . Many who become coalition tanks pilots are volunteers and make a career in the coalition states. Many robots or those who train in robot piloting look down at them and only see a moving bunker in their eyes. This has made rival among tank crew and pilots crew as well. Sometime even infantry see tank as big target to shot here, and even super solider in the coalition see them as a magnet to hit. Many Tanks have fallen easy by coalition juicers but in military exercise done within coalition tank have done fair to good. But many will say in is just a military exercise and not the real thing. however that all change when there was the coalition wars in north America , tank crew suffered the worst losses and the lost of so many tank destroy ( note not disable) . This was due to the fact that many tank crew stay near or as close as possible the there tank and ready to fight. The lost of the first line during the scorer revenge was a terrible lost to infantry, super solider ( juicer ) , cybors , robot pilots and ,robot vehicles .but for some reasons tank were not hit at first , for this gave vital time to get to the tanks pilots to get to their tanks . Coalition tanks pilots didn’t wait for orders and save d many military personal to escape, but at the cost of the tank (disable first and later destroyed) and tank crew. Even with their tracks destroyed, many tank crew choices to fight to the very end and give the vital time to complete their mission. During the attack on coalition army the tolkeen went for following targets 1) any robots and robot crews and last robot pilots and dog boys, 2) cybors 3) collation juicers and 4) last their base of operations. And they were the first to fall if they stand and ,however the tank crews were always close just a few feet ,due to the teleportation attacks .this allow many tank crews to mount their tanks and fight to the bitter end ,and some survive ,few became P.O.W . Many tank commanders made improvised third line that barely held together that allowed many troops and vital noncombat crews to run for safety and slow the carnage that the sources revenge had on coalition troops .All this came at a terrible cost for many tanks and tank crews . there was reason why many die to the very ends many who became a career tank pilots which are know now is for the fact many coalition tank pilots were volunteer s. If they die their family became automatic citizens to coalition stare that was the case for about 70% who applied!!!!! The coalition many sure they work together as a team and found sub culture that was nor visible to many within the coalition as well to many outsiders as well. .
The coalition always look where they can use tank to the maximum effect in nay battle filed .unfortunate the one that got the glory were robot pilots and because many were volunteers to becomes citizen of the coalition they were look down ( by many with the army ).As robots pilots moved first the APC and Tank work together as a team and kept theirs distance .they combine power amour ,gunships ,and air support and finally tanks ( due to the fact many tank were slow and easy targets ). During the unofficial tactical retreat tank proved that they can handed themselves in a fire fight ,even though it was disorganize tank crew later called by many coalition who survived tank pilots . Now robot pilots and tank /APC work as one .they each other as equal this happen after the loss of 67 % tank of all type were lost in the first wave and 46 % lost of all APC type in the coalitions army .still with the terrible were lost tank divisions were many faster than robots .this made many join the tank pilots to join and bring a larger number of personal into the folds later follow robots of all type .After all not all can be robot pilots.
While N.E tank pilots OCC use the same stats used by the coalition army, the question is why? N.E has a vast amount of tanks and need to show off or display there tanks. Those skills are taught for two fold s. 1) it is cheaper to have someone show you in a display case , but 2) demonstrate how it runs 3) you never know if you have to defend NE merchandise if things go south .this became very handy in phase world in the center where the minion tried to take over or destroy it .tank we used in the center where literal all hell broke loss .NE tank and powered amour were all need to make a stand while APC carried non combat personal out of the combat area while infantry were the last line of defense foe non-combats personal . NE has similar used after the first wave on earth that failed. NE uses the heavy tanks first and robots and medium tanks as second line to attack or defense while the third line is used by APC and so .NE understand best their gear using it deadly results and pin blank attacks as well by tank pilots ,ands their tanks can do. This OCC have the best gear in all of Phase world and maybe the mega verse .lastly if they need cybors the NE has the best of the best as well as heavy infantry to back them up this is a force multiplier in any battle .there have been many reports that just using NE conventional vehicle many have stop and surrender without firing a single shot . Their training may look simple to many in phase world’s standard but they are a lean fight machine in phase world.
Rifts earth their some of the best tank OCC that can match even beat tank to tank battle ,they are the following NGR tank pilots ( CWW Tank Pilots in Phase worlds) ,Japanese tank OCC ( bushido tank pilots in Phase world ) ,Soviet tanks pilots /( I.D.F Tank pilots in phase worlds ) all these tank pilots are the best there is in Rifts earth and in phase world as well as any MDC setting .this does not matter if they tanks with treads, wheeled tanks , hover tanks ,or gravity drive tanks in Phase world . They are considered career driven tank pilots in both rifts earth and in phase world for they are the bane to many enemy’s or respected by the civilian population. they have different training , tactic but they adapt to any type of warfare form open ware fare to urban , to jungles , icy conditions , to desert warfare .they are not push over in there tank , for they look beyond what is there form super soldiers, IED, to ambushes and blow out of the map. All these governments use tem from assault to defense position to tactical retreat. While in phase these pilots are respect as well in the military and populations as well due to the fact that tank have been longer than any other piece of equipment that they know. Many prefer to have a being driving a tank than a drone by all power blocs in phase world and are recognize as such. They can even drop in orbit however they are considered a wild card doing this maneuver (which has works well so many times to the surprise of many in phase world). but bushido tank pilots in Phase world are seen as rent cops in a tank but they can handled themselves as any professional tank pilots .while CWW tank pilots are portray as hero of the old guard ready to fight the good fight with the TGE tank slaves in phase world . The need to have tanks and tank pilots are is sometime times simple economics and who can still fight. Look at FWC which have rebel from tank pilot’s slaves to true tank professional inside of the TGE! the need to have tank/ APC in three galaxy to bring troop to the front line are vital to support tank and give additional reinforcements to supplies ,and even bring the injured or the dead as well. There has been time that tank can do serious damage and be a shock and awe to stop an opposing force. All these tank pilots will be vital to repel the demons that will attack the center in phase world and the rest of the galaxies’ as well. They will all common tank technology in phase world from track, hover technology to gravity drive technology in three galaxies.
There is an OCC that has been around North American tank pilots that many don’t realized until the after coalition war ,they are North America tank mercenary( in phase world they are FWC tank pilots ). In rifts earth are North America tank mercenary or tank merc’s ,but just like rifts earth and phase world their is a special class call legacy tank pilots ( or ACE tank pilots )
Let start in rifts earth when North American tank pilots were from the US army and Marine Corps and the national guarded , they survived the coming of the rifts for many years. They had many tank both SDC and MDC, they help formed many towns, and help the black market to some extend in the beginning. When the coalition still at its infancy they had almost all of tank pilots of North America (about 89%) and APC as well .all was good but when the coalition was formed many lost their contracts with the coalition due to the new technology the SAMAS and other coalition robots recover from the great library .Many were forced to other with their tanks and APC to make money ,and allowed place like tolkeen ,and kings dale and G.A.W to mention a few as well as the black market ( big time).many were as defense town or as escort transport of all goods .they were not the most advance but could do the job. (In rifts earth there are three type of tanks/APC wheeled / tracked /and hover technology).the tank divisions that were left in North American allow the formation of many mercenary armies today in rifts earth. if the coalition would of kept the tank pilots this would have allow the coalition to take over all of North America , a terrible mistake later down the road ( which the coalition have kept a major secret ).
In rifts earth as well in the FWC their elite force know as legacy tank pilots able (just like the glitter boys). They were born in a tank/APC having better combat skills than a North American tank pilots, even the collation armed forces and even NGR!
While in Phase world the FWC tanks pilots as the same exact as the North American tank pilots ( as well as legacy tank pilots call ace tank pilots ) .there were formed out of need to fight the TGE . The CWW help at first recover and keep tank formations (secretly of course). They also help add more tank pilots when the FWC liberated more worlds and some became standard mercenary tank pilots. The level of technology used in phase worlds are wheeled, track tanks, hover tanks as well gravity drive tanks. FWC uses all type of tanks to fight the TGE.
Both classes are well respected and hated in rifts earth and in phase world. And lastly will be need in for the mions wars that will catch may of guard.
NOTE: legacy tank pilots (or ACE tank pilots in phase world)
• they pick two skill abilities
• pick two specialization of any type of any type tank and APC can combine as well
• add +2 to horror factor /awe M.E ,P.S,P.E, M.A,-1 to PB for man , for women add +3 to PB ,add +10 to piloting ground vehicles of any kind , but for women +17 % to piloting ground vehicles of any kind
Now we going to know about two tank pilots class that are well not the best but can do the job .they are the TGE empire tanks pilots (most 79%) are slave driven to pilots tanks of the empire and warlord chariots tank units they the lowest bonus to any other tank pilots as well training . but some ( not all have some recognition) .still tanks are needed in both area on rifts earth and in phase world ,but robots pilots and even jetfighter get more coverage than a tank division in both armies . they have know turn tail and run when taking heavy loss .But if they are treated with some respect they can do some series damage if not careful. They reason they act like this for they have been force to fight not by choice and fight to the death with out knowing it. On top of that unlike NE tank pilots and even coalition armed forces which are volunteers they are slaves or forces to train from a fisherman to tank pilots with out choice and make do with what you got (or act like conscripts soldiers) so when fighting they expect heavy robot vehicles and some air support will be add, and if robots on the retreat you do the same as well or die fighting.
This different for TGE tank pilots who don’t trust their tank slave pilots crews and are considered expendable in the field of combat (they get half bonus and reduce skills percentage by half!!1 but if they get a chance to take down a TGE master they get full bonus!!!!). their have been hundreds of deserters ion the TGE you can see that in FWC ,some become tank Merc Outfits and keep it a secret to many . Outside the FWC TGE tank pilots are seen as bad blood the TGE with get to blow of the map, if they are found as runaway slave with a tank (which is the first time). It hard to get rid that type of reputation (NO awe factor, but to their horror (factor) a runway slave) and their have been many, many documented proof that TGE with take out a run away tank crew and sometime hunted down (not always). So if you choice to this class watch out for TGE wrath!!! . Few can go to a quiet and normal life style which is why they go as Merc tank crew or join FWC against the master that saw then as nothing more than cannon folders in battle. So they become Anti- TGE tank crew and to be famous taking down TGE face to face in the eyes of many CWW and any one who hates the TGE. This has given TGE loyal to the empire to take out the traitors down fast and with deadly response.
Techno wizard tank pilots (or UWW techno tank pilots in phase worlds) are not know even were used in the collation wars! The reason that survived is for the fact they saw join with dark force was not always a good idea (they can turn on you). Which indicate that tolkeen was going to loss to the coalition and were keep to run fist and they had help doing it. And all that they to action have live to tell about using technology and magic have given the ability to hit hard fast and deadly results. unfortunate the loss of tolkeen have cause to brake into to three factions one group use Abram and Paton tanks and many APC ,while second front that is against the collation states they use European tank and APC ( NE tanks and APC with magic abilities as well )that have thrown the coalition to loss their balance. And the third uses WWII battle tanks and APC of the old North American Empire and dame good at it. They all get a +5 to horror factor and later +3 when familiar with like 1d4+1 times later. To see then use technology and magic have given them a terrible advantage to anyone they face, they attack with deadly result and use concealment right in plain sight to many even to coalition troops as well! This has caught the eye of some Merc outfit company to use them quiet and public to avoid the coalition warpath upon them. The coalition is being to suspect magic tank crews are real and not a myth. This will scare the hell out of the coalition and even tank crew that must face them .the coalition is look to who they might be but all attempts have failed.
For TW OCC no change only add Military Skills to OCC plus pilot tank or APC pick one
Plus 1d4 modern W.P skills and hand to hand basic ONLY
Rifts main books
• Optional TW Defensive features pg336
• TW gems list look at page 133 to 134 only
Books of magic all heavy weapons only
• None OF THE FOLLOWING bimaney, cloud magic , blue flames , dolphin magic , mezca line ,necromancy , shamanistic magic, tattoo magic ,bio wizard magic ,biowardy, herbal magic, blood magic , millennium tree magic , eylor magic , farie magic , or nature magic, or bone magic
GM NOTE it seems there is an ancient dragon and is teaching may TW and many TW assistance, and finally many NON TW mechanics to make their own designs. Their also many high powered being (GM choice join this little pet project). All three factions have decoys bases and secret base of operations in North America and so call safety zones as well each guild has enough to make magical tanks and have TW tank Pilots .
Use techno wizard OCC no change but reduce all penalties by half as well time to make the tanks as well for they are very well funded to make magical and technological tank.