Rifts Rules Compendium

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. And here for the next round! Though remember, I may miss things. Feel free to double check these books, or if you see something I missed add it. Every bit helps. And now without further ado ...

Rule: Called Strike Penalties (see "Notes" for the Plain Clothes Armor)
Book: World Book 5: Triax and the NGR
Page: 37

Rule: Uranium Rounds (a.k.a. U-Rounds)
Book: World Book 5: Triax and the NGR
Page: 141-143

Rule: New Skills
Book: World Book 5: Triax and the NGR
Page: 155

Rule: Designer Drugs (street drugs)
Book: World Book 5: Triax and the NGR
Page: 176-178

Rule: Recognizing Enemy Infiltration Robots (EIR)
Book: World Book 5: Triax and the NGR
Page: 203-204

Rule: Tattoos of Monster-Shaping (rules)
Book: World Book 6: South America
Page: 101-102

Rule: Magical Potions and Pills
Book: World Book 6: South America
Page: 143-144

Rule: Underwater Skills
Book: World Book 7: Underseas
Page: 210-212

Rule: Ley Lines of Japan (map)
Book: World Book 8: Japan
Page: 27

Rule: Body Armor; EBA (optional damage considerations, standard properties, suit-up time, etc.)
Book: World Book 8: Japan
Page: 181

Rule: Japanese Skills of Note
Book: World Book 8: Japan
Page: 187-190

Rule: Hand to Hand Combat (expanded)
Book: World Book 8: Japan
Page: 190-194

Rule: Mystic Martial Arts Powers
Book: World Book 8: Japan
Page: 195-199

Rule: South America Ley Lines (map)
Book: World Book 9: South America 2
Page: 6

Rule: The Juicer Procedure (Failed Procedures, Dangers and Side Effects, Insanities, and Non-Human Juicers)
Book: World Book 10: Juicer Uprising
Page: 12-17

Rule: Last Call Symptoms Table (random table)
Book: World Book 10: Juicer Uprising
Page: 17-18

Rule: Juicer Lexicon (terms)
Book: World Book 10: Juicer Uprising
Page: 30

Rule: Designer Drugs
Book: World Book 10: Juicer Uprising
Page: 61-64

Rule: New Skills
Book: World Book 10: Juicer Uprising
Page: 64-66
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

On the podcast this all started I said I would be up for the challenge. I'm determined to back those words up so here we go again ...

Rule: CS & Chi-Town Slang
Book: World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign
Page: 33

Rule: Shell-Shock Rules (optional)
Book: World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign
Page: 58

Rule: New Skills
Book: World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign
Page: 58-66

Rule: Cyborg Life Expectancy
Book: World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign
Page: 71

Rule: Hand to Hand: Commando (expanded combat)
Book: World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign
Page: 72-73

Rule: Psychic Terms & Notes
Book: World Book 12: Psyscape
Page: 32-34

Rule: Psi-Cola (includes positive effects, side effects, and random tables)
Book: World Book 12: Psyscape
Page: 84-90

Rule: Psi-Implant Side Effect Table (random table)
Book: World Book 12: Psyscape
Page: 149-150

Rule: Implant Removal Side Effects (random table)
Book: World Book 12: Psyscape
Page: 151

Rule: Ley Line Locations in the Lone Star State (map, Texas)
Book: World Book 13: Lone Star
Page: 7

Rule: Dog Boy Creation (includes average life span and birth notes)
Book: World Book 13: Lone Star
Page: 26

Rule: Canine Psychology & Instincts
Book: World Book 13: Lone Star
Page: 29-32

Rule: Genetic Engineering/Enhancements (includes random table)
Book: World Book 13: Lone Star
Page: 66-72

Rule: Special (Mutant) Human Traits & Abilities
Book: World Book 13: Lone Star
Page: 96-98

Rule: Quick Roll Monsters (random tables)
Book: Rifts (original main book)
Page: 249-252
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

With this post I'm over halfway done with the World Books. Whew ...

Rule: Common Slang and Expressions in the New West
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 16-17

Rule: Cloud Magic (rules/restrictions of learning)
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 37

Rule: Rodeos (includes rules for resolving the events/competitions)
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 62-66

Rule: New Skills
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 70-82

Rule: Horses (general notes)
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 72-73

Rule: A few weapon notes (general)
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 172-173

Rule: Customized & Modified Armor
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 178-179

Rule: Patchwork & Used Armor
Book: World Book 14: New West
Page: 179

Rule: Traditionalist/Pure Ones* (O.C.C. & Skill Adjustments)
Book: World Book 15: Spirit West
Page: 34-35
*While designed for Native Americans, can be useful for any O.C.C. preferring an old fashioned way of life/avoidance of technology.

Rule: Shamanistic Magic (including giving one's life points for P.P.E. and penalties*)
Book: World Book 15: Spirit West
Page: 70-71
*I had actually been thinking about doing this in my games as optional for all magic users (not just Shamans) and never knew this existed before.

Rule: A general note about magic
Book: World Book 15: Spirit West
Page: 71

Rule: Traits Common to all Spirits*
Book: World Book 15: Spirit West
Page: 130-132
*Technically just Native American spirits, but again could be useful on a wider spectrum.

Rule: Playing Magic Characters (tips and notes)
Book: World Book 16: Federation of Magic
Page: 64-69

Rule: Spell Casting Terms & Notes
Book: World Book 16: Federation of Magic
Page: 125-128

Rule: Roads & Travel
Book: World Book 17: Warlords of Russia
Page: 15-18

Rule: New Rifts Skills
Book: World Book 17: Warlords of Russia
Page: 190-201

Rule: Rules clarifications on dodging energy blasts
Book: World Book 18: Mystic Russia
Page: 171

Rule: Ley Lines of Russia (map)
Book: World Book 18: Mystic Russia
Page: 173
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: Skills: Architecture, Civil Engineering
Book: World Book 30: D-Bees of NA
Page: 196

(I know it's out of order, but it jumped out at me last night.)
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

Good find Jorel. There's a good chance I'd have missed that one. Now for things I didn't miss ...

Rule: Glossary of Australian Slang, Terms & Language
Book: World Book 19: Australia
Page: 10-11

Rule: Australia: The Most Notable Ley Lines (map)
Book: World Book 19: Australia
Page: 15

Rule: Creating Outback Communities
Book: World Book 19: Australia
Page: 36-50

Rule: New Rifts Skills
Book: World Book 19: Australia
Page: 151-162

Rule: Dangers of the Cold (Exhaustion, Exposure, Hypothermia, Frost Bite, Snow Blindness)*
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 23-27
*These sections were touched on earlier by jaymz. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Optional Saving Throws (Disease, Electrocution, Extreme Heat, Pain)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 27

Rule: Traveling in Snow & Ice (Avalanche, Snow Pit, Deep Snow, etc.)*
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 27-30
*These sections were touched on earlier by jaymz. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Traveling over the Stony Desert of the Arctic Coast*
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 30
*These sections were touched on earlier by jaymz. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Notes Concerning Travel & Riding Animals*
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 31-35
*These sections were touched on earlier by jaymz. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Winter Sports Skills
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 36-37

Rule: Ley Lines (map)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 49

Rule: Special Skills: Track & trap monstrous animals, otherworldly creations & demons (Trapper-Woodsman O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 89

Rule: Special Skills: Forest-wise (Trapper-Woodsman O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 89

Rule: Fadetowns (includes random table)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 97-99

Rule: The Shifting Veil (includes random table)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 101-102

Rule: Fanatic Robophile Skill (Robot Slammer Specialist O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 117-118

Rule: Hotwire Robot Vehicles & Power Armor (Robot Slammer Specialist O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 118-119

Rule: Jury-Rig Mechanics (Headhunter Techno-Hound; includes a table to determine who long it lasts)
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 120-121

Rule: About Demons in General
Book: World Book 20: Canada
Page: 170

Rule: None found*
Book: World Book 21: Splynn Dimensional Market (Atlantis 2)
Page: ---
*This is included to serve as a note that I did check it.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: None, though a lot of OCCs, RCCs, and Spells etc*
Book: Dimension Book 1 Wormwood
Page: ---
*As Prysus did above this is just to show the book was checked


Rule: Creating More Alien Races
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 104

Rule: Spaceship Mechanics (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 150

Rule: Zero Gravity Movement & Combat (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 150

Rule: EVA (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 150

Rule: Pilot - Contra-Gravity Pack (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 150

Rule: Pilot - Space Fighter (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 150

Rule: Pilot - Small Spacecraft (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 150

Rule: Pilot - Starship (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Navigation - Space (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Astrophysics (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Xenology (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Law - CCW (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Lore - Galactic/Alien (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Dog Tail
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Fighter Combat Basic (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151

Rule: Fighter Combat Eilite (skill)
Book: Dimension Book 2 Phaseworld
Page: 151
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Using Aliens Unlimited in Phaseworld
Book: Dimension Book 3 Phaseworld Sourcebook
Page: 50

Rule: Space Combat Rules
Book: Dimension Book 3 Phaseworld Sourcebook
Page: 104


Rule: The Rifts Connection (Guidelines how to use this in Rifts/Phaseworld)
Book: Dimension Book 4 Skraypers
Page: 127

Rule: The Heroes Unlimited Connection (Guidelines of how to use this with Heroes Unlimited
Book: Dimension Book 4 Skraypers
Page: 131

Rule: The Megaversal Perspective (Guidelines of how the multiple Earths co-exist)
Book: Dimension Book 4 Skraypers
Page: 133

Rule: Super Abilities in Rifts (conversions of Super abilities for Rifts use)
Book: Dimension Book 4 Skraypers
Page: 136


Rule: Languages of the Three Galaxies
Book: Dimension Book 5 Avil Galaxy
Page: 28

Rule: Money and Trade
Book: Dimension Book 5 Avil Galaxy
Page: 28

Rule: Space Travel
Book: Dimension Book 5 Avil Galaxy
Page: 30

Rule: Communications
Book: Dimension Book 5 Avil Galaxy
Page: 33

Rule: World Builders Toolbox (Rules for creating a planet/world)
Book: Dimension Book 5 Avil Galaxy
Page: 139
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Space Station Creation Rules
Book: Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies
Page: 7

Rule: Ion Storms
Book: Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies
Page: 16

Rule: Nebulas
Book: Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies
Page: 17

Rule: Comets and Asteroids
Book: Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies
Page: 19

Rule: Expanses
Book: Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies
Page: 20

Rule: Meteor Showers
Book: Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies
Page: 21

Rule: Plasma Fields
Book: Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies
Page: 23


Rule: Dimensional Physics
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 7

Rule: Creating a Dimensional
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 10

Rule: Dimensional Anomalies
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 20

Rule: New Shifter Spells
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 47

Rule: Summonig Table
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 57

Rule: The Megaverse
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 60

Rule: GM Tips on Dimensional Travel
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 67

Rule: Construction of Automoton Defenders (Useable for general purposes)
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 76

Rule: Raining Junk (useable for general purposes)
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 86

Rule: Salvageable Items and Condition Table (useable for general purposes)
Book: Dimension Book 7 Megaverse Builder
Page: 89
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: None*
Book: Dimension Book 8 Naruni Wave 2
Page: ---
No rules in this book, but checked


Rule: None useable outside of Hades
Book: Dimension Book 10 hades
Page: ---


Rule: None useable outside of Dyval
Book: Dimension Book 11 Dyval
Page: ---


Rule: Demon Magic
Book: Dimension Book 12 Dimensional Outbreak
Page: 177


Rule: Spaceship Classifications
Book: Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies
Page: 13

Rule: Creating New Starships
Book: Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies
Page: 19

Rule: Catastraphic Damage to the Big Ships
Book: Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies
Page: 28

Rule: Space Magic
Book: Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies
Page: 112

Rule: New Temporal Magic
Book: Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies
Page: 126

Next up, when I get to it, is Merc Books followed by Sourcebooks.

Keep up the good work on the World Books Prysus :ok:
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Merc Company Creation Rules
Book: Mercenaries
Page: 9

Rule: Retooling Old Weapons
Book: Mercenaries
Page: 96

Rule: Retrofitting Pre-Rifts Vehicles
Book: Mercenaries
Page: 96

Rule: Modifying MDC Vehicles
Book: Mercenaries
Page: 98


Rule: None*
Book: MercTown
Page: ---
*Book Checked


Rule: Common Bounties, Crimes and Punishment
Book: Merc Ops
Page: 9

Rule: Mercenary Operations
Book: Merc Ops
Page: 11
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Frequently Asked Questions
Book: Sourcebook 1
Page: 5

Rule: Typical CS Squads
Book: Sourcebook 1
Page: 26

Rule: Robot and Armour Repair
Book: Sourcebook 1
Page: 55

Rule: Robot RCC (Robot Creation Rules)
Book: Sourcebook 1
Page: 94


Rule: Robot Creation Rules (Robot RCC)
Book: Sourcebook 1 Revised
Page: 12

Rule: Common Robotic Features
Book: Sourcebook 1 Revised
Page: 34

Rule: Robot Vehicle Standard Features
Book: Sourcebook 1 Revised
Page: 35

Rule: Savagin Robot Parts
Book: Sourcebook 1 Revised
Page: 35

Rule: Robot and Armour Repair
Book: Sourcebook 1 Revised
Page: 36


Rule: Mechanoid Hierarchy
Book: Sourcebook 2 The Mechanoids
Page: 81

Book: Sourcebook 2 The Mechanoids


Rule: MOM Technology
Book: Sourcebook 3 Mindwerks
Page: 17

Rule: The Powers of teh Evil Millenium Tree
Book: Sourcebook 3 Mindwerks
Page: 75


Rule: The Great Lakes
Book: Sourcebook 4 Coalition Navy
Page: 8

Rule: The Mississippi River
Book: Sourcebook 4 Coalition Navy
Page: 8

Rule: The Economies of the Great Lakes
Book: Sourcebook 4 Coalition Navy
Page: 9

Rule: A few Notes Regarding Nuclear Weapons
Book: Sourcebook 4 Coalition Navy
Page: 47


Rule: Availability
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 8

Rule: Bionic Questions and Facts
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 61
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: New Skills
Book: Mutants In Orbit
Page: 15

Rule: Creating Rifts Characters
Book: Mutants In Orbit
Page: 13

Rule: Designing Spaceships
Book: Mutants In Orbit
Page: 81


Rule: Superhero Creation
Book: Heroes of the Megaverse
Page: 25

Rule: 101 Random Super Abilities
Book: Heroes of the Megaverse
Page: 34

I know Manhunter is no longer available but any rules there in may be useful and/or applicable for use in Rifts/Phaseworld/etc

Rule: Designing Spaceships
Book: Manhunter
Page: 164
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Rift and Ley Line Magic
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 1
Page: 18

Rule: Skill - Knowledge of Magic
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 1
Page: 25

Rule: Anti-Magic Tactics
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 1
Page: 30

Rule: Tolkeen Combat Formations (Applicable to any large magic kingdom)
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 1
Page: 148


Rule: Notable Bounties Wanted by the Coalition (Applicable outside of the the Tolkeen war)
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 2 Coalition Overkill
Page: 50


Rule: Adventure Generation Possibility Tables (again applicable outside of the Tolkeen war)
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 3 Sorcerers' Revenge
Page: 77


Rule: None*
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 4 Cyber-Knights
Page: ---
*Book checked
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Monster Encounter and Adventure Table
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 5 Shadows of Evil
Page: 18

Rule: Random Lake and River Monster Encounters
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 5 Shadows of Evil
Page: 21


Rule: Inadvertent Teleportation Table (Useable outside of the tolkeen war)
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 6 FInal Siege
Page: 25

Rule: Spell Magic Backlash (Applicable outside of the Tolkeen war)
Book: Siege on Tolkeen 6 FInal Siege
Page: 28
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by jaymz »

Rule: None
Book: Chi-Town Burbs The Black Vault
Page: ---


Rule: Slang Terms Common to the Burbs
Book: Chi-Town Burbs Forbidden Knowledge
Page: 10


Rule: None
Book: Chi-Town Burbs The Vanguard
Page: ---


Rule: None
Book: Chi-Town Burbs Firetown & The Tolkeen Crisis
Page: ---


Rule: Combat Magic Spells
Book: Mercenary Adventures
Page: 8
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: The Rifts Lexicon
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 10

Rule: P.A. (Time-line)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 12

Rule: Universal Credits
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 13

(I was gonna skip the how to GM rules but...)
Rule: Laying the groundwork for adventure
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 15-16

Rule: How many players?
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 16

Rule: An RPG campaign is a continuing epic
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 17

Rule: Tricks of running a large group
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 18

(Now back to Game Mechanics)
Rule: Experience
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 19

Rule: Experience Points Table
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 20

Rule: Other game elements and rewards
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 20

Rule: Playing in Character
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 21

Rule: NPCs are a valuable tool
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 21

Rule: Balance does not mean equality
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 21

Rule: Then there is common sense
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 22

Rule: Physical Combat
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 23

Rule: Attribute Bonus Chart
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 23

Rule: Speed Chart
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 23

Rule: Rules & Clarifications
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 24

Rule: Attributes Beyond 30 (expanded)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 24

Rule: Augmented Humans, Mutants & Cyborg P.S.
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 24

Rule: Power Punch
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 24

Rule: Supernatural Physical Strength
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 25

Rule: Weight & Movement
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 26

Rule: A Note about M.D. Creatures
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 26

Rule: Robot Strength & Damage
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 26

Rule: Combat Terms
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 27

Rule: Automatic Dodge
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 27

Rule: Blind
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 27

Rule: Hand Strikes
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 28

Rule: Death Blow
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 29

Rule: Knockdown
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 30

Rule: Paired Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 30

Rule: Simultaneous Attack
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 31

Rule: Some common combat questions & answers
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 31

Rule: M.D.C. Armor
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 31

Rule: Hand to Hand Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 32

Rule: Simultaneous Attack (how it works)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 32

Rule: The Dodge
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 32

Rule: Used up all attacks
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 32

Rule: Auto-Dodge
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 33

Rule: Dodging bullets and energy blasts
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 33

Rule: The Combat Sequence
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 34

Rule: Grappling
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 34

Rule: The Knockout
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 34

Rule: The Knock "down"
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 34

Rule: Optional Humanoid Knockdown Table
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 35

Rule: Optional Bots, Borgs and Supernatural Knockdown-
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 35

Rule: S.D.C. and Combat
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 35

Rule: Some Common Sense Rules Regarding Physical S.D.C.
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 35

Rule: Blood Loss
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 36

Rule: Pain Penalties
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 36

Rule: Damage at Point-Blank Range
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 36

Rule: Side Effects from S.D.C. Damage
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 37

Rule: S.D.C. & Explosives
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 37
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by jaymz »

Rule: None
Book: Rifts Index Volume 1
Page: ---
Book Checked


Rule: None
Book: Rifts Index Volume 2
Page: ---
Book Checked


Rule: None
Book: Machinations of Doom
Page: ---
Book Checked
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by jaymz »

Ninjabunny wrote:Now if you guys could just get this all printed into a book, I'd buy it so I don't have too look through a thousand books for the rules.

Go post in teh rules compendium discussion thread you rabble rouser :P
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: Ranged Combat Revisited
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 38

Rule: The problems with modern combat
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 38

Rule: Kev's Quick & Dirty Rules for modern combat
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 39

Rule: No W.P.
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 39

Rule: Called Shot
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 39

Rule: Burst
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 39

Rule: Range and Targeting
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 39

Rule: Understanding High-Tech Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 40

Rule: Radar Notes
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 41

Rule: Suiting up in Body Armor
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 41

Rule: Definitive Dodging Rules vs Ranged Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 41

Rule: Parrying Energy Blasts
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 41

Rule: Optional Robot Combat Damage Tables
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 42

Rule: Hand to Hand Combat
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 44

Rule: No Hand to Hand Combat Skill
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 44

Rule: Hand to Hand: Basic
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 45

Rule: Hand to Hand: Assassin
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 45

Rule: Hand to Hand: Commando
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 46

Rule: Hand to Hand: Various Japanese Arts
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 46

Rule: Skills (opening info to the section)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 48

Rule: Skill Compendium
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 49

Rule: Skill List & Percentiles
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 50

Rule: Skill Descriptions
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 52

Rule: Communications Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 52

Rule: Cowboy Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 52

Rule: Domestic Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 53

Rule: Electrical Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 54

Rule: Espionage Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 55

Rule: Horsemanship Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 56

Rule: Mechanical Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 58

Rule: Medical Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 59

Rule: Military Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 61

Rule: Physical Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 65

Rule: Physical Space Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 67

Rule: Pilot Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 67

Rule: Pilot Related Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 70

Rule: Rogue Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 71

Rule: Science Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 72

Rule: Technical Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 74

Rule: Weapon Proficiencies
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 78

Rule: Ancient Weapon Proficiencies
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 79

Rule: Modern Weapon Proficiencies
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 81

Rule: Wilderness Skills
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 82

Rule: Psionics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 85

Rule: Psionic Powers Checklist
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 85

Rule: A few Notes on Psionics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 85

Rule: Psionic Summary
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 86

Rule: Psionic Descriptions Begin
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 87

Rule: Healing Psionics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 87

Rule: Physical Psionics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 88

Rule: Sensitive Psionics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 92

Rule: Super-Psionics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 98

Rule: Mind Bleeder Powers
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 106
Customer Service Director for Northern Gun

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: Personal Weaponry
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 109

Rule: The Availability of Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 109

Rule: Limiting Availability
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 110

Rule: A Few Weapon Notes
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 111

Rule: Lasers are completely silent
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 111

Rule: Black Market Prices for E-Clips
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 111

Rule: Self-Charging Power Packs
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 111

Rule: Knock-Off Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 111

Rule: Costs for Conventional S.D.C. Rounds
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 112

Rule: Balancing South America
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 112

Rule: Known Arms Manufacturers of Rifts Earth
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 113

Rule: Weapon Descriptions
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 113-180

Rule: Xiticix Weapons (Alien/North America)-Weapon Notes
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 178

Rule: Coalition States Weapons-Missile Chart
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 120

Rule: Conventional S.D.C. Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 127

Rule: Modifying Conventional Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 127

Rule: Weapon Deterioration Rules
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 127

Rule: Weapon Condition Table
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 127

Rule: Common Conventional S.D.C. Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 128

Rule: Traditional Japanese S.D.C. Weapons
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 135

Rule: Japanese Missiles
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 141

Rule: Inertia Beams (I-Beams)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 148

Rule: High-Tech Arrows
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 150

Rule: Northern Gun Weapons-Energy Clips
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 156

Rule: Triax E-Clips
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 166

Rule: Uranium Rounds
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 166

Rule: Ramjet Rounds
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 171

Rule: Flame Throwers
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 172

Rule: Equipment
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 181-190

Rule: Adventuring & Camping Equipment-
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 181

Rule: Clothing of Note
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 182

Rule: Clothes: General Purpose
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 182

Rule: Communications Equipment
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 183

Rule: Medical Equipment
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 184

Rule: First Aid Kit
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 184

Rule: Robot Medical Systems
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 185

Rule: Miscellaneous Equipment
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 186

Rule: Computers
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 186

Rule: Basic Survival Pack
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 187

Rule: Short-Range Radar
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 187

Rule: Winter Survival Kit
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 188

Rule: Optics, Goggles & Binoculars
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 188

Rule: Optics for Guns
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 189

Rule: Sensor Equipment
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 189

Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 189

Rule: Radar
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 190

Rule: Surveillance Equipment
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 190
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: Body Armor
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 191-202

Rule: Body Armor-List by Manufacturer
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 191

Rule: Used & Reconditioned Body Armor
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 202

Rule: Power Armor
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 203-219

Rule: Power Armor-General Power Armor Notes
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 203

Rule: Power Armor-List by Manufacturers
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 203

Rule: Glitter Boys (various)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 206

Rule: Robot Vehicles
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 220-233

Rule: Robot Vehicles-Robot Vehicle Basics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 220

Rule: Robot Vehicles-Listing of Robots Worldwide
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 221

Rule: Vehicles
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 234-266

Rule: Vehicles listed by Type or National Powers
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 235

Rule: Bionic Notes
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 268-275

Rule: Bionic Notes-The psychological impact
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 268

Rule: Bionic Notes-Availability and markups
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 268

Rule: Bionic Notes-Additional & material costs
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 269

Rule: Bionic Notes-Surgical Recovery
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 270

Rule: Bionic Notes-Back-Street Doctors & Side Effects Table
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 270

Rule: Adjusting to New Bionics
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 270

Rule: Bionic Insanity Table
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 271

Rule: Bionics Index for Rifts
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 271

Rule: Bionics Index-Psionic Enhancements
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 275

Rule: Character Compendium
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 276-288

Rule: Alphabetical Character Index
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 276

Rule: Men at Arms
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 277

Rule: Scholars & Adventurers
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 280

Rule: Practitioners of Magic
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 281

Rule: Racial Character Classes (R.C.C.s)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 285

Rule: Psychic Character Classes (P.C.C.s)
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 288

Rule: Monster Index
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 289-293

Rule: Experience Tables
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Pages: 293-315

Rule: Running the Game
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 316

Rule: Game Master tips for running adventures
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 316

Rule: The Seven Deadly Sins
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 317

Rule: Motley Crews
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 322

Rule: Player vs. Player
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 322

Rule: Adventures & Campaigns
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 323

Rule: Nuts & Bolts
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 323

Rule: 100 Rifts Adventure Ideas
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 325

Rule: Mini-Atlas of Rifts Earth
Book: Rifts: Game Master Guide
Page: 332
Customer Service Director for Northern Gun

"The Devil's among us!
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-Father McGruder- Braindead (a.k.a. Dead Alive)
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: Game Master Tips on Mages
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 10-14

Rule: Strategic Use of Ley Lines
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 19

Rule: Some Q & A about Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 20

Rule: Can anyone learn Elemental Spells?
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 20

Rule: How long does it take to cast a spell?
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 20

Rule: When casting a spell when does it go off?
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 20

Rule: A spell interrupted
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 20

Rule: Penalties applied to magic from bionics
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 21

Rule: Penalties when wearing armor
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 21

Rule: Penalties when wearing Power Armor and in Vehicles
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 21

Rule: Absorbing PPE
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 21

Rule: Do all spells require words?
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 21

Rule: Techno-Wizards
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 21

Rule: Magic Saving Throws
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 22

Rule: How long does it take to learn a spell?
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 22

Rule: Index of Practitioners of Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 22

Rule: Summary of Known Types of Magic (circa 109 PA)
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 24

Rule: Spells
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 24

Rule: Spell Descriptions
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 26-252

Rule: African Ceremonial Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 26

Rule: PPE from Ceremonies
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 26

Rule: African Witch Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 33

Rule: Biomancy
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 36

Rule: Blue Flame Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 39

Rule: Bio-Wizardry
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 41

Rule: Bio-Wizard Transmutation
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 42

Rule: Bio-Wizard Transmutation-Healing
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 43

Rule: Bio-Wizard Transmutation-Torture
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 43

Rule: Cloud Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 44

Rule: Conjuring
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 52

Rule: Conjuring-PPE cost
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 53

Rule: Dolphin Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 54

Rule: Elemental Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 56-82

Rule: Invocations
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 88

Rule: Invocations Spell Descriptions
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 91-154

Rule: Spells of Legend
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 154

Rule: Korallyte Shaping
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 160

Rule: Living Fire Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 161

Rule: Nature Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 168

Rule: Nazca Line Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 175

Rule: Common Nazcan Line Drawings
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 176

Rule: Secret Nazcan Line Drawings
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 181

Rule: Secrets of the Ancient Nazca Lines
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 183

Rule: Necromancy
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 184

Rule: Mend Living Bone
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 192

Rule: Shape Bone
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 198

Rule: Necro-Magic common components
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 200

Rule: Ocean Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 200

Rule: Rift & Ley Line Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 208

Rule: Shamanistic Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 209

Rule: Spirit Spells
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 210

Rule: Shamanistic Animal Spells
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 212

Rule: Shamanistic Plant Spells
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 214

Rule: Plant Travel
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 215

Rule: Shamanistic Paradox/Temporal Spells
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 216

Rule: Sphere of Negation
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 217

Rule: Inuit Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 217

Rule: Spoiling Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 218

Rule: Spoil & Taint Food
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 219

Rule: Spoil Concentration
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 220

Rule: Stone Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 222

Rule: Powers available from Stones
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 225

Rule: Pyramid Technology
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 226

Rule: Powers of Stone Pyramids
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 227

Rule: Tattoo Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 229-237

Rule: Temporal Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 243

Rule: Whale Singer Spellsongs
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 251

Rule: Magic Weapons & Devices
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 255-319

Rule: Rune Weapons in General
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 267

Rule: Magic Restraints
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 274-279

Rule: Herb Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 279

Rule: Magic Powers & Cures from Mystic Herbs
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 283

Rule: Herbs of Legend, Alien Plants, & Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 284

Rule: Millennium Tree Magic Items
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 288

Rule: Millennium Tree Powers & Gifts of Magic
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Page: 288

Rule: Techno-Wizard Weapons and Devices
Book: Rifts: Book of Magic
Pages: 312-319
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: Creating Towns and Cities
Book: Rifts: Adventure Guide
Pages: 110-123

Rule: Organizations
Book: Rifts: Adventure Guide
Pages: 123-131

Rule: Mercenary Companies
Book: Rifts: Adventure Guide
Pages: 132-142

Rule: Traveling Shows
Book: Rifts: Adventure Guide
Pages: 142-154

Rule: Player-Created Organizations
Book: Rifts: Adventure Guide
Page: 154-155

(I did check the rest, and I didn't see anything rule worthy, unless it was for designing adventures, but there weren't any other tables or rulings that I could see.)
Customer Service Director for Northern Gun

"The Devil's among us!
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: *
Book: Rifts: Aftermath
Page: *

(I looked. It's all setting from what I can tell.)
Customer Service Director for Northern Gun

"The Devil's among us!
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

I haven't forgotten about this ...

Rule: Robot Vehicles (common features to all)*
Book: World Book 22: Free Quebec
Page: 62
*This may only apply to Quebec, but could apply to Robot Vehicles of any nation/setting.

Rule: Quebec Power Armors (common features)*
Book: World Book 22: Free Quebec
Page: 79-80
*These do apply only to Quebec, but could be useful for determining other Power Armor features.

Rule: Conspiracy Theory Generator (random tables includes who, what, where, when, why, how, accuracy, and source)
Book: World Book 22: Free Quebec
Page: 162-167

Rule: Special Skills: Underground Sense of Direction (Xiticix Digger R.C.C.)
Book: World Book 23: Xiticix Invasion
Page: 49

Rule: Special Skills: Digging (Xiticix Digger R.C.C.)
Book: World Book 23: Xiticix Invasion
Page: 49

Rule: Special Skills: Tunneling (Xiticix Digger R.C.C.)
Book: World Book 23: Xiticix Invasion
Page: 49

Rule: Special Skills: Excavation & Architectural Engineering; includes Making (Excavation/Tunnel) Traps (Xiticix Digger R.C.C.)
Book: World Book 23: Xiticix Invasion
Page: 49
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

The second time is twice as nice ...

Rule: Demonic Curses
Book: World Book 24: China 1 – The Yama Kings
Page: 54-60

Rule: Using Demon NPCs*
Book: World Book 24: China 1 – The Yama Kings
Page: 141-143
*This is about Chinese Demons, but may help with typical demons as well?

Rule: Weaknesses Common to All Demons, Ghosts, & Wicked Spirits*
Book: World Book 24: China 1 – The Yama Kings
Page: 143-144
*This is again limited to Chinese Demons, Ghosts, and Wicked Spirits, but could be useful outside that fact.

Rule: Optional Demonic Characteristics & Features (random tables Quirks & Personality Flaws, Powers, and Ranks)
Book: World Book 24: China 1 – The Yama Kings
Page: 144-150

Rule: Type of Community & Industry (random table)
Book: World Book 24: China 1 – The Yama Kings
Page: 155-156

Rule: Notes between Rifts China and the Western World (includes dragons, meditation/psionics, martial art powers, dragon lines, and Chi/I.S.P.)
Book: World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court
Page: 7-8

Rule: New China Skills List
Book: World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court
Page: 13-19

Rule: New Martial Arts & Mystic Martial Art Powers
Book: World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court
Page: 19-41

Rule: Chi-Gung Powers
Book: World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court
Page: 56-62

Rule: Mystic Body Hardening Exercises
Book: World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court
Page: 92-94

Rule: Demon Weaknesses & Foibles
Book: World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court
Page: 94-95

Rule: Modifying Characters (using Rifts China Characters in Other Parts of the World)
Book: World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court
Page: 141-142

Rule: Diseases (optional)*
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 41-43
*These sections were touched on earlier by MikelAmroni. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Natural Toxins (optional)*
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 43-44
*These sections were touched on earlier by MikelAmroni. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Natural Medicines (optional)*
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 44-45
*These sections were touched on earlier by MikelAmroni. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Synthetic Medicines*
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 45-47
*These sections were touched on earlier by MikelAmroni. They are included here simply in more detail.

Rule: Special Skill: Lore Dinosaurs (Swamp Trooper O.C.C., Dinosaur Hunter O.C.C., Wild Knives Warrior O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 49-50, 58, 63

Rule: Special Skill: Lore Swamps & Everglades (Swamp Trooper O.C.C., Dinosaur Hunter O.C.C., Wild Knives Warrior O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 50, 58, 63

Rule: Special Skill: Trail Blazing (Swamp Trooper O.C.C., Pathfinder O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 50, 54

Rule: Special Skill: Track Dinosaurs (Swamp Trooper O.C.C., Dinosaur Hunter O.C.C., Wild Knives Warrior O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 50, 58, 63

Rule: Special Skill: Land Navigation Regional (Pathfinder O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 54

Rule: Special Skill: Cross-Country Pacing (Pathfinder O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 54

Rule: Special Skill: Cartography (Pathfinder O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 54

Rule: Special Skill: Stalking (Dinosaur Hunter O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 58

Rule: Special Skill: Sign Language (Dinosaur Hunter O.C.C.)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 58

Rule: Regional Ley Lines (map)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 107

Rule: Random Encounters in a D-Shifting Zone (random table)*
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 137-142
*Previously listed by MikelAmroni.

Rule: Fadetowns (random table)
Book: World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 145-146

Rule: Equipment Failure*
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 12
*Previously listed by MikelAmroni.

Rule: Losing Objects in the Wild (chances of finding the item)
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 12-13

Rule: Starvation, Bad Water, & Dehydration*
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 13-16
*Previously listed by MikelAmroni.

Rule: Heat Exhaustion*
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 16
*Previously listed by MikelAmroni.

Rule: The Elements and Hygiene*
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 17-18
*Previously listed by MikelAmroni.

Rule: Hurricanes and Tropical Storms*
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 19-21
*Previously listed by MikelAmroni.

Rule: Regional Ley Lines (map)
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 102

Rule: 101 Adventures (random table)
Book: World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Page: 127-141
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

Well, let's add another to the pot ...

Rule: Changing Careers (City Rat Archetype O.C.C.)*
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 16-17
*While for the City Rat, is useful for the rules in general.

Rule: The difference between cybernetics & bionics (includes penalties for skills requiring touch and dexterity)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 28-29

Rule: Penalties for lack of touch sense/feeling (Mechanical Cybernetic System)*
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 30
*While designed for a bionic option, there are several races with tentacles where this can apply.

Rule: Penalties for an immobile limb*
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 31
*While designed for a bionic option, this could apply to a wider array of circumstances.

Rule: Optional Rules for Body-Chop-Shop Side Effects (random table)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 48-49

Rule: The Effect Bionics has on Magic
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 49

Rule: Penalties & Modifiers from constant noise and sleep deprivation*
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 52-53
*While designed for a bionic option, this could apply to a wider array of circumstances.

Rule: Switching from one O.C.C. to a Bionic O.C.C.
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 62

Rule: Cyborg Physical Beauty Modifier Table (optional)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 63-64

Rule: Repairing Bionics
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 64-65

Rule: Surgical Recovery from Bionics
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 65-66

Rule: Back-Street Bionics Side Effects Table (optional random table)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 66

Rule: Adjusting to New Implants (optional)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 66

Rule: Bionic Insanity Table (optional random table)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 66-67

Rule: Field Repairs (optional)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 67

Rule: Repairs & Replacing M.D.C. in the Field
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 67-68

Rule: Special Skill: Underground Tunneling (Mining 'Borg O.C.C.)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 80

Rule: Special Skill: Underground Architecture (Mining 'Borg O.C.C.)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 80

Rule: Special Skill: Underground Sense of Direction (Mining 'Borg O.C.C.)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 80

Rule: Special Skill: Metal Working (Mining 'Borg O.C.C.)
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 80

Rule: Different types of legs/wheels/treads and notes on speed/types of terrain*
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 89-90
*While designed for a bionic option, this could apply to a wider array of circumstances.

Rule: Tentacle Hands*
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 91
*While designed for a bionic option, there are several races with tentacles where this can apply.

Rule: Loss of use of one hand (or two)*
Book: Bionics Sourcebook
Page: 94
*While designed for a bionic option, this could apply to a wider array of circumstances.
Last edited by Prysus on Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

Here to finish up the world books Prysus gladly presents to you ...

Rule: None found*
Book: World Book 28: Arzno
Page: ---
*This is included to serve as a note that I did check it.

Rule: Ley Lines (map)
Book: World Book 29: Madhaven
Page: 17

Rule: Conversion Notes for Beyond the Supernatural
Book: World Book 29: Madhaven
Page: 124

Rule: 51 Madhaven* Encounter Ideas (random table)
Book: World Book 29: Madhaven
Page: 124-128
*While this applies to Madhaven, some encounters can apply to other areas.

Rule: Special Skill: Lore Traversing the Megaverse (Adna Nomads race)
Book: World Book 30: D-Bess of North America
Page: 12

Rule: Medical Skill: Mortuary Science (Posluznik race, R.C.C. Skills list)
Book: World Book 30: D-Bess of North America
Page: 160

Rule: Technical Skill: Architecture (Spinne race)*
Book: World Book 30: D-Bess of North America
Page: 196
*Previously listed by Jorel.

Rule: Science Skill: Civil Engineering (Spinne race)*
Book: World Book 30: D-Bess of North America
Page: 196
*Previously listed by Jorel.

Rule: Autobahn Random Table (random encounters/road conditions)
Book: World Book 31: Triax 2
Page: 50-51
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

And now my final addition (for complete books) to the Rifts Rules Compendium ...

Rule: Shemarrian Encounter Table (random table)
Book: Sourcebook Shemarrian Nation
Page: 93-94

Rule: Random Encounters in the Eastern Wildlands
Book: Sourcebook Shemarrian Nation
Page: 94-95

Rule: Random Blue Zone Dangers & Phenomena (random table)
Book: Rifts Chaos Earth Sourcebook: Rise of Magic
Page: 16-18

Rule: Demon Vulnerabilities
Book: Rifts Chaos Earth Sourcebook: Creatures of Chaos
Page: 11-14

Rule: Blue Zones, Storms, & Strange Phenomena
Book: Rifts Chaos Earth Sourcebook: Creatures of Chaos
Page: 14-16

Rule: Chaos Storms (random table, includes a table for effects on spell casting)
Book: Rifts Chaos Earth Sourcebook: Creatures of Chaos
Page: 16-18

Rule: Skill Penalties (including pressure situations)
Book: Rifts Chaos Earth*
Page: 106
*I went through the first part, but didn't do a thorough check of the "game mechanics" section as much of it is similar to the R:UE rules. Someone else may do a more thorough examination if they would like.

Rule: Strangling/lose of air (within W.P. Rope skill)*
Book: Rifts Ultimate Edition
Page: 307
*While this is included in a skill, it is a good separate rule as well.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by jaymz »

Rue - Alien Intelligence Creation Template
Book - Dark Conversions
Page - 8

Rue - Rifts and Random Tables
Book - Dark Conversions
Page - 181

Rue - Possession
Book - Dark Conversions
Page - 188

Rue - Defining Gods
Book - Conversion Book 2 Pantheons of the Megaverse
Page - 6

Rue - Modern Weapon Proficiencies
Book - Conversion Book 1
Page - 7-13

Rue - Optional Damage Rules
Book - Conversion Book 1
Page - 13

Rue - MDC of Common Weapons and Items
Book - Conversion Book 1
Page - 14

Rue - SDC and Combat
Book - Conversion Book 1
Page - 16

Rue - Random Hit Location Tables
Book - Conversion Book 1
Page - 18

Rue - General Rules for Converting Monsters and Humanoids
Book - Conversion Book 1
Page - 21-32

Rue - Hate the MDC System? Here is how to change it to SDC
Book - Conversion Book 1
Page - 32

Rue - Rules Clarifications & Reference Data
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 8

Rue - Combat Notes
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 12

Rue - Pain and Damage Rules
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 20

Rue - Point Blank Damage
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 22

Rue - Robot Damage Tables
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 23

Rue - Mega-Damage Conversions
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 25

Rue - Integrating SDC Characters into Rifts
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 32

Rue - If you hate MDC Don;t use them
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 34

Rue - Characters from other RPGs
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 34

Rue - Who is a D-Bee
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 35

Rue - General COnversion Rules
Book - Conversion Book 1 Revised
Page - 36
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Prysus »

Meh, I'm back, so sue me ...

Rule: The Rifts Connection (crossing realities, timelines, & infinite possibilities)
Book: Rifter 2
Page: 18-20

Rule: Hacking, Cyberjacking, and Supernatural Data Theft
Book: Rifter 2
Page: 27-37*

Rule: The Rules, including skill penalties (hacking/cyberjacking)*
Book: Rifter 2
Page: 30-33
*This is included in the general listing, but wanted to include it here as this provides the most focus on rules including listed penalties.

Rule: Questions and Answers (Combat: Modern, Energy, and Missile Weapons, includes an example)
Book: Rifter 11
Page: 48-52

Rule: Questions and Answers (Magic and Spell Casting, includes an example)
Book: Rifter 12
Page: 23-26

Rule: Questions and Answers (Fate, Luck, Curses, and Healing)
Book: Rifter 13
Page: 16-19

Rule: Questions and Answers (Skills, plus updating characters with updated classes and creating more than one psi-sword)
Book: Rifter 14
Page: 12-14

Rule: Questions and Answers (Travel, plus PF prices, PF time zones, and the PF moon)
Book: Rifter 15
Page: 17-19

Rule: Questions and Answers (combat, includes hand to hand and ranged)
Book: Rifter 16
Page: 17-21

Rule: Questions and Answers (miscellaneous, includes diving, adventures, and equipment)
Book: Rifter 17
Page: 16-24

Rule: Questions and Answers (mutants and animals in general, plus small and large sized beings and riding options)*
Book: Rifter 18
Page: 16-20
*Designed primarily for After the Bomb, but can be useful for other types of mutants.

Rule: Questions and Answers (includes past, present, time, black powder weapons, and affects of aging)
Book: Rifter 19*
Page: 21-24
*I didn't include the original Chaos Earth rules such as Blue Lines (since these are redone in the actual books).

Rule: Questions and Answers (shadows, horror factor, wampyrs, and more)
Book: Rifter 20
Page: 16-19

Rule: Questions and Answers (children)
Book: Rifter 22
Page: 14-16

Rule: Random Treasure Table (Madhaven)
Book: Rifter 36
Page: 74-78

Rule: Some Clarifications (Q&A, Madhaven)
Book: Rifter 36
Page: 90-91

Rule: Quick Roll NPC Villains for Dyval (random tables)
Book: Rifter 46
Page: 16-19

Rule: The Effects of Blue Zones (on psychics)
Book: Rifter 50
Page: 51

Rule: Adding a Psychic O.C.C. to an existing character
Book: Rifter 50
Page: 53

Rule: Additional Notes (on psychics)
Book: Rifter 50
Page: 54

Rule: None found*
Book: Rifter 3, 4, 6, 9, 28, 34, 39, 40, 51
Page: ---
*This is included to serve as a note that I did check these books (and they contained official material for Rifts).
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by NMI »

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Zachary The First wrote:Nice work!

I have a question: have you considered compiling this into a free pdf that people can download? I know we can't cite the actual rules, but I'm thinking of SORD, which are pretty handy tools for gamers of other systems.


There is a variety of things discussed about all of this in the above thread.

I believe the originator of this thread (Prince Artemis) is pitching or working on something involving this to one degree or another.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Jorel wrote:Rule: Missile Damage Notes
Book: Rifts Ultimate Edition
p. 262

This should read
"Rule: Post "CS war campain" Missile Stats and Prices
Book: RUE
Page: 256

Page 262 is basic gear and comm equipment.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Jorel »

Rule: Strangulation
Book: Rifts Ultimate Edition
p. 306

under cowboy skills
under WP: rope

a very useful rule
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Drinking and Bar Rules
Book: Rifts World Book 14: New West
Page: 120
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Rule: Language Skills (an incomplete megaversal list, reposting in original form)

This should not be considered a complete listing as I don't have all the Rifts Books and it is possible I missed something. World Book 6 mentions the existence of African Languages (I don't have the African World Book, I used RT 1E's Book #7 to add additional human languages in this region), and DB5 mentions 10,000 major languages and x100 dialects. Also some of the D-Bees might have their own dialect versions of existing languages that they use (example Gobbley and Faerie both have such examples). And in some instances the languages for a given race aren't part of their RCC description, but found in NPC language skills (and treated as existing).

I've broken this into several sections. Human Tongues, Non-Human Tongues (or not connected to a human tongue), possible tongues that have been lost/forgotten/unclear (includes Adoptive ones) in the description, non-humans with no identified native tongue, Specialist, Telepathic, Phase World Trade, and Palladium Fantasy Human Tongues. After each entry you will also see the source for the entry. Some of the languages appear to have multiple presentation formats and have been presented as separate dialects, though they may not be (GM call). Telepathic may or may not be universal, but given the use in Trade for Phase World I am inclined to say it is not.

Human/Earth Tongues:
Afrikaans (RT 1E#7 pg14)
Amercian/English (RUE pg304)
-Deep South Dialect
-Australian outback Dialect
-British Dialect (WB26 pg124)
Arabic (RT 1E#7 pg14)
Aymara (WB9 pg162)
Bushman (RT 1E#7 pg14)
Chinese (RUE pg304)
-several dialects are vaguely mentioned as being practically their own langauge)
Creole (WB6 pg162)
Egyptian: Ancient (WB6 pg110)
Euro (RUE pg304)
French (WB22 pg 39)
-Old French (WB22 pg 135)
-Old Canadian French (WB20 pg 156)
German: Old (SB3 pg14)
Greek (WB2 pg 17)
-Atlanean is Ancient Greek Dialect (WB2 pg45 & 67)
Gypsy (WB5 pg183)
Inuit (WB20 pg86)
Italian (Shemerian SB pg79)
Japanese (RUE pg304)
-Oni Dialect (DB3 pg18, put here as it gives Earth Japanese at 50%)
Latin (Mercenaries, pg42)
Mongolian (RUE pg304)
Native American Tongues (WB20 pg 164)
Old Norse (SoT#6 pg130)
Polish (SB3 pg91)
Portuguese (WB6 pg120)
Quechua (WB9 pg162)
Russian (RUE pg304)
Spanish (RUE pg304)
Swahili (RT 1E#7 pg14)
Techno-Can (RUE pg304)
Xhosa (RT 1E#7 pg14)
Yorba (RT 1E#7 pg14)
Zulu ((RT 1E#7 pg14)

Non-Human Tongues:
Adoran (WB2 pg 70)
Altara (Mercenaries pg91)
Amaki (WB9 pg158)
Arkhon (WB9 pg78)
Azverkan (SB3 pg44)
Blucies (WB31 pg37)
Brodkil (WB5 pg155)
Crab Warriors (WB31 pg50)
Dakir: Common (WB9 pg111, may have another dialect as skill is listed w/ and w/o "common" descriptor)
Dirari (WB31 pg70)
Dragonese/Elven (RUE pg304)
Demongogian (RUE pg304)
Dolphin/Whale (WB7 pg52, WB 30 pg148 suggests these are two languages)
Dwarf (CB1r pg85)
Faerie Speak (RUE pg304)
-Kappa Dialect (WB8 pg206)
Fallem (WB9 pg77)
Gargoyle (WB5 pg155)
Gobbley (RUE pg304)
-Erta Dialect (WB2 pg72)
-Grimbor Ape-Man Dialect (WB6 pg138)
Gosai (CB1r pg 101)
Gromeck (CB1r pg154)
Hawrkin (WB2 pg 75)
Iktek (WB31 pg108)
Kittani (WB6 pg77)
Kreeghor (DB3 pg79)
Kremin (WB31 pg113)
Kydian (WB6 pg77)
Lanotaur (WB31 pg116)
Larhold (WB9 pg 190)
Lorica Wraith (WB30 pg148)
Lyn-Srial (WB31 pg128)
Metztla (WB2 pg61+63)
Naut'yll (WB7 pg111)
N'mbyr (WB31 pg144)
N'retas (WB31 pg148)
Necrol (DB6 pg90)
Obsedai (WB31 pg153)
Ogre (CB1r pg 103)
Ojahee (WB9 pg111)
Peryton Demon Deer (CB1r pg170)
Posluznik (WB31 pg160)
Potalian (WB31 pg157)
Promethean (DB3 pg26)
Pucara (WB9 pg55)
Roane (WB31 pg172)
Shaydorian (WB2 pg79)
Silhouette (DB3 pg81)
Simvanese (SB3 pg56, SoT#6 AKA Simvan?)
Srrynm (SB3 pg54)
Tirrvol Sword Fist (WB31 pg202)
Tokanni (WB31 pg205)
Troll/Giantese (CB1r pg88)
Ugakwa (SB3 pg51)
Were Dragon (WB21 pg 100)
Wolfen (CB1r pg76)

Possible Non-Human Tongues (unclear, or adopted a NEW Native Tongue or nearly Forgotten on Rifts Earth):
Bruutasaur (WB31 pg38)
Faerie Bot (WB31 pg78)
Foreset Warden (WB31 pg93)
Lyvorrk (WB31 pg132)
Power Leech (WB31 pg163)
Quick-Flex (WB31 pg169)
Rurlel Eel (WB7 pg38)
Sasquatch (WB20 pg164)
Shapers (WB31 pg184)
Trimadore (WB31 pg206)
Vangaurd Brawler (WB11 pg207)
Vintex (WB31 pg214)

Non-Humans with no idenfied native tongue:
A'rac (WB31 pg27)
Adna (WB31 pg12)
Akysse (WB31 pg15)
Altess (DB5 pg64)
Amana (WB31 pg18)
Aardan tek (WB20 pg132)
Aviane (WB31 pg32)
Avnvain (WB6 pg152)
Bayou Ursines (WB31 pg35)
Butter Trolls (WB31 pg41)
Catyr (DB2 pg69)
Chasseur Vert (WB31 pg48)
D'norr (WB31 pg72)
Dewtani (WB31 pg65)
Dominator (DB2 pg96)
Dramin (WB31 pg74)
Drizzit (WB31 pg76)
Durosk (DB5 pg35)
Ewaipanomas (WB6 pg102)
Faustion (DB5 pg36)
Feni (WB31 pg82)
Fennoid (WB14 pg130)
Fingertooth Carpet Bagger (WB31 pg86)
Flooper (WB31 pg87)
Ganka (WB31 pg95)
Gene-Splicer (SB3 pg67)
Golgan (DB5 pg58)
Grackle Tooth (WB20 pg134)
Greot Hunter (WB20 pg135)
Horned Whale (SB4 pg106)
Horune (WB7 pg165)
Iborian (DB5 pg38)
In'Valian (DB3 pg12)
Intruder (DB3 pg48)
Kelesh (DB5 pg40)
Krak (WB31 pg110)
Kreel-Lock (WB7 pg153)
Larmac (WB31 pg119)
Lolgess (DB5 pg59)
Lycanmorph (SB3 pg48)
M'Raghille (WB31 pg137)
Machine People (DB2 pg74)
Mastadonoid (WB20 pg137)
Men-Rall (WB9 pg112)
Monro (DB3 pg34)
New Babylonian (WB9 pg157, might be human tongue)
Nixie (DB6 pg40)
Noli Bushman (WB20 pg138)
Norro (DB2 pg62)
Oborus-Slitherer (WB14 pg152)
Octoman (WB21 pg82)
Phantom (DB2 pg37)
Phelebus (WB31 pg155)
Plant People (WB21 pg84)
Pleasurer (DB2 pg88)
Psi-Ponnies (WB14 pg156)
Pythonan (WB21 pg87)
Qidion (DB5 pg41)
Ratanoids (DB5 pg48)
Rulian (WB21 pg89)
Seljuk (DB2 pg70)
Sinestrian (DB5 pg43)
Skaa (DB6 pg93)
Space Minotaur (DB5 pg47)
Spinne (WB31 pg197)
Squilbs (WB31 pg199)
Strata (DB6 pg94)
T'See (DB3 pg24)
True Naruni (DB2 pg49)
Ultrovion (DB5 pg161)
Uteni (DB5 pg50)
Vernulians (WB31 pg211)
Worm Wraith (WB14 pg171, if it has a language)
Yeno (WB20 pg140)
Zebuloid (DB5 pg64)

Specialist Tongue (OCC specific):
Dark Tongue (DB6 pg82)
Elemental (CB1r pg68, single or unique for each elemental type?)
Sign Language (WB26 pg58, may come in a variety of forms for a given species)

Telepathic Languages:
Amorph (WB30, pg24)
Slurmphs (WB30, pg192)
Cactus People (WB14, pg127)

Phase World Trade Languages:
Trade 1 (DB2 pg52, Dialect of the 1st Ones)
Trade 2 (DB2 pg52, Telepathic in nature)
Trade 3 (DB2 pg52, Wolfen Dialect)
Trade 4 (DB2 pg52, English Dialect)
Trade 5 (DB2 pg52, Reptile/Insect)
Trade 6 (DB2 pg52, Universal)

Palladium World Human Languages:
Human: East (PF2e pg50)
Human: North (PF2e pg50)
Human: South (PF2e pg50)
Human: West (PF2e pg50)
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by mercedogre »

well, if thats all you can find......
You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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Falling, Thrown/dropped item, and collision damage:
Rifts Ultimate Edition. Page 345. Under the Damage heading (continued from 344) and the Miscellaneous subheading.
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)

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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

Unread post by Grymlynn »

Looking for some clarification on Sea Inquisitors... do you take an OCC/RCC and then add the Inquisitor stuff on top, including the couple skills, or they only get the couple skills in the Inquisitor write up, and then the rest of the skills from the 'base' class, or...?
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Re: Rifts Rules Compendium

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