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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by beatobur »

I should amend that. I use gmail, I just haven't used it for EU in a while. If Gmail is cool to use would be a good question for TGM or Tiree. Unfortunately I don't see them on right now or else I'd ask them for you. I've converted my Yahoo account into my PBP RPG account, it is in fact what I made it for. That's worked out nicely for organizing my emails.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by kmspade »

yeah, I didn't have a yahoo account until I came to EU. That's what everyone was using on site, so I just signed up for one. I wasn't about to let what email account I used dictate where I played. Now my Yahoo account is pretty much my EU account. my ISP account is for official business, and my hotmail account is for junk pretty much. I have a couple others out there too I think...
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Tiree »

Yes - Gmail is acceptable now.

When I rebuilt the forums, we went through and made some major changes from how they were set up originally. Mainly on how to register, and how accounts were authorized.

Now with that said - the only major requirement that is needed, is to have a YIM account, or an IM account that works with YIM.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by kmspade »

I use a program called Digsby. It's free and works pretty well. It combines my MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger and Hotmail, Yahoo and G-mail email accounts into one.

Hmm, that gets me thinking...does google have a messenger program?
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by beatobur »

Yes, google has Gchat. It's the one I use for the majority of my RL friends. It's great. Your gmail will save the conversations and make them searchable like your emails. I'm not sure if it's still searchable if you use digsby.

According to my friends who use it, Digsby keeps it's own conversation logs, but yeah Gchat is great, either in browser with your gmail or you can download a separate client.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Vladamir Krophski »

The Diary of 2nd Lieutenant James Howlett M.D.B.S.

January 14th 110 P.A.

Due to many constraints on my mind and body I have decided to keep a journal of my experiences as they happen. Starting with today. We have been given a mission to go behind enemy lines, we will be heading to the continent, or island of Atlantis to search for a Stone Master named Sandror Mondul, who is making some sort of magic device that would be bad for the world at large.
I headed into MercTown early this morning to acquire equipment. I left the base with only a black jumpsuit and my utility belt with a sidearm and a vibro-blade. I’ve never felt so vulnerable, not even when facing demons from the rifts. The gate guards were shocked by my appearance, I noticed him flinch when I spoke to him. I got inside with little difficulty and using the map that the guard gave me I headed to the section of town known as The Arms Bazaar. I walked into Northern Guns Weapon store first and purchased a NG-45LP for a replacement sidearm, they were extremely popular during the Juicer Uprising. After Northern Gun I headed over to Wilk’s store and perused there wares. Even though they’re illegal in the states and the shop was being run by a D-Bee, I found it to be a pleasant experience. Once I finished my shopping there I had heard word that a Black Market Outfit was running out of Outriders Armaments. I wanted to pick up a suit of Branaghan armor with the coat that is so popular in Lone Star as well as a Speed Holster for another gun that I want to get. The Black Marketeer is a uncouth and crass individual who though despite his appearance seems to know his job well. After dealing with the black market I headed into the area known as the spokes, a market district of sorts. I stopped in a rather expensive shop to pick a couple of suits, they happened to sell an armored suit that interested me, so I ordered one of those and a regular suit for the time being. A few hours later I walked out of that shop with a custom made charcoal grey suit. I have decided to hit the area mall for a few other odds and ends before finishing up at the MercTown State Hospital for a few more medications that will be useful for my team. The trip to the hospital was pleasant enough, the weather is brisk at best, chilling at worst. Upon entering the facility I was truly surprised that a town, even as big as MercTown has such a state of the art facility. It pales in comparison to the Lone Star Facility, but they cannot be blamed for that. After speaking with the watch nurse to inquire about there pharmacy, I headed over there. I ordered some potent anti-biotics for the group as well as inquired about Qink toxin, a paralytic that may prove useful in the days to come.
Thinking of the events of the last day, I have bought hundreds of thousands of credits worth of stuff. Now this was money given to us as part of an operations budget from the Coalition States, and the people here had no problem with using the charge accounts that I was allowed access to. I wonder If we can withdraw credits to take with us to Atlantis, incase we need to buy something like food and lodgings. I know that I may be able to sell my services as a doctor down there for some quick cash so to speak, but what of the others. When this day is over I still have several more things to take care of for my preparations to go to Atlantis, Corporal Taylor and Corporal Avery want cybernetics and bionics put in and I need to modify the sensor hand that I had installed after the incident. Albeit the parts are already here and awaiting my whims, I’m not sure if my second is up to the job of installing the unusual systems that we have considered putting into Corporal Taylor. Making a human being look like a demon, it almost seems distasteful.
Anyways the hour grows late and I must retire for another busy day tomorrow.

January 14th 110 PA, Late.

The team has captured a mage that Second Lieutenant Von Petra believes will help us in our mission to Atlantis. I am actually against the idea of torture, but the group as a whole doesn’t seem to have it in there hearts to torture anyone in any degree of cruelty. I as usual am on hand for the proceedings, in my capacity as a doctor. I will monitor his health and make every effort to keep him alive. The last prisoner we had Died/was killed/Murdered right after we had gotten most of the useful information out of him. I don’t know what happened for sure but, I do know the results were quite dramatic. I don’t believe I have ever seen that much fear in a humans eyes, even if he was a stinking mage, no man deserved that. Anyways to the moment at hand. The rest of the team has brought in there quarry, a mage of a youngish age if I were to guess I’d say middle to late twenties, human male. He has several contusions to his head and a rather nasty cut to his right forearm. I guess from the initial reports he was bludgeoned about the head and neck by Corporal Genet, Corporal Taylor, and Private First Class Max. After the subject was subdued Corporal Grimmsley had a momentary loss of self control and cut him to drain his mystic essence. Either way I patched the subject up as best I could, and poured some cheap painkillers in him to get him in shape to talk. Second Lieutenant Von Petra was in charge of the interrogation, while I watched over him with my medical equipment, she asked a series of questions that would reveal the precise points that we would have to strike. He seemed to have it in his head to keep those details to himself. I had sat in on a few interrogations in my time so I laid on a story about chopping him up and putting bionics on him. You should have seen the look in his eyes, pure terror. He spilled his guts to every little detail we asked him. Once the interrogation was over I packed my things and headed over to the medical facility. I spoke with the doctor there and learned that he is a veteran of the Tolkeen war. He used to perform surgeries out of the back of a Deaths Head transport, due to having nowhere else to work. He helped me get the new features I had ordered installed in my new cybernetic hand. Once we were finished he helped me prep the two surgical theatres for the work I would do tomorrow. All that being said it is late so I will retire for the night.

January 15th, 110 PA

I awoke early this morning to start my busy day. Bright and early Corporal Avery showed up for his installations. The surgery went off without much fuss, when I was done I put him up in one of the beds and told him to take a day to heal. Once he was done it was off to turn a fine young man into a monster. The work was simple enough and all in all Corporal Taylor took to it like a champ. Though I can’t help to think that he may get a bit of a complex over this. I’ll look into him in a day or two. Tomorrow we head off to Port Houston for the first leg of our journey on the CSS Freedom. From there we hope to capture a pirate vessel and go on to Atlantis. Where we will set up a base of operations and play gladiators. Luckily I get to still play team doctor, and not a gladiator. Either way this is going to be not only the strangest mission I’ve ever been on, but also probably the most dangerous. Well I have some reports to file and a plant to take care of, so I’ll write later.

January 16th, 110 PA

Take off, I have never been one in particular to enjoy long flights, or flights in general. Though it was a smooth ride there I was displeased with the trip. That and the fact that we landed on the flight deck of the ship while it was underway, made me a bit nauseous. We were greeted by the ships captain, a Commander Dawson, he was polite and offered Lieutenant Von Petra and I refreshments in the ward room. Now I was impressed at the size of the ship, I must have looked like a tourist and not a officer in the Coalition military. The refreshments were pleasant and so was the company, we were introduced to Chief Engineer Holly Lane. While in the ward room we discussed our needs with the captain and he educated us on the finer points of ships. He was concerned about attempting a capture, mostly due to the fact that his ship is primarily used to destroy enemy ships. He offered to give us a crash course on the guns of the ship. I personally could care less about learning the guns, but I do what I’m told, which probably won’t be that. Once we were done the Captain offered to arrange for a tour of the ship for me. We had a dinner that could be best described with bodily noises. The tour of the ship was interesting and educational. I am a bit appalled at the size of there sick bay, but what can be done for the space. We ended the day by gathering on the flight deck. We discussed the current mission and what steps it will entail at the very least. We watched the sun set, and not being much of a writer I would fail to describe it’s beauty. I think I will call it a night, until tomorrow.

January 18th, 110 PA

I had a restless night as the nightmares returned, after a few trips to the head for water and a few sleeping tablets, I managed to get something of a nights sleep. The dreams though are truly vivid, I’ll probably need to see a psychiatrist before long. I visited the sick bay and lo and behold every little issue that the sailors could be having cropped up today. Some imaginary, some real, some minor, nothing too serious, though a few were a bit disgusting. The medics were right cherry folks who have there hearts and minds in the right place. Though I am again shocked that there is no doctor onboard this ship, maybe I’ll ask the captain about that later. I decided to make my rounds in the early afternoon once there was a lull in patients. I first approached Corporal Taylor, I cleared out the sick bay to examine him, and ask him a few questions. I tried to be reassuring, but with a face like mine It’s a hard thing to show. After Corporal Taylor, I sought out Corporal Avery, He was on one of the balconies on the bridge looking out over the sea, if I remember his profile right he is a trained sniper, so it doesn’t surprise me. He let me know that he was okay. The rest of the afternoon seemed rather uneventful, I sat with the Captain, the Chief Engineer, and Lieutenant Von Petra for our second dinner on the ship. I had forgotten what being an officer got me on occasion. We were nearly finished with dinner when several alarms began going off, and an announcement went off that we were being attacked. I later found out it was a giant sea serpent, but at that moment I was rushing to sick bay. When there’s battle there’s wounded. Not long after I got there, the first casualties started showing up. A man had lost his arm, I patched him up as quickly as possible. The medics being extra helpful, these were followed by more after the ship shook from a direct hit. I am fearful of whatever makes a ship this size shake with a strike. We then received a crewmember who had a nasty head wound and one that couldn’t breathe. I left the head wound to the medics and managed to get the crewmember breathing again, he had swallowed a lot of water I found out. I then took over cleaning up the head wound. And like that the fight was over and we had won. Several minutes later I received a private channel call to head up to the CIC for a mission planning session, so I packed my kit and let the medics know that I would be back down a little later. The CIC is like something out of a dream, if I had been asked when I was younger if I would ever be in a command center, I would have said no. Lieutenant Von Petra gave a very convincing plan that to me seems not only simple, but relatively fool proof.

January 24th, 110 PA
The last few days have been crazy, We found a ship that will do for the operation, the fight was short and brutal, and the ship was structurally sound, but the overzealousness of my teammates made a mess of the controls. So we headed back to Port Houston for repairs and supplies. We found a captured Coalition Juicer amongst the slaves onboard the Whitewing as she is dubbed. His name is Sev Ba’ro he was captured along with his squad by a much larger slaver group. I can only imagine where they may be now. We also commandeered a technical specialist from the CSS Freedom, his name being Corporal Joshua Rivers, a talkative and inquisitive individual. Always tinkering or fixing something. On a side note while on shore leave in Port Houston, Corporal Genet nearly killed himself again, luckily he only damaged his new cybernetic arm. I have let him know of my concerns of his constant need to blow himself up. After two days we were back on the open seas again heading for the continent of Atlantis. On the way there we were greeted by an unusual sight of a massive storm front moving in on us. Ironically I was asleep during this time, when I awoke it was morning and we were in a location that I didn’t know of. We lost Edwin to whatever magic of the storm. His things were there but he was not. Lieutenant Von Petra has instituted what I will call the buddy system. Every remaining member will be teamed up with another. I by blessings of rank have been partnered with Lieutenant Von Petra. The rest of the men have taken this new system in stride, with Corporal Rivers and Genet being a team, Sergeant Portlant and Corporal Taylor making up another team, and Corporal Grimmsley and Corporal Ba’ro as the last group. Though I cant say I agree with her allowing the men to select there own partners, it seems to make them happy so who am I to really complain. Once we had a few hours to navigate, Sergeant Portlant managed to find out where we were and how to get to where we are going. We were “Transported” several hundred miles closer to our destination which made the trip a lot easier. Either way it is getting late and Corporal Grimmsley is complaining of a headache, I’ll write more later.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Juce734 »

I registered and will verify this weekend. Same username as here. I use gmail though.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Tiree »

Juce734 wrote:I registered and will verify this weekend. Same username as here. I use gmail though.

Again there is no restriction on e-mail addresses anymore. There is still a requirement to have a Yahoo compliant messenger account.

If you have any questions, I am the technical support on the site. My handle there is the same as here.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Dash »

Hello Folks.

Today, I'm not stumping around for my site. Today I'm looking for a few new Rifts players for Explorers Unlimited.

Why you ask? Well, I happen to be one of their newest GMs. Essentially, our site has too many characters for the groups we have, and not quite enough yet for a whole new group. So, I need a few good recruits.

What kind of game will it be? Well, that's mostly up to the players I recruit. I'm rather flexible as a GM, as the few of you around here who remember me can attest to. Kick in the door & kill the monster style? Been there, done that. A game where nobody's ever emptied their first E-Clip? Done that too.

I'm just a huge fan of Rifts and could care less what kind of game I run, as long as it's not my table-top group. I told them that they aren't making me run Dungeons & Dragons. Again. Seeing how no two of them can agree on a game past D&D, we decided to take a break. With that portion of my week freed up, I gladly volunteered when The Game Master asked around for a new GM.

So, what I'm saying, basically is: 'Please come play Rifts on Explorers Unlimited, so I don't have to run D&D for the sixteenth consecutive year in a row.'
Tyrannosapiens Rex of The Player's Keep (formerly Explorers Unlimited)

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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Azathoth »

As I'm new to this site, I'm not sure who to talk to about gaming. And as my newest game is on Explorers Unlimited, what better thread to post on than this one. This game is located on ExplorersUnlimited.com and I'm hoping that a few good people who enjoy writing and gaming will throw in their bit to try a new game.

Greetings and Salutations my friends and fellow gamers.

I am offering you the chance to join a Sponsored game. J. Larsen's Brigade is starting up a new Special Ops team, the Blackwatch. A special ops team that will do a great range of missions. Anywhere from protecting a caravan of supplies to a D-Bee town to Sabotage missions. The range is great and the pay is pretty dang good. PLUS you get equipped with good gear.

Free repairs, a base, vehicles and a great starter reputation.

Consider the possibilities.

Travel to strange and distant lands, kill strange and otherworldly beings and humans alike, become recognized as members of the Brigade.

Sign up at the local recruiting office today.

Characters needed for the group.

Group Leader
Psychic/Magic User
and Soldier type classes.

Shoot me a PM if you have any questions.

I am Also available on YIM @ Chizmadia
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Augur »

Dash wrote:Hello Folks.

Today, I'm not stumping around for my site. Today I'm looking for a few new Rifts players for Explorers Unlimited.

Why you ask? Well, I happen to be one of their newest GMs. Essentially, our site has too many characters for the groups we have, and not quite enough yet for a whole new group. So, I need a few good recruits.

What kind of game will it be? Well, that's mostly up to the players I recruit. I'm rather flexible as a GM, as the few of you around here who remember me can attest to. Kick in the door & kill the monster style? Been there, done that. A game where nobody's ever emptied their first E-Clip? Done that too.

I'm just a huge fan of Rifts and could care less what kind of game I run, as long as it's not my table-top group. I told them that they aren't making me run Dungeons & Dragons. Again. Seeing how no two of them can agree on a game past D&D, we decided to take a break. With that portion of my week freed up, I gladly volunteered when The Game Master asked around for a new GM.

So, what I'm saying, basically is: 'Please come play Rifts on Explorers Unlimited, so I don't have to run D&D for the sixteenth consecutive year in a row.'

We literally had more players than available slots in the existing groups so I've gone out on a limb and hired two new GMs.

Not only is Dash starting up a new group, there's another GM who'll be running a sponsored merc group that's a squad from the infamous Larsen's Brigade.

Sponsored groups have less say in what assignments they take but they don't have to worry about paying for repairs and ammo and the like.

Independent groups (like the one Dash will be running), have total control of their unit but as such have to deal with the costs of keeping their unit afloat.

Choose your poison! :D
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by LostOne »

What restrictions, if any, on OCCs and RCCs?
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Azathoth »

The House Rules of Explorers Unlimited

Feel free to browse around there and consider a few things.

For the Sponsored game that I'm running, I'm open to any ideas, and like I said, hit me up on YIM and we can discuss it further. Of course, The Game Master, the man that runs the site, has say on everything.

I would like Psionics/Soldiers/and maybe a magic user that's combat heavy because my game is focused on lots of combat/special ops.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Kagashi »

Tiree wrote:
Juce734 wrote:I registered and will verify this weekend. Same username as here. I use gmail though.

Again there is no restriction on e-mail addresses anymore. There is still a requirement to have a Yahoo compliant messenger account.

If you have any questions, I am the technical support on the site. My handle there is the same as here.

Sorry about that. I thought I had removed that post when the site was rewritten but apparently I missed that one. Its removed now.
I want to see from Palladium:
Updated Aug 2015
-Rifts: Dark Woods/Deep South, Space 110 PA, Scandinavia
-Mechanoids: Space (MDC)
-Robotech: Errata for Marines timeline, Masters Deluxe with SC and UEEF gear, Spaceships
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Tearstone »

Can we get a game status update, since the last one was in August?

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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Augur »

A newbie's guide to the EU network--Updated!

The Portal
This is where the portal page for the EU network is located.
From here you can:
:arrow: Navigate to the gaming forums and read a description of each site
:arrow: Make a donation
:arrow: Check out the latest EU-related news from admin
:arrow: Provide feedback and/or post your own review
:arrow: Find out what's entailed in becoming a Power Player on EU

EU is the place for Rifts!
Here you can:
:arrow: Find out the rules for character creation
:arrow: Check out the House Rules Forum to Learn more about PBP in general as well as how we do things on EU
:arrow: Lurk about and read some on-going adventures
:arrow: Explore all that MercTown has to offer as a "home base" type of setting from which the groups operate
:arrow: Explore the different Character Groups

• • • • Heroes for Hire (Independent, FULL TEAM, GM: Pandora)
• • • • The Spook Squad (Independent, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: The Greater Good)
• • • • The Templar (Sponsored, FULL TEAM, GM: Lord of the Night)
• • • • Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Independent, FULL TEAM, GM: Damocles)
• • • • The Roughnecks (Independent, 9 players, 1 opening GM: Relentless)
• • • • 110th CS SOG (Restricted Access, 8 players, 2 openings GM: Reaver)
• • • • Paragon Acquisition Services (Independent, FULL TEAM GM: Draco The Strange)
• • • • Explorers Inc. (Sponsored, FULL TEAM, GM: A.R.C.H.I.E. 3)
• • • • EURASIA: Die Ausgestossenen (Restricted Access, FULL TEAM, GM: Jaeger)
• • • • New Group (Independent, 8 Openings, GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex)
• • • • New Group (Sponsored, 10 Openings, GM: The-Powers-That-Be)

EU's Other Worlds is the place for other Palladium games!
Games offered at OW include:
:arrow: Phase World: End of Days Campaign
(An epic and long-running Phase World campaign consisting of multiple character groups.)
:arrow: Heroes Unlimited: Century Station Four open slots!
:arrow: Heroes Unlimited: Galactic An elite, invitation-only game.
:arrow: Beyond the Supernatural (SoCal Horror! Lovecraft meets the West Coast, when Pac-Man reigned supreme and big hair was cool!)
:arrow: Dead Reign (A band of survivors escaping Disneyland fight to stay alive six months after the zombie apocalypse!.) Almost always in need of new players!
:arrow: Palladium Fantasy RPG: Relics of the Past (This campaign is just beginning!)
:arrow: Macross: Adventures after the Rain of Death IN NEED OF A NEW GM!

EU's Distant Dimensions is the place for Non-Palladium games!
Games offered at DD include:
:arrow: Pathfinder
(The GM's name is CHRONOS, contact him for more information.)
:arrow: Dungeons & Dragons (4th Ed.) (The GM's name is ARCHANGEL, contact him for more information.)
:arrow: Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader (The GM's name is HORUS, contact him for more information.)
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Al Blotto »

The Game Master wrote: :arrow: Heroes Unlimited: Century Station Four open slots!

We are still actively looking for players. If you have any interest, contact me via YIM.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by PerroMalo »

The Game Master wrote: :arrow: Phase World: End of Days Campaign
(An epic and long-running Phase World campaign consisting of multiple character groups.)

The Phase World game is also actively recruiting new PCs. Both groups have openings! There's a brief sales pitch on EU here, and guidelines for new PCs here.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Severus Snape »

Ok, so I checked out Explorers Unlimited, and I'm interested in one or more of the games there. However, I refuse to use YIM. Or any other IM program, for that matter. Which means that I cannot even be considered for any of the games out there.

I understand you guys have your rules, and everyone who wants to play has to follow them. So I'm not mad about the rules. I'm just curious as to why the strict requirement on YIM? Why not use the PM function of EU? Or email? Why does someone HAVE to have YIM in order to play?

(On a side note, the reason I don't use any of the available IM programs out there is that they have a tendency to auto-install crap on your machine that you don't want in addition to the IM program that you do want. And AOL and Yahoo have left a bad taste in my mouth with doing this and having those programs run in the background - and this was a long time ago, and before giving you the option to not install them. I still don't trust them, and won't use them, even though I have a Yahoo email address. Just giving a little information as to why I won't use them.)

So can someone answer this for me? Is there any possibility of getting into a game on EU if you don't have YIM?
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Al Blotto »

You could use Yahoo's browser based messenger to similar results: http://webmessenger.yahoo.com/
Also, in my Yahoo mail, on the left side near the bottom, I have a chat box when in my main screen. Maybe that would work for you as well.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by PerroMalo »

As for why it's required, we've found over the years that it is extremely useful for members to have online chat capability, in addition to the posting and messaging features provided by the site itself. A few examples:

GMs send announcements of new posts over IM- to let people know when they should check the site, if they aren't doing so on a regular basis. It serves as a very helpful reminder, and is essential to keeping the game moving at a brisk pace (i.e., everyone in a group except for player X has posted that week, GM IMs player X to make him aware of this fact, player X realizes he was asleep at the wheel and posts promptly in response, game continues along).

Additionally, players themselves make use of the IM feature- to discuss the game in a more real-time format than is allowed by OOC chat threads on a forum, or just to shoot the breeze and bounce ideas off of one another. Group leaders have been known to schedule IM conferences with as many members as they can get, to discuss plans of attack in a given battle, more long-term plans for the group, recruitment of new members, etc.

In certain situations where the game is more favorably disposed to a real-time interaction, the GM can also schedule a conference with a group of PCs and transform the game from PbP to play-by-chat for the duration of a single scene. This isn't a particularly frequent occurrence, as scheduling can be quite difficult, but for scenes where it really does make a big difference GMs like to have the option.

FWIW, I understand your complaint about the yahoo toolbar- but in my experience the IM client itself doesn't automatically update. Meaning, you only have to uncheck the stupid box once. I feel I should also point out the amount of time a player or GM spends online and available for chat varies wildly from person to person- some people are on every day for blocks of time. Others are lucky to sign one once a week for 20 minutes. You're not required to spend any amount of time actually on the IM program or anything ridiculous like that- you're just expected to have the capability, and very strongly encouraged to check your messages every couple of days.

As others have pointed out, there are web-based alternatives to downloading and installing the software. I personally know of at least one non-yahoo client (Trillian, I believe it's called) that supports yahoo IMs. This is also acceptable under site guidelines, although I admit I have no idea whether they try and sneak any toolbars or other junk past you. Still, it might be worth investigating if you've been burned by YIM before.

The only exceptions made to the IM rule are for active-duty military personnel, who for obvious reasons aren't in much of a position to install IM software. The only other thing I can suggest is taking up your case with the big kahuna himself, though personally I wouldn't hold my breath. :wink:

One last thing I feel compelled to note: There is a method to our madness. We're not power-tripping, there is a solid reason why we insist on strict adherence to a bunch of rules, formatting guides, etc. for new players. Anyone who has played in or tried to run a PbP or PBeM game can attest to the difficulty in retaining people- someone joins a game, makes a character, posts a few times, and then vanishes. We don't want to waste anyone's time, so we're only interested in people who will make a character and still be posting a year or two from now. We've found that those people are the ones who take the time and the effort to read the rules and follow them as much as possible from the get-go- that's why we have the rules set up the way we do.

Based on your post, Severus, I daresay you've done your homework and would thus fall into that group. I do hope I've convinced you to give us a try. :wink:
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by kmspade »

I agree with what PerroMalo said. That's pretty much why we use IM. It's not the only tool we use, but it is a damn useful one.

I can't say how many times I've had a player send me a quick IM asking a question about what they're about to post. Rather than wait a day or two for a PM and response, and hold up the game, they just send me a quick IM, get a response, and continue with their posting. It really does help to speed things along.

Anyway, as far as IM clients go...I'd suggest Digsby. It connects your Yahoo, MSN, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, and any POP3 email accounts you have into one easy to use interface. Oh, and did I mention it doesn't install any BS along with it? Oh, yeah, and it's free. :shock: I've been using it for more than a year now with no trouble what so ever.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Severus Snape »

To be honest, the only rule I have an issue with is the IM rule. I understand why you guys want it required, but I absolutely refuse to use an internet IM program. I have IM at work which I admit is a great help (especially when you consider that I work with people who aren't in my building and it is easier than trying to email or pick up the phone). And while I trust communicator, it's only because it's on the corporate network and it's installed by IT. I just don't trust a whole lot of downloads on the internet.

I do have a yahoo email account. And I am on the internet quite often, especially during the week. Weekends are a little more difficult because life gets in the way, but I am on during the week pretty much all the time.

And I agree with having a good set of rules. I'm running a pair of PBP games on NMI's Storm Watch forums - Dawn of a New Era (see Rifter 53 for the entire adventure! [/shameless plug]) and Curse of the Sarinaanen - and I have some fairly strict rules. Especially when it comes to posting. And I have had multiple people drop out of both campaigns without giving any warning at all. In one case one of the people dropped without warning and then asked to be added to the wait list (and I told him no). So I get it. I just don't like the IM requirement.

I am interested in joining EU and getting in a game. Unfortunately, the IM requirement will prevent me from doing so. It's ok, though - we can't always get what we want. :wink:
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

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Well, then, if it's built-in, I guess I have to go sign up for a game!
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Severus Snape »

Ok, so what's wrong with the EU site links? I click on them, and I get some cheesy page with a chick's pic?
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Severus Snape »

Not sure why it happened, but I'll have to keep checking over the weekend.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by kmspade »

Someone I talked to called it DNS poisoning, whatever that is. should get you to the EU board index. should get you to the OW board index.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by rc_brooks »

I was directed to the same cheesy page myself. Looks like a hijack attempt as the page does sport "explorersunlimited.com" in its code. Something intentional anyhow.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by PerroMalo »

After some of the same trouble yesterday, the site is back working for me. Word from our IT guru is that there was an issue with the site's domain registration, which has been fixed. It may take until Monday to fully propagate, but everyone should be able to access the forums by then at the latest.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Tiree »

PerroMalo wrote:After some of the same trouble yesterday, the site is back working for me. Word from our IT guru is that there was an issue with the site's domain registration, which has been fixed. It may take until Monday to fully propagate, but everyone should be able to access the forums by then at the latest.

That is exactly what happened. When we moved the site to the new hosting provider, we had intentionally moved there in order for them to keep up with the registration renewals. There was a snag on who was doing that, and we have it sorted out now.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Augur »

Tiree wrote:
PerroMalo wrote:After some of the same trouble yesterday, the site is back working for me. Word from our IT guru is that there was an issue with the site's domain registration, which has been fixed. It may take until Monday to fully propagate, but everyone should be able to access the forums by then at the latest.

That is exactly what happened. When we moved the site to the new hosting provider, we had intentionally moved there in order for them to keep up with the registration renewals. There was a snag on who was doing that, and we have it sorted out now.

No hacking or anything, folks.

We had a 24-hour domain ownership issue which I quickly resolved the following morning.

Sev, the guys previous have explained the IM thing to death, so I'll not beat a dead horse.

I'm available via IM (via webmessenger in your case), typically after 7PM CST.
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AA Professional Services

Unread post by Hot Rod »

Rifts Merctown outfit "AA Professional Services" now Hiring (3 character slots available)

An independent outfit determined to get rich & build a stellar reputation doing good deeds for fun & profit. Why just the other day some T-men & a giant mutant cat came busting into our bar & tried to abduct the waitress (who was doing a lousy job anyway!). Mere seconds after our arrival the fair lady was rescued (& on her way to the hospital with a concussion, not our fault, really!). Soon: Investigate the Horsemen of the Apocalypse gang & find out what they have against our bar! Hey its a start, get in now for a chance to build the groups foundation as you like it.

Specifically requested roles being sought:
- A 'good' shifter,
- More mages (just cause Cirene feels lonely being the only mage in the group so far :) ) something interesting like a Battle Magus, or Techno Wizard

Filled roles:
Light Scout/magical support
PA (Glitter boy) Pilot
Robot Pilot/Operator
Melee specialist/Samurai
Chef / Burster

Possibly some turnover while we get going so even if your role is covered give a yell if interested.
<- Banned from Explorers Unlimited for Objecting to EU GM Abuse. Be warned, GMs play favorites, and ignore rule books if it suits them. They also are not afraid to apply the rules to one person in the party but not another. This is FACT, If you need proof I have it. Fight bullying online and everywhere
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Drajinn »

For those interested in finding out what kind of crazy fun you can get into at Explorers Unlimited; Check out the Paragon Acquisition Services (P.A.S.)

P.A.S. Is currently a full group.

The Group Leader is a Fallen Knight with a drinking problem... this leads the group into a lot of unexpected situations. Add to this a Goblin Crazy, and Traditional Fetish Shaman, an Operator, a Ley Line Walker, a Rogue Scholar, a Shifter, a Techno-Wizard, a Mind Melter, and just to even it all out... a City Rat. Each character has strong and weak points that lead to a lot of great character interaction. :clown: :badbad: :wink: :eek:

The group is currently on a mission to rescue an Extra-dimensional Princess that has been abducted by a Diabolist that is based in the frozen wastes of the north. Will they get her free? Who is to say? 8)
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by kmspade »

The CS 110th Special Operations Group a.k.a "The Nightstalkers"

The Nightstalkers is an all Coalition group based out of Merctown. Not that that means much, since they're almost always in the field. The group has been running strong for over a year now. The group leader is an RCSG Scientist who's obsessed with magic. The other team members are a CS Cyber-doc (who wants to give the borg a tail), a none to bright CS Grunt, a CS Spec Ops Commando, a CS Ranger dedicated to protecting the innocent, a schizophrenic Juicer (the best kind!), a CS Strike Cyborg with a phobia of magic, and an EOD Specialist with a knack for blowing himself up.

Their first mission was to re-establish communications with a small town in CS held territory. When they discovered that the town had been taken over by an evil Shifter and Mind Melter, a battle ensued and The Nightstalkers prevailed! Evidence found after the battle, and subsequent investigation revealed that an evil Federation of Magic lord has hatched a plan to develop an ultimate magic weapon which he plans to unleash on the Coalition, destroying them once and for all.

Their current mission has taken them deep behind enemy lines, to Atlantis, where they hope to find and assassinate the Stone Master defector before he can aid the FOM lord in his weapon construction. They have yet to locate the stone master, and the team leader and cyborg were captured and experimented on by the Splugorth! Several Bio-wizard implants and some Kittani modifications later, they were released...but for what reason? Are they now pawns of the Splugorth, or are they still loyal to the CS? Will they ever find and kill this rogue stone master? And more importantly...will they ever make it home alive? Will the FOM lord succeed in gathering all the required artifacts for his weapon, or will The Nightstalkers stop him before it's too late? Only time will tell!

The current adventure is taking place here.

The Out of Character threads are located here.

Stay tuned to these threads to follow the chronicles of the CS 110th Nightstalkers.
Last edited by kmspade on Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by beatobur »

The Spook Squad
If you hear them coming, they're not after you.

One of EU's veteran groups based out of the "Haunt" in merctown. They are lead by Sir Thorn, a Tokanii Cyber-knight. Who is currently preparing to lead them into Hel, the Norse netherworld searching to complete a quest for the mysterious entity known as the "Crone". They specialize in stealth and doing the unpleasant and necessary tasks. Good/squeamish characters need not apply.

Group Members:
Sir Thorn- Cyber-knight, group leader, and one mean customer in combat.
Carl- Cyber-ninja: A deadly Japanese import.
Meirin- Ex-CS head hunter. Do not cross this deadly lady.
Alabaster- Currently retired to the Haunt
Koota- Ex-CS monkey boy, tough as nails.
Vheld- A true atlantean Artifact Hunter.
Simon- Human operator, doesn't trust magic.
Guru So Jin- A relic from the time of the rifts, this blue man looks frail but is not. New to the group.
Levran- A lyvorac shifter, he is obsessed with lizards and snakes. New to the group.
Jason Castle- A psi-assassin and scout, new to the group.

One spot available, please contact myself or if on www.explorersunlimited.com contact Sir Thorn or The Greater Good (myself).
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Sqir »

So, I've read through the various rules and it all seems very straight forward.

The only issue I see is that I have nil experience when it comes to PbP stuff and neither do I own the two new Merc books.Will that hinder me in anyway, shape or form?
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by PerroMalo »

1) The lack of PBP experience will absolutely not hinder you in any way, shape, or form. Although we do have a lot of rules, which can be a bit intimidating for first time visitors, we try very hard to make them organized and easy to read. In addition, all of the admins/GMs/mods, as well as the more experienced players are more than happy to give advice, and answer a million questions. Many, many people have made the successful transition from being brand-new to PBP to being veteran members of the community.

2) Last I checked, neither MercTown nor MercOps was required to play in the MercTown game. I don't think lacking either of these books would be a problem, either. MercOps hadn't even been published when we started the site, and when I first joined I didn't have MercTown either. It didn't slow me down in the slightest. I really don't think it would be worth worrying about, and again, those of us that have been around EU for awhile are happy to answer any and all questions.

MercTown does serve as the base of operations for teams between missions, so it would probably be a little helpful to get the book at some point, but most of what you need to navigate through the city has been posted, including maps.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Sqir »

Thank you for your very informative and quick response.

I'll be registering on EU after work tonight, as I'm absolutely brimming over with character ideas right now, that's what I get for picking the books up again after years of not playing. :wink:
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Augur »

There have been lots of new players lately. It's good to see an influx of fresh mea...err, fresh players to the various player groups.

Which brings me to the crux of my post...

We need another GM!

The supply of players has risen, most of the groups are now full or close to capacity, and so EU needs a couple new GMs to run adventures for our teeming multitude of players.

Contact me via IM if interested: masterriftsgm@yahoo.com
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

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Game Master, I actually PM'ed you about becoming a GM on EU/OW. Talk about timing!
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

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Severus Snape wrote:Game Master, I actually PM'ed you about becoming a GM on EU/OW. Talk about timing!

I sent you an IM invite. Let's chat.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by PerroMalo »

The Game Master wrote: :arrow: Phase World: End of Days Campaign
(An epic and long-running Phase World campaign consisting of multiple character groups.)

The Galactic Rogues once again have openings to fill, and are eagerly seeking appropriately Roguish PCs.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by beatobur »

The Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game on EU has two openings. The characters are currently in the process of joining the Timiro Explorers Association. An association of prominent Timiro citizens who travels the world looking for stories and riches.


Currently the team is composed of:

Dek- An illusionist
Brother Obie- An elf scholar raised by warrior monks
Cassie- a Coyle Half-wizard half-pirate
Rafferty- a gnome earth warlock
Galina- An elf gladiator
Lyal- An elf diabolist
Lucius- an elf Imperial Janissary.
You... you killed me trying to heal me, this is the best campaign ever.

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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Augur »

It has been some time since I have posted a major update, so here goes:

Explorers Unlimited player-character groups (Rifts only)
Heroes for Hire (Independent, 9 players, 1 opening, GM: Tiree)
EU's very first group of intrepid adventurers. Led by Sir Ronith Turand.

The Spook Squad (Independent, 8 Players, 2 Opening, GM: The Greater Good)
If you hear them they're not after you.

The Templar (Sponsored, 8 Players, 2 Openings, GM: Lord of the Night)
Sponsored by the Warrior's Temple The Templar fight supernatural evil and do good works.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Independent, FULL TEAM, GM: Damocles)
These mercs have reincarnated more times than the Dali Lama.

The Roughnecks (Independent, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: The Game Master)
A small squad specializing in unconventional warfare and counter-terrorism tactics but who always ends up in the belly of the beast.

110th CS SOG (Restricted Access, FULL TEAM, GM: Reaver)
The 110th Coalition States Special Operations Group

Paragon Acquisition Services (Independent, 7 Players, 3 Openings, GM: Draco The Strange)

Explorers Inc. (Sponsored, FULL TEAM, GM: A.R.C.H.I.E. 3)
Sponsored by Titan Industries. Who knows what that crazy CEO will send them to do!

EURASIA: Die Ausgestossenen (Restricted Access, 9 players, 1 Opening, GM: Jaeger)

AA Professional Services (Independent, 6 Players, 4 Openings, GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex)

The Losers (Sponsored, 6 Players, 4 Openings, GM: GM Apprentice)

Otherworlds (non-Rifts Palladium games)
Phase World: End of Days (18 players, 2 openings, 2 GMs; DM: Dark Lord)

Heroes Unlimited: Century Station (15 players, 1 openings, 3 GMs; DM: Blackhaunt)

Heroes Unlimited: Galactic (10 players, 0 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: The Game Master)

Beyond the Supernatural Dimension (7 Players, 1 Opening, DM: Jaeger)

Dead Reign Dimension (8 players, 2 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: The Game Master)

Palladium Fantasy Dimension (8 players, 2 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: The Greater Good)

The Robotech Dimension (Game Suspended)

Distant Dimensions (non-Palladium games)

Pathfinder (Waiting List Reservations Only, GM: Chronos)

Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition, accepting new players!)

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader (accepting new players!)

Call of Cthulu (still starting & accepting new players!)
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Dash »

I'd like to give a fond farewell to the long standing Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and hope that Paragon Acquisition Services doesn't meet the same fate.

Here is a plea from PAS group leader:

If you've ever had an inkling to GM, you should seriously give PAS a look. We're a great group of players who write with quality and with regularity (things happen for everyone, but we tend to be pretty good at communication as well). We've had our ups and downs, but we're hungry: hungry for adventure, hungry for action, and hungry for storytelling. We don't have the punch to take on the big heavy gun missions (though we are not without heavy hitters). We operate more on subtlety and skill than brute force. We are a mostly good group (well on the selfish side of good, but still good), and we have high hopes for ourselves and our future.

We have aspirations of grandeur, and are working on some definite plans. We are coming off a good GM, so we also have high expectations. We love to explore morality tales, and take our licks with a grin and a laugh. It doesn’t mean we don’t get worked up sometimes (that’s normal), but it does mean that at the end of the day, we’re here to have fun. We expect the same of our GM. We’re actually quite player driven in our goals. I don’t think we’ve ever met a hook that we didn’t run with to some extent.

We are looking for more people, but I’ve put that a bit on hold until we get the GM situation handled. After all, it will hurt enough if we have to disband due to a lack of a GM, I don’t want to hook new players into our happy band just to have them disappointed if we go the way of the dodo. You can bet though, if that happens it will not be because we went quietly into our goodnight.

Anyway, in short: Will you be our GM?

On another note, I'm running games on EU under the title Tyrannosapiens Rex. Currently, I'm running AA Protection Services, and there are two vacancies.

YIM: arcticfrogstudios
Tyrannosapiens Rex of The Player's Keep (formerly Explorers Unlimited)

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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Kagashi »

RIP Arkansas' Adventurers/Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
I want to see from Palladium:
Updated Aug 2015
-Rifts: Dark Woods/Deep South, Space 110 PA, Scandinavia
-Mechanoids: Space (MDC)
-Robotech: Errata for Marines timeline, Masters Deluxe with SC and UEEF gear, Spaceships
-Updated Errata for post-2006 printings of Rifts books
-Searchable, quality PDFs/E-pubs of current Rifts titles
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by PerroMalo »

Players wanted!

Two games on EU's otherworlds site are in need of new players.
Our phase world game recently lost a few members of the Galactic Rogues and is looking to replenish its numbers. The campaign is approaching its five-year anniversary- two GMs and one epic storyline. Join the fun!

The palladium fantasy game is also in the process of getting a new GM, and needs a few new PCs to get its head count back up to par. After a year and a half, the PCs are now members in good standing of the Timiro Adventurers' Association, including (among other perks) some sizable land holdings.
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Augur »

It has been some time since I have posted a major update, so here goes:

Explorers Unlimited player-character groups (Rifts only)
Heroes for Hire (Independent, 7 players, 3 openings, GM: The Game Master)
EU's very first group of intrepid adventurers. Led by Sir Ronith Turand.

The Spook Squad (Independent, 7 Players, 3 Openings, GM: Tiree)
If you hear them they're not after you.

The Templar (Sponsored, 6 Players, 4 Openings, GM: Lord of the Night)
Sponsored by the Warrior's Temple The Templar fight supernatural evil and do good works.

The Roughnecks (Independent, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: The Game Master)
A small squad specializing in unconventional warfare and counter-terrorism tactics but who always ends up in the belly of the beast.

110th CS SOG (Restricted Access, 8 Players, 2 Openings, GM: Reaver)
The 110th Coalition States Special Operations Group

Paragon Acquisition Services (Independent, FULL TEAM, GM: Venatus Vinco)

Explorers Inc. (Sponsored, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: A.R.C.H.I.E. 3)
Sponsored by Titan Industries. Who knows what that crazy CEO will send them to do!

EURASIA: Die Ausgestossenen (Restricted Access, 9 players, 1 Opening, GM: Jaeger)

AA Professional Services (Independent, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex)

The Misfits (Sponsored, 6 Players, 4 Openings, GM: Lord of War)
Sponsored by Devilman Exotic Arms in the Arms Bazaar, Zo'Wor Kulot'te funds this motley crew to travel to exotic locations in order to secure new business opportunities.

Otherworlds (non-Rifts Palladium games)
Phase World: End of Days (20 players, 0 openings, 2 GMs; DM: Dark Lord. Apply via waiting list.)

Heroes Unlimited: Century Station (15 players, 1 openings, Apply via the waiting list, 3 GMs; DM: Blackhaunt)

Heroes Unlimited: Galactic (10 players, 0 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: The Game Master)

Beyond the Supernatural Dimension (8 Players, 0 openings, Apply via the waiting list; DM: Jaeger)

Dead Reign Dimension (8 players, 2 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: Hazard)

Palladium Fantasy Dimension (5 players, 5 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: Tyrannosapiens Rex)

Rifts Orbit (10 players, 0 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: Orbital Master)

The Robotech Dimension (Game Suspended)

Distant Dimensions (non-Palladium games)

Pathfinder (Waiting List Reservations Only, GM: Chronos)

Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition, accepting new players!)

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader (accepting new players!)

Call of Cthulu (5th edition, accepting new players!)
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Hot Rod
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by Hot Rod »

The Game Master wrote:
AA Professional Services (Independent, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex)

AAPS is still seeking a rogue scholar type as we finish up shopping from our last big job. We have a special delivery coming up through contested territory, things could get rough!

<- Banned from Explorers Unlimited for Objecting to EU GM Abuse. Be warned, GMs play favorites, and ignore rule books if it suits them. They also are not afraid to apply the rules to one person in the party but not another. This is FACT, If you need proof I have it. Fight bullying online and everywhere
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Dungeon Crawler
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Comment: I wanna nuke!
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Re: www.explorersunlimited.com

Unread post by SailorCallie »

The Game Master wrote:It has been some time since I have posted a major update, so here goes:

Explorers Unlimited player-character groups (Rifts only)
Heroes for Hire (Independent, 7 players, 3 openings, GM: The Game Master)
EU's very first group of intrepid adventurers. Led by Sir Ronith Turand.

The Spook Squad (Independent, 7 Players, 3 Openings, GM: Tiree)
If you hear them they're not after you.

The Templar (Sponsored, 6 Players, 4 Openings, GM: Lord of the Night)
Sponsored by the Warrior's Temple The Templar fight supernatural evil and do good works.

The Roughnecks (Independent, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: The Game Master)
A small squad specializing in unconventional warfare and counter-terrorism tactics but who always ends up in the belly of the beast.

110th CS SOG (Restricted Access, 8 Players, 2 Openings, GM: Reaver)
The 110th Coalition States Special Operations Group

Paragon Acquisition Services (Independent, FULL TEAM, GM: Venatus Vinco)

Explorers Inc. (Sponsored, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: A.R.C.H.I.E. 3)
Sponsored by Titan Industries. Who knows what that crazy CEO will send them to do!

EURASIA: Die Ausgestossenen (Restricted Access, 9 players, 1 Opening, GM: Jaeger)

AA Professional Services (Independent, 9 Players, 1 Opening, GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex)

The Misfits (Sponsored, 6 Players, 4 Openings, GM: Lord of War)
Sponsored by Devilman Exotic Arms in the Arms Bazaar, Zo'Wor Kulot'te funds this motley crew to travel to exotic locations in order to secure new business opportunities.

Otherworlds (non-Rifts Palladium games)
Phase World: End of Days (20 players, 0 openings, 2 GMs; DM: Dark Lord. Apply via waiting list.)

Heroes Unlimited: Century Station (15 players, 1 openings, Apply via the waiting list, 3 GMs; DM: Blackhaunt)

Heroes Unlimited: Galactic (10 players, 0 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: The Game Master)

Beyond the Supernatural Dimension (8 Players, 0 openings, Apply via the waiting list; DM: Jaeger)

Dead Reign Dimension (8 players, 2 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: Hazard)

Palladium Fantasy Dimension (5 players, 5 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: Tyrannosapiens Rex)

Rifts Orbit (10 players, 0 openings; Apply via the waiting list; DM: Orbital Master)

The Robotech Dimension (Game Suspended)

Distant Dimensions (non-Palladium games)

Pathfinder (Waiting List Reservations Only, GM: Chronos)

Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition, accepting new players!)

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader (accepting new players!)

Call of Cthulu (5th edition, accepting new players!)

Is there a reason why the Robotech games have been suspended? I would like to participate in one regardless of era, mecha, etc..
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