Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Carl Gleba »

Armorlord wrote:Besides the classic SB2, I intend to break them out once my games reach the point that I unleash the Minion War. I'm looking at going for the fully snowballed worst case scenario of multiversal armagedon with all those niggling problems around the multiverse going for the Oh Sh- button. Like Hel using the chaos to complete her plans..

Nice! :demon:
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Capt. Meschievitz »

lol old post even dragged back into the 2011's

In the campaign I was running and still am kinda.... it turns out the AbM Mechanoids joined with ARCHIE, made a new settlement.

But it took about 6 months of fighting to bring the Mechs under control however one or two got a message off the planet, nobody knows if the messages got out.. however robotech got rifted in.... another race has gained the some technologies from those as well...

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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by mastermesh »

In various rifts books they talk about the storms that come sometimes... sometimes blobby creatures fall from the sky and stuff. Always envisioned some of those as being mechanoids without the armor, but still having all the psionics, and actually did play it out that way a time or two. ;) :)

Other then that, did try a time or two with PCs in Rifts going on vs mechanoids, and it usually had to involve a retreat somewhere or the PCs needing major help from above.
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

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Jesterzzn wrote:If so how?
In Rifts Mexico: Hell's on Fire, the young Cyber-Knight is having visions of the Mechanoids reigning fire down upon earth. Thus far, the group has not investigated them too deeply. These visions are causing Cody to lose sleep by nightmares so powerful he wakes others with his kicking, screaming, and thrashing about.
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

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Splynnys Girlfriend wrote:i use them as the good guys coz genocide is totes justifiable & something that heros can do without bein baddies. just ask any CS fan :D
:ok: Nicely played.
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by DhAkael »

Funny this thread should be here :demon:
Anyone have a copy of the '3 Galaxies' source book?
Look up Xerxes Beta; take a look at the Hook Line & Stinker for Xerxes-Beta it?
Now...put the concept of a daemon or supernatural intelligence out of your think.
What ELSE could cause such a massive amount of rage & hate in the psionic AEther? :demon: :love:
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by The Beast »

DhAkael wrote:Funny this thread should be here :demon:
Anyone have a copy of the '3 Galaxies' source book?
Look up Xerxes Beta; take a look at the Hook Line & Stinker for Xerxes-Beta it?
Now...put the concept of a daemon or supernatural intelligence out of your think.
What ELSE could cause such a massive amount of rage & hate in the psionic AEther? :demon: :love:

Justin Bieber?
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by DhAkael »

The Beast wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Funny this thread should be here :demon:
Anyone have a copy of the '3 Galaxies' source book?
Look up Xerxes Beta; take a look at the Hook Line & Stinker for Xerxes-Beta it?
Now...put the concept of a daemon or supernatural intelligence out of your think.
What ELSE could cause such a massive amount of rage & hate in the psionic AEther? :demon: :love:

Justin Bieber?

Welll...yes...but I meant 'originating' from, not "causing" :P
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by The Beast »

DhAkael wrote:
The Beast wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Funny this thread should be here :demon:
Anyone have a copy of the '3 Galaxies' source book?
Look up Xerxes Beta; take a look at the Hook Line & Stinker for Xerxes-Beta it?
Now...put the concept of a daemon or supernatural intelligence out of your think.
What ELSE could cause such a massive amount of rage & hate in the psionic AEther? :demon: :love:

Justin Bieber?

Welll...yes...but I meant 'originating' from, not "causing" :P

Wouldn't that still be the same thing? :P
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Sounds like a fun campaign to be in Rhomphaia. :ok:

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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Carl Gleba »

darkstar952 wrote:A quick forword, if any players from my games are on here please do not read this, or you shall be punished by a penalty on the random encounter table. and you should know by now what the results of that will likely be.

i am going to be using the mechanoids soon in one of my current games.

I'm running a personalised version of the CS vs Tolkeen war. I have 3 players on the CS side, 3 on the tolkeen side. At the start of the campaign they are just fighting the war, but after a few weeks a secret tolkeen research project will accidently unleash the mechanoids into the middle of the conflict. i've not planned what exactly will happen from here i'll just improv it from the groups actions (its often the best way), but if each side wishes to survive they may have to call a cease fire.

Nice way to mix it up. :ok:

Crap I didn't that coming. Love those kind of games :-D
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

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They must be popular. This thread is almost 6 years running.
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Shorty Lickens wrote:They must be popular. This thread is almost 6 years running.
They are Daleks on steroids whats not to like?
DM is correct by the way. - Ninjabunny
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Misfit KotLD »

Damian Magecraft wrote:
Shorty Lickens wrote:They must be popular. This thread is almost 6 years running.
They are Daleks on steroids whats not to like?
Some of whom can navigate stairs.
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Misfit KotLD wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Shorty Lickens wrote:They must be popular. This thread is almost 6 years running.
They are Daleks on steroids whats not to like?
Some of whom can navigate stairs.

:ok: :lol:
DM is correct by the way. - Ninjabunny
It's a shoddy carpenter who blames his tools. - Killer Cyborg
Every group has one problem player. If you cannot spot the one in your group; look in the mirror.
It is not a good session until at least one player looks you in the eye and says "you sick twisted evil ****"
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Misfit KotLD »

Rhomphaia wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Shorty Lickens wrote:They must be popular. This thread is almost 6 years running.
They are Daleks on steroids whats not to like?
Some of whom can navigate stairs.

Type 1 Brute: "HUMANS! KILL!"
*Human runs down stairs*
Type 1 Brute: *Attempts to follow. CRASH. BANG. THUMP. THUMP. THUD. CLANG.* "...Well ****..."
ED-209: "Yeah, I had that problem too..."
Then they send in Thinmen and Runts.
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Hannibal »

I've both played as a character against Mechanoids as well as used them in my campaign when running as GM. I used them on Rifts Earth in a campaign in which the PCs were participating in actions against the first of the major threats from Plato's Planetary Edicts (ie, Mechanoids, and then as part of the Gathering of Heroes vs the 4 Horsemen). They played just one part (albeit an important one) against the Mechanoids, ultimately destroying an Oracle and the troops it controlled, and eliminating a factory the Mechs had taken over and were refurbishing. I enjoyed it, and the players seemed to as well. Was a good start to the campaign... the characters gained several levels (and good group dynamic experiences) before moving on.
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Capt. Meschievitz »

Freakin heck, yeah well almost 7 years and counting.

Update dragged out the orginal books, and low and behold had a 2011 campaign woot woot woot its all over now....

might drag out the rifts, mechanoids, and robotech books out.....

woot go the thread
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Re: Anyone use Mechanoids in their games?

Unread post by Grell »

I am currently running a Mechanoids adventure from the original book one of the trilogy. Characters are currently fighting a guerrilla campaign against a mechanoid siege force.

Good times, except for the guy floating comatose in the Paalokean Sea. :)
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"The question is not why the mechanoids kill the humanoids, but only why nobody did it sooner." -Killer Cyborg
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