I had mentioned in a recent Gateway to the Megaverse® Pod Cast that Palladium fans should stop asking me about the Rifts® movie and all write a letter to Jerry Bruckheimer at JB Films telling him how much they want to see the Rifts® Movie and that they hope he makes it soon. That has generated excitement among a lot of people talking about doing just that. However, while they want to send a letter, they don’t know how.
Then I got this email:
Hello Kevin,
Years ago, I worked in film production (and not surpringly, my closest friends are still in Hollywood). A few of them are (or have been) studio executives and I can tell you without an iota of a doubt that fan campaigns are extremely important and they are taken very seriously.
ALL of them want to hear about fan interest. Based on conversations with studio friends over the years, here's what I learned.
1) Email is okay. Physical letters are better.
2) More letters get read than you imagine. You know fan mail is fun to read and it is the same for them.
3) Coordinated campaigns have better results. Sustained campaigns have the best results.
4) "Buzz" is everything.
My suggestion is to write a Letter Campaign Murmur with everything fans will need - names, addresses, emails, etc. Also, include this in the next Rifter. Most people will want to participate, but few will know what to write and many will be intimidated by putting together a letter. You solve this by doing what all activist groups do when sending letters to Congress. You create a short & sweet letter expressing that this is a message from a fan who wants the movie made. Then, the fans download it, sign it and send it. Maybe the Campaign needs a page on the website.
Such a letter would be best with the Rifts Name & Logo as the letterhead so there is an immediate visual continuity when Jerry sees them. Include some white space and encourage people to personalize it with handwritten or typed additional comments.
Remind them that praise, sugar and carrots are their best bets. Not "please don't make a sucky movie" comments! As always, good luck!
Let's do it! A Rifts® Movie
letter writing campaign
This fan is absolutely right.
Do NOT doubt the weight and power YOUR opinions and desires carry in Hollywood. Look at how important “fan power” has become at the San Diego Comic Con. Use your power and influence to help show Jerry Bruckheimer just how excited and interested you really are about seeing a Rifts® movie.
If you want a Rifts® movie, the time to express that opinion is NOW. Below is a template for letters to send to Jerry Bruckheimer. I was going to suggest email or a letter, but the JB Films website is being rebuilt. We looked into it and were told you can not send an email until the site is back up and running sometime late this Summer. That means we have to go with good ol’ “snail mail.” That’s okay, seeing a pile of mail is more impressive anyway!
Do it this month, January 2009 (and into February). The timing is perfect for a number of reasons. If JB Films gets a few hundred – or maybe thousands – of letters in a short time span, it will tell him we want a Rifts® movie! And if anyone can make a great Rifts® movie, it is Jerry Bruckheimer! Let’s give him a nudge.
This can work! Let’s do it!! Have everyone in your gaming group do likewise, and tell your friends.
Here’s a template of what to say:
Fans want a RIFTS® Movie
---- Your return address ----
January, 2009
Jerry Bruckheimer
c/o JB Films
1631 Tenth Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Dear Mr. Bruckheimer,
You have expressed an interest in doing a Rifts® Movie for a long time now.
I’m writing to tell you that Rifts fans around the world would LOVE TO SEE a Rifts movie. We have enjoyed playing Rifts for years and can think of nothing better than seeing it brought to life by a producer of your caliber. You understand the sweeping magnitude and power a Rifts® movie should have, and the excitement it can generate among fans and ordinary moviegoers alike.
I just want you to know that I think people would flock to a film like Rifts. And if done well, it could be the epic science fiction/fantasy film that captures the imagination of a new generation the way Star Wars did in the past.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
– your name -
It is as easy as that.
A few more details for the letter to JB Films. Start your letter with the Rifts® headline in bold (or a Rifts® logo) followed by a short letter like the one above. (You can use the one above as it is, if that is easy for you, add to it or write your own.) We encourage you to use your own words or add your own additional thoughts. You can be even more energetic (“Rifts rocks. Please make the movie!”), but make your correspondences polite, positive, encouraging and hopeful, not grumpy, snide or negative.
In letters that you mail, please include your real name and street address so they know you are a REAL PERSON.
Consider this . . .
You have power. A few years ago, thousands of you united to help save Palladium Books from the Crisis of Treachery. That was a Herculean task and you did it! Letting Mr. Bruckheimer know YOU want a Rifts® movie is super-easy by comparison. All you have to do is send a letter to him saying as much. Your cost: A little time and a 42 cent stamp. Let’s make it happen.
I’m sending my letter tomorrow. Seriously. Please don’t let me (and the crew at Palladium) look like goofs because we are the only six people to mail letters.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Fan Boy & I want to see a Rifts® movie made
© Copyright 2009 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited, Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Warpath, Shemarrian Nation, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.