On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


At first she was intrigued by the human with the power to control greater and lesser deevils.
When she attempted to put him under her charms, he proved impossible to manipulate so she
had to rely on natural charm, beauty, and sex appeal. Instead of capturing her, she got herself
charmed my his superior charisma and perhaps his powerful influence over deevils. When she
came to HU Earth, she delighted in being his instrument of destruction and dispatch of foolish
mortals. When it came time to play the role of a wife, she was less than enthusiastic about the
role but she did as instructed. Later they moved to Century Station, she found more delight
searching the city streets for things to keep herself busy. Max used her to secure his position
within the city becoming city councilman. She would have hoped he could rose to a higher
ranking but now the time has come to destroy the human world. In her mind it was fun while it
lasted. Then to her complete surprise, she learned that as a reward for Max loyalty toward the
deevil goals, Sahtalus rewarded him with her true name. Now she is a true servant to her
husband and cannot lay a finger against him even if she wanted too. She is unsure if she really
loves the man, but she will do whatever is necessary to protect him from ill harm. She acts as a
lieutenant and is always by his side unless she is needed for other activities that suit her
temptress nature. She is still completely loyal to Sahtalus.

True Name: Aponaza
Alias: Mary Devlin
Occupation: Body Guard and Wife to Max Devlin
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Greater Deevil
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 175 S.D.C.: 90 Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 12
P.P.E.: 37
I.S.P.: 500
Appearance: She is a blond hair, blue eye, Hollywood bombshell. Everywhere she goes she
has paparazzi trying to take her picture. She is a Century Station celebrity. Dining at the finest
restaurants and going to the nice nightclubs. She wears the most expensive and lavishing
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 22, M.A. 28, P.S. 30 (supernatural), P.P. 22, P.E. 31, Spd. 35, P.B. 27.
Age: Immortal, Sex: Female, Height: 10-12 foot (3-3.6 m), Weight: 400 lbs (180 kg).
Vulnerabilities: Holy weapons and Millennium Tree weapon do triple damage.
Natural Abilities: Horror Factor 14, when it is apparent who or what she really is, she can
reduce her height to half her regular size, nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m), see the invisible, turn
invisible at will (invisibility: simple), dimensional teleport 86%, impervious to normal fire and cold,
magic fire and cold does half damage, bio-regenerate 3D6 hit points/SDC every melee round,
magical knows all languages at 96%, metamorphosis: human (unlimited), and gaze of mesmerism
(all who gaze at her lose their sense of realty and is replaced by a twisted, terror-filled hell.
Once in the gaze, victims do not recognize friend or foe, and often fall to the ground sobbing or
racked in fear (01-50% chance). She can manipulate specific images for each victim, inflicting
more and more horrors as they get closer and closer to victim’s worst personal fears. Saving
Throw: 14 or better vs. magic. Penalties: Victims who fail their save are -6 to initiative, all
combat bonuses and attacks per melee are reduced by one-half, and all skills are -60%. The
nightmare last as long as she wants it to or 5 minutes after she leaves. Anyone who talks to an
effected person is likely to be seen as a nightmarish monster and attacked accordingly or
screams and runs away. Roll to save vs. insanity (12 or better) if the infliction last longer than
20 minutes.
Psionics: Possess all Sensitive and Physical Psionics, plus Detect Psionics, Empathic
Transmission, Hypnotic Suggestion, Mind Bolt, P.P.E. Shield, Telekinetic Force Field, Insert
Memory, Mind Wipe, Steal Memory, Psionic Invisibility, Pyrokinesis, and Bio-Manipulation.
Attacks per Melee: 6
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +6 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +15 to damage,
+4 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, and +4 to perception.
Saving Throws: She needs a 10 or better to save vs. psonics, impervious to disease,
+31% to save vs. coma/death, +10 to save vs. magic, +8 to save vs. poison, +4 to save vs.
psionics, +5 to save vs. insanity, and +10 to save vs. Horror Factor and possession.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 2D6, Full Strength Punch 4D6, Power Blow 1D4x10
(counts as two attacks), Kick 4D6, Power Kick 1D4x10 (counts as two attacks), and Bite 2D6.
Other Bonuses: +3% to all skills, 94% trust/intimidate, and 83% charm/impress.
R.C.C Skills: Concealment 72%, Find Contraband 83%, I.D. Undercover Agent 75%,
Intelligence 77%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Palming 77%, Seduction 98%, Tailing 91%,
Undercover Ops 97%, Literacy: Elf 98%, Literacy: English and Demongorgain 87%.
Weapons: She relies on her natural abilities and psionics.
Equipment & Vehicles: She uses whatever is necessary to complete her mission. When in
human appearance, she wears expensive human clothes.

Note: If you want to give Merry Legs a few more points of S.D.C., you can use my special
S.D.C. chart I use for all deevils and demons. Pandemonums receive +10 S.D.C. per level of
experience giving her +70 additional SDC for a grand total of 160.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Carol Telnes was attending her sophomore year at USC, hoping to major in Health and Fitness,
and become a personal trainer in the early 1980. She started dating this handsome teen from
Europe. Before she knew it, she’d fallen in love with the man. One day he decided to take her to
his parents. She packed her bags and by the time he came over the next day, she was ready to
go. She even vowed to go to the ends of the Earth with him. As it turned out, he wasn’t even
from the Earth. He grabbed a hold of her and they vanished to Dyval. The man was really a
devilkin and Carol was now a slave in Dyval. She was taken to the Citadel of Diabolus where she
was put to work. For three long months, Carol endured the hardships of being a slave to a Deevil
Lord. She eventually met another slave named Madxell Dieldum, a mercenary from the world of
Palladium Fantasy. The two developed a close and passionate relationship. A few weeks later,
Madxell became one of the many twisted experiments of Diabolus and Carol never saw him again.
Unbeknownst to Carol, she became with child.

Three months later, a 10th level Regent Arch Fiend named Atxcuh had been in the Phase World
Dimension (he possessed the powers of Psionic Master, Inner Power, and Mask the
Supernatural). The Arch Fiend’s discorporate form after 20 years returned to its native level of
Dyval. Instead of the long wait, it wanted to short the period so it searched for a female host
with child. By this time, Carol had become a loyal slave (as loyal as one can be) to the Deevil
Lord. While working at the River Falls Base, the spirit of Atxcuh took possession of the unborn
child of Carol and Madxell. However, there was something strange about this child. Madxell had
already been subjected to one bathing in Bio-Vat before he became Carol’s lover. No noticeable
effects had occurred to him. The truth is they occurred at the genetic level and those genes
where passed on to his unborn son. When the arch fiend merged with the embryo mutant, the
two bonded together and became a new life form, a “deevilsp%&@”. This creature formed a
symbiotic relationship with Carol bestowing onto her incredible powers involving the draining and
manipulation of life force energy within living things, particularly mortals. Carol used her powers
to Fiend and stole his “super ability” to dimensional teleport. She managed to return to HU
Earth, only twenty years had passed. Her family declared her dead and went on with their lives.
Lost from the world she knew, Carol decided to use her new found abilities to bring good to the
world. Calling herself Persephone, she tried to become a heroic champion. Unfortunately, her
powers required her to use the health of living beings. She tried to target her attacks on
“criminals” but found it ever more frequent to use “innocent by-standers.” Furthermore, Atxcuh
continued to speak and talk to her, force her down a darker and more sinister trail. Soon she
was as ruthless as the criminals she fought against. The Jury sent operatives after her. She
killed two of them and put two others in the hospital. By know, Carol was psychotic killer under
the influence of her unborn deevil offspring.

Carol encountered a number of super beings she was about to destroy when her offspring
through her eyes recognized a Fiend in human form. She spoke with the deevil and was given
the chance to speak with Sub-Regent Bone Crusher. The powerful Arch Fiend knew about Atxcuh
demise and said nothing could be done to help it in its present condition, however he and his
host could serve the Deevil cause by bringing about Armageddon. Carol and Atxcuh agreed.
Now she serves as a member of the Tiger Beasts. She attempts to talk to Reich in an arrogant
manner and he is getting sick and tired of her, at some point he will simply kill her and her unborn
freak of nature. She is attracted to Stealth Fighter, but he wants nothing to do with her. She is
also attracted to General Death, he unlike Stealth Fighter has returned the affections. Carol is
still being hunted by The Jury and by Great Britain’s S.C.R.E.T. She once a formed a brief
partnership with Doctor Fright, and would be willing to work with him again, if the mission
involved lots of death and destruction.

Real Name: Carol Telnes and Atxcuh
Alias: Persephone
Occupation: Former Sophmore at USC, Former Heroic Champion, Now Member of the Tiger Beasts.
Alignment: Diabolic (formerly Unprincipled)
Power Category: Mega Symbiotic (A mutant archfiend embryo/3 months old in size).
Experience Level: 12th
Hit Points: 98 S.D.C.: 121 Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 14
Symbiotic Organism: A.R.: 12, Hit Points: 40
Organism Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 20, M.A. 19.
Organism I.S.P.: 99.
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: A beautiful woman with creamy skin, shoulder length blond hair, blue
eyes. She wears a black leather corset dress with fishnet thigh high stockings, and sexy high
heel shoes. She also wears a long black leather cape. She often wears a lace-up vinyl ball
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 14, M.A. 26, P.S. 15 (supernatural), P.P. 16, P.E. 17, Spd. 35, P.B. 26
Age: 31, Sex: Female, Height: 5 feet and 7 inches (1.73 m), Weight: 120 (54 kg)
Vulnerability: Silver weapons or coated in silver will inflict double damage against her.
Silver is not a deadly metal being near her presence. She must be struck by it to inflict damage.
Symbiote’s Intelligence: Sentient. Food Source: Emotions
Symbiote Knowledge: Barter 92%, Computer Operation 98%, Concealment 98%, Disguise
98%, Escape Artist 98%, Forgery 82%, Horsemanship: Exotic 98%/82%, Impersonation
98%/82%, Intelligence 98%, Interrogation 98%, Land Navigation 98%, Literacy in Elf/Dragon,
English, Demongorgian, and one from Phase World, Lore: Demon & Monster 98%, Mathematics:
Basic 98%, Palming 98%, Pick Locks 98%, Pilot: Hovercraft 98%, Pilot: Medium Military
Spacecraft (Deevil) 98%, Prowl 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Streetwise 98%, Surveillance 98%,
Tailing 98%, Tracking (people) 98%, TV/Video 98%, Undercover Ops 82%, W.P. Paired Weapons,
W.P. Knife (+4 to strike/parry & +5 to throw), W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/parry), and W.P. Energy
Pistol (+5 to aim/+2 to burst). Note: Because of their unique symbiotic relationship, the
deevilsp&*@ can transfer its knowledge to Carol, enabling her to perform the skill at one half its
skill ability and/or bonuses (for W.P.s)
Symbiote’s Psionic Powers: Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, Empathy, Mind Block, Read
Dimensional Portal, See Aura, Sense Evil, Sense Time, Sensory Link, Sixth Sense, Telepathy, and
Total Recall. All these powers the host cannot access, only the Symbiote. Telepathy, Empathy,
and Sensory Link can be done to Carol without I.S.P. cost.
Symbiote Powers: Impervious to possession, Impervious to mind control, See the invisible,
and Natural Armor Rating (14).
Mega Powers: All normal Mega-Abilities plus Awe Factor (12).
Major Super Abilities: Energy Drain & Expulsion: Life Source and Life Leech. Note: Carol
can use the points she drains from the Energy Drain to fuel any of her Life Leech abilities, but at
twice cost in S.D.C. Meaning, Increase Speed and Reflexes cost her 20 S.D.C. or 10 hit points.
Minor Super Abilities: Life Sense and Physical Perfection.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +3 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+5 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, +1 to disarm, and +2 to perception.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 1D4, Full Strength Punch 2D4, Power Punch 3D6 (counts
as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D4, Snap Kick 2D4+2, Body Flip/Throw 2D6 plus P.S.
damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, and Critical strikes on an
unmodified roll of 19-20.
Saving Throws: +10% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to save vs. poison, +3 to save vs.
magic, +3 to save vs. psionics, and +7 to save vs. illusions. Note: The deevil symbiote needs
12 or better to save vs. psionics (+3).
Other Bonuses: +4% to all skills, 88% trust/intimidate, 80% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Two Years in College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%%/98% and Pilot: Automobile 98%.
Basic: Fitness Specialist (by Sinestus): Hand to Hand: Basic, Body Building &
Weightlifting, Athletics (General), Running, and Meditation 98%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 98%, Computer
Operation 98%, Law (General) 98%, and Research 98%.
Secondary Skills: Swimming 98%%, Prowl 89%, Climbing 98%/94%%, Wardrobe &
Grooming 98%, Housekeeping 98%, Dance 98%, Aerobic Athletics, Cook 89%, Lore: Mythology
84%, Streetwise 52%, Pick Pocket 69%, Wilderness Survival 54%, Lore: Demon & Monster 64%,
Seduction 39%, and Palming 29%.
Money: Once money meant something to her, now she simply steals whatever she needs
or takes it from whomever she wants.
Weapons: She relies on her super abilities, but she does on occasion carry swords and
knives. Which means a little extra leather clothes to wear.
Life Source Drain/Energy Blast, Range: Touch but the energy blast is 750 feet (228.6),
Drain Damage: 12D6, Energy Blasts: One-half of the stolen hit points (can also be used to heal),
Bonuses: +3 to aim/+1 wild. Note: This power cannot drain below 13 hit points of its victim, but
it requires no saving throw.
Life Drain, Range: Touch, Damage: 2D6 direct from hit points, Saving Throw: Need a 16 or
better (P.E. attribute only).
Equipment & Vehicles: She has little use for technology although she has access to some
of the equipment used by the Tiger Beasts. She spends some time onboard the World Dominator.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The angel Pariah was once a champion of light and justice, a destroyer of the forces of darkness
and evil. Her fighting prowess became so legendary the Deevil Lord Mephisto put a bounty on
her head. Nevertheless, Pariah defeated every opponent who dared challenged her. So Mephisto
decided to become even more cunning. He used a geas spell on a handsome knight in PF and
sent him on a dangerous quest to find a long lost magic artifact that it would bring peace and
harmony to the Timiro Kingdom. The knight made his way to the Old Kingdom Mountains facing
numerous perils all along the way. Soon word of this brave lone knight bravery reached the ears
of Pariah. She wanted to see how well this champion performed so she went to investigate.
Deep in a dark forbidden castle the knight search for the magic weapon unsuspecting that
Pariah was there watching him. Soon he came to a great room and there before him was a large
golden mirror. When the knight went before the mirror, he saw nothing. When Pariah saw the
mirror she found herself suddenly drawn to the mirror, it then opened like a great black hole.
Despite all her effort she couldn’t escape the mirror and soon she was trapped inside its glass.
At that moment, four Beast Deevils (6-8th level) arrived. Their combined might was too much for
the knight and they killed him. They took the mirror and vanished to Dyval. Soon the mirror with
Pariah trapped inside was presented to the Deevil Lord. He laughed and rejoiced. He hung the
mirror in his personal domicile. Fifty years later, Pariah started to resent not her own foolishness
but the stupid human that tricked her. She then began to blame all of humanity for her folly. The
more time she spent watching the fiend Mephisto the more she began to delight in his cruelty.
She begged him to show her more. He took her to places to watch slaves get beaten, tortured,
and mutilated. Pariah laughed with glee. Later she was taken to see Chase, a fellow spirit of
light. She delighted in seeing him covered with Mystic Leeches. Chase responded by telling her
that she was fallen. She then went berserk and begged to be let out to kill the little angel.
Afterward Mephisto indeed let her out. Instead of trying to escape, Pariah bowed and swore
unwavering loyalty toward the Deevil Lord. As a show of faith before he decides to utilize her
talent for his true purpose, she is being sent to HU Earth to prove herself. While she is a member
of the Devil Dragons, her main role is to seek out Champions of Light and Heroic Hellions and kill
them!!! Possessing as a champion of light, when she gets close enough she betrays them with a
sword in the back. Already she has slain six Champions and four Heroic Hellions without anyone
learning the truth about her. Presently, she is trying to get in contact with the Order of Three so
she can kill the three mystical protectors of Earth, specifically Lord Arcane. She also wants to
take out Night Prince, the All Crusader Squad, and the Creatures of the Night. There is no
turning back for Pariah, she maybe a Spirit of Light, but as far as she is concerned she wants to
spend the rest of her life in Dyval among deevils and watch mortals burn in Armageddon’s

Real Name: Zeksael Gnthame
Occupation: Member of the Deevil Dragons
Alignment: Miscreant (formerly Scrupulous), accept very loyal to Mephisto.
Power Category: Immortal (Fallen Angel)
Experience Level: 13th
Hit Points: 142/+15 with armor S.D.C.: 177/+180 with power.
Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 10/16 with power.
P.P.E.: 308
Appearance: Her skin is jet black with bat-like wings growing out of her back. She has
long, flowing, white hair framing her menacing face with its glowing white eyes and stern
expression. She wears a bizarre suit of leather body armor. Her mouth is fanged. This
appearance is because of her fallen stature.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 32, M.A. 14, P.S. 32/40 with armor, P.P. 22, P.E. 28/31 with
power, Spd. 36/300 mph (480 km) flying, P.B. 6.
Age: Immortal, Sex: Female, Height: 7 foot (2.74 m), Weight: 75 lbs
(33.75 kg)
Vulnerabilities: Since becoming a fallen angel and acquiring a taste for mortal blood,
weapons of pure iron inflict double damage, as do holy weapons. He cannot enter or step on
holy ground. Crossing the threshold is equal to a Circle of Protection: Superior against her.
Natural Abilities: Fly, hover, exceptional vision, nightvision (200 feet/61.5 m), and see the
Major Abilities: Matter Expulsion: Silver
Minor Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy
Spell Magic: See Aura, Sense Evil, Turn Dead, Carpet of Adhesion, Charismatic Aura,
Multiple Image, Domination, Invisibility: Simple, Mystic Shield, Invulnerability: Superior, Negate
Magic, Heal Self, and Expel Demons (Range: 130 foot/39.6 m) area, Duration: immediate, 1D6
hours, Saving Throw: All lesser supernatural beings needs a 18 or better, All greater supernatural
beings need a 12 or better), Demon/Deevil Lords, Elementals, Spirit Beings, and Gods are
impervious to the spell, P.P.E. 35. All of his spell function equal to a 13th level wizard (+4 to spell
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 7/8 (2 initial +4 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +1 in flight.
Combat Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +6 to strike, +12 to parry/+13 with power, +12 to
dodge/+14 in flight, +21 to damage/+37 with power, +4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of
flight speed, +9 to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, +2 to disarm/+1 with power.
Saving Throws: +26% to save vs. coma-death/+31% with power, +9 to save vs.
magic/+10 with power, +7 to save vs. possession, +7 to save vs. poison/+8 with power, +8 to
save vs. psionics, +13 to save vs. insanity, and +10 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Backhand 1D6, Power Blow 4D4 (counts as two
attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Axe Kick 2D8,
Wheel Kick 2D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Leaping Kick 34D8 (Counts as two attacks), Crescent Kick
2D4+2, Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge),
Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick, Body Flip/Throw 1D6
plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Paired Weapons, All Holds, Leap
Attack (double damage), and Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18-20 and Critical strike on
an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Educational Background: Military Specialist (has studied earth extensively)
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Anglican 98%/98%, Lore: Demon & Monster 98%,
Lore: Religion 98%, Philosophy 98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Astronomy & Navigation 98%, and
Speak Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, and French 93%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 98%, Military Etiquette 98%, Forced March,
and Language: Demongorgian 98%
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 98%, Intelligence
93%, Wilderness Survival 98%, Tracking (people) 98%, and Interrogation 98%.
Physical Program: Boxing, Kick Boxing, Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope
98%, Climb Rope 98%, Back Flip 98%), and Gymnastics (Bars & Rings 98%).
Weapon Program: W.P. Sword (+5 to strike/parry), Paired Weapons, W.P. Handgun
(+6 to aim/+3 to burst), W.P. Rifle (+7 to aim/+3 to burst), W.P. Sub-Machinegun (+5 to aim/+2
to burst), and W.P. Heavy Military Weapons (+4 to aim/+2 to burst).
Secondary Skills: Athlete (General), Law (General) 98%, Lore: Mythology 98%, Sing
98%, Wardrobe & Grooming 98%, Public Speaking 93%, History 98%/95%, Outdoormanship,
Dance 70%, Prowl 75%, Meditation 55%, Gemology 50%, Literacy: English and French 65%/50%.
Money: She has no use of currency or any monetary form of exchange. She simply takes
whatever she wants or except what is given to her by hers superiors.
Weapons: Besides her super abilities and spell magic, she wields a black long sword. The
weapon is totally indestructible and does 4D6 to mortal opponents but does 2D4x10 against
supernatural beings.
Silver Shards, Range: 170 feet (51.8 m), Damage: 2D4x10.
Silver Weapons, Damage: Standard and +3 (usually a silver long sword-2D6+3).
Encase in Silver, Range: Touch or 52 feet (15.8 m).
Wall of Silver, Dimensions: 65 feet (19.8 m) high by 65 feet (19.8 m) wide by 26 feet (7.9
m) thick, A.R. 15 and 230 S.D.C., Duration: 39 minutes.
Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy, Range: 700 feet (213 m), Damage: Damage: 2D6x10+8
to supernatural beings of evil and selfish alignment, increase by 50% when used against dark
gods, Alien Intelligence, and Demon/Deevil Lords, 2D4x10+10 to mortal beings of evil and selfish
alignment, 8D6+4 to supernatural and mortal beings of good alignment, Bonuses: +3 to strike/+1
to shot wild, Bonus: +7 to aim/+5 to wild shot.
Equipment & Vehicles: Pariah can fly to wherever she wants to go. She doesn't like being
inside the Death Bringer. She can limited access to their technology and want nothing to do with
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


After a devastating earthquake, this monster rose out of the ocean depths and started
rampaging all over the Ryukyu Island. As the monster started to make his way to Japan, a famed
technological super hero name Gad-jet and his flying robot Titan Man attempted to do battle
with the monster. They didn’t fare well at all. However, Gad-Jet has been working on a device
that possessed the power to channel and direct dimensional energy. He fired the powerful blast
at the creature, which did hurt the creature (slightly) but what he really did was tear open a
small rift to Dyval. The monster arrived in Dyval Prime and immediately started destroying
everything that go in his way. By the time he was put down, he killed 80 lesser deevil and 13
greater deevils. Diabolus tried to study the creature, but it revived and escaped out of its
confines, killing a dozen more lesser deevils. Finally, he teleported the creature to his East
Sanctuary, where he watched it destroy many of his new creations. Sahtalus arrived to observe
the monster and decided they needed it to send it to the Great Rift in Palladium Fantasy. So
they did, here the monster earned the name Tantrum by demons because when it go mad, it
through a temper tantrum and destroyed everything in its path. After killing two greater demons
and taking their weapons, a Raksasha tricked the creature into falling into the Great Rift where
it ended up back in HU Earth. By this time, Doctor Vilde tried communicating with the creature
and found out if you feed it the thing starts to calm down. In time the good doctor formed a
strong bond with Tantrum. He informed Shogun of his discovery and insisted Tantrum be used as
one of their weapons. Tantrum stays on an island 15 miles south of Doctor Vilde’s island. Its
uninhabited but their plenty of vegetation for him to graze on. When he’s needed, the Death
Bringer sends a signal, and Tantrum follows it like an obedient dog. He goes where he is needed
and causes as much destruction as the Deevil force want him too. The Peace Keeper League
has fought him already. The American spent three weeks in intensive care afterward. Japan’s
S.C.R.E.T. is simply incapable of doing anything to him (it’s sort of like Godzilla coming to town).

Real Name: Samoro
Occupation: Monster of Destruction, Member of the Deevil Dragons
Alignment: Diabolic (obedient toward Doctor Vilde and Shogun).
Power Category: Immortal/Mega Villain (Monster)
Experience Level: 14th
Hit Points: 543 S.D.C.: 3312 Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 18
P.P.E.: 205
Appearance: He is a hulking brute, barrel-chested, with thick oversized arms and legs
rippling with muscles. His head resembles a Horror without the eyes mounted on a short thick
neck. In the middle of his face is a 30 inch curved white bony horn like that of a rhino. His
nostrils are off to the side of this horn. He has large, green almond shaped eyes, tiny sets of
ears and small mouth full of herbivore teeth. Running down his back are flexible spines like
Attributes: I.Q. 5, M.E. 21, M.A. 4, P.S. 114 (supernatural), P.P. 22, P.E. 42, Spd. 34, P.B. 6
Age: Immortal, Sex: Male, Height: 9 foot and 8 inches (2.89 m),
Weight: 1950 lbs (877.5 kg)
Vulnerabilities: God Syndrome. He truly believes he is invincible and nothing known in the
universe can hurt him. In some regard, he is very correct. He is a strict herbivore and eats
nothing but vegetable matter. Magic spells and magic weapons inflict double damage (he cannot
re-channel the attacks of magic weapons).
Mega Powers: All normal Mega-Abilities plus Immortality and Tremendous Strength.
Natural Abilities: Horror Factor 16 (18 for lesser demons/deevils), Nightvision 90 feet
(27.4 m), resistant to fire, heat, and cold (half damage), and bio-regenerate 2D6 hit points and
3D6 S.D.C. every 10 minutes.
Major Abilities: Massive Damage Capacity, Supernatural P.S., and Re-Channel Kinetic
Minor Abilities: Dispersal
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 9 (3 initial +5 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +6 to strike, +12 to parry, +12 to dodge/+15 with
power, +102 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, +52% to save vs. coma/death, +3 to save vs.
psionics, +4 to save vs. insanity, +9 to save vs. magic, +4 to save vs. possession, +12 to save
vs. poison, and +12 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 5D6, Full Strength Punch 2D4x10, Power Blow 3D6x10
(counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 2D6x10, Knee 2D4x10, Karate Kick 3D6x10, Snap Kick
2D4x10, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body Flip/Throw
2D6x10 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Body Block/Tackle 2D4x10 +
P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 2D4x10, All Holds, Paired
Weapons, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20, Knockout/Stun on an unmodified roll of
18-20, Critical strike (triple damage) or knockout from behind, and Death blow on an unmodified
roll of 16-20. He loves to use the brawling rules found in HU G.M. Guide (pages 54-58),
especially the Running Power Ram.
Educational Background: Primitive Warrior (no familiarity with Earth)
Common Skills: Understand Demongogian 98%
Special Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, W.P. Sword (+5 to strike/parry), W.P. Blunt (+5
to strike/parry & +2 to throw). W.P. Axe (+5 to strike/parry), W.P. Paired Weapons, Boxing,
Wrestling, Athletics (General), Running, Wilderness Survival 98%, Land Navigation 84%, Hunting,
Identify Plants & Fruits 95%.
Secondary Skills: Outdoormanship, Body Building &Weightlifting, Physical Labor,
Swimming 98%, Climbing 98%, Gardening 92%, Recognize Weapon Quality 95%, and Excavation
Money: He has no use of currency or any monetary form of exchange.
Weapons: Magic Throwing Axe, Damage: 5D6, Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry. The
weapon returns when thrown.
Note: He also wields the following weapons that he took after he killed two Greater
Demons at the same time!!!
Jaw Bone Axe (Demon Bone Weapon), Damage: 6D6, double damage to serpents and
dragons. Provides him one additional attack per melee rounds.
Giant Size Magic Morning Star, Damage: 5D6+2, Bonuses: +2 to strike/+5 to parry. Armor
Piercing, Thunder Hammer, and Surefingers (cannot be dropped or knocked out of hand,
impervious to disarm). Note: Don’t forget to include supernatural punch damage and P.S.
attribute score damage when totaling the weapon’s total damage.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has no need for equipment, but it does like traveling wherever
it needs to go. But there better be a fight when it gets there. If he needs to he will swim across
an ocean to get his opponent. He wears special magical adhesives material that allows his
weapon to stick to his body and not fall off. The only way they can be removed is unless he
physically removes them.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


When Sandy Young was 5 years old, her ultra rich lawyer father put her on a bicycle and
watched her ride around in the yard. He turned his head just for a moment and she rode into the
street and was struck by a car. Days later while she was recovering in the hospital, the doctors
told her parents that she would be paralyzed from the neck down. Fortunately her father and
real estate mother had the money to look after her. They also use their money to find any
means necessary to get their daughter back to health. They finally decided on a “meditative
specialist” who claimed he could help people tap into their inner psyche and do amazing things.
This strange doctor/therapist came to see Sandy every day for an hour. Slowly he began to
produce results. Sandy could move objects with her mind including her own body off the bed.
Her parents did all they could to conceal this knowledge and immediately fired the doctor not
wanting their child to become a freak of nature. They then forbid Sandy to ever use these
powers again. When she was six year old, Sandy watched a movie about Armageddon. It scared
her so much she started having nightmare about it. She was trapped and if everyone died no
one could take care of her or what if the blast came and nobody could mover her. Her parents
tried to calm her fears, but Sandy kept dwelling on it over and over again. When she was seven
years old, her parents brought in a psychiatrist to talk to her about. By this time Sandy was
completely delusional about Armageddon happening. She started to scream, “The end of the
world is coming and I shall be the cause.” She then mentally hurled the psychiatrist out the
window. Her parents were now completely worried about her and call the strange doctor again.
He returned but instead of trying to help Sandy with her fears he helped her master her
awesome mental abilities, making her a titan among mortals. After a month, her parents were
enraged that their daughter was still as delusional as ever. Under the doctor orders, Sandy
strangled her parents. The doctor arranged it to appear an accident happened at the house
that killed her parents, but Sandy managed to survive. Having no close relatives, the good
doctor became Sandy’s ward.

By the time Sandy was 12 years old, she was hovering/flying and able to do virtually anything
with her powers that her hands could do. The good doctor decided to use his daughter to make
him master of the world. One day he took her into a bank and had her help him rob it. When the
police came, Sandy crushed them all. The doctor and her got away. This went on for four years.
Sandy was given the name Shockwave by the media. Various inexperienced super heroes tried
to stop her, she killed them all, literally tearing them in half, or ripping off their limbs. All the
while Sandy spouted delusional beliefs of Armageddon coming and how she would be the cause.
Finally Sandy and the doctor attacked the Mayor of Gulf Coast City. After taking over his house,
the doctor declared him emperor over the city. U.S. S.C.R.E.T. responded as did a nameless
Hunter/Vigilante. Sandy was busy taking out S.C.R.E.T. when the hunter killed the doctor with a
sniper shot. Sandy went berserk. She brought the entire house down then disappeared. Sandy.
For four years she remained unnoticed by the public. It was during this time, she formed a
relationship with a hardware super villain named the Mechanic. He took care of her and devised
a special headband to help her compensate in any that she could never do before. Playing upon
her delusions, he told her go out to bring about Armageddon. Sandy did so by attacking Gulf
Coast City. She caused about $100 million dollars in damage before she was finally repelled by
heroic champions and escaped. This went on for over two decades, Sandy suddenly appearing
out of nowhere and trying to destroy an entire city, each time she was repelled by heroic
champions and/or U.S. S.C.R.E.T. but managing to escape capture.

Seven months ago, Sandy was about to target Century Station for the first time when she was
confronted by Doctor Vilde and Dark Omega. He wanted to help her fulfill her destiny and bring
about Armageddon. Something about him reminded her of the good doctor that helped her. So
she agreed. Now Shockwave is no longer targeting the United States, but Europe as a member
of the Tiger Beasts. She has targeted Paris, Rome, Berlin, Athens, Madrid, etc. None of the
European S.C.R.E.T. have been able to stop her as of yet. Great Britain S.C.R.E.T. is preparing
when she finally decided to target London, which will be one day soon. In fact it’s her duty to
attack London while the Chaos Generator gets ready to go online to keep S.C.R.E.T. distracted.
Lord Arcane believes Shockwave is somehow connected with the Deevils plans but he’s not sure
how. Joan of Arc also believes Shockwave plays a vital role in the upcoming disaster.
Peacekeeper League is on stand-by to go to Europe the moment Shockwave makes an
appearance in any major city. Unbeknownst to all, Emperor Danilek (the Usurper) has decided he
wants to convince Shockwave to work for him and so has the Dark Tribunal. All eyes are on
Shockwave who it appears will have her dream as being the all important key to Armageddon.

Real Name: Sandy Young
Occupation: Bringer of Armageddon, International Super Villain, Member of Tiger Beasts
Alignment: Aberrant (delusional)
Power Category: Mega Empowered
Experience Level: 15th level
Hit Points: 189 S.D.C.: 367
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: Sandy is attractive middle age woman who cannot participate in any form of
physical exercise. He has violet red hair that she normally keeps in a Veronica Lake style. She
has olive green eyes. She dresses in casual attire, never anything to fancy or expensive.
Attributes: I.Q. 24, M.E. 37/41 with headband, M.A. 9, P.S.1, P.P. 2, P.E. 23, Spd. 0
running/500 mph (805 km) in flight, P.B. 12
Age: 49, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 5 inches (1.65 m), Weight:
106 lbs (47.7 kg).
Insanity: She is haunted by a reoccurring dream that Armageddon will happen and she
won’t be able to escape the holocaust. So now it is her goal to bring about the end of the will
so she will be spared and everyone else will die. She is a full blown schizophrenic with an
explosive personality (violent outbursts).
Vulnerability: Same as her physical impairment.
Physical Impairment: Full Body Paralysis
Physical Compensation: Super Abilities
Mega Powers: All normal Mega-Abilities plus Longevity and Power Amplification (See
Rifter#37-double the range, duration, and effect of a major super ability). Shockwave reputation
and history is enough to give everyone who know what she is a Horror Factor of 12, even the
deevils (mostly the lesser) are weary of her.
Major Super Abilities: Force Manipulation (amplified, lift/hold/crush 4000 lbs/1800 kg,
range: 1000 feet/304.8 m, damage: 4D6 to throw/smash, 1D6x10+12 to crush per melee round,
pull/hurl heavy objects 36,000 lbs/16,200 kg or 18 tons!!!, large object do 2D4x10 damage per
100 lbs/45kg being throw, object takes half damage) and Create Force Field (3450 S.D.C., 300
S.D.C. protective aura, recover 300 S.D.C and hour or 4 per minute) . Note: She has learned to
use her force manipulation to compensate just like one with superior telekinesis could (See
Powers Unlimited 2, page 13).
Minor Super Abilities: Flight: Wingless (she can hover above the ground without thinking
about it, cost no attack/action), Extraordinary P.E., and Healing Factor.
Attacks per Melee: 8 attacks per melee using super abilities/9 with headband.
Combat Training: Special. She has spent a life time learning to compensate with super
abilities allowing her to engage in any physical activity or combat. She can use force
manipulation/force fields in such a way that she can “mentally” engage in physical combat by
striking, parrying (using objects or sheer mental force to block an attack) or use her ability of
flight to move/dodge out of the way. She can mentally parry any incoming object including
melee attacks and projectiles. Note: The special headband also gives her additional capabilities,
like paired weapons and multi-tasking.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative/+5 with headband, +7 to mental strike, +9 to mental
parry/+10 with headband, +7 to dodge when hovering or flying under 80 mph (128 km)/+9 to
dodge when flying over 80 mph (144 km)/+6 to auto dodge with headband, +7 to roll with
punch/fall or +8 with headband, +3 to disarm, and +5 to perception.
Saving Throws: She takes ½ damage from fire/cold, poisons, toxins, drugs do 1/3
damage, duration, effect, and penalties even if she fails her save, +36% to save vs.
coma/death, +8 to save vs. psionic illusion, +11 to save vs. psionics, +13 to save vs. insanity,
+7 to save vs. poison, +8 to save vs. magic, +8 to save vs. disease, +8 to save vs. mind
control, +3 to save vs. possession/+4 with headband, and +5 to save vs. Horror Factor
(headband make her impervious)
Combat Skills: She cannot engage in hand to hand combat, but she can utilize all her
super abilities to defend herself equal to well skilled combatant.
Other Bonuses: +10% to all skills.
Educational Background: High School (home school)
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98% and Pilot: Automobile 98%.
Investigation Program: Computer Operation 98%, Research 98%, Photography
98%, and Writing 98%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 95%, Pick Locks 98%, Find Contraband 98%, Prowl
98%, and I.D. Undercover Agents 98%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Public Speaking 98%, Housekeeping 98%,
Wardrobe & Grooming 98%, Sewing 98%, Cook 98%, Juggling 98%, W.P. Handgun (+7 to aim/+2
to burst), W.P. Blunt (+5 to strike/parry), W.P. Targeting (+4 to throw/critical strike on an
unmodified roll of 19-20), Pick Pocket 98%, Palming 95%, W.P. Knife (+4 to strike/ parry, and +9
to throw), Rope Works 90%, W.P. Shield (+3 to parry), Land Navigation 74%, Lore: Demon &
Monster 60%, Lore: Superstitions 60%, Dance 45%, and Gambling (Standard) 45%.
Money: She has about $10,000 in her savings. She has slowly spent away her
Weapons: She relies on the world around her to provide weapons. However, she has
learned to carry with her handguns, knives, melee weapons, etc. Some of these weapons are
loaded with silver bullets, coated with silver, or are made of pure iron. She might be crazy but
she’s not stupid in her dealing with these deevils.
Force Bolts, Range: 285 feet (86.8 m), Damage: 2D6 or 4D6 (two blasts), Bonus:
+4 to strike, -4 to parry or dodge, Cost: 5 S.D.C. per bolt.
Armor: Her force fields provide her body armor.
Equipment & Vehicles: She wears a metal headband on her head that was designed by an
criminal Mechanical Genius (The Mechanic) that provides her special abilities. A.R. 11. 100
S.D.C. The super abilities are equal to 7th level in power. Repairs are expensive and time
consuming. She never takes it off (water resistant).
Minor Super Abilities: Danger Sense (21 seconds), Heighten Sense of Awareness,
Supervision; Angular Vision, and Multi-Tasking.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Last of the Mega Villain Bad guys for Armageddon Unlimited


The story of Black Snake is unknown. He will not talk about his origin or how he came to
being an immortal. Clearly someone helped him along the way because he knows nothing
about the process. He doesn’t even known the location of where his Secret Heart was
taken 331 years ago in the Himalayan Mountains. However, since that time he has become a
deadly assassin, a man who walks up to his opponents and kills them without leaving a mark
on their body. He is a kind, descent man who has no problem killing people whom he is
contacted to kill. He doesn’t do it for money or anything of value, he kills because the
taking of another life bring him pleasure. It was Shogun who contacted him and invited him
to join the Deevil Dragons. Black Snake does not know the full details of the Armageddon
plan but it’s doubtful he will even care because his survival is still assured. If something
threatens his existence, then he will do whatever is necessary to ensure he lives and all
who threaten his immortality die. Presently he is in China living among normal people waiting
to be called upon. He is always reliable and willing to do whatever services of his are

Real Name: Unknown
Alias: Ayumu Yi Xu
Occupation: Wandering Assassin, Member of the Deevil Dragons
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Heartless Immortal (Ancient Master)
Experience Level: 16th
Hit Points: 96 S.D.C. 68
P.P.E.: 21
Chi.: 336
Appearance: He appears as a middle age Chinese man. Nothing about him would lead
anyone to suspect he is a deadly assassin. He wears simple 19th century Chinese clothes
and his long black hair that goes down to his waist.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 32, M.A. 16, P.S. 15 P.P. 25, P.E. 21, Spd 13, P.B. 14.
Age: 373. Sex: Male. Height: 5 foot, 9 inches (1.79 m). Weight: 135 lbs (60.75 kg)
Vulnerability: His Secret Heart is buried in a tiny cave in the Himalayan Mountains
(China side). Inside are all his internal organs and Chi-Spirit. Should anyone hold the Secret
Heart he becomes helpless/paralyzed. Destroy the Secret Heart and he dies. The Secret
Heart has A.R. 8 and 20 S.D.C. and 6 hit points. The Heart is held inside a sealed mystical
urn that is indestructible. It can only be opened with an escape spell. Black Snake doesn’t
know its location. The odds of anyone simply finding the urn are astronomically. No one is
alive who knows where the urn is located. It’s an elevation of 19,000 feet (5791.2 m) or
3.59 miles. He is vulnerable to psionic attacks. He also functions on an “auto-pilot” for most
mundane tasks (anything done on a regular basis, i.e., taking a bath, eating, walking to his
destination, etc). He is for the most part emotionless.
Power of Immortality: None of his internal organs or heart is in his body. He can
regenerate within 24 hours if only a tiny piece of ash or a single cell remains of his body.
Lost limbs (including his head) and body damage can be regenerate in 3D4 minutes (2D6 hit
points/3D6 S.D.C. every melee). His entire body can be physically restored in 1D6 hours. He
is impervious to critical strikes, called shots, and deathblows to his torso and head. All
attacks/weapons inflict only one-quarter of their normal damage (reduce damage by 75%).
Destroying his brain will not kill him. He doesn’t truly feel pain or fatigue. He doesn’t have to
eat, breath, or drink (no internal organs).
Special Combat Training: Snake Style Kung-Fu
Martial Arts Powers: Chi Zoshiki/Mystic Invisibility 98% (cost one melee action
and one chi point per action/attack to remain invisible), Calm Minds (Range: 120 feet
(36.6 m), Damage: Everyone in area of effect must save vs. psionics (16) or will stop
attacking {can defend normally or flee} and is unable to resume any offensive actions until
duration is over, also dispels fear and other hysterical emotions, neutralizes psionic and
magic mind control or emotion attacks, he cannot engage in combat while using this ability,
Duration: 3 minutes, Cost: 1 Chi), Mind Walk, essentially an astral body (cost 1 chi),
One Finger Chi, Range: 30 feet (9.1 m), Damage: 1 point of Chi equal 3 points of
damage (10 Chi equal 30 points of damge), Cannot be parried or dodge, but can be Roll with
Punch, Bonus: +3 to strike (no other bonus), Vibrating Palm, Range: Touch, Damage: 1
point of damage that double each succeeding melee round. No attacks, actions, or defenses
can be performed, not even talking. Character can withstand 20 S.D.C. or 8 hit points of
damage before having attack disrupted then must start over with 1 point of initial damage
(cost 1 chi), Shi-Jin/Harden Chi, if going to take damage can spend 5 Chi to soak up 5
points of physical damage, effect one attack, or 2 point of extra damage be inflicted from a
physical attack for every 1 point of chi spent (can only effect hand strike, not weapon
including throwing). If the attack is missed, parry, or dodge the chi is not spent, Duration: 1
melee round or until used, Karumi-Jutsu/reduce weight, falls from 2000 feet (610 m) do
only 2D4 points of damage, fall greater only do 1 point extra per 20 feet (6.1 m), jump 10x
normal distance (usually about 50 feet/1.5m), climb any surface without fear of falling, and
walk across any delicate surface without fear of collapse (cost 1 chi point), and Pi Mi
Hsing Tung/Art of Stealth
95% (98% in water).
Number of Attacks: 6 (1 initial +5 from hand to hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +7 to strike, +9 to parry, +9 to dodge, +3 to
damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Impervious to possession, impervious to disease, drugs, gases and
most organic attacks, +8 to save vs. psionics, +13 to save vs. insanity, +8 to save vs. mind
controlling drugs, +6 to save vs. magic potions, +6 to save vs. magic, and +8 to save vs.
Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: One Finger Tip Attack (1 point), Palm Strike 2D4, Choke 1D6 direct to
hit points per melee, Critical strike from behind, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20,
and Deathblow on an unmodified roll of 20.
Special Combat Skills: Multiple Dodge and Combination Parry/Attack
Other Bonuses: 40% trust/intimidate.
Education Level: Special Education
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Chinese 98%, Calligraphy 98%, Lore: Geomancy
98%, and Philosophy (Taoism) 98%.
Special Skills: Mathematics: Basic, Language: English 98%, Literacy: English 98%,
Biology 98%, First Aid 98%, Art (paint) 98%, Outdoormanship, Physical Labor, Climbing 98%,
Cook 98%, and Sewing 98%.
Secondary Skills: Wilderness Survival 98%, Dowsing 98%, Preserve Food 98%,
Identify Plants & Fruits 98%, Herding 98%, Athlete, Prowl 98%, Spelunking 98%, Meditation
95%, Language: English 95%, Literacy: English 95%, Streetwise 44%, and Swimming 70%.
Money: He lives a very simple life. Money does not mean much to him, just a means
to an end.
Weapons: His marital art skill is the only weapon he needs.
Vehicles and Equipment: He relies on his own two feet. He has no problem using
public transportation either.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Wow those guys were a lot of work. But as promised I will do a couple of good guys. Then it
will be time to take a break.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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good to known.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:Wow those guys were a lot of work. But as promised I will do a couple of good guys. Then it
will be time to take a break.
Well, you'll certainly deserve it. Those look like they took a lot of work.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Mindcaster was once a Duke for the Demon Lord Abdul-Ra. When his master disappeared,
Mindcaster led the investigation to discover where his lord and master went. When
Abdul-Ra eventually made his return, he told no one what had happened to him but his
closest advisor. Mindcaster was shocked and horrified, yet he was also intrigued. Could a
Demon and Deevil Lord find love? If such a thing were possible, could the same happen to
a demon such as himself? Mindcaster decided to investigate. He journeyed to dimension of
Palladium Fantasy and traveled about the Western Empire. Eventually he met a heroic
woman, a female mercenary named Radira Fenen. He joined her and many of her friends
on numerous adventurers. In time, he learned to know love and laughter, and found joy
and beauty in many things, but most of all he found friendship. During one adventure, the
group made their way deep into the Old Kingdom. They soon came across a large castle
ruled by an evil kobold summoner. The group battle their way through the mage defenses
until they reached his sanctuary deep underground. The moment the crossed the
threshold they feel under the powerful magic of his two circles of death. Mindcaster was
about to use his powerful anti-magic cloud spell when the summoner’s minion appeared, a
Raksasha. The two knew each other. The Raksasha declared Mindcaster a traitor to
Abdul-Ra. The two fought one another using psi-swords. In the end, Mindcaster beheaded
his opponent. However, he knew the greater demon would one day reform in Hades and
tell Abdul-Ra what he had done. Sadly the deadly magic killed his companions including
Radira. In her honor, Mindcaster slew the summoner. He then took all the mage’s
possessions, journeyed to Shek’Ra. There he bought himself weapons and sought a new
life in the dimension of Phase World. He stayed there for several decades, living among
the people of Center. He went to the Institute of Magical Arts and learned to be a fully
developed wizard. When the Dimensional Outbreak occurred, Mindcaster fled to the
Gateland and there he journey through the gate to the dimension of Heroes Unlimited.
Here at last he believed he escaped his past. He made his way to Century Station and
took up residence. He became an employee of the World History museum and set up a
secret shop in the hidden sub-basement that he has made everyone forget that its exists
(numerous psionic manipulations). Then one day he witnessed a demon event when 180
demons & deevil destroyed a small town in Colorado. Mindcaster vowed that this world
would not suffer at the hands of his old life. He would fight to protect it. Mindcaster is
now hard at work trying to discover what exactly the Deevils are doing here in this world.
He has learned they are the one working behind the scenes and he is aware they are one
in control of the Church of Unity. Right now his plan is to make contact with Durandal and
convince him of his noble intensions. He has killed several lesser deevils and fought (and
brought to justice) several of their super being minions. The hard part will be convincing
the cities champions and mystical heroes that he’s no longer an evil demon.

Real Name: Meresin
Alias: Chandrakant Sashi Aram or Harris Raven Ames
Occupation: Heroic Champion of Humanity, Museum Employee, Former Duke for Abdul-Ra
Alignment: Scrupulous (formerly Anarcist)
Power Category: Heroic Hellion/Raksasha
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 71 S.D.C.: 100 Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 10
P.P.E.: 600
I.S.P.: 600
Appearance: Mindcaster is a large, black skinned muscular male humanoid with
feline features (tiger like). He dresses in athletic wear and can only be found wearing
fancy clothes if hismission calls for it.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 20, M.A. 15, P.S. 39 (supernatural), P.P. 19, P.E. 21, Spd. 60, P.B. 15
Age: 790, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 195 lbs (87.75 kg)
Vulnerabilities: He takes double damage from weapons made of or plated with gold.
Blessed or holy weapon of gold inflict triple damage. Weapons targeted to inflict damage
against demons will harm him as well.
Spell Magic: Apparition, Charismatic Aura, Death Trance, Fool’s Gold, Hallucination,
Heavy Breathing, Horrific Illusion, Mask of Deceit, Multiple Image, Metamorphosis: Animals,
Metamorphosis: Human, Metamorphosis: Insect, Metamorphosis: Superior, Metamorphosis:
Mist, Anti-Magic Cloud, Protection Circle: Simple and Superior, Banishment, Exorcism, Id
Barrier, Impenetrable Wall of Force, Sanctum, Sanctuary, Create Magic Scroll, Remove
Curse, Heal Wounds, Turn Dead, Fear, Animate & Control the Dead, Escape, Charm, Armor
of Ithan, Mystic Shield, Fire Bolt, Call Lightning, Invisibility: Simple, Impervious to Energy,
and Animate Object. Note: There are several additional illusionary spells available to
Mindcaster (See Hades, page 80) and the spells can be found in Rift: Book of Magic. He is
equal to a 7th level spell caster, having studied the complete art of wizardry. He is +3 to
spell strength (15 or better).
Psionics: He possesses all Healing, Physical, Sensitive, and Super Psionics Powers!!!
Equal to a 7th level Mind Melter/Natural Psionic.
Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m), keen
normal vision, see the invisible, turn into mist (same as Metamorphosis-Mist spell, cost no
P.P.E.), track by smell 45% (+15% to track blood scent), Dimensional Teleport 51%,
bio-regenerate 1D6 hit points/SDC per melee round, teleport self and 300 lbs (135 kg) up
to 5 miles away (8 km) at away 94%, and magically understands and speaks all languages
at 98%.
Special Abilities: Metamorphosis at Will (Equal to Metamorphosis:
Superior-cost no P.P.E.). No small then 1 foot (.3 m) or larger than 10 feet (3 m).
Shape Changing Disguise/Impersonation Skill: 96% if subject is in his presence,
82% if he is very familiar or working from photograph/video, 40% if working from memory
and with little personal knowledge of the subject. Voice imitation: 94% if familiar with
individual, 80% from a good sound recording, and 30% if working from memory or with
little personal knowledge. Note: If he uses his Total Recall and Alter Aura psionic powers
to help him, he can obtain a 96% on his disguise/impersonation.
Attacks per Melee: 7
Combat Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +7 to strike, +7 to parry, +7 to dodge, +24 to
damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +6 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, +2 to entangle, and +5
to perception.
Saving Throws: He needs a 10 or better to save vs. psionics, impervious to toxic
gases, heat & fire (magic fire does ½ damage), +12% to save vs. coma/death, +7 to save
vs. psionics, +7 to save vs. insanity, +7 to save vs. magic & poison, and +10 to save vs.
Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 3D6, Full Strength Punch 6D6, Power Blow 2D4x10
(counts as two attacks), Kick Attack 1D6x10, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of
R.C.C Skills: Astronomy 82%, Anthropology 77% Climb 87%/77%, Computer
Operation 98%, Dance 67%, Forgery 82%, Horsemanship: General 98%/77%,
Horsemanship: Exotic 87%/67%, Intelligence 92%, Land Navigation 67%, Literate: Elf,
Demongorgian, Western Empire, English, and Trade One 98%, Lore: Demons & Monsters
98%, Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 98%, Mathematics: Basic & Advanced 98%,
Pilot: Small Civilian Spaceship 77%, Pilot: Hovercycle 77%, Pilot: Motorcycle 77%, Prowl
67%, Radio: Basic 98%, Seduction 62%, Sing 82%, Swim 67%, Streetwise 87%,
Wilderness Survival 67%, W.P. Sword (+3 to strike/parry), W.P. Knife (+3 to strike/parry
/throw), Paired Weapons, and W.P. Energy Pistol (+4 to aim/+2 to burst).
Weapons: He possesses the following weapons:
Demon Bone Long Sword, Damage: 3D6.
Demon Bone Knife, Damage: 3D6 (double damage to animated dead, skeletons,
mummies, and zombies), Bonuses: +1 to parry/disarm and +2 to throw.
NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol, Range: 500 feet (152 m), Damage: 1D4x10, Rate of
Fire: Single shot, Payload: 10 shot magazine. He has 3D6+6 additional clips. When he
wants more, he needs to Dimensional Teleport to the Three Galaxies (gun is Naruni
Enterprises technology).
He also uses weapons that are silver coated, pure iron, wood, and bone. He utilizes
whatever his mission requires. Note: Don’t forget to include supernatural punch damage
and P.S. attribute score damage when totaling the weapon’s total damage.
Armor: He wears special studded leather armor (looks like a motorcycling outfit)
that has been magically enchanted. A.R. 15, S.D.C. 158. The armor regenerates 10 S.D.C.
an hour. 3x a day the spell Fleet Feet can be cast. He has two additional suits of armor.
Equipment & Vehicles: At his base of operation, the secret sub-basement in The
World History Museum in Century Station (protected by a , he keeps all the equipment he
needs to wage his war against the supernatural. He drives around on a 2010 Street Guide
(Red Hot Sunglow).

Note: If you want to give Mindcaster a few more points of S.D.C., you can use my
special S.D.C. chart I use for all deevils and demons. Raksasha receive +15 S.D.C. per
level of experience giving him +105 additional to his SDC for a grand total of 205 S.D.C.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great,I hope to see more.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Hunter Bolt was an elf from the village of Silver Fork in the Eastern Territory in the
Highback Plains. During the early years he spent most of this time training to be a
hunter/trapper like father and brother. When he was 40 years old, a group of human
adventurers came to his village to stay the night. Unbeknownst to anyone, the
adventurers narrowly escaped from the Shattered Mountains having raided the stronghold
of a powerful demon worshiping wizard. In a fit of revenge, he made a plea to the Devil
Lord Charun the Cruel. The Demon Lord answered his prayers and sent a Gargoyle Lord
and a dozen gargoyles after the adventures, in return for lifelong servitude. That night
the sub-demons attacked Silver Fork. They killed everyone accept Hunter Bolt because he
just happen to be in the wilderness. When he returned, he found everyone he knew and
cared about slaughtered. He vowed revenge and swore he’d spend the rest of his life
hunting down whoever did this and making them pay with their lives. At that moment, a
cheruu appeared beside him with the Bow of Celestial Order. The angle told him, one of
the adventurers possessed the bow, but instead of using it for its true purpose, put it to
ill use. With his death, the bow no belonged to him. Hunter Bolt vowed to use the bow to
slay the demons responsible for the destruction of his family. For the next twenty years,
Hunter Bolt searched the region, doing many good deeds with his bow, but he eventually
found the strong hold of the evil wizard. The man had a permanent circle of Dimensional
Rift that allowed him to go to Hades. Hunter not only managed to survive in Hades for
thirty years, he liberated dozens of slaves from various locations. Soon a bounty was
placed upon his head, but no Demon or underling managed to even remotely come close
to capturing him. Finally, he met the Gargoyle Lord responsible for killing his family and the
wizard. He killed them both and managed to inflict an insignificant wound on the Demon
Lord Charun. He returned to the Palladium Fantasy world satisfied with his
accomplishments. He went to live in the Timiro Kingdom to escape his past. For twenty
years he lived a quiet life in Nisi when he was asked by a High Priest from the Cult of the
Great One to help search for the numerous missing pieces of Osiris the Lawgiver. For the
last eight years, Hunter search in Dyval for supposedly a body part, but instead he
learned of the Armageddon plot taking place in the Heroes Unlimited dimension. Learning
that the Deevil planned to destroy a world convinced Hunter to abandon his quest and do
whatever he could to save that world. He found a way to escape Dyval and make it back
to Palladium Fantasy. From there he journey back to the wizard stronghold, used the
Dimensional Rift circle to return to Hades where he bought passage to the Heroes
Unlimited dimension. Now here on Earth, Hunter is seeking out the Deevil leaders. He is
under the impression Sub-Regent Bone Crusher is the Deevil responsible for the plot. So
far he knows nothing significant yet, but that might change. Lately he’s been having weird
dreams about a strange city that he must go to (Century Station) and from there he will
find most of his answers.

Real Name: Dantall Treefox
Occupation: Slayer of the Supernatural
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Ranger with Enchanted Weapon of Order
R.C.C.: Elf
Experience Level: 9th
Hit Points: 65 S.D.C.: 61/101 with bow
P.P.E.: 18
I.S.P.: 66
Appearance: Hunter Bolt is tall, slender human with elf features. He has shoulder
length dark brown hair, pointed ears, and dark brown eyes. He wears loose-fitting forest
garb, belted and booted in soft leather. He wears a large silver ankh around his neck. He is
a worshipper of Osiris (Cult of the Great One).
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 24, P.P. 16/20 with bow, P.E. 26, Spd.
26, P.B. 24
Age: 128, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 6 inches (1.98 m), Weight: 185 lbs (83.25 kg)
Insanity: Hunter Bolt is being not from the Heroes Unlimited Dimension but from
Palladium Fantasy, so he doesn’t understand the modern world or the customs, laws,
culture, and morality that occurs within it. He hates being in an urban environment. He
likes being in the wilderness. He will enter a modern city to hunt down his quarry but it
makes him nervous and jumpy (-3 to initiative and all combat rolls).
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet (18.2 m).
Psionic Powers: Sixth Sense and Sense Evil.
Enchanted Weapon of Order: The Bow of Celestial Order (See below)
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand) +1 with the bow.
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike/+4 with bow, +4 to parry/+6 with
bow, +4 to dodge/+6 with bow, +11 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall/+5 with bow,
+2 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm. The bow provides a +5 bonus to maintain balance.
Saving Throws: He needs a 12 or better to save vs. psionics, +22% to save vs.
coma & death, +6 to save vs. magic & poison/+8 with bow, and +5 to Horror Factor/+9
with bow. Note: The bow provides a +2 to all saves not additional mentioned.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow &
Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose
initiative and 1 attack/action), all Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 70% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Special (with no familiarity with Earth)
O.C.C.: Speak Elf 98%, Animal Husbandry 95%, Land Navigation 92%, Language:
Eastern & Demongorgian 92%, Identify Plant & Fruits 90%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides
95%, Track & Trap Animals 90%/98%, Tracking (general) 85%, Wilderness Survival 98%,
Outdoormanship, Physical Labor, W.P. Archery (+5 to strike/+8 with the bow, +2 to disarm,
6 rate of fire), W.P. Targeting (+3 to throw/+6 with the bow, critical strike on an
unmodified 19-20), Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Staff (+3 to strike/parry), Lore: Demon &
Monster 85%, Horsemanship: General 81%/61%, Detect Ambush 80%, Intelligence 78%,
Prowl 72%, Astronomy & Navigation 80%, Sewing 98%, Military Etiquette 70%, Whittling &
Sculpting 60%, and First Aid 50%.
Learned Skill: Horsemanship: Exotic 75%/65%.
Secondary Skills: Athlete (General), Running, Hunting, Mathematics: Basic 98%,
Climbing 75%/65%/+10% with bow, Language: English 80%, and Literacy: English 70%.
Money: He carries 320 Timiro gold pieces, 10 Mod coins (Hades currency valued at
5 each), and small pouch with 3D6 precious that are valued at 5D6x1000 in U.S. currency.
He is slowly learning about U.S. currency and it’s not entirely sure how to acquire any.
Weapons: He carries 2D6 throwing knives (1D6) besides his magic bow. He also
carries a bottomless quiver that contains 128 arrows. In this quiver he carries all sorts of
arrows, but 30% are heavy lightning arrows doing 6D6 points of damage.
Armor: He wears a special full suit of hard leather armor called Leather of Iron (A.R.
15 and 200 S.D.C.). His first suit was destroyed. He only has this one left.
Equipment & Vehicles: He rides around on Wind Dancer, a beautiful Mustang that he
has used his elfish knowledge to domesticate. He carries with him a unique backpack with
a long term dimensional pocket (2 years and 6 months) that holds 60lbs (27 kg) instead of
the standard 30 lbs (15 kg). Inside he keeps: two sets of clothing, a second pair of boots,
a second pair of gloves, a bedroll, 30 feet (9.1 m) of rope, 4 wooden spikes, a small
mallet, small hand held mirror, frying pan, tinderbox, 4 long lasting torches, 1 flask of oil,
whittling knife, modern binoculars, water skin (1/2 gallon/1.9 l), compass, two weeks of
rations, and two disposable lighters.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

The Bow of Celestial Order
Weapon of Order
A Long Bow

The origins of this magical bow are unknown. Some believe it was made during the Age of
a Thousand Magicks, others say it was made by a demi-god son of Cirga the Bowman, and
others believe it was made by Belimar the Dwarf as a gift for Heim. Regardless of how it
was made, the bow has been sought after by bow masters for several millenniums.
Likewise, the forces of evil have also searched for it in an effort to destroy the accursed
weapon. Each time the owner has been slain by a supernatural evil, the bow has been
spirited away by “mysterious means” and it ends up in the hands of a new champion.
Presently that champion is Hunter Bolt. He is unsure if the bow or some other “unseen
presence” is guiding him on his presence path, but he intends to follow it nonetheless and
destroy as many “infernals” that he can until he finds the one responsible for the
destruction of his beloved village. Note: The bow string is supposedly made from the hair
of the arch angel Tao-Bo.

Alignment: Scrupulous

Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Weapon of Order: The wielder of the weapon gets the following.
*Add 1D6x10 S.D.C.
*+4 to save vs. Horror Factor and +2 to save vs. all other saving throws.
*+1D4 to P.P.
*The Minor Super Ability of Un-Trackable.
*The Minor Super Ability of Heighten Sense of Balance
*The Minor Super Ability of Targeting
*Battle Dress: Regardless of the type of outfit the individual is wearing, the Bow turns all
of the owner’s clothes, personal possessions, and equipment gold in color with white
trimming. A triangular gold cap (like Robin Hood) appears on the head of the owner with a
long white feather in it (angelic feather). No matter how many times the hat is lost battle,
a new one reappears after 24 hours.

Special Powers of the Bow of Celestial Order: The following abilities can be called
upon by the character linked to the weapon.

Weapon Damage: Any normal arrow fired from the string of the bow does 4D6
points of damage. This does not include the bonus from the minor super ability Targeting.
Range: 1000 feet (304.8 m). Normal arrows fired from the bow are not magical enhanced
and will not harm creatures impervious to normal weapon.

Weapon Bonuses: (See the Minor Super Abilities mentioned above).

Matter Expulsion-Wood: The bow can create and shoot magically generated
wooden arrows (volley of 1-4), fire a burst of splinters, change itself into any wooden
handheld weapon, and cover the owner with wooden armor. Whatever wooden weapon
the bow turns into does the same amount of damage as a standard wooden weapon
would with a +1D6 bonus.

Exploding Arrows: The bow can create exploding arrows that function just like the
Minor Super Ability Exploding Spheres. The only difference the range is 100 feet (30.48 m)
and they always explode on impact and cannot be timed or set to explode on a later date.
They do however float in the air but can only be delivered by the owner firing them from
the bow. They cannot float toward a target on their own or by the mental commands of
the owner of the bow. Additional arrows can be created equal to the minor super ability
as indicated.

Transmutation: The bow can change the material components of any arrow into
another single pure substance or a single compound, for example a typical arrowhead can
be turned into gold, silver, pure iron, ice, lead, etc. The mass of the arrow doesn’t
change. Only a single arrow at a time can be affected. Duration: 1D4 minutes. Note:
Turning the arrow into a liquid or a gas means it can no longer be fired by the bow and
effectively becomes useless, however the owner of the bow could become creative,
depending upon what the G.M. allows.

Turn itself and the wielder invisible: Identical to the Wizard spell Invisibility: Superior

Tongues: The ability to understand and speak any language at will same as the

Turn the Dead: Identical to the Wizard Spell.

Angelic Guardian: Should the owner of the bow be slain or choose to end his or her
career as the weapons carrier, a Cheruu will suddenly appear and depart with the weapon.
Killing the Cheruu will only result in 1D4+2 additional cheruu arriving to take the bow to a
new handpicked successor, and they won’t be friendly about it. The Cheruu arrive one
melee after the death of the champion but it will never do anything to assist or aid the
owner of the bow. The owner of the bow is always on his or her own, period.

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Cecilia Meadows father once worked as a construction worker in Century Station and her
mother was a house wife going to school to work in real estate. Then her father lost his
job along with thousands of others. Soon they lost their home and had no choice but to
live on the street. The family refused to give up and did whatever they had to in order to
survive. Then things went from bad to worse as Cecilia father was among those killed
during the nuclear attack. This mentally crippled her mother. Weeks later Cecilia went to
the crater to find a strange man standing there. He had tears coming down his eyes. He
blamed himself for the accident. Cecilia told that her father died and she would do
anything to make it better. The man looked at her and asked her if she really meant it.
She did. The man turned out to be Lord Arcane. Using his powerful immortal magic, he
brought her to his secret space satellite home. There he bestowed powerful magic that
turned her into a Knight-Errant for the Order of the Three. Her duty was to help assist in
the protecting of Century Station and to do numerous errands for the Order of the Three.
In the last five years, Cecilia has proved invaluable to the group. Though a young girl, she
has battled numerous enemies, most far more capable then herself and defeated them all.
Her greatest test now comes with helping to protect Earth from the supernatural terrors
coming from numerous Demon Events. The Order of the Three believe the Deevils are
preparing some kind of Armageddon plot against the world but don’t know who exactly is
responsible for it. Cecilia has decided to use her “street lifestyle” to go search the
underbelly of Century Station to find out anything. So far she has learned some strange
ongoing involving the Church of Unity and has decided to investigate it.

Real Name: Cecilia Meadows
Occupation: Knight-Errant for the Order of the Three
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Crusader of Light
Experience Level: 8th level
Hit Points: 51 S.D.C.: 20
Mystical Bestowed: Hit Points: 91 S.D.C.: 85
P.P.E.: 10 or 47 bestowed
Appearance: Cecilia is a 15 year old scrawny girl with acne and nerdy looking
glasses. She is living on the street with her parents so she doesn’t have any nice clothes.
She gets few chances to make herself look presentable. She has stringy peroxide blond
hair. She has helerochroma iridis (one blue eye and one brown eyes). As Mastera her
slanted eyes are the color of fresh green apples. Her medium-length, straight, silky hair is
golden in color and is worn in a complex style. She has an amazonian build. Her outfit is
mostly orange and red, and it looks like a fusion of a classic fantasy witch's costume and
an exotic dancer's outfit.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 15, M.A. 29, P.S. 13, P.P. 13, P.E. 9, Spd. 6, P.B. 7
Mystical Bestowed Attribute: I.Q. 12, M.A. 35, P.S. 19, P.P. 18, P.E. 17, Spd 37. P.B. 19
Age: 15, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 2 inches (1.57 m)/6 foot
and 2 inches (1.87 m) bestowed, Weight: 89 lbs (40.05 kg)/133 lbs (59.85 kg)
Vulnerabilities: She takes extra damage from weapons that target angels, deities,
and supernatural Champions of Light. She is also over protective of innocent people,
especially the homeless (which she and her family are). She has a soft spot to do
whatever she can to protect children. If innocent people and children are around, she is
-1 to all combat rolls and loses 1 melee attack each melee from being distracted.
Bestowed Crusader Super Abilities: Awe (11), Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy, Light
of the Sun Blade, Angel Prowess, Crusader Armor (A.R. 18 and 420 S.D.C.), Sense
Supernatural Evil (1300 feet/396.24 m), and Sense Death and Destruction.
Attacks per Melee: 2 attacks per melee and 5 non-combat actions.
Mystical Bestowed: 6/7 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from powers) +1 from sword.
Combat Training: Non-combative in normal form, Expert in Mystical Bestowed Form
Combat Bonuses: +1 to dodge
Mystical Bestowed Bonuses: +6 to initiative/+7 with sun sword, +4 to strike, +5 to
parry, +7 to dodge, +7 to auto dodge, +4 to damage, +2 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull
punch, +2 to disarm, and +4 to Perception.
Saving Throws: Available only as Mystical Bestowed: +5% to save vs. coma/death,
+4 to save vs. magic, +1 to save vs. poison, +5 to save vs. possession, and +5 to save
vs. Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4.
Mystical Bestowed, Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks),
Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Tripping/Leghook
(cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage
bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strike
on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: 96% to trust/intimidate and 98% bestowed. 45% charm/impress
when bestowed.
Educational Background: Street Schooled
Common Skills: Speak English 96%, Lore: Demon & Monster 98%, and W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/parry),
Street Skills: Streetwise 66%, Prowl 70%/90% bestowed, W.P. Knife (+3 to
strike/parry and +4 to throw), Find Contraband 58%/63% bestowed, Tailing 75%, I.D.
Undercover Agents 82%, Singing 75%, Sewing 80%, Barter 62%, and Streetwise: Weird
Learned Skills: Law (General) 85%, Anthropology 90%, and Intelligence
56%/61% bestowed.
Secondary Skills: Climbing 80%-70% (+20% bestowed), Fencing (+1 to
strike/parry and +1D6 to damage), Outdoormanship, Wilderness Survival 75%, Land
Navigation 64%, Literacy: English 96&, Mathematics: Basic 96%, Lore: Mythology 80%,
Lore: Religion 70%, Lore: Magic 65%/55%/50%, Research 55%, and History 80%/60%.
Money: She lives in complete poverty. Her parents live in a homeless shelter. She
gets whatever money can scrape together.
Weapons: She relies on his mystically bestowed abilities.
Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy, Range: 700 feet (213 m), Damage: Damage:
2D4x10+8 to supernatural beings of evil and selfish alignment, increase by 50% when used
against dark gods, Alien Intelligence, and Demon/Deevil Lords, 1D6x10 to mortal beings of
evil and selfish alignment, 5D6+2 to supernatural and mortal beings of good alignment,
Bonuses: +3 to strike/+1 to shot wild, Bonus: +3 to aim/+1 to wild shot.
Sun Blade, 6D6+24 +50% damage to undead, zombies, vampires, and those
vulnerable to light of day/sunlight.
Equipment & Vehicles: She has access to whatever she can find on the street.
However, as Mastera, she utilizes whatever equipment or magical items given to her by
the Order of the Three. Most of her gear is used to help destroy the force of evil.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I think I saved the best for last :D .


Shaun Hawkins knew what he wanted to be at an early age, one of the guy who killed the
mutant bad guys. He wanted to be a S.C.R.E.T. agent. At age 18, he enlisted in the U.S.
Army and worked with way until he qualified to be a S.C.R.E.T. operative. Within a few
years, he became a sergeant (specializing in light weapons). After completing, a half a
dozen missions he wanted to take on a real challenge and take out some serious super
villains or bad guys. He got his opportunity so enough. Shaun was one of the 16 agents
that went after the Masters of Speed and where annihilated. Out of the 16 agent, four
survived, Shaun being one of them. He suffered three broken ribs, punctured lung, bruised
spleen, internal bleeding, and a fractured pelvis. Shawn lay in the hospital cursing his
body that failed him and the S.C.R.E.T for not having the capabilities to defeat the
enemy. Shaun wanted revenge and didn’t care how he got it. Few day later, Shaun’s nurse
spoke to him claiming she could help him if he did as instructed. She gave him a strange
medallion and told him to a prayer to recite but only at the stroke of midnight. Shaun
followed her direction. To his horror, he was suddenly dimensionally teleported to Hades
and laying at the feet of Modeus himself (Supreme Lord of Hades). The Demon Lord
offered him a way to gain his revenge but first he had to do something for him, kill band of
mystical super villains. Shaun agreed. Modeus used the Omega Book to turn him into a
mystical bestowed being filled with power. Invigorated Shauwn wanted to go after the
MoS first, but Modeus insisted he got after his enemies first. Shaun was sent back to
Heroes Unlimited Earth and hunted for his quarry. In time he discovered the supernatural
operatives where really Deevil minions working for Doctor Vilde, but he learned nothing. In
going after the deevils, Shaun suddenly found himself be chased by S.C.R.E.T. He didn’t
want to fight against his comrades but he had no choice. Modeus brought him back to
Hades and said he could carry on his mission, but he would be summoned back in the near
future. For the next month, Shaun tried to find the MoS but he spent most of his time
trying to evade G.I.G.M.A., S.C.R.E.T., and Legionaire super heroes. This only angered him
and soon he was going after his former associates with sadistic fury. Shaun soon found
himself a wanted super villain. Before long Modeus brought him back, this time he was put
in charge of a Deathbringer Infantry Brigade captained by a Grand Master Demon Locust
named Shazguau. Shaun found himself on various front line of the Minion War. Before long
he seem to forget all about what he wanted out of life and enjoyed battling it out with
the Deevils. Five years later, Modeus summoned Shaun and Shazguau and order them both
to Heroes Unlimited Earth to discover the Deevil’s plans. They were given a platoon of 50
demons of various sorts to work with (mostly lesser and sub-demons). Although he is
eager to complete his mission, coming back to Earth has made Shaun fully understand
what he has sacrificed. He longs to see his friends and family. His girlfriend Carole Beulah
Dickerson, a 5th level G.I.G.M.A. agent, never learned what really happen to him, and he
still loves her. He still wants revenge against the Master of Speed (he wants Hellbent to
really see what hell is like). He is trying to keep his demon platoon from attack or hurting
innocent victims, especially women and children. He doesn’t care if they kill S.C.R.ET.,
super heroes, or law enforcement personnel (this is war after all), but civilian casualties
must be avoid at all cost. So far he been able to keep Shazguau unaware of his
“compassionate” orders that he’s given the demon troops, and he done a couple of
“heroic” deeds involving the rescuing of innocent from incidental damage from
demon/deevil encounters. If the true where to come out, the Demon Loctus will be very
displeased and so will Modeus. Despite what the demon nature says, Shaun still sees
himself a human and he must fight to maintain that spark left of his humanity. For surely
one day he will be allowed to return to his normal life.

Real Name: Shaun Forrest Hawkins
Occupation: Former U.S. S.C.R.E.T. operative, now Demon Task Master (sergeant).
Alignment: Aberrant (will never harm innocent civilians/normal people, especially women and children)
Power Category: Corrupted Good (Mystically Bestowed by a Demon Lord)
Experience Level: 10th level
Hit Points: 114 S.D.C.: 305/+400 from armor
Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 15 from ecto-armor.
P.P.E.: 33
Appearance: He has wide gray eyes and silky, straight, red hair. He is tall and has
an overmuscled build. He has a wide chin, large canine teeth, and a handsome face. His
skin is bronze coloration. His body is covered with the magic symbols of demon, hell, evil
mystic knowledge, and vengeance. He walks around naked accept for a loin cloth and
hooded purple cloak. Note: He cannot revert back to his human form.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 20, M.A. 16, P.S. 40, P.P. 22, P.E. 26, Spd. 42, P.B. 15
Age: 35, Sex: Male, Height: 7 foot and 4 inches (2.22 m),
Weight: 248 lbs (111.6 kg).
Vulnerabilities: Holy weapons and silver weapon inflict double damage, weapons
made of silver and bone do normal damage, weapons designed to target demons do
damage to him.
Bestowed Demon Abilities: Horror Factor (14), Demon Physically and See the Invisible.
Major Super Abilities: Transmutation, Copy Energy Pattern, Energy Conversion,
Ectoplasmic Armor, and Bulletproof. Note: His copy energy and energy conversion can
work in tandem. He can also make bulletproof and transmutation work in tandem as well.
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 initial +4 from hand to hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Training: Commando
Combat Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +9 to strike, +12 to parry, +12 to dodge, +8 to
automatic dodge, +29 to damage, +7 to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, +2 to
disarm, and +3 to perception.
Saving Throws: He only takes 2D4 points of energy damage, he is impervious to
projectiles, rocket/explosive shells, bullets, grenades, all kinetic-based attack inflict only
½ damage, +22% to save vs. coma/death, +14 to save vs. magic, +6 to save vs. poison,
+3 to save vs. possession/+7 with armor, +15 to save vs. Horror Factor, +7 to save vs.
psionics, and +3 to save vs. insanity. Note: The ectoplasmic armor makes him take half
damage against fire, cold, and heat (if he wants to take damage of course).
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Blow 4D4 (counts as two attacks),
Elbow/Forearm 4D6, Knee 3D6, Karate Kick 2D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Crescent kick 2D4+2,
Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Axe Kick 2D8, Wheel Kick 2D6, Jump Kick 6D6, Leap Kick 3D8
(counts as two attacks), Power Kick (double damage to any kick, counts as two attacks),
Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep
(cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), +2 to Body Flip/Throw 1D6
plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Body Block/Tackle 1D4 + P.S.
damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 1D4, All Holds, W.P.
Paired Weapons, Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 20, and Death Blow on an
unmodified roll of 18-20.
Agent Bonuses: He has received the following because he was a S.C.R.E.T. agent
+4 to save vs. Horror Factor, +3 to perception, +2 to damage, +1 to strike, parry, and
dodge. These are in addition to possible bonuses from attributes, skills, power category, or
Hand to Hand Combat (bonuses are already included).
Other Bonuses: 40% to trust/intimidate while mystic.
Educational Background: Military Specialist
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%,
Lore: Demon & Monster 90%, and Pilot: Automobile 90%.
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing 98%/98%, Forced March, Military
Etiquette 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+4
to aim).
Advance Military Program: Special Forces (based in part by John C. Philpott)
Hand to Hand Combat: Commando, Camouflage 90%, Demolitions 98%, Demolitions
Disposal 98%, Demolitions: Underwater 98%, Parachuting 98%, Prowl 98%, S.C.U.B.A.
98%, Swimming 98%, Trap/Mine Detection 90%, W.P. Knife (+4 to strike/parry and +5 to
throw), and W.P. Sub-machinegun (+4 to aim/burst).
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush 95%, Intelligence 87%, Wilderness
Survival 95%, Tracking (people) 90%, and Detect Concealment 90%.
Modern W.P. Program: W.P. Handgun (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Heavy
Military Weapons (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), and Energy Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst).
Physical Program: Boxing, Kick Boxing, Athletics (General), and Body Building
& Weightlifting.
Secondary Skills: Outdoormanship, Land Navigation 76%, Hunting, Track &
Trap Animals 75%/85%, Skin and Prepare Animal Hides 85%, Play Basketball 70%, General
Repair/Maintenance 85%, Recognize Weapon Quality 50%, Streetwise 40%, Streetwise:
Weird 40%, and Lore: Geomancy 40%.
Money: He has 185,000 US dollars stashed away in Gulf Coast City. Whenever
possible he steal or simply takes whatever he wants. He also has access to 150,000 Mods
(Hades Currency) to purchase items at Shek’Ra.
Weapons: Although he wields impressive mystically bestowed abilities, he likes to
utilize the following weapons.
M4 Carbine with M203 grenade launcher, Range: 1650 feet (502 m), Damage: 4D6,
Rate of Fire: Single shot, Three round Short Burst, or Full Automatic, Feed: 30 round box
ammo. He has various types of special ammo including silver bullets, iron tipped bullets,
armor piercing, etc. Range: 1150 feet (350 m), Damage: 2D4x10, Rate of Fire: Single
shot, Feed: Single shot. He carries various types of grenades depending upon the mission.
He usually has 1D6+2 ammo clips and 18 grenades he keeps in a 40mm grenade bandoler.
M249 Light Machinegun, Range: 3300 feet (1005 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire:
Single shot, Semi-Automatic, or Full Automatic, Feed: 50 round STANG Magazine. He has
various types of special ammo including silver bullets, iron tipped bullets, armor piercing,
etc. If he using this weapon he usually has 1D4+1 extra ammo clips.
M9 Pistol, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 3D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or
Semi-Automatic, Feed: 15 round detachable box magazine. He has various types of
special ammo including silver bullets, iron tipped bullets, armor piercing, etc. If he is
carrying this weapon, it’s a backup. With 1 extra ammo clips.
M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System, Range: 2640 feet (800 m) effective,
Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire; Single shot or Semi-Automatic, 10 or 20-round detachable box
magazine. He has various types of special ammo including silver bullets, iron tipped bullets,
armor piercing, etc. He usually only carries 2 clips of ammo for this gun.
T1 Laser Pulse Rifle with M-203 grenade launcher, Range: 4000 feet (1200 m),
Damage: 3D6 single shot or 1D4x10+10 per triple pulse, Grenade Damage: Varies with type
(range 1150 feet/350 m), Explosive grenade damage is 2D4x10 to 20-foot (6 m) area, but
can also fire tear gas, smoke, or flash, Rate of Fire: Single shot or a three beam pulse,
the grenade launcher fires single shot, Feed: 24 shot energy clip (a triple pulse uses 3
shots), the grenade launcher is manually loaded and holds a single shot.
Two Demon Bone Knives, Damage: 3D6 double damage to animated dead,
skeletons, mummies, and zombies, Bonuses: +1 to parry/disarm and +2 to throw.
Note: He also carries various other types of modern weapons, hand grenades,
explosives, and magic melee weapons. The armor can make ecto-weapons as well.
Equipment & Vehicles: His body is usually strapped with modern or demon crafted
weapons. A bandoleer for 40mm grenades, web belt, battle harness, magazine pouches,
and various geer worn by an Army infantry soldier. He still has access to S.C.R.E.T.
weapons and technology hidden away. He drives around in a black 2002 Ford Ranger 4x4
with a V-6 with super fuel efficacy, thief proof locks, thief alarm system, Satellite Stereo
System, Refreshment Dispenser, Trailer Hitch, Engine Read Out, Armor/Self-Sealing Tires,
Light Armor with Plexiglas Windows (A.R. 12 with 250 S.D.C. protect passengers) and
Light Vehicle Armor (A.R. 14 and 350 S.D.C.), the truck itself has 350 S.D.C and can
travel 90 mph ((144.9 km).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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This Demon Locust is waiting for his opportunity at re-dempsension, having failed to lead
a successful raid in the Blasted Lands against one of the Deevil Princes, he lost his rank
as General and was demoted to Captain. Angry he took his frustration out of a human
slave in the city of Shek’Ra. He was about to eat the second slave who accompanied the
other one when he saw the markings of ownership by Cernun named Drake, not wanting
to risk further humiliation he left the slave alone. That slave is now Nick Harry. Shazguau
was able to redeem himself and was put in command of a Deathbringer Infantry Company
with a mystically bestowed human beside him as a sergeant/Task Master. Surprisingly he
commanded the troops with ease and showed no sign of fear, if they dare threatened him,
he killed them. It was futile to use magic against him and his powers/weapons were
deadly enough to anyone who tried. He proved himself and so did their troops. Modeus
was pleased and then ordered the troop to be combined with additional demons force to
make one large platoon that would be sent to Heroes Unlimited Earth to discover the
Deevil ultimate purpose there and what they have in plan for the humans. Shazguau is
eager to prove himself and wants to find the Deevil plans as soon as possible, for he
proves himself successful perhaps he can get away from the battle field and be named a
Duke. Like all of his kind, he seeks the approval of his master Modeus and will obey him at
any cost. He has no care at all for mortals only as long as they bring him glory. So far
Hellcurse has not disappointed him, but if the “demon pawn” does anything that threatens
his position, he will tear the human apart and feast on his entrails. He delights in
destroying Deevils and their worthless super-human powered pawns. Given the
opportunity, he will use his deadly spell to cause an Earthquake and destroy a human city,
perhaps Century Station.

True Name: Shazguau-Raxep
Occupation: Grand Master in the Army of Hades, Servant of Modeus, Captain of
the Heroes Unlimited Demon Platoon.
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Greater Demon
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 90 S.D.C.: 100 Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 17
P.P.E.: 780
Appearance: He is a giant, insect-like abomination with a hideous, bald, human
head, the body and wings of a locust, six spinny legs, and the tail of scorpion.
Attributes: I.Q. 25, M.E. 22, M.A. 20, P.S. 40 (supernatural), P.P. 24, P.E. 24, Spd.
50 (35 mph/56.35 km) running/140 flying (98 mph/157.78 km), P.B. 3.
Age: Immortal, Sex: Male, Length: 12 feet (3.6 m), Weight: 800 lbs (360 kg).
Vulnerabilities: Silver weapon inflict double damage.
Natural Abilities: Horror Factor 16, Supernatural P.S. and P.E., fly, nightvision 200
feet (61 m), see the invisible, turn invisible at will (invisibility: simple), track by smell 45%
(+20% to follow the smell of death/decay, blood or magic), Dimensional Teleport 62%,
bio-regenerate 2D6 hit points/S.D.C. per melee, impervious to heat/fire/plasma, impervious
to toxic gases, magically knows all known languages, leap 80 feet (24.4 m) high and 160
feet (48.7 m) across without assistance from wings, or glide up 1200 feet (366 m).
Spell Knowledge: Knows all 1st level spells and Call Lightning, Fireball, Fire Bolt,
Negate Magic, Dispel Magic Barriers, Fly as the Eagle, Animate/Control the Dead, Turn
Dead, Exorcism, Remove Curse, Curse: Phobia, Luck Curse, Spoil, Sickness, ID Barrier, and
Sanctum. Note: He also knows the Earth Warlock spell Earthquake and all Spoiling
Magic (these spells can be found in Rifts Book of Magic, but the Spoiling Magic can also
be found in Mystic Russia). All spells are performed equal to an 8th level wizard (+3 to
spell strength/15 or better).
Attacks per Melee: 9
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +7 to strike, +9 to parry, +9 to dodge/+11 to
dodge in flight, +25 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/impact, +1 to pull punch, and +9 to
Saving Throws: Impervious to Horror Factor, disease, heat/fire, gases, and poison,
+18% to save vs. coma/death, +9 to save vs. magic, +9 to save vs. psionics, and +5 to
save vs. possession.
Combat Skills: Punch/Kick with Front Legs 6D6, Punch/Kick with Rear Legs 7D6,
Power Blow 2D4x10 (counts as two attacks), Bite 3D6, Scorpion Tail Stinger 1D6x10 and a
save vs. poison (14) or victim suffers paralysis for 2D6 melees and takes an additional 6D6
Other Bonuses: +11% to all skills and 60% trust/intimidate.
R.C.C Skills: Art (painting) 91%, Barter 98%, Calligraphy 98%, Climb 91%/81%,
Computer Operation 98%, Computer Programming 91%, Forgery 96%, Intelligence 91%,
Land Navigation 98%, Literate: Elf, Demongorgian, Trade One, Western Empire, and English
98%, Lore: Demon & Monster 98%, Lore: Fairy Folk and Creatures of Magic 98%, Lore:
Magic 98%/91%/86%, Mathematics: Basic and Advance 98%, Philosophy 96%, Public
Speaking 76%, Seduction (with words) 81%, Swim 81%, and Streetwise 98%.
Weapons: He relies on his natural abilities and spell magic.
Equipment & Vehicles: He uses whatever is necessary to complete his mission.

Note: If you want to give Shazguau a few more points of S.D.C., you can use my special
S.D.C. chart I use for all deevils and demons. Demon Locust receive +20 S.D.C. per level
of experience giving him +160 additional SDC for a grand total of 260.


There are 6 Death Demons, 4 Taursis, 8 Shedim, 2 Gallu Bulls, 4 Ghouls, 6 Alu,
2 Succubus/2 Incubus, 4 Lasae, and 2 Gurgoyles. For complete stats read Hades or
Palladium Fantasy for a S.D.C. conversion. Note: Hellcurse is always having trouble
keeping the Gallu Bulls in line, they have been reduced to a sergeant status having been
killed in Palladium Fantasy after being summoned by a human summoner two hundred
years ago. They should outrank Hellcurse but they don't and that ticks them off.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

gaby wrote:I got idea for you Reagren Wright,you can make characters for different Era like the Pulp era and the Wild West?

Time to take a break again. But this will be the next project I tackle. Give me a few weeks
to recharge my brain. Hope everyone enjoys these Armageddon Guys. It was fun to get
mean and nasty :demon: .
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Neat guy Mephisto, well done :ok:
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Haven't forgotten this post. Pulp Comic and Western Style and villains will be coming up.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay I got my seven ideas for these NPCs. First and foremost these guys will not be
conversions of existing pulp comic icons. They will be archtypes of the pulp magazine era,
meaning the 1930s and 1940s, the heyday of the comic and radio shows. My attempt will be
to make these guys heroes but normals accept for one. I'm also going to do one or two
villains. So enjoy these guys when they come. I'm leaving my comfort zone of character
creation but I got a feeling this is going to be fun :-D .
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

A significant number of Pulp heroes gained their powers as a result of training, so any Special Training class would be reasonably sensible. There were also a few Pulp Psychics or Mystics.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Good to known.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay here is the first of my pulp comic guys. This guy is a hero from all those Western
Type Books. Enjoy.


In 1846 John Bishop and his wife Clare, and his five year old son Lincoln set out West in
search of new opportunities. Before long they reach the city of Sonoma just in time for the
start of the Mexican-American War. They lived for a short while in the California Republic,
where John Bishop sold his skills as a gunsmith. Eventually the US troops showed up and put
an end to the uprising. John Bishop and his family continued to stay in Sonoma and found
prosperity when the 1848 Gold Rush. Young Lincoln loved to meet all the new people. But
John Bishop didn’t care for the American prospectors who started attacking the foreign
miners, particularly Latin Americans and Chinese. Nor did he enjoy the numbers of
newcomers driving Native Americans out of their traditional hunting, fishing and
food-gathering areas. He thought someone should stand up to all these folks. John Bishop
started to help Native Americans protect their homes and livelihood by attacking miners.
Word of what Bishop was doing reach the ears of law men and bounty hunters and they set
their guns on the Bishop family. John put his family on a steam ship and sent them away.
Two days later, John Bishop was gun down along with several Native Americans. Eventually
Clare Bishop remarried a man from Spain, who didn’t take kindly to young Lincoln. After the
family moved to Spain, young Lincoln was sent off to school, but Lincoln hated being in a
class room he wanted to be back in California doing what he saw as “injustice against the
good people” as his dad taught him. Eventually Lincoln ran away. He spent his life drifting
doing whatever he could to make it back to the United States and back to California. He did
all kinds of jobs and labor, but the one thing for sure he was good at was his dad’s trade, a
gun smith. Even during his teens, Lincoln take apart, clean, and reassemble any kind of
pistol or rifle blindfolded. Any man could hand his gun to Lincoln and he could do wonders
with it, trick shooting or remodeling it. He also never showed fear to anyone, no matter how
big or tough, they where, if anything young Lincoln could get them to back down.

In 1857, the sixteen year old Lincoln Bishop returned to the United States arriving in New
York. A year later he was making his way across the country in an attempt to get back to
California. He just happened to be in the Kansas Territory when Gold was discovered. Lincoln
put aside his ambition and joined up several miners, who struck it rich in the hard rocks of
the mountains. Lincoln used his fortune to not only enjoy a lavish lifestyle but used it to set
himself up as a dabbling gun dealer/inventor. He earned quite a reputation. In 1861, the
outgoing U.S. President James Buchanan signed an Act of Congress organizing the free
Territory of Colorado, three days later Lincoln Bishop changed his name to Colorado Smith.

When the Civil War broke out, Colorado Smith thought about joining with the Union, but
decided instead to make his way to California. A year later he arrived to learn the fate of his
father. Swearing on that day to avenge the “might makes right over the weak” philosophy
and make sure the “little guy” has a voice, by making sure his gun is even faster. So now
Colorado Smith travels about the West enforcing his own brand of justice and putting right
what he believes was made wrong. He delights in running the lives of big, strong, wealthy
people who think they can get away with doing anything because they are big, strong, and
wealthy. He looks to empower everyone, and give all equal opportunity. He loves a good
game of cards and coming out on top. He is a Ladies ‘man who has no trouble spending a
great deal of his time with Barmaids. He has a surprising number of friends unfortunately
most of them are not Law Men who see him as a troublesome vigilante. Colorado seemingly
can do it all and then some.

Real Name: Lincoln Jack Bishop
Occupation: Gunfighter, Gun Maker, Card Player, and Adventurer
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: 19th century Gunfighter
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 55 S.D.C.: 31
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: Colorado Smith is dress in the typical attire worn by men in days of the
Wild West during 1870. His trademark is his purple duster, Boss of the Plains hat, and his
two custom built guns-Chelsea & Kristy. He short brown hair and blue eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 14, M.A. 18, P.S. 15, P.P. 21, P.E. 18, Spd. 31, P.B. 14
Age: 29, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand) +1 if use firearms
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative/+4 with guns, +5 to strike, +7 to parry, +7 to
dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch., +2 to disarm/+3 on a called shot. .
Saving Throws: +10 to save vs. horror factor, +6% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to
save vs. magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Backhand 1D6, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two
attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, Karate Kick 2D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6
plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, Paired Weapons, and
Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: Horror Factor/Reputation 10 and +50% trust/intimidate.
Special Aptitude Bonus: Fearless.
Special Gunfighter O.C.C.: Weapon Master, Weapon Repair, Quick Draw Initiative:
Handguns & Rifles, Paired Weapons: Revolver, and Sharpshooter Revolver & Rifle
Educational Background: Special
O.C.C. Skills: Speak English & Spanish 95%, Land Navigation 78%, Detect
Ambush 85%, Detect Concealment 75%, Find Contraband 70%, Recognize Weapon Quality
85%, Basic Mechanics 90%, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert 98%, Mathematics: Basic
90%, Sniper (+2 to called/aimed shot, count as two attacks), W.P. Revolver (+5 to aim),
W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim), W.P. Knife (+3 to strike, +3 to parry, +6 to throw), W.P. Targeting (+3
to throw, critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20), Horsemanship: Cowboy 90%/74%,
Hand to Hand: Expert, Gambling (Standard) 70%, Cardsharp 60%, Prowl 65%, Tracking
(people) 60%, Wilderness Survival 60%, Lore: American Indians 50%, and Law (General)
Secondary Skills: Athlete, Outdoormanship, Play Harmonica 65%, Seduction
38%, Palming 39%, Streetwise 32%, Dowsing 30%, and Cook 40%.
Money: Colorado Smith always has a little bit of money in his pocket, and if he
doesn’t have any he knows a table and some fellas who are likely to hand it over to him on
a game of cards. The Colorado Goldrush made him rich enough to do whatever he wants.
2 Custom Built Model 1860 Colt.44 Revolvers, Range: 156 feet (47.5 m),
Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, but Colorado can “fan” one Revolver so it can fire a
short burst or long burst, Payload: 6 rounds-he carries with him his own designed custom
speed loaders that allow him to reload one gun as a single action, while others will take one
melee round, he faces a Gunslinger, Lawman, Gunfighter, or Bounty Hunter, then it takes half
a melee round and uses up half the actions of that (or next melee round), Bonuses: +1 to
aim shots (superior balance) and special grips provide a +1 to initiative when he quick
A modified Winchester Model 1866 Rifle (Carbine), Range: 1200 feet (305 m),
Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot. Payload: 16 round tube magazine. Note: In 1870
the famed Winchester Rifle 1873 (The Gun that Won the West) hasn’t been invented yet, so
Colorado Smith has the clear advantage in 1870.
Six throwing knives, Damage: 1D6, Bonus: +1 to throw.
Armor: While he doesn’t wear body armor per say, his purple duster is an excellent
raincoat. It is also lined with relatively light padding with plates over the shoulder and chest
concealed under the fabric. A.R. 15 and 30 S.D.C. The coat provides a movement penalty of
Equipment & Vehicles: Besides his guns and purple duster, Colorado Smith has a few
other handy gadgets on him.
Quick Draw Holsters, these special holsters he wears give him a slight advantage
over his opponents and allow his “girls” easier access into his hands. As long as the guns
are in his holsters when he goes to draw them, he gains an extra +1 to initiative in addition
to the his natural speed and the special handles of his two pistols.
Sunglasses (not polarized, they won’t be invented until 1936).
3 Speed Loaders for each gun.
Telescope, portable took kit, magnifying glass, gun cleaning kit, a set of riding clothes, two
sets of fancy town clothes, three pairs of soft leather work gloves, two pairs of leather
cowboy work boots, two pair of fancier dress boots, his high quality Boss of the Plains hat,
a high quality saddle, two saddle bags, spurs, 60 feet (18.2 m0 of hemp rope, 3 canteens, a
small hatchet, a survival knife (1D6), utility belt, backpack, bedroll, two blankets, flint, 3
books of noiseless matches, French cigarettes (cigar smoking is common, while cigarettes
are still comparatively rare), and provisions (depending upon how long he might be in the
wilderness. Note: he doesn’t carry all of this on his person, just what he needs at the time.

Dutchess, she is a Barb, a female desert horse with great hardiness and stamina. She is 4
years old and Colorado’s pride and joy. She is chestnut in color and stands 13.3 hands (55
inches/140 cm) high and weighs 1250 lbs (562 kg). She comes from Spain. He gives his
commands to her in Spanish (because that is how she was trained). Hit Points: 19. S.D.C.
32. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, and +4 to dodge. Swim 50%, Jump 4-5 feet (1.2
to 1.5 m), high and 10 feet (3 m) long; carry 500 lbs (225 kg) and pull 900 lbs (405 kg). She
can gallop 35 mph (56 km), but can reach a speed of 45 mph (72 km) if pushed to for 28
minutes (he rarely does this to her). While riding her, Colorado enjoys a +2 on initiative, +2
to roll with punch (incase he falls off). +2 to parry and dodge, inflict 1D4 points of damage
from a melee attack, or have her front kick (+4 to strike) for 2D6 points of damage.

Colorado has three friends, who occasionally join him on his pulp adventures. Dusty Jones (a
5th level Professional Gambler), Veronica "the Gravedigger" Lawson (a 6th level Saloon Girl,
who is a excellent Quick Draw and Trick Shooter), and Screaming Feather (a 7th level Tribal
Warrior-A Shoshone Indiana who survived Bear River Massacre (1863), when US forces
trapped and murdered an estimated 350-500 Northwestern Shoshone, including women and
children, who were at their winter encampment. He and other Indians of 1870s have no
animal totems or fetishes.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great hope thers more.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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So, are you using the Gunfighter class from Rifts New West as your basis, or the Hardware: Weapons class from HU with your other skills filled in for the time period?
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Gunfighter from New West with skills to fill in from the time period. Wouldn't make sense to
use Hardware guy since most of the skills are relevant in 1870. He's a cowboy first and
foremost. The kind you would read about in a pulp fiction magazine or western novel.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Caron is the son of famous photographer Allen Grace and his wife, the debutant Laura
Hatheberg, the only daughter of Agustin Hatheberg, who built a shipping and railroad empire
that, during the 19th century, made him one of the wealthiest men in the world. For their
honeymoon, Allen and Laura took a trip to Africa. Allen wanted to photograph the Duwar
tribe, a mysterious group of African natives who supposedly had the power to control
animals. According to the rumors and legend, Duwar are never attacked or harmed by wild
animals, not even by snakes, crocodiles, hippos, elephants, or lions. Allen wanted to see if
this was true. He and his wife spent many months on their African safari. During this time
German settlers acquired land from the Duwar people in order to establish farms. Adolf
Zinzendorf, a German merchant, entered into a contract with the native elders. The
exchange later became the basis of German colonial rule. The territory became a German
colony under the name of Zinzuwar. Two years later, Laura became pregnant. Despite the
protest by her father, she refuse to return to the United States and wanted to be with her
husband, who’d not only been welcomed by the Duwar people, but he was made an
honorary member of the tribe. Nine months later, Timothy Grace was born.

The family continued to live in the wilderness of African with their Duwar neighbors. Soon
after, conflicts between the German colonists and the Duwar herdsmen began.
Controversies frequently arose because of disputes about access to land and water, but
also the legal discrimination against the native population by the white immigrants. Duwar’s
land as well as their cattle was progressively making its way into the hands of the German
colonists. Duwar resisted expropriation, but they were unorganized and the Germans
defeated them with ease. The Duwar people learnt that they were to be placed in
reservations, leaving more room for colonists to own land and prosper. Duwar began a great
rebellion that lasted for only a few months ending with their utter destruction. Allen was
branded a criminal and he and Laura fled into the wilderness to avoid being captured. Two
weeks into their hiding, Laura was bitten by a snake and soon became deathly ill. Allen built
a boat and tried to cross a treacherous river to get his family to safety, but he was
savagely attacked by a hippopotamus and killed. Laura died with Timothy in her arms. Soon
crocodiles came to feast on her and the young Timothy. Suddenly a pride of lions emerged
from the tall grass. A lioness that lost her cub to these same crocodiles fought them off
and snatched young Timothy away. This particular pride had been raised by the Duwar, and
instead of eating the young human chose instead to raise him as one of their own. For 11
years, Timothy lived as a lion, fought and hunted as a lion. He was by definition a lion.
Then one day the Germans came to built a railway through the wilderness. Adolf Zinzendorf
ordered every “man-eater” along the way destroyed. The lions were hunted down and killed
but Timothy managed to escape and fled into the wilderness. A few days later, he was
found by a small group of Duwar rebels still living as they had for centuries. They were
amazed at the “white man who lived like a lion” and so they trained him as they did all the
animals of the wild, and called him Caron-the man lion. Within a few years Caron behaved
more like a human than a lion. By the time he was 16 years old, he was a traditional hunter
and warrior, leading his people against the Germans who were surprising by the uprising.
They had initial success. This of course enraged Adolf Zinzendorf. He sent General Wegroth
and his troops to he devised a plan to annihilate the Duwar people.

A US photographer and former friend of Allen Grace, Perry Buckner, came down with the
German force. While he was in the wilderness he was attacked by a crocodile. Caron saved
him. Perry recognized the distinguishable features of his old friend. Perry lived with the
Duwar and became a trusted ally (spy). As much as he learned about Caron and the Duwar,
he taught Caron even managed to get him to start speaking English and understand his true
identity. When the German forces came with their onslaught, the Duwar rebels were
wipeout but Perry managed to hide Caron. He even managed to get them both onboard a
ship and return to the United States.

Several weeks later Caron was on the ground of the famous Hatheberg estate, the heir
apparent to the family fortune. Agustin Hatheberg wanted Timothy to stay and be the
grandson that he never had, but Timothy soon discovered his lion heart was in Africa. He
needed to be with his people and his true heritage. Unwillingly Agustin agreed. When Caron
returned to his horror he discovered the Duwar were no more. Adolf Zinzendorf and his
henchman General Wegroth committed mass genocide.

Today Caron continues to fight in behalf of his dead people and his dead pride. He
continues to have adventure after adventure in both the wilderness and the modern world.
He vows one day his people will be avenged and sink his teeth into the throat of the elderly
Adolf Zinzendorf and those who bring harm to the wild life and people of Africa.

Real Name: Timothy Grace
Occupation: King of the Beasts, Protector of Wild Life, Hero of the Duwar People.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Tribal Warrior raised by a pride of lions.
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 60 S.D.C.: 100
P.P.E.: 15
Appearance: Caron is a superior athlete. His preferred dress is a sharp bone knife
and a loincloth of animal hide. He has golden blond hair and bright blue eyes. He has golden
brown skin. He has been taught to wear the clothes of a man in the early 20th century.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E.12, M.A. 11, P.S. 21, P.P. 29, P.E. 34, Spd. 18, P.B. 12
Age: 20, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 4 inch (1.93 m), Weight[/b:
225 lbs (101.25 kg)
[b]Animal Abilities
: Being raised by lions has bestowed some minor abilities. Predator
Bursts (during the initial melee of combat +2 to initiative, first melee round, 2 extra attacks,
next round one additional attack, third round and beyond back to normal, no pull punch
during predator burst, must wait 2D6 minutes to do again), Nightvision (3x better than the
average human), Advance Hearing, Advance Smell (track by smell 80%, recognize scent of
individuals and detect extreme emotion 72%), and Advance Vision.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 8 (5 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand).
Combat Bonuses: +7 to initiative/+13 with knives, +9 to strike, +11 to parry, +11 to
dodge, +6 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, and +4 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +5 to save vs. horror factor, +32% to save vs. coma/death, +8 to
save vs. magic & poison. Impervious to disease.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must
dodge or knockdown), Body Block/Tackle 1D4 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Pin
18-20, Crush 1D4, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Raised by Wild Animal: Being raised by a pride of lions has given him the following
bonuses (already included): Prowl +15%, Wilderness Survival +25%, Escape Artist +10%,
Climbing +15%, and Swimming +10%. +12 to S.D.C., +6 to P.E., +3 to P.S., +2 to P.P., +2 to
initiative, and 2 extra attacks per melee.
Special Tribal Warrior O.C.C.: Quick-Draw and Throw Initiative (knives only), Paired
Weapons (knives), Hardiness, Hunter Warrior Training & Experience, and Animal Training
(See Rifter #25 by John C. Philipott) 90% (can train just about any wild animal into an
obedient friend/companion).
Educational Background: Special (in addition to be raised by a pride of lion, he
received a special education from the Duwar People).
O.C.C. Skills: Speak lion and Du (Duwar) 98%, Speak English 93%, Speak
German 78%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Fishing 80%, Detect Ambush 75%, Track & Trap
Animal 75%/85%, Tracking (people) 70%, Land Navigation 74%, Wilderness Survival 98%,
Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 85%, Identify Plants & Fruits 75%, General Athletics,
Outdoormanship, Climbing 95%/85%, Prowl 82%, Swimming 98%, W.P. Targeting (+2 to
throw and critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20), W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, +3 to
parry, +7 to throw), Hand to Hand: Expert, Holistic Medicine 60%/50%, Running, Wrestling,
Physical Labor, Hunting, Dowsing 70, Preserve Food 75%, Escape Artist 70%, Intelligence
58%, and Detect Concealment 55%. Recognize English and German Words 40% (he doesn’t
have true literacy just yet).
Secondary Skills: Whittling & Sculpting 55%, Imitate Voice & Sounds
70%/64%. Tailing 45%, and Sewing 55%.
Money: He has no need for money, but he has a basic understanding of its purpose
and function. Weapons:
A large metal knife (his pride and joy, gift from his grandfather) 1D6+1.
Four bone throwing knives, Damage 1D6.
Equipment & Vehicles: None, he is a master of improve and using the wilderness to his advantage.

Caron’s current constant companion is a huge African Lion (Lier). Size: 6 ½ feet (2
m), plus 40 inch tail (1 m). Weight 400 lbs (181 kg0. Hit Points: 41. S.D.C. 37. Attacks per
Melee 4. Claws 3D6+4. Bite 3D6. Pounce attack 01-65% of knocking down human size prey
off their feet (lose initiative and one melee attack) and suffer 1D6 points of damage. +3 to
initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to dodge, +8 to save vs. horror factor. Keen vision
and sense of smell (track by smell or sight 70%), nightvision 60 feet (18.3 m), climb 40%,
swim 60%, prowl 60%, leap 10 feet (3 m) long and 20 feet long (6 m), double when
running. HF 15. SPD 12.6 mph (20.2 km) or a short burst of 22.5 mph (36 km) for 1D4
minutes. He is 5 years old. He regard Lier as his brother. The two are almost inseparable.
Lier will obey almost any command given by Caron. He will not attack or strike anyone
unless ordered to or if must defend himself or Caron.

Caron is still good friends with Perry (5th level Ordinary Human-Photographer) on many
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Several millenniums ago the ancient civilization of Atlantis opened a super-dimensional
gateway that unleashed hordes of supernatural monsters onto the world. The eruption also
made magic energy virtually disappear from the face of the Earth. Yet the world was
overrun by monsters. All across the planet, humankind fought against these monsters, but
without the aid of magic. The Atlanteans soon came to make right what they had caused
by aiding the many survivors. During this time one domain of humans rose to power thanks
in part to the Atlanteans, it was known as the Empire of the Scroll. Here humans did not
have to fear monsters, vampires, or evil beings. Yet from all sides the monsters sought to
take the last bastion of hope for humans. To the north of the Empire of the Scroll was the
Jade Kingdom. There King Xeron and his beautiful wife Agalaina ruled for ten years fighting
against the monsters and vampires. Then one day it was announce that Queen Agalaina
was with child. The Atlantean seer Lohun made the startling prediction that the son of
Xeronu would sit on the throne of the Empire of the Scroll and rule for one hundred years.
The Empire of the Scroll was ruled by scholars and sages, men of learning. The last thing
they wanted was a boy from the kingdom of the northern barbarians to rule the greatest
empire of human kind. So the Empire of the Scroll ceased supporting the Jade Kingdom.
Without their additional protection, the monsters and vampires attacked the Jade Kingdom,
killing its people by the hundreds. King Xeron and his army tried their best to fight against
the dark forces but there will simply too many. He sent word to neighboring lands but they
did not want to lose support from the Empire so they ignored their pleas. Finally King Xeron
and his bride had no choice but to abandon their castle and seek refuse in the wilderness.
For five long years they lived among the peasants and farmers, doing whatever they could
to survive and in secret rebuild their forces. Then the Barbarian Warlord Shang and his
Army of Orcs attacked the village King Xeron and Agalaina lived in. Shang and his orcs killed
every human they found. Xeron and Agalaina put their five year old son on a raft and sent
him away. Ragor watched as orcs over powered his father and killed him. Shang took
Agalaina away to be his bride.

The raft landed in the land controlled by the Scar Chest Barbarians. A peasant woman
named Hati brought the frighten boy to shore. She took him to her father Vhagr. Hati’s
husband had been killed in battle, causing her to lose her unborn son. Vhagr decided the
boy was the grandson he’d been promised by the Sun God. Ragor grew up a peasant
laborer, doing odd job for everyone in the village. Once a month the Scar Chest Barbarians
rode into town and demanded tribute. If none was given, they take whatever they wanted.
At age ten, Hati and Vhagr had nothing to give, so the Scar Chest Barbarians took Ragor
back with them. Ragor suffered at their cruel and vicious hands. He was flogged, starved,
and a target of ridicule. After two years he became angry and bitter at his lot in life. Worst
of all he began to hear the lies told of how his father King Xeron had died. One night he
could stand no more, he went before the Scar Chest Chieftain Nsam and warned him not to
speak ill of his father ever again. The chieftain and his men laughed. The chieftain called
Xeron a coward and said his father was a worthless as horse droppings. In a rage, Ragor
picked up a dagger and stabbed Nsam in the throat killing him. At that moment, Ragor
became leader of the Scar Chest Barbarians for whoever killed the chieftain in battle,
became the new leader. The Scar Chest took an immediate liking to the boy who killed the
clans’ greatest warrior when all other had failed. Over the next six years, Ragor was trained
as chieftain. He learned to be a warrior, raider, hunter, scout, and clan chieftain. Within a
year he led his clan to a glorious victory over their enemies the Dead Stalkers. Before long
those tribes Ragor did not defeat in battle united with him. At age eighteen, he was
supreme chief of all the Northern Barbarian tribes. Fearing they were growing too powerful,
the vampire lord Xamont sent his were-beasts to kill the barbarians. Instead Ragor forces
killed the were-beast army and went after the vampire lord. In the end it was Ragor himself
who killed the vampire lord with his own throne. Ragor then decided he was going to reclaim
the Jade Kingdom for himself. He returned to the village of Hati and Vhagr. There he
received a glorious gift. Vhagr on his death bed gave him his father’s sword, taken from the
body of an orc that he himself had slain. With this new found weapon in hand, Ragor led his
barbarian forces against Warlord Shang and his Army of Orcs. During this time he met the
Atlantean archer Xerio. Together they battled the orc army and finally fought Shang on the
Black Mountains. To Ragor’s horror his beloved mother had been turned into the evil demon
witch Ngora. In the end, his mother’s love for him freed her of the demonic possession and
she killed Shang before he could kill her son. Dying she gave him her necklace, a gift from
his father on the day that he was born. Ragor buried his mother on the ground of his
forefathers. By law he had the right to reclaim the castle of the Jade Kingdom. Instead
Ragor decided to follow his destiny and take the throne of the Empire of the Scroll.

The rulers of the empire fearing that barbarian king might well indeed achieve his goal
turned to the very same monsters they once fought against in the hope that they will be
able to defeat him. Presently the succubus Danal is becoming Ragor’s love interest, though
he knows nothing of her true purpose. Ragor is also being challenged by another barbarian
warlord Hcohn, the son of Shang whose wants Ragor’s head on a pike. The princess
Astarte, daughter of Aesidac, one of the rulers of the Empire of the Scroll is also taken an
interest in him, and wants to help him achieve his destiny. All around Ragor are enemies and
those trying to use him for their own personal gain. He knows he can only trust his sword
and his hand, but in the end they will be all that he will need to meet his destiny.

Real Name: Ragor, Son of Xeron, heir to the throne of Jade Kingdom and the Empire
of the Scroll.
Occupation: Barbarian Warlord/King.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Barbarian Warrior (based partially on the Wild Knives Warrior from
Dinosaur Swamp™ and Barbarian O.C.C. from Northern Hinterlands.
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 58 S.D.C.: 147
P.P.E.: 15
Appearance: Ragor is in tremendous physical conditioning. A superior athlete who
has spent most of his life in the wilderness. A natural born warrior/leader. He has smoldering
brown eyes and snarled flaming hair. He wears whatever garb is typical for the land and
culture he finds himself in. Like all Scar Chest Barbarians, his chest is full of scars of the
many animals he’s hunted and killed using only his bare hands.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 18, M.A. 27, P.S. 28, P.P. 18, P.E. 26, Spd. 30, P.B. 9
Age: 25, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 235 lbs (105.75 kg)
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +1 with mother’s necklace.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike/+6 with necklace, +6 to parry/+8 with
necklace, +6 to dodge/+8 with necklace, +13 to damage/+15 with necklace, +4 to roll with
punch/+6 with necklace, +2 to pull punch, and disarm.
Saving Throws: +22% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to save vs. psionic & insanity, +6
to save vs. magic, +8 to save vs. poison & disease, and +6 to save vs. horror factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown,
-2 to dodge), Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Body
Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Body
Block/Tackle 1D4 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 1D4, Paired
Weapons, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Special Bonuses: the following have already been included in his overall combat
bonus and attributes. Increase in P.S., Toughness, and Temperature Endurance (take only
half damage from ordinary heat or cold, plus he can last twice as long as others when
exposed to prolonged, severe heat or cold.
Other Bonuses: 92% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Special
O.C.C. Skills: Body Building & Weightlifting, Cooking 95%, Climbing 98%/90%,
Detect Ambush 85%, Fishing 90%, Horsemanship: General 72% /52%, Hunting, Speak
Native Language (Man Speech) 90%, Land Navigation 84%, Lore: Demon & Monster 75%,
Lore: Custom & Culture-Empire of the Scroll 90%, Prowl 77%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides
95%, Track and Trap Animals 80%/90%, Tracking (people) 75%, Wilderness Survival 95%,
W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, +3 to parry, +4 to throw), W.P. Sword (+2 to strike/+3 to parry),
W.P. Battle Axe (+3 to strike/parry, +1D6 damage), W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Blunt (+3 to
strike/parry), and Hand to Hand: Expert.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Wrestling, Recognize Weapon Quality 75%, Intelligence
69%, First Aid 95%, Dowsing 80%, Leather Working 80%, Detect Concealment 60%, and
Preserve Food 60%.
Secondary Skills: Outdoormanship, Athletics (General), Physical Labor, Running, and
Rope Works 70%.
Money: He will either steal what he needs or earn it. He keeps just enough money on
his person to acquire whatever he needs. If he wanted to, he could live as a king.
Weapons: He utilizes whatever weapon he needs to complete his mission. He does
have two particular favorites that are always with him.
Large Axe, Damage 3D6+4 (4D6+4), Bonuses: +1 to strike/parry.
His father’s superior quality sword, Damage: 2D6+6, Bonuses: +3 to
strike/parry. It’s made of a metal that does damage to those normally impervious to normal
weapons. It is not a magic weapon.
Armor: A light chain shirt and a horned helmet (A.R. 12 and 44 S.D.C.)
Equipment & Vehicles: He utilizes whatever he needs to do in order to survive. He
wears his mother’s necklace which inspires him with fighting prowess (one additional attack,
+2 to strike, parry, damage, and roll with punch). There is nothing magical about the
necklace. He simply believes this is what it does. When going on a long quest Ragor always
carries the following with him. One extra set of traveling clothes, two pairs of boots, two
pairs of gloves, satchel to carry booty and supplies, belt with pouches, 4 sacks of heavy
cloth, 2 water skins, small mallet, and two bronze knives.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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What is next?
A P.I,a Pilot,or a Treasure hunter?
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay I'm embarrassed as a long time fang of Heroes I've made about every type of NPCS there is but this is my first Super Sleuth.


Detective Knight is the son of Mark and Wendy Knight. Mark Knight was a wealthy tycoon
who made his money as the owner of a Hollywood movie studio. Wendy Knight was a singer
and theater actress. In 1922, while Mark was off to college to study law in the hope to be
a defense attorney one day, his mother and father were driving down the road when
someone shot at them. His mother was shot in the side. By the time Jo got to the hospital,
it was too late and she died. The police investigated every angel they could on the case
and couldn’t come up with any leads. Angered and frustrated Jo decided to investigate. In
the meantime, his father remarried a young beautiful actress to Jo much displeasure. It
didn’t take long for Jo to start running into thugs and people involved in organized crime. He
couldn’t figure out the connection. Then he discover his father was a bootlegger and
people in organized crime where sending a message to him. Jo confronted his father with his
information. His father confessed his guilt, then he was shot in the back his new wife. Jo
shot her in return. Turns out she was a spy for the organized crime. Jo inherited his family
fortune. Jo sold the movie studio and wisely invested the money in other things, making him
a multi-millionaire. But what to do with his life know, Jo decided to put the skills he used to
solve is mother’s murder to use. He became a private eye, but not just any private eye, but
one wearing a mask to conceal his true identity. He became the Knight Detective, sort of a
knight-errant who worked as a detective. Since he first started he’s been an major thorn to
organize crime. He blames alcohol for killing his mother so he is a strong advocate for
probation and is now happy that it’s likely to be appealed. Nevertheless the only thing he
will drink is ginger ale and milk. Jo Knight is a lady’s man, a curse he claims he got from his
dad, but if you’re going to suffer from a vice, this is the one to have. Before the Stock
Market crashed in 1929, Jo’s friend and accountant Travis Bernard was smart enough to see
the writing on the wall and did enough thing to make sure Jo stayed a million despite the
economic hardship. Now in the midst of the Great Depression, the Knight Detective seems
to be working overtime helping the little guy. He will try to make sure the little guy is never
taken advantage of by others with money and power. His one regret, if every time a dame
walked into his life, it didn’t involve a punch to the face within 72 hours by some other

Real Name: Joseph Knight
Occupation: Wealthy Playboy, Private Detective in L.A. during 1933.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Super Sleuth (1930s version)
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 43
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: Joseph Knight is a thinker, but he can handle himself in a fight
somewhat). He doesn’t engage in regular exercise but finds himself in a lot of fists fights.
He has short brown hair and light brown eyes. As the Knight Detective he wears a blue
mask over his face. He does a number of things to change his posture, appearance, and
overall look that no one realizes who he really is.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 15, M.A. 23, P.S. 11, P.P. 15, P.E. 15, Spd. 24, P.B. 21
Age: 31, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: + 1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to
damage, +2 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +3 to perception.
Saving Throws: +2 to save vs. horror factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 75% trust/intimidate and 55% charm/impress.
Special Skills: Crime Scene Investigation (equal to 1960s-30 years ahead of current
methods of 1930s), See Through Disguise 78%, Recognize Forgery 86%, and I.D.
Undercover Agent 88%.
Educational Background: Special
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and
Pilot: Automobile 91%.
Special Skills: Pilot: Motorcycle 98%, Language: Spanish 86%, Hand to Hand: Basic,
W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Radio: Basic 98%, History 98%/98%, Law (General)
90%, Intelligence 80%, Interrogation 80%, Research 95%, Tailing 90%, Recognize Weapon
Quality 75%. Find Contraband 74%, Streetwise 68%, Disguise 72%, and Undercover Ops
Rogue Program: Pick Locks 85%, Safe Cracking 63%, Prowl 75%, and Seduction
Secondary Skills: Wardrobe & Grooming 78%, Public Speaking 65%,
Performance 67%, Play Piano 70%, Running, Business & Finance 70%, Climbing 75%/65%,
Pick Pocket 65%, Palming 55%, Concealment 44%, Rope Works 55%, Land Navigation 44%
and Roadwise 34%.
Money: Joseph Knight is independently wealthy (worth 50 million dollar-1930s
standards), so he has little need for anything. He always has cash on his person.
Weapons: Colt Official Police (.38 Revolver), Range; 164 feet 950 m), Damage: 3D6,
Rate of Fire; Single shot or short burst, Payload: 6 chamber side-loading cylinder. He usually
keeps 12 additional rounds on him.
Armor: His trench coat and hat doesn’t provide much protection.
Equipment & Vehicles: He drives around in a 1933 Ford Roadster (hopefully this one
won’t get shot up like the last five vehicles he’s own in the last three years, rotten Tommy
Guns). With his multi-millions he has access to latest and greatest spy technology of the
early 1930s.

Jo Knight has the following acquaintances who often join him in his numerous adventures.
Travis Bernard (his best friend and accountant, 5th level Ordinary Human), Police
Commissioner Norris Oneal (6th level Ordinary Human), Lilian Whitfield (a reporter, 6th level
ordinary human-“Et-hum don’t tell her but she thinks I’m her main squeeze but this job
requires a lot of…detecting), and Ralph “The Kid” Butler (his 11 year old orphan side kick).
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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keep going.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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His name is Lance Grimm. He is a super genesis who uses his intellectual powers to thwart
the forces of evil and villainy. No matter what evil goes, Proff. Grimm will be there to stop
it. This has been his life, or better yet his destiny. At the age of two, Grimm parents found
him reading books particular the tales of adventure (Robinson Crusoe, Count of Monte
Cristo, etc). By age four, he was pretending to be these men and saving the world. By the
age of eight, Grimm was doing the school work of someone three times his age. One day a
larger boy was picking on him. Lance struck the boy with a mighty punch to the solar
plexus. The boy dropped over dead. Although everyone considered the event an accident,
it haunted poor Grimm. To this very day, he has nightmares about the event. As a result,
Grimm refuses to do anything that will directly kill another human being. By age 12, Grimm
was attending Harvard University where he met with Professor Felton Tim Little. At first
Felton mentors the young Grimm, but before long the relationship reversed. Young Grimm
was teaching college classes and changing the way people saw many things. WW 1
changed everything. He read about the events and dreamed about doing something to
prevent such evils from ever happening again. By age 14, Grimm was board with school and
wanted to see the world. His parents let him travel the world. When he came back home at
age 16, Grimm was no longer an intelligent boy, but a genesis man. He was full of ideas and
inventions. He convinced his parents to buy a boat and he used it to sail to various places
in the world. At each spot, Lance and Doc Little found buried treasure. Lance took the
riches and invested the money. By age 18, Grimm was one of the richest men in the world.
He know used the money to journey around the world and wherever he went, he
confronted evil and villainy and put a stop to it. This has been his life for nearly twenty
years. Lance has traveled the world meeting all kinds of people. While in Japan, he spent
two weeks with Morihei Ueshiba, the founder and creator of Akido. He became a master of
the martial arts because of it. Disguised as a Russian soldier, he shook the hand of Joseph
Stalin, later that evening he snuck into his home and stole numerous plans and information
from a wall safe, while in Germany, he sabotaged a top secret mission to develop a jet
aircraft. He has made himself an arch enemy of the Nazis. He will stop them whenever he
can and keep them from becoming masters of the world. He is the self appointed protector
of humankind. He is admired by many, envied by more, and hated by a select few.

Real Name: Lance Grimm
Occupation: Rights all that is wrongs and punish all evildoers. He is an adventurer,
inventor, and explorer.
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Natural Genius
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 68 S.D.C.: 46
P.P.E.: 56
Appearance: Lance Grim is a superior athlete with a super intellect (far superior then
those in 1938). Everything he wears seems to be 10 years ahead of current fashion trends
(late 1940s). He has short light brown hair and light blue eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 24, M.A. 19, P.S. 22, P.P. 18, P.E. 17, Spd. 25, P.B. 15.
Age: 33, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.55 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg)
Vulnerability: Grimm knows he is faster, smarter, and better than everyone else. He
respect and tries to associate with others with a strong college education or share his
outlook on life. He will talk with “ordinary people” but his arrogance always put them on a
lesser status them himself or other educated people. Because he is so brilliant and dashing,
he takes foolish challenges, takes dangerous risks, and often underestimates those of
lesser mental status them himself. Grim has a firm code against directly taking of human
life, even the most evil being he will attempt to save their life instead of take it. Even if he
has rigged the villain’s island with explosives, he will attempt to warn his henchmen and
allow them time to get off the island. He will save whom he can if able too.
Mental Disciplines: Analytical Mind, Clinical Outlook, Odds Assessment, Mind over
Matter; Combat Trance, Iron Will Power, Enhanced Memory, Speed Reader, and Sexual
Combat Training: Akido
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +4 from hand to hand)
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +3 to strike, +7 to parry, +7 to dodge,+2 to auto
dodge, +7 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, +3 to disarm, +3 to
break fall, and +7 to perception. Combat trance (22 times per 24 hours, 20 melees, +2 to
attacks, +1 to initiative, +6 to strike/parry, +3 to dodge, +3 disarm, +3 to entangle, +3 to
pull punch, during trance skill performance is reduce by one-half, all bonus of Mental
Disciplines is also one-half, no other MD can be done with this trance).
Saving Throws: +11 to save vs. insanity, +10 to save vs. horror factor, +5 to save
vs. psionics, +9 to save vs. mind control, +5 to save vs. possession, +5 to save vs. drugs,
+5 to save vs. poison, +8 to save vs. illusion, +1 to save vs. magic, and +20% to save vs.
coma/death. Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Kick 2D4, +4 to strike/parry with Auto Body Flip
(1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus, lose initiative and 1 attack/action, critical strike on
unmodified roll of 18-20), Body Block/Tackle 1D4 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), and
All Holds.
Other Bonuses: +7% to all skills and 55% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Special
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 107%%/105%, Mathematics: Basic
109% and Pilot Automobile 97%%.
Mechanical (General) Program: Mechanical Engineer 117%, Basic Electronics 117%, and Locksmith 117%.
Investigation Program: History 142%/122%, Research 132%, Tailing 92%, and Writing
Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 121%, Astrophysics 122%, Astronomy &
Navigation 127%, and Anthropology 127%.
Language Program: Read-Write/Speak Japanese, German, Spanish, and Russian
Technical Program:. Business & Finance 127%, Law (General) 127%, Meditation
117%, and Jury-Rig 122%.
Law Enforcement: W.P. Handgun (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), Radio: Basic 107%, Crime
Scene Investigation 112% (equal to 1960s), Forensics 132% (equal to 1960s), Toxicology
127% (equal to 1960s), and Streetwise 67%.
2nd Investigation Program: Cryptography 117%, Intelligence 109 (134% when
dealing with women), Detect Concealment 82%, and Photography 122%.
Medical Doctor Program: Biology 127%, Chemistry 137%, Pathology 127%, and
Medical Doctor 127%/117%.
Hunter/Outdoormanship Skill Program (based on Rifter #25 by John C.
Philpott): Camouflage 77%, Fishing 97%, Land Navigation 83%, Prowl 82%, Tracking
(people) 82%, Wilderness Survival 87%, W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and Track and
Trap Animal 77%/87%.
Entertainer Program (base in part by John C. Philpott): Disguise 114%,
Impersonation 119%/104%, Performance 89%, Public Speaking 87%, Seduction 84%, and
Wardrobe & Grooming 97%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand; Akido, Athlete, Aerobics Athletics, Climbing
97%/87%, Swimming 107%, Running, Imitate Voice & Sounds 89%/83%, W.P. Trickshooting,
W.P. Knife (+3 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to throw), W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/parry), Play
Piano 87%, Play Violin 87%, Pilot: Airplane 85%, Pilot: Truck 91%, Cook 77%, Recognize
Weapon Quality 47%, and Boat: Sail Type 82%.
Money: Because he found half a dozen long lost buried treasures, he has amassed a
personal fortune of 10 million (by 1938 standards) in banks accounts, 30 million in stocks
and property, and has 1D4x100,000 dollars in cash on hand at all times. Grim was smart
enough to figure out which stocks, companies, and banks would go under when the Great
Depression so he was able to rearrange his finances, stocks, and property holdings
accordingly so he lost nothing. He remained one of the richest men in the world without
losing much money (just under 15,000 dollars).
Weapons: 2 Sleep Guns, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6+2, Rate of Fire:
Single shot or Semi-Auto, Feed: 15 round box mag. Each comes with a special silencer to
reduce noise. Each clip is loaded with Chemical Rounds filled a powerful tranquilizer (save
vs. non-lethal poison/16) that the moment the round impacts, the chemical instantly gets
absorbed into human skin, it causes its victims to instantly lapse into a comatose like state
for 1D4 hours, even if the save is made, the victims is woozy in 1D4 melees making him -3
to strike, parry, and dodge and -15% to skill rolls for 4D4 minutes. These penalties are
accumulative with additional Chem Rounds (there is a -1 penalty to the saving throw for
every additional 3 round of impact).
1 Snap Gun, this pistol-size weapon fires darts that deliver an incapacitating electric
shock. Range: 85 feet (26 m), Damage: 1 point of damage from the dart plus the victim
must make a save vs. 16 (non-lethal poison) or suffer –8 to strike, parry, and dodge.
Reduce Spd and number of attacks per melee by one-half. The victim has no initiative. The
effects last for 2D4 melees, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Feed: 8 shot clip. Note: The dart
affects those impervious to poison, unless they’re impervious to electricity. Victims cannot
use additional bonuses to save vs. poison (only P.E. attribute bonuses are applicable).
M1 Garand Rifle (.30-06), Range: 1500 feet (457 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire:
Single Shot, Feed: 8 round clip internal magazine. He knows how to fire the weapon, but he
rarely will use it against civilians.
Webley Revolver Mark IV (.38 caliber), Range: 131 feet (40 m), 3D6 damage, Rate of
Fire: Single shot or short burst, Feed: 6 chamber cylinder. He knows how to use the
weapon, but he rarely uses it against civilians.
Armor: Half Suit Vest: A.R.: 10, S.D.C. 50. He wears this when he knows he’s going
into danger and there’s a slight chance he will get shot.
Equipment & Vehicles: Professor Grim’s has at his disposal numerous gadgets and
gizmos with 1960s and early 1970s technology, even though he operates in the years 1938.
If such a device existed in 1960s and early 70s, Professor Grim has built it himself or gave
the plans to his secret design team and they made it for him.

He sometimes rides in the Sky Flier, an experimental blimp. The control car is not suspended
from external cables, but is hung from cables attached to the top of the envelope, and the
car is carried flush against the envelope as in modern blimps. The control car has a bunks
and a galley capable of supporting its crew of three. Maximum speed: 63 mph (101 km),
Cruising speed: 46 mph (74 km), Range at maximum speed: 1082 miles (1,731 km), Range at
cruising speed: 1,888 miles (3,020 km). Length: 219 (66.75 m), Diameter: 53.9 ft (16.4 m),
Overall height: 70 ft (21 m), Useful lift: 7,684 lb (3457 kg).

Sometimes he flies around in his personal private plan, the White Falcon, a high-wing,
braced monoplane. The interior is luxuriously furnished, with deeply upholstered seats.
There is an oversize cabin door to ease boarding for its four passengers. Crew: One pilot.
Capacity: 4 passengers. Length: 27 ft 7 in (8.41 m). Wingspan: 39 ft 3 in (11.96 m).
Maximum speed: 128 mph (205 km). Range: 600 miles (960 km).

Grimm owns a fleet of cars, trucks, aircraft, and boats which he stores at a secret hangar
at his mansion just outside of Ultropolis.

Grimm’s mansion occupies a three mile stretch on 2000 acres of wooded land. The grounds
around the main house, leading down to the lake are well-tended, but the remaining land,
particular near the property line, is left wooded. The property rises to the east in low
foothills. A landing strip is hidden in these hills. The mansion, boat house, and garage are
clearly visible. The hangers and turntables for the aircraft are located underground, as are
a set of tunnels for transporting personnel and large objects between the strip and the
mansion. All aircraft enter and exit from the secret entrance that opens over the cliff
beside the ocean.

Grimm’s is often accompanied by the following people who share in his adventures.

Lieutenant Kermit Reid (5th level Navy Pilot, Ordinary Person). He is the one who flies the
Sky Flier and the White Falcon. His vocabulary is typical of comic book side-kicks. A genius
when it comes to working with a radio.

Loyd Rabbit (a 5th level British Medical Doctor, Ordinary Person). He is Grimm personal
physician, although he never listens to the man. Loyd is also a master fencer.

Numbers Page (a 5th level Mathematician, Ordinary Person). He is fascinated by the use of
mathematics and how they can be applied for anything.

Dwayne Garner (a 5th level Professional Boxer, Ordinary Person). He is a big African
American boxer. He hopes one day to take on Joe Louis for the title but Grimm keeps him
busy. He loves a good fight and cracking jaws.

Doctor Felton Tim Little (a 6th level Harvard Professor, Ordinary Person). He is 50 years old
and smokes a pipe. He is an expert on history and world affairs. He always seems to know
what’s going on as if he reads every newspaper in the world.

Amber Potts (a 6th level Secretary). Grimm’s personal assistant and secretary. She is in
love with Grimm but he never acknowledges. He is always saving her (gets captured almost
every adventure). He will always put his life on the line for her, despite the lack of
affection. He knows how to be a master seducer (does it all the time) but never with her.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Another Great character.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Quote the Boogeyman
(The original)

Carson Jefferson was born in Century Station in 1911. At the time Century Station was one of
the busiest ports in country. The port exported most of the nation's commodities. This money to
the city but it also brought crime and corruption. During the 1920s, Century Station was a
haven for gangsters, including the notorious Warden Jackal, battled each other and law
enforcement on the city streets during the Prohibition era. A 13 year old Carson was walking
home from school one day when he witness several hired thugs of Warden Jackal gun down Nico
DeTeluzzi and his friends. Ercole DeTeluzzi wanted revenge but he also wanted to know who was
responsible. The corrupt police were quick to give up Carson Jefferson. Carson was coming home
from school when DeTeluzzi thugs snatched him. They demanded he tell them what they wanted
to know, instead Carson psychic powers manifested themselves and he convinced them to take
him home.

A few days later Carson, his brother Jack, and his mother were home waiting for his father to
arrive. Carson sixth sense went off and he ducked down just in time. The bullets peppered the
walls. His mom rushed outside to find her husband dead on the lawn. The family moved away in
fear. Five years later, Carson joined the U.S. Army. During his time there, he secret put his
“powers” to use. He became a master code breaker and interrogator. He also appeared to be a
master sharpshooter when in reality his mental powers aiding him. After six years, he left the
military after his older brother Jack got himself killed trying to get even with the DeTeluzzi family.
Carson came home to comfort his mother. He went to college to study to become a journalist.
Then one day while listening to the radio, he heard how the police had Ercole DeTeluzzi on
racketing charges but they couldn’t prove a thing. Carson decided to scare a confession out of
him. He dressed all in black and wore a goblin looking mask. Using his psychic power to make
himself “invisible” to the eyes of men, he suddenly appeared in the bedroom of Ercole Deteluzzi.
He indeed “scared” the mob boss to death. When the bodyguard came in, they found him dead.
Written on the mirror in soap where the famous words of the Boogeyman.

From that night one the Boogeyman became the night avenger of Century Station. Soon he was
confronting numerous villains and crime syndicates, eventually coming face to face with Warden
Jackal himself. Despite his best attempts to put the man behind bars, the Jackal always found a
means to get out of jail on some technicality. Recently Carson has started a romantic
relationship with fellow reporter Madison Woods (6th level Ordinary Human). He is afraid to tell
her about who he really is, the infamous Body Snatcher who snatched criminal out of their bed.
Or the low life thug found in the crime pits of Century Station known as Shady Jack. He is not
sure how long he will keep up the identity of the Boogeyman but he feel strongly about making
Century Station a better place for tomorrow.

Note: When WW2 starts, Carson who has married Madison in 1941 will reenlist in the
military. He will be killed oversees. His 16 year old son Danny will find the Boogeyman costume in
1957. He will become the second Boogeyman. He will master his father's guns as a Trickshot
gunslinger. He will be replace in 1969 by a nameless mutant. When he dies 20 year later, the man
with the Symbiote take his place. He will be killed and replaced by Colin Beard (who've you can
find on page 7 or 8 of this post). Thus the Legacy of the Boogeyman.

Real Name: Carson Dan Jefferson
Aliases: The Body Snatcher or Shady Jack
Occupation: Former Army Communications Expert, a newspaper reporter for Century
Station Observer (1940), and protector of the Streets of Century Station.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 28, M.E. 27, M.A. 12, P.S. 13, P.P. 14, P.E. 29, Spd 33, P.B. 11.
Age: 29. Sex: Male. Height: 6 foot, 2 inches (1.88 m). Weight: 190 lbs (85.5 kg)
Experience Level: 5th
Appearance: He is dressed in a black slouch hat, a regular black suit, a black Inverness
coat, and white gloves. He wears a mask that makes him look like a goblin.
Hit Points: 47 S.D.C. 48
P.P.E.: 29
I.S.P.: 204
Power Category: Natural Psionic
Healing Psionics: Induce Sleep and Psychic Diagnosis
Physical Psionics: Deaden Senses, Death Trance, Mind Block, Nightvision, and Summon Inner Strength.
Sensitive Psionics: Intuitive Combat, Object Read, See Aura, Sense Evil, See the
Invisible, Sense Time, Sixth Sense, Telepathy, and Total Recall.
Super Psionics: Advance Trance State, Hypnotic Suggestion, Insert Memory, Psionic
Invisibility, and Thought-Reading (see Beyond the Supernatural, 2nd edition page 128).
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Number of Attacks: 5 (2 Initial + 3 from Hand Combat)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to Initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +2 to pull
punch, and +4 to roll with punch/fall.
Saving Throws: He needs a 10 or better to save vs. psionics. +6 to save vs. psionics,
+10 to save vs. insanity, +5 to save vs. possession, +3 to save vs. horror factor, +28% to save
vs. coma/death, and +7 to save vs. poison & magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick
2D4, Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), and Tripping/
Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown).
Other Bonuses: +14% to all skills.
Education Level: Military then went to college for two years.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98% and Pilot
Automobile 89%%.
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing 89%/79%, Forced March, Military Etiquette
84%, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+2 to strike).
Communications Program: Basic Electronics 79%, Radio: Scrambler 84%, and
Cryptography 74%.
Military Law Enforcement Program: W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), Crime Scene
Investigation (1940) 79%, Law (General) 79%, and Intelligence 71%.
Learned Skill Program: Journalist Program: History 93%/79%, Research 84%, Tailing 79%,
and Writing 69%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, Athlete, Prowl 64%, Swimming 89%, Land
Navigation 70%, Roadwise 60%, Streetwise 54%, Performance 56%, and Wardrobe & Grooming
Money: He makes enough money as a 1940s reporter to live a very comfortable life.
Weapons: Two custom-made M1911 pistols, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate
of Fire: Single shot or short burst, Feed: 7 round magazine. He always keeps 2 extra clips for
each gun on his person.
Vehicles and Equipment: He drives around in a 1940 DeSoto Two Door Convertible Coupe
black exterior, black leather interior, convertible top and black enamel paint. He utilizes whatever
he finds necessary to defeat his opponent.

Whenever he needs someone to drive him he relies on former 45 year old bus driver Craig Guy
(7th level Ordinary Human). He also enjoys the friendship of Detective Victor Tyler (6th level
Ordinary Human) who helps him catch the numerous criminals he puts away. Working at the
paper he is very close with photographer 20 year old Rick Huff (3rd level Ordinary Human), and
Managing Editor Percy Freeman (8th level Ordinary Human).
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Thought I have time to do a villain but new job will be starting soon. So its going to have to wait
awhile guys. No to worry be back before you now it.
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Great to known.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Juce734 »

Wish I knew of this thread earlier. I am going to have to find some characters and possibly create some for this thread. These are great!
Games: Savage Rifts, Fantasy Age, Dragon Age, Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, Heroes Unlimited, TMNT, Ninjas and Superspies, and Rifts
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/MasterTheGameRPG (please check out)
Website: https://www.rpgjuce.com/master-the-game-rpg-link-tree
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Thanks, always glad to have other people join the party :D .
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I hope thers a update soon.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Doing some stuff on the fantasy board right now. I'll be back soon with some new updates on some old individuals.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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AlexanderD wrote:wish there was this much enthusiasm for aliens unlimited woohooo!! gonna take me forever to read all those characters shibby!

I've been trying to think what should be my next post. There are a couple of alien races I created
for this adventure I did way back in 1st edition revised HU and Aliens Unlimited. Time to dust off
these aliens races and give them the 2.5 update treatment :mrgreen: .
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great to known.

I hope you tell ther type of Government they have,the level of tech andsome of ther ships.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Yeah I'll probably do that too. There will be three races. Hope to have at least one of them up
before the end of September 2011.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Juce734 »

Wright you do fantastic work. I know I as well as many others appreciate your submissions. I've never used one of yours but maybe someday I will run one in as an NPC.
Games: Savage Rifts, Fantasy Age, Dragon Age, Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, Heroes Unlimited, TMNT, Ninjas and Superspies, and Rifts
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

:D Thanks for the appreciation. I do this for Palladium fans who are always in search of new NPCs
for their games. Unlike Palladium Fantasy or Rifts where we have a nearly three dozens books full
of monsters and bad guys, Heroes is limited to Villains, Century, Gramercy, Mutant, Aliens Unlimited
(a few), G.M. Guide, and Armageddon (if you want to fight demons/deevil and some really nasty
villains). I mean how many times do you want to keep fighting the same bad guys like in a 1970s
Marvel and DC comic? So I provide free of charge a whole host of NPCs to use as well as updates
from 1st edition. As said earlier, I hope to get to work on some aliens races soon. The stuff on
doing on the fantasy board is taking longer then I thought.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Zenvis »

Reagren Wright wrote::D Thanks for the appreciation. I do this for Palladium fans who are always in search of new NPCs
for their games. Unlike Palladium Fantasy or Rifts where we have a nearly three dozens books full
of monsters and bad guys, Heroes is limited to Villains, Century, Gramercy, Mutant, Aliens Unlimited
(a few), G.M. Guide, and Armageddon (if you want to fight demons/deevil and some really nasty
villains). I mean how many times do you want to keep fighting the same bad guys like in a 1970s
Marvel and DC comic? So I provide free of charge a whole host of NPCs to use as well as updates
from 1st edition. As said earlier, I hope to get to work on some aliens races soon. The stuff on
doing on the fantasy board is taking longer then I thought.

Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
Imagination is more important than knowledge." but knowledge does help. - Albert Einstein
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. - Albert Einstein
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Just start back on my old job during the day. So my time to work on aliens have been nixed :( , but I'm still laying the
ground work on converting these guys for the board so it will take a bit longer then normal. Nevertheless three alien
species are coming with full stats, space ships, and equipment. Hope the HU community enjoys them.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

I can wait.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

Always like seeing New Aliens.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

The first race of aliens is done. Soon as I get back from Indy I will post the Tanteers :D . The Ogaireans and the Zirlons will
follow soon after.
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