Dark Designs Progress

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Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

Just figured I'd let you guys know that Nightbane hasn't been forgotten. I'm in the early stages of the manuscript for Dark Designs still, but I'm hoping to have something to Kev before the end of the year. Currently, I'm sitting at 8-12 new Morphus tables and 50+ new Talents. There will definitely be more to the book, but my plan for now is a 64-96 page sourcebook that wraps up material we didn't have room for in the NBSG. I'm currently toying with the idea of including another pre-made adventure, what do you all think?

Anywho, I know I've been somewhat absentee as of late so I wanted to make sure you all knew I hadn't disappeared like some of the previous Nightbane guys (much to some of your dismay, I'm sure :lol: ). So, keep hanging in there folks, from what I've heard from Kev this shouldn't be another "wait multiple years for the next book" scenarios. Until then, hope you all are still enjoying the Survival Guide. :)

PS: Grad school is dominating most of my free time now, or else I'd be shooting for completion of the manuscript on a month or two.
Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
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Nekira Sudacne
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Pre-made adventures are nice, but don't do it if it means cutting into pagecount for more setting material (which NB desperately needs!). More morphus and talents are always cool!

if it comes down to the crunch, a few one page Hook-line-sinker adventures could be subsituted for a full pre-made adventure.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Steeler49er »

I'm always suprised at how much of a wealth of 'well written' information one could find in the original Nightspawn/bane main book, so If we get a similar page count AND some more cool art (Always helps with envisioning the world), more Talents, Morphi, and uptodate world info, etc...
Then I'm good to buy it NOW!
______________________________________WHAT'S NEEDED________________________________________
•Even if it would just be general info, we need to know about OTHER countries/nations and how they're faring.

-Russia: A Huge place with a huge history of violance, conflict, and people seemingly being okay with it (at least on the surface), but after the fall of the wall their economy went to $__t. Gangs & and the Bratva ran/run dark deals under the streets of Russian and CIS cities and have been active in criminal oil trading as well as money laundering, drugs, smuggling nuclear material and gun running.
They're gangs run so amuck that it has become a complex game that just trying to go after 'Heads' of the Mafiya like 'Don Semion Mogilevich' would be too huge of an undertaking for police and law enforcement to handle. Plus the Bratva will (unlike Cosa Nostra & US mafiya groups) go after and Kill law officers... And their families and friends!
Which is a Big reason to just let them live on doing what they do.

Nowa days they are involved in the sex trade which includes everything from white alvery to child pornograpghy rings, snuff, and you name it, in addition to adding an even More burgoning Drug trade with Other drug cartels world wide.

QUESTION: How are the Nightlords dealing with them And the Russian/CIS in general? Do they, the Ba'al, support a bring back to the Communistic value system via making and supporting "Real Change" in helping destroy the Bratve for no other reason than to restart ever so efficiant concerntration/death camps again? Organized crime is Always a great galvanizing force so as to help try and bring about Martial-Law! Economic down turns are as well great for doing this. And Nothing kills more humans than A) Zealous Wars and B) Communism. Both are to thing that the Ba'al have total ability to start when fear runs ramped. Does Ba'al lead Russia stur-up more anamosity with Georgia by posing as Georgian terrorist?
Even a Brief overview would shead Some light on things.

Remember that Nightspawn has a shared history with all other Palladium earths? So what then are the reactions of the Jade Court and the Yama Kings? Do the Enlightended (and Other Immortals) take action? Do the Celestial Dragons get involved?
Who's in control in China? Surely since MAGIC exists as a fact in nightspawn/bane and all other PB books, this would mean that magic users could NEVER fully loose power over nations, and China least of all! It is Athiest run nowa days but a Majority still clung to the old ways, especially in rural locations... And who's to say the the move towards communism was not, in the first place, the idea of Magic users so as to hide their control over the nation. As at that point only other magic users are a threat so, get rid of peoples belief and knowledge of a thing and you gain a monopoly by owning the magical market.
but now that the Ba'al have made their move, who in china will follow. Communism may ahve been a great BOON for magic users wishing to control China from behind the scenes but, it works even better for the Ba'al who gain the lions share of their power over Matter, and loose in Magic. Marxism (Communism, Progressivism, Socialism... Or CPS) are the playgrounds of Ba'al powers so, if the the Magical community ever wishes to gain back influance (assuming they ever lost it) they May HAVE TO destroy their greatest creation for control.
Now will you get involved oh'ye Enlightened Ones?

South America: So many countries, soooo many rules, sooo, many types of government...
No wonder why in an alternative earths future, this is where the first Rifts would arise!!!
S.A. is an endless hodge podge of countries all dedicated to individual goals and those goals are all so very varied that the Only way the Ba'al would be able to control Any of it would be for them to put forth a major under taking, one equalling that of 1/3rd that of what they are doing with the rest of the world in total.
So it would be no wounder that they may forgo 'Absolute Control' over this region of the world in favor of Limited Control over the largest of nations like; Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, etc...
Also the Drug cartels are at an all time high by the late 90's just prior to the Ba'al overthrow... So who's in control NOW?

Drugs are a Wonderful tool for controlling the masses, meaning that if you're to doped up to see a problem comming then you can not very well stop it either, now can you? However, having the Cartels in control of the dope is NOT how the Ba'al would like it as this would trun the cartels into 'gods' of economic might...
So how would the Ba'al play it? Would they push to make drugs legal (starting with the soft stuff like hemp, then going to coce, then moving ever closer to the harder stuff)? This Would put the cartels into a bad spot and they would not like that... Unless they are going to get a cut of the take... then they MAY very well end up in control of making the Ba'al the absolute masters of SA in just some years.

The Middle East:
Despite this reigion being the starting point of the the War between light and darkness, and Also being where King Molech first one his first cupy-doll from the vending machine of life....
I'm not touching that place with a 1000ft pole!!!
And i can see why kevi wouldn't do so either.

The E.U. :
No one has had a history of being MORE obsessed with world domination than the sectret leaderships of the many nations of the EU, they are patient and if they need to they will plot for several hundered years to get what they want... And NO ONE WILL STOP THEM!!!
So have the Ba'al erkked them off by derailing their vaunted grand schemes? Looks that way and the ba'al Know it. So what have the reactions of the the Puppet Masters to the earth beeen like when they had been sooo very close to acheiving that goal? Needless to say that they have been Quite aware of the Ba'al for much of time, but did they foresee in time This move by the Nightlords? Did they have plans ready to combat them, or did the Nightlords Know that They knew that the NightLords knew that they Knew????
Did they think that they would loose so much, or did they save themselves in time, only to now just be getting on their feet.

the US was caught completely off guard, but the Puppet Masters didn't just spend thousands of years of heavily motivated planning JUST to have some second rate god-like upstarts like Molech crew come in and screw it all up.
The Puppet master are going to have More access to Thousands of years of magic and forgotten tech than Anyone else, and they WILL USE IT... but not in any direct way since they have just spent centuries covering their tracks and even if their plans are put on hold, they Still intend to get things back in full swing once the pesky Ba'al are destroid..
Likely they'd rather just keep the existance of the Ba'al a secret from the public so that once the Masters return to power, it is a smooth transition. If people find out however, this will bold Very badly for the Masters of Men, and they suspect that the nightlords Know this and may be using this as Thee trump-card in keeping the Masters-of-Men at bay, which is a dangerious gambit for both parties.

Nothing says making it easy to create a simple story with verylittle whooplah than Africa. Everything thing here is pretty much strait foreward and you should find it easy to do. No fuss no muss. Anything can go here.

The U.S. :
Back to the ye old U.S. of A... The Nightlords would do well to learn from those who would wish to control the world. You can't control that much land mass (earth namely) unless you can "Mirco-Manage" things, and nothing spells M.i.c.r.o.m.a.n.a.g.e. better than the word I.n.t.e.r.n.e.t.!
Communications are the thing of worlds conquirers wet-dreams and they love it, but the ba'al seem to have made the Worst possible mistake in not realizing that fact. to Then they saw it as a means for their enemies to get the drop on them and for the people to stay inforemed, so they have tride to restrict it as best as they could, in fact All of that new fangled Tech-Nol-o-Gee is so far behind that, in this one area, the Nightlords have shot themselves in the foot. Yeeh who controls the information, controls the world.
Humans (US citizens more than many others) tend to think that easy access to free infomation prevents governments from gaining control (as do aparantly the Ba'al), but this couldn't be further from the truth as This arrogant attitude is the breeding grounds of apathy! See when someone has access to all of that information and more (like where tech would have been by 2008 if the Ba'al had instead heped it along) then NOONE anywhere would have been able to escape from the Ba'al.
Satellites, GPS, Credit cards, Low-Jacks in every-car, cameras at every intersection, and Internet to keep track of what people are saying, doing, and most of all believing in... if the ba'al would have had access to all of that then they'd have had the US by the balls...

Instead it seems that Only Lillith seems to have caught on that overt commecial propaganda is the real way to go. Control the mind of the people and you have already won this war... But maybe just Maybe this failure may be due to the fact that the Ba'al (as inhuman as they are now) were at one time human and Bordom, not ignorance, may be at work in their minds. They have been gods for thousands of years now and have had no one to play with, and the US just looked soooo inviting by saying "Come on by, Come on in... Have fun and Stay for awhile" that the Nightlords desided that the best and most dangerious party should be in their own New backyard...
And again the United States of Apathy strikes it's biggest blow by dissarming the Ba'als better sence of how to win a war, Thus making the US the Real graveyard of the ba'al for now that the ba'al have ignored the internet, the Nightspawn can domminate it.
And why can they dominate it...
Simple! If the Ba'al had advanced the net, it would have gone Mostly wireless and mostly fiberoptic, thus totally taking away the power of that old time "Lightning Rider" talent... Additionally the ba'al Could have made the NEW NightlordNet ™ to Their specifications!!!

Now that that is all said, this means that if the nightlords will find themselves in trouble, it will be because of this fact more than almost anyother.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by AzathothXy »

Steeler49er wrote:I'm always suprised at how much of a wealth of 'well written' information one could find in the original Nightspawn/bane main book, so If we get a similar page count AND some more cool art (Always helps with envisioning the world), more Talents, Morphi, and uptodate world info, etc...
Then I'm good to buy it NOW!
______________________________________WHAT'S NEEDED________________________________________
•Even if it would just be general info, we need to know about OTHER countries/nations and how they're faring.

-Russia: A Huge place with a huge history of violance, conflict, and people seemingly being okay with it (at least on the surface), but after the fall of the wall their economy went to $__t. Gangs & and the Bratva ran/run dark deals under the streets of Russian and CIS cities and have been active in criminal oil trading as well as money laundering, drugs, smuggling nuclear material and gun running.
They're gangs run so amuck that it has become a complex game that just trying to go after 'Heads' of the Mafiya like 'Don Semion Mogilevich' would be too huge of an undertaking for police and law enforcement to handle. Plus the Bratva will (unlike Cosa Nostra & US mafiya groups) go after and Kill law officers... And their families and friends!
Which is a Big reason to just let them live on doing what they do.

Nowa days they are involved in the sex trade which includes everything from white alvery to child pornograpghy rings, snuff, and you name it, in addition to adding an even More burgoning Drug trade with Other drug cartels world wide.

QUESTION: How are the Nightlords dealing with them And the Russian/CIS in general? Do they, the Ba'al, support a bring back to the Communistic value system via making and supporting "Real Change" in helping destroy the Bratve for no other reason than to restart ever so efficiant concerntration/death camps again? Organized crime is Always a great galvanizing force so as to help try and bring about Martial-Law! Economic down turns are as well great for doing this. And Nothing kills more humans than A) Zealous Wars and B) Communism. Both are to thing that the Ba'al have total ability to start when fear runs ramped. Does Ba'al lead Russia stur-up more anamosity with Georgia by posing as Georgian terrorist?
Even a Brief overview would shead Some light on things.

I just want info on Lord Mocker.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Steeler49er »

New stuff that i'd like to see...
Well, I created an ANTI-BANE group (as a player) not out of a need to be creating something, but rather out of the fact that i rolled up a "Ken" and was shunned by Other bane for being a Pretty boy. When some bane decided to leave me to die instead of letting me into their local 'Freak Club",, and actually Laughed at me while I fought for my life and only deciding to "Jump in an help" once they figured that I'd been "De-prettyfide" enough (Read cut up, bleeding, and scard). At which point in hearing that I actually told them to p-ss off! I then fought most of the hounds off and killed most of them... But one got me!!!
Luckely, even though I was killed (which didn't go over so well with some of the local Elder bane, who frankly invented that stupid rule) i was not Really killed since I had a limited time usage Talent called nine lives which eachtime I was "killed", it reduced me by 1 level, lost me my Talents that I payed for in that Level, and cost me a loss of [Time revived X10] in lost PPE.
Being my First time the loss was only 10Perm PPE. (Next time was -20PPE, time after that was -30PPE and left me with only 3Perm PPE... But that's a story for another time-Mako).

So after that I became the Best hound slayer and "Returned form the Grave"... I then snubbed all of the Ugly-nightbane community and formed the "Paradisiac", which was a place for spreading anti-ugily nightbane propaganda and was Only for perfect souls (Pretty Banes). we went on to exist soley for the destruction of freak Clubs and all who would have joind them, all the while we made ourselve out to be angles of mercy and love (war like love, but love) by saving normal humans and curing them of sickness. We went out of our ways to create "Lightspawn" and normal forms of Technology. Of course my PC could careless about all of that BS propaganda he was spreading, frankly he just wanted to teach the Nightspawn of the Freak Clubs that they were acting childish and that they should have focused on the real enemy (the Ba'al) by my PC pretending to act Petty as well.
Kind of a life lesson since Humans tend to react better to slaps in the face than to kind words.

Now what this brings up is some Major great points:
A) Not all bane are going to be Pro-bane (even if they are still anti-nightlords). Some may have actually had Other Nightbane mistreat them and May have actulally gone out on personal crusades to collect New Nightspawn so as to turn them into weapons for their equally narrow minded wars.

On group that the "Paradisiac" came into contact with were a group of nightbane that secretly had been going around out on a kill all bane Crusade. They all Dressed in the same armor and talberds and had all been indoctrinated so as to hate/kill other night bane. A girl who'd been raped after an SCA even by some Nightbane Warlords when she went through her becoming had formed "Le Crusade". Those Nightbane were so drunk and high that they didn't even know the reason why they targetted her out of everyone there was because she was a nightbane herself. We had to fight them and they were Mine and the "Paradisiacs" prejudicial equals.
Tough fight.

Now if We existed, then out of 10,000 Nightspawn +/-, we can't be the onlyones.

B) Nightspawn Tech:
It has been brought up in resent decades that if Superuhumans existed, may would have powers which could help further fule technologicak break throughs. Some Very great examples of this can be found in the comics like "The Authority" or in everyones Favorite WW superhero RPG "Aberrant Trinity", both show what happens when someone developes the powers of Super brainyness or powers to create Super tech which doesn't seem to make logical sence, and yet it clearly works and it works better than normal tech, or can do what normal tech could not normaly do. More over is what happens when a Spuer being (nightspawn in this case) develope powers (Talaents) that let them mess around with matter.

My PC developed the Talent for repositioning Molecules (Molecular rearrangement) which I used to put the "Paradisiac" ahead of the curve by mass producing new and advance forms of Normal human tech.

So the question is:
-What New forms of tech exist, yet are hidden and, whos got them?
-Nightbane Talents can mimick Many things, what about Nightbane with talents that allow them to quickly create nightbane versions of Techno-wazardry?
-What about Nightbane that become Smarter due to their morphis... Sometimes that happens, instead of developing heightened reflexis and or flight, or bulging muscles, they sometimes grow huge big brains. A few of these potential mad Scientists have Got to exist.

C) Social Bane power:
In the Paradisiac we had Nightbane who had "Social Talents" which is more in line with ST RPing than ye old Hack'n'slack DM RPGing. But PB has NO good hardset rules for this type of roleplaying (AKA Social Combat), but so far Other RPGs that have brought up the value of social combat (Like White Wolf WoD/ and WW-Aberrant, and WW-Exalted) all have overly complex and difficult to follow rules that attempt to mimic real combat and thus tend to get bogged down with stranger than needed rule sysytems...
QUESTION: Could you throw in Creative, simple, easy to follow, short and sweet social rules of some sort.

D) AR, PV, and Hardness rules have been completely forgotten with the Nightspawn (and in the case of PV & Hardness, almost completely ignored in almost every Palladium Book)... I'd like some bane to simple Not take damage from low impact attacks, even if they must sacrifice gaining excess SDC. The reason is that Not every Nightspawn is created equally. Some nightspawn can get hit by tank rounds and laugh it off due to a High PV, only to then be hit by a dark spear and die. that reason is because they had a high hardness (PV) but low density (SDC)... Others may instead be made of Diamond and seem to be able to take ever greater hits from attacks, only to be hit at a bad angle and then shatter.

It's not so much important than it is a matter of allowing for much more varied types of Morphis to exist.
It gets annoying to say Morphis-X grants you +10 sdc, and Morphis-Y Grants 11sdc...
Hows about a "Morphis-X" makes you weigh 1000lbs and gives you 3D4x20 SDC for it, a "Morphis-Y" Gives you a Diamond Form that has a High 20AR but low +20sdc. And finally a Metal armor platting Morphis that has Resistance to Damage lower than 60 Blunt (Armor pen, claws, and other shrap pointy thing greatly reduce this) has no AR, Grant some extra SDC but Only to those metal plates and finally any hit to the bane over 14 to strike gets inbetween those metal plates and by passes them entierly (Instead of an Amor Rating AR, it has a Chance Hit or CH).

Be a Palladium Trend setter and try to get some of these rules through. CJ got the Perseption rule into the book (Only Robotech used them prior, and only for invid, and It used a differing system). People have wanted such game rules for years and have cryed out for them on many occasions.

ADDITIONALLY: Hows about being the Very first PB game to include DEFFINATIVE Hit location rules! Everyone wants just one rule system and we keep getting 20 "optional but never canon" rules and a few "This is how I play it" suggestions.
It would be cool if we had Hit location rules for HP & SDC to be based off of the main body (and Not a division there of the main body).

ADDITIONALLY: Hows about starting Attribute bonuses out at 11 and not 16. It seems Very odd to have useless stats in this game. More over sometimes people have Low attributes and reasonable negatives should apply for attributes of 9 and below. All of this would imply that a attribute of 10 is the average. So many of my players can't ever seem to find rhyme or Reason behind PBs ruel systems and this has turned them off to the games in droves.

ADDITIONALLY: Hows about some quick up dates for modern weapons in the books, PB has been using the same cut n paste since the 80's and it is very dated.

ADDITIONALLY: Hows about some small maps that are GOOD! I remember that maps were always important when RPGing and yet PB hardly ever had, and if they did they were seldom helpful. In 'Rifts Vampire Kingdom' we finally get a REALLY awsome and useful map for a city (Ciudad Juarez) that Oddly enough isn't even shown on the Mexico overview map Nor was it ever mentioned at any point in the books at any point (Came out of no where)!!! I had to look it up and Mark it in the book!

Then years later i can't wait for the maps of Kingsdale (Juicer Uprising) and when i finally get the book I found myself swearing my head off!!!! Why, cuz the map was made using what looked like MS Paint! All boxes in a row, no creativity, no worth while info, poor design. I Was gipped and I knew it.

nightspawn is done in THIS era and therefore the only maps one would need to create could be done using maps of THIS world. Not that hard, but it would be nice to see.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Warwolf wrote:Just figured I'd let you guys know that Nightbane hasn't been forgotten. I'm in the early stages of the manuscript for Dark Designs still, but I'm hoping to have something to Kev before the end of the year. Currently, I'm sitting at 8-12 new Morphus tables and 50+ new Talents. There will definitely be more to the book, but my plan for now is a 64-96 page sourcebook that wraps up material we didn't have room for in the NBSG. I'm currently toying with the idea of including another pre-made adventure, what do you all think?

Anywho, I know I've been somewhat absentee as of late so I wanted to make sure you all knew I hadn't disappeared like some of the previous Nightbane guys (much to some of your dismay, I'm sure :lol: ). So, keep hanging in there folks, from what I've heard from Kev this shouldn't be another "wait multiple years for the next book" scenarios. Until then, hope you all are still enjoying the Survival Guide. :)

PS: Grad school is dominating most of my free time now, or else I'd be shooting for completion of the manuscript on a month or two.

Good news Warwolf!

An adventure would actually be good. H,L,S's just as good.
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic
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Nekira Sudacne
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Easy Stealer. It's just one book, I don't think he's going to be able to fit all of that into one book if he only tried to follow your wishlist :D

But more seriously, I don't think it's necessary to bring Mystic/Rifts China stuff into Nightbane, it works better as a seperate entity, also, Russia is already established as the sole province of Mocker.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Steeler49er »

I have Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

Hah. While I appreciate Steeler's enthusiasm, this really isn't going to be the book for much (if any) setting info. A little bit might work its way in via HLS, adventure, or even some fluff. Rather, Irvin and I have plans for future setting-specific books (similar to Rifts World Books in function). Unfortunately, those are still a little ways off... :-?

Also, I must go ahead and disclose that as soon as I saw the word "Russia" I stopped reading your post, Steeler. I'm sure you have some cool concepts, but to prevent future claims of inpropriety I avoid what could be considered the IP of others at all cost. This is especially the case since I have some personal plans for info on Russia (and South America, and Australia, and Western Europe, and Africa, etc. :demon: ) which already exist in note-form and may have been alluded to as early as the NBSG. :D
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The Dark Elf
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Warwolf wrote:This is especially the case since I have some personal plans for info on Russia (and South America, and Australia, and Western Europe, and Africa, etc. :demon: )

So Irvin got Asia, you got rest of the world.....

Warwolf wrote:which already exist in note-form and may have been alluded to as early as the NBSG. :D

Im pretty sure I'd heard of these places even before NBSG came out. :clown:
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic
Rifter 55 The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C.
Rifter 59 The Lopanic Games adventure "The Lion, the Ditch & the Warlock". Illustrations to this adventure can be found here.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

The Dark Elf wrote:
Warwolf wrote:This is especially the case since I have some personal plans for info on Russia (and South America, and Australia, and Western Europe, and Africa, etc. :demon: )

So Irvin got Asia, you got rest of the world.....

No, no... we haven't divvied up world material as it's too far off to make concrete plans about as of yet (for Irvin and I, we're probably looking at 2-3 years or more).

The Dark Elf wrote:
Warwolf wrote:which already exist in note-form and may have been alluded to as early as the NBSG. :D

Im pretty sure I'd heard of these places even before NBSG came out. :clown:

I know the parenthetical interjection may have confused you, but if you pull that out you can plainly see that my IDEAS were the subject that part of the sentence referenced... not the places. :P And you want to write stuff... pshaw. :wink:
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

I like HL&S ! These are great! More Talents, Morphus Tables? Ok, Good.
I'd like to see more creepy Spells though. Still, it's good to see NB being supported again!
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Mephisto wrote:Warwolf, I honestly hope that the "World Book" formula never hits Nightbane, I'd rather see a "Timeline" series, where events are chronicled in a somewhat loose episodic nature, such as "Enter the Mocker", "Underground Railroaded", "Lilith's Gambit" and "Reclusion of the Eliminator" that would provide source material and a kind of "maxi-adventure" in the formula of the Nightlands books. Nightbane IS a meta-plot line after all, and while not everything needs to be explained, a progression of the war between the Nightbane and the Nightlords is the most logical progression of the property. My favorite thought would be "Janice Hotchkiss endorses Mega-Cola! Details in the National Prescriber!"

I have to say, I hope and pray this never happens. I dispise Metaplot advancement in all forms. All books should proivde a snapshot of the setting, a single moment in time that all games will flow from. Plotlines should be introduced, but never, ever advanced by any canonal writing.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

Mephisto, Nekira, rest assured that before any formats for such books are decided on, Kevin (and I'm sure the rest of the staff too), Irvin, and I will mull things over carefully as to what the best direction for Nightbane will be. However, it is hard to argue with a format that has worked so well in the past. That said, these books are potentially several years in the future and not the only format we have in mind for upcoming supplements.

So, on the future format topic, we'll just have to wait and see...

Dark Designs, however, will be all (or almost all) non-temporal material. Put another way, I see this book ending up mostly crunch with very little to no fluff. Apologies to the fluff fans.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Mephisto wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Warwolf, I honestly hope that the "World Book" formula never hits Nightbane, I'd rather see a "Timeline" series, where events are chronicled in a somewhat loose episodic nature, such as "Enter the Mocker", "Underground Railroaded", "Lilith's Gambit" and "Reclusion of the Eliminator" that would provide source material and a kind of "maxi-adventure" in the formula of the Nightlands books. Nightbane IS a meta-plot line after all, and while not everything needs to be explained, a progression of the war between the Nightbane and the Nightlords is the most logical progression of the property. My favorite thought would be "Janice Hotchkiss endorses Mega-Cola! Details in the National Prescriber!"

I have to say, I hope and pray this never happens. I dispise Metaplot advancement in all forms. All books should proivde a snapshot of the setting, a single moment in time that all games will flow from. Plotlines should be introduced, but never, ever advanced by any canonal writing.

Nightbane though needs some sort of advancement, you can't just keep adding elements to the game without advancing it, or it becomes too ridiculous of a setting to add canon material to.

Ummm....why? It works just fine if you don't.

This is an honest question, I really don't see any need and you havn't actually explained it. You say it screams metaplot, but I don't see it. And there's no real limit to how many simultanious plots can be going on without advancement. it's an entire planet there and a large number of beings who are beyond masters at Intriuge and can easially keep dozens of plots going simultaniously. Metaplot would be poison to a setting like Nightbane.
Last edited by Nekira Sudacne on Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Warwolf wrote: However, it is hard to argue with a format that has worked so well in the past.

Too true.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Mephisto wrote:I don't see a point in debating someone that doesn't address an entire post. Topic fail.

I did address the entire post. I origionally only addressed the first part, but I went back and edited in the more complete responce, alibet I didn't bother pasting your entire post back into my quote.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Hehe. You guys are debating about how you debate. Off topic but that made me laugh, nice one. Thanks. :crane:
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Ziggurat the Eternal »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Warwolf, I honestly hope that the "World Book" formula never hits Nightbane, I'd rather see a "Timeline" series, where events are chronicled in a somewhat loose episodic nature, such as "Enter the Mocker", "Underground Railroaded", "Lilith's Gambit" and "Reclusion of the Eliminator" that would provide source material and a kind of "maxi-adventure" in the formula of the Nightlands books. Nightbane IS a meta-plot line after all, and while not everything needs to be explained, a progression of the war between the Nightbane and the Nightlords is the most logical progression of the property. My favorite thought would be "Janice Hotchkiss endorses Mega-Cola! Details in the National Prescriber!"

I have to say, I hope and pray this never happens. I dispise Metaplot advancement in all forms. All books should proivde a snapshot of the setting, a single moment in time that all games will flow from. Plotlines should be introduced, but never, ever advanced by any canonal writing.

I swear to god. If nightbane pulls a Seige of Tolkeen, I'm out. I've got over 3,000 dollars worth of palladium material, but I'll stop buying. Thats crap almost ruined rifts for me. Never have I seen so much stupidity. I was pretty mad that shadows of light got cut to, but that was mostly because I wanted it for my collection.

I agree with nekira. Seriously, I dont mind the world book idea, but no advancement of meta-pllot. My two-pence.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

UPDATE: The manuscript is shaping up much better since I was able to devote some of my vacation to it. So far I have 14 new Morphus tables and over 60 new Talents (among other content), though many are just skeletonized concepts. If all the Talents work out and stay in the finished product (and assuming Kev accepts it), this book will more than double the Talents available in Nightbane. Also, I've specifically tried to come up with things that are NEW and DIFFERENT rather than just pound out Talent versions of existing spells, powers, etc. Hey, maybe if people are interested enough I might drop a few vague descripions of some of the Talents and maybe the name of one or two of the new tables. Comment below if you would want said sneak peek.

Anywho, I'll keep trying to plug away, but so far my school schedule isn't filling me with much confidence regarding the time I'll have available.

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I agree with nekira. Seriously, I dont mind the world book idea, but no advancement of meta-pllot. My two-pence.

Unfortunately, dude, you're on the far end of a wide spectrum. There are probably just as many fans that practically demand some kind of "meta-plot" advancement of the timeline. And really, the argument could be made that a setting gets stale after a while if things don't move forward.

However, despair not, as I currently have no plans of huge, over-arching meta plot being foisted upon the line. If I were to do anything in this realm, it would probably look more like less drastic timeline advancements a-la Rifts World Books rather than a series that revolves around plot as the central component. Even if I were to later go back on THIS statement, I would strive for something more like the Minion War series where GMs could probably largely take it or leave it (which, oddly enough, you can do with the Tolkeen saga and Rifts, but I think I understand the resentment).

The Werebeast manuscript I mentioned in another thread will have a bit of optional story included, but it would largely be to describe what role IF ANY the werebeasts might play in the grand scheme of things.
Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by jaymz »

Warwolf wrote: Comment below if you would want said sneak peek.

By all means throw as many sneak peeks as you like :D
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Warwolf wrote:UPDATE: The manuscript is shaping up much better since I was able to devote some of my vacation to it. So far I have 14 new Morphus tables and over 60 new Talents (among other content), though many are just skeletonized concepts. If all the Talents work out and stay in the finished product (and assuming Kev accepts it), this book will more than double the Talents available in Nightbane. Also, I've specifically tried to come up with things that are NEW and DIFFERENT rather than just pound out Talent versions of existing spells, powers, etc. Hey, maybe if people are interested enough I might drop a few vague descripions of some of the Talents and maybe the name of one or two of the new tables. Comment below if you would want said sneak peek.

Anywho, I'll keep trying to plug away, but so far my school schedule isn't filling me with much confidence regarding the time I'll have available.

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I agree with nekira. Seriously, I dont mind the world book idea, but no advancement of meta-pllot. My two-pence.

Unfortunately, dude, you're on the far end of a wide spectrum. There are probably just as many fans that practically demand some kind of "meta-plot" advancement of the timeline. And really, the argument could be made that a setting gets stale after a while if things don't move forward.

However, despair not, as I currently have no plans of huge, over-arching meta plot being foisted upon the line. If I were to do anything in this realm, it would probably look more like less drastic timeline advancements a-la Rifts World Books rather than a series that revolves around plot as the central component. Even if I were to later go back on THIS statement, I would strive for something more like the Minion War series where GMs could probably largely take it or leave it (which, oddly enough, you can do with the Tolkeen saga and Rifts, but I think I understand the resentment).

The Werebeast manuscript I mentioned in another thread will have a bit of optional story included, but it would largely be to describe what role IF ANY the werebeasts might play in the grand scheme of things.

I'm gonna just trust that you're doing it "right". I'm sure I'll like it, I've liked everything I've seen of yours so far. I would also like to see them were-beasts. And story isn't bad, who doesn't love it? It's kind of required to have a setting. Poorly written, illogical, occasionally stupid meta plot can break a setting though.

But yes, on the topic of SOT, so much hate.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Shark_Force »

i'd be interested in seeing some of the ideas.

you want it to be something that we comment in public, keep it to ourselves, send you PMs/emails of what we think about it, or something else? :P
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Warwolf wrote:UPDATE: The manuscript is shaping up much better since I was able to devote some of my vacation to it. So far I have 14 new Morphus tables and over 60 new Talents (among other content), though many are just skeletonized concepts. If all the Talents work out and stay in the finished product (and assuming Kev accepts it), this book will more than double the Talents available in Nightbane. Also, I've specifically tried to come up with things that are NEW and DIFFERENT rather than just pound out Talent versions of existing spells, powers, etc. Hey, maybe if people are interested enough I might drop a few vague descripions of some of the Talents and maybe the name of one or two of the new tables. Comment below if you would want said sneak peek.

Anywho, I'll keep trying to plug away, but so far my school schedule isn't filling me with much confidence regarding the time I'll have available.

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I agree with nekira. Seriously, I dont mind the world book idea, but no advancement of meta-pllot. My two-pence.

Unfortunately, dude, you're on the far end of a wide spectrum. There are probably just as many fans that practically demand some kind of "meta-plot" advancement of the timeline. And really, the argument could be made that a setting gets stale after a while if things don't move forward.

However, despair not, as I currently have no plans of huge, over-arching meta plot being foisted upon the line. If I were to do anything in this realm, it would probably look more like less drastic timeline advancements a-la Rifts World Books rather than a series that revolves around plot as the central component. Even if I were to later go back on THIS statement, I would strive for something more like the Minion War series where GMs could probably largely take it or leave it (which, oddly enough, you can do with the Tolkeen saga and Rifts, but I think I understand the resentment).

The Werebeast manuscript I mentioned in another thread will have a bit of optional story included, but it would largely be to describe what role IF ANY the werebeasts might play in the grand scheme of things.

Well, my main problem with the minion war saga is that it really isn't "take it or leave it". Planet gets invaded, Phase world is toppled (the entire focus of the setting), and people are supposed to ignore that? It's as un-ignorable as you can get. Seige on Tolkeen you could ignore, you could and often did play games that never involved it or the CS. But you can't play a Phase world game without Phase world.

(well, obviously you can, but suffice it to say that the vast majority do use it.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:Well, my main problem with the minion war saga is that it really isn't "take it or leave it". Planet gets invaded, Phase world is toppled (the entire focus of the setting), and people are supposed to ignore that? It's as un-ignorable as you can get. Seige on Tolkeen you could ignore, you could and often did play games that never involved it or the CS. But you can't play a Phase world game without Phase world.

(well, obviously you can, but suffice it to say that the vast majority do use it.

you could always just refuse to acknowledge that the event ever happened.

for example: "did the coalition ever march an entire army through xiticix territory without stopping for food, water, toilet, rest, sleep, or other reasons for months at a time? of course not. that would be mind-numbingly stupid. it never happened, and anything that might imply that it ever happened is just a gigantic typo."

see? like it never happened.

"what's that you say? phase world invaded, and defeated by an army of a few hundred thousand demons? nonsense. if phase world could be defeated so easily, someone else would have taken over years ago. the demons tried to invade, but got their butts handed to them because they were stupid enough to attempt an extradimensional invasion against an entire race of beings that understand dimensional psychic technology on a level that not even the gods can grasp, backed by massively powerful alien intelligence with armies numbering into the billions, plus who knows how many gods, godlings, dragons, cosmo-knights, and mercenaries, and anything that implies otherwise is just a gigantic typo." (and frankly, i'm not convinced it's plausible to have an extradimensional invasion of a planet full of beings known for phase technology, particularly when that world happens to include a particularly massive investment on the part of a splugorth... who as i hinted at above has likely billions of minions to send against the demons and is also a master of interdimensional magic)

there you go, you just 'left it'. (and on a side note, the numbers i saw someone list of just how many demons there are supposed to be involved in the minion war, if accurate, lead me to believe that the demons would be hard-pressed to do anything that would be worthy of describing as "megaverse in flames")
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Shark_Force »

The Last Darkness wrote:Please PLEASE

No more new Factions or Shapeshifter Races. Im begging you !

i don't mind new factions. so long as they're actually new factions. i'm not looking for the oprah winfrey book club faction here, but i don't mind if a new faction is introduced that actually:

a) isn't just a random group of people with absolutely no allegiance to each other and who have no actual opinions.
b) actually has enough influence to be even noticeable when placed next to the other factions.
c) adds something to the setting that wasn't there before.

so, for example, i would actually be sorta ok with a group of human magicians and psychics who are dedicated to protecting the world from extradimensional beings and don't care one way or another about nightbanes or guardians, so long as they're native to earth... but would be strongly opposed to even the most 'good' aligned nonmagical being from other dimensions. provided they actually aren't just a cabal of 5 people that meets in bob's basement on weekends for tea and crumpets and bemoan the state of things, and remember the 'good old days'.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

The Last Darkness wrote:Please PLEASE

No more new Factions or Shapeshifter Races. Im begging you !

New shapeshifting races? I don't have any planned. A re-imagining of an existing one (were-beasts), I do plan on pitching. As far as new Factions, any new groups would likely be more regional factions (with a little "f") and not as broad in scope or central to the story as the existing Factions.

buddhamonkg wrote:I've been waiting for new talents and morphus since I finished with NBSG. Nightbane is my game of choice to run, any and all additional information I can get is greatly appreciated. Any hints you want to drop would be nice as well...

Alright, I guess 3 people crosses my threshold for "sufficient interest." I'll see what I can't do when I have a bit more time to compile some info. :)
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Please dont do a "True Blood" a ruin a good setting with poo werewolves. Im sure yours will be sweet cannon fodder for the Nightlords/NB.

And not canon fodder! :clown: (Did you see what I did there?.... Cannon - Canon. Damn Im hilarious tonight).
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

The Dark Elf wrote:Please dont do a "True Blood" a ruin a good setting with poo werewolves. Im sure yours will be sweet cannon fodder for the Nightlords/NB.

And not canon fodder! :clown: (Did you see what I did there?.... Cannon - Canon. Damn Im hilarious tonight).

Poo werewolves? You know what, forget I asked. No, I have scaled them in power to vamps and Wampyrs. If they stay as is they definitely have strong benefits and drawbacks. For one, they won't be immune to everything but silver (which I never liked about Palladium weres).
Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Mad Cow Milk »

Warwolf wrote:
The Dark Elf wrote:Please dont do a "True Blood" a ruin a good setting with poo werewolves. Im sure yours will be sweet cannon fodder for the Nightlords/NB.

And not canon fodder! :clown: (Did you see what I did there?.... Cannon - Canon. Damn Im hilarious tonight).

Poo werewolves? You know what, forget I asked. No, I have scaled them in power to vamps and Wampyrs. If they stay as is they definitely have strong benefits and drawbacks. For one, they won't be immune to everything but silver (which I never liked about Palladium weres).

Silver, magic, and psionics actually, but I get your drift.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

Okay, here is the sneak preview some people were interested in:

8 of the Morphus features I have in the manuscript? Bellows Lungs, Jack-in-the-Box, Straight-Jacket, Hazmat Suit, Mold Spots, Night-Vision Goggles, Hypodermic Needles, and Oversized Cape/Cloak.

5 of the Talent names? Bookworm, Down the Drain, Encryption, Hound Leash, and Pocket Change.

Let the speculation commence. :D
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Jack-in-the-box, cool the first RPG sourcebook to be sponsored by a major fast food chain. :ok:

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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Jedrious »

Ok, so Bookworm is probably a "touch a book, and it's been studied" talent
Encryption, probably a sign that we'll have some cyberjacking content in the book
Pocket Change is probably a conjuration talent that makes a small amount of money (Temporary maybe)
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

The Last Darkness wrote:Im actualy dissapointed that people feel the need to create things like the Athanatos and Revised Were-Creatures. I prefer just to use Bane to emulate such things in the Nightbane universe. Everything else seems like a waste to me to include a new faction/and or shapeshifter and ignore the Bane instead of improving upon them? Why cant Were-Bane have be responsible for the myths of such creatures in the nightbane universe? You could even create a Sub-faction of one of the major ones that favours bane with certain attributes like a Sub-Faction of the Seekers called "The Hunters" who favour Bane with Canine features? etc.

Who is ignoring the Nightbane? I'm pretty sure the last book was dedicated entirely to them, my current manuscript is dedicated entirely to them, and I'm sure there will be plenty more books that are dedicated entirely or almost entirely to them (and this does include Plans by Irvin and myself to try and do Faction Books). However, just because they are the central figures of the setting doesn't mean there isn't room for other supernatural beings (or have we forgotten about the vampires and Guardians?). In fact, the main book mentions that the 'Bane MAY be responsible for the vast majority of mythical/supernatural sightings but nowhere does it claim they are the only game in town. In the NSG I made sure to reference that there are other things that lurk in the shadows besides just what has been mentioned so far, for instance.

Now, as for WHY we would add other beings and factions? Quite frankly, as cool as the Nightbane are and as much as can be done with them adding in other-arguably less important-beings and factions is a way of giving GMs and players more options for their games. This way, not every "monster" encountered is either a Nightbane or something working for the Nightlords, thus it's easier to keep players on their toes and keep things a bit more fresh.

That said, a setting can get over-saturated with this kind of stuff, especially if no good reasons are there for its inclusions. For me, Shadows of Light suffers from this very syndrome. Rather than taking what has already been laid out and expanding on it in somewhat logical ways, cramming a book full of a bunch of things that for the most part have no bearing on what is there I think leads to what happened with SoL (i.e. not very well received by the fans at large... me included, and cruddy sales to back this statement up). Even with the Athanatos, while they may have been tied in... sort of... they were done in such a radically different way than the previous material it left people like me sitting there like, "What?!"

Of course, we're debating hypotheticals at this point anyway, as I haven't even got more than notes on the werebeast book and haven't pitched it to Kev yet. Just figured fans might be interested in seeing where my head was at in regards to future material. :)
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

Jedrious wrote:Ok, so Bookworm is probably a "touch a book, and it's been studied" talent

Close, but no.

Jedrious wrote:Encryption, probably a sign that we'll have some cyberjacking content in the book

Nope, think broader in scope.

Jedrious wrote:Pocket Change is probably a conjuration talent that makes a small amount of money (Temporary maybe)

Was it that obvious? :lol:
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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I always thought that were-creatures where the offspring of nightbane and humans. An odd creation of their other-worldliness and our dimension. Things more acceptably to our physiology (and world) took dominance such as animal/human hybrids, and animal forms, while inorganic ones didn't pass down the family lines. That is just my take.
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Jedrious »

Now that I've had some pondering time

Bellows Lungs, Increased lung capacity (hold breath for longer), bonus to MA and vocal skills, possible enhance existing fires capability
Jack-in-the-Box, a centauroid with leaping modification, reduction in land spd, large amount of sdc and a "turtle shell" ability
Straight-Jacket, Seems more of a hinderance than anything, reduced combat abilities, reduced social skills, prevention of manual dexterity skills
Hazmat Suit, No more poisons, no more diseases, no inhaled attacks
Mold Spots, oooh, something with a save v disease radius attack
Night-Vision Goggles, these make you see better during the day :-P
Hypodermic Needles, Ok, this one better have a subtable for random injectibles (woe to anyone who crosses the Warlord with the Leprasy injector)
Oversized Cape/Cloak, hopefully has abilities similar to what is seen in "The Cape"

Down the Drain, Hmm, shadowy water, possibly a drowning attack, or maybe make an enemy sink through the floor?
Hound Leash, this one can go many ways, could be wresting control of supernatural beings from their master, severing that control, binding them to a particular location (in a fight with a vampire outdoors before dawn, hound leash him and bring out the smores)
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Is straight jacket a homophobic potato?

Am I close? :roll:
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

The Last Darkness wrote:@Warwolf

Im looking forward to your books then if they live up to such. I just dont want the power/faction creep that happend to Rifts happen to Nightbane. It needs world depth, not new stats, races and needless gear that has to be better then anything in the book before it.

As for Shadow of Light, I liked everything in the Book except the Athanatos.

Dude, I try to balance everything I do, which is why I kept (and even added) some of the drawbacks for the Morphus features in the NSG (Kev added WAY more though). I can only think of one thing I have planned that is a powerful new race, but they are also RARE (think, only a handful on any plane of existence at one time) and meant to be equivalent to, say, a Nightlord Avatar. Oh, they also wouldn't be a playable race.

And as far as "gear" is concerned, not much needs to be added since it's a psuedo-modern day setting. If players and GMs want gear, my opinion is that they can Google tech that was current as of 2005 to 2010 or so (since tech at Dark Day was slightly more advanced than our world).

At any rate, I hope to live up to expectations. :)
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Any updates on the progress of Dark Designs, i.e. still finalizing the manuscript, awaiting Kevin's perusal, etc.?
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Jedrious wrote:Any updates on the progress of Dark Designs, i.e. still finalizing the manuscript, awaiting Kevin's perusal, etc.?

Yeah Warwolf hurry up alread will ya? :D :P ;)
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Jedrious wrote:Any updates on the progress of Dark Designs, i.e. still finalizing the manuscript, awaiting Kevin's perusal, etc.?

Still writing the manuscript (I promise). Unfortunately, the afore-mentioned grad-school has been a bit of a beast this semester. I even had to eat some of my Spring Break doing school work (and another part for a friend's wedding). I originally wanted to be able to hand this to Kev at the upcoming conference, but at this point it's looking unlikely that I'll have much time before the summer to work on it. It also doesn't help that I tend to write slower than all my colleagues. Sorry. :-(
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Warwolf wrote:
Jedrious wrote:Any updates on the progress of Dark Designs, i.e. still finalizing the manuscript, awaiting Kevin's perusal, etc.?

Still writing the manuscript (I promise). Unfortunately, the afore-mentioned grad-school has been a bit of a beast this semester. I even had to eat some of my Spring Break doing school work (and another part for a friend's wedding). I originally wanted to be able to hand this to Kev at the upcoming conference, but at this point it's looking unlikely that I'll have much time before the summer to work on it. It also doesn't help that I tend to write slower than all my colleagues. Sorry. :-(

Uh-huh get toit slacker :P

j/k though I am looking forward to it and I am not even a big fan if Nightspawn....
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Warwolf »

Alright, so I've finally set myself a hard deadline to turn in the manuscript. I'm still buried under a crap-ton of work for school, but I'm hoping this will motivate me to make time for working on Dark Designs. Wish me luck, folks. :?
Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Good luck. :ok:

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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Luck :ok:
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Best of luck!

Please keep me informed if the mythic table makes it in or not. I am REALLY interested in that.

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Re: Dark Designs Progress

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Good Luck!

Remember, if it comes down to it, another year in school wont hurt....
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Re: Dark Designs Progress

Unread post by Vidynn »

good luck Warwolf!

my "wish-list" for new Nightbane-books:

more world info (outside the US would be GREAT) and history
more fully fleshed out adventures plus HLS

no more morphus-tables, talents, skills and factions. we got enough already.
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