What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

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What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Spinachcat »

Let's make believe that the Rifts movie came out.
And it was awesome.
And it felt like the books.

What was your favorite scene?
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Kalidor »

When the cloverfield-like monster came out of the Devil's Gate and started throwing Death's Head Transports like toys.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by jaymz »

When the Sams converged on teh good guys and the mage cast Annihilation wiping htem out in one fell swoop.....
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Incriptus »

I really loved the easter egg after the credits . . . sure everyone in the theater was confused why I was laughing at the last line.


Well the group had finally excaped lone star, and the credits start rolling. Once the credits stop you see the group sailing across the Rio Grand, the sun dips below the horizon and the main character said "Well at least we'll be safe in Mexico"
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Dead Boy »

I just about dumped my popcorn on the floor when the pack of Dog Boys (nice CG too, by the way) burst out of the forest and tore into demon wolf, unintentionally saving the heroes in the process. Epic fight scene there!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Traska »

For me, you can't beat when the trio of juicers started into the CS grunts. I mean, yeah, the grunts were totally played up as Imperial Stormtroopers for that, but the fluidity of motion combined with the almost artistic grace of the slow motion really demonstrated how juicers see the world during combat.

Well, it's either that or the shockwave from the tac nuke ripping the skelebots apart like toys. That was a damn nice FX shot. Got to respect putting the movie slightly over budget to accommodate it, too. I think it's the shot that's going to sell the crowds on it.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

What was your favorite scene?

The climactic, Crouching Tiger Hiden Dragon-style fight between Emperor Prosek and Erin Tarn that took place atop the burning oil refinery, of course.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

I liked the scene were the Glitterboys from FQ shows up and takes out that Gloverfield Monster. Hundred of GB firing as One...dead monster.

Second one was when we Found out the main character was Proseks Son.
Just knowing the son is a Ley Line Walker must hurt Karl.


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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by TiekoSora »

Incriptus wrote:I really loved the easter egg after the credits . . . sure everyone in the theater was confused why I was laughing at the last line.


Well the group had finally excaped lone star, and the credits start rolling. Once the credits stop you see the group sailing across the Rio Grand, the sun dips below the horizon and the main character said "Well at least we'll be safe in Mexico"

Awesome, time to spool up the Vampire movies like From Dusk Til Dawn and the one with Jon Bon Jovi lol.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

That on scene where the feeble ley line walker cast sorcerous fury and whooped some CS hiney. Yeah, that was totally awesome.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Capt. Meschievitz »

Well since the Coalition is going to be classed as a necessary evil, the best scene would be...

the scene where the SAMAS and the Deathheads are heading to battle against a foe mmm like Tolkeen for example in a scene like black hawk down (Deathhead down lol oldy but a goody lol)..
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Mr. Jays »

1) Where the Crazy goes into a frenzy and decapitates the Spulgorth Slaver with a Vibro-sword, then licks the green slime off the blade.

2) When the Full Conversion Borg rips the Fang out the the dead Dragon's skull, throws it like a javelin and impales the SAMAS in the head.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Johnathan »

Best scene, in my opinion, was when the CS platoon come stomping into that village lookin to "fry some d-bee lovin scumbags..." only to come upon the small girl in pig-tails...

That transforms into a full adult great horned dragon that tears them all new bloody... you know!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Tyranneix »

Best scene is the depiction of the 2400 FQ GBs and V-Sams tearing into Tolkeen's demon and mage forces of 6000 during the "Great Betrayal" and the stunned looks on the CS faces when they realized that their human 'enemy' is being slaughtered to save them. Very powerful and emotional scene. I actually shed a tear.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by cornholioprime »

MY favorite scene in the Rifts Movie would be R-rated.

It would be the "live-action" version of the catastrophe that happened in the beginning of Fist Of the Northstar (only with Ley Lines ripping the flesh and muscle off of masses of human beings instead of nuclear explosions) in the first few minutes.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Tyranneix »

cornholioprime wrote:MY favorite scene in the Rifts Movie would be R-rated.

You honestly thing RIFTS is gonna be a PG or PG 13 movie??? It'll be Rated R. if Bruckheimer does any less, then it will truly SUCK!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by cornholioprime »

Tyranneix wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:MY favorite scene in the Rifts Movie would be R-rated.

You honestly thing RIFTS is gonna be a PG or PG 13 movie??? It'll be Rated R. if Bruckheimer does any less, then it will truly SUCK!
No way in The Nine Hells will a movie that has the dual purposes of being seen by the most people (for making Palladium Books available to a new generation of gamers) and making money for the studios, will be Rated "R."
The Kevinomicon, Book of Siembieda 3:16.

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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by kogwar »

I Love the scen when the anti monster jumped from the roof of the skyscraper onto the ancients dragon then began to steer it by shoving it's vibro blades into the dragons eye. and the floopers where awsome to.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by kogwar »

Thoughtful1 wrote:
Tyranneix wrote:You honestly thing RIFTS is gonna be a PG or PG 13 movie??? It'll be Rated R. if Bruckheimer does any less, then it will truly SUCK!

A rated-R RIFTS movie would probably be terrible.

How so it would rated r for profanity drug reference and gore. :bandit: Though I do agree a rated pg13 would be good.

In the words of my teacher/long time rifts player when we moved or game club out off school. "There is a thing about a juicer being a juicer."
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by kogwar »

300 did i beleve
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Incriptus wrote:I really loved the easter egg after the credits . . . sure everyone in the theater was confused why I was laughing at the last line.


Well the group had finally excaped lone star, and the credits start rolling. Once the credits stop you see the group sailing across the Rio Grand, the sun dips below the horizon and the main character said "Well at least we'll be safe in Mexico"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Silas »

Well, back to favorite scenes:

*enter the dusty salt flats of Utah. upshot of a scruffy, rugged-looking man wearing a brown leather duster and wide-brim brown hat over a simple off-white button-up shirt, tucked into a pair of leather pants, road dust and old stains patching the duster and pants and hat here and there. close-up of the man's face as he gazes across the salt flats. camera pans past the man's face to see another man's outline shambling towards the first from 100 yards ahead. first man turns and looks elsewhere, camera panning to see another shambling figure, then a third, and a fourth. rumble from underground precedes a giant worm creature bursting out from the salt flat, roaring at the first man. man pulls out two large revolvers with runes carved on them and grins wickedly. shambling men show up as mutated native americans*

Native: "You will die this day."

Man: "I got no time to die."

*cue epic cinematic battle*
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

When Erin Tarin finds a copy of one her books from the NGR. :lol:

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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Gotta admit, the outtakes of each cast member flubbing their lines & bursting into laughter was a good one for me. But the one of during the CS Throne scene, right after Prosek makes his grand speech, Erin Tarn comes up from behind and reminds him it's time for lunch & his medicine....classic!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by kogwar »

I like the one when the Crazy cut the juicers tubes and used purify to get all the drugs otu of him and then sat there laughing as the juicer flopped on the floor.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Display-Name-Alpha »

I'll be content with one that exists.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Hystrix »

I think I was surprised as anyone to hear "C'mon Get Happy" by the Partrige Family as the end credits rolled.

I also liked how they showed freeze frames of the main characters and told about what happened after the movie, 80's style!

Who would have thought that Erin Tarn would get a sex change, call herself 'Bill', and move in with some hippy Xiticix. Crazy!

And I can't beleive Karl Prozeck never got his subscription to Sports Illistrated renwed, especially after that killer article he wrote about the Army vs proffesional sports use of steriods.

Or that Jim Bob the Line Walker still hasn't taken a bath!

Who knew?
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by dante144 »

when the party crests the hill of refuse to see the BUrbs with the Chi-town Ziggurat . Money shot. Well framed and epic in scale.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Noon »

Braden Campbell wrote:
What was your favorite scene?

The climactic, Crouching Tiger Hiden Dragon-style fight between Emperor Prosek and Erin Tarn that took place atop the burning oil refinery, of course.

Atop the erupting volcano!


Also, that's after the love scene...between them...
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Noon »

When the mind melter slips through a CS platoon in the night, apparently taking over minds and being invisible by making minds blind to its presence.

Then you see the CS troops firing on their own kind latter...and you just think 'Oh, mind controlled, meh'.

But then latter you see some of the platoon just walked away, weapons dropped to the floor.

And then the movie continues on from the perspective of one of them, who is struggling with the sense his own mind has been contaminated, and yet the idea that Prosek is simply waging a campaign of fear wont leave his mind, not for some outside power forcing it there, but for it making horrible sense...the only thing he'd been forced to do, was consider...

The end of the moving climaxes with him facing the mind melter again...probably on top of a erupting volcano (yellowstone, prolly)
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

After the climactic battle against the CS is won and the heroes are doing their victory dance, cut scene to Emperor Prosek in his war room with all his generals entering into a brilliant monmologue of how the war is not over yet and humankind shall overcome any and all obstacles in its path despite any setbacks they must endure. Just as the speech seems to be reaching a climax, a blaster pistol goes of with a brilliant flash of light, leaving Emperor Prosek lying on the floor with a smoking hole in his chest and Joseph II standing over his body with a smoking gun and a black expression. Close up to Joe's face as he speaks: "Alright gentlemen... here's the new plan...". Fade to black, roll credits.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Grandil »

what happened to the link? Copyrights???? I want to see this asap............
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by BookWyrm »

The scene near the end, in the CS Chi-Town throne room, with Prosek Sr. partially hidden in shadow; a soft sigh leaves his lips. There's a quick pan to just over his shoulder, looking down to the floor where there is now a slightly smoldering burn-spot on the carpet & a few bits of CS armor.
Back to Prosek's hidden face. Someone in black CS armor steps up to his right side, but we don't see his face.
Prosek Sr.: "Do not fail me, my son."
Prosek Jr.: "As you command, my Emperor."
Cut to black. Roll credits.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by cornholioprime »

There was this one scene in the movie, where a single Triax X-5000 Devastator, one of the last surviving pieces of NGR tech on the field, had each and every one of its secondary weapons and missiles blazing away and flying off, demolishing massive Gargoyles with relative ease.

Suddenly, from off-screen (many of us in the theater jumped in our seats a little), a barrage of missiles strikes the massive mecha from behind.

Staggering it slightly.

In a supreme show of arrogance and confidence, the Devastator turns around, slowly, not even bothering to try and shield itself or show that it has anything at all to worry about.....

...as its Main Gun flips over its back and onto its shoulder, targets the missile batteries, and lets loose with a mighty blast (in the theater, the noise of the energy beam was at least as loud as the Seismic Bombs were in "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" and the Fell Beasts in "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King;" it was awesome to hear in Dolby™).

After a protracted lazing which takes two seconds and which turns everything on the screen into black-and-white shadows as if a Nuke had just gone off, the Devastator turns off its Main Gun, and it flips back into place on its back. It then casually turns back around and continues on its way.

There are no further attacks against it. :twisted:
The Kevinomicon, Book of Siembieda 3:16.

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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Failgoat »

when the 'slinger carried his mojave lover, a spirit warrior who'd been bitten by a vampire, deep into the sacred pyramid of Atlantia, rumored to be able to cure vampirism, while the rest of the party went on looking for the lost atlantean oracle.
As wild vampires began flooding into the pyramid, he lowered her into the curative sarcophagus, loaded his golden age pistols with silver bullets and fought them off as long as he could.
Exhausted with but a single bullet left and his back to her holy chamber, he put his pistol to his head, unable to bear the thought of joining her in undeath.
As the wild vampires swarm around him, seconds before he pulls the trigger, she flings the top of the sarcophagus off and it sails over the 'slingers head and lands in front of him, squishing afew vamps and slowing their approach.
She rises into the air, hovering behind him.(she chose air powers :wink: ) He turns, his face bathed in the light of her purification. She looks down at him, smiling.
"C'mon," he says, bolting for the passage taken by the rest of the party, heading deeper into the pyramid. She zips past him, still hovering just off the ground. He turns back at the entrance to the passage and uses his last silver bullet to blow one of their heads off.
"Mother******." (all pg-13 movies are allowed one F bomb and still keep their precious pg-13 rating)
i was the only one in the theater who jumped out of my seat and screamed "**** yeah!!!"

i know i know, i'll vomit if the Rifts movie is based on anything vampiric. id be willing to make a sacrifice if it made the movie successful enough to warrant more being made. only problem i see at that point is the vamp-groupies will expect every movie henceforth to be based on vampires, not understanding they are just one minor menace in this world.
still waiting for another tale from alrik vas....
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

A small group consisting of a 'Slinger, a Preacher and a Crazy wandering through a desert night, apparantly lost as they come across a blasted sign by the road.

Crazy: Where the heck are we, anyway?

Preacher: Sign here says Arizona.

Slinger: Arizona? Hmm... Apaches...

Preacher: <nods>... Vampires...

Crazy: Cool... Vampire Apaches... <giggles and starts jogging along>

Preacher and Slinger both look at the Crazy, then each other as they both suppress a shudder and keep on trekking.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Silas »

Can't forget this scene:

*scruffy-looking man shuffles along small town's dirt street, his tattered clothing still retaining bits of color here and there under layers of road dust and dirt, his tired eyes surveying the seemingly empty town as he rubs at his week-old facial hair growth. suddenly a flurry of motion as three grubby-looking juicers and a beat-up-looking borg leap out from behind nearby buildings and close on the man, weapons ready. the man moves so fast he seems to flow like water as he lands devastating blows on all three juicers, knocking them off their feet and back multiple yards. he then turns to the borg just in time to take a full-on blast from its particle beam arm weapon. when the flash clears, the scruffy-looking man gets up slowly, turns to the borg, and the view cuts to the borg's cyber eyes as it tries to track the man's movements while he dents and dings the borg with every blurred punch, eventually crunching a hole in its chestplate before kicking it backwards through a water trough."

Injured Juicer on the ground: "Take what... you want... just don't... kill us..."

Scruffy-looking man, shaking his head in disgust before looking wistful: "I don't kill. I'm still a hero."

Oh yeah, that scene gave me chills. Can't wait to see more of the anonymous "hero" from beyond the Rift.
Rogue Scholar, speaking over the grave of a black marketeer: "In the Great House and in the House of Fire, on that Great Day when all the days and years are numbered, oh let my name be given back to me."
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

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Vagabond powers:
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Bag of candy is, of course, OP.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Secondhand Smoke »

The intro of course. All we see is dense foilage and a forest, a gentle breeze moves the plants slightly, its night and the music is soft, gradually building. Besides the woodland is a clearing and in the clearing is a small camp of refugees, from all different walks of life. Human and inhuman in appearance, they are jovial, talkative and numerous. Equipped with a varying assortment of equipment, from the high tech to the clearly magical to the mundane. The music begins to rise slightly, and the camera cuts to a HUD view of the group. It is a thermal imaging view and a computer scanner begins to allocate targets in order of priority. Cuts back to the group, the music rising in crescendo, the refugees seemingly getting louder/laughing. And then suddenly several members of the group stand very quickly to attention, a slight pause and then they duck behind cover/jump to the ground. A split second later, numerous deadly streaks of silent laser fire shoot forth from the woodland into the group. Bodies explode in blood, while others cry out in pain. A moment of confusion before the refugees react. Half begin to scream and run away from the shooting fire, the other half go to grab weapons/find cover. And then emerging from the woodlands we see various figures in heavy deadboy armour charging forward, vibro claws extended.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Chronicle »

Silas wrote:Can't forget this scene:

*scruffy-looking man shuffles along small town's dirt street, his tattered clothing still retaining bits of color here and there under layers of road dust and dirt, his tired eyes surveying the seemingly empty town as he rubs at his week-old facial hair growth. suddenly a flurry of motion as three grubby-looking juicers and a beat-up-looking borg leap out from behind nearby buildings and close on the man, weapons ready. the man moves so fast he seems to flow like water as he lands devastating blows on all three juicers, knocking them off their feet and back multiple yards. he then turns to the borg just in time to take a full-on blast from its particle beam arm weapon. when the flash clears, the scruffy-looking man gets up slowly, turns to the borg, and the view cuts to the borg's cyber eyes as it tries to track the man's movements while he dents and dings the borg with every blurred punch, eventually crunching a hole in its chestplate before kicking it backwards through a water trough."

Injured Juicer on the ground: "Take what... you want... just don't... kill us..."

Scruffy-looking man, shaking his head in disgust before looking wistful: "I don't kill. I'm still a hero."

Oh yeah, that scene gave me chills. Can't wait to see more of the anonymous "hero" from beyond the Rift.

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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

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When Nxla and the Lord of the Deep grappled with each other against a backdrop of their combined followers fighting a losing battle against the Splugorth and their minions, and if you look closely enough at the horizon, you can see the deaths head transports bolting out of there as the Coalition go back home to have a lie down.
And if... somone whipped out a mini gun. We run and hide. lol.

Now.. some guys won't... and you can say nice things at their funeral. "He was a brave soul.... if stupid.. he didn't take cover when the guy whipped out the mini gun on us that day.. but his blood-fountaining corpse did give us a chance to sneak around and clonk the machine gunner on the head with a rock. Rest in Pieces.... Swiss Cheese Man.....

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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Kovoston »

My favorite scene was when the god Zeus appeared in Lemuria and warned them (and the Coalition spy) that the Splugorth were mystically within range. When the Lemurians teleported away they appeared in Antarctica!I never really understood what Zeus had in mind till they met up with the hot looking priestess who was his secret mistress!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

The opening scene where the guy goes out into his backyard and sees a huge rift forming, getting sucked into it and landing into the middle of a dogfight between some glitterboys and a tank battalion? No clue, don't really play Rifts so much as PFRPG and Heroes Unlimited. Now, "Heroes Unlimited", there's a movie...
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

The best all time was when Erin tarn was going on and on with her lecturing the CS grunt and he just pulls out his pistol and does a double tap to her head and says" :itch, please!!".
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Kargan3033 »

My fav scene would be the final battle in the CS Tolkeen war and at the very hight of the final battle the in the heart of Tolkeen the sky grows dark and everyone stops and looks up to see nothing but Xiticix bloting out the sun then the bugs attack en mass, could you imagen the death, destruction and pure chos that would take place if that happened?
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

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when the borg got his arm ripped off and still managed to kill the dbees singlehandedly
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by NMI »

My favorite scene is when Emporer Palp.. err Proseck and Erin Tarn announced that they were brother and sister.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:My favorite scene is when Emporer Palp.. err Proseck and Erin Tarn announced that they were brother and sister.

:lol: :shock:
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by KillWatch »

That scene at the end where the trio of juicers are just blurring by CS troopers in the imperial hall trying to escape with their lives while saving the emperors daughter from prosek barely making it out with their lives as the chamber explodes.

Then as the smoke clears, prosek is there under the rubble. Dead boys are there distraught not knowing what to do, magical energy begins to crackle and the demon possessed prosek rises with a smile, drains life out of the soldiers, dusting himself off, a reptilian tongue licking the blood off of his brow. CREDITS
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Silas »

Chronicle wrote:
Silas wrote:Can't forget this scene:

*scruffy-looking man shuffles along small town's dirt street, his tattered clothing still retaining bits of color here and there under layers of road dust and dirt, his tired eyes surveying the seemingly empty town as he rubs at his week-old facial hair growth. suddenly a flurry of motion as three grubby-looking juicers and a beat-up-looking borg leap out from behind nearby buildings and close on the man, weapons ready. the man moves so fast he seems to flow like water as he lands devastating blows on all three juicers, knocking them off their feet and back multiple yards. he then turns to the borg just in time to take a full-on blast from its particle beam arm weapon. when the flash clears, the scruffy-looking man gets up slowly, turns to the borg, and the view cuts to the borg's cyber eyes as it tries to track the man's movements while he dents and dings the borg with every blurred punch, eventually crunching a hole in its chestplate before kicking it backwards through a water trough."

Injured Juicer on the ground: "Take what... you want... just don't... kill us..."

Scruffy-looking man, shaking his head in disgust before looking wistful: "I don't kill. I'm still a hero."

Oh yeah, that scene gave me chills. Can't wait to see more of the anonymous "hero" from beyond the Rift.

The Most Powerful Man in the Megaverse........i see what you did there

I swear, I was just thinking of a Heroes Unlimited guy that came through a rift. No MPMIM tag for me. :angel:
Rogue Scholar, speaking over the grave of a black marketeer: "In the Great House and in the House of Fire, on that Great Day when all the days and years are numbered, oh let my name be given back to me."
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!
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