Chaos Earth: Golden Age Conflict

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Chaos Earth: Golden Age Conflict

Unread post by Warmaster40k »

I had an Idea!(tm), I got the idea of running a game of Rifts (sorta) set in the Early years of the Foramtion of NEMA. Set in 2036, NEMA is a brand new mutlinational anti terrorist group. The impetus of its formation is that the Cartel Wars in Mexico have gotten a bit out of hand. Much worse than what they are now. When the characters show up for work they are told that 7 of the top Criminal Cartels in Mexico have laid siege to Mexico City, the Mexican government for the most part is disbanded and the Mexican National Army is dispearsed as some groups are seeking to maintain the peace while others are carving out fiefdoms from the Chaos.

To run this I have taken Heroes Unlimited, and Ninja's and Super Spys, and some other games (im looking to aqcuire a copy of Beyond the Super Natural to introduce elements of the Lazlo Society and a Esper Program that might be producing results finally.

Using Ninja's and Super Spys to build NEMA its self, and the Heroes Unlimited for its robotics and equipment construction rules. And BTS for the spooky stuff thats sure to pop up.

Concepts to Use:

Smart Facs: automated factories that can be loaded with data to go from concept to prototype to manufacturing in less time than ever (fastest time 2 weeks) these are the precursors of the Micro Facs (nano machine ussing deveices that produce high end goods on demand, rangeing in size from 2 car garage to xerox machine). As teh technological revolution swings, NEMA gets clearance to use the SKUNKWORKS, a group of cooky engeers who wish to test new combat technology in the field, in the areas of advanced robotics, vehicles, augmentation, and weaponry.

Available Technology: Cybernetic Augmentation is available, from eyes to ears, to limb recronstruction and brain computer interfaces. Early MDC Energy Weapons: this is not the laser pistol that makes its way in the late 90's, this is heavy shoulder mounted weapon that uses a detachable E-Magazine thats a half the size of a carbattery (does 2d6 mdc) 5 shots and is rechargeable.
Robotics Technology: is early power armor, and light robot vehicles most use more than 4 legs for propution.
Miracel Materials: High End armor is begginining to make an a appearance, newer Class 4 body armor weighs 58 lbs(heavy stuff) and has over 500 SDC with an AR of 18. with primitive MDC materials on experimental military hard ware.

Operational Budget: NEMA is a technically non military humanitarian operation and as such can acting with out upsetting the UN, if they fail the US and maybe canada will have to go in with its Armed Forces wiht UN consent. until such a time, the governments are facing thier own issues as such most units in NEMA are on tight budgets, starting at 500k to get started (this is after salary), but all is not lost, any enemy equipment found can be turned over or retained for use in operations, if turned over 50% of its value will be awarded as operational funds to acquire new gear, weapons restock ammo, and repairs. exception: as long as a equipments maintains a structural integrity of 70% or higher, the repairs are free, any more damaged and it comes out of operation budgets.
With success in missions the NAU (North American Union) will allot more funds to the fledgeling organization.
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Re: Chaos Earth: Golden Age Conflict

Unread post by keir451 »

Sounds neat!!
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Re: Chaos Earth: Golden Age Conflict

Unread post by ZINO »

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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