Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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What are the chances of you playing a character like this in a Splicers campaign?

Very high and most likely the type of OCC thats right up my alley
Possibly a chance as it could be interesting and fun to play
Not sure, the jury is out on this one
Not likely, its just not my cup of tea
Who the heck wrote this crappy OCC, I would never play one
Total votes: 28

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Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Premier »

I haven't finished the write up for this but it is 80% complete and since everyone is talking about Sasquashes, Bigfoots and Yeti; I figured I would post this for Everyone's review & critic. It was slated for an idea I had for the Arctic Splicers "Up North" concept, but hey what the heck. I could use your feedback to help me iron out the skillset(s) for this O.C.C. template as its a bit tricky based on how this O.C.C. derives.

BTW, Thank You TechnoGothic for the revived inspiration on this and I utilized some of your basic ideas as I thought you did an awesome job!


The Sasquatch is a new type of guerilla warfare soldier that has devoted themselves so keenly to the cause of their Great House and the Resistance that they have also sacrificed their physical humanity to preserve it. These furry soldiers are giants among men and beast among the predators of the wild. Sasquatch are a recent addition to the Resistance and have been assigned to Recon operations, battlefield Warriors, Search and Rescue and Enforcers in the militia and make great defenders, especially at Haven entrances. Sasquatch excel as platoon sentry units when traversing wild habitats where they blend in naturally, especially in the Preserves because of their temporary protection as Gaia is currently “undecided” as to their classification and most robot machines overlook their presence as a natural creature. However, Necroborgs and Necrobots will attempt to predate anything alive and moving. This protected status is sure to change quickly as the Machine inevitably becomes more aware of the Sasquatches’ activities as Gaia is not shy in her biological observations and it will only be a matter of time before Gaia begins to capture live specimens for her cryo-zoos, taxonomy and Xeno-zoological analysis. For now however, as long as Sasquatch role play as natural primate creatures they are often left alone after a few hours of recorded observation by drones or probes. It is during this short window of time that the Resistance should try to utilize the Sasquatches to their maximum potential to assist surface and amphibious activities.

Sasquatch are often sent ahead of platoons to scout out areas, even running alongside Gorehounds or scouting areas from high above in the treetop canopy, staying concealed in their camouflaged chameleon skin and dense foliage. Sasquatch are also assigned as Mountain Sentinels to defend and protect hidden Outposts and to comb the harsh climate to rescue comrades and toss foes over the edge, literally.

Few soldiers have been gifted to become Sasquatches and the ones that are, often sad to say, were once the badly disfigured, maimed or severely injured soldiers that have proven themselves immensely in the field, but have been none the less ostracized by haven society because of their unsettling war wounds. Saints & Engineers are simply so rare and extremely busy in most Great Houses that often many soldiers go without corrective cosmetic surgery for days or months at a time before going before one of the benevolent sacred beings. In some cases soldiers who aren’t “dying right away” may have to live with facial disfigurements, lacerations or other unsightly wounds the best they can or even go back into the field, for as long as they can and aren’t becoming infected. Many civilians shamefully don’t wont to see the horrific reminders of the war that goes on the surface, nor do they prefer to be reminded of the high costs and sacrifices that are being made every day by those who place their life on the line. This cruel & selfish facet of humanity can be a sad reminder that even while locked in a war for survival against the oppressing Machine, WE still have so much growing to do in order to conquer ourselves. Many Philosophers have asked what would humans do if they actually won the war against N.E.X.U.S and how would things be governed thereafter, and sadly such selfish and hurtful behaviors may continue to plague man leaving very little as an optimistic future.

Many might consider Sasquatches as simple furry versions of Biotics but nothing could possibly be far from the truth. Biotics are often criminals, mentally ill, rebels or unproven soldiers who are more experimental in design, often viewed as a form of salvaging humans to preserve a form of militia infantry and grunts, even having to mind wipe the humans before the process. Sasquatch however, retain all of their prized previous military knowledge and field expertise as it is invaluable wisdom and experience that the Resistance needs in the field, not another mindless or insane greener. Librarians & Warlords agreed that the time gained from having to avoid training or completely re-training a Splicer and the Bio-E capacity that is already developed makes a Sasquatch a rare soldier commodity. If anything Sasquatches would be closer compared to a Skinjob. However, unlike the stealth & assassin styled Skinjobs, Sasquatch are chosen warriors who have already proven field combative prowess and thus the Librarians decided that Sasquatches will receive devote rewards for their loyalty and valor in the field and especially for surrendering their bodies to the Talents behind Biotechnology to further the cause of the Resistance.

First, these chosen warriors undergo an unforgettable process quite similar to that of the Skinjobs as their human skin is flayed from their bodies while still conscious as the nerve endings must be carefully separated and connected to live nerve endings, and painkillers or anesthetics can damage this process. Once the new protective Sasquatch skin and outer fur coat is successfully grafted (lasting nearly 2-3 days of rigorous torture) the next series of physical enhancements are conducted.

The next stage, the Warriors are imbued with all sorts of physical recovery, enhanced regeneration and morphological enhancements & powers to strengthen their combative prowess and mobility to survive in the rugged terraign without the need or requirement of Living Armor or Host Armor. The outcome is a specimen that could lure many to push others over to sign up for the Sasquatch program if it weren’t for the painful or the very selective process. Sasquatch are beautiful titans of men, with long flowing scentless manes & tufts of hair with corded sculpted muscles that well define their statue and power. The face of a Sasquatch is not like that of a guerilla or orangutan as many might have suspected the Librarians to do, but in fact are quire sentient brewing with intelligent soulful eyes and a slight pronounced muzzle resembling a cross between an alluring Rhesus macaque, Tamarin (Emperer or Cotton Top), Olive male baboon and a slight predatory hint of a Snow leopard. The muzzle houses large powerful canine eyeteeth with the tips slightly revealed at the lip line. The upper bodies of the Sasquatch are well powered and robust exuding extreme amounts of core muscle and strength housed inside. The coat’s coloration can range anywhere from blond, bright orange, crème, tan, amber, sable, to dark gray, silver, any shade of brown or solid black or pure Ivory when the Camouflage skin is not activated. Despite all the augmentations Sasquatch still retain their voice box and capability of speech. They also have a Bio-Comm surgically implanted to where they can speak and communicate to others within a 6-mile radius. Sasquatch also can utilize and emit an encrypted Beast Roar that can be boomed loudly like a roaring tiger or lion to communicate several worded messages (like a Whales song) across a 5-mile radius. When in combat Sasquatch have been known to release deep growls and roaring like some form of large big cat.

Once a Sasquatch has been reborn and awakened from the Engineer’s recovery chamber, they are groomed and checked thoroughly by Geneticist to approve everything. The Sasquatch is then sent to train for several weeks to get accustomed to his new body. This specialized camp is often located in a Preserve & or an isolated mountain range where all the natural senses and abilities can be brought up to speed, honed and executed to meet the required standard (meaning the specs listed in the stats, nothing additional). Sasquatch get one Seasoned Officer to shadow for his training duration until the pup can prove that they have earned the respect of the Officer Sasquatch. Sometimes this is a special tribal hunt (melee weapons only) of a certain formidable alien predator species that will FULLY test & utilize all the required physical attributes of a Sasquatch, or is a feat of agility in climbing to the top of a tall tree or mountain that has treacherous forms of travel and numerous predators or machine patrols that pose a significant threat and to retrieve something back to the leader in a certain allotted time, etc. Once then, they return to the Great House to report for duty and may join any platoon(s) for operation assignments.

Some seasoned Dreadguards suspect this is just another ploy secretly conducted to goad more humans to cheerfully become experimental prototype guinea pigs and puppets for the Librarians causing them to keep a watchful eye on Sasquatch activities. Skinjobs have also taken notice of the well received response of Sasquatch over their more harder to look at appearance and wonder if they will soon be the obsolete models being replaced by the “furry boys.” Some Skinjobs make it known that they disprove of jobs being assigned to Sasquatch over them and seek to always demonstrate the Skinjob superiority in the field, especially when it comes to stealth and close range combat. A few recent Sasquatch casualties have been suspected as foul play and to be caused by the hands of Skinjobs.

Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish, as the warriors have grown much closer & compassionate to their comrades of the militia rather than the cruelty & unappreciative habits of the people they protect and die for. (30% are Principled, 20% are Scrupulous, 30% Unprincipled and 18% Anarchist.)
Attribute Requirements: First and foremost character has historically been either a severely wounded Archangel, Outrider, Packmaster, Roughneck or Skinjob to qualify for the program. Dreadguards & Saints are hands off and Biotics are too much of a liability to risk the conversion, not to mention they often have insanity issues to boot. Scarecrows are hands off as the call of the Elixir means they will be limited to overall field time where as the Sasquatches are designed to last in the field for long isolated durations at a time. This is not to mention that the Scarecrow’s regeneration abilities would fight the surgical conversion process.
With that being said: I.Q. 11, P.E. 14, and P.P. 12 or higher. A high P.S. is suggested, but not mandatory.
Attribute Bonuses (after being remade): +2D10 to P.S., +1D4 to P.P., +1D4 to P.E. and +1D10x10+25 to Speed attribute and can leap 50 feet (15.2 m) across after a short run (half from a dead stop), and 30 feet (9 m) high without a short run.
O.C.C. Bonuses: Has Splicer P.S. (strength), +1 attack per melee round, +3 on initiative, +4 to beastial automatic dodge (the act of dodging does not use up a melee attack, but one must still roll a dodge), +3 to save versus toxins, poisons and drugs, +20% to save versus coma and death.
Base S.D.C.: No Applicable, See MDC Skin & Fur and Enhanced Physical Strength & Body.
Sasquatch Powers: Below is a list of the Standard features and new Bio-E enhancements wont be allowed until level 3 unless the Sasquatch has done some exceptional feat that warrants it, but most Engineers wont push the physical limits any further until level 3 (GM’s call). :

1. M.D.C Skin & Fur Coat: The Excruciating process of becoming a Sasquatch gives the character extremely temperature resistant and durable, bio-synthetic skin and fur with 2D6X10+60 M.D.C., and gets an additional 2D8 M.D.C. per level of experience, starting at level two. The Fur is well insulated with several thousands of hair follicles condensed into each inch of fur, like that of a river otter’s and is also impervious to Mega Damage temperatures such as fire or extreme cold, (Does half damage and skin is literally dry within minutes once character emerges from water.) The fur sheds water very quickly making it difficult to track once the character gets 50 feet (15.2 m) away from the source of water and the fur is odorless.

2. Enhanced Physical Strength, Body & Elongated Arms: The human character is bio-engineered & augmented into a soldier creature with supernatural strength P.S., even as strong as most Splicers (which is the equivalent to Robotic strength. P.S.) The Sasquatch can carry up to 70 times his P.S. attribute number in pounds, can lift up to 100 times his P.S., and inflicts Mega-Damage with his bare hands, claws and feet in melee combat. The body muscle fibers and musculature as a whole has been augmented to allow a Sasquatch to run at an accelerated speed and can run through the densest jungles at half his maximum speed. Add +1D10x10+25 to Speed attribute and can leap 50 feet (15.2 m) across after a short run (half from a dead stop), and 30 feet (9 m) high without a short run. The arms of a Sasquatch have also been elongated and are long and massive with coiled muscle like a gorilla or large male baboon adding +5 to the Sasquatch’s P.S. attribute and gives a 4 foot (1.5 m) reach advantage beyond a normal human’s reach. The powerful long arms are excellent for grasping, lifting and climbing and add an additional +20% to the climbing skill.

The enhanced body also adds 2-3 feet to the height of the character and adds 3D8X10 pounds of muscle, bone, tissue and fur to the character’s natural unarmored weight.

3. Righting Reflex: The Sasquatch automatically relaxes, rights itself and lands on its feet or in a way to minimize any damage the same as a cat. Like most felines, the Sasquatch morphology has a unique “vestibular apparatus” that allows the Sasquatch to orient himself in midair and land safely on all fours (hands and feet), spreading and absorbing damage that would otherwise cause injury. This is also used to recover from falls and orient the Sasquatch to snag any nearby branches or availed ledges with ease in-order to recover.
Bonus: +3 to roll with fall or knockdown impact (but not punches and kicks), and takes no damage from any fall less than 48 feet (14.6 m), automatically landing safely on all fours. The Sasquatch takes only half damage from any falls from a greater height up to 1000 feet (305 m) All other falls from a higher height do full damage.

4. Super-Healing: The Sasquatch bio-regenerates 1D6+2 M.D.C. per melee round and is +20% to save versus coma and death. Sasquatch have a high pain tolerance and threshold as their body releases endorphins to deduce the pain but they aren’t totally insensitive to pain. Once a Sasquatch is down to zero M.D.C. or less, the character will collapse into unconsciousness (like any other character), but the Sasquatch will continue to regenerate and when back up to at least 3 M.D.C. above zero, the character regains consciousness and is ready for action within 1D4 seconds (one melee action).

5. Reinforced Exoskeleton: Sasquatch have exceptionally thick, extra hard and resilient alien exoskeleton and bones to carry all of their bulk and mass and are difficult to break.
Bonuses: +30 M.D.C. to the main body and +7 M.D.C. to all other locations.
Mega Damage: A head butt does +1D6 M.D., a running ram/body block does an extra +3D6 M.D., a Pounce Thruster Ram/Body Block does +1D6X10+15 M.D., and +2D6 M.D. bonus to punches, elbows and kicks from the Sasquatch. +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.

6. Organic Pounce Thrusters: These smaller less powerful versions of the Organic Thrusters enable a being the size and weight of a Sasquatch to make great use of their propulsion ability with the bonus of silenced noise reduction when in use. Dual Pounce Thruster nozzles are mounted in the center of the shoulders (4 total) and two on each leg calf for hovering, underwater swimming and enhancing leaps, especially within in high terraign such as mountains of treetop canopy.
Flight Ability: 100 mph (160 km) with a maximum altitude of 200 feet (610 m).
Underwater: May be used underwater with a speed of 50 mph (80 km). Bonuses when Flying: +1 initiative, +2 to dodge, and +2 to roll with fall or impact.
Bonuses when Leaping: +1 to strike, -2 to dodge (when boosted leap has been committed to a direction), only way to change direction is to bounce off of another structure, +50 feet (15.25 m) additional to leap distance, +100 feet (30.5 m) to height of leap. The M.D.C. of each nozzle is 2D4X10 M.D.C.

7. Chameleon Skin: The Color an fur pattern of the Sasquatch can change to adapt to any habitat situation, so that the coat can transform to look like rippling water, moving or stationary leaves, green grass and scrub, dirt rocks, a brick wall, concrete, metal, tree bark and similar natural earth patterns, colors and environments with exactly the right shades and reflections. (Anything that is worn over or covers the fur skin stands out on the otherwise concealed Sasquatch. (Standard Chameleon Skin limitations and detection table as written in Splicers sourcebook 2004 Pg 83.)

8. Enhanced Senses:
Special Sight: The eyes of a Sasquatch have a violet or indigo iris revealing their enhanced abilities at play. The Eyes allow the Sasquatch to see into the thermal, infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light and color. These eyes also provide similar vision to that of an eagle with stereoscopic capability, enabling the character to recognize a face or read a small signup to a mile (1.6 km) away. The eyes also provide passive nightvision.
Range: 200 feet (610 m).

Special protective eyelid lens used originally for keeping out extreme cold and air pressures can be extracted to go across the pupils. In addition the lenses work in conjunction with long whisker like fur strands hidden among the mane to allow the Sasquatch to see and sense the flow of electricity in electrical wires and machines (including robots) and living creatures as well as natural electromagnetic energy. Sasquatches can use this sense to feel the presence of a machine, robot or creature behind a wall, rock ledge, in a white out, around the corner or hiding behind cover or under camouflage within a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.

Special Scenting Ability: Due to the enhanced olfactory of the Sasquatch it is almost as keen as an adult bear. (Essentially the same as the Scarecrow’s scenting & tracking ability with double the range as written in Splicers sourcebook 2004, Pg 160.)

9. Gripping Hairs: placed along the pads of the feet and along the underneath of the padded hands are numerous small tentacle like hair fibers. These gripping hairs cling to most “rough” surfaces like trees, rock, concrete, wood, snow, etc., allowing the Sasquatch to scale such surfaces vertically or horizontally, even ceilings.
Limitations: climbing speed is one third the usual running speed and the Sasquatch cannot carry more than a third of his usual amount when climbing or upside down.
Bonuses: +15% to Climbing Skill.

10. Retractable Claw Sabers: (4) long black retractable claw like sabers made of an alien bone DNA concoction capable of cutting through steel are sheathed in forearm housings that are concealed by long flowing hair. The 2’5” foot claw sabers are sharpened EVERY time they are unsheathed as they race against the inner sheath housings, sometimes creating sparks when they are extracted. The claws also regenerate 2D6+3 M.D.C. per melee round or (1D6x10 M.D.C. per minute) if broken.
Mega Damage: +2D6+6 M.D. in addition to Splicer P.S. punch damage. Claw Strike/Slash: 6D6+10 M.D. and a Power Claw Strike/Slash: 1D6X10+10 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.

Penalties: Even with alluring and somewhat “cuter” and majestic appearance, the Sasquatch is still a very large beastly looking titan sculpted in muscle and exuding serious power & strength, almost like a large “seemingly tame” Siberian tiger in a room on a leash, its still a TIGER and the fear and discomfort it exudes is similar to that of a Sasquatch. It instills a horror factor of 7 and reduces the M.A. by 1D4 points. The Character has truly sacrifice their humanity and cannot be restored. The character cannot use the skills of Impersonation, Seduction (some may still try with a –30%), Wardrobe, Picking Pockets, Pick Locks, and cannot adorn Host Armor. Worse, the Sasquatch’s mind is not alone. There is a alien symbiote silently hissing and watching the activities of the Sasquatch and sometimes its alien like noises can be heard skittering inside the mind and head of the Sasquatch. Sasquatch have a 25% chance of having violent nightmares when asleep and may lash out at anything within a 10-foot (3 m) radius until completely awakened. This is one of those issues that the characters wish they knew before they signed up to being converted at the hands of the Librarians’ suggestions. Unlike insanities where the issue may stem from some psychological challenge or interpretation, this creature is very real and it has some twisted purpose that Librarians will eventually exploit in the future. Who knows what this alien creature really is and or what it is up to and why it was placed there in the first place. What has been noticed by the more seasoned Sasquatch is that the older they get, the more feral and battle raged they seem to become and the worse their nightmare frequency. Increase nightmare chances by 10% per level of experience and has a 30% likelihood of getting Delusional Alien, Feral, Animal like or Psychosis: Violet Rage at levels 5, 8 and 11. (See Splicers sourcebook Pg 148 for details on these insanities)

Special Note:
> Mane or Mantle (Sometimes these long flowing manes or baboon like mantles are upgraded to a Quill Mane by the more seasoned Sasquatch Warriors. The long flowing hair tuffs on the forearms and lower legs may also be upgraded in the more seasoned Sasquatch). Also noted are the Apache, Cheyenne and Cherokee Sasquatch Special teams who also braid or adorn long flowing stallion horse like pony tails as a signature of their recognition and prowess. Nubians descendents may braid their hair or place them into long wild dreadlocks. Norse & Tibetan descendents have also been known to braid their flowing hair into various forms of ponytails with the latter having more flowing ponytails.

Common Skills: WIP

O.C.C. Skill Program: WIP

Elective Skills: WIP

Secondary Skills: WIP

M.D.C. Living Armor: None.

Standard Equipment: WIP

Money: Has 4D4X100 credits worth of precious metals, relics or tradable goods as well as 3D8X100 in available credits and previous money before the conversion. As always money can be spent immediately on additional equipment or saved for later.

The Upside: WIP

The Downside: WIP
Last edited by Premier on Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by krispy »

these would go great with the Yeti HA i am writing up

they would be a perfect addition for H. Skyrus.

great work mate :D :ok:
connecting the dots
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Being part Sasquatches (prefer Big Foot myself) I would play this. :ok:

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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Premier »

Thank You Guys!!

ANY suggestion(s) on how you would approach writing the skillset for such an O.C.C. since Sasquatch retain some of their previous skills?

I was also thinking of giving them some unique equipment & fur Backpack that can patch into a bio-drive to carry their equipment as well as it is in sync with the Sasquatch to allow it and the back pack to utilize the Camo skin feature. So what say you, Sasquatch Special Weapons & Gear?

Perhaps a rumored secret training camp some where in the deep forests where true Sasquatch/Bigfoot dwell?

BTW, Shawn you said you are part Sasquatch, do mind me asking a little more detail(s) on this... ?
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by taalismn »

OF COURSE Sasquatch Special Weapons! Cryptoprimates DEMAND super-secret special equipment! That's how they remain Cryptoprimates!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by taalismn »

Premier wrote:Thank You Guys!!

ANY suggestion(s) on how you would approach writing the skillset for such an O.C.C. since Sasquatch retain some of their previous skills?

Hmmm...maybe allow them x number of skills(player's choice...depending on what NEW skills they'd be picking up, I'd not make it more than six OCC skills, and they'd get to keep the from their previous OCC, frozen at the last level of advancement)...
Or just approach it as you would a Rifts 'Borg or BioBorg...previous OCC skills are FROZEN until the PC's new OCC catches up(in this case the PC is becoming essentially a highly-skilled and specialized biotic/bio-cyborg.
Even that may be overthinking it, because if the PCs are starting fresh with a Sasquatch character, they wouldn't have a previous OCC to multiclass with, so they have less to UNlearn.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Premier »

taalismn wrote:OF COURSE Sasquatch Special Weapons! Cryptoprimates DEMAND super-secret special equipment! That's how they remain Cryptoprimates!

Leave it to the Genius to always make me look silly twiddling my thumbs. :D
So what say you, do you have any suggestions on some good Cryptoprimate weaponry and equipment?

If so please feel free to contribute some of those mad scientist innovations. :?

Actually now that you mentioned it, I think you just opened the doorway to some VERY interesting prospects:

PLEASE Shoot em down if you don't like em or feel they are stretching things to far for this setting.

1. A new type of stealth: Cloak.

2. An alien form of teleportation (range 50-100 feet/ 15 to 30 m). So thats how they lose their pursuers. In fact, the eldest msot seasoned prototype Sasquatch officers are the ones with the ability to teleport and other Great House Librarians and Engineers are being designed to try & infiltrate the secret Sasquatch compounds to either:

A: Learn how they truly do it
B: Obtain a viable sample to take back to an outpost and get back to the Librarians to try & reverse engineer

...but for some reason it's trickier & far more difficult than it seems.

IN actuality, Sasquatch have let onto the Neo Sasquatch that they aren't teleporting at all, but in fact, when they are being pursued, one Sasquatch simply cloaks and another Sasquatch nearby receives a deep encrypted growl that is heard below human hearing capacity and it tells the Sasquatch certain key information (fur color, physical build, etc.) and that Sasquatch's cloak "if" receptive, replicates the fur pattern and almost near identical idenity of the Sender. This misleads pursuers to thinking that the orginal Sasquatch actually teleported to get that far so quickly. All the while the other Sasquatch is cloaked and laying low until the coast is clear.

Such gimmickry tricks are a learned keystone of the Sasquatch tribes and must be discovered and learned. Others, especially Librarians suspect that it is this trick that is the deception and that in fact Sasquatch do have some hidden secret alien relic technology to teleport them short distances and are using some other alien device to link to it and are holding out. The Splicer Resistance must decode the truth one way or the other.
What say you as I know true Teleportation as a new splicers power may open up floodgates that we don't want.

3. War Bone Gauntlets. Huge Weapons with an array of devices and weaponry built into large gauntlet like shields that are placed on each hand and arm. Such Gauntlets could house multiple serrated whips for climbing assistance and combat, navigation, Garrot, Quill launchers, explosive liquid gels that could be opened to purposely splatter onto targets or trail for a long range sabotage, Hologram projectors to scan a scanned in desiganted area to monitor hidden camera traps, etc.

4. Bio Spears. A huge natural wood & or bone looking heavy Spear polearm with biotechnology enhancments built inside to use as a melee weapon and or a med-long range discharge weapon or even as a large blow gun that hooks up to one of the Sasquatch's organic thruster ports for propulsion. A slight muccle twitch from the Sasquatch and a silent needle the size of a splintered baseball bat is launched at high velocity.

5. Hair Needles: These long hair strands are treated and braided into fine crafted needles and are able to be thrown at high velocity by Sasquatch, creating a deadly silent dart/needles/shuriken styled weapon. The needles can be laced with bio-toxins of any of the various biotech spores or gases.

6. Alien scent replication: Not the best bio-weapon to be proud of but the stinker does come in handy. This ability allows a Sasquatch to replicate a pungent gaseous odor that not only can make Warmounts or Host Armors vomit their contents, but it can be used to replicate signature scents of various alien predators. Such scents can be used to draw in and lure these creatures, thus setting traps for Splicers or robots alike. These scents could be a creature(s) in heat or a rival male species that is violating another male's territory during musk, etc. Or a scent could be used to deter predators as in the smell of a larger' predator's scent marking and territorial marking or the smell of death of a certain species to possibly instill fear within that same species if it's nearby. Or scents could be made to intoxicate, confuse or shake possible trackers such as Gorehounds, Scarecrows, etc..

7. A large & powerful Sasquatch Slingshot that can propel specialized explosive chig rounds that are grown and resemble large acorns. Other round types could include miniature virus immobilizers, or Grub nest eggs that can be thrown at opponents like a professional baseball pitcher's heater, but only we are talking Sasquatches and a much bigger solid ball :eek: , and upon contact the ball's burst and the grub go burrowing into their targets immediately.

8. A Glaive: A jagged frisby like bio-weapon that cuts down everything in its thrown path, spinning at high velocity & silently and returns back to the signature scent of its rightful Sasquatch.

9. A powerful and very large Warhammer or Tomahawk to make great use of the core strength and power of the Sasquatch. Of course each could have its own biotech enhancement i.e. Lightning Discharge upon impact or Concussive force or even a Bio Expulsion Energy shockwave that fountains over the hit target.

Just food for thoughts
Last edited by Premier on Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:35 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Premier wrote:BTW, Shawn you said you are part Sasquatch, do mind me asking a little more detail(s) on this... ?

6'4" with big feet and a ridiculous amount of body hair. I even grew a hair out of the bottom of my left foot somehow. I have been called Bigfoot by family and friends more the a few times. :lol:

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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Premier »

taalismn wrote:
Premier wrote:Thank You Guys!!

ANY suggestion(s) on how you would approach writing the skillset for such an O.C.C. since Sasquatch retain some of their previous skills?

Hmmm...maybe allow them x number of skills(player's choice...depending on what NEW skills they'd be picking up, I'd not make it more than six OCC skills, and they'd get to keep the from their previous OCC, frozen at the last level of advancement)...
Or just approach it as you would a Rifts 'Borg or BioBorg...previous OCC skills are FROZEN until the PC's new OCC catches up(in this case the PC is becoming essentially a highly-skilled and specialized biotic/bio-cyborg.
Even that may be overthinking it, because if the PCs are starting fresh with a Sasquatch character, they wouldn't have a previous OCC to multiclass with, so they have less to UNlearn.

Amazing solution!
I think you may have solved it just that easily! Player’s choice of 6 skills or (GM has player roll 1D6). Either GM & Player agree on what the skill level was frozen at or Player can roll a 1D4 per skill to see what each skill level is or 1D4 for overall. (Skills must have been availed to previous character O.C.C. before conversion, so no hands off O.C.C. skillsets allowed)

All a Player needs now is the additional 3 Elective Skills & 4 Secondary Skills with level ups at 3,5,7 and 9 for Elective Skills and levels 2,4,6, 9 and 13 for the Secondary Skills.
What say you guys?
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Premier »

Shawn Merrow wrote:
Premier wrote:BTW, Shawn you said you are part Sasquatch, do mind me asking a little more detail(s) on this... ?

6'4" with big feet and a ridiculous amount of body hair. I even grew a hair out of the bottom of my left foot somehow. I have been called Bigfoot by family and friends more the a few times. :lol:

BIG SHAWN .......
:eek: :D

What happened to the other foot's hair? Did you step on some fire? :D
No seriously 6'4", and a Creative talented Writer, what a combo! I can just imagine the eyes of Players when they see you coming in to sit down and GM a good game. no disputing with the GM today I see...
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by 89er »

Premier wrote:
taalismn wrote:OF COURSE Sasquatch Special Weapons! Cryptoprimates DEMAND super-secret special equipment! That's how they remain Cryptoprimates!

Leave it to the Genius to always make me look silly twiddling my thumbs. :D
So what say you, do you have any suggestions on some good Cryptoprimate weaponry and equipment?

If so please feel free to contribute some of those mad scientist innovations. :?

Actually now that you mentioned it, I think you just opened the doorway to some VERY interesting prospects:

PLEASE Shoot em down if you don't like em or feel they are stretching things to far for this setting.

1. A new type of stealth: Cloak.

2. An alien form of teleportation (range 50-100 feet/ 15 to 30 m). So thats how they lose their pursuers. In fact, the eldest msot seasoned prototype Sasquatch officers are the ones with the ability to teleport and other Great House Librarians and Engineers are being designed to try & infiltrate the secret Sasquatch compounds to either:

A: Learn how they truly do it
B: Obtain a viable sample to take back to an outpost and get back to the Librarians to try & reverse engineer

...but for some reason it's trickier & far more difficult than it seems.

IN actuality, Sasquatch have let onto the Neo Sasquatch that they aren't teleporting at all, but in fact, when they are being pursued, one Sasquatch simply cloaks and another Sasquatch nearby receives a deep encrypted growl that is heard below human hearing capacity and it tells the Sasquatch certain key information (fur color, physical build, etc.) and that Sasquatch's cloak "if" receptive, replicates the fur pattern and almost near identical idenity of the Sender. This misleads pursuers to thinking that the orginal Sasquatch actually teleported to get that far so quickly. All the while the other Sasquatch is cloaked and laying low until the coast is clear.

Such gimmickry tricks are a learned keystone of the Sasquatch tribes and must be discovered and learned. Others, especially Librarians suspect that it is this trick that is the deception and that in fact Sasquatch do have some hidden secret alien relic technology to teleport them short distances and are using some other alien device to link to it and are holding out. The Splicer Resistance must decode the truth one way or the other.
What say you as I know true Teleportation as a new splicers power may open up floodgates that we don't want.

3. War Bone Gauntlets. Huge Weapons with an array of devices and weaponry built into large gauntlet like shields that are placed on each hand and arm. Such Gauntlets could house multiple serrated whips for climbing assistance and combat, navigation, Garrot, Quill launchers, explosive liquid gels that could be opened to purposely splatter onto targets or trail for a long range sabotage, Hologram projectors to scan a scanned in desiganted area to monitor hidden camera traps, etc.

4. Bio Spears. A huge natural wood & or bone looking heavy Spear polearm with biotechnology enhancments built inside to use as a melee weapon and or a med-long range discharge weapon or even as a large blow gun that hooks up to one of the Sasquatch's organic thruster ports for propulsion. A slight muccle twitch from the Sasquatch and a silent needle the size of a splintered baseball bat is launched at high velocity.

5. Hair Needles: These long hair strands are treated and braided into fine crafted needles and are able to be thrown at high velocity by Sasquatch, creating a deadly silent dart/needles/shuriken styled weapon. The needles can be laced with bio-toxins of any of the various biotech spores or gases.

6. Alien scent replication: Not the best bio-weapon to be proud of but the stinker does come in handy. This ability allows a Sasquatch to replicate a pugnant gaseos odor that not only can make Warmounts or Host Armors vomit their contents, but it can be used to replicate signature scents of various alien predators. Such scents can be used to draw in and lure these creatures, thus setting traps for Splicers or robots alike. These scents could be a creature(s) in heat or a rival male species that is violating another male's territory during musk, etc. Or a scent could be used to deter predators as in the smell of a larger' predator's scent marking and territorial marking or the smell of death of a certain species to possibly instil fear within that same species if it's nearby. Or scents could be made to intoxicate, confuse or shake possible trackers such as Gorehounds, Scarecrows, etc..

7. A large & powerful Sasquatch Slingshot that can propel specialized explosive chig rounds that are grown and resemble large acorns. Other round types could include miniature virus immobilizers, or Grub nest eggs that can be thrown at opponents like a professional baseball pitcher's heater, but only we are talking Sasquatches and a much bigger solid ball :eek: , and upon contact the ball's burst and the grub go burrowing into their targets immediately.

8. A Glaive: A jagged frisby like bio-weapon that cuts down everything in its thrown path, spinning at high velocity & silently and returns back to the signature scent of its rightful Sasquatch.

9. A powerful and very large Warhammer or Tomahawk to make great use of the core strength and power of the Sasquatch. Of course each could have its own biotech enhancement i.e. Lightning Discharge upon impact or Concussive force or even a Bio Expulsion Energy shockwave that fountains over the hit target.

Just food for thoughts

Howdy Premier,

This new design is out of the park. I like the concept and the cons of taking a still good warrior and making him a biotech defender. If this is just a sample of what the arctic Splicers are cooking up, I am making my reservations.

Now about the Sasquatch Spy-Warrior’s equipment:

+The cloak sounds good but more information is needed.

+The trick teleport sounds great and head scratching. But for full on teleportation, even short-range, I feel like it is too early to reveal it yet until something big goes down, and even then, have it reserved only for the Warlord and the Senators.

+The gauntlets, the spear, the slingshot, the glaive, and the warhammer/tomahawk all sound like powerful weapons, but I feel that if you did not share a few with similar sized splicers, it could lead to jealously and in fighting.
“How come Chewbacca gets the world’s only badass slingshot while we have to fight with just shards and super light cells?”

+The hair needles are sure to become a fan favorite among those who like their Sasquatch with some long range options.

+The scent replication is sure to have all manner of uses, and watching a Host Armor hurl sounds hilarious.
“Dear god, I didn’t know Host Armor could puke! Oh, now it’s mixing with the neuron-electric gel. And there goes my big date.”

Now to add to other biotech brutes:
+A kanabo for breaking the limbs of enemies.
+An XL Bow for the archers, along with a built in quiver on the Host Armor, that can generate different kinds of arrows form the basic to all kinds of biotech tricks. (Could be the basis for an archer O.C.C. or a Host Armor.)
+A Centipede sword that also can function as a whip. Can Come in regular and XL sizes.

I hope this helps.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Premier »

89er wrote:
Premier wrote:
taalismn wrote:OF COURSE Sasquatch Special Weapons! Cryptoprimates DEMAND super-secret special equipment! That's how they remain Cryptoprimates!

Leave it to the Genius to always make me look silly twiddling my thumbs. :D
So what say you, do you have any suggestions on some good Cryptoprimate weaponry and equipment?

If so please feel free to contribute some of those mad scientist innovations. :?

Actually now that you mentioned it, I think you just opened the doorway to some VERY interesting prospects:

PLEASE Shoot em down if you don't like em or feel they are stretching things to far for this setting.

1. A new type of stealth: Cloak.

2. An alien form of teleportation (range 50-100 feet/ 15 to 30 m). So thats how they lose their pursuers. In fact, the eldest msot seasoned prototype Sasquatch officers are the ones with the ability to teleport and other Great House Librarians and Engineers are being designed to try & infiltrate the secret Sasquatch compounds to either:

A: Learn how they truly do it
B: Obtain a viable sample to take back to an outpost and get back to the Librarians to try & reverse engineer

...but for some reason it's trickier & far more difficult than it seems.

IN actuality, Sasquatch have let onto the Neo Sasquatch that they aren't teleporting at all, but in fact, when they are being pursued, one Sasquatch simply cloaks and another Sasquatch nearby receives a deep encrypted growl that is heard below human hearing capacity and it tells the Sasquatch certain key information (fur color, physical build, etc.) and that Sasquatch's cloak "if" receptive, replicates the fur pattern and almost near identical idenity of the Sender. This misleads pursuers to thinking that the orginal Sasquatch actually teleported to get that far so quickly. All the while the other Sasquatch is cloaked and laying low until the coast is clear.

Such gimmickry tricks are a learned keystone of the Sasquatch tribes and must be discovered and learned. Others, especially Librarians suspect that it is this trick that is the deception and that in fact Sasquatch do have some hidden secret alien relic technology to teleport them short distances and are using some other alien device to link to it and are holding out. The Splicer Resistance must decode the truth one way or the other.
What say you as I know true Teleportation as a new splicers power may open up floodgates that we don't want.

3. War Bone Gauntlets. Huge Weapons with an array of devices and weaponry built into large gauntlet like shields that are placed on each hand and arm. Such Gauntlets could house multiple serrated whips for climbing assistance and combat, navigation, Garrot, Quill launchers, explosive liquid gels that could be opened to purposely splatter onto targets or trail for a long range sabotage, Hologram projectors to scan a scanned in desiganted area to monitor hidden camera traps, etc.

4. Bio Spears. A huge natural wood & or bone looking heavy Spear polearm with biotechnology enhancments built inside to use as a melee weapon and or a med-long range discharge weapon or even as a large blow gun that hooks up to one of the Sasquatch's organic thruster ports for propulsion. A slight muccle twitch from the Sasquatch and a silent needle the size of a splintered baseball bat is launched at high velocity.

5. Hair Needles: These long hair strands are treated and braided into fine crafted needles and are able to be thrown at high velocity by Sasquatch, creating a deadly silent dart/needles/shuriken styled weapon. The needles can be laced with bio-toxins of any of the various biotech spores or gases.

6. Alien scent replication: Not the best bio-weapon to be proud of but the stinker does come in handy. This ability allows a Sasquatch to replicate a pugnant gaseos odor that not only can make Warmounts or Host Armors vomit their contents, but it can be used to replicate signature scents of various alien predators. Such scents can be used to draw in and lure these creatures, thus setting traps for Splicers or robots alike. These scents could be a creature(s) in heat or a rival male species that is violating another male's territory during musk, etc. Or a scent could be used to deter predators as in the smell of a larger' predator's scent marking and territorial marking or the smell of death of a certain species to possibly instil fear within that same species if it's nearby. Or scents could be made to intoxicate, confuse or shake possible trackers such as Gorehounds, Scarecrows, etc..

7. A large & powerful Sasquatch Slingshot that can propel specialized explosive chig rounds that are grown and resemble large acorns. Other round types could include miniature virus immobilizers, or Grub nest eggs that can be thrown at opponents like a professional baseball pitcher's heater, but only we are talking Sasquatches and a much bigger solid ball :eek: , and upon contact the ball's burst and the grub go burrowing into their targets immediately.

8. A Glaive: A jagged frisby like bio-weapon that cuts down everything in its thrown path, spinning at high velocity & silently and returns back to the signature scent of its rightful Sasquatch.

9. A powerful and very large Warhammer or Tomahawk to make great use of the core strength and power of the Sasquatch. Of course each could have its own biotech enhancement i.e. Lightning Discharge upon impact or Concussive force or even a Bio Expulsion Energy shockwave that fountains over the hit target.

Just food for thoughts

Howdy Premier,

This new design is out of the park. I like the concept and the cons of taking a still good warrior and making him a biotech defender. If this is just a sample of what the arctic Splicers are cooking up, I am making my reservations.

Now about the Sasquatch Spy-Warrior’s equipment:

+The cloak sounds good but more information is needed.

+The trick teleport sounds great and head scratching. But for full on teleportation, even short-range, I feel like it is too early to reveal it yet until something big goes down, and even then, have it reserved only for the Warlord and the Senators.

+The gauntlets, the spear, the slingshot, the glaive, and the warhammer/tomahawk all sound like powerful weapons, but I feel that if you did not share a few with similar sized splicers, it could lead to jealously and in fighting.
“How come Chewbacca gets the world’s only badass slingshot while we have to fight with just shards and super light cells?”

+The hair needles are sure to become a fan favorite among those who like their Sasquatch with some long range options.

+The scent replication is sure to have all manner of uses, and watching a Host Armor hurl sounds hilarious.
“Dear god, I didn’t know Host Armor could puke! Oh, now it’s mixing with the neuron-electric gel. And there goes my big date.”

Now to add to other biotech brutes:
+A kanabo for breaking the limbs of enemies.
+An XL Bow for the archers, along with a built in quiver on the Host Armor, that can generate different kinds of arrows form the basic to all kinds of biotech tricks. (Could be the basis for an archer O.C.C. or a Host Armor.)
+A Centipede sword that also can function as a whip. Can Come in regular and XL sizes.

I hope this helps.

Thank You 89er, Where ya been, its been a minute and we missed ya

Glad you like the design and the basis for it. Yeah I want Splicers in the Arctic to have some fun, even if it’s so cold… Between deadly alien predators, weather conditions, new Splicer technology, isolated societies and some NEXUS tampering, I figured it could be a worthy setting to splurge into.

> Yeah, the cloak does need some ironing out. Got to let the gears turn on that one a little bit more. Could be a tattered animal hide type cloak with a hood that is adorned, made from the actual creature that was the rite of passage or an actual bio-enhancment that triggers a screen affect across the individual fur strains as if each fur follicle was an independent screen that projected its own portion of a 360 degree image to form the mirroring illusion.
> Thank you for the feedback regarding the teleportation. I wasn’t certain if true teleportation should still be a sort of hands off power/ability or not or if ever. I thought more about it and came back and edited it and kind of like the old school of out-thinking opponent tricks of the field that Sasquatch might excel in.
> Oh, Anything available for Sasquatch should be availed for other Splicers, but the package deal is what makes the Sasquatch what it is. I don’t think anything else would need to be proprietary. I just wanted to make sure that the Sasquatch while not having any form of major Armor benefits was no slouch against Machines or rival Splicers. Though I doubt other OCC will be having the exceptional pitching skill like a Sasquatch, :wink: .
> Glad you liked them needles. Was trying to think of something silent and light and how to make use of all that muscle performance.
> Yeah I was laughing at first of an HA or Warmount losing its meal, but then I thought of how bad that would be if that HA or Warmount really needed a full stomach to regenerate and restore its ammo reserves. Now it has to go back and hunt and is possibly vulnerable unless its going to double dip back into the… ewww :eek: . But would the nutrients in the vomit be all digested or messed up? ewwww. :eek: . Bad Chuck! Bad Chuck! (punt not intended, just came out that way, (punt not intended again) I will leave this one alone for now. :(
But then again, you made a valid point, would a vomiting Dracos make a toxic puddle of…, I mean the kid in J Park used T-Rex stuff to …so why pass up a good bio weapon… I mean…
never mind... moving on, for real this time.

> I like where you are going with the Kanabo! Something that could potentially deliver bone breaking damage to both the HA, Living Body Armor and straight to the joints of the pilot inside. “Drop that rifle” Crack!
> As to the Bio-bow, just wait till you see what Slappy has cooked up!!! It has the arrows and all. I avoided the bow only because I didn’t want the Wookie comparison with a crossbow.
> The centipede Whip-Chain sword sounds just nasty and slick! That I think would be nice for Sasquatch and a smaller type for smaller O.C.C.s! With Sasquatch it’s more like a heavy Chain like carapace versus a slender cutter for other sleeker Sasquatch and smaller O.C.C.s

GREAT contribution ideas as always 89er! Your always in my head aren’t you?
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by 89er »

Naw, I'm just a simple man-parasite-biotech lover who waits until it is right to strike.

Currently I've been working on my Dust Devil Host Armor, an anti-tank sniper giraffe warmount, a large bird warmount inspired by an explosive dragon, some gore beasts such as crabs and monkeys, and the concept of odd romances and kinks in the Splicers world.

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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Slight001 »

Didn't Slappy create a centipede blade like weapon already? I think he called it the switch blade?
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Premier »

Slight001 wrote:Didn't Slappy create a centipede blade like weapon already? I think he called it the switch blade?

Switch Blade

A Bio-Tech Switch Blade is far different than its technological equivalent. Instead of a simple spring-loaded knife blade, this weapon is the bizarre combination of a wicked-looking long sword and a serrated whip. A simple mental command from the wielder causes the seemingly solid blade to extend into a ten-foot long whip lined with dozens of razor-sharp thorns and back again. The flexibility of this weapon keeps targets guessing at all times. Opponents cannot stay outside the range of the sword or close the distance to limit the effectiveness of the whip. This formidable melee weapon is utterly devastating in the hands of a skilled user, but warriors must possess W.P. Sword and W.P. Whip in order to wield a Switch Blade effectively.

Weight: 3 lbs.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per sword strike, or 2D6 M.D. per lash of the whip. The Switch Blade can also be used to entangle an opponent much like the Serrated Whip Bio-Enhancement (see page 96 of the Splicers RPG for entanglement rules).
M.D.C. of the Weapon: 100 M.D.C. As a living Bio-Weapon, damage regenerates at the rate of 3D6 M.D.C. per minute, and a severed part of the whip will regrow in 24 hours.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry, +2 to disarm, and +3 to entangle.
Trade Value: 1000 credits.

This creepy... ... tipede.jpg ... ipede2.jpg ... tipede.jpg

Only built more like Arthropleura: ... pleura.jpg ... leura1.jpg ... 05_175.jpg

I was thinking of 89er's centipede suggestion more like the prehistoric wide plated centipede, arthropleura. Something down right heavy and similar to a double edged butcher's meat cleaver along the edges, So... man if you get nailed with it... :eek:
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Premier wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
Premier wrote:BTW, Shawn you said you are part Sasquatch, do mind me asking a little more detail(s) on this... ?

6'4" with big feet and a ridiculous amount of body hair. I even grew a hair out of the bottom of my left foot somehow. I have been called Bigfoot by family and friends more the a few times. :lol:

BIG SHAWN .......
:eek: :D

What happened to the other foot's hair? Did you step on some fire? :D
No seriously 6'4", and a Creative talented Writer, what a combo! I can just imagine the eyes of Players when they see you coming in to sit down and GM a good game. no disputing with the GM today I see...

No, hair from the bottom of the right foot yet. :lol:

Thanks for the kind words. :)

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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by krispy »

you have been busy too mate

1. A new type of stealth: Cloak


2. An alien form of teleportation

Ahh I see you have implemented the Splicers tactical version of the murderer(s) in Hot Fuzz…clever

3. War Bone Gauntlets

I always liked the weapon gauntlets that the CS juicers used and this sounds like a great version for Splicers

4. Bio Spears


5. Hair Needles

Not sure….how about a modified version of NDB (was always a bit iffy as to whether NDB would work properly with someone with thick fur) a small current is run through the skin (linked to the Pilomotor reflex (Goosebumps)) that stiffens the hairs and they can be fired off like NDB

6. Alien scent replication

Sweet…flashbacks of something I read a long time ago where a group purchased a bladder of Rhino urine and basically catapulted it into a CS encampment and vaporized it with a laser shot…therefore incapacitating the Dogboys due to the overpowering smell

7. A large & powerful Sasquatch Slingshot

That is awesome

8. A Glaive

??....just curious mate, is this thing going to be a living creature that flies itself.

9. A powerful and very large Warhammer or Tomahawk

There is always room for weapons that crush your enemies to dust
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by krispy »

89er wrote:+An XL Bow for the archers, along with a built in quiver on the Host Armor, that can generate different kinds of arrows form the basic to all kinds of biotech tricks. (Could be the basis for an archer O.C.C. or a Host Armor.)
+A Centipede sword that also can function as a whip. Can Come in regular and XL sizes.

ahh i was just about to start on an archer OCC....great thinking 99...i mean 89er

and i wait in anticipation to see what Slappy has cooking :D, i dont have to write mine now
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Blindscout »

Given that my Roughneck and his HA are already set up for the types of operations you have designed this lovely bit of Splicer-ness for, I could easily see him getting converted to a 'Squatch if he sustained (and survived) a breach to HA. All around great work, Premier! :ok:
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Any experiment of any kind that starts with "hold my beer" should make the property owner immune to frivolous lawsuits.

Mack wrote:Oh, and if the POTUS evey gave me a nuke, I think I'd aim it at Bieber.

()_) ()_)-o-)_)

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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by taalismn »

Hmmm...a perfect addition to the Sasq or Yeti would be some way of erasing its tracks, but that's proving rather difficult to figure out the mechanics,since mechanical erasure can prove to leave as much disturbance as the original tracks...
Now, with snow, it might be a little easier...some sort of organic water mister(possibly with a coolant feature, that sprays fresh snow to fill in tracks or refreeze broken ice). A sort of bio-snowblower that might alos have weapons applications is spraying freezing coolant and water on other organic targets and robots(possibly literally freezing up their joints or temporarily covering their sensors in lock-ice).
The penalty would be that the system effectively slows the Sasq/Yeti down to maybe 10-20% of normal speed, especially if the HA is taking its time to prowl in the first place, not punching honking big holes in the ice with its feet, and trying to minimally disturb the ground/snow pack in the first place, in order for the system to do a thorough job. Such a system might also be used to camouflage a temporary bivouac area(though I'd apply the Camouflage skill under such circumstances).
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Blindscout »

When are we going to see a concept picture? I just checked deviant art and didn't see anything.......waiting and hoping. :D
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Any experiment of any kind that starts with "hold my beer" should make the property owner immune to frivolous lawsuits.

Mack wrote:Oh, and if the POTUS evey gave me a nuke, I think I'd aim it at Bieber.

()_) ()_)-o-)_)

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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by taalismn »

Blindscout wrote:When are we going to see a concept picture? I just checked deviant art and didn't see anything.......waiting and hoping. :D

NOBODY knows what Sasquatch or Yeti really look like....that's part of the mystique. :twisted:
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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taalismn wrote:
Blindscout wrote:When are we going to see a concept picture? I just checked deviant art and didn't see anything.......waiting and hoping. :D

NOBODY knows what Sasquatch or Yeti really look like....that's part of the mystique. :twisted:

SHUSH, YOU!! :thwak: Do not give his Supreme Awesomeness Premier any reason not to draw another epic illustration!
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Any experiment of any kind that starts with "hold my beer" should make the property owner immune to frivolous lawsuits.

Mack wrote:Oh, and if the POTUS evey gave me a nuke, I think I'd aim it at Bieber.

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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Premier »

you have been busy too mate
1. A new type of stealth: Cloak

Thanks, Just got to get the right spin on it.

2. An alien form of teleportation
Ahh I see you have implemented the Splicers tactical version of the murderer(s) in Hot Fuzz…clever

Looks like this one might sit on the shelf a bit. Not sure the setting is ready for it, though the Sasquatch trickery techniques on the other hand could be in full swing.

3. War Bone Gauntlets
I always liked the weapon gauntlets that the CS juicers used and this sounds like a great version for Splicers

“Oh we have such sights to show you,” IF this happens
4. Bio Spears

They have to hunt

5. Hair Needles
Not sure….how about a modified version of NDB (was always a bit iffy as to whether NDB would work properly with someone with thick fur) a small current is run through the skin (linked to the Pilomotor reflex (Goosebumps)) that stiffens the hairs and they can be fired off like NDB

OH I think you might have misinterpreted the hair needles. I was actually referring to needles that are braided and honed and utilized like throwing dart needles. Now the elder seasoned Sasquatch might have Quill manes, but I hadn’t entertained the NDB factor. Could be very interesting…

6. Alien scent replication
Sweet…flashbacks of something I read a long time ago where a group purchased a bladder of Rhino urine and basically catapulted it into a CS encampment and vaporized it with a laser shot…therefore incapacitating the Dogboys due to the overpowering smell


7. A large & powerful Sasquatch Slingshot
That is awesome

It’s funny, but it appears that a Sasquatch firing some bio enhanced mega slingshot is really getting the Green-light

8. A Glaive
??....just curious mate, is this thing going to be a living creature that flies itself.

Not sure yet. Maybe its a polarity of nature thing where it is reacting to a creature that the Sasquatch controls & houses on a gauntlet. Who knows at the moment.

9. A powerful and very large Warhammer or Tomahawk
There is always room for weapons that crush your enemies to dust

Indeed… indeed…
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Re: Talking Sasquatches

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krispy wrote:
89er wrote:+An XL Bow for the archers, along with a built in quiver on the Host Armor, that can generate different kinds of arrows form the basic to all kinds of biotech tricks. (Could be the basis for an archer O.C.C. or a Host Armor.)
+A Centipede sword that also can function as a whip. Can Come in regular and XL sizes.

ahh i was just about to start on an archer OCC....great thinking 99...i mean 89er

and i wait in anticipation to see what Slappy has cooking :D, i dont have to write mine now

If there is one thing I learned about SPLICERS it is that similar ideas will always arise with such goal driven minds. There is never enough good ideas and various Great Houses will likely utilize their own innovations, so please feel free to create. I am sure Slappy's wicked bow & arrows design will still please ya afterwards.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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Blindscout wrote:Given that my Roughneck and his HA are already set up for the types of operations you have designed this lovely bit of Splicer-ness for, I could easily see him getting converted to a 'Squatch if he sustained (and survived) a breach to HA. All around great work, Premier! :ok:

Thanks Blindscout! Its GREAT to hear about a player playing Roughneck. "Ruffians" (my nickname for em) get so overlooked IMO, it pains me, but I am hoping to see that change in the future. Glad to know that the Roughneck would be a willing converter to a Squatch. We will be looking for him/her to sign-up if they get hurt bad enough... Until then Fight the Good Fight mate!
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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taalismn wrote:Hmmm...a perfect addition to the Sasq or Yeti would be some way of erasing its tracks, but that's proving rather difficult to figure out the mechanics,since mechanical erasure can prove to leave as much disturbance as the original tracks...
Now, with snow, it might be a little easier...some sort of organic water mister(possibly with a coolant feature, that sprays fresh snow to fill in tracks or refreeze broken ice). A sort of bio-snowblower that might alos have weapons applications is spraying freezing coolant and water on other organic targets and robots(possibly literally freezing up their joints or temporarily covering their sensors in lock-ice).
The penalty would be that the system effectively slows the Sasq/Yeti down to maybe 10-20% of normal speed, especially if the HA is taking its time to prowl in the first place, not punching honking big holes in the ice with its feet, and trying to minimally disturb the ground/snow pack in the first place, in order for the system to do a thorough job. Such a system might also be used to camouflage a temporary bivouac area(though I'd apply the Camouflage skill under such circumstances).

I really like your frame of mind and thinking. A track eraser is an excellent idea and helps preserves the shrouded mystery of tracking and finding a Sasquatch. Will have to put some thought into the foot print eraser for the same reason you mentioned above. However the snow mister /Snow-Blower is AWESOME and I like its multi-functionality! I also appreciate you stating reasonable limitations and how it would be conducted. This makes it FAR easier to implement.

I am really seeing the Sasquatches coming together nicely, more now than before.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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Blindscout wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Blindscout wrote:When are we going to see a concept picture? I just checked deviant art and didn't see anything.......waiting and hoping. :D

NOBODY knows what Sasquatch or Yeti really look like....that's part of the mystique. :twisted:

SHUSH, YOU!! :thwak: Do not give his Supreme Awesomeness Premier any reason not to draw another epic illustration!

:lol: :lol: :lol: What Taalismn said.
NOBODY knows what Sasquatch or Yeti really look like....that's part of the mystique.

Actually I have all kinds of visions running through my head of how a Saquatch could look with the liberty written & described.

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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by krispy »

i understand the hair needle concept now, will they be mainly used for delivering poisons/toxins??

my ideas for an archer occ was for H. Myre (i will post the ideas for it at a later date)

i can totally see this Sasquatch creation being the archer for H. Skyrus working together with my Yeti DGs
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Premier wrote:
taalismn wrote:Hmmm...a perfect addition to the Sasq or Yeti would be some way of erasing its tracks, but that's proving rather difficult to figure out the mechanics,since mechanical erasure can prove to leave as much disturbance as the original tracks...
Now, with snow, it might be a little easier...some sort of organic water mister(possibly with a coolant feature, that sprays fresh snow to fill in tracks or refreeze broken ice). A sort of bio-snowblower that might alos have weapons applications is spraying freezing coolant and water on other organic targets and robots(possibly literally freezing up their joints or temporarily covering their sensors in lock-ice).
The penalty would be that the system effectively slows the Sasq/Yeti down to maybe 10-20% of normal speed, especially if the HA is taking its time to prowl in the first place, not punching honking big holes in the ice with its feet, and trying to minimally disturb the ground/snow pack in the first place, in order for the system to do a thorough job. Such a system might also be used to camouflage a temporary bivouac area(though I'd apply the Camouflage skill under such circumstances).

I really like your frame of mind and thinking. A track eraser is an excellent idea and helps preserves the shrouded mystery of tracking and finding a Sasquatch. Will have to put some thought into the foot print eraser for the same reason you mentioned above. However the snow mister /Snow-Blower is AWESOME and I like its multi-functionality! I also appreciate you stating reasonable limitations and how it would be conducted. This makes it FAR easier to implement.

I am really seeing the Sasquatches coming together nicely, more now than before.

crazy idea, i initially put this into an octopus-like "warmount" i had put together a while back (not sure if you remember it at all - the devilfish viewtopic.php?f=46&t=115526 ).

basically, the concept is that it has a moving forcefield that it can "walk" with. it can alter the dimensions of the field, so that it can even distribute it's weight over an extremely large area if needed - one effect of such a technology would be to cause it to leave a very little in the way of tracks, if you were to spread it over a sufficiently large area.

of course, a more simple method would be to have it brachiate ;)
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Did I help to inspire this with my thread about sasquatch biotics ?


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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

krispy wrote:i understand the hair needle concept now, will they be mainly used for delivering poisons/toxins??

my ideas for an archer occ was for H. Myre (i will post the ideas for it at a later date)

i can totally see this Sasquatch creation being the archer for H. Skyrus working together with my Yeti DGs

How about my Stalker biotics ?
My Stalkers lack more built-in weapons, but they are designed to Stalk, Hunt, and Kill prey.


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Re: Talking Sasquatches

Unread post by Ale Golem »

Premier wrote:...fur Backpack that can patch into a bio-drive to carry their equipment as well as it is in sync with the Sasquatch to allow it and the back pack to utilize the Camo skin feature. So what say you, Sasquatch Special Weapons & Gear?

I like it, however I almost think it should be a natural part of the Sasquach.

Premier wrote:A new type of stealth: Cloak.

Would this be complete invisibility? If so it's a bit too Predator for my tastes.

Premier wrote:An alien form of teleportation (range 50-100 feet/ 15 to 30 m). So thats how they lose their pursuers. In fact, the eldest msot seasoned prototype Sasquatch officers are the ones with the ability to teleport and other Great House Librarians and Engineers are being designed to try & infiltrate the secret Sasquatch compounds to either

A: Learn how they truly do it
B: Obtain a viable sample to take back to an outpost and get back to the Librarians to try & reverse engineer

...but for some reason it's trickier & far more difficult than it seems.

IN actuality, Sasquatch have let onto the Neo Sasquatch that they aren't teleporting at all, but in fact, when they are being pursued, one Sasquatch simply cloaks and another Sasquatch nearby receives a deep encrypted growl that is heard below human hearing capacity and it tells the Sasquatch certain key information (fur color, physical build, etc.) and that Sasquatch's cloak "if" receptive, replicates the fur pattern and almost near identical idenity of the Sender. This misleads pursuers to thinking that the orginal Sasquatch actually teleported to get that far so quickly. All the while the other Sasquatch is cloaked and laying low until the coast is clear.

Such gimmickry tricks are a learned keystone of the Sasquatch tribes and must be discovered and learned. Others, especially Librarians suspect that it is this trick that is the deception and that in fact Sasquatch do have some hidden secret alien relic technology to teleport them short distances and are using some other alien device to link to it and are holding out. The Splicer Resistance must decode the truth one way or the other.
What say you as I know true Teleportation as a new splicers power may open up floodgates that we don't want.

While a neat idea, this seems to be a very situational ability for a PC. Well suited to a large group of Sasquach whom have worked, lived and trained together long enough to set up group tactics such as this.

Premier wrote:War Bone Gauntlets. Huge Weapons with an array of devices and weaponry built into large gauntlet like shields that are placed on each hand and arm. Such Gauntlets could house multiple serrated whips for climbing assistance and combat, navigation, Garrot, Quill launchers, explosive liquid gels that could be opened to purposely splatter onto targets or trail for a long range sabotage, Hologram projectors to scan a scanned in desiganted area to monitor hidden camera traps, etc.

Nice idea, it'd be better if each Sasquach had a list of enhancements to choose from and either upgraded their set of gauntlets as they leveled or just had them built to their specifications from level one.

Premier wrote:4. Bio Spears. A huge natural wood & or bone looking heavy Spear polearm with biotechnology enhancments built inside to use as a melee weapon and or a med-long range discharge weapon or even as a large blow gun that hooks up to one of the Sasquatch's organic thruster ports for propulsion. A slight muccle twitch from the Sasquatch and a silent needle the size of a splintered baseball bat is launched at high velocity.

Possibly have two types, one that incorporates a light cell and another that doubles as a blow gun. Or you might just offer the blow gun as it's own separate weapon. Honestly I'm not sure about incorporating a light cell into a melee weapon, it seems a bit better than any other melee enhancement available.

Premier wrote:5. Hair Needles: These long hair strands are treated and braided into fine crafted needles and are able to be thrown at high velocity by Sasquatch, creating a deadly silent dart/needles/shuriken styled weapon. The needles can be laced with bio-toxins of any of the various biotech spores or gases.

Pair them up with the aforementioned blow gun concept and they're pretty sweet. Possibly harvest them from a biologically engineered toad, plant or venomous insect/animal. If the latter choice is taken Sasquach may then care for and breed their own tiny poison factories.

Premier wrote:6. Alien scent replication: Not the best bio-weapon to be proud of but the stinker does come in handy. This ability allows a Sasquatch to replicate a pugnant gaseos odor that not only can make Warmounts or Host Armors vomit their contents, but it can be used to replicate signature scents of various alien predators. Such scents can be used to draw in and lure these creatures, thus setting traps for Splicers or robots alike. These scents could be a creature(s) in heat or a rival male species that is violating another male's territory during musk, etc. Or a scent could be used to deter predators as in the smell of a larger' predator's scent marking and territorial marking or the smell of death of a certain species to possibly instil fear within that same species if it's nearby. Or scents could be made to intoxicate, confuse or shake possible trackers such as Gorehounds, Scarecrows, etc..

I remember After The Bomb had some good information on Pheromones, at least for one of the races. It'd be a good place to start for this type of concept.

Premier wrote:7. A large & powerful Sasquatch Slingshot that can propel specialized explosive chig rounds that are grown and resemble large acorns. Other round types could include miniature virus immobilizers, or Grub nest eggs that can be thrown at opponents like a professional baseball pitcher's heater, but only we are talking Sasquatches and a much bigger solid ball :eek: , and upon contact the ball's burst and the grub go burrowing into their targets immediately.

The slingshot should grow its own ammunition, which can be harvested for later or immediate use.

Premier wrote:8. A Glaive: A jagged frisby like bio-weapon that cuts down everything in its thrown path, spinning at high velocity & silently and returns back to the signature scent of its rightful Sasquatch.

Again, too Predator for my tastes.

Premier wrote:9. A powerful and very large Warhammer or Tomahawk to make great use of the core strength and power of the Sasquatch. Of course each could have its own biotech enhancement i.e. Lightning Discharge upon impact or Concussive force or even a Bio Expulsion Energy shockwave that fountains over the hit target.

Would this just be standard weapon enhancements masquerading as new offensive options or actual new upgrades?
Check it out and love it!
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Premier »

TechnoGothic wrote:Did I help to inspire this with my thread about sasquatch biotics ?

YESSSSSIIIRRRRR... Check the opening post. Better yet
BTW, Thank You TechnoGothic for the revived inspiration on this and I utilized some of your basic ideas as I thought you did an awesome job!

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Re: Talking Sasquatches

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Ale Golem wrote:
Premier wrote:...fur Backpack that can patch into a bio-drive to carry their equipment as well as it is in sync with the Sasquatch to allow it and the back pack to utilize the Camo skin feature. So what say you, Sasquatch Special Weapons & Gear?

I like it, however I almost think it should be a natural part of the Sasquach.

I totally agree!

Premier wrote:A new type of stealth: Cloak.

Would this be complete invisibility? If so it's a bit too Predator for my tastes.

Actually was thinking each hair folicle strand either becomes part of some replication blender or an actual sphere is projected that not only conceals the compositions within the sphere visually, but also masks heat signatures.

Premier wrote:An alien form of teleportation (range 50-100 feet/ 15 to 30 m). So thats how they lose their pursuers. In fact, the eldest msot seasoned prototype Sasquatch officers are the ones with the ability to teleport and other Great House Librarians and Engineers are being designed to try & infiltrate the secret Sasquatch compounds to either

A: Learn how they truly do it
B: Obtain a viable sample to take back to an outpost and get back to the Librarians to try & reverse engineer

...but for some reason it's trickier & far more difficult than it seems.

IN actuality, Sasquatch have let onto the Neo Sasquatch that they aren't teleporting at all, but in fact, when they are being pursued, one Sasquatch simply cloaks and another Sasquatch nearby receives a deep encrypted growl that is heard below human hearing capacity and it tells the Sasquatch certain key information (fur color, physical build, etc.) and that Sasquatch's cloak "if" receptive, replicates the fur pattern and almost near identical idenity of the Sender. This misleads pursuers to thinking that the orginal Sasquatch actually teleported to get that far so quickly. All the while the other Sasquatch is cloaked and laying low until the coast is clear.

Such gimmickry tricks are a learned keystone of the Sasquatch tribes and must be discovered and learned. Others, especially Librarians suspect that it is this trick that is the deception and that in fact Sasquatch do have some hidden secret alien relic technology to teleport them short distances and are using some other alien device to link to it and are holding out. The Splicer Resistance must decode the truth one way or the other.
What say you as I know true Teleportation as a new splicers power may open up floodgates that we don't want.

While a neat idea, this seems to be a very situational ability for a PC. Well suited to a large group of Sasquach whom have worked, lived and trained together long enough to set up group tactics such as this.

Premier wrote:War Bone Gauntlets. Huge Weapons with an array of devices and weaponry built into large gauntlet like shields that are placed on each hand and arm. Such Gauntlets could house multiple serrated whips for climbing assistance and combat, navigation, Garrot, Quill launchers, explosive liquid gels that could be opened to purposely splatter onto targets or trail for a long range sabotage, Hologram projectors to scan a scanned in desiganted area to monitor hidden camera traps, etc.

Nice idea, it'd be better if each Sasquach had a list of enhancements to choose from and either upgraded their set of gauntlets as they leveled or just had them built to their specifications from level one.


Premier wrote:4. Bio Spears. A huge natural wood & or bone looking heavy Spear polearm with biotechnology enhancments built inside to use as a melee weapon and or a med-long range discharge weapon or even as a large blow gun that hooks up to one of the Sasquatch's organic thruster ports for propulsion. A slight muccle twitch from the Sasquatch and a silent needle the size of a splintered baseball bat is launched at high velocity.

Possibly have two types, one that incorporates a light cell and another that doubles as a blow gun. Or you might just offer the blow gun as it's own separate weapon. Honestly I'm not sure about incorporating a light cell into a melee weapon, it seems a bit better than any other melee enhancement available.

Premier wrote:5. Hair Needles: These long hair strands are treated and braided into fine crafted needles and are able to be thrown at high velocity by Sasquatch, creating a deadly silent dart/needles/shuriken styled weapon. The needles can be laced with bio-toxins of any of the various biotech spores or gases.

Pair them up with the aforementioned blow gun concept and they're pretty sweet. Possibly harvest them from a biologically engineered toad, plant or venomous insect/animal. If the latter choice is taken Sasquach may then care for and breed their own tiny poison factories.

You just gave me another idea with the harvesting weapons idea!!

Premier wrote:6. Alien scent replication: Not the best bio-weapon to be proud of but the stinker does come in handy. This ability allows a Sasquatch to replicate a pugnant gaseos odor that not only can make Warmounts or Host Armors vomit their contents, but it can be used to replicate signature scents of various alien predators. Such scents can be used to draw in and lure these creatures, thus setting traps for Splicers or robots alike. These scents could be a creature(s) in heat or a rival male species that is violating another male's territory during musk, etc. Or a scent could be used to deter predators as in the smell of a larger' predator's scent marking and territorial marking or the smell of death of a certain species to possibly instil fear within that same species if it's nearby. Or scents could be made to intoxicate, confuse or shake possible trackers such as Gorehounds, Scarecrows, etc..

I remember After The Bomb had some good information on Pheromones, at least for one of the races. It'd be a good place to start for this type of concept.

Thanks for the reference!

Premier wrote:7. A large & powerful Sasquatch Slingshot that can propel specialized explosive chig rounds that are grown and resemble large acorns. Other round types could include miniature virus immobilizers, or Grub nest eggs that can be thrown at opponents like a professional baseball pitcher's heater, but only we are talking Sasquatches and a much bigger solid ball :eek: , and upon contact the ball's burst and the grub go burrowing into their targets immediately.

The slingshot should grow its own ammunition, which can be harvested for later or immediate use.

Now u want me to think... :lol:

Premier wrote:8. A Glaive: A jagged frisby like bio-weapon that cuts down everything in its thrown path, spinning at high velocity & silently and returns back to the signature scent of its rightful Sasquatch.

Again, too Predator for my tastes.

Even if they were bat like creatures with buzzsaw wing like structures?
Premier wrote:9. A powerful and very large Warhammer or Tomahawk to make great use of the core strength and power of the Sasquatch. Of course each could have its own biotech enhancement i.e. Lightning Discharge upon impact or Concussive force or even a Bio Expulsion Energy shockwave that fountains over the hit target.

Would this just be standard weapon enhancements masquerading as new offensive options or actual new upgrades?

Was actually thinking of these new melee weapons being like a bio-rune weapon which actually operates similar to the BEEE technology. These large melee weapons would contain a Bio-E parasite seeds that are used like battery sources to power certain enhancements.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Premier wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Did I help to inspire this with my thread about sasquatch biotics ?

YESSSSSIIIRRRRR... Check the opening post. Better yet
BTW, Thank You TechnoGothic for the revived inspiration on this and I utilized some of your basic ideas as I thought you did an awesome job!


:lol: Kinda why i said that as a joke :lol:

Dude, I'm honored to inspire yeah. Love to see any artwork, even rough drafts.


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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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TechnoGothic wrote:
Premier wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Did I help to inspire this with my thread about sasquatch biotics ?

YESSSSSIIIRRRRR... Check the opening post. Better yet
BTW, Thank You TechnoGothic for the revived inspiration on this and I utilized some of your basic ideas as I thought you did an awesome job!


:lol: Kinda why i said that as a joke :lol:

Dude, I'm honored to inspire yeah. Love to see any artwork, even rough drafts.

Gotcha TG! I love the Splicehead community the most and it is fans/creators/supporters like you all that feul Splicers!!!! As to Artwork for the Sasquatch, yeah its in the works.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Spinachcat »

This is good stuff! I am looking forward to all this goodness being in Splicer books.

Here's my questions:

How are there wounded humans in a MDC environment? All the robots do MD damage and even the little rat guys could crave through humans like butter.

Also, with so much regenerative and fast growth biotech about them, why wouldn't there be easy access for healing for any SDC accidents or wounding? It's gotta be easier to remake a human arm or leg or skin than create any of the various ubertech wonders?

I get turning "undesirables" into Biotics, but I am not seeing a world were there are wounded humans after a battle, only the living and the bloody smears.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Think of it this way Spinch...

You shot a Door with a .22 pistol, it goes through without depleting the entire SDC of the Door. Right.

MDC does not have to splat or vaporize humans just because they get hit. You might shoot/cut off the arm or leg instead with the weapons. Leaving the person with enough sdc/hp to live, but be hurting real bad.

YOu have to think of how damage is applied in a logical way in real world terms.

Granades in these games do MD. Right.
Yet we have soldiers who live from injuries from granades, in Real Life. Did they require hospitials, Yeah. Did they most likely lose a limb or hand or foot at least, usually yeah. This is were the GM steps in not hard and fast rules and makes a ruling on the spot, that a character lost a limb instead of dieing. Call it Dramatic Editing. It works.


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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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but his point is that if you can make an entire body mutate to have an extra arm (for example) then it should be relatively speaking child's play to restore a human's lost arm. if you can add extra sets of eyes, legs, etc... then you should be able to replace them as well.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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Spinachcat wrote:This is good stuff! I am looking forward to all this goodness being in Splicer books.

Here's my questions:

How are there wounded humans in a MDC environment? All the robots do MD damage and even the little rat guys could crave through humans like butter.

Thank You Spinachcat!
I would say that Technogothic really explained this very well and its the way I perceived the MDC role in SPLICERS. There is just a considerable margin of gray between the blk & white when it comes to damage i.e.: area effects, what does dmg to the entire body and what may do damage to exposed parts of the body and to what severity, at what point does MDC dissipate, etc. Really a GM discernment.

Also, with so much regenerative and fast growth biotech about them, why wouldn't there be easy access for healing for any SDC accidents or wounding? It's gotta be easier to remake a human arm or leg or skin than create any of the various ubertech wonders?

This section I tried to cover in the Sasquatch write up:

Few soldiers have been gifted to become Sasquatches and the ones that are, often sad to say, were once the badly disfigured, maimed or severely injured soldiers that have proven themselves immensely in the field, but have been none the less ostracized by haven society because of their unsettling war wounds. Saints & Engineers are simply so rare and extremely busy in most Great Houses that often many soldiers go without corrective cosmetic surgery for days or months at a time before going before one of the benevolent sacred beings. In some cases soldiers who aren’t “dying right away” may have to live with facial disfigurements, lacerations or other unsightly wounds the best they can or even go back into the field, for as long as they can and aren’t becoming infected. Many civilians shamefully don’t wont to see the horrific reminders of the war that goes on the surface, nor do they prefer to be reminded of the high costs and sacrifices that are being made every day by those who place their life on the line. This cruel & selfish facet of humanity can be a sad reminder that even while locked in a war for survival against the oppressing Machine, WE still have so much growing to do in order to conquer ourselves. Many Philosophers have asked what would humans do if they actually won the war against N.E.X.U.S and how would things be governed thereafter, and sadly such selfish and hurtful behaviors may continue to plague man leaving very little as an optimistic future.

I really factor in that Saints & Engineers aren't plentiful or easily assessible in such a harsh and dire setting. Being treated or healing also takes time and possible space if its in the Engineer's gene pool or a Saints santuary. Not to mention, valuable resources cost one way or the other, wether it be time, space, nutrients, energy, etc. Some Great Houses may see such endeavors as investments and have to warrant taking the time of a Saint/Engineer off of or away from healing/modifiying/restoring/growing a noteworthy warrior, weapon, bio-armor or warmount to just heal a normal or greener grunt or old war dog vet. But putting that time into sometting that is going to pay off as a long term devoted investment on the other hand may warrant or justify such endeavors.

In some cases, sure, probably many cases, limb/cosmetic restoration may be possible or "successfully" conducted. However, In other cases the injury could simply be too long endured and the nerves, severe muscle atrophy, infections, etc., could be so degenerated that it makes little sense to invest so much devoted time/focus/energy to restore a "lesser" body" when that same amount of time could be applied to generate a super soldier. Perhaps even requested by the wounded soldier. Now which do you think a Warlord or Warrior's Way type of House is going to justify & want more of in such a harsh desperate climate?

Shark Force:
but his point is that if you can make an entire body mutate to have an extra arm (for example) then it should be relatively speaking child's play to restore a human's lost arm. if you can add extra sets of eyes, legs, etc... then you should be able to replace them as well.

Please See above. I hope it explains my take on it.

I get turning "undesirables" into Biotics, but I am not seeing a world were there are wounded humans after a battle, only the living and the bloody smears

Piggybacking from what was said above, I factored in that Saints & Engineers aren't plentiful or easily assessible in such a harsh and dire setting where humans are actually purposefully & intelligently hiding from a keen Computer Inteligence. If the Resistance is hiding from NEXUS and all of its advanced array of technology and possible Rival great Houses, alien predators, etc., then surely it is going to be somewhat challenging to find the Resistance strongholds and safe keeps that contain Saints and Engineers or to even return back to them. Just because you survive a battle doesn't mean you easily go back home to be healed either. That could lead NEXUS or Rival Splicers straight to a haven or outpost. Or a platoon that has just seen battle could simply be too far away to get any noteworthy healing.

I also realized that not many people are going too volunteer their lives to some alien symbiote only to be healers and peace keepers in a warrior's/die hard survivor type world setting. Let alone, to be someday butchered by the very alien you harvested and protected. Such volunteers would be few and between (perhaps reared from young ages and borderline brainwashed with teachings), and thus the amount of Saints and Engineers would even be far less, especially allotting symbiote maturity. Thsi accounts for a rarerity of available Saints and Engineers to be heal you.

I also keep in mind that not every House or human refuge is tolerant or keen on Biotech, and not everyone accepts it. This could account for plenty of maimed, disfigured and or seriously injured humans even in a world with Biotech healing available. After all it is a mysterious alien originated technology and it keeps getting more viral and weirder in innovations. Not to mention restrictions are always being breeched or broken, new levesl of disgust and Librarian megalomania, rising number of insanities among the populace, etc., are still plenty of reasons as to why Biotech should be shunned.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

eh, engineers may be pretty rare, but saints are not (which is a bit confusing in and of itself, but whatever).

2% might *sound* rare at first, until you realise just how common it actually is in terms of percentage of population. for example, consider that 2% means that 1 in 50 people is a saint... which means that if you had 30 people in your class in school, you had a decent chance of having one in your classroom. in a city of 1,000 people, there will be 20 saints if the rate is 2%. that's a lot. it's kinda one of the things that bugs me about when people try to claim that X type of person is really rare and then throw out numbers like 1% of the population is X type of person. seriously, imagine if in our modern times, each doctor had only 50 patients. that's how not-busy saints are in splicers, based on the numbers for house Barren Marsh.

2% of the population only *sounds* rare until you stop to think about it.

now, engineers on the other hand... in spite of the fact that barren marsh apparently has tens of thousands of saints, they've only managed to get a comparatively tiny number of engineers, somehow (truly, it is a baffling conundrum). i suppose you could argue rarity for them (after all, the less than 20 iirc engineers of the barren marsh house have to supply equipment and general useful products for half a million people, and most of those people are iirc trained combatants (another set of numbers i think should be revised, but whatever).
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

For my own game here is what we came up with.

There is a Very Large Gene Pool that is avaiable to anyone with damaged limbs, burnt skin, broken bones, etc. These Gene Pools have one mission, to Heal wounds over time. They are not fast like saint healing, but the person steps into the healing gene pool submerges himself. There the gene pool's liquid sedates the patients say between 10-100 can be inside the pool at any one time.While sedated, the gene pool snakes up "roots" into the body through the mouth, nose, and anus. Missing limbs can be regrow in 1 to 3 months depending on how much is missing. These gene pools can and will even cure medical problems they might not be aware of like Cancer or diabieties. These take take too, up to 6 months inside the pool. Minor issues such as burnt skin, minor cuts, simple broken bones takes only 1d4 days at most. If someone needs healing faster, that is when they try to see a Saint or book time in the greater gene-pools like normal. The greater gene-pools can regrow a whole legs or arm in only 1 week. But space is limited in them due to host-armor needs or other bio-weapons creation.


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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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Shark_Force wrote:eh, engineers may be pretty rare, but saints are not (which is a bit confusing in and of itself, but whatever).

2% might *sound* rare at first, until you realise just how common it actually is in terms of percentage of population. for example, consider that 2% means that 1 in 50 people is a saint... which means that if you had 30 people in your class in school, you had a decent chance of having one in your classroom. in a city of 1,000 people, there will be 20 saints if the rate is 2%. that's a lot. it's kinda one of the things that bugs me about when people try to claim that X type of person is really rare and then throw out numbers like 1% of the population is X type of person. seriously, imagine if in our modern times, each doctor had only 50 patients. that's how not-busy saints are in splicers, based on the numbers for house Barren Marsh.

But 2% of the population only *sounds* rare until you stop to think about it.

I understand your concerns, but I often add filibuster details to help sculpt the percentages into believable figures to add backdrop and story plot possibilites.

For example, you mentioned 2% of a 1000 populace equals 20 estimated Saints at one given time. But that 20 count of Saints can still be categorized and divided into feasible numbers.

> How many of the Saints are just beginning their training in a Saint Monastery/Sanctuary?
> How many Saints are teaching/mentoring at such Sanctuaries?
> How many Saints are traversing the surface with active combat platoons in the field?
> How many Saints are traversing the surface in non combative field activities as in evangelizing the Biotech Gospel?
> How many Saints are holed up in hidden bunkers or Outposts for Splicers traveling in the field between havens?
> How many Saints are in Havens or other locations that belong to the Great House?
> How many Saints are in Seedlings?
> How many Saints are devoted to the militia's barricks?
> How many Saints are being prepped for their transitions into Gene pools/Brain pools?

Just dividing up 1-2% of Saints this way makes them rarer, even with a populace of 20-50K.

now, engineers on the other hand... in spite of the fact that barren marsh apparently has tens of thousands of saints, they've only managed to get a comparatively tiny number of engineers, somehow (truly, it is a baffling conundrum). i suppose you could argue rarity for them (after all, the less than 20 iirc engineers of the barren marsh house have to supply equipment and general useful products for half a million people, and most of those people are iirc trained combatants (another set of numbers i think should be revised, but whatever).

I can’t reveal this aspect as I think Slappy handles this well in the material he is completing.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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you can spread them out all over, but that still means there's lots of saints available. the saint just training for it (ie level 1 equivalent, which is pretty danged noobish) still gets very strong healing (and it mostly comes from the alien symbiont anyways, not the human side). the saint teaching or mentoring is likewise perfectly able to heal, though he'll likely let the trainees do it unless it's something special. the one travelling with active combat platoons is available to fix problems as they come up. the one in non-combat is likewise available for healing, i can't imagine he goes around telling everyone how awesome biotech is (although i doubt they spend much time 'evangelizing' at all personally) without demonstrating the power of healing available from himself. the ones in hidden bunkers or outposts are presumably there so that they can heal people. the ones in havens or other locations are presumably there to heal people. the ones in seedlings are presumably there to heal people. the ones in the barracks are presumably there to heal people.

so you've pretty much got the ones about to change into engineers or librarians. which, as i've implied already, we can safely assume to be a very small minority because otherwise there would be a heck of a lot more engineers and librarians than there are. all the other ones are spread out, yes... but they're spread out specifically so that they'll be available to heal people. after all, pretty much anything else can be done better by someone else. the only reason to have most saints doing anything other than healing is that there are more saints available to heal people than are needed. which, in the case of 1 in 50 people being a saint, is pretty danged likely.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I would use this OCC in my game.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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With optional wings as a bio-e advancement you could have a batsquach!
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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abe wrote:With optional wings as a bio-e advancement you could have a batsquach!

Howdy Abe, welcome to the boards!

Indeed a winged Squatch could be a nice modification to the norm. Maybe a specialized squad of them that roam the cliff faces and mountain regions. The platoon could be called "Cliffhangers." Maybe they serve as enforcers among a flight of Arch Angels. Natural enough in appearance that Gaia gives them some liberty in the gardens as long as they don't harm her fauna, yet they serve as guardians for hidden bunkers, scouts and enforcers when needed, but free to roam the wild lands they are Sasquatch none the less. Now you have my gears churning with new ideas of weapons, enhancements and even specialized Warmounts for these guys all over again.
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

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don't forget that "bigfoots" also have a nasty smell as well.
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Re: Talking Sasquatches & NEW O.C.C.

Unread post by Premier »

abe wrote:don't forget that "bigfoots" also have a nasty smell as well.

Hey Abe,
Thanks for the suggestion however, I'm not sure if you read the entire thread, but in this post above, We certainly considered the odor issue with bigfoots as a factor for this OCC.

6. Alien scent replication: Not the best bio-weapon to be proud of but the stinker does come in handy. This ability allows a Sasquatch to replicate a pungent gaseous odor that not only can make Warmounts or Host Armors vomit their contents, but it can be used to replicate signature scents of various alien predators. Such scents can be used to draw in and lure these creatures, thus setting traps for Splicers or robots alike. These scents could be a creature(s) in heat or a rival male species that is violating another male's territory during musk, etc. Or a scent could be used to deter predators as in the smell of a larger' predator's scent marking and territorial marking or the smell of death of a certain species to possibly instill fear within that same species if it's nearby. Or scents could be made to intoxicate, confuse or shake possible trackers such as Gorehounds, Scarecrows, etc.

So as you can see we do have some ideas in mind for the smelly Sasquatch -when- it wants to smell. Then when it wants to loose its trackers maybe it secrets an odorless chemical that mask most other odors. I know professional big game hunters who mentioned and describe hunting cougars as a hard to track cat and almost odorless compared to other big game. I would imagine a Sasquatch having this ability to slip in and out of Great House/Retro village territories as spies and scouts as well as contending with Preserve predators and Machines like necroborgs and necrobots.
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