Rise of the Planet of Apes / Origin of AtB

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Rise of the Planet of Apes / Origin of AtB

Unread post by Rali »

After seeing Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I immediately started reflecting on how it compared to the revised origin for 2nd Edition After the Bomb, where it is presumed that the rise of the animals and fall of humanity was due to a genetically engineered cold virus carrying a full set of human chromosomes that was released as a prank.

I'm curious what do you think?

Also, have you ever ran a game set during The Crash?
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Re: Rise of the Planet of Apes / Origin of AtB

Unread post by gordyzx9r »

I'm still not a big fan of the AtB2 version and prefer the good 'ol fashion nuclear post apocalypse setting of AtB1. If we wanted to play an RPG set when it's happening we usually went with the original Twilight: 2000 or we'd play the Car Wars: Chassis & Crossbow in a kind of Mad Max theme (not Road Warrior...but the original Mad Max from the '60s['70s?]).
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