anti-vampire gear

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anti-vampire gear

Unread post by dargo83 »

this might not be gear but still anti-vampire stuff. one of my players eat a mixture of garlic, wolfsbay, and holy water he did this 3-5 times a day and trust me after the first vamp tryed to feed no one tryed it again. would this work in ur game. and does anyone have any anti-vamp stuff they used in there game.
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Re: anti-vampire gear

Unread post by Shark_Force »

garlic maybe. i'd be inclined to say you'd need to eat enough garlic that you yourself have sweat that smells like garlic basically, though.

wolfsbane... ummm... well...

it probably would keep the vampires from sucking your blood. however, you may find that the side effects include death. probably also a lot of other nasty things if it doesn't manage to outright kill you, though i'm not knowledgeable enough to tell you *all* of the side effects (really, once you know there's a good chance you'll die, do you really need to know an awful lot more?)

holy water, i would say no. it would lose it's purity when you drink it.
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Re: anti-vampire gear

Unread post by Blackbunny2 »

WOLFSBANE = Bad Idea, its even poisoness to the touch!
"Godamn Vamps aint gonna frag me, Imma do it myself:D"
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Re: anti-vampire gear

Unread post by Rallan »

dargo83 wrote:this might not be gear but still anti-vampire stuff. one of my players eat a mixture of garlic, wolfsbay, and holy water he did this 3-5 times a day and trust me after the first vamp tryed to feed no one tryed it again. would this work in ur game. and does anyone have any anti-vamp stuff they used in there game.

I don't think I'd let it fly in any game I ran. After all, the vampire's not going to come into contact with any of that mixture at all unless he eviscerates you within a few minutes of swallowing and rummages around in your stomach.

Not to mention that none of Palladium's games say anything about Italian food being a great protection against vampires, so while eating lots of garlic would be a perfectly good in-character thing for a PC to do if he's paranoid about vampires, it wouldn't actually have any positive effect (or at least, no positive effect beyond the fact that garlic is good for you).

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