possible comic book

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possible comic book

Unread post by DBX »

copy/paste from latest weekly update

Irvin Jackson is slated to write a Nightbane® comic as soon as he’s finished with the Robotech®: Genesis Pits™ Sourcebook.
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Re: possible comic book

Unread post by Jedrious »

I hope the potential publisher for these comics is one that uses Comixology and are made digital, I only get my comics digitally now after I lost my entire collection a few years ago.
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Re: possible comic book

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Jedrious wrote:I hope the potential publisher for these comics is one that uses Comixology and are made digital, I only get my comics digitally now after I lost my entire collection a few years ago.

seems unlikely, PB doesn't seem to publish much of *anything* in digital format unless they've basically shelved it and aren't planning on ever selling it in any other format.

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