Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms
“So, the cops likely have the Remid Cluster alerted to us. Forget about going there! Where can we go where that Altess bastard CAN’T bribe somebody to make our lives a living hell?”
“I’m thinking the Gaspidar Clouds across in the next Arm.”
“I am NOT that desperate to be haring off into the unknown regions to sit on cold rocks and scratch fleas for the rest of my life! I mean someplace CIVILIZED!”
“No, listen, there’s at least three charted star kingdoms in the Gaspidar! Civlizations! There’s this thing called the ‘Raduul Imperial Congress’ that looks promising--”
“’Raduul Imperial Congress’? Never heard of them!”
“With any luck the Altess haven’t either. But here’s what the Galactic Gazetteer has to say about them! Mind you, this survey entry was last updated three hundred years ago---”

Spanning the stars with the influence of one’s culture is an ambition of many spacefaring species---’Manifest Destiny’, the need to find new resources and new homelands to perserve the species, intense curiousity about the rest of the cosmos, the need to dominate; all of these are factors in the establishment of larger civilizations beyond the atmosphere and gravity well of a species’ homeworld. For many, it is a facet of evolution, to grow and expand into new cosmic pastures. For some, it is the ultimate Game, growing from nothing, pitting one’s species against others, and carving out a place in the galactic drama. Some are just starting out, full of vhim and vigor; others have played their hand and are retiring from the stage, while still others have overreached and now face calamity.
These aspirants are the independents of the Three Galaxies, individually likely not to be very powerful or influential compared to the known and established powers like the TransGalactic Empire, Golgan Republic, or Consortium of Civilized Worlds, but taken as a whole a substantial part of the galactic political scene. Some exist as semi-independent entities allied with one the big powerblocs(the CCW and the UWW play host to a number of such smaller star kingdoms), others are under threat of assimilation by them(the TGE in particular), while others are plucky independents who bow to no other power willingly.
The following are a set of general guidelines for developing some of these minor powers in the Three Galaxies.

Note: “Kingdom” and “Empire” are used interchangeably here to describe a solar political entity holding sway over a solar system, cluster of star systems, or region of space, even though it may be a democracy or socialist state.

A. Size: How many solar systems does the kingdom hold sway over?
01-14%--- Single Planet/Solar System, but the star kingdom may have influence far beyond its borders
15-39%--- Small: 1d4+1 Star Systems
40- 64%--- Modest: 3d6 Star Systems
65-79%--- Extensive: 1d4x10 Star Systems
80-96%--- Large: 4d6x10 Star Systems
97-00%--- Massive: 1d4x100 Star Systems---Few such massive star kingdoms exist, and garner the immediate attention of major powers like the TGE and CCW, who will seek them out as allies, or regard them as possible opponents.

B. History: Where did the kingdom come from?
01-40%--- Newcomers---The star kingdom started on its own, from a single colony of independents, a naturally evolved new race, or d-bees who came through a Rifts and settled their region of space.
41-90%---Splinter of Older Civilization---The kingdom was formerly part of a larger entity(the TGE, CCW, UWW, Splugorth Kingdoms, Golgan Republik), but broke off from it to make its own way. The FWC is a good example of a Splinter Kingdom.
91-00%---Survivors---The kingdom is all that remains, a last colony or remaining outpost, of a once far larger entity(Atlanteans, for instance).

C. Level of Technological Sophistication: How advanced are these people? (From Rifts Dimension Book 2: Phaseworld, pg. 107) In general, star kingdoms must have a minimal level of technology/magic aptitude that allows them to regularly visit other worlds and communicate with their outposts and colonies to qualify as star kingdoms.
01-40%--- Mature Space Age---The society has commonplace space travel and at the very least the ability to visit and develop other worlds in its own solar system. Travel beyond is still possible, using high efficiency relativistic or very low efficiency FTL drive systems, so travel lag between outposts of the star kingdom is a factor. Speed of light or FTL communications ARE possible, further reinforcing the bonds of the kingdom.
41-90%--- Advanced Space Age---The majority of stellar powers fall into this broad category; FTL propulsion has been achieved and is fairly commonplace, tying the worlds of the empire together and facilitating trade/communication with other worlds.
91-98%--- Highly Advanced Civilization---This civilization is the equal of any of the major galactic powers, but has special expertise in one or two particular fields(gravitics, genetic engineering, industrial sorcery, etc).
99-00%--- Amazing Civilization---Superior to all known galactic cultures, and likely to be of interest to the major powers of the Three Galaxies.

D. General Attitude/Culture: (From Rifts Dimension Book 2: Phaseworld, pg. 108)
If contradictory results are rolled up with other factors on these tables, there may be some rather interesting permutations necessary to explain the contradiction...or simply re-roll)
Note that this describes the DOMINANT faction currently in control of the star nation and its polices. Smaller factions may exist within the larger kingdom(much as smaller kingdoms may exist within the CCW or UWW), but the dominant authority holds sway or has the most outward influence(it's what outsiders are most likely to encounter or know about with regards to the nation/entity), with the other factions being actively surpressed or else too small/weak to have much impact on the overall polices and attitudes. The extremes of this are dissident groups like the Free Worlds Council(ultimately becoming their own nation) or extremist terrorist groups like the Dark Conclaves.
01-10%--- Genocidal Xenophobes---If combined with a multi-species composition, then only the species in the star kingdom are exempt from this policy.
11-25%--- Aggressive Racial Supremacists---If combined with a multi-species composition, then only one species rules dominant and the others are slaves.
26-40%--- Warrior Race
41-55%--- Enlightened Imperialists
56-70%--- Peaceful Expansionists
71-85%--- Non-Interventionists---If combined with a military-based economy, then the kingdom sells to everybody, but takes no official involvement. Likewise, anything that would compromise the nuetrality stance of the central government is officially illegal, but may be conducted anyway under the auspices of a government looking the other way.
86-97%--- Pacifists---If combined with a military-based economy, then the kingdom may export non-lethal weapons technology and their ‘mercenaries’ are diplomats or benign peacekeepers.
98-00%---Multi-Factional---Varies; the star kingdom is still defined by several factions actively vying for control(not necessarily violently) of the overall organization. Roll 1d4+1 extra times to determine the various factions; ignore if the Multi-Factional option is rolled again. Typically this state doesn't exist for long; either one faction emerges as dominant, or the star nation splits off into seperate factional states.

E: Racial Composition: Who are the dominant species/races that make up the kingdom?
01-40%--- Existing and Known Species(Human, Wolfen, Elf,
41-60% ---Variant of Existing Known Species ---These would be recognizable mutations or modest variants of existing peoples(no more than a 25% variation from baseline for the particular species). These races can be represented by adding an extra dice to one or two stats, or rolling on Step Five: Unusual Characteristics of Rifts Dimension Book 2: Phaseworld, pg. 106.
61-84%--- New Species(Roll up or create a new race)
85-00%--- Combination of 1d4+1 different species; roll again for the different races.

F. Government: (From Rifts Dimension Book 5: Anvil Galaxy, pgs. 155-157)
01-05%---Anarchy; nobody seems to be in charge, and this star ‘empire’ is one in name only.
06-07%---Militocracy; rule by the military
11-15%---Autocracy; rule by a single figure/strongman.
16-20%---Monarchy, rule by a hereditary monarch
21-25%---Aristocracy, rule by hereditary nobility
26-30%---Hierarchy; rule by stratified layers of authority
31-35%---Confederacy; rule by allied power blocs
36-40%---Democracy; rule by popular accord
41-45%---Oligarchy; rule by an elite
46-50%-- Syndicracy; rule by common business interests
51-55%---Plutocracy; rule by the wealthy
56-60%--- Bureaucracy; rule by bureaucrats and an elaborate organization of agencies
61-65%---Pecocracy, rule by the learned
66-70%---Theocracy; rule by a religious elite
71-75%---Mageocracy; rule by magic-users
76-80% ---Gerontocracy; rule by those of a certain age
81-85%---Gendocracy; rule by a particular gender
86-90%---Technocracy; rule by the possession of particular skills
91-95%---Mechocracy; rule by machine

G. Administrative Control: How tightly does/can the central authority/government control its territory with regard to its laws and regulations? This can work for good or ill, as travellers may be spared harsh persecution...or find themselves without legal protections.
01-5%--- Nearly Nonexistent--The central authority's reach is extremely limited and it has few abilities to enforce its dictates beyond its immediate area(usually the capital). Effectively anarchy at the borders/frontiers.
11-25%---Lax---Beyond the central authority's reach and a handful of agents and agencies, the spirit and the letter of the law are up for grabs; blatant and creative (mis)interpretation of the laws and regulations is common, and most people pay lipservice to them. There's not a whole heckuva lot the central authority can do either, and penalties are light to effectively impotent.
26-55%---Loose---The letter of laws are generally followed, but out in the field, away from the immediate scrutiny if the central authority, there's a lot of mild and loose interpretation of the laws, and a lot of overlooking of their intent. Minor dissent and corruption is common, and pretty much overlooked.
56-70% ---Tight---The central government's rulings are thoroughly enforced by its agents and agencies, and it's when the rules AREN'T enforced or administrative control/oversight slips up that it makes the news.
71-89% ---Restrictive---The government runs a tight ship with multiple agencies, frequent inspections and tests, and periodic audits of itself. Penalties for breaking the law are hard, and for government employees not doing their duty, severe.
90-00%---Draconian---The central government has agents all over, enforcing its laws and regulations, and has a network of informers as well, reporting on the quality of governance. Penalties for not obeying the laws, and not enforcing the laws, are harsh to extreme for government employees.

I. External Trade: How does the star kingdom make the majority of its income?
01-15%--- None---The kingdom doesn’t trade at all with anybody; its economy is pretty much self-contained, or else it is struggling with regards to its finances.
16-30%--- Trade---The star kingdom maintains a large mercantile fleet that wheels and deals across the cosmos, trading in various goods, and the kingdom’s planets themselves can serve as trading hubs or waystations.
31-50%--- Raw Materials---The kingdom feeds the industries of others by providing the bulk raw materials needed(minerals, lumber, water, anti-matter, etc.)
51-60%--- Luxury Goods---There are certain things available in the kingdom that are not necessities of life, but which nevertheless command high prices from the right buyers outside the star kingdom. However, dependence on this sort of goods is risky; luxury trends can prove fickle.
61-80%---Manufacturing---The kingdom provides quality finished goods that are in demand elsewhere.
81-90%--- Military---The star kingdom either sells weapons and/or the services of mercenaries
91-00%--- Conquest---The star kingdom relies on what its armed forces, privateers, or pirates can acquire and strip from other peoples and planets.

H. Status Rating: Star kingdoms and empires have a lifespan, like organizations. This is a general indicator of the health of the star kingdom.
01-30%--- Boom---The star kingdom is just starting out and is expanding its territory and influence at an intense level of activity. It is powerful and vigorous, but hasn’t reached its full potential.
31-69%--- Established---The star kingdom has reached a comfortable state of influence; explosive expansion is leveling off, and borders are generally known. The star kingdom is reaching the peak of its power in this current cycle of its existence.
70-85%--- Stagnant---The star kingdom has reached a plateau in its influence; expansion has slowed, the borders haven’t changed much in over a century, and there is some gathering tension between various internal factions over control of the future direction of the kingdom. It is powerful, but may be feeling its growing pains.
86-94% ---Crumbling---The star kingdom is on the verge of a bust; expansion has stopped and begun to reverse. Systems are dropping away and the influence of the central authority is weakening. The central government is holding on, but cracks have appeared in the order.
95-98%--- Imperiled----The star kingdom has reached a critical moment in its history that could result in the empire breaking apart completely or undergoing a massive cultural shift. This may result in a new period of renewal and explosive expansion under a new regime, or may end in the kingdom imploding.
99-00%---Faded Glory. The kingdom failed to renew itself come its crisis point in the past and what remains is now a shadow of its former self. The kingdom's glory days are long in the past and it's all the survivors can do to hang on to what they still have. Education and professional training have atrophied, elaborate tradition has replaced innovation, and new technological developments are minor rehashes of already existing designs and principles. Most citizens are more likely to look back to the grand triumphs of the future than to a brighter and wholly new future, living in the past rather than working towards tomorrow.
Last edited by taalismn on Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:39 pm, edited 11 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

I like it.
Braden, GMPhD
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If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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They need to tell if ther members of CCW,TGE or are Independent.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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gaby wrote:Great.

They need to tell if ther members of CCW,TGE or are Independent.

I was waiting for this question.
I deliberately decided NOT to include a random roll for affiliation, as this is for RANDOM stellar kingdoms.
YOU decide who they're likely to want to be affiliated with, if they want to be affiliated with anybody at all.
It may not become an issue at all.
Last edited by taalismn on Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Braden Campbell wrote:I like it.

Thanks. I've added Administrative Control to the update.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

taalism, do you mind if i steal and modify this table for my enders cluster site? with a few tweaks in the technology area, it would really fit in well there. (none of the local groups get above "advanced space age", being the main change. i'd probably add a "no space travel" and limited space travel" option instead..with limited space travel being anywhere from where we are to the 2001/2010 movie level.)

btw, you might want to add a note under "general attitude/culture" about how no race is ever a monoculture, and that the chart just describes the most populous or dominant culture of that race. (look at earth. the majority of technological nations probably fall in the "peaceful expansionists" catagory given our space policies..but otherwise our nations run the gamut across the chart.)
of course, a "varies" option might be a good addition too.. meaning the race has multiple sub-groups still vying for dominance. say, roll 1D4+1 times, reroll if the varies option is rolled again.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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glitterboy2098 wrote:taalism, do you mind if i steal and modify this table for my enders cluster site? with a few tweaks in the technology area, it would really fit in well there. (none of the local groups get above "advanced space age", being the main change. i'd probably add a "no space travel" and limited space travel" option instead..with limited space travel being anywhere from where we are to the 2001/2010 movie level.)

btw, you might want to add a note under "general attitude/culture" about how no race is ever a monoculture, and that the chart just describes the most populous or dominant culture of that race. (look at earth. the majority of technological nations probably fall in the "peaceful expansionists" catagory given our space policies..but otherwise our nations run the gamut across the chart.)
of course, a "varies" option might be a good addition too.. meaning the race has multiple sub-groups still vying for dominance. say, roll 1D4+1 times, reroll if the varies option is rolled again.

Thanks for the feedback; I'll implement it.
And yes, you CAN steal it.

Yah, I thought of lower tech levels, but I wanted to focus on the larger affiliations, and you can hardly do that if you're humping along at speeds like Mach 50 when you should be going 0.8 cee(or better). Plus I'm reading a load of the Man-Kzin Wars books, which start with relativistic kingdoms(the UN and the Kzinti Patrirachy) at war, then shift to FTL kingdoms with the introduction of handwavium/hyperdrive.
I THOUGHT of using the Chor'ii as an example of a low-end empire due to its low-efficiency propulsion tech, but growing impact on neighboring worlds. The Tarlok, too, from Skraypers, also count in this category, since they have high efficiency relatisvistic/low-efficiency FTL drives that enable them to make years-long round trip visits to Phaseworld.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Great stuff taalismn :ok:

I like the set-up, course I've always liked random tables :D
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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no problem. for my setting, i'll just be making this a "random political entity" table. my setting is slightly lower tech than the normal phase world setting, so lower tech options just fit.

and thanks for the changes. i loath the planet of hats trope, though i recognize that it makes it easier to write a race for a short encounter. but for an RPG, its usually better to at least point out that subcultures would exist. especially since "true monocultures" are usually the result of orwellian governments big on thought control and rewriting the dictionary...
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Okay, forgive me, made one more change in the 'Status Rating' table, adding 'Faded Glory' to the life cycle of kingdoms.

Just for fun; I would see the Free Worlds Council as a Militocracy, Splinter Kingdom, Warrior Race(multiple members), with NO economy(they're borrowing heavily), administrative control outside the military is Loose, and the kingdom's status is Imperiled.

The Golgan Republik can be considered to be a Newcomer(Original) Racial Supremacist, multi-species, Militocracy(was a Bureaucracy, until Gaus Binjo took over) exercising Tight control( was Lax to Loose) and Crumbling(approaching Imperiled). Economy was Trade-based, but largely internal(conquest-driven in the old days).

The Altess might be considered to be a Trade- or Luxury-based economic bloc of Splinter-Kingdom Aristocratic Non-Interventionists with a Tight administration, and a Status of Stagnant.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I have to agree. It is a sweet chart. I know I can use it to augment some of things I have been doing.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Aramanthus wrote:I have to agree. It is a sweet chart. I know I can use it to augment some of things I have been doing.

Thank you! And you're still alive! :lol:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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You also have to think of names of governments and the ruler ,s titles.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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gaby wrote:You also have to think of names of governments and the ruler ,s titles.

What would you have left to do then?

What's provided is the basics. The fine details are up to the end-user.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Thinking of names to call them is part of the creative process. The chart helps to create ideas and then a name will come up. Either that or I look up a last name in the phone book and then prevert it into a species name.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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or if your really hard up for a name and have writers block, turn to random generators.

place name generator - geared more for nations and countries, but work able.
Random star system generator - good if you need a solar system quick..no where near as detailed or interesting as the tables in the rifter though..
character name generator - good for NPC's
a whole slew of generators - something for everything.
including a space nation generator!

my first try netted me:

Accepted Republic
Alliance of Galaxies
Autonarchic Authority of Worlds
Constellation's Theocracy
Galaxy's Czardom
Provisional Systems
Socialist Brotherhood of Systems
Tyranical Planets
Tyranical Principality of Suns
Universal Imperium
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. THank you for sharing those with us. I'll have to try them later on. I like your little comic. That is a comic I have been reading almost religously for almost three years.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by taalismn »

Yeah, thanks! I may not have to have an original thought for the rest of my life! :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Taalismn is pretty good about adjusting for good suggestions. I think that your suggestion does have some merrit.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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another entry for the trade table:

the empire does not build it's own ships for external trade, but other empires come to it. generally this works best if the world(s) have something unique of value.. either goods that can be sold as luxuries or curiosities back home, or rare materials that are hard to get elsewhere.
this kind of 'passive' trade would be common for worlds that really don't have much to offer otherwise.

it might be worth pointing out too that one person's trash might be another mans treasure. in john ringo's Troy Rising series for example, a simple and cheap human foodstuff is found to have intoxicating effects on most aliens..leading to humanity being able to reap huge profits in trade despite not having any ships able to travel between planets, much less out to the wormgate and through it the stars..

or it could be as simple as in the freefall webcomic (location in my sig), where the 'heroic sqid space captain sam starfall' muses about how on the human world of jean, diamonds are worthless because you can make as many as you need, while organics like wood are expensive because it's hard to obtain. but on his homeworld, people throw wood away as trash and diamonds are extremely valuable due to rarity. he then concludes that he could make a killing selling trash between planets if interstellar travel (in that setting) weren't so expensive..
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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glitterboy2098 wrote:another entry for the trade table:

the empire does not build it's own ships for external trade, but other empires come to it. generally this works best if the world(s) have something unique of value.. either goods that can be sold as luxuries or curiosities back home, or rare materials that are hard to get elsewhere.
this kind of 'passive' trade would be common for worlds that really don't have much to offer otherwise.

it might be worth pointing out too that one person's trash might be another mans treasure. in john ringo's Troy Rising series for example, a simple and cheap human foodstuff is found to have intoxicating effects on most aliens..leading to humanity being able to reap huge profits in trade despite not having any ships able to travel between planets, much less out to the wormgate and through it the stars..

or it could be as simple as in the freefall webcomic (location in my sig), where the 'heroic sqid space captain sam starfall' muses about how on the human world of jean, diamonds are worthless because you can make as many as you need, while organics like wood are expensive because it's hard to obtain. but on his homeworld, people throw wood away as trash and diamonds are extremely valuable due to rarity. he then concludes that he could make a killing selling trash between planets if interstellar travel (in that setting) weren't so expensive..

Star Wars xover thread in the Anime Addventure takes advantage of the cheap star travel and high population of the core worlds to set up a trade in sterilized organic waste, flying windowed sewage scows close to stars to let the intense UV and solar radiation sterilize the stuff before selling it to agricultural worlds.
Zubrin cites a similar economy as the possible biggest import to a Moon colony....sewage from the more prosperous Mars colonies floated down the solar garvity well to the Moon, desperately in need of water and organics for their agricultural efforts.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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taalismn wrote:Zubrin cites a similar economy as the possible biggest import to a Moon colony....sewage from the more prosperous Mars colonies floated down the solar garvity well to the Moon, desperately in need of water and organics for their agricultural efforts.

except in post-apollo testing, lunar regolith proved viable for agriculture with minimal chemical additives, waste recycling proved extremely efficent, and space travel proved an order of magnitude more costly than zubrin's worst estimates. a lunar colony would do fine recycling it's own sewage for agricultural purposes, and better studies of mars showed that there was not enough economic return on an investement in sending people there, much less a colony.

given that martian soil proved to have elevated levels of superoxides and too much iron, it's mars that would need imports of raw materials to support large scale agriculture..
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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I.(Optional) Commodities(Import/Export): Independent of how the kingdom makes up the bulk of its trade, these are the items that the kingdom is best known for exporting and importing. These items can effectively constitute a second or underground trade economy(for instance, a kingdom that has officially closed its borders to outsiders may be carrying out an intense trade in slaves or pharmaceuticals). Often times the Commodity trade can mask or eclipse in the minds of outsiders what the kingdom REALLY makes its income off(example; the Amberjin system is known for exporting high-tech weapons, but the state corporation that does most of the trade and manufacturing really makes three times as much selling consumer goods like hovercars, personal computers, and high tech building materials). Users of these charts can roll TWICE, once for notable exports(what they’re shipping out, presumably something better or less expensive than what other people are turning out) and a second time for imports(things in high demand back home).
Rolling the same for both imports and exports can mean that the kingdom is looking to acquire different sorts of that same material(example; a star kingdom may be trading large quantities of low-tech inexpensive weaponry in order to acquire more advanced weaponry from other sources, or a planet may be shipping out megatonnes of an easily harvested meat animal found in its system, which the kingdom’s own people can’t digest, in exchange for more nutritious foodstuffs from a neighboring system). If the exports dovetail with the kingdom’s primary economy(for instance, a military economy exporting weaponry), then this represents a monomania or extreme specialization in economic focus.
The kingdom’s technological level may have a bearing on what goods it can lucratively export...for instance, a species just emerging onto the galactic scene may have trouble successfully selling their technologically obsolete spacecraft designs on the open market, and may have to range far and wide to find less advanced worlds willing and able to buy them).
01-15% ---Consumer Goods---The kingdom produces goods for the civilian markets of others, or else is shipping the stuff in for its own civilian populace. (01-30% electronics, 31-60% textiles, 61-75% vehicles, 76-00% furnishings and appliances)
16-20% ---Biotech---The kingdom may be noted for selling(or buying) biological riches or genetic engineering services.(01-75% plant and animal strains, 76-00% gross genetic engineering)
21-30% ---Spacecraft/ Starships--- The kingdom is either noted for its shipyards and shipwrights, or else is in the market to acquire spacecraft from outside sources.
31-55% ---Raw Materials---The kingdom’s mines, energy plants, and plantations produce the materials needed by others’ industries...or else they need such to keep their own economy running.(01-50% mineral ores, 51-75% organics, 76-00% energy)
56-70% ---Agricultural--- The kingdom has a trade in selling foodstuffs to other worlds. Conversely, they may be buyers of foostuffs, either to satiate appetities for the exotic, or to stave off famine. (01-75% vegetable, 76-00% meat)
71-76% ---Drugs---The kingdom makes or seeks medical drugs and substrates, or else is notorious for selling illegal chemicals or its populace has an insatiable appetite for narcotics. (01-75% pharmaceuticals, 76-00% narcotics)
77-79% ---Nanotechnology---The kingdom either has expertise in nanotechnology, or else seeks to bootstrap itself by acquiring it from elsewhere.
80-85% ---Manpower---The kingdom’s PEOPLE are its best known commodity; either voluntary migrant workers selling their services, or slaves/transported disidents shipped out to be sold on the galactic labor market. ( soldiers, laborers, engineers, entertainers, etc. )(01-60% voluntary, 61-00% involuntary)
86-90% ---High Tech---High-end technology is the commodity being bought/sold here. (01-50% computer systems, 51-75% robotics, 76-00% bionics/cybernetics)
91-00 ---Weapons---The kingdom is known for dealing in weapons, either making and selling them, or looking to buy them. (01-50% Infantry/personal, 51-75% vehicles, 76-90% capital units, 91-00% nucleonics and weapons of mass destruction)
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Users of these charts can roll TWICE, once for notable exports(what they’re shipping out, presumably something better or less expensive than what other people are turning out) and a second time for exports (things in high demand back home).

the bolded should be Imports, shouldn't it?
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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glitterboy2098 wrote:
Users of these charts can roll TWICE, once for notable exports(what they’re shipping out, presumably something better or less expensive than what other people are turning out) and a second time for exports (things in high demand back home).

the bolded should be Imports, shouldn't it?

:shock: D'oh!

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I like the addition. It will again be very useful for me.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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You're welcome. We who travel the Megaverse, looking for new information to sell/distribute, are pleased to be of service once more.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

with taalismn's permission, i have added these tables to my website
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Again, Beautiful!

And again, housekeeping nitpicks:

E: Racial Composition: should be in BOLD, and separated by spaces from sections D. and F. by a space, just so it looks neater
(then again, I've never set up a website, so you may have had your reasons, in which case I apologize for being a Computer Grammar Nazi).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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taalismn wrote:Again, Beautiful!

And again, housekeeping nitpicks:

E: Racial Composition: should be in BOLD, and separated by spaces from sections D. and F. by a space, just so it looks neater
(then again, I've never set up a website, so you may have had your reasons, in which case I apologize for being a Computer Grammar Nazi).

most likely i just missed it. when going from online forum to notepad to site editor, the formatting tends to get very odd quirks. and going through line by line doesn't always catch them..

btw, i rather like what i did with the "section H: status" sections picture. for those who can't tell, that's harry Seldon, or rather, one of his Vault recordings from the First Foundation.. (great book.)
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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glitterboy2098 wrote:
taalismn wrote:Again, Beautiful!

And again, housekeeping nitpicks:

E: Racial Composition: should be in BOLD, and separated by spaces from sections D. and F. by a space, just so it looks neater
(then again, I've never set up a website, so you may have had your reasons, in which case I apologize for being a Computer Grammar Nazi).

most likely i just missed it. when going from online forum to notepad to site editor, the formatting tends to get very odd quirks. and going through line by line doesn't always catch them..

Don't worry; I do this all the time at work and at home. Oddly enough, the habit doesn't work all that well on my OWN writing. :oops:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Well luckily we can figure it out after having read your material for several years.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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glitterboy2098 wrote:[btw, i rather like what i did with the "section H: status" sections picture. for those who can't tell, that's harry Seldon, or rather, one of his Vault recordings from the First Foundation.. (great book.)

That was my immediate thought too. Asimov would approve. :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Minor Star Empires(The Short Form):

The following are but a few of the multiworld star nations I’ve mentioned in the past in various forums and threads, either as belonging to new races, or alluded to in passing, formatted in the Star KIngdom format tables I wrote up.
These are all independent star nations trying to go their own way.

(Color commentary by Aisho Kennet, galactic political analyst and correspondent for Network Omni News)

Interstellar Empires/Kingdoms:(Template)
A. Size
B. History
C. Level of Technological Sophistication
D. General Attitude/Culture
E. Racial Composition
F. Government
G. Administrative Control
H. External Trade
H1. Commodities
I. Status

Shemarrian Star Nation ( Thundercloud Galaxy/Anvil Galaxy)
“Beautiful and damn dangerous. There’s an epic behind their mystery that I wonder anybody outside their civilization will ever get to hear.”

An enigmatic and presumably sprawling star nation that has begun to make its power and presence felt in the Three Galaxies. These mysterious cyborgs/androids(?) have been encountered throughout the Three Galaxies, scouting and hunting, and conducting their war against the Splugorth. The Shemarrian Star Nation is fairly neutral towards the CCW, is on at least speaking terms with the UWW, and has skirmished with the TGE, Exiles, and Golgan Republik. They really only can be considered to be firmly allied to the Central Alliance. They are violently anti-Splugorth.
A. Size: Unknown, but presumed to be Massive, with something on the order of 1d4x100 Star Systems, the locations and extent of which are currently unknown, but suspected to include a number of liberated ex-Splugorth
B. History: Newcomers, but presumed to be a splinter of the Splugorth Enclaves(former slave species rebelling against the Splugorth)
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Highly Advanced Civilization, particularly in robotics and bionics
D. General Attitude/Culture: Warrior society
E. Racial Composition: Mixed; dominated by the gynoid Shemarrians and their Ne-Shemar cyborg ‘adoptees’, and bolstered by liberated ex-Splugorth slave species. Also notable for being accepting of sentient machine intelligences.
F. Government: Matriarchial Confederation of the Ten Tribes
G. Administrative Control: Tight
H. External Trade---The Shemarrian Star Nation is fairly self-contained, and conducts little or no KNOWN external trade.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Raw Materials, Splugorth/Kittani technology
Imports: Technology, Luxury Goods, Information
I. Status: Ascendant(much to the Splugorths’ dismay and hurt)

Xan Xanti Synoc (Thundercloud Galaxy)
“The Xan Xanti are prompt, firm, expediant and unerringly polite when it comes to anybody entering their space without their permission, the polite part being particularly surprising, because with the way they throw anti-matter around like firecrackers, they could be a lot ruder and nobody could do much about it.”

The reptilean Xan Xanti and their companion race the insectile Xappish, hold sway over a small enclave of worlds on the edge of the Thundercloud. Their culture and outlook has been shaped by at least one encounter with Dominators in their history.
The Xan Xanti tend to be fairly paranoid about outsiders; tolerant but extremely cautious, and they have a powerful military to enforce the security of their space. They are particularly adept at the handling of anti-matter and many of their power and weapons systems utilize it.

A. Size: Modest(12 systems)
B. History: Independents
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Enlightened Imperialists
E. Racial Composition: Mixed, a combination of the large-statured Xan Xanti and the miniature Xappish
F. Government: Meritocracy
G. Administrative Control: Restrictive
H. External Trade: Manufacturing, Energy
H1. Commodities
Exports: Refined metals, energy materials(including fusionables and anti-matter)
Imports: Luxury Goods
I. Status: Can be considered to be Established; they are still growing, but slowly, and are consolidating their territorial gains.

New Nigellian Confederation (Anvil Galaxy)
“The Nigies are really looking to make a place for themselves at the galactic cassic table; you can see it in their eyes, like a cardsharp who’s just snapping to be dealt in at a high stakes game. You can also see them looking over their shoulders every now and then, like they’re afraid of some hired killer stalking them. The Nigie Confed’s got some secrets, alright, and we can only hope they don’t explode in ALL of our faces.”

Founded by survivors of a Rifted military-scientific community from the home dimension of the Mechanoids. They have established a small, but growing, kingdom on the edge of the while they quietly poke about their region of space and feel out their prospects with the major powers operating there.
A. Size: The NNC’s home system is a binary star with several habitable planets. Beyond its home systems, the New Nigellian Confederation also lays claim to at least three habitable planets(though they have as yet only established small research outposts on them), five ‘desert’ systems containing rocky bodies(but no habitable worlds), and has claimed a ‘protectorate’ in effect over two additional habitable planets with pre-space travel sentient species.
B. History: D-bee strandees brought to the Three Galaxies by an accidental dimensional rifting experiment(?)
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age, with particularly advanced particle beam and plasma weaponry
D. General Attitude/Culture: Enlightened Imperialists
E. Racial Composition: Mixed; a mix of Human and several other species new to the Three Galaxies(Nigellian, Borellian, Gendo, Ostrac, Psi-Warper, Cybormen)
F. Government: Democracy
G. Administrative Control: Loose; the Nigellians (and Humans) don’t like a government that interferes too much with their commercial enterprise.
H. External Trade: Manufacturing
H1. Commodities
Exports: Electronics, Mercenaries.
Imports: Raw Materials, Technology
I. Status: Ascendant; the NNC is looking to take a greater role in galactic affairs, but their positioning with regards to the rest of the major powers may dampen such plans. Still, they are begining to make their presence felt in their sector and adjacent galactic neighborhood.

Unity of Starholme (Thundercloud Galaxy)
“The Unity has good ships, good technology, and smart people. They could be a major player in their sectors if they would just loosen up! Or maybe that’s a good thing that they aren’t; those descendents of genetically-engineered soldiers would be hell to face if they ever got territorially ambitious!”

The Unity was founded by dimensional refugees, a mix of various genetically-engineered human castes who were fleeing the oppressive society that created them. They have carved out a small enclave in the Thundercloud Galaxy and would have cheerfully remained isolationists, but for a Mantella invasion that forced them to make a more proactive approach to securing their society’s safety.
The Unity works mostly towards the goal of being left alone to live in peace, and has tried to remain free of foreign entanglements. They possess a relatively small, but extremely competent and well-armed military arm, as well as a strong tradition of citizen-soldiery in their culture. Anybody attacking them can expect to be badly bloodied and possibly made a graphic example of to prevent further incursions into Unity space.
A. Size: Modest(7 systems)
B. History: Newcomers; d-bee refugees from another universe(?)
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Enlightened Imperialists with Warrior tendencies
E. Racial Composition: Human and Human-derived genetically-engineered species. The most prominent are the super-soldier Shrakken, followed by the small-statured elven Micra, the winged and psychic Ajemnin, centauroid Rhona, the subterranean Krelk, and various others.
F. Government: Democracy
G. Administrative Control: Tight
H. External Trade: Manufacturing
H1. Commodities
Exports: Electronics, Industrial Chemicals
Imports: Raw materials; the Unity is seeking sources of certain strategic materials and minerals not found inside their own systems.
I. Status: Ascendant, but the paramilitary organization and slightly paranoid attitude of the Unity has led to a cautious expansion.

Syndian Republic (Anvil Galaxy)
“They may be small in their number of worlds, but the Syndians are damn fine pilots, astrogators, and merchant-marines. Booking a trip on a Syndian-flagged ship is almost a guarantee of a smooth trip!”

Though small in size, the Syndians are a very advanced and economically powerful star nation in their sector, owing to their tradition of trade and starfaring. They have been locked in an ongoing feud with the neighboring Valar-Ryzellian Imperium over that prosperity, and they won the last hot shooting war between the two nations. In recent years, however, the Syndian Republic has had to devote more time and resources to (re)building up its military, as renewed conflict with the militant religious extremist cabal that replaced the Valar-Ryzellian aristocractic regime seems inevitable.
The Syndian Republic is nominally allied to the CCW, but enjoys its independence.
A. Size: Small--- 5 worlds
B. History: Newcomers, and independents
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Peaceful Expansionist
E. Racial Composition: Variant of Existing Known Species---Human variant. Recently the Syndian Republic’s population has been bolstered by a significant influx of refugees from its neighbor, the Valar-Ryzellian Imperium.
F. Government: Syndicracy, led by the Space Guild
G. Administrative Control: Tight
H. External Trade: The Syndians are merchants, and their worlds are the crossroads of several busy trade routes into parts of the galaxy once controlled by the Golgan Republik, but now free and independent.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Raw materials, spacecraft
Imports: Spacecraft(military) and weapons
I. Status: Ascendant, but recently expansion has been curtailed by troubles along its long shared border with the former Valar-Ryzellian Imperium

Valar-Ryzellian Imperium (Anvil Galaxy)
“There are three kinds of Valar-Ryzellians around these days-Angry, Desperate, and Crazy-the Angry ones want to kill somebody for losing to somebody else back in the day, the Desperate ones want to sell themselves body and soul to you if it means you’ll protect them, and the Crazy ones want to conquer or kill everybody else.”

Neighbors of the Syndian Republic, the VRI is larger and more numerous, but lacks the overall prosperity of the Syndians, leading to protracted conflict between the two star nations. A recent coup in the aftermath of the last war has put an extremist religious faction in charge of the government that has turned the Imperium into an oppressive police state, gearing up for renewed aggression against their neighbors.
A. Size: Extensive---19 worlds
B. History: Newcomers
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age, with a particular specialization in biotech.
D. General Attitude/Culture: Could be considered to be a Warrior Race, but recently the Imperium have become Aggressive Racial/Religious Supremacists
E. Racial Composition: Variant of Existing Known Species; Valar-Ryzellians are a slightly more robust variant of Elves. Also has a small minority of Humans.
F. Government: Was a hereditary Aristocracy with Monarch, but has become a Theocracy
G. Administrative Control: Was Tight, but has become Draconian; priest-commissars and ‘dogma purity’ squads with authorization to implement corporal punishment on the spot now wander the administration and communities.
H. External Trade: Interstellar trade has dried up with the new extremist regime; currently only a thin stream of smuggling takes place.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Biotechnology, Manpower(slaves or refugees willing to work like slaves)
Imports: Weapons
I. Status: Imperiled; a recent coup by religious extremists has transformed the Imperium into an increasingly oppressive fundamentalist police-state teetering on the edge of civil war with itself, and all-out war with its neighbor. Some outside observers suspect a Demonic influence behind some of the activities inside the Imperium.

Cisen-Adeta Republic (Anvil Galaxy)
“I’m not sure what the Consorties or the Warlocks had in mind when they threw a bunch of totally different peoples together and hoped they stuck. Maybe they foresaw unity, but I doubt they could have anticipated what cultural cross-pollination is doing there now. Give the Adetans another century and they might well be dictating terms to any Consorties or Warlocks who try telling them what to do!”

A joint UWW- and CCW-backed experiment in creating an independent kingdom that could serve as a buffer-state in colonizing regions close to the crumbling Golgan territories, the C-AR was founded by economic and political refugees from various other regions. With a newly-minted ‘royal family’ nominated by popular decree presiding over a motivated populace and a booming economy, the Republic is quickly establishing itself as a force to be reckoned with in the region.
Currently the C-AR is looking to expand its space capabilities and its defenses, so the star nation has been in the market for spacecraft and aerospace systems of all types. It’s acquired a good deal of military surplus(including at least two old battleships) from the CCW and UWW, but is looking into making deals with any aerospace firms willing to invest in shipyards or relocate.
A. Size: Small(5 systems)
B. History: Can be considered a Splinter-culture made of relocatees from the UWW, CCW, and Bushido Federation.
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Enlightened Imperialist
E. Racial Composition: Mixed; Human, Ursinoid, and a splinter-faction of the Bushido Federation Oni calling themselves ‘Ta-Ainu’.
F. Government: Constitutional Monarchy
G. Administrative Control: Loose; the monarchy knows enough to let the people do their thing and the popularity of the current regime has people not wanting to disappoint their sovereigns’ faith in them.
H. External Trade: Raw Materials
H1. Commodities
Exports: Raw Materials(lumber, ore)
Imports: Spacecraft, Manufactured Goods
I. Status: Ascendant. Recent trade routes in the area and newly opened colonies in the sector have led to the C-AR enjoying a strong upswing in fortunes.

Kretig Domain (Anvil Galaxy)
“The Kretig are arrogant enough to think they can take on the galaxy and ignorant enough that they can’t possibly do it. That’s the problem; they’re just dumb enough to do something with their smarts that they think will put them on top, that will result in a whole lot of people on both sides getting killed.”

A human(oid) people who have carved out a fairly large empire in the Anvil Galaxy. Currently the Kretig have painted themselves into a corner with a decades-long grinding war with the CCW. Originally meant to save the government with a quick economy-boosting war, a nice declaration of racial solidarity in the face of foreign oppression, and convenient martial law, the situation has long passed the break-even point and the economy is beginning to strain under the burden of war-debt. And the war has gone on long enough that the CCW just might begin to take them seriously enough to pour some heavy reinforcements in to finish the job before the CCW gets distracted by more pressing crisises somewhere else.
A. Size: Extensive (34 systems)
B. History: Independents
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Could be considered to be mild Racial Supremacists with aggressive territorial ambitions. The general Kretig population don’t have enough exposure to other races/species to have anything more than a mild distrust and suspicion of outsiders and a desire that aliens(non-Kretig) ‘go someplace else’ rather than stand in the way of Kretig economic development/manifest destiny.
E. Racial Composition: Variant of Existing Known Species; Human, but with extra digits and few other minor cosmetic variations.
F. Government: Militocracy, masked as a parliamentary democracy
G. Administrative Control: Restrictive; martial law.
H. External Trade: Trade outside the Domain has largely dried up due to the increasingly xenophibic stance of the government. Only some smuggling and secret government trade is conducted.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Weapons(low tech systems, mainly in an effort to destabilize CCW worlds with known internal problems)
Imports: Weapons(especially higher-tech equipment), Raw Materials(strategic)
I. Status: Stagnant. The long war with the CCW has taken its toll on the economy and there is growing dissidence within the military and civilian populace with regards to how the war is being prosecuted.

Gapatrac Syndracy (Thundercloud Galaxy)
“The Gapatrac are polite, erudite, and adamant about their neutrality. They offer good terms and prompt service in any business dealings with outsiders, as long as it’s understood that they don’t welcome any long term associations that lock them into a position that might get them into trouble with anybody else. I start to worry, though, when they start asking personal questions about any any unusual traits or abilities in my family.”

The Gapatrac Syndracy is an old culture that has advanced slowly over the millenia of its existence, but seems to have reached a dead end in its slow march across time. Currently they avoid confrontations and entanglements and keep to their own sector, doing a little trading and attending various intergalactic science and diplomatic forums, without committing themselves to anything that might align them with one or the other of the larger powers.
Though the Gapatrac continue to maintain a staunch and unified front against anybody seeking to invade their space or lock them into any sort of alliance, there are those within the Syndracy who fear that the best days of their culture, and indeed their species, are behind them. Concerns that the Gapatrac genome has become a genetic and evolutionary dead-end have fueled desperate research into ‘kickstarting’ Gapatrac biology with infusions of biomaterial from other more genetically varied and vigorous races. This has led to increasingly desperate efforts to enhance the Gapatrac genome, and rumors of Gapatrac gene-pirates ‘harvesting’ promising species and races, or even approaching the Gene-Tech.
A. Size: Extensive(18 systems, was once over twenty-five)
B. History: Independent
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Nuetral Non-Interventionists
E. Racial Composition: Unique Alien: the Gapatrac, vaguely humanoid beings with insectile features (though some CCW protestors claim that the Syndracy holds several forgotten Human-settled worlds as slave worlds).
F. Government: Pedocracy; the Gapatrac are led by Councils of experts in various fields relevent to the matter at hand.
G. Administrative Control: Tight
H. External Trade: Manufacturing. The Syndracy does some small trade in electronics and industrial equipment.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Electronics, materials processing equipment
Imports: Genetic material
I. Status: Crumbling. The Gapatrac have been slowly losing worlds, and there is evidence of a population growth ‘ennui’ taking its toll on the once-strong species.

Saphian Royal Confederation (Corkscrew Galaxy)
“Saphians are real easy on the eyes, but their politics can get kinda shrill. Thing is, under those pretty looks and slick fashions, they got some muscle to them, so you don’t want to be criticizing their politics to their faces.”

The Saphian Royal Confederation is a modest, but verbose, and decidedly outspoken in their views. Most of their neighbors consider them to be arrogant, swaggering know-it-alls who can’t keep their opinions to themselves, while others see the Saphians as heroic champions of the underdogs, the downtrodden, and the neglected. Nominal allies of the CCW, the Saphians have come out strong for stronger environmental policies and ‘green’ initiatives. They often support rebellion, civil action, and political activism around the Three Galaxies, and the TGE has accused them of collaborating with Naruni Enterprises(and other armaments manufacturers) in supplying the FWC with weapons. They have reportedly turned their attention of late to the many pristine worlds of the Thundercloud, with an eye towards curbing the worse excesses of rampant colonial development.
A. Size: Modest(18 worlds)
B. History: Independents
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Enlightened Imperialists
E. Racial Composition: Variant of Existing Known Species; Saphian, a race of handsome/beautiful mer-lycanthropic human(oid)s.
F. Government: Monarchy
G. Administrative Control: Lax; Saphian citizens are pretty much on their own when it comes to the oversight of their government. The Saphian government has thus a lot of ‘plausible deniablity’ when it comes to the actions of the more active citizenry with regards to external politics.
H. External Trade---The Saphians do a lot of trade in raw materials, primarily foodstuffs.Their aquaculture is the pride of the sector. Their space also serves as a trade hub, and they make a considerable amount of income facilitating trade through their region of space.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Foostuffs, luxury goods
Imports: Raw Materials(mainly minerals)
I. Status: Ascendant; their economy is booming, and their economic clout is being plowed into political influence. Well-funded Saphian activists(some would call them eco-terrorists) are spreading throughout the Three Galaxies.

Chukta Star Empire (Anvil Galaxy)
“The Chukta don’t trust anybody non-Chukta that doesn’t have a steel slave collar welded around their necks. Hell, the Chukta don’t trust other CHUKTA without a collar welded around their necks, or a sharp blade held to their throats! They’re just plain greedy-crazy like that!”

The Chuktas are a race of humanoid amphibians and TGE-wannabees who inhabited a planet just outside the limits of Golgan expansion and were thus below the notice of the Republik. Sadly, the Chukta began space exploration soon after the Golgans hastily pulled out of that particular sector of their frontier, leaving a mothballed fleet base that the Chukta discovered. The Chukta acquired advanced Galactic technology practically overnight, but haven’t acquired more advanced moral behavior, and the Chukta soon began a campaign of invading nearby non-spacefaring worlds(worlds the Golgans had left alone as not being threats) and enslaving them. Emboldened, the Chukta have cut a swath through the less-advanced peoples of the local systems, and have swaggeringly set themselves up as lords of creation in their own minds, bullying and abusing anyone who doesn’t have their strength of arms. With no one to offer them any resistance(the Chukta believe that the Golgans left their area of space far longer ago than they really did) the Chukta Empire feels now is their time to reach for greatness and galactic supremacy. With their three slave worlds whipped to produce war material for their small(but powerful) space fleet, the Chukta were gearing up to take on the next nearest inhabitable system....which unfortunately for them was also claimed by the larger and equally expansionist Zyganian Empire.
The Chukta may have had three systems under their thrall, but three pre-FTL slave worlds(especially with the sort of heavy-handed mismanagement the Chukta practice) does not a galactic power make. This time, the Zyganians got to play hero. The Zyganians, assisted by several other contingents from other independent systems, trounced the Chukta and rolled their empire back to their homesystems, taking away two of their slave worlds.
The Chukta are currently being blockaded, until such a time as either the alliance gets tired of holding the line and gears up to blow away the Chukta, or the Chukta implode under their own cutthroat politics.
A. Size: Small (2 systems(orignally 5))
B. History: Independent newcomers given a boost by found Golgan technology
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Mature Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Aggressive Racial Supremacists
E. Racial Composition---Dominated by the Chukta, with a smattering of abject slaves(mostly Humans).
F. Government: Oligarchy
G. Administrative Control: Tight
H. External Trade---Little external trade, given that the Chukta regard most outsider species as potential threats or potential targets. Almost all trade that gets through the blockade is meant to shore up the Chuktas’ military capabilities or the bargaining position of individual factions in the government.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Slaves, Raw Materials
Imports: Weapons
I. Status: Imperiled; the Chukta got steamrolled by an alliance of their more advanced neighbors, backed by the Zyganian Empire. Currently the Chuktas’ remaining star systems are blockaded by the alliance.

Zyganian Empire (Anvil Galaxy)
“Zyganians may be crazy for brass and braid and their whole royal manifest destiny thing, but they’ve got some real justified pride in their engineering and their culture. If they can survive their own crazy bravado for the next century, they’ve got it made.”

This star nation recently(as in within the last century) regained its freedom from the Golgans, and have been making up for lost time carving out a small empire along the crumbling borders of the old Republik.
Since their explosive ascendancy the Zyganians have been cheerfully tweaking the nose of the Golgans with relative impunity, but the recent change of regime in the Republik may signal that the Zyganians aren’t likely to get away with that for much longer. The Empire may have to seriously defend itself against Golgan encroachment again, sooner than they’d wish.
A. Size: Extensive; 8 habitable worlds, twenty ‘desert’ systems staked as resource/border systems(with either industrial outposts or military stations on them), and lays claim to two more habitable planets on the borders of their space, and three more desert systems known to hold important resources. Four more systems are provisionally part of the Empire(Alebia, Mazzerhine, Temus, and Oargaiga).
B. History: Independent; former satellite/colonal possession of the Golgan Republik
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Enlightened Imperialists
E. Racial Composition: Variant of Existing Known Species(Human), but are fairly tolerant of other species/races(except the Golgans)
F. Government: Constitutional Monarchy
G. Administrative Control: Loose
H. External Trade: Manufacturing
H1. Commodities
Exports: Manufactured Goods(textiles, consumer goods, vehicles) and Raw Materials
Imports: High-Tech, especially robotics systems for both military and industrial use.
I. Status: Ascendant, but curtailed currently by renewed Golgan aggression

Kybyree Supremacy (Thundercloud Galaxy)
“Galactic termites they are, with smarts! They know enough to cater to the richer and more depraved segments of galactic society, selling off the harvest they’ve scooped and looted off the worlds they’ve conquered, making the buyers willing accomplices in their criminal enterprise! If they and the Splugorth ever teamed up, well, nobody would be safe on the frontier!”

An expansionist empire based on conquest and slavery, the Kybyree have been cheerfully and relentlessly gobbling up worlds in the Thundercloud, enslaving their populations, and stripmining their planets of anything usable. The Kybyree are particularly fond of capturing psychics and metatalents, having perfected the means of turning those beings into living batteries to power their technology. Both the CCW and the Exiles regard the Kybyree as a growing threat to stability in the region, though major action may still be decades away.
A. Size: Extensive(32 systems)
B. History: Independent Newcomers
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Aggressive Supremacists
E. Racial Composition: Coalition of minion races dominated by the Kybyree. The KS is dominated by the insectile Kybyree, strongmen Bumbyun, the cerebral Egon, avian Mumyar, the orc-like Thralfur, and the reptilean Seshquec.
F. Government: Oligarchy
G. Administrative Control: Draconian
H. External Trade: Conquest! The KS takes what it wants and gives little in return. They’ve cut several lucrative deals with unscrupulous outsiders to sell some of their ill-begotten gains, especially slaves.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Slaves
Imports: High-Tech, especially weapons
I. Status: Ascendant. Regarded in some circles as a growing threat to the freedom and security of worlds in the region. The Exiles in particular have been aggressive in resisting the Kybyree Supremacy(the rumor has begin circulating that the Exile homeworld was one of those gobbled up by the Supremacy).

Peoples’ Freewheeling Association of Bakalapona (Anvil Galaxy)
“Under the greasepaint and the honky-horns and the straitjacket uniforms is something in the Baka psyche that anybody with a phobia of clowns would recognize as reason to fear. Not so much terror of being personally assaulted as much as fear of having somebody assaulting and totally overthrowing your preconceptions of all reality.”

Founded by the descendants of the abandoned population of a Golgan Republik planetary insane asylum. They’ve managed to expand in their sector, assimilating worlds left abandoned by the retreating Republik. Though not taken seriously by most of their neighbors, they’ve managed to astonish(and frighten) some of them recently by revealing a surprisingly potent military and space capability, especially after they (literally) stomped out a Star Hive incursion in the sector.
The PFAB is distinguished by their own particular and peculiar brands of science and engineering that apply across the width and breadth of whatever they manufacture. Their R&D has been described as ‘insane’(to which the Bakalaponan scientists reply “Thank you!”) and their technology as credability-bending(their first natively-developed FTL system involved giant slingshots...that actually WORKED).
Tolerant and friendly towards most everybody and anybody who can tolerate their own peculiar takes on diplomacy, but generally regarded as too crazy by most nations to associate with, the Bakalaponans only really have any real dispute with the Golgan Republik.
A. Size: Small (4 systems)
B. History: Splinter of the Golgan Republik; descendants of a Golgan psychiatric gulag.
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Advanced Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture: Enlightened Imperialists(you get a free toy and 50% off on your next behavior-modification drug perscription if the Bakalaponans take over your planet).
E. Racial Composition: Mixed; one of the largest communities of Golgans outside the Republik, plus Humans and other former Golgan Republik subject races.
F. Government: Clownocracy---A lot like democracy, only a lot less pretentiously serious.
G. Administrative Control: Loose and fairly freewheeling. There’s a lot of plausible deniablity floating around the PFAB, and their authorities are quick to cite ‘insanity’ as an explanation for the actions(legal or illegal) for their citizens outside their borders.
H. External Trade: Raw materials; Bakalapona exports a lot of foodstuffs and natural fibers.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Novelties, manufactured goods.
Imports: Agriculture, Foodstuffs(especially bananas and coconut analogues)
I. Status: Ascendant; the Bakalaponans have fairly exploded onto the scene(or as one CCW observer put it; “it’s like seeing a mob emerge from a clown car”.

Boktor Agramacy (Thundercloud Galaxy)
“If you’re dealing with the Boktor, don’t let them pause for a break; they’ll more than likely dash out to take a hit of lashyar or whatever it is they’re all addicted to. After that, their business accumen goes up like crazy...almost like they’re reading your mind. Which is exactly what one of my psychic friends told me they’re doing. So if you can’t prevent them from psying up, invest in some solid psi-shielding or hire a defensive teep to sit with you during negotiations. The Boktor don’t abide by those terms, they can find some other gullible smuck to deal with.”

The native Agramacy rose to power only after neighboring sectors and systems were claimed in the wave of colonization taking place in the Thundercloud. The Boktor have made it pretty much clear that they want to be left alone and only deal with outsiders on their own terms, and for the most part the Agramacy has scrupulously maintained its neutrality. However, increasing political and economic factionalism between self-serving elements of Boktor society have caused problems that threat that stance towards their neighbors. Political turmoil in the Agramacy is being fueled by the growing popularity and abuse of Lashyar, a drug that unlocks the Boktors’ latent psionic abilities. Unfortunately, Lashyar is derived from the nervous systems of humans and similar humanoids, and the cartels’ ability to obtain donors from nearby human colonies is being overtaken by the rampant demand for the drug, which could well drive the Agramacy into the arms of those(like the Kybyree or the Splugorth) willing to provide the Boktor with the raw materials needed to fuel their drug dependencies.
A. Size: Modest(12 systems)
B. History: Newcomers, Independents
C. Level of Technological Sophistication: Mature Space Age(low efficiency FTL drives)
D. General Attitude/Culture: Were Non-Interventionists, but have slipped to Aggressive Racial Supremacists
E. Racial Composition: Boktor(Humanoids)
F. Government: Oligarchy, dominated by the narcotics cartels.
G. Administrative Control: Lax
H. External Trade: Fairly self-contained, but do a little trade. Have been increasingly suspected of sponsoring piracy/slavery.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Raw Materials, Organics(fibers and organic chemicals)
Imports: Slaves(Lashyar donors)
I. Status: Imperiled. Rampant corruption linked to the Lashyar trade is eroding the stability of the government(it’s already slipped from a democracy to a feuding oligarchy dominated by the Lashyar cartels).
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Great,I hope to see more.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Ho,I think you for got the Military for them.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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gaby wrote:Ho,I think you for got the Military for them.

Nope. I deliberately left that off, along with their possible affiliations with/relations to the CCW or TGE(what cares an Australian Bushman for the United States or the Soviet Union during the Cold War? Not bloody much, mate!). Technological Level should give you a fair assessment of their capabilities, as well as their General Attitude(s).
The rest should be implied by the fluff text and context. And your imaginations.

Gaby, I suggest you read Larry Niven's 'Known Space' series, particularly the Man-Kzin Wars. Humanity starts out with effectively a ZERO military capability...on paper, and in its minds....when it runs into the heavily militarized Kzin, who are out to eat us. Thing is, we have massive laser-launch and laser propulsion systems, fusion-powered spacecraft, ramscoops, and massdrivers, all perfectly benign and utilitarian devices that incidentally can be easily converted into some VERY powerful weapons...The Kzin just don't recognize their potential, until they run into jets of plasma, long range laser fire, drone missiles with overloading fusion powerplants, and streams of armor-piercing projectiles. The Humans would argue they had little or no military capabilities at the beginning of the war; the Kzin would disagree.

A seemingly helpless people with NO military capabilities but very advanced technology might be able to come up with such wonderful gizmos like fields that turn CG-fields insideout or be able to knock their enemies dead with tailored bioweapons. How would you grade their military? They don't have any! At least not as they regard such, or we would recognize. They just use their brains(and their imaginations). A primitive warrior culture that used only horses might ssee our modern society's fleets of automobiles as cavalry(and remember, it was guerillas with rifles, RPGs, and 'technicals' that bloodied the noses of the American military in Somalia, and knocked down a professional army in Libya), Broadly categorizing 'Military' as you suggest fails to take a whole lot of factors into account. So I didn't include it.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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gaby wrote:Great,I hope to see more.

I hope to see you add a few. You have the above charts, and Glitterboy2098's compiled file of them, and the Seventh Sanctum random generators for names and other details, and there are random dice rollers online if you just look.
Get cracking, and writing.
I'll be expecting to see your empire(s) posted here.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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taalismn wrote:
gaby wrote:Ho,I think you for got the Military for them.

Nope. I deliberately left that off, along with their possible affiliations with/relations to the CCW or TGE(what cares an Australian Bushman for the United States or the Soviet Union during the Cold War? Not bloody much, mate!). Technological Level should give you a fair assessment of their capabilities, as well as their General Attitude(s).
The rest should be implied by the fluff text and context. And your imaginations.

Gaby, I suggest you read Larry Niven's 'Known Space' series, particularly the Man-Kzin Wars. Humanity starts out with effectively a ZERO military capability...on paper, and in its minds....when it runs into the heavily militarized Kzin, who are out to eat us. Thing is, we have massive laser-launch and laser propulsion systems, fusion-powered spacecraft, ramscoops, and massdrivers, all perfectly benign and utilitarian devices that incidentally can be easily converted into some VERY powerful weapons...The Kzin just don't recognize their potential, until they run into jets of plasma, long range laser fire, drone missiles with overloading fusion powerplants, and streams of armor-piercing projectiles. The Humans would argue they had little or no military capabilities at the beginning of the war; the Kzin would disagree.

A seemingly helpless people with NO military capabilities but very advanced technology might be able to come up with such wonderful gizmos like fields that turn CG-fields insideout or be able to knock their enemies dead with tailored bioweapons. How would you grade their military? They don't have any! At least not as they regard such, or we would recognize. They just use their brains(and their imaginations). A primitive warrior culture that used only horses might ssee our modern society's fleets of automobiles as cavalry(and remember, it was guerillas with rifles, RPGs, and 'technicals' that bloodied the noses of the American military in Somalia, and knocked down a professional army in Libya), Broadly categorizing 'Military' as you suggest fails to take a whole lot of factors into account. So I didn't include it.

i love the known space series. much of my enders cluster material is inspired by the man-kzin wars use of lower tech in creative ways. mixed in with alot of 2010 a space oddessy two, 2061 a space odsessy three, and babylon 5. the new battlestar galactica and the species diversity of the uplift double trilogy were influences too.

in regards to military technology, i love to point out the high crusade, where ultra-tech aliens are humbled by medieval humans. the aliens don't have any hand to hand combat tradition any more, their tanks use plastic like armor that is great against energy guns but can be peirced by lances and arrows...and once the Knights and men at arms get their hands on captured starships, rayguns, and nukes, the aliens are screwed.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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glitterboy2098 wrote:[

i love the known space series. much of my enders cluster material is inspired by the man-kzin wars use of lower tech in creative ways. mixed in with alot of 2010 a space oddessy two, 2061 a space odsessy three, and babylon 5. the new battlestar galactica and the species diversity of the uplift double trilogy were influences too.

in regards to military technology, i love to point out the high crusade, where ultra-tech aliens are humbled by medieval humans. the aliens don't have any hand to hand combat tradition any more, their tanks use plastic like armor that is great against energy guns but can be peirced by lances and arrows...and once the Knights and men at arms get their hands on captured starships, rayguns, and nukes, the aliens are screwed.

There's also the story "The Road Not Taken" where it turns out FTL and anti-gravity are discovered by most races out in the stars by the time they start working iron. After they start going awandering among the stars, almost all races give up on developing anything else. When Earth gets invaded by hundreds of ships of the mightiest interstellar empire, we discover that their ships are made of wood and iron, and the most advanced weapons they pack are muskets and gunpowder cannon. A National Guard unit with armored support machineguns the empire's finest legion to pieces after the aliens musket-massacre the local town mayor and college dean.

Later, in another story, Humanity gets its comeuppance when we similarly get too complacent.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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and then there are races like the Pa'haquel from Star Trek Titan: Orion's Hounds, which have no technology at all, but instead live in giant zombie space jelly-fish, controlling them through involuntary nerve reactions to hunt down other space organisms..
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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glitterboy2098 wrote:and then there are races like the Pa'haquel from Star Trek Titan: Orion's Hounds, which have no technology at all, but instead live in giant zombie space jelly-fish, controlling them through involuntary nerve reactions to hunt down other space organisms..

By the way, it's rather late, but I discovered some jarring spelling mistakes in the final(posted) draft of the Tables...There's a 'Pecocracy' where it should be 'Pedocracy', followed by a 'leraned' which should be 'learned', and a 'payed' where it should be 'paid'...
Sorry. :o
I REALLY got to be more thorough proofing my stuff. My parents and the state didn't spend all that money educating me to make mistakes like that... :-(
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice! I like these new places to go in the 3 Galaxies. Thank you for sharing them with us.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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Aramanthus wrote:Very nice! I like these new places to go in the 3 Galaxies. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Hope to have more up as normality is restored in my region(like elelctrical power).
Of course, contributions of others are more than welcome. Gotta be some more empire-builders out there.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

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(Based on old college musings with a good friend, Andrew Watt)

Corianus-Typhen-Rosette League (Thundercloud Galaxy)

“Tread carefully when you talk about expansion in the Eiralius Sector if any CeeTeeArr Leaguers are around. Two thirds of them got to the Thundercloud when the Consortium was just a vague notion, the other third fled when first war with the Kreeghor was threatening to turn cosmic. They aren’t unfriendly to the old neighborhood, but they don’t have that many connections to the mother cultures either. They’ve stood on their own for a while, built each other up, and they have quite the little power base here. They’ve got their own economies, their own fleets, their own allies, and they’re feeding and supplying our colonies in the neighboring systems for a fraction of the cost it would take us to ship direct. Annexation is NOT an option except under the most friendly and amiable circumstances, but accommodation and alliance is our best bet. So you want to keep the talk about administrative consolidation in the colonies to a minimum. Taken the wrong way, the yawpings of a few of the more conservative loudmouths could drive a lot of the colonies in the sector to form their own consortium with the League, which would result in sorts of headaches for their sponsors, so do damage control if you spot any of those said loudmouths rolling. Let’s keep any diplomatic incidents to a minimum because this is a very GOOD party, and I for one am not missing my chance at extra helpings of Rosette moon-crab!”
-CCW Colonial Development Director(Luriean Region) Linser Munz, briefing his staff just before a sector-conference of the regional worlds.

The CTRL is a small coalition star nation in the Three Galaxies(Thundercloud Galaxy) formed by the joining of three worlds(Corianus, Typhen, and Rosette) into one political entity, initially for mutual defense, but which has come to become more entwined economically and administratively. Nominally the CTRL is allied to the old Human Alliance, which sponsored the original colonial expeditions in the distant past, and to its successor, the Consortium of Civilized Worlds, but in practice the CTRL is distant enough from the CCW that it has to operate on its own most of the time, with little expectation of help and assistance from the CAF. As settlement encroaches on the sector where the CTRL is located, however, pressure is likely to mount to join more fully with the CCW, or ally with another power bloc. The CTRL is anxious about this, wondering how much of their own autonomy they might be asked to give up for the security of being once again part of the Human Alliance and its successor, the CCW.
Militarily, the CTRL is the strongman in its sector, with several fleets and taskforces built around battleship-rating capital ships, and strong ground forces. Armored combat robots are a signature of the CTRL military, the harsh environments of early Corianus and modern day Teloch encouraging the development of heavily armored all-terrain vehicles, that would later see extensive use on the varied terrains of the Rosette system. Since making re-contact with the HA and the CCW, the CTRL has been upgrading their militaries as best they can through the use of common domain technologies(such as High Intensity Lasers) and discrete reverse-engineering and industrial espionage.

Formatted as a Random Interstellar Kingdom, the CTRL can be regarded as follows:
A. Size
Small; currently the main habitable worlds of the CTRL are Corianus, Teloch, and the worlds of the Rosette. They have also laid claim to several adjacent desert systems in their sector and have explored at least to several other inhabited and habitable systems nearby.
B. History
The worlds of the CTRL, Corianus and Typhen in particular, can be considered to be former colonies of the old Human Alliance. Rosette was founded by a coalition of CCW-associated species.
C. Level of Technological Sophistication
Advanced Space Age, with full FTL capabilities.
D. General Attitude/Culture
Enlightened Imperialists; though the CTRL is currently focusing on developing and securing their own systems, they have been sending scouts and expeditions into neighboring systems in the sector, looking for resources/allies/unclaimed real estate.
E. Racial Composition
Existing Species---Corianus and Teloch were settled by old-style Humans from the Human Alliance. Rosette is a mix of Human, Noro, and Wulfen.
F. Government
Confederacy; Corianus is a Constitutional Monarchy, while both Teloch/Typhen and Lucria/Rosette are run by Technical Meritocracies/Pedocracies, the Telochans having a more military bent while the Rosettens lean towards ‘green’ management. All three ascribe to a common League Constitution and Bill of Rights.
G. Administrative Control
Tight; the CTRL’s shared confederation constitution is well-enforced by the confederation’s agents, and the various agencies are carefully monitored and overseen by internal protocols and procedures.
H. External Trade
Trade---The CTRL is becoming a hub of local trade traffic between colonies as the CCW expands into adjacent sectors.
H1. Commodities
Exports: Raw Materials; Both Corianus and Typhen export large amounts of minerals, while Rosette is starting to export foodstuffs.
Imports: Biotech and Agricultural; Corianus seeks to diversify its new ecosystem. High-tech, especially modern weaponry, is also sought to upgrade the CTRL’s capabilities.
I. Status
Boom; the CTRL is currently considered to be in its ascendancy. It has had several small conflicts with pirates in the region, and with a number of invasion attempts levelled against the prime real estate of Rosette. Proxies of the Golgan Republik have been their most recent serious foes, although the Republik has made no mention of the CTRL and has no official stance regarding them.

Military Strength:
The CTRL has a modest, but strong, military, with strong planetary armies based in their home systems. The CTRL navy has five Fleets, one ‘Homefleet’ based on each system, and two developing Rapid Response Fleets for reinforcing the defenses of League world, and for force projection. Corianus and Teloch both have extensive planetary defenses; building up Rosette’s defenses remains a current priority.

“We’re building a world here! We’re building a culture! We’re building a galactic civilization! We just don’t have time to be bogged down by depression or sidetracked by piddling little things like religious controversies or ideological nitpicking! Pass the bricks and praise the aeroalgae! And more power to the League Shilling!”

The planet Corianus is considered to be the heart of the CTRL for its economic power and large population.
Corianus Prime is a world halfway through a centuries-long terraforming process. Currently the planet is considered to be ‘inhabitable’, with sufficient pressure and oxygen at sea-level and in the low lands for humans to go about outside without breathing gear, but the higher elevations are still sparse and thin-atmosphered. Carefully managed drops of cometary ice are still ongoing in selected areas of the planetary outback, so caution is advised when travelling in the ‘wilderness’ regions, as bad weather, flash flooding, and the occasional meteor shower can happen.
Right now more people live in the Corianus Halo, a dense band of space stations and habitats built to support the terraforming effort, than on the surface; about 2.9 billion live in the Halo, while only about 1.1 billion live on the surface. Another billion sentients live and work in the various outworld and Belt colonies and settlements. The high concentration of people in space give the Corianians a strong tradition of spacefaring, and they are particularly prominent traders. Their growing trade network is expanding and facilitating colonization not only of their own stellar sector, but adjacent ones as well, making Corianus all the more attractive to the CCW’s Colonial Office, who’d very much like to add such a trade hub to their organization. While this would mean more favorable terms for Corianus’ entry into the CCW, it has also made the more independent-minded Corianians all the more determined that their world remains its own master.
Recent dimensional rift activity in their system(possibly associated with Corianus Prime’s rising PPE levels as it becomes more liveable) led to the Corianians establishing contact with traders from Rifts Earth, through Greater New England’s Corps of Exploration. Currently the CTRL is conducting trade with the GNE, trading certain technologies in exchange for certain others, and for the services of mages, particularly Stone Mages, in both controlling and utilizing the magic energies now rising on the planet. As a result of this exchange, stone pyramids are rising on Corianus Prime, and the terraformers are looking at ways to use the PPE to accelerate the terraforming process. The influx of trade from Rifts Earth has bolstered some elements in the Corianian Parliament who would like to see the CTRL remain fiercely independent of the encroachment of the CCW in their sector, while the pro-reunification elements have advised against the temptation of thinking they can go it alone because the state coffers are temporarily full.
The population of Corianus is predominantly Human, but their trade empire means that they have attracted permanent enclaves of outsiders and non-Humans to settle in among them. The Corianians are a tolerate and friendly people, and welcome these immigrants into their midst. Their overall attitude can be considered to be bustling, optimistic, and fervently self-confident.

House Baildon---The Baildon Family is the premiere economic and political power on Corianus, and its scions have been at the forefront of Corianian politics and policy making for centuries. Rather than breed for aristocratic chinlessness and self-indulgence, the Baildons have trained for public service, and for the most part have succeeded in their efforts.
It is said that the House was founded in part by a Fallen CosmoKnight who spent the rest of his days after losing the favor of the Cosmic Forge seeking to redeem himself through selfless acts of humility, and remaining away from despair and the temptations of easy power. Far from being scandalized by having a Fallen in their ancestory, the modern Baildons speak with pride of the ex-Knight’s work to establish a thriving and prosperous kingdom. Family legend goes on to describe how one day Citizen Baildon was again offered the power of the Cosmic Forge, and refused it, believing he could do more good as a mere mortal than as an empowered Champion. To this day, scions of House Baildon hold their responsibilities and word of honor seriously, and work to further the fortunes of Corianus and the Corianian people.

Solar System(Corianus Coran II)
Number of Stars: 1
Types of Stars: Yellow Dwarf
Number of Planets: 5(outward from primary)
-Corianus Prime
-Corianus II---(small(6,500 km diameter), rocky, 0.8g, dense toxic atmosphere, 3 moons)
Three small-sized orbital habitats and two large moon settlements conduct gas-harvesting from Corianus II’s chemical-rich atmosphere, as well as mine the moons for various valuable minerals.
-Corianus III---(medium gas giant, 50,000 km diameter, 4 moons)
-Corianus IV---(large gas giant, (100,000 km diameter, 18 moons)
Corianus IV is home to a large population of Belters; asteroid miners and gas harvesters who are based on the many moons in orbit of the gas giant.
-Corianus V---(small(5,500 km diameter), rocky, 0.7g, thin toxic atmosphere, 1 moon)

Corianus Prime is the homeworld of the Corianians. Once a borderline Venus-type world with a reducing atmosphere, extensive terraforming is making it into a quite hospitable Earth-style environment.

Corianus Halo---This is the (sometimes literally tethered together) ring of space stations and space habitats surrounding the planet. No less than three hundred separate and distinctive space complexes of medium to large size orbit the planet, in addition to numerous orbital foundaries, solar collectors, solletes, surface monitoring satellite arrays, GPS formations, weather modification systems, and similar space-borne infrastructure. The bulk of Corianus’ industries, the terraforming effort and weather control, and the CTRL’s spaceyards and trade stations are located in the Halo.

Corianus’s most striking surface cultural feature are the massive fortress-arcologies that were established at key points during the early stages of the terraforming effort. While more conventional cities have sprawled out from the arcologies as the planet has become more hospitable, the arcologies continue to serve as centers of society, and in many cases, planetary defense(many sport powerful batteries of long range missile launchers and surface-to-space energy cannons). The most impressive of the fortress-arcologies remains the seat of the planetary government, Castelle Baildon.

Type: Rocky, Terrestrial
Diameter: 8,000 km diameter
Gravity: 1.00 g
Temperature: Temperate(Warm); as once a Venus-hell-hothouse, but terraforming has cooled the planet down considerably. Temperatures range between 10 degrees F and 130 degrees F.
Unusual/Special Features:
Moons: (3)
-Aristophanes(small(2,500 km diameter), rocky) ---One-time headquarters for the terraforming effort, Aristophanes has yielded that place to the surface cities, and now serves as a major spaceport and transhipping hub.
-Tristam(small(1,000 km diameter), rocky) ---This small moon has become a major military complex and orbital fortress, base for the Corianus(later CTRL) First Fleet.
-Fess(small(1,300 km diameter), rocky) ---A heavily industrialized moon supporting the Orbital Halo with material.

Atmosphere: Dense, but breathable, in the lower elevations
Terrain: 10 medium-sized continents
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
Hydrosphere: 44% water coverage(the terraformers are aiming for 60%)
Biosphere: A mix of transplanted and genetically-engineered species. Currently the lowlands and shallow oceans are the most vibrant in the way of fecundity and biodiversity, while the highlands and hinterlands remain more sparsely forested and stocked with animal life.
Civilization: Bustling
Population: 1.1 billion on the surface, another 2.9 billion in the orbital habitat ring.
Technology: Advanced Space Age
The Corianians developed robot vehicles initially to assist in the terrforming effort. They have since developed military designs that play a vital role in planetary defense.
The extensive Procanson Orbital Shipyards turn out both commercial and military designs, and the Shipyards are associated as a subcontractor for WZTech Shipyards, the association of smaller shipbuilders that has risen to challenge the bigger companies. Still, the CTRL armed services buy many warships from outside sources, to supplement the indigenous production.
Economy: Commerical
Wealth: Wealthy
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Law Level: Lawful
Popularity: Beloved---The economy is booming, the military strong, the government wise and compassionate; why upset a good thing?
Stability: Dynastic

Typhen System(Teloch)

“It’s cold and it’s windy and it will freeze you dead outside an envirosuit or a ‘bot cockpit, but Teloch has a certain beauty all its own. Vast glaciers, ice packs lit by the reflected light of a dozen moons, large forests clocked in mist or snow, orange and blue sunrises and sunsets...and after the end of the day, coming in to the warm lights of an arcology under the ice...few things compare to my home.”

Typhen System is the second of the worlds in the CTRL. Typhen System was settled by an offshoot of the same large colonization expedition that settled Corianus, as a ‘rider’ to the original fleet. The system was originally settled as a scientific commune by a group of scientists who wanted the peace and distance to conduct their own researches away from what they perceived as an increasingly suffocating scientific culture in the old Human Alliance. Contact between the Corianus effort and the Typhen fleet was lost for over a century, cause unknown, until communications were finally restored, by which time both systems had established separate and unique cultures. While the Telochans have been rather close-lipped about what happened during those years they were out of contact, events during that period apparently led to some dramatic changes in their culture, including a strong military buildup and the adoption of certain genetic and nanotech alterations to the Telochans. Those on Corianus willing to publicly speculate have advanced theories that the scientific experiments carried out by the original cadre of scientists on Teloch may have somehow spiralled out of control(anything from rampant A.I. to monsters unleashed from a dimensional wormhole), or that something dangerous was uncovered during the colonization of the planet. Other speculation that Teloch might have been attacked by space pirates has been refuted by the two most likely suspects; the Exiles and the Golgan Republik have denied ever venturing to the Typhen system and especially did not attack any Human colony there. The normally open Telochans have been uncharacteristically reticent about discussing their history with regards to the ‘blackout’.

House Severin---The House Severin is the other major component of the CTRL. While House Baildon and Corianus are mercantile and magic powerhouses, House Severin has based its power on technology, and have specialized as engineers and scientific researchers. House Severin itself is a dynastic family organization of engineers and scientists who have figured prominently in Telochan politics and society over the centuries(leading some outsiders to speculate that the Severins may have taken the relatively mild genetic tinkering known to have been applied to the general population to greater levels, including mental augmentation).
Despite their many differences in philosophy and demeanor, the Severins and the Baildons have gotten along famously with each other for well over three centuries since contact was re-established.

In stark contrast to Corianus, the Severin homeworld of Teloch is a cold planet locked in a millenia-long ice age. Only at the equatorial belt is there year-round open water; most of the rest of the planet is ice-locked. The planet gets two seasons of intense storms, some of them so intense that the only ways to travel around them are by suborbital shuttle or bore-subs that can melt their way down through the ice and navigate the liquid ocean below the ice-packs. The hazards of travel during the violent wind and snow storms that wrack the planet have encouraged ingenious and rugged means of transportation, including robot vehicles.
Despite the fact that Teloch’s harsh cold discourages exposing much skin to the elements, Telochians are fairly dark-skinned as a people, in part due to their predominantly Eskimo ancestry, and due to the accumulated genetic effect of generations of eating the local algae, a stable of the Telochian diet. Much of the Teloch agriculture is conducted in large greenhouse ‘mats’ anchored to the top of the icepack, or in large plastic-lined greenhouse caverns melted just under the surface of the ice, out of the chilling winds.

Like the Corianians, the Telochans constructed arcologies and robot technology to help survive on their demanding world. In the case of Teloch, the arcologies built down, in order to conserve heat and hunker down out of Teloch’s heavy storms and howling winds. Similarly, many arcology structures double as fortresses; a number of buried arcoforts mount planetary defense batteries capable of striking ships in orbit.

Telochans are predominantly Human in makeup. Like their allies, the Corianians, the Telochans are a species-tolerant people who welcome non-Humans. Industrious and confident, Telochans share the CTRL’s general attitude of optimism in building a prosperous future. However, the harshness of Teloch, and the hard-living and work ethic on Teloch is an effective winnowing filter for anybody not hardy enough to survive mentally or physically.
Teloch and theTyphen system are rapidly becoming the scientific and industrial leg of the CTRL. Extensive industrialization both on and offworld give Typhen system nearly the same industrial output as Corianus.

Note: Telochans are the products of mild eugenic engineering and post-natal nanite augmentation; they add +25 SDC, take half-damage from exposure to cold, and are +2 to save versus poisons. They also are +3 to save versus insanity, as a result of many being exposed to long solitary duties or walkabouts in Teloch’s icy wastes.

Solar System(Typhen)
Number of Stars: Binary
Types of Stars: Blue Dwarf, Orange Dwarf
Number of Planets: Six(outward from primary)
- Terrestrial Planet(Nyarnis)---(small(6,400 km diameter), rocky, 0.8g, dense toxic atmosphere)
Nyarnis’s only points of interest are scientific; Telochan scientists have dropped a number of probes to its surface and into its atmosphere to study the ‘mini-Venus’. There has been some proposals to terraform it like Corianus, but the smaller planet would require a somewhat different approach, and such terraforming plans remain speculative at the current time.
- Terrestrial Planet(Teloch)---(average(11,000 km diameter), rocky, 1.0 g, thin breathable atmosphere, 12 moons)
- Gas Giant(Sharn, aka ‘Blackforge’)(Enormous gas giant, 420,000 km diameter, 17 moons)
Sharn has earned the nickname Blackforge because of its moon system being developed as a massive industrial park. It is also home to the CTRL Second Fleet. Seversl of the larger moons sport substantial colonies of their own.
- Asteroid(Planetoid)(Calkikoa)(1,300 km diameter)
This small rocky body is in the process of being hollowed out into a large space station for combined military/civilian use.
- Gas Giant(Kemos)(medium gas giant, 55,000 km diameter, 7 moons)
A cold, remote gas giant, its small moon system is of passing interest as mining and refueling outposts.
- Gas Giant(Haikawii)(small gas giant, 40,000 km diameter, 3 moons)
Despite its distance and isolation, Haikawii is of interest because its magnetic field’s interaction with the galactic solar wind periodically produces energetic ‘solar dogs’; regions of increased ambient radiation that can sometimes confuse starship sensors in the region. The Telochans have been studying the phenomenon to see what other effects it might have on starships.

Teloch is the lifeworld of the Typhen System. Slightly further away from its sun than Earth is in relation to Sol, Teloch is on average colder, with extensive glaciation covering it most of the time. Nevertheless, the planet is warm enough to support life, including the later human colonists.
Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: 11,000 km
Gravity: 1.0 g
Temperature: Cool; average temperature is about 45 degrees F. Ranges between -120 degrees F and 70 degrees F.
Unusual/Special Features:
-Strange Orbit---Teloch is inclined about 45 degrees relative to the established ecliptic for the Typhen system.
-Moons: 12
Jean- (small(30 km diameter), rocky) Surveillance Station*
*Surveillance Stations are small to medium surface space stations playing host to large sensory arrays and communications relays, allowing for greater and more complete arcs of coverage around a planet or solar system. Just as often, they mount sensor systems just to monitor their own surfaces and immediate vicinities, to make sure that an opportunistic enemy doesn’t use the moon’s own sensor shadow to approach a target planet. Surveillance Stations typically mount only short- to medium-range weaponry and facilities for no more than a squadron or two of fighters and light defense ships.
Auguste- (small(50 km diameter), rocky) Orbital Fortress*
*A typical lunar/orbital fortress is a fortified space station built into the living rock of its host satellite, and equipped with long range sensors and communications, a complement of space fighters and attendant small combat craft, batteries of long range missile launchers, and heavy energy weaponry that can be several times larger(in size if not performance) that equivalent shipboard systems, owing to the lack of need to save weight and space aboard a ship hull. In some cases, long range laser systems double as laser launch and propulsion systems. Backing these systems are dozens, if not hundreds, of smaller point defense weapons systems. The Orbital Fortresses also often are responsible of commanding their own retinues of smaller defense satellites.
The downsides of Orbital Fortresses are, of course, their lack of mobility(to evade or pursue enemy spacecraft) and the limited arc of fire suffered by their weaponry. In many cases, the orbital ‘fortress’ is often a sprawling network of smaller complexes spread across a moon’s surface in order to cover all arcs of the fortress-moon’s sky.
Albert- (small(60 km diameter), rocky) Orbital Fortress
Neils- (small(80 km diameter), rocky) Orbital Fortress
Monray- (small(80 km diameter), rocky) Orbital Fortress
Schekker-(small(100 km diameter), rocky) Orbital Fortress
Allar-(small(1,400 km diameter), rocky) This moon has been turned into a vast shipyard. Though not as large as Corianus’ Procanson Shipyards, the Allar Staryards are still a vital part of the CTRL military
Thom-(small(100 km diameter), rocky) Mining Colony
Eugene-(small(200 km diameter), rocky) Mining Colony
Nicoli-(small(90 km diameter), rocky) Surveillance Station
Pansis-(small(70 km diameter), rocky) Surveillance Station

Atmosphere: Thin, but breathable. Atmospheric density increases during the spring and summer seasons when the planet warms up.
Terrain: Three terrains(Mountains, highlands, and wide valleys/fjords)
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Cobalt
- Amethyst
- Scheelite
- Gold/Silver
- Nickle
- Samarskite
- Borax
- Diamond
Hydrosphere: Moist
Biosphere: Moderate; a mix of native species and a few very hardy transplanted(and escaped) species from offworld. Most of Teloch’s life is in/on its frozen seas, while the land has been colonized by a number of plant and animal species.
The largest land predator on Teloch is the scazar, a creature resembling a cross between a wolverine and a coelecanth, covered in thick bristly fur. These man-sized predators hunt in packs and can bring down a grown man, but they prefer to hunt the walrus-like grisshan, wallowing herbivores who have been known to stampede and break into algae farms in order to gorge themselves on the crops.
Civilization: Bustling
Population: 3 billion
Technology: Advanced Space Age/Galactic. The overall level of technology is slightly higher than that of Corianus, with an emphasis on industrial technologies.
Like the Corianians, Teloch has developed robot vehicles, if only to get around and through the harsh climate and rough terrain of the planet.
Economy: Manufacturing
Wealth: Prosperous
Government: Pedocracy(with military leanings)
Law Level: Lawful
Popularity: Fanatical---Teloch may be an unpleasant world, but it’s OUR world! The government may be a cadre of high-minded scientific eggheads but they’re OUR eggheads! You don’t like it, you can find some more comfy world with leadership you can whine and complain about all you want!
Stability: Long-Standing

Lucria System(Rosette)
“Come walk our wild fields, tour our orchards, visit our farms, hike in our deep woods, sail our oceans. Drink in the beauty of our world and its green moons. Take joy in both the natural beauty and the manmade works of our beautiful Rosette!
But don’t ever think you can take it away from us. You won’t like what it will cost you.”

The third habitable world of the CTRL, Rosette is the ecological gem of the three systems, a vibrant living world that would, in spite of its high gravity, be the instant draw of any colonization efforts. Add in the many habitable and hospitable moons around it and the planet could be considered a paradise. That’s Rosette’s problem; it’s such a desirable world that the Corkscrew colonists( a mixed bag of non-human races fleeing the expansion of the TGE) who first settled it in the modern era have had to fight off a succession of attacks by other would-be claimants. The strain of developing their new homes while fighting off others who wanted exclusive rights to the planet kept the Rosettens from being able to fully build Rosette into the sector capital it might have been under more amiable circumstances. Exhausted by the effort of having to fight off one invasion after another, and with more imminent, the Rosettens finally managed to get their last working starships off to appeal for help(at that point they were even considering using their planet’s large deposits of pitch blend and thorium to build fission nuclear weapons to use against the invaders, which would have resulted in grevious damage to Rosette’s ecologies). One of the old negative-mass ships managed to pull into Corianus System, where they hoped to get transport to the CCW or other large star nation, not expecting much in the way of help from their colonial neighbors. Instead, they were surprised when both Corianus and Teloch mustered a combined military force and came to Rosette’s aide. Corianian and Telochan starships, plus combat vehicles and war robots able to negotiate the varied terrains of the Rosette worlds, were able to establish unbeatable defensive positions and then carry the battle to the invaders’ rear echelons.
Bolstered by the allied force, the Rosettens were finally able to drive the largest and most concerted invasion force(a Golgan-backed mercenary force) out and establish a defensive perimeter. The three planets formed the CTRL, first as a mutual defense pact, but increasingly as an economic and political combine.
Rosette continues to be under threat from possible invasion; the two most common culprits are the Exiles and Golgans, but as the system’s spaceborne trade and prosperity increases as a part of the CTRL, pirates are becoming an unwelcome presence in the sector. Standing forces of ground troops and spacecraft are on constant duty in the Lucria System against the return of would-be invaders and pirates seeking to raid the lunar warehouses and granaries.

Rosette is a gem of a world, more so because of its large number of moons, about nine of which are inhabitable. Evidence points towards the planet having been settled, and the moons having been terraformed(the exact mechanism that allows the worldlets to retain both heat and atmosphere remain a mystery) and seeded with modified life from Rosette, sometime in the distant past, but by who remains a mystery. Likewise the fate of those ancient colonists is unknown, but most xenoanthropologists believe that the ancient Rosettens most likely were victims of the great die-off of civilizations in the Thundercloud in the aftermath of the Dominator War.
Rosette was colonized later than either Corianus or Typhen; the Corianus colonization effort MIGHT have aimed for the Lucria system had they been aware of Rosette, but the slower and less efficient FTL drives of the time dictated the earlier expedition aim for systems with more hospitable stars, and the Corianus expedition simply quite ran out of steam as it were before being able to move further into the sector. Rosette would be settled over two centuries later by vessels with faster drives and by refugees seeking to escape what they saw as a brewing galactic war between the CCW and the TGE. The Rosette expeditions effectively leapfrogged over the Corianus and Typhen systems to go for the newly surveyed Lucria system.

Rosettens are, by their very composition of Human, Noro, and Wulfen, a very tolerant people, although they tend to be suspicious of other peoples, especially those with territorial ambitions. Rosettens feel blessed in finding an ecological paradise, but also feel somewhat wary and weary of having a target painted on them for any would-be territory seekers. They are very grateful for the Corianians’ and Telochans’arrival and assistance. With the formation of the CTRL, Rosettens have been feeling more and more upbeat, catching the spirit of the union...and especially with money pouring in from their exports and CTRL armaments protecting their skies.

Economically Rosette is poised to become the breadbasket of the CTRL, with its rich seas and farmable moons, and the planet’s agricultural surplus is already being shipped to Corianus and Typhen(the latter receiving a welcome change from fish and algae-based foodstuffs). Tourism seems another likely potential source of income.

Solar System(Lucria)
Number of Stars: 1
Types of Stars: Blue Dwarf
Number of Planets: 7(outward from primary)
- Asteroid/dwarf planet(Bris)
This small planetoid is home to a scientific research base that is investigating anomalous mass readings from the planetoid’s interior. Some scientists suspect that Bris was possibly a solar weather station, set up by the same peoples who terraformed Rosette and its moons, and may contain clues as to their identity.
- Asteroid/dwarf planet(Kism)
A rocky, lifeless world with little to recommend itself, save possible mineral wealth. Several ships of the mercenary invasion force stopped on Kism to mine the more easily-accessed surface mineral deposits for repair materials; an abandoned vessel of frigate-classification still rests on the surface, where it was left, stripped of most of its usable parts by its former owners.
- Terrestrial(Rosette)
The gem of the Lucria system; a large terrestrial world surrounded by an extensive moon system, nine of which are habitable, quite possibly as the result of some earlier civilization’s efforts.
- Gas Giant(Remarlard)(medium gas giant, 54,000 km diameter, 6 moons)
The CTRL is busy constructing a large military base on the larger of Remarlard’s six moons.
- Gas Giant(Misquaid)(large gas giant, 85,000 km diameter, 19 moons)
Misquaid and its moons are being slated for development as a mining area and naval bases, mainly because the CTRL Navy is constantly having to sweep the moons for pirate outposts(looking to prey on the increasing levels of shipping in the region, and perform spot raids on Rosette and its moons).
- Gas Giant(Arnal)(medium gas giant, 55,000 km diameter, 1 moon)
Arnal is mainly of interest because it seems to have ‘eaten’ most of the smaller moons it should have had in attendence. All that remains is a single large moon(‘Persim’) and a large set of rings. Anything larger than 10 km in diameter has been ground to dust.
- Terrestrial(Frozenovar)(Small, 7,000 km diameter, rocky)---This planet is typical of Plutonian planets/planetoids; cold, dark, and plated in frozen gases. The only thing of interest here is a combination scientific outpost and long range early warning station maintained by the CTRL.

Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: Large 27,000 km
Gravity: 1.4 g
Temperature: Temperate, with temperatures ranging from -80 degrees F to 125 degrees F.
Unusual/Special Features:
-Moons: 17(!)---How Rosette is able to hold all these fairly large moons in stable orbits, and how some of them are able to retain viable ecosystems, let alone breathable atmospheres, is a great mystery.
*Hycinth- (Habitable)(small(2,000 km diameter), atmosphere: turbulent and dense, but breathable, terrains: four+ , hydrosphere: balanced, biosphere: Dense)
Hycinth’s rich rainforest ecology have made it a favorite site of jungle expeditions and ecological surveys. It was also the site of some fairly fierce jungle fighting between CTRL forces and the remnants of the last invasion force.

*Tulin-(Habitable)(small(2,000 km diameter), atmosphere: turbulent and dense, but breathable, terrains: Unusual , hydrosphere: Soaking wet, biosphere: Sparse)
Tulin’s airy natural stone arches, grid-canyons, and seemingly impossible ‘finger peaks’ give the moon the appearance of having been settled and developed by some advanced civilization when seen from orbit. Indeed, when the first settlers from the Corkscrew arrived in orbit of Rosette they mistook the geological formations on Tulin as the outposts of another advanced civilization already settled on the planet and its moons. Even today, intrepid spelunkers and canyon-crawlers descend into the ‘mazes’ to look for things of interest, though not without risk; wind- and gravity-pushed ‘bowlers’ and ‘grinders’, boulders of various sizes, make stays in the deep-cut erosion channels extremely dangerous.

*Bramba-(Habitable)(small(1,400 km diameter), atmosphere: Dense, terrains: Exotic, hydrosphere: Balanced, biosphere: Thin)
Bramba’s sandy surface and shifting geography make establishment of permament settlements on its surface a difficult proposition, and maps of the moon’s surface have had to be redrawn at least three times since settlement. Any static community or base on Bramba can expect to buried by dunes or flooded by the moon’s ever shifting shallow seas or rivers in time...or dumped down a sinkhole. Bramban colonists have learned to live on houseboat-like structures that can be easily relocated or ride out the shifting geography.

*Violay-(Habitable)(small(1,200 km diameter), atmosphere: terrestrial , terrains: four+, hydrosphere: Moist , biosphere: Thin)
Violay was the earliest of the moons to be settled, the colonists wanting to experiment while the main planet was still being surveyed, and the early agricultural efforts on Violay helped feed the Rosette colonists during their first seasons. The handful of settlements established on Violay had to abandoned during the invasions, or else risk being cut off. They were re-taken when the CTRL fleet arrived. The moon is currently back in business as a farm-moon.

*Dandes-(Habitable)(small(1,000 km diameter), atmosphere: Exotic , terrains: four+ , hydrosphere: dry, biosphere: Thin). Dandes was site of an advance staging base for one of the invasion forces, and was the site of a major land battle between the Golgan-backed mercenary force and CTRL forces. The partially-wrecked base has been reconstructed for use by the CTRL garrison force established there, and for the ecological management teams attempting to repair the damage done to Dandes’ ecosystem during the fighting.
Dandes’ atmosphere is home to an ecosystem of floating plant and animal lifeforms, many of which generate their own hydrogen gas from water suspended in the atmosphere, using sunlight to crack the water. The surface is home to the ‘polyp’ forms of many of the airborne organisms. During seasonal ‘breeding storms’ the atmosphere can become clouded with obscuring clouds of airborne ‘dander’; spores and aerial seeds.

*Gardina-(Habitable)(small(1,500 km diameter), atmosphere: Terrestrial, terrains: four + , hydrosphere: Balanced, biosphere: Sparse)
Gardina is being groomed as an agricultural moon; its grassy plains are being seeded with organic material (fertilizers) for grain production, while many of its hills and mountains have been planted in coffee and other crops.

*Hydralilen-(Habitable)(small(1,200 km diameter), atmosphere: Dense, terrains: Two Terrains , hydrosphere: Water Worldlet, biosphere: Thin)
Hydralilen is almost entirely covered with shallow ocean, aside from several small island chains and rather impressive coral reefs.
Hydralilen was the site of the capture, during the last invasion, of a forward command post manned by Golgan ‘advisors’ who apparently found the warm, wet, planetoid much to their liking. The outpost, along with at least two ships belonging to the invaders, was seized by CTRL forces and is now part of the growing colony community.

*Maragol-(Habitable)(small(1,100 km diameter), atmosphere: Terrestrial, terrains: four+, hydrosphere: Balanced, biosphere: Moderate)
Maragol is another prime colonization site, with development only tempered by the need to treat lightly with the local ecosystem, which is still being surveyed.

*Daizen-(Habitable)(small(1,000 km diameter), atmosphere: Dense, terrains: Unusual Mineralogy, hydrosphere: Balanced, biosphere: Thin)
With its massive crystalline mesas and cliffs, accentuated by its colorful sunrises and sunsets(thanks to its dense atmosphere) Daizen is a breathtakingly scenic moon, and the subject of many native Rosetten paintings and photographs. It’s also a favorite subject of rumors of ancient Precursor ruins and technology hidden in the crystalline formations dotting the landscape. So far, though, none have been found, even after several exhaustive CTRL scientific surveys.

*Nidos-(Airless Rock)( 400 km diameter) Surveillance Station
*Ticene-(Airless Rock)( 800 km diameter)
A small(80 man) mining outpost has been established on this moon, feeding ores to the small amount of space-based industry set up in orbit.
*Nulun-(Airless Rock)( 500 km diameter)
The CTRL has turned this moon into a lunar fortress
*Pido-(Airless Rock)( 80 km diameter)
Sometimes called ‘Punching Bag’, this moonlet sports several new pockmarks in its side from overkill missile fire directed at a pirate cruiser that tried to take shelter behind it when the Corianian-Teloch relief armada showed up. The cruiser lost its bid to remain hidden, and its still-radioactive remains are embedded in the moon.
*Metan-(Airless Rock)( 90 km diameter)
Work continues on turning this moon into a defensive fortress
*Arlo-(Airless Rock)( 50 km diameter) Surveillance Station
*Tezzan-(Airless Rock)( 90 km diameter)
Work continues on turning this moon into a defensive fortress

Atmosphere: Terrestrial Normal
Terrain: Four+; varied terrain
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Pitch Blend
- Antimony
- Aluminum
- Tin
- Samarskite
- Barite
- Thorium
- Nickle

Hydrosphere: Soaking Wet
Biosphere: Dense; Rosette has a rich ecosystem with varied plant and animal species(and quite a few sharing characteristics of both). Rosette itself is particularly rich in sea life, including a wide number of commercially exploitable species.
Civilization: Busy
Population: 2.8 billion, about 30% Wulfen, 45% Human, and 25% Noro
Technology: Was, as of thirty years ago, effectively Early Space Age, but infusions of support and technology exchanges with Corianus and Teloch have brought it up to Mature Space Age/Stellar Age.
Economy: Agricultural
Wealth: Prosperous; trade with Corianus and Typhen, as well as other worlds in the sector, is making the farmers of Rosette happily wealthy.
Government: Pedocracy; Rosette is ruled by a council, drawn from all the member races and communities, of ecological and industrial development management experts who devise policy on how best to develop the planet-system’s resources, with an eye towards maximizing long term sustainability versus immediate community needs.
Law Level: Moderate; there are still some factionalism disputes and remote communities who haven’t yet benefitted from the League economy, so there’s some economic crime and backwoods violence.
Popularity: Beloved. The current state of affairs, with the economy on the up-tick, and a growing sense of security, has made the government the darling benefactors of the people. As such, the occasional feud over short term resource development is quickly smoothed over.
Stability: Stable
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by gaby »

Very Good.
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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice entry. I hope we get to see more stuff soon!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Nice entry. I hope we get to see more stuff soon!

Yes. Feel free to contribute.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I really have too contribute. As soon as I shake this monster cold.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:I really have too contribute. As soon as I shake this monster cold.

Hoping to remain disease-free this season myself. Nothing kills productivity better(without being fatal, that is) than being steamrolled by a rhinovirus.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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