wii table

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wii table

Unread post by abe »

not sure what parts of a wii would make a good parts of a nightbane? :?
I say the wiimotes & nunchucks would make dandy fingers!
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: wii table

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

[this be a fairly ruff idea for this topic]
Shadow boxer: (a feature and talent combo)
The NB looks human in every aspect (unless you don't want to) but with a pair of wii controllers. (one for each hand. When the NB activates the their shadow a large shadowy form appears in front of the NB. (the normal tables can be used to give form to the shadow if wanted,) the shadow moves as the NB does in it's gross movements as if the shadow is being controlled by the NB. The shadow can move away from the NB main body 100' per level and the nb actually perceives the world from the shadow POV. With every 3 levels the nb can have another shadow form. At L7 the NB can express two shadow forms at once.(same penalties as "splittin'image".)
Prem PPE cost: 15
activation cost: 15 +15 per additional durations
duration: 15 min
Shadow stats: PS & PP equal to the NB while in morphus, spd is morphus spd +2 ( if flying spd +10)
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Re: wii table

Unread post by abe »

a wii concule in the torsoe allow you internet access & play video games in your mind!
howdey folks!!!!!!!!

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