~ Sword Bearers / Mystic Weapons

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~ Sword Bearers / Mystic Weapons

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Would you mind becoming either a Sword Bearer (Nightbane), or Mystic Weapon Weilder (HU2) ??
Which one do you like better ??

They are almost just alike in many ways. Just different settings, and a slight different powers/abilties to suit the setting. But the same basic concept...

...You find/have a Magic Weapon/Item/Armor or whatever. It grants you special Powers.

Kinda like Marvel Thor, Thunderstrike, Black Knight, Images Witchblade, and so on...


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Re: ~ Sword Bearers / Mystic Weapons

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

If I was to be one of the two, it would be the HU Magic Weapon power cat. Because it is more powerful and looser terms of service.

To play I would rather have a sword bearer to play.
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Re: ~ Sword Bearers / Mystic Weapons

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Well the Mystic weapon from HU2 is a bond for Life also.
Me, the HU2 Mystic Weapon too. I like the Transformation aspect. Matches NB in how they can transform too. Sword Bearers are like Black Knight from Marvel though.


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Re: ~ Sword Bearers / Mystic Weapons

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

I recently combined the two into one OCC for RIFTS.

"Enchanted Weapon Bearer" OCC.
To make it more Rifts-like, I combined the bonuses of the two together.
Used the Skills of the Sword Bearer instead of Education levels. Kinda assuming the Enchanted Weapon could give the Bearer needed skills to Fight the forces of Evil. The bearers untransformed form is boosted alittle itself, plus the bearer can call upon the Transformation itself when needed.
I let the Weapon have powers from both Enchanted Weapon and the Artifact selections. 6 Total.
I'm thinking of adding a few standarized "mega-hero" add-ons to the OCC for the Rifts setting.
Weapon and bearer are Linked for Life of course.
PPE is burned up completely unless the character selects/rolls the Spells Granted ability. So he cannot be a true Wizard ever.

I may post it up in the RIFTS forums later this week if i type it all up.


"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan

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