Traps and other nasties

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Traps and other nasties

Unread post by Dobergirl »

In my times of running a game, I have several times come to this situation. A killer is hiding in their hideout and the heroine is closing in on them. The killer has no powers nor conventional weaponry enough to bypass the armor of the heroine, so they will be subdued from their place without big problems. The sollution to this? Traps. Things like electrocuting door knob to elaborate death devices for the world conquering madmen.

Creating traps base skill 45% /30% + 4% each lvl
Category: Rogue
Description: Since the ancient times, men have laid traps to help them for hunt or protection. At most simple, a trip wire can be considered a trap. A more elaborate traps can be used to protect the character or area of interest from possible threats. The first value is for creating a trap, the second is concealing the trap. If you fail the roll, the trap will be easy to spot.

For creating your own design traps, use these as guideline for minuses. GM's can make their own calls, this is just to give a referencial idea.

- 5 for each additional steps in the trap (Pressure pad, and acid pouring mechanism combo for instance)
- 20 High tech trap devised of multiple parts
- 20 deadly traps (Cause 3d6 directly to hit points!!!)

A regular trap would be a sudden sharp object or electroshock. Pouring acid and gas are also favorites among traps. Use the equipment section of HU2 for ideas on what to make into trap.

Discovering traps base skill 25% + 5% each lvl
Category: Rogue
Description: To protect one from any traps that may lay ahead, they must spend utmost care to their surroundings. To discover a trap that's been concealed, one must be skilled in discovering them. A failed roll means the trap has not been discovered, potentially risking the lives of the hero and their team when they think it's safe.

Disarming traps base skill 20% + 4% each lvl
Category: Espionage
Description: The only way to get past a trap that's blocking the way elaborately is to either destroy it or disarm it. Due to nature of many traps, destroying a trap may cause unwanted results and instead disarming the trap to make safe passage is more prefered. A failed roll means the trap is not disarmed, try again. If the roll fails again, the trap is sprung potentially hurting the person who tried to disarm it.
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Re: Traps and other nasties

Unread post by bigmac8583 »

I wish we had like buttons lol
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Re: Traps and other nasties

Unread post by Genhuman »

.... and don't forget to check out the Hunter/Vigilante OCC, to see his skill with traps and such.
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Re: Traps and other nasties

Unread post by wolfsgrin »

Also check out Coalition War Campaign. The Coalition OCC's have some good ideas and skill stats for building traps
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Re: Traps and other nasties

Unread post by NMI »

Yeah, the Trap Construction skill comes to mind. This is a nice addition though.
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Re: Traps and other nasties

Unread post by wolfsgrin »

Oh, and good job on the addition. Will help an up coming Special Forces game.
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Re: Traps and other nasties

Unread post by Dobergirl »

Complex traps

If a trap has multiple parts in it, say a gun has been rigged to fire motion detector OR pressure pad. In cases like these, depending on how the traps are linked, the player may have to find these unique trigger mechanisms, instead of finding out everything about the trap at the same time. For example, Dobergirl sees a trip wire and disables it. However, she checks again and sees that the trip wire's vicinity also has pressure pads. Even if she took out the trip wire, the pressure pads would still have released. As a GM, I feel it's good idea to lull the player if it's particulary deadly trap "Do you think Professor Chaos wouldn't count in on someone finding that "Trap disabler" button?"

When combining traps, such as the before mentioned combo, the player should roll for each step. (Trip wire, then pressure pads, and then for concealing both of them)

Some deadly traps

Here's few examples for deadly traps that I've had players run into. Keep in mind as they are designed to kill, not injure they are favored by evil characters.

Bucked over door gag

An old gag used by children everywhere with a deadly twist; using Organic acid instead of water.(Refer to HU2 for Organic Acid damage tables) Due to its very nature, only the most cruelest of evils use it. A container is placed above a door that wants to be protected. If the door is opened, the container drops its contents on its foe. Roll a percentile. A roll bellow 40% means the full container itself fell and covered the player. The person who got the entire container on their head, loses entire melee taking the container off them and initiative, and everyone will be alerted of their presence. (By their screams of pain) Before they can remove the container off their head, they are completely helpless to any attacks and are virtually blind. The duration of acid's effect is doubled because of the ammount objected on the player and GM should make the player roll for minor injury if the tables are used. If player rolls over 41%, the bucket barely misses and only some of the acid gets to the player with basic organic acid damage and duration.

Mounted machine guns

Mounted machine guns fire at the direction of the player character who trigger them. As many as three machine guns can be linked together to deal a truly devastating hail of bullets. For mounted machine guns to work, one must first have either .30 caliber or .50 caliber machine guns (damage tables at HU2), computers and knowledge how to operate them. If character has no knowledge of programming, add additional -10 while making the trap. (Meaning possible maximum of -50 penalty) Finally, the character has to combine this combo with some sort of a trigger mechanism, such as pressure pads. Upon triggering the trap, the machine guns start firing wild at their target as long as they are standing on the pressure pad. The machine guns can pratically (and most likely) empty their entire barrels to single target. The machine guns always have initiative. (it's a surprise hail of fire)

Genhuman wrote:.... and don't forget to check out the Hunter/Vigilante OCC, to see his skill with traps and such.

It's true, I think hunter should have a bonus to traps! Like 10%, maybe 15% even. However, I never liked that the skill with traps were restricted to just him. All the villains I know as well as majority of heroes have something to back up and protect their hide out.
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