Progress Report.
Yeow. The first 11 days of the new year have been busy as hell.
Today we’ve been busy trying to get The Rifter® #57 finished and to the printer tomorrow or Friday. It is a great issue filled with monsters and exotic creatures for Palladium Fantasy® and Beyond the Supernatural as well as material for Rifts® Triax and the Coalition States, some other stuff, news, and a rockin’ Fantasy cover by Chuck Walton. It is a great issue.
Rifts® Lemuria is really coming along and it is nothing short of amazing. Though today’s work has been all about The Rifter® #57, I’ve mainly been working away on Rifts® Lemuria for the past week. It is progressing rapidly now and is it ever fantastic! Just packed full of great source material. And I mean tons of stuff you can use in your ongoing campaign.
I don’t think most people realize this, but Lemurians are amphibious and function equally well on land and water. That means their weapons, vehicles, monstrous riding animals, living power armor, weapons, and magic can be used on the surface anywhere in the world. Rifts® Lemuria is also one of the most exotic and unique settings we have done in awhile. I would have to describe it as part Rifts® Triax, part Rifts® Atlantis, and all fun. I think there is one surprise after another that will wow the reader.
You might be thinking Rifts® Lemuria is all about underwater civilization, but that is NOT the case. There is a ton of new and never before seen material that is useable in your current campaign and on dry ground. And I’m talking whacked out stuff you have never seen before. You are going to love this book.
You have to read the new description and The Ten Things you need to know about Rifts® Lemuria in the Thursday, January 12, Weekly Update.
Online Sales have sucked the last few days. Hoping they pick up as the last days of the Christmas Surprise Package offer tick down. You only have till this weekend to get a Grab Bag. ... ckage.html
I’m also hoping positive word of mouth about Rifts® Path of the Storm and Robotech® New Generation Sourcebook (most gamers love both) generates an upswing in their sales. Of course, new releases should make a huge difference starting with the highly anticipated Rifts® Lemuria.
If you want to help Palladium, buy new books and backstock titles you’ve been eyeballing as well as art prints, bookmarks, minis, available T-shirts, and other off the wall stuff.
Another great way to support Palladium and get new source material and gaming ideas at the same time is to subscribe to The Rifter®. Our Rifter® Super Subscription offer starts tomorrow evening. You get each issue at below cover price, each issue is shipped right to your door FREE to residents of the United States, and you get your choice of a FREE gift worth $12.95 to $16.95 (there is a small cost for shipping and handling).
Gah, it’s later than I thought. Another 12 hour day comes to an end. Gotta run. Check out tomorrow’s Weekly Update for all kinds of information and book descriptions. Feeling positive, if a bit tired.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Game Designer and Optimist
© Copyright January 11, 2012 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited™, Beyond the Supernatural, Dead Reign, Warpath, Shemarrian Nation, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.
Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.
Progress Report -- January 11, 2012
The latest thoughts and ramblings from the Palladium Books staff.
Moderator: AlexM
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