Paladin Steel Storefront

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:Things found:
Less Lethal Africa
Field pottie
Concealed-carry gear for women or go topless and hide a .50 rifle, in plain-sight. VBA-07 ‘Super-Skin’ Lightweight Body Armor on full or near Transparency might also work.

That, and fifty-caliber breast implants...VERY anybody in front of them...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:That, and fifty-caliber breast implants...VERY anybody in front of them...

Full burst may hurt gunner and target.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries ‘ Hwin’ Hovercar
(aka ‘Comet’) ... 11Fasc.jpg ... rcraft.jpg ... 03A750.jpg ... 320b59.jpg

“Race the Wind in a Hwin!”

The Hwin is a new civilian hovercar from Paladin Steel, though it is also sold through Aegis Stellar Industries in the Three Galaxies.
The ‘Hwin’ bears a striking resemblance to the little-known pre-Rifts HAC ‘Fascination’ concept car, a three-wheeled vehicle developed by the Highway Aircraft Corporation in 1973. The design almost inevitably made the list of ‘lemons’ in lists of automotive oddities on account of both the non-delivery on the shining promises made by HAC, and by the bizzare antics associated with the selection of its promised powerplant(s), ranging from ‘free energy’ Electro-Magnetic Association engines to ‘plasma’ powerplants, with the whole mess degenerating into conspiracy-theory stories and fraud allegations. How the Fascination managed to surface resurrected as a PS-mandated design is anybody’s guess, ranging from contact with an alternate universe where the design actually made it to production, to the idea that ‘everything will have its time’, to accounts of an all-night alcohol-binge in the design offices of PS Automotive.
Fortunately for those time/space-stranded d-bees, immortals who actually remember the 1970s, and those ignorant of the original Fascination’s history, Paladin Steel has set out to correct all the faults with the original design to produce a workable and quite serviceable vehicle. PS has reformatted the Fascination as a straight-out hovercar, retaining the original tricycle drive only for taxiing purposes.
The Hwin has a distinctive streamlined oval main body, with a wide, low-set, wing-like rear body(this has earned it the rather disparaging nickname of ‘the Bomb’ among its critics). The driver and passengers sit in the front section, with the engine housed behind the passengers in the rear of the ‘egg’, feeding to the propulsors in the rear ‘tail’ section. A cargo trunk sits atop the rear wing assembly. The three wheels are now retractable landing gear. The Hwin is available in both two- and four-door versions, with optional gullwing doors as well. A variety of powerplants, ranging from electric, to nuclear, to technowixardry, are available. There’s even a high performance model propelled by plasma-electric jets, finally making good on the promises of the original HAC.
Of course, like all good Paladin Steel vehicles, the Hwin can be customized from a MASSIVE catalogue of Options.
The Hwin is being marketed to the upper middle class, but depending on the model and options selected, can serve quite well as an executive’s car or adventurers’ transport. While not as compact or fast in its baseline form as Triax’s equivalents, the Hwin is rather more durable and more affordably priced, setting the stage for some expected showroom compteition between PS and Triax in automotive sales.
The Hwin is considered a fairly standard hovercar by the Three Galaxies’ standards, and so has not made much of a splash in the few markets there it’s been entered into. PS/ASI is also reportedly in talks with Locke-Snye Industries(makers of the Trundlebug), on the other hand, to expand production of the Hwin. This move elicits mixed feelings from those in the know of the deal; production of a more orthodox vehicle design may either save Locke-Snye’s reputation, or else crowbar Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries’ rep by association.
To many familiar with the Fascination’s checkered history, the Hwin, centuries after the fact, proves that even bad ideas can have second chances and shots at redemption.

Type: PS/ASI-C/HV-028 Hwin
Class: Hovercar, Civilian
Crew: One, with 1-3 passengers(or up to 6 under cramped conditions)
SDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,800(or 18 MDC)
Wheels/Landing Gear(3) 30 each
Windshields(2) 100 each
Doors(2-4) 70 each
Door Windows(2-4) 20 each

Height: 57 inches
Width: Passenger Cabin: 60 inches. Overall: 79 inches
Length: 17.2 ft
Weight: 2,000 lbs
Cargo: 2x2x3 ft trunk space
Powerplant: Electric(180 mile range) or Nuclear Fusion (w/ 10 year energy life)

Speed: (Taxiing) 20 MPH
(Flying) Hover to 120 MPH. Maximum Altitude: 8 ft.
Market Cost: 55,000 credits for Electric, 100,000 credits for nuclear w/ 10 year energy life; options cost extra
Systems of Note:
Tinted Windows(standard)
Life Support w/ Full Air-Conditioning and Air Filtration(8 hour air supply)
Radio: 50 mile range
Stereo System
Normal Light/IR Headlights

*Wrap-around Fender----The wrap-around bumper/fender can be removed, increasing streamlining and allowing for an increase in speed of 5 MPH, but many communities require the fender as a safety feature, and thus may reclassify the hovercar as an ‘aircraft’ and force the owner/operator to requalify their oeprating license to cover aircraft piloting skills accordingly.

Weapons Systems: None standard, but as a vehicle designed/approved on Rifts Earth, OF COURSE weapons systems are available as Options(see below).

The following are just a few of the many Options available to the Hwin:

*Extra Battery Capacity(available only to Electrically-powered models)---Increases range by increasing battery capacity. Extends range by 90 miles. Can be taken up to four times. Cost: 17,000 credits per upgrade.

*Speed Boost/Engine Upgrade----A more powerful engine, more efficient power train, and improved transmission can be added, improving overall speed, but at greater expense;
Speed: Can improve top speed by up to 40%
Cost: 120,000 credits per 10% of improvement over base. 300,000 credits for nuclear upgrades.

*Anti-Gravity Propulsion(GMR or Contra-Gravity)---This is more common in the Three Galaxies and gives, for extra cost, true flight capabilities. PS’s Gravitic-Magnetic Repulsion(GMR) technology is a cruder form of Contra-Gravity, and as such is both less capable but less expensive. Both types are available to consumers.
Speed Modifier: (GMR) +25 MPH
(Contra-Gravity)+40 MPH
Maximum Altitude:(GMR) 8,000 ft
(Contra-Gravity) 40,000 ft
Cost: (GMR) 200,000 credits
(Contra-Gravity) 700,000 credits

*JATO--- Applicable to nuclear and conventionally powered vehicles. This is essentially a Power Booster(nitrous oxide injection system, improved power delivery system, rocket booster, overcharger), and a tuned-up engine to attain higher performance, if only for a few minutes.
Speed: 350 MPH for 1d4 minutes, or adds 100 MPH to an existing flight system, for 1d4 minutes. Cannot be re-engaged for another 2d6 minutes after that(recharge period, cool-down, etc.).
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Super JATO---This feature essentially makes the vehicle into a supersonic-capable aircraft! Must have flight/hoverjet capabilities and a nuclear powerplant to take advantage of this option. Super JATO adds two massive long-endurance boosters to the back of the vehicle, a spoiler wing surface above, and (retractable) canards to the nose, effectively doubling the length of the vehicle.
Speed: The vehicle can now attain Mach 1(680 MPH) for 2d6 minutes, or subsonic speeds near indefinitely
Cost: 400,000 credits
Note: PS/ASI will ONLY install this option on vehicles with a full flight system.

*Parasail System---Great for driving off cliffs, parking garages, and out of aircraft. Also ideal for those occasions if you lose power at altitude(for full flight-capable vehicles). Mounted on a standard hovervehicle, it gives limited flight capabilites, allowing for altitudes of up to 200 ft, thanks to aerodynamic lift. Automatically stows/packs itself on command.
Cost: 20,000 credits

*Submersible---Fits the vehicle for amphibious and underwater operation; watersealing, reinforced hull, sonar, depth gauge, and a small hydrojet thruster are all standard with this package.
Speed: 20 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft
Cost: 200,000 credits
*Sensory Cluster----MDC 80---Has the following sensors:
*Motion Detector--200 ft range
*Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munnitions/weapons
*Laser targeting System(+1 to strike)
*Lance Scanner---Looks like a long lance protruding from the front of the craft. The Lance Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for groundsearching minefields(in theory, the ground radar sound be able to detect even non-metallic mines, but takes twice as long). Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting non-metallic ordinance.
*Aura Scanner---For detecting and identifying PPE concentrations
Range: 2000 ft
*Bio-Scanner---Has a molecular analyzer, enhanced radiation detector, high-powered accoustic ‘shotgun mike’(3,000 ft range), and thermo-imager optics.
* Optical Cluster--- Telescopic,IR/UV, Thermo-Imaging, Audio-Video-Survellance System
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Variable Opacity Windows---Tune the windows from crystal-clear to impenetrable mirror/black.
Cost: 300 credits

*Video Windows---These special three layer windows can be used to project a 3-D false image of what’s in the car, visible only to those outside. Your choice, from a library of CDs and tapes, or video camera mounts inside the vehicle(make it look like the vehicle is occupied, even when it isn’t!).
Cost: 1,000 credits

*Skylight---Look up and away in perfect safety, from under this armor-plas roof-panel.
Cost: 6,000 credits, 24,000 credits for MDC model(100 MDC)

*Sound Insulation: Keeps people from eavesdropping on anything being said inside the vehicle; can be combined with a ‘white noise’ generator to defeat electronic bugs.
Cost: 500 credits, 900 credits for ‘white noise’.

*Electronic Bug Sweeper---Detects the telltale EM signature of electronic trackers and listening devices on or inside the vehicle.
Cost: 2,000 credits

*PPE Detector---Detects the presence of PPE concentrations(including magically-concealed beings) in and around the vehicle(25 ft radius)
Cost: 9,000 credits

*Enhanced Communications System-----Extends radio communications out to 300 miles with a retractable antennae.
Cost: 6,000 credits

*Auto-Doc---An onboard medical system that can be quickly hooked up to a passenger to monitor and diagnose life signs, and administer common medications and broad-spectrum drugs. +10% to medical rolls when used by a competent medical technician, or can be considered to have a First Aid skill of 40%.
Cost: 40,000 credits. Drug refills cost extra

*Enhanced Life Support---This feature installs a robot-quality life support system that can recycle air for up to a week
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Crash Control/Safety Restraints/Fire Control System---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF. PS actually offers a 10% discount on other options if this option is taken(hey, auto insurance is sorta ridiculous in monster infested Rifts Earth, but there should be some economic incentives for safety devices...).
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Ejection Seats---Great for last minute bailouts, or, if one decides to take the ‘master control’ option built into a secret control, ejecting unwelcome passengers from the vehicle. Includes auto-deploy restraints and head protector. Typically fire the seat up to 250 ft away; comes standard with zero-altitude capability, so if you leave the kids in the car, folks, while you pick up some groceries, disable the seats first....
Cost: 6,000 credits per chair
(Master Control): 1,000 credits

*Security/Ambush Restraints---These are designed not to hold people in a crash, but to hold them, period. Specially reinforced shackle-mounts and lock-braces make sure that anyone locked into them ain’t going anywhere until you unlock them.
Ambush retraints deploy instantly from concealment, at a signal(secret control or verbal command)(+4 Entangle strike roll). Combined with an Auto-Doc, this system can be used to administer sedation drugs and keep prisoners from injuring themselves, or calling attention to themselves.
Restraints hold with a PS of 30
Cost: 8,000 credits

*Cyberlink Drive System--Allows a driver with a headjack to ‘jack in’ to the vehicle for more responsive control. This allows the driver to drive without their hands on the wheel(“Look, Mom, no hands!”), and/or to respond with greater speed to road situations. Similar to the system presented in Rifts: Russia, but GNE makes them less expensive(the real expense is in the implant end).
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicle-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.q. point. Note that the operator can only be controling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .
To anyone lacking the CVL, there are no bonuses to vehicle operation, but they CAN make minor adjustments to vehicle peripherals’ without using their hands(turning on/off headlights, booting up the stereo, rolling down the electric windows, adjusting the AC, etc...).
Cost: Vehicle installation is 10,000 credits, the cybervehicle link(implant) costs 120,000 credits

*Autopilot---Available in both a ‘dumb’ and a ‘smart’ version. Dumb versions will basically just keep the vehicle going straight and level on a pre-set course, never deviating from said course...the ‘dumb’ system will alert the crew if anything trips the sensors or gets in the way, and it can be programmed to stop, or deviate a set distance from course in such events, until the crew can regain/resume control.
A ‘smart’ system is actually an onboard Artificial Intelligence(AI) using PS’s new microtronics AI chips. The ‘smart’ system can actually evade and maneuvar to avoid obstacles, and even anticipate trouble, while remaining on the general course. The ‘smart system’ has a +1 to dodge
Cost: 7,000 credits for the ‘dumb’ version, 12,000 credits for the ‘smart’ Auto-Pilot
For an additional 8,000 credits, this can be modified with a remote start(triggered by a remote control in the keycard) and a remote ‘recall’ that allows the owner to summon the car to him, and for another 8,000 credits, even command its functions by remote control.

*Onboard Artificial Intelligence---This installs a micro-computer AI that, in addition to monitoring the vehicle’s functions, can also actively scan for problems outside itself, anticipate problems, advise the driver. The OAI is much more responisve than a ‘smart’ autopilot, and is able to plot far more extensive course deviations, even take independant action as it falls within its orders and program parameters. An OAI, for instance, can determine that its operator/passengers are hurt and unable to help themselves(critically wounded by a passing SAMAS, for instance), and the car will begin looking for medical assistance. Most OAIs have a verbal interface, pleasant synthesized voice, and a psuedo-personality, giving them the illusion of ‘life’. An OAI has an IQ-equivalent of 10, and comes with Navigation: Land, Automotive Mechanics, Read Sensory Instruments, Weapons Systems, and Radio: Basic, all at 98%, has 3 actions/attacks per melee. Additional specialized programming may be added as the buyer/owner specifies...many owners program theiir cars to be able to sing or read.
Anything more sophisticated than this, and the buyer is best off using the Robot Creation Tables from Rifts Sourcebook One or Heroes Unlimited.
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Morphing ‘Armadillo’ Armor---Enfolds the ENTIRE vehicle in articulated armor plates, increasing armor protection, but effectively immobilizing the car. Can only be opened from the outside by special electronic passcode(included in cost).
Note: This can only be effectively deployed when the vehicle is landed; deployment in flight will cause the hovervehicle to drop like stone.
MDC: +200 MDC when deployed
Cost: 300,000 credits; 100,000 credits for four Glitterboy-style laser pylons that drive into the ground and anchor the vehicle to the ground(takes a Robotic PS of 40 or greater to uproot the vehicle)

*Shock Blaster Security System---This addition to the standard anti-theft locks and alarms BLASTS the miscreant with bullhorns and industrial-strength strobelights that override passersbys’ normal apathy about car alarms, and limelights the thieving bastards like jack-lit deer, as well as chiseling their eardrums and optical nerves. Imagine a flash-bang grenade going off in your face while you’re trying to coathangar the door-lock.....
Range: 10 ft radius
Effects: Targets without ear and eye protection are temporarily blinded and deafened; -5 to strike, -10 parry/dodge, and 40% chance of stumbling and falling per 10 ft of movement. Has a Horror Factor of 8 to anyone else standing nearby, who think the car just exploded. Effects last 1d4 melees
Cost: 700 credits

*Shocker Security System---Scaring them not enough? This system feeds them a charge of electricity that’s sure to curl their toes.
Range: 3 ft
Damage: 3d6 SDC plus Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Payload: 10 charge battery, or unlimited if linked to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 1,000 credits

*Auto-Shooter Security System--Scaring them or shocking them doesn’t do it for ya, no? You take your private property rights SERIOUS? With this little baby, anyone trying to break in will find themselves targeted by whatever weaponry your ride’s toting. A five-second warning gives them enough time to back off if they’re smart. This system is NOT recommended if you’re in the habit of locking your keys in your car.
Bonus: +3 to strike(targeting bonus), 2 Attacks per Melee until the target leaves the area of alert(typical 10-20 ft from the car), then resets itself.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Fryolater Shock Security System---Screw mercy; they’re messing with your car! This system blasts them with megadamage electrical force; enough to reduce the average carjacker or burglar into a puff of ionized plasma and some easily swept aside ash on the ground.
Range: 3 ft
Damage: 3d6 MDC plus Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Payload: 10 charge battery, or unlimited if linked to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 20,000 credits

*Smoke Screen Generator---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 60 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is. Has enough smoke-matrix for 12 clouds.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Acoustic Baffling---This difficult modification requires insulating the engine and passenger compartments, wrapping joints in special muffling, and fine-tuning the propulsion to make a minimum of noise. Because of the wear and tear this modification must endure in the course of vehicle operations, it requires CONSTANT upkeep(2-4 times more maintenance and tune-up time) to keep it effective. On the plus side, when it’s working, the vehicle has an 80% Prowl skill at speeds of 10 MPH or less, 60% at speeds up to 40 MPH. and 40% up to 80 MPH. Tracking the car at night by sound alone becomes near impossible, and anyone inside the vehhicle will have to open a window in order to be heard outside.
Cost: 90,000 credits

*Chaff/Flare Launchers---For those of you afraid of eating a missile from your friendly Coalition Highway Patrol....
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is nuetralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,500 credits for the launchers

*EM Jammers---Great for blasting through radar traps. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Effective range of 500 ft
Cost: 50,000 credits

*Nose Mount Gun---A single infantry-type weapon(energy rifle, light rail gun, machine gun, etc.) can be mounted in the nose of the car. Energy weapons can be linked to the car’s powerplant, if nuclear powered. Cost: 2,000 credits + cost of the weapon.

*Rear Mount Gun---A single infantry-type weapon(energy rifle, light rail gun, machine gun, etc.) can be mounted in the rear of the car, firing from the back window. Energy weapons can be linked to the car’s powerplant, if nuclear powered. Cost: 1,000 credits + cost of the weapon.

*Hardpoints(2)---A single light hardpoint can be fitted on each side of the main body, on the rear ‘wing’. Each hardpoint can carry ONE of the following:
a) MicroMissiles---The advent of long-ranged 15mm and 20mm micro-missiles has made it possible to fit the Flitter with a more compact ‘sting’:
*15mm Micro-Missiles---Vehicle-mounted version of the McMLR-14 MMRifle, with 14 rd cassette.
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expediture of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1A 25 credits per McM
Pattern-1B 32 credits per McM
Pattern-1C 60 credits per McM
Pattern-1D 95 credits per McM
Pattern-1E 220 credits per McM

*20mm Micro-Missiles---Adopted from the 20mm ‘Fire Orchid’ ML-SAM launcher system;
Range: 8,000 ft for all types
Damage: (Pattern-2a) 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Pattern-2b)6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
(Pattern-2c)(Incendiary)2d4 MD to 5 ft blast radius, does an additional 1d4 burn damage for 2d4 melees
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 3, or 9
Payload: 9-shot clip
Bonuses:(All Patterns)(+3 to strike airborne targets, +1 to strike ground targets) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Special Features:
*Sensor Package---The sensor package includes an IR/Thermal sight, laser rangefinder(2 mile range) and directional mini-radar(2 mile range) with audio-alarm to notify the gunner of target-lock.
Cost: 28,000 credits (3,000 for the launcher assembly, 25,000 for the sighting package)
(Pattern-2a) 90 credits each
(Pattern-2b)130 credits each
(Pattern-2c)150 credits each

b) Mini-Missiles---7 shot pod

c) Short Range Missiles----4 shot pod

d) Machine Gun Pod---7.62mm GPMG
Range: 9,900 ft
Damage: 6d6 SDC per single round, or 4d6x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 3,000 rd belt
Cost: 4,000 credits

e) 20mm Cannon Pod
Range:(20mm)3000 ft (1500 ft for wood rounds)
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PS-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Wood Rounds) 6d6 SDC per round (1d6x10 HP to vampires)
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airbursts are not possible with wooden rounds
(20mm PSX-2)(after 110 PA)
4d6 MD single rd
2d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: (20mm)Standard.
Payload: 200 rds,
Cost: 20,000 credits
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ rds costs 800 credits
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ PSX-1 rds costs 3000 credits(after 110 PA, this drops to 2,000 credits)
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ PSX-2 rds costs 3200 credits
f) Light Rail Gun---Copies of the Coalition’s own C-200 ‘Dead Man’ rail gun.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:6,000 rd drum(300 bursts) per gun
Cost: 60,000 credits
g)Light Pulse Laser Pod
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD triple pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery for conventionally powered models. Effectively Unlimited for nuclear
Cost: 24,000 credits
h) Ion Gun Pod
Range: 2,500 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per shot; cannot fire bursts
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: 100 shot battery for conventionally powered models. Effectively Unlimited for nuclear
Cost: 20,000 credits
*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel mod that turns the cannon into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 600 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area. Cost: 7,000 credits

*Ion Step-Down Module---This barrel attachment, rather than increase range or power, actually ‘steps down’ the power of ion bolts into the SDC range, and modulates their effect, making the weapon in effect a ‘super-taser’(albeit it with flash-burns). An added power regulation chip allows the weapon to use less power in SDC mode. Switching between MD/SDC modes takes 2 actions. Popular with urban security and police units.
Range:(SDC shots) 600 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
Payload: One MD shot equals 10 SDC shots
Cost: 4,000 credits

i)Plasma Gun Pod
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:Standard
Payload: 60 shot battery for conventionally powered models. Effectively Unlimited for nuclear
Cost: 25,000 credits
*SprayFire Barrel Modification Kit---PS weapons engineers seem to have discovered a fetish for area of effect shotgun-style weaponry. This mod mounts a ‘watering can’ of multiple short projection coils on the barrel, splitting the plasma discharge into a dozen smaller plasma mini-bolts. Range drops to 500 ft, but the bolts do 3d6 MD to a 20 ft wide area.
Cost: 9,000 credits

j)) 40mm Grenade Launcher
Range: 1,250 ft
Damage: Fragmentation: 4d6 MD to 12 ft blast area
Armor Piercing: 1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast area
Rate of Fire:Standard
Payload: 18
Cost: 6,000 credits

*C/HV-02800---Megadmage variant, but meant for the civilian market.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 200
Wheels/Landing Gear(3) 30 each
Windshields(2) 40 each
Doors(2-4) 60 each
Door Windows(2-4) 30 each
Market Cost: 350,000 credits for Electric, 550,000 credits for nuclear

*C/HV-0281C----Sport Coupe, with seating for only two, full flight capability, and plasma electric thrusters, allowing the car to hit sustained speeds of 690 MPH, operating altitude of 20,000 ft. Available only in MDC configuration.
Market Cost: 1.1 million credits

*C/HV-028TW---Technowizardry version, with the following TW additions:
-Ley Line Flier---Can fly just about forever on a ley line
-Ley Line Booster---Double speed on a ley line
Market Cost: 95,000 credits for SDC version, 2 million credits for MDC versions

*C/HV-02810---This is arguably more of a light shuttlecraft than a hovercar; nuclear-powered, megadamage-hulled, full flight-capable, contragravity-equipped, with radiation shielding and spacecraft life support, the C/HV-02810 can operate in space, make atmospheric reentry unassisted, and even fly out of an atmosphere on its own(although it struggles). The C/HV-02810 is becoming popular as a run-about for crews of small starships that cannot afford or accommodate larger shuttlecraft.
Market Cost: 5 million credits

---Megadamage combat variant, with a crew of three, THREE nose guns, rear weapon, extra armor(280 MDC) and wing hardpoints
Market Cost: 1.1 million credits
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Dear PuppetMaster
Please remind taalismn, that '[url]http://' and '[b]]http://' are not the same thing. Fourth link above.
Thank you, from someone reading the work that you help him with.

* Enhanced Communications System --- Cost: 300,000 credits???? :eek: :eek: Sticker shock
* Auto-Doc --- Cost: 40,000 credits.

What are the extra features on the 'Enhanced Communications System' again?
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:Dear PuppetMaster
Please remind taalismn, that '[url]http://' and '[b]]http://' are not the same thing. Fourth link above.
Thank you, from someone reading the work that you help him with.

* Enhanced Communications System --- Cost: 300,000 credits???? :eek: :eek: Sticker shock
* Auto-Doc --- Cost: 40,000 credits.

What are the extra features on the 'Enhanced Communications System' again?

Fixed. Sub-contractor's warehouse raided and their billing department seized. Refunds and corrections sent out. Poster sent to bed to get a full night's sleep.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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You can still bold and size the title. Cute car.
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Sorry; ran the hole thing through spellcheck, but neglected to note that the text cosmetics didn't carry back over. Fixed. :o
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Over in the Guild of Magic & Psionics Forum, in the Invented Spells Topic someone you has a "Mystic Chauffeur' spell. How much to add one to the C/HV-028TW --- Technowizardry version ‘ Hwin’ Hovercar? In place of the Autopilot or Onboard Artificial Intelligence. Might be an open ended option available on any vehicle.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:Over in the Guild of Magic & Psionics Forum, in the Invented Spells Topic someone you has a "Mystic Chauffeur' spell. How much to add one to the C/HV-028TW --- Technowizardry version ‘ Hwin’ Hovercar? In place of the Autopilot or Onboard Artificial Intelligence. Might be an open ended option available on any vehicle.

That's why I stated 'just a few of the many available options'. Plus you can plug in any of the options from Triax 2 for vehicles. PS builds 'em tough and modification-tolerant so you can ultimately get the vehicle you want. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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So I should watch for strange balloons and other UAVs?
Mean no harm.

Armed kayak. Did you do something like this a while back, not a mock battleship?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:Armed kayak. Did you do something like this a while back, not a mock battleship?

I've considered MicroWarships, but their sea-going characteristics would stink. On the other hand, outfitting the semi-submersible WhisperKayaks with pistol- and rifle-type turreted weaponry might achieve the same effect as that picture.

Then, there's the range of German WW2 one-man subs(and the big Japanese mini-subs) that could be be fitted out as large-crew Smallkin subs. I've already got a line of MicroStarships in the offing too...

Oh, and Gordon Nichols did an RC jet-propelled model of a Victor bomber, fully eighteen feet long with a seventeen foot can guess where this is going... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

taalismn wrote:Paladin Steel PS-S-(Mc)HC-07 Piranha Hover-Attacker.
sick awesome !!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:Armed kayak. Did you do something like this a while back, not a mock battleship?

I've considered MicroWarships, but their sea-going characteristics would stink. On the other hand, outfitting the semi-submersible WhisperKayaks with pistol- and rifle-type turreted weaponry might achieve the same effect as that picture.

Then, there's the range of German WW2 one-man subs(and the big Japanese mini-subs) that could be be fitted out as large-crew Smallkin subs. I've already got a line of MicroStarships in the offing too...

Years ago read an article in a magazine about some big 20+ foot RC warships. Used a true boat trailer to carry 1 or 2 to the lake where naval battles take place. Some hull could seat 2 people or 20-30 SmallKin sailors.

taalismn wrote:Oh, and Gordon Nichols did an RC jet-propelled model of a Victor bomber, fully eighteen feet long with a seventeen foot can guess where this is going... :D

SmallKin air corp being enlarged and may be themed UAVs for PS air shows with some other uses. :-)

Hopefully you will not try to provide that chickens can fly as well.

Building RCs for mages to play with?
Would use the Spinning Blade spell myself. But staff/wand and drone would be different.

Sorry looking a different sites on brower.
Last edited by abtex on Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:[Years ago read an article in a magazine about some big 20+ foot RC warships. Used a true boat trailer to carry 1 or 2 to the lake where naval battles take place. Some hull could seat 2 people or 20-30 SmallKin sailors.

SmallKin air corp being enlarged and may be themed UAVs for PS air shows with some other uses. :-)

Yep. MicroWarships would have the advantage of low profiles, especially in swamps and wetlands. ESPECIALLY if the Smallkin were natural amphibians.

And yes, while PS likes to play up the 'UAV' angle, the fact that they got all these little guys allied with them/working for them is considered to be a mild secret(most enemies don't consider smallkin critters to be threats, so they don't guard against infiltration...look at the success the NGR is having bombing gargoyle nests with 'bug-bombs'). Plus, who'd build suitably powerful weapons for them anyway? :D :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Is the NGR info in Triax 2?

On MircoShips does not have to stay single hull. Twin Hulls - crew in one with defense weapons and other with heavy weapons. Single hull with outrigger(s). Tri hull ships - large flat deck with main hull and 2 outriggers maybe armed with torpedoes tubes or housing small craft.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:Is the NGR info in Triax 2?

On MircoShips does not have to stay single hull. Twin Hulls - crew in one with defense weapons and other with heavy weapons. Single hull with outrigger(s). Tri hull ships - large flat deck with main hull and 2 outriggers maybe armed with torpedoes tubes or housing small craft.

Yep' Triax 2. The NGR's been sending baseball-sized mini-robots into the Gargoyle nests to cuddle up next to their eggs and go BOOM. Very nasty, and something I can see also applied to dealing with other species...set hordes of incendiary armed 'egg-poppers' into a community and watch the fires start. Now while such a system might have applications in places like Xiticix hives, industrial rivals of Triax might want to invest in defenses against such tactics....Hmmmm, gotta start thinking of such. THAT might be another area that Smallkin can come in handy, patrolling facilities in concert with mini-robot security systems.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Less-Lethal Bullet
"You will only wish you were dead."
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:Less-Lethal Bullet
"You will only wish you were dead."

Already have a reduced-lethal projectile in the works along part of those lines. :bandit:
It's just a matter of how to exactly phrase the mechanics of it so it isn't wholly ineffectual OR painfully lethal.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Karthok »

Not sure if this has been asked before, but do you have all the Paladin Steel vehicles and items in one spot other than trying to read through 73 pages.

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Welcome to the forum, Karthok.

Start at for the current PS Catalog. That may be update someday.
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Karthok »

abtex wrote:Welcome to the forum, Karthok.

Start at for the current PS Catalog. That may be update someday.

Thanks, abtex.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Karthok wrote:
abtex wrote:Welcome to the forum, Karthok.

Start at for the current PS Catalog. That may be update someday.

Thanks, abtex.

Sorry, Karthok. I'm not real good at overall organization(a problem, I'm afraid, extends to other aspects of my life as well), usually because I have a short attention span before I'm off on the next projec- SQUIRREL! :o :oops:

And with that in mind, here's the next heavy-on-repost material car for you adventurers out there...

Paladin Steel Checker Marathon II---The Megadamage Taxi Cab

“It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a robot, dragon, swamp thing, or a stark naked elven maiden in the back seat. As long as they ain’t threatening you, you take ‘em where they want to go.”
“You’re kidding me about the naked elf, aren’t you?”
“Had my third one this month yesterday.”
“...Can I borrow your route?”
“Of course, we had to lose the Splugorth Cultists after her. Something about an interrupted sacrifice.”
“....I don’t mind.”

“I can’t believe our entire invasion got defeated by....transportation workers!(grunt)”
“Shuddup you pointy-eared little imp, and get moving along to the lock-up with the rest of youse jack-booted murdering whoresons! And we’re not ‘transportation workers’ like that’s some sort of slur, we’re TEAMSTERS! You don’t pull anything in our territory without our approval!”

‘We Pick You Up and Get You Out!”---Danger Taxi Company Slogan

This decidedly retro vehicle is a post-Rifts remake of a pre-Rifts classic; the Checker Automotive ‘Marathon’, regarded as the iconic classic ‘yellow cab’. Though production of the Marathon ended in 1982 and Checker Motors Corporation went out of business in 2009 (Old Calendar), but the iconic Marathon cabs continued to motor along for decades afterwards in various communities, often refitted internally to keep up wit the times and whims of private owners. Popular company legend has it that the Paladin Steel version is based on an actual pre-Rifts megadamage ‘novelty’ version of the vehicle built as a joke by pre-Rifts Paladin Steel employees(the company was then a manufacturer of megadamage materials and doing some vehicular chassis assembly and prototyping work), and shipped to New York City to prove how resilient their engineering was(hah-hah, our armor can handle even New York City driving, haha). Centuries later, the story goes, the same vehicle, busted up and patched up, but still running, drove up to the main PS compound in Burlington, Vermont Free State, and the ape-like driver demanded the company make good on the warranty and fix his cab. Gobsmacked, PS complied, but not before digging deep into the company archives and updating their company records and repair manuals against the chance of any future repeats of the incident. It also got PS thinking about making more such vehicles to meet the growing demands of merchants and travelers in the GNE.
Paladin Steel now turns out new production Checker Marathon IIs with the full range and quality of post-Rifts protection and options. Basic construction is of megadamage light alloys and ceramic-composites, with a variety of different powerplants available, from omni-fuel internal combustion to power crystal systems. Naturally, most of them go to taxi services, but more than a few have been bought up by M.O.M. Crazies. The most visible user of the Marathon II is generally regarded as the Danger Taxi Company(DTC), a mercenary transportation firm with franchises in Greater New England, the Relic, Lazlo, New Lazlo, Merctown, and expanding into several other cities and communities. DTC’s distinctive bright yellow and toxic-green liveried cabs have been seen driving through those cities, occasionally in the surrounding wilderness regions, and have even been reported weaving in and out of traffic in Chi-Town and Splynn.
The Checker Marathon II is generally regarded as a good, basic, ‘stock’ urban vehicle, with blocky, utilitarian lines and a wheelbase better suited for paved surfaces than rugged offroading. However, its very plain construction also makes it amenable to extensive modification, ranging from simple utility accessories to full-out luxury refits, making the Marathon II a very popular ‘project car’ with Operators and Technowizards eager to trick out their own vehicles. In general though, most buyers/operators select options for convenience and survivability; those seeking a more luxurious ride will typically buy Peregrines or Silken Swifts.

Type: PS-GC1979 Checker Marathon II
Class: Taxi Cab, Sedan
Crew: One driver, plus seating for 4 passengers. An additional two passengers can be squeezed in, making for rather close quarters in the back.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 200
Windshield(fore/aft, 2) 50 each
Windows(4) 20 each
Side Doors(4) 80 each
Wheels(4) 8 each
Height: 62.6 inches
Width: 76 inches
Length: 204.8 inches
Weight: 3,760 lbs
Cargo: Trunk space for up to 800 lbs of luggage.
Most cabbies will have a concealed(but easily accessed) weapons rack in the front of the cab.
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(roughly 120 mile range), Electric (180 mile range), Nuclear(10 year energy life), TechnoWizardry: PPE(1,000 mile range per 15 PPE), Steam(Maximum Speed 80 MPH, 500 mile range per 11 PPE ), TK( 150 mile range per 24 PPE/30 ISP ), or Powerstone(5 year energy life) and 100 PPE reserve( recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 20 PPE/hour at a leyline, 40 PPE/hour on a nexus)
Speed: (Ground) 90 MPH
(Flying) Not possible unless hoverjet conversion option has been taken
(Water) Not possible unless amphibious conversion option has been taken
Market Cost: 350,000 credits for Liquid Fuel, 380,000 credits for Electric, 6 million credits for Nuclear, 460,000 credits for TechnoWizardry PPE Battery, 400,000 credits for TW Steam, 400,000 credits for TW TK, or 650,000 credits for Powerstone
Systems of Note:
Tinted Windows(standard)
Dashboard Compass
Life Support w/ Full Air-Conditioning and Air Filtration(8 hour air supply)
Radio: 50 mile range
Stereo System
Normal Light/IR Headlights
Run-Flat Tires

Most Cabs will have a mileage counter/timer, credit-stick reader, armored change/cash box(60 MDC), and inertial compass. A roof-mounted lighted ‘taxi’ availability sign(or small holo-display) is also commonplace.

Weapons Systems: None standard, but expect heavy armaments as Options(especially around Madhaven)

The following are just a few of the many Options available to the Marathon II:
(Auto enthusiasts may also consult Rifts Mercenaries and Triax 2 for additional vehicular options)

*Extra Armor---Additional armor plates can be built in for extra protection. This installation is not applique, but internal, to preserve the otherwise innocuous appearance of the vehicle, so it costs slightly more. For the sake of calculating movement penalties, three armor weight categories are used; Light, Medium, and Heavy, and several armor options are offered.
*Light----Adds 10-100 MDC main body, + 1 tons, without movement penalties. Note: This degree of armoring will NOT be obvious to observers.
----Cost: 18,000 credits per 10 MDC
*Medium---Adds 110-200 MDC main body, +2 tons, but with a reduction in top speed of 15%. Note: There’s a 40% chance of observers noticing that the car looks altered and uparmored.
----Cost: 21,000 credits per 10 MDC
*Heavy----Adds 210-360 MDC main body, +4 tons, but with a reduction in top speed of 25%. Note: this level of armoring will be MOST obvious to onlookers.
----Cost: 25,000 credits per 10 MDC
*Laser Ablative Armor(Option)--- Eight coats of wax not enough? Get your car refitted with PS’s laser ablative armor, available in just about any color(though metallic hues are most often requested). Reduces laser damage done to your vehicle by HALF. VFLs can NOT adjust to compensate. As an added bonus, Arkhon triphase weapons do 1/10 less damage.
----Cost:+500,000 credits(Rarely available to outsiders)
*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage.
----Cost: +1 million credits
*Chemical Resistant Armor(Option)----PS’s patented chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage.
----Cost: +1.1 million credits

*Reinforced Floor---Armors the underside of the car against IEDs and landmines. These weapons now do HALF damage, and add 180 MDC (applicable to the UNDERSIDE only). But the vehicle is now 1,000 lbs heavier, and reduce maximum speed by 10%.
Cost: 25,000 credits

*Chameoline System---Special fiber optics in the hull can change the color scheme of the Arabian between any one of ten different schemes(programmed in at the time of purchase), including basic camouflage schemes.
Cost: 100,000 credits

*Variable Optical Camouflage Suite---Based on reverse-engineered Naruni and other alien ‘invisibility’ systems, this highly sophisticated system option renders the ATMV effectively invisible to eyeball and sensor detection.
Bonuses: -20% to opposition Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls; heat sensors are useless
Cost: 1.2 million credits
Note: This system is not always available for sale; only approved affiliates of PS/GNE are allowed to purchase this stealth system

*Supercharger---(Available only to Liquid-Fuelled models)--This modifies the powerplant for greater speed(albeit at greater expense)
Cost: 9,000 credits for a 20% increase in speed

*Extra Battery Capacity(available only to Electrically-powered models)---Increases range by increasing battery capacity. Extends range by 90 miles. Can be taken up to four times. Cost: 17,000 credits per upgrade.

*Speed Boost/Engine Upgrade----A more powerful engine, more efficient power train, and improved transmission can be added, improving overall speed, but at greater expense;
Speed: Can improve top speed by up to 40%
Cost: 120,000 credits per 10% of improvement over base. 300,000 credits for nuclear upgrades.

*Mag Traction System-----The ‘economy’ version of the Virtual Tread Traction System, that allows a vehicle superior handling on wet ground and sloping surfaces by generating a short range ‘virtual surface’ directly under/in front of the wheels(not strong enough to appreciably levitate the vehicle, but enough to negate any skidding or miring). The downside of it is that in anything less than a nuclear-powered vehicle, the energy expenditure can quickly drain the truck’s batteries.
Bonuses:+15% to control rolls
Penalties: If driving with a liquid fuel or electric engine, reduce gas mileage/range by 10% per hour of activation that the MagTrac system is engaged.
Cost: 80,000 credits.

*Extending Axles---The Marathon can extend its wheels on ‘landing gear’-style axles, allowing the armored car to ‘walk’ over road debris and rubble. The ‘car can negotiate obstacles up to 4 ft tall in this manner.
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Walker Legs---Replaces the wheels with robotic legs. Each leg has 60 MDC, and the vehicle’s top speed is 60 MPH, but it has superior rough terrain handling. Cost: 1 million credits

*Hovercraft Conversion----Don’t like wheels? Another expensive conversion that trades the conventional wheeled propulsion for a hoverjet GEV system.
MDC of Hoverjets(8) 60 MDC each
Speed: 120 MPH maximum, 1-6 ft off the ground, and can skim above water(no more than 3 ft waves) at 80 MPH
Cost: 2.3 million credits...or 2.7 million to add to an existing wheeled chassis(wheels fold up and out of the way of the hoverjets)

*Anti-Gravity Propulsion(GMR or Contra-Gravity)--- Advanced flight capabilities. This is more common in the Three Galaxies and gives, for extra cost, true flight capabilities. PS’s Gravitic-Magnetic Repulsion(GMR) technology is a cruder form of Contra-Gravity, and as such is both less capable but less expensive. Both types are available to consumers.
Speed Modifier: (GMR) +25 MPH
(Contra-Gravity)+40 MPH
Maximum Altitude:(GMR) 5,000 ft
(Contra-Gravity) 30,000 ft
Cost: (GMR) 200,000 credits
(Contra-Gravity) 500,000 credits

*JATO(Hover and Flight capable models only)--- Applicable to nuclear and conventionally powered vehicles. This is essentially a Power Booster(nitrous oxide injection system, improved power delivery system, rocket booster, overcharger), and a tuned-up engine to attain higher performance, if only for a few minutes.
Speed: 350 MPH for 1d4 minutes, or adds 100 MPH to an existing flight system, for 1d4 minutes. Cannot be re-engaged for another 2d6 minutes after that(recharge period, cool-down, etc.).
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Super JATO---This feature essentially makes the vehicle into a supersonic-capable aircraft! Must have flight/hoverjet capabilities and a nuclear powerplant to take advantage of this option. Super JATO adds two massive long-endurance boosters to the back of the vehicle, a spoiler wing surface above, and (retractable) canards to the nose, effectively doubling the length of the vehicle.
Speed: The vehicle can now attain Mach 1(680 MPH) for 2d6 minutes, or subsonic speeds near indefinitely
Cost: 400,000 credits
Note: PS/ASI will ONLY install this option on vehicles with a full flight system.

*Parasail System---Great for driving off cliffs, parking garages, and out of aircraft. Also ideal for those occasions if you lose power at altitude(for full flight-capable vehicles). Mounted on a standard hovervehicle, it gives limited flight capabilites, allowing for altitudes of up to 200 ft, thanks to aerodynamic lift. Automatically stows/packs itself on command.
Cost: 20,000 credits

*Submersible---Fits the vehicle for amphibious and underwater operation; watersealing, reinforced hull, sonar, depth gauge, and a small hydrojet thruster are all standard with this package.
Speed: 20 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Stabilization Jacks---Tired of being knocked over by concussion blasts, or being rolled over by a giant’s kick? This interesting little system uses Glitterboy-style pylon technology to las and hydraulically drive six stabilizer jacks up to 5 ft into the ground, even through concrete and metal gratings, within 5 seconds, affixing you like a barnacle, and able to stay upright in even hurricane-force winds. System can disengage in 2 seconds, for that speedy getaway.
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Sensory Cluster----MDC 80---Has the following sensors:
*Motion Detector--200 ft range
*Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munitions/weapons
*Laser targeting System(+1 to strike)
*Lance Scanner---Looks like a long lance protruding from the front of the craft. The Lance Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for groundsearching minefields(in theory, the ground radar sound be able to detect even non-metallic mines, but takes twice as long). Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting non-metallic ordinance.
*Aura Scanner---For detecting and identifying PPE concentrations
Range: 2000 ft
*Bio-Scanner---Has a molecular analyzer, enhanced radiation detector, high-powered accoustic ‘shotgun mike’(3,000 ft range), and thermo-imager optics.
* Optical Cluster--- Telescopic,IR/UV, Thermo-Imaging, Audio-Video-Survellance System
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Small Sensor Cluster--Small sensor dish on a turntable
MDC: 25
Sensors: Mini-Radar--5 mile range
Motion Detector--200 ft range
Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munitions/weapons
Laser targeting System(+1 to strike)
Cost: 18,000 credits

*Variable Opacity Windows---Tune the windows from crystal-clear to impenetrable mirror/black.
Cost: 300 credits

*Video Windows---These special three layer windows can be used to project a 3-D false image of what’s in the car, visible only to those outside. Your choice, from a library of CDs and tapes, or video camera mounts inside the vehicle(make it look like the vehicle is occupied, even when it isn’t!).
Cost: 1,000 credits

*Skylight---Look up and away in perfect safety, from under this armor-plas roof-panel.
Cost: 6,000 credits, 24,000 credits for MDC model(100 MDC)

*Sound Insulation: Keeps people from eavesdropping on anything being said inside the vehicle; can be combined with a ‘white noise’ generator to defeat electronic bugs.
Cost: 500 credits, 900 credits for ‘white noise’.

*Electronic Bug Sweeper---Detects the telltale EM signature of electronic trackers and listening devices on or inside the vehicle.
Cost: 2,000 credits

*PPE Detector---Detects the presence of PPE concentrations(including magically-concealed beings) in and around the vehicle(25 ft radius)
Cost: 9,000 credits

*Enhanced Communications System-----Extends radio communications out to 300 miles with a retractable antennae.
Cost: 5,000 credits

*Auto-Doc---An onboard medical system that can be quickly hooked up to a passenger to monitor and diagnose life signs, and administer common medications and broad-spectrum drugs. +10% to medical rolls when used by a competent medical technician, or can be considered to have a First Aid skill of 40%.
Cost: 40,000 credits. Drug refills cost extra

*Enhanced Life Support---This feature installs a robot-quality life support system that can recycle air for up to a week
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Crash Control/Safety Restraints/Fire Control System---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF. PS actually offers a 10% discount on other options if this option is taken(hey, auto insurance is sorta ridiculous in monster infested Rifts Earth, but there should be some economic incentives for safety devices...).
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Ejection Seats---Great for last minute bailouts, or, if one decides to take the ‘master control’ option built into a secret control, ejecting unwelcome passengers from the vehicle. Includes auto-deploy restraints and head protector. Typically fire the seat up to 250 ft away; comes standard with zero-altitude capability, so if you leave the kids in the car, folks, while you pick up some groceries, disable the seats first....
Cost: 6,000 credits per chair
(Master Control): 1,000 credits

*Security/Ambush Restraints---These are designed not to hold people in a crash, but to hold them, period. Specially reinforced shackle-mounts and lock-braces make sure that anyone locked into them ain’t going anywhere until you unlock them.
Ambush restraints deploy instantly from concealment, at a signal(secret control or verbal command)(+4 Entangle strike roll). Combined with an Auto-Doc, this system can be used to administer sedation drugs and keep prisoners from injuring themselves, or calling attention to themselves.
Restraints hold with a PS of 30
Cost: 8,000 credits

*Internal Roll Cage---Car takes HALF damage on a roll-over and occupants of the cab will take only 1/3 normal damage from such crashes. Cost: 10,000 credits.

*Internal Compartmentalization---Puts an armored ‘chicken plate’(100 MDC) between the driver and the rear seats. Sliding and lockable window port optional. This is especially popular with taxi cabs.
Cost: 8,000 credits. For an additional 5,000 credits, the two compartments can be made environmentally separate as well.

*Sealed Gunports----The sides of the Marathon can be fitted with up to four(two each side) NBC-sealed/locked gunports, allowing passengers using specially modified sidearms to fire at targets(-1 to strike due to the awkward angle)
Cost: 4,000 credits each

*Cyberlink Drive System--Allows a driver with a headjack to ‘jack in’ to the vehicle for more responsive control. This allows the driver to drive without their hands on the wheel(“Look, Mom, no hands!”), and/or to respond with greater speed to road situations. Similar to the system presented in Rifts: Russia, but GNE makes them less expensive(the real expense is in the implant end).
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicle-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.q. point. Note that the operator can only be controlling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .
To anyone lacking the CVL, there are no bonuses to vehicle operation, but they CAN make minor adjustments to vehicle peripherals’ without using their hands(turning on/off headlights, booting up the stereo, rolling down the electric windows, adjusting the AC, etc...).
Cost: Vehicle installation is 10,000 credits, the cybervehicle link(implant) costs 120,000 credits

*Autopilot---Available in both a ‘dumb’ and a ‘smart’ version. Dumb versions will basically just keep the vehicle going straight and level on a pre-set course, never deviating from said course...the ‘dumb’ system will alert the crew if anything trips the sensors or gets in the way, and it can be programmed to stop, or deviate a set distance from course in such events, until the crew can regain/resume control.
A ‘smart’ system is actually an onboard Artificial Intelligence(AI) using PS’s new microtronics AI chips. The ‘smart’ system can actually evade and maneuver to avoid obstacles, and even anticipate trouble, while remaining on the general course. The ‘smart system’ has a +1 to dodge
Cost: 7,000 credits for the ‘dumb’ version, 12,000 credits for the ‘smart’ Auto-Pilot
For an additional 8,000 credits, this can be modified with a remote start(triggered by a remote control in the keycard) and a remote ‘recall’ that allows the owner to summon the car to him, and for another 8,000 credits, even command its functions by remote control.

*Onboard Artificial Intelligence---This installs a micro-computer AI that, in addition to monitoring the vehicle’s functions, can also actively scan for problems outside itself, anticipate problems, advise the driver. The OAI is much more responsive than a ‘smart’ autopilot, and is able to plot far more extensive course deviations, even take independent action as it falls within its orders and program parameters. An OAI, for instance, can determine that its operator/passengers are hurt and unable to help themselves(critically wounded by a passing SAMAS, for instance), and the car will begin looking for medical assistance. Most OAIs have a verbal interface, pleasant synthesized voice, and a psuedo-personality, giving them the illusion of ‘life’. An OAI has an IQ-equivalent of 10, and comes with Navigation: Land, Automotive Mechanics, Read Sensory Instruments, Weapons Systems, and Radio: Basic, all at 98%, has 3 actions/attacks per melee. Additional specialized programming may be added as the buyer/owner specifies...many owners program their cars to be able to sing or read.
Anything more sophisticated than this, and the buyer is best off using the Robot Creation Tables from Rifts Sourcebook One or Heroes Unlimited.
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Morphing ‘Armadillo’ Armor---Enfolds the ENTIRE vehicle in articulated armor plates, increasing armor protection, but effectively immobilizing the car. Can only be opened from the outside by special electronic passcode(included in cost).
Note: This can only be effectively deployed when the vehicle is landed; deployment in flight will cause the hovervehicle to drop like stone.
MDC: +200 MDC when deployed
Cost: 300,000 credits; 100,000 credits for four Glitterboy-style laser pylons that drive into the ground and anchor the vehicle to the ground(takes a Robotic PS of 40 or greater to uproot the vehicle)

*Shock Blaster Security System---This addition to the standard anti-theft locks and alarms BLASTS the miscreant with bullhorns and industrial-strength strobelights that override passersbys’ normal apathy about car alarms, and limelights the thieving bastards like jack-lit deer, as well as chiseling their eardrums and optical nerves. Imagine a flash-bang grenade going off in your face while you’re trying to coat-hangar the door-lock.....
Range: 10 ft radius
Effects: Targets without ear and eye protection are temporarily blinded and deafened; -5 to strike, -10 parry/dodge, and 40% chance of stumbling and falling per 10 ft of movement. Has a Horror Factor of 8 to anyone else standing nearby, who think the car just exploded. Effects last 1d4 melees
Cost: 700 credits

*Shocker Security System---Scaring them not enough? This system feeds them a charge of electricity that’s sure to curl their toes.
Range: 3 ft
Damage: 3d6 SDC plus Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Payload: 10 charge battery, or unlimited if linked to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 1,000 credits

*Auto-Shooter Security System--Scaring them or shocking them doesn’t do it for ya, no? You take your private property rights SERIOUS? With this little baby, anyone trying to break in will find themselves targeted by whatever weaponry your ride’s toting. A five-second warning gives them enough time to back off if they’re smart. This system is NOT recommended if you’re in the habit of locking your keys in your car.
Bonus: +3 to strike(targeting bonus), 2 Attacks per Melee until the target leaves the area of alert(typical 10-20 ft from the car), then resets itself.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Fryolater Shock Security System---Screw mercy; they’re messing with your car! This system blasts them with megadamage electrical force; enough to reduce the average carjacker or burglar into a puff of ionized plasma and some easily swept aside ash on the ground.
Range: 3 ft
Damage: 3d6 MDC plus Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Payload: 10 charge battery, or unlimited if linked to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 20,000 credits

*Smoke Screen Generator---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 60 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is. Has enough smoke-matrix for 12 clouds.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Oil Slick Sprayer
Range: 60 ft
Damage: (Slip Spray)---Rather than trap, this makes it impossible for people and many vehicles to gain purchase. A single application(a tablespoon) will cover nearly four square feet. Slipspray is very nearly water-resistant----it takes ALOT of water, roughly 6-10 gallons, to wash away an ounce of slipspray---or regular industrial solvents will do the trick. Slipspray breaks down after 1d4 hours of exposure to air.
Effects: Anyone trying to move across slipspray must make a roll under their Physical Prowess at -8 or go out of control at full speed. Vehicles, power armors, and light robot vehicles travelling in ground contact across sufficently large patches of slipspray will be at -15% to their piloting rolls..failure means the vehicle goes out of control and takes on the characteristics of a giant hockey puck. Depending on the hardness of the surface(must be a hard surface, not a permeable surface like dirt or gravel), certain heavy vehicles and robots(like the Triax Devastator) will be unaffected, as they simply stomp the effected surface into the subterranean. Hovercraft are NOT affected either. Cost: 40 credits per ounce(covers 8 square a gallon’s worth will cover 1,024 ft! Instant ice rink anyone?)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 applications
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Acoustic Baffling---This difficult modification requires insulating the engine and passenger compartments, wrapping joints in special muffling, and fine-tuning the propulsion to make a minimum of noise. Because of the wear and tear this modification must endure in the course of vehicle operations, it requires CONSTANT upkeep(2-4 times more maintenance and tune-up time) to keep it effective. On the plus side, when it’s working, the vehicle has an 80% Prowl skill at speeds of 10 MPH or less, 60% at speeds up to 40 MPH. and 40% up to 80 MPH. Tracking the car at night by sound alone becomes near impossible, and anyone inside the vehicle will have to open a window in order to be heard outside.
Cost: 90,000 credits

*Chaff/Flare Launchers---For those of you afraid of eating a missile from your friendly Coalition Highway Patrol....
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,500 credits for the launchers

*EM Jammers---Great for blasting through radar traps. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Effective range of 500 ft
Cost: 50,000 credits

Weapons Options:
*Smoke/Grenade Launcher Clusters---These mini-multi-tube grenade/smoke launcher clusters can be added to the sides of the vehicle. Up to 4 can be added...two forward and two aft.
Range: (light) 1,200 ft (heavy) 2,000 ft.
Damage: Varies by Grenade Type (heavy)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-3
Payload: Each launcher has 12 light or 6 heavy grenades each, for a total of 36 light grenades or 18 heavy grenades
Cost: 28,000 credits for both light and heavy varieties(grenades cost extra)

*Laser Headlights(2-4)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: Variable settings; 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, or 6d6 MD per gun.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 250 shot battery per gun. Effectively unlimited linked to a powerplant.
Cost: 30,000 credits per gun

*Hood Guns(1-2)
a) Light Pulse Laser
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 5 shots per hour). Effectively Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 20,000 credits

b) Light Plasma Cannon
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 5 shots per hour).Effectively Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 30,000 credits

c) Particle Beam Rifle
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: 40 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 5 shots per hour).Effectively Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 40,000 credits

e) MagTech Magpulse Cannon---Fires an electromagnetic ‘vortex’ that hits with serious kinetic force.
Range: 1500ft
Damage: 3d10 MD, and, being unseen, and very fast, the force bullet imposes dodge penalties. A target is at -8 to dodge the magnetic ‘bullet’, which appears only as a heat-shimmer-like ripple in the air.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 20 shots per hour).Effectively unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 29,000 credits

f) Light Rail Gun--A copy of the Coalition’s own C-200 ‘Dead Man’ rail gun.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:600 rd drum(30 bursts)
Cost: 60,000 credits

g) Light Autocannon---Essentially a vehicle-mounted ‘Taskin’ Cannon. Can also fire crowd-control rounds.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage:(20 mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(PSX 20mm)4d4 MD per shell
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(Wood rds) 6d6 SDC per shell(1d6x10 HP to vampires)
2d4x10 SDC per 5 rd burst(2d4x10 HP to vampires)
2d4 MD per 10 rd burst (3d6x10 HP to vampires)
(Crowd Control rds)humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 400 rds
Cost: 20,000 credits
A box of 100 20mm ‘smart’ rds costs 800 credits. A box of 100 20mm ‘smart’ Super-HEX rds costs 3000 credits

h) Light 7.62 mm Machine Gun---An SDC weapon. Can also fire rubber crowd-control bullets or silver bullets
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 5d6 SDC per rd
(Rubber Bullets)1D6 per three round burst. Bruises badly, but does very little damage.
Rate of Fire:Standard; single shot, burst, or wild
Payload: 500 rd drum
Cost:3,000 credits

i) Micro-Missile Launcher--- Paladin Steel’s 15mm mighty mite micro-missile launcher system.
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expenditure of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 5.
Payload: 10 missiles per launcher
Cost: The Launchers cost 10,000 credits each; missiles cost extra
Pattern-1A 25 credits per McM
Pattern-1B 32 credits per McM
Pattern-1C 60 credits per McM
Pattern-1D 95 credits per McM
Pattern-1E 220 credits per McM

j)Mini-Missile Launcher---Range and damage varies by missile type, 5 missiles per hardpoint
Cost: The Launchers cost 20,000 credits each; missiles cost extra

k) Short Range Missile Launcher--1 per hardpoint
Cost: The Launchers cost 25,000 credits each; missiles cost extra

l) Flare/Chaff Launcher----6 bundles/flares per hardpoint---3,000 credits

m) Stun Gun---An electrical zap-arc that works similar to a taser, but based on a design acquired from Japan, via PS’s limited trade with that island-nation. (Stats from Rifts: japan, pg. 124)
Range: 800 ft
Damage: Setting One: (Weak Stun--Children, elderly, pregnant women, disabled)1d6 SDC
Setting Two: (Light Stun--elderly, teenagers, weak adults, small to medium animals)2d5 SDC
Setting Three: (Moderate Stun---Adults)3d6 SDC
Setting Four: (Heavy Stun---Adults in superior condition, drug-addicts, PR-Borgs, augmented humans, large animals)6d6 SDC
Setting Five:(Super-Shock---superhumans, augments, partial conversion Borgs, monsters) 1d6 MD
Stun Damage: On _correct_ setting, adults must save at 14 or higher(children and animals save at 18 or higher) or be -9 on initiative, -7 to strike/parry/dodge/roll, reduce speed/melee actions/and skill performance by HALF for 2d4 melee rounds. Additional strikes are cumulative. A successful save means the target takes damage, and loses 1 APM, but is otherwise fine.
Cumulative 15% chance per subsequent stun blast that the target will be knocked unconscious for 1d4 minutes.
Penalties: If setting is too low, the target can more easily shrug off the effects. Targets are +4 to save per each level that the blast is too low.
If setting is too high, target is +15% to lose consciousness .
Ineffective against EBA, robots, full conversion Borgs, vampires, androids, and the more powerful creatures of magic.
PR Borgs, Juicers , and Crazies are only really susceptible to Settings 4 and 5, and are +1 to save
FC Borgs are only affected by Setting 5, and are +4 to save, penalties and duration are HALF.
Young supernatural beings and lesser demons can be affected by Setting 5, but are +3 to save.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 400 shot battery conventionally powered models(Recharges 20 shots per hour). Effectively unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant
Cost: 29,000 credits

n) Taser Bead Gun---A more powerful version of the S-9 ‘Sandman’ that fires an electrically-charged silicon bead that delivers an incapacitating charge on impact, while powdering in the process.
Range: 300 ft
Damage: None: Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Cyborgs have a 75% chance of having their cybernetics
disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 30% chance of a
non-vital system being permanently shorted out.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 600 shot magazine
Cost: 6,000 credits

Range: 300 ft for napalm gels
(Wellington plasma napalm) 3d6 MD burst
(MD Gel)4D6 MD Upon contact, burning for 1D6 rounds doing 2D6 MD per round. Anything that the character touches also starts on fire. Any combustible materials within touching distance, clothes, brush, etc. also ignite.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Enough fuel for 35 blasts
Special Features: *Multi-Fuel Capacity
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Rear Tail Guns(1-2)---Same as for the hood guns

*Aft Trunk Turret---At the expense of the rear cargo capacity, the space can be fitted with a retractable weapons turret
a)7.62mm LMG Machinegun--- This weapon can also fire riot rounds, silver bullets, and armor-piercing ramjet rounds.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 6d6 SDC per single shot, 4d6x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 2,300 rds per gun
Cost: 2,500 credits

b) Rail Gun---12.7mm PS-MRG03 Snub-nose Short Gatling Gun : This high-powered four-barreled gatling rail cannon features enormous damage potential, and fair range in a small package. The MRG-03 trades range for blistering short-range fire power, and is frequently used as a ‘streetsweeper’ in built-up areas.
MDC: 30
Weight: 50lbs
Range: 2000 ft
Damage: 1D6 MD single round, 1D6x10 MD per 10 round burst,
2D6x10 +60 per Full Melee Burst of 40 rounds
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 700 rounds
Market Cost: 12,000 credits

c)Laser---PS-34L Laser Turret
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per dual blast
Rate of Fire: six times per melee
Payload:1000 blasts battery, unlimited nuclear
Cost: 40,000 credits

d)KTR-42X Anti-Armor Directed ElectroMagnetic Pulse(DEMP)Cannon---The KTR-42X is an upgraded version of Kera-Tech’s KTR-40X EMP Rifle(popularly known as the ‘DEMP Gun’), commissioned by Paladin Steel as a police weapon. Police and MilIntel like this weapon because it enables them to capture targets without blowing them to smithereens.
Range: 700 ft
Damage: Special. 4d6 EMP damage. The directed ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) does NO obvious physical damage to the target(aside from Saint Elmo’s Fire-like electrical discharges), but attacks any electrical systems. Compare the damage inflicted to the MDC of the location being targeted. The resulting percentage is the chance the target has been disabled, due to its electrical system being shorted out. All damage is cumulative on the target, but at under 50% it leaves no permanent damage to the systems.
Any damage in excess of 50% of the target’s MDC will result in damage to its electrical system that will need to be repaired(This damage effectively stays with the target until repairs are affected...damage is typically accompanied by electrical fires and short-outs), in addition to systems degradation setting in; -10% to skill rolls involving sensor, communications, and fly-by-wire systems, -1 to strike, parry, dodge, and reduce sensor ranges by 1/3.
Any damage in excess of 75% will result in the entire electrical system needing to be REPLACED due to irreparable damage. This is DEFINITELY accompanied by severe electrical fires and spectacular pyrotechnics from the electronics. Same damage penalties as above, and there’s a 30% chance of computer operating system files being wiped, requiring booting up the system again from shielded backups or discs.
Does double damage against non-military vehicles due to their not being hardened against EMP. Does NO damage to non-mechanical/electronic targets.
Bionics are affected slightly, suffering a decrease in mobility, response, and speed, until the internal systems reset themselves. This results in a -1 to dodge, roll, and strike for the affected limb. This effect lasts 1d4 melees, non-cumulative. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Single shots, ECHH
Payload: 50 shot battery if conventionally powered(a slot allows e-clips to be used in an emergency; 20 shots per long-e-clip). Effectively unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 65,000 credits

e) Plasma Gun(s)
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single blast, 8d6 MD for both guns firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 120 shots before the generator needs to recharge; takes 20 minutes to recharge. Unlimited linked to a powerplant.
Cost: 90,000 credits
*SprayFire Barrel Modification Kit--- This mod mounts a ‘watering can’ of multiple short projection coils on the barrel, splitting the plasma discharge into a dozen smaller plasma mini-bolts. Range drops to 500 ft, but the bolts do 3d6 MD to a 20 ft wide area.
Cost: +18,000 credits
*Plasma Bolt-exploder----Rather than a single plasma bolt, this mod supercharges the outgoing shot into a sort of freeform plasma ‘grenade’ whose cohesion deteriorates faster, resulting in shorter range, but which explodes with greater area of effect and intensity.
Reduce range by HALF, but the bolt now does 1d4x10 MD and explodes in a 5 ft blast radius . A single plasma ‘grenade’ costs two shots from the battery capacity.
Cost: +10,000 credits

f) Ion Cannon(s)
Range: 1,600 ft (1,000 ft underwater)
Damage: 5d6 MD single shot; 1d6x10 MD per dual simultaneous shot.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 100 **** battery. Effectively Unlimited linked to a powerplant.
Cost: 22,000 credits
*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel clip-on that turns the PSIR-6 into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 400 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area. Cost: 6,000 credits
*Ion Step-Down Module---This barrel attachment, rather than increase range or power, actually ‘steps down’ the power of ion bolts into the SDC range, and modulates their effect, making the weapon in effect a ‘super-taser’(albeit it with flash-burns). An added power regulation chip allows the weapon to use less power in SDC mode. Switching between MD/SDC modes takes 2 actions. Popular with urban security and police units.
Range:(SDC shots) 600 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
Payload: 1 MD shot equals 10 SDC shots
Cost: 4,000 credits

g) Particle Beam
Range: 3,200 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD to an 8 ft wide swath
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited linked to a powerplant.
Cost: 150,000 credits

h) Sonic Cannon
Range:700 ft in air
Damage::Wide Beam: 4d6 MD to a 30 ft area
Concentrated Beam: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
Unprotected personnel must save versus non-lethal poison (16 or higher) or be stunned for 1d4 melee rds. People in sealed power armor save at an 8 or higher for the wide area blast, but make a standard save for the concentrated blast.
Sonar Blast----This is an enormous ‘belch’ of sonic cacophony that can blind sonar systems within range with a mass of ‘white noise’, knocking them out for 1d4 melees. Sonar and acoustic homing systems will lose target lock, and sonar-using creatures will be stunned and ‘blind’ for 1d4 minutes.
Vibration Blast---This takes up ALL attacks per melee to initiate and maintain, and consists of focusing a low powered beam on a sealed ship(submarines are ideal), and gradually inducing an ultra-low frequency vibration throughout its structure. While this doesn’t do any damage per se, it does affect the hearing and inner ears of crewmembers, causing creeping disorientation and increasing unsettledness, leading up to nausea. After one melee people with unprotected hearing(or un-insulated contact with the ship’s hull structure) will be -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -5% to skills(they become easily distracted). After two melees they are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -10% to skills, and are -10% to their sense of balance...and so on...People with protected hearing are immune to the effect, but beings with enhanced hearing are TWICE as susceptible to the effects.
This setting is most effective against vessels 60 ft long or smaller...larger vessels will take an extra full melee per 50 ft of length for this to work...or several cannon working in concert, to be effective.
Rate of Fire:(Sonic Blast) ECHH
Payload:(Sonic Blast) 250 shot battery. Effectively unlimited linked to a powerplant
Cost: 70,000 credits

i) 30mm Grenade Launcher
Range:1,200 ft
(SDC)* (Fragmentation) 2d6x10 SDC to 16 ft radius
(High Explosive) 6d6x10 SDC to 4 ft radius
(Armor Piercing) 1d4x100 SDC, no blast radius
(Crowd Control rds)---Essentially an expanding plastic ‘flyswatter’ that delivers a bruising knockdown punch. Cut effective range to 200 ft. Does 2d4 SDC per rd, humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20-5 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174). Human-sized light power armors(500-800 lbs) also roll on a D20, but are +2 to save versus knockdown
(Wood Rounds) 7d6 SDC single shot (1d4x10+5 HP to vampires), no blast radius

*(Yes, I know, why include SDC when it just as quickly becomes MDC? You’re still being hit with a pretty hefty shell)

(MD)(HE) 2d6(12 ft blast radius)
A 5 rd burst does 1d4x10 MD to an 20 ft area
(Armor-Piercing) 4d6(3 ft blast radius)
A 5 rd burst does 1d4x10 MD to an 9 ft area
(light micro-fusion) 6d6 MD (12 ft blast radius)
A 5 rd burst does 1d6x10 MD to an 25 ft area
(HESH (High Explosive Squash Head)) - Designed to ‘spald’ off armor on the interior of power armors and vehicles. Composite ‘chobham’(layered armor and nylon mesh) armor reduces this internal damage by HALF, by holding the armor together.
HESH rounds do NOT have a blast radius.
3D6 MD plus 4D6 SDC to the person(s) inside the object.
(Incendiary) 2d4 MD to a 12 ft blast radius, plus an additional 1d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees.

The GL can also be used to fire radio beacon adhesion heads, flare rounds, paint shells, EMP grenades, flash-bangs, and, it’s rumored, TW grenades like the feared ‘Snuffers’ and Aura of Doom curse grenades.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 80 shot magazine
Note: The Drum magazines are fully compatible with the PS ‘Drum Mine’ system that allows large-caliber ammunition drums to be converted into boobytraps/mines.
Cost: 19,000 credits; SDC rounds cost 40-60 credits each, Crowd Control rounds cost 20 credits each, standard 30mm HE grenades cost 400 credits each, armor-piercing cost 550 credits each, micro-fusion(rarely available on the open market) cost 1,500 credits each, Incendiary cost 600 credits each.

j) 40mm Grenade Launcher
Range:7,000 ft
Damage: Fragmentation: 4d6 MD to 12 ft area, 2d6x10 MD to a 40 ft area for a 10 rd burst.
Armor-Piercing: 1d4x10 MD to 3 ft area, 3d6x10 MD to a 8 ft area for a 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 60 rd drum
Cost: 50,000 credits for the launcher

k) Flamethrower
Range: 800 ft
Damage:(Gasoline/Alcohol) 1d4x10 SDC
(Napalm) 1d6x10 SDC, plus does 5d6 SDC per melee for 1d4 minutes
(MD Fluid) 1d4 MD per blast, 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 minutes
(Incendi-Gel)2d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes
(WI Napalm-P) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 bursts
Cost: 9,000 credits

*Ram Grill w/ Retractable Vibrospikes-A semi-articulated reinforced ram prow that can serve as a ramming ‘beak’ or can be lifted and lowered for debris clearance.
MDC: 75
Damage: 2d6 MD from a ram, 6d6 MD from a full speed ram, 1d4x10 MD w/ vibrospikes/blades deployed
Cost: 15,000 credits. Vibrospikes/blades add 10,000 credits

*Gunports---Use your own hand weapons to blast away at the bad guys outside, without compromising your own safety and the vehicle’s environmental integrity, with these special gunports with one-way locks(they let you shoot out, but keep the outside from getting in). Gunports impose a -1 to strike because of the limited field of fire. Heavy Weapons CANNOT fit in the gunports.
Cost: 1,000 credits each

*Hood Guns---These are identical to the trunk turret guns, but are concealed under sliding hatches in the hood and are in a fixed forward position, with only 30-degree side-to-side and vertical arc of fire.

* Extending Hub Spikes----Great for tearing out the tires of other vehicles, or mowing down people on foot.
Range: Can extend up to three feet from the hub.
Damage: 2d6 MD
Cost: 5,000 credits per wheel blade.

*Energy Spoke Jets----Plasma Jets firing from the wheel hubs that form a cutting torch.
Range: 5-20 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively unlimited linked to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 29,000 credits per wheel

*TechnoWizardry Modifications: Note: TW additions will cost 10% less with a TW Powerstone powerplant already installed.

-Checker Marathon II Station Wagon---This is merely the standard Marathon with an extended cab, and rear hatch, to accommodate more and bulkier luggage(up to an additional 200 lbs worth). Cost: +1,000 credits to base cost.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Just came across this site:
That would be a perfect integrated product line/program/setup for PS(or any other company) wanting to sell/provide infrastructure to a post-apocalyptic world, or start self-sustaining colonies. 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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ANGSTROM SCORPION Augmentation Package
(PU2 budget of 5 million credits per operative)

“Ye gods! For the cost of gene-juicing a single squirreloid, we could buy a much tougher and more versatile power armor, maybe even three!”
“Yes, but then what? Those power armors can take down maybe two or three units of equivalent power if they’re really lucky, and in the process put an entire enemy base camp or fortress on full alert, with all that firepower coming to bear on those PA troopers. For the same cost, we can knock out entire power grids, stop power armors and robots before they even leave their parking places, and bollux command and control infrastructure, and the enemy would never know what hit them!”

“Yeah, it was four hours of undercover work, I had to undo and re-do it when the mechanics decided to do some last minute work late-night, and the local tomcat almost murdered me, but it was worth it when that Forager ‘bot scrambled to combat, and the knee joints went out, courtesy of the micro-charges planted behind them, at the same time the missile launchers armed and fired themselves. Took the whole garage-bunker out. Wonder if those guys ever figured out it was their own missiles and not an artillery strike that kakked their armor assets?”

“I don’t know how those filthy bastards did it, but the RGM-117SKAI DethLord ain’t going anywhere anytime soon...all the leg joints are blown, the beam-blade’s completely degaussed, the lasers popped out of focal alignment, the ammunition bins chain-fired, the heavy guns will need to be replaced completely, and the whole thing will need to be hosed down and deconned before we can put it on a transport back up to base, because the reactor thermal’ed and scrammed down its own pants! I’m amazed that the pilot even got out alive! If I didn’t know any better, I’d have said this thing was just in one helluva fight, but it WASN’T! It was just walking over to the pre-operation assembly area! What a furakking MESS!”

ANGSTROM SCORPION is a biotech mod and training package available to Smallkin of rodent derivation. Based on the discovery of certain genetic proclivities among some rodent bloodlines for technological incidents(the so-called ‘sparky the squirrel’ bloodline), PS saw the possibility of amplifying these traits and inducing them via gene therapy in volunteers.
ANGSTROM SCORPION troopers have been bio-modified for electrical resistance, allowing them to move about high-voltage machinery and security measures with relative ease. Furthermore, they are given advanced psionic powers such as Electrokinesis and Pyrokinesis that make the small beings extremely effective in sabotage. General improvements in physical ability, such as speed, physical toughness, agility, and perception have also been added, although Smallkin cannot be amped to the same levels as BigFolk physiques.
In addition to their induced and implanted abilities, ANGSTROM SCORPION troopers are trained by Headhunter Anti-Robot Specialists in the art of technological sabotage. ANGSTROM SCORPIONs are taught how to identify key parts of electrical gear, mechanical equipment, and machine parts, and destroy them with a re-routed circuit, a localized overload, spot fire, or timed micro-charge. The training lacks the advanced piloting skills of the HARS, but has a greater focus on persona stealth, infiltration, and the use of the induced psionic abilities.
Inevitably nicknamed ‘Sparkies’, ANGSTROM SCORPION troopers are anti-tech commandoes, trained in infiltrating high-tech installations and targeting vulnerable points, such as electrical grids, motor pools, robot vehicles. Among the Smallkin soldiery employed by the GNEAS, ANGSTROM SCORPION biomods command hazard pay as high as those of BigFolk spec ops operatives, and they enjoy status as an ‘elite’ organization to those in the know. Of course, the hazards of being an ANGSTROM SCORPION soldier are great; all the physical and psionic augmentation doesn’t change the fact that the biomod soldier is still a very small physical being without the strength and speed of a larger sentient, and thus unable to carry a lot of protection and firepower into the field.
Thus far, GNE’s ANGSTROM SCORPION program has remained a closely guarded secret, as the effectiveness of these gene-mod ‘techno-imps’ is reliant on stealth.
The creation of these artificial electrokinetics has somewhat rankled the natural-born ‘Zappers’ of the Nutkin community, until it was pointed out that for the large monetary investment put into their augmentation and training, ANGSTROM SCORPION bio-mods are expected to serve at least a five-year tour of duty with the GNEAS(whereas the natural Zappers can be free agents like any other regular volunteer soldier-recruit).


- Electrical Resistance--Can handle jolts of up to 60 SD damage without ill effect, standard shock prods and stun guns have NO effect, static electrical charges have NO effect, and takes half damage from all other electrical attacks.

-Psionics(Super Combat)---Gets Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis OR Hydrokinesis(never underestimate the effect water has on sensitive high-tech hardware), 2 Super psionic powers of choice, and 1d4+1 Physical powers of choice. ISP: 2d6x10 +ME.

-Brain Enhancement---+1 IQ, +1 initiative, +2% all skills. +1 save versus Horror Factor and Possession, +1d4 additional Secondary Skills

-Parabolic Hearing---Can focus on a single noise or voice to the exception of all others. 50%+4% per level of experience.

-Ambidextrous---+1 APM, +1 parry, +5% to Climbing, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and Mechanical/Electrical repair.

-Enhanced Endurance---+1 P.E., +2d6 SDC

-Magnetic Vision---Allows the recipient to see magnetic fields, including those around active electromagnetic devices and iron/steel objects. +20% to Land Navigation.

Total bonuses:
ISP: 2d6x10 +ME.
+1 I.Q.
+1 P.E.
+2d6 SDC
+1 initiative
+1 APM
+1 parry
+1 save versus Horror Factor and Possession
+2% all skills
+5% to Climbing, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and Mechanical/Electrical repair.
+20% to Land Navigation.
+1d4 additional Secondary Skills

-Prehensile Tail---Those Smallkin not already possessing a prehensile tail, can be fitted with one(250,000)

-Acid Gland---Considered too radical for standard bio-mod, this is instead available upon special request and granted permission. The recipient is implanted with a special binary gland in the mouth that allows them to spit an acidic compound that does 4d6 SDC for 1d4 melee rounds to inorganic materials(except glass and specially protected materials). The recipient can spit this compound as many times per 24 hours as they have P.E. points before needing to wait 24 hours for the glands to recharge. Recipients tend to have mucusy mouths and decidedly bad breath. It’s joked among ANGSTROM SCORPION operatives that some recipients have had the glands implanted in their urinary system for greater capacity. (1 million)

-Fanatic Technophile Skill(See Rifts Canada, pg. 117-118 for details) 60%+3% per level of experience
-Find Techno Weak Spot---This is the ability to figure out the weak spot in a technological construct. Recipients of training in this skill are trained like engineers in the basic workings of mechanical and electrical machinery/systems, only they are taught to find the places to maximize damage, be it a vulnerable joint, heat exchanger, switch box, or valve. With a successful roll on this skill, used in conjunction with a Demolitions skill roll, the operative’s placed charges do FOUR times normal damage. 40%+3% per level of experience.
-Hotwire Vehicles 50%+3% per level of experience
OCC Skills:
Math: Basic(+15%)
Basic Electronics(+10%)
General Repair and Maintenance(+15%)
Computer Operation(+20%)
Radio: Basic(+10%)
Surveillance Systems(+10%)
Pick Locks(+15%)
Demolitions Disposal(+20%)
W.P. Knife
W.P. One modern WP of choice(Micro-editions)
Hand to Hand: Expert(can be upgraded to Martial Arts or Assassin at the cost of one ‘other’ skill).
‘Other’ Skills: Select two ‘other’ skills at Level One, plus an additional at levels 3, 9, and 12.
Communications: Any(+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any(+10%)
Espionage: Escape Artist, Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, and Camouflage only(+10% to all).
Mechanical: Any(+5%)
Medical: First Aid only
Military: Any(+5%)
Physical: Any, except Boxing and Wrestling
Pilot: Any(Limited by the size of the Smallkin)
Pilot Related: Any(+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any(+5%)
Technical: Any(+10%)
Wilderness: Any
Weapons Profficiencies(W.P.): Any(appropriately sized)
Secondary Skills: Chose a total of 2 Secondary skills from the previous list
Experience Tables: Use the Headhunter Anti-Robot Specialist table

Standard Equipment:
ANGSTROM SCORPION troopers typically wear only the equivalent of light skinsuit armor(VBA-McUC-1E, with 6 MDC, is the most common), either camouflaged to look like a normal feral/dumb animal of their kind, or Blur Mesh, with ‘gecko gloves’ and footpads for climbing. MDC Leather Armor, with 8 MDC, but no EBA protections, is also common. Standard weaponry consists of a small knive or a vibro-stilleto/bayonet, and weapon of choice. Bandolier with 4-8 micro-grenades or other small demolition devices(ignitor pencils or acid quills are popular). Beacon tag microchips for bugging and designating targets for heavier guided weaponry are also common equipment amongst ANGSTROM SCORPION operatives. Insulated multi-tool/wire cutters, small roll of duct tape, a non-conducting razor, several lengths of electrical wire(coiled for easy carrying), and small plastic tools are also standard on sabotage missions.
Last edited by taalismn on Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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ANGSTROM SCORPION Augmentation Package
DAME I AM SACRED NOW!!!N1 man :ok:
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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SLATE FOUR Augmentation Package:
(PU2 budget of 6.35 million per operative)

“Against the likes of big established multi-dimensional concerns like Naruni, Paladin Steel is still small and vulnerable. While our workers can be allowed to take time off to rest and recuperate, our administration can’t. We have to be constantly on watch, on guard, and ready to man the desks, seize opportunities, and maneuver our company through the troubled waters of interdimensional commerce. And I do mean troubled waters; there are monsters out there looking to gobble us up, pirates out to rob us by means illegal, and governments out to enslave us by means legal. To navigate that business climate, we need every edge we can get, starting with, if we have to, our company officers themselves.”

SLATE FOUR is a biomod package intended to improve the efficiency of those in positions of management and administration. While other biomod procedures focus on physical enhancement, SLATE FOUR is geared primarily to improve neural capabilities. Enhanced memory retention, faster skill learning ability, multi-tasking, and improved perception are all part of the bonuses reaped by those who undergo this procedure.
Physical changes are aimed at faster reflexes, the ability to remain at peak efficiency for longer, and increased ability to resist both physical and psionic interrogation. PS execs and officers have acquired reputations for being able to drink others under the table, recover from hangovers quicker, eat exotic and (accidentally or deliberately) poisonous meals, shrug off truth drugs and psionic probes, and hard-stare down business rivals. SLATE FOUR recipients are also given basic training in resisting torture and psychic probing.
SLATE FOUR has been derided by the more serious bio-warriors as ‘the boardroom biotic conversion’and sometimes also referred to, in the negative, as the 'slave driver fix', as it is rumored that the genetically souped-up managers expect everybody ELSE, augmented or not, under them to match their new physical and mental levels of performance), but with many PS executives and officers signing up for it, it’s becoming less of a joke, and even some GNEAS diplomats, logistics and administrative officers are looking into the benefits of the bio-mod. Despite its high monetary price, the bio-mod considered a viable and valuable part of the overall business ‘arsenal’ employed by Paladin Steel, and the company often underwrites the cost of the procedure to those it considers worthwhile investments(and who are willing to undergo the process).

-Brain Enhancement---+1 IQ, +1 initiative, +2% all skills. +1 save versus Horror Factor and Possession, +1d4 additional Secondary Skills

-Mental Acuity---Adds psionic powers Total Recall, Sense Time, Mind Block, and Sixth Sense, and the operative saves as a Minor Psychic. ISP: 1d6+10+M.E.

-Heightened Sense of Awareness---+2 initiative, +1 roll, +2 save vs Horror Factor.

-Increased Mental Endurance---+1 M.E.

-Brain: Physical Perceptions Acuity---The recipient now has the improved ability to read the body language of others. Focusing on a person, the biomod gets the equivalent of the power Living Anatomy to discern the person’s emotional and physical state, whether they’re lying or telling the truth(60% chance).

-Psi-Blocker---+3 save versus mind control, and go into a deep meditative trance within 1d4 melees that renders the person impervious to telepathy, empathy, and all forms of mind control and possession, albeit at the cost of situational awareness.

-Brain: Physical Perceptions Acuity---Focusing on a person, the biomod gets the equivalent of the power Living Anatomy to discern the person’s emotional and physical state, whether they’re lying or telling the truth(60% chance).

-Life Sense---200 ft radius per level of experience. Tracking is 50%+5% per level of experience, uses up 2 APMs per every 200 ft of tracking distance.

-Heightened Sense of Hearing--360 ft range, +6 to initiative, +1 parry, +2 dodge(where applicable). Estimate sound distance(60%+5% per level of experience), estimate speed and direction(50%+5% per level of experience), recognize voice/sound(40%+5% per level of experience), and can hear very soft sounds(under one decibel) under 75 ft away, under 10 decibels up to 150 ft away.

-Parabolic Hearing---Can focus on a single noise or voice to the exception of all others. 50%+4% per level of experience. Also good for hearing those safe tumblers moving.

-Ambidextrous---+1 APM, +1 parry, +5% to Climbing, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and Mechanical/Electrical repair.

-Enhanced Endurance---+1 P.E., +2d6 SDC

-Immune System---Dealing with other people means contact with potential disease vectors. This hardens the immune system so the busy executive doesn’t get floored by the office cold. Impervious to disease and +1 to save poisons and toxins.(1 million)

-Kidneys, Enhanced---Superior blood filtration, especially good for resisting toxins. Also includes some modification of the liver, to better resist the effects of that other toxin, alcohol. +5 to save vs poison, +1 to save versus drugs and other toxins.

-Modified Appendix---Another biomod meant to improve the recipient’s resistance to toxins. +5 to save vs poison, damage and penalties are halved, and duration is only 25% of normal.

-Circadian Rhythms--This mod is becoming the blessing of itinerant managers and the bane of unmodified subordinates, as it allows the recipient to work longer hours and adapt quickly to time zone changes, overcoming travel-lag with relative ease. Can run on as little as three hours of sleep a day, or without sleep altogether for four days straight, needing only seven hours of follow-up sleep to recover.

Total bonuses:
ISP: 1d6+10+M.E.
+1 I.Q.
+1 M.E.
+1 P.E.
+2d6 SDC
+1 APM
+3 initiative
+1 roll
+1 parry
+3 save versus Horror Factor
+3 save versus Mind Control
+5 save versus Possession
+11 save versus poisons
+2 save versus drugs and other toxins
+5% to Climbing, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and Mechanical/Electrical repair
+2% all skills
+1d4 additional Secondary Skills

-Mental Affinity: ---A combination of minor cosmetic surgery and body language training to improve the trust/intimidate factor; +1 to M.A. (200,000)

-Pheromone Package---Many execs spring for the Pheromone option:
a) Attract Opposite Sex---Twice per day the recipient can affect an area of 100 ft per point of the person’s M.A., raising their M.A. and P.B. by +10 when dealing with the opposite gender, and adding +10% to Seduction rolls.
b) Scent Marker(marks presence for 2-4 hours). Let ‘em know this is YOURS or else that you’ve been here recently(several kidnapped PS officials have managed to lead rescue teams right to them via this)
c) Territorial/Warning---Members of the same gender as the recipient will either challenge or back down from this phermonal cue, but even if they attack, they’ll be -1 on Initiative due to the subconscious feeling that they don’t have the home ground advantage.
(1 million)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

taalismn wrote:- Electrical Resistance--Can handle jolts of up to 200 volts without ill effect, static electrical charges have NO effect, and takes half damage from electrical attacks.

arrgh! it's happening! must... resist urge... to point out voltage is not what kills you... (edit: at least not directly, anyways. of course, voltage *is* related to amperage, but precisely how much frying happens depends on various features. in any event, you can have a high voltage and not get killed, but not so much with amperage)

ah crud. too late. *grumbles* you see what school does to you?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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junk updated
Last edited by abtex on Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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TURQUOISE ECHELON Augmentation Package:
(PU2 budget of 10 million per operative)
“The fish-man mod doesn’t make you into a Sea Titan, so don’t get the idea that this biotech fix makes you King of the Sea; still plenty of things out there that can snap you down like a sardine. It DOES give you an added edge in surviving a whole lot of situations that would sink the average landlubber for good in the deep blue.
That having been said, I’ve seen this mod in action in a coworker when we were both working deep water rigs in the North Sea. If it hadn’t been for her mer-mod, we’d have been diced on several occasions by the local sea life. Goddesses of the waters, but that woman could move like an eel, both in the water and in the sack!”

“The blind fighting training’s where they really weed the waders from the deep warriors. Especially when they spring the giant squid on you. Not a mechanical one either; a genuine man-eating giant squid! It’s the stuff of nightmare, and that’s exactly what the trainers want it to be. They don’t mind if you have nightmares for the rest of your life, just as long as you’re the type who punches OUT your nightmares.”

TURQUOISE ECHELON is an augmentation package aimed at improving the personal capabilities of PS/GNE’s deep water warriors. The body is modified for improved underwater survival, having greater endurance. The senses have been amped, allowing the recipient to better find their way around the dark, often murky, underwater realm(TURQUOISE ECHELON augments are often taught in blind fighting techniques).
TURQUOISE ECHELON recipients take on a slim, streamlined, leggy appearance(some observers have called it the ‘supermodel transform’), with an oily, shiny skin cast.
The downside of being a TURQUOISE ECHELON augment is a need to keep moist, the obvious gills(which are vulnerable to dehydration and certain respiratory problems), occasional debilitating sinus infections(a head cold is MURDER on the modified sonar-sinuses), and a decided lack of career mobility outside water-based locations and professions(TURQUOISE ECHELON biomods are not likely to take jobs in the desert or in deep space for instance).

-Gills---Allow the biomod recipient to breath sufficiently oxygenated water, switching between lungs and gills as needed. The downside is that the gills along the neck and ribs need sufficiently clearance to work, the tissues are prone to infection without proper care, and certain chemical pollutants(such as Kittani Gill-Clog) are particularly effective against these organs.

-Floating Air Bladder--- The character can control his or her bouyancy. Can float effortlessly for as many days as the recipient has P.E. points. Modified for greater depth tolerance.

-Cold Resistance---Takes HALF damage from cold-based attacks, and temperatures as low as freezing have no adverse effects.

-Built for Speed---Speed attribute x4, +1 dodge, +3 roll with punch, fall, or impact, plus climb and swim at HALF running speed.
-Quick Clotting Blood--- Seals minor cuts and abrasions in 5d6 seconds, and more serious wounds in 1d4 melees. This can be a life saver in the water, where an open bleeding wound can draw predators.

-Nightvision---Excellent vision for night ops and for seeing in the nearly lightless depths.

-Motion Detection Sense---30 ft radius, +1 initiative, +1 parry and dodge, +1 roll with punch, fall, or impact.

-Webbed Hands and Feet---Retracting webbing allows for greater speed and maneuvering in water.

-Oil Glands---The recipient’s sweat glands have been modified to produce a thick, oily sweat that helps waterproof, insulate, and lubricate the skin. +10% to Swimming speed and the biomod is also hard to get a grip on(-2 to Entangle or +2 to Escape Holds)

-SDC Augmentation---(+100 SDC)

-Brain Enhancement---+1 IQ, +1 initiative, +2% all skills. +1 save versus Horror Factor and Possession, +1d4 additional Secondary Skills.

-Lungs: Enhanced--- Can hold breath for about 10 minutes, and fatigues at half the normal rate.

-Lungs: Filtration---The recipient can now breath tainted air; +5 save versus gases.

-Lungs: Third Lung---Extra lung capacity---Combined with the Enhanced Lungs, the recipient can effectively hold their breath for 2d6+12 minutes. Can also breath carbon dioxide if necessary.

-Heightened Sense of Awareness---+2 initiative, +1 roll, +2 save vs Horror Factor.

-Life Sense--- Why should sharks have the edge? 200 ft radius per level of experience. Tracking is 50%+5% per level of experience, uses up 2 APMs per every 200 ft of tracking distance.

-Sonar---The sinuses and nasal cavities have been modified into a short range sonar transmitter/receiver. 200 ft per level of experience, 50 ft +10 per level of experience on dry land. Interpret Shapes 60%+4% per level of experience, Estimate Distance 60%+4% per level of experience, Estimate Direction 50%+5% per level of experience, Estimate Speed 60%+4% per level of experience, Estimate Location 40%+4% per level of experience, Recognize Shape 80%+2% per level of experience. Reduce profficiencies by -30% when in open air.
Bonuses Underwater:+10% Detect Ambush, +1 on Initiative, +1 Strike/Dodge, and no penalties for blindness in total darkness.
Bonuses on Dry Land: +1 Initiative and Dodge, only -2 to strike, parry, and dodge when blind.

-Enhanced Endurance---+1 P.E., +2d6 SDC.

-Ambidextrous---+1 APM, +1 parry, +5% to Climbing, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and Mechanical/Electrical repair.

-Butcher’s Organ---The recipient can safely eat raw or spoiled meat without getting ill; perfect for those deep water sushi dinners.

-Double-Jointed---+10% to Escape Artist, +1 roll with punch, fall, or impact.

-Energy Reserve:(Fatty Bladder)---An extra energy-storage organ that stores water and nutrients, allowing the person to last one day per P.E. point without food or water.

Total bonuses:
+1 IQ
+1 P.E.
+2d6 SDC +100 SDC
+1 APM
+4 initiative (+1 underwater)
+1 strike underwater
+1 dodge(+1 underwater)
+2 parry
+3 roll
+3 save vs Horror Factor and Possession
+5 save versus gases
+2% all skills.
+1d4 additional Secondary Skills

-Maximum Safe Depth Limit: 6,000 ft
Note: If used with a hyperoxygnated liquid breathing system, the recipient can safely dive to depths of 12,000 ft.

-Brain: Psionics(Super Combat)---Gets Hydrokinesis and either Electrokinesis or Telekinesis: Super, plus 2 Super Psionic powers ad 1d4+ 1 Physical powers of choice. ISP: 2d6x10 +M.E. (2.1 mil)

-Sonic Powers(See HU2 pg 288 for full description)----Hear Wider Range of Sound, Emit High-Pitched Whine, and can Emit Sonic Blast(100 ft +10 ft per level of experience, and does 1d4x10 SDC + 10 for underwater attacks. (700,000)
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Shark_Force wrote:
taalismn wrote:- Electrical Resistance--Can handle jolts of up to 200 volts without ill effect, static electrical charges have NO effect, and takes half damage from electrical attacks.

arrgh! it's happening! must... resist urge... to point out voltage is not what kills you... (edit: at least not directly, anyways. of course, voltage *is* related to amperage, but precisely how much frying happens depends on various features. in any event, you can have a high voltage and not get killed, but not so much with amperage)

ah crud. too late. *grumbles* you see what school does to you?

Okay, turning to my trusted board of advisors(who, as an Evil Overlord, I DO occasionally listen to*), how would you rephrase that to reflect the idea that the person can survive YOWZAH! levels of electricity? :?

*I then run their ideas past my ultimate judge of planning, a six year old child.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

It's nice to see the bio-augments getting some love. What is missing I can only speculate:

+ Hot Emerald- Anti xenoflora agument.
+ Vital Gamma- Workers in high radiation areas.
+ Next Dagger- Wetworks who can predict who will do what.
+ Gold Smoke- Paladin Steel mining rescue.
+Knife Beacon- Something to do with mages.
+Restless Venom- Counter parasitic threats.

Hopes this sparks some light bulbs.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

taalismn wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:
taalismn wrote:- Electrical Resistance--Can handle jolts of up to 200 volts without ill effect, static electrical charges have NO effect, and takes half damage from electrical attacks.

arrgh! it's happening! must... resist urge... to point out voltage is not what kills you... (edit: at least not directly, anyways. of course, voltage *is* related to amperage, but precisely how much frying happens depends on various features. in any event, you can have a high voltage and not get killed, but not so much with amperage)

ah crud. too late. *grumbles* you see what school does to you?

Okay, turning to my trusted board of advisors(who, as an Evil Overlord, I DO occasionally listen to*), how would you rephrase that to reflect the idea that the person can survive YOWZAH! levels of electricity? :?

*I then run their ideas past my ultimate judge of planning, a six year old child.

*shrug* the easiest way would be to completely ignore both volts *and* amps, given that you're describing a game mechanic and not trying to decide what size of resistor and power supply to fit into a circuit to keep it operating within certain parameters. pick a fraction that's relatively simple to figure out (1/2, 1/4, etc) and make them take that fraction of electrical damage instead of full damage, and give them a save bonus against effects that use electricity (for example, a neural mace, stun gun/taser, etc). alternately, for an even easier version of the damage resistance, you could simply decide that they can simply completely ignore any effect that deals less than a certain amount of electrical damage (and for larger amounts of damage, you could either subtract it or ignore it, depending on how you envision it working).
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Shark_Force wrote:[

*shrug* the easiest way would be to completely ignore both volts *and* amps, given that you're describing a game mechanic and not trying to decide what size of resistor and power supply to fit into a circuit to keep it operating within certain parameters. pick a fraction that's relatively simple to figure out (1/2, 1/4, etc) and make them take that fraction of electrical damage instead of full damage, and give them a save bonus against effects that use electricity (for example, a neural mace, stun gun/taser, etc). alternately, for an even easier version of the damage resistance, you could simply decide that they can simply completely ignore any effect that deals less than a certain amount of electrical damage (and for larger amounts of damage, you could either subtract it or ignore it, depending on how you envision it working).

Fixed, so that attacks up to 60 SD do NO damage; anything else does HALF damage, and ignore standard stun guns and shock prods. Chewing through a household electrical wire isn't going to kill them, but an MD electrical fence WILL still kill.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

taalismn wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:[

*shrug* the easiest way would be to completely ignore both volts *and* amps, given that you're describing a game mechanic and not trying to decide what size of resistor and power supply to fit into a circuit to keep it operating within certain parameters. pick a fraction that's relatively simple to figure out (1/2, 1/4, etc) and make them take that fraction of electrical damage instead of full damage, and give them a save bonus against effects that use electricity (for example, a neural mace, stun gun/taser, etc). alternately, for an even easier version of the damage resistance, you could simply decide that they can simply completely ignore any effect that deals less than a certain amount of electrical damage (and for larger amounts of damage, you could either subtract it or ignore it, depending on how you envision it working).

Fixed, so that attacks up to 60 SD do NO damage; anything else does HALF damage, and ignore standard stun guns and shock prods. Chewing through a household electrical wire isn't going to kill them, but an MD electrical fence WILL still kill.

i like it better at least. it describes how to handle the ability in-game, which is much better than expecting the GM to take a guess at just how much voltage is in a household line in the coalition states vs lazlo or similar things to that :P
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

89er wrote:It's nice to see the bio-augments getting some love. What is missing I can only speculate:

+ Hot Emerald- Anti xenoflora agument.
+ Vital Gamma- Workers in high radiation areas.
+ Next Dagger- Wetworks who can predict who will do what.
+ Gold Smoke- Paladin Steel mining rescue.
+Knife Beacon- Something to do with mages.
+Restless Venom- Counter parasitic threats.

Hopes this sparks some light bulbs.

Already got plans for the Hot Emerald. And while the idea of a codename has little to do with its actual purpose/specifics(but somehow works out that way anyway), I do like your ideas there, so will move my thoughts in that direction accordingly. Thanks! :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Mc-BHP Victor MicroBomber
(aka ‘Victor Junior’, ‘Victor Minor’)

“Think it’s fun going a-hounding in your rocket-cycles after those little bombers the GNErs got now? Like squirrel-hunting in the sky? Yeah, it can be real tempting to show those d-bee-loving technocrats that not all their little toy tricks work out like they think they should, but you better watch yourselves! ‘Cause while you’re hunting those little bombers, they’re just as likely to be hunting you! I had one of my sky-hounds chasing one of them little bomb-droppers over hill and dale and through the woods, only he didn’t realize it had a partner lining up on him from behind---put a bunch of them little micro-missiles through his cockpit before he could do anything about it!”

“You know, all you had to do was drop your stick on top of the motorpool? Flying into the open garage and dropping your bombs in the machine shop and flying out the other door wasn’t just showing off, it was $$##ing DANGEROUS! Suppose they had something dangling from the chain hoist? Or they didn’t have the other side open?! We’d be out a valuable bomber, you stupid numbnuts!”

The Mc-BHP Victor was developed almost as a sideline in parallel with PS’s collaboration with Farnborough Aviation on the Victor II bomber. Again, the MicroWarbird is based on a pre-Rifts RC model(ascribed to a Gordon Nichols).
The Victor Minor follows the familiar layout of the Victor, only on a smaller scale, with corresponding reductions in performance. Construction is of lightweight megadamage composites and foamed alloys, while microchip electronics developed for power armor and bionics replace a good deal of the original avionics and hydraulics. Performance is roughly equal to a Skycycle’s, and the aircraft can take a fair amount of punishment, though protracted engagement under enemy fire is NOT recommended. The Victor Minor boasts a respectable bombload that can, if dropped accurately enough, do substantial and significant damage(Smallkin bomber crews have competed to see who can most accurately deliver their payloads of bomblets, through windows, down vents, down collars), though self-defense weaponry is notably lacking. The Victor Minor DOES require a bit more take off and landing space as opposed to smaller MicroWarbitds(a one hundred foot take-off and landing run as opposed to the usual seventy-five), but that isn’t seen as a serious problem.
While many question the viability of a miniature manned bomber, as opposed to more versatile and expendable missiles and drones, the Smallkin maintain that there IS a place for their miniature warplanes. Several bomber wings have already been formed, and there’s been talk among the Nomansers, in light of the interest in microscale bombers, of asking for a manned version of the larger PS-manufactured stealth drones like the Tempest Cruise Missile.

Type: PS/FA-Mc-BHP Victor
Class: MicroBomber
Crew: Three, Size Level 1-2 sentients.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 130
Cockpit 80
Wings(2) 40 each
Tail 32
Height: 4 ft 8 inches (56 inches)
Width: 17 ft 4 inches(208 inches)
Length: 18 ft (216 inches)
Weight: 150 lbs unloaded
Cargo: Small survival pack and sidearm(s) for crew in the cockpit, plus 18 lb bombload.
Crew is typically outfitted with VBA-McUC-1A Flight Suits (6 MDC) or even with ‘Muscle Armor’(9 MDC, +2 to P.S., +4 Speed, -Damage Resistance---The tensor network of the suit actually helps redistribute the force of blunt force damage(both SDC and MDC, though the damage applies first to any armor worn over it), reducing it by HALF, -Shock Absorption----The armor ‘muscles’ soak up kinetic shock, so wearers can actually jump down twice as far as they might otherwise without taking damage from the fall.).
Powerplant: Electric(w/12 hour endurance), Micro-Nuclear (w/ 2 year energy life), or TechnoWizardry(see Variants)
Speed:(Flying) 450 MPH, maximum altitude of 16,500 ft.
Bonuses: +2 to Dodge
Market Cost: 100,000 credits for electric, 900,000 credits for nuclear, 1.2 million for technowizardry.
Systems of Note:
Basic Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Radio---100 mile range

*Mini-Radar---8 mile range

*Folding Wings---The wings and tail stow for easy transport(reduce width/wingspan by HALF, and height by 1/3).

*Escape Pod----Rather than individual escape seats, the entire nose pod can eject and rocket/glide to relative safety.

*(Optional) Recovery Chute---This is a drogue parachute that deploys out the back and can then lower the microfighter to the ground in event of power-loss, allowing the aircraft to (hopefully) be recovered and repaired for re-use.

*ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

Weapons Systems:
1) Bomb Bay----Like its ‘big brother’, the Victor Minor has an internal bomb pay. On the greatly reduced scale, however, the MicroBomber can only carry an 20 lb bombload.
The Victor Minor has only a limited payload, so care must be taken in maximizing the destructiveness of its payload, while also minimizing cost. PS has developed a number of possible payloads from readily available and modifiable off-the-shelf munitions. .
The bomb bay can accommodate ordnance mainly based on exploding ammunition(ranging from 20mm up through 40mm rounds), modified hand grenades, rifle grenades, and mortar shells. Other bombloads that can be fitted into the Victor Minor’s small bomb bay include submunitions from cluster and stand-off weapons dispensers.
PS has developed a ‘smart guidance’ system similar to the pre-Rifts BDU and Paveway systems, but using microchip guidance systems developed for the 15-30mm format micro-missiles, and for the Merlin II mortar systems. A nose guidance system is strapped to the explosive device, with combination clamps/wire conduits leading to a tail unit with a small battery and moto-actuated fins, that control the mini-bomb’s glide attitude in response to signals sent by the nose guidance unit. Though not as accurate as the larger systems, they still allow for a low cost improved accuracy package for small ordnance. Ordnance in the 20-30mm range, nor the SOW sub-munitions, is typically NOT fitted with this package; such munitions are usually packed for volume, rather than accuracy, and the rounded shape of the SOW sub-munitions makes them impossible to fit with the ‘smart pacs’.
Range: Effective accurate drop range is 2,000 ft
(20mm Bomb) 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(100 20 mm ‘smart’ rds costs 800 credits)
(20mm PSX-I)4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius (100 20 mm ‘smart’ rds costs 2,000 credits)
(20mm PSX-2)4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius (100 20 mm ‘smart’ rds costs 3,200 credits)

(25mm Bomb)
(SDC) (Fragmentation) 2d6x10 SDC to 10 ft radius( 10 credits each)
(High Explosive) 6d6x10 SDC to 4 ft radius( 20 credits each)
(MD)(Fragmentation)1d6 MD to 7 ft radius(100 credits each)
(High Explosive) 3d6 MD single shot, 5 ft blast radius( 200 credits each)

(Modified Hand Grenades)
(Fragmentation)2d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius(cost: 250 credits)
(Light High Explosive)3d6 MD to 3 ft blast radius(cost: 200 credits)
(Heavy High Explosive)4d6 MD to 3 ft blast radius(cost: 275 credits)
(Plasma)6d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius(cost: 350 credits)

(Modified 35-60mm Rifle Grenade)
(Fragmentation-SDC) 2d4x10 SDC to 20 ft blast radius(cost: 100 credits)
(Fragmentation-MD) 3d6 MD to 25 ft blast radius(cost: 280 credits)
(High Explosive) 6d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius(cost: 360 credits)
(Anti-Armor HEAT) Very heavy projectile. Does 2d4x10 MD to a 1 ft diameter area(shaped charge)(cost: 800 credits)
(Plasma/Micro-Fusion) 1d6x10 MD to 8 ft blast radius (cost: 800 credits)
(Incendiary) 2d6 MD flash damage to 12 ft blast radius, plus does 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 melees(cost: 350 credits)
(Acid)---4d6 MD to a 5 ft radius, then diminishes in strength by 1d6 each melee(lasts about 4 melees)(cost: 450 credits)
(Chemical) Effects vary, but contains enough chemical agent to cover a 15 ft radius
(Illumination) Can loft to an altitude of 600 ft, and illuminate a 500 ft radius for 4d4 melees. (cost: 15 credits)

(SOW Sub-Munitions)
Can be fitted for contact detonation, time delay, or even boobytrap area-denial.
(AP Grenade) 4d6 MD to 8 ft area
(Chemical Grenade) Varies by chemical type and atmospheric conditions. A chemical grenade will generally generate a cloud of aerosol 15 ft in radius.
(HE Shell) 5d6 MD to 20 ft area
(Fragmentation Mine) 4d6 MD to 12 ft area
(Incendiary Bomb) Does 4d6 MD to 40 ft area, does an additional 2d6 MD for 1d6 melees, and 1d6 MD per melee for an additional 2d4 melees
(Angel Hair)---Does NO damage, but against conventional power generators and uncovered power lines and distribution systems, it can short out power grids, clog generator air intakes(80% effectiveness against industrial generators and internal combustion engines), and be a general nuisance to clean up.

Bonuses: +2 to strike w/ ‘smart’ guidance package

Payload: 20 lb total payload capacity
20mm Bomblets generally weigh from 280 grams (3.5 ounces)each
25mm Bomblets generally weigh 185 grams(6.53 ounces) each
Hand Grenades generally weigh 230 grams(0.5 lbs) each
RLG Bomblets generally weigh from 280 to 750 grams each
SOW Submunition Bomblets generally weigh 420 -540 grams(0.93-1.2 lbs) each
“Smart” Guidance Package adds 125 grams(0.25 lbs) to the munition.

2) Wing Pods(2)---Like the Victor II, the Victor Minor has had its wing ‘tanks’ modified into additional weapons space, typically micro-missile launchers for self-defense.
a) 15-20mm MicroMissiles

b) 30mm MicroMissiles---Six per pod

c) Mini-Missile---One per hardpoint

d) Mini-Gun Pod(.22)--Modified long barrel version of the ‘Frenzy’ micro-machine gun.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: (.22LR) 1d6 SDCor 3d6 SD per 3-rd burst, 6d6 SDC for a six-round burst, a ten-round burst does 1d6x10 SDC, and a full twenty-round burst does 2d4x10 SDC.
(Wellington/PS Exploders) 3d6 SD per rd or 9d6 SD per 3-rd burst, 1d4x10 SDC for a six-round burst, a ten-round burst does 1d6x10 SDC, and a full twenty-round burst does 2d6x10 SDC.
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, a three round burst does 2d4 MD, a six-round burst does 4d4 MD, a ten-round burst does 1d4x10 MD, and a full twenty-round burst does 2d4x10 MD!!
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Payload: 250 rds

e) Mini-Laser---The equivalent of a Wilk’s laser pistol
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per single shot, 3d6 MD triple shot burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 200 shot battery for electrically-powered models, effectively unlimited for nuclear versions.

*Scramblers---Developed from Juicer scramblers(also available to the micro-scale ‘Speedball’ Hovercycle) but not as powerful; vehicle has only a 25% chance of being detected by thermal optics, motion detectors, and radar systems, and guided missiles are -2 to strike. Cost: 22,000 credits.

*Mc-BHP(TW)---Technowizardry variant. Features the following:
-Regenerator Power Cylinder. PPE Capacity:(Light)----100 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid.
*(Boosted) Ley Line Flier---Can fly effectively indefinitely on a ley line at 500 MPH.

*Levitation----A low-powered Levitation spell allows the aircraft to make STOL takeoffs and landings, especially important when using unimproved fields or when heavily laden. Can also be used by ground crews to taxi and move landed aircraft for servicing and repair. 30 minutes per 5 PPE.

*Breath Without Air----Enables the aircraft to fly at high altitude without standard pressurization reinforcement----10 minutes per 10 PPE.

*Armor of Ithan---------100 MDC, duration 40 melees(10 minutes). Activation PPE/ISP: 15PPE/25 ISP

*Mystical Stealth System----Renders the aircraft silent and invisible, even during the day. Great for evading detection, surveillance, and tailing, but the moment the aircraft takes any sort of aggressive manuever, the stealth drops and the aircraft can be readily detected. Costs 20 PPE per 3 minutes of activation.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Mc-BHP Victor MicroBomber
Now this is evil man
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Aramanthus »

WOW!!! This last 6 months have caused PS to be very productive. We here at the Federated States will be investing quite a bit of capitol in the new products.

Very nice. I am looking forward to seeing new material. I have been reading this thread over the last week or so.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Aramanthus wrote:WOW!!! This last 6 months have caused PS to be very productive. We here at the Federated States will be investing quite a bit of capitol in the new products.

Very nice. I am looking forward to seeing new material. I have been reading this thread over the last week or so.

Been a little slow of late...after twn years, my immediate superior decided to quit and take a job closer to her home(seeing as she has two kids now, it's understandable)...that means extra hours(and money, yeaaahhhhh!!) for me because I have to fill in while they're looking at a replacement for her, but that also means more time commuting and less time for writing(...nnnrgggg...).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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It is undwerstandable. More money is always good though. I will try to inspire you to create new things.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

It's not a matter of inspiration...I have maybe 10-20 projects in various stages of completion that I want to get finished, but for various reasons, can't do as quickly as I'd like...
1) One is time, enemy of all. Real Life. Earn a Living Time. Down Time. Whatever you choose to call it. And even when I find the time, it's not always healthy...I've practically crippled myself and given myself a headache from all the time I spend in front of my computer. THis is particularly bad in spring and summer, when I really SHOULD get off my fat ass, get serious physical things done, and lose some weight.

2) Another is enthusiasm lag---what SOUNDED like a great idea initially gets stifled because I take a second look at it and realize that the job it's supposed to do is already done better by a previous design-post of mine. So I either discrd the project or try to rework it to do something else, which leads to...

3) New Development---Cut and paste goes only so far, and sooner or later I have to develop wholly new stat blocks for wholly new weapons. I can sometimes get around development lag by swiping material from the Rifter or other posters(and accredit them), but coming up with a snazzy new gun system can sometimes stop a project that's been rolling along at a thunder, in its tracks.

4) Artwork....Sometimes I really want to do something up right with art...and art takes a helluva lot more time, especially since I essentially scan and fill in...and cleaning up all the 'artifacts' of the process...all those little white pixels that didn't get filled in or 'painted' over can be a pain in the ass. I've never entirely been happy with how most of my art comes out because it's rather simplistic, compared to what I'm seeing in my head.
I've discarded a lot of early starts on illos for posts becuase it didn't fit what I wanted, the design parameters changed, or something else cropped up, and that slows or stops project completion.

Typically, I start with a surge of enthuasim, and if I don't get it done in three or four days, it lags, especially if I run into one of the above problems. Fortunately, sometimes if I have a New Development Lag, if I wait long enough for my frustration to cool off and enough time to pass, sometimes I'll stumble across something or create something fro some otehr project that I realize I can use straight or modify to fix that previous stumble, and the momentum on the older, locked, project carries it finally to completion.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

It's terrible when your saving throw to stay focus is a 2 or better on a D20, and you miss it by 6.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:It's terrible when your saving throw to stay focus is a 2 or better on a D20, and you miss it by 6.

That's when you suddenly realize that 'multitasking' has come to mean 'in addition to typing, remember to breath and maintain a pulse." :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

NEXT DAGGER Augmentation Package:
(PU2 budget of 9.22 million per operative)

“What the hell just happened?! What’s the lockdown about?!”
“You’re not going to like this...”
”That prisoner? The enemy pilot? She was all calm and meditating in her cell, so we served her dinner. She just docily ate it and slid the tray out the door so Sei could collect it. He was retrieving it when...well, she somehow got the door open and served the tray to his face. Knocked him clean out! After that...she moves damn fast, took out two other crewmembers and is currently at large!”
“Damn! Secure the bridge and laun-”
“...$#!+...She’s ahead of us...”
“Wait, Bay ONE!? There’s only one fighter in Bay One! MY fighter!”
“Well, then, she’s stuck. The Nova Freedom’s customized specifically for you-”

“....okay, that’s more than just jimmying a lock...”
“...she stole my fighter?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!”

NEXT DAGGER is a biomod intended to maximize pilot performance and allow the biological component of manned flight to remain up to the rigors of the technological portion. NEXT DAGGER is typically offered to elite fighter, aerospace, and robot pilots, especially those assigned to the newer generations of high performance machines.
NEXT DAGGER borrows proven elements from the ROUGH PYTHON and BLACK GRAVEL programmes. Intense study of Phaeton Juicers was also conducted(and a number of detoxed Phaeton Juicers were among the first to recieve this biomod) to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and long term effects of pilot-oriented biological modification. After much careful consideration and experimentation, NEXT DAGGER was implemented, starting with test pilots in the Aegis Stellar Industries division of Paladin Steel, where the company was working with VERT high performance(relative to Rifts Earth) Three Galaxies hardware, most notably contra-gravitic propulsion systems.
Mentally, the reaction times, perception abilities, and multi-tasking capabilities are amped up as much as possible. The reflexes are jacked up almost to the point of physiologically inhuman response times. To compensate, the recipients also recieve training in deep relaxation techniques to relieve nervous tension and boredom on long flights and deep space patrols.
Physically, the pilot is ‘hardened’ against the strains encountered piloting high performance machines; the circulatory system is improved to deliver blood more efficiently to the vital organs, the heart is stronger to handle strain, and several auxiliary ‘micro-pumps’ are implanted throughout the body on key arteries to keep the blood flowing, especially to the grain, during high-gee ‘blackout’ conditions. Environmental protections include the ability to handle cold, low pressure(DAGGERs are effectively immune to altitude sickness), low oxygen, high altitude radiation exposure, and even brief exposure to vacuum. Other improvements include extra ‘bio-goggles’ eyelids to provide protection against airborne debris, reinforced spine to handle high gee and ejection accelerations, and an internal ‘girdle’ of fiberous body tissue that serves as an internal gee-support(but also provides some damage resistance).
The most controversial part of the NEXT DAGGER programme is the inducement of high level psionic abilities in recipients, most notably Electrokinesis and Telemechanics, giving the pilots the potential ability to more closely ‘bond’ with their machines in manners equal to, or greater than, hardwired systems such as headjack connections.
In terms of attitude, NEXT DAGGERs tend to be twitchy and constantly a-motion when on duty, ready to explode into action. The biomod also lends itself to high calorie intake, especially after missions; NEXT DAGGER recipients tend to burn a lot of energy and need to eat 2-3 times as much, although their efficient metabolisms keep the added food intake from translating into fat(earning the bio-mod the nickname ‘Slim-Fast Mod’)*. Extensive training in meditation techniques helps control their restlessness and their physical cravings. Because of the large investment placed in these pilots(for the cost of a single NEXT DAGGER augmentation, it is argued, a military could buy a light robot vehicle, hoverjet, or helicopter gunship) PS and the GNE take good care of their NEXT DAGGERs to prevent them from burning out, with contant health monitoring and readily available counseling(not to mention a great buffet before and after missions), and this has helped reinforce the idea of the DAGGERs being a ‘pampered elite’.

*(Interestingly enough, it has been noted by flight physicians that NEXT DAGGER bio-mods seem to have a decreased chance of such ailments as hardened arteries, arterial sclerosis, and stroke, in part due to their enhanced circulatory systems)

“We’ve built a better pilot. Now to build machines to match.”

-Extraordinary Physical Prowess--+2d4 P.P., +3d4 Speed, +1 APM, +3 Automatic Dodge. +10% to acrobatics/gymnastics, climb, and prowl. (550,000)

-Lightning Reflexes---+3 initiative, +1 disarm, +3 pull punch, +2 roll, +2d4 Speed, +1 APM, automatic dodge(+3), and W.P. Paired Weapons(700,000)(1,250,000)

-Enhanced Physical Prowess--+1 P.P., +1 Pull Punch.(300,000)(1,550,000)

- Improved Digestive Tract--Reduced fatigue rate, +1 save vs poison, +6 to save versus food poisoning and stomach illnesses. Also gets a +1 to initiative and +1d6+1 to Speed for 1 hour after eating(this is also why many NEXT DAGGER pilot suits have a small supply of readily digestible food pastes, pill rations, or specially formulated ‘milkshakes’ available to them through a helmet dispenser) . (300,000)(1,800,000)

-Brain Enhancement---+1 IQ, +1 initiative, +2% all skills. +1 save versus Horror Factor and Possession, +1d4 additional Secondary Skills(600,000)(2,400,000)

-Heightened Sense of Awareness---+2 initiative, +1 roll, +2 save vs Horror Factor. (200,000)(2,600,000)

-Brain: Psionics(Super Combat)---Gets Electrokinesis and Telemechanics, plus 2 Super Psionic powers and 1d4+ 1 Physical powers of choice. ISP: 2d6x10 +M.E. (2.1 mil)(4,700,000)

-Ambidextrous---+1 APM, +1 parry, +5% to Climbing, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and Mechanical/Electrical repair. (300,000)(5,000,000)

-Enhanced Endurance---+1 P.E., +2d6 SDC(250,000)(5,250,000)

-Armored Eyes---(Protect against loss of pressure)(100,000)(5,350,000)

-Radiation Resistance---Thickened cell walls and extra layers of skin provide some added protection from the increased levels of radiation found in space. Can handle ten times the normal safe rad limits for their species. (200,000) (5,550,000)

-Heightened Sense of Balance---Adapted to better adapt the person to living without a definite up-and-down. The vagris nerve is modified to control the urge to vomit under disorientation, and such cues as inner ear signals can be consciously ‘overriden’ with less difficulty. +2 roll, +5 to maintain balance, +10% to Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Climbing, and Movement: Zero Gravity, and the recipient can fire an aimed, Called Shot or burst without penalty while moving, tumbling, or spinning in zero gravity. (50,000)(5,600,000)

-SDC Augmentation---+60 SDC(60,000)(5,660,000)

-Improved Heart---+2d6 SDC, +2d6 Hit Points, +1 save versus disease, +4 save versus heart and blood diseases, +14% save versus coma/death, and fatigues at 1/3 normal rate. (6,300,000)

-Lungs: Enhanced--- Can hold breath for about 10 minutes, and fatigues at half the normal rate.(300,000)(6,600,000)

-Lungs: Filtration---The recipient can now breath tainted air; +5 save versus gases(200,000)(6,800,000)

-Lungs: Third Lung---Extra lung capacity---Combined with the Enhanced Lungs, the recipient can effectively hold their breath for 2d6+12 minutes. Can also breath carbon dioxide if necessary. (900,000)(7,700,000)

-Cold Resistance---Takes HALF damage from cold-based attacks, and temperatures as low as freezing have no adverse effects.(120,000)(7,820,000)

-Spinal Column---+3 roll, and takes only 1/3 normal damage on a successful roll. (500,000)

-Adrenaline Surge---Once every 24 hours, the NEXT DAGGER can boost their performance for 1d4 minutes; +1 APM, +1 dodge, +3 save versus poison/drugs, +10 to PS and is jacked up into the Extraordinary range, +20 to Speed, and +20 to SDC. The letdown is that immediately afterwards, the DAGGER is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, reduce Speed by 20%, and the bio-mod feels tired and loggy and for 5d6 minutes. (9,220,000)

Total bonuses:
ISP: 2d6x10 +ME.
+1 I.Q.
+2d4+1 P.P.
+1 P.E.
+5d4 Speed
+60+4d6 SDC
+2d6 Hit Points
+6 initiative
+2 APM
+6 Automatic Dodge
+1 parry
+5 Roll
+4 Pull Punch
+5 Maintain Balance
+1 save versus Horror Factor and Possession
+1 save versus disease
+1 save vs poison
+6 to save versus food poisoning and stomach illnesses
+5 save versus gases
+4 save versus heart and blood diseases, +14% save versus coma/death
+2% all skills
+10% to Prowl
+20% to Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Climbing, and Movement: Zero Gravity
+5% to Climbing, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and Mechanical/Electrical repair.
+1d4 additional Secondary Skills

-Bio-Regeneration: Healing Factor---Getting wounded in the field, over enemy territory, or in deep space, away from immediate assistance, and in one’s flightsuit where it isn’t easy to self-administer first aide isn’t a good thing for one’s continued health. This bio-mod addition increases the chances for survival. +2d6+6 Hit Points, +25 SDC, +20% save versus coma/death, +3 save versus magic, poison, and toxins, +3 save versus psionic attack, and recovers 3 SDC every 10 minutes, 1 Hit Point every 15 minutes, can super-heal twice per 24 hours(4d6 HP instantly), takes half damage from cold and fire, drugs and toxins do one third normal damage/duration/effet on an unsuccessful save, and the patient heals without scarring. (1.2 mil)

-Hibernation---This ability allows the recipient to go into a state of torpor for up to a year, with as little as four hours preparation. During this time the biomodded person is in a mild coma and uses only 1/10 the normal amount of air and other consumables as a fully awake person would.(50,000)

-Energy Reserve:(Fatty Bladder)---An extra energy-storage organ that stores water and nutrients, allowing the person to last one day per P.E. point without food or water. Used in combination with the Hibernation ability, this allows a torpored space traveller to live off stored fat and water while awaiting rescue. (250,000)

-Bioregeneration(Chimera)---Heals 1d6 HP or 1d6+3 SDC per melee of rest or sleep.(3 mil)

-Mental Acuity---Jack up the psionics! Adds psionic powers Total Recall, Sense Time, Mind Block, and Sixth Sense, and the operative saves as a Minor Psychic. ISP: (+)1d6+10+M.E.(600,000)
Last edited by taalismn on Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

NEXT DAGGER Augmentation Package:
man awesome man !!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

A lot of thought went into this and it shows. Bravo, I can't wait for your next biomod package.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

89er wrote:A lot of thought went into this and it shows. Bravo, I can't wait for your next biomod package.

Thing is, if you REALLY wanted to jack up the bonuses(and the cost) a bit more, add on the Brain: Mental Acuity (Powers Unlimited 2, pg. 19)...for another 600,000 credits, you get Total Recall, Time Sense, Mind Block, AND Sixth Sense...yeah, give a NEXT DAGGER a decent ride and add in the bonuses every time this guy gets bounced, and you can thumb your nose at Amuro Rey and Kira Yamato before you waste 'em...

And if you take notes, the NEXT DAGGER in the opening fluff essentially waited until she'd fed, got a speed burst revving, used Telemechanics(and Electrokinesis) to jigger the electronic door mechanism, then used enhanced reaction time to bounce the guards(and maybe Adrenaline Surge)....'Jacking a fighter was easy enough to do with Telemechanics.

Yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit we're building munchkins here. :bandit: :P :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:It's terrible when your saving throw to stay focus is a 2 or better on a D20, and you miss it by 6.

That's when you suddenly realize that 'multitasking' has come to mean 'in addition to typing, remember to breath and maintain a pulse." :P

Why typing? Never mind. :D

Coming soon new aircraft with full option list and weapon package.

Why Smallkin should not work the bakery.
Last edited by abtex on Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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