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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Hmmm, it appears to be a month and a half since Iczer posted his last set of powers...
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, it appears to be a month and a half since Iczer posted his last set of powers...

Yes. Yes it has.

I should see to that.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Iczer »

Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, it appears to be a month and a half since Iczer posted his last set of powers...

Yes. Yes it has.

I should see to that.


I have no idea what you could do that you haven't already done.

Mano-A-Mano [Major]
'They just vanished for a moment. When I looked back Captain Justice was a smear on the floor'

The character can draw himself and one other into a private portable universe. This blank, dank pocket dimension is short lived, lasting only a single melee round (Plus 1 round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15).
Targets must be within 30 feet for this ability to function, and the character can draw no more than a single target with him.

In combat, this is typically used to isolate a target, making the character the target's only option. (for one melee round anyway).
By absorbing just himself into this realm, the character can use this as a dodge, seemingly vanishing, only to return a round later (+6 to dodge in this fashion)
Alternatively, the character can take up to 100Lbs of innanimate matter (per level) with him when he moves. in this way he can pull a hand grenade out of space, before it explodes. The character cannot affect held or attached objects, and cannot 'cut' an object with this power (taking only some of an object).
At duration's end, the player and his target, return to where they exited space from. if the new space is occupied, they are shunted somewhere nearby. if no such polace existss, they remain trapped in their limbo until they can reenter the world.
This power requires no actioon to use per se, but can only be performed once per minute (4 combat rounds)

Bend environment [Major]
'You may control the earth Earthmover, but I control everything else!'

The character can 'seize' everything within his ME in feet (Plus 5 feet per level), including the ground and the air. This action takes an entire melee round to perform, during which time the character cannot move (he may parry during this time, but not dodge, and his concentration is broken if he is knocked down)

Once the character has seized the area, he is literally holding everything in this area, through force of will.
* The character can feel all objects in his local area, including people. thusly he cannot be taken by suprise except by long range attacks or by guile.
* The character is 'touching' all objects in the area. Powers and abilities that require 'touch' to work now work on all objects in the area.
* The character can bend or shape the environment to fit his moods, effectively posessing Superhuman PS equal to his PE plus 3 per level.
* he can perform strikes and parries with the ground, nearby trees, even an opponent's weapon (though he cannot make an object levitate). Such attacks inflict 4D6 damage (plus a damage bonus figuered from the character's PE bonus) and are +4 to strike and parry.
* While controlling his environment, he enjoys an extra 2 attacks per melee round

The power does have a few inherant drawbacks.
* The character cannot control objects brought into his area after he has seized it.
* The power cannot control people or animals, though they can be affected by the other objects in the affected area and are -2 to dodge attacks that come from literally any angle.

Other bonuses: +2 ME +2 PE +20 SDC

Energy Scaling [Minor]
'sorry buddy, I down tuned your lasers. Now you have a pretty lightshow going on'

The character can affect incoming and outgoing energy attacks. At will the character can tune a source of energy upwards or downwards by 1D6 per level, adding or subtracting the damage as necessary. energy sources to be affected must be within 40 feet of the character, though the enrgy only has to pass through that area.
Energy attacks that inflict more than just damage (Tasers, blinding light, the heat of the desert) grant the character a +1 to relevant saving throws per level.
The character can be indiscriminate or very selective with this power. He could downtune all an enemy's energy weapons while amping up the ferocity of his flamethrower, or he could make a fire wall somewhat less intimidating while his allies continue firing with enhanced blasters at an aproaching juggernaught.

Crash field: [Minor]
'I owe my life to my seatbelt. So what if I ride a motorcycle'

The character can spontaneously generate a liquid field of force over his body, lasting momentarilly enough to absorb heavy crushing damage.
Whenever the character performs a roll with punch/fall/impact, the field engages cushioning him from the blow. he automatically takes half damage, which is halved again if his roll with punch is successful.

The character can trigger this deliberately as well, as an action, which can absorb one half of almost any attack physical or energy attack (roll a dodge with a +6 bonus only). If the character suspects he is about to suffer a large impact, he may even attempt to wrap this field around someone close to him to shelter them both.

Project [Major]
'Come to me my Q-Guard!'

The character can project his senses and appearance out to great distances. The character takes a melee round to relax (no fighting) and then craetes a projection of himself to some place within 10 miles +2 miles per level. this has the same success chance as teleportation, with fewer complications (in fact, once he has projected successfully, he can follow it up with a teleport if he has that power) and the character enjoys a +15% when projecting towards 'close' friends or family. +10% with acquaintences +5% to known individuals who are indifferent.

The projection cannot stray more than 30 feet from the point it arrives, and can remain up to 6 minues per level. the pjojection can speak, see and hear, but is otherwise intangible and vaguley transperant.

Donor [Major]
'Hold On..I have something just for this occasion....a spleen!'

The character is capable of implanting his own flesh into others, healing and repairing damage and suplementing them with new body parts.
1) Transfer HP. By touch, the character can transfer his flesh and blood to a target at a rate of 1D4 per melee round of continuous contact. HP lost by the character are gained by the target.
2) Repair grevious damage. the character can transfer his own flesh and blood to repair broken and missong body parts. Organs cost 20 HP to regrow, a swath of skin costs 5 HP per square foot. fingers cost 5, a hand or foot 10, a limb 20. regrowing up to half a person's body requires 50 or more HP to be transferred. regrowing a body for a head to be regrafted on will cost 75, while taking a (living) brain and growing a whole body around it will cost 100HP.
3) caveats: The character literally gives his own flesh away for this power. aside from being gross, it has all the problems that sharing blood has, and without care a healed patient may get suddenly ill further down the track. Gradually, the borrowed flesh is absorbed into the target's body and becomes his own. Track any loaned HP as 'damage' and record it. this damage heals at the normal rate. Once healed, the flesh is now the targets own.
4) other benefits: +1D4x10+10 HP heals at 2x normal rate +2D4 PE

I won't deny that, after all this time, some if these feel very similiar to what has gone before. Apologies in advance. (oh..and a few more coming)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

Why does bend environment only seem to have superhuman strength? It would seem like it should be higher.

Does the Donor character regrow lost organs?
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Unread post by Iczer »

AlanGunhouse wrote:Why does bend environment only seem to have superhuman strength? It would seem like it should be higher.

Does the Donor character regrow lost organs?

'Only' superhuman?

considering how immense superhuman strength actually is, I'm hesitant to raise it any higher. a third level character with 14 PE can use a superhuman PS of 21. That's car tossing level of strength right there (4200lbs/6300lbs) . remembering he can simply hide under inside a cupboard and still use this power effectively, striking foes with concrete fists, gusts of air, as well as disarming them etc. Also I make the tentative assumption that PE is going to be something character focus on considerably and so while my example has a PE of 14 I would not be suprised to see low to mid 20's there. Lastly, I'm not comfortable rolling a major power into another major power.

The Donor character is trickier. Technically, there is nothing stopping him from making himself the target of his own powers (oh dang..lost an eye..better regrow it).
The only real drama is that missing an organ is a terrible strain on living and is considerably distracting to say the least. If some ninja with a ginsu blade has torn your heart out you are likely to pass out and die long before you get a chance to regrow your own heart.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by abtex »

Well come back. Nice powers.
Iczer wrote:... Apologies in advance. (oh..and a few more coming)

Powers or Apologies? :D
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

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Unread post by Iczer »

abtex wrote:Well come back. Nice powers.
Iczer wrote:... Apologies in advance. (oh..and a few more coming)

Powers or Apologies? :D

Powers of course........

Body swap [Major]
'You have a nice body. I may take it out for a spin'

The character can swap bodies with a target, through a process similiar but somewhat different to posession.

The character needs to get a hold of a target, usually by grappling, though this works if grappled in turn. Once the grapple has started, the character engages this power at the cost of two actions.

The target gets an immeadiate saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) BUT if the saving throw is successful, and the grapple is not broken, the next save, and all subsequent saves are at -1 until either a) contact is broken or b) the target fails a saving throw. The target is aware *something* is happening when he succeeds, and may attempt to break contact rather than hang on and risk it.

If the target fails, then the two minds swap bodies. Both parties are stunned (no actions, may defend themseves normally, skill use is at -20%). the character for one melee round after the transfer, and the target for 1D4+1 rounds (The character is somewhat acclimitised to his own power)

Being in someone elses body is awkward. The controls are all in the wrong place, the centre of gravity is quite different from person to person. The character suffers a -5% to all physical skills and -1 to all combat abilities. The target, who does not have any power compensating for this new situation, suffers a -15% to physical skill use and -3 to all combat abilities.

Other notes when riding in the wrong body.
* Superpowers do not come with you. You can't body swap again without returning to your own body.
* You may be better at riding in other people's bodies, but you don't know how the body works. their superpowers (if any) can only be used if you know that they have them, or if they are automatic. the character will lack the experience of using another person's powers.
* PPE: spellcasters will be horrified to learn that their new body is unable to chanel PPE as well as the one they have been training with. They cans till cast spells, but have to use the host's body's PPE (or any other PPE they can gather)
* psionics: as a general rule, psionic powers and ISP travel with the relevant mind, though an unwanted body swap will sap 2D6 ISP from a target. Note that Mind block prevents a body swap.

Duration: 10 minutes per level. with a few caveat's.
* he can be exorcised and driven out by supernatural powers. either party can have this done.
* Near death of the character will automatically end the mind swap. if the character's original body drops to 0 HP, the swap ends. nothign happens if the target's body drops to 0 HP though.
* actual death of either body either ends the swap (75%) or renders it permanent (20%) or kills both parties (5%)
*The character can end the swap prematurely. he can be bargained with, threatened or tricked to do this as well.

Other bonuses: has a +4 to save vs posession. +1D4+1 to MA.

Escape clause [Minor]
'I do this to live again'

The character can self destruct his own body. willing this requires being conscious and having at least a melee round to prepare (the character can abort it early though, starting it each melee round and ending it before the time is up) but does not consume concenration nor actions.

When he wills it he takes 60 damage, directly to HP. if this does not kill him, then the effect ends (and the character is likely in a world of pain). If he still has positive HP remaining, he will be conscious and can keep trying (make a saving throw vs pain to try this twice in a row 14+ required ME bonuses apply).

The damage occurs as a deep energetic reaction in his cells that explodes outwards. he inflicts 5D6 damage to anyone within 5 feet, 1D4x10+10 damage to anything actually holding on to him.

Of course there is an upside. if the character dies by his own hand in this way, he will recover. within 4D6 miles of the place of his destruction he will begin to reform, Taking 6 weeks per level to do so. It will be somewhere relatively safe with access to heat, bright light, electricity or other strong forms of energy the cocoon can absorb.

at duration's end he emerges from the cocoon. all physical statistics are refigured, without benefit of physical skills (the body is brand new). the character may literally be a new man. he retains his powers side effects and any mutations (though a particularilly mean GM may require them to be refigured)

Inscruitable [Minor]
'Tough to figure me out huh'

The character's body and mind work on a highly overcomplicated level. not necessarilly smarter or stronger, just differently. His methods and ways of thinking will be odd by many people's standards.

Mentally, he is smarter, (+1D4IQ) but less social (-1d4MA). Trivial tasks take twice as long to complete, while complex ones take half as long.
Psychically, he is unreadable. telepathy and empathy reveal only static. a mind bond considers the mind to be 'alien'. he enjoys a +4 to saving throws vs psionics. read aura always gives wildly innacurate information.
Physically, his mannersims and cues are off. reading his body language almost always fails, and powers that discern the vagrancies of his body (Life sense, sense death and destruction, criminal intuition and living anatomy for examples) do not function, or worse give off the wrong signals.

Werefish [Minor]
'I swear boss, he just dove into the water and became this giant man-Cod.'

The character can acquire short lived fish like traits at will. these changes last until unneeded or unwanted.
At will the character can gain any of the following traits
* Gills (though cannot breathe air normally)
* Scales AR 8
* Fish tail (swim speed equals running speed. land speed drops to 1D4+1)
* resistance to cold (half damage)
* low light vision for 60 feet.

enacting any of these changes cause the character to grow immediate fish like physical traits that effectively drop the character's PB to 1D6+1 for the duration of the change.

Navigator: [Minor]
'Turn left at the twisted tree and proceed 141.63 feet veering 3 degrees North-North west every 4.42 feet. rotate 18.6 degrees left at that point and you should see where I dropped my watch.'

The character takes mental snapshots of landmarks and traces very precise distances and directions as he moves. He can also eyeball great distances and even pre-empt this process somewhat.

The character enjoys a natural land navigation skill of 65% +5% per level. He cannot get lost, as every footfall he takes is recorded in his mind to be played back at will. even if transported against his will, he gains a very precise (to within 1-3%) accurate perception of speed, heading and time. kidnapping him and blindfolding him does not stop this. locking him in the trunk of a car, and driving him to the air port, and then taking the car on a cross country Jaunt via air freight may disturb him, but he can make a fairly educated guess at his destination by detecting the subtle shifts in inertia as he is jostled. Unconsciousness will thwart this ability though.

His ability to judges speed distances is extrmely accurate, down to the last percentage. if he can reasonably see an incoming attack, he gains a +2 to dodge and initiative against it (though he cannot see bullets or vey fast projectiles, he can use this to dive through closing doors, dodge rockfalls etc)


more coming.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Werefish... LOL.
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Yeah, one more name for a were-fish:

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Unread post by gaby »

Paralyzing touch
the character can temporarily paralyze someone else with just a touch.
duration up to 25 minute by it self or character wills it to end.

I thinking the duration grows by 1 minute for ever level of experience.

What do you think?
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Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

gaby wrote:Paralyzing touch
the character can temporarily paralyze someone else with just a touch.
duration up to 25 minute by it self or character wills it to end.

I thinking the duration grows by 1 minute for ever level of experience.

What do you think?

I think the power would require a saving throw.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

AlanGunhouse wrote:
gaby wrote:Paralyzing touch
the character can temporarily paralyze someone else with just a touch.
duration up to 25 minute by it self or character wills it to end.

I thinking the duration grows by 1 minute for ever level of experience.

What do you think?

I think the power would require a saving throw.

Agreed. You also need to write up the power in proper format. The way it reads seems like you are suggesting an idea for a power rather than acrtually presenting one fully fleshed out.
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I am better at coming up with a idea for a Power then seting up the rules for it. Sorry.
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Unread post by taalismn »

gaby wrote:I am better at coming up with a idea for a Power then seting up the rules for it. Sorry.

Practice, practice, practice.
A mere idea is a sandcastle that is swept away with the next tide, unless you invest some effort in it, like a barrier wall, or cast that castle in concrete with reinforced pilings, or divert the ocean.
Conceive the idea, then build it up, make it solid, make it workable, and your ideas will endure.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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"Invention is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration." - Thomas A. Edison
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AlanGunhouse wrote:"Invention is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration." - Thomas A. Edison

"Writing is easy; one simply stares at a blank piece of paper until blood starts to drip from your forehead."-Gene Fowler
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

not a power but a compiled powers chart for immortals, demon etc.
Supernatural characters power chart

1-4 Super Abilities: 4 Minor
5-8 Psionics: 2 from each of the minor categories plus 2 super psionics + 2 minor psionics per level ISP: 3d4X10+ ME + 10 ISP per level
9-12 Super Abilities: 1 Major and 2 minor
13-16 Super Abilities: Power grows with experience 1 Major @ 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15
17-20 Magic: 10 spells from level 1-6 and 6 from level 7-12 PPE bonus 1d6X10+60
21-24 Super Abilities: 2 Major 1 minor
25-28 Psionics and Super Abilities: 1 Major or 2 minor and 1d4 super psionics with 2d4+2 minor psionics ISP: 1d6X10+50 + 8 ISP per level
29-32 Psionics and Super Abilities: 1 Major and 1 minor plus 1d4+3 minor psionics from one category ISP: 1d4X10+10+ME + 5 ISP per level
33-36 Psionics & Magic: 10 spells from Levels 1-5 plus 2 super psionics and 2D4+2 minor psionics ISP: 1d6X10+ME +10 ISP per level PPE: 4D4X10 +2d6 per level
37-40 Super Abilities: 1 Major and 4 minor
41-44 Super Abilities: 3 Major
45-48 Super Abilities: 2 Major and 2 minor
49-52 Super Abilities: 2 Major and 3 minor
53-56 Super Abilities and Magic: 1 Major and 1 minor with 8 spells from levels 1-5 and 5 spells from levels 6-9 PPE: 2d4X10+20 + immortal amount per level
57-60 Master Psychic: 1d4+4 from each of the minor categories plus 6 super psionics ISP MEX10 + 15 ISP per level
61-64 Super Abilities & psionics: 1 Major and 2 Minor (or 2 Major) with 1d4 super psionics and 1d6+6 minor psionics ISP: 1d6X10+ME +10 ISP per level
65-68 Wizard Supreme: 20 spells from levels 1-10 and 1d6+6 from 11-15 plus 1 spell per level from levels 1-10 PPE 2d6X10+90 +10 PPE per level
69-72 Super Abilities: 7 minor or 3 major and 1 minor or 1 major and 5 minor
73-76 Arcane knowledge: 12 spells from levels 1-8 + 1 spell per level from levels 1-8 +1 to spell strength at 3, 7 & 12 PPE 2d6X10+PE +2d6 PPE per level
77-80 Super Abilities and Magic: 1 Major and 1minor with 6 spells from level 1-5 PPE: PEx2 +1d6 per level
81-84 Super Abilities and Magic: 2 minor powers with 10 spells from levels 1-5 PPE PEX3 +2d4 per level
85-88 Arcane Knowledge: 13 spells from levels 1-7 + 1 spell per level from levels 1-7 +1 spell strength @ 3, 7 & 11 PPE: 2d6X10+PE +2D6 PPE per level
89-92 Diversity of power: 2d4+2 minor super abilities
93-96 Supreme power: 1d4+1 Major super abilities
97-100 Magic prowess & Super Abilities: 1 Major super ability & 2d6+10 Spells from Levels 1-8 PPE double normal +12 PPE per Level (if no normal amount PEx10 +12 PPE per level)
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

dragon_blaze_99 wrote:not a power but a compiled powers chart for immortals, demon etc.
Supernatural characters power chart

1-4 Super Abilities: 4 Minor
5-8 Psionics: 2 from each of the minor categories plus 2 super psionics + 2 minor psionics per level ISP: 3d4X10+ ME + 10 ISP per level
9-12 Super Abilities: 1 Major and 2 minor
13-16 Super Abilities: Power grows with experience 1 Major @ 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15
17-20 Magic: 10 spells from level 1-6 and 6 from level 7-12 PPE bonus 1d6X10+60
21-24 Super Abilities: 2 Major 1 minor
25-28 Psionics and Super Abilities: 1 Major or 2 minor and 1d4 super psionics with 2d4+2 minor psionics ISP: 1d6X10+50 + 8 ISP per level
29-32 Psionics and Super Abilities: 1 Major and 1 minor plus 1d4+3 minor psionics from one category ISP: 1d4X10+10+ME + 5 ISP per level
33-36 Psionics & Magic: 10 spells from Levels 1-5 plus 2 super psionics and 2D4+2 minor psionics ISP: 1d6X10+ME +10 ISP per level PPE: 4D4X10 +2d6 per level
37-40 Super Abilities: 1 Major and 4 minor
41-44 Super Abilities: 3 Major
45-48 Super Abilities: 2 Major and 2 minor
49-52 Super Abilities: 2 Major and 3 minor
53-56 Super Abilities and Magic: 1 Major and 1 minor with 8 spells from levels 1-5 and 5 spells from levels 6-9 PPE: 2d4X10+20 + immortal amount per level
57-60 Master Psychic: 1d4+4 from each of the minor categories plus 6 super psionics ISP MEX10 + 15 ISP per level
61-64 Super Abilities & psionics: 1 Major and 2 Minor (or 2 Major) with 1d4 super psionics and 1d6+6 minor psionics ISP: 1d6X10+ME +10 ISP per level
65-68 Wizard Supreme: 20 spells from levels 1-10 and 1d6+6 from 11-15 plus 1 spell per level from levels 1-10 PPE 2d6X10+90 +10 PPE per level
69-72 Super Abilities: 7 minor or 3 major and 1 minor or 1 major and 5 minor
73-76 Arcane knowledge: 12 spells from levels 1-8 + 1 spell per level from levels 1-8 +1 to spell strength at 3, 7 & 12 PPE 2d6X10+PE +2d6 PPE per level
77-80 Super Abilities and Magic: 1 Major and 1minor with 6 spells from level 1-5 PPE: PEx2 +1d6 per level
81-84 Super Abilities and Magic: 2 minor powers with 10 spells from levels 1-5 PPE PEX3 +2d4 per level
85-88 Arcane Knowledge: 13 spells from levels 1-7 + 1 spell per level from levels 1-7 +1 spell strength @ 3, 7 & 11 PPE: 2d6X10+PE +2D6 PPE per level
89-92 Diversity of power: 2d4+2 minor super abilities
93-96 Supreme power: 1d4+1 Major super abilities
97-100 Magic prowess & Super Abilities: 1 Major super ability & 2d6+10 Spells from Levels 1-8 PPE double normal +12 PPE per Level (if no normal amount PEx10 +12 PPE per level)

Cool. I shall have to add this to the charts and tables in the Black Vault wiki when I get time.
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cool :bandit:
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Unread post by abe »

besides my soda pop based major power, any other NEW food based powers forming out there?
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Lock On is one of those "never miss" adaptations to powers that irk me, Mephisto. I kind of like Tactile Skin, though...
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Lock On is one of those "never miss" adaptations to powers that irk me, Mephisto. I kind of like Tactile Skin, though...

Well, it could be changed to give a Strike bonus, or a penalty to dodge. It's kind of meant to be a blast that doesn't have to follow a straight line to hit its target.

Huh, it didn't seem to be that kind of a power. I will have to reread it and perhaps make suggestions.
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Unread post by NMI »

I like this. Reminds of certain Mortal Kombat PC's :D
Mephisto wrote:Mid-Air Acrobat (Minor) "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky"

This odd power enables the character to perform impressive acrobatic skills while in the air. This can be a case of a leap off the side of a building, while free falling from a plane, or being thrown by a strong teammate. While in mid-air, the following bonuses occur:

+1 Initiative in mid-air at levels 3, 6, 9, and 13.
+1 Attack per melee at levels 1 and 10.
Gains Automatic Dodge, with +2 at levels 4, 8 and 12.

Gains some special abilities. They are: Mid-Air Flip Throw, Flip Up, and Centrifugal Redirection.
The Mid-Air Flip Throw: This is when the character comes in contact with someone in mid-air and attempts to throw them by grabbing them then creating a circular motion and tossing the enemy into something before the character hits the ground. Normal bonuses apply to the Flip Throw and it does 3D6 damage, plus 4 per 20 mph of the victims speed based on the height and trajectory of the throw. This move costs the character two attacks and can only be performed once a melee round.
Flip Up: This move is when the character is underneath the opponent, then flips up and over so the character is on top, and controls the movement of the opponent. It requires a roll based on the difficulty; 4 for easy, 8 for mediocre, 12 for normal, 16 for challenging and 20 for difficult. A Flip Up costs the character one attack per melee, and works with Initiative only; can not be done as a defensive move. Being on top means the opponent has to work to get back in a dominant position, and will be -2 on combat moves while in mid-air.
Centrifugal Redirection: This move involves an oncoming force being propelled into another force. It's a basic grab and toss while still in a circular motion. The character is +2 to strike with the initial grab and +4 to strike with the redirection. It's two attacks in a row, and considered a pretty basic move.

Other Bonuses: +4 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Fearless of Heights and +2D6 to S.D.C.
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Unread post by Dobergirl »

Flight: APS (Minor)

NOTE: Requires Alter Physical Structure (ANY)

Check out these wings!

This powers allows the person to channel their altering powers and to "sprout" wings that are based off the nature of the Alter Physical Structure Power. (For instance APS Electricity would sprout wings of electricity, fire would get burning wings of flame and so on) The wings are materialized at the command of the character, taking two melee rounds. As the wings are pure power, they are not visible before created by the user. Because they are created, the user can make them as tiny as needed or as big as their powers allow them. For the power to work, the character does NOT have to be in their altered physical structure form, just having the power to do so is enough to create the wings.

Max Size: Wingspan starts at max 12 feet, +1d4 feet at lvls 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
SDC: +40 to SDC, +10 to SDC per each feet after 12.
Awe (horror) factor of 10 to everyone who sees the sprouting, add +1 for each 3 feet above 12.

Bonuses applicable ONLY while flying

Speed is 160 mph plus 10 mph per level of experience
+2 to pb attribute
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike
+2 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 80 mph
+6 to dodge when flying 90 mph or faster
+4 to damage for every 20 mph of flying speed

The Energy Wings cannot be destroyed but they can be attacked; substract the damage from player's SDC/HP, even if otherwise they'd be immune to some move in APS form.
Energy wings bigger than 15 feet make for easy target: -6 to dodge
Last edited by Dobergirl on Wed May 09, 2012 5:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Dobergirl »

I could so totally see APS Earh as light dust and earth particles gathering to make wings. Plant is even better, with rose petals and such forming beautiful wings.

You can make wings out of pretty much any of the APS, just use your imagination. 8-)
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Dobergirl wrote:I could so totally see APS Earh as light dust and earth particles gathering to make wings. Plant is even better, with rose petals and such forming beautiful wings.

You can make wings out of pretty much any of the APS, just use your imagination. 8-)

If you browse the powers already posted here, you will see there have been wings made of various types. I personally did a series of plant-type wings.
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Unread post by NMI »

Dobergirl wrote:I could so totally see APS Earh as light dust and earth particles gathering to make wings. Plant is even better, with rose petals and such forming beautiful wings.

You can make wings out of pretty much any of the APS, just use your imagination. 8-)

Then its not "Energy" - it's made up of physical material.
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Unread post by abe »

bookworm-basically you can use any power you can read about or written about!
extra ppe-12d12
extra isp-10d12
& pe 3d4
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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abe wrote:bookworm-basically you can use any power you can read about or written about!
extra ppe-12d12
extra isp-10d12
& pe 3d4

No, this is way too Munchkin and kind of simplistic, in my opinion.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
abe wrote:bookworm-basically you can use any power you can read about or written about!
extra ppe-12d12
extra isp-10d12
& pe 3d4

No, this is way too Munchkin and kind of simplistic, in my opinion.

That and there is a power in one of the Powers Unlimited with the same name.
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
abe wrote:bookworm-basically you can use any power you can read about or written about!
extra ppe-12d12
extra isp-10d12
& pe 3d4

No, this is way too Munchkin and kind of simplistic, in my opinion.

That and there is a power in one of the Powers Unlimited with the same name.

True. These bonuses are absurdly high, though, and there appear to be no limiting factors whatsoever.
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abe wrote:bookworm-basically you can use any power you can read about or written about!
extra ppe-12d12
extra isp-10d12
& pe 3d4

Not to beat a dead horse, but there are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to begin:

1. How can you gain a super power from "reading" about it? Is it just limited to what is written (such as "He spewed forth fire from his eyes"), or can you read that sentence and gain APS Fire? If the latter, this is far too overpowered.

2. If you allow this to work with magic, then this should be classified as mystical study and not a super power.

3. There is no way on god's green earth this should work with psionics.

4. Or robotics.

5. Or Physical Training.

6. And what about alien physiology? don't tell me it works on that too?

7. Those are some meaty freaking bonuses. I'd take this power just to get the 3D4 PE. At an average of +6, to a PE score that's probably already pushing 23+, you're looking at being over 30 before you hit skills. And that assumes you roll half-decent AND don't get Ex PE.

Don't take this wrong way, but this is a power for munchkin power gamers. If that's your ride, then that's cool. But this would never fly in any other type of campaign.
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limitations for bookworm-the powers last for a maximum of 2d4 hours MAX & you must be able physically duplicate the powers in some way (ie you can't grow extra limbs or such)help much?
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Why not just take Mimic? You can duplicate powers on the spot, and don't need to read about them ahead of time and hope you get to use them.

Not to mention that your limitation is far too long, and you didn't answer any of the other questions I put forth. The power needs major tweaking in order to be viable.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

abe wrote:limitations for bookworm-the powers last for a maximum of 2d4 hours MAX & you must be able physically duplicate the powers in some way (ie you can't grow extra limbs or such)help much?

No, you would have to have it limited to a very specific set of minor powers and have the bonuses reduced to even make it a Major. Frankly, it is too much work to even make it playable that I would not want to do it.
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Unread post by abe »

new power-goo bomb,you can shoot out a large(25 feet +3 feet radius per level)ball of sticky goo that can trap people or (at higher levels)stop cars/vehicles!
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abe wrote:new power-goo bomb,you can shoot out a large(25 feet +3 feet radius per level)ball of sticky goo that can trap people or (at higher levels)stop cars/vehicles!

I'm going to say this as nicely as I possibly can, as we (the community at large) wants to continue to encourage people to contribute new things. But you should really flesh out a power fully before just posting the idea in your head. What are some of the details to it? What limitations? Is it a major or minor? Is there a saving throw allowed? Can the power be used offensively or defensively?

Stuff like that.
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Severus Snape wrote:
abe wrote:new power-goo bomb,you can shoot out a large(25 feet +3 feet radius per level)ball of sticky goo that can trap people or (at higher levels)stop cars/vehicles!

I'm going to say this as nicely as I possibly can, as we (the community at large) wants to continue to encourage people to contribute new things. But you should really flesh out a power fully before just posting the idea in your head. What are some of the details to it? What limitations? Is it a major or minor? Is there a saving throw allowed? Can the power be used offensively or defensively?

Stuff like that.

sorry,it's a minor power(though it could be a major now that I think about it.)
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Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:
abe wrote:new power-goo bomb,you can shoot out a large(25 feet +3 feet radius per level)ball of sticky goo that can trap people or (at higher levels)stop cars/vehicles!

I'm going to say this as nicely as I possibly can, as we (the community at large) wants to continue to encourage people to contribute new things. But you should really flesh out a power fully before just posting the idea in your head. What are some of the details to it? What limitations? Is it a major or minor? Is there a saving throw allowed? Can the power be used offensively or defensively?

Stuff like that.

sorry,it's a minor power(though it could be a major now that I think about it.)

Why not make a Minor AND a Major version of it? That seems to be the favored trend here for a lot of basic powers, and it allows you to go barebones on the Minor and heap lots of extras for the Major(or just ramp up its existing properties).

But yes, you do have to work on details, like at what level can you start trapping larger objects? What's the progression of resistance of the goo to being broken free of? Is the goo edible? Does it stain clothing? :-D
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level you can trap objects is 7th & no it dosn't stain clothing unless the user of said power activy tries to.
also the goo isn't edible as it vanishis on contact to stomuch acid(IE you barth & it's gone instantly,but you leave a BIG mess from the vomit behind).
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Unread post by taalismn »

Mephisto wrote:Enhanced Tongue (Minor)

4. Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs Knockout/Stun (due to the stability in the face/jaw that the stronger tongue provides).

There's natural precedence to this; woodpecker tongue muscles wrap around the back of the bird's head and provide additional padding during those skull-jarring drill-pecks.
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Unread post by gaby »

Maybe someone can put a spin or style for powers in H.U,Pu1,Pu2 and Pu3,to make them more unique from each other like lets say two characters have the power to control other,to make them unique from each other like each effect different senese one using hypnotic music (hearing) and the other one can be pheromones (scent).

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Unread post by Specter »

Major Power


Like Teleportation but the hero is not teleporting to a place but is instead teleporting to a person.

1. Teleport to a key person: The hero must know the person they are teleporting to and they need to have had physical contact with them at some point in the past. The physical contact allows them to key into their "frequency".

2. Sense Location: The hero can sense the general location of anyone they are keyed to.
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Specter wrote:Major Power


Like Teleportation but the hero is not teleporting to a place but is instead teleporting to a person.

1. Teleport to a key person: The hero must know the person they are teleporting to and they need to have had physical contact with them at some point in the past. The physical contact allows them to key into their "frequency".

2. Sense Location: The hero can sense the general location of anyone they are keyed to.

I like this, though i think a saving throw may be required (or else we just 'key' ourselves to the villain du jour, and range should be set up.

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:
Specter wrote:Major Power


Like Teleportation but the hero is not teleporting to a place but is instead teleporting to a person.

1. Teleport to a key person: The hero must know the person they are teleporting to and they need to have had physical contact with them at some point in the past. The physical contact allows them to key into their "frequency".

2. Sense Location: The hero can sense the general location of anyone they are keyed to.

I like this, though i think a saving throw may be required (or else we just 'key' ourselves to the villain du jour, and range should be set up.

(Is not sleeping, merely sleepy)

I liked the concept as well. It just needs to be fleshed out.
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Unread post by NMI »

Energy Claws [Revised] - Minor [or did I just bump this power to Major Status?]

Insert Fluff Text Here

The player must choose if the energy claws are kinetic based or energy based in nature.

Damage [regardless of type of claw/energy] 4D4 +1D4 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
Additional Damage Bonsus:
* If the energy claws are a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their P.S. [ie: PS 20 = +5 damage bonus]
* If the energy claws are not a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their M.E. on the P.S. scale [ie: ME 20 = +5 damage bonus, ME 16 = +1 damage bonus]
Bonus Abilities:
* If the energy claws are kinetic or force in nature, they may be used to parry physical as well as energy based attacks [but do you really want to parry a flaming magic sword with your "bare" hands?]. GM's: Use common sense. If your player is going to parry a large object they themselves, just like shields should take a portion of the damage. I suggest anywhere from 10-25%
* If the energy claws are energy in nature they may be used to parry energy based attacks only. The claws nor the PC will take damage if the energy attack is the same as the make-up of the energy claws.
* Regardless of the make-up the claws, all energy claws act as Armor Piercing weapons. The amount of A.R. these claws can negate is based on the users M.E. attribute.
** M.E. 1-15 no bonus to A.R. penetration. M.E. 16-18: +1, M.E. 19-21: +2, M.E. 22-25: +3, M.E. 26-28: +4, M.E. 29-30: +5 No bonus for a M.E. above 30, unless the M.E. is an Extraordinary Attribute like E.O. M.E. A raw bonus from another power like Divine Aura will not extend the A.R. penetration reach of this power.
*** Characters with this power will gain an additional +1 to their A.R. penetration at levels: 4, 7, 10, and 15.
**** Note: Against Natural A.R. like certain APS abilities, Mineral Aliens, Robotic A.R., this bonus is reduced by half, rounded down.

Additional Abilities: +1 Parry, + 2 disarm, +1 Pull Punch [applicable only when the claws are being used as part of the attack]. Other bonuses to strike, parry, etc from a high P.P., certain skills and powers may apply. Again GM's, use common sense.

Example of damage and Armor Piercing bonuses
6th level hero. We shall call him "The Canadian Badger"
M.E. 20
P.S. 19
Force/Kinetic based claws
Damage: 6D4+4 [P.S. Damage Bonus]
Armor Penetration: +3 [+2 based on M.E. and +1 based on level]
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Energy Claws [Revised] - Minor [or did I just bump this power to Major Status?]

Insert Fluff Text Here

The player must choose if the energy claws are kinetic based or energy based in nature.

Damage [regardless of type of claw/energy] 4D4 +1D4 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
Additional Damage Bonsus:
* If the energy claws are a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their P.S. [ie: PS 20 = +5 damage bonus]
* If the energy claws are not a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their M.E. on the P.S. scale [ie: ME 20 = +5 damage bonus, ME 16 = +1 damage bonus]
Bonus Abilities:
* If the energy claws are kinetic or force in nature, they may be used to parry physical as well as energy based attacks [but do you really want to parry a flaming magic sword with your "bare" hands?]. GM's: Use common sense. If your player is going to parry a large object they themselves, just like shields should take a portion of the damage. I suggest anywhere from 10-25%
* If the energy claws are energy in nature they may be used to parry energy based attacks only. The claws nor the PC will take damage if the energy attack is the same as the make-up of the energy claws.
* Regardless of the make-up the claws, all energy claws act as Armor Piercing weapons. The amount of A.R. these claws can negate is based on the users M.E. attribute.
** M.E. 1-15 no bonus to A.R. penetration. M.E. 16-18: +1, M.E. 19-21: +2, M.E. 22-25: +3, M.E. 26-28: +4, M.E. 29-30: +5 No bonus for a M.E. above 30, unless the M.E. is an Extraordinary Attribute like E.O. M.E. A raw bonus from another power like Divine Aura will not extend the A.R. penetration reach of this power.
*** Characters with this power will gain an additional +1 to their A.R. penetration at levels: 4, 7, 10, and 15.
**** Note: Against Natural A.R. like certain APS abilities, Mineral Aliens, Robotic A.R., this bonus is reduced by half, rounded down.

Additional Abilities: +1 Parry, + 2 disarm, +1 Pull Punch [applicable only when the claws are being used as part of the attack]. Other bonuses to strike, parry, etc from a high P.P., certain skills and powers may apply. Again GM's, use common sense.

Example of damage and Armor Piercing bonuses
6th level hero. We shall call him "The Canadian Badger"
M.E. 20
P.S. 19
Force/Kinetic based claws
Damage: 6D4+4 [P.S. Damage Bonus]
Armor Penetration: +3 [+2 based on M.E. and +1 based on level]

This just borders on being a Major, though it could be just an overly strong minor. Interesting revisions, at any rate.
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Unread post by NMI »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Energy Claws [Revised] - Minor [or did I just bump this power to Major Status?]

Insert Fluff Text Here

The player must choose if the energy claws are kinetic based or energy based in nature.

Damage [regardless of type of claw/energy] 4D4 +1D4 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
Additional Damage Bonsus:
* If the energy claws are a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their P.S. [ie: PS 20 = +5 damage bonus]
* If the energy claws are not a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their M.E. on the P.S. scale [ie: ME 20 = +5 damage bonus, ME 16 = +1 damage bonus]
Bonus Abilities:
* If the energy claws are kinetic or force in nature, they may be used to parry physical as well as energy based attacks [but do you really want to parry a flaming magic sword with your "bare" hands?]. GM's: Use common sense. If your player is going to parry a large object they themselves, just like shields should take a portion of the damage. I suggest anywhere from 10-25%
* If the energy claws are energy in nature they may be used to parry energy based attacks only. The claws nor the PC will take damage if the energy attack is the same as the make-up of the energy claws.
* Regardless of the make-up the claws, all energy claws act as Armor Piercing weapons. The amount of A.R. these claws can negate is based on the users M.E. attribute.
** M.E. 1-15 no bonus to A.R. penetration. M.E. 16-18: +1, M.E. 19-21: +2, M.E. 22-25: +3, M.E. 26-28: +4, M.E. 29-30: +5 No bonus for a M.E. above 30, unless the M.E. is an Extraordinary Attribute like E.O. M.E. A raw bonus from another power like Divine Aura will not extend the A.R. penetration reach of this power.
*** Characters with this power will gain an additional +1 to their A.R. penetration at levels: 4, 7, 10, and 15.
**** Note: Against Natural A.R. like certain APS abilities, Mineral Aliens, Robotic A.R., this bonus is reduced by half, rounded down.

Additional Abilities: +1 Parry, + 2 disarm, +1 Pull Punch [applicable only when the claws are being used as part of the attack]. Other bonuses to strike, parry, etc from a high P.P., certain skills and powers may apply. Again GM's, use common sense.

Example of damage and Armor Piercing bonuses
6th level hero. We shall call him "The Canadian Badger"
M.E. 20
P.S. 19
Force/Kinetic based claws
Damage: 6D4+4 [P.S. Damage Bonus]
Armor Penetration: +3 [+2 based on M.E. and +1 based on level]

This just borders on being a Major, though it could be just an overly strong minor. Interesting revisions, at any rate.
Any blaring problems or questions?
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Stone Gargoyle
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Energy Claws [Revised] - Minor [or did I just bump this power to Major Status?]

Insert Fluff Text Here

The player must choose if the energy claws are kinetic based or energy based in nature.

Damage [regardless of type of claw/energy] 4D4 +1D4 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
Additional Damage Bonsus:
* If the energy claws are a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their P.S. [ie: PS 20 = +5 damage bonus]
* If the energy claws are not a type of kinetic or "force" claws, then the damage bonus is based on their M.E. on the P.S. scale [ie: ME 20 = +5 damage bonus, ME 16 = +1 damage bonus]
Bonus Abilities:
* If the energy claws are kinetic or force in nature, they may be used to parry physical as well as energy based attacks [but do you really want to parry a flaming magic sword with your "bare" hands?]. GM's: Use common sense. If your player is going to parry a large object they themselves, just like shields should take a portion of the damage. I suggest anywhere from 10-25%
* If the energy claws are energy in nature they may be used to parry energy based attacks only. The claws nor the PC will take damage if the energy attack is the same as the make-up of the energy claws.
* Regardless of the make-up the claws, all energy claws act as Armor Piercing weapons. The amount of A.R. these claws can negate is based on the users M.E. attribute.
** M.E. 1-15 no bonus to A.R. penetration. M.E. 16-18: +1, M.E. 19-21: +2, M.E. 22-25: +3, M.E. 26-28: +4, M.E. 29-30: +5 No bonus for a M.E. above 30, unless the M.E. is an Extraordinary Attribute like E.O. M.E. A raw bonus from another power like Divine Aura will not extend the A.R. penetration reach of this power.
*** Characters with this power will gain an additional +1 to their A.R. penetration at levels: 4, 7, 10, and 15.
**** Note: Against Natural A.R. like certain APS abilities, Mineral Aliens, Robotic A.R., this bonus is reduced by half, rounded down.

Additional Abilities: +1 Parry, + 2 disarm, +1 Pull Punch [applicable only when the claws are being used as part of the attack]. Other bonuses to strike, parry, etc from a high P.P., certain skills and powers may apply. Again GM's, use common sense.

Example of damage and Armor Piercing bonuses
6th level hero. We shall call him "The Canadian Badger"
M.E. 20
P.S. 19
Force/Kinetic based claws
Damage: 6D4+4 [P.S. Damage Bonus]
Armor Penetration: +3 [+2 based on M.E. and +1 based on level]

This just borders on being a Major, though it could be just an overly strong minor. Interesting revisions, at any rate.
Any blaring problems or questions?

It is pretty straghtforward. I take it you are basing some damage on ME bonus due to them being a type of psionic claws, no?
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:It is pretty straghtforward. I take it you are basing some damage on ME bonus due to them being a type of psionic claws, no?
No, I was using M.E. as a focusing point of sorts. The character will power honing and sharpening his "energy claws". I use M.E. to an affect like this for a variety of powers.

Like Psi-Sword doing its damage +M.E. bonus [as opposed to P.S./none]
The claws could be psionic in nature, but that was not my train of thought when it came to using the M.E. score.
Plus it makes players think a little more when it comes to placing their stats and/or using their stats and powers to min/max things.
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
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