Skeleton Knight

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Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Blackbunny2 »

So making a skeleton knight char(nightbane), how would you rule on the massive SDC this char could have? Bones = 5d6x10 sdc bonus + enchanted knight 2d6x10+45 sdc... I actually dont mind his(player) char being a sdc juggernaut, but I need something to balance it? maybe holy weapons and fire do double dmg? Any ideas?

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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Shark_Force »

well, what else does he have? if all he has is lots of SDC, then it's no big deal. having huge defense is nice, but just means you're the last one to die because everyone would rather focus on the guy with the crazy powerful offense.
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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Galroth »

Blackbunny2 wrote:So making a skeleton knight char(nightbane), how would you rule on the massive SDC this char could have? Bones = 5d6x10 sdc bonus + enchanted knight 2d6x10+45 sdc... I actually dont mind his(player) char being a sdc juggernaut, but I need something to balance it? maybe holy weapons and fire do double dmg? Any ideas?

Cheers from Norway!

I wouldn't handicap him anymore than just making him the most obvious first glance target. So when a group of enemies is looking for the most dangerous target to take down he's the first thing that jumps out at them. Then in subsequent rounds I'd have them refocus if one of the other players was actually more dangerous to them.
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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Blackbunny2 »

Well hes lvl 1 and he chose the speed darkling talent, So besides the massive SDC, there isnt really anything "remarkable" besides that. Well, hes big and in armor so guess hes a obvious meatshield! Just make him the focus off the enemy? Good solutions! Thanx for the input!
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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by MurderCityDisciple »

I'd have to say he'd be very noisy as well, with all the clinking of bones and as an added bonus enemies might not notice any stealthier types. The noisy sound of his approach might also affect a feeling of dread and menace.
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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Awesome NB-Characteristics BTW !!
Easy, not powerful really.

I would as ST offer him the Holy Weapon or a Biomechanical Weapon Hands characteristic to go with his character. Feels like he needs an Innate melee weapon to me to complete the concept out.


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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Blackbunny2 »

Haha, Great minds think alike. We gave him a holy weapon from the morphus table... A big ass executioners sword
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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Jedrious »

Rider wrote:
Blackbunny2 wrote:hes lvl 1 and he chose the speed darkling talent
I am wondering what book this is from, I don't remember it from main or WB 1-3, is it Rifter or internet?

It's in Nightbane Survival Guide
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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Jedrious »

The Last Darkness wrote:
Blackbunny2 wrote:So making a skeleton knight char(nightbane), how would you rule on the massive SDC this char could have? Bones = 5d6x10 sdc bonus + enchanted knight 2d6x10+45 sdc... I actually dont mind his(player) char being a sdc juggernaut, but I need something to balance it? maybe holy weapons and fire do double dmg? Any ideas?

Cheers from Norway!

Huh so someone missed the errata that states its +5d6 sdc and not x10 right?
Makes me think of ....

I generaly dont see much problem unless a bane gets around 800 sdc or more.

You say that like Errata is presented in a clear and accessible manner
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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Errata does not matter, unless the book itself in later printing change it to just 5d6 (no x10).
Until then "Errata" is not offical to me. Its just online suggestions until printed in a book. IMHO.


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Re: Skeleton Knight

Unread post by Specter »

There is no reason to nerf the guy. I mean a little extra sdc won't matter when the pack of hounds drop.
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