1990 movie

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Zer0 Kay
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1990 movie

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Anyone ever watch Nightbreed? It's an old Clive Barker flick. I know that Todd M. had a fitt about the Spawn but anyone see major simularities between Nightbreed and Nightbane? And I don't mean in the name.
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Re: 1990 movie

Unread post by mastermesh »

Barker's stuff is all sort of similar to Nightbane on some levels.

Want another NB similarity... What about the ectokid Comic? The comic about the kid that could enter the astral plane/plane of the dead by switching which eye the patch was on since one of his parents was a ghost? Not exactly a walk through the mirror thing, but somewhat similar...


or Hyperkind... a pixis a paxis... I'll tell you what the fact is...

Nightlords -- Pinhead has to be one of em?

I used to love reading those comics from the 90s. Was nice to see something that was so out there and different than Marvel or DC.
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Re: 1990 movie

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


I am not suprised by such similarities. Back in the 1989, I went to the movies with friends and there was playing(ALL IN ONE THEATRE AT THE SAME TIME) Deepstar 6, Leviathan and The Abyss. All at the same darn time at the same theatre. It just goes to show that a theme occurs every so often in life, movies and music. There isn't any real suprise that an Author used the idea of a young guy turning into a monster but comes to use the monsterous power to fight a worse evil. It's an idea that is seen in the X-Men comics, as we see kids turning into Metal, or a "werewolf" and taking it to the bigots and other bad guys. Nothing really new here, just the details are changed. I love the Nightbane setting. I always have and I always shall.

Three is important here because: There are three Worlds (Astral Plane, Earth and the Nightlands), Three Elements (Horror, Mystery, and Military Action), and Three basic Levels of Power for players to game with: 1)Just Humans, 2) Humans with Powers/Guardians, Wampyrs and Weak 'Banes and 3) Nightbanes and Nightbane Spellcasters. There are Three Main PC Factions: The Resistance, The Seekers/Spook Squad(Both Human-heavy) and the Nocture/Lightbrigers (Two sides of the same coin). There are the Nightlords themselves with their minions, and there are the Others (Vampires, Guardians, Werefolk, and sundry).
3 Setting Elements
3 PC group types
3 Worlds

I just thought that I would share those insights with you, as they may come in handy.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: 1990 movie

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

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Re: 1990 movie

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Peloquin "F**k the Law! I want meat!"
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.

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