Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

Built at the end of the Golden age, the Jörmungandr and it's Brother Ship Skidbladnir were the hope of the Allied Scandinavian Militaries. with the New Soviet union on their border, the need for a mobile fortress able to defend Scandinavian cities was noticed. the design of the Jörmungandr class ultimately was the result of a political plan to revitalize the economies of Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and proved effective at this. the design was required to possess Immense Defensive ability, to be projected over a huge area. in addition, it was to hardened against most forms of attack.
ultimately, the Shipyard delivered. the resulting vessel was a modern wonder, even to more advanced nations like the United States. Advanced technologies long overlooked were employed to extend the range of its 406mm cannon to hundreds of miles, giving it "over the horizon" ability with its primary armament. in addition, systems more traditionally employed on Ballistic missile submarines were added to give the Vessel the range to Counter-strike anywhere in developed russia, while still anchored in Scandinavian waters. a massively overbuilt laser defense system gave it not only defense against enemy missiles and aircraft, but could be employed to destroy vehicles on the banks of the fjords.
its Compliment of Combat Drones gave it permanent air cover when surfaced, and could be employed to root out and destroy enemy submarines.
while it was completed in december 7 2098, it was still undergoing final dry dock testing in december 21, its stores of munitions and supplies not yet loaded. it's Brothership existed only as a half finished keel.

Model Type: SBB-01
Class: Submersible Battleship
Crew: 90 officers, 1500 enlisted men
Troop Capacity: 160 "marines", 8 Pilots, 100 Technicians
Vehicle Compliment: 32 Powered Armor, 32 VTOL UCAV's, 6 Patrol boats(20ft launches with 3 pintle mounts for MG style Rail guns)

MDC by Location:
Command Tower/sail- 4000
Primary Turret- 2000
Secondary Turrets (4)- 1000 each
406mm Guns (3, primary turret)- 500 each
155mm Guns (8, 2 per secondary turret)- 250 each
LCIWS Turrets (24)- 150 each
LRM VLS Launchers (2)- 300 each
MRM VLS Launchers (4)- 300 each
Ventral Heavy Torpedo Turret- 500
Maneuvering fins, bow (2)- 400 each
Maneuvering fins, stern (2)- 400 each
Rudder- 600
Propulsion system (2)- 300 each
Fighter Hanger (1)- 1000
*Bridge- 1000
**Primary Sensor/Communications array- 400
***Secondary Sensor/Communications array (2)- 200 each
****Main Hull (main body)- 16000
*****Secondary Hull (main body)- 10000
Main hull by 20 ft^2 area- 220
Secondary hull by 20ft^2 area- 200

*Destroying the Bridge will leave the ship uncontrolled for a time (usually 1-2 minutes [2d4+2 melee's] before control is transferred to the secondary bridge in the engine room (buried deep in the hull).
**See #9
***See #9
****Destroying the main hull exposes the inner pressure hull. the ship will sink, but the interior will be mostly water tight
*****Destroying the Secondary Hull will destroy the ship. the secondary hull is partitioned into many smaller compartments, which can be sealed off in the event of a hull breach.

Surfaced- 30 knots. (35 mph/56kph)
Submerged- 15 knots (17.25 mph/27.78kph)
Maximum Depth- 3 miles (4.8 kilometers)

Statistical Data:
Height- 121 feet (36.9 meters)
Width- 121 feet (36.9 meters)
Length- 900 feet (274.3 meters)
Weight- 70,000 tons
Cargo- up to 2000 tons of cargo can be carried. each crew member has a 4x4x4 foot locker for their personal effects.
Power System- dual Nuclear (atomic) Plants, with an estimated lifespan of 20 years. Backup power is Provided by 10 Diesel-Electric Generators, with a supply of Diesel and Peroxide sufficent for a week of operation (speed is reduced by 1/2, and LCIWS turrets are unoperable.)
Market Cost- Priceless. the CS, Splugorth, or Naruni would pay billions should this ship be captured intact.

Weapon Systems:
1.) 406mm Artillery Cannon. 3 of these enormous weapons are mounted in each primary gun turret. two turrets are mounted fore of the command tower, and one aft.
Primary Purpose- Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose- Shore Bombardment
Mega Damage- 2d4x100 per cannon. Fire Control can place a trio of rounds on target, doing 6d4x100md!. each shell has a blast radius of 50 feet (15.24 meters)!
Rate of Fire- automated loaders allow a rate of fire of once every 4 melee's. a special airlock system in the breach allows the guns to be loaded even while submerged.
Range- 50 mile (80 km) range.
Payload- The turret's ammo bunker contains 30 rounds per gun. an additional 300 rounds are stored, but to transfer these rounds to the ammo bunkers takes several hours.

specialty rounds are available:
Rocket Assisted Self Guided Rounds
Primary Purpose- Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose- Shore Bombardment
Mega Damage- 1d4x100 per cannon. Fire COntrol can place a trio of rounds on target, doing 3d4x100md!. each shell has a blast radius of 50 feet (15.24 meters)!
Rate of Fire- automated loaders allow a rate of fire of once every 4 melee's. a special airlock system in the breach allows the guns to be loaded even while submerged.
Range- 400 mile (640 km) range.
Payload- The turret ammo bunker contains 10 rounds per gun. an additional 100 rounds are stored, but to transfer these rounds to the ammo bunkers takes several hours.
the Self Guided rounds have a +4 to strike.

Proximity Fused "Flak" rounds
Primary Purpose- Anti-Aircraft
Secondary Purpose- Shore Bombardment
Mega Damage- 2d4x50 per cannon. Fire Control can place a trio of rounds on target, doing 6d4x50md!. each shell has a blast radius of 200 feet (61 meters)!
Rate of Fire- automated loaders allow a rate of fire of once every 4 melee's. a special airlock system in the breach allows the guns to be loaded even while submerged.
Range- 50 mile (80 km) range, to an altitude of 5 miles
Payload- the turrets ammo bunker contains 10 rounds per gun. an additional 100 rounds are stored, but to transfer these rounds to the ammo bunkers takes several hours.
Proximity fused rounds have a +3 to strike.

2.) 155mm Artillery Cannon
Primary Purpose- Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose- Shore Bombardment
Mega Damage- 6d4x10 per cannon. Fire Control can place a pair of rounds on target, doing 12d4x10md!. each shell has a blast radius of 20 feet (7.62 meters)!
Rate of Fire- automated loaders allow a rate of fire of once every 2 melee's. a special airlock system in the breach allows the guns to be loaded even while submerged.
Range- 20 mile (32 km) range.
Payload- The turret's ammo bunker contains 30 rounds per gun. an additional 900 rounds are stored, but to transfer these rounds to the ammo bunkers takes several hours.

3.) LCIWS (Laser Close In Weapon System) 48 of these small hemispherical blisters cover most of the ship. 8 are placed underneath the water line, while 6 each cover the fore and aft. the port and starboard sides are covered by 14 each. Each blister contains a multitude of fiber-optic cables designed to direct the energy from a Blue Green Frequency laser cannon below into any direction needed. each blister is roughly the size of a basket ball, and are constructed from high quality MDC material designed to be permeable to the wavelength of the laser cannon.
Primary Purpose- Anti-Missile/Anti-Torpedo
Secondary Purpose- Anti-Power Armor
Mega Damage- 6d6md per blast. up to 8 turrets can be aimed at a single target.
Rate of Fire- up to 4 times per melee.
Range- 10 miles (16km) in the air, and 3 miles under water.
Payload- effectively unlimited as long as the main nuclear power plant functions.

4.) VLS launchers. a pair of Vertical Launch Long Range Missile Systems are recessed into the hull right behind the Command Tower. a powerful as charge ejects the missile out of its tube before the rocket ignites. this gas charge is sufficient to launch the missile even in up to 100 feet of water.
Primary Purpose- Bombardment
Secondary Purpose- Anti-Ship/Fighter
Mega Damage- Varies based on type. usually either 1 Kiloton Atomics, or HE.
Rate of Fire- volleys of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.
Range- Varies by missile type. usually 1000 miles (1600 km)
Payload- 32 Missiles in each VLS. an additional 128 missiles are carried, which can be autoloaded into the VLS 16 at a time. autoloading takes 4 melee's.

"interceptor" LRM's-
Primary Purpose- Anti-Satellite
Secondary Purpose- Anti-Bomber
Mega Damage- 1d6x100
Rate of Fire- volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Range- Altitude of 1000 miles. (Low Earth Orbit, using a two stage solid fuel booster)
Payload- not standard load in VLS. 32 "interceptor" missiles are carried, which can be auto loaded into the VLS 16 at a time. aauto loadingtakes 4 melee's.

"Surveillance" LRM
Primary Purpose- Reconnasiance
Secondary Purpose- Mapping
Mega Damage- None. payload includes Optical and Thermal Camera's, as well as Side Scan Radar. also includes a simple Communications repeater to act as a impromptu Communications sasatellite
Rate of Fire- volleys of 1 or 2.
Range- Altitude of 600 miles. ( just under Low Earth Orbit, using a two stage solid fuel booster) orbit is not stable. will degrade after 3d6 hours, burning up in earth atmosphere.
Payload- not standard load in VLS. 16 "Surveillance" missiles are carried, which can be auto loaded into the VLS 16 at a time. auto loading takes 4 melee's.

5.) a quartet of Medium Range Missile Vertical Launch System are mounted 2x2 port and starboard of the command tower.
Primary Purpose- Anti-Aircraft
Secondary Purpose- Anti-Ship
Mega Damage- Varies by missile type.
Rate of Fire- Volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 8.
Range- Varies by missile type.
Payload- 8 Medium Range missiles per VLS. an additional 80 missiles per VLS are stored, reloading is done 4 at a time, and takes 2 melee's

6.) Heavy Torpedo tubes. inset in the bow are a half dozen torpedo tubes.
Primary Purpose- Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose- Anti-Monster
Mega Damage- Varies by torpedo type
Rate of Fire- Volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 6.
Range- Varies based on torpedo type
Payload- each tube has enough reloads for 5 shots. an additional 10 torpedos for each tube are stored, but restocking the torpedo room takes several hours.

"Squall V" Super Cavitating Torpedos-
Primary Purpose- Anti-Submarine
Secondary Purpose- Anti-Ship
Damage- dD6x100
Range- 20 miles (32 km)
Payload- each tube has enough reloads for 15 shots. an additional 70 torpedos for each tube are stored, but restocking the torpedo room takes several hours.
Thesuper cavitatingg torpedoes travel at a speed of 260.5 knots (300 mph / 482.8 kph) and have a +5 to strike because they are so difficult to evade.
(my thanks to Phalanx, i stole the stats from his Karl Dobson Class)

7.) Ventral Heavy Torpedo Turret.
Primary Purpose- Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose- Anti-Monster
Mega Damage- Varies by torpedo type
Rate of Fire- Volleys of 1 or two.
Range- Varies based on torpedo type
Payload- each tube has enough reloads for 50 shots. an additional 50 torpedos for each tube are stored, but restocking the torpedo room takes several hours.

8.) Fighter Bay. a small fighter bay capable of holding 32 UCAV drones exists just foreward of the propulsion system, just aft of the secondary Turrets. a single elevator/Launch-landing pad services the hanger, and provides space for 4 UCAV's to launch. a quartet can be launched every 8 melee's. when launching, the rear secondary Turrets can not be used.

9.) Sensor and communications systems are identical to those found on the Ticonderoga (WB7, pg. 128). destruction of the Primary Sensor and communications array cuts the ranges by half. destruction of both the primary and 2 secondary arrays will leave the ship almost totally blind. (will be reliant on actual observers on deck.)
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Unread post by KLM »

Hi there!

At first it looks like a standard multi-warhead LRM, but
near the target it releases 4 medium range torpedoes,
instead of missiles.

The basic attack profile is to drop the torpedoes into
the water nearest to the targeted sub, the secondary attack
profile (against surface targets) launches the torpedoes
in a preprogrammed range (within torpedo range but
out of air-defense range of the target).

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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

Unread post by DracoMagus »

Oh, this is awesome! I may wind up using this idea myself too... Love the use of UCAVs too. These anything like the UCAV's from the movie STEALTH?
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

Unread post by jedi078 »

Glitterboy do you have a picture of this beast?
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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in my deviant art account

please note that this vessel is not in the RIFTS: Scandinavia worldbook that is in the works...though a vessel with the same name might appear. this seemed like such a good idea at the time, but since writing this the group's navy has undergone a complete rewrite into a more pluasible and less silly form. :)

hmm.. looking at some of the golden age touches i gave this one i'd forgotten about. might have to data mine this for other projects..
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

Unread post by keir451 »

Here's my answer to the Jormungandr. :Dviewtopic.php?f=8&t=107062
The Current era (110 P.A.) battleship Tenryo. :D
Not bad, tho' for a Golden age sub the tech is a bit off, but if you like it then run w/it.
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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keep in mind, when i wrote this i wasn't as familiar with pre-rifts times as i am today (futurism for the win), nor current capabilities of militaries. and i wasn't as familiar with the game system as i am today.

the new Jourmandgandr Submarine battleship is much more impressive and effective.
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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When, if ever, do we get to see a write up for the new and improved Jormungandr?
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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DracoMagus wrote:When, if ever, do we get to see a write up for the new and improved Jormungandr?

possibly in the Rifts Scandinavia worldbook. if we have room (their navy is the first thing i'd sacrifice to make space for more regional material), and Kevin OK's it.
if not there, it will likely end up in a rifter submission.
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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Very nice. I like the pic too. Any chance on getting more from this one. Or is it going to appear in your World Book?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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Aramanthus wrote:Very nice. I like the pic too. Any chance on getting more from this one. Or is it going to appear in your World Book?

this ship? no. in final analysis i determined this just wasn't pluasible enough to include given how other technologies and the regional background in the book evolved.

however there will be a Jörmungandr Class Submarine Battleship in the book. a post-rifts creation to form the backbone of the Alliance Marinen. the only thing in common is the name however.
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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Oh ok. I hope you don't mind if I use it in a story line of mine. I mean this one that is.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Aramanthus wrote:Oh ok. I hope you don't mind if I use it in a story line of mine. I mean this one that is.

don't mind at all. ever since jörgy got her makover, this version has basically become an orphaned "never might have been".. i've mostly dissected it for weapons stats and such in other projects.

if you can use it, go right ahead.
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Re: Golden Age Jörmungandr Class Submersible Battleship

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Thank you GB. It is probably going to be a "red herring" sort of HLS.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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