For discussion of the Palladium Open House, both past (May 2006 & May 2007) and possible future Open Houses. Who's going, games you're running or looking to play, etc.
Second innings at the Palladium Open house and this time round I'd decided to GM. Loads of prep, but loads of uncertainty. What type of game do I run? Linear? Open? Did it sound crap? Would anyone be interested? Would my GMing suck? Would I stutter, stumble or just be unexciting? Anxiety was high.
But then I arrived and all (well most) of that disappeared. I had let myself forget just how welcoming Americans and especially the Palladium family (yes that's what you are) can be. Instantly meeting fans at the hotel (Chad even made me breakfast!) and the POH and chatting like we were old friends when we were total strangers two minutes ago.
I got to play in games run by James Brown (my goal this year), Greg, Taylor, Hendrik & Brandon, all of which were awesome!
I ran a great game on the Friday morning which went well and put my nerves at ease, only to have them multiply when I had to cancel the Saturday game due to those signed up not showing. Was majorly gutted and a bit lost at that point but I got the opportunity to game with Hendrik and Kevin, who had been in my own game the day before. On the Sunday I had more than the quota which brought me back round and that game went excellently (IMO) so I was on a really high. Speaking with Lonnie later that evening he said he had a no show game as well and we all know he is an awesome GM so that actually made me feel better. He also said that scheduling a game for 9a.m. on a Saturday was just silly and was surprised that there are two 9 o'clocks in the day... (jk).
I seemed to have played more and chatted less this POH but those I did chat to seemed to be for a lot longer. In particular, Josh, Greg and Matthew (doesn't he just slot in as one of the Palladium crew?) gave me some insight, tips and spoilers for the future. It was great to catch up with Mark, Carmen and MM Mike, especially over a beer, all three of whom I wanted to chat to more but 4 days goes by so damn fast.
I seem to have spent more time with Zane & Harumi than anyone else, even though we never gamed together at the POH. Two domineering, excitable folk who make their characters as full of life as they are! In fact I spent more time talking to more fans this year which was an unexpected pleasure. Only one person irritated me and that was only for two seconds. Every player made every game just as much as the GM's. Awesome job fans!
The last day I got to chat briefly to Kevin and a little to Greg as I handed over a sample manuscript submission. Kevin remembered an email conversation about it from last year. Proof that although you may not get much correspondence from the over worked publisher guy doesnt mean he's not aware! That final day however belonged to Lonnie who GM'd a game at the hotel even though he was as knackered as the rest of and we were pretty much just mucking about. Once Hendrik woke up I think he LARPed the juicer character and we sunk the ship, killed the smurf and still kept my armour clean (no thanks to the LLW). Thanks Lonnie.
Then a stupid 25 hour journey home. Still WELL worth it. Hope this isnt the last one.
by the Dark Elf, aged 34.
P.S. IF there is a next one then the fans will help in all aspects and no one would mind if the Palladium crew limited their attendance to normal hours of 9-5. Your health comes first, we understand and agree.
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic Rifter 55 The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C. Rifter 59 The Lopanic Games adventure "The Lion, the Ditch & the Warlock". Illustrations to this adventure can be found here. Rifter 71 & 72 Double Issue Ninjas & Superspies adventure "On a Wing & a Prayer" Rifter 80 Masters Unlimited
The Dark Elf wrote:I got to play in games run by James Brown (my goal this year), Greg, Taylor, Hendrik & Brandon, all of which were awesome!
I am honored that one of my games was your goal, thanks for playing and making the journey. Glad you enjoyed the game and the experience that is the POH. Until next time...
The Dark Elf wrote:I got to play in games run by James Brown (my goal this year), Greg, Taylor, Hendrik & Brandon, all of which were awesome!
I am honored that one of my games was your goal, thanks for playing and making the journey. Glad you enjoyed the game and the experience that is the POH. Until next time...
One of your games is MY goal. I've never been in one, but I will be one of these days
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
The Dark Elf wrote:I got to play in games run by James Brown (my goal this year), Greg, Taylor, Hendrik & Brandon, all of which were awesome!
I am honored that one of my games was your goal, thanks for playing and making the journey. Glad you enjoyed the game and the experience that is the POH. Until next time...
One of your games is MY goal. I've never been in one, but I will be one of these days
I thought you played in my BTS2 game on VIP night at the second Open House. I had Ale*8 as a game prop and several players indulged!
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
Well you next opportunity is just a few weeks away, come on up to Columbus and see the wonders that is Origins International Game Fair! Not likely that you will get a cool nickname or a stack of books but a good time will be had by all.
I know how uncomfortable our American displays of sentiment make ya, but like I just mentioned in reponse to your brother's post it was absolutely great to see you guys again. Much as I said to Hendrik, I wish we were neighbors so we could BS over a beer any time we wished. Anywho, flying over to game with you guys is certainly on my bucket list, so now that I'll be entering the working world maybe that'll be possible in the next few years. Who knows, maybe we could convince Hendrik to make the hop, skip, and jump on over for a weekend and really paint the town.
Well, I won't drone on, but until next time be sure to keep in touch and take care.
Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC Warwolf is right... you can sig that. ~ TGK I refuse to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Me
Warwolf wrote:I know how uncomfortable our American displays of sentiment make ya, but like I just mentioned in reponse to your brother's post it was absolutely great to see you guys again. Much as I said to Hendrik, I wish we were neighbors so we could BS over a beer any time we wished. Anywho, flying over to game with you guys is certainly on my bucket list, so now that I'll be entering the working world maybe that'll be possible in the next few years. Who knows, maybe we could convince Hendrik to make the hop, skip, and jump on over for a weekend and really paint the town.
Well, I won't drone on, but until next time be sure to keep in touch and take care.
That would be very cool.
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic Rifter 55 The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C. Rifter 59 The Lopanic Games adventure "The Lion, the Ditch & the Warlock". Illustrations to this adventure can be found here. Rifter 71 & 72 Double Issue Ninjas & Superspies adventure "On a Wing & a Prayer" Rifter 80 Masters Unlimited
I guess my worry about having a crap game on Sunday is for naught. I keep seeing love for it. Perhaps it was all due to Hendrik for his amazing juicer escapades.
Only Time Will Tell, Unfortunately The Bastard Never Speaks.
Well, here I am just no realizing that I was in 2 games with a guy who has quoted me in his signature. Don't I feel silly. Of course, now he has to figure out who I am.