Holycrap! Nightbane!

For the discussion of Nightbane™ and its supplements.

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Holycrap! Nightbane!

Unread post by barna10 »

Man, I bought Nightspawn the week it hit store shelves, but I've never really read the material until these last two weeks. I am in love! What a dark, twisted smorgasbord of funness! I especially love the Fleshsculptors and Cybermages. I can't wait to get the campaign my friends and I are working on up and running!

If anyone is interested, we'll be having a "web" portion of the campaign on http://thedarkforum.createforumhosting.com/

You can join in or just watch it unfold!
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Re: Holycrap! Nightbane!

Unread post by krate »

Yeah, I remember getting Nightbane in a Christmas package. I read it and fell in love with the world. It is very cool indeed!
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Re: Holycrap! Nightbane!

Unread post by Icefalcon »

I have been trying to get a group to play Nightbane ever since it came out. I have been successful in running for about three sessions before people wanted to play something else. Lately, I have been wanting to play in a game. I have tried to get into a few different groups who were running with no success. Even at the Open House, I could not get into the game run by Warwolf even though he ran several over the weekend.
*Sniff, Sniff* Why does it smell like wet dog in here?!
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Re: Holycrap! Nightbane!

Unread post by barna10 »

The campaign I am starting will be physical AND web-based . You could join for the web portion.
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Re: Holycrap! Nightbane!

Unread post by Icefalcon »

I might have to check into that.
*Sniff, Sniff* Why does it smell like wet dog in here?!

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