AtB: Northwest America ideas

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Re: AtB: Northwest America ideas

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i must point out that the official map from the road hogs supplement just doesn't show much of anything north of California. the extent of the roadhogs claimed territory on my map was just a best guess, given the geography the region. it seemed unlikely the roadhogs would control an area bigger than the california groups.

from the official map, Free Cattle has at least a few tribes that claim territory east of the roadhogs region. (look around "whinnie-muca" on the official map)

i'd suggest though that while having a state in idaho would be neat.. you might want to avoid just making it "cardania with an accent".

personally i'd locate a major community somewhere in clearwater county, since that looks to have a good climate, access to plenty of water, and plenty of minerals too. looking it up, it has a history of mining in the mountains, and the third largest Dam in the US, giving the region possible access to electricity.

the Empire of humanity is only found on the east coast. they have a few connections to human supremacist groups elsewhere (the one biker gang in, IIRC, bakersfield, for example), but that's more of a radio and occasional cargo run type of thing.

each additional region added to the After the Bomb core book has its own style. the west coast has it's "Mad Max" style to work with for example. just copying the east coast's "Postman" style of setting seems to be rather lacking in imagination. my suggestion would be to look around at various post-apocalyptic film or book settings you like, pick the kinds of elements from those that you enjoy, and then figure out how to fit those into the After the Bomb backstory and existing material.
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Re: AtB: Northwest America ideas

Unread post by Trooper Jim »

I was working on a some material for the PNW in after the bomb. The villains were based out of the remnants of Joint Base Lewis McCord. And for once weren't human supremacists.
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Re: AtB: Northwest America ideas

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I'll see what i can dig up.
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Re: AtB: Northwest America ideas

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I've never played ATB or ATB2 only HU1edR and TMNT, so I'm operating at a loss of background here. I do believe the it's post apocalyptic setting right (hence the name After the Bomb)? So bearing that in mind I'm going to throw in my limited and opinionated knowledge of the PNW to come up with a general framework of the region (I'm dead tired so it won't really be fleshed out).

With the major loss of human population in the area, the forest has reasserted itself in a spectacular if not downright eerie way. Who's to say if this is the result of a mutation of the natural flora or something more supernatural. A Humongo-Giganto-Normous forest covers what's left of the states of Washington, Oregon, and even extends deep into Idaho like the tentacles of a relentless green nightmare. Walking more than 300 yards into the forest players get an overwhelming urge to be under open sky again (roll save vs panic). At 500 yards players begin to suffer from a deep feeling of being isolated and alone (roll save vs despair). Short term exposure to "The Wood" causes Pc's to suffer from effects similar to paranoia and mild hysteria (apply combat/skill penalties as you see fit). Prolonged exposure (Gm's discretion I say 12+ hours) to "The Wood" (under the tree canopy) begins to have cumulative detrimental effects on the Players similar to extreme fatigue/stress. These effects can be relieved by spending ?d? hours under open sky. This rate is doubled if the sun is shining.

Apart from the indigenous fauna normal and mutant raised in "The Wood" (these suffer reverse effects. I guess you could consider them agoraphobic when they're out from under the tree's) there are 2 main Hominid life forms in the PNW. The areas major population is made up of tribes/clans of Sasquatch (go wild with this, although I'd make them really low tech. not to say they've not done wondrous things by manipulating the natural environment). I'd allow them to blend in and disappear into the forest in a way that almost renders them invisible. a prowl skill of at least 85%

Scattered about the remains of Oregon are tribes and communes of filthy dirty hippies and hobo's. The largest of these communities can be found in what's left of Eugene. Always looking for a handout or to "share your stuff man" Pc's should be very wary and on guard against pick pockets and thieves. A smart PC will never accept any food prepared by these groups, especially not something touted as "organic" (roll save vs poison/drugs/hallucination).

Seattle hosts what is unarguably the worst of human culture; an obnoxious mish mash of hipsters, deluded musicians, and insatiable junkies. For all their myriad and unforgivable faults they've managed to build a thriving city state. It's really to bad that it was all built on drug addiction (an insidiously addictive hyper-stimulant called 'java') and forced indoctrination and ideology (all are evil alignment and while they say they're tolerant and liberal they're anything but). Pc's who are successful in their saving throws (gm decides save vs indoctrination) will be able to leave Seattle without becoming an @$$hat or complete douche. Failed rolls mean the character suffers a PERMANENT loss of 1d12 +4 MA.

As for the parts of Idaho not encroached on by "The Wood"..I dunno..something to do with potato's?

The coastline is inhabited mostly by mutated seals and sea lions. The rivers are dominated by an alliance between mutant salmon and mutant beavers. These two groups work cooperatively to provide for each other and protect each other from Bears (mutant and non)

:-( :-( I apologize for any hurt feelings or wounded pride. I was embittered by my trips to Oregon and as such have stereotyped the whole PNW. :x They're all Liberal Democrat Hippie/Hipster Environmentalist Stoners :x . And the whole place is covered in Tree's. Again, Sorry. :-( :-(

PS this might not be coherent. Like I said, REALLY tired.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Trooper Jim
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Comment: Huh! What? There was homework???

Re: AtB: Northwest America ideas

Unread post by Trooper Jim »

Nice.... That sounds like Seattle, now.

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