Warwolf on DCR: September 17, 2012

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Warwolf on DCR: September 17, 2012

Unread post by Warwolf »

Okay folks, I figured I'd let you all know that I'll be next week's guest on Dungeon Crawler Radio. It's a live broadcast starting at 5 P.M. CST and there is an option to CALL IN with questions, comments, etc. So, for those of you with burning questions about being a Palladium Freelancer, what's next for Nightbane, or what Kev is REALLY like in person, tune in Monday at: http://www.dungeoncrawlersradio.com/

I met two of the hosts this year at GenCon and know a third through other channels. They all seem like terrific folks and I'm sure the show will be plenty interesting.

Okay, gotta go, this material isn't going to write itself!
Yeah, everytime I see a blazingly obvious moron walking the streets... I think, "score one for the creationists..." ~ DLDC
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Re: Warwolf on DCR: September 17, 2012

Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Hey everybody, ,Warwolf just asked me to update this and let everyone know that he thought they were telling him Eastern Time, but actually they're Mountain time, so it's not at 5PM central, it's at 7PM central...
Minions - Character Sheets <---- UPDATED LINK TO MY DA PAGE!!!
Must repeat my mantra: As a genius, I am not qualified to make the assessment "it doesn't take a genius to figure this out."

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