Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

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Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

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Written and posted by random_username (AKA Munchkin Clown) on the Palladium Books: GM Forum.

CONTENT DETAILS RATING: PG-13, high PG/nearly 14A equivalent. Moderate violence and brief implied reference to alcohol: tavern, merc shops, combat pits, no nonsense laws, defensive town tactics/terminology, and sci-fi/magical tech/scenarios. Appropriate game elements and humor. Included since this is a public forum posting. [Compared to 2012 movie ratings: A movie equivalent would be rated PG-13 in the USA, or PG possibly 14A in Canada.]


STATUS: Finished rough outline by design. GM's challenge to fill in the innumerable blanks and adjustments. Player's challenge to be heroic. Any Rifts Veteran's challenge to determine on their own the how and why of anything via their own insight into Rifts. Likely to require numerous re-readings in order to piece all the elements together. Though ultimately simply just some appropriate in every way honorable fun from an old dude Gaming Coach. Merry Christmas 2012.

- NPC Operator outline with Double Maximum Tech Modification Capabilities.
- Mandatory Intro Article:
- Also Provides Tech Sales: Fully modded natural armors for spell-casters further modifiable by local level 15 Techno-Wizard (RMB), significant access to Triax Tech, etc.
- Can also purchase ultra rare tech from players specifically valuable to Triax (and possibly CS) for full value which may also be traded in for ultra-rare tech such as the "Sentinel" Power Armor.
- Some extremely limited Alien Tech: Salvaged and disguised Naruni, disguised Vallax.
- Plus functional outline for customizable non-canon "Tek Town" as a setting or home base for the Players. Essentially a primarily Intermediate/Veteran Player setting suitable for transitioning into (or starting as) Advanced/Elite Veterans (see Mandatory Intro link above). Typically only the lowest Epic power scale characters might find some setting elements helpful. Munchkin player gaming is not included since it means effectively playing something that is not inherently playable (100+ attacks per melee, etc.).
- Plus several possible useful adventure elements: Including difficult but eventually possible expensive one-way transport to NGR from North America (see Contacts - Triax).
- Includes several original Techno-Wizard, Psi-Tech, and Gizmoteer security devices.
- Includes appropriate Expanded Interpretation of Operator Modification Capabilities.
- For GMs who have a use for such things.
- Possible inspiration for designing NPC or Player Operators.

- "Build a better Operator" with valid back-story to genuinely justify why it is level 15.
- Intended to be an interesting, fun, simplified, and appropriate level 15 Operator NPC maximized for GM and player usefulness NOT OVERKILL. Operators are often one of the most commonly sought out NPCs in the game for Tech based PCs. Thus having a decent one around is handy for both PC and GM. Tossing in some quirks and story element possibilities integrates it into the game more thoroughly.
- By the time players have enough gaming experience to recognize the need to seek out an Operator to modify their equipment they are probably ready for maximum or this double maximum modification capability.
- The semi-unique Vallax tech inclusion (see apprentices) is another way to revitalize old canon technology.
- Uses a minor variation or two on the Special Human Trait option.
- May be considered somewhat lenient on interpretation and usage of other various possibilities.
- Just an essential component outline for this NPC. Remaining attributes, HP, SDC, and so forth are up to individual GMs or possibly players.
- Rarity: This combination is essentially limited to a maximum of one per violent city neighborhood or unprotected town, typically in North America, with the Vallax Tech aspect further limited to even fewer or possibly even a single Combative Operator. It could also be one per continent or entirely unique. Due to the possible but rare combination of: Mutant abilities + 30+ stats + Aberrant protector scenario enabling enough Experience Points to achieve level 15. Simply compare to how many Player Characters will ever actually manage to go from first level to fifteen level.
- Books Referred To: Rifts Ultimate Edition, WB13:Lone Star, WB10:Juicer Uprising, DB4:Skraypers, Conversion Book One (revised or original), Sourcebook One (revised or original), WB5:Triax One, and WB30:D-Bees. None of the standard info available was included below so all of these books will likely be required to actually make use of this article/forum posting. However, it could also technically be used "as-is" as long as at least have access to the standard Operator's percentage modification abilities listed in the RUE.

NAME: Max Tekhammer. (Real Name: Unknown) Still just a template/outline. A final version summary of Max may be added eventually.

OCC: Operator (RUE).
- Possible Additional OCCs: Needs to remain as "human" as possible without detectable magical abilities. Allowing him to maintain to his CS contact if any (and possibly Triax). Possible magic and psionic cloaking abilities: Mystic Invisibility (Merc Adventures), Mask PPE (Psionic), or T-C23 Sentinel Blades, and so forth. Currently is just a HP & SDC human (mutant) who's mutant abilities are easily explained away as common psionic abilities (Telemechanics) and advanced combat abilities: HTH Assassin + Extraordinary PP masquerading as HTH Commando. ... alocc.html Also covered in #26 on ... ombat.html

LEVEL: 15.

ALIGNMENT: Aberrant (with some Principled tendencies). Formerly aspired to be an Aberrant Cyber-Knight but didn't become one (see Cyber-Knight Racial Requirements RUE). Found the Code of Conduct and wandering adventurer lifestyle admirable but not quite for him. Something about bringing a sword to a gun fight... followed by simply being overrun by hordes of monsters... while almost always being in unfamiliar terrain (that tends to change dramatically and frequently due to influx of alien lifeforms, battles, and so forth).

PERSONALITY: Fair but no nonsense. An Aberrant Town or Neighborhood protector. Based out of his Operator's Mechanic Shop supplied with parts via the confiscated gear of offenders. Has cordial relations with Cyber-Knights, the Black Market, legitimate humanoid Mercenary Companies, Local Townsfolk, and so forth. His apprentices are his loyal Lieutenants and he is there Leader. In general he will not associate with Anarchist, Miscreant or Diabolical beings.
- "Fair": Aberrant Protector in violent town in violent Rifts world...
- Mechanic Shop Posted Door Sign: In numerous languages stating "No negotiation of any type"; includes all semi-local languages (American, Spanish, French), Dragonese/Elven, Euro (just in case a Triax rep visits), Gobberly, Demongogian (more frequently utilized that it might seem), plus any other common local languages. Aspiring customers will be verbally greeted with "Welcome to the best tech shop in town. All prices are non-negotiable and paid in advance. Violators will be exterminated."
- Will not tolerate threats, bartering (usually a cover for other influences), bribes, trust/intimidate attempts, charm/impress attempts, awe/horror factor, seduction, magic illusions, and so forth towards him, his shop, or those he protects. Anyone who attempt these will be immediately subdued and all of their equipment confiscated as payment for their offence. If need be the individual will restrained and transported with nothing more than the clothes on their back to a random town within about 500 miles by one of his apprentices.
- Anything more violent such as: Threats implying usage of present weapons (on individual or via nearby associates), any act of violence, psionic influence, and so forth will result in terminating the target while attempting to save as much of the target's gear as possible. Law of Bartering.
- Shop prices are standard prices and are not inflated or reduced: Most of his tech parts are from confiscated tech so except for the danger in their acquisition there is no actual cost to them. Having heavy force fields usually means eliminating any repair costs from their acquisition from hostile targets. (Repair Costs listed in Operator Ability #4 in RUE, as well as an expanded list in Sourcebook One?)
- Some minor specific discounts: See Contacts (below).

- Two different scale "brawling pits" are available in town (or the neighborhood).
- Huge Local Bar/Tavern with 10000 customer capacity has indoor "Infantry brawling pit" (20 feet deep, 20 feet by 20 feet). Run by the barkeep owner. Ten-foot tavern entry doors, and limited to light power armor at most (T-C23 is fine). Anything heavier than light power armor usually isn't suitable for use in a tavern.
- Outdoor Robot Vehicle and Heavy Power Armor "Robotic brawling pit" (60 feet deep, 400 feet by 400 feet). Run by the Promoter. Primarily for robotic vehicle and heavy power armor combatants.
- Both are for official or unofficial melee-only combat (drunken challenges are common). As long as both combatants enter and voluntarily continue their melee-only combat then no intervention is necessary. Most beings will yield once they are below 30% innate MDC, or when SDC beings have their MDC armor destroyed or reduced below 50% (unrepairable below 15%: Original and Revised SB1; possibly higher elsewhere). Minor Exception: Drunken patrons of the Tavern who start a fight without entering the pit are simply tossed into the pit by the bouncers. That usually either gets them to fight in the designated area or to realize their error and quietly leave the pit. Bouncers are typically any innate MDC humanoid with supernatural strength or similar: Dragon Juicer, Mega Juicer, possibly Titan Juicer in armor, and so forth.
- The Barkeep or Promoter, any regular customers, and locals can explain to any newcomers that the only fights permitted in town are non-lethal, melee only and must occur voluntarily in either of the two "brawling pits". Violators will be exterminated. Enforced by the local protector and his assistants. Signs with all semi-local languages explaining this fighting restriction as well are posted all over town. A simple picture-based explanation is included as well: Two power armors fighting on level land circled in red with red line through it; next to two power armors fighting in a pit circled in green.
- Spontaneous fights are common, with corresponding gambling offered via the Barkeep or Promoter.
- Law of Frenzy: Any damage outside of either pit is an offense. Since ranged combat tends to lead to this any ranged combat is also automatically an offense. Lethal combat is an offense. Superseded by Law of Defenders and occasionally Law of Invaders (see Tek Town Details below).
- There is also an unofficial, unregulated "anything goes" combat valley about 10 miles outside of town. However, this is often just a trap being set by local bandits or whoever that can provoke a few foolish mercenaries or adventurers into going. Neither the locals nor the protector go to that location.
- Personal Combat Request to Fight Max: If genuinely honorable he simply replies that such things are inappropriate due to his responsibilities. Usually this is just an attempt to lure him out of the fortress to be ambushed and so forth. If a bandit, volatile challenger, or similar he either simply blasts them with the turrets or pauses briefly to confer with Cliff. He thus informs Cliff (see the Techno-Wizard below) that a volunteer target for his latest experimental weapon has presented himself. If useful to Cliff then Max simply informs any such challenger to head to the robotic pit (or just outside of the town perimeter if Cliff's weaponry is ranged or particularly lethal) and wait there. Cliff typically shows up in his own T-C23 so the challenger is generally unaware of any difference.

APPEARANCE: Almost always in his personal armor. Otherwise an idyllic solid appearance and build that could be anywhere in his 40s, 30s, or late 20s.

NOTABLE ATTRIBUTES: IQ 30+, MA 10+, ME 10+, PP 31+, PE 10+, full autododge, and never fatigues (see below). Base speed of 6 for the RUE low attribute boost to IQ, or Gene-Spliced to IQ 30 plus one insanity option (Mindwerks), or the possible but implausible natural 29 or 30 attribute roll (natural 18 +6 on 1d6 +5 or 6 on 1D6) +1 Operator bonus.
- Ultimate Attributes and Abilities Option: Technically Gene-Splicers can provide 'any attributes, abilities, and so forth' limited only by the GM (first option in Mindwerks); except for innate magical abilities.

SPECIES: Rifts Earth Mutant Human (Super Abilities Conversion Book 1 original or revised version) or Skraypers Mutant Human (Seerons) born and/or raised on Rifts Earth. Gene-Splicers (Mindwerks) or Lone Star could possibly produce equivalent abilities as well.

- Major: Mechano-Link, Create Force Field.
- Minor: Extraordinary PP, Healing Factor.
- Can replace Create Force Field with various Force Fields (Naruni, TW, Ultimax, Vallax, etc) built into specific armors or vehicles.
-- Mechano-Link: Unlimited use all Telemechanic abilities; universal 'Pilot Everything' skill percentage even alien tech. Essentially has limited Robot Combat Elite in all applicable: Full capabilities/maneuvers but no actual combat bonuses (bonus attacks, etc). Combat bonuses require the actual RCE/PCE, RCB/PCB, Weapon Systems, etc; bonus to strike with all modern weaponry. Less obvious benefit: Eliminates Tech type Skill Penalties (RUE page 301): Advanced, Unknown, or Alien Machines and Tech; and Military Tech penalties. Primary Exception: Any technology that is immune to Telemechanics or equivalent such as: Just the espionage components made by Archie-3 (Shemarrian Nation?). Indirect Exception: Incorrect Species Auto-destruct: Several technologies are hardwired to be only usable by specific species with corresponding auto-destruct if incorrect species attempts to tamper with the item: Shemarrian Guns (Archie-3), Vallax Weapons (WB10: Juicer), and so forth (Bonus yes, Boom yes; otherwise they would be common acquisitions). Side Note: Even without this the Vehicle Armorer skill would eliminate just the Military Tech penalties.
-- Extraordinary PP: Mainly for Autododge and PP bonus to legitimately achieve 31 PP. Other minor bonuses.
-- Healing Factor: Mainly "never fatigues". Huge list of other bonuses. Treated as does not need sleep and never tires enabling him to operate at maximum innate speed/capacity for unlimited duration.
- Combined Powers: Mechano-Link full immersion Meditation (on/off) allowing MDC regeneration of direct contact tech. MDC is same as HP + SDC healing rate with option of super healing (Healing Factor). However any damaged sustained to an item while its being healed also inflicts an equal amount of SDC to Max (1 MD = 1 SD). If the item is destroyed while doing so Max must save vs coma/death of PE +1% per level, +bonuses or immediately die (level+HF=35%+PE attribute number +PE coma/death bonus +others). No other limit while doing so. Whiles utilizing Mechano-Link Healing Factor Meditation other standard meditation benefits apply (ISP gain, PPE gain, etc). (Original concept; Based on HU2 Combining Powers plus MDC versions of powers in Rifts and MDC settings.)

- Modification Comparison Note: Heavy modification of power armor is like modern day street racing modification of cars, essentially tons of parts are swapped out for higher performance parts and/or fine-tuned in unique ways, and by the time its done very little of the original vehicle remains. Also any mass produced technology is inherently built to minimum practical capabilities for cost effectiveness. Custom modification aims for maximum effectiveness. Mass production might use the 100 credit piece of tech since its sufficient to function appropriately while custom modification might use the 10,000 credit piece of tech replacement part to maximize effectiveness.
- MDC Materials Technical Note: Essentially the Rifts system does not differentiate between the various qualities of MDC materials used in terms of cost or repairs (though it formerly did in terms of type of armor being repaired). See Operator Ability #4 (RUE) for universal MDC repair costs (listed as "replace" MDC presumably for both repairs and additional MDC). MDC qualities are easy to recognize when comparing a roughly 1 ton or less power armor to a 10 to 30 ton robot vehicle with the same main body MDC (typically in the 300 to 450 MDC range). Since Operator MDC additions do not increase weight (there is even an option to reduce the overall weight) it is presumably done by "replacing" existing MDC plating with more efficient MDC material plating. Thus being similar to retrofitting a SDC vehicle into a MDC vehicle where it too has its "armor" replaced by more effective armor. What this likely means is that when MDC is "added" to an armor type it will either be a small amount with irrelevant weight adjustment OR significant MDC where existing MDC plating is removed and replaced with more efficient MDC material plating. Since the removed MDC plating is still fine for use only the additional MDC is charged for in credits. Since any repairs to MDC armors are simply done with the corresponding correct MDC material then modded armors that are subsequently damaged will be repaired with the improved MDC material.
- Operator vs Non-Operator Modification Note: As the primary advanced tech OCC Operators have special modification abilities above and beyond the other OCCs or just the mechanical skills themselves (see Operator Ability #4). The strangest of which is perhaps the Vehicle Armorer skill which specifically provides familiarity with cutting edge military technology, enough that it provides lesser versions of Operator Ability #4. Once an Operator has this skill he gets to use his Operator mods for that tech instead of the skill mods.
- Tech Armor Side Note: Except for GM generosity the ability to continually use the same tech armor (body armor, power armor, robot vehicle) usually requires having damage buffers such as autododge, force fields, Techno-Wizard impervious to energy addition, and so forth.

#1 Defined Talent - Operator Ability #4: Repair and Soup-Up Machines and Abilities (double modification capabilities) (WB13: Lonestar).
- This is a minor variation of the standard available options. Gaining double normal enhancement capabilities (similar to the double bonus if a Physical skill was chosen). Instead of two defined skills benefiting just the one Operator Ability which applies to all of his mechanical skills.
#2 Enhanced Intelligence, option #2: Actual ability name is different. (WB13: Lonestar).
- Standard Version Provides: Huge amount of bonus skills. Availability of all skills regardless of normal OCC restrictions (both bonus and regular OCC). Actual canon: All skills access + many bonus skills + treated as equivalent of Secondary Skills yet can get the most advanced skills with bonus skills (Artificial Intelligence, in theory any Hand to Hand skill) which are unavailable as normal Secondary Skills = the only standard canon skill category with this combo (Any skill + 0% bonus) are the rare less than 1% of OCC skills that have no percentage bonus (see Cyber-Doc: Medical Doctor skill, and several other RUE OCCs) = bonus skills are essentially "Lesser OCC Skills". This is just an easier to understand label.
- Minor Variant Expanded Options: An alternative to Mechano-Link's less obvious benefit. Can also choose a specific tech penalty elimination option instead of a bonus skill selection. 1 Bonus Skill usage obtains 1 of: Complete familiarity with a single "Advanced, Unknown, or Alien Technology" that would normally have a skill penalty associated with working on it. Each of the following would be considered a single Tech selection:
-- All North America Human Military Tech (Coalition, Northern Gun, and so forth); Side Note: The Vehicle Armorer skill description implies effectively having this tech familiarity (last sentence in skill description; RUE).
-- All European Human Military Tech (England, Triax/NGR, Soviet, and so forth);
-- Naruni Tech;
-- Vallax Tech requires nearly impossible circumstances to achieve - infected but free-will juicer, Vallax Android, Vallax species, or genetic mimic shapeshifter - PLUS the electrical and mechanical capabilities to disable the auto-destruct features - PLUS the tech must be obtained before the end of the actual Juicer Uprising event in World Book 10 where they and all of their tech was destroyed. They are such an otherwise such an obscure species that not even the Splugorth have heard of them or their technology. (see WB10: Juicer Uprising)
- and so forth.
- See RUE page 301 for details of skill penalties.
- Mechano-Link side note: This is able to utilize all advanced or alien tech without penalties which could imply that it also effectively eliminates any penalties for mechanically working on such devices. Doing so would eliminate the necessity of the above. Vallax Tech would still require the special apprentice circumstances in order to obtain and disarm before being able to work on them.
#3 Optionally: Could have up to 1 more Special Human Traits (max of 3 for mutants).
- an automatic 20+ MA attribute (start with low MA, get RUE attribute bonus; then select?); ambidexterity + combat bonuses; Defined Talent: Boxing and Acrobatics = double combat bonuses for both; Defined Talent: Mechano Link 'Pilot Everything' and 'Operate Any Machine' (= 96% both with IQ bonus; lenient usage for universal base skill equivalents),and so forth.

OCC SKILLS: (primarily essential selectable skills for the character theme; remaining OCC skills are listed in RUE)
- Robot Combat Elite - All CR-### CS Robot Vehicles: Including Spider Skull Walker. (RUE)
- Robot Combat Elite - All Glitterboy models: All built of the same basic chassis, game-play appropriate lenient RUE armor groupings interpretation. Same applies to SAMAS.
- Robot Combat Elite - All T-## including T-C## Triax Armors: T-21, T-31, T-C20, T-C23, and so forth. The T-C## is just the "luxury edition" of the T-21. RUE lists T-21 as Ground Power Armor but should actually be classified as Flying Power Armor (since it does fly, and also compare dodge bonus relevance) and especially since the GBSK is specifically listed as a flier and is literally the GB-Tech version of a T-21/T-C20 (horrible comparison to virtually identical flight capabilities of a T-21). Having Elite in any of the T-series, Kittanni Universal Power Armor (WB2 comparatively primitive alien tech predecessor to T-21), Glitterboy Sidekick (WB22 literally a T-21 built from GB-Tech) effectively includes the remaining ones on this list (possibly lenient armor groups).
-- A single PAE or RCE lists a specific grouping of similar power armors or robot vehicles. These are generally most easily defined in any relevant way by a technical designation attributed to their manufacturer. However several base power armor types are actually made by several different manufacturers yet all simply minor variations of that basic power armor. As such any PAE that includes any model or manufacturer of one of these should effectively include all other models and manufacturers of the same basic type. Examples: SAMAS, Glitterboys, T-21/T-C20/Glitterboy Sidekick/Kittanni Universal Power Armor; each basically knock-offs/equivalent/variations of the core design.
- WP Heavy MD Weapons.
- HTH: Assassin.

ADDITIONAL OCC PREREQUISITE SKILLS: (RUE page 299 - in bold "If an O.C.C. or R.C.C. starts off with a skill...")
- Communication: Literacy x3 (Computer Operation, Electrical Engineer, and Mechanical Engineer prerequisite). Interestingly the three literacy skills actually makes sense since Operators start with two spoken languages, and Techno-Can is essentially an engineering and programming language for all technology which lacks a spoken version.
- Science: Mathematics - Advanced (Electrical Engineer prerequisite).
- Special: The combined abilities of Electrical Engineer and Mechanical Engineer effectively include the equivalent of abilities of the Electricity Generation skill. Mechanical Engineer "includes fusion driven turbines and advanced power supplies". Electrical Engineer can "wire entire buildings or vehicles". Mostly just eliminates any need to select the Electricity Generation skill and comprehensive ability to independently power his own buildings.

OCC RELATED SKILLS: (primarily essential skills for the character theme)
- Electrical: Robot Electronics 13th/98%.
- Mechanical: Aircraft Mechanics 15th/98%, Automotive Mechanics 13th/98%, Locksmith 15th/98%, Robot Mechanics 15th/98%, Vehicle Armorer 15th/98%.
- Military: Military Fortifications 10th/98%.
- Physical: Boxing 4th/combat bonuses.
- Pilot Related: Navigation 7th/98%, Weapon Systems 7th/98%.
- Rogue: Computer Hacking 15th/98%.
- Tech: Appraise Goods 10th/98% (x2, ALL Military Goods; covers Recognize Weapon Quality and more), Computer Programming 15th/98%.

SECONDARY SKILLS: (primarily essential skills for the character theme)
- Tech: Lore: Magic 15th/98% (Symbols 98%, People Enchanted 97%), Lore: Demons & Monsters 15th/98%, Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 12th/98%, Lore: Psychics & Psionics 8th/81%, Lore: Juicer 4th/66%. [Protector 'know your targets' theme.]
- WP: Energy Pistols 15th, Energy Rifles 15th, Quick Draw 2nd/initiative bonus (simplest interpretation, seems to function similar to a Physical skill providing a universal combat bonus).

BONUS SKILLS: (via Special Human Traits, Enhanced Intelligence, Option #2; no OCC skill % bonus) Huge number of bonus skills. (see WB:Lone Star)
- Communications: Electronic Countermeasures 5th/71%, Surveillance 7th/91%. [Seemed helpful]
- Espionage: Detect Ambush 11th/98%, Detect Concealment 13th/98%, Intelligence 15th/98%. [Detection and Universal Enemy Identification and Analysis]
- Military: Camouflage 12th/98%, Demolitions 6th/92%. [Mostly incorporated into Military Fortifications for secret tunnels, compartments, turrets, auto-destruct, and so forth]
- Physical: Acrobatics 4th/98%+ (Includes: Climbing 66%, Prowl 56%). [Theme appropriate: movement style of T-C23, no fear of heights for non-Men-at-Arms pilots, Physical Prowess Bonus]
- Science: Artificial Intelligence 15th/98%, Chemistry 15th/98%, Chemistry:Analytical 15th/98%. [Design and modify tech materials, armor types, and so forth]
- Tech: Art 8th/91% (Modern Tech Design, Customization, and Paint-job) [Vehicle Armorer skill already does this?], Lore:D-Bee 14th/98%, Salvage 9th/96% (advanced version of Recycle).
- Wilderness: Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 10th/96%. [Applied to all appropriate skin-able monsters suitable for making natural MDC armor]
- Advanced Tech Familiarity Option: North America Human Military Tech (free from Vehicle Armorer skill?), European Human Military Tech (free from Vehicle Armorer skill plus access to Triax tech?), Naruni, Vallax, plus other appropriate ones. Mechano-Link may actually effectively provide all of these tech types for free since it eliminates them for piloting purposes. So either (A) All advanced and alien tech types free from Mechano-Link leaving room for 3 more skills; or (B) only the Advanced Tech free from Vehicle Armorer, selecting Naruni and Vallax as individual alien tech types, leaving room for 1 more alien tech type or 1 more skill.

- "Pilot All": High percent base plus IQ % bonus. Applies to all percentage based piloting skills. Only individual Robot Combat Elite skills must be obtained separately. (see DB4:Skraypers)

- Law 15th/98%.
- Swimming 15th/98%.
- WP Sword 15th/-.
- Remaining bonus skills effectively covered via OCC, etc.

- Lore:Xiticix 11th/98%. [From "Cured" Hates bugs of all kinds; see History - Fortifications.]

- Seeron (HSS) with Latent (Enhanced Major) or Master Psionics (DB4 + HU2); Mutant Human or Seeron - plus Azlum mod (WB2); Either with any Psionics - plus Gene-Splicer mods (SB3), or...
- Human Mutants with Random Psionics: Originally prohibited mostly to maintain game balance and to keep every Scholar & Adventurer OCC from being immediately overly powerful. Psi-Ghost and other listed examples violates that and even does so in far more powerful ways (Psi-Ghost Major Super Abilities = potentially unlimited enemy tech vehicle capture ability - starting with fastest vehicle, limited invulnerability, and so forth). Ultimately really only remains as a game-balancing option for low powered campaigns. Also useful to those without any familiarity with the HU2 book or even the DB4 book. If a real diehard for the wording of the concept over the relevant intent/context of a concept then no worries simply use one of the far more powerful example options. [Innovative interpretation; as always its a matter of relevance to any particular GM]
- Mutant + Psionics Examples: Psi-Ghost, Seerons, Bio-Freak, Gene-Splicer creations, Azlum mod (WB2), and so forth.
- Mainly for Sixth Sense, Intuitive Combat, average 80+ ISP, better psionic saving throw, allows use of optional TW additions, plus other interesting psionic abilities.
- Max's Psionics: Max is probably most functional as a Seeron (HSS) with Master Psionics substituting in Psi-Tech abilities (but no skills) instead. Born and raised on Rifts Earth. [DB4; HU2 vs Psyscape] This maximizes his tech capabilities (speed and versatility) though many aspects are simply alternate variations on Mechano-Link/Operator Abilities. It also covers the Sixth Sense and Intuitive Combat psychic abilities, has 280 ISP, 8 PPE, and is still technically 'human' (a Seeron Human that would pass for a regular Rifts Earth human). The double max modification ability would also apply to the one modification percentage that the Psi-Tech has but Operator's does not (the computer %). The repeated modification abilities presumably do not combine, only the better of the two is used. This also treats Max's tech mod enhancement as a universal bonus to any similar tech modification percentage abilities from any OCC (possible, plausible, appropriate, just simply unlikely to occur).
-- Combining Identical Bonus/Mod Types: Could attempt to combine identical types (speed modification %). However the stable ones tend to be identical mod numbers (or simply lesser versions of Operator mod abilities) implying being the same type of bonus (similar to attempting to obtain the same WP twice due to multiple OCCs with same OCC skill). Therefore combining is inappropriate however using the better of the two identical bonus types is appropriate (computer %, double speed tech skill use = 6 days of work per day with never fatigues, etc). Jury-rigging speed is about the only one that might combine (x2 = base +100%, x3 = base +200% = base +300% = x4; though mostly as an amusing story element).
-- Interesting Side Note: If the Gene-Splicers (Mindwerks) ever enhanced Max based off this configuration they could make him obscenely powerful. Natural innate aptitude for stable mutation plus master psionics: The two areas that Gene-Splicers excel at enhancing.
-- [Overall may be considered difficult game aspects: Subtle but slim possibility of random master psychic similar to several other ones found in Rifts; Rifts integration/version typically simply being having the abilities but not the skills of any master psychic RCC/OCC rather than the HU2 version; and so forth. These are always interesting to deal with. Each such instance tends to be semi-unique. Either (A) well defined with specific limitations often unique for that species; or (B) Basic generic possibilities that tend to be more implied than defined with no special limitations.]
-- Max's final version is not listed this is still just an outline. A final summarized version of Max may eventually be listed separately.
-- Just for amusement: Psychics are considered essentially extremely minor mutants of their species if you can find that tidbit in the books.


Fully Modified Spider-Skull Walker:
- Double Normal Maximum Increases to MDC, Speed, and so forth. Plus up to double extra features per area. All via enhanced operator ability #4. Yields: 850 MDC + 255 MDC Vallax Force Field (1 primary and 1 backup), 112 mph ground and flight (see below), and so forth. Force Field Options: Techno-Wizard 150 MDC (RMB), Ultimax/Triax FF fully modded to 170 MDC (by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC), Naruni Super Heavy FF fully modded to 272 MDC (by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC), Vallax Force Field fully modded to 255 MDC which regenerates 1D10+10 MDC per melee (both by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC and simplified numbers) and unlike most force fields this one seems to replenish itself at the same rate after reaching zero MDC (unless the vehicle is destroyed), Create Force Field Super Ability 200 MDC. Should be enough room based on maximum add-on modifications (see Operator RUE) to allow for one primary tech FF system and one backup tech FF system only usable one at a time (Vallax x2 is best, Vallax + TW is interesting only if 100s of ISP and/or PPE are available, or whatever).
- Dual Rail Guns Replaced with Dual Boom Guns that do Dual Boom Gun Blasts. If need be use the Triax Glitterboy Boom Guns. Over-sized ammo drums store 20,000 rounds each gun allowing 20,000 dual blasts. May include special ammo: MDC wood rounds, MDC silver rounds, and so forth.
- Mini-Missile Launcher Add-On: Primarily for shooting down incoming missile volleys. Almost never needed for autododging targets. 100 Mini-Missiles payload. Can fire any volley size from 1 to 20. 200 MDC top-mounted mini-missile launcher, 100 MDC internal reinforced missile storage compartment, with emergency jettison and detonation system. If its launcher MDC is depleted (note overkill absorption rule) the remaining mini-missile automatically jettison, propelling straight upward 100 feet and detonating all remaining missile harmlessly.
- Dual Laser Turrets: If the optional Vallax Option is used (see Apprentices below) then the core components of both of these dual turrets have been replaced with the Vallax Rifle essential components. Resulting in 2D6x10 MD dual-blasts that automatically bypass any impervious to energy (regardless of nature) after the first shot on a recurring target; unlimited shots, fully modified range 2400 feet.
- Limited but extremely nimble VTOL Hovering and Flight Addition: 112 mph, 500 foot maximum height. Achieved via combination of: Underside hover jets, rear propulsion jets, and maneuverings jets on each leg. Can fire the dual boom guns without hindrance while flying. Nimble enough to autododge in if pilot is capable of it.
- Customized Appearance: Its modifications have been done to specifically change its appearance as much as possible. It currently appears to be more of a Triax or Kittani (Atlantis) streamline and space-age design. Basically it simply isn't visually recognized as being a CS Spider Skull Walker by anyone including the CS.
- Numerous other optional features.
- Optional TW modifications include: Impervious to Energy, Invisibility (Superior), and so forth from his 15th level Techno-Wizard contact: For duration per use, and so forth (see RMB). Listed ISP (see psionics) effectively limits these to two uses total before all ISP expended. It is very, very easy to trade for goods and services as a double maximum modifications level 15 Operator - can fully modify a vehicle or armor for a Techno-Wizard who then adds his own TW additions to it making the TW very happy.
- Why a spider skull walker?: Just interesting to revitalize an early canon Rifts robot vehicle. Also happened to have enough MDC and weight to support switching the standard dual rail guns to dual boom guns with minimal modifications. Ironically the six giant spider legs are visually amusing as huge stabilization pylons which are actually irrelevant since it already weighs nearly 30 tons.

Neural Mace: For peacefully subduing very low powered opponents, usually mercenary bar room brawl equivalent encounters. Otherwise mostly symbolic. In theory he has a preference for methods that quickly subdue and confiscate equipment from those that attack them. Neural Maces, Stun Guns (WB10:Juicer Uprising - Defender Power Armor - Neural Disruptor Rifle), Tear Gas, restraints, and so forth.

Neural Disruptor Rifles: Fully modified version: Standard save (modified to base 27) for targets in armor up to 85 MDC; +6 save for targets in armor of 86 to 136 MDC; armor 137+ MDC is immune, range 1440 feet. Same amount of MDC as Force Field or Innate MDC should also stop it. Each MDC is dealt with separately do not total them (it either stops it or it doesn't). Immunity to Energy or Electricity applies. Resistance or immunity to either of poison or stun most likely applies as well. All MDC true supernatural (Demons, etc), natural (Dragons, etc.) and artificial creatures of magic (Mega-Juicer, Dragon Juicer, Tattoo-Man, etc) are also immune. Must still strike target first. Mostly a symbolic weapon. Special Power connector slot in hand grip, see T-C23. Max and his apprentices all carry one of these in a custom locking back shoulder holster. To be replaced with a better and plausible "stun gun" for him and his apprentices when available. (WB10 Defender Power Armor)

Minor Magical Items:
Obtained from TW buddy and/or other customer contacts, and so forth.
- Hindrances: Anything that can detect magic can potentially find the location of these items. A TW device or similar could also likely obscure specific magic detection. Also see Sentinel Blades for T-C23.
- 7-Section Amulet: Each section is a separate medallion which are then simply tied into place along a string which is worn securely around the neck. Each section provides a different Amulet spell benefit thus achieving all 7 benefits simultaneously; constant See The Invisible, etc. RUE page 223.
- Various Talisman: Each has 1 spell with 3 usages, must be recharged by its creator: With useful spells such as Carpet of Adhesion, Dispel Magic Barrier, and so forth. Talisman spell, BoM page 150.
- Magic Scrolls: Useful spells of 9th or higher level. Create Magic Scroll BoM page 140.
- Other minor magical items: At GMs discretion.

Magical Items:
- These are approaching overkill and are less Rifts-ish than preferred but may be necessary for absolute security. Inferred creation guidelines similar to magical weapons: Alchemist (PFRPG), Mystic Kuznya (WB18), Druids (WB3), Holy Weapons (Equivalent variation of Rune Weapons), and other persistent magic item creation sources. Also any item put into the game can technically be captured by players. When dealing with spells (Power Weapon, Anti-Magic Cloud, etc) or effects (Rune Weapon creature Vulnerability) that include specific limitations or benefits for being rune weapons can treat these as such. Technically “minor rune items”. Includes Sentinel Blades (see T-C23).
- Left Bracer: Constant Invulnerability (as spell:) Same immunities and bonuses as spell, with separate on/off MDC field (which refreshes every melee), and on/off blue light of the aura. For wearer and gear up to two-handed sword/rocket launcher and worn armor no larger than 1 foot beyond the wearer's natural shape in any direction (so up to 2 feet additional height, width, length) including force fields. Works with T-C23. 50 MDC aura/field completely renews at the start of every melee and MDC field portion only covers the hand-grips of any wielded weapons. Can be activated and deactivated on command. Will automatically switch off if any other MDC field is active or is activated. Will automatically switch on (non-visible version) if no MDC field is present or if current one is eliminated. The aura has no visible aspect, except that on command its color can become blue providing the equivalent light of a 40 watt lightbulb. Its bonds in the same manner as Sentinel Blades and only the wielder can activate its abilities. Its aura's magical nature is completely masked by the Mystic Invisibility of a Sentinel Blade. Item is indestructible and does not impede the wearing of actual armor due to being as thin as sheet metal.
- Additional/Extended aura effect also acts as an anti-matter containment/repulsion field preventing anything within the aura from physically interacting with Anti-Matter. Thus providing the only known immunity to Anti-Matter: Do not make any physical contact with it whatsoever (otherwise only possible by not having a physical form).
-- Anti-Matter explosions are more of an expanding disintegration field rather than an actual explosion/big boom. Things within the field essentially cease to be while things outside of the field are unaffected.
- Right Bracer: Constant Impervious to Magic Barriers: Basically makes the wearer and his gear immune to detrimental magical barriers (same types as for Dispel Magic Barriers spell). However does not impede Protection Circles. Indestructible with same gear limitations as Left Bracer.
-- Further protects the wearer and his gear from all unnatural energy drain (including TW Void Wall, Shadow Wall spell, life force drain, Nxla/Harvesters/Xombie, etc) and detrimental anti-magic equivalent effects (anti-magic cloud, ley line storms, etc).
-- Also provides immunity to Telekinesis and equivalent effects regardless of nature: Magic, psi, super ability, etc; as well as artificial gravity manipulation; other appropriately similar effects can also be included in the immunity.
-- Approved acquisition of a T-C23 from Max could include a Right Bracer at GM's discretion. If particularly lenient could also include a Left Bracer.

"Sentinel" T-C23 Power Armor - Double Max Modified T-C20 Power Armor - Full Military Version of Triax T-21: Essentially fully articulate "work coveralls", with the benefit of light power armor strength. Its minimal increase in size and dextrous fingers means its fully functional for over 90% of Operator tasks. Due the further dangers of attack from the overall violence of the area it is also essentially enhanced body armor. It is less restrictive than most body armors and can be worn while piloting vehicles and robot vehicles.
* Usage: For safety and practicality both he and his apprentices will be wearing suits of these while working 90% or more of the time (100% except when in personal quarters).
* This custom armor version was nicknamed “Sentinel” by the local townsfolk. It was given its technical designation by the Combative Operator: T-C23 represents "C" Combat designation, "2" base model, and "3" Mechanic/Explorer designation.
* These have been fully enhanced via his Operator Ability #4.
* Yielding 340 MDC + 255 MDC Vallax Force Field which regenerates 1D10+10 MDC per melee[/u] (fully modded by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC and simplified numbers). Unlike most force fields this one seems to replenish itself at the same rate after reaching zero MDC (unless the armor is destroyed). Configuration includes a precise gap over each weapon/tool exit point so they can always fire without hitting the force field (missile launcher, finger tools, etc.). External wielded weapons are not protected by the force field, however only a called shot to such a weapon would reveal that (Neural Disruptor Rifle, melee weapons, etc). Other Force Field options would require: PPE/ISP (TW), larger armor type (Ultimax), the mutant power, possibly something from Triax (Triax 2 book perhaps?), or other advanced or alien technology. Specific area MDC is similarly double max modified.
* Robotic Strength: Full robotic strength, since its radically enhanced MDC now qualifies it for such an upgrade. See Augmented Strength vs Robotic Strength RUE page 285. [An innovative interpretation]
-- Also increase to 27 (Robotic Strength). [This actually makes it slightly less than the standard P.S. of the similarly sized same basic technology T-31 heavy power armor - by P.S. type and Immunity to Psionics standards: WB5:Triax. Thus making the P.S. conversion and P.S. increase notions even more plausible.]
* Heavy Power Armor: Fully modified with 250+ MDC (and robotic strength just for completeness) is reclassified as Heavy Power Armor. With the ultra heavy force field eliminating any doubt of this. Essentially more powerful than an Ultimax: More total MDC and ultra-heavy force field regenerates very quickly apparently even when depleted; man-sized so can be worn anywhere that body armor could be worn; 1D6x10 MD built-in weaponry that bypasses any immunities to it, provides autododge when using its primary movement form. The Ultimax is one of the few power armors or robot vehicles that comes with a force field. As such it actually makes a very good comparison for similar MDC values and offensive capabilities.
* Immunity to Psionics: 250+ MDC see RUE page 366. The description of this feature (which is due to 250+ MDC main body) does not technically affect the wearer's psionics such as Sixth Sense or Intuitive Combat. Even if it did an innovative minor variation on the basic potential of the Techno-Wizard Psionic Mind Shield (RUE page 136) could produce a helmet modification that permits the use of such abilities. The ISP usage cost could simply be: Double ISP costs, or require an activated effect by 18 ISP for 24 hours of normal Battle Psionics use. Based on the notion that allowing specific psionics use would be much easier than creating a magical immunity to all psionics. Both would be without otherwise compromising the nature of innate Impervious to Psionics from adversaries.
* Magic Avoidance: Many magic spells and effects use dodge as a saving throw (Magic Net, etc). Thus the autododge is extremely helpful. Most non-damaging effects are also limited to very short range of typically under 100 feet.
-- Heavy Power Armor immunities to magic: Death Bolt (BoM - Necro), etc.
* Power Jumping: 238 mph, provides autododge, and +3 autododge (BOTH ONLY WHILE POWER JUMPING). Its primary movement type. Typically 20 to 30 foot jumps up and across, maximum of 420 feet. Side Note: Basically while Power Jumping it essentially moves in the same bouncing, unpredictable way as a Juicer engaged in combat. Basically able to move approximately 5000 feet (just under 1 mile) per melee; with 10 actions per round it could move 500 feet per action = 16 to 25 jumps while engaged in combat. Absurd but approximately technically accurate.
* Flight/Jump Engines and Universal Mobility: Silenced Engines, cushioned boot-grips and non-reflective semi-camouflage or full camouflage paint, special surface coatings to eliminate 'clanking', fine-tuned weight balancing, custom-fitting, exceptional hand and finger grips for climbing, balanced buoyancy for swimming, corresponding computer programs combining sensors and non-combat use of targeting system, and so forth. Adds +40% to: Acrobatics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, and Swimming. (See Expanded Operator Abilities below.) [Innovative interpretations; See Triax Hover Tank for similar principle Silenced Engines WB5:Triax]
* Helmet:
-- Sound Filtration System: Fully insulated against the sonic boom effects of Boom Guns (RUE page 51 + Boom Gun details).
-- Enhanced Sensors: All known optical sensors including Magnification (up to x480, 9 feet), Telescopic (up to x60, 3 miles), and so forth (RUE page 50, 264). Polarized lenses sufficient to protect against even a Blinding Flash spell or equivalent.
-- Language Translator: 21 languages at any one time (see RUE page 262 and 49). Virtually any language is available including appropriate Phase World languages at GM discretion.
-- Targeting System: Allows standard dual forearm weapon blasts, for standard 1 action. Presumably compensates for any and all possible movement based penalties while Power Jumping and engaged in combat (its primary function), especially since it is built off the military version of the T-21. Shouldn't need to but if in doubt then consider it a modification added into it, most likely an inspired targeting system variation partially based on the commonly available targeting system from the Juicer Killer Power Armor (WB10: Juicer Uprisings). It is basically designed to counter a juicer's autododge abilities, thus using it as a template for designing one that allows autododge abilities.
-- Target ID Recognition HUD: Equivalent of all ID skills at 98%: ALL standard Lore skills (plus Vampire and Xiticix), Identify Plants and Fruit, Appraise Goods (vehicles, and military goods only), Intelligence (organizations, groups, merc companies, military forces, etc), Streetwise (gangs), and so forth. Primarily anything found on Rifts Earth. (simplified, far more extensive, advanced, miniature version of existing Tech; using T-C23 sensors, HUD, and advanced computer systems)
* Back Shoulders:
-- Right Side Back Shoulder - Customized Locking Rifle Holster: which holds one rifle securely in place, primarily for the Neural Disruptor Rifle (see Notable Equipment above).
-- Left Side Back Shoulder - Micro Missile Launcher: Custom built launcher replaces standard back mounted T-C20/T-C23 missile launcher, Volleys of 1 to 20, ammo capacity 60 micro missiles. Primary Purpose: Countering enemy missile volleys of 4 or more. Naruni Micro Missiles (listed in DB3:PWS; DB8:Naruni Wave 2?) eventually replaced with Tekhammer Anti-Matter Micro Missiles (1D4x10 MD each, damage type: Anti-matter, otherwise standard micro missile stats). [See TW Create Anti-Matter Machine] Tekhammer has roughly 10000 in stock at any time. TW Missile Countermeasures Enhancement on missile tube #1 only: 98% chance to shoot down missile volley with one missile (self powered). Reinforced internal missile compartment jettisons and harmlessly implodes destroying just the specially reinforced compartment if the missile launcher is destroyed. Done without damaging the surrounding area.
* Fingers:
-- Index Finger - Laser Wand with Scalpel settings available (Electronics and Etchings).
-- Middle Finger - Laser Torch (Cutting and Welding) (see RUE page 269).
-- Ring Finger - Retractable Power Connector for Neural Disruptor Rifle while wielded that connects it to the Power Armor's nuclear power supply. Basically a variation of the Retractable Finger Blades (RUE page 53). External end casing also rotates with full robotic strength.
-- Little Finger - Retractable Universal Cyberjack Plug (see Computer Portable Field Unit RUE page 262).
-- Finger Tech - Expanded details in case of any confusion: Also note similar laser finger tech RUE page 53. Custom versions should fit fine, however Laser Torch core components could be built into back of hand and use focusing lenses in mini-tubes to project it down the length of the finger (similar to fibre-optics). Hand held versions are also larger due to appropriate hand-held casing requirements which in turn allow use of cheaper and larger components, and so forth. Probably easiest to build out of 6 laser wand weapon cores that are funnelled into a single beam as needed. Pen sized laser wand = pen casing + 60% space for mini-e-clip = weapon core smaller than a AAA battery. Could also just build from scratch. Alternatively even special order from Triax, Black Market, Northern Gun, or Wilks. Improvised Estimated cost: 7000 base x10 easy miniaturization x 10 easy prototype = 700000 credits for one plus 70000 credits for each additional with a size equal to a single AAA battery.
-- T-C23 Field Repairs: The combination of built-in tools, diverse advanced sensor systems including non-combat/mechanical usage, robotic strength, and so forth make the T-C23 ideal for performing Field Repairs. As such it eliminates the skill penalties for all Field Repairs except Extensive (RUE page 312). Presumably "extensive" would include any significant section (main body, primary limb, etc) who's MDC has been reduced below 30% (since at 15% it becomes unrepairable based on original SB1). [just an appropriate innovative interpretation]
* Forearms:
-- Back-Hand Side of Forearms, Both Arms - Vallax Beams: 5D6 MD and 1200 foot range each. Custom targeting system allows dual blasts for 1D6x10 MD (instead of 5D6x2) and after first hit on same target it automatically bypasses any impervious to energy regardless its nature. The military version included forearm lasers which have been replaced by the Vallax Pistol tech (see Apprentices below).
-- Elbow/Little Finger Outer Side of Forearms, Both Arms - "Experimental Retractable Silver Blades similar to energized or vibro blades". If anyone asks is from experimental metallurgy MDC silver (some Forum posts actually address tech-based MDC silver) and several processes far too complicated to even attempt to explain. Which are actually magical "Sentinel Blades":
--- Overall Nature and Power Level: Unaligned Magical Blades that can initially be wielded by anyone. Vaguely similar to Holy Weapons, Mystic Kuznya, and other such magical weaponry. Non-standard rune weapons/items: "Greater" or low end "Greatest" "Rune Weapon" combat capabilities but only considered to be "Minor Rune Items" mainly due to a lack of independent personality (WB30: Nuhr Dwarves - Nuhr Rune Maker; extended Mystic Kuznya equivalent). Closest creation methods being demonstrated by Nuhr Rune Maker (variants of Mystic Kuznya) and standard Mystic Kuznya (which only has an unfinished limited list of possibilities similar to list of specific TW items vs endless possibilities via TW creation process). Story element: It tends to be a signature item that no one else can deduce how to make... strangely appears to be a non-magical sword (advanced or alien tech perhaps?) by all detection methods (even to Nuhr Rune Makers and Mystic Kuznya). They are physically designed and disguised to appear to be "experimental retractable vibro blades" especially when housed in armor forearms. Ultimately are effectively immune to detection as magic items. Thus their true nature and value is only rarely known to anyone (Max, apprentices/former apprentices, certain members of the local mage guild, etc). [Some original magic abilities and variations on standard magic weapons]
--- Naturally bonds to wielder after carrying for 24 hours allowing weapon abilities other than raw damage to function. Remains in effect for up to one month after being separated from wielder, refreshes via any contact before then. Otherwise then becomes wieldable by anyone again. Repeating process. Wielder cannot sense the blade. [Minor variation of standard]
--- Typically only installed in pairs (WP Paired Weapons), each located in the outside-most section of the forearm (side-mounted for practical wielding). Definitely installable along with the forearm Vallax blasters due to Max's double maximum modification ability of two additions per location instead of one. Though in theory could really just be considered a design option for any Operator to install.
--- +2 All Combat Rolls (any d20) from each Sentinel Blade = +4 from the pair: Initiative, strike, ranged strike (ancient and modern), parry, autododge only if or when present, saving throws, perception, and so forth. Only applicable if wielded or "sheathed" in forearm sheaths, including built into armor. Cumulative from all Sentinel Blades. Maximum of one per arm. [Magical weapon bonus enhanced variant specifically designed to be cumulative with other Sentinel Blades]
--- Indestructible 100% Pure Silver: Affects and usually does +10 extra base damage to creatures specifically vulnerable to it, werebeasts, vampires, and so forth. This further benefits from specific creature vulnerability damage multipliers: Double damage from silver weapons (= 1D6x10+10 all x2 = 2D6x10+20) and so forth. When multiple damage types and multipliers apply: Silver, rune, magic weapon, and so forth only the highest/most important multiplier would apply (unless bored GMs add them together similar to Critical Hit multipliers or whatever). Inflicts damage as HP if a HP target (only if an invulnerable to physical target with HP and a vulnerability to silver weapons) or MDC if a MDC target.
--- Inflict 1D6x10 MD magical rune weapon physical silver damage each.
--- Minor Magical Blade Lengthening: Allows just the full-size blade to condense down as short that of a small knife. When fully retracted as such it is concealed within the forearm armor housing. Blade width and hilt size remain the same. Wielded via WP Sword at lengths of over 1 foot, or WP Knife or simply unarmed (like knuckle-spikes) at 1 foot or less. Similar to a shape shifting or metamorphosis type of effect. [Original magic weapon option]
--- When designed as a forearm weapon it is intentionally designed to look like an over-sized retractable vibro-blade when wielded. Forearm Weapon Version has extremely thin blade, small hilt, minor cross-piece, small hand grip, and minor pommel. Regular sword version has normal thickness blade, and so forth.
--- Constant Mystic Invisibility (not actual invisibility) for the weapon, and also the wielder if it is anywhere on the individual. Also protects from all detrimental Anti-Magic, Ley Line Storms effects, and so forth (can still dispel opponent effects). Not applied to other beings who have contact with it. Renders weapon, wielder and his gear (up to worn body armor, T-C23 power armor), force fields, auras, psionic and magic capabilities and usage completely undetectable by all magical, psionic, and special sensory means (Psi-Stalker, Dog Boy, a Dragon's 'Sense Other Dragons' ability, even Object Read, and so forth). Special senses are usually psionic or semi-psionic variations or magical senses of creatures of magic. Otherwise appears completely visible to normal sight and tech sensors. This is basically similar to a combined constant Mask PPE and Mask ISP and Psionics sensitive psionic effect.
----- If combined with an actual Invisibility then it renders the individual undetectable by "See the Invisible" effects: Psionic power, magic amulet, most if not all innate versions are simply psionic or magic equivalents unless obtained via non-magical or non-psionic tech or super ability, etc. Having the See The Invisible from the Major Super Ability of "Invisibility" would be one of the few ways to still see such an individual (DB4:Skraypers). However Invisible Superior ends if any hostile action is made, and the individual must continually pass prowl checks while moving to be completely unnoticed. Since its a d100 skill based concept its maximum possible prowl would be 98% resulting in there always a chance of being detected. Only if combined with some kind of magical sound eliminating aura (mobile AOE field) could the prowl limitation be essentially removed. Almost all other forms are effectively Invisible Simple (Innate, Super Ability, etc) which can be detected via many technological and mundane senses.
----- Overall Usage Example: A spell caster could chat with a Dog-Boy and the Dog-Boy would have no idea that the person was a spell caster. Even with non-visible active self-buffing spells and psionics would still remain undetectable when talking to the Dog-Boy. Could even step out of visual sight nearby, quietly cast a self-buffing spell, and the act of casting a spell would still not be detectable. Only when a spell encompasses an area that is larger than a force field around the individual with the blade does it then become a fully unconcealed external effect and thus detectable. (Mercenary Adventures book) [Original magic weapon option]
--- Hilt and base of the blade are housed in the outer side of each forearm. It will safely magically extend the blade out up to four feet past the hand or retract upon verbal command by the wielder. One set of combat friendly instant command words for each, usually: 1-E and 1-R (left full extend, left full retract), 2-E and 2-R (right full extend, left full retract). Adding in a middle number to the extend command will select the length: 1-1-E = extend to 1 foot length; 1-2-E = 2 foot; 1-3-E = 3 foot. There are also activate all commands of Z-E, Z-R, Z-1-E, Z-2-E, Z-3-E. Commands are usable as part of a wielders overall effects for a particular action except that it prevents other verbal communication (radio, etc) for that action. Command word codes are etched in Dragonese/Elven on the hilt of the blade. The codes are easy enough to say if taught by someone who knows the language to someone who does not. Only command words from the bonded wielder will function.
--- Can only be added and removed by completely disassembling the arms of the armor. Alternatively by destroying the arms of the armor.
--- Design Note: Melee tends to be the least preferred method of combat for the T-C23 due to nature of built-in autododge. Mainly used for "bug hunts" when having to go inside confined spaces: Sewers, most buildings, caves, and so forth.
--- Only available via the Mage Guild members and connections. Not typically for sale. Primarily for Max and his apprentices. However is included as part of any fully constructed T-C23 even those for sale. Raw value 17 million each, conservative street value of 34 million each (68 million for a pair), and only available via special circumstances (similar to rune weapons).
* Size: Effectively unchanged, more efficient MDC materials were used to replace standard plating for the increased MDC modification. Similar efficiency for other modifications.
* Weight: 120 lbs, after weight reduction modification.
* Other stats, speeds, MDC by location, and so forth fully double max modified. Includes an underwater speed equal to half of flight speed. Maximum depth 765 feet.
* Whatever else makes sense.
* Limitations: Its main limitation is the medium range of its built-in weapon systems.
* Original Acquisition: Having a fondness for efficient, advanced tech he eventually found a suit of T-21 Terrain Hopper Power Armor. After experimenting and studying at length he made extensive inquiries into the tech behind its development. Eventually managed to contact those that managed to supply these power armors regularly. With some smooth talking and several well placed bribes he was able to learn of the military version of this armor. Ultimately he was able to obtain over forty of the T-C20 military version most of which he currently keeps in extremely secure storage. (See WB5:Triax for military version; Sourcebook One for T-21 version; available in North America pre 93 PA – WB5: 103 PA minus 10 years talks with CS while already having been retailing tech extensively prior to these talks = pre 93 PA.) Earliest availability of Vallax tech is 83 P.A. As such consider the T-C23 to be Max's primary armor unit from 83 PA to 105 PA (when the GBSK became available at the start of the CS vs FQ/Tolkeen War).
* Value: Raw value around 50 million including the Vallax Tech (2 million base armor value; estimate 1 million x2 Vallax beams and 10 million x1 Vallax FF, logical approximation of 2 million for robotic strength conversion, 2x17 million+ Sentinel Blades). As essentially the military uniform for him and his people he wouldn't likely sell it to anyone else. The security of having the only supply of this uniform plus a quick comparison of the value of power armor and robot vehicles with similar stats means a street value of double: 100 million credits (including hidden full value of the Sentinel Blades). This typically translates into one perfect condition sought after power armor or robot vehicle being trade-able for one fully armed T-C23 (WB2: Two Kittani Power Armor types, etc).
-- Ultimately there is a slim chance that as a favor he would sell a single fully modified unit to a former apprentice (Operator OCC - possibly players) for personal use only, for precisely 50 million universal credits (no trade values except for semi-unique items highly sought after by Triax - see contacts). Maximum of one such sale per former apprentice ever (if it is destroyed or otherwise disappeared then has no inclination to provide another one). It would have a mandatory inclusion of a 15 year duration Attune Object to Owner on entire item, or all essential parts (including Vallax Tech). Reserved for those that remain on good terms with the Combative Operator.
-- Sales beyond this: Will only be available for 100 million universal credits worth of trade-in value of semi-unique items highly sought after by Triax - see contacts. Paid and verified in advance. Has also given one to his level 15 Techno-Wizard contact in exchange for all his ongoing services.
* This is a unique combination of extremely advanced and alien military tech. The GM may presume a -65% total skill penalty (-40% advanced/alien, -25% military) when working on it except for: The Combative Operator, his apprentices and former apprentices, anyone with Mechano-Link Super Ability, probably the Vallax and their techs as well. Anyone with extensive military tech familiarity (the technicians from Triax, Latest Coalition War Campaign tech, Kittani, etc.) or simply have the Vehicle Armorer skill would eliminate the -25% military portion. A simplified logical innovative method for repairs: Presume that as long as the Robot Mechanic skill has at least 1% after the penalty then standard repairs can be made without a skill check in non-stressful situations by 4th level or higher beings (no skill xp at 4th+ level). This tech is fully modified except for possible minor add-ons (special sensors, TW additions, and so forth).
* T-C23 for Wearers with Psionics or even magic capabilities (most likely PPE source for a standard human Operator is from 1 to 6 magic tattoos): Techno-Wizard Additions (all at 15th level duration and effect; see RMB Techno-Wizard): Armor of Ithan (emergency force fields), Invisibility - Superior (emergency escape option), Superhuman Agility (MA), Fighting Spirit (MA) [expanded options], or whatever.
-- Any purchased T-C23 will generally include four TW Additions of choice by the local Techno-Wizard as long as the purchaser is in good standing with both Max and Cliff.
* Storage: While not in use during apprentice down-time is securely stored in individual's quarters. Storage device is an automatic power armor suiting up machine (equivalent to a team of assistants) allowing apprentice to suit up in 1 minute (instead of 1D4+4 minutes, GMG).
* Similar Tech: Has been studying, experimenting with, and modifying several similar principle armors:
-- "Super Sentinel" T-G23 Power Armor - Double Max Modified Glitterboy Sidekick Power Armor (WB22): Utilizes a more appropriate designation for his modified versions since the basic Glitterboy Sidekick is literally a T-21 simply built with Glitterboy Technology and with a FQ Military preferred designation. Heavy power armor by design, modified to have: 476 MDC Main Body, 800 LBS with jet pack (without pilot), robotic PS 31, Autododge and +9 Autododge (armor bonus only; +13 with both Sentinel Blades) while Powerjumping only (at 210 mph), max depth 2040 feet, otherwise roughly same height, width, speeds, and so forth as T-C23. Small enough to fit in same spaces as T-C23. However at roughly 1000 lbs with pilot and gear it essentially weighs as much as an average Full Conversion Borg with Heavy Armor. Main Limitations: External transportation limited to heavy vehicles; suffers speed and combat penalties when travelling through foliage or similar (even SDC) obstructions. Extensive sensor and balancing modifications making it suitable for indoor autododging in the garage bays via Power Armor Elite. Regular version is easily recognizable as Glitterboy Tech and due to the propaganda war footage of CS vs FQ, CS army interactions with FQ army, and so forth the Glitterboy Sidekick is likely be a fairly well known power armor after its introduction in 105 P.A at the start of war. As such it is likely to simply be regarded as a rather minor and odd usage of GB-Tech rather than a sought after armor. This is literally the GB-Tech version of a T-21. Effectively/appropriately rare availability (at GM's discretion) although it has no rarity listing upon becoming available on the Black Market at the start of the CS War in 105 P.A. Since the only source ever is recent and via FQ (unlike the archaic regular GB) such acquisitions would probably have to be through Triax rep (all of Max's T-G23's will be) or risk alienating Triax as a contact. FQ is NGR's/Triax #1 ally overall since the CS mainly delays and limits any treaty or alliance (FQ gave Triax GB-Tech). From 106 P.A. onward this becomes the current version of Max's armor. Once utilized then all of instances of T-C23 become T-G23 instead: Max, apprentices, and Techno-Wizard ally/Cliff. Further available for appropriate trade-in as per T-C23 at GM's discretion but equally appropriate to be unavailable to non-NPCs except possibly former apprentices. If the T-G23 is effectively publicly unavailable at GM's discretion then the T-C23 should remain the publicly available one.
-- Kittani Universal Power Armor (WB2): Dubbed T-K23 similar to weaponless T-C20, higher P.S., tends to be recognizable as alien tech, rarely available. Has several fully modified ones in storage (same % mods as T-C23). Low value, with nearly identical stats to T-C20, alien tech, good for comparison of tech and tech principles. Earliest version of this armor series: Utilized prior to 83 P.A. in a limited version, provided via some of the Mage Guild's contacts.
-- T-31 (WB5): Mainly for studying full robotic strength from extremely similar design elements (size, etc) from same overall tech as T-21/T-C23. Only available as a courtesy from Triax rep and only due to not being on the same continent as Triax/NGR. Also with the possibility of Max refining the design in ways that might be useful to Triax/NGR.

EQUIPMENT ENHANCEMENTS: Primary gear is altered via simultaneous contact of target being and target item with a strange alien plant. Its effects are the equivalent of an Attune Object to Owner Temporal wizardry spell except it is not a magical effect. The seedling functions as a 1 year duration, yearly renewal (WB3:England or BoM). The full grown one functions as a 15 year duration. Cannot be dispelled or negated by any known means (including TW Void Wall and the plant). Its a partial 4D being/plant that just minimally feeds on the TW Dimensional "Vortex" Field providing its equivalent of 'sunlight'. This process is vaguely reminiscent of the energy absorbing ability of the TW Void Wall. As such it is completely immune to the TW Void Wall, TW Vortex, other sources of energy absorption, and so forth. For soil it needs an indestructible magical item (closest approximation to its soil of origin). The molecule sized residue it produces harmlessly infuses a few molecules into the molecular structure (like burrs) of any item or being it comes in contact with (except for its current 'soil'). When an item and a being contact the same residue simultaneously it has the side effect of acting as a Attune Object to Owner equivalent. Without both an indestructible magical item soil plus constant uninterrupted dimensional energy (even a 1 minute interruption disrupts it) this molecular residue will eventually disintegrate after a certain number of years. A single being can be Attuned to multiple items but an item cannot be attuned to multiple beings.
-- Applied to all T-C23 (including both blades) used by himself and his apprentices (1 each), as well as his spider skull walker (him only). Simply prevents it from being used by any means by anyone other than the single individual to whom it is attuned. All such tech is Attuned once each year (simultaneously) thus if an apprentice dies then their gear can simply be stored until attunement expires or have the individual part replaced. Note: For any size of object limitations can simply remove an essential component (CPU with or without motherboard; or power supply) and have it attuned to the individual. Once placed back in then only the designated individual can operate that component without which the entire armor or vehicle cannot function. Presume replacing the part is a 1 hour process (due to inaccessibility of the part) that also requires the correct replacement part.

- Self and business.
- Typically: 2D6x10 million universal credits at any given time and hidden in the underground bunker. Its location is near the auto-destruct component and escape tunnel. Only carries around 1D6x1000 credits unless making a special purchase or just made a sale.
- Typically: 2D6x100 million credits worth of spare parts at any given time. All stored in the warehouse or underground bunker. Note: A single robot vehicle or advanced power armor typically sells for 20 to 30 million credits each, so having 200 million to 1.2 billion credits worth of parts is only the equivalent of about 20 to 60 such units.

* Includes the +4 to all d20 combat bonuses from Sentinel Blades (see T-C23).
* Uses Fully Modified Spider-Skull Walker with Robot Combat Elite with Mechano-Link benefits and never tires (Healing Factor). Only uses Mechano-Link Telemechanic Possession if he has Create Force Field power.
* Built-In Force Fields and possibly use of Create Force Field Major Super Ability.
* +11 Autododge (PP 30 and Extraordinary PP), able to dodge all attacks even those from behind (Intuitive Combat); +18 Autododge Power Jumping in T-C23; or eventually as of 106 P.A or later +24 Autododge Power Jumping in T-G23. Additional +5 and autododge without power jumping (or power jumping autododge bonus) is theoretically available from an expanded Techno-Wizard Armor Additions (RMB) of Superhuman Agility (MA). However this activated effects would only be for a short amount of time.
* 13 a/r, +20 regular strike Dual Boom Guns: From level 15 HTH Assassin, WP Heavy MD Weapons, and Robot Combat Elite Walker; plus Mechano-Link bonus, Weapon Engineer bonus (OCC skill), Weapon Systems bonus, built-in Walker sensor bonus. Same a/r and strike bonuses for Dual Laser Turrets. Same strike bonus for regular called shot with Dual Boom Guns (head-shots on power armor, and so forth).
* +13 initiative (Exceptional PP 31; Quick Draw PP 31, HTH Assassin 15th), yielding either +19 including Sixth Sense or +16 including Intuitive Combat. Plus another +1 or +2 depending upon use of Spider Skull Walker or T-C23.
* T-C23 Sentinel Blades: +18 strike, +19 parry, WP Paired Weapons. Other swords +16 thrown.
* See The Invisible - constant (Amulet).
* Warning of Spirits in the Area (Amulet).
* Sixth Sense and Intuitive Combat (Psionics).
* Every available sensor (see T-C23).
* Final combat numbers and options may vary.
* Theoretical Bonuses #1: Technically the unique situation of wearing a T-C23 while piloting the Spider Skull Walker should fully combine the bonuses from Power Armor Elite T-C23 bonus with the Robot Combat Elite Spider Skull Walker Bonuses. However these have not been included in the above. Would mean using two piloting skills simultaneously however the style and nature of the power armor one is effectively the equivalent of power armor version of a Physical Skill in usage. End result: Possible = yes; plausible = yes; appropriate = probably only in high level campaigns or for overpowered NPCs via lenient GMs.
* Theoretical Bonuses #2: Power armors with built-in autododging capabilities operated by pilots with Power Armor Elite for that armor (or armor series) should include a bonus to autododge equal to the dodge bonus. However it is such an obscure situation that its most likely been overlooked in the game system.

Includes from: T-C23, Sentinel Blades x2, Magical Bracers, Amulet, Healing Factor. Attribute bonuses not included.
Disease: +6, and also Immunity (...Bracer).
Horror Factor: +16 {+24 with PC:S} (SBx2 + Bracer + Amulet).
Insanity: +8 (SBx2 + Amulet).
Magic/Curses: +18 [+15 Ap], {+23; +20 Ap with PC:S} and Impervious to Magical Barriers except Protection Circles (see Dispel Magic Barriers). (SBx2 + Bracer + Amulet + Heal. F)
- Sickness Spell/Effect: +24 [+21 Ap] {+29; +26 Ap with PC:S} (...Amulet x2).
Perception: +7, or +9 Detect Concealment or Ambush from 98% skill (unless GMs permit/prefer combining in which case add together as appropriate).
Poisons/Toxins: +7, and also Immunity (...Bracer).
Possession: {Impervious via PC:S}
- Magic Possession: +20 [+17 Ap].
- Psionic Possession: +20 [+17 Ap] and Impervious (see T-C23).
- Other (Demonic, etc): +6.
Psionic: +18 [+15 Ap], {+23; +20 Ap with PC:S} and Impervious to most Psionics (see T-C23); base save most likely 12 but varies depending upon GM design preferences.
All Others (Demonic Curses, etc): +4.
Coma/Death: +20%.
Immunity to: Cold, Disease, Drugs, Energy, Fire, Magical Barriers, Poisons, {Possession with Protection Circle:Superior}, Psionics, Toxins, and Physical Contact from Undead. Which includes worn armor up to T-C23 (including force fields) and weapons up to 2-handed swords or rocket launchers.

Last edited by random_username on Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:27 pm, edited 355 times in total.
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by random_username »

- 80,000 character max reached


* Operator Ability #4: Repair and Soup-Up Machines and Abilities as Defined Talent at level 15: Double Normal Maximum Percentage Modifications. Never tires (Healing Factor) meaning he can effectively work 24 hours a day, effectively tripling his productivity (which presumes 8 hours of work a day). Increased to six times via Psi-Tech abilities (6 days of work in 1 day effectively).

* Disturbing Technologies:
- Angrar Robotics (Mercenaries) an obscure company, their tech literally has a bad vibe (psionically) emanating from them and he will not have anything to do with their tech or those that use them.
- Titan Industries (RUE, Sourcebook One, Mechanoids, etc) a well known company, their tech gives him and him alone a bad vibe: Psychic + Sixth Sense + Mechano-Link + Espionage skills + original and cured Obsessive-Compulsive about Safety/Security + even though it is human technology some of its subtler aspects seem be designed by an inhuman mind (only noticeable as an expert in advanced and alien technologies including combining them with human tech) = yields a persistent uneasiness. This is just one of the often a common recurring story elements in Rifts that occur whenever psychics are involved in potentially bad situations. [Innovative interpretation] Unfortunately it is a common technology making it difficult to avoid: Flying Titan Power Armor, Titan Combat Robot, and so forth. As a result he will only allow any such tech to be repaired and worked on in the secured "Guest Garage Bay".
-- One of the books lists the concealed espionage aspects of Titan Industries Tech which is secretly a front for Archie-3 (probably Shemarrian Nation). They all have this absurd independent robotic fly attached to them that monitors and records all the information provided by the sensors. Once the armor or vehicle is destroyed it flies back to Archie-3. Since it is a separate robot it is not detected via Telemechanics of the main armor or vehicle.
- Naruni Enterprises (Mercenaries, DB8:NW2, DB3, DB2, etc): Early on realized they were essentially subtle conquerors and exploiters of those in dire need (ironically exactly as the CS propaganda portrays them). His main interest has been familiarizing himself with their technology. To that end he has had indirect dealings with obtaining their technology particularly through "salvage" acquisitions. The most extensive being the large quantities of Naruni Micro Missiles once they became available. Eventually being replaced by his own Tekhammer Anti-Matter Micro Missiles (original innovation) after he worked out the difficulties in designing his own micro missiles. As an otherwise essentially exclusive missile size it would be difficult to justify completely independent development. Max had been working on his own Anti-Matter tech for a long time prior to the appearance of the micro missile tech.

By using the principles of inherent nature of the gaming mechanisms (not necessarily physical nature) have expanded the range of usage of the various modification abilities.
* Add MDC %: Also applied to Force Fields, Force Field MDC Regeneration Rate (% applied to maximum amount, redetermine dice rolled and simplify rate accordingly), maximum affected MDC for Neural Disruptor Rifle (see below).
- Weapons: Have not applied this as a MD % increase to weapons, although it is a good correlation for raw gaming stat/mechanism. Since weapon MD is essentially the defining combat stat, using the switching weapon systems method instead is an easier way to maintain game balance.
- Weapon Exception: Neural Disruption weapon with effects limited by target's MDC armor did have its target's MDC ranges modified by this percentage. The derivative saving throw stat was also modified by this %. Only permitted due to the extremely limited functional nature of this weapon. Basically ineffective versus anyone except those in heavy body armor or less as their primary armor. At least now it has a slim chance of being effective as a civilian law enforcement tool in cities.
- Derivative Stat - Underwater Depth: Underwater depth limit is most closely related to the overall toughness of the armor so the MDC % is used for modifying this limit.
* Swapping Weapon Systems: Easier version of adding a feature by simply replacing some or all of the existing weapon system. Simply switching out existing mounted weapon systems (or portions of) with similar and usually better weapons: Energy pistol weapon components for mini energy weapon systems (like the military T-21 forearm blasters), energy rifle components for regular energy weapon systems, boom gun for heavy rail gun (if 10 ton or heavier vehicle with around 450+ MDC for "tank" equivalent weight and sound insulation); double weaponry if a double system (or if easily modified to be a double weapon system). This does not use up an additional feature slot, it simply modifies or replaces an existing standard weapon slot.
* Increase Speed %:
- Armor Universal Mobility bonus %: As a universal mobility bonus to body armor (or even power armor) offsetting existing penalties and providing a small remaining bonus. Vehicles and robot vehicles are far more difficult to apply to and are usually limited to prowl bonuses for hovering or flying ones only (see Hover Tank, WB5:Triax) combined with at least semi-camouflage color.
- Derivative Stats: Allowing the rare derivative abilities to be similarly modified such as increasing the autododging bonus from power jumping for T-21 (rounding up). Double Max rounding up increased it by +1.
* Unlisted Aspects: At GMs discretion can probably be modified by the same percentage base as for Range and Reduce Weight (the smallest percentages). Double max obviously also applying. Could include the Strength Rating or bonus of exoskeletons, power armors, and robot vehicles. Also check out the Psi-Tech's Soup-Up Machines ability (WB12:Psyscape) for other minor modification possibilities.
- Power Armor Strength Type: Increased MDC main body total that now meet the minimum MDC requirement for full robotic strength can be converted to it via a 2 million credit overhaul (see Robotic Strength damage ratings RUE).


* Apprentices: He typically has 2D6+6 Operator apprentices across three shifts (ideally 6 per shift) each of 4th to 7th level. 4 levels non-combat XP plus up to 3 levels of combat XP. Apprentices may be any mix of: Offspring with or without same super abilities; humans or human mutants; or various human-like D-Bees.Typically Unprincipled or Aberrant alignments; Occasionally Principled or Scrupulous; and Never Anarchist, Miscreant, or Diabolical. They have often come from great distances to be his apprentices.
- For security purposes each have their own individual private living quarters in the underground bunker. This is in its own isolated but easy access section next to the hydraulic elevator platform. Unless they are his offspring then they generally do not have any family in town, though they may have friends in town.
- Apprentice Condo Mini-Map: ... ndo_01.png
- Typical Combat Stats in T-C23 "work coveralls": 9 actions per melee, +6 initiative, +13 regular ranged strike, +4 or better all other d20 combat rolls. Properly utilized it provides an Autododge at +7 (3+4 SBs). Includes Robot Combat Elite T-## (which includes the T-C20 and T-C23).
- At least two apprentices per shift will also have Sixth Sense and be strategically placed (along with Max) to cover all garage bays simultaneously. Thus any attack against anyone in the building or while the door is open will have a full melee advance warning which is passed on to the others.
- Magic Items: 7-Section Amulet, the 2 emergency "Talisman", both bracers, and built-in Sentinel Blades: One set for each. At GM's discretion Former Apprentice Players may still retain the 7-Section Amulet.
- They mainly do repairs and maximizing performance modifications (which aren't level-based) except the free MDC modifications below.
- Body Armor Repairs are Given Free Enhancements: Anyone who brings in any body armor for repairs will have to pay for the repairs normally. However, while being repaired the apprentices will actually further modify the standard armor stats with all of the following with Operator Ability #4:
-- (A1) With an extra 10% to 15% MDC.
---- (A2) If a Coalition States body armor then same MDC with minor variation. Done in such a way that it changes their appearance enough appear to be a different type armor. Secondary helmet face plates, over-sized visors, and so forth. Further combined with appropriate repainting. Typically only applied to controversial equipment such as CS body armors for non-CS soldiers. Once modified even CS soldiers wouldn't recognize them if they encountered someone wearing one.
-- (B) Provide a universal mobility bonus of +20% (which usually eliminates existing universal mobility penalty leaving a small bonus leftover) [Operator's speed modification equivalent for Body Armors; Overly elaborate explanation: Cushioned boot-grips and non-reflective semi-camouflage or full camouflage paint, special surface coatings to eliminate 'clanking', fine-tuned weight balancing, custom-fitting, exceptional hand and finger grips for climbing, balanced buoyancy for swimming, and so forth]; [An innovative interpretation]
-- (C) Increase the range of the built-in radio communicator (usually +0.5 to +1 miles).
-- (D) Reduce armor weight.
-- All of these extra modifications are done for free. Main Reason: Maximizing business reputation. Demonstrate their exceptional abilities freely on the low-value but essential gear of body armor. Then when mercenaries and so forth need their power armor, robot vehicles, and so forth enhanced they bring it to this shop. It also provides practice for the "Apprentice" Operators.
- Vallax Tech: For an potentially game-breaking plot twist one of the apprentices could be a rare genetic shapeshifter D-Bee (Auto-G, WB30:D-Bees) through which they were able to unlock the secrets of the Vallax Weaponry (WB10:Juicer Uprising). While neither they nor anyone else can replicate the technology it enabled them to initially bypass the security protocols (auto-destruct and genetic scanner) and then completely disable them. They have 100 Vallax Rifles, 400 Vallax Pistols, 1000 Vallax Force Field Rings (all now usable by anyone) most of which are hidden and locked away (98% undetectable compartment hidden behind other compartments in the underground bunker). These are in addition to any that were built into existing armors (or possibly those offered to Triax as part of his initial way of gaining them as a contact). He prefers to hide this tech by using it to replace standard power armor, robot vehicles, and vehicle weapon systems components.
-- Vallax Tech Apprentice: Having obtained advanced alien tech out of the extremely controversial event of the Juicer Uprising meant offloading it successfully would be even more difficult. That is in addition to the normal difficulties of trying to offload extremely rare alien tech to the right "buyer" without simply being killed for it. Even worse since it has auto-destruct mechanisms built into it. So either (A) would be killed trying to sell it to any of the larger organizations: CS, Triax, Northern Gun, Wilks, Black Market, and so forth or (B) actually manage to sell it but for far less than it could be worth AND it would end up self-destructing on the customer's techs quickly placing a Bounty upon him. Ultimately he decided to seek out the best tech Operator he could find that also had a reputation for being fair even if extremely tough. As a result he teamed up with the Combative Operator who was able to advise the apprentice how to disable the auto-destruct tech so he could then work on it. He gave all of the Vallax Tech to the Combative Operator in exchange for the equivalent of 50 million universal credits and since it was suitably appropriate was allowed to become one of his apprentices. The apprentice if further welcome to make use of up to 50 million credits worth of parts for free for personal use if he needs it.
-- Humanoid: The Vallax are essentially grotesque quasi-humanoids (4 arms and 4 legs in a humanoid configuration, with essentially a tail). With this appropriate and lenient interpretation they qualify for the Auto-G shapechanging abilities.
- Magic Tattoo Option for Non-Mutant Human Operator Apprentices: Any of the Operators that are eligible for Magic Tattoos can be given a total of six magic tattoos over 1 1/2 years from the "visiting True Atlantean Tattoo Master" plus some minor magical training plus a mysterious potion (see Mage Guild below). The end result is that their PPE is increased to maximum possible (3D6 non-magic human; special training +1D6; can only affect up to 40 PPE of dice this way) plus 6 from each of the 6 magic tattoos, yielding precisely 60 PPE for previously non-magic capable human Operators. [Original concept] They also gain the "Meditation" ability known to all magic users (RUE). This is still below the 80 PPE threshold for being detectable as a full magic user (see Dog-Boy Detect senses). Training includes use of Techno-Wizard devices (in case of any doubt). These tend to be the ones that are most likely to become adventures or other high risk motivations.

* Max's Apprentices Special Training: Ultimately this is simply appropriately balanced specialized training similar in power level and requirements to similar special training such as for: Coalition Officers (CWC), CS Psi-Battalion (Psyscape), and so forth. It further represents the story element of why his apprentices are in high demand for their services. [Absolute limits for what should be available via this specific training.]
- Qualified prospective trainee seeking to become an Operator; or any level Operator OCC who meets ALL of the listed requirements. Bonus skills are gained at whatever the Operator's current level is. Simplified total training time: 5 years to become an Operator for those without any OCC/RCC/etc; 1 year for existing Operator OCC. Not generally relevant since most players interested in this will likely simply be former apprentices who became Operators here. [Vaguely similar to the training period for obtaining an additional OCC with all experience gain limited to only via skill use. Easy enough for GM's to fast forward through if need be. Other potential usefulness if on good terms with the Mage Guild.]
-- Most stay until reaching at least fourth level. Generally none will remain beyond tenth level since they tend to be the equivalent of a level 15 regular Operator by 10th level (MDC mod %, etc). Trainee until 1st level, Assistant (lesser Apprentice) while 1st to 3rd level, Apprentice (full apprentice) with own garage bay at 4th level. One apprentice, his assistants, and any trainees for each shift are generally put in a single apprentice condo. Either with no apprentice or with the most skilled apprentice as a general mentor.
- Alignment: Principled, Scrupulous, Unprincipled, or Aberrant only.
- IQ 16 or higher (including Operator IQ bonus) [Mostly to keep up with Max's IQ 30+], PP 16 or higher (including Operator PP bonus) since autododge is core combat/survival requirement for the working environment.
- Mandatory skill selection at 1st level: Aircraft Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Robotic Electronics, Robotic Mechanics, and Vehicle Armorer (lenient usage allowing visual customization of any tech without the Art:Modern Tech/metal working/sculpture skill concept). Must also select Robot Combat Elite: Triax T-## (which includes T-C23, T-C20, and T-G23), typically as one of their automatic level one Operator pilot skills or as their 3rd level OCC skill selection. Must also select Heavy MD Weapons at first level typically as their WP Modern Operator selection (built-in weapon systems WP).
- [IQ requirement is also similar to CS Officer requirements. Skill requirements are simply what it takes to keep up with Max's capabilities and expectations. Functionality and survival as one of Max's apprentices relies heavily upon combat and non-combat usage of the T-C23.]
- Most also have Hand to Hand: Expert, Martial Arts, or Assassin.
- Benefits:
-- Bonus OCC Related equivalent skills: Artificial Intelligence (Science) with +20% (normally unavailable under Operator OCC Related Science skill selection but is available under A.I. skill description via special circumstances), Appraise Goods (x2, ALL military goods) +45% (+30%, +15% for x2), and Weapon Systems +30%. [All done at first level just for simplicity.]
-- Gains Boxing or Acrobatics (+30%) skill at 4th level and the remaining one at 8th. [Minor versatility.]
-- Military Etiquette 30% base, no per level gain. Can select level gain version as an expanded OCC skill availability option. Any other bonuses are applicable. [Standard soldier equivalent bonus skill, plus full selection option. See RUE skill description.]
-- Additional +10% to all remaining mechanical, electrical, and computer skills. [Specialized narrow range of additional bonuses.]
-- Increased Percentage for Operator Ability #4: +5% at 5th and 9th level for: Add MDC, Maximize Performance, and any Unlisted Aspects (except damage; in addition to the possible base +10% for any Unlisted Modifications via the extended Operator Ability #4 listed earlier). [Total of +10% vs Max's Double Percent Tech Mod Skills; Level based bonus similar to the initiative bonus for Psi-Battalion training.]
- Eliminates Skill Usage Penalties for:
-- Military and Advanced Technology: Any Rifts Earth Human technology - North American, European/Mainly Triax, and so forth. Basically any types that Max can obtain in quantities of least several dozen units of a broad range of the technology. Max goes out of his way to do so via numerous sources: Black Market (who often simply bring him that kind of acquisition for info anyway; over and above the basic limited duration ISP powered Telemechanics), Triax Contacts, former apprentices in various high tech companies, and so forth. [Round 1: This is simply the Vehicle Armorer skill, plus appropriate access/skill usage on sufficiently diverse amounts of each technology type.]
-- Alien Technologies Known to Max: Naruni, Vallax, Kittani, etc. plus one alien tech at each 3rd level. [Round 2: Similar basis as for the Military and Advanced Tech via Vehicle Armorer skill above, just simply generally far more difficult to normally achieve.]
-- Max's Technology: Original technology and devices, combinations of alien technologies, and so forth. [Round 3: Fight!]
- Special Benefits for "Psi-Operator": Max's extensive Telemechanic and similar capabilities (both mundane and Psi) enable him to easily and expertly instruct Psi-Operators in the use of their abilities. As such they do not suffer the usual reduction in OCC Related skills; which is due to time spent bumbling through learning how to use their psychic abilities. Interestingly this is actually similar to an Operator who skips the "Psi-Operator" option, instead rolls for standard random psionics, ending up a regular major psychic with no penalties. Its also vaguely similar to Psi-Battalion specialized psychic training.
-- Slightly narrow requirement focus that essentially insures that an Operator is actually a fully versatile and combat ready Operator.

* Labor Robots: 50+1D20: Essentially just tools, assistants, or 24 hour ammo crafting tools. However, will most likely have combat programs and weaponry added to them for emergency use only. Typically a single Labor Robot will be assisting each of the Operators: Primary, apprentices, and possible guest operators. (Sourcebook One)

* This NPC Combative Operator set up shop in either an otherwise entirely unprotected small town or in an extremely violent city.
- Full-Range universal mechanic and electronics shop, with huge warehouse (basic parts storage), underground bunker (expensive parts storage, maximum security areas), concealed second level aircraft hangar and launch bay, plus concealed roof-mounted weapons turrets.
- Air Flow: No windows or air vents. Each room uses independent, nuclear powered, high volume, incredibly efficient, air scrubbers and filtration units. These convert carbon-dioxide into oxygen. The overall unit also removes any other toxic contaminants and act as heaters and air conditioners (simultaneously used to heat water supplies) as needed.
- External View of Mechanic Shop:
- Basic Ground Level Map (close to scale):

- Fully engineered ridiculously super heavy MDC fortified military bunker with built-in Super High Tech Security. A deathtrap fun-house focused on negating abilities, bypassing immunities, and so forth. See Military Fortification and Locksmith skills. As a Mega-Structure the building is immune to various building destruction effects such as the Collapse spell. Further designed to be a death trap for any attackers. See Fortification Progress in History.
- Made from appropriate local MDC material or primarily MDC wood. Obtained via a MDC tree forest within 200 miles similar to Steel Tree Forest near Camp Cherokee (Dinosaur Swamp) or via magic from friendly mages via Ironwood spell (or whatever). Each outer wall is two feet thick and each cubic foot has: 200 MDC and weighs 100 LBS [A lower version of this would be halved MDC values; both are plausible and appropriate]. Further covered in a heavy MDC composite sheet metal that is welded (same type as robot vehicles) as a shell over the entire interior of each room; another similar shell over the exterior of the building as well. This is also one of the aspects for concealing the various interior and exterior weapon turrets (see below). The shell is roughly one inch thick and provides 50 MDC for each square foot of coverage. The total Main Body MDC of the building is 158.4 million MDC; from 105.6 million Ironwood core and 52.8 million composite shell (both sides of the core); all doors are separate. This includes floors, ceilings, roof for each of the three levels: Ground level, attic/concealed aircraft launch bay, and underground bunker.
- "Ironwood": See spell Federation of Magic and Book of Magic for approximate MDC values. Easiest reference is the 170 MDC standard door: 1" thick, 2 feet wide, 6 feet high, yielding approximately 1 cubic foot of material. So presuming a naturally occurring MDC forest would be of a higher weight material (hardwood or ironwood) the base SDC equivalent for conversion would be much higher. For spell-made Ironwood presume 4 pairs of ley line walkers sitting at a ley line nexus being handed precisely 68 SDC boards of wood. Both draw from the ley line, then one draws the excess from the other one. Enabling the main one to convert one board per melee. Taking just under 68 days at 16 hours per day of board conversions. Presumably they were eager to establish their own Mage Guild in the town but didn't want to have to be defending it all the time instead of pursuing their magical studies. As a result this would allow a solid defensive fortification for a solid protector to look after the town.
- The tactics, counter-attack options, and common sense actions: Of Max and his apprentices should reflect the intended ultra-high level of security. Presume that there are probably at least several well practised counter-attack options for just about any type of incursion into the Shop or Town. They should essentially function as the equivalent of an elite special forces style military unit primarily due to their prearranged home-field advantages (shop and in-town), advanced personal tech, ultra-high security, and automated defences.
- Dozens of additional security options: GMs should add in any that are appropriate, possible, and that make sense.
- Warning In case of any misunderstanding: The shop and town defenses are intended to be a fun-house of death traps, as immediately lethal as possible, as impenetrable as possible. If players have any interest in attempting to overcome them its should be clear that they should not expect to survive such an incursion. These should ideally be considered "disposable characters" rather than ones the players have been using for a long time. Having backup characters may be appropriate as well.
- ALL TURRETS HAVE: Automatically targeting independently Artificially Intelligent controlled Gun Turrets (Gun + reprogrammed labor bot head AI + fully modified Vallax Force Field that keeps the tip of the gun unblocked).8 attacks per melee, +14 to strike and +8 initiative; dual shots with no penalties; destroying one gun still allows the remaining one to fire. A current priority target will have four turrets concentrate fire on it in a coordinated manner (see Juicer Killer, WB10) effectively eliminating a target's ability to autododge. Can still utilize a regular dodge which uses up one action for each such dodge.

- 40 feet by 40 feet plus 40 feet high (minus 10 feet for turrets, yielding 30 feet high open space).
- One human-sized vault door entrance and one identical internal employee only door.
- 16 Blatantly obvious (not concealed) Automated Boom Gun Turrets line the ceiling and auto-target the head of whoever enters this room (excluding operator, apprentices, and possible VIPs). They automatically evenly divide between beings when multiple being enter within 1 minute of each other. This is further indicated by the laser targeting dots that appear on the target's head. 5000 MDC Form Fitting Cone Shaped Casing/Main Body + 255 Vallax Force Field no gaps between guns/turrets.
- Seventy Six Small Double Vallax Pistol Turrets 2' cubes, are mounted, one per corner in each of the four corners (28 foot to 30 foot high space occupied). These are located just below Boomgun turrets and do not limit any of the Boomguns firing line-of-sight. Any time the Boomgun turrets begin firing these other turrets will scan each target in the room to determine if any are not being damaged by the boomguns. If any such targets are found they then become the primary targets for the Vallax Turrets. If no such targets are found then random targets are selected and fired upon until exterminated. Then the next random target is selected. 500 MDC Rounded Casing/Main Body + 255 Vallax Force Field.
- The wall opposite to the front entrance appear to have a 20 foot wide MDC glass window protecting an ordering counter. This window is flush with the customer size of this wall and begins at the top of the lower four-foot high lower counter, ends six-feet higher where the regular wall resumes. There are six teller stalls but only one of which is usually occupied. There is a microphone and speaker-box built into each stall for communicating through. There is a line-up area marked by painted lines with arrows on the floor. To the right of the teller window on the same wall is another humanoid-sized vault style door which opens into the teller area.
- The teller area behind the counter appears to be a fully secure small hallway-sized (left to right) security room with a vault-style door leading out the far right wall.
- In actuality: The teller wall is a fully secure wall, with a 30 foot wide by six foot high perfect resolution display screen. This is then covered by an actual fully MDC window. Actual microphones, speaker boxes, video cameras, and credit-stick slot are built into the corresponding spots on the display screen. They actually replace that area of the screen and each have an appropriate opening in the MDC window. Cameras and microphones connect to the actual Teller room a short distance away. They project the actual, real-time contents of that room onto the display screen.
- Sitting Bench: A two-foot high, two-foot depth solid MDC bench (same as walls and doors) is built into the wall and floor. It runs along the three non-teller walls and obviously does not block either door. It is not removable nor does it provide any cover.
- Display Units: Usually displays a collection of fully modified highly sought after, useful armors and vehicles that require minimal display space. What that includes tends to be a matter of GM preference and location. These are displayed as actual size via gigantic picture perfect display screens along the walls of the Customer Waiting Room. These displays can fully zoom, rotate 360 degrees by 360 degrees, have a brief movie showing live usage of all systems, switch to other items, and list currently available items. Each 10 foot by 10 foot section of display screen is protected by a fully modified Vallax Force Field: 255 MDC which regenerates 1D10+10 MDC per melee (by using same MDC % as for Armor MDC and simplified numbers). This stock will also include any of the all-natural (presumably non-environmental) MDC armors suitable for magic spell casting OCCs, which have also been fully modded. Reason: Able to provide highest quality, steady supply, of natural armor to casters providing him with an expanded range of grateful customers who in turn can provide him with friendly unique magical services. Also, not all of the local invaders were tech based, so skinning monsters for creating specialized armors allows yet another product type. See various books for natural armors: Juicer Uprising, Splynn (one of the armor shops listed there), Australia (and possibly GMG) - home made armors, and so forth. The level 15 Techno-Wizard in the adjacent shop contact can modify these natural armors with maximum level TW enhancements: 150 MDC Armor of Ithan Force Field, Impervious to Energy, Invisibility, and so forth (RMB – Techno-Wizard).

- Appearance: The internal door from the Customer Waiting Room leads into a strangely spherical room (including the floor and ceiling). On the far side of the room there is another human-sized vault door. Beings with Mathematics: Advanced would estimate the room is a precisely 20-foot diameter sphere. Spaced evenly at approximately 1-foot intervals across the entire upper half of the dome are covered and concealed (concealment target number 29 or higher) small baseball-sized holes. These seem to be tubes of some sort. Only one door is permitted to be opened at one time (it functions like an airlock).
- Mystic Purge System: Once both doors are closed, even if there is an authorized person is present in the room a Mystic Purge "trap" will trigger. Techno-Wizard Mystic Purge Trap: Triggers a extremely concentrated version of the Anti-Magic spell effects, limited to precisely the 20-foot diameter sphere shape of the room. Once created it only lasts for one melee (15 seconds). Instead of normal spell radius of 100 feet per level and 5 minutes per level duration. The end result is all active spells and magical effects are ended. All permanent magical items are "off" and non-magical for that duration except for Rune weapons and other indestructible magical items. Even MDC creatures of magic are briefly reduced to SDC creatures. Casters are unable to cast any spells. Magical abilities cannot be activated. Saving throw only possible on a natural 20 with no bonuses of any type. Immunity and Resistance to Magic does not apply. Ironically this just mainly seals a small gap in this particular security: Otherwise possible from a complete combination of Invisibility Superior + Mystic Invisibility + Invisibility to Sensors. Friend, Foe, or Event Triggering Options: Similar to a customizable trigger for wards. Power Source: Similar to the Japanese TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus. [Original TW Creation, not offered for general sale anywhere, provided by his Techno-Wizard contact. Just an interesting innovation.] Unauthorized access triggers a Tech based alarm.
- Unauthorized Access: Unless an authorized being is present then any unauthorized being entering the room will trigger the closing and locking of both doors. Simultaneously a 255 MDC force field will appear over each door (projected from a location built into the doorway). These will appear even if either or both doors have been destroyed. Any such beings have one action to destroy the force field and exit the room (can attack then move as one action). Any being still in the room after that will witness a black orb dropping from the surface of the precise center of the dome ceiling. This ball will pass through any intervening obstacles (similar to D-Phase). It precisely reaches the exact center of the room, ten feet from all sides and ten feet above the ground. Is unimpeded even if that space is occupied by an object, force field, and so forth. At which point it explodes hitting everything in the room for the full effects of the Annihilate Spell (Book of Magic or Federation of Magic) with no dodge possible (no unaffected space). Damage type is: Anti-Matter plus disintegration, no known immunity to it; neither immune physical, immune energy, or immune magic offers any protection against it. Beings without any type of physical body such as a pure energy being or by having a pure energy form would effectively be immune. However this is effectively really just "not being there". Temporal Raider (WB3:England) would be affected since its an energy being with a physical form. Psyscape Psychic Training (WB12:Psyscape) includes a Transform into Energy Form which would provide immunity if sufficient ISP available to activate it.
- This is from The TW Annihilator Self-Propelled Land Mine: Which is triggered (Event) by the activation of one or both of those doorway force fields. It can be set so that only one Annihilator randomly activates out of many that can affect the same area. Friend, Foe, or Event Triggering Options: Similar to a customizable trigger for wards. It can sense other identical devices within 40 feet and coordinate response efforts with them. Single Annihilator use only (can be recharged via over 600 PPE), unlimited sensing and coordinating efforts until then. [Original TW Creation. Not offered for general sale anywhere since would have to have 100% trust in whoever he built Annihilator spell based weaponry for (hehe). Provided by his Techno-Wizard contact. Just an interesting innovation.]
-- There are nearly 1000 projectile spots: But only around 100 of them actually contain the TW Annihilator Self-Propelled Land Mine. Each doorway also has 100 fully modified Vallax Force Field Projector Rings built into it. The trap can be triggered 100 times each one with full MDC, which fully regenerates in 6.5 minutes.
- Escaping from the room via destroying the force field: Presumes that they have already destroyed the door through which they entered. Otherwise a temporary defense is to use an appropriate energy form (still technically in room, but no physical form) such as from Psyscape special training (WB12).
- The force field activation sensors: Are triggered by an independently powered and controlled Artificial Intelligence friend or foe threat recognition system. Immune to most of the Telemechanics abilities due to the AI, Telemechanic Possession due to the Town's Protection Circle: Superior, and see Telemechanic Immunities below. Its infrared and thermal sensors will detect and recognize beings made invisible via Invisible (Simple) or innate invisibility (Dragons, etc). However, it will not detect those made invisible via Invisibility (Superior) or Invisibility to Sensors (Mercenary Adventures; however is visible to non-tech normal sight). A Cyber-Knight's Cloud Sensors abilities will render it unable to determine the nature of the individual (which will trigger an alarm of "undefinable creature present").
-- Friend or Foe Recognition Parameters: Occurs after mystic purge. Includes broad-range sensory recognition combined with corresponding appropriate weight ranges (includes recognizable armors) from pressure plates in the floor. Once both doors are closed and the room has been mystically purged a daily code word is also required (also used for voice recognition, viable even with strained speaking due to illness or injury). Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding number (1 through 26), whatever the current day of the month is requires any word that begins with the corresponding letter (A on 1st of month, B on 2nd of month, etc). Days 27 to 30 or 31 require a word that begins with the corresponding letter based on the sum of the two digits of the day: 27 = 2+7 = 9 = I; 28 = 2+8 = 10 = J; 29 = 2+9 = 11 = K; 30 = 3+0 = 3 = C; 31 = 3+1 = 4 = D. Basically an easy enough code formula to remember but complicated enough to be difficult for outsiders to figure out. Code Word systems are likely to be replaced from time to time with new ones.
-- Primary Purpose: Eliminate anything that either (A) survived activating the Customer Waiting Room defenses or (B) managed to bypass and infiltrated past the Customer Waiting Room defenses.

Beyond the Employees Only Room is a secure hallway that leads to another human-sized vault-style door that opens into the Main Warehouse. Next to the warehouse side of that door is a concealed panel which when opened allows access to a "removed component" and its "usage slot". Placing the component in the slot will cause a MDC block the size of the Secure Hallway to drop down from above completely filling the hallway. The block has 200000 MDC, weighs 50 tons, is 15 feet tall, dropped from a 25 foot height, and blocks 10 foot tall doorways. Both doors that access the hallway open away from that block.

- Eight garage bays: 1 Main, 1 Guest, 6 Apprentice. Each is 80 feet deep from doorway. Each has its own vault-style door (2 feet thick, 40 feet x 40 feet; 640000 MDC; weighs 160 tons; each swivel mechanism is built into the door itself and the adjoining wall. It is able to accommodate virtually any vehicle or giant robot vehicle. Human-sized doors are also vault-style: 2 feet thick, 10 feet high, 5 feet wide, 20000 MDC, weigh 5 tons, with swivel mechanism built into it and the adjoining wall. Beyond that the interior is full of extremely large but space efficient, exceptional high tech MDC Operator tools. Most of these are built-in or heavily anchored: Power lifts, overhead cranes, and so forth. One on inside of each door, triggered by that door opening.
-- The Main garage bay interior door to Guest Bay can be further secured from the Main side via a simple manually swiveling 2000 MDC bar (1000 lb) rendering it unable to be opened from the Guest side.
-- Only Max or his apprentices transport vehicles, equipment, and armors into and out of the garage bays.
-- Guest Operators are transported into the Guest bay via a special mini-hover vehicle (5 mph/8 kph). A standing room only, 6 person including pilot, heavy 350 MDC box with one door for guests and separate door mini-section for T-C23 pilot. Its powered via the T-C23 power connector.
-- Any parts requirements for Guest Operators are sent via an isolated computer system between the Guest Bay and the Main Bay. Which is then quickly reviewed by Max and then manually forwarded on a separate independent computer system to the Warehouse. Labor Robots retrieve the corresponding parts and place them in bins near warehouse door into the Main Bay. Once completely obtained Max will then retrieve them. Seal the Main Bay, the either use the internal door to drop them off or if less familiar Guest Operators are present he may use just the outer Bay Doors for access. Also keeps him from using a predictable routine in case of infiltrators.
- Customers: Are not allowed in any of the garage bays, hence the waiting room.
- Power Jumping T-C23: The shop garage bays are one of the smaller areas that this can be fully utilized in even when in use. Combinations of knowing every current aspect of the terrain and expertise in power jumping autododging (Robot Combat Elite). Utilizing slightly angled side-to-side power jumps and so forth. Part of their basic tactical combat training.
- Mystic Purge System: Appropriately sized for each bay. Triggered by either door closing or command word. Instantaneous purge, plus non-wall area of effect, plus coordinated defense system design, yields no disruption of TW Dimensional defense system (below).
- Neural Disruptor "Bug Zapper" Doorway Fields: Similar to Neural Disruptor Rifle setting two: Always 1 MD and "ordinary human" effects for ALL beings (human, augmented, MDC), MD seizures. Standard save 27, same energy/stun/poison immunities apply. Affects up to 300 MDC targets, no bonus for high MDC. Robots and Full Conversion Cyborgs are impervious (bio-manipulation equivalent), all other types by MDC. Energy field version has no visible qualities since it does not need to be targeted (similar to microwaves). Cannot be seen even by See The Invisible. Only detectable via a specialized "electromagnetism" energy sensor or ability. All languages "No Entry" warning signs on all columns between doors. Concealed projectors target number 29 or higher.
- Many Guest Operators: The Guest Garage Bay can generally accommodate one of the following: One huge vehicle; or two very large vehicles; four of the largest actually available humanoid robot vehicles, about 16 power armors or large hover-cycles; or about 32 body armors or light power armors. It can accommodate just as many operators working on them as long as they bring their own basic tool-kits. Labor bots can be assigned to assist though they are most needed for groups of regular power armors or large hover-cycles since carrying weights are often beyond human capabilities. Basically the overhead crane gets a lot of shared use with the labor bots dealing with everything heavier than human carrying but below overhead crane carrying. Can also appropriately mix they space availability: One very large vehicle + 8 power armors (or 16 body armors) and so forth.
- Single use, escape tunnels: Circular 3 feet 5 inches diameter, only large enough for ultra-slim, ultra-light power armors such as the T-21 (or its military version) or smaller (such as Flying Titan Power Armor with wings down, see RUE). Even a SAMAS power armor would be too big due to its protruding wings. Basic drop tunnel: Vertical tunnel covered by a 50 ton, 10-foot stack of six foot square MDC sheets suitable for repairing just about any MDC construct. Stabilized by one 1000 MDC vertical bar per side, with an open top. Snapping the bar isn't an option since it would take an impossible amount of supernatural strength to do so (combined PS of 1000+) since its worse than attempting to break a Glitterboy in half.
- Automated Rollers on either side of the tunnel opening and six feet behind it allow the stack to sit over it or to be rolled back enough to allow access. If by any chance the designated protected individual is incapacitated then the automated assistant cranes arms will automatically retrieve and drop the nearest one down the drop tunnel. Only applies to the main operator, his apprentices, or extremely limited selection of designated guests. However dropping down the tunnel by ten feet or more causes the stack to automatically roll back over the tunnel and the explosive-filled rollers to evenly detonate. This only causes enough damage to destroy the rollers dropping the 50-ton stack down flush over the hole rendering it immovable. Can only be effectively unloaded by one being at a time who must be able to reach over 10 feet high. Further done in increments of less than maximum lifting since must guess at appropriate amount to lift, with too much simply wasting an action on the attempt. Multiple beings guessing at weight limits would simply mess each other up.
-- Ten feet down it drops out into a ten foot high room. This triggers another automated response of causing a heavy column of next to the tunnel to be moved directly below it and lifted up to completely fill the gap back up to the stack above. Simultaneously moving any incapacitated Operator out of the way. A second column then slides directly under it both locking firmly into place. Each ten foot section of column has 10000 MDC. Both are held in place by an inaccessible, indestructible locking pin (see Mystic Kuznya and similar) rendering both immovable except via total destruction. Even with total knowledge of the system it takes the Operators an hour to reset each such system. There are then a series of combination panic rooms and security control rooms, emergency exits and so forth that can be accessed. An incapacitated Operator will trigger a notification security alert. Locations: One per garage bay near the back corner, one in Combative Operator's Office, one in the Basic Parts Storage Warehouse.
- Internal Automated Concealed Dual Boom Gun Ceiling Turrets: It is concealed as an overhead support structure by a single retractable casing cover over (similar to a giant exposed air duct) all of them in the ceiling at the back of each room (4 per garage bay, vertical pivots at center of gun, central rotation, full forward and downward arc) with a clear firing path for the entire area. Even if the Boomgun misses everyone in that garage bay or room will be affected by the sonic boom. The full sized Boomgun ceiling turrets (10 foot diameter x 10 foot tall cylinders) at the back of the room have no reduction in work area 99.9% of the time.
-- The MDC of interior Dual Boom Gun turrets is: 50000 + 255 Force Field (with mobile opening for the weapon's exit point) and force field recovers 1D10+10 MDC per melee. Circular turret casing with 360 degree full rotation and direction. Over-sized secondary external casing plating keeps there from being any opening other than exit point for the Boomgun rounds. However this doubles as extended gun tip armor plate with 1000 MDC that can be hit with a standard called shot at -4. Until destroyed it prevents any called shots from striking the internal Boomgun mechanisms (297 MDC x2) on anything less than a 1-in-a-million attack. (See Beat Insurmountable Odds in BoM) The Force Field absorbs initial attacks (plus last bit of MDC rule; treating force fields as independent armor equivalents similar to the difference between main body and a reinforced pilot's compartment on a robot vehicle). Regenerative force field further preventing need for repairs from most attacks.
- Vallax Tech Adds In Retractable Vallax Double Rifle Gun Ceiling Turrets: Located at the front of various rooms (8 per garage bay). 255 MDC FF and 5000 MDC Turret. Five foot diameter by five foot of height cylindrical turrets. Similar 500 MDC secondary armor plating protects the end of the weapon tips.

Including everything below the triangular roof and attic space is mainly the Hovercraft and VTOL aircraft launching and storage bay. Currently for the Fully Modded Spider Skull Walker. Its concealed bay doors can only be opened from the inside.
- Humanoid Access: One hidden access vertical tunnel is built in for access from the Combative Operator's office and personal garage bay area. The other hidden vertical tunnel has access from the underground bunker.
- Aircraft Accessed via one concealed 40 foot tall x 60 foot wide vault door that opens inward (for safety and subtlety) on the east side (Merc Camp side). The door has the typical security feature of not having a power supply to enable it to open. Instead there is a specially modified labor bot "Doorman" with unique power connector (just for this door) similar to the T-C23 one. The Doorman has an excessively powerful nuclear power supply (like most of his modified gear). It only obeys the Combative Operator and spends most of its time in hidden protective alcove on the second floor. It never leaves the second floor and its alcove has some independent limited security sensors only involving the external area around the door. The spider skull walker has a concealed, recessed display screen entirely used for this "open door" from the outside command. When active it is only viewable from within a very narrow viewing angle (directly in front of it, plus one foot in any direction) and from less than 20 feet away. It displays a code word image, however it is actually flashing too quickly to be noticed by humans. The sensors transmit the image to the robot on a display screen in its alcove where it is able to decipher the Morse-code style flashing containing the real code. It then opens the door. Its a double encryption of a different code and different mathematically derived flashing rate for each usage.
- 5 PC-S: Two Protection Circle: Superior built into the floor here. Plus 2 more into the interior underside of each half of the ceiling. Plus 1 in the center of the attic floor. Between them they essentially precisely protect the entire second floor and roof.
- Activation of these 5 PC-S: Cliff (TW buddy) just stops by each day in his T-C23 to activate these unless there are enough magic tattooed non-mutant human Operators apprentices around to do so on their own.

- Edges, peak edge, and more are covered in external turrets concealed as architecture.
- Concealment: Disguised as essentially a variation of crenellations of a grand keep (main building in a castle) with the overall building presenting itself as being a modern metal-building partially inspired by historical castle designs. Presumably a way of architecturally being imposing on the surrounding town. Such basic principles of extreme visual signs of authority are common in many towns. Each often having their own theme or way of doing so. Thus most beings don't even notice them individually and they simply regard them as part of the overall oddness of the very centrally located building. In this case people can make a Perception check with one of: Perception, Detect Concealment, or Weapons Engineer (actual skill, not Telemechanics) versus a target number of 29 or higher to recognize them as turrets. A Detect Ambush of 18 or higher will not notice them, but it will notice that the large open area around the building would make a very good kill zone.
- Custom Programming: All at 15th level and from the level 15 Combat Operator with the same skills (via AI and Computer skills). Combat Programs include Hand to Hand Assassin, WP Heavy MD Weapons, Weapon Systems, Weapons Engineering (mainly just the strike bonus), WP Quick Draw (equivalent, with equivalent 31 PP).
- Combat Sensors Include: Advanced Targeting Sensors providing +2 strike (similar to Glitterboy Boomgun).
- Directional Firing: The roof peak runs north-south from the joining of the east and west slopes. Airborne targets near the base above 130 feet can be hit by all guns. Distant targets 200 feet or higher can also be hit by all guns. Ground targets closer than 100 feet to the building can only be hit by the roof edge turrets of the nearest one or two sides of the building. Everything else can usually be hit by all the turrets facing that side (roughly half of the total turrets on roof - for simplified game-play).
- All External Turrets have 50000 MDC + 255 MDC Force Field: Same as Interior Boomgun Turrets MDC and called shots info.
- Concealed Sensor Turrets: Military Radar Unit (240 mile range; primary and backup), Radar Detector (1.4 mile range), Heat Detector (rooftop area plus within 300 feet of building), Microwave Fence (rooftop and building access points, doorways, etc), Motion Detection (rooftop and within 5 feet of the building), Complete Video Surveillance, Telescopic (120x mag, 60 mile range), External Audio Pickup (within 360 feet of the building), Loudspeakers (80 decibels), Spotlights, and so forth. Also has primary and backup Long-Range Radio Communication units (Encryption as needed, 600 miles range, plus secondary Short Range communication frequencies of 12 mile range). The information gathered from all of these is directly linked to security terminals located in each of the garage bays (except the Guest one), the Combative Operator's office, and various panic rooms and security stations in the underground bunker. (see Sensor Equipment RUE page 265, and Robot Vehicles RUE page 273)
-- External AI Dual Boom Gun Turrets: 10 along peak of roof, roughly 14 along each edge of roof (allowing full coverage downward on that corresponding side of the building) with six edges (83), 34 total between the 2 lines halfway up each peak; 127 total turrets all with huge weapon range. The fortified building weighs 40000 tons so is fully able to support the combined firing of those weaponry. Everything outside within 200 feet of the building will be affected by the Sonic Boom (see Glitterboy OCC).
-- External AI Vallax Double Rifle Turrets: Corner (4), roof peak end (2), center of roof peak (1), thirteen evenly spaced throughout (13). Twenty total. 2D6x10 MD dual-blasts that automatically bypass any impervious to energy (regardless of nature) after the first shot on a recurring target; unlimited shots, fully modified range 2400 feet.
-- External AI Short Range Missile Launcher Turrets: Fires 1 to 200 short range missiles overall per turret per action. Capacity: 2000 short range missiles. Each missile tube is essentially its own independent mini-turret that can strike a different incoming volley of missiles on a single overall attack. This is due to each having its own AI targeting and minor angle adjusting capabilities. However the overall turret still only points along a particular arc on any particular overall attack action. Effectively shooting down a volley of incoming missiles simultaneously with a single missile each. Only applicable to volleys coming in along virtually the same arc (less than 45 degree arc). Mostly useful for volleys from multiple attackers located in roughly the same area and usually at long ranges of 1 mile or more. Within these limits each turret is able to shoot down up to 200 volleys of missiles on one overall action (200 separate mini-AIs). Effectively 200 separate but coordinated AI targeting systems with minor individual arc adjustment capabilities. Under ideal circumstances the combination of 10 turrets, each with 200 micro-adjustment single tube independent turrets, can effectively shoot down 2000 volleys of incoming missile volleys.
--- TW Missile Countermeasures Enhancement: It only increases chance that a fired missile will be able to detonate an entire volley of incoming missiles from 75% to 99%. One per launcher tube. Self Powered similar to TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus. Spells used in construction: Beat Insurmountable Odds (BoM) and Deflect (BoM).
--- Purpose: Only used for shooting down incoming missiles when the Boomguns are already occupied. Safety: Reinforced missile compartment that auto-eject 100 feet up and detonate if the turret is destroyed. Location: Twenty turrets with similar placement to Vallax Turrets.
-- External AI Medium Missile Launcher Turrets: Fires volleys of 1 to 20 medium missiles, typically only a volley of 2: 1 fragmentation plus 1 plasma (1 physical and 1 energy). Capacity: 80 medium missiles. Primary Purpose: Directional channeling of herds or swarms of instinctive creatures. Instinctively hostile creatures such as Xiticix swarms heading towards the town can be provoked into just attacking the Operator's Base, making them perfect targets for the Boomguns. Slightly less hostile creatures (herds of Rhino-Buffalo, Fury Beetles, etc) can usually be redirected as needed if area near them is suddenly bombarded with explosive attacks. Secondary Purpose: Occasional long-range sniper deterrent. Safety: Reinforced missile compartment and ejection system. Location: Two launchers, one at the end of each roof peak.
-- External Weapon and Sensor Turret Summary: Current design: 127 Double Boomgun Turrets, 20 Double Vallax Turrets, 10 Short Range Missile Turrets, 2 Medium Missile Turrets, 2 Sensor Turrets (Radar + Radio), utilizing all of 161 possible turrets. Each turret is a ten foot diameter cylinder with its weapon systems concealed internally. A retractable plate moves out of the way when the weapons are ready to fire. Full 360 rotation without obstacles. Internal vertical 90 degree angle upward rotation for airborne targets. Primarily internal dual gun elevation for medium to long range ground targets. Secondary internal weapon base ceiling forward sliding mechanism allowing all point blank and short range ground targets to be fired upon (even flush to the building wall). Only included in roof edge turrets which also overhang by two feet. Allowing all directions to be fired upon. Just a brief approximation of turret firing arcs.

- Security Perimeter Sensors: Numerous concealed sensors monitor this area constantly.
- In-Town Early Warning Sensors: Various blind spots may exist in town behind buildings and so forth. Any primary ones that lead to the Mechanic Shop will have concealed sensors monitoring the full area. If a threat is detected then the the Mechanic Shop quietly goes on alert. The turrets remain concealed but have turned and pre-targetted the area. It then waits until the last second before the adversaries step out from behind the buildings into the open area around the Mechanic Shop. At which point the turrets surprise the invaders and open fire.
- The Robotic Brawling Pit: The entire side closest to the Mechanic Shop is a sloped ramp allowing combatants to easily enter and leave. It also means there is no cover from any of the turrets on the Mechanic Shop.

Includes electronics and artificial intelligence lab, advanced chemical and metallurgy development lab, prototype development lab (specialized machine shop and mini-factory), simple automated composite MDC sheet 'metal' mini-factory. Armors and Vehicles ready for sale secure storage. Housing for the Max and separate housing for his apprentices. Plus previously listed contents.
* Seismic Sensors: That detect any form of significant digging in the ground near the Mechanic Shop or its emergency exit tunnel.
* Bunker Map:
* TW Advanced Create Steel Recycling Machines: Essentially same as the spell Create Steel (BoM) at 15th level effectiveness (or 30th if that option is used). Self-Powered similar to TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus (BoM). Weight limit is per action with a maximum of 10 input actions per melee. Unlike the regular spell material from this machine can be cut and resent through the machine again. See Techno-Wizard device explanation in Quick Summary at the end in case of confusion.
- Non-Magic Material In = Same Out: The machine essentially "grows" additional material each time a piece is passed through it. In essence this is similar to an artificially induced growing that occurs in some crystalline materials. For simplicity all output materials are treated as non-magical materials unless the input material was magical. [See updated/redefined non-magical nature of Ironwood Weapons (WB1:VK-NR); magic catalyst yielding non-magical materials.]
- Magical Material In = Same Out: Can then mold to make magical versions of normally mundane items: Ammunition/bullets/flechettes, melee weapons, arrow heads, armor, etc. Becomes detectable by anything that can detect magic (eliminating various stealth options and non-magic leanings), remains immune to Anti-Magic (by being magic weapon equivalent), may act as a lightning rod during certain ley line storms or equivalent, and so forth. Basic material innate properties only (not special abilities). Indestructible items can only be dissolved not recycled.
- Selection options includes separate pure metal types and composite metal formation.
- All Anti-Matter Containment Material (ACM #) is too powerful and artificial to be reproduced by this machine.
- Output material can be re-sized and resent through machine again (unlike the regular spell). Can continually yield additional material due to special components below.
- SDC input = same output. MDC input = same output.
- Constantly needed materials will have their own designated TW Machine that only process/produces that one material type.
- Located in its own section of the Underground Bunker Level.
- Separate machines can fuse the output pieces together into selectable thickness MDC sheets typically 6 feet x 6 feet in size.
- Yielding a simple Automated Composite MDC Sheet 'Metal' Mini-Factory
- Special Components: Each material type to be processed can require that a large brick of an indestructible version of the same material be placed in a corresponding unique slot (see WB18: Mystic Kunzya). Each brick is gradually dissolved a few molecules at a time allowing for a full year of constant processing. Much longer if not continuous usage. Two Key Factors: Eliminates any issue of the produced material being able to be negated (anti-magic cloud, etc) if of an inherent magical nature (magical MDC silver, etc). Further eliminates potential over use throughout remaining Rifts environment.
* TW Wood Conversion Machine: Also exists and was used for creating all the town's MDC wood (ironwood and other wood). Its special component being indestructible Steel (for its carbon elements) rather than indestructible wood. See WB1:VK-NR Ironwood Weapons for latest details.
* TW Create Anti-Matter Machine: Enabling the creation of Tekhammer Anti-Matter Micro Missiles and so forth. Perfectly configured as per TW Vortex.
- Story element tech limitation: Obtaining the Anti-Matter is easier than creating a stable long-term anti-matter containment field material (ACM I). This artificial self-powered material is carefully synthesized via advanced chemistry and is similar to a magnetic field. Doing so is extremely difficult and can only be made in relatively small quantities by mass production standards. As such he is limited to mainly creating micro missiles only. One mini-missile requires 1000 Micro Missiles worth of the same containment field base material utilized to create a much denser version (ACM II). Semi-exponential density, power curve and processing time.
- Can build a small fully functional experimental prototype T-C23/T-G23 power supply: 40 year lifespan via about 20,000 micro missiles worth of even denser containment material (ACM III). [Vaguely similar in effect but not design to some phase world tech]
- Attempting anything larger would have to be entirely Techno-Wizard in nature and beyond the scope of Max's efforts.
- ACM immobilizes the Anti-Matter in a vacuum chamber regardless of acceleration or deceleration. Missiles have an impact blast cap that shatters the containment field material on impact only.
- Maximum Production: 1000 Micro Missiles per month OR 1 ACM II Mini Missile per 2 months OR 1 ACM III power supply per 3.5 years. Process requires 10 minutes of Max's efforts every predictable 1D4 hours for entire duration (maximum chemical automation). Missing even one destabilizes and wastes the entire effort.
- A further special light MDC casing material (SCM I) has to be used for the Micro Missiles that keeps the containment field from spreading beyond the missile's volume. Otherwise while in close proximity to other micro missiles the overlapping fields would quickly destabilize each other (in 1D4 melees) just enough to be ineffective. As more of the containment material from multiple fields comes into close proximity the tougher it becomes for the special casing to keep them from overlapping. As such any missile storage housings also need to include a heavy MDC special casing material (SCM II). The entire Micro-Missile Launcher and reinforced storage compartment on the T-C23/T-G23 is made of this MDC special casing material.
- As such can build larger missiles utilizing Micro Missile anti-matter warheads in a limited manner (ACM I + SCM I tech):
-- 1 Micro-Missile: 1 warhead, 1D4x10 MD Anti-Matter, Mach 2 speed, 2 mile range, 10-foot blast radius, 1 MDC.
-- 1 Mini-Missile: 1 warhead, 1D4x10 MD Anti-Matter, Mach 2 speed, 1 mile range, 10-foot blast radius, 2 MDC.
-- 1 Short Range Missile: 3 warheads, 2D6x10 MD Anti-Matter, Mach 1 speed, 5 mile range, 10-foot blast radius, 5 MDC.
-- 1 Medium Range Missile: 9 warheads, 6D6x10 MD Anti-Matter, Mach 2 speed, 80 mile range, 10-foot blast radius, 10 MDC.
-- 1 Long Range Missile: 20 warheads, 2D4x100 MD, Anti-Matter, Mach 3 speed, 1800 mile range, 10 foot blast radius, 25 MDC.
- Anti-Matter: Damage type Anti-Matter, no immunities to it (physical, energy, magic, etc) other than having no physical form (or unique Anti-Matter Containment or Repulsion Field). A force field will absorb the MD as per any MD attack: 1 MDC per 1 MD, plus "the last bit of armor protection" applied to force fields same as body armor; RUE 355. If a target's main body MDC is reduced to zero only then is the damage also treated as full disintegration of entire target: No salvage of target possible.
- 1 ACM II Mini-Missile: 1D4x100 MD Anti-Matter, Mach 2 speed, 1 mile range, 10-foot blast radius, 2 MDC. Cannot be stored within 10 feet of any other ACM tech or fired in any ACM tech volleys by any means (instantly destabilizes).
- 1 ACM III Power Supply: Cannot be stored within 10 feet of any other ACM tech (instantly destabilizes).

As a last resort if the building is being invaded by hundreds of difficult attackers. It completely destroys the building and auto-hits everything within it inflicting 4D4x1000 MD Armor Piercing damage type (roll a d20 only for possible critical hit: Natural 18-19 x2 damage, natural 20 x3 damage). Alternatively just for fun: Same damage amount but anti-matter type including disintegration from custom Techno-Wizard Annihilate Explosives from his TW buddy. It cannot be detonated without replacing a deliberately removed and hidden nearby component.
- Obtaining the component simultaneously opens the nearby one-way emergency escape tunnel. Concealed door (target number 29 or higher) is separate from opening mechanism. Within is a bus-sized rocket sled on rails (room for 50 people in up to light power armor) that can only be activated once the component is placed in the auto-destruct mechanism. Launching the sled triggers the three second auto-destruct countdown. The sled is propelled via built-in rockets from four Mach 3 long-range missiles. It will pass the 2000 foot point in less than three seconds, trigger the instant collapse of the initial 1000 feet of tunnel, and the rockets automatically shut off. Anyone not in a flight suit, full environmental body armor or exoskeleton, or power armor will be unconscious for 1D6 hours from the acceleration unless they are an innate MDC being (including Full Conversion Cyborgs). Option: Unconscious could be changed to save vs coma/death using PE as percent plus level plus bonuses: Pass means unconscious for 1D6 hours, fail means death (Book? a mach one or more acceleration reference somewhere). The tunnel continues for ten more miles, which is how long it takes the rocket car to come to a stop, and has several safety mechanisms in place to slow it down in the last 100 feet of rail.

- The Combative Operator is an expert in all forms of Telemechanics including how to limit the effectiveness of such abilities to affect his security. Primarily by isolating the security components and limiting their accessibility. Thus each turret functions completely independently with its own Artificial Intelligence, programming, power source, and so forth. Even if someone managed to gain control of one the remainder would still target and blast the offender. The security sensor systems are hardwired to the security monitors but not broadcast in any way. As such any one of the Combative Operator or his apprentices can monitor any intrusion from one of these stations. He can then act as an independent encrypted transmission coordinator for the team to respond to the threat. Many critical systems such as the Auto-destruct and various emergency procedures have a critical component removed yet concealed nearby. Preventing them from being activated without first locating the missing component then properly replacing/installing it.
- Telemechanics: Generally all aspects of the security are designed to be essentially impervious to the various Telemechanics abilities. Protection Circle: Superior covers Impervious to Telemechanic Possession within 20 feet of ground in Town (including underground) and any part of the Mechanic Shop (additional Circles).
- TW Psi-Trap: Techno-Wizard Psi-Tech Anti-Tampering Security System: Simplified high security for all relevant machines. Original plausible TW item and power source concept. See TW Thought Projector (WB12:Psyscape), or Amaki Gizmoteer (WB9:South America 2) for the variant Techno-Wizard tech principles. Both are different versions of Psionically focused techno-wizardry. Standard TW items are typically require a certain amount of PPE to activate or double that amount in ISP. Psionically focused TW devices often use the base amount as ISP and double the amount in PPE.
-- Psi-Trap Power Source: Built internally into virtually any machine, it provides immunity to all Telemechanic types, Object Read attempts, Machine Ghost, and similar psychic efforts against the device. Ironically this particular device is powered by the ISP of those efforts, its essentially an ISP sponge that only functions due to psychics directing their psychic energy at the device. Affects both ranged and touched effects. Basically it is a very weak psionic energy converter: It can only syphon and absorb the ISP equivalent from active psionic power use that specifically targets it. It cannot otherwise drain stored ISP or energy from psionic effects that do not require targeting such as Sense Magic. For every 1 ISP beyond the first one of such a psychic ability used against the device a feedback loop short-circuits the specific ability used for 1D4 minutes, save versus magic of 20 for half duration. The effect occurs instantly and none of the actual regular psychic abilities benefits occur. Example: 10 ISP expended on Telemechanics yields feedback (plus an alarm see below) and overload shutting off the Telemechanics power for 1D4x9 minutes, save versus magic for half duration (4.5 to 18 minutes), and no information gained. Brutal Feedback and Overload: On a failed save where a natural "1" was rolled on the d20 save versus magic, it overloads ALL of the Psychic's abilities regardless of type (psi-sword, etc) for the entire duration; at GMs discretion. Mostly just for maintaining the "ultra high security" theme.
---- The first 1 ISP: Is used to power the "alarm" a Blinding Flash (as spell) which is immediately noticed by nearby tech sensors as an alarm trigger. Everyone within 10 feet must also save versus magic 20 or be blinded as per spell for 1D4 melees.
---- Psi-Tech Protocols: Psi-Techs use the psionic Telemechanic ability for 0 ISP. As a result a 20 ISP emergency storage battery is built into power source. It only triggers when it encounters this Psi-Tech style Telemechanics. When it does 1 ISP is used for the Blinding Flash and 1 ISP is used for the feedback. Otherwise same as standard feedback.
---- Recharging Emergency ISP Reserve: Pumping PPE into the device will recharge its emergency reserve with 1 ISP for every 2 PPE pumped into it up to its maximum storage of 20 ISP. This is due to being psionic focused Techno-Wizardry. See Building Techno-Wizard Devices - PPE Storage in RUE for standard equivalent.
---- Provided by his Techno-Wizard buddy. This item is not triggered by non-psychic effects such as the Mechano-Link mutant super abilities that provide the equivalent of the various Telemechanics. If built into an armor or vehicle this should be treated as being one of the four maximum possible Techno-Wizard modifications (RMB, Techno-Wizard). For Comparison: The ISP draining abilities of the Psi-Stalker or Mind Bleeder are actively invasive and attempt to rip ISP out of the target psychic. The Psi-Trap power source simply waits for a psychic to actively infuse it by targeting it with psionic energy in any form, to which it essentially says "thanks". Its only targeting for its effect is essentially a feedback to individual targeting it. Very similar to building a unique tech device powered by the equivalent of the Energy Absorption Major Super Ability (DB4: Skraypers). [Original TW Creation, not offered for general sale anywhere, provided by his Techno-Wizard contact. Just an interesting innovation.]
-- Non-Psionic Telemechanics Equivalent Abilities such as Mechano-Link: Impervious to: Telemechanic Operation - no door opening power supply - and when it briefly does its built into a different machine; Telemechanic Paralysis - basically an upper limits or fancy wind-up toy; a bit excessive but fits security theme; the AI portion is entirely internal so people wouldn't even know its there unless can sense machines somehow - similar to Archie's espionage robotic flies; otherwise the AI portion could be paralyzed IF could sense it somehow; basic Telemechanics gets weird since the door itself is essentially an incomplete advanced wind-up toy (similar to a bicycle in nature and complexity) however would gain the precise location of the power connector, the precise shape of the power connector slot (its an irregular shape connector), the precise power level needed to access and power the device; in theory it would probably reveal the access slot is opened by an unknown outside source. Finding the pressure plate (in the floor) would still be necessary unless they attempt to cut through the power connector cover. Cutting it will trigger a "tampering" silent security alarm (bright flashing lights at the security terminals), require a welding torch cutting through 10 MDC of material, and a successful telemechanics percentage check to keep from damaging the internal power connector components (appropriate though the last bit of armor rule versus being part of the machine is almost contradictory).
- Psionic Immunity or Nullification: Provides no defense against this feedback. The individual is essentially being fried by his own expenditure of ISP.

Last edited by random_username on Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:24 pm, edited 470 times in total.
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by Armorlord »

Seems well thought out, though a little over the top for my tastes. (For a sense of scale, I thought 'Level 15' was a bit overboard. Not even sure I have anyone that high on the whole planet.)

One critique though:
Will not tolerate threats, bartering, bribes, trust/intimidate attempts, charm/impress attempts, awe/horror factor, seduction, magic illusions, and so forth towards him, his shop, or those he protects. Anyone who attempt these will be immediately subdued and all of their equipment confiscated as payment for their offense. If need be the individual will restrained and transported with nothing more than the clothes on their back to a random town within about 500 miles by one of his apprentices.
This makes it sound like he is actually impossible to do business with, and that he robs people for trying work out pricing.. Which would be unusual.
Talking to you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out-of-body experience. -Susie (Calvin and Hobbes)
It's not impossible, it's just really unfair. :( -Trance Gemini (Andromeda)
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by random_username »

Armorlord wrote:Seems well thought out, though a little over the top for my tastes. (For a sense of scale, I thought 'Level 15' was a bit overboard. Not even sure I have anyone that high on the whole planet.)

Like anything its always going to come down to whether something is appropriate for the specific players and GM in a particular campaign. This is most likely going to be most useful to veteran/intermediate players and campaigns where they've already explored most of the existing basic and standard technologies.

As for the level 15 NPC: this is mostly due to fully maximizing his modification abilities. Further there are actually canon NPCs that exceed level 15: the main genetic doctor in WB13:Lone Star, and there may be others as well.

Achieving Level 15: Adventures are inherently wandering targets who haphazardly run through hostile events and encounters and all it takes is one bad day and they get killed. The Aberrant Combative Operator protector scenario is someone who protects a small area. As such he always has the "home field advantage" and can prepare the area with dozens of tactical advantages: escape tunnels, vantage points, traps, early warning sensors, automated defenses, trained sidekicks, backup armors, and so forth (in addition to Sixth Sense). Since the town is a stationary target with paths/roads leading to it he will probably have just as many encounters as adventurers (and possibly larger encounters). Ultimately he will be able to have frequent battles that gain him ongoing experience points enabling him to actually achieve 15th level.

As for over the top: this simply provides a better sense of the nature of the NPC. For the simplest, practical use it could simply be listed as: level 15 Operator, double maximum modification abilities. The End.

The expanded version was also intended to provide a possible basis for a starting town or home base for the players, which would already have its primary defenses taken care of. Obviously the players wouldn't live in the Operator's Garage but could build their own base of operations elsewhere in the town. In theory the players could also become honorary "Deputies" while in town, particularly if one of them was an Operator with a story element of being one of his former apprentices. This would further provide such an Operator with access to a fully functional and secure Guest Operator Garage Bay at the Combative Operator's base.

One critique though:
Will not tolerate threats, bartering, bribes, trust/intimidate attempts, charm/impress attempts, awe/horror factor, seduction, magic illusions, and so forth towards him, his shop, or those he protects. Anyone who attempt these will be immediately subdued and all of their equipment confiscated as payment for their offense. If need be the individual will restrained and transported with nothing more than the clothes on their back to a random town within about 500 miles by one of his apprentices.
This makes it sound like he is actually impossible to do business with, and that he robs people for trying work out pricing.. Which would be unusual.

The basics of this were listed as:
-- "Fair": Aberrant Protector in violent town in violent Rifts world...
-- Mechanic Shop Posted door sign in numerous languages stating "No negotiation of any type"; includes all semi-local languages (American, Spanish, French), Dragonese/Elven, Euro (just in case a Triax rep visits), Gobberly, plus any other common local languages. Aspiring customers will be verbally greeted with "Welcome to the best tech shop in town. All prices are non-negotiable and paid in advance. Violators will be exterminated."

This was simply intended to represent several factors:
- behaves as a combination/mixture of Aberrant Protector (lives by a strong code of conduct but is still technically evil) and Operator. Essentially a slightly ruthless version of "no guns in Dodge city" scenario and attitude, ironically including bringing that attitude and authority with them when owner or part owner in a local business. Mainly Wyatt Earp ( or to a lesser extent Tombstone ( or any of the other numerous sources. Though this was actually originally based on the seemingly contradictory concept of an aspiring Aberrant Cyber-Knight, who in this case then washed out of that training (as is quite common) and went on to be an Aberrant Operator town protector. [Note: I prefer to use only in-game references for concepts if at all possible, however the Wyatt Earp + "no guns in Dodge City" + part owner in local business; from the movies had interesting similarities.] Mildly amusing with Cliff as a kind of Doc Holliday (again no intention of similarity just an amusing comparison).
- under constant threat of attack including insidious ones such as psionic, etc who might pose as customers to get close to him
- who is the best Operator around to the point where people go out of their way to acquire his services; so they are fully aware that he is the best Operator around. Presume that every legitimate tech-based humanoid mercenary company around (Larsens Brigade, and so forth) is fully aware of the rep of his tech and frequently seek him out if they are anywhere nearby (for repairs and modifications - including 8 fully functional full-size garage bays). The protection offered by his fortified base and his people also allow such merc companies to actually relax a little and get some R&R at the local bars, and combat pits. Thus further making it a popular stopping point.
- most of his parts are from confiscated gear (such as occurs with any law enforcement agency except he keeps them instead of auctioning them off or destroying them)
- as such he does not further inflate his prices or provide inferior parts or services: various books referring to the Black Market (a good equivalent) have listed costs for technical services as varying but +20 to +30% or even double (RMB, and probably in the upcoming Black Market Sourcebook), these may also include cheap knock-offs with inferior stats. As a result he already considers himself to have give a pre-set discount by not inflating the prices or providing inferior products. So asking or demanding a discount from him is particularly insulting.
- thus his prices are considered "fair" because they do not have the normal "inflated price modifications" nor do they involve "hidden, inferior products".
- finally he is completely upfront twice (via sign and greeting) about his pricing policies including the auto-targeting boomgun turrets in the Customer Waiting Room which tend to eliminate any objections.
- story element wise: if the players would like access to the best possible tech modifications around then they better be on their best behavior and not insult him by attempting to haggle or worse. Which would be like trying to cut a deal for the most leading edge technology available from the only available source. That's like trying to haggle with a Splugorth High Lord in Atlantis over the price of a Greatest Rune Weapon. Fairly sure that would yield the same or worse result.
- simplified: has a monopoly on the best tech modifications available, fair - non-inflated prices, able to handle large volumes of repairs via 8 full sized Operator Garage Bays, almost always has any needed parts in stock, and has the firepower to repel almost any aggressor (even a large mercenary company).

Beyond This he does have static discounts available for particular groups of individuals (again pre-set, not negotiable):
- standard Operator discount
- special Cyber-Knight discount
- former apprentice options
- special arrangements with the Black Market (basically increasing the depth of the alliance between a typical Operator and the Black Market)

As a side note:
- He does actually give bribes but only for gaining access to Triax technology. Even then its only as part of the process of cementing himself as essentially a fully Triax tech dealer.

And as usual - If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.
Last edited by random_username on Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:40 pm, edited 7 times in total.
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by Armorlord »

Power level is a matter of taste, no real argument there.
As for the rest, I said it would be unusual, and as you note, he is indeed an unusual guy.

Actually, he sounds a lot like what I imagine our Operator player would like to aspire to.
Which raises a different question in my mind, does your Combative Operator honor the traditional Operator discounts and work-for-parts arrangements given in RUE?
Talking to you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out-of-body experience. -Susie (Calvin and Hobbes)
It's not impossible, it's just really unfair. :( -Trance Gemini (Andromeda)
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by random_username »

Armorlord wrote:... does your Combative Operator honor the traditional Operator discounts and work-for-parts arrangements given in RUE?

Yup, lots of information there so its easy to miss. Its under "Contacts". Though he includes a small Operator-only verification test. Its also part of the "Guest" Garage-Bay concept, any guest Operators whether unknown or former apprentices are only permitted to use that secured garage bay. If more than one were to show up then former apprentices would be move into the regular garage-bays. An initial unknown Operator would be limited to the guest bay, any additional ones would be dealt with under locked-down security measures: mainly disconnected security access and escape tunnels in those regular bays.

random_username wrote:* Operator Find Contraband discount: (RUE) is available if the individual can write Techno-Can and pass a 15 second jury rig test that would take non-operators 30 seconds to do. This is only passable by having the twice as fast jury rigging capabilities available via Operator Ability #1 (RUE). This is also useful for finding prospective apprentices and OCC networking.
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by random_username »

- 80,000 character max

- The 20Hx20Wx2T concealed interior garage bay to warehouse vault-style doors have: 160000 MDC, and weigh 40 tons each. Only listed on the map.
- Concealed Doors (finding the door and opening/closing trigger) are technically resolved via the opposed rolls rules on page 368 of RUE.
- However this is a heavily fortified structure with a builder who has obsessively refined his security and degree of concealment which is far more than simply throwing a camouflage net over some robot vehicles. As such I recommend a target number of 29 or higher instead of a random opposed roll: 20 + (98% Detect Concealment which permits structural concealment as well AND 98% Camouflage skills = 9.8 round down = 9). Further presume that characters can re-check an area if unable to initially detect but that it becomes progressively harder to do so. Initial check: Automatically free to those with Detect Concealment. Then one action of searching the approximate location for it, then one melee of searching the approximate location for it, then one minute, then one hour (presumably the most people will search for it), then one day, then one week, then one month, then one year. However, if the skill or perception ability goes up naturally (such as by gaining a level or an increase in intelligence yielding a higher skill percentage bonus) then the checking difficulty resets. Thus initial check free again if has Detect Concealment, and so forth.
- Basically this means that anyone with a Detect Concealment of 98% can detect them on a natural 20.
- Seeing the door opening and closing just allows the individual to search the correct area.
- Ultimately the door is activated by a combinations of several things:
-- (1) A pressure plate that only responds to weights of 220 lbs to 720 lbs. The weight of the T-C23 plus an ultra light person (100 lbs) to an ultra heavy and probably mutant person or D-Bee (600 lbs) [900 to 1500 lbs after switch to T-G23]. Independent pressure plate sensor system simply opens the ring-finger power connector slot. Its right next to the wall/door and almost impossible to accidentally activate on even when searching the area. Must stand directly next to the wall, and most beings typically place their feet half a foot away when examining a wall with most of their weight on the back portion of their feet in that configuration. Requires momentarily standing on ones toes only while directly next to the wall to properly activate the pressure plate which is three feet wide, flush to the wall, and projects out from the wall by half a foot.
-- (2) Placing the ring finger power connector from staff T-C23" into the concealed wall slot. Power slot remains open as long as it is being powered by that power connector. The power connector powers a single electromagnet locking device causing it to move a precise distance to allow the winding mechanism to function. Outer casing of power connector in T-C23 also spins like a hollow drill bit. Using that to "wind up" the door locking mechanism (with equivalent of 27+ robotic strength). The then almost perfectly balanced door can be opened by anyone with a 27+ robotic strength (T-C23, labor bots) or supernatural strength. The door glides perfectly on its swinging mechanisms which support most of its weight.
--- Do not have power supplies needed to operate, instead built into staff T-C23 or the one "Doorman robot". Do have separately powered Artificially Intelligent controlled independent internal sensor systems that determine if the door is being opened or tampered with - one way security notification like flashing light being viewed by an external video camera. Thus can't hack into security system through it in any way.
- Seeing someone apparently triggering the door locates the power slot and reduces the difficulty of finding the pressure plate to a base 19.
- Even after finding both the pressure plate and the wall slot it still requires someone actually wearing the T-C23 to trigger the opening, otherwise it would have to be bypassed: As per Locksmith skill - Super High Tech Systems. Note: The power connector has two aspects, connecting precisely like a simple key and providing the precise power input to trigger (and operate) the mechanism. Otherwise the door lacks a power supply to function. Since the T-C23 also acts as the power supply to allow the door to function it is immune to the various Telemechanic abilities. The Electrical Engineer skill can also be used (hopefully with the benefits of the Surveillance skill) but has standard additional penalties for complex systems.
- Non-staff T-C23 have a completely different power connector that is not compatible with these locks or the standard modified Neural Disruptor Rifles (power connector slots) that his apprentices use. However various external weaponry (energy rifles, energy pistols, etc) can be modified to be powered off of this different connector with their standard e-clip removed or used as a backup.
- After successfully uncovering and using/bypassing both the connector and pressure plate for one door any remaining similar doors can be uncovered automatically as long as they actively search the correct area. This presumes they do so in the correct way, basically having people of the correct weight range stand on their toes along the edge of the wall throughout the area. The "free" visual-only search check to those with Detect Concealment is still permitted with the standard target number of 29 or higher. Individual concealed doors will be further concealed in unique ways: Some with built-in cupboards, storage shelves, display screens, posters, hanging tires, and so forth; whatever is silent when moving and uniquely camouflages it.
- Garage Bay to Warehouse doors swing into the Warehouse.

- Function similar to concealed doors, except the ring finger power connector is built into, and concealed by the door handle. Same immunity to Telemechanic abilities (inability to operate them due to lack of power supply). All doors are also discretely under surveillance systems that are linked to the internal security observation screens, same locations as the external security monitors but separate screens/system. Different types of alerts will be triggered depending upon circumstances: Flashing map indicator + mini visual live feed + "door chime" equivalent for proper use; warning chime for unusual use - strange time of day or attacked or tampered with or persistent proximity of beings; and so forth.
- Automatically closing and re-locking system: Each of the doors is almost perfectly level, with only a 0.5 degree upswing. However, when power is no longer applied to the door it will automatically swing closed in 6 seconds (2 actions). Once closed again it re-latches and the essentially spring-loaded/tension wound locking mechanism re-locks itself. Prepped by the initial application of power to the door to unlock it and held in place (ready to re-lock mode) by the latching system.
- Same concealment difficulties as Concealed Doors, except already know what area to search.

Used when referring to ALL concealed portions of physically built structures only. Basically the builder makes his opposed roll when he builds it, so essentially he just keeps redesigning it until he achieves his natural 20 roll for concealment. He then simply repeats essentially the exact same design on the other identical concealed structures. Includes minor variations that simply disguise the repetitive nature of the design. Especially when obsessed with security and safety or even via the "cured" version. See personality, plus 98% Camouflage and Detect Concealment skills, plus opposed Perception checks in RUE. [Might be considered an innovative interpretation but its rather straightforward; "no the target number for a built-in concealed door in an ultra high security facility is not 1, or even 10..."]
- If combined general Perception and specific skill Perception bonus is used by a GM then increase all target numbers from 29 to this combined total +20 (+7 Perception +9 Skill + 20 base = 36 or whatever).


* Low Levels: He was able to quickly achieve level 4 just via skill usage (non-combat XP). Basically the last standard skill usage for XP gain in 3rd level is the one that puts the character into 4th level.

* Hostile Beings: Thereafter any hostile beings foolish enough to wander into the area and would be quickly subdued and their equipment confiscated. Thus building up his stockpile of weaponry, armor, vehicles, spare parts, and so forth.

* Fortification Progress: At 4th level he only had a basic one room Operator Shop, with the remains of 4 or 5 power armors and robot vehicles for parts, and no apprentices. One day a small swarm of 50 to 60 immediately hostile Xiticix appeared nearby from a Rift in the sky. Having minimal offensive capabilities at the time the only way to deal with them quickly was to jury-rig the auto-destruct nuclear power packs together (already extracted for parts usage) along with all the confiscated missiles he had. He then lured all the hostile Xiticix to his shop, mainly by being the only one who attacked them; since everyone else had run for cover. At which point he detonated the jury-rigged auto-destruct + missiles as he escaped into the sewers. It destroyed his one-man Operator shop and almost all of the invading Xiticix. He was then able to circle back and snipe the remaining 5 or 6 that weren't exterminated in the blast.
-- From that point on he became extremely resolved in his militant dedication to his efforts as protector, operator, and simply survival in general. This lead to such extreme efforts as: Hates Bugs of all kinds (Affective Disorder, RUE page 333) and Obsessive-Compulsive about Safety/Security (Neurosis, RUE page 334). Both of these have since been "cured" (RUE page 338), however they now remain as practical militant survival skills instead of burdensome over-used concepts. It also lead to the development of his current heavily fortified base of operations. The base itself should be able to hold off a force of over 500 Xiticix invaders should any such event occur again.

* Danger Warnings: Benefits from Sixth Sense warning.

* Outside of Vehicle: Uses non-lethal weaponry where appropriate. Unlimited use of equivalent of all Telemechanic abilities (Mechano-Link) where appropriate. Is also usually wearing his T-C23 power armor. Other tactics and options over time.

* Latest Status: Eventually reached the Fully Modded Spider Skull Walker usage and level 15.

- Interesting comparison for contacts usage: For Contacts can treat him as a level 9 or higher City Trader - Outsider No Bias (WB19:Australia) with his big contacts being Black Market, Triax, and possibly Coalition States. Level 9 equivalent for partially developed contacts like Triax or 98% rating for fully developed contacts. The only difference is that he is stationary and people mostly seek him out instead of him seeking them out. Possible secondary OCC as per the multiple OCC optional rules.

* Black Market: Has significant ties to the local black market. Mainly he is the best tech modifier in the town (and possibly the continent) so they seek him out frequently for modifications. Leading to essentially a 'truce' where he and his people are 'off-limits' as targets. They regard him as a friendly, loyal ally and asset, with ultra-rare capabilities (unique or semi-unique) over and above the normal friendly alliance that all Operators have with the Black Market (see Operator Ability #2: Find Contraband; RUE). In exchange he modifies tech for them at no cost if they can provide the parts. Usually one or two 8-hour or less projects per week. Thus even if someone did manage to survive robbing him or his people, attempting to pawn his stuff to the local black market would be a lethal mistake (Object Read). Has access to virtually any available untraceable Black Market items, which are never lousy knock-offs, and otherwise the same as the standard Operator Ability #2 of Find Parts and Components. (RUE)
- Further plot twist: His understanding of tech is so advanced that he is one of the people they consult with when they need to unravel the secrets of rediscovered modern tech. This means they occasionally invite him to be transported to hidden facilities without knowing where it is or how to get there, unravel the tech there, then transport him home. As such he was one of the people to rediscover the Area-51 SAMAS tech for the Black Market (WB14: Bandito Arms formed in 32 P.A. ...) and similar such tech. In all cases he has no idea where he went or how to get there thus he is not a liability to them. Each such contact is made with a separate and unique non-local black market agent who is impossible to locate afterwards. Only the local black market agent makes the introduction but he too has no familiarity with that agent. To further eliminate the possibility of Object Read or similar possibilities the only things he takes with him are his clothes. Upon his return all of those are destroyed.
- Hopefully none of this conflicts with anything in the Black Market book. A final summarized version of Max would explain this.

* Coalition States, Selling Them Alien Tech:
- Basically very few members of the Coalition States would have the authority to purchase desirable alien tech for its full appropriate value (they don't have sales reps like Triax). Those that do will simply kill the individual offering it, take it, and obtain the reward themselves. Developing a useful contact generally requires a very strong, legitimate connection to the Coalition. Most likely requiring all of the following: Being a retired Coalition Officer in good standing with the CS, a contact high up in the weapons research and development division of the CS, and be considered an ongoing Asset to the Coalition.
- Basically the only way he could in theory achieve this would be to:
-- Pay hundreds of millions credits for "the real thing" forged CS citizenship papers and ironclad history as a CS citizen (RMB), Unfortunately even "superior" would eventually not survive the necessary extensive checks for the extremely high security clearance needed for the ultimate destination of weapons research division.
-- "The real thing" official papers as a member of the Armed Forces and Military Psychic Registration [most likely still require attending actual boot-camp and fast-tracked Tech Training - more bribes], In theory these papers supersede the citizenship papers in nature and regular use since in essence the citizenship papers would have been used to obtain Armed Forces and Military Psychic Registration. Thus any military (and most civilian) check points or even border crossings should really only require these two military papers. This can best be seen via the Psi-Battalion Military Psychic Registration superseding and replacing the Civilian Psychic Registration. (WB11:CWC page 39)
-- Pay more in bribes to obtain Officer Training as a Tech Officer (a Technician with Officer Training) (WB11:CWC) which would include Psi-Battalion designation and training (mandatory for military psychics; available 85 P.A.) (WB12:Psyscape) [Could attempt to bypass this portion except this is where the necessary training to blend-in and obtain the contacts for legitimate access to the weapons research division are obtained].
-- Probably requiring some additional special forces training (more bribes) in order to carefully conceal his mutant abilities as psionic and combat training abilities (HTH Assassin + Extraordinary PP masquerading as HTH commando).
-- Some small bribes to get himself assigned to the weapons research division, bribe and work his way into good and ongoing standing with the key personnel there (1D6 months - easy enough as a level 15 Operator masquerading as a gifted rookie Tech Officer and providing various well-timed appropriate bribes and schmoozing),
-- Ironically if this is at Lone Star (opened 68 P.A, WB13) then any contact with the head scientist there will probably result in him being precisely recognized for what he is, respected for it, and ironically seen as a valuable asset involving less official work. See WB13: Lone Star, how the head scientist there is able to spot undercover operatives due to his 30+ IQ. The scientist often performs forbidden experiments. Thus even with the extensive resources available to him having a soon to be officially retired military tech in good standing, providing resources from outside the normal chain of command can be very helpful for his forbidden activities. Knowing that he is actually an infiltrator essentially intent on just such a business arrangement purposes, means he could still have him executed at any time, even after he leaves. Therefore he is essentially a no risk, valuable asset, providing non-standard resources such as alien tech. Anyone resourceful enough to make it this far will no doubt be able to procure these and other items. Being an Aberrant Operator means he will have few moral difficulties with any such efforts, yet still reliable and loyal. As an initial gesture to further verify his capabilities and how best to deliver such goods he would probably have to sell one each of the three Vallax tech types he has (pistol, rifle, force field ring) to the head scientist for an appropriate amount of millions of universal credits (pocket change to that head scientists discretionary budget).
-- Beyond this his official designation for everyone else in the CS will become that he retired in good standing to "become an independent alien technology acquisition agent, paid full value commission for relevant acquired alien technology brought to the weapons research division". This is known to the weapons research division staff to pay 100s of millions or more for successful independent agents that can maintain their usefulness. However it is also regarded as extremely difficult to be successful at particularly due to the high mortality rate associated with acquiring such goods. Otherwise he simply needs to maintain ongoing good relations with the CS in the weapons research division.
-- The whole process taking 1 to 2 years and costing around 410+ million in universal credits (possible but annoyingly expensive for him to achieve by rebuilding and offloading many power armors and robot vehicles and saving up the credits; see Credits and BMI), during which time he would be away from his town and base requiring his trusted apprentices to run things in his absence.
-- Besides the possibility of selling alien tech to the CS for millions of credits (which he is still hoping to do with Triax) it would probably be a secondary backup plan for a place to work and live in case his town was completely wiped out by some unstoppable force.
-- As such I leave this as an "Optional" aspect, that can already have occurred at GM's discretion or a possible current or future story element. This primarily allows GMs who would prefer to limit the modification abilities to 7th level (his best apprentices) for lower-powered campaigns by having the Combative Operator "away on business". Though ultimately it simply answers the question of whether he can sell advanced alien tech to the CS or not. If option is used then yes, if option is not used then no.

* Cyber-Knights: Prior to becoming an Operator he began training as a Cyber-Knight but washed out due to finding the Cyber-Knight methods respectable but a bit naive (bringing a sword to a gun fight, being swarmed by non-tech hostile beings, etc). Any true Cyber-Knight customer will have any personal gear modifications done for free if they provide the parts; or for just the cost of the parts without. On the Cyber-Knight's honor that any gear is his alone, not his friend's or ally's. Must be able to dual-wield psi-swords to initially prove being a Cyber-Knight tough enough to bother helping. Has a small symbol on the outside of the building that is recognized only by Cyber-Knights (or former Cyber-Knight trainees) to mean "cautiously friendly to Cyber-Knights". It is meaningless and unnoticed by all others, even via magic translations.
- Those that cannot dual wield Psi-Swords yet are encouraged to adventure near town, patrol roads, guard travelers, hone their skills in the combat pit, help train the local population in sword use so they can better defend themselves, and so forth. Those that do so and remain in good standing with both Max and Cliff can be given two magic tattoos every six months along with the Mage Guild's basic training, up to a maximum of six tattoos (unless they intend to change OCCs). Invulnerability and/or Armor tattoos are almost mandatory for their survival. Magic Tattoo gain is actually a standard benefit for Cyber-Knights that qualify (see WB2:Atlantis; however any six magic tattoos can be selected). Few such Cyber-Knights remain beyond 5th level due to the commonly inherent trailblazing hero adventurer wanderlust Cyber-Knight personality trait (autododging tech helps too hehe). Thereafter its fairly easy for that Cyber-Knight to remain in good standing with Max. Any repairs for personal gear are then typically completely free as long as the parts are available and the Cyber-Knight remains in good standing with Max (at GM discretion). If in exceptionally good standing with Max he may toss in modifications for free as well.

* Former Apprentices: At least several dozen former apprentices have moved on to other endeavors. They have become one of: Adventurers, repair technicians for the largest mercenary companies, technicians for Northern Gun and smaller tech companies, simply to set up their own shop in a different town, and so forth. All remain loyal to the Combative Operator. Occasionally one will return and need temporary access to the facilities in order to perform their own repairs (usually one of the adventurers or merc techs; could include a PC Operator). Access is usually limited to the Guest Garage Bay no underground bunker or attic access, under supervision, and no guests. If already in use by another Guest Operator then access may be further limited to the afternoon (5pm-1am) or night shift (1am-9am). Otherwise the access and any in-stock repair/modification parts worth under 100,000 credits total in any particular week is free. Standard Operator "Find Contraband and Components" provide work for parts discount also available. The local Inn will also provide a room available for free for up to one week if at least several of the rooms are not in use.

* Legitimate Humanoid Mercenary Groups: The majority of visiting mercenaries are here for tech repairs, modifications, and purchases. They are further here for Rest and Relaxation away from the normal pressures of combat. This combined with the presence of a "Infantry Combat Pit" in the Tavern and the "Robotic Combat Pit" nearby and having no interest in aggravating their favorite Tech buddy (the Combative Operator) or defying standing Mercenary Company Orders and Town Law. The end result is basically all Mercs behave themselves, even if it is with the "assistance" of the Tavern Bouncers. Those that do not are usually actually bandits, marauders, foolish adventurers, or other similar adversaries.
- Each week a cumulative +10% probability of a large merc group stopping by. They will be using one of the two protected Merc Camps for typically 1D10 days. Each may also maintain a small office here, for recruitment possibilities, and so forth.
- Mercenary Encampments: Two basic encampments separated by a main road and line of shops with large warehouses. Having two also means that on the rare occasion when two Merc Companies show up at overlapping times then it keeps things as orderly as possible. Around the outer edge of the outermost Merc Roads is a small sectional fence of the same design as the pedestrian and vehicle safety fence listed under the Protection Circle:Superior (see below). Each crossroads also has a simply blockable checkpoint: 10000 MDC single bar gate. These will be manned at all times by the Merc company members since they known and recognize their own members easiest. While a Merc company is occupying a Merc Camp that area is considered their place of business/residence for the duration. As such the town's residence/business defense laws (see Town Details) are applicable. Secondary town guards/bouncers (typically dragon juicers) will also be assigned to these checkpoints as official liaison.
-- Water: Both include a fresh water access: Hot and cold, for up to 10,000 beings.
-- Healing Pool: A 400 foot by 400 foot in-ground MDC material lined wave-pool that can comfortably accommodate 1000 human-sized beings at a time. Usage modes: Wave, Whirlpool/Running Water/Vampire Elimination, and calm waters. One half of it is only 4 feet deep and clearly marked as such - due to support personal often including families and many mercs cannot swim; while the remainder is 20 feet deep. The three outer edges of the shallow area are entirely underwater stairs (three 1-foot stairs plus pool edge) which double as "seats". Partial Immersion in these waters will refresh and heal injured beings 1D6 HP (then SDC when max HP) or 1D6 MDC to MDC creatures for each minute. Only creatures of cat-size or larger are affected. The water's ability to heal ceases to function (or exist) once removed from the pool or the connected water reclamation and purification system. The water in the pool is always a perfect warm temperature all year round (similar to a natural "hot spring" when in winter). These types of facilities are very rare, allowing them to be utilized for "safe" aquatic training for both mercs, casters, and citizens.
-- Vehicle Washing Area: 50 high-pressure water hoses suitable for washing vehicles. Located on a MDC floor with complete drainage of used water.
-- Washrooms: 500 private washrooms with heated shower stalls: Automated, self-cleaning; entire room is essentially water-proof, a retractable high pressure jet system disinfects and cleans it after each use.
-- Techno-Wizard Water Treatment Facility: A special techno-wizard, self-powered, automated, magical water treatment facility recycles and purifies all water used in all the facilities. Additionally when mostly immersed in the water in the pool it acts nearly identical to "Healing Waters" (Ocean Magic; BoM, Underseas). Any water removed from the overall system no longer has any healing properties (showers, drinking water, etc). However extensive usage of the pools may have minor helpful benefits (see Tek Town Citizens). Its powered by a fire elemental for heating, and water elemental for further purification. Similar power source design concepts to the Japanese TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus (see BoM or Japan; extremely obscure reference). Located Beneath the Vehicle Washing Area. Sealed access, signs do state "Magical Water Purification System In Use". [Otherwise an original TW item concept]
-- Central Heated Meeting Hall: 10,000 standing room only human-sized beings limit plus small elevated stage with podium. It doubles as a Deadball and indoor sports Arena, with internal and external loudspeakers. Size: 400 feet x 400 feet x 40 feet high; however its floor is 20 feet below ground level; making its roof only 20 feet above ground level. Retractable MDC plexiglass panels are brought down from the ceiling and locked into place creating up to 78 perfect Deadball courts as needed. Includes 4 temporary hallways for access each located between the 3 double rows of 13 courts, and one end hallway.
-- A Huge Outdoor Professional BBQ Grill/Pit: 400 feet x 5 feet which can cook about 10000 steaks at a time is located next the hall. The town puts on a BBQ for 100+ Merc Groups (in good standing) for their first meal upon arriving in town. One extra large steak per merc group member, all barbequed on site via local professional cooks: 1 chef per 1000 steaks, all level 4 various OCCs or equivalent - frequently Bursters, cook x2, 95% or 98%, no skill check required. Thereafter available for purchase for 5 credits per extra large steak, and 2000 credits per professional cook for one hour.
-- Other Sports: There is also a properly marked Juicer Football field with goals and a standard length Murderthon track. (See WB10:Juicer Uprising for these sports)
-- Location: The main bar and robotic pit are also close by. Keeps everything orderly, funnels the Mercs into the appropriate areas of town, with appropriate protection for them from the Mechanic Shop turrets.
-- Shops: Presume the town shops are designed to take advantage of and be able to supply this volume of beings arriving fairly frequently: Frozen foods, travel rations, basic supplies, alcohol, Juicer alcohol, and so forth.
-- Town Residents: Do make use of these facilities when they are not being used by Mercenary Companies. Several levels of sports leagues for each sport (usually at human-levels instead of Juicer Levels).

* Local Townsfolk: Town or neighborhood protector: Generally all residents in that area are friendly contacts.
- Body Armor for Citizens: Has provided each citizen with their own personalized fully modified suit of body armor: Full environmental for non-magic OCCs and natural armor for magic OCCs. Doing so achieves several thing: It makes it easier for him to keep the citizens alive, its one of the factors in solidifying his reputation with the citizens, and tends to be a further deterrent against troublemakers starting fights. All repairs for designated citizen armor are free though any damage will raise questions about what caused it. See Tekhammer Light/Medium Armor. Citizens required to wear armor most of the time: Law of Armor.
- Citizen Bonus Skills (see Tek Town): Includes WP Sword, and appropriate swords for each citizen.
- Citizen Melee Weaponry - Swords: Both are fencing style swords: Stabbing and slashing via advanced 1-handed sword design (base damage 3D6), also wieldable 2-handed. Considered citizen personal defense weaponry rather than marketed weapons.
-- Tek Town Wood Sword: Inflicts 2D6 SD wood physical damage; for simplicity inflicts 1D4x10 HP or MD (as appropriate) to vampires/vampire-related, undead, and dead instead; and has 100 MDC. Only possibly repairable via some obscure magic otherwise simply replaced when destroyed. Primarily for non-lethal SDC pit combat and for "staking" vampires. Unknown type of MDC wood. Side Note: Ironwood spell (BoM) versus Ironwood Weapons (WB1:VK-NR) have been totally redefined so the next less preferable but most appropriate option was implemented instead. A classic #10
-- Tek Town Vibro-Sword: 3D6 MD blade made of MDC silver. Must be switched off to allow the silver portion to actually strike a target. While "off" it inflicts 3D6 HP/SDC silver physical base damage (add +1D6 if basic Mystic Kuznya silver equivalent vs targets vulnerable to silver). A x2 damage vulnerability to silver = 8D6 HP/SD (vampires, etc); or 1D4x10 HP/SD for simplicity. Mundane MDC silver from Max's Advanced Chemistry: Presume special circumstance of mundane equivalent of Mystic Kuznya +1D6 SD since only applicable to otherwise invulnerable creatures that are vulnerable to the soft silver metal; or Magical MDC silver from recycled magical MDC silver.
-- Combined these swords allow groups of citizens to be able to successfully face vampires. However they prefer to finish them off via either of the town pool's in whirlpool mode. Standing united in one of the worst probable situations. MTDJ Enhanced Lightblade (see below) wielders are also helpful if available.
-- All versions are MDC material that inflict SDC damage (only the vibro field changes it to MD).
-- See Max's TW Create Steel Machine.
-- Both need to be of a type that can easily be mass produced or obtained for up to 10,000 citizens.
-- Either could be replaced by more interesting weaponry.

* Operator Find Contraband discount: (RUE): Is available if the individual can write Techno-Can and pass a jury rig test as fast as possible. Operators take 15 seconds, Psi-Techs take 10 seconds, and others that can take 30 seconds to do. This is only passable by having the twice as fast jury rigging capabilities available via Operator Ability #1 (RUE). This is also useful for finding prospective apprentices and OCC networking. Psi-Techs are a very different version of an Operator and aren't generally suitable as apprentices. However the do have two tech modification percentages that the Operator's don't technically have. Therefor having one around as an apprentice can be helpful.

* Techno-Wizard – Level 15: A customer who became a friendly contact. This was an adventurer NPC who stopped by occasionally who eventually settled down and built an adjacent shop of his own in order to benefit from a similar group of customers. Lots of strategic combat while part of groups incorporating high damage avoidance capabilities into his efforts: Invisibility Simple effects, Impervious to Energy effects, Armor of Ithan, and so forth; see RMB for TW Armor Enhancements. Thus allowing this NPC to survive long enough to reach 15th level.
-- For simplicity can be regarded as a level 15 Techno-Wizard and Gizmoteer Amaki (WB9:SA2). Their random psionic abilities effectively include Master Psionics, which are essentially a full psionic class worth of abilities. For completeness has fully studied at Psyscape. Secretly has the extensive benefits of the World Tree mod due to a vile experiment by Loki: Attached near top of tree with Sustain spell cast on him (CB2: Norse section). Just the basics for his range of TW building abilities. Has a certain edge of mystery about him just as any powerful wizard typically has. Extensive details may be posted separately at some point. The Amaki species is also meant to imply that he is a very well traveled individual: Multiple continents, multiple dimensions, etc. as well as familiarity with D-Bee, alien, and obscure forms Techno-Wizardry.
-- Has been given his own T-C23 which he has since fully modified with Techno-Wizard armor additions (see RMB Techno-Wizard).
-- The TW and Magic Shop occupies the first Large Shop space south of the Mechanic Shop. Has a small waiting area with magical 3D holographic TW displays pertaining to most available purchases. Secured by several powerful guards, golems, innumerable nasty magic defenses, and so forth.
-- Is also the front door and reception area for the Mage Guild. This is the only place in town that entirely deals with its own security. Agitated beings are tossed into the street. Violent beings are never heard from again.

* Triax/NGR Technology: Due to his interest in this technology at a time when Triax and NGR were exploring their options for selling tech in North America he was able to develop contacts with them. So long as Triax and NGR sells their technology in North America he may be able to acquire it unless it is absolutely never sold anywhere in the world. Unless things have changed then Triax does have a semi-secret business arrangement with Free Quebec involving Glitterboy technology.
- This is only a semi-stable contact: About 50% chance of access in any particular month. In order to obtain their technology it requires large bribes (1D4x100,000 universal credits) and bulk purchases only (single item type must have total sale of 30+ million universal credits and minimum of 10 units). They don't travel between continents to make "small retail sales".
- However this is stable enough to successfully sell to the Triax/NGR representative desirable advance alien tech such as Shemarrian Rail Gun (Source Book One, SB5:Shemarrian Nation?), Kittanni Tech (WB2:Atlantis) and so forth for its legitimate value. These are the items that have special value notes specifically stating that each item would be worth typically hundreds of thousands or millions of credits to large human tech empires such as Triax/NGR and CS. One further unique sale would stabilize access to this contact (100% access via special communicator). Total sale of two completely different unique items would elevate him to being an "asset" to this contact (bribes no longer required, 30% discount - standard Operator discount expanded to include Triax, bulk orders still required). Mainly an ongoing bounty option for players with actual benefits to the NPC and setting.
- This also means that PCs can actually bring such virtually unique tech to him which he will gladly purchase for its true value (Appraise Goods x2, 98% including ALL Military Tech). He can then study it himself, then offload it to his Triax contact, and improve his reputation with Triax. The lower value if seeking primarily universal credits or the upper value if seeking trade-only (including Sentinel Armor and shop credit).
- Booking Passage to the NGR: If he makes a bulk purchase order with Triax he may be able to subsequently book one-way passage for people on the return trip: 1 million universal credits per human-sized individual, 2 million for "exotic pets", and 4 million credits for 30 foot 0 inches tall or less vehicles. Presume only human-sized and human-looking beings would be allowed to do so. Less human-looking beings could probably be allowed as "pets" if entirely kept in storage aboard someone's robot vehicle. Price would most likely include as 30 to 60-day visitor's pass to the NGR for the human-looking beings and a similar but meaningless "exotic pet transportation permit" for the non-human beings. D-Bees generally aren't allowed in NGR cities, and are not supposed to be in their wilderness territories. Any found without proper official work permits will probably be executed or worse along with their companions. The "pet" designation is a kind of loop-hole that only really works if the D-Bee stays completely out of sight at all times. Since "pets" are considered mostly harmless it is also generally not subject to inspection unlike a general "live cargo" of a potentially dangerous or infectious creature. [Innovative interpretation] See WB5:Triax regarding D-Bees for extensive details.
-- However since most return trips to the NGR are usually filled with resources to support their war efforts with the Gargoyles there is only a 30% chance be having enough room for: Up to six large humanoid power armors, or 1 to 2 large vehicles, or 1 extra large vehicle. This would also apply to "pets" which must be kept in personal storage. The form-fitting, man-sized armor worn by any passenger that still allows them to sit in a secure chair is fine regardless of cargo availability (T-21/T-C20/T-C23 power armor or Titan Juicer body armor is about the biggest possible).
-- After arriving in the NGR the players would not really have any way back since they don't have the Triax rep as a genuine contact. NGR to North America trips are also completely full with gear (or else it would be a waste of time and credits). Returning options would be mostly limited to: Having a player Shifter who can get them all home, or have a caster with Teleport:Superior who has already extensively scouted out the eastern-most coast of Newfoundland (the Island, which is probably occupied by Splugorth Minions), or possibly regular east coast, and who is at least 6th level (for shortest distance from the North West corner of Spain) or 12th level to teleport from the NGR or other combination.
- [Hopefully this doesn't conflict with any current info in the Triax 2 book]

* Numerous Other Satisfied Customers: Thousands of satisfied and usually repeat customers that can essentially be considered neutral contacts with occasional availability. Mostly they may be able to provide unique services for free or at reasonable costs that they might not otherwise normally provide to people. Spell casters doing some Ironwood castings, scroll creation, and so forth. Often it can simply be a matter of providing useful information on local and world events: Monsters seen in the nearby wilderness, mercenary companies passing through the area, and so forth.


* Hostile Beings: Mostly anything that attacks the town (or neighborhood) and its residents. Typically: Bandits (Typically Anarchist, Miscreant, and Diabolical Marauders, etc), Groups of Monsters (Yll Tree Climbers, Rhino-Buffalo, Fury-Beetles, etc), and so forth. Presume a 40% chance of an attack of some sort each day, +10% per day without. Number of attacking units d100: 01-10 = 1D10, 11-70 = 60+1D20, 71-99 = 1D4x100, 100 = 1D4x1000 units. 1D10 = Covert Infiltration only - Convert and/or Capture Citizens: One Master Vampire plus remaining are Secondary Vampires - if they can disable the Protection Circle:Superior, Splugorth Humanoid Agents, something nastier than vampires but unaffected by the Protection Circle: Superior, and so forth. Remaining unit amounts: 50% chance of bandits or organized invaders who use moderate tactics while they raid; otherwise groups of instinctive monsters rampaging or stampeding.
- Town Growth: The town grew due to becoming more secure via the protector. As it did so and his rep as the best Mechanic around grew increasing numbers of groups would visit the town seeking his tech modifications. As a result many additional paths leading to the town would form in the surrounding countryside all leading to the town. Ironically making it easier and more likely for bandits and monsters to follow such paths directly to the town. Thus even though the town had far higher security it was actually being attacked even more frequently using the attack rate listed above.
- Huge Dense Forest: 30 miles to the east, excessively ideal breeding grounds for innumerable Yll Tree Climbers. Periodically packs of Yll are driven from the forest by powerful hostile forces. Fleeing/stampeding across the fields towards town they mistake the town for a large hill. Not as preferable as trees but a preferred vantage point.
- Nearest Ley Line Nexus: 50 miles to the east, at the precise center of two one-mile long ley lines. So minor it doesn't appear on any standard maps that detail ley lines. At GM's discretion any other possible nearby ley line nexus preferably to the east since its the easiest direction to defend due to the open space of the Merc Camps.

* Non-Terminated Hostiles: Inappropriate bar room brawler or less offenders are usually initially vengeful due to being dropped off in a random town up to 500 miles away after all their gear was confiscated. However, they quickly consider themselves fortunate to not have been terminated on the spot after they learn more about the Aberrant Protector's reputation (Combative Operator). Easy enough to find out basic public knowledge about him via loudly complaining about it in just about any bar or tavern for a few days (which is typical). At some point there will usually be a Merc, Black Market rep (only superficial knowledge), a Cyber-Knight, or former customer nearby that will be aware of him via his tech work and role as town protector. Who will be able to point out that most offenders are terminated on the spot. Those that are not exterminated are considered foolish, mostly harmless, mischief makers, who would genuinely benefit from a "warning" instead.

* Population Disposition: Essentially the entire population is loyal to its protectors and dedicated to the survival of the town itself. For a particularly violent town due to constant attacks they actually effectively have a high quality of life. Those beings with potentially traitorous alignments: Anarchist, Miscreant, and Diabolical are usually quickly located and exiled or exterminated (Law of Traitors). Interestingly these are the alignments common to most of the bandits that attempt to raid the town. When combined with the Law of Bartering (Max:Personality) and Law of Frenzy (In-Town Combat Exceptions) they identify and eliminate particularly problematic troublemakers. The Law of Armor helps to keep citizens alive amongst the many possible Mega-Damage hazards that exist.
* Law of Invaders: Most attempted invasions are dealt with via the automated town defenses. Alarms will also activate indicating whether to simply remain indoors, to evacuate to the inns, or if need be abandon the town. Remain Indoors Alarm: (Ongoing individual two second horn blasts) Any attackers are very minor and any attempting to gain access into buildings may be exterminated at the discretion of citizens in such attacked buildings. Citizens remain on high alert since such event may simply be distractions, scouting raids, or other precursors to larger attacks. Evacuate to Inns Alarm: (One long horn blast) Particularly dangerous invasion requiring immediate evacuation to the Inns: North west quadrant to North East Inn, south west quadrant to South East Inn. Thereafter the inns and adjacent food storage warehouses are in lock-down. All entryways are designed to be kill zones, preventing external originating ranged attacks (entry hallway turns right, the left). All combat capable citizens will remain mobilized as needed within to combat any incursions from one of the security doors being destroyed or any infiltrators. Evacuate Town Alarm: (One siren style long horn blast that repeats from low to high tone every five seconds) Yet to be necessary but is still used in drills. In the event of an unstoppable event or invasion force the entire population is ordered to evacuate by any and all means as immediately and orderly as possible. During which time the town defenses and defenders will attempt to do everything possible to hold such forces at bay for as long as possible. Any and all citizens are welcome to step up and hold the line for as long as possible during the evacuation understanding that they are facing and unstoppable force. Event Type Alarm Suffix: Animalistic Predator: One long five second blast (similar to Morse code). Organized Group/Military/Armada: Two Long Blasts. Supernatural Menace: Three Long Blasts. Apparent Natural Disaster/Event (could also just be a cover for something else): Four Long Blasts. Active Town Alarm Status - Citizen Militia: During these alarms citizens may come to the aid of other citizens in distress from attackers. Primarily to enable appropriate evacuation while the town defenses eliminate the attackers. However once evacuated into a building or inn citizens may use any and all force to eliminate and incursions into those buildings.
* Law of Defenders: All official defenders (Max, Current Apprentices, Town Defenses, Cliff, other clearly designated defenders) of the town may engage any attackers at any time at their discretion. Primarily guided by the other town laws. Honorary Defenders: Bouncers deter problems and may redirect troublesome offenders within their business location to proper areas: Fighting pit, throw troublemakers into the street at their discretion. Each business typically has several of its own “bouncers”. Simultaneously an alarm may be triggered if the offender violates any of the town's laws.
* Population Size: Can presume the town has a population of around 10,000 or less and efficiently primarily occupies a space of under 1.5 miles by 3 miles. Presume that typically no building is over 20 feet tall (or more than 20 feet underground) due to the limits of the Protection Circle:Superior, except security buildings for LOS sensors and combat options. The Mechanic Shop is 100 feet tall at its heavily armed roof peak and is located middle of town so there is 1.5 miles of town in each direction (circular shape). The main streets in town (shops and businesses) travel directly down the middle with 1.5 miles of town on each side near the center. The main streets meet in the center of town in a rectangular formation around the Mechanic Shop linking them all together. The Mechanic Shop is able to provide essentially artillery/cannon-style coverage with Boomgun turrets and special circumstance use of missiles versus airborne and perimeter targets. Further able to shoot anything causing problems on the main streets. Most town buildings are most likely lightly fortified MDC buildings with around 10000 MDC each with 300 MDC outer doors, 150 MDC for interior doors, and 100 MDC windows. Any higher security buildings (expensive shops, banks, etc) could easily have double MDC values. Main Streets with shops along them typically have 40 foot wide parking lanes between the roadway and the sidewalks (which are 10 feet wide and border the edge of the buildings).
* Government: There is a mayor and a council of citizens that deal with mundane and minor day to day affairs of the town. However they tend to defer any major issues to Max who may call upon the Mage Guild or various resources/contacts for assistance. However part of the Mage Guild's interest in supporting this town early on was have a stable environment for appropriate customers/test subjects, solitude to do whatever mage guilds do, and not have to deal with any mundane trivialities (attackers, etc).
* Basic Town Layout: ... out_01.png
* Special Training for Tek Town Citizens: For people raised in the town they gain the following OCC equivalent skills (similar to Triax/NGR citizen bonus skills in WB5). WP Sword, Language: Native (obviously), Literacy: Native Language (+30%), 1 professional skill (+30%, further upgraded to obtained "twice" where possible gaining any corresponding % bonus; gains the minimum prerequisite skills at +30% as well) from Domestic, Technical, or Wilderness; Swimming +30%, plus Hand to Hand Basic (which can simply be upgraded/replaced if a better HTH is available via an actual OCC). Its a town under constant attack from predators so the people have to be prepared for hand to hand combat encounters. This is another layer of town security that also keeps the citizens focused on overcoming the local dangers without turning on each other. Especially true when combined with the combat pits. Having at least one professional level skill also allows the population to survive. Its most effective overall citizen is the ultra professional combative operator (excluding the typically semi-secretive mage guild members). Thus highly skilled professionalism combined with appropriate combat capabilities yields this overall result. Primary Language: English, Secondary Main Language Dragonese/Elven (due to being essentially the primary Megaversal language). Those that end up selecting an actual OCC can gain the remaining of the two languages if a second native language becomes available (applicable to literacy as well).
-- Example: 1 Professional Skill - Jury Rig: The bare minimum prerequisite bonus skills would be Basic Mechanics (+30%) and Basic Electronics (+30%).
-- This combination of combat skills plus professionalism for immediate and ongoing survival purposes (individually and as a community) tends to propel most citizens into developing similarly focused OCCs. As such many go on to be members of various humanoid mercenary companies, heroic adventurers, Cyber-Knights, master psychics, spell casters, and so forth. All tend to have slightly heroic tendencies bordering on something vaguely reminiscent of knightly courage.
- Advanced Optional Tek Town Citizen Benefits: Some basic training from the mage guild (less than a secondary skill equivalent) plus constant benefits of the Protection Circle: Superior's +10 PPE (which lists as applying to 'mages' but technically should apply to anyone who has any PPE) should allow any citizen to operate Techno-Wizard devices via their own personal PPE.
-- An additional option for those born and raised in Tek Town: Could include having their actual PPE base increased to maximum (limited to 40 PPE in this way), plus a bonus of 10 PPE (for simplicity they will still gain temporary PPE from Protection Circles). Any such citizens with psionics could also have their innate ISP increased by 10 (again for simplicity they will still gain temporary ISP bonus from Protection Circles). Essentially due to long term multiple generations constant exposure to the Protection Circle Superior, combined with frequent exposure to the healing from the healing waters pool, and finally some advanced mundane and magical vitamin enrichments added to the drinking water. This otherwise has no effect on the nature of any affected beings (they don't become mutants, or artificial creatures of magic, etc).

* Protection Circle: Superior: Created with a natural MDC syrup-like substance in single groove in continuous MDC wood circle around the entire town or protected neighborhood (200 MDC per cubic foot). A second MDC wood layer with corresponding groove was bolted into place over it (the top of which is one foot below ground level; or precisely flush with ground level if need be). Each layer is actually two staggered layers (same way as brick layers) that are fused together (bolted, glued, magic, whatever) creating a single solid layer. It is further concealed by a corresponding TW Void Wall just outside of it. The uppermost point is otherwise level with the ground (including across streets) so it does not suffer any wear and tear from even several hundred tons of vehicles rolling over it. Similar to driving over the ultimate driveway side-walk. Ultimately it only requires one individual to reactivate it every 24 hours via 20 PPE (something even the level 15 Techno-Wizard can easily manage). Area of protection apparently everything within it primarily at ground level but also as much as twenty feet higher or twenty feet lower (basically includes everything within twenty feet of it treating it like a cut-out paper circle area). This is based on the logical intent of its inherently unlimited radius possibility which simply becomes far more difficult to implement and maintain the larger it gets. Combined with its apparent intention to protect all within the circle (a single flat surface) plus everything up to twenty feet outside of it. (RUE page 224) Interestingly, in theory one of its provided benefits would prevent Telemechanic Possession (including his) from functioning within the protected area/volume.
- Outer Perimeter Road next to Protection Circle: Superior: Has simple 1000 MDC four-foot high safety pillars (half foot diameters) every four feet around the edge of the perimeter road. Mainly keeping any wayward vehicles from accidentally crashing into the TW Void Wall. Between each of these is a light MDC crisscrossing diagonal fence (10 MDC per 4x4 foot section). This mainly keeps any pedestrians from accidentally traveling into the TW Void Wall. Several thousand replacement sections are stored in a warehouse. Replacing a 10 MDC section takes about one minute once at the location. They simultaneously avoid blocking the view of the surrounding area making the area more livable for the residents.

* Techno-Wizard Void Wall: A perimeter fence of connected energy absorbing anti-energy fields. Uses the Shadow Wall spell (BoM) as an anti-energy mold and catalyst. Combined with Annihilate spell Anti-Matter which is transformed into semi Anti-Energy/Void which infuses the entire wall. [Just a plausible concept.] Forming it into what seems like an extra-dimensional anti-energy based wall. Whose energy absorbing properties make it seem semi-solid to anything passing through it. Maintains its shape via constant huge energy input it, otherwise it would simply dissipate. Essentially a naturally sustainable TW device. [Original Variant TW Tech concept and Creation. Not offered for general sale anywhere, provided by his Techno-Wizard contact. Just an interesting innovation.] Could alternatively simply have a TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus style self-sustaining power supply.
- A 3-stage TW device process: (1) Shadow Wall Catalyst/Mold; (2) Anti-Matter summoning/conversion yielding a semi Anti-Energy/Void infusion of Shadow Wall; and (3) Sustaining via constant nuclear powered ideal energy bombardment (100% energy absorption). The concept is vaguely similar to using an Annihilate spell to summon Anti-Matter, placing into a purely non-magic tech base containment field power system/engine. Similar to some Phase World tech located mainly in space ship power systems.
- Essentially an narrow branch of experimental Techno-Wizardry. Other unrelated but notable TW branches include: Psionic-focused TW devices; TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus self-sustaining via living elemental infusion (vaguely similar to Bio-Wizardry); specific combination of magic types Techno-Wizardry (elemental, etc), and so forth.
- Each section is 150 feet high (20 above ground and 130 below ground), 45 feet thick (depth), and 450 foot long. The entire base of the wall begins 130 below ground.
- Directly next to each on the inside perimeter of the wall located from 50 to 60 feet below ground is the device that initiates, projects, and sustains a single section the wall: A fortified underground MDC Mega-Structure, 10x10x450 feet, 2000000 MDC each. It projects ideal energy limited to 10 foot range into the field from just outside its edge. Each is powered by 10 standard military vehicle nuclear power supplies. A huge amount of PPE to initiates each section plus some minimal input from draining PPE, ISP, or technological energy. A small amount of regular energy will sustain a basic spell-only Shadow Wall from collapsing early (up to several hours). The bare minimum is about an average SDC being's HP or less of 10.5 + 3.5 = 14 HP, from entering the field. A crafty Techno-Wizard theorized that a huge amount of continuous energy might actually sustain it indefinitely. 1 E-Clip = 320+ MD see NG-P7, which is 2286+ times more energy than the bare minimum; roughly x10 from each power supply per melee, with 10 units = x100 = 228,600+ x minimum.
- Arranged in joined sections forming the large perimeter creating an octagonal-like circle everywhere except the entry points for the four main roads. Required around 50 to 60 sections to form a complete town perimeter.
- Basically this wall essentially "destroys everything" via absorbing ALL energies. Perhaps the most important point about this wall. All aspects aim to achieve this.
- The semi Anti-Energy nature of the effect is such that it essentially seems to bypass any immunity, impervious to, and invulnerability. Anti-Matter (such as from Annhiliate spell) bypasses Invulnerability to Physical and Energy since it destroys targets due to having ANY physical existence; it further bypasses Immunity to Magic since it isn't actually magic, its only brought forth and contained by magic until released (turning off the magic is what allows it to go boom). Also its damage type is effectively "Anti-Matter" not physical, energy, or magic. "Semi Anti-Energy" (original concept based on the basic nature of Anti-Matter) is essentially the equivalent (its own unique 'damage type') as applied to Energy, though its a slight variant on the direct comparison due to only affecting that which directly passes into the same area. Its unique nature includes bypassing any immunity to energy drain as long as there is actual stored or active energy available to drain. It also remains sustainable as long as it has a constant supply of energy. Side Note: For a similar but unrelated game-concept of bypassing immunity abilities check out the slightly obscure reference to the Xombies creation process that bypasses immunity to possession (WB12:Psyscape); Mystic Kuznya fiery copper weaponry vs impervious to fire; and of course the well-defined Vallax weaponry (WB10:Juicer Uprising). Its also appropriate as a unique device with a unique specific and overall nature.
- Its overall nature makes it immune to Anti-Magic Cloud or similar effects. However only if the TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus style power source is used instead then Anti-Magic Cloud can affect it but only if it can reach the power source.
- The field is impervious to Dispel Magic Barriers and similar effects: Directing effects at a field that absorbs all energies regardless of nature or immunity... Further due to directing at the field instead of through it.
- Magical Darkness: Impenetrable to all visual senses except "See through magical darkness" (BoM-See Through Magical Darkness spell, DB4-Nightstalking, unlisted but probably a Shadow Beasts vision capabilities). Secondary TW aspect allows seeing through it by those on the town side outside of the field similar to looking through sunglasses. Provides visual advanced warning to residents in addition to sensor alarms.
- Self Mobile Capable Being or Powered Object: Basically a web that catches stored and active energy. Passing directly or partially through it for 20 feet or more will suffer the following: -100% PPE, ISP, and energy reserves (-10% of MAXIMUM per melee). Regardless of its normal speed it can only travel at two feet per melee.
- Living Creatures: Also sustain 1D6x20 HP of damage direct to HP or 1D4x100 MD if MDC creature per 20 feet = 10 melees; or 2D6 HP or 1D4x10 MD per melee. It completely bypasses all armor, force fields, impervious to energy (its effectively anti-energy), and generic Impervious to Magic (similar to Anti-Matter from Annihiliate spell).
- Powered Beings or Objects: Robots, Full Conversion Cyborgs, electric/nuclear/magic powered vehicles, E-Clips, and even Golems and Dead (magically animated corpses or skeletons), will be completely drained of all power.
-- Gasoline: Only the gasoline from gasoline powered vehicles wouldn't be affected since its energy release can't be accelerated without applying an explosive or flammable catalyst. However unless it and its pilot/riders have no other powered aspects (lights, weapon systems, battery starter system, and so forth) then it speed will still be reduced as for a powered object.
---- Only avoidable if it has a crank or push/rolling starter which is an almost jury-rigged style system (possibly prevalent amongst low-tech bandits) and no other powered aspects. As a result half of the active energy from each of the instantaneous explosions from the gasoline in the combustion chamber is absorbed. Allowing it to proceed at half speed.
-- Nuclear power supplies: Are depleted at a ridiculously accelerated rate: 10% of a 10 year power supply literally drains 1 years worth of power from it. Since it can't be recharged but only replaced such energy loss is permanent. 100% energy drain completely eliminates the energy capabilities of any nuclear power supply.
-- Full Conversion Cyborgs: Are essentially fused/hybrid beings that technically/officially do not have any Hit Points (basically a game-play rule designed to keep them from having a fatal flaw). However the lack of any power yields nearly immediate extermination. Resuscitation requires Cybernetic Medicine or Field Surgery (or other Cybernetic skill, ability, or power) and must occur less than 2 minutes after total energy depletion and after being removed from the field could save the individual. Achieved via emergency power supply bypass with eventual proper power supply replacement and is essentially a "Surviving Coma and Death" roll (RUE page 354).
-- Rune Weapons: Are virtually indestructible and have nearly unlimited energy supplies. As such if they sustain less than 100% energy drain before leaving the field they will be effectively unhindered once they leave (this is mostly a game-play effect). However, if they do reach 100% energy drain via 10 melees of being constantly drained by the field then they are effectively destroyed. They physical shell will remain but it will contain no energy and will simply be a normal SDC weapon. This is essentially a variation several existing destruction of Rune Weapons methods that exist: Magic Cauldron of Destruction (WB3:England), and several others. Any other permanent magical items (Holy Weapons, etc) will be similarly reduced to being unpowered SDC weapons or items.
- Non-Living, Self Mobile Capable, Unpowered Beings: Undead (Vampires, Zombies, Mummies) and Quasi-Undead (Cold-Blooded). No damage and only half speed. Effectively no internal energy to latch on to but roughly half the energy of its momentum can be absorbed. Does not extend to worn, carried, or piloted/ridden powered objects or living beings.
-- Essentially a magic or otherwise supernatural catalyst effect is used to create them but thereafter they essentially have no measurable internal energy. They are essentially energy absorbers (often life force drinkers in one form or another) almost similar in nature to the field itself. This is essentially the approach used here and just seemed appropriate overall.
- Unpowered Objects: Rail gun bullets, thrown weapons, proceed through at half damage due to half normal speed and range.
- Energy Blasts and Active External Energy Effects: Proceed at half damage, range, and effect due to limited instantaneous energy drain of pure energy. Completely dissipated at start of second action if still present in void. This includes force fields, semi-external spells, psionics, and so forth including See Through Magical Darkness spell, and other self-enhancing effects.
- Non-Flying Travel: Anything that isn't flying, or hovering with 130 feet or higher ability, or a unpowered airborne/launched/fired projectile, immediately begins to fall down the 130 deep trench at the 2 feet per melee rate.
- Encircles the town's Protection Circle: Superior.
- Traveling above the wall simply makes the Boom Guns' duties easier. Concealed early warning sensors trigger an alert causing the nearest Boom Guns to pre-target that area. Thus waiting for something to present itself for instant extermination.
- A separate hidden indestructible iron device is bolted onto the energy projection unit of each wall section rendering the entire structure untouchable to: all dead, undead, quasi-undead, ghosts, spirits, entities, ethereal beings, elementals, and so forth. Similar to the Amulet spell. Does not project this effect into the TW Void Wall its only on the surface and interior of the entire generator unit.
- A TW Vortex device also protects this unit (but only after the void wall is initiated). The exit point is an unimpeded vertical plane on the projection side that sends affected beings into the pit. Oversized beings are still tossed into a random location of the Astral Plane.
- Along the edge of the main entry roadways there is a full size 50000 MDC wall blocking all of the field from contact with road travellers. Its anchored well enough that even hundreds of large robot vehicles or tanks would be unable to push it over.

* Inns: Two, both of which are located in the Large Shop locations just east of the Tavern and Robotic Brawling Pit. Each has two levels above ground and 2 levels below ground. Each with 4000 small but efficient rooms, occupying a 10 foot by 10 foot space including walls and private bathroom. Large bed is actually 2 smaller beds that connect together. 2 person table, 2 chairs, 1 dresser, and 1 open-face clothes-rack. Can be configured for a couple (or wealthy individual) or rearranged for 2 individuals in about 5 minutes. Thus allowing each Inn to house up to 8000 patrons comfortably. Primary use: Mercenary and other visitors accommodation options. Secondary use: Emergency housing. Since these double as emergency shelters for citizens in the event of an overwhelming invasion they are perfectly engineered heavily fortified MDC Structures: 2,000,000 MDC, Impervious to Collapse spell and similarly powerful earth quakes, vault-style security doors which close over regular access doors, no windows (wall mounted display screens simulate various views or visual entertainment), compartmentalized design (sections can be sealed off), and so forth. In case of a lengthy siege the adjoining building section to each is also similarly fortified and is one of the large preserved food storage warehouses/businesses. Each with a direct internal-only door between them. Once both are sealed they can comfortable provide food for all housed beings for at least 3 months; up to 12 months if fully stocked at the time and food is carefully rationed.

* Mercenary Encampments: See Legitimate Humanoid Mercenary Groups for details.

* Black Market Dealer/Local Pawn Shop: Essentially the Black Market does not do much if any formal acquisitions in town. They primarily offload materials from sources having nothing to do with this town. Ultimately most folks that sell to the Black Market here are genuinely pawning their own valuable items, or are simply adventurers passing through offloading their loot. See Contacts - Black Market for further details.

Last edited by random_username on Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:22 pm, edited 408 times in total.
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If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by Armorlord »

That's not a TW, that is a contender for the Dragonwright Pantheon! :eek: :shock: :nuke: :frazz: :erm:

Once again, very well thought out, if godly in scope.
Talking to you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out-of-body experience. -Susie (Calvin and Hobbes)
It's not impossible, it's just really unfair. :( -Trance Gemini (Andromeda)
Tarnow and Romanov: Neighbors!

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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by random_username »

- Due to 80,000 character max reached again lol.

- Probably the easiest way to refer to this is as a constant, essentially undetectable, multi-dimensional, multi-spacial, temporal vortex (whirlpool) that primarily affects artificial dimensional, spacial, and temporal energies/effects. The outer boundaries of which are the precise external physical structure of the building including its turrets.
- Applies to all dimensional, temporal, and spacial effects: Mystic Portal, Teleport:Simple/Superior/Innate, Dimensional Teleport, Phase Powers, Intangibility mutant power, Astral Projection/Travelers, and so forth. Any of these used within the building, target any area within the building, or otherwise functioning on the surface of the building will appear to function normally. However, in actuality the transported material will be redirected to the Employees Only Room.
- A mystic portal will appear to function except it only displays a solid black opening impenetrable by any senses. Beyond this any such mystic portal's effects will be limited to the paper-thin surface plane only, no actual depth. Whenever anyone enters it they are immediately redirected to the Employees Only Room. If such a portal remains open then to others it appears relatively normal except for the individual disappearing as soon as they attempted to cross the threshold.
- All energy produced, part of, or transported via such effects is harmlessly absorbed: Energy beams are absorbed completely, beings and projectiles lose all momentum, psionic power energy, magic spell energy including targeting, mutant abilities that project effects (damaging and non-damaging), and so forth.
- Similarly blocks all 'see through walls' abilities: 4D-Transformation, Supervision - X-Ray, and so forth.
- The field also disrupts all temporal/spacial and dimensional temporal wizardry spells (except Attune Object To Owner), Phase Weaponry, and so forth. Can attempt to cast them (or trigger them from an item or whatever) and any PPE or usage limits are expended however the actual effect does not occur. Its like trying to build a house of cards in a strong wind. Any other types of similar effects would also be disrupted: Similar abilities from Rifter OCCs, or whatever. Casting those into, overlapping, or moving a mobile AOE into the area will be similarly disrupted.
- The field also disrupts Anti-Magic Cloud and similar effects due to being torn apart by the multi-dimensional, spacial, and temporal energy disruption effect. The TW Mystic Purge Systems have been specially designed and configured to be unaffected by this device. Partially possible due to instantaneous purge with lingering effects limited to one melee. Simplest comparison: At precisely 872 one thousands of a second out of each second there is a less than one thousandth of a second gap in the rotation of the vortex. If a device or effect could be configured to precisely activate and end in that particular moment then it could potentially function but only for that moment. Essentially impossible except for a perfectly designed and perfectly configured device require complete timing and awareness of the parameters of this limitation. Only available to the builders of such a device since the field is inherently undetectable.
- The field is impervious to Dispel Magic Barriers and similar effects.
- Secondary Effect - Tech Paralysis: Everything affected by this is also affected by a full body tech paralyzing effect as they enter the Employees Only Room, duration 1 melee. Only cybernetic, bionics, M.O.M. implants, and other artificial devices implanted or grafted into a living being are unaffected. However, all explosives are completely negated indefinitely. Includes: Auto-destruct on power armor or other device, missiles, fusion blocks, grenades, and so forth. Similar to an unlimited full body Negate Mechanics.
- Any item 10 feet or larger in any direction is redirected into a random area of the Astral Plane 1D4x10 miles away. Essentially randomly "tossed out" of the vortex instead of being dragged into it. The individual or item is stuck in the Astral Plane unless it has dimensional teleport abilities or ultra-rare full body (not projection) Material to Astral Plane travel capabilities.
- No save versus either effect.
- The exit point: Is a paper thin plane along the ceiling of the Employees Only Room which is not affected by the Mystic Purge system for that room. As such as beings or objects exit they will have lost all momentum except for falling from the ceiling of the 20 foot tall spherical room. The remainder of the Employees Only Room is protected by this machine's effects except as listed below.
- Unaffected Area: This is also designed and placed so that it does not inhibit with the TW Annihilator Self-Propelled Land Mines. Instead it is integrated design. The anti-matter spheres are summoned and projected less than a foot before being redirected by this system. Thus causing them to fall from the dead center of the room in precisely the correct manner. Also making it easier for keeping track of activations via the integrated tech-based alarm (see below).
- This has an unaffected one foot cylindrical column gap in the exact center of the room from 10 feet high to 20 feet high allowing the quasi D-Phased Annihilate Sphere to travel uninterrupted to the exact center of the room before re-materializing and detonating. Due to the particular nature of this effect and the anti-matter's nature can essentially dephase within a solid object (since its not energy or matter). This gap offers no protection from the TW Vortex to anything not entirely and precisely contained within that area.
- Activation of this system also triggers an non-Techno-Wizard regular tech alarm from a visual sensor that monitors a light that is only on when an active redirection occurs. Arriving beings or objects are welcomed with a triggering of Mystic Purge system. If appropriate will also trigger the TW Annihilator effects and further alarms. Filling the area with clutter will not cause unnecessary triggering of the TW Annihilator land mines.
- This also functions as another form of partial emergency exit for those Apprentices with enough ISP or PPE to trigger a built-in TW Mystic Portal armor enhancement.
- Self Powered similar to the TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus.
- A second version of this system protects just the emergency escape tunnel area and projects any trespassers into the primary system's protected area. Redirecting them as listed.

Probably dozens of additional options: Add in any that are appropriate, possible, and that make sense.
- The mage guild has arranged some sort of constant subterranean patrols primarily beneath the security perimeter of town as far inward as the outer circular road, and along the emergency escape tunnel beyond town. Presumably various earth elementals. Max's seismic sensors are calibrated to recognize the specifically assigned patrol creatures/beings who perform an additional special seismic action enabling them to identify themselves.
- Any official bouncers (Tavern or Robotic Pit, Any Business) are "honorary" defenders (law enforcers) limited to their particular mandate of insuring appropriate combat only occurs within the corresponding pits.
- Town Defenders: Various particularly tough OCCs as gate guards. With all standard and common languages in language translators. Able to inform visitors of local laws and direct them to away from residential or specific mercenary company areas. Since all of the shops and businesses are on the main roads most visitors simply explore those until finding the ones their looking for.
- Ground/Building Based Magical Attacks: Due to some security measure implemented via the Mage Guild all such ground or building-based magical attacks/constraints: River of Lava, Collapse, Carpet of Adhesion, and so forth that involve the buildings or ground cease to function within the town's outer perimeter. Special versions of Mage Guild magic items (not for sale or otherwise acquirable) are able to override this protection.
- The Security Perimeter: Tons of possible GM innovations could be added to this off-limits area. A simple innovation would be having Max build extremely advanced technology (by Rifts human standards) of oversized/experimental anti-gravity devices built underground and only affecting the entire area of the perimeter zone. It is triggered once anything travels past the middle of the zone (from outer perimeter edge to inner perimeter edge). The entire section of the zone from main road entrance to main road entrance is affected by anti-gravity that simply instantly propels all targets present 250 feet in the air. This is similar to an induced hovering effect or Telekinesis with no weight limit since it is essentially a reversed gravity effect. Anything affected also spins around in place similar to being in a zero-g environment from the instability of being at the 200 foot height being bounced back and forth between the two gravities (artificial and natural). This makes them ideal targets for all the Boomgun Turrets. (see one of the South America books for D-Bees with basic Anti-Gravity technology). This spinning is actually predictable via the AI of the Boomguns which includes programming to compensate for this spinning in terms of called shots. It does however increase the difficult of called shots to requiring aimed called shots using 3 actions instead of 2 (mostly an appropriate gameplay, story concept). However this is early practical usage/development (“extremely experimental”) human technology is simply limited to non-portable 100 foot long devices for projecting and generating such anti-gravity field. These ones are further placed underground and project a field that begins at surface level extending to 250 feet above surface level. Possibly easier to understand as more of a gravity containment and control field. All ground and hovering targets are immobilized. Anything with actual flight of 100 mph or more is able to continue on but cannot get closer than 250 feet to the ground in that perimeter. No saving throw. Impervious or immunity to energy does not provide any protection versus these artificial gravity effects (otherwise it would be the quickest way to launch items into orbit - hehe).

- Can include travelling carnivals (WB1) using the second Merc Camp space, travelling performers using either the second Merc Camp space or a stage in the Tavern, and so forth.
- Example Concert: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=53732&p=2182181#p2181790 using non-damaging "blanks" for rail guns/missiles and non-damaging lasers/energy weapons. Obviously both the performance (noise) and the weaponry are directed away from the town towards the security perimeter.

- Effectively Light Armor that is also suitable for those that prefer medium armor, no armor, underwater usage, and/or by spell casters (including underwater casting). A prototype/base model later modified; then mass produced based on final version via AI mini-factory programming from designer and modifier. Only truly possible due to the fact that the designer and modifier also programmed the AI with all the specific techniques for making this one armor.
- Typical relevant light armor is around a 45 MDC base (some have less), while up to a 75 MDC base for light/medium is theoretically possible (due to general light armor weight limits, etc.) combined with the modified mobility bonuses and weight reduction to yield effectively light armor. Unquestionably light armor appropriate at 12 lb weight. Armor type is primarily based on weight and restrictiveness not MDC. Tech Based Light Armors are often essentially inferior armor designs, caster armors are often more homemade armors than anything, and so forth.
- This is a specially designed light/medium armor, made from exceptional natural materials (essentially meaning organic/formerly living), professionally designed, and essentially double max modified for its MDC stats (0.35x2) and weight reduction (0.1x2). Combined with optimized mobility in design and modification. MDC ranges ironically are often easier to recognize in the numerous natural armor stat concepts across many books (RUE - Ley Line Walker and Techno-Wizard; WB10:Juicer - Body Armors, WB21:Splynn - Armor Merchant, GMG/WB19:Australia - Homemade Armors, RMB/Fury Beetle, etc). Again just another potentially difficult game element/aspect. [Basically an appropriate original light armor design only possible due to Max's extreme engineering skills and double max modification abilities.]
- 125 MDC [75 x 1.7]
- 75 MDC Helmet (1) [45 x 1.7]
- 40 MDC Arms (2) [25 x 1.7]
- 75 MDC Legs (2) [45 x 1.7]
- 12 lbs [15 lbs -20%] [based on an appropriate average for base MDC only of 1 lb per 5 MDC of main body only for basic non-special in any way natural MDC materials and essentially homemade design such as via a character with the field armorer skill or whatever.]
- +35% Mobility Bonus to all prowl, climb, swimming, and other physical skills. [-5% +40%]
- No speed penalties.
- Eliminates any normal additional penalties for those unfamiliar with or uncomfortable with wearing armor.
- Specifically designed for spell casters including underwater spell casting.
- Maximum Underwater Depth: 1500 feet. [Simplified numbers; higher than standard limits except for advanced underwater body armor designs - Underseas - another obscure tidbit]
- Full Environmental (99.9% mechanical instead of electronic/motorized components similar to pre-electronics technology designed with modern techniques). Body movement (even via chest movement for breathing) is utilized to enable air circulation, organically derived thermal residues can be used to maintain appropriate heat levels, etc.
- All Standard Body Armor Features: As per Coalition Body Armor. Enhanced Short-Range Radio (24 miles/38 km; bionic equivalent base quality), microphone, computer, and waterproof loudspeaker (fully functional underwater) are all miniaturized (smaller than a wrist watch or shirt button where possible).
- Due to the combination of MDC, weight, and mobility, this is essentially the current absolute maximum possible MDC for a technically "light" armor via Max's mundane technology (non-magical).
- All Natural Armor: MDC hide, MDC bone, MDC wood, MDC plant fibers, etc. The easiest source of such MDC base material could be from any high MDC light weight MDC animal (flying predator, water predator, small predator, or whatever) or simply properly prepared natural MDC materials. Alternatively MDC animals where most of their MDC is from their hide while most of their weight is from their innards (a leather jacket versus the 2000 lb animal it came from). Resulting in impossibly light weight natural MDC materials. Such animals being eliminated via called shots to the head (Boomgun turret AIs are programmed for this preference with appropriately salvageable targets). In-town large warehouse processing center immediately obtains, cleans, and prepares all usable components from carcasses (food - see Australia book tidbits for wild MDC animal edibles - jerky/stew/steaks, armor components, mage guild components, etc). The cleaned armor components are then securely sent to the Tekhammer Shop for processing into armor in its mini-factory.
-- Base Design Prototype: 75 MDC, -5% mobility, 15 lb, medium armor (nearly light armor). Specifically designed to be readily adaptable to later modification/redesign.
-- Fully Double Max Operator modified Finished Version: = 125 MDC, +35% mobility, 12 lbs, light armor.
-- Unnecessary Story Elements:
--- Mass Production Viability and Production Limits for Anyone Other Than Max: To make this armor more unique and less repeatable by others part of the process could include another "Techno-Wizard" Organic (formerly living) Material Processor similar to the metal processing ones. [Mostly a story element]. This machine instead causes any armor equivalent organic component materials to increase to its maximum potential efficiency for natural MDC: maximum MDC, with minimum weight, maximum flexibility, minimum thickness, and so forth. This is typically roughly doubles its current MDC and reduces its current weight and thickness by half. [See several Necro spells for similar.] Reprocessing modified materials has no further effect. Presume that to make the best armors only the best portions of the best sources of material can be used. This is typically limited to only the best 10% of those animals quality (maximum MDC with minimum weight) and to only 10% of the leather or bone provided from a particular MDC animal (just the thinnest material). Thus the ideal armor materials have less than 1% availability naturally, while the other 99% is simply what most semi-professional natural armor smiths are effectively limited to using. This machine primarily brings up the remaining portions to their maximum potential for the creature type (the 1% truly exceptional instead of the 99% regular). All this really does is mean that all of the acquired material is suitable for the highest grade of armor production. Thus enabling mass production of the high grade armor. Again with the special requirement of a indestructible steel bar or item that is slowly dissolved over one year of constant usage (mainly for its carbon elements). This material/armor is non-magical similar to the updated/redefined non-magical nature of Ironwood Weapons (WB1:VK-NR).
---- Ultimately this is actually likely to be an original necromantic device housed in a Techno-Wizard style machine casing. The machine allowing safe and practical usage of the always on effect. Most folks appropriately find necromancy repulsive and disturbing so encasing the actual device inside a machine-style casing is less problematic.
---- This is essentially Max's limit for such regular mundane humanoid light body armor in terms of being possible, plausible, and appropriate. Any magic is just a catalyst (physical matter re-arranger).
- Fully modified (maximized) MDC, weight, and mobility.
- Designed to be easy to modify with Techno-Wizard armor additions.
- This is also the standard and preferred armor for Tek Town Citizens.
- Standardized design, parts source, process, and so forth enabling this one design to be programmed into the automated mini-factory for production. Effectively the equivalent of Max building and modifying it himself. Essentially the limits of what is possible with his abilities. [Innovative appropriate interpretation]
- Availability: Almost always in stock (99.9% of the time). Rare Exceptions: Entire town population requires replacement armor, or after a massive order by external purchaser (such as a huge mercenary group for thousands of mercs, another town's standing army, etc). Huge stockpile, typically around 15000 to 20000 in stock at any given time at Tekhammer. Tekhammer's Natural Armor storage vault can hold around 21000 units, with potential overflow in regular lower warehouse. These stored armors are 99% finished and are designed to have excess material for various sections. The final stage requires the individual who is going to use the item to be present whereupon it is custom fit to the individual. A programmed AI operates a variety of devices built into a "booth". An individual stands in the booth and numerous retractable mechanical hands and tool arms configure and quickly assemble the final version in about 10 minutes. Any armor not assembled by this machine or Max will not have any of the mobility bonus and will be treated as medium armor only. As such having an overall mobility penalty of -5%. The design is even too advanced for his apprentices to perform the final adjustments. [Expanded Operator Ability - Mobility Modifier usage explanation; mostly a limiting factor as to why this isn't in production everywhere, also prevents theft of finished item, also explains why so many customers actually go to visit Tekhammer, etc] 10 semi-mobile booths in secure storage deliberately overbuilt to weigh 10 tons each. Each with own hover capabilities (5 mph/8 kph) which are powered by a T-C23 power connector that appropriately cannot utilize the flight, jumping, weapon, or remaining tool systems while doing so. AI armor portion powered by special power outlets in garage bays. Labor bot can keep a booth constantly supplied with unfinished suits or armor (from nearby crates of armor). Typically performed in the Guest Operator Bay. With all 10 mobile booths can completely outfit the entire town in about one week of constant 24 hour a day custom fitting.
- Cost: 150,000 credits each. Also available for bulk purchase for 125,000 credits per unit with a minimum purchase of 10 units or more. The materials are essentially no cost to acquire but this is the appropriate market value of the armor. Also 100,000 credits per unit for purchases of 1000 or more units. The base armor only does not include any Techno-Wizard additions.
- Tek Town Citizens: One free suit for each Tek Town Citizen, each with its own serial number carved in several places. Repairs are free, replacements for mostly destroyed ones are also free to citizens. Replacements for missing armor are typically fine since the town is under heavy surveillance and any that have been pilfered by bandits are usually on record as such. A small business repair center exists to keep Tekhammer from being distracted by minor repair issues. It contains 100 Labor Robots with special programming enabling to quickly repair this. Only unrepairable armor replacement requests are forwarded to the Tekhammer Shop. Town law (Law of Armor) and basic survival common sense requires all citizens to be in this or better armor at virtually all times. SD sparring is one of the few times armor is not required to be worn. Basic natural material MDC clothing is also available providing 20 MDC for each of main body, head, arms/hands, and legs/feet for use under armor and while briefly out of armor. Full outfit (including a hood) available for roughly 1000 credits from several local businesses.
-- Ironically this in one of the items humanoid bandits enjoy raiding the town for. They seek to overpower a citizen (often by partially parking a hover bike on them) and pry them out of their armor. However making use of the custom armors is limited. It has to be adjusted causing it to lose all of its mobility bonuses, penalty elimination, full environmental aspect (air supply and filtration only), is treated as a medium armor, and has a -15% mobility penalty (10% worse than the prototype armors -5%).
-- The Citizen Techno-Wizard item use option enables the Tek Town Armor to include the 300 MDC Armor of Ithan emergency force field, for 10 PPE activation and 30 minute duration. Essentially enabling each citizen to activate it one to three times. Ideal for MD sparring. Large sparring events limited to either SD or MD per event is possible via the Robotic Combat Pit. SD only permissible if at least one healing pool is available. SD typically only use practice swords or improvised swords/weapons that inflict 1D4 or 1D6 SD only (even 1D1, 1D2, or 1D3) or HTH combat brawling for ongoing/multiple hit brawling/training.
--- Most pre-OCC citizens have around 20+ SDC (14-24) and may use the regular Tek Town Wood Swords in combat that typically ends with first successful hit. This is due to the possibility of a max damage critical hit (24 without any PS/other damage bonus) which if already injured could easily be lethal. [RUE SDC page 287.] High regular SDC and HP citizens often duel other similar citizens ending combat once either is below 50% SDC. Extremely high ones will end a duel at their discretion. Pre-OCC average HP is only 14 (3D6 PE +1D6 HP; typically 4 to 23) and remains only heal-able up to an unconscious/coma up to negative PE number of HP. [RUE page 287.] Most practical healing requires using the Healing Pool rather than instant healing (often due to mass events). This typically results in up to 1D4+1 minutes before the first healing can occur due to travel/crowds (see Blood Loss RUE page 354).
--- This takes Cliff roughly 70 days non-stop (supernatural endurance) to add this modification to 10000 armors (at 10 minutes per armor - see Cliff's Techno-Wizardry details). This option also includes having 1000 of the stored armors having this addition. Such armors are not for sale they are simply emergency replacements for destroyed armors. Needing more replacements than this would likely mean the town has been eradicated by a powerful attacker or event.
- If by chance folks prefer the often contradictory notion of only partial body armor for spell casters (RUE) then the caster version of this armor can simply be considered as such. It mainly eliminates the full environmental aspect (except air supply and filtration) so is not fully protected if travelling through SDC fires, maximum depth tolerance is limited to normal scuba diver limit, and so forth. Spells and other magic can often replace these lessened elements (force fields, depth tolerance, etc). Otherwise simply keep it as a full body armor with full environmental capabilities. The limitation of light or medium armor only, which also must be natural armor only, should really be more than enough when dealing with spell casters. Basically its a strange phrasing under Wearing Body Armor (RUE page 188) and Ley Line Walker Armor details (RUE page 113). Ironically seemingly eliminated as a restriction when combined with the spell casting capabilities underwater by surface dwellers via full environmental armor combined with radio or underwater loudspeaker (WB7:Underseas).


The Amaki level 15 Techo-Wizard with master psionics as a Gizmoteer works. However a pure Techno-Wizard should actually be fine for all of the custom technology. See TW Thought Projector (WB12:Psyscape) and Psionic Mind Shield (RUE page 136) for ISP focused standard Techno-Wizard technology.

The following is only for GMs who find this portion useful otherwise the cover story is the real Techno-Wizard. It adds the possibility of other player options but it can get overly powerful fairly quickly.

So using the Amaki story as a cover story, the real Techno-Wizard is...

CURRENT NAME: Cliff Noates (Amaki Techno-Wizard). ALIAS: Grysl Gorth (True Atlantean Tattoo Master). REAL NAME: Unknown - Abcherd Nochun.

SPECIES: Ancient Chiang-Ku Dragon (WB3:England).

OCC: Ancient Chiang-Ku Dragon (full level Tattoo Master, full level Techno-Wizard, full level World Tree Ley Line Walker).

LEVEL: 30 (Dragon, Tattoo Master, Techno-Wizard, World Tree Ley Line Walker). [See WB30:Demon Dragonmage for reference to level 30 Dragon XP]

ALIGNMENT: Unprincipled (Formerly Miscreant).

* Special Traits: Chiang-Ku are naturally adept at inventing, creating, learning, and developing magic of all types. This one is simply even more adept at it and obsessed with it than any other Chiang-Ku. This is further applied to his other Obsessions.
* Obsession Loves Magic and Magic Items: Learning magic knowledge, using magic, creating magic, creating and obtaining magic items and weapons, wielding magic items and weapons.
* Obsession Survival of Chiang-Ku: The Chiang-Ku are nearly extinct (unless that has been changed), though many still currently secretly roam Rifts Earth. He will do absolutely anything to strive to find the means to ensure the survival of his species. This makes him seem like a power-hungry, magic-based mad scientist, though its all simply part of his efforts to enhance his species ability to survive. Keep in mind that Chiang-Ku are extremely advanced in magical knowledge, so much so that many have built upon their efforts: The True Atlanteans, The Splugorth, and so forth. However, they are otherwise one of the inherently least innately powerful dragon types. So essentially huge motivation, huge potential, and an uphill battle. Currently he has innumerable prospective test subjects that come to him from the local population and to a lesser extent visting mercs and adventurers. This along with being Unprincipled has reduced the severity of his efforts to being closer to a reserved Scrupulous enigmatic magic-based scientist.
* Obsession Loves the thrill of combat and welcomes deadly combat and battles. Often this is just to test out his latest magical efforts. Obnoxious volunteer targets via Max typically are not executed or have their gear rendered unrepairable (below 15%, see SB1 original and revised). However if they continue to be obnoxious they will be incapacitated and their gear confiscated.

* Has infiltrated virtually all relevant organizations over the years on Rifts Earth and most known Dimensions: Splugorth's Atlantis, Federation of Magic, Psyscape, South America Civilizations, Japan, Phase World, and so forth. Acquisitions include: Power Bows and Power Arrows for the T-Archer.
* One of the Chiang-Ku who helped develop the Monster-Shaping Tattoos.
* Is currently experimenting with the Dragon Juicer Conversion Process as part of his current attempts to discover the inherent flaw that is leading to the near extinction of the Chiang-Ku. Doing so by infusing lesser beings with the essence of Chiang-Ku Dragons via the Dragon Juicer Conversion Process. Making discoveries by experimenting with variations on the process and observing the results.
* Even as an expert in espionage via virtually unlimited metamorphosis he still realizes the importance of completely disappearing from time to time into obscure locations. Especially for someone who frequently infiltrates the Splugorth of Atlantis. Has probably used Mystic Invisibility (Mercenary Adventures) more than any other being in existence (hehe).
* The main thing that brought Max to Cliff's attention was passing through the area (a small Hamlet/Village at the time) and finding a Chiang-Ku hatchling metamorphosed as a human there. Disguised as such that hatchling had been passing through the hamlet one day (at night) when he was attacked by a Basilisk and immediately turned to stone. A fifth level Max had noticed this and quickly obliterated the Basilisk before it could shatter the stone statue (volley of 20 Armor Piercing Mini-Missiles from an early weapon project). Interestingly immediately eliminating the basilik's petrification effect from the apparent human. In gratitude the hatchling had stayed there to aid the hamlet. That hatchling had fought to help defend the town for several years but eventually moved on shortly after speaking to Cliff. Before leaving and assuming its next humanoid disguise the hatchling revealed itself to be a Chiang-Ku. They had fought side by side, saving themselves and the hamlet from destruction on occasions too numerous to list. As such Max considered that Chiang-Ku a true friend and brother-in-arms. They parted ways as such and to this day Max considers the Chiang-Ku species to be one of the most honorable beings he has even encountered. Thus when Cliff was considering possibilities for a suitable place on Rifts Earth to carry out his current phases of experiments this one seemed to have the perfect potential.

- Full level 30 Techno-Wizard abilities. Explains his elevated enhancement abilities (level 30) as simply a strange innate aptitude for Techno-Wizardry similar to the local Operator's double maximum modification ability.
-- RMB Body Armor/Power Armor and Vehicle/Robot Vehicle Basic Additions (Armor of Ithan, etc): Presume Cliff is an extreme expert in these additions. Can build a single one into a body armor or power armor in 10 minutes. A single one into a vehicle or robot vehicle in one hour. Any other TW item construction time is always the bare minimum normally required (or less at GM discretion). [Appropriate innovation interpretation]
-- RUE Usage: In case anyone is uncertain as to whether these old RMB Techno-Wizard Armor/Vehicle mods are still used as of RUE Rifts check out the RUE Techno-Wizard: Light Armor features and ground vehicle feature. [RUE page 129]
- All possible spells including those from the World Tree mod: Temporal Wizardry, Necromancy, including ALL Spells of Legend (for 16+ level - SoL are simple but obviously appropriate expanded interpretation of WT mod). [CB2:Norse section]
- Knows and can grant any and all magic tattoos: Including Monster-Shaping, Power Bows, and Power Arrows. Only grants two at a time (per session) since the maximum is two every six months. Most Magic Tattoo OCCs list this near the end of their individual Magic Tattoo section. Never bestowed by "the Techno-Wizard" always bestowed by "a friendly True Atlantean Tattoo Master with no clan of his own that stops by every six months" (April 1, October 1; see MTDJ OCC below). Just one of the Chiang-Ku's many aliases and disguises. Only bestows tattoos to those "the Mage Guild" deems worthy of such things.
-- Will fix the inherent defective nature of the Power Bows and Power Arrows eventually but is currently focused on the Dragon Juicer experimentation.
-- Non-Tattoo OCCs - Six Tattoos Only: All tattoos of player's choice. [Appropriate innovations as needed.]
--- Part 1: First Two Magic Tattoos Gains: PPE adjustment/gain (including +6 PPE per magic tattoo gained), basic training, and meditation. Same as for Magic Tattoo Option for Apprentices: Non-Mutant Human Operator Apprentices listed earlier. Standard double PPE activation cost due to not being a full Magic Tattoo OCC (WB2).
--- Part 2: 3rd and 4th Tattoo: 2 tattoos, 6 months after Part 1 pair.
--- Part 3: 5th and 6th Tattoos: Minor Tattoo Focus: The 5th and 6th obtained Tattoos can be two very similar in nature/theme tattoos additionally providing a Minor Tattoo Focus. Acquired 6 months after Part 2 pair. Example Focus: Armor Focus: Knight in Full Body Armor and Heart Encircled by Chains (Invulnerability) [Max/Mage Guild typically recommended focus.]. All this does is eliminate the double PPE activation cost for these two Tattoos only. Both can also function over armor similar to a TW Armor of Ithan (RMB, RUE TW gear TW armor mod access). These themes can be of Player's Choice subject to GM approval: Two weapons, two dead/undead related, two healing related, two enhanced vision related, two movement related, two elemental powers, two similar animal monster tattoos (2 legs; or 4 legs; or any of other amount of legs), two similar monster tattoos (as per animal limits further modified by size of less than 10 feet tall or long; or 10+ feet tall or long), two similar monster shaping tattoos, and so forth. Only T-Archer Power Bow and Power Arrow tattoos cannot benefit from this. This process includes minor magical training and another mysterious potion from the mage guild.
-- For simplicity: All magic tattoo OCCs (equivalents) are available via the Mage Guild. Since all such beings are volunteers seeking such enhancements any insanities or similar drawbacks due to harsh treatment are eliminated. A single master trainer for each OCC is available to instruct and train such volunteers. TW Stasis Chamber storage is available for recovery between magic tattoo addition if preferred. Occasionally preferred by those switching OCCs and/or needing to disappear for a while due to possible pursuers. Standard Magic Tattoo OCCs are only available prior to 79 P.A. thereafter Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer versions become the only available ones. This is due to the shifting of the Mage Guild's activities and focus.
- Dragon Juicer Conversion Process. Information is obtained about about the early development of an experimental Dragon Juicer process in Kingsdale. A Techno-Wizard Juicer design. He quietly manages to join the development team under a different alias. Shortly thereafter has secretly solved the development process while simultaneously moving the regular process significantly forward. As a result was quietly making regular Dragon Juicers and Phase 1 Magic Tattoo Juicers by 83 P.A. However all such volunteers were required to remain in stasis for fine tuning and so forth for several years to possibly several decades. They were also informed this process was only available as an outsourced Kingsdale project. The first official Kingsdale Dragon Juicers are created and sent forth in 89 P.A. Several months later the Tek Town Mage Guild begins slowly sending forth its Dragon Juicers and Phase 1 Magic Tattoo Juicers. The Tek Town ones simply praise Kingsdale's efforts whenever anyone seeks info regarding their origins. Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicers: Experimental (Chiang-Ku) version, see below for details; Ironically these are really just volunteer test subjects for Cliff's current stages of developing the Chiang-Ku cure (89 PA+). Both are available via the Mage Guild.
-- Earliest Phase 1 availability is mid 89 P.A.
-- All other Phases typically available by 104 P.A with ongoing refinement and minor variations until completion.
-- Phase 2 to Phase 6 availability at GM determination. However a basic probable availability is: Standard Dragon Juicer and Phase 1, full level one ready to adventure: Mid 89 P.A. and onward. Remaining phases level 1 readiness: P2 = 92 P.A.; P3 = 95 P.A.; P4 = 98 P.A; P5 = 101 P.A.; and P6 = 104 P.A. However timeline can be moved up for P6 to as early as 99 P.A for quick success or delayed due to difficulties to as late as 130 P.A. with P2 to P5 adjusted as needed. Successful completion of this stage of experimentation occurs sometime between 140 to 170 P.A. regardless of when Phase 6 begins.
-- Unrelated Side Note: Shortly after the completion of this stage a strange crystalline "plant" will appear all across Rifts Earth but will only grow within two miles of ley line nexuses. If harvested and incorporated into Techno-Wizard, Bio-Wizard, and Alchemical processes it will yield a +35% bonus to all magical effects. This effect is not cumulative with any other similar bonuses.
Shortly Thereafter: 100 Chiang-Ku will volunteer to undergo a cure for the defect that is driving their species into extinction. Knowing the 30% survival odds beforehand only 30 will survive and be fully cured. However the resulting final version of the cure will thereafter be distributed to all Chiang-Ku in the megaverse with a 100% survival rate. [Original innovation regarding the canon element of gradual extinction of Chiang-Ku.]

-- Tattooed Dragon Juicers Enemy - Psyscape Residents: All due to an unfortunate mysterious past event and mass psychic vision amongst Psyscape Residents.
For unknown reasons during 70 P.A. approximately 50,000 Demon Dragonmage youth (less than full dragon-bonded Demon Dragonmages) simultaneously located and invaded Psyscape. After several days of battle they were driven out with minimal casualties for the Psyscape defenders. Several dozen Crystal Dragons went missing from that incident including the last known Ancient Crystal Dragon. This dragon was last seen battling the invaders nearest to a long time humanoid visitor to Psyscape who had valiantly fought off several hundred (or more) of the invaders prior to also disappearing. [Original background/story event/timeline occurrence.]
- The Psynex Entity and Psyscape Residents had been able to discern several things about the attack:
-- It was prompted by efforts of powers beyond comprehension that had provided a brief flash of insight that reached every Demon-Dragonmage youth in the megaverse. Providing them with the exact location of Psyscape and the impression of over a dozen ancient dragons there with only moderate protection.
-- The Demon-Dragonmage swarm did kill the Ancient Crystal Dragon but they did not manage to run off with its remains. Such remains are no longer in Psyscape or detectable by any known means.
-- The long time humanoid visitor managed to eliminate several hundred (or more) of the invaders near to where the Ancient Crystal Dragon disappeared. He remains missing.
-- Although there is no current basis for it there is a strange vision regarding the Ancient Crystal Dragon's remains. Somehow it will have something to do with a currently non-existent (in 70 P.A.) magic tattooed humanoid Juicer which is somehow also the equivalent of a Dragon.

- Murder-Wraith Conversion Process. This process is not available to players or non-player characters via this Mage Guild. Learned via infiltration of the Grim Reapers Cult. Only possible due to his Necromancy spell knowledge from World Tree Mod. Mainly for the basics of Juicer harness fusion process. Variant equivalent processes are utilized in experimental juicer forms (dragon juicer, etc) unrelated to this actual process.
- Cold-Blooded Conversion Process (Mercenary Adventurers). Is available via the Mage Guild.
- Chiang-Ku Alchemy.
- If used then ALL level 15 magic references previously listed are increased to level 30.

- Basically everything up to this point is innovative with originality is but fundamentally canon - often simply appropriate and extremely balanced innovations or variations.
- The basic design is that a Chiang-Ku, a species that is famously amazing at developing magic, is actually completely obsessed with learning all possible magic. They are also one of the ultimate espionage metamorphose/shapechangers species in existence. Ultimately this is an ANCIENT Chiang-Ku Dragon who has successfully done exactly that and more. If functioning properly then Hatchling dragons can be solid party members, maximum MDC Adult dragons should have exceptional combat abilities, and Ancient dragons should make players instinctively run away. Anything less is an insult to the entire concept of an Ancient Dragon.
- Basic Combat Capabilities Example: Heart Encircled by Chains (Invulnerability) Magic Tattoo - 1 action to activate, 40 PPE, yields more than 2000 additional MDC for 5 hours.
- Security: Designed all of the unique Techno-Wizard devices for the Mechanic Shop and Town Defenses.
- The Mage Guild: Is effectively indestructible and impenetrable. Closest approximation would be rune buildings/chambers as housings for large dimensional pockets. As such the building cannot be destroyed by virtually anything. Further it cannot even attempt to be breached by anything less than full Dimensional Teleport equivalent abilities. It remains impenetrable in Astral Space, though each pocket dimension room has its own completely isolated version of Astral Space. Doorways between areas are essentially constant dimensional doorways. All except the one customer access doorway are also the equivalent of undispellable Attuned to specific guild members (which can be added or revoked by Cliff at any time). These are also the only beings who can safely dimensional teleport (or equivalent) into and out of these pocket dimension areas. These were just some of the basics. The security is beyond impenetrable overall. Keep in mind Cliff designed the TW Devices protecting the Tekhammer Shop and the town which were essentially minor items to Cliff. Ultimately this is just fun stuff that embody what a high level mage guild should really be like. Various totally secure pocket areas have obscene amounts of magical items stored there: Many huge warehouses equivalent.
- "Experimental" Techno-Wizard Regenerative Stasis Pods. Can place individuals in them to stop all aging, including Juicer lifespan. However, it allows the individual's life-force or essence to recover from the addition of Magic Tattoos normally. Thus individuals can receive Magic Tattoos then be placed in it for six months whereupon they are able to receive Magic Tattoos again. [Original TW concept]
- Techno-Wizard Device Availability: All at GM's discretion. Almost any standard TW device should be available (in stock). TW armor and vehicle additions are available (RMB). Custom item requests may be possible unless particularly ridiculous. As a plot element "The Techno-Wizard" is known to frequently create his own unique experimental techno-wizard items but these are regarded as prototypes and are not for sale.
- Experimental TW Globe of Daylight Flares and TW Delivery Vehicle: Basically a single use, self-guided (extremely rare), medium-range missile and personal portable man-sized launcher (see Mercenaries "Sourcebook"), filled with auto-dropping self-hovering immovable Globe of Daylight Flares. Once launched the missile activates its cloaking field: A combination of Invisibility:Simple and Invisibility to Sensors (Merc Adventures). Contains 200 flares, each with a single use duration of 90 minutes, and each covering a 360 diameter sphere. Self-Guided Programming Options Include: (1) Precisely covering a perfect line of over 13 miles at the precise height of its trajectory, or (2) Perfectly covering a 1 mile by 1 mile area instead (360 feet tall), or whatever. Mostly for town defense, not generally for sale. Note: These are mostly used to light up areas at night and possibly to keep vampires at bay. As such these spheres are simply arranged so that only four edges actually just barely touch with full four-corner star-shaped gaps between each 'square' of four spheres. This allows maximum coverage since seeing through 'unlit' sections at night in flat open areas tends to be just about as easy as in the lit ones as long as there is another sphere in that direction. It would also trap and contain any vampires in any unlit section unless they fly or dig their way out. Note: Changing any flares into grenades that simply release the effect instead of physically hovering and projecting the effect are more combatively durable. Flares are simply more traditional canon style. Grenades that release the effect simply results in nothing remaining to be targeted by various damaging attacks. Applicable to other flare devices as well.
- Experimental TW Magical Darkness Flares and Delivery Vehicle: Magical Darkness version of the Globe of Daylight one except they are cubes of darkness (360 feet x 360 feet x 360 feet). See Through Magic Darkness benefit only gained if a flare is activated while holding it. Otherwise Effects same as following unique spell: Cube of Impenetrable Darkness (12th level standard/invocation spell), Range: Centered on Self, Duration: 3 minutes per level, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 250, Effect: Creates a 12 foot per level per side cube of magical darkness that is impenetrable to all sensors and senses (including see the invisible, radar, radarsense, etc) except extremely rare "see through magical darkness" (See In Magic Darkness spell BoM, DB4:Nightstalking power, unlisted but probably a Shadow Beasts vision capabilities). It immediately harmlessly absorbs all light: SD or MD lasers, Lightblade (spell or TW device), and so forth. Even sound is muffled but not completely eliminated: Prowl +40% or base of 60%, sonar equivalent abilities (including amplified hearing, motion sensors, etc) are reduced to only a 10 foot range and garbled effectiveness (occasional split second of "something" in the darkness). Humanoid shouting sounds likes scattered muffled whispers. Only the most extreme noise is mostly unimpeded: Boom Gun sonic boom, sonic booms (140+ decibel sounds), 30+ MD sound attacks (spells, etc), 30+ MD explosions (minimum boom gun equivalent), the impossibly enraged roar of incredibly powerful creatures, and so forth. Though even these will be distorted and it will be difficult to pinpoint their location or even direction. The caster gains "See through magical darkness" ability for the duration of the spell. All others are effectively blind: See RUE page 344. The spell is impervious to Dispel Magic Barriers and Negate Magic spells (and similar effects) but not an Anti-Magic Cloud spell's effects. Though not listed as having it a Shadow Beast would presumably have the "see through magical darkness" ability. Similar spell concepts: Summon Shadow Beast (BoM), Shadow Wall (BoM), TW Void Wall (listed earlier). Due to the nature of the delivery system's invisibilities and the immediate activation of the magical darkness most beings caught up in the magical darkness will have no idea what caused it. Even if they know about the possible existence of hovering darkness flares they won't know where the one that is affected them is located. See the invisible abilities that are not from mundane or magical optics could function as long as no such optics of any type are also being worn. See the Invisible psionic or innate ability while wearing tech goggles means having to save vs magic to see through the goggles in order for the ability to function.
---- The following is a slightly advanced interpretation regarding the "flare" versions (instead of grenade versions): In this instance hitting a darkness flare is effectively a called shot (due to its size) on an unknown location in total darkness. The rules mainly hint at it being essentially a called shot: Tape a quarter to a piece of plywood and its a called shot with a penalty to hit (similar to a bullseye), hold that quarter stationary in the air with telekinesis - is it still a called shot? (logically = yes; gameplay appropriateness = yes; precisely clarified by rules = unclear). The penalty to strike for the darkness subtly refers to still knowing almost precisely where the target is. Otherwise characters could close their eyes aim behind them and still hit something in front of them. However a called shot in darkness is effectively impossible (unless perhaps that 1 in a million odds spell is somehow used). So area of effect attacks are next option. Missiles tend to explode on impact so that tends to eliminate their use (still requires a called shot). Finally that leaves grenades or other area effect attacks that do not rely upon impact to explode however reaching the 180 foot hovering height could be challenging. Alternatively spraying the correct area with a burst-fire capable weapon may be possible: Strike target number of 24 (8 ranged -10 blind -6 shooting wild) plus any other relevant penalties (debilitating magical, psionic, super power, tech, or fighting maneuver effects, etc). Grenades/effects/spraying area would still require picking the correct area to be covered by the area of effect.
- Experimental TW Carpet of Adhesion Micro Grenades and Delivery Vehicle: Carpet of Adhesion version of Globe of Daylight one. Self-Guiding Options: Covers a line 10 feet wide and 4000 feet long; or a single area roughly 1264 feet by 1264 feet; or whatever. Duration 75 minutes.
- See TW Through Magical Darkness Devices and Modifications: Not generally available for sale due to security reasons.
- Numerous other original/experimental TW Devices:
- "Experimental" Techno-Wizard Devices Note: Are fully functional with no defects. They are simply currently only made by this particular NPC and the precise construction nature of these devices is not generally known of to any other Techno-Wizards.
- Other Fascinating Techno-Wizard and Magical Creations of Cliff and "the mage guild". Including subsequently developed devices intended to counter 1000+ flying, magically capable, or other similarly powerful types of attackers.
- Full Combat Capabilities: For the moment this is one of those few "unable to be killed / unstoppable Juggernaut story-element NPCs" only essentially appropriately permissible as such. Occasionally fights on behalf of Max or his apprentices usually to test out his latest obscene experimental TW or magic device in the robotic pit or simply eliminating a 1000+ incoming armada. Players encountering Cliff in combat cannot defeat or really even hinder Cliff regardless of player's abilities. As such the GM should be appropriately kind and not intentionally ruin a player character or their gear with such an encounter.

On a typical day in the history of the town Cliff was out wandering the town perimeter infusing the Circle of Protection with its daily PPE. Looking into the distance he noticed a huge dust cloud that seemed to stretch across the horizon. Its formation had the appearance of hostile intent so he triggered one of the many early warning caution alarms. Alerted by Cliff and the alarms Max was able to utilize some advanced telescopic capabilities to determine that it was indeed an unknown hostile D-Bee army. Consisting of approximately 4000 units comprised entirely of heavy military ground vehicles (tires or tracked only) and heavy power armors.
- This was the town's first random huge group of invaders.
- As luck would have it Cliff suddenly noticed a small group of traveling adventurers heading towards town just as the army reached them and their weapon impacts occurred. Max noticed them too and realized that all six of them seemed to be tattoo men and women. There were all killed in a instant.
- Volleys of enemy missiles simultaneously began to rain down on the town. Thankfully being shot down by the automated defense systems.
- A flash of light and Cliff was gone.
- Strange huge missiles suddenly began to burst forth from all around the invading army. In a moment the army stopped moving. A moment later they were all enveloped in darkness.
- For over an hour wild weapons fire seemed to burst forth from the enveloping darkness. Explosions shook the air and the ground and the most horrifying roar anyone had ever heard continued to resound amongst it all.
- Then utter silence.
- Slowly a single figure emerged in a seemingly unscathed T-C23 covered in pitch black soot. Behind him he towed a small portion of a wheeled D-Bee vehicle with only two of it wheels still functional. On it rested an inexplicably pristine heavy cloth sheet perfectly secured and draped over six mounds beneath it.
- As Cliff silently and stoically continued his walk towards town the darkness behind him faded.
- All that remained were the scraps of metal from the shattered remains of the invaders vehicles covering the obliterated landscape of charred craters.
- Continuing on his path Cliff made his way through the silent town disappearing into the Mage Guild.
- An hour later he emerged to formally publicly notify Max that the invaders had been deterred from their hostilities. Only then did the town erupt into celebration which which Cliff politely endured for nearly an hour before departing. Returning briefly hours later as the celebrations continued into the night.
- Since then any huge group of hostile invaders (1000+, roughly 3 to 4 times per year) that approaches the town is intercepted by Cliff. There hostilities yield roughly the same results.

Last edited by random_username on Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:20 pm, edited 136 times in total.
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by Armorlord »

I do need to correct my earlier post, there is at least one character similarly leveled on Rifts Earth.
Desmond Bradford, Administrator and Chief Scientist of the Lone Star Complex.
So, there is a precedent for a super-smart guy to have have a piles of levels and a handful of classes.
Guess that 'clever idea' experience adds up. :ok:

Carry on, and keep rocking.
Talking to you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out-of-body experience. -Susie (Calvin and Hobbes)
It's not impossible, it's just really unfair. :( -Trance Gemini (Andromeda)
Tarnow and Romanov: Neighbors!

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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by random_username »

- Due to 80,000 character max reached again lol.

MAGIC TATTOO DRAGON JUICER: "Experimental" OCC. Also simply: MTDJ or Tattoo Dragon Juicer (TDJ).
- Power Scale: Intermediate/Veterans, Advanced/Elite Veterans (Veteran GM returning as Player), and Epic (Attacking Atlantis or similar as a campaign is often one of the few possible canon settings). Refer to Part One - Difficulty Ratings:
- 300+ different versions: 5 tattoo focus (plus Renegade and redirected Assassin), 5 skill sets, 12+ power sets, all without yet including base caster or master psychic type, or non-human juicer variation (WB10). Multi-arm Gene-Splicer/Lone Star versions of available species should still qualify. Appropriately Boomgun damage levels typically achieved at 15th level and minor epic damage at 30th. Playable up to level 30 effectively at GM discretion (see #6 below).
- An earlier listing of a vague outline/version of this basic innovative notion
- The special harness and process used obviously not interfering with any elements of this OCC.
- This is a cohesive continuance of previously addressed potentially difficult gaming issues as well a plethora of interesting ones pertaining to this process. As such anyone seeking to explore this OCC may need to go through the previous material: Combative Operator, Tekhammer Shop, Tek Town, and Mage Guild. Good hunting regardless.
- Minimum Books: RUE, WB10:Juicer, with at least one of: WB2:Atlantis (Primary Magic Tattoo Book), WB6:South America, WB21:Splynn. Secondary Books: Mercenary Adventures, WB1:Vampire Kingdoms New Revised Edition, plus various other minor relevance books.

Mostly for limiting the power scale for lower powered campaigns. Also reflects the easiest to hardest phase of this stage of these experiments.
- The MTDJ is only possible due to the unique circumstances involving this Mage Guild. [Just a quick and simple clarification.]
- Earliest Phase 1 availability is mid 89 P.A.
- All other Phases typically available by 104 P.A with ongoing refinement and minor variations until completion.

Phase 1: Spell Casters + 8 magic tattoos which includes the Renegade tattoo focus. Any spell casting background OCC at GM's discretion. All abilities and up to 1D4+1 of the primary OCC skills excluding hand to hand of Player's Choice (only due to often essential unique skills required for that OCC). [See Dragon Juicer Ability #10 for part basic premise; see link above for early vague outline.]
Phase 2: Master Psychics + 8 magic tattoos of player's choice which includes the Renegade tattoo focus. Alternative of any master psychic background OCC/RCC at GM's discretion. All abilities and up to 1D4+1 of the primary OCC skills excluding hand to hand of Player's Choice (only due to often essential unique skills required for that OCC). [Another research branch: For master psychics with significant PPE see: Dragons, various creatures of magic, Nega-Psychic (WB12:Psyscape), and so forth.] [Required a separate area of research that included studying True Atlantean Master Psychic youth (WB21), dragons/creatures of magic with master psychic abilities and spell casting abilities, far more difficult aspects, and so forth.]
Phase 3: Both Spell Caster and Master Psychic +8 magic tattoos of player's choice which includes the Renegade tattoo focus. If any actually qualify for this process: Amaki Master Psychic + Caster; Seeron Human HSS Master Psychic + Caster; Master Psychic + CB2:World Tree Mod; and so forth. All abilities from both and up to 1D4+1 of the primary OCC skills from each (only due to often essential unique skills required for that OCC). [Another research branch.]
Phase 4: Magic Tattoo Focus. All tattoo focus options now available instead of just Renegade: 6 magic tattoos of choice plus 2 limited via tattoo focus. [Advanced Tattoo integration research branch.]
Phase 5: Mandatory Add-On (excluding Man of Steel/Stone), Invulnerability (as spell, BoM). Aims to be Advanced/Elite Veteran and ultimately low-end Epic power scale. [Experimental Elixir (see below) integration]
Phase 6: Inclusion of Man of Steel/Stone, Invulnerability (as Major Super Ability, DB4:Skraypers). Includes Epic power scale elements. [Advanced experimental Elixir (see below) integration]

- Will only perform this procedure upon those of Principled, Scrupulous, Unprincipled, or Aberrant alignments. Only if the Mage Guild creating these experimental juicers somehow managed to run out of suitable volunteers seeking the process would they possibly consider other alignments. Due to location and circumstances they simply won't run out of suitable volunteers: Ongoing local population aspiring to heroics, spell casters of all types visiting town, innumerable mercs and aspiring mercs, and so forth.

ATTRIBUTE REQUIREMENTS: None, except for Background OCC qualification. (WB10)
- 7+ Magic Tattoos: Lack of mandatory moderate IQ and extremely high ME (True Atlanteans; WB2, WB6) normally essentially leads to ongoing insanity gain every 5 or 6 tattoos (Splugorth; WB2, WB21). A simple innate MTDJ magical ability aspect plus non-traumatic tattoo acquisition eliminates this. See Further Magic Tattoo Gain section. [Appropriate interpretation and MTDJ aspect.]

- Any species that is able to undergo a standard Dragon Juicer conversion process (WB10). However any species that can successfully undergo any type of Juicer conversion process usually also qualify. See WB10 for the basics of Non-Human Juicers.
- Becomes able to use magic tattoos regardless of species due to creature type becoming artificial creature of magic, equivalent of a Chiang-Ku for magic tattoo qualification purposes. [Due to the nature of the experiment. See Magic Tattoos section below.]

- Use All the standard bonuses as listed in WB10 (see WB10: Dragon Juicer for details) then add the following extra bonuses (listed by corresponding numbered section). Innate species and caster/psychic constant abilities are also cumulative with any corresponding abilities in the numbered sections below: Nightvision range, keen sense of smell % success and range, and so forth. [Effectively an experimental magical enhancement process...]
- Additionally many power sets from the Phase 5 Mandatory Add-On will replace any prior nightvision range (standard, enhanced, combined) with a special enhanced range.
- For simpler clarification several bonuses/aspects will alternatively be specifically listed as replacing the WB10 ones. Such replacements only refer to that single sentence/line not the entire numbered section.
- The following extra bonuses are almost entirely simply a special enhancement to listed bonuses and so forth included in the experimental process. Along with some basic interpretation of ability functionality and interaction.

1. Supernatural Endurance:
* PE +4
* PE minimum becomes the same final number as for Supernatural Strength below. [Having a PE minimum = Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer (MTDJ) aspect.]
* MDC: Any innate x1.3 (round up any 0.5 or higher), Dragon Juicer Base +54, extra +3 per level, +MDC per Magic Tattoo at True Atlantean rates. [Various extras due to the nature of the experiment.]
* Lesser Fused Harness: Phases 1 to 4. Cannot be sustained by Lesser Monster BBQ. Is fully fused and integrated into the MTDJ as a living component: no separate MDC, and so forth.
* Lesser Fused Harness or standard Fused Harness: Phase 5 (except Flying Juicer) or Renegade. GM discretion, see #9.
* Fused Harness (Standard/Advanced): Phase 6 and Flying Juicer. Can be sustained by Monster BBQ aspect.
* Extra MDC with standard/advanced Fused Harness (P6 and Flying Juicer; GM discretion P5 and Renegade): (HP+SDC)x1.3 = same number of bonus MDC. Any SDC or HP from skills, and so forth also provides bonus MDC at the same rate. [Via the full integration of standard/advanced fused harnesses.]
* Doesn't need to sleep or rest. No resulting penalties. [MTDJ aspect if any doubt.]
* Cannot be turned into traditional vampires (WB1:VK-NR). [Info update.]
* Tends to have a preference for MDC Monster BBQ steaks and so forth.

2. Supernatural Strength:
* PS +4
* Increase minimum PS by + 6.
* For a PS 61-70, and obvious inferred appropriate premise for any higher PS (71-80, etc) see Mystic Kuznya WB18.

3. Enhanced Movement:
* Speed +12.
* Leap extra 12 feet across and 6 feet high. Cumulative with any existing leaping ability or subsequent enhancement.
* Dead stop rate remains same.

4. Enhanced Reflexes:
* Initiative +1.
* Autododge: As per RUE Juicer Autododge [Errata] +1 at every even level past 15th [Updated errata, plus MTDJ extended enhancement including special enhancement bonus. Replaces any WB10 listed autododge bonuses.]
* PP +2
* Increase minimum PP by +5.
* Normal Juicer Penalties: None. [MTDJ aspect.]

5. Enhanced Senses, PPE, ISP:
* Nightvision +30 feet.
* See the Invisible: Vision range: Hawk in light; Nightvision in darkness. [Range clarification only. Replaces any presumed range.]
* Perfect Hawk-like vision: 3 miles or 5 km, able to read a small street/window sign. [Range clarification and simplified numbers only. Replaces any presumed range.]
* Keen sense of smell: Range +30%, % success +30%. Heightened Sense of Smell minus combat bonuses (DB4:Skraypers) or alternatively as per Dog Boy OCC Superior Sense of Smell if DB4:Skraypers book unavailable.

* PPE: Extra +24 (+PE if no caster OCC portion), +1D4x10 per level (instead of caster OCC per level), + Magic Tattoo Focus (if achieved), +Standard per Magic Tattoo, plus previous caster OCC and species PPE. [MTDJ extra PPE bonuses.]
* Initial PPE Recovery Rate: 10 per hour of activity; 20 per hour of rest/sleep/unconscious (4x standard; doesn't sleep); 40 per hour of meditation (also equal to a full hour of relaxing, restorative sleep; double regular rest or sleep PPE rate). Meditation is know to all practitioners of magic (RUE 186) including those via World Tree mod (CB2:Pantheons). If 4x previous spell casting OCC at rest PPE rate is better then use it instead; then double that for meditation. Do not reduce if lower such as for RUE Techno-Wizard. Example: a Ley Line Walker or Rifter base has 7 PPE per hour rest = now 28 PPE per hour of rest = round up to 30 PPE per hour of rest; with 15 PPE per hour meditation = now 60 PPE per hour of meditation; per hour of activity is simply half per hour of rest = 30 /2 = 15/hour activity (for simplicity). The Ley Line Walker/Rifter is the only RUE book caster with an increased PPE recovery rate. [Appropriate innovation and MTDJ aspect.]
* Casting Level: Due to background (or previous) OCC or World Tree mod (or similar) sources only, use Tattooed Dragon Juicers current level. All abilities also level up similar to an artificial patchwork/quasi dragon. [MTDJ aspect.]

* Psionics and Psionics Level: From background (or previous) OCC or random psionics roll only including additional psychic powers gain (or add-on character mod:Azlum/Atlantis, Gene-Splicing, etc). All abilities (except the replaced ISP leveling rate) also level up similar to an artificial patchwork/quasi dragon. [MTDJ aspect.]
- Phase 4, 5, and 6 versions: Any build combinations that would end up with no psychic powers instead have the equivalent of randomly rolled Minor Psychic powers (RUE). Due to part of Phase 3 research/experimentation. [MTDJ aspect.]
* ISP: Due to background (or previous) OCC or random psionics roll only including additional psychic powers gain (or add-on character mod:Azlum/Atlantis, Gene-Splicing, etc), use Tattooed Dragon Juicers current level. If any then gains +1D4x10 ISP per Dragon Juicer level (instead of standard or psychic OCC per level). Similar to an artificial patchwork/quasi dragon. [MTDJ aspect.]
* ISP Recovery Rate: 5 per hour of activity, 10 per hour of rest/sleep/unconscious (doesn't sleep), 20 per hour of meditation. Only applicable to those with ISP. [MTDJ aspect.]

* Meditation: A general meditation technique, benefiting from all meditation-based effects: PPE recovery, ISP recovery, and so forth. [Appropriate interpretation]

6. Saving Throw Bonuses:
* +1 vs psionics.
* +1 vs mind control (psionic & chemical).
* +2 vs toxic gases, poisons, and other drugs.
* +2 vs Horror Factor.
* Artificial (Induced) Creature of Magic. [Simply for Clarification.]
* Uses Dragon Experience Table (RUE): Including Ancient Dragon Experience Table (RUE page 350; WB2; GMG) up to level 30 (see WB30:Demon-Dragonmage level 30 reference) utilizing obvious level 27 to 30 XP per level extended amounts. Utilized for all Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer combinations. [Replaces standard.]

7. Regenerates: 1D8 MDC per melee (average of 18 MDC per minute). [Replaces standard.]
* +6% vs coma/death.

8. Reduced Lifespan (replaces standard): 8 years 0 months plus 1D6 years (rounded up from 11D6 months). [Replaces standard.]
* All +100% per 500 years of maximum lifespan for non-standard species: ratio for typically non-human juicers, such as True Atlanteans with 500 year lifespan. [Variant math; WB10: Non-Human Juicers.]
* Or unlimited via immortality (see Man of Steel and Man of Stone below; Phase 6 only).

9. Intense Personality:
* Dragon Juicer Nightmares: None. [MTDJ aspect.]
* Gains one of the two following options at character creation/1st level instead of other Dragon Juicer insanities later on: [Replaces standard]
-- Phases 1 to 4: Lesser Monster BBQ: Non-dragon version of Monster BBQ (see below) which only includes Hates Bugs of All Kinds. No frenzy. See Phase 6.
-- Phase 5 (except Flying Juicer) or Any Phase Renegade: GM discretion for this phase. Either simply Lesser Monster BBQ option (P1-4); or full fused harness with the P6 Monster BBQ option. Further GM discretion whether to include Frenzy as part of Monster BBQ (P6) in this experimental Phase 5.
-- Phase 6 and Flying Juicer:
--- Monster BBQ: Dietary requirements include MDC Monster steaks and so forth with a preference for animalistic evil dragons such as the Hydra (CB1 original) and similar. BBQ Juicer's professional magical BBQ process is the preferred method for this food prep. Replaces Dragon Vampire Option. Frenzy + Hates Bugs below replace the standard Dragon Juicer Dragon Vampire extra "insanities". Alternative necessary food prep is a giant TW BBQ (6 feet length x 5 feet height x 4 foot depth) which requires 100 PPE to activate for one hour preparing up to enough food prep for one MTDJ adventuring group for one meal. [Game-play appropriateness adjustment.]
--- Frenzy (Enhanced): Intense Anger (RUE page 57; additional +3 Autododge bonus; p/d/s/r extra +2; SDC bonus is MDC bonus, damage bonus applies to both SD and MD die rolls; any dice x10 rolls add +5 instead of +1D6) [Original adjusted/enhanced for appropriate game-play variant].
--- Hates Bugs of All Kinds (Lore:Xiticix RUE 333). Only a genuinely dangerous insectoid may prompt a Frenzy: Xiticix, and so forth. Carefully arranged violence focusing training techniques. The absurd need to crush standard bugs completely fades for each MTDJ upon reaching 2nd to 5th level. Roll 1D4+1 once upon reaching each level between 2nd and 5th. Rolling equal or less than current level means it has faded for that individual MTDJ. Obviously automatically fading upon reaching 5th level if it was still present at 4th. However they still consider Xiticix a priority target if encountered and an ongoing overall threat to Rifts Earth.

10. Dragon Vulnerabilities: Any effect that does extra damage to dragons has same bonus against the Dragon Juicer. [Good to note for the nature of Dragon Juicers. Not just an artificial creature of magic but also actually an artificial quasi-dragon.]

11. Enemies:
* Dragons: Are usually extremely cautious or even lethally hostile around any dragon juicers.
* Splugorth: Any creature with magic tattoos will become a priority target to any Splugorth minion hunting parties. [MTDJ aspect.]
* Psyscape Residents: Any tattooed dragon juicers, due to an unfortunate mysterious past event and mass psychic vision amongst Psyscape Residents. [MTDJ aspect.]
* Xiticix: MTDJs tend to tactically exterminate Xiticix with extreme resolve whenever encountered (see #9 above). [MTDJ aspect.]
* Monster Stomping: Phases 4-6, See Obsession Monsters in Tattoo Focus. [MTDJ aspect.]

SKILL SETS: As Dragon Juicer, Juicer Gladiator, Juicer Assassin, or Juicer Scout (WB10:Juicer Uprising). Alternatively the Gladiator OCC (Mercenary Adventures) with the Juicer (Juicer Variant) special background type however its skills also include all of the OCC's special abilities bonuses (essentially just advanced physical skills and bonuses). [Quick summary of standard possibilities.]
- Duplicate Skills: The background OCC, Juicer Skills, Tattoo Focus, or Phase 5/6 Mandatory Add-Ons may result in duplicated specific skills. If that occurs retain the highest skill modifier version and replace each lower mod duplicate one with 1 bonus OCC Related Skill (for selected Skill Set). Two of same = keep highest mod and replace extra one with 1 duplicate/1 bonus; three of same = 2 duplicates/2 bonus skills; four of same = 3 duplicates/3 bonus skills.
-- Example: Tracking (Espionage Skill) Obtained From: Background OCC (selected so as to be replaced), Juicer Scout, Undead Slayer, Invisibility. Invisibility providing the skill at +40% (presumably the highest modifier / skill total %) then the remaining 3 duplicates of the same skill would be replaced with 3 bonus OCC Related Skills selected from the Juicer Scout OCC Related skill availability list.
- Juicer Gladiator OCC WB10 (NOT Gladiator OCC Mercenary Adventures): Can upgrade its hand to hand combat skill to Hand to Hand Commando at a cost of two OCC Related skills. [MTDJ aspect; see RUE Crazy and Robotic Pilot for similar availability.]
- Hand to Hand Skills At 16th and Higher Levels: Simply repeat the bonuses per level by adding +15 to the standard level. HOWEVER all numbers utilized are reduce to a value of "1" regardless of the listed number: Starts with 4 attacks/melee becomes "+1 attack/action per melee"; Critical Strike on 18,19, or 20 simply increases the repeated range by 1 to 17,18,19, or 20; Critical Strike or Knockout from behind (triple damage) modifies repeated multiplier by 1 to become Critical Strike or Knockout from Behind (quadruple damage). [An appropriate simple innovation. Vaguely similar to HTH Dragon 16+ levels RUE.]
-- HTH 16th+: Holds, Maneuvers, Punches, Kicks, and various Dice Values: For individual or multiple dice simply add one die per attack action: 1D4 (1 attack) becomes 2D4 (1 attack); 3D6 (2 attacks) becomes 5D6 (2 attacks); and so forth. For any die rolls that are multiplied by ten simply add +5 damage per attack action: 1D4x10 (1 attack) becomes 1D4x10 +5 (1 attack); 1D6x10 (2 attacks) becomes 1D6x10 +10 (2 attacks); and so forth. [An appropriate simple innovation.]
-- HTH 16th+: Repeated WP Paired Weapons: Retains original WP Paired Weapons and gains WP Quick Draw. Both are general purpose Ancient WPs essentially related to speed of attacks (multiple simultaneous vs attacking sooner) and ultimately simply instead of nothing at all. [An appropriate simple innovation.]
- Weapon Proficiencies At 16th and Higher Levels: Same manner as for Hand to Hand skills at 16th+ levels. [An appropriate simple innovation.]

MAGIC TATTOOS: [Almost entirely experimental elements functioning in combinations that are not normally available but are: Possible, plausible, and appropriate in this instance. All adjustments are due to the nature of the experiment.]
* Species: Able to use magic tattoos regardless of species: Creature type is now artificial creature of magic, equivalent of a Chiang-Ku for magic tattoo qualification purposes. The standard additional penalties for magic tattoo acquisition such as those for elves do not apply via this process.
* Master Psychics: Includes eliminating any restriction on use for Master Psychics.
* Spell-Casters: Use magic tattoos without double PPE cost. Retain all spell casting abilities at 7+ magic tattoos. If a spell caster then may use higher of spell casting OCC level or Dragon Juicer level when casting.
* Activating Magic Tattoos: Touches tattoo and concentrates focusing the PPE on the tattoo to bring it to life. At 7th level or higher can activate tattoos by concentration alone (no need to touch the tattoo). Either way it takes one action to activate one tattoo. (WB2)
- Those with a T-Archer Focus (see below) can activate both a Power Bow and Power Arrow simultaneously requiring only a single action total. [Due to certain canon wording it leans towards this possibility. However this can be considered as special Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer benefit limited to just T-Archer Focus builds (Minor Fix #1) and only the precise combination of a simultaneous activation of T-Archer type only: Power Bow and Power Arrow. A special minor innate magical ability add-on.]
* Magic Tattoo Acquisition: A Tattooed Dragon Juicer gaining Magic Tattoos is limited to a maximum of two (any type) every six months (WB2 Slightly obscure references). Each Magic Tattoo adds True Atlantean rates of MDC and PPE (WB2:Undead Slayer, etc).
* First Level: Begins at level one with 8 total magic tattoos: 6 of choice, plus two of limited choice determined by tattoo focus. Time between each pair of magic tattoos was six months. Magic Tattoos are always bestowed two at a time. Has spent six months in a special Dimensional Envelope in a regenerative Stasis Field for each pair of magic tattoos. A total of two years including conversion process time/training. These have not reduced his Juicer Lifespan in any way.
* Further Magic Tattoo Gain: Listed after tattoo focus.

* MAGIC TATTOO FOCUS: Phases 4 - 6: Select one of the following: [Simple thematic elements with familiar old canon titles for ease of use.]

* Assassin: Any listed focus type is typically suitable for a variety of Assassin styles.

* Elite: 7th and 8th Magic Tattoos: Any two magic tattoos of choice: (WB2) [Generalist Tattoo Focus rather than Specialist Tattoo Focus.]
- Maxi-Man bonuses number 4 (WB2) and 1D4x10 PPE. 5 OCC Related Skills limited to the Player's already chosen Skill Set.

* Monster Summoner: 7th and 8th Magic Tattoos: Two Monster Tattoos of choice: (WB2)
- Half PPE cost for Monster Tattoos, Tattooed Man bonuses numbers: 2 (random PPE as bonus) and 4 (WB2). ALL Lore Skills (ALL Rifts Earth regions) as OCC skills at +30%.

* Monster Hunter: 7th and 8th Magic Tattoos: Two Monster-Shaping Tattoos of choice: (WB6)
- Atlantean Monster Hunter bonuses numbers: 2 (Random PPE as bonus), 4 (Random MDC as bonus) and 12 (Minor bonuses, remains an artificial creature of magic). OCC Skills at +30%: Concealment, Disguise, Impersonation, Intelligence and Tracking (Espionage Skill).

* Renegade: 7th and 8th Magic Tattoos: Any two magic tattoos of choice: (Reminiscent to WB2)
- Experimental prototype. No special focus bonuses, abilities, or skills, except for Obsession:Monsters (see below). (See Renegade Tattooed Dragon Juicers section below).

* T-Archer: 7th and 8th Magic Tattoos: 1 Power Weapon (Bow or Crossbow with Flames) and 1 Power Arrow (with wings): Either tattoo may include additional combo options at player's choice. (WB21)
[2nd of 2 minor fixes to Power Bow/Arrow magic tattoos availability/usage only possible via utilizing this T-Archer focus in conjunction with a special minor innate magical ability add-on. A shortcut until the Mage Guild has time to properly/fully fix the tattoos. Original amusingly appropriate innovations mainly as appropriate story/limitation elements.]
- Regular PPE cost for Power Bows and Power Arrows (double PPE for any other tattoo focus unless they achieve the standard prerequisite tattoos; WB21), Tattoo Archer Abilities numbers 5, 7, 8 (WB21), and 1D4x10 PPE. OCC Skills: Sniper, WP Archery, and WP Targeting.

* Undead Slayer: 7th and 8th Magic Tattoos: Power Invulnerability and Prot from Vampires: (WB2)
- Undead Slayer Bonuses numbers 2 (random PPE as bonus), 4 (random MDC as bonus), 7 (Sense Vampires), and 12 (Minor bonuses, remains an artificial creature of magic). OCC Skills +30% each: Intelligence, Tracking (Espionage Skill), Track and Trap Animals, and Wilderness Survival. Includes Lore:Vampires/Undead 98% (WB1-NR).

All Magic Tattoo Focus Selection Include:
* Intense Personality: Obsession Monsters loves fighting them: T-Monster Man "Insanity" (WB2) includes an extra bonus of +1 autododge. Essentially the combat bonus version of Monster Stomping by being heroes (see Crime Busting, RUE page 338). [Necessary MTDJ aspect.]

Further Magic Tattoo Gain:
- Further Magic Tattoo Gain Remains Possible: As long as the Tattoo Dragon Juicer remains on good terms with the Mage Guild. For adventurers this means bringing back a relevant valuable sample that may be of use in Mage Guild research. Blood from other creatures of magic, rare dragon types, and similar; preferably as powerful as Ancient Dragon Blood, full Demon-Dragonmage Blood, or similarly interesting. If in doubt should bring back several completely different sample types. Earns a pair of magic tattoos for EACH SUCH RETURN.
- Limited To Two Every Six Months: For practicality it presumes up to 3 or 4 days earlier than actual 6 months. Typically further limited to a maximum of two tattoos per level regardless of tattoo focus. At GM's discretion up to 10 additional could be made available over time regardless of level yet still subject to 2 per 6 month limit. This is due to starting with ten less than most standard Magic Tattoo OCCs.
- Only available on/around April 1 and October 1 each year when the wandering True Atlantean Tattoo Master visits the Mage Guild in Tek Town twice each year. Obtaining a tattoo takes only 10 minutes (maximum of 144 tattoos per day). Deaden Pain (healing psionics) and similar are used to suppress the pain. Individuals are then immediately escorted to an available Healing Pool which inexplicably speeds up recovery time from each tattoo regardless of type to a mere four hours (see Legitimate Humanoid Mercenary Groups). Thereafter an individual can obtain their second Magic Tattoo repeating the process. If both pools are occupied by mercenary companies the most recent arrival will be informed of the special circumstances requiring its use.
- Presumably Any Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer Who Reaches 30th Level: Could continue to obtain two additional magic tattoos every six months in the absence of actual level gain. Ironically its only game-play OCC arrangement that actually limits it to per level (unrelated but interesting to compare/contrast to spell gain for a Ley Line Walker). Seemed like an amusing perk to add to 30th level abilities to give such high level folks something to do.
- Insanities From Further Magic Tattoo Acquisition: None. The nature of this method for magic tattoo acquisition prevents the development of further insanities due to Magic Tattoo Acquisition: Deaden Pain, Healing Pool, experimental magical innate aspects, and so forth. (See Attribute Requirements above)

EXPERIMENTAL MANDATORY ADD-ON: Phase 5 and 6; Invulnerability P5/P6, Steel P6 only, Stone P6 only:
- Result from including an experimental version of the Elixir of Power and Deceit incorporated into the conversion process.

One permanent Power Set of choice limited to: [Advanced thematic elements with familiar old canon titles for ease of use.]
- All Auras: All auras are typically limited by the Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer's maximum carrying weight. Auras effectively temporarily enchants any worn armor allowing the aura and any power set abilities to technically project beyond it unimpeded. However the basic auras will not bypass a hostile or unwilling target's armor in the same manner: similar to automatically saving versus an optional save versus magic. The specific combat elements otherwise function as listed. Spell casting and other magic can be channeled unimpeded through any worn armor due to this enchantment as well. If otherwise unlisted all have this aura further limited to affecting up to maximum carrying weight and a 10 foot radius. [Game-play appropriate solution/implementation. Functions as if the temporarily enchanted armor/items had the same enchantments as aura similar to a magic weapon/armor. Further effect of that enchantment functioning as a conduit/extension of the ongoing aura effect. Challenging the limits of possibilities though mostly an overly elaborate explanation for "why it functions" rather than simply "does function". See Power Weapon spell (BoM) and other item enhancement spells/magics, Apocalypse Demon War's Weapon Meld power (WB4), and so forth. For vaguely similar notions consider a rudimentary magical version of Telemechanic Possession (RUE) or Mechano-Link major super ability (DB4). Finally it is also similar to a more direct but temporary equivalent of the RMB Techno-Wizard Armor and Vehicle enhancements which are still utilized in RUE via Techno-Wizard starting armor and vehicle.]
- Each character has a Physical Strength with a corresponding carrying weight (in excess of their own body weight - just a game play aspect). This is used for the total combined limits of all: Armor worn, gear carried, and aura weight limits. Regardless of the number of aura aspects applied to any affected target the weight of that target is only included once. Ultimately the more a Juicer type is carrying personally the less he can affect via his weight limited aura.
- Also see MDC Armor and Force Fields.
- Magical Ranged Attacks: Auto-Hit ones have an inherent limitation of being dodge-able. The Strike Bonus one also has to successfully hit a target in addition to being dodge-able.
- Magical Innate Abilities: Varying degrees of abilities that are essentially magical enhanced abilities or even simply magical versions/variants of Super Abilities. These are however Impervious to Negate Super Abilities/Powers effects. Some are also spell equivalent abilities which are either constant, activated per attack, or constant with on/off ability.
- Damage Modifiers: Double or Triple Damage to certain target types or targets with specific damage vulnerabilities: Melee Weapon Cold Aura, Lightblade, Blue Lightblade, Blue Light Blast, and so forth. These are preemptive damage multipliers and are not cumulative with any existing creature vulnerability damage modifiers. Simply use the higher of any multiple vulnerability specific damage modifiers. Basically all creatures with that specific vulnerability typically take double damage from such an attack. To simplify things those effects have essentially listed this common/standard effect as part of the attack ability description. Example: A Melee Weapon Cold Aura has the automatic benefit of double damage to those creatures vulnerable to cold. However since most if not all such creatures already have this x2 vulnerability it is not cumulative. The weapon bonus is simply more of a game-play courtesy/benefit.
- All Phase 5 and 6 Abilities: Unless otherwise listed all activated abilities require 1 attack, no PPE to use (similar to a dragon's breath weapon, etc), and Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer level for level based effects. [Basic clarification.]
- Fused Harness: Occurs for all Phase 6 versions and Flying Juicer; at GM discretion also for all Phase 5 and Renegade. The Dragon Juicer and his harness fuse together (similar to a Murder Wraith). Automatically has the “Monster BBQ” aspect must feeding on any dragon at least once every six months but otherwise does not have to eat, drink, or breathe. See #9 for corresponding Intense Personality aspects.
- Anti-Magic/Non-Magical Environments: Occurs for all Phase 6 versions and Flying Juicer; at GM discretion for all Phase 5 and Renegade. Is completely unhindered and unaffected by Anti-Magic, being in non-magic environments, or ley line storm damage/drain/etc, including Universal Balance, and so forth. Extends to anything worn, carried, cast (spells), activated (tattoos), and so forth up to two feet in any direction from the Juicer's body.

* Control Fire: Bonuses: +10 ME, +10 MA, +10 Perception, +5 versus Horror Factor. Extinguish Fire (2nd; RUE) and Incinerate Magical Barrier (functions as a Dispel Magic Barriers spell - 7th, RUE; except when attempted the target area also explodes in an otherwise harmless burst of fire). All four are magical innate abilities equivalent of each for 1 action to use, zero PPE, and Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer level for level based effects. Can also concentrate on a non-instantaneous effect to maintain it indefinitely plus regular duration afterwards including Fire Aura (below).
- Fire Aura: Functions as either a magical fire in a mobile 10 foot radius sphere OR mobile melee weapon aura, selectable as inflicting 1D4x10 SD or MD (or any damage from 1 to 10). Can only have one aura type active at a time: Radius or melee weapons. Sphere AOE: Damages creatures at the end of each full melee remained in, effectively inflicted at the start of each subsequent melee before any other actions. [Eliminates exploitable game-play elements. Per melee damage vaguely similar to River of Lava, Fire Elemental/Warlock spell, BoM, original CB1, and so forth.] Self contained fire and smoke filled area. All beings within it are effectively blinded unless they can see/sense through fire and smoke (RUE page 344). Ranged attacks from outside the sphere are effectively unimpeded due to the BBQ Juicer always being in the exact center of the sphere. [Game-play simplicity.] Ongoing smoke effects not generally relevant unless no air filtration/supply/magical breathing and constant exposure for 5+ minutes (see Burster Ability #1, RUE). The sphere also provides basic light in darkness in a 50 foot radius. Melee Weapon Fire Aura Only: Adds the damage to any one melee weapon without damaging the weapon (see Impervious below): 1 hand (punching), 1 foot (kicking), or 1 melee weapon up to five feet in length. Magical Weapon: Base Weapon Damage type also becomes magical (in case of any relevance) vaguely similar to a Power Weapon spell effect (BoM). A normal club does magical physical damage, a silver plated sword does magical silver damage, a vibro weapon does magical physical damage, and so forth. Rarely relevant: Vampires (WB1:VK-NR), and so forth. This enhancement only exists while wielded via melee weapon fire aura. WP Paired Weapons: Can envelope a 2nd melee weapon at 5th level to use in off-hand; if more than two arms plus hands are somehow present then can envelop an additional weapon at 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th; plus two at 30th (8 total). Alternatively a foot for kicking though it simply provides options not benefits from WP Paired. Provides light equivalent in darkness adjustable between the weapon only up to a 10 foot radius. Example: Wielding a fire aura enveloped 1D6x10 MD rune weapon or hand punching for 1D6x10 MD would inflict an additional 1D4x10 MD magical fire damage from the attack. Creating or ending up to maximum allowable weapon aura envelopements is a single bonus action (similar to movement) allowable a maximum of once per normal action/attack. BBQ Via Variations of Both: Can be used to BBQ items up to carrying limits within the listed size limits: Leg of Rhino Buffalo, and so forth.
- Intense Fire Blast: Creates a magical fire blast, selectable as needed inflicting 1D4x10 MD or SD at 1st, 2D4x10 at 5th, 2D6x10 at 10th, 3D6x10 at 15th, 4D6x10 at 20th, 5D6x10 at 25th, 1D4x100 at 30th [A logical damage progression], 100 feet range per level; save auto-hit unless total Dodge 20 + Dragon Juicer's level or higher. All are unlimited use, usable at will. Each requiring only a single action to use. Called Shots are still two actions. Intense Fire Blast can also be used for called shots (2 actions).
- Important RUE Magical Fire Immunity and Resistance Side Note: Magical Fire attacks tend to be one of the easiest MD magical attacks to be immune to or be resistant to (half damage from). RUE: Burster, Dragons (often haphazardly worded, note fire breath weapons; at GMs discretion), Armor of Ithan spell (3rd) and Impervious to Fire spell (3rd) are both also standard RMB TW Armor/Vehicle addition still available as of RUE (see RUE TW gear), Impervious to Fire Physical Psionic Power [GM discretion], Skull Engulfed in Magic Flames Magic Tattoo (WB2), and so forth. [Equals: The most common MDC spell, another common 3rd level spell, easy access minor psi power, a magic tattoo, ...]
- Impervious to Fire, Plasma, Napalm, and extreme Heat (including magic and psionic versions): Which also includes an undetectable persistent aura that protects anything worn or carried; up to carrying limits, and a maximum of a 10 foot radius, similar to an extendable form fitting personal force field/aura. However any/all carried items do not have to be protected at the BBQ Juicer's discretion. Hawk-Like Full Vision Range (see Abilities #5 above): Includes Nightvision, Thermal, and Infrared capabilities. Breathing and Sight unimpeded: By smoke, fire, and gases. Sense Fire: Any and all within 200 feet +20 feet per level, direction, intensity, confined or spreading, and so forth regardless of intervening material (except structures or force fields with 230 or more MDC).
- 1st Level Professional Magical BBQ Process: The preferred method for the Monster BBQ food prep for MTDJ special magical sustenance requirements.
- 10th Level: Bypasses All Resistance to Magical Fire Abilities: These resistances are typically half or partial damage from magical fire. BBQ and Tundra Juicers remain immune/healed by this fire (pesky escalation). [See WB18:Mystic Kuznya, copper weapons for similar effect; See Immunities Spoiler for general info.]
- 20th Level: Bypasses All Impervious to Magical Fire Abilities: These are immunities to magical fire even those of a magical fire type. BBQ and Tundra Juicers remain immune/healed by this fire (pesky escalation). [Same as for 10th.]
- Bonus Skills: Cook – Professional Quality: All Barbeque Equivalent Only 98% (because its darn funny), Firefighting 98%, Preserve Food 98%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 98%, WP Blunt, WP Paired. [BBQ Juicer. Innovative abilities balanced against numerous immunities to magical fire.]

* Control Wind: Bonuses: +10 PS, +10 PP, +1D4x10 MDC, +7 MDC per level. Breathe Without Air: Automatically and constantly breathe without air (anywhere: Vacuum, underwater, encased) including Impervious to all gases (including magical). Impervious to: SDC and MDC cold (including magical and psionic), vacuum of outer-space, and has unlimited depth tolerance in water/liquid. Float in Air: Stationary hover (up to 3 feet off surface), unlimited falling without damage, float on water without a boat (even includes body armor, power armor, and light vehicles up to aura limits as long as it is not impenetrable to magic), is automatic and constant unless specifically 'turned off'. Breathe, Impervious, and Float: Are also included as part of an undetectable persistent aura that protects anything worn or carried; up to carrying limits and a maximum of a 10 foot radius, similar to an extendable form fitting personal force field/aura. Wind Blast: Creates a magical force blast, 1D4x10 MD at 1st, 2D4x10 at 5th, 2D6x10 at 10th, 3D6x10 at 15th, 4D6x10 at 20th, 5D6x10 at 25th, 1D4x100 at 30th, 1000 feet + 400 feet range per level, strike bonus +5 plus Dragon Juicer level plus WP Targeting (which includes PP Bonus). All unlimited use, usable at will, and one action per usage (or to initiate or end). Called Shots are still two actions. Enhancing Primitive Ranged Weaponry - Only one projectile during any one action: WP Archery, WP Targeting, thrown WP Heavy Military Weapons (grenades), ancient weapons capable of a thrown weapon bonus, improvised thrown weapons including ancient WPs without a bonus, up to half maximum carrying weights (see WP Targeting), and so forth: Eliminates strike penalties for awkward items, provides extra +5 to strike, and range is +400 feet per level. Due to integration this bonus is applied separately afterwards to the range of Magic Tattoos of ranged weapons and ammunition. Modern single bullet equivalent attacks could also be enhanced. Further the ongoing self propelled nature of a missile renders it uncontrollable unless it is hurled without actually being fired (armed with rocket off somehow). However cannot be applied to multiple projectiles: Flechettes (Boom Gun, Shemarrian Rail Gun, Shotgun), burst fire (Rail guns, submachine-guns, machine-guns), dual firing handguns, throwing two small items, and so forth. Hawk-Like Full Vision Range: (see Abilities #5 above) Includes Nightvision, all enhanced to 5 mile/8 km range. Bonus Skills: WP Archery, WP Handguns, WP Heavy MD Weapons, WP Heavy Military Weapons, WP Quick Draw, WP Rifles, and WP Targeting. [Boulder Juicer.]

* Dragon Strength: Bonuses: +10 IQ, +10 ME, +10 MA, +25 PS, +25 PE, +1D4x100 MDC, +1D4x10 MDC per level, +1D4x100 PPE, +1D4x10 PPE per level, +1D4x10 ISP, +10 ISP per level, reduced lifespan increases to 100+1D6x10 years (this is treated as its base amount for Dragon Juicer Ability #8; so a True Atlantean would have +100% due to 500 year base lifespan yielding a 200+2D6x10 years lifespan). Teleport Self and up to maximum carrying limit (whole objects only): 5 mile range, once per minute, 50% +3% per level chance of activation (100% at 17th). Becomes 50 mile range, once per melee, remaining 100% at 20th. Then 500 mile range, once per action, and 100% at 30th. Mini-Teleport: Range 30 feet LOS only (even partial LOS), 100% success, unlimited usage, as free part of movement portion of any action. Teleport Autododge: Range 30 feet, 100% success, unlimited usage, usable freely at will as part of autododge which now includes teleport autododge. Both Mini-Teleport and Teleport Audodge: Allows next attack to be from behind via teleport versus any attacker, providing Critical Strike from Behind (Double Damage) at 1st level. Combines normally with other Critical Strike from Behind damage bonus applies (such as HTH Expert level 13's ability; x2 is really +100% to base damage, x3 is really +200% to base damage). Sense Ley Lines and Nexus Points: 3 mile range, general direction and nearness only. Sense Dragons: (RUE page 158 - Magic) All types of dragons including all types of Dragon Juicers (Standard and Magic Tattoo), 3 mile range, general direction and nearness. Also recognize on direct sight regardless of metamorphosis. All can be blocked via Mystic Invisibility (Mercenary Adventures) or equivalent. Hawk-Like Full Vision Range: (see Abilities #5 above) Includes Nightvision, all enhanced to 5 mile/8 km range.
- Minimum Psionic Abilities: As per Background OCC, random, or minimum random Minor equivalent.
-- Background OCC Minor: Those which are limited to predetermined Minor psionic abilities (Techno-Wizard, etc) simply become Major Psionics via the following additions: Six Minor Psionics of player's choice from any of Healing, Physical, and Sensitive.
-- Species Minor/Major: Any specific species with their own random/species minor versions can be upgraded to their standard Major. Corresponding base ISP.
-- MTDJ Minimum: Standard random Minor upgraded to standard random Major.
-- Psionic Abilities Progression - All Major Types: One additional Minor of choice at every even level (2nd, 4th, etc). One Super-Psionic power at every fifth level (5th, 10th, etc). [Somewhat uncommon enhanced Major; See Mystic RUE, and so forth.]
-- Master Psychics: Skip these adjustments (except MTDJ ISP/level and ISP bonuses) and simply use their standard abilities.
-- ALL: Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer ISP progression, plus Dragon Strength bonuses.
- Bonus Skill: Acrobatics or Gymnastics at +30%; Native Languages: Demongogian 98%, Dragonese/Elven 98%; Literacy Native Languages: Demongogian 98%, Dragonese/Elven 98%; Lore:Faeries & Creatures of Magic +40%; +1 OCC Related skill at every even level (2nd, 4th, etc) limited to the Player's already chosen Skill Set (Dragon Juicer, Gladiator, etc). [Teleport Juicer; concentrates on the core aspects of a generic dragon including longevity similar to a very minor version of Phase 6 options.]

* Impervious to Fire and Cold: Bonuses: +10 PS, +10 PP, +10 PE, +2D4x10 Speed, +15 Speed per level, +2D4x10 MDC, and +7 MDC per level, +5 strike, +5 parry. Land Speed also includes Swimming Speed including lava and any liquid.
- Land Speed also includes: Traveling at full speeds unhindered over slippery surfaces regardless of footwear (x-country skis, downhill skis, skates, snowboards): ice, uneven ice, oil covered, snow or slush covered, and so forth. Does not sink into any snow related. Any snow (or slush) traveled on ends up with a perfect sheet of ice in its wake within the limits of the size of the aura (see below). This occurs as its traveled over allowing an ice surface rate of speed. Due to nearly frictionless surface and innate magical abilities can actually travel at 10x normal land speed on ice, ice covered snow, oil covered or equivalent. Snow and slush become just as speedy. Also applicable to slightly uneven ice such as frozen bodies of water (lakes, rivers, ponds, etc). This is effectively simply an extension to their natural movement/speed types. The frozen wake can actually function as a MDC ice road if sufficient frozen and semi-frozen water (ice, snow, slush) is already along that path. However except for the moment of its conversion (a magical catalyst effect) and it is not technically magical (similar to the ice version of an ironwood spell - see WB1:VK-NR, Ironwood Weapons #1 for similar). However it will melt normally as per local conditions and further treated as only SDC versus fire/heat (1 MDC = 100 SDC). It also takes double damage from all MD fire. 1 cubic foot of this ice has 60 MDC and weighs 60 lbs. Any items made from this will otherwise function as ice versions of Ironwood spell items/weapons (BoM, FoM?) as long as it remains in below freezing temperatures. Upon reaching melting temperatures it destabilizes and melts in one melee.
- Hawk-Like Full Vision Range (see Abilities #5 above): Includes Nightvision, Thermal, and Infrared capabilities, as well as being unimpeded by smoke, fire, and gases.
- Self and Aura: Magical innate abilities which are also applied to an undetectable persistent aura that protects anything worn or carried; up to carrying limits and a maximum of 10 foot radius, similar to an extendable form fitting personal force field/aura. Carrying limit is simply a secondary magical limit further applied to the aura even when not directly carried. Does not prevent fire-based effects from being utilized just prevents any protected creatures/object from being affected by them. However any/all carried items do not have to be protected at the Tundra Juicer's discretion. Also it cannot be used offensively: Cannot extinguish a Burster, BBQ Juicer, Fire Elemental, and so forth.
-- Unlimited Depth Tolerance: In any liquid: Oceans/water, lava, and so forth.
-- Magical Breathe Without Air: Automatically and constantly breathe without air (Anywhere: Vacuum, underwater, encased) including Impervious to all gases (including magical).
-- Impervious to SDC and MDC: Fire, Plasma, Napalm, Extreme Heat, and Cold; includes Magical and Psionic versions.
-- Can float and swim unhindered in Lava: Including magical. Natural swimming ability at Tundra Juicer's speed while they remain within the aura.
-- Land Speed on Nearly Frictionless Surfaces: Protected individuals find themselves able to move at the Dragon Juicer's frictionless surface speed while they remain within this aura. Essentially becomes an additional natural movement type and speed while within the aura. Vaguely similar to the Flying Juicer atmospheric aura effect. Some coordination of turns and so forth may be required via minor communication. [Mostly for simplicity and game-play.]
-- Healing Absorption of All MD from mundane, magical, and psionic: Fire, Plasma, Napalm, and Extreme Heat is absorbed and instead Heals the Dragon Juicer for the same amount instead of inflicting damage. Example: A fire bolt hits him for 20 MD which actually heals him for 20 MDC. Cannot exceed normal maximum MDC. The aura portion only heals the Dragon Juicer. Any AOE effects that hit multiple aura protected targets only heal the Dragon Juicer once. Ongoing AOE effects typically do damage each melee, which is a separate instance of damage. Can be healed by BBQ Juicer's attacks by either choosing not to autododge/dodge those attacks if possible or by via SDC PS damage pulled punches with MD melee weapon fire aura.
- Melee Weapon Cold Aura: Magical cold damage version of the Melee Weapon Fire Aura Only above. Includes modern melee and magical weapons: TW Chainsaw, Juicer Chainsaw, Vibro-Blades, and so forth. Double Damage: Cold aura portion inflicts double Damage to fire-based creatures (replaced by any listed higher cold vulnerability multiplier) and Control Fire/BBQ Juicers. Immunity to Disarm: Selectable additional benefit of harmlessly freezing the wielded weapon to active aura hand to prevent disarming (1 action to do so). Can be discontinued at any time for 1 action. Minor Non-Combat Usage: Can be used to freeze water to make weapon-sized amounts of normal SDC ice which melts as per normal ice. Can also make MDC ice (same stats as above) but only possible in environments with an actively ongoing temperature below water freezing: Cold winter, arctic, walk-in freezer, and so forth. However once removed from that ongoing cold the MDC ice quickly destabilizes and melts in one melee. Can also instantly freeze food (which thaw at non-magical rates) or actively keep an item up to Melee Weapon Cold Aura size limits frozen (leftovers hehe); and so forth. Cold Aura MDC Ice Melee Weapon: The most advanced usage of all of this is: the Tundra Juicer can form and continuously actively maintain any MDC ice weapon out of water/ice/snow/slush (by not protecting it vs the story-element freezing aspect from the cold of the weapon aura). Thus enabling it to inflict physical MD equal to his supernatural strength punch damage plus the cold aura damage. Ceasing to maintain the freezing of the item via cold aura weapon limits (setting it down, being disarmed, and so forth) means only having one action to begin affecting it again before it ceases to have combat capabilities. It completely destabilizes and melts after one melee without the constant freezing. Can also freeze it to one's own hand to prevent disarm as above. Typically formed into Ice Swords or Knives with fencing damage bonus (below), WP Sword/WP Knife, and WP Paired benefits. Physical Ice Weapon: Inflicts Magical Physical Damage (only while wielded) and remains indestructible while wielded (similar to Supernatural Damage and Hand Weapons - last line, Rue 286). Cold Weapon Aura: Magical Cold Damage. [Magic cold has almost as many immunites and resistance availabilities as Magic fire.]
- Bonus Skills:
-- Art - Professional Quality: Ice Sculpting/Forming Only (including fully functional ancient weaponry without moving parts) 98%. Note: Without the Tundra Juicer's special abilities basic ice sculpting is ideally be done via chainsaws. See examples via various Search Engines if truly bored (mostly semi-commercial sites so I didn't list any here).
-- Fencing: Adds +5 MD to #D#x10 MD attacks instead of +1D6 for appropriate simplified usage; damage bonus can be considered to be equivalent to critical hit bonus damage - inferred plausible nature. Further applied to chainsaws, and similar. [Appropriately expanding/clarifying/simplifying basic Fencing benefits.]
-- WP Pole Arm: Including chainsaw and similar tech usage; closest relevant WP barring GM preference; see TW Chainsaws, TW Sawstaff, Juicer Chainsaws, and so forth. (BoM, FoM?, WB10, etc)
-- WP Knife, WP Sword, WP Paired, Wilderness Survival 98%. [Tundra Juicer; Similar in name to Tundra Rangers info in WB20.]

* Invisibility: Bonuses: +10 IQ, +5 strike, +5 parry. Invisibility: Self, plus gear worn up to light power armor, plus anything carried or picked up as long as less than man-sized. Anything dropped immediately becomes visible. Three Usable Versions: Same as Invisible (Simple), Invisibility to Sensors (Mercenary Adventures), or Mystic Invisibility (Mercenary Adventures). Usable at will, one action per usage, can only have one type active at a time. All forms are self only (even Sensors) with indefinite duration, remaining active until cancelled or replaced or unconsciousness. Can end an active form as a bonus action or simply activate another form which automatically replaces any active version. Non-innate sources of these invisibilities: Do not cancel an active innate one: TW Armor enhancements, magic items, own actual PPE spell casting abilities (if any), or the PPE spell casting abilities of others. Impervious to: Lasers (SD and MD), all light-based attacks (Blinding Flash, Lightblade, etc.), and blindness effects. Enhanced Vision/Senses All With Full Hawk-Like Vision Range: Nightvision, Thermal, and Infrared capabilities. All sight/senses are unimpeded by smoke, fire/energy fields/force fields, gases, fog/mist, rain, sleet/snow, and sees through magical/absolute darkness and illusions (except those cloaked by Mystic Invisibility or similar). Lightblade (Enhanced): Magical blade of true daylight, self-wield only, inflicts 1D4x10 MD (HP damage to vampires, MD to any MDC vampire beings). Double damage to creatures vulnerable to light: Shadow Beasts, Vampires, and so forth. Reducing a vampire to -21 HP destroys the vampire reducing it to ash [Enhanced version innovation]. Various vampires or vampire related may have different HP or MDC thresholds for destruction. No damage to beings impervious to magical light or all magical energy attacks. Globe of Daylight Equivalent Glow: Can produce light levels anywhere from itself only (similar to a laser while meleeing) or as much as regular daylight with up to a 10 foot radius per level. This light will hold vampires, undead, and demons at bay just as a Globe of Daylight spell (BoM) however can not attack such beings with the actual Enhanced Lightblade while doing so (unless target is fully cornered at GM discretion). WP Paired Weapons: Can create a 2nd Lightblade at 5th level to use in off-hand; if more than two arms plus hands are somehow present then can create an additional Lightblade at 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th; plus two at 30th (8 total). Creating or ending up to maximum allowable Lightblades is a bonus action (like movement) allowable a maximum of once per normal action/attack. Bonus Skills: Prowl +40%, Intelligence +40%, Tracking (Espionage Skill) +40%, Detect Concealment +40%, Detect Ambush +40%, WP Paired Weapons, WP Sword. [Invisible Juicer.]

* Invulnerability: Bonuses: +10 ME, +10 PS, +10 PE, +2D4x10 Speed, +15 Speed per level, Flight (see Flamewings), +2D6x10 PPE, +20 PPE per level, +2D4x10 MDC, +17 MDC per level, and regenerates 1D10x10 MDC per melee (impervious to even magical scarring). Innate immunities and bonuses: Equivalent of Invulnerability spell (BoM, RMB) except MDC portion has been replaced (see MDC and Force Field). Impervious to: All forms of Illusions, all forms of Possession (including Demonic, Nxla/Harvesters/Xombies equivalent, etc), all Psionic Detection and Psionics except raw MD attacks (Psi-Sword, Mind Bolt, etc), as well as any Telekinesis and similar except for direct damage blasts. [Advanced Juicer.]
- Magical Breathe Without Air: Automatically and constantly breathe without air (Anywhere: Vacuum, underwater, encased) including Impervious to all gases (including magical).
- Blue Aura: Is always surrounded by a six-foot radius magical blue energy field aura light equivalent of a to 40 watt light-bulb. Similar to being a walking “torch” in darkness or at night. The aura is unblocked by anything that does not fully block magic: Body armor, light power armor, and so forth. Does not otherwise interfere with nightvision or optics. The aura can be rendered unnoticeable by standing within a ley-line. Prowl: Shadow Meld, Invisibility, and any magical darkness will conceal the light effect of the aura. Otherwise prowl is impossible at night or in darkness (if being seen is a factor).
- Blue Flame Abilities (Enhanced): All can rendered on or off as needed. Blue Aura above conceals all other Blue Flame Abilities within the field including the wings. Obviously excludes ranged attacks once they leave the field. The Blue Flame magic type is detailed in WB9 and BoM.
-- Healing Flame (as spell; BoM, WB9): Healing amounts are instead 1D4x10 at 1st, 2D4x10 at 5th, 2D6x10 at 10th, 3D6x10 at 15th, 4D6x10 at 20th, 5D6x10 at 25th, and 1D4x100 at 30th. Otherwise same healing capabilities as per spell.
-- Blue Flame Melee Weapon Aura: Adds 1D4x10 MD magical blue flame to melee attacks as per Melee Weapon Fire Aura (see BBQ Juicer). Not suitable for direct BBQ cooking: not controllable enough and has a secondary scarring/toughening/inedible story-effect.
-- Blue Lightblade: Essentially the same as the Invisibility Juicer's Lightblade except: (1) Damage to creatures specifically vulnerable to light attacks is triple (instead of double); (2) It is more damaging however its variant magical light nature only allows it to destroy vampires completely at or below their threshold on a natural 20 (not simply any critical); (3) Targets that are Impervious to Magical Light or all Magical Energy remains applicable; and (4) Blue Light/Globe of Daylight Usage is effectively the same however its limited to a 10 foot radius maximum regardless of level. [#2 is a unique MTDJ aspect.]
-- WP Paired Weapons: Same progression as BBQ Juicer. Selectable usage of any combination of Blue Flame Melee Weapon Aura or Blue Lightblade. However these cannot be combined directly since they are effectively alternate usage of the same ability: no blue flame weapon aura over a blue lightblade. Example at 5th level could wield 2 BL; or 2 Melee Weapons each with BF Aura; or 1 BL and 1 MW with a BF Aura.
-- Blue Flame Blast: Mega-Damage is 1D4x10 at 1st, 2D4x10 at 5th, 2D6x10 at 10th, 3D6x10 at 15th, 4D6x10 at 20th, 5D6x10 at 25th, 1D4x100 at 30th. Auto-hit but can avoid via dodge of 20 + MTDJ level. Range 50 feet per level. Blue Flame: Fiery appearance. Double damage to creatures vulnerable to flame. Impervious to fire negates (in absence of any errata/Faq). Not suitable for direct BBQ cooking: not controllable enough and has a secondary scarring/toughening/inedible story-effect.
-- Blue Light Blast: Blue laser beam appearance: (1) Same base damage (however is selectable as SD or MD) and range as Blue Flame Blast; plus Blue Lightblade properties numbers 1, 2, and 3 (see Blue Lightblade above).
-- Fiery Blue MDC Force Field: A fiery blue field providing 100 MDC per level which regenerates 1D10x10 MDC each melee. It is also impervious to energy. Can be fully renewed early via 50 PPE or 100 ISP.
-- Flamewings: Magical fiery blue wings symbolically providing a flight speed at the same speed as current ground speed. No maximum altitude however see Flying Juicer for practical Rifts-Earth Upper Atmosphere limitations. Space speed is Mach 1 at 1st level, +1 Mach at 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th; plus 2 at 30th (Mach 8 total).
-- Hawk-Like Full Vision Range (see Abilities #5 above): Includes Thermal, Infrared, Ultraviolet, See All Invisible Creatures including naturally invisible (air elementals, etc), See in Magical/Absolute Darkness, and Sense Blue Flame (any effects in active use). Eyes always glow with blue fire regardless of on/off.
- Phase 6 Only Version: A different version that instead utilized the Invulnerability Major Super Ability (DB4:Skraypers) except: Has 1D10x10 MDC per melee regeneration instead (impervious to even magical scarring), +10 ME, extra +10 PE, extra +10 PS, MDC gain is +3D4x100 instead of set amount, +2D4x10 MDC per level, +1D4x100 PPE, +1D4x10 PPE per level, and reduced lifespan increases to 200+2D6x10 years. Three save bonuses equal to those from the Invulnerability spell. Impervious to: Same as Phase 5 plus unlimited depth tolerance and immune to the vacuum of space. Fused Harness: See Power Set above. All Blue Flame Abilities: Same as Phase 5. MDC Force Field: Now includes Impervious to Physical as well. Blue Aura: Primary Blue aura remains however can be selected as on/off as needed. Anti-Magic/Non-Magical Environments: See Power Set above, and include flamewings. [Epic Juicer.]
- Bonus Skills - Phase 5 and 6: WP Paired Weapons, plus 5 OCC Related Skills limited to the Player's already chosen Skill Set. [Generalist/Classic basic abilities; Power Scale appropriate.]

* Magical Flight: Bonuses: +10 PS, +25 PP, +2D4x10 MDC, +7 MDC per level, +1D4x100 speed attribute (land, flight, flight/swim) plus 1D4x10 per level, Flight and underwater flight (swimming) speed same as land speed, no maximum altitude, +5 strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, and +5 autododge. All Sight Abilities (including Nightvision) and Basic Innate Radio ranges extended to Hawk-Like Vision Range which increases by +1 mile per level. Fused Harness: See Power Set above. Anti-Magic/Non-Magical Environments: See Power Set above.
- Gains See Electromagnetism: See sight range below, minor variant: For simplicity can simply "see" normally invisible mundane (non-magical, non-psionic) energy fields for which no other detection ability generally exists: Gravitational fields, magnetic fields, microwaves, ultraviolet, infrared, X-Rays, gamma rays, radio waves, and possibly a few similar effects but mostly useful for simply navigating long distances in outer-space.
- Flying Power Punch or Kick (Counts as two attacks): Called shot equivalent limitation/bonus: Human-sized doors/hatches or larger areas = no additional attacks required (essentially a human-sized self-guided bullet benefit). Can technically be begun from standing still (see acceleration). Flying Power Punch or Kick Damage: 2D4x10 MD at 1st, 3D6x10 at 5th, 4D6x10 at 10th, 1D4x100 at 15th, 1D4x100+50 at 20th, 1D6x100 at 25th, 2D4x100 at 30th (Supernatural Strength + MDC being + Magical Flight). Maximum travel distance per action indirectly becomes the effective maximum range though it remains a melee only attack.
- Outer-Space Portions of Abilities: All outer-space based abilities and ranges only function while actually in outer-space and possibly with further limitations. Outer-Space campaigns: Phase World, Mutants In Orbit, and so forth rendering it a FTL Juicer (see below). Without outer-space access this is simply a Flying Juicer. [Necessary game-play limits.]
- Innate Radio and similar communication ability: Functioning via special bonus skills:
-- Radio:Basic:+40%; Limited to corresponding situational sight range limits for communication (see below) and requires verbal portion of action to use.
-- Electronic Countermeasures: +40%; Range as per Radio:Basic (above) except for Jamming.
--- Jamming: is limited to range of 3 miles + 1 mile per level only (even outer-space) and requires a regular attack action excluding movement portion to use. Roll for percent success if unopposed. Presumably a Jamming vs Jamming should occur versus any secure communications: Military, security forces, and so forth. In which case simply use a Perception-style opposed roll each round to see who is able to get their communications via Jamming through. Otherwise there would be no defense against it and one person with a radio could always eliminate an entire armies communications. [innovative appropriate usage]
-- Solar System and FTL ranges: Can only interact with communication systems that have a similar range capability: Planet orbit to planet orbit, deep space solar system to deep space solar system due to utilized frequency ranges and so forth.
- Adaptive Magical Flight: All ongoing flight is limited by maximum carrying weight, otherwise no armor limits. Aura effectively temporarily enchants any worn armor allowing to technically project beyond it. [Game-play appropriate solution.] Instantaneous Acceleration and Deceleration: Mostly a basic typically unaddressed game mechanic just clarifying it for this. Can also perfectly turn on a dime (a single pivot point).
-- Atmospheric: Standard land and flight speed. Standard innate basic radio and sight ranges.
-- Upper Atmosphere: Utilize Mach 1 per level speed but no space sight enhancements. Utilizing altitudes of 90000 to 100000 feet.
--- Higher altitudes results in being obliterated by numerous mysterious hazards around Rifts Earth. Lower altitudes get obliterated by a different set of hazards. Except when attempting to follow a NGR Supersonic Transport between the continents all such similar intercontinental flight efforts will result in the Juicer being obliterated by one of any innumerable hazards. This is one of the reasons why only the NGR does intercontinental flights: Test flights into space, survivable altitudes, survivable flight paths, when those flight paths and altitudes are survivable and when not due to hazards, and so forth. [See WB5, Mutants in Orbit, and other books for extensive details. Its a canon game-play thing.]
-- Outer-Space: Mach 1 per level and all sight ranges increased to 100x.
--- Telescopic Outer-Space: All sight abilities can be further shifted to visualize any outer-space object the size of a 30-story building or larger (asteroids, space ships, etc) in LOS within the same solar system (instead of being able to read a small street/window sign). Attack action to utilize however moving towards the target is usually still possible. Tends to function more as a search pattern ability typically requiring an Navigation check to look in the right general area for the intended target.
-- Deep Outer Space/Faster Than Light (FTL): 1 Lightyear per level (per hour) and sight range increases to 1 Lightyear per level. [Vaguely similar to Cosmo-Knight's Superluminal Flight though was actually just aiming for the amusingly absurd factor possible via magical flight capabilities. Side Note: Actually not a fan of the Cosmo-Knight (balancing issues, etc) and fundamentally disregard it overall (DB2); just a personal preference.]
--- One lightyear = distance light travels in 1 year. This Juicer travels the same distance in 1 hour therefor is Faster Than Light (FTL).
--- Can only initiate in Deep Outer-Space: No closer than the highest/furthest orbit around an object in space: Also functions similar to a no penalties, no damage D-Phase (WB3) while in FTL mode only for safety and survival. While in FTL D-Phase can fully pass through a star/sun, planet (including atmosphere/anywhere closer than outer-space high/furthest orbit), asteroid, space station, spaceship, power armor, debris, and so forth. However any attempt to stop within that area will simply harmlessly eject the dragon juicer and everything carried back into equivalent of high/furthest orbit in outer-space.
- Basic Enhancements:
-- Magical Breathe Without Air: Automatically and constantly breathe without air anywhere: Vacuum, underwater, encased, and so forth. This includes Impervious to all gases even magical.
-- Unlimited depth tolerance.
-- Impervious to: Vacuum (outer-space, etc); Telekinetic Manipulation (but not blast); SDC and MDC cold, heat/fire/plasma, and radiation.
-- Instantly Adapts to Any Gravity: Unhindered by any degree of gravity or Zero-G, natural or artificial (Gravity Manipulation Super Ability, and so forth), G-Forces, and any acceleration or deceleration rates (even FTL). Unhindered meaning will function as if it were simply an innate unrestricted magical flight in normal earth gravity with no altitude limit. Can stand or rest on a surface without being flung off or immobilized due to gravity. Can fly unhindered in an essentially orbital manner and so forth.
-- Zero-G Combat: No hindrances in any way, but no additional bonuses.
- Extended Aura of Protection: An undetectable persistent aura that protects anything worn or carried similar to an extendable form fitting personal or AOE force field/aura: Providing the same “Basic Enhancements” abilities and immunities to everything within. Simply keeping any enveloped passengers or gear from being obliterated. Perhaps easier to regard as an almost telekinetic gravity stabilization, life support, and protection field. Can at most keep protected targets from accidentally leaving the AOE but not those that actively seek to leave it. Unwilling targets are unaffected. The effect can be considered to effectively temporarily enchant all encompassed objects which in turn allow the effect to pass through any material by first effectively enchanting it. Enabling it to affect beings within heavy MDC structures: Ships, space stations, and so forth.
-- Limits:
--- Atmospheric: Up to carrying limits and a maximum of a 10 foot radius.
--- Outer-Space: 1000 tons per level and a maximum of 1000 foot radius.
--- Deep Outer-Space: 10 million tons per level and a maximum of 5 mile radius in deep space away from any sun/star/planet/moon orbit.
-- Atmospheric Mobile Battle Platform: AOE aura can function as a 3D mobile battle platform form/field for as many combatants as can fit within the field up to carrying limits. Can carefully move around within the field (similar to swimming). Otherwise they remain stationary relative to the Juicer as if their feet were held in place and unaffected by unpleasant gravitational forces. However none of passengers can dodge or autododge since doing so would cause them to effectively choose to exit the field. The Flying Juicer can thankfully effectively autododge for the entire group. Everyone within the field including the Flying Juicer is also limited to range attacks only. Limited to Atmospheric speeds.
-- Artificial Outer-Space Lifepod: Only up to Atmospheric limits (carrying and radius) can also be actively transported via Outer-Space Speed or FTL as a kind of artificial field functioning as a mobile emergency lifepod.
-- Potential Mobility Larger Fields: The Outer-Space and Deep Outer-Space limits can only be contained not actually transported. However if those within are self-mobile then a coordinated effort can enable the field to travel with them (see Radio).
-- The Mage Guild's magical bracers: Do not prevent wearers from benefiting from this field.
- Bonus Skills all at +30%: Advanced Math, Basic Math, Language (1 of player's choice), Literacy (1 of player's choice), Navigation (includes all Outer Space types), Sensory Equipment. Plus Radio and EC above. [Flying/FTL Juicer; Occasionally obtain the Speed Skating skill (WB20) just so they be faster at skating on ice than the Tundra Juicer - requires indestructible metal blade skates.]

* Man of Shadows: Bonuses: +10 ME, +10 PP, +10 PB, +1D4x10 MDC, +7 MDC per level, +5 strike, +5 parry. Hawk-Like Full Vision Range: (see Abilities #5 above) Includes Nightvision which also functions as innate See Through Magical/Absolute Darkness (BoM). Shadow Meld and Mystic Portal Each separately as per spell, usable at will, zero PPE, one action per usage, with a further limit of self-only up to anything carried or picked up as long as less than man-sized.
- Shadow Sword: Magical shadow-blade (similar to psi-sword and light-blade), self-wield only, 1D4x10 damage, only damages living tissue (Full Conversion Cyborgs and Robots are immune), inflicts HP damage to SDC beings (direct to HP), inflicts MD to innate MDC beings (MD also heals the Man of Shadows for the same amount). [This is vaguely similar to a Death Bolt (BoM, WB18) and with aspects somewhat similar to a variant/integrated Strength of the Dead (BoM, WB18) effect. Those combined lesser/variant/similar abilities are also somewhat comparable to a Psi-Sword's basic similarity to Mind Bolt.]
-- Undead/Dead: Heals undead and dead instead of damaging them. Quasi-Undead: Such as Cold-Blooded OCC are simply immune to it (Mercenary Adventures).
-- Bypasses Armors/Force Fields: Any armors (except living armors, see Biomancy South America) or force fields (or both) with less than 230 MDC each (unhindered/adapts to own worn armors and force field or equivalent).
-- Parrying: When parrying it can parry both physical and energy melee weapons regardless of nature (tech, magic, psionic). Such parrying is a game-play effect similar to Psi-Sword which mainly eliminates an otherwise fatal flaw.
-- WP Paired Weapons: Can create a 2nd Shadow Sword at 5th level to use in off-hand; if more than two arms plus hands are somehow present then can create an additional Shadow Sword at 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th; plus two at 30th (8 total). Creating or ending up to maximum allowable Shadow-Swords is a bonus action (like movement) allowable a maximum of once per normal action/attack.
- Impervious To: Curses (All types including Demonic), Disease, Drugs (beyond full Tattoo Dragon Juicer process), Fear, Horror Factor, Insanities (except OCC see above), Mind Control, Necromancy spells and effects, Pain, Poison, Possession (All types and equivalents; including Demonic, Nxla equivalent - Psyscape, etc), Paralysis, Petrification.
- Plus Special Impervious To: All attacks on the Spirit or Lifeforce (Rune Weapon Soul Drain including extra damage, all the OCC powers of Harvesters, all of Nxla harvester-like abilities, Soultwist, Shadow Wall, etc), Anti-Energy effects (Shadow Wall, TW Void Wall), vampire/undead/dead transformation, vampire mind powers, unique or semi-unique abilities of undead or dead opponents. Does NOT take any additional damage from light-based attacks (in case of doubt).
- Ignored by Dead, Undead, and Quasi-Undead: Dead, Undead, and Quasi-Undead (Cold Blooded; Mercenary Adventures) will simply regard him as one of their own.
- Bonus Skills: Prowl 98%, Intelligence +40%, Tracking (Espionage Skill) +40%, Detect Concealment +40%, Detect Camouflage +40%, WP Paired Weapons, WP Sword. [Shadow Juicer.]

Last edited by random_username on Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:56 am, edited 436 times in total.
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
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Dungeon Crawler
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Re: Combative Operator: a NPC for Rifts

Unread post by random_username »

- Due to 80,000 character max reached again lol.

* Man of Steel: Phase 6 Only. Bonuses +30 PS, +30 PE, +2D6x100 MDC, +1D6x10 MDC per level, bio-regenerates 1D6x10 MDC per melee. Speed: Land Speed is also innate Climbing and Swimming Speed. Fused Harness: See Power Set above. Both fuse together to become living metal. Impervious To SDC and MDC Including Magical and Psionic Versions: Cold, fire, plasma, napalm, excessive heat, bio-manipulation (including similar effects), horror factor, mind control, poison, possession, and vacuum of space. Further impervious to all forms of metamorphosis, including Bio-Wizardry/Transformations, and so forth (See True Atlanteans WB2 and so forth for similar); except for Impersonation ability below. Impervious to Energy: Excluding magical and psionic. Unlimited depth tolerance. Weight: Is increased by +300%. Other Bonuses and Immunities (includes magical and psionic versions): Same as Immortality power (DB4:Skraypers) except can recover from 1D4x100 (roll once) +20 MDC per level below zero MDC; includes Lifespan becomes Immortal until slain (at below zero MDC amount). Hawk-Like Full Vision Range: (see Abilities #5 above) Includes Nightvision, Infrared, Thermo-Imaging, and Ultraviolet. Anti-Magic/Non-Magical Environments: See Power Set above.
- Qualification Limit: To qualify for this Phase 6 Mandatory Add-On beings must have precisely two arms and two legs and no additional appendages. Additional appendages cannot be added even temporarily via magic (see Impervious to Metamorphosis above). [A specific process and game-play limit.]
- Lesser Mechano-Link: Simply an effectively unlimited duration/usage Telemechanics (but not the variations) plus a specialized perfect memory (100%) limited to Telemechanic Recall. Must use this on a target to duplicate its form and basic capabilities (laser, rail gun, etc.).
- Impersonation: Humanoid Iron Golem or Humanoid Robot/Borg/Power Armor Skill: At 98% with both types always available. Achieved via minor shapeshifting to appear as an iron golem or specific robot type/full conversion cyborg/power armor of similar size - Skelebot, Labor Bot, Dyna Bot, Full Conversion Cyborg, Man-Sized Power Armor, and so forth.
-- Over-Focus Limitation: Cannot benefit from WP Paired Weapons (melee or ranged) or equivalent/similar while utilizing Impersonation abilities.
-- Imitate Voices & Sounds: At 98% included in the Impersonation 98% abilities via appropriate/sufficient localized non-debilitating: Sound (up to 90 decibels; RUE page 50), Light, and Shaking/Movement generation.
-- Magic Tattoos: These remain however their colors shift to match the corresponding colors of the impersonation making them look more like barely noticeable minor surface etchings. Perception/Concealment target 20 to even notice; and even then they appear to be more of standard fly-boy/robot pilot minor customization/kills etchings.
-- Impersonation Size Limits: Maximum dimensions: height, width, and length in feet. Weight is a derivative secondary aspect listed in pounds/tons and explained below. Kilogram minimum weights: 227 kg for 1st, and 454 kg for 5th. [Vaguely similar to Growth Major Super Ability (DB4).]
--- Level:.....1st....5th....10th...15th...20th...25th...30th. Ability limits but also a category rating with corresponding height, width, and length limit.
--- Height:...10.....15......20.....25.....30.....40......60.
--- Width:....5.......8......12.....13.....15......20......25.
--- Length:...4.......6......8......10.....12......15......20.
--- Weight:...500...1000...2 T...10 T...15 T...18 T....25 T. This is the minimum weight for impersonations in this height range even if the specific form is normally lighter. However the final minimum weight is actually the higher of this, the Robotic Juicer's regular weight, or the weight of the specific/approximate form impersonated. Having access to larger forms but only using a lower height category would only use the lower category's weight minimum.
---- Weight Example: A 10th level Robotic Juicer impersonates a Glitterboy. A 5th level category form, with a minimum weight of the higher of: Robotic Juicer's natural weight of 800 lbs (200 base +300%), 5th level category weight rating of 1000 lbs, or the Glitterboy's actual weight in tons; yielding a final weight of the standard Glitterboy weight in tons.
--- Minor Dimension Limit Leeway For 20 Foot or Higher Heights/Dimension Sets: Less than 1 foot extra. Example: 20 foot height limit permits up to 20 feet 11 inches 31/32nds of an inch.
-- Example Impersonations: See RUE and SB1 Revised and Expanded; or RMB and SB1 original.
--- 1st: T-21; Skelebot; Labor Borg.
--- 5th: Samson; Glitterboy; Combat Borg (a rare secondary game-play/story limit).
--- 10th: NG-V10; Ulti-Max; Enforcer.
--- 15th: Titan Recon Robot; Titan Explorer/Light Combat Robot.
--- 20th: X-500; Titan Combat Robot.
--- 25th: NG-V7.
--- 30th: NG-M56; X-5001 Devastator Mk II (Which still weighs less than a Great Blue Whale; WB31).
--- Non-Humanoid Shapes Are Unavailable: APCs, Tanks, Spider-Skull Walkers, and so forth.
-- Combat Enhancements By Size Category: Only one size category of bonuses ever applies at one time.
--- Category:........1st......5th........10th...15th...20th...25th...30th.
--- Speed Bonus:....150.....225........300....375....450....600.....900. Add to Speed Attribute and all leaping distances.
--- Strike/Parry:....+5......+10........+10....+15....+15....+20.....+20. Bonus to melee strike, ranged strike, and melee parry.
--- Carrying:.........Standard (x50)...x100...x100...x200..x200....x300. Lifting is always 2x carrying. See Boom Juicer for similar.
--- Damage Mod:....Standard (x1).....x2.....x3......x4.....x5.......x10. Only applies to Physical punches, kicks, and so forth whose base is determined via Supernatural Strength (RUE). Example: 1D6x10 MD punch becomes 2D6x10 MD punch at 10th category.
--- Sight: Same sight range modifier as for Damage Mod.
--- Thrown/Archery: Same range modifier as for Damage Mod.
--- Dodge/Autododge: +3 in first category only. No bonus or penalties for remaining categories due to increased size (bigger/easier target) effectively counteracting nimbleness/leaping bonuses. The "Target is Moving" rule (RUE page 361) is likely to be a house-rules issue.
-- Ranged Weaponry: [Similar to a less versatile but more powerful magical version the Alter Limbs Major Super Ability (DB4).]
--- Category:.1st........5th.......10th.......15th......20th.......25th......30th.
--- Range:....1000......5000......10000.....15000....20000.....25000....30000. Range in feet. [Reminiscent to a variant/enhanced Sorcerous Fury range (BoM), DB2 Giant-Robot Mountable Spaceship Weapon System ranges, and so forth.]
--- Damage:..1D4x10...2D4x10...2D6x10...3D6x10...4D6x10...5D6x10...1D4x100. Magical single shot versions of any possible weapon energy or physical metal type: selectable SD or MD. Physical rounds disintegrate 1 melee after being fired. Flechette rounds will still be flechette rounds. Due to sound generation rail gun bursts will still sound like rail gun bursts though only one shot will be fired. Due to the speed of attacks this is effectively unnoticeable except when spraying an area (which almost never occurs). Hand held weaponry is actually fused/misshapen limb adjustments (can't be disarmed). Damage and range is regardless of the normal damage and range of the weapon being imitated. Physical rounds effectively regenerate as quickly as they are expended.
---- Adaptive Energy Damage: Must spend one melee round continuously attacking the same target. Thereafter is able to bypass that specific target's immunity to magical energy regardless of its physical form or lack thereof. Only the Tundra Juicer remains immune to magical fire versions, though not to any other magical energy type.
-- Physical Weaponry: Basic form simply allows the inflicting of PS punch damages in various weapon equivalent forms (benefiting from those WPs). Energized forms inflict the same damage as Ranged Weaponry but without any damage from PS.
- Bio-Armor: The magical version of the Major Super Ability (DB4, CB1) except is also utilized for partial/simulated additions: robotic wings and so forth. Total MDC is divided between all of the extras.
-- These are primarily used to simulate non-functional versions of aspects that are beyond the standard size limits normally available (wings, offline weapons, extra limbs, etc). However they do function with the limited abilities of Imitate Voices & Sounds: Lasers would look and sound like lasers but do no damage and not debilitate a target.
-- Size limits remain the same as for Impersonation except for the specific additions. The listed example impersonation limits remain applicable.
-- Automatically included in Impersonation effects as needed.
-- Also functions similar to Monster-Shaping Tattoos thus preventing any further difficulties in utilizing Magic Tattoos.
- Bonus Skills +30%: Intelligence, Boxing, Gymnastics, Prowl, WP Knife, WP Sword, WP Energy Rifles, and WP Heavy MD Weapons. [Robotic Juicer; a versatile direct combat semi-infiltration focus.]

* Man of Stone: Phase 6 Only. Bonuses: +10 ME, +25 PS, +25 PE, +2D4x100 MDC, +1D4x10 MDC per level, bio-regenerates 1D4x10 MDC per melee, +1D4x100 ISP, and gains +1D4x10 ISP per level. Fused Harness: See Power Set above. Both fuse together and become living stone.
- Impervious To SDC and MDC Including Magical and Psionic Versions: Cold, fire, plasma, napalm, excessive heat, bio-manipulation (including similar effects), horror factor, mind control, poison, possession, vacuum of space, PPE Draining/Siphoning (Psi-Stalker, Psi-Slayer, etc), and ISP Draining/Siphoning (Mind Bleeder, etc). Impervious to Energy: Excluding magical and psionic. Unlimited Depth Tolerance. Weight: Is increased by +300%. Other Bonuses And Immunities (Includes Magical And Psionic Versions): Same as Immortality power (DB4:Skraypers), except can recover from 1D4x100 (roll once) plus an additional 20 MDC per level below zero MDC; Lifespan becomes Immortal until slain (until reduced to below zero MDC amount). Anti-Magic/Non-Magical Environments: See Power Set above.
- Speed: Land Speed is now also Digging Speed.
-- Solitary Movement Only Digging: Standard land speed digging is done via simply moving the dirt behind him as he goes filling in the tunnel.
-- Building Permanent Tunnels: The speed for building a sustained functional tunnel (sewer, cave, usable by others, etc) is determined by changing miles per hour to yards/meters per hour. Example: 100 miles per hour movement only = 100 yards per hour building tunnel. Such tunnel space is 10 feet high by 10 feet wide with a slightly arched roof. All surfaces of which also ends up with a very light MDC surface. Surfaces are fused via magic combined with supernatural strength into having a MDC per cubic foot equal to the minimum MD punch damage of the Stone Juicer: 6D6 punch = 6 MDC/CbFt; 1D4x10 or 1D6x10 = 10 MDC/CbFt; and so forth. All such surfaces are one foot thick. All interior space material is condensed down to form the tunnel surface MDC material resulting in no leftover dirt to clear.
- Initial Psionics: As per Background OCC, random, or minimum random Minor equivalent. Corresponding base ISP. Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer ISP progression plus bonuses above. Any unique/special psionics continue to be gained if applicable. Otherwise all standard psionic power gain replaced by following (minor, super, mind bleeder).
- Additional Psychic Abilities: Master Psychic including base save versus psychic. Alter Aura, See Aura, Psychic Surgery, Group Mind Block, Mental Block Removal (WB12-Mind Bleeder Power; Clarified/Expanded Option Cure Insanity: 320 ISP yields 100% success =80x4, each 1x=25% success; Can cure any insanity except innate ones such as M.O.M./Crazies, Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer "OCC insanities or frenzy"; Can only cure the uncontrollable/ridiculous portion of primary/strong personality aspects = Max's Hates Bugs/Obsession Security become useful personality traits instead of problematic aspects; and so forth). Two Minor Psionic abilities of player's choice at each level, available from any of Healing, Physical, and Sensitive. One psionic power of player's choice at each level, available from Mind-Bleeder Powers (WB12) and Super-Psionics. [Comparable to Mind Melter with fewer Super-Psionic powers per level potential. See True Atlantean RCC Mind Bleeder (WB2) and Psi-Slayer (WB12) and so forth for gaming elements.]
- Seismic Sense and Communication: Essentially a seismic underground radar/sonar able to sense through any non-MDC substances up to 100 feet + 10 feet per level range (locate caves, underground streams, dormant or tunneling creatures, elementals, and so forth). Can also generate minor seismic vibrations only perceptible to seismic sensors, earth elementals, and similar up to same range.
- Speak Elemental: 98% via combination of speech and telepathy. [RUE page 101]
- Precisely Locate Hidden Earth Type Elementals: 98% those within 100 foot radius. [RUE page 101]
- Elemental Kinship: No earth type elemental will hurt this Stone Juicer unless otherwise provoked, attacked first, or absolutely necessary (following orders). [Similar to Warlock OCC].
- Operate Dimensional Pyramids: 98%. [WB2: True Atlanteans]
- Impersonation: Humanoid Stone Golem Or Earth Elemental Skill: At 98% with both types always available. Achieved via minor shapeshifting to appear as any general stone golem or earth elemental of similar size. Maximum dimensions: height 15 feet, width 8 feet, and length 6 feet. Also increases weight to 1.5 tons. Impersonation only: no additional benefits.
- Golem Mastery: Can gain control of any type of Golem who's creator is dead, otherwise no effect. Range: Touch, Permanent Duration, No save, 100 PPE to activate, touch attack remains active until correct intended target it touched (maximum of 1 melee per level). Is thereafter treated as if he were the Golem's creator (see BoM - Create Golem). [Potential gain of armies of golems, including Legendary; Original innovation.]
- Golem Mastery Projection: Any non-legendary riding mount style golem controlled by the Stone Juicer can be switched to belonging to another being in the same basic manner as basic Golem Mastery. However this process is extremely draining and reduces the Stone Juicer's attacks and combat bonuses to a maximum of 1 or +1 for 24 hours. Rarely utilized (or even known about). Typically reserved for a Cyber-Knight in exceptionally good standing with the Mage Guild and town.
- Create Greater Iron Golem: [Potential for armies of golems.]
To Create: 100 PPE, can only be performed within 1 mile of a ley line nexus, permanently drains 1 MDC, requires 135000 credit value natural 9 carat diamond or better (see Gem TW Reference List page 133 in RUE); presume 30% availability of 1D4 per relevant supplier each month. The needed natural Iron will be drawn from the ground from anywhere within 1 mile of the nexus and the adjoining ley lines. 30% chance once per month that the natural diamond will also be found if location is also: South Africa, Brazil, and Venezuela; all of Africa, Columbia, Mongolia, Siberia, and Russia. This is due to the natural shifting of earth within 1 mile of a particular nexuses ley lines. The buried remains of old jewelry stores or similar containing a sufficient natural even if cut diamond within range will be drawn from the ground as well. The golem will automatically form around the diamond into the specific humanoid shape desired (a specific species statue equivalent, or to resemble a type of robot including non-humanoid mounts, and so forth). Cannot have internal compartments or move via wheels or similar. Often created as a large robotic horse or similar mount for long distance traveling. Robotic looking ones tend to confuse attackers into not actually finishing it off as a golem (a common golem gaming concept). [Original golem variation.]
Stats: 2600 MDC, Regenerates 1D10x10 MDC per melee, and fully reforms from complete destruction after 24 hours (unless heart with diamond is removed). Impervious to: All types of SDC and MDC fire, heat, plasma, napalm, and cold (tech, magic, psychic). Impervious to Energy: Excluding magical and psionic. Impervious to gas attacks (doesn't breathe), possession, Horror Factor, and non-damaging psychic and magic attacks. Unlimited Depth Tolerance. HF 20 (or HF as per robotic form), IQ 12, Supernatural PS 51 (Carry PS x770 lbs), Speed 220 (150 mph, 241 kph) on land or bottom of bodies of water, Jumping up to 150 feet high and 150 feet across, Humanoid Height 12 feet (Riding Horse: 8 feet H x 10 feet L), Weight 1 ton, 8 attacks per melee, Punch or Kick 2D4x10 MD, Power Punch or Ram 3D6x10 MD (2 actions). All Combat rolls, Saves, Initiative, and so forth: +16 to all D20 rolls. Has a movement benefit vaguely similar to an unlimited duration no penalties version of the Float in Air spell (RUE) though its nature is closer to superficial magical flight. This is primarily limited to merely allowing it to run across all nature of surfaces with only superficial sinking (1/4 inch). As such it still leaves a trail but is not hindered by the surface conditions. Can however still direct it to go underwater or similar if needed. Also it will slow a descent from a fall but only after traveling more than 150 feet downward since this distance can be leaped anyway. Riding Mount Size Note: Standard size is usable by most humanoids 5 to 10 feet tall. Design variations should be of similarly sized dimensions such as those of the largest robotic riding mounts (WB14).
- Create Legendary Iron Golem: [Potential Epic aspect; possible armies of golems.]
To Create: As Greater except: Requires 800000 credit value natural 54 carat diamond or better, presume 1% chance of a single diamond available per relevant supplier each month. 1% chance once per month to located the diamond within 1 mile of a standard special location nexus ley line.
Stats: As Greater except: 16000 MDC, Regenerates 1D6x100 MDC per melee. HF 24, IQ 18, Supernatural PS 101 (Carry PS x6500 lbs), Speed 800 (550 mph, 880 kph), Jumping up to 800 feet high and 800 feet across, Height 18 feet, Weight 8 tons, 12 attacks per melee, Punch or Kick 1D4x100 MD, Power Punch or Ram 2D4x100 MD (2 actions). All Combat rolls, Saves, Initiative, and so forth: Auto-success and auto-win simplest via +100 to all D20 rolls and D100 rolls. [original golem variation; see 4D Transformation for a basic Auto-Win concept.]
- Bonus Skills all at +30%: Field Surgery, Gemology, Excavation, Mining, Salvage. Plus Horsemanship:Exotic 98%, includes riding creature golem versions. A ridden golem version benefits from the Stone Juicers autododge ability but only while ridden. This is similar to piloting a vehicle/power armor but also due to a minor symbiotic link magical innate ability only applicable to Own/Golem Mastery riding golems. [Stone Juicer.]

* Project Energy: Bonuses: +10 IQ, +10 ME, +25 PE, +2D4x10 MDC, +7 MDC per level, +1D4x100 PPE, +1D4x10 PPE per level.
- Hawk-Like Full Vision Range: (see Abilities #5 above) Includes Nightvision, all enhanced to 5 mile/8 km range.
- Magic Particle Beam Of Energy: Selectable to inflict 1D4x10 MD or SD at 1st, 2D4x10 at 5th, 2D6x10 at 10th, 3D6x10 at 15th, 4D6x10 at 20th, 5D6x10 at 25th, 1D4x100 MD at 30th, 3500 feet + 500 feet range per level; save auto-hit unless total Dodge 20 + Dragon Juicer's level or higher. Unlimited use, usable at will, an one action per usage. Can also be used for called shots (2 actions). Also be selectable as any damage amount from 1 to 10. Can be projected as a continuous beam inexplicably suitable as a laser torch or laser wand equivalent.
- Recharge Any E-clip: Alternative usage allows recharging of any e-clip canister, or similar taking one melee to carefully achieve without danger of overload. Can also fully recharge an electric vehicle's (or exoskeleton's) batteries in 10 minutes.
- Power Electric/Nuclear Vehicles: Can actively power nuclear powered vehicle that have missing or malfunctioning power supplies however this requires constant use and is insufficient to activate energy weapon systems (lasers, rail guns, etc). Only self-propelled weapon systems such as missiles can be activated. The Dragon Juicer's actions are limited to making one minimal piloting course change per melee while doing so. Can be used as an extension of the Mechano-Link ability within these limits. [Mostly a story element: Typically a salvage option aspect.]
- Impervious to SD and MD: Electricity, Lightning, Particle Beams, Ion Beams, and Radiation, including magical and psionic forms. Which also includes an undetectable persistent aura that protects anything worn or carried; up to carrying limits, and a maximum of a 10 foot radius, similar to an extendable form fitting personal force field/aura.
- Mechano-Link: Magical version of Major Super Ability (DB4:Skraypers). [See Apocalypse Demon War's Weapon Meld power (WB4) that is so extremely powerful that it is only barely comparable to this Zap Juicer's overall abilities.]
- Bonus Skills all at +30%: Basic Electronics, Basic Math, Basic Mechanics, Electricity Generation, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert. [Zap Juicer.]

* Underwater Abilities: Bonuses: +25 PS, carrying capacity is x100 (instead of x50) which increases to x200 at 15th and x300 at 30th (all lifting is double as usual; otherwise vaguely similar to DB4: Ext PS, Superhuman PS, Supernatural PS carrying modifiers), +10 PP, +10 PE, +2D4x10 MDC, +7 MDC per level, +1D4x10 per level speed land and swimming, land speed is also natural swimming speed (no swim skill or checks required), +5 strike, +5 parry, +3 dodge, and +3 autododge. Full Hawk-like vision range: See Abilities #5 above applied to Nightvision even underwater. Sonar Sense: Same range as nightvision, able to “see” without penalties in total darkness or if blinded. No land or water/underwater navigation penalties (see skills).
- Grow Tentacles: As Ocean Magic spell (BoM, WB7); limited to maximum effect of one extra pair at 15th, 25th, and 30th (+6 tentacles total). HF 12 +2 per pair or tentacles (HF 18 with all +6). All tentacles usable with WP Paired melee and ranged effects though rather nasty looking while doing so; somewhat Octopus-style. Unlimited duration.
- Sonic Blast: Creates a magical sonic boom in all directions, selectable as 1D4x10 MD or SD at 1st, 2D4x10 at 5th, 2D6x10 at 10th, 3D6x10 at 15th, 4D6x10 at 20th, 5D6x10 at 25th, 1D4x100 MD at 30th. 20 feet radius all directions from self (100 feet radius if underwater); auto-hit with no dodge or roll with impact, however save versus magic 20 + Dragon Juicer's level versus side effects (temporarily deafened 2D4 minutes: -2 attacks per melee, -8 initiative, -3 to parry and dodge, -25% skill usage; only the duration is cumulative), can be heard up to 10 miles away. Double radius (20x2,100x2) and hearing range (10x2) at 30th.
- Self and Aura: An undetectable persistent aura that protects anything worn or carried; up to carrying limits, and a maximum of 10 foot radius, similar to an extendable form fitting personal force field/aura. However it is carefully minimized and limited to avoid interfering with Sonic Blast.
-- Unlimited Depth tolerance.
-- Magical Breathe Without Air: Automatically and constantly breathe without air anywhere: Vacuum, underwater, encased, and so forth.
-- Speak Underwater: As spell (Ocean Magic, Water Elemental). Automatically and constantly in liquid.
-- Impervious to All Gases: Including magical and psionic.
-- Sound Sponge: Immune to sonic damage, debilitating effects including sonic boom of boom gun, sonar and incidentally radar including the Radar Sense of the Splugorth's Blind Warrior Women; excessive sound is reduced similar to a bionic/cybernetic Sound Filtration System (RUE page 51), and so forth. The sound sponge effectively blocks/mutes/reduces the decibel level of excessive sound without prevent normal sound functioning. Thus enabling normal conversation, usefulness of still being able to hear, and so forth. Basically anything 60 decibels or above is reduced to 50 decibels in sound level; See Amplified Hearing (RUE page 49 to 50).
--- Weapon Silencer: Can render any single hand held weapon (melee and/or ranged) completely silent when active and/or fired at 1st level. Up to one additional silenced weapon at 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th; plus two at 30th (8 total). Without this an extended Sound Sponge aura will reduce any enveloped loud gunfire, Boom Gun fire, or similar in noise level to loud conversation levels.
-- Sonic Blast Immunity: Can also render any number of beings immune to a current Sonic Blast up to aura limits (AOE, weight).
- All Activated/Controllable Abilities: All unlimited use, usable at will, no PPE to use, and one action per usage (or to initiate or end).
- Bonus Skills: Land Navigation 98%, Underwater Navigation 98% (Water/Underwater version of Land Navigation: GMG, SB4, WB32), WP Harpoon & Spear Gun, WP Paired Weapons (including ranged), WP Quick Draw, WP Sharpshooting:Harpoon & Spear Gun (All Trick Shots). Any other Sharpshooting skills automatically include All Trick Shots as well (Equivalent/Similar to a Gunfighter/Gunslinger/Psi-Slinger). [Boom Juicer.]


Probationary Member of the Mage Guild and Resistance Penalties:
- Saves Versus Chiang-Ku and MTDJ: Automatically fails all magic and psionic saving throws versus Chiang-Ku Dragons (even hatchlings) including dodging and autododging versions. Also applies in regards to all other Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicers.
- Saves vs other Dragons and Quasi Dragons: -10 to all magical and psionic saving throws versus ALL OTHER Dragon types and full Demon-Dragonmages (with bonded dragon skull).
- Chiang-Ku and MTDJ Trust: All Chiang-Ku are treated as having a 97% trust (not intimidate; MA equivalent). However no further influence beyond this. Also applies in regards to all other Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicers. [Appropriate limitation and story/game element.]
- Personalities: Phase 5 and 6 MTDJs are notorious for good natured war buddy nicknames/codenames and banter. [Mostly a story-element reflecting the 97% trust factor above.]
- Standard Canon Elixir: The standard version of the Elixir of Power and Deceit limitations and side effects do not apply to this "experimental" version (see WB3:England). It can further only be utilized as part of this Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer conversion process not on its own.

- One of his occasional lesser experiments, usually a minor variation on the basic formula. Eight magic tattoos with incomplete/prototype Magic Tattoo Focus of Renegade which includes Obsession Monsters side effect.
- Does NOT have: Mandatory Experimental Add-On, the Probationary Member of the Mage Guild and the Resistance Penalties.
- Players choice as to whether or not to be in the service of the Mage Guild and has usually set out upon the world in search of adventure or whatever. Though obtaining additional Magic Tattoos via other sources is likely to be far more difficult.
- The only pre-phase 5 version that may have the Monster BBQ trait with the corresponding two listed Intense Personality aspects (see #9).

* Magic Bag: Backpack sized large bag, functions as Dimensional Pocket (30 lb maximum storage) with an internal Stasis Field (100% preservation) that is Attuned to the Owner. Can only be operated by the Tattooed Dragon Juicer for whom it is made. 100 MDC, impervious to all physical and energy (except magic and psionic). Primarily for storing and returning relevant valuable sample that may be of use in the Mage Guild's research so as to be rewarded with an additional pair of magic tattoos. Even Renegades have this.


* Malleable Bio-Clothing: [A basic innovation that fixes certain game aspects/elements.]
- Primarily for low level MDC humanoids with magic tattoos.
- Functions similar to Monster Shaping Tattoos in that it does not interfere with their activation by touch.
- Able to reshape itself to fit any humanoid or quasi-humanoid (extra limbs but essentially humanoid) up to 10 feet tall.
- 55 MDC entire body. Regenerates 1D4 MDC per melee. At 5 MDC only the shorts portion will remain. Once it regenerates back up to 6 MDC or more the full suit will reform. Upon reaching zero MDC its unable to regenerate.
- Only takes 1 MD from any MD attack however the full unreduced attack goes through the clothing to the wearer. Automatically instantly reshapes itself to fill the holes in from any MD attacks.
- Helmet includes Bio-Equivalent Of: Gas Filtration, Air Supply (unlimited via bio air scrubbers), Tinted Visor, Waterproof Loudspeaker (90 decibels), Short-Range Radio (24 miles/38 km), and Retractable Face Plate. Effectively full environmental due to instantly re-sealing itself.
- Does not interfere with any other clothing; or the armor, invulnerability, or monster shaping tattoos.
- Extends the wearer's activations of personal Armor and Invulnerability Tattoos durations to unlimited until depleted so long as used in conjunction with the armor.
- Standard issue for MTDJs. Issued as needed to Magic Tattoo Cyber-Knights.

* Armor:
- Juicer Harness: Game-play cannot be targeted or damaged. As such simply becomes part of the Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer's body and MDC. A special version (organic tech if need be) of the harness is used for these fusion processes. Once fused it can even be inscribed with magic tattoos as simply part of the body. [An appropriate innovation]
- Main Body Only Armor:
-- Natural Armor: Main body only version of Tekhammer Light/Medium Armor. Not overly problematic since each non-main body attack requires a standard called shot via 2 attacks (RUE). Specifically designed for MDC beings utilizing magic tattoos. For simplicity presume any Techno-Wizard armor add-ons function without hindrance over entire armor. [Otherwise presume there are advanced versions of each that do so but are only available from the local Mage Guild. The spell effects of these advanced versions are otherwise statistically the same (they just use advanced techniques and a very rare special component).]
-- Tattoo Location: All magic tattoos are only tattooed on arms and followed by legs until reaching 7th level.
-- Full Body Armor of Any Type: At level 7 and above can wear any armor regardless of nature. This is due to the aura of the Experimental Mandatory Add-Ons combined with being able to activate magic tattoos by concentration alone (not touch).
-- Can also be utilized at any level via aura from Experimental Mandatory Add-On. However magic tattoos still require activation by touch until 7th level. Thus preventing their activation from 1st to 6th level if not customized to do so.

* Force Fields:
- Magic Tattoos and Other Magic (spells): Own hands/arms only can pass through their own force field equivalent only (own personal ones only) to touch a magic tattoo to activate it. Knight Armor, Invulnerability tattoo/spell, Armor of Ithan, and so forth. [Game-play appropriate and further very minor magical innate ability.]
- Psionic: Same as Magic [Same reasons.]
- Tech: Same as Magic. [Same reasons.]

* Armor Combined with Tattoo Force Fields:
- Magical Tattoo force fields, auras, monster shaping tattoos (that remain large enough), and so forth with function over any worn armor. This is due to one aspect of the "All Auras" portion of the mandatory add-on listed above. [A simple tattoos do function aspect.]

* Species: True Atlantean. (WB10 Non-Human Juicers possibilities, plus WB2 for stats)
* Background OCC: Ley Line Walker: Ley Line Walker Abilities #1 to #13. PPE gain per level replaced by Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer rate. Skills: See below.
* Alignment: Scrupulous.
* Dragon Juicer Abilities: WB10 standard + above listed extras.
- PPE Recovery Rate: Adjusted based on Ley Line Walker ability #12 increased base rate.
- Creature Type: Artificial (Induced) Creature of Magic.
- Reduced Lifespan: 16 +2D6 years (double base due to 500 year standard True Atlantean lifespan).
- Monster BBQ: Enhanced Frenzy, Hates Bugs.
* Skills:
- Gladiator Skill Set: All Gladiator OCC abilities (these are simply enhanced physical skills), OCC Skills, OCC Related Skills, Secondary Skills, with additional skill gain as listed each type. (Mercenary Adventures)
- Ley Line Walker: 1D4+1 OCC skills of player choice from Ley Line Walker OCC Skill (not OCC related) skill list. [Essential OCC skill access only: See Techno-Wizard, Shifter, etc.]
- Monster Hunter OCC Skills at +30%: Intelligence, Tracking (people, humanoids, robots), Track and Trap Animals, Disguise, and Concealment.
- Each duplicated OCC Skill (if any): Is replaced with 1 bonus OCC Related Skill from selected OCC skill set (Gladiator).
* Magic Tattoo Focus: Monster Hunter.
- 6 magic tattoos of choice plus 2 monster-shaping tattoos of choice, bonus PPE and MDC, special abilities #12 (minor bonuses, remains an Artificial Creature of Magic), 5 predetermined bonus OCC skill.
- Obsession Monsters.
* Resulting In:
- OCC: Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer with Monster Hunter tattoo focus, Ley Line Walker Abilities, and Gladiator Skill Set.
- Level: 1.
- Level Utilized For: Magic Tattoo usage level, spell casting level (MTDJ current), Ley Line Walker Abilities usage level (MTDJ current), PPE gain at MTDJ rate (not ley line walker rate), MDC gain, Additional skill gain at Gladiator skill set rate.
- Creature Type: Remains an Artificial (Induced) Creature of Magic.

Same as Phase 4 Example with the following changes.
* Mandatory Add-On: Dragon Strength: Includes all bonuses and abilities including skills (with duplicated skill option as above).
* Reduced Lifespan: 200 +2D6x10 years (double base Dragon Strength reduced lifespan due to 500 year standard True Atlantean lifespan). [The only Phase 5 with a special Reduced Lifespan adjustment. Otherwise limited to Phase 6.]

Immunities tend to simply be a current level of apparent indestructibility due to escalation of capabilities.
- (1) The most obvious one being SD vs MDC. If an innate mundane MDC human or D-Bee (MDC but not quite super ability levels) ends up in an area of Rifts that only has access to SD weaponry then that being is effectively immune to physical and energy damage. However as soon as someone develops a MD weapon then that MDC is no longer indestructible.
- (2) The next one being immunity to Physical (mundane) which usually includes a specific mundane or semi-mundane vulnerability: Silver (werebeasts, etc); Invulnerability Major Super Ability has 'takes half damage' from beings with the specific major super ability of Supernatural Strength (a x300 carry, x500 lift PS rating; DB4) its wording is a bit subtle but it makes sense, and so forth. Note: Attacks from beings with regular supernatural strength who are also creatures of magic are generally considered "magical physical attacks" (see WB1 vampires) rather than mundane physical attacks. Mundane being mainly basic weaponry and attacks that are not of a magical, psionic, or other similarly exceptional type of nature.
- (3) Designing something that is a different nature than any known attack form can be the next type. So something that has Immunity to Physical, Energy, Magic, and Psionics would have no defense against "anti-matter" as its nature.
- (4) This type occurs when the damage type to which a target has immunity to is involved in the process but typically used indirectly to bypass the immunity. The standard attack type uses these energies by directly affecting the target in which case immunity normally applies. However, creative use of the ability can allow it to indirectly affect the target.
--- Example: A being that is immune to all psionics and psionic energies: Attempting to telekinesis the target should do nothing even when grabbing the items they wear (damage/effect type psionic telekinesis both physical and energy). However using TK to elevate a 1 ton object over the target and release it means TK is not actually involved (damage/effect crushing impact of mundane boulder). A subtler aspect is to TK a object to which the target is not immune: A magic weapon (damage magical physical), vibro blade (damage mundane physical), or whatever thus the TK does not actually strike the target directly (which would dissipate its energies). This subtler aspect can easily be more controversial since the energies are present but not directly interacting.
- (5) This is very similar to effects that act as catalysts to produce effects that are of a different nature. A basic but potentially overlooked catalyst effect is the Annihilate spell (BoM, FoM?). It magically grabs a piece of anti-matter from another dimension (essentially dimensionally teleporting it into this dimension). Then placing it in a magical containment field which also allows it to be launched at a target. In this instance there are two catalysts: Obtaining the anti-matter, and holding it in the containment field. However the anti-matter itself is not magical. Its no more magical than a regular Rifts human after having used a Dimensional Teleport spell. The Dimensional Teleport is a catalyst but the human does not become a creature of magic, magical construct, or magical in any way.
-- The ideal example of a magic catalyst is detailed under #1 in the Ironwood Weapons section of WB1:Vampire Kingdoms - New Revised Edition.
- (6) Then there are some that adjust their precise nature in order to bypass a target's immunities or resistances. The multiple frequency laser rifles that are able to automatically recalibrate their laser frequency to bypass the laser resistance of Glitterboy armor (RUE page 258; SB1 original; and other books). Ironic since its a laser that can recalibrate itself to bypass resistance to lasers (damage type is still laser, except its perfectly calibrated to bypass laser resistance). To the extreme Vallax weaponry bypassing all immunities to energy regardless of nature or lack of normal physical form.
- (7) Some items simply bypass the target's immunities. Mystic Kuznya (WB18) weaponry: One metal type fire blade enhancement can bypass immunity to fire/heat of supernatural beings whose nature is of fire/heat (fire elementals, etc). Another Mystic Kuznya weaponry type allows physical attacks to hit beings without physical form (spirits, entities, ghosts, etc). U-Rounds bypass immunity to radiation of creatures of magic/supernatural creatures and severely inhibit their regeneration abilities until removed (WB5). The druid's Magic Cauldron of Destruction (WB3) can even destroy rune weaponry. Mystic Kuznya can even unmake/destroy indestructible items (primarily those made by other Mystic Kuznya; though in theory any indestructible item).
- (8) A few can even negate the target's immunities. Negate Super Abilities/Power (Major Super Ability, DB4:Skraypers) can be used to negate the Invulnerability Major Super Ability (DB4:Skraypers) which otherwise makes the individual immune to physical, energy, and most mundane attack types.
- Further most occurrences of an immunity to Physical, Energy, Fire, Cold, Poison, and so forth do not include magical or psionic versions. Most notable for specific limited immunities such as Fire which will often include secondary effects such as 'takes half damage from magic fire' (physical psionic power), or 'is also immune to magic fire' (Burster), and so forth.

- All of the listed and unlisted elements in this write-up are simply designed as an opportunity to recognize the innumerable nuances of possible appropriate gaming aspects for both GMs and players. Thus being appropriate for Rifts Veterans seeking innovative challenges from difficult gaming aspects.

- Rifts is still a very unpolished system. This is not a criticism rather it is actually part of its seemingly intended design concept. It has gone through a huge amount of revision and redesign from book to book plus revision of individual books. Ultimately essentially to properly function it requires a lot of house rules, GM innovations, and various "fixes" in order to adequately function for any particular group of players and GMs. Thus each version is essentially a customized version of Rifts that addresses the most relevant "fixes" for that particular group or GM.
- Munchkins vs Power Gamers Note: Regardless of intended campaign power level/scale. Munchkins essentially find (and typically use as a player) some particularly inappropriate game exploit and go "ta da" the game is broken (100+ attacks per melee, etc). Since everyone already knows the game system is essentially broken this approach is not a step forward and generally worsens the gaming experience for all involved. Thus entirely missing the point of fixing a broken or unfinished gaming system and numerous other relevant gaming aspects. The ideal notion of Power Gamers (though pop culture definition may lump it in with Munchkins) is mainly dealing with the difficult but still appropriately playable game aspects. Done in such a way that the overall gaming remains a positive thing for everyone involved (though the journey may be difficult). This write-up simply addresses interesting and potentially difficult game aspects and elements in appropriate ways (not Munchkinism). For the truly bored there is an apparently more modern take on positive gaming terminologies ... g_games%29
- Difficult Game Aspects - Breaking Immunities, etc: Adequately addressing these often results in folks have a much better appreciation for the game system, its limits, and potential fixes. Many such aspects exist due to often being almost unnoticed obscure but vital tidbits of relevant information spread across multiple books.

- Appropriately 15th level Operator with double maximum modification abilities. Appropriate back-story, setting, reasons for success, and degree of impenetrability of his fortress.
- Appropriately Undefeatable NPCs and Lethally Impenetrable Fortresses. When appropriately and sparingly placed in a campaign setting they add to the overall intensity the adventure. These tend to be more of background but essential story elements not daily battle encounters.
- Unique Technologies and Effects: Ironically these are often simply designed to fix various broken game elements and/or to achieve appropriate unique effects.
-- Simple concept - long duration magic: Any magical effect with a duration of 10 or more minutes per level should really be immune to magic negation and anti-magic by design (for whatever gaming reason). In the magic filled setting of Rifts it reduces the relevance of these effects to "exists until negated by the first caster who notices it". As such it essentially makes it the equivalent of "magic fireworks" to entertain the local mundane population who have inexplicably never heard of magic. One of the worst of which is perhaps the Attune Object to Owner which has a duration of years. Essentially a good concept that is totally broken by an obvious fatal flaw. Most of these are simply interesting non-combat effects anyway. The weird partial 4D plant residue was simply an absurdly innovative way of implementing essentially a fix for this otherwise flawed game element by creating an essentially mundane effect (less than Super Ability, non magical, non psionic, non phase). The effects of which are due to the energy absorbing field created by the residue being warped when simultaneously applied to a non-living object (excluding self-animated ones: Dead, golems, etc; however intelligent immobile magic/holy/rune weapons can be affected) and a living creature (presumably neither undead/Vampires or quasi-undead/Cold-Blooded could not benefit from this). When these are subsequently separated it warps the field creating the equivalent effect of Attune Object to Owner. Essentially the initial energy absorbing field is vaguely reminiscent of a single magnetic field. The non-living object warps it slightly in one way and the living creature warps it slightly in a different way. When these are separated it causes the non-living portion energy absorbing portion to become severely warped causing it to partially feed on the item its attached to thus creating the non-functioning aspect of the Attune Object to Owner. When the proper missing component on the living creature comes back in close proximity to the warped item the field stabilizes and once again allows the object to function normally. (See WB3 for other unrelated but interesting Rifts plants) Its nature may be easier to understand as being more of a complex inorganic structure (similar to a crystal mineral) able to absorb a broad range of energy types (similar to an energy absorbing field version of the magnetic field of naturally magnetic metals). The energy absorption combined with access to indestructible equivalent materials allowing it to "grow" (similar to the ability of certain crystals to expand and "grow"). Minute amounts of molecules of the material gradually wear off (the residue) allowing the material to potentially expand to other locations.
-- TW Void Wall - unique concept partially inspired by slightly flawed Shadow Wall spell: The Shadow Wall spell has many interesting aspects: Energy absorbing, sustainability requiring at least some energy, immovable and only deadly to those who enter it (typically inexplicably voluntarily or via hostile Telekinesis and so forth), various effects based upon creature or item type, and so forth. However there are numerous fatal flaws in the Shadow Wall spell such as being eliminated via the negate magic, dispel magic barriers, or anti-magic cloud effects; not affecting essential creature types, and so forth. So instead a unique TW Void Wall is designed around a different basis but with some vaguely similar effects, the nature of which lacks any of the potentially fatal flaw aspects of the Shadow Wall. With the further ironic benefit of being potentially misidentified as a Shadow Wall by overzealous PCs. The unique sustainability via mundane energy (nuclear powered ideal energy provider) is only conceivable due to its unusual nature of being an energy absorber. This makes it a possible, plausible, appropriate, and original unique branch of Techno-Wizardry that does not otherwise specifically exist in the books. The alternative optional unlimited magical energy power supply version is extremely obscure but does exist in the books. The entire item is however appropriately based on the core concepts of similar technology, certain aspects of the Shadow Wall spell, and some advanced concepts regarding Anti-Matter and the Annihilate spell. Since this entire game is about innovation, and this technology is not unbalancing in any way it is effectively an appropriate innovation. Also if it wasn't an essentially an original and appropriate concept there really wouldn't be any point in posting it.
- T-C23: Larger occupant variation: Since the T-21 series is one of only a handful of ultra-rare power armors that provide the innate robotic ability to autododge there is a preference to not lessen the effect any of its agile elements. However, for basic game play purposes some folks would probably prefer that the T-C23 be closer to the T-31 in appearance (WB5). As such a Large Pilot version could be permitted to exist designed to accommodate bulkier pilots. It could also be further designed to visually appear closer to the T-31 than the T-21. Ultimately this is simply more of a visual customization than anything (similar to what can be done with the Vehicle Armorer skill to vehicle design). Otherwise has the exact same stats as a regular T-C23. Actually all T-C23 could be adjusted in this way if preferred since Rifts only very rarely addresses sizing issues for armor (see extreme issues of Titan Armor in Juicer Uprising for an example).
-- However there are benefits to maintaining the basic appearance of simply being a T-21 Power Armor. T-C23 Heavy Power Armor "Disguised" as T-21 Ultra-Light Power Armor: The T-C23 is likely to be regarded as a T-21 by 99.9% of beings in North America (even with the strange "sensor box/turret" on its left shoulder - micro missile launcher). This is due to long-time availability in North America in game terms (original Sourcebook One). This means that any opponents are likely to initially grossly underestimate the combat capabilities of the T-C23 and regard it as a low priority or even irrelevant target. Then again its an armor modified by possibly the best Operator on the continent, of Aberrant alignment, with HTH:Assassin. The total MDC of armor plus force field is roughly 600 MDC making it more of an overall Super Heavy Power Armor than a Heavy Power Armor. This huge MDC personal force field full regenerates in 6 minutes or less (with no overload) allowing it to be ideal for ongoing hit-and-run tactics, or simply recover between frequent skirmishes in very hostile territory. This still makes it a between combat force field recovery system rather than an in-combat force field recovery system (such as a Techno-Wizard Armor Force Field activated/reactivated by 10 PPE and 1 action). With the "last bit of armor" rule (RUE) being applied to the force field as well it allows a further buffer between the armor and incoming damage. Thus eliminating the MDC of the force field with no overflow onto the armor from that same attack. Also, technically if a combat encounter actually reaches its second melee then it would regenerate one melees worth of MDC (11 to 20 MDC) at the start of that melee (similar to bio-regeneration for creatures). Thus providing basically one attack worth of emergency MDC with the last bit of armor effect again. [innovative and appropriate interpretation]
--- Ultimately this generally means that GMs simply have no reservations about having the NPC villains use first action or ambush/surprise action missile volleys and similar large limited use attacks on the player (hehe). Enables Annihilate spell (BoM) or TW Device and other fun challenging encounter possibilities. Alternatively Carpet of Adhesion followed by Annihilate spell.
- Level 30 Techno-Wizard Armor/Vehicle Enhancements (RMB): Having a 300 MDC Armor of Ithan, activated via 1 action by only 10 PPE or 20 ISP built into a suit of body armor or power armor may seem mildly powerful. However, a level 4 or higher Tattoo-Man (or variant) can activate a similar 300+ MDC force field, activated by 1 action and 40 PPE, with ten times the duration (invulnerability tattoo not the armor tattoo). That magic tattoo will quickly get even more powerful at higher levels - 750 MDC at 10th, over 1000 MDC by 14th. Ironically the TW MDC force field is really more of a "fix" for the magic elements in the game, allowing PPE (and even ISP) beings to have adequate ongoing MDC. All depending upon appropriateness for campaign power level and GM preference of course.
- The TW Fire-Breathing Arquebus: A bit of the mystery of this item could be that Cliff either developed or helped develop the original items and the technology itself (pre-cataclysm calendar). This is mostly an amusing story tidbit though. Other D-Bee or alien forms of Techno-Wizardry could also have been developed or partially developed as part of Cliffs adventuring espionage career in search of a cure for his species. Since he is also an expert in Techno-Wizard stasis chamber technology as well as dimensional travel (often resulting in leaps in time; see True Atlanteans) his age remains unknown. The official origins for any Techno-Wizard device (or the technology itself) are often contradictory anyway. These also tend to be the "publicly known" versions of the technology and its origins. A great unrelated example of technology actually existing versus being publicly known is the Coalitions technology. Often they develop amazing technologies that turn out to be pre-cataclysm designs (SAMAS, etc) that have simply been put back into production with a CS logo painted on them. Any limits on that particular power source have likely been fixed...

Unlisted Elements:
- Dozens of Additional Security Systems put in place by the GM: Which means that even if players managed to check out this write-up in advance the GM would still have added in many unknown appropriately lethal features.
- Tekhammer/Town Tactics: Mostly a chance for GMs to recognize and implement brutally effective tactics in a simplistic environment.
-- Invasion of citizen's housing area: Evacuate citizens to bunkers/inns. Demolish citizen housing with boom guns to eliminate cover for the invading force. Easy enough to rebuild buildings after invasion over.
-- Versus Invaders with force fields that can even be reactivated during combat: Roll initiative for all AI gun turrets. Individual or sections of turrets will delay their initiative by 1. Thus allowing the initial barrage to eliminate target's force field which absorbs overkill MD. The lower initiative turrets then blast the target without its force fields before the target can re-activate them. Eliminating the target.
-- Defense system activations: Presume all possible contingencies have overlapping triggers. Constantly triggering Mystic Purge systems, especially if doors remain inexplicably open, ranged objects or beams inexplicably fire through the air (Invisibility to Sensors on wielder), and so forth. Rooms without listed security systems actually have numerous overlapping security systems and so forth.

Other Stuff:
- Tons of other issues could be addressed. Quick note: The Rifts game system is essentially a guideline to a basic setting and system; this write-up is essentially an outline of a possible character, setting, and encounters. It requires appropriate GM innovation and application including appropriate no-win scenarios for the players of such campaigns.
- Who are the good guys? (A) The players are supposed to be the heroes/good guys. (B) Both Max (Aberrant with solid leaning towards Principled - with some limited Cyber-Knight training; combative and economic protector of nearly 10000 beings) and Cliff (saving his species; who went from miscreant to unprincipled in the course of his efforts to save his species) aspire to noble efforts in their own way. Though ultimately Max is technically evil (but the least evil of the evil types, with some principled traits; ironically he effectively regards Miscreant, Diabolical, and even Anarchist beings as truly evil) and Cliff is technically selfish (whose efforts are more likely to seem to be as a reserved scrupulous being at times). Ironically these are similar to the play styles of some players who aspire to be the good guys but tend to revert to more mercenary ruthlessness for gear acquisition and so forth.
- Why Modified Light Body Armor and Modified Light Power Armor? Various relevant elements. However also as good examples of the extent to which tech can be modified. Essentially Light Armors functioning as heavy/super heavy armors. Thus if GMs use this article then any players that have their heavy or super heavy armors/tech modified by the same process then they should be proportionately much more powerful.
- Techno-Wizardry: Recognizing the inherently contradictory nature of techno-wizardry and so forth. Techno-Wizardry is the infusing of technology with magic when magic and most technology are otherwise inherently incompatible. Also most TW construction spells are simply thematic components rather than identical usage. The closest ones to nearly identical usage are the armor and then the vehicle TW mods from RMB which are included on starting equipment TW armor in RUE. There are also many minor branches of Techno-Wizardry including those that combine with non-standard spells (Warlock, etc), ISP focused (Psi-Tech, Gizmoteer), Hit Point powered (for regular folks), self-powered (BoM, Japan), and so forth.
- Vallax Tech: Just a minor revitalization of an old canon tech. Only due to the extremely difficult possibility of obtaining and utilizing via special circumstances (lenient Auto-G story, plus Max's guidance). Story element of having the tech available (but not reproducible) in limited quantities being treated as ultra-rare tech similar but unrelated to rune-weaponry. Finally its only been made available in story elements to human tech which beyond theoretical inspiration elements would otherwise have no game impact. The Vallax tech is otherwise considered completely unavailable in the Rifts environment due to the destruction of the Vallax and their base at the end of the Juicer Uprising in WB10. Prior to that point it was difficult to obtain Vallax Tech and nearly impossible to actually use. Which like innumerable other Rifts elements with similar limitations simply means: Until it gets around to being implemented elsewhere (originally Glitterboy Tech was unavailable and unmodifiable - now numerous GB tech across multiple books: WB22:FQ - manufacturing and variations, WB5:Triax - almost instantly produced their own modern version, Triax 2?, Japan?, Mutants in Orbit, etc). Basically "unavailable" in Rifts is eventually overcome by special circumstances, and eventually often becomes moderately common. Rifts veteran players and GMs will likely be familiar with many similar notions. Earliest possible availability 83 PA (WB10:Juicer Uprising).
- Various Options: Using less than the full brutal versions contained here may keep them from achieving their intended lethality. Often they are simply easier to recognize steps towards the intended version. The intention of these concepts is to be possible in theory, plausible in design, and appropriate for game usage.
- Behemoth Explorer: Interesting example of a difference across several books. RMB (original main book) listed it as a pre-rifts design, similar to SAMAS and Glitter Boy. It was essentially lumped in the Titan Industries section and further referred to as such in several obscure minor canon examples in other books. Its model number seemed to differ from other Titan Industries due to being a unique robot vehicle rather than one of the nearly identical series of power armor/robot vehicles. Currently it is listed as a Northern Gun designation in the Revised and Expanded Sourcebook One. So this is either a retroactive continuity adjustment or simply the same reason why there are so many manufacturers of SAMAS and Glitterboy. Just an interesting tidbit of info.
- Basic Rifts-Friendly Simplified Damage/Healing Scale: 1D4x10 at 1st, 2D4x10 at 5th, 2D6x10 at 10th, 3D6x10 at 15th, 4D6x10 at 20th, 5D6x10 at 25th, and 1D4x100 at 30th. Often with a saving throw/dodge of 20 plus OCC level. Developed specifically to appropriately balance the damage progression of the Magic Tattoo Dragon Juicer from 1st to 30th. Basic notions of: less than quasi-standard 1D6x10 MD attack at 1st, with slightly higher than at 5th, comparable to Shemarrian Rail Gun at 10th, and finally the core gaming element Boom Gun at 15th. Further progressing through double boom gun damage ranges, with an adjusted/simplified slightly greater than double boom gun damage at 30th. Clarified as corresponding to an appropriate transitional damage scale covering lower than standard but still appropriate Intermediate damage, through Advanced damage ranges, and finishing at balanced/simplified starting Epic damage: [Munchkin Clown Damage Scale for jokes. For unrelated but similar post-damage scale design comparison can check out the Cosmic Blast of the Cosmo-Knight (DB2). Repeated Side Note: Actually not a fan of the Cosmo-Knight (balancing issues, etc) and fundamentally disregard it overall; just a personal preference.]
- random_username forum posting tagline:
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.
If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>
- Humorous Riddle: Munchkin Clown is actually misnomer that actually means Power Gamer (in a good way) with an appropriate Sense of Humor.

The number of times edited for each forum page (located at the bottom of each page) is the current version of each forum page.
* Latest Updates (in case of any confusion). This entire article was improvised from scratch, then further expanded, clarified, and cohesively meshed numerous times.
............................................. Most recent versions relevant clarifications:
- Forum Page/Section 1 - Version 355. Finished.
- Forum Page/Section 2 - Version 470. Finished.
- Forum Page/Section 3 - Version 408. Finished.
- Forum Page/Section 4 - Version 136. Finished.
- Forum Page/Section 5 - Version 436. Finished.
- Forum Page/Section 6 - ...............Finished.

Many gaming fixes, innovations, and other appropriate in every way content. Easy, moderate, and hard challenges/puzzles/insights were included. However some extremely challenging content was valid but was removed for simply being likely to promote unsportsmanlike conduct in groups. Good luck deciphering the content, filling in the blanks, and so forth.

This has been a troll-free presentation brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Munchkin-Clown. Now returning you to your regularly scheduled gaming. Merry Christmas 2012.

Combined PDF with Table of Contents for: Combative Operator + Intro Article + Common Sense Disclaimer + Images.
128 Pages. 2.25 MB. December 2012.

MAIN LINK: File Source As of June 2014.

BACKUP LINK: Web site unusable for free files after June 30, 2014.

FOR THE TRULY BORED: Warning may result in repeatedly self head bashing against a wall! :frust:
Don't forget to 'Jab Vamps' while chugging 'Rifts Mega Pop' to minimize any resulting headaches.


FAVORITE P5/P6 MTDJ ASPECT POLL: Likely to be some of the more interesting playable aspects for players.
If something makes the RPG experience better that's great. If not don't use it.

If not overly informative hopefully it was at least mildly amusing. Munchkin Clown Away! <fwoosh... honk, honk>

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