Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The troll takes the weapon, testing its weight in his grip. "Any discount on two?" he asks. "I'll need two of these in any case," he says, tossing a bag of gold on the counter. "There's 150,000 there, so if we might get the difference in healing potions...?"

He nods with a generous smile, plucking another hammer from the air as it floats by and handing it over as a wooden case appears on the counter. "Fair enough... 2 Boomstick Warhammers at 130,000 and the difference in healing potions. I'm guessing you'll want the superior type so there's a case of 25 of them for you. Will that be all for you gentlemen?" He gives a sly smile as Auntie Remus appears at the sound of money hitting the counter, virtually teleporting behind the counter and snatching the bag up with a playful wink to the troll before vanishing from sight again.
"Well of course we want the superior type," the troll laughs, "not going to carry that much in smaller potions." He offers his hand to shake before hefting his goods over his shoulder. "We'll be going now. The elf will be back for his cloak at the agreed upon time."
Opening the door, he ducks through it, the elf slinking behind him. "Truly profitable doing business with you," the elf says in parting, closing the door behind him.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Topic has been made sticky per request and review of said topic.
Yay! I was going to suggest you do that for this one. :D
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Topic has been made sticky per request and review of said topic.

Thank you, sir! I appreciate your consideration and celebrate your decision!
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man nods with a smile, inspecting the cabin and murmuring softly to himself before it flashes with an odd orange light. setting it down, he turns and scrawls something on a slip of paper and hands it to the soft spoken of the trio. "That will activate the cabin, bringing it up or down, same word either way. As for trade, let's see... 6 metamorphosis rings..." he looks the trio over with a wry grin. "Yeah I figured you folks were with the others that came in here earlier... The rings in question come in at 150,000 each... 6 of those will run you 900,000. A bit on the steep side for you at the moment. However, you and your friends are some pretty good customers... and I'm betting you'll be back quite often. tell you what I'll do... I'll knock them down to half price just for you. Of course that still leaves you needing about 250,000 short, but... throw in that puzzle box, the ankh necklace and the tiger figurine and I'll call it even and throw in a set of fresh shoes of choice to each of you. Speaking of fresh shoes, I do have a few selections you might consider..."

Non-Slip Horseshoes: Appearing as a standard set of iron horseshoes, once applied they allow a horse (or Centaur) to climb extremely steep surfaces, though not completely vertical, with little chance of slipping or falling. Essentially on very steep surfaces, whatever wears these horseshoes gains a Climb skill of 85%. Cost: 2000 per set of 4

Speed Shoes: Finely crafted set of horseshoes with a few odd symbols engraved on the hoof side. When applied, they double the speed of the creature wearing them. However, the wearer still suffers normal fatigue rates. Cost: 5000 per set of 4

"I'd also like to recommend Silver Shoes and Horseshoes of Thunderous Attack, especially considering your chosen profession. You'll find them in aisle one over there (points to page 1 of the thread) As for items to help you negotiate a labyrinth... same place, aisle one... Directional Indicator Devices, Portable Holes, Mystic Maps... even a Door! No, really... it's there. Is there anything else I can do for you folks?"

"We will hold off until we know what they are and do." the female says.
The soft spoken one says, "I would rather keep the ankh once I know more about it. Although the others maybe up for grabs once ID'ed. Mystical maps? That's a thought, as might be the portable holes. And uh, may can we get the silver shoes in chanted? Non-Slip, something to decrease sound as we walk, and uh something to keep them from braking? "
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man nods with a smile, inspecting the cabin and murmuring softly to himself before it flashes with an odd orange light. setting it down, he turns and scrawls something on a slip of paper and hands it to the soft spoken of the trio. "That will activate the cabin, bringing it up or down, same word either way. As for trade, let's see... 6 metamorphosis rings..." he looks the trio over with a wry grin. "Yeah I figured you folks were with the others that came in here earlier... The rings in question come in at 150,000 each... 6 of those will run you 900,000. A bit on the steep side for you at the moment. However, you and your friends are some pretty good customers... and I'm betting you'll be back quite often. tell you what I'll do... I'll knock them down to half price just for you. Of course that still leaves you needing about 250,000 short, but... throw in that puzzle box, the ankh necklace and the tiger figurine and I'll call it even and throw in a set of fresh shoes of choice to each of you. Speaking of fresh shoes, I do have a few selections you might consider..."

Non-Slip Horseshoes: Appearing as a standard set of iron horseshoes, once applied they allow a horse (or Centaur) to climb extremely steep surfaces, though not completely vertical, with little chance of slipping or falling. Essentially on very steep surfaces, whatever wears these horseshoes gains a Climb skill of 85%. Cost: 2000 per set of 4

Speed Shoes: Finely crafted set of horseshoes with a few odd symbols engraved on the hoof side. When applied, they double the speed of the creature wearing them. However, the wearer still suffers normal fatigue rates. Cost: 5000 per set of 4

"I'd also like to recommend Silver Shoes and Horseshoes of Thunderous Attack, especially considering your chosen profession. You'll find them in aisle one over there (points to page 1 of the thread) As for items to help you negotiate a labyrinth... same place, aisle one... Directional Indicator Devices, Portable Holes, Mystic Maps... even a Door! No, really... it's there. Is there anything else I can do for you folks?"

"We will hold off until we know what they are and do." the female says.
The soft spoken one says, "I would rather keep the ankh once I know more about it. Although the others maybe up for grabs once ID'ed. Mystical maps? That's a thought, as might be the portable holes. And uh, may can we get the silver shoes in chanted? Non-Slip, something to decrease sound as we walk, and uh something to keep them from braking? "

He nods with an understanding smile. "Not a problem. I can get to work on getting these identified as quickly as possible. Give me a few days to find out what I can and we'll go from there about it. The Silver Shoes I can custom enchant for you... it should take about a day and a half per set for Non-Slip and a Muffling enchantment. As for making them so they won't break, I make them standard with an Indestructible enchantment... silver is a pretty soft metal after all." He chuckles softly as he sweeps his gaze over the trio. "Will there be anything else?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

The elf returns to collect his cloak which he had paid to get enchanted. Behind him, a satyr enters and looks curiously about. The elf seems a bit annoyed that the satyr is following him and walks to the counter to wait.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:He nods with an understanding smile. "Not a problem. I can get to work on getting these identified as quickly as possible. Give me a few days to find out what I can and we'll go from there about it. The Silver Shoes I can custom enchant for you... it should take about a day and a half per set for Non-Slip and a Muffling enchantment. As for making them so they won't break, I make them standard with an Indestructible enchantment... silver is a pretty soft metal after all." He chuckles softly as he sweeps his gaze over the trio. "Will there be anything else?"

"Yes...Can you describe what a mystical maps does? Other than that nothing that I know of." the soft spoken one says.
As the Female and the soft spoken one leave...The other male centaur steps up and says, "Yes there is something I would like to ask you about." And signs very discreetly: "During the battle with the alpha wolf I was bitten last night." And says, "So...Do you have anything for a deer flies...They have been biting the blood out of me at night. And I am afraid I broke the one of my own rules...Don't use or try on a magical item until you know what and or does. And now I can't get the blasted thing off.", tugging on the sliver finger armor in the form of a dragon with what looks like a pearl, 2 red gemstones, and 3 small clear gem. < http://i.ebayimg.com/t/1x-Silvery-Drago ... ~~60_3.JPG > "I would like to know what all it does. Because it was on the hand of a dead person who clearly was in same profession as we are, I thought it would be safe to put on. And in the labyrinth. Until he slipped up and made a sound, then all his spells were negated. Uh, to that list of things there to be identified I would like to add these..." Silver bracers with a crest of a dragon, a small silver dragon figurine/chess piece/toy, (Wooly dragon hide? we are not sure!) magical boots, in side one of the boots he pulls out a mini silver gone with a dragon on it "do NOT bang on it in side!", a silver dragon's ring, a bow, and some kind of sonic/audio fan which messes up the inner ear and causes the target (and anyone else with in a 10'-15'? half radius) world to either shake up and down or spin...But they are also very fragile. "The fan, I have felt what it does, I just want to know how to activate it, the name of it, and how many times I can activate it per day."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:"Yes...Can you describe what a mystical maps does? Other than that nothing that I know of." the soft spoken one says.

The old man nods with a smile, handing over a small roll of parchment.
Mystic Maps: An offshoot of the Magic Maps in a different thread (re: Random Magical Items) These appear as blank pieces of parchment until they are smudged with a bit of dirt from your location and the command words "Icki Bolana Wassa Maatu Wittu" (language unknown but if translated by anything that magically speaks all languages or a Voice Box (see previously mentioned alternate thread) it means "Where the heck am I?") This causes a map of the immediate area around the invoker to appear on the map. One must note that immediate area is a pretty flexible term and depends entirely on the type of map bought. There are three kinds. The first one is the smallest as a 1 foot square of parchment. It will reveal the surrounding 1 mile radius area. Next up is the medium, measuring in as an 18 inch square. It reveals the surrounding 2 mile radius. Finally, the large measuring as a 24 inch by 18 inch rectangle, shows the surrounding 4 mile radius. The maps will reveal landmarks, cities, towns, villages, roads, rivers, trails, etc. It will NOT reveal the locations of people, monsters, treasures and so on. The map may aslo be reset by rubbing more dirt into the parchment and speaking the command words again, however each additional use beyond the third gives a cumulative 10% chance of a flawed and entirely inaccurate map (the parchment can only take so much dirt getting rubbed into it before it starts crossing the maps over each other) If used indoors or underground, the map will lay out whatever floor plans there are within its radius of effect for the particular floor/level the character is standing on. A different floor means a different map.
Cost: Small: 800 gold, Medium: 1,500 gold, Large: 2,000 gold
"This is the medium Mystic map... it should suit your purposes well enough..."
pblackcrow wrote:As the Female and the soft spoken one leave...The other male centaur steps up and says, "Yes there is something I would like to ask you about." And signs very discreetly: "During the battle with the alpha wolf I was bitten last night." And says, "So...Do you have anything for a deer flies...They have been biting the blood out of me at night. And I am afraid I broke the one of my own rules...Don't use or try on a magical item until you know what and or does. And now I can't get the blasted thing off.", tugging on the sliver finger armor in the form of a dragon with what looks like a pearl, 2 red gemstones, and 3 small clear gem. < http://i.ebayimg.com/t/1x-Silvery-Drago ... ~~60_3.JPG > "I would like to know what all it does. Because it was on the hand of a dead person who clearly was in same profession as we are, I thought it would be safe to put on. And in the labyrinth. Until he slipped up and made a sound, then all his spells were negated. Uh, to that list of things there to be identified I would like to add these..." Silver bracers with a crest of a dragon, a small silver dragon figurine/chess piece/toy, (Wooly dragon hide? we are not sure!) magical boots, in side one of the boots he pulls out a mini silver gone with a dragon on it "do NOT bang on it in side!", a silver dragon's ring, a bow, and some kind of sonic/audio fan which messes up the inner ear and causes the target (and anyone else with in a 10'-15'? half radius) world to either shake up and down or spin...But they are also very fragile. "The fan, I have felt what it does, I just want to know how to activate it, the name of it, and how many times I can activate it per day."

He takes the Centaurs hand, tugging it and him closer as he adjusts his spectacles, closely inspecting the jeweled finger armor with a critical eye, turning the centaur's hand this way and that, ocassionally into some slightly painful angles. "Hmmmmmm... this is quite a beautiful piece. Seems rather powerful as well. Could you please try to explain again exactly what happened when you put it on? Whose spells did it negate?" He casts a glance across the rest of the items with a curious gaze. "The rest of those I can identify with everything else, including that fan you're curious about, but I can assure you right now that's probably not a Wooly Dragon hide... they tend to have a more reddish hue to the fur along the spine ridge. If it is from a Wooly Dragon, it came from a very young one, but I suspect that came off of a plains mammoth. Not exactly worthless, but certainly not worth as much as a Dragon hide."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:The elf returns to collect his cloak which he had paid to get enchanted. Behind him, a satyr enters and looks curiously about. The elf seems a bit annoyed that the satyr is following him and walks to the counter to wait.
The elf taps his fingers on the counter, then leans forward to take a nap while waiting. The satyr walks over to peruse helmets and armor, also waiting.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The elf returns to collect his cloak which he had paid to get enchanted. Behind him, a satyr enters and looks curiously about. The elf seems a bit annoyed that the satyr is following him and walks to the counter to wait.
The elf taps his fingers on the counter, then leans forward to take a nap while waiting. The satyr walks over to peruse helmets and armor, also waiting.

A clatter of noise is heard from the back as the old man stumbles through the beaded curtain leading to the back room. Cursing softly to himself he looks up and smiles to the elf, opening his mouth to speak a moment before grimacing in embarrassment as an explosion is heard from where he came. Pausing for the briefest second to compose himself, he looks again at the elf with a winning smile as he slides a bundle of cloth across the counter to him. "Sorry about the wait there, my boy... had a little trouble putting the finishing touches on this one. But, here it is... one Fabrock cloak, hot off the enchanting table. Will there be anything else I can get for you... or perhaps your... rather curious horned companion there?" He gives a nod to the satyr perusing the helmets and armor, stifling a chuckle as it tries one on, the steel helm sitting rather comically on its head hanging from one horn.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:A clatter of noise is heard from the back as the old man stumbles through the beaded curtain leading to the back room. Cursing softly to himself he looks up and smiles to the elf, opening his mouth to speak a moment before grimacing in embarrassment as an explosion is heard from where he came. Pausing for the briefest second to compose himself, he looks again at the elf with a winning smile as he slides a bundle of cloth across the counter to him. "Sorry about the wait there, my boy... had a little trouble putting the finishing touches on this one. But, here it is... one Fabrock cloak, hot off the enchanting table. Will there be anything else I can get for you... or perhaps your... rather curious horned companion there?" He gives a nod to the satyr perusing the helmets and armor, stifling a chuckle as it tries one on, the steel helm sitting rather comically on its head hanging from one horn.
"He's not my friend," the elf says, gathering up the cloak. "You ask HIM what he wants." The elf then puts on the cloak and departs, leaving the satyr and Uncle Remus to their business.
The satyr looks embarrassed, but then speaks up. "I followed him here after seeing him and his companion the other day in the tavern boasting over their new acquired goods. I was wondering if you would have a helm which, when worn, would disappear but make my horns bigger and more powerful, to do more damage as it were. I have a hard time with helms in general, always have to get them custom made, you see..."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:"Yes...Can you describe what a mystical maps does? Other than that nothing that I know of." the soft spoken one says.

The old man nods with a smile, handing over a small roll of parchment.
Mystic Maps: An offshoot of the Magic Maps in a different thread (re: Random Magical Items) These appear as blank pieces of parchment until they are smudged with a bit of dirt from your location and the command words "Icki Bolana Wassa Maatu Wittu" (language unknown but if translated by anything that magically speaks all languages or a Voice Box (see previously mentioned alternate thread) it means "Where the heck am I?") This causes a map of the immediate area around the invoker to appear on the map. One must note that immediate area is a pretty flexible term and depends entirely on the type of map bought. There are three kinds. The first one is the smallest as a 1 foot square of parchment. It will reveal the surrounding 1 mile radius area. Next up is the medium, measuring in as an 18 inch square. It reveals the surrounding 2 mile radius. Finally, the large measuring as a 24 inch by 18 inch rectangle, shows the surrounding 4 mile radius. The maps will reveal landmarks, cities, towns, villages, roads, rivers, trails, etc. It will NOT reveal the locations of people, monsters, treasures and so on. The map may aslo be reset by rubbing more dirt into the parchment and speaking the command words again, however each additional use beyond the third gives a cumulative 10% chance of a flawed and entirely inaccurate map (the parchment can only take so much dirt getting rubbed into it before it starts crossing the maps over each other) If used indoors or underground, the map will lay out whatever floor plans there are within its radius of effect for the particular floor/level the character is standing on. A different floor means a different map.
Cost: Small: 800 gold, Medium: 1,500 gold, Large: 2,000 gold
"This is the medium Mystic map... it should suit your purposes well enough..."
pblackcrow wrote:As the Female and the soft spoken one leave...The other male centaur steps up and says, "Yes there is something I would like to ask you about." And signs very discreetly: "During the battle with the alpha wolf I was bitten last night." And says, "So...Do you have anything for a deer flies...They have been biting the blood out of me at night. And I am afraid I broke the one of my own rules...Don't use or try on a magical item until you know what and or does. And now I can't get the blasted thing off.", tugging on the sliver finger armor in the form of a dragon with what looks like a pearl, 2 red gemstones, and 3 small clear gem. < http://i.ebayimg.com/t/1x-Silvery-Drago ... ~~60_3.JPG > "I would like to know what all it does. Because it was on the hand of a dead person who clearly was in same profession as we are, I thought it would be safe to put on. And in the labyrinth. Until he slipped up and made a sound, then all his spells were negated. Uh, to that list of things there to be identified I would like to add these..." Silver bracers with a crest of a dragon, a small silver dragon figurine/chess piece/toy, (Wooly dragon hide? we are not sure!) magical boots, in side one of the boots he pulls out a mini silver gone with a dragon on it "do NOT bang on it in side!", a silver dragon's ring, a bow, and some kind of sonic/audio fan which messes up the inner ear and causes the target (and anyone else with in a 10'-15'? half radius) world to either shake up and down or spin...But they are also very fragile. "The fan, I have felt what it does, I just want to know how to activate it, the name of it, and how many times I can activate it per day."

He takes the Centaurs hand, tugging it and him closer as he adjusts his spectacles, closely inspecting the jeweled finger armor with a critical eye, turning the centaur's hand this way and that, ocassionally into some slightly painful angles. "Hmmmmmm... this is quite a beautiful piece. Seems rather powerful as well. Could you please try to explain again exactly what happened when you put it on? Whose spells did it negate?" He casts a glance across the rest of the items with a curious gaze. "The rest of those I can identify with everything else, including that fan you're curious about, but I can assure you right now that's probably not a Wooly Dragon hide... they tend to have a more reddish hue to the fur along the spine ridge. If it is from a Wooly Dragon, it came from a very young one, but I suspect that came off of a plains mammoth. Not exactly worthless, but certainly not worth as much as a Dragon hide."

"It went right on with out any effort. Felt it tighten when I went to make a fist. It doesn't seam to be cursed or anything. Neither me or my friends have noticed any changes in me. It didn't negate any magic. The mime vampire negated his spell when he uttered a sound. Actually, he screamed in pain. I think our wizard cast agony or something on him. About the those uh, deer flies."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:"It went right on with out any effort. Felt it tighten when I went to make a fist. It doesn't seam to be cursed or anything. Neither me or my friends have noticed any changes in me. It didn't negate any magic. The mime vampire negated his spell when he uttered a sound. Actually, he screamed in pain. I think our wizard cast agony or something on him. About the those uh, deer flies."

He nods a bit as he listens, fingertips gently probing at the gems on the finger armor, murmering softly to himself as he does. Giving a gentle tug, the piece suddenly seems to come away from the centaur's hand. A moment of shock hits, however as he notices his finger came away with it as well. Before he can react, the old man smiles gently, sending an almost eerie wave of calm over the centaur before speaking. "Just relax... a simple and quick use of Anatomical Independence so I can take a closer look at this without your hand attached to it. Don't worry, I've got a good ten minutes before I have to re-attach your finger, but I can discover a lot about this thing by then. All you have to do is hold your hand still, particularly this finger." with a good-natured grin, he inspects the item more closely, turning and prodding at it as he hums a little tune to himself. Finally, giving a satisfied nod he turns back and gingerly replaces the centaur's finger, pressing lightly at the digit before releasing it with a smile. "There you go, all whole and working... just give it a little flex or two there to make sure the blood vessels realign properly. As for what it is, you've got quite an interesting find there. Seems to be a variant of an Assassin's Ring, just a little more complex. Normal Assassin's rings lengthen and sharpen into a dagger or spike when activated. This baby right here not only lengthens and sharpens, it spreads out across your hand, turning into sort of a magical clawed gauntlet. Looks to be pretty tough if not indestructible and, on its own, inflicts 4d6 damage. And yes, that's real silver, so it'll work really well against Vampires. These gems here seem to be switches for different attack modes. Touch the red ones and the Dragon's head will breathe fire, kinda like casting a Flame Lick only stronger. (6d6 dmg, 50' range) The clear gems lengthen the claws on the gauntlet, increasing the damage capability. (6d6 rather than 4d6) And last, but not least, the pearl reverts the whole thing back to the form it's currently in, a beautiful, but relatively harmless piece of jewelry." He gives a satisfied smile before settling back into a rocking chair that appears behind him (or was it always there?) "Now the big question on your kind is probably 'Barring death, How do I take it off?' Simple enough really... you have to treat it like a Lopanese Finger prison..." With a wry grin he settles back a bit, taking a sip from a steaming cup of tea. "Anything else, good sir?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

Signs "the alpha's bite" while saying, "What about the deer flies? Is there nothing that can be done for the bite? Heal, remove curse, metamorphosis, or something? Colloidal silver perhaps? Hell, I don't know what the other alchemist gave the elf."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Comment: Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
But today is a gift.
That's why it is called "the present".
Location: Texas... what country are you from?

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:Signs "the alpha's bite" while saying, "What about the deer flies? Is there nothing that can be done for the bite? Heal, remove curse, metamorphosis, or something? Colloidal silver perhaps? Hell, I don't know what the other alchemist gave the elf."

The old man furrows his brow a bit, considering the options. "You best bet is a remove Curse. However, these kind of bites are a powerful thing to counteract. Unless you find an exceedingly powerful caster, it may take a few tries. And even if you do find one, there's no particular guarantee of success the first time around. And before you ask, yes, I am able to perform it myself. The ritual itself takes a little time, around 15 minutes or so, and, as I stated earlier, there is no guarantee of success the first time. However, I am willing to try it myself if you'll allow. The cost is normally around 5000 gold, but since you and your companions are such good customers, I'm willing to waive the fee for the first two attempts. The biggest question I have is... How long ago were you bitten?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Signs "the alpha's bite" while saying, "What about the deer flies? Is there nothing that can be done for the bite? Heal, remove curse, metamorphosis, or something? Colloidal silver perhaps? Hell, I don't know what the other alchemist gave the elf."

The old man furrows his brow a bit, considering the options. "You best bet is a remove Curse. However, these kind of bites are a powerful thing to counteract. Unless you find an exceedingly powerful caster, it may take a few tries. And even if you do find one, there's no particular guarantee of success the first time around. And before you ask, yes, I am able to perform it myself. The ritual itself takes a little time, around 15 minutes or so, and, as I stated earlier, there is no guarantee of success the first time. However, I am willing to try it myself if you'll allow. The cost is normally around 5000 gold, but since you and your companions are such good customers, I'm willing to waive the fee for the first two attempts. The biggest question I have is... How long ago were you bitten?"

"Sometime before dawn so, rough guess 5-7 hours ago. Sorry I can't be more exact. It is rather hard to get an accurate measurement of time while in cave."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:A clatter of noise is heard from the back as the old man stumbles through the beaded curtain leading to the back room. Cursing softly to himself he looks up and smiles to the elf, opening his mouth to speak a moment before grimacing in embarrassment as an explosion is heard from where he came. Pausing for the briefest second to compose himself, he looks again at the elf with a winning smile as he slides a bundle of cloth across the counter to him. "Sorry about the wait there, my boy... had a little trouble putting the finishing touches on this one. But, here it is... one Fabrock cloak, hot off the enchanting table. Will there be anything else I can get for you... or perhaps your... rather curious horned companion there?" He gives a nod to the satyr perusing the helmets and armor, stifling a chuckle as it tries one on, the steel helm sitting rather comically on its head hanging from one horn.
"He's not my friend," the elf says, gathering up the cloak. "You ask HIM what he wants." The elf then puts on the cloak and departs, leaving the satyr and Uncle Remus to their business.
The satyr looks embarrassed, but then speaks up. "I followed him here after seeing him and his companion the other day in the tavern boasting over their new acquired goods. I was wondering if you would have a helm which, when worn, would disappear but make my horns bigger and more powerful, to do more damage as it were. I have a hard time with helms in general, always have to get them custom made, you see..."
The satyr waits patiently for an answer.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Signs "the alpha's bite" while saying, "What about the deer flies? Is there nothing that can be done for the bite? Heal, remove curse, metamorphosis, or something? Colloidal silver perhaps? Hell, I don't know what the other alchemist gave the elf."

The old man furrows his brow a bit, considering the options. "You best bet is a remove Curse. However, these kind of bites are a powerful thing to counteract. Unless you find an exceedingly powerful caster, it may take a few tries. And even if you do find one, there's no particular guarantee of success the first time around. And before you ask, yes, I am able to perform it myself. The ritual itself takes a little time, around 15 minutes or so, and, as I stated earlier, there is no guarantee of success the first time. However, I am willing to try it myself if you'll allow. The cost is normally around 5000 gold, but since you and your companions are such good customers, I'm willing to waive the fee for the first two attempts. The biggest question I have is... How long ago were you bitten?"

"Sometime before dawn so, rough guess 5-7 hours ago. Sorry I can't be more exact. It is rather hard to get an accurate measurement of time while in cave."

he nods with a reassuring smile. "No problem, I understand completely. As long as it hasn't been more than 24 hours, then you'd be in a bit more trouble. The curse would have run a longer course through you and been just that much more difficult to break. Since it hasn't been that long, you stand a pretty good shot at it being lifted within the first 3 attempts. So. shall we have a go at getting this curse broken?" He smiles wide, gesturing to the beaded curtain behind the counter.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:A clatter of noise is heard from the back as the old man stumbles through the beaded curtain leading to the back room. Cursing softly to himself he looks up and smiles to the elf, opening his mouth to speak a moment before grimacing in embarrassment as an explosion is heard from where he came. Pausing for the briefest second to compose himself, he looks again at the elf with a winning smile as he slides a bundle of cloth across the counter to him. "Sorry about the wait there, my boy... had a little trouble putting the finishing touches on this one. But, here it is... one Fabrock cloak, hot off the enchanting table. Will there be anything else I can get for you... or perhaps your... rather curious horned companion there?" He gives a nod to the satyr perusing the helmets and armor, stifling a chuckle as it tries one on, the steel helm sitting rather comically on its head hanging from one horn.
"He's not my friend," the elf says, gathering up the cloak. "You ask HIM what he wants." The elf then puts on the cloak and departs, leaving the satyr and Uncle Remus to their business.
The satyr looks embarrassed, but then speaks up. "I followed him here after seeing him and his companion the other day in the tavern boasting over their new acquired goods. I was wondering if you would have a helm which, when worn, would disappear but make my horns bigger and more powerful, to do more damage as it were. I have a hard time with helms in general, always have to get them custom made, you see..."
The satyr waits patiently for an answer.

The old man nods with a quirky smile, barely stifling a low chuckle. "So, uh... got a little bit of a ummmmm... performance issue... with your horns, eh? I think i can hook you up with a little something here....."

Helm of the Battering Ram: A well made steel or iron helmet set with a pair of heavy ram's horns, curling from the brow of the helm back along the skull and around the sides of the helmet to end in sharpened points on either side of the wearer's face at roughly cheekbone level. The inside is heavily padded and reinforced for both strength and comfort. When worn it allows the wearer to make ramming style head butt attacks with the horns of the helm that inflict 3d6 damage with a successful strike. However, there is a 30% chance per successful strike with the helm that the wearer suffers 1d6 damage himself from traumatic impact and strain of the neck muscles despite the extra padding. (Of course if the padding were removed, the wearer would suffer much more tremendously) Cost: 5000 gold

"Now of course you'll notice that when this thing is put on it does not disappear, nor is it modified in any way for a person who already has horns. I can however, custom build another one with these exact same powers, custom made for your head, horns and all, and enchant it to be invisible when you wear it. Just to warn you though, as with any invisible item, there are still folks out there that can naturally and magically see the invisible, particularly among your kin. Just saying..." With a well meaning smile he offers his hand. "Anything else for you, my friend?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The satyr looks embarrassed, but then speaks up. "I followed him here after seeing him and his companion the other day in the tavern boasting over their new acquired goods. I was wondering if you would have a helm which, when worn, would disappear but make my horns bigger and more powerful, to do more damage as it were. I have a hard time with helms in general, always have to get them custom made, you see..." The satyr waits patiently for an answer.

The old man nods with a quirky smile, barely stifling a low chuckle. "So, uh... got a little bit of a ummmmm... performance issue... with your horns, eh? I think i can hook you up with a little something here....."

Helm of the Battering Ram: A well made steel or iron helmet set with a pair of heavy ram's horns, curling from the brow of the helm back along the skull and around the sides of the helmet to end in sharpened points on either side of the wearer's face at roughly cheekbone level. The inside is heavily padded and reinforced for both strength and comfort. When worn it allows the wearer to make ramming style head butt attacks with the horns of the helm that inflict 3d6 damage with a successful strike. However, there is a 30% chance per successful strike with the helm that the wearer suffers 1d6 damage himself from traumatic impact and strain of the neck muscles despite the extra padding. (Of course if the padding were removed, the wearer would suffer much more tremendously) Cost: 5000 gold

"Now of course you'll notice that when this thing is put on it does not disappear, nor is it modified in any way for a person who already has horns. I can however, custom build another one with these exact same powers, custom made for your head, horns and all, and enchant it to be invisible when you wear it. Just to warn you though, as with any invisible item, there are still folks out there that can naturally and magically see the invisible, particularly among your kin. Just saying..." With a well meaning smile he offers his hand. "Anything else for you, my friend?"
"Not quite what I was looking for," the satyr replies. "Not looking for something that will hurt me when I use it, and the improved damage is not enough to make it worth the money. The invisible part is not so important, since that was just for appearance sake, but I did want something I might be able to ram my way through a wall with. From what the other guys were saying, I thought you'd have something more impressive. Just saying..." The satyr walks toward the door.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The satyr looks embarrassed, but then speaks up. "I followed him here after seeing him and his companion the other day in the tavern boasting over their new acquired goods. I was wondering if you would have a helm which, when worn, would disappear but make my horns bigger and more powerful, to do more damage as it were. I have a hard time with helms in general, always have to get them custom made, you see..." The satyr waits patiently for an answer.

The old man nods with a quirky smile, barely stifling a low chuckle. "So, uh... got a little bit of a ummmmm... performance issue... with your horns, eh? I think i can hook you up with a little something here....."

Helm of the Battering Ram: A well made steel or iron helmet set with a pair of heavy ram's horns, curling from the brow of the helm back along the skull and around the sides of the helmet to end in sharpened points on either side of the wearer's face at roughly cheekbone level. The inside is heavily padded and reinforced for both strength and comfort. When worn it allows the wearer to make ramming style head butt attacks with the horns of the helm that inflict 3d6 damage with a successful strike. However, there is a 30% chance per successful strike with the helm that the wearer suffers 1d6 damage himself from traumatic impact and strain of the neck muscles despite the extra padding. (Of course if the padding were removed, the wearer would suffer much more tremendously) Cost: 5000 gold

"Now of course you'll notice that when this thing is put on it does not disappear, nor is it modified in any way for a person who already has horns. I can however, custom build another one with these exact same powers, custom made for your head, horns and all, and enchant it to be invisible when you wear it. Just to warn you though, as with any invisible item, there are still folks out there that can naturally and magically see the invisible, particularly among your kin. Just saying..." With a well meaning smile he offers his hand. "Anything else for you, my friend?"
"Not quite what I was looking for," the satyr replies. "Not looking for something that will hurt me when I use it, and the improved damage is not enough to make it worth the money. The invisible part is not so important, since that was just for appearance sake, but I did want something I might be able to ram my way through a wall with. From what the other guys were saying, I thought you'd have something more impressive. Just saying..." The satyr walks toward the door.

The old man arches a bushy eyebrow with a sly grin, raising his hand ever so slightly, the door squeaking open with the gesture as he settles back into his rocking chair with a steaming cup of tea. " Sometimes you have to take a little pain in order to dish out a real hurting. I'm just worried that anything more... 'impressive'... would be a bit too much for you to handle, given your... rather smallish stature." He gives a wry grin, sweeping his glittering gaze over the satyr before waving his hand dismissively with a soft sigh, the door swinging a open little further. "But, since I have obviously failed to impress you, I'm sure you can find someone more competent than I that may have what you need... I hear there's a shop somewhere in the Baal-Gor Wastes that specializes in enchanted helms and the like. Most likely a damn sight better than anything I can produce... except maybe....." He lets his voice trail off, turning his gaze to the beaded curtain behind the counter with a thoughtful expression, his brow deeply furrowed in thought.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man arches a bushy eyebrow with a sly grin, raising his hand ever so slightly, the door squeaking open with the gesture as he settles back into his rocking chair with a steaming cup of tea. " Sometimes you have to take a little pain in order to dish out a real hurting. I'm just worried that anything more... 'impressive'... would be a bit too much for you to handle, given your... rather smallish stature." He gives a wry grin, sweeping his glittering gaze over the satyr before waving his hand dismissively with a soft sigh, the door swinging a open little further. "But, since I have obviously failed to impress you, I'm sure you can find someone more competent than I that may have what you need... I hear there's a shop somewhere in the Baal-Gor Wastes that specializes in enchanted helms and the like. Most likely a damn sight better than anything I can produce... except maybe....." He lets his voice trail off, turning his gaze to the beaded curtain behind the counter with a thoughtful expression, his brow deeply furrowed in thought.
The satyr turns. "Except maybe... what?"
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Signs "the alpha's bite" while saying, "What about the deer flies? Is there nothing that can be done for the bite? Heal, remove curse, metamorphosis, or something? Colloidal silver perhaps? Hell, I don't know what the other alchemist gave the elf."

The old man furrows his brow a bit, considering the options. "You best bet is a remove Curse. However, these kind of bites are a powerful thing to counteract. Unless you find an exceedingly powerful caster, it may take a few tries. And even if you do find one, there's no particular guarantee of success the first time around. And before you ask, yes, I am able to perform it myself. The ritual itself takes a little time, around 15 minutes or so, and, as I stated earlier, there is no guarantee of success the first time. However, I am willing to try it myself if you'll allow. The cost is normally around 5000 gold, but since you and your companions are such good customers, I'm willing to waive the fee for the first two attempts. The biggest question I have is... How long ago were you bitten?"

"Sometime before dawn so, rough guess 5-7 hours ago. Sorry I can't be more exact. It is rather hard to get an accurate measurement of time while in cave."

he nods with a reassuring smile. "No problem, I understand completely. As long as it hasn't been more than 24 hours, then you'd be in a bit more trouble. The curse would have run a longer course through you and been just that much more difficult to break. Since it hasn't been that long, you stand a pretty good shot at it being lifted within the first 3 attempts. So. shall we have a go at getting this curse broken?" He smiles wide, gesturing to the beaded curtain behind the counter.

"Yes, by all means, LET'S!" he will say stepping into behind the curtain.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man arches a bushy eyebrow with a sly grin, raising his hand ever so slightly, the door squeaking open with the gesture as he settles back into his rocking chair with a steaming cup of tea. " Sometimes you have to take a little pain in order to dish out a real hurting. I'm just worried that anything more... 'impressive'... would be a bit too much for you to handle, given your... rather smallish stature." He gives a wry grin, sweeping his glittering gaze over the satyr before waving his hand dismissively with a soft sigh, the door swinging a open little further. "But, since I have obviously failed to impress you, I'm sure you can find someone more competent than I that may have what you need... I hear there's a shop somewhere in the Baal-Gor Wastes that specializes in enchanted helms and the like. Most likely a damn sight better than anything I can produce... except maybe....." He lets his voice trail off, turning his gaze to the beaded curtain behind the counter with a thoughtful expression, his brow deeply furrowed in thought.
The satyr turns. "Except maybe... what?"

The old man considers for a long moment with a deadly serious expression, slowly sweeping his gaze over the satyr with a discerning eye. "I dunno... What I have back there... it might not be for you. Highly experimental, potentially dangerous.... might be a mistake even mentioning it in the first place." He furrows his brows a moment longer, scratching lightly at his bearded chin before giving a nod and standing resolutely. "Alright... I'll give you a look at what I have... but don't say I didn't warn you...."

The Dragon's Crown: A rather fragile looking diadem appearing as a rather finely crafted crown of woven silver bands, the Dragon's Crown is a part of Uncle Remus' exclusive line of Symbiotic Magic Items. When worn, the item permanently grafts itself to the wearer's skull and cannot be removed until its wearer is killed. Like other Symbiotic Magic Items, the Dragon's Crown grows in power as its wearer grows in experience, granting the wearer more and more powers and abilities as he and the item grow in experience. The Crown grants the wearer the following powers, bonuses and abilities (Note; per level bonuses are per level of the Symbiotic Magic Item):
SDC Bonus: +10 SDC at level 1, +5 SDC at levels 5, 10 and 15
Natural AR: Grants a natural AR of 13 to the wearer's head ONLY. Natural AR increases by 1 additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12. Natural AR is good against attacks that target the characters head ONLY
Nightvision: Wearer has Nightvision with a 40 foot range. If the wearer already has Nightvision, increase natural range by 30 feet.
Horns: Once grafted to the skull, the wearer grows a pair of horns that inflict 2d6 damage with a headbutt attack. Damage from the horns increases by 1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 with the horns growing larger at each of these levels. If worn by a race that already possesses horns (Minotaurs, Grimbor, Gromek, Satyrs, etc...) the wearer will see their own horns growing larger as the Symbiotic Item grows (they will NOT grow an extra set) with the 2d6 damage at level 1 being added to their existing damage roll for an attack with their horns (for example a Minotaur inflicts 3d6 damage with a headbutt, 5d6 with a charge. After putting on a Dragon's Crown, the Minotaur's horns immediately grow larger and inflict 5d6 damage with a headbutt and 7d6 with a charge) as well as the additional damage at later levels. (Please note, these horns are usually quite prominent, particularly at later levels and especially when on a person that normally doesn't have horns. They cannot be retracted by the wearer and are a permanent addition to their skull (until their death at least). They may be hidden by hoods or large hats at first, but will eventually grow too large to be hidden. Players, you have been warned!)
Breath Weapon: At level 4 the Crown grants its wearer a breath weapon as an additional attack form. The wearer may choose one of the following types; Fire Breath: 5d6 damage, range 50 feet, Frost Breath: 5d6 damage, range 50 feet, Force Blast: 4d6 damage, range 75 feet, Poison Gas Cloud: 6d6 damage (save vs Lethal Poison for half damage), range 30 feet. At levels 8, 12 and 15, the wearer may choose to either pick an additional Breath Weapon from the remaining choices, adding it to his range of attacks, or double the range and damage of one of the Breath Weapon attacks they have. However doubling the power of a Breath weapon cannot be done more than once.
Cost: 500,000 gold

The old man smiles softly as the delicate silver crown floats lazily between his hands, gleaming brilliantly in the flickering firelight from the hearth. "Don't let how it looks fool you... this baby packs quite a punch. Of course, you'll have to earn the power it can give you." He flashes a devilish grin to the satyr with a dangerous gleam in his bespectacled eye. "Think you can handle it?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:"Yes, by all means, LET'S!" he will say stepping into behind the curtain.

The old man nods with a smile, parting the curtain with a polite warning of the low clearance, following after with a stately parade of bottles and jars marching after
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man considers for a long moment with a deadly serious expression, slowly sweeping his gaze over the satyr with a discerning eye. "I dunno... What I have back there... it might not be for you. Highly experimental, potentially dangerous.... might be a mistake even mentioning it in the first place." He furrows his brows a moment longer, scratching lightly at his bearded chin before giving a nod and standing resolutely. "Alright... I'll give you a look at what I have... but don't say I didn't warn you...."

The Dragon's Crown: A rather fragile looking diadem appearing as a rather finely crafted crown of woven silver bands, the Dragon's Crown is a part of Uncle Remus' exclusive line of Symbiotic Magic Items. When worn, the item permanently grafts itself to the wearer's skull and cannot be removed until its wearer is killed. Like other Symbiotic Magic Items, the Dragon's Crown grows in power as its wearer grows in experience, granting the wearer more and more powers and abilities as he and the item grow in experience. The Crown grants the wearer the following powers, bonuses and abilities (Note; per level bonuses are per level of the Symbiotic Magic Item):
SDC Bonus: +10 SDC at level 1, +5 SDC at levels 5, 10 and 15
Natural AR: Grants a natural AR of 13 to the wearer's head ONLY. Natural AR increases by 1 additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12. Natural AR is good against attacks that target the characters head ONLY
Nightvision: Wearer has Nightvision with a 40 foot range. If the wearer already has Nightvision, increase natural range by 30 feet.
Horns: Once grafted to the skull, the wearer grows a pair of horns that inflict 2d6 damage with a headbutt attack. Damage from the horns increases by 1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 with the horns growing larger at each of these levels. If worn by a race that already possesses horns (Minotaurs, Grimbor, Gromek, Satyrs, etc...) the wearer will see their own horns growing larger as the Symbiotic Item grows (they will NOT grow an extra set) with the 2d6 damage at level 1 being added to their existing damage roll for an attack with their horns (for example a Minotaur inflicts 3d6 damage with a headbutt, 5d6 with a charge. After putting on a Dragon's Crown, the Minotaur's horns immediately grow larger and inflict 5d6 damage with a headbutt and 7d6 with a charge) as well as the additional damage at later levels. (Please note, these horns are usually quite prominent, particularly at later levels and especially when on a person that normally doesn't have horns. They cannot be retracted by the wearer and are a permanent addition to their skull (until their death at least). They may be hidden by hoods or large hats at first, but will eventually grow too large to be hidden. Players, you have been warned!)
Breath Weapon: At level 4 the Crown grants its wearer a breath weapon as an additional attack form. The wearer may choose one of the following types; Fire Breath: 5d6 damage, range 50 feet, Frost Breath: 5d6 damage, range 50 feet, Force Blast: 4d6 damage, range 75 feet, Poison Gas Cloud: 6d6 damage (save vs Lethal Poison for half damage), range 30 feet. At levels 8, 12 and 15, the wearer may choose to either pick an additional Breath Weapon from the remaining choices, adding it to his range of attacks, or double the range and damage of one of the Breath Weapon attacks they have. However doubling the power of a Breath weapon cannot be done more than once.
Cost: 500,000 gold

The old man smiles softly as the delicate silver crown floats lazily between his hands, gleaming brilliantly in the flickering firelight from the hearth. "Don't let how it looks fool you... this baby packs quite a punch. Of course, you'll have to earn the power it can give you." He flashes a devilish grin to the satyr with a dangerous gleam in his bespectacled eye. "Think you can handle it?"
"I want it," the satyr says, tossing a bag with 500,000 gold onto the counter. "I can handle it."
He takes the silver crown from the old man, holding it gently between his fingers before raising toward his head to put it on.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man considers for a long moment with a deadly serious expression, slowly sweeping his gaze over the satyr with a discerning eye. "I dunno... What I have back there... it might not be for you. Highly experimental, potentially dangerous.... might be a mistake even mentioning it in the first place." He furrows his brows a moment longer, scratching lightly at his bearded chin before giving a nod and standing resolutely. "Alright... I'll give you a look at what I have... but don't say I didn't warn you...."

The Dragon's Crown: A rather fragile looking diadem appearing as a rather finely crafted crown of woven silver bands, the Dragon's Crown is a part of Uncle Remus' exclusive line of Symbiotic Magic Items. When worn, the item permanently grafts itself to the wearer's skull and cannot be removed until its wearer is killed. Like other Symbiotic Magic Items, the Dragon's Crown grows in power as its wearer grows in experience, granting the wearer more and more powers and abilities as he and the item grow in experience. The Crown grants the wearer the following powers, bonuses and abilities (Note; per level bonuses are per level of the Symbiotic Magic Item):
SDC Bonus: +10 SDC at level 1, +5 SDC at levels 5, 10 and 15
Natural AR: Grants a natural AR of 13 to the wearer's head ONLY. Natural AR increases by 1 additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12. Natural AR is good against attacks that target the characters head ONLY
Nightvision: Wearer has Nightvision with a 40 foot range. If the wearer already has Nightvision, increase natural range by 30 feet.
Horns: Once grafted to the skull, the wearer grows a pair of horns that inflict 2d6 damage with a headbutt attack. Damage from the horns increases by 1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 with the horns growing larger at each of these levels. If worn by a race that already possesses horns (Minotaurs, Grimbor, Gromek, Satyrs, etc...) the wearer will see their own horns growing larger as the Symbiotic Item grows (they will NOT grow an extra set) with the 2d6 damage at level 1 being added to their existing damage roll for an attack with their horns (for example a Minotaur inflicts 3d6 damage with a headbutt, 5d6 with a charge. After putting on a Dragon's Crown, the Minotaur's horns immediately grow larger and inflict 5d6 damage with a headbutt and 7d6 with a charge) as well as the additional damage at later levels. (Please note, these horns are usually quite prominent, particularly at later levels and especially when on a person that normally doesn't have horns. They cannot be retracted by the wearer and are a permanent addition to their skull (until their death at least). They may be hidden by hoods or large hats at first, but will eventually grow too large to be hidden. Players, you have been warned!)
Breath Weapon: At level 4 the Crown grants its wearer a breath weapon as an additional attack form. The wearer may choose one of the following types; Fire Breath: 5d6 damage, range 50 feet, Frost Breath: 5d6 damage, range 50 feet, Force Blast: 4d6 damage, range 75 feet, Poison Gas Cloud: 6d6 damage (save vs Lethal Poison for half damage), range 30 feet. At levels 8, 12 and 15, the wearer may choose to either pick an additional Breath Weapon from the remaining choices, adding it to his range of attacks, or double the range and damage of one of the Breath Weapon attacks they have. However doubling the power of a Breath weapon cannot be done more than once.
Cost: 500,000 gold

The old man smiles softly as the delicate silver crown floats lazily between his hands, gleaming brilliantly in the flickering firelight from the hearth. "Don't let how it looks fool you... this baby packs quite a punch. Of course, you'll have to earn the power it can give you." He flashes a devilish grin to the satyr with a dangerous gleam in his bespectacled eye. "Think you can handle it?"
"I want it," the satyr says, tossing a bag with 500,000 gold onto the counter. "I can handle it."
He takes the silver crown from the old man, holding it gently between his fingers before raising toward his head to put it on.

The old man smiles with a nod, taking the pouch of gold and slipping it under the counter before folding his arms before him on the smooth wooden suface, leaning forward with an almost mischievous grin spreading across his lips as the satyr settles the crown on his brow. "Pleasure doing business with you sir. You have my personal guarantee that once that baby digs its way in and grafts itself to your skull, your horns will at least double in size. Shouldn't take much more than 5 minutes or so. After that, your Nightvision will adjust, your head will harden... no offense, just statement of fact... and you'll be well on your way to pounding your way headfirst through whatever gets in your way. Anything else I can get for you?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man smiles with a nod, taking the pouch of gold and slipping it under the counter before folding his arms before him on the smooth wooden suface, leaning forward with an almost mischievous grin spreading across his lips as the satyr settles the crown on his brow. "Pleasure doing business with you sir. You have my personal guarantee that once that baby digs its way in and grafts itself to your skull, your horns will at least double in size. Shouldn't take much more than 5 minutes or so. After that, your Nightvision will adjust, your head will harden... no offense, just statement of fact... and you'll be well on your way to pounding your way headfirst through whatever gets in your way. Anything else I can get for you?"
"Would you have any dragon claw gauntlets to go with the crown? Say, something that gives strength as well as increased clawing capacity?"
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

A wolfen solder enters the shop, coming in with a backpack "Hello...Wow, they weren't kidding about it being bigger on the inside." in Elven. "How is this possible?" looks in great awe and wonderment. "And I smell gingered bread. Smells delightful."

Just then what looks like a faerie with sharp pointy teeth, dressed in a small white robe with gold trim, comes flying and screaming out of the back room. "I broke your wife's favorite tree topper and now she wants to stick me on there with your magically extracted barnacle glue on my feet and legs after she has shoves me down on it. Please master, I'll be good. Just don't let her do it!"

Wolfen mumbles to himself in Wolfen, "Some things hot irons or sitz baths just can't help. But good thing he regenerates." and seams to snicker at the thought. "So, how much is that barnacle glue? I have some things in mind for a gallon of it. It will require a trip to the glass makers but that's easy enough...It's just down the street...Bat glue balls anyone? And also see how much this unholy sword of decay is worth."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man smiles with a nod, taking the pouch of gold and slipping it under the counter before folding his arms before him on the smooth wooden suface, leaning forward with an almost mischievous grin spreading across his lips as the satyr settles the crown on his brow. "Pleasure doing business with you sir. You have my personal guarantee that once that baby digs its way in and grafts itself to your skull, your horns will at least double in size. Shouldn't take much more than 5 minutes or so. After that, your Nightvision will adjust, your head will harden... no offense, just statement of fact... and you'll be well on your way to pounding your way headfirst through whatever gets in your way. Anything else I can get for you?"
"Would you have any dragon claw gauntlets to go with the crown? Say, something that gives strength as well as increased clawing capacity?"

The old man ponders for a long moment before reaching behind him and pulling out a steel gauntlet, holding it up with a wry smile. "I think this might do it for you..."

Dragon's Paw: A well crafted armored gauntlet, specially enchanted to become a terrible weapon. When activated the fingers of the gauntlet shift and fuse, becoming a 3 fingered claw of steel with wicked slashing talons. Once transformed, the gauntlet/claw raises the wearer's PS to 25, or adds 5 points to it if already 23 or higher, and boosts it to Supernatural levels! See Supernatural Strength & Damage Table (PFRPG pg 17-18) for adjusted damage with punches and add 3d6 additional damage from Claw attacks. Transformation into claw mode may be done 3 times per 24 hour period and lasts for 10 melee rounds, after which it will revert back into a normal looking steel gauntlet. Cost: 250,000 gold

He chuckles softly to himself as he offers the item. "How's that grab you?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:A wolfen solder enters the shop, coming in with a backpack "Hello...Wow, they weren't kidding about it being bigger on the inside." in Elven. "How is this possible?" looks in great awe and wonderment. "And I smell gingered bread. Smells delightful."

Just then what looks like a faerie with sharp pointy teeth, dressed in a small white robe with gold trim, comes flying and screaming out of the back room. "I broke your wife's favorite tree topper and now she wants to stick me on there with your magically extracted barnacle glue on my feet and legs after she has shoves me down on it. Please master, I'll be good. Just don't let her do it!"

Wolfen mumbles to himself in Wolfen, "Some things hot irons or sitz baths just can't help. But good thing he regenerates." and seams to snicker at the thought. "So, how much is that barnacle glue? I have some things in mind for a gallon of it. It will require a trip to the glass makers but that's easy enough...It's just down the street...Bat glue balls anyone? And also see how much this unholy sword of decay is worth."

The old man glances up as the Wolfen enters, smiling warmly and just about to greet him when the Faerie rushes in with its plea. With an exasperated sigh he grabs the diminutive beggar from the air. "Bubbles! How many times have I told you not to play with the holiday shineys! They are very special to Auntie Remus! So special that even I don't mess with them! Now you have about 30 seconds to get that tree topper repaired and looking brand spanking new, or I'll stick you to the top of the tree myself!" Openning his hand with a stern gaze, the faerie virtually teleports away as it flies off at top speed to tend its task. With a soft chuckle and a slight shake of his head he turns back to the Wolfen. "Sorry you had to see that. Bubbles just gets waaaaaayyyy over excited during the holiday season... I think he keeps on breaking into the candy and gorging himself... either way we gotta stay firm with him or he'll just run amok for the entire month. As for how much the barnacle glue is..." he giggles softly with a mischievous grin, his voice dropping to a conspiritory whisper. "T'aint no such thing... but Bubbles don't know that and as far as he's concerned it's the one thing he can't get loose from short of gnawing off his own limbs." With a wide grin he leans back, adjusting his spectacles. "Now then... let's have a look at this unholy sword of yours..."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"Would you have any dragon claw gauntlets to go with the crown? Say, something that gives strength as well as increased clawing capacity?"

The old man ponders for a long moment before reaching behind him and pulling out a steel gauntlet, holding it up with a wry smile. "I think this might do it for you..."

Dragon's Paw: A well crafted armored gauntlet, specially enchanted to become a terrible weapon. When activated the fingers of the gauntlet shift and fuse, becoming a 3 fingered claw of steel with wicked slashing talons. Once transformed, the gauntlet/claw raises the wearer's PS to 25, or adds 5 points to it if already 23 or higher, and boosts it to Supernatural levels! See Supernatural Strength & Damage Table (PFRPG pg 17-18) for adjusted damage with punches and add 3d6 additional damage from Claw attacks. Transformation into claw mode may be done 3 times per 24 hour period and lasts for 10 melee rounds, after which it will revert back into a normal looking steel gauntlet. Cost: 250,000 gold

He chuckles softly to himself as he offers the item. "How's that grab you?"
"I'll take a pair of them, if you have two of them, that is, for both hands," the satyr says, throwing a bag with yet another 500,000 gold in it onto the counter. "I'm afraid that's all my money, though, so I won't be able to afford to get anything more."

[What is the strength boost with two? Do the bonuses to strength stack?]
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

He goes through his pack, setting to the side a large blue flawless crystal (of unknown type to him and the group, the 2 other who have gemology rolled poorly on it) pyramid (You guesstimate weighing 15-25 lbs, and radiating magic) and a few other odds and ends before finding it. Being very careful to grip only the scabbard he pulls it out. In stead of describing it, why don't I simply show it? http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/image ... ords-1.jpg The one in the front. "It was on the necromancer who boasted of it and having it. Pity the wizard and the mind mage disarmed him of it before he had a chance to use it. :lol: What we weren't expecting however was for him to have a havoc staff. But anyway, I found this pyramid and was wanting to know more about it. What is it, is for, how much does it sell for, etc? It came from the mummy immortalis'."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"Would you have any dragon claw gauntlets to go with the crown? Say, something that gives strength as well as increased clawing capacity?"

The old man ponders for a long moment before reaching behind him and pulling out a steel gauntlet, holding it up with a wry smile. "I think this might do it for you..."

Dragon's Paw: A well crafted armored gauntlet, specially enchanted to become a terrible weapon. When activated the fingers of the gauntlet shift and fuse, becoming a 3 fingered claw of steel with wicked slashing talons. Once transformed, the gauntlet/claw raises the wearer's PS to 25, or adds 5 points to it if already 23 or higher, and boosts it to Supernatural levels! See Supernatural Strength & Damage Table (PFRPG pg 17-18) for adjusted damage with punches and add 3d6 additional damage from Claw attacks. Transformation into claw mode may be done 3 times per 24 hour period and lasts for 10 melee rounds, after which it will revert back into a normal looking steel gauntlet. Cost: 250,000 gold

He chuckles softly to himself as he offers the item. "How's that grab you?"
"I'll take a pair of them, if you have two of them, that is, for both hands," the satyr says, throwing a bag with yet another 500,000 gold in it onto the counter. "I'm afraid that's all my money, though, so I won't be able to afford to get anything more."

[What is the strength boost with two? Do the bonuses to strength stack?]

The old man smiles with a nod, apparently pulling the one he holds apart and presenting two of them to you with a wry grin. "I figured you'd probably want a pair of them. And since you've been such a good customer, I'll let you have them both for 400,000. That way you've at least still got a bit to go out and party with in celebration of your newest acquisitions." He swipes a hand over the other bag of gold on the counter, the bag vanishing and leaving behind a stack of 100,000 gold in its place. "And thank you for coming to the Emporium. It's been a pleasure doing business with you!"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"I'll take a pair of them, if you have two of them, that is, for both hands," the satyr says, throwing a bag with yet another 500,000 gold in it onto the counter. "I'm afraid that's all my money, though, so I won't be able to afford to get anything more."

[What is the strength boost with two? Do the bonuses to strength stack?]

The old man smiles with a nod, apparently pulling the one he holds apart and presenting two of them to you with a wry grin. "I figured you'd probably want a pair of them. And since you've been such a good customer, I'll let you have them both for 400,000. That way you've at least still got a bit to go out and party with in celebration of your newest acquisitions." He swipes a hand over the other bag of gold on the counter, the bag vanishing and leaving behind a stack of 100,000 gold in its place. "And thank you for coming to the Emporium. It's been a pleasure doing business with you!"
The satyr collects the gauntlets and the remaining coins. "Thank you, sir, for indulging me." With that, he takes his leave of the shop.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:He goes through his pack, setting to the side a large blue flawless crystal (of unknown type to him and the group, the 2 other who have gemology rolled poorly on it) pyramid (You guesstimate weighing 15-25 lbs, and radiating magic) and a few other odds and ends before finding it. Being very careful to grip only the scabbard he pulls it out. In stead of describing it, why don't I simply show it? http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/image ... ords-1.jpg The one in the front. "It was on the necromancer who boasted of it and having it. Pity the wizard and the mind mage disarmed him of it before he had a chance to use it. :lol: What we weren't expecting however was for him to have a havoc staff. But anyway, I found this pyramid and was wanting to know more about it. What is it, is for, how much does it sell for, etc? It came from the mummy immortalis'."

The old man peruses the items with a discerning eye, readjusting his spectacles a bit as he narrows his gaze, peering closely at the sword with a slight frown. "Very interesting... I haven't seen one of these since just before the fall of the Dwarven lords of Druathenfeln. To call this a sword of decay is an understantement. It's actually quite a rare piece that dates back to the later years of the Elf/Dwarf war. Dwarves were the undisputed masters of Rune Magic, but their construction took time and consumed enormous resources. A few of the Masters sought to create weapons of comparable power that wouldn't take so long to forge or consume so much along the line of resources, particularly the vast array of living souls that could be bound to them. One particularly brilliant smith had the idea of using what he liked to refer to as 'manufactured life'... more specifically, the unlife created when one creates a mummy, golem or zombie. By harnessing that 'pseudo-life' energy and combining it with rune smithing, he was able to create an odd sort of 'zombie rune weapon'. Now don't get too excited, yet... while the idea was good in theory, in application it had some rather nasty drawbacks. First and foremost, while it uses rune magic in its creation, this is NOT a true Rune Weapon. Not even close, really. It has no real intelligence or personality to speak of and when compared to true Rune Weapons it is horribly lacking in power. But the one thing it does have going for it is what it CAN do. When this thing hits its target it begins inducing a sort of decaying, dessication effect in its victim, causing their joints and ligaments to tighten up, muscles to atrophy, organs begin shriveling up and failing... basically the attacks of this sword speed up the process of what happens to a dead body in the grave to a living victim.
In game terms, strikes from the sword inflict 5d6 damage and the victim must save vs Ritual Magic or suffer a loss of 2 points from all Physical Attributes (PS, PP, PE, PB, and Spd) as the sword literally wastes away the victims body at an accelerated rate. In addition to the loss of any combat bonuses from the lowering of the attributes, the victim suffers an additional -2 to Strike, Parry/Dodge and Initiative and the loss of one attack per melee from the rather extreme pain of ones ligaments tightening, muscle atrophy and other forms of wasting away a dead body does as it rots away. Multiple failed saves result in cumulative attribute loss ONLY. The additional combat penalties remain the same. Attributes may be drained down to a minimum of 3 except for the PE which may be reduced to 0 by the sword. If this occurs, the victim falls into a coma and requires immediate medical attention or they will die within 24 hours. Victims of the sword that survive the attacks recover HP and SDC as normal and lost attribute points return at a rate of 3 per week of complete rest and recuperation, 2 per week of mild activity (No combat or heavy exertion), 1 per week of normal activity (No combat and occassionally pushing one's self). What's worse, anyone actually slain by the sword, whether through the loss of HP and SDC or the victim's PE being reduced to 0, will rise again within 12 hours as a zombie under the thrall of the sword's wielder! In the wrong hands (or the right ones depending on one's viewpoint) a person could literally raise an army of hundreds, even thousands, in a matter of days."
The old man sets the sword carefully to the side and turns his attention to the crystal pyramid, his brows raising in piqued interest as he leans in close to look it over. "Now this little beauty, I'm not too certain of at the moment... too much swirling around in here to get a handle on. But, if you're willing to wait a day or so I can tell you everything I find out about it. That and, well, to be perfectly honest, I have Auntie remus screaming in my head about Bubbles' little adventures in holiday shiny land and it's really starting to hurt my brain..." He chuckles with an apologetic smile, lightly rubbing at his temples. "Return to me in two days... I'll have the information you seek."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:He goes through his pack, setting to the side a large blue flawless crystal (of unknown type to him and the group, the 2 other who have gemology rolled poorly on it) pyramid (You guesstimate weighing 15-25 lbs, and radiating magic) and a few other odds and ends before finding it. Being very careful to grip only the scabbard he pulls it out. In stead of describing it, why don't I simply show it? http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/image ... ords-1.jpg The one in the front. "It was on the necromancer who boasted of it and having it. Pity the wizard and the mind mage disarmed him of it before he had a chance to use it. :lol: What we weren't expecting however was for him to have a havoc staff. But anyway, I found this pyramid and was wanting to know more about it. What is it, is for, how much does it sell for, etc? It came from the mummy immortalis'."

The old man peruses the items with a discerning eye, readjusting his spectacles a bit as he narrows his gaze, peering closely at the sword with a slight frown. "Very interesting... I haven't seen one of these since just before the fall of the Dwarven lords of Druathenfeln. To call this a sword of decay is an understantement. It's actually quite a rare piece that dates back to the later years of the Elf/Dwarf war. Dwarves were the undisputed masters of Rune Magic, but their construction took time and consumed enormous resources. A few of the Masters sought to create weapons of comparable power that wouldn't take so long to forge or consume so much along the line of resources, particularly the vast array of living souls that could be bound to them. One particularly brilliant smith had the idea of using what he liked to refer to as 'manufactured life'... more specifically, the unlife created when one creates a mummy, golem or zombie. By harnessing that 'pseudo-life' energy and combining it with rune smithing, he was able to create an odd sort of 'zombie rune weapon'. Now don't get too excited, yet... while the idea was good in theory, in application it had some rather nasty drawbacks. First and foremost, while it uses rune magic in its creation, this is NOT a true Rune Weapon. Not even close, really. It has no real intelligence or personality to speak of and when compared to true Rune Weapons it is horribly lacking in power. But the one thing it does have going for it is what it CAN do. When this thing hits its target it begins inducing a sort of decaying, dessication effect in its victim, causing their joints and ligaments to tighten up, muscles to atrophy, organs begin shriveling up and failing... basically the attacks of this sword speed up the process of what happens to a dead body in the grave to a living victim.
In game terms, strikes from the sword inflict 5d6 damage and the victim must save vs Ritual Magic or suffer a loss of 2 points from all Physical Attributes (PS, PP, PE, PB, and Spd) as the sword literally wastes away the victims body at an accelerated rate. In addition to the loss of any combat bonuses from the lowering of the attributes, the victim suffers an additional -2 to Strike, Parry/Dodge and Initiative and the loss of one attack per melee from the rather extreme pain of ones ligaments tightening, muscle atrophy and other forms of wasting away a dead body does as it rots away. Multiple failed saves result in cumulative attribute loss ONLY. The additional combat penalties remain the same. Attributes may be drained down to a minimum of 3 except for the PE which may be reduced to 0 by the sword. If this occurs, the victim falls into a coma and requires immediate medical attention or they will die within 24 hours. Victims of the sword that survive the attacks recover HP and SDC as normal and lost attribute points return at a rate of 3 per week of complete rest and recuperation, 2 per week of mild activity (No combat or heavy exertion), 1 per week of normal activity (No combat and occassionally pushing one's self). What's worse, anyone actually slain by the sword, whether through the loss of HP and SDC or the victim's PE being reduced to 0, will rise again within 12 hours as a zombie under the thrall of the sword's wielder! In the wrong hands (or the right ones depending on one's viewpoint) a person could literally raise an army of hundreds, even thousands, in a matter of days."
The old man sets the sword carefully to the side and turns his attention to the crystal pyramid, his brows raising in piqued interest as he leans in close to look it over. "Now this little beauty, I'm not too certain of at the moment... too much swirling around in here to get a handle on. But, if you're willing to wait a day or so I can tell you everything I find out about it. That and, well, to be perfectly honest, I have Auntie remus screaming in my head about Bubbles' little adventures in holiday shiny land and it's really starting to hurt my brain..." He chuckles with an apologetic smile, lightly rubbing at his temples. "Return to me in two days... I'll have the information you seek."

"Uh, ewww...Forget about selling it. Um, would you do us a favor and take it and throw it into a volcano for us? Or put it away somewhere until it can do some good and the right hands can be found?" ..... "I understand. I Have 2 pups at home, so...uh, yeah. 2 days you said? Okay."

On the way out, a crashing sounds are heard, with the sound of a woman's voice screaming "Remus...The cat's in the tree, again!" and an unknown raspy voice singing "Oh Solstice tree, oh Solstice tree...you're ornaments are history." He turns back to the befuddled shopkeeper, who is getting out a large wooden plank encrusted with barnacles and a glass vile. "Shall I turn the sign on the door to 'Temperately busy, please come back later.'?"
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

In two days...the entire team walks in. The female asks "Have you finished identifying the stuff?"
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:In two days...the entire team walks in. The female asks "Have you finished identifying the stuff?"

The old man glances up with a welcoming smile, sweeping his arm out in a grand gesture, summoning a cadre of tables and a couple of chairs for everyone to get themselves comfortable around, the tables bearing platters of food and sweets as well as steaming mugs of hot cocoa, tankards of ale and mulled wine and cider. Slowly, his comfy rocking chair slides up behind him with a large red sack rolling along beside it. Settling into his chair he eyes them each in turn with a nod of greeting as he reaches into the sack and rummages around. "Welcome, welcome! Yes, I have identified every item you've all brought to me, and let me tell you, it is quite a trove. Sit, sit! grab a drink, have something to eat and get comfortable because this is quite a list... First..."

Ankh Necklace: This little beauty is quite a find. A rare artifact, often reserved for the higher ranking priests of the Church of Light and Dark, it acts as a standard holy symbol will for repelling Vampires and the undead, but this little 'vial' in the center here contains a few drops of what appears to be Vampire blood. And not just any Vampire blood... the blood of what the Vampire community would often refer to as a Methuselah, a very ancient and powerful Vampire. Using this ankh with the proper command words allows you to not only repel Vampires, but control them as well as though they had fallen victim to an Animate and Command Dead spell/power/ability. However, Vampires are allowed a saving throw to resist this control. Master Vampires get a standard saving throw against Spell Magic. Secondary Vampires save against Spells at -2 and Wild Vampires save at -4. Vampire Intelligences are unaffected. It is said there are less than 50 of these in existence and are considered greater holy relics of the Church of Light and Dark, worthy of quite a reward if returned to them, if you are so inclined to do so.

Black Powder: My initial suspicions were confirmed when I tested this stuff. What you have here is roughly 4 oz of pure Black Jelly. (Monsters & Animals pg 26) Just dump a bit out of the vial, add water and run... fast!

Tiger Figurine: Again, my initial suspicions were confirmed in this being a Guardian Stone. (PFRPG pg 256-257) However, I also noticed an additional enchantment on it as well. This little bugger has also been set up to be used as a familiar of sorts. It acts as a normal Guardian Stone in that, when set to guard an area it springs to life and attacks the intruders. In this respect it is the equivalent of a Beastiary type Guardian Stone. However, you can also speak a command word to activate it and bring it to life yourself and command it as you please. It still possesses the same powers and abilities as a Beastiary Guardian Stone, plus the one who activated it can link their senses to the senses of the Stone like a familiar link, seeing and hearing what the activated stone sees and hears.

Puzzle Box: Let's just say... be really careful with this thing. After a lot of research I strongly believe this to be Dorhallin's Prison, a dangerous and powerful artifact created by a rather brilliant, if somewhat twisted Summoner who sought to create an alternate dimension he could use as a safe haven that only he could access. Using arcane knowledge lost since the Time of a Thousand magics, he tried creating a permanent Dimensional Portal inside a puzzle box that, when solved, would open to his safe haven, a Dimensional Pocket he himself created. What he got was, for lack of a better way of putting it, a fragmented and random Dimensional Portal, permanently locked inside this puzzle box. Anyone can try to solve the puzzle box and open the Portal, but, the first mistake that gets made in trying to open it instead opens a Dimensional Portal to a completely random dimension. If one could successfully open the box, the Dimensional Portal will open to Dorhallin's Dimensional Pocket and be able to access whatever treasures may lie within. However, opening the box properly requires the opener to roll 6 consecutive successful Locate Secret Compartments/Doors rolls with each one suffering a cumulative -10% penalty. Any failed roll will open a random Dimensional Portal that immediately swallows the opener, the box, and everyone within 10 feet of them. If the opener is actually successful, the puzzle box will open a Dimensional Portal leading to Dorhallin's Dimensional Pocket. Good luck!

Silver Dragon Crest Bracers: A rather handy pair of items that only function when the pair are used together by the same person. Touching the bracer worn on the right arm casts Armor of Ithan (PFRPG pg 192) around the wearer at 10th level proficiency. Touching the left bracer casts Breathe Fire (PFRPG pg 237) on the wearer, also at 10th level proficiency. If the pair are separated, neither will function.Oddly, it does not matter which bracer is worn on which arm, they will function as described either way.

Silver Dragon Figurine: Another exceptionally rare holy artifact. As to how rare, think on the level of the Chalice of Dragonwright. This is a one of a kind item from the Church of Dragonwright and is considered just as powerful, if not more so. This is Kym-Nark-Mar's Liason. It is used to communicate directly with the Dragon God himself using the proper ritual to do so. The ritual consists of a massive sacrifice, usually a treasure worth a King's ransom, (at least 100,000 gold pieces worth) or a powerful magical item or two (lesser Rune items might be a good start). During the ritual, the figurine is placed atop the treasure to be sacrificed as the proper ritual incantations are recited by a Priest of Dragonwright. At the culmination of the ritual (about an hour later) the treasure vanishes in a blinding flash of light and Kym-Nark-Mar himself may speak through the figurine to whoever is present. (30% chance, Kym-Nark-Mar rarely involves himself in the affairs of mortals) If he does deign to speak to the petitioners, he may be asked for advice, answer a question (maybe two if he's feeling generous) or even cast a spell through the figurine at a target of the petitioner's choice. Under no circumstances will Kym-Nark-Mar teach a spell to anyone, nor will he feel obligated to perform any tasks whatsoever and he will NOT return any treasure sacrificed to him. (He IS a Dragon God after all) The Church of Dragonwright would be VERY grateful to anyone returning this artifact.

Silver Gong: A small (about 8 inch diameter) silver gong resembling a typical musical instrument engraved with arcane symbols around the edge of its face. When struck, the gong emits a powerful sonic wave that inflicts 2d6 damage to everything in front of it out to a range of 100 feet, knocking them all off their feet (70% chance, lose Initiative and 1 attack if affected) as well as causing deafness to everyone within a 50 foot radius around the gong (Save vs Spell Magic to avoid, failure results in a -4 to parry and dodge, cannot defend against attacks from the rear, lasts for 1d6 melees) Only the one striking the gong is unaffected. The gong's power may be activated up to 4 times per day and when not activated can be used as a standard musical instrument (actually sounds pretty nice too :D )

Silver Dragon Ring: Sadly, the least spectacular of the lot, though still a pretty good find. It is a simple protection ring providing resistance to Fire and Cold (1/2 damage for 2 hours 3 times per day each) as well as a constant +1 to save against Spell Magic. Other than that... a very beautiful piece.

Bow: Wow... now this is a handy item. This is a bow enchanted similarly to one of my items called the Fang. It can be used to summon any normal animal in whatever area you may be in. (30% chance a predator is summoned, otherwise it will be a prey animal) Once summoned the animal will remain in the area for 5 melee rounds. During that time you may opt to attack the animal or let it go. If the animal is attacked, it will remain in the battle for the 5 melee duration of the enchantment, after which it will either flee (70% for prey animals, 50% for predators) or remain and fight to the death. A fleeing animal may be pursued, of course. Damage from the bow (guessing it's a longbow, was never specified initially) is the standard 2d6 unless it is used to engage an animal it has summoned. Then its damage jumps to 4d6 and gains a +2 to Strike for the 5 melee duration of the fight. (Note: if, after the first 5 melees the animal is still alive, whether it flees or fights, the bow's damage drops back down to 2d6 and the Strike bonus no longer applies) If the user of the bow opts to let the animal go, it will remain in the area for the 5 melee duration before leaving peacefully. Only normal animals are summoned by the bow (tigers, bears, deer, sheep, etc.) no creatures of magic or intelligent animal-like creatures.

Fan: I have to admit, this is an interesting device. I was told it emits a sonic wave that affects people in odd ways. What it actually does is affect them with a variety of Psionic abilities. The wielder must first select a target by pointing the folded fan at them. At this point they must make a saving throw against spell magic. If the victim succeeds, the fan will remain closed and locked. If the save fails, the fan will open and the victim is essentially the target of a Telekinesis spell with the motions of the fan directing the motions of their body. Waving the fan up and down causes them to bounce up and down on the ground, back and forth drags them around back and forth on the ground, twisting turning or otherwise whipping the fan around causes any number of out of control motions you can think of. Duration of the control lasts for up to 10 melee rounds after which the fan snaps shut and the control ends with the victim regaining control of their movements. The fan may be activated up to 4 times per 24 hour period.

Blue Crystal Pyramid: This one stumped me for a while, but after a bit of research, poking and prodding i have discovered a very disturbing thing... this crystal pyramid contains... well there's no easy way to say it... but it contains a portable Ley Line Nexus Point! I don't know how, but it's in there! And, the most dangerous part about it is that it functions exactly as a Nexus Point should including a steady supply of PPE, reacting to particular planetary alignments and calendar events such as eclipses and solstices. I'd even wager you could open a Dimensional Portal/Rift from this thing. Please... please! Either handle this with extreme care and caution... or get rid of it as quickly as you can!

The old man sets the final piece carefully to the side and leans back in his chair, taking up a steaming cup of tea and slowly sipping from it, peering over the rim at the group with a curiously silent gaze.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

"Ankh necklace should be returned to Haven after the labyrinth." states the elf.
"Black powder maybe come in handy in out houses" the female says.
"Tiger figurine is a definite keeper." say the soft spoken one.
"The puzzle box is all yours!!! If he was such a great wizard he probably has a ton of defenses to guard his home. And there is no knowing what kind of dimension it is, if my magic will work there or what have you. Can a price be put on it?" the wizard says, with a nods from everyone else.
"Silver bracers are a keeper." the wolfen says.
"The silver gong, after much debate...We need to leave here for a while. Until we can back from the labyrinth " The other male centaur says.
"Dragon ring goes to the elf." states the female.
"The bow might be better left for another group." says the wolfen with a nod from the rest.
"The fan ." the female says.
"The dragon figurine should go back to the church of Dragonwright. Although, it would come in handy to dispose of that sword of decay, if you still have it?" the other male centaur state.
"The blue crystal pyramid...It's a diamond then? WOW!!! Um, what would it be worth to you? Could you even put a price on this? Because I have no guild." The wizard asks.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:"Ankh necklace should be returned to Haven after the labyrinth." states the elf.
"Black powder maybe come in handy in out houses" the female says.
"Tiger figurine is a definite keeper." say the soft spoken one.
"The puzzle box is all yours!!! If he was such a great wizard he probably has a ton of defenses to guard his home. And there is no knowing what kind of dimension it is, if my magic will work there or what have you. Can a price be put on it?" the wizard says, with a nods from everyone else.
"Silver bracers are a keeper." the wolfen says.
"The silver gong, after much debate...We need to leave here for a while. Until we can back from the labyrinth " The other male centaur says.
"Dragon ring goes to the elf." states the female.
"The bow might be better left for another group." says the wolfen with a nod from the rest.
"The fan ." the female says.
"The dragon figurine should go back to the church of Dragonwright. Although, it would come in handy to dispose of that sword of decay, if you still have it?" the other male centaur state.
"The blue crystal pyramid...It's a diamond then? WOW!!! Um, what would it be worth to you? Could you even put a price on this? Because I have no guild." The wizard asks.

The old man nods with a smile as each item is claimed or left per everyone's decisions. brows knitting lightly as he considers prices. "For all intents, no price can really be put on the puzzle box as it has a very specific and specialized purpose. However, I'm certain you all went through quite a trial to get it in the first place, so... dimensional portals, permanent base setting, random destinations... we'll call that in at 20,000...The gong I can keep in safe storage for you for the low low price of 40 gold per month, security guaranteed... The bow I can take for 10,000 straight across... as for the Sword of Decay... let's just say that it has been properly... disposed of. You needn't worry about it any longer. And... the pyramid..." The old man sighs heavily, slowly shaking his head. "To be perfectly honest... I don't know what kind of price can be put on it. I mean, a genuine Ley Line Nexus locked inside a crystal pyramid..." He thoughtfully considers a moment before smiling softly and sliding the pyramid back into the sack. "Tell you what... 250,000 straight across and I'll throw in a credit line for your entire party... say around... 500,000... each... and a 6 pack of of genuine Whoop Ass for each of you as well... mix or match as you see fit." He settles back in his chair, taking a long sip from his cup and setting it aside with a smile. "Do we have a deal?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:"Ankh necklace should be returned to Haven after the labyrinth." states the elf.
"Black powder maybe come in handy in out houses" the female says.
"Tiger figurine is a definite keeper." say the soft spoken one.
"The puzzle box is all yours!!! If he was such a great wizard he probably has a ton of defenses to guard his home. And there is no knowing what kind of dimension it is, if my magic will work there or what have you. Can a price be put on it?" the wizard says, with a nods from everyone else.
"Silver bracers are a keeper." the wolfen says.
"The silver gong, after much debate...We need to leave here for a while. Until we can back from the labyrinth " The other male centaur says.
"Dragon ring goes to the elf." states the female.
"The bow might be better left for another group." says the wolfen with a nod from the rest.
"The fan ." the female says.
"The dragon figurine should go back to the church of Dragonwright. Although, it would come in handy to dispose of that sword of decay, if you still have it?" the other male centaur state.
"The blue crystal pyramid...It's a diamond then? WOW!!! Um, what would it be worth to you? Could you even put a price on this? Because I have no guild." The wizard asks.

The old man nods with a smile as each item is claimed or left per everyone's decisions. brows knitting lightly as he considers prices. "For all intents, no price can really be put on the puzzle box as it has a very specific and specialized purpose. However, I'm certain you all went through quite a trial to get it in the first place, so... dimensional portals, permanent base setting, random destinations... we'll call that in at 20,000...The gong I can keep in safe storage for you for the low low price of 40 gold per month, security guaranteed... The bow I can take for 10,000 straight across... as for the Sword of Decay... let's just say that it has been properly... disposed of. You needn't worry about it any longer. And... the pyramid..." The old man sighs heavily, slowly shaking his head. "To be perfectly honest... I don't know what kind of price can be put on it. I mean, a genuine Ley Line Nexus locked inside a crystal pyramid..." He thoughtfully considers a moment before smiling softly and sliding the pyramid back into the sack. "Tell you what... 250,000 straight across and I'll throw in a credit line for your entire party... say around... 500,000... each... and a 6 pack of of genuine Whoop Ass for each of you as well... mix or match as you see fit." He settles back in his chair, taking a long sip from his cup and setting it aside with a smile. "Do we have a deal?"

After a rather short group discussion, the soft spoken one says, "500k each credit line sounds rather weak, all things considered. That is truly a major find, and it is flawless diamond...THE LARGEST one that I have ever seen. I don't even wish to try to estimate the carrot value of it. Not to mention what is inside of it. No, we don't want our own pocket dimensional kingdom. But throw in 8 rings of transformation, 3 favors for each of us, agree to teach the wizard here 15 spells for free and agree let him or almost any of the mages under the order of the Brotherhood of Slayers use the pyramid from time to time. Is that acceptable?"
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:After a rather short group discussion, the soft spoken one says, "500k each credit line sounds rather weak, all things considered. That is truly a major find, and it is flawless diamond...THE LARGEST one that I have ever seen. I don't even wish to try to estimate the carrot value of it. Not to mention what is inside of it. No, we don't want our own pocket dimensional kingdom. But throw in 8 rings of transformation, 3 favors for each of us, agree to teach the wizard here 15 spells for free and agree let him or almost any of the mages under the order of the Brotherhood of Slayers use the pyramid from time to time. Is that acceptable?"

The old man considers thoughtfully for a long moment, closing his eyes in contemplation. "500,000 in credit for each of you, 8 rings of transformation, 1 favor for each of you and I'll teach your mage here 8 spells of his choice from levels 1 through 10, plus I'll make one of those spells I teach him a Spell of Legend of choice... and, I'll allow the Brotherhood of Slayers access to the pyramid from time to time for reasonable requests of its uses... Although beyond a surplus of PPE and the possibility of Dimensional Travel, I'm not entirely certain what other uses there may be for it. And I feel it necessary to warn you about asking favors of me... I've often been compared to Demon Jinn on that subject." The old man chuckles softly to himself, his bespectacled eyes glittering.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

Wizard says, "Forget the spell of legend...I need to learn 3 spell from 11-13. Namely: anti magic cloud, time hole, and sanctum...In the 8 additional to the 8: Mystic Portal, banishment, havoc, time capsule, Locate, Exorcism, Purification, and time slip. And if you are curious, the others 4 I wanted were under 7th level. And rather like I said before, it's not often I run into a wizard willing to teach me. Consider what we do, I don't think it is asking for too much. And I can think of a very good use for it...Namely making dimensional pockets and expanding their capacity. That was the reasons for my heka level being so very low today during the class."
"Deal or no deal?" The soft spoken one asks.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:Wizard says, "Forget the spell of legend...I need to learn 3 spell from 11-13. Namely: anti magic cloud, time hole, and sanctum...In the 8 additional to the 8: Mystic Portal, banishment, havoc, time capsule, Locate, Exorcism, Purification, and time slip. And if you are curious, the others 4 I wanted were under 7th level. And rather like I said before, it's not often I run into a wizard willing to teach me. Consider what we do, I don't think it is asking for too much. And I can think of a very good use for it...Namely making dimensional pockets and expanding their capacity. That was the reasons for my heka level being so very low today during the class."
"Deal or no deal?" The soft spoken one asks.

The old man gives a smile and nods, extending a hand to the soft spoken centaur. "We have an accord my friend." Looking to the mage he gives a grin. "Class begins tomorrow morning. We'll start with the Anti-Magic Cloud. I certainly hope you and your group are settled in for a long haul because it will take quite a bit of time to teach you all of the spells you're asking for."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

An elf wizard steps into the shop. He holds the hand of a gargoyle child, which he lets go of, allowing the child to play in the aisle of the shop. Seeing that the child is not disturbing anything, the wizard walks up to the counter and waits for the old man's attention.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:An elf wizard steps into the shop. He holds the hand of a gargoyle child, which he lets go of, allowing the child to play in the aisle of the shop. Seeing that the child is not disturbing anything, the wizard walks up to the counter and waits for the old man's attention.

The old man smiles warmly, giving the elf a friendly nod and gesturing lightly, a large lollipop appearing in the gargoyle's hand that smells faintly of sugar and blood. Giving a soft chuckle as the creature gets a puzzled expression then squeals with delight before gnawing at the candy, he turns back to the elf with a grin. "Quite a family resemblance between you two... what can I do for you?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:An elf wizard steps into the shop. He holds the hand of a gargoyle child, which he lets go of, allowing the child to play in the aisle of the shop. Seeing that the child is not disturbing anything, the wizard walks up to the counter and waits for the old man's attention.

The old man smiles warmly, giving the elf a friendly nod and gesturing lightly, a large lollipop appearing in the gargoyle's hand that smells faintly of sugar and blood. Giving a soft chuckle as the creature gets a puzzled expression then squeals with delight before gnawing at the candy, he turns back to the elf with a grin. "Quite a family resemblance between you two... what can I do for you?"
The wizard smiles. "Actually, he's just an orphan I found." He then pulls out drawings of floor plans. "I am renovating an old castle and was wondering what you might have in terms of enchanted furniture. The type of furniture will vary from room to room. In the living room, I am looking for furniture which will make the person at rest and more susceptible to quiet conversation. Something that would be particularly useful in dealing with ogres and trolls, perhaps."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Wizard says, "Forget the spell of legend...I need to learn 3 spell from 11-13. Namely: anti magic cloud, time hole, and sanctum...In the 8 additional to the 8: Mystic Portal, banishment, havoc, time capsule, Locate, Exorcism, Purification, and time slip. And if you are curious, the others 4 I wanted were under 7th level. And rather like I said before, it's not often I run into a wizard willing to teach me. Consider what we do, I don't think it is asking for too much. And I can think of a very good use for it...Namely making dimensional pockets and expanding their capacity. That was the reasons for my heka level being so very low today during the class."
"Deal or no deal?" The soft spoken one asks.

The old man gives a smile and nods, extending a hand to the soft spoken centaur. "We have an accord my friend." Looking to the mage he gives a grin. "Class begins tomorrow morning. We'll start with the Anti-Magic Cloud. I certainly hope you and your group are settled in for a long haul because it will take quite a bit of time to teach you all of the spells you're asking for."

"As will it to acquire the skills. And with winter upon us, no question about it. Yes, we have set up the instant cottage. We tend to read, study, and workout during the winter."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

This is some great stuff!
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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