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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:An elf wizard steps into the shop. He holds the hand of a gargoyle child, which he lets go of, allowing the child to play in the aisle of the shop. Seeing that the child is not disturbing anything, the wizard walks up to the counter and waits for the old man's attention.

The old man smiles warmly, giving the elf a friendly nod and gesturing lightly, a large lollipop appearing in the gargoyle's hand that smells faintly of sugar and blood. Giving a soft chuckle as the creature gets a puzzled expression then squeals with delight before gnawing at the candy, he turns back to the elf with a grin. "Quite a family resemblance between you two... what can I do for you?"
The wizard smiles. "Actually, he's just an orphan I found." He then pulls out drawings of floor plans. "I am renovating an old castle and was wondering what you might have in terms of enchanted furniture. The type of furniture will vary from room to room. In the living room, I am looking for furniture which will make the person at rest and more susceptible to quiet conversation. Something that would be particularly useful in dealing with ogres and trolls, perhaps."

The old man nods with a considering smile, glancing down with a soft chuckles as he pats the surface of a shivering end table. "Don't worry little one, no one's taking you away... but yes, as you can see I have several types of enchanted furniture that just may fit your needs. For your living room needs, may I suggest..."

Comfy Couch: Often appearing as a plushly padded sofa or love seat capable of comfortably seating 2 to 4 human sized occupants. It is enchanted to make those that sit on it more comfortable and relaxed. Those that are seated on it must save vs Magic at 14 or better every melee round they are seated. Failing to save means the occupant suffers from the effects of a Charismatic Aura spell (PFRPG pg 194) specifically centered around invoking Friendship/Trust. Effects last for as long as the person is seated on the Comfy Couch and linger for an additional 6 melee rounds after standing. Cost: 10,000 gold (Cost may be increased up to 50% for a particularly fancy model or reduced by up to 25% for a simpler, plainer design)

Dad's Recliner: A rather rare piece of furniture, it appears as a comfortably plush padded chair with a rather high back and heavily padded arms with a short wooden lever on one side. When the lever is pulled the lower front panel of the chair swings up as the back of the chair leans back considerably, turning the chair into a sort of makeshift bed. It is also when the lever is pulled back that its enchantment is activated, causing the person lying in the recliner to save vs Magic at 14 or better or fall under the effects of a Sleep spell of 6th level proficiency. Saving throws are made every melee round until either the enchantment takes effect or the occupant flips the lever back into its original position, returning the recliner to its original chair position and shutting off the effects. Those affected may be awakened as per the rulings of the Sleep spell (PFRPG pg 197) and will remain asleep even if the chair is reset after they doze off. Cost: 10,000 gold (Cost may be increased or decreased as per the Comfy Couch noted above)

He smiles proudly as a selection of the mentioned items strut by like models on a catwalk, all of varying shapes, styles and quality. "Is there anything else you had in mind for the living room? I have an interesting selection of coffee and end tables available as well..." He chuckles softly, reaching down to pet the end table beside him as it starts shivering again.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Wizard says, "Forget the spell of legend...I need to learn 3 spell from 11-13. Namely: anti magic cloud, time hole, and sanctum...In the 8 additional to the 8: Mystic Portal, banishment, havoc, time capsule, Locate, Exorcism, Purification, and time slip. And if you are curious, the others 4 I wanted were under 7th level. And rather like I said before, it's not often I run into a wizard willing to teach me. Consider what we do, I don't think it is asking for too much. And I can think of a very good use for it...Namely making dimensional pockets and expanding their capacity. That was the reasons for my heka level being so very low today during the class."
"Deal or no deal?" The soft spoken one asks.

The old man gives a smile and nods, extending a hand to the soft spoken centaur. "We have an accord my friend." Looking to the mage he gives a grin. "Class begins tomorrow morning. We'll start with the Anti-Magic Cloud. I certainly hope you and your group are settled in for a long haul because it will take quite a bit of time to teach you all of the spells you're asking for."

"As will it to acquire the skills. And with winter upon us, no question about it. Yes, we have set up the instant cottage. We tend to read, study, and workout during the winter."

The old man gives a nod with a warm smile, offering his hand to the wizard. "Very well then... I look forward to teaching you. I'm sure you'll be a rather quick study and be well on your way to adventuring again in no time."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Gryphon Chick wrote:This is some great stuff!

Thank you! Glad you like it! Feel free to drop in anytime for any and all of your magical needs!
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man nods with a considering smile, glancing down with a soft chuckles as he pats the surface of a shivering end table. "Don't worry little one, no one's taking you away... but yes, as you can see I have several types of enchanted furniture that just may fit your needs. For your living room needs, may I suggest..."

Comfy Couch: Often appearing as a plushly padded sofa or love seat capable of comfortably seating 2 to 4 human sized occupants. It is enchanted to make those that sit on it more comfortable and relaxed. Those that are seated on it must save vs Magic at 14 or better every melee round they are seated. Failing to save means the occupant suffers from the effects of a Charismatic Aura spell (PFRPG pg 194) specifically centered around invoking Friendship/Trust. Effects last for as long as the person is seated on the Comfy Couch and linger for an additional 6 melee rounds after standing. Cost: 10,000 gold (Cost may be increased up to 50% for a particularly fancy model or reduced by up to 25% for a simpler, plainer design)

Dad's Recliner: A rather rare piece of furniture, it appears as a comfortably plush padded chair with a rather high back and heavily padded arms with a short wooden lever on one side. When the lever is pulled the lower front panel of the chair swings up as the back of the chair leans back considerably, turning the chair into a sort of makeshift bed. It is also when the lever is pulled back that its enchantment is activated, causing the person lying in the recliner to save vs Magic at 14 or better or fall under the effects of a Sleep spell of 6th level proficiency. Saving throws are made every melee round until either the enchantment takes effect or the occupant flips the lever back into its original position, returning the recliner to its original chair position and shutting off the effects. Those affected may be awakened as per the rulings of the Sleep spell (PFRPG pg 197) and will remain asleep even if the chair is reset after they doze off. Cost: 10,000 gold (Cost may be increased or decreased as per the Comfy Couch noted above)

He smiles proudly as a selection of the mentioned items strut by like models on a catwalk, all of varying shapes, styles and quality. "Is there anything else you had in mind for the living room? I have an interesting selection of coffee and end tables available as well..." He chuckles softly, reaching down to pet the end table beside him as it starts shivering again.
"I will take both the couch and the recliner, in green with a design in blue, if you have them, preferably matching." The wizard says. "I would prefer to pay all at one time once done with everything so to make it easier, as there is much more to discuss." The wizard rubs his chin. "Hmmm... yes, end tables and coffee tables. Please do show me what you have."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:"I will take both the couch and the recliner, in green with a design in blue, if you have them, preferably matching." The wizard says. "I would prefer to pay all at one time once done with everything so to make it easier, as there is much more to discuss." The wizard rubs his chin. "Hmmm... yes, end tables and coffee tables. Please do show me what you have."

He gives a nod with an understanding smile as a notepad floats by with a plumed feather quill scribbling notes on the page. "Not a problem. I'll have the matching sets in your requested colors line up to the side and you can take your pick of what you like. And my 'secretary' will keep tabs on the amount of your purchase so we can get it all covered at once... now, as for coffee and end tables...."

Pet Tables: A wide selection of end tables, coffee tables, dining room tables and the like, all carved from various types of woods in a vast array of styles and designs, all enchanted as animated objects that can walk, run/gallop, jump, prance, dance and otherwise move about of their own volition. Capable of following simple commands, much like a well trained dog, such as 'come', 'stay', 'fetch', 'go to...', etc. in order to perform their duties. They may be 'programmed' to only follow the commands of their owner by simply carving the owner's true name anywhere into the item, otherwise they will obey commands given from any source. For an additional cost, they may also be enchanted to be able to attack on command, though they are poor combatants at best. Cost and durability varies according to size and quality; a smallish end table has an AR of 10 with 50 SDC. Medium coffee tables have an AR of 12 and 60 SDC. A large dining table will have an AR of 13 with 100 SDC. And finally a huge banquet table has an AR of 15 with 200 SDC. Attack enchantments give the tables 2 attacks per melee round with a +1 to strike, +2 to parry and +3 to dodge (no Dodge bonus for huge banquet tables) Damage from attacks is 1d4 from the small tables, 1d6 for medium, 1d8 for large and 2d6 for huge banquet tables. Base cost: Small; 2000 gold, Medium; 4000 gold, large; 7000 gold, Huge; 10,000 gold. Combat enchantments add an extra 3000 to base cost regardless of table size. Additional enchantments may be placed on the tables to further augment them including Enhanced AR or Additional SDC as well as making them Resistant or Impervious to Fire. Cost for these additional enchantments are identical to Magic Armor Features (PFRPG pg 249) and are limited to a total of 3 additional enchantments (Note: Combat abilities count as 1 additional enchantment) Base cost for the tables may also vary up to 25% higher or lower based on overall design and quality, fancier tables being more expensive while plainer ones cost less.

Expanding Table: Perhaps the only table you'll ever need, it expands or shrinks to fit the desires of its owner, from a small 2'x2' end table up to a huge 20'x10' banquet hall table capable of comfortably seating up to 30 human sized occupants. The owner simply grasps a corner of the table and utters the command word "morspayce" before tugging or pushing at the corner, stretching or shrinking the table to the desired size. The Expanding Table may also be enchanted as a Pet Table above at the cost of an additional 10,000 gold as well as being further enhanced as the Pet table can be from the previously noted list (Additional AR or SDC, Resistant or Impervious to Fire or Combat abilities if animated as a Pet Table) Cost: 8000 gold

The old man takes a step back as a selection of the tables go prancing by like horses on parade, the banquet table in particular thudding past more like an elephant than a horse, and smiles to the wizard with a light chuckle. "There are, of course, a few other models and enchantments available, but these are the most popular of the lines. Or perhaps you have something a bit more specific in mind....?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:He gives a nod with an understanding smile as a notepad floats by with a plumed feather quill scribbling notes on the page. "Not a problem. I'll have the matching sets in your requested colors line up to the side and you can take your pick of what you like. And my 'secretary' will keep tabs on the amount of your purchase so we can get it all covered at once... now, as for coffee and end tables...."

Pet Tables: A wide selection of end tables, coffee tables, dining room tables and the like, all carved from various types of woods in a vast array of styles and designs, all enchanted as animated objects that can walk, run/gallop, jump, prance, dance and otherwise move about of their own volition. Capable of following simple commands, much like a well trained dog, such as 'come', 'stay', 'fetch', 'go to...', etc. in order to perform their duties. They may be 'programmed' to only follow the commands of their owner by simply carving the owner's true name anywhere into the item, otherwise they will obey commands given from any source. For an additional cost, they may also be enchanted to be able to attack on command, though they are poor combatants at best. Cost and durability varies according to size and quality; a smallish end table has an AR of 10 with 50 SDC. Medium coffee tables have an AR of 12 and 60 SDC. A large dining table will have an AR of 13 with 100 SDC. And finally a huge banquet table has an AR of 15 with 200 SDC. Attack enchantments give the tables 2 attacks per melee round with a +1 to strike, +2 to parry and +3 to dodge (no Dodge bonus for huge banquet tables) Damage from attacks is 1d4 from the small tables, 1d6 for medium, 1d8 for large and 2d6 for huge banquet tables. Base cost: Small; 2000 gold, Medium; 4000 gold, large; 7000 gold, Huge; 10,000 gold. Combat enchantments add an extra 3000 to base cost regardless of table size. Additional enchantments may be placed on the tables to further augment them including Enhanced AR or Additional SDC as well as making them Resistant or Impervious to Fire. Cost for these additional enchantments are identical to Magic Armor Features (PFRPG pg 249) and are limited to a total of 3 additional enchantments (Note: Combat abilities count as 1 additional enchantment) Base cost for the tables may also vary up to 25% higher or lower based on overall design and quality, fancier tables being more expensive while plainer ones cost less.

Expanding Table: Perhaps the only table you'll ever need, it expands or shrinks to fit the desires of its owner, from a small 2'x2' end table up to a huge 20'x10' banquet hall table capable of comfortably seating up to 30 human sized occupants. The owner simply grasps a corner of the table and utters the command word "morspayce" before tugging or pushing at the corner, stretching or shrinking the table to the desired size. The Expanding Table may also be enchanted as a Pet Table above at the cost of an additional 10,000 gold as well as being further enhanced as the Pet table can be from the previously noted list (Additional AR or SDC, Resistant or Impervious to Fire or Combat abilities if animated as a Pet Table) Cost: 8000 gold

The old man takes a step back as a selection of the tables go prancing by like horses on parade, the banquet table in particular thudding past more like an elephant than a horse, and smiles to the wizard with a light chuckle. "There are, of course, a few other models available, but these are the most popular of the lines. Or perhaps you have something a bit more specific in mind....?"

The wizard smiles. "I would like some of the pet tables in a dragon design. We had not begun discussing the kitchen, but I have an affinity for dragon patterns. If I could get a dozen pet tables in small size, for in the living room and bedrooms, with one large one for the second dining area and one huge one for the main dining area. All must have full attack capabilities and be impervious to fire. I would like a set of dining chairs of similar pattern and design as the tables, say three dozen, but the chairs would not have to be able to attack but would need to be impervious to fire. I suppose you could throw in the expanding table IF I can get it similarly enhanced as the other tables to attack and whatnot, and it would have to be of the same dragon pattern. Yes, everything must MATCH!" He thinks on it more. "I think two, no, three of the medium coffee tables as well, with full attack capability and imperviousness to fire."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:The wizard smiles. "I would like some of the pet tables in a dragon design. We had not begun discussing the kitchen, but I have an affinity for dragon patterns. If I could get a dozen pet tables in small size, for in the living room and bedrooms, with one large one for the second dining area and one huge one for the main dining area. All must have full attack capabilities and be impervious to fire. I would like a set of dining chairs of similar pattern and design as the tables, say three dozen, but the chairs would not have to be able to attack but would need to be impervious to fire. I suppose you could throw in the expanding table IF I can get it similarly enhanced as the other tables to attack and whatnot, and it would have to be of the same dragon pattern. Yes, everything must MATCH!" He thinks on it more. "I think two, no, three of the medium coffee tables as well, with full attack capability and imperviousness to fire."

He gives a nod as tables and chairs begin separating themselves from the parade, the quill scribbling furiously into the notepad as they file by. "No problem... I can have them ready in a couple of weeks... a few will need some further modifications to meet your requirements." He glances to the wide eyed gargoyle with a chuckle as it stares in wonder at the furniture passing by, summoning another lollipop into its hand and chuckling as it squeals again and begins chewing on the treat. "Anything else I can get for you?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:He gives a nod as tables and chairs begin separating themselves from the parade, the quill scribbling furiously into the notepad as they file by. "No problem... I can have them ready in a couple of weeks... a few will need some further modifications to meet your requirements." He glances to the wide eyed gargoyle with a chuckle as it stares in wonder at the furniture passing by, summoning another lollipop into its hand and chuckling as it squeals again and begins chewing on the treat. "Anything else I can get for you?"
"We have only begun, my boy," the wizard answers. "I think I will need ten of the large pet tables, not just one, so I have enough for the library. Going back to the Comfy Couches, I think six will do. Do you have them available as chairs as well?" The wizard looks again at the floor plan. "I am wondering what other types of chairs you might have available as well, for the study and library and such. I am wondering what you have in the way of desks for the study. Also, if you have beds which might be bespelled like the Dad's Recliner, or something in the way of beds that would suit."

Suddenly, two men enter carrying in two large chests containing one million gold each. One is a tall, muscular, tan-skinned, blond-haired elf wearing banded armor. The other is a troll whom Uncle Remus recognizes as the one who bought the studded Beast Leather armor and the Boomstick Warhammers, as he is wearing them. "Thank you, Torc," the wizard says to the troll, having the chests brought up to the counter.
"The Barking Frog Regiment is always happy to serve you, Sire," the troll responds.
The wizard faces the old man, gesturing to the chests with one hand. "A down-payment on what will be owed for the furniture," the elven wizard explains. Then he turns to the troll. "I trust you did not let that thief in your company anywhere near the treasure room?"
"No, Sire, I did not," the troll answers. "Falcon the thief went with Darcie and her wereraven to look after Darcie's father, old man Woz," he explains. "I do not think that he would try anything anyways, what with your fire dragon there."
"Perhaps not," the wizard responds, "but the dragon Rezzidoo claims that certain items have come up missing-"
Just then there is some commotion outside, causing the blond-haired elf to reach for his sword. The door opens and an auburn-haired elf maiden in a blue and green dress enters. The sword is put away as the maiden is recognized as being the wizard's daughter.
"There you are, father," the maiden says. "I should have known I'd find you here doing business. Did you forget that we are to meet Draco at the docks when his ship arrives?"
"My son can wait," the wizard says. "Why don't you take the child Scallywag," he gestures to the gargoyle, "to the tavern and get him some food?"
"Very well, father," the maiden says, taking the gargoyle child by the hand and leading him to the door.
"I will meet you at the inn later, Elspeth," the wizard says. "After you feed the child, go meet your brother at the dock and then go to the inn and secure us lodgings for the night."
Once his daughter has left the shop, the wizard turns to the old man. "Would it be possible to make it so the Pet Tables accept commands from all of my family members, but only them, or can only one name be carved into any given piece of furniture? Also, can other furniture be so enchanted to make it useable by only specific persons, as in the case of the beds?"
"So this is the shop where the thief got his Fabrock cloak?" the blond-haired elf asks. "I am told you sell it in a tent size. I would like very much to purchase the largest one you have."
"Now, Eryops, wait your turn," the wizard cautions. "I was also wondering if beds can be made which prevent against nightmares as well as magical and astral attacks while one is sleeping."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:This is some great stuff!

Thank you! Glad you like it! Feel free to drop in anytime for any and all of your magical needs!
Wlll do. Just have to think up something I can ask about that will be a challenge for you (and that has not already been done).
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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That's why it is called "the present".
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:He gives a nod as tables and chairs begin separating themselves from the parade, the quill scribbling furiously into the notepad as they file by. "No problem... I can have them ready in a couple of weeks... a few will need some further modifications to meet your requirements." He glances to the wide eyed gargoyle with a chuckle as it stares in wonder at the furniture passing by, summoning another lollipop into its hand and chuckling as it squeals again and begins chewing on the treat. "Anything else I can get for you?"
"We have only begun, my boy," the wizard answers. "I think I will need ten of the large pet tables, not just one, so I have enough for the library. Going back to the Comfy Couches, I think six will do. Do you have them available as chairs as well?" The wizard looks again at the floor plan. "I am wondering what other types of chairs you might have available as well, for the study and library and such. I am wondering what you have in the way of desks for the study. Also, if you have beds which might be bespelled like the Dad's Recliner, or something in the way of beds that would suit."

Suddenly, two men enter carrying in two large chests containing one million gold each. One is a tall, muscular, tan-skinned, blond-haired elf wearing banded armor. The other is a troll whom Uncle Remus recognizes as the one who bought the studded Beast Leather armor and the Boomstick Warhammers, as he is wearing them. "Thank you, Torc," the wizard says to the troll, having the chests brought up to the counter.
"The Barking Frog Regiment is always happy to serve you, Sire," the troll responds.
The wizard faces the old man, gesturing to the chests with one hand. "A down-payment on what will be owed for the furniture," the elven wizard explains. Then he turns to the troll. "I trust you did not let that thief in your company anywhere near the treasure room?"
"No, Sire, I did not," the troll answers. "Falcon the thief went with Darcie and her wereraven to look after Darcie's father, old man Woz," he explains. "I do not think that he would try anything anyways, what with your fire dragon there."
"Perhaps not," the wizard responds, "but the dragon Rezzidoo claims that certain items have come up missing-"
Just then there is some commotion outside, causing the blond-haired elf to reach for his sword. The door opens and an auburn-haired elf maiden in a blue and green dress enters. The sword is put away as the maiden is recognized as being the wizard's daughter.
"There you are, father," the maiden says. "I should have known I'd find you here doing business. Did you forget that we are to meet Draco at the docks when his ship arrives?"
"My son can wait," the wizard says. "Why don't you take the child Scallywag," he gestures to the gargoyle, "to the tavern and get him some food?"
"Very well, father," the maiden says, taking the gargoyle child by the hand and leading him to the door.
"I will meet you at the inn later, Elspeth," the wizard says. "After you feed the child, go meet your brother at the dock and then go to the inn and secure us lodgings for the night."
Once his daughter has left the shop, the wizard turns to the old man. "Would it be possible to make it so the Pet Tables accept commands from all of my family members, but only them, or can only one name be carved into any given piece of furniture? Also, can other furniture be so enchanted to make it useable by only specific persons, as in the case of the beds?"
"So this is the shop where the thief got his Fabrock cloak?" the blond-haired elf asks. "I am told you sell it in a tent size. I would like very much to purchase the largest one you have."
"Now, Eryops, wait your turn," the wizard cautions. "I was also wondering if beds can be made which prevent against nightmares as well as magical and astral attacks while one is sleeping."

The old man waits patiently to the side as the commotion of business procedes, giving a nod of recognition to Torc the Troll when he enters "Hey there, big guy! How are those hammers working out for you?" As the chests are set down, the counter begins to waver and undulate, setting the chests on a wobbling path to the back room, Remus himself turning back to the elf wizard with a smile. "The down payment will be sufficient to secure delivery of everything you order today. Consider the order for the extra tables filled and duly noted for the record. As to multiple commanders of the tables, yes... each additional name engraved into the table adds to the list of who may command them, but in such a case, a single drop of the actual owners blood will need to be smudged into the wood for the purpose of identifying the true owner of the item first as a failsafe security measure. Basically, the names will identify who may command the furniture, the blood will identify whose commands supercede any others. Also, yes the Comfy Couch comes in an easy chair version for 8,000 gold. As for other styles of chairs, particularly for your library, I can offer, among others..."

Student's Chair: A very basic looking chair of no particularly outstanding appearance, it is enchanted to keep its occupant alert and aware (for the purpose of lengthy studies by definition, but it works that way no matter what you're doing) Anyone sitting in the chair must make a saving throw against magic at 14 or better. Failure result in the occupant suffering an odd sort of reversed Sleep spell effect where, instead of falling asleep, the person remains awake for as long as they remain seated. While not particularly detrimental at first, those who remain seated long enough without sleep will begin to suffer from a -2 to Strike, Parry and dodge as they begin to get jittery from lack of sleep and forced wakefulness. Of course, the time it takes for these penalties to set in is roughly 6 hours, a very long time to be sitting down, but if used for guard shifts and the like, these chairs can be a nice benefit with a rather nasty long term problem. In addition to the chair keeping its occupant awake, it also renders the occupant highly resistant to magically, psionocally or drug induced sleep as well as any form of mind control or possession, granting an immediate +6 to save against these attacks for as long as they are seated. Cost: 5000 gold

The Master's Throne: A well appointed and comfortable chair, often lavishly decorated, intricately carved and set with very plush curtains, it also carries a uniquely subtle enchantment. Whoever sits in the chair either finds their MA attribute raised to 24 or gets a +6 bouns to their MA if their score is already 22 or higher, making the occupant seem more intimidating, trustworthy, regal or overpowering. Obviously, this can have some very distinct benefits at negotiating tables, while holding court or while your just idly pressing someone for information during a conversation. Cost: 8000 gold

Carriers: For all intents and purposes, this is a chair version of Pet Tables, repurposed for carrying people around. Additional enchantments that can be placed upon Pet Tables may also be placed on Carriers as well, including combat capabilities. However, Carriers may also be used as mounts! (sort of) To use a Carrier in 'chair mounted combat' the chair must first be enchanted with combat abilities like the Pet Tables. Anyone seated on them may then use them as a sturdy, if comical, mount using Horsemanship Exotic or any other Horsemanship skill with a -10% penalty. Carriers have an AR of 12 with 60 SDC, attacks with a kick doing 1d6 damage and have a running Speed of 25. All other combat statistics are identical to Pet Tables. Cost: 8,000 gold, additional enchantments that may be placed on Pet Tables also available at the same cost. Base price may also vary up or down by up to 25% based upon quality of the chair purchased.

"As for beds, give me a minute here... I'll need to check through my stockroom as soon as the parade passes" he chuckles softly as a rather lengthy procession of various chairs goes marching by. "Oh yes, and Eryops... I most certainly can supply you with a Fabrock tent, up to 8 man sized unless you need something larger... for that I'd need a bit of time..."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man waits patiently to the side as the commotion of business procedes, giving a nod of recognition to Torc the Troll when he enters "Hey there, big guy! How are those hammers working out for you?"

"Very well, thank you," the troll answers. "Tools of the gods they are, truly."
JuliusCreed wrote:As the chests are set down, the counter begins to waver and undulate, setting the chests on a wobbling path to the back room, Remus himself turning back to the elf wizard with a smile. "The down payment will be sufficient to secure delivery of everything you order today."

"Are you sure? What I have already ordered exceeds this sum and I am not even close to being finished," the wizard asks.
JuliusCreed wrote:"Consider the order for the extra tables filled and duly noted for the record. As to multiple commanders of the tables, yes... each additional name engraved into the table adds to the list of who may command them, but in such a case, a single drop of the actual owners blood will need to be smudged into the wood for the purpose of identifying the true owner of the item first as a failsafe security measure. Basically, the names will identify who may command the furniture, the blood will identify whose commands supercede any others. Also, yes the Comfy Couch comes in an easy chair version for 8,000 gold."

"I shall take a dozen of the comfy chairs, then," the wizard smiles. "Of course I shall want my name to supercede all the others, but my son Draco and my daughter Elspeth shall also have their names put on the Pet Tables."
JuliusCreed wrote:"As for other styles of chairs, particularly for your library, I can offer, among others..."

Student's Chair: A very basic looking chair of no particularly outstanding appearance, it is enchanted to keep its occupant alert and aware (for the purpose of lengthy studies by definition, but it works that way no matter what you're doing) Anyone sitting in the chair must make a saving throw against magic at 14 or better. Failure result in the occupant suffering an odd sort of reversed Sleep spell effect where, instead of falling asleep, the person remains awake for as long as they remain seated. While not particularly detrimental at first, those who remain seated long enough without sleep will begin to suffer from a -2 to Strike, Parry and dodge as they begin to get jittery from lack of sleep and forced wakefulness. Of course, the time it takes for these penalties to set in is roughly 6 hours, a very long time to be sitting down, but if used for guard shifts and the like, these chairs can be a nice benefit with a rather nasty long term problem. In addition to the chair keeping its occupant awake, it also renders the occupant highly resistant to magically, psionically or drug induced sleep as well as any form of mind control or possession, granting an immediate +6 to save against these attacks for as long as they are seated. Cost: 5000 gold

The Master's Throne: A well appointed and comfortable chair, often lavishly decorated, intricately carved and set with very plush curtains, it also carries a uniquely subtle enchantment. Whoever sits in the chair either finds their MA attribute raised to 24 or gets a +6 bonus to their MA if their score is already 22 or higher, making the occupant seem more intimidating, trustworthy, regal or overpowering. Obviously, this can have some very distinct benefits at negotiating tables, while holding court or while your just idly pressing someone for information during a conversation. Cost: 8000 gold

Carriers: For all intents and purposes, this is a chair version of Pet Tables, repurposed for carrying people around. Additional enchantments that can be placed upon Pet Tables may also be placed on Carriers as well, including combat capabilities. However, Carriers may also be used as mounts! (sort of) To use a Carrier in 'chair mounted combat' the chair must first be enchanted with combat abilities like the Pet Tables. Anyone seated on them may then use them as a sturdy, if comical, mount using Horsemanship Exotic or any other Horsemanship skill with a -10% penalty. Carriers have an AR of 12 with 60 SDC, attacks with a kick doing 1d6 damage and have a running Speed of 25. All other combat statistics are identical to Pet Tables. Cost: 8,000 gold, additional enchantments that may be placed on Pet Tables also available at the same cost. Base price may also vary up or down by up to 25% based upon quality of the chair purchased.
"I shall take 60 of the Student's Chair. I would like the three dozen dining chairs I had previously ordered that were to be made impervious to fire to be instead the Carriers with attack capability and imperviousness to fire, made to answer any of my family's commands as per the Pet Tables. And I should like four of the Master's Throne."
JuliusCreed wrote:"As for beds, give me a minute here... I'll need to check through my stockroom as soon as the parade passes" he chuckles softly as a rather lengthy procession of various chairs goes marching by.
"Yes, of course," the wizard mumbles.
JuliusCreed wrote:"Oh yes, and Eryops... I most certainly can supply you with a Fabrock tent, up to 8 man sized unless you need something larger... for that I'd need a bit of time..."
"An eight man tent will be fine," Eryops answers, "for our company is not that big YET." He takes out the gold for the tent and places it on the counter. "I also wish to ask if you have anything in the way of armor that can change size with someone when they change form. I am actually a creature called a Frog Prince. We are humanoid amphibians who are able to transform into elf form (see Monstrous Creations thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=83179&p=2628398#p2628398 ) and usually have to change into different armor when doing so. It would be nice to be able to transform in battle and be able to keep my armor."
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

The soft spoken centaur comes in, "The two weeks are up...We need our weapons. There are werewolves in this township. And I need my war hammer back...It's polo time!" :lol:
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:The soft spoken centaur comes in, "The two weeks are up...We need our weapons. There are werewolves in this township. And I need my war hammer back...It's polo time!" :lol:

The old man smiles seeing the centaur, giving a brief nod to the request as a spindly looking goblin trudges from the back room carrying a rather large pack on its back, wandering its way to the centaur and giving a rather pained grunt as he lifts it to him. "There you go, my friend, all sharpened, polished or otherwise prepared as you requested and ready to go. may they serve you and your comrades well. And if there's ever anything else you need, by all means come on in and bring your friends. I am honored to serve." With a soft smile he gives a low bow as the goblin, relieved of his burden, scuttles back behind the counter.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I am still waiting for a response to my last post. :)
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

A cadre of tables and chairs goes marching past as the old man turns his attention back to the wizard with a grin. "And now, for the beds... I think you'll like what we've got here..."

Cloud 9: A luxuriously appointed four poster canopy bed with a thick down filled mattress, this bed is the height of comfort. So comfortable in fact, that after a full night's sleep on it, whether natural or magically induced, the occupant will see a temporary increase in all skills and abilities upon waking. All skills will be granted a +10% bonus and combat abilities to Strike, Parry/Dodge and Initiative gain a +2 bonus for 8 hours after the occupant wakes up. After the 8 hour duration all bonuses fade and skills and combat abilities return to normal. However, the user must get at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to benefit from the enchanted bed. Cost: 200,000 gold Cost may vary up or down up to 25% depending on the quality/style of the bed.

Sweet Dreamer: Another high quality bed set, this finely crafted circular bed sports a thick firm mattress and sturdy construction. It is also enchanted to protect its occupant from mystic and psionic attacks that may befall the character as they sleep such as Induced Nightmares, Bio-Manipulation/Evil Eye as well as shielding the sleeper from mystical scrying such as from a Crystal Ball or a Circle of All Seeing. While sleeping on the bed the sleeper gains a +3 to saving throws against Magic or Psionic attacks and cannot be seen or heard through the use of Magical or Psionic scrying. Cost: 100,000 gold Cost may vary up or down by up to 25% depending on quality/style of the bed.

The Rejuvenator: A rather simple and unassuming piece, this four poster bed is square shaped with a sheer golden canopy suspended from the middle of the overhang by 4 velvet ropes of deep violet, making the bed itself and the canopy drapes take on a sort of pyramid shape. This bed is particularly handy for mages and psychics as it doubles the normal recovery rate of PPE and ISP for those sleeping on it. However, to gain this benefit, the canopy drapes must be completely closed for the duration one sleeps. If, while sleeping, the drapes are opened PPE and ISP recovery rates return to normal, even if opened a mere fraction of an inch. If the drapes become damaged in any way, the bed no longer functions until the damage is repaired. Luckily, repairing damage to the canopy drapes does not require an alchemist, just a successful Sewing skill to close the rip, tear or hole. Cost: 150,000 gold

With a slight chuckle, the old man takes a quick step back as the selection of beds go marching by. "I think thse might be along the lines of what you're looking for. What else can I get for you?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:"An eight man tent will be fine," Eryops answers, "for our company is not that big YET." He takes out the gold for the tent and places it on the counter. "I also wish to ask if you have anything in the way of armor that can change size with someone when they change form. I am actually a creature called a Frog Prince. We are humanoid amphibians who are able to transform into elf form (see Monstrous Creations thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=83179&p=2628398#p2628398 ) and usually have to change into different armor when doing so. It would be nice to be able to transform in battle and be able to keep my armor."
"Yes, what of something in the way of armor that shifts when one transforms?" the troll asks.

Suddenly everyone's attention is diverted as the old man emerges from the back room.
JuliusCreed wrote:A cadre of tables and chairs goes marching past as the old man turns his attention back to the wizard with a grin. "And now, for the beds... I think you'll like what we've got here..."

Cloud 9: A luxuriously appointed four poster canopy bed with a thick down filled mattress, this bed is the height of comfort. So comfortable in fact, that after a full night's sleep on it, whether natural or magically induced, the occupant will see a temporary increase in all skills and abilities upon waking. All skills will be granted a +10% bonus and combat abilities to Strike, Parry/Dodge and Initiative gain a +2 bonus for 8 hours after the occupant wakes up. After the 8 hour duration all bonuses fade and skills and combat abilities return to normal. However, the user must get at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to benefit from the enchanted bed. Cost: 200,000 gold Cost may vary up or down up to 25% depending on the quality/style of the bed.

Sweet Dreamer: Another high quality bed set, this finely crafted circular bed sports a thick firm mattress and sturdy construction. It is also enchanted to protect its occupant from mystic and psionic attacks that may befall the character as they sleep such as Induced Nightmares, Bio-Manipulation/Evil Eye as well as shielding the sleeper from mystical scrying such as from a Crystal Ball or a Circle of All Seeing. While sleeping on the bed the sleeper gains a +3 to saving throws against Magic or Psionic attacks and cannot be seen or heard through the use of Magical or Psionic scrying. Cost: 100,000 gold Cost may vary up or down by up to 25% depending on quality/style of the bed.

The Rejuvenator: A rather simple and unassuming piece, this four poster bed is square shaped with a sheer golden canopy suspended from the middle of the overhang by 4 velvet ropes of deep violet, making the bed itself and the canopy drapes take on a sort of pyramid shape. This bed is particularly handy for mages and psychics as it doubles the normal recovery rate of PPE and ISP for those sleeping on it. However, to gain this benefit, the canopy drapes must be completely closed for the duration one sleeps. If, while sleeping, the drapes are opened PPE and ISP recovery rates return to normal, even if opened a mere fraction of an inch. If the drapes become damaged in any way, the bed no longer functions until the damage is repaired. Luckily, repairing damage to the canopy drapes does not require an alchemist, just a successful Sewing skill to close the rip, tear or hole. Cost: 150,000 gold

With a slight chuckle, the old man takes a quick step back as the selection of beds go marching by. "I think these might be along the lines of what you're looking for. What else can I get for you?"

"One of the Rejuvenator beds for my infirmary/resting room, four of the sweet dreamers for my family to go in the tower bedrooms, and six of the Cloud 9 beds for the guest rooms." The wizard waits patiently while the old man takes note of his order. "You did get down everything I said about the chairs, did you not?"
"If there is nothing more, I shall be going," the troll says. "I leave Eryops with you until he has finished his business."
"Next on the agenda will be the desks I asked about for the library and study, but I will also need wardrobe cabinets and dressers for the various bedrooms yet."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

A female centaur walks in, thinking it strange to have found the shop located so far into the Land of the Damned.
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:"One of the Rejuvenator beds for my infirmary/resting room, four of the sweet dreamers for my family to go in the tower bedrooms, and six of the Cloud 9 beds for the guest rooms." The wizard waits patiently while the old man takes note of his order. "You did get down everything I said about the chairs, did you not?"
"If there is nothing more, I shall be going," the troll says. "I leave Eryops with you until he has finished his business."
"Next on the agenda will be the desks I asked about for the library and study, but I will also need wardrobe cabinets and dressers for the various bedrooms yet."

The old man adjusts his spectacles a bit as the notepad floats over, the plumed quill still scribbling away, mumbling softly to himself before tapping the page a bit with a furrowed brow. "No, no,no... he said 60 Student Chairs... not 600.... that's better... and 36 dining chairs, impervious to fire and Carriers with attack, not just impervious to fire... and yes, 4 Master's Thrones... good, much better...." he smiles and gives a nod to the wizard. "Yes sir, everything is in order... the beds are sorting themselves out as we speak... dragon type designs as per your request, everything matching... speaking of matching, was there any particular dragon you wanted them styled after or just a basic dragon appearance? As for desks, they can be enchanted as Pet Tables as well... a desk is pretty much just a table anyway with a couple extra add-ons like storage drawers and ink wells and such... I can even give any drawers on desks and dressers a limited Dimensional Envelope to add to their storage capacity... quite handy if I do say so myself. I knew a militia guard once that had one of my desks as a front desk for his office... kept a magic Halberd in the really slim top drawer in case a prisoner got uppity... you should have seen the look on a prisoner's face when he started making trouble and the guy at the desk just opens the drawer and pulls out this huge flaming polearm... :lol: priceless... As for wardrobes, they can also be enchanted with a Dimensional Envelope as well... you can never have too much storage space... or I have this handy little thing..."

Charlatan's Cabinets: Ever seen the stage illusion where the pretty girl steps into a box, the 'magician' does a bit of handwavium and *poof*... the girl is gone when he opens the box? Well now you can do it too... only better. These rather unassuming wardrobe cabinets are enchanted to act as mystic teleportation devices. Simply step inside, close the doors, visualize where you'd like to be transported to and 1 melee round later, step out. The Charlatan's cabinet will teleport you to your destination. The cabinet is limited to a range of a 10 mile radius with 95% accuracy. If, by chance, the percentile comes up at 96% or higher either the Cabinet fails to teleport the occupant at all (occupant may re-enter and try again) or teleports them to a completely random destination within the 10 mile radius. (50-50 chance for either result) Flawless teleportation with the Charlatan's Cabinet is possible, however, by teleporting from one Cabinet to another. Simply step into one and step out of the other. Using this method, the range of the teleportation is incredibly larger, increasing to anywhere within a 100 mile radius with flawless results. The only other limitation is that the wardrobe can only teleport one occupant and whatever they are carrying at a time. Cost: 150,000 gold Cost may vary up or down up to 25% depending on quality/style of the cabinet

The old man smiles as a selection of wardrobes and dressers parade through the room, patting one lovingly as it marches by. "I'm sure I have a few other designs in the store room as well... if you like I can look through and see what else I have in the warehouse. In the meantime, what else can I get for you?
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Gryphon Chick wrote:A female centaur walks in, thinking it strange to have found the shop located so far into the Land of the Damned.

The old man glances up as she enters and bows with a welcoming smile. "Greetings, milady! And might I say you're looking quite well despite seeming to have been through Hades itself..." He chuckles softly, giving a wave of his hand and closing the door behind you as he steps from behind the counter. "I must say, the place has been a rather popular destination for centaurs lately. You wouldn't happen to be with that band of werewolf hunters that's been frequenting my doorstep would you? But no matter... welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane... I am your host and proprietor, Uncle Remus... what can I do for you today?" He gives a soft smile, offering his hand a moment before an odd shaped glass appears in it filled with a rather fruity smelling beverage topped with a tiny paper umbrella. "Have a Mai-Tai?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"One of the Rejuvenator beds for my infirmary/resting room, four of the sweet dreamers for my family to go in the tower bedrooms, and six of the Cloud 9 beds for the guest rooms." The wizard waits patiently while the old man takes note of his order. "You did get down everything I said about the chairs, did you not?"
"If there is nothing more, I shall be going," the troll says. "I leave Eryops with you until he has finished his business."
"Next on the agenda will be the desks I asked about for the library and study, but I will also need wardrobe cabinets and dressers for the various bedrooms yet."

The old man adjusts his spectacles a bit as the notepad floats over, the plumed quill still scribbling away, mumbling softly to himself before tapping the page a bit with a furrowed brow. "No, no,no... he said 60 Student Chairs... not 600.... that's better... and 36 dining chairs, impervious to fire and Carriers with attack, not just impervious to fire... and yes, 4 Master's Thrones... good, much better...." he smiles and gives a nod to the wizard. "Yes sir, everything is in order... the beds are sorting themselves out as we speak... dragon type designs as per your request, everything matching... speaking of matching, was there any particular dragon you wanted them styled after or just a basic dragon appearance? As for desks, they can be enchanted as Pet Tables as well... a desk is pretty much just a table anyway with a couple extra add-ons like storage drawers and ink wells and such... I can even give any drawers on desks and dressers a limited Dimensional Envelope to add to their storage capacity... quite handy if I do say so myself. I knew a militia guard once that had one of my desks as a front desk for his office... kept a magic Halberd in the really slim top drawer in case a prisoner got uppity... you should have seen the look on a prisoner's face when he started making trouble and the guy at the desk just opens the drawer and pulls out this huge flaming polearm... :lol: priceless... As for wardrobes, they can also be enchanted with a Dimensional Envelope as well... you can never have too much storage space... or I have this handy little thing..."

Charlatan's Cabinets: Ever seen the stage illusion where the pretty girl steps into a box, the 'magician' does a bit of handwavium and *poof*... the girl is gone when he opens the box? Well now you can do it too... only better. These rather unassuming wardrobe cabinets are enchanted to act as mystic teleportation devices. Simply step inside, close the doors, visualize where you'd like to be transported to and 1 melee round later, step out. The Charlatan's cabinet will teleport you to your destination. The cabinet is limited to a range of a 10 mile radius with 95% accuracy. If, by chance, the percentile comes up at 96% or higher either the Cabinet fails to teleport the occupant at all (occupant may re-enter and try again) or teleports them to a completely random destination within the 10 mile radius. (50-50 chance for either result) Flawless teleportation with the Charlatan's Cabinet is possible, however, by teleporting from one Cabinet to another. Simply step into one and step out of the other. Using this method, the range of the teleportation is incredibly larger, increasing to anywhere within a 100 mile radius with flawless results. The only other limitation is that the wardrobe can only teleport one occupant and whatever they are carrying at a time. Cost: 150,000 gold Cost may vary up or down up to 25% depending on quality/style of the cabinet

The old man smiles as a selection of wardrobes and dressers parade through the room, patting one lovingly as it marches by. "I'm sure I have a few other designs in the store room as well... if you like I can look through and see what else I have in the warehouse. In the meantime, what else can I get for you?

"Fire Dragon design, preferably," the wizard states. "The castle is actually situated atop a fire dragon's den which serves as the treasure room. I suppose I should see about getting some furniture for Rezzidoo as well. But I will also eventually want to find out what you might have in the way of tapestries with dragons on them, the kind with images that move, perhaps." The wizard chuckles to himself at the notion. "And maybe even some dragon statues that come to life, you know, for the garden. I have not yet seen what you have in the way of moveable sculpture, suits of armor and the like." He gets serious for a moment.
"I will take one of the Charlatan's Cabinets for each of the tower bedrooms, for a total of four. Can you do them with an inside door to the teleportation area and have them act as regular cabinets done with the Dimensional Envelope to allow for added space in the area to be used for the clothes or do they JUST serve as teleportation booths? If not, I will need other cabinets done with the Dimensional Envelope for the storage of clothes." The elven wizard ponders a moment more. "For the guest rooms where the Barking Frog Regiment currently reside I would like six footlocker type chests with Dimensional Envelope, of a size they can take with them if need be on their journeys- How much would that cost?" The wizard stands pondering. "I would like roll-top desks for the library done as Pet Tables, impervious to fire and with attack capability, preferably in the same dragon design, and with Dimensional Envelope for the drawers. Six should do, I think." He scribbles the names on a piece of parchment of those whose names are to be carved into the Pet Tables, Carriers and desks and hands it over to the old man. "I trust there will be a physician of some sort on hand when I give the pint of blood that will be needed to mark all the furniture?
"As for what else... For the library, there is still the matter of shelves for the books, preferably ones that lower to the browser's height to make books more reachable." A sick look comes over his face. "There is still the matter of a monster child-proof bed/crib for the gargoyle child. I almost completely forgot about that. And one of the Cloud 9 guest beds must be big enough for the troll."
"You still did not answer my question about the size changing armor," Eryops says, getting frustrated. "I was wondering about size changing weapons as well."
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Gryphon Chick
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:A female centaur walks in, thinking it strange to have found the shop located so far into the Land of the Damned.

The old man glances up as she enters and bows with a welcoming smile. "Greetings, milady! And might I say you're looking quite well despite seeming to have been through Hades itself..." He chuckles softly, giving a wave of his hand and closing the door behind you as he steps from behind the counter. "I must say, the place has been a rather popular destination for centaurs lately. You wouldn't happen to be with that band of werewolf hunters that's been frequenting my doorstep would you? But no matter... welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane... I am your host and proprietor, Uncle Remus... what can I do for you today?" He gives a soft smile, offering his hand a moment before an odd shaped glass appears in it filled with a rather fruity smelling beverage topped with a tiny paper umbrella. "Have a Mai-Tai?"
"No," the female centaur states, looking rather annoyed. "How is it if you have humans in your shop you do not ask them if they are related to other humans you have in your shop, but if a centaur comes in, they must automatically be with the last group?" She takes a moment to calm down. "From what I understand, that group has been here a while in your area, whereas the mercenary group I travel with has only just gotten to this part of the lands, and I am the only non-bipedal one in my group." She takes a minute to gather her thoughts. "I need a tent which is basically a stable on the inside, complete with hay and places to hang tack, which will fold up quite small to fit in my saddlebag. I also need horseshoes which make no sound, that will allow me to sneak up. I need some other things as well, but I am still gathering my thoughts about everything." She gracefully takes the Mai-Tai. "You wouldn't have a trough filled with this stuff, would you? I'm really thirsty."
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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That's why it is called "the present".
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:"Fire Dragon design, preferably," the wizard states. "The castle is actually situated atop a fire dragon's den which serves as the treasure room. I suppose I should see about getting some furniture for Rezzidoo as well. But I will also eventually want to find out what you might have in the way of tapestries with dragons on them, the kind with images that move, perhaps." The wizard chuckles to himself at the notion. "And maybe even some dragon statues that come to life, you know, for the garden. I have not yet seen what you have in the way of moveable sculpture, suits of armor and the like." He gets serious for a moment.
"I will take one of the Charlatan's Cabinets for each of the tower bedrooms, for a total of four. Can you do them with an inside door to the teleportation area and have them act as regular cabinets done with the Dimensional Envelope to allow for added space in the area to be used for the clothes or do they JUST serve as teleportation booths? If not, I will need other cabinets done with the Dimensional Envelope for the storage of clothes." The elven wizard ponders a moment more. "For the guest rooms where the Barking Frog Regiment currently reside I would like six footlocker type chests with Dimensional Envelope, of a size they can take with them if need be on their journeys- How much would that cost?" The wizard stands pondering. "I would like roll-top desks for the library done as Pet Tables, impervious to fire and with attack capability, preferably in the same dragon design, and with Dimensional Envelope for the drawers. Six should do, I think." He scribbles the names on a piece of parchment of those whose names are to be carved into the Pet Tables, Carriers and desks and hands it over to the old man. "I trust there will be a physician of some sort on hand when I give the pint of blood that will be needed to mark all the furniture?
"As for what else... For the library, there is still the matter of shelves for the books, preferably ones that lower to the browser's height to make books more reachable." A sick look comes over his face. "There is still the matter of a monster child-proof bed/crib for the gargoyle child. I almost completely forgot about that. And one of the Cloud 9 guest beds must be big enough for the troll."

The old man nods as the quill scribbles away, glancing over every so often to ensure it's correct as he takes the parchment, glancing over it and tucking it away with a nod. "For moving statues, suits of armor and tapestries and the like, I'd recommend taking a look about halfway down aisle (sic. page) 4 at my selection of Peepers, Hecklers and Whisperers. Not only do they fit what you're asking for, they're wonderful security devices. As for combining the Dimensional Envelope ability of the dressers with the Charlatan's cabinet, I'm afraid the results of that would be rather catastrophic. It's a complicated dimensional limbo meets rupture in fabric of space explosive nasty end of reality as we know it thing... best not to ask about details and just trust me on this. However, the Charlatan's Wardrobes can be used to store clothes as well... remember, the only thing that teleports is whoever climbs in there as well as anything they are wearing. So basically you climb into a wardrobe full of clothes, teleport away and leave behind a wardrobe full of clothes. The only way the clothes in the wardrobe are going with you is if you can put them all on in less than the melee round it takes to teleport away. Besides, anyone opening it may get suspicious as to why there's an empty wardrobe in the room. Thus, they act as a teleportation booth and a storage space for clothes. For your bookshelf needs I have a handy little thing right here..."

The Indexer: A solidly built bookshelf about 15 feet in height and width and capable of holding several hundred books on its many shelves, it has a single magical feature that makes it incredibly handy. Once a book is placed on its shelves, all one must do is touch the bookshelf and recite the title/name of the book they wish to read. The book will then be automatically teleported into the person's hand from whatever shelf it was placed on. The Indexer will only affect books that are currently stored on its shelves. Once removed from the Indexer, the book must be replaced in order to be summoned again. If more than one copy of the same book is on the Indexer, only one copy will come to the user. If more than one copy is needed, multiple requests are required. Cost: 10,000 gold

He double checks the notes once again and turns toward the procession of furniture as it marches its way back into the back room, a few more pieces separating from the column to head off to the side. "The fire dragon design will be easy enough to achieve. As a special treat, if you can convince this Rezzidoo to stop by, I can get the design to look like him! Shouldn't take much more than a couple minutes of his time to get his image down and I can have it done before you know it. As for a Monster child-proof bed or crib for your gargoyle, a word of advice... Gargoyles grow to be around 10 or 20 feet tall and tend to mature very quickly... one of the reasons they're so plentiful in Hades... if that little one is as old as I think it is, he's gonna grow pretty big, pretty fast. You best bet would likely be to get him a normal sized bed, have it made indestructible and let him grow into it. Around the time he gets too big for the bed, you'll likely want an aerie set up for him... it's a more natural and instinctive environment for them. As for a Cloud 9 big enough for a Troll... consider it done and on the way."

"You still did not answer my question about the size changing armor," Eryops says, getting frustrated. "I was wondering about size changing weapons as well."[/quote]
He looks to Eryops with an apologetic smile and nods. "Of course, of course... you're absolutely right. Sorry, the commotion has me rather distracted. Shape shifting armor, grows or shrinks with the wearer...keeps original AR and SDC regardless of size... even capable of accomodating radical shifts in physical structure such as growing wings or a tail. However... the smallest size you'll be able to go is roughly the average height and weight of a Gnome. Largest would be about equal to a heavyset Troll. Either way, as long as the shape you're in is roughly humanoid, the armor will fit you perfectly. As for size shifting weapons... yes that can be done as well with the same basic limitations... no smaller than a typical Gnome sized weapon and no larger than your more common giant sized weapons. Even the damage capabilities change with the size. (ie add 1d6 to giant sized weapon damage, reduce damage to 1d4 to 1d6 depending on weapon type for Gnome sized) The only real problem with the size shifting armor and weapons is that only one additional enchantment of choice may be added to anything with this enchantment. Cost for the size/shape change enchantment: 10,000 gold whether placed on armor or weapon"

He takes another look around the room before smiling to the wizard and Eryops both. "Oh and by the way, you mentioned earlier that your order had already exceeded the amount you brought in the chests... and yes indeed you certainly have, by quite a margin now... but please note... I had said it would be a suitable down payment as well as secure safe delivery to your castle. Don't worry. I am quite certain you either have access to the full amount or are capable of negotiating a suitable payment plan once we've figured out your grand total." He holds up an odd shaped glass filled with a drink that smells of rum and fruit topped with a tiny paper umbrella with a winning smile. "Have a Mai-Tai?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:A female centaur walks in, thinking it strange to have found the shop located so far into the Land of the Damned.

The old man glances up as she enters and bows with a welcoming smile. "Greetings, milady! And might I say you're looking quite well despite seeming to have been through Hades itself..." He chuckles softly, giving a wave of his hand and closing the door behind you as he steps from behind the counter. "I must say, the place has been a rather popular destination for centaurs lately. You wouldn't happen to be with that band of werewolf hunters that's been frequenting my doorstep would you? But no matter... welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane... I am your host and proprietor, Uncle Remus... what can I do for you today?" He gives a soft smile, offering his hand a moment before an odd shaped glass appears in it filled with a rather fruity smelling beverage topped with a tiny paper umbrella. "Have a Mai-Tai?"
"No," the female centaur states, looking rather annoyed. "How is it if you have humans in your shop you do not ask them if they are related to other humans you have in your shop, but if a centaur comes in, they must automatically be with the last group?" She takes a moment to calm down. "From what I understand, that group has been here a while in your area, whereas the mercenary group I travel with has only just gotten to this part of the lands, and I am the only non-bipedal one in my group." She takes a minute to gather her thoughts. "I need a tent which is basically a stable on the inside, complete with hay and places to hang tack, which will fold up quite small to fit in my saddlebag. I also need horseshoes which make no sound, that will allow me to sneak up. I need some other things as well, but I am still gathering my thoughts about everything." She gracefully takes the Mai-Tai. "You wouldn't have a trough filled with this stuff, would you? I'm really thirsty."

The old man smiles apologetically with a brief bow. "My sincerest apologies milady. The timing of the last group of centaurs coming in was rather coincidental to your own arrival and made me make a rather misguided assumption. As for your request... first and foremost I can recommend the Dimensional Tent down there in aisle (sic page) 2... the 4 man version should suit your purposes quite well, though it's likely to be a bit larger than you like. If you roll it up tight enough, it could fit into a saddlebag, but not with much else.If you can give me a couple of days, I should be able to stitch together something similar to it that's more what you're looking for, though. Horseshoes that make no sound? try these on for size..."

Stealth Shoes: A set of iron horseshoes engraved with odd mystic symbols. When shod onto hooves they muffle the sound of the creatures hoofbeats, either adding a +20% to any Prowl skill they may have or grant the creature a base 65% Prowl skill. Cost: 5000 each or a set of 4 for 15,000

The old man smiles softly as you take the glass, slowly shaking his head. "I wouldn't recommend an entire trough of that by the way, unless of course you plan on crawling your way out of here. Don't let the scent fool you, there's alcohol in there, and a pretty decent measure of it. Can I get you something else instead?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"Fire Dragon design, preferably," the wizard states. "The castle is actually situated atop a fire dragon's den which serves as the treasure room. I suppose I should see about getting some furniture for Rezzidoo as well. But I will also eventually want to find out what you might have in the way of tapestries with dragons on them, the kind with images that move, perhaps." The wizard chuckles to himself at the notion. "And maybe even some dragon statues that come to life, you know, for the garden. I have not yet seen what you have in the way of moveable sculpture, suits of armor and the like." He gets serious for a moment.
"I will take one of the Charlatan's Cabinets for each of the tower bedrooms, for a total of four. Can you do them with an inside door to the teleportation area and have them act as regular cabinets done with the Dimensional Envelope to allow for added space in the area to be used for the clothes or do they JUST serve as teleportation booths? If not, I will need other cabinets done with the Dimensional Envelope for the storage of clothes." The elven wizard ponders a moment more. "For the guest rooms where the Barking Frog Regiment currently reside I would like six footlocker type chests with Dimensional Envelope, of a size they can take with them if need be on their journeys- How much would that cost?" The wizard stands pondering. "I would like roll-top desks for the library done as Pet Tables, impervious to fire and with attack capability, preferably in the same dragon design, and with Dimensional Envelope for the drawers. Six should do, I think." He scribbles the names on a piece of parchment of those whose names are to be carved into the Pet Tables, Carriers and desks and hands it over to the old man. "I trust there will be a physician of some sort on hand when I give the pint of blood that will be needed to mark all the furniture?
"As for what else... For the library, there is still the matter of shelves for the books, preferably ones that lower to the browser's height to make books more reachable." A sick look comes over his face. "There is still the matter of a monster child-proof bed/crib for the gargoyle child. I almost completely forgot about that. And one of the Cloud 9 guest beds must be big enough for the troll."

The old man nods as the quill scribbles away, glancing over every so often to ensure it's correct as he takes the parchment, glancing over it and tucking it away with a nod. "For moving statues, suits of armor and tapestries and the like, I'd recommend taking a look about halfway down aisle (sic. page) 4 at my selection of Peepers, Hecklers and Whisperers. Not only do they fit what you're asking for, they're wonderful security devices. As for combining the Dimensional Envelope ability of the dressers with the Charlatan's cabinet, I'm afraid the results of that would be rather catastrophic. It's a complicated dimensional limbo meets rupture in fabric of space explosive nasty end of reality as we know it thing... best not to ask about details and just trust me on this. However, the Charlatan's Wardrobes can be used to store clothes as well... remember, the only thing that teleports is whoever climbs in there as well as anything they are wearing. So basically you climb into a wardrobe full of clothes, teleport away and leave behind a wardrobe full of clothes. The only way the clothes in the wardrobe are going with you is if you can put them all on in less than the melee round it takes to teleport away. Besides, anyone opening it may get suspicious as to why there's an empty wardrobe in the room. Thus, they act as a teleportation booth and a storage space for clothes. For your bookshelf needs I have a handy little thing right here..."

The Indexer: A solidly built bookshelf about 15 feet in height and width and capable of holding several hundred books on its many shelves, it has a single magical feature that makes it incredibly handy. Once a book is placed on its shelves, all one must do is touch the bookshelf and recite the title/name of the book they wish to read. The book will then be automatically teleported into the person's hand from whatever shelf it was placed on. The Indexer will only affect books that are currently stored on its shelves. Once removed from the Indexer, the book must be replaced in order to be summoned again. If more than one copy of the same book is on the Indexer, only one copy will come to the user. If more than one copy is needed, multiple requests are required. Cost: 10,000 gold

He double checks the notes once again and turns toward the procession of furniture as it marches its way back into the back room, a few more pieces separating from the column to head off to the side. "The fire dragon design will be easy enough to achieve. As a special treat, if you can convince this Rezzidoo to stop by, I can get the design to look like him! Shouldn't take much more than a couple minutes of his time to get his image down and I can have it done before you know it. As for a Monster child-proof bed or crib for your gargoyle, a word of advice... Gargoyles grow to be around 10 or 20 feet tall and tend to mature very quickly... one of the reasons they're so plentiful in Hades... if that little one is as old as I think it is, he's gonna grow pretty big, pretty fast. You best bet would likely be to get him a normal sized bed, have it made indestructible and let him grow into it. Around the time he gets too big for the bed, you'll likely want an aerie set up for him... it's a more natural and instinctive environment for them. As for a Cloud 9 big enough for a Troll... consider it done and on the way."

Stone Gargoyle wrote:"You still did not answer my question about the size changing armor," Eryops says, getting frustrated. "I was wondering about size changing weapons as well."

He looks to Eryops with an apologetic smile and nods. "Of course, of course... you're absolutely right. Sorry, the commotion has me rather distracted. Shape shifting armor, grows or shrinks with the wearer...keeps original AR and SDC regardless of size... even capable of accommodating radical shifts in physical structure such as growing wings or a tail. However... the smallest size you'll be able to go is roughly the average height and weight of a Gnome. Largest would be about equal to a heavyset Troll. Either way, as long as the shape you're in is roughly humanoid, the armor will fit you perfectly. As for size shifting weapons... yes that can be done as well with the same basic limitations... no smaller than a typical Gnome sized weapon and no larger than your more common giant sized weapons. Even the damage capabilities change with the size. (ie add 1d6 to giant sized weapon damage, reduce damage to 1d4 to 1d6 depending on weapon type for Gnome sized) The only real problem with the size shifting armor and weapons is that only one additional enchantment of choice may be added to anything with this enchantment. Cost for the size/shape change enchantment: 10,000 gold whether placed on armor or weapon"

He takes another look around the room before smiling to the wizard and Eryops both. "Oh and by the way, you mentioned earlier that your order had already exceeded the amount you brought in the chests... and yes indeed you certainly have, by quite a margin now... but please note... I had said it would be a suitable down payment as well as secure safe delivery to your castle. Don't worry. I am quite certain you either have access to the full amount or are capable of negotiating a suitable payment plan once we've figured out your grand total." He holds up an odd shaped glass filled with a drink that smells of rum and fruit topped with a tiny paper umbrella with a winning smile. "Have a Mai-Tai?"

"He did say that, Sire, about the down payment," Eryops adds. "I can go get Rezzidoo once my business is completed here, also."
"I will have Rezzidoo come in, then. It would be best if he come in in order for him to tell you what furniture he might like anyway," the wizard says. "As for the bookshelves, 40 of the Indexers would about do it. The library takes up most of the upper floor. If need be, I can always get more."
The wizard considers a moment. "I will have to browse aisle 4 for the statues and tapestries- I will have to let you know the specifics once I take a look."
The wizard reaches into his robe and holds out a golden chalice with an eye design on it. "I would indeed enjoy a Mai-Tai. Fill this for me and it will regenerate whatever fluid put in it without having to be refilled, so long as I continue holding it." He waits while the chalice is filled before going off to view what is down aisle 4.
"I'll have one, too," Eryops says, "but you'll have to supply the glass." He removes his banded armor and sword, including the sheath, and hand them over to the old man along with money to pay for the enchantments. "I'll have both the sword and the armor enchanted. Gnome size is okay, it is banded armor and adjusts a bit anyways. What other enchantment can you add to the sword, and how long will it take?"
Returning, the elven wizard states, "I saw nothing there that indicated that the statues or paintings moved, which is what I desire more than viewing as security, though that might help. I was hoping for something in the way of statues capable of acting as guards at night, that might be capable of a limited amount of free action, and which would follow commands similar to the Pet Tables. I do not trust paintings necessarily, which is why I asked for tapestries. Too easy for a mage with the ability to cross the Paintscape to enter the castle unannounced (See the Painter Mage OCC and Painter spells in the Invented Spells topic thread: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=75190&p=1521288&hilit=paintscape#p1521288 ). I would like to have a series of mirrors put in, but with limited access to the Mirrorwall, to act as secret passages from room to room and with an extra-dimensional room to act as a panic room (Mirror Magic is detailed in Through A Glass Darkly, which is Nightbane World Book 3, I believe).
"As for the gargoyle child's bed, one of the four sweet dreamers was to be for him once the fourth tower was completed. But now that you mention it, it might be better to leave the fourth tower incomplete and to build it into an aerie. For now, I will get the fourth Sweet Dreamer in the largest size you have and have you make it indestructible.
"As for the Charlatan's Cabinets... yes, they will do so long as there is no danger of losing any clothing. You did not answer my question about the six footlocker type chests with Dimensional Envelope and how much they would cost. You also did not tell me if you can do the desks the way I requested, roll-top type with Dimensional Envelope in the drawers done as Pet Tables."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Gryphon Chick
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man smiles apologetically with a brief bow. "My sincerest apologies milady. The timing of the last group of centaurs coming in was rather coincidental to your own arrival and made me make a rather misguided assumption. As for your request... first and foremost I can recommend the Dimensional Tent down there in aisle (sic page) 2... the 4 man version should suit your purposes quite well, though it's likely to be a bit larger than you like. If you roll it up tight enough, it could fit into a saddlebag, but not with much else.If you can give me a couple of days, I should be able to stitch together something similar to it that's more what you're looking for, though. Horseshoes that make no sound? try these on for size..."

Stealth Shoes: A set of iron horseshoes engraved with odd mystic symbols. When shod onto hooves they muffle the sound of the creatures hoofbeats, either adding a +20% to any Prowl skill they may have or grant the creature a base 65% Prowl skill. Cost: 5000 each or a set of 4 for 15,000

The old man smiles softly as you take the glass, slowly shaking his head. "I wouldn't recommend an entire trough of that by the way, unless of course you plan on crawling your way out of here. Don't let the scent fool you, there's alcohol in there, and a pretty decent measure of it. Can I get you something else instead?"
"I will take the Stealth Shoes," she says, tossing down money for shoes for herself and about eight horses. "36 of them. And water would be nice; I was joking about a trough full of Mai-Tai.
"The Dimensional Tent is kind of what I am looking for, but I had a portable stable in mind... And the idea is to get it so it shrinks down to the size of my palm for easy storage, not take up a whole freaking saddle bag. I will wait if it takes you time to make something closer to what I want IF it will not take up so much room. I really do not want to trust the other members of my party with my belongings if I have to keep it in one of their saddle bags... I could roll it like a bedroll and carry it that way, I suppose." She smiles a moment. "If you can get me the stable, I also might get a portable smithy. That is, if you can make an anvil and tools that shrink down to be light enough to carry.
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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Location: Texas... what country are you from?

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:"He did say that, Sire, about the down payment," Eryops adds. "I can go get Rezzidoo once my business is completed here, also."
"I will have Rezzidoo come in, then. It would be best if he come in in order for him to tell you what furniture he might like anyway," the wizard says. "As for the bookshelves, 40 of the Indexers would about do it. The library takes up most of the upper floor. If need be, I can always get more."
The wizard considers a moment. "I will have to browse aisle 4 for the statues and tapestries- I will have to let you know the specifics once I take a look."
The wizard reaches into his robe and holds out a golden chalice with an eye design on it. "I would indeed enjoy a Mai-Tai. Fill this for me and it will regenerate whatever fluid put in it without having to be refilled, so long as I continue holding it." He waits while the chalice is filled before going off to view what is down aisle 4.
"I'll have one, too," Eryops says, "but you'll have to supply the glass." He removes his banded armor and sword, including the sheath, and hand them over to the old man along with money to pay for the enchantments. "I'll have both the sword and the armor enchanted. Gnome size is okay, it is banded armor and adjusts a bit anyways. What other enchantment can you add to the sword, and how long will it take?"

The old man gives a nod, handing the now empty glass to Eryops which is suddenly refilled as he takes it, a brand new paper umbrella floating down to settle into the sweet smelling concoction. "Any other weapon enchantment that can normally be applied to a weapon or suit of armor may be added to shape changing armor or weapons. The shifting enchantment itself basically just limits the armor or weapon to having only two enchantments instead of the usual 3 or 4 that could normally be applied. As for how long it will take, depending on what additional enchantment you'd like applied it will take about a week to 10 days to get it done."
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Returning, the elven wizard states, "I saw nothing there that indicated that the statues or paintings moved, which is what I desire more than viewing as security, though that might help. I was hoping for something in the way of statues capable of acting as guards at night, that might be capable of a limited amount of free action, and which would follow commands similar to the Pet Tables. I do not trust paintings necessarily, which is why I asked for tapestries. Too easy for a mage with the ability to cross the Paintscape to enter the castle unannounced (See the Painter Mage OCC and Painter spells in the Invented Spells topic thread: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=75190&p=1521288&hilit=paintscape#p1521288 ). I would like to have a series of mirrors put in, but with limited access to the Mirrorwall, to act as secret passages from room to room and with an extra-dimensional room to act as a panic room (Mirror Magic is detailed in Through A Glass Darkly, which is Nightbane World Book 3, I believe).
"As for the gargoyle child's bed, one of the four sweet dreamers was to be for him once the fourth tower was completed. But now that you mention it, it might be better to leave the fourth tower incomplete and to build it into an aerie. For now, I will get the fourth Sweet Dreamer in the largest size you have and have you make it indestructible.
"As for the Charlatan's Cabinets... yes, they will do so long as there is no danger of losing any clothing. You did not answer my question about the six footlocker type chests with Dimensional Envelope and how much they would cost. You also did not tell me if you can do the desks the way I requested, roll-top type with Dimensional Envelope in the drawers done as Pet Tables."

"Actually it is indicated that the Hecklers do indeed move... it's just a little difficult to catch the little buggers doing it. But if what you're actually looking for are suits of animated armor to act as guards, I can recommend either building a bunch of Golems... difficult and time consuming but unmatched in their loyalty... or purchasing a few of these guys..."

Phantom Guards: A unique twist on Golems, the Phantom Guards are suits of animated heavy armor capable of following simple commands much like a Golem, but without the necessity of a life link between itself and its owner. (ie the permanent loss of SDC that occurs when a mage creates a Golem) Statistics for Phantom Guards are as follows:
Attribute Equivalents of Note: IQ:5, PS:20, PP:15, PE:25, PB:3-20 (depends on the overall quality/appearance of the suit of armor) SPD:12
Size: Depends on the suit of armor, usually 6-7 feet tall, though giant sized suits may be made
Horror Factor: 12
AR: 17, Only heavy armor may be used to create these enchanted guardians, thus only Scale, Splint and Plate armor can be used in their construction and is magically augmented to a standard AR
HP/SDC: 200
Attacks per melee round: 4
Damage: 1d6 by punch or kick, or by weapon
Bonuses: +2 to Strike and Parry, +5 Damage (from PS of 20 noted above), no initiative or Dodge bonus
Special abilities: Impervious to poisons/drugs and all forms of mind control/Psionic manipulation and Possession. Takes normal damage from melee attacks and magic or Psionic attacks that cause physical damage (Mind Bolt, Psi-Sword, Call Lightning etc.) Resistant to Fire and Cold attacks (1/2 damage), Nightvision 1000 feet, magically understands all languages 90%, Track Humanoids: 35%, Climb/Scale Walls:45%, does not need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep. If all SDC of the Phantom Guard is depleted it falls apart into a pile of armor pieces and begins regenerating at a rate of 10 SDC per hour. It will not function again until all SDC have been restored.
The Phantom Guard has a rudimentary intelligence and is capable of following simple commands and performs well in combat or as a laborer. To command the Guard, the owner simply engraves his true name somewhere on the suit of armor and places a drop of his blood on the helmet to activate it (this ritual, while similar to Golem activation, does NOT drain any SDC or HP from the person activating the armor) From that moment, the Phantom Guard will follow its owners commands. The biggest advantages of the Phantom Guard over a Golem is 1> No permanent loss of SDC or HP to activate and 2> The (normally) smaller overall size. Being roughly human sized, the Phantom Guard is capable of getting into and guarding areas a giant sized Golem would be too big for. Of course its smaller size and overall weaker capabilities make it a far less threatening opponent to tougher intruders, unless there are a greater number of Phantom Guards (3 or 4 Phantom Guards patrolling a room can be quite a deterrent to would be intruders) Cost: 200,000 gold

"As for footlockers with Dimensional Envelope abilities, the cost would be about half that of the dressers... only one envelope in them instead of 3 to 6 depending on the number of drawers and a footlocker is a pretty simple piece of furniture. Desks set up with Dimensional Envelopes and as Pet Tables would be the price of a medium Pet Table with an additional 100,000 for the envelope storage." He glances to the quill and notepad, double checking the notes and figures and raises a brow with an impressed chuckle. "My goodness, if I didn't love my job so much I could retire and live quite comfortably for a few lifetimes on what we've got so far here... On the plus side though, you have more than qualified for the bulk order discount. Is there anything else you require, sir?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Gryphon Chick wrote:"The Dimensional Tent is kind of what I am looking for, but I had a portable stable in mind... And the idea is to get it so it shrinks down to the size of my palm for easy storage, not take up a whole freaking saddle bag. I will wait if it takes you time to make something closer to what I want IF it will not take up so much room. I really do not want to trust the other members of my party with my belongings if I have to keep it in one of their saddle bags... I could roll it like a bedroll and carry it that way, I suppose." She smiles a moment. "If you can get me the stable, I also might get a portable smithy. That is, if you can make an anvil and tools that shrink down to be light enough to carry.

The old man considers a moment as a trough of water carefully slides its way over, spilling nary a single drop as it makes its way before her. With a brief nod he offers a smile. "I think I may have what you're looking for then... it's a Dimensional tent of sorts, but rather than being a tent for sleeping it's what's popularly known as a cabana tent; slim, upright and rather tall. You'll often see them on beaches at vacation resorts for people to use to change into swimming outfits in relative privacy. I can work with one of them to convert it into a stable that you can easily get into considering your obviously superior height requirements and it should have all the space you need inside. What's more, when it's broken down and packed it takes up less space then a standard 2 person tent. It should fit very easily into a saddlebag or even a shoulder purse with plenty of room to spare. As for a portable smithy, that's both easy and difficult to manage... easy because all it would take is another dimensional tent outfitted with all the gear necessary for a smithy. The tools and equipment wouldn't need to shrink at all, you just leave them in the tent when you break it down and they will be safely stored in the pocket dimension that makes up the inside of the tent. What makes it more difficult is the requirements of a smithy, primarily, heat... and lots of it. Heat and tent fabric really don't get along all that well. You'll be looking at an extra expense on enchanting the tent to counter that. A simple Impervious to Fire enchantment would do nicely for that. Anything else I can do for you, my dear?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Gryphon Chick
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:"The Dimensional Tent is kind of what I am looking for, but I had a portable stable in mind... And the idea is to get it so it shrinks down to the size of my palm for easy storage, not take up a whole freaking saddle bag. I will wait if it takes you time to make something closer to what I want IF it will not take up so much room. I really do not want to trust the other members of my party with my belongings if I have to keep it in one of their saddle bags... I could roll it like a bedroll and carry it that way, I suppose." She smiles a moment. "If you can get me the stable, I also might get a portable smithy. That is, if you can make an anvil and tools that shrink down to be light enough to carry.

The old man considers a moment as a trough of water carefully slides its way over, spilling nary a single drop as it makes its way before her. With a brief nod he offers a smile. "I think I may have what you're looking for then... it's a Dimensional tent of sorts, but rather than being a tent for sleeping it's what's popularly known as a cabana tent; slim, upright and rather tall. You'll often see them on beaches at vacation resorts for people to use to change into swimming outfits in relative privacy. I can work with one of them to convert it into a stable that you can easily get into considering your obviously superior height requirements and it should have all the space you need inside. What's more, when it's broken down and packed it takes up less space then a standard 2 person tent. It should fit very easily into a saddlebag or even a shoulder purse with plenty of room to spare. As for a portable smithy, that's both easy and difficult to manage... easy because all it would take is another dimensional tent outfitted with all the gear necessary for a smithy. The tools and equipment wouldn't need to shrink at all, you just leave them in the tent when you break it down and they will be safely stored in the pocket dimension that makes up the inside of the tent. What makes it more difficult is the requirements of a smithy, primarily, heat... and lots of it. Heat and tent fabric really don't get along all that well. You'll be looking at an extra expense on enchanting the tent to counter that. A simple Impervious to Fire enchantment would do nicely for that. Anything else I can do for you, my dear?"

Charonis takes a drink of the water, gratefully. "The cabana tent should work. As for the smithy, yes, that will do as well, with the impervious to fire enchantment. You don't happen to have any anvils with magical properties, though, do you? Like one that would give the wielder of any weapon created on it bonuses? Also, I saw some magical horsehair brushes back there that are self-cleaning, I should very much like a full set of those."
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man gives a nod, handing the now empty glass to Eryops which is suddenly refilled as he takes it, a brand new paper umbrella floating down to settle into the sweet smelling concoction. "Any other weapon enchantment that can normally be applied to a weapon or suit of armor may be added to shape changing armor or weapons. The shifting enchantment itself basically just limits the armor or weapon to having only two enchantments instead of the usual 3 or 4 that could normally be applied. As for how long it will take, depending on what additional enchantment you'd like applied it will take about a week to 10 days to get it done."
"I really just want the weapon to be quicker and strike for more damage, the speed being more important than the damage, mind you," Eryops says. "But without armor, is it possible for you to teleport me back to the castle? Or perhaps I could use the Charlatan's Cabinet to get back, it is only seven miles from here."
"I am not sure if that would work from inside the shop," the wizard Kendragon says, "as this seems to be an extradimensional space and the distance might be skewed. We could always step outside and I could teleport you, however," the wizard says.

JuliusCreed wrote:"Actually it is indicated that the Hecklers do indeed move... it's just a little difficult to catch the little buggers doing it. But if what you're actually looking for are suits of animated armor to act as guards, I can recommend either building a bunch of Golems... difficult and time consuming but unmatched in their loyalty... or purchasing a few of these guys..."

Phantom Guards: A unique twist on Golems, the Phantom Guards are suits of animated heavy armor capable of following simple commands much like a Golem, but without the necessity of a life link between itself and its owner. (ie the permanent loss of SDC that occurs when a mage creates a Golem) Statistics for Phantom Guards are as follows:
Attribute Equivalents of Note: IQ:5, PS:20, PP:15, PE:25, PB:3-20 (depends on the overall quality/appearance of the suit of armor) SPD:12
Size: Depends on the suit of armor, usually 6-7 feet tall, though giant sized suits may be made
Horror Factor: 12
AR: 17, Only heavy armor may be used to create these enchanted guardians, thus only Scale, Splint and Plate armor can be used in their construction and is magically augmented to a standard AR
HP/SDC: 200
Attacks per melee round: 4
Damage: 1d6 by punch or kick, or by weapon
Bonuses: +2 to Strike and Parry, +5 Damage (from PS of 20 noted above), no initiative or Dodge bonus
Special abilities: Impervious to poisons/drugs and all forms of mind control/Psionic manipulation and Possession. Takes normal damage from melee attacks and magic or Psionic attacks that cause physical damage (Mind Bolt, Psi-Sword, Call Lightning etc.) Resistant to Fire and Cold attacks (1/2 damage), Nightvision 1000 feet, magically understands all languages 90%, Track Humanoids: 35%, Climb/Scale Walls:45%, does not need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep. If all SDC of the Phantom Guard is depleted it falls apart into a pile of armor pieces and begins regenerating at a rate of 10 SDC per hour. It will not function again until all SDC have been restored.
The Phantom Guard has a rudimentary intelligence and is capable of following simple commands and performs well in combat or as a laborer. To command the Guard, the owner simply engraves his true name somewhere on the suit of armor and places a drop of his blood on the helmet to activate it (this ritual, while similar to Golem activation, does NOT drain any SDC or HP from the person activating the armor) From that moment, the Phantom Guard will follow its owners commands. The biggest advantages of the Phantom Guard over a Golem is 1> No permanent loss of SDC or HP to activate and 2> The (normally) smaller overall size. Being roughly human sized, the Phantom Guard is capable of getting into and guarding areas a giant sized Golem would be too big for. Of course its smaller size and overall weaker capabilities make it a far less threatening opponent to tougher intruders, unless there are a greater number of Phantom Guards (3 or 4 Phantom Guards patrolling a room can be quite a deterrent to would be intruders) Cost: 200,000 gold
"I will take twenty of the Phantom Guards," Kendragon says. "They are perfect for security in and around the castle. I should like them in plate armor. Can we do the name engraving when we do it for the Pet Furniture, and you did not answer me about my inquiry regarding the amount of blood to be involved, and if we can draw the blood and do the activation of all that here.
"As far as what I want for the tapestries, you are somehow not understanding. I will take some of the other tapestries as well- let's say twenty of the Peepers done as tapestries with enhanced Nightvision- but what I want is a picture on the tapestry that moves and is animated, so that it tells a story, so that one could watch a battle play itself out on the tapestry, or watch a dragon in flight with wings that somehow move. I have heard there is weaver magic that can accomplish such a thing (See the Invented Spells thread for Tailor and Weaver Magic), even so far as having a tapestry that can act as defense. I am not sure if you are aware of one spell:

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Weaving Spells
Level Twelve

Merlin's Terrifying Tapestry
Range: Touch; effect range 10 feet of tapestry
Duration: Permanent for warding of tapestry; 4 rounds per level of spellcaster for effect
Saving Throw: none
P.P.E. cost: 500
Casting Time: However long it takes to weave the tapestry. Usually 2d4 days.
This enchantment creates a protective ward which activates if someone tries to leave using a door covered by the tapestry. The ward automatically summons two dragons whose images are woven into the tapestry.
Roll or select from the following elemental dragons( use d10 if rolling)
1- Earth/Stone Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
PS 40, Speed of 5mph, AR 15, SDC: 150, Punch damage: 3d6, Constricting Attack Damage: 4d6, Slam Attack Damage: 5d6
2- Gas/Air Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
SDC: 20, Speed 20mph, Impervious to physical attacks, Vulnerable to wind, Obscures Vision (standard penalties for temporary blindness), Poisonous Gas Attack: 3d6 per round if unable to make saving throw.
3- Fire Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
SDC: 120, Speed of 120mph, Impervious to physical attack, Vulnerable to Water Attack, Anything touching it takes 4d6 damage and then 2d6 damage per round until extinguished, Fire Blast Damage: 2d6 +1d6 per level of caster.
4- Water Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
SDC: 120, Speed of 30mph, Impervious to Physical Damage, Vulnerable to cold and heat attacks, Water Blast Damage: 4d6, Immersion/Drowning Attack: 2d6 per round direct to Hit Points.
5- Electrical Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
SDC: 120, Speed of 300 mph, Impervious to Physical Attack, Anything it touches takes damage of 5d6 and must roll vs. Shock/Stun to be knocked out (Critical Failure means damage goes direct to Hit Points), Electrical Blast: 4d6, Vulnerable to Magnetic Attacks and Energy Dampening Effects.
6- Shadow/Darkness Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
SDC: 50, Speed of 5mph, Impervious to Physical Attacks, Vulnerable to Light Attacks, Obscures Vision (standard penalties for blindness), Anything it Touches takes 2d6 damage to Hit Points and feels a slight chill.
7- Molten Lava Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
SDC: 100, Speed of 80mph, Impervious to Physical Attacks, Anything it Touches takes 1d4X10 damage plus sd6 per round for 2d4 rounds, Lave Blast : 4d6 initial damage, plus 1d4 per round following for 1d4 rounds.
8- Metal Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
AR 17, SDC: 240, Speed of 5mph, Constricting Attack Damage: 5d6, Bite Damage: 2d6, Claw Damage: 2d4
9- Ice Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
AR 14, SDC: 250, Speed of 5mph, Invulnerable to Cold Attacks, Vulnerable to Water and Heat Attacks, Ice Blast: 4d6 + 1d6 per round following for 2d4 rounds unless saves vs. chilling cold.
10- Chaos Dragon: Has the following abilities and attacks:
AR 12, SDC: 120, Speed of 120mph, Force Blast Damage: 46d, Tongue Whip Damage: 2d6, Touch does 2d6 and victim must Save vs. Insanity with Standard Bonuses.

"I do not know if you have access to such tapestries, though, as Weaver Magic is quite uncommon."

JuliusCreed wrote:"As for footlockers with Dimensional Envelope abilities, the cost would be about half that of the dressers... only one envelope in them instead of 3 to 6 depending on the number of drawers and a footlocker is a pretty simple piece of furniture. Desks set up with Dimensional Envelopes and as Pet Tables would be the price of a medium Pet Table with an additional 100,000 for the envelope storage." He glances to the quill and notepad, double checking the notes and figures and raises a brow with an impressed chuckle. "My goodness, if I didn't love my job so much I could retire and live quite comfortably for a few lifetimes on what we've got so far here... On the plus side though, you have more than qualified for the bulk order discount. Is there anything else you require, sir?"
"I will take the six footlockers as requested, then, and the desks need only have a couple drawers each.
"You did not address my interest in having a series of mirrors set up in the house to act as secret passages, using mirror magic to create a stable corridor in the Mirrorwall, nor the idea of using a mirror to have an extradimensional room to use as a panic room. I might also like to have 4 mirrors which act as advisers, using that spell from mirror magic which creates a mirror with a personality... memory fails me at the moment as to the exact name of the spell." The wizard sips from the chalice again. "What would it cost to do these things?
"And, yes, It is indeed quite the sum I am spending here, which is why I asked if the two million was indeed enough for the down payment. If need be, I could always have Rezzidoo bring more with him from the treasure room when he comes."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Gryphon Chick wrote:Charonis takes a drink of the water, gratefully. "The cabana tent should work. As for the smithy, yes, that will do as well, with the impervious to fire enchantment. You don't happen to have any anvils with magical properties, though, do you? Like one that would give the wielder of any weapon created on it bonuses? Also, I saw some magical horsehair brushes back there that are self-cleaning, I should very much like a full set of those."

He nods with a slow smile, the requested tents being brought out by a spindly goblin grunting under the weight of the packages and hoisting them onto the counter. As it scampers back into the back room as a pair of horse brushes clomp along the countertop to the tents. "I'm afraid forging bonuses into a weapon is something beyond even my seemingly limitless capabilities. Best you find a blacksmith that specializes in Dwarven or Kobold forged items to meet your needs there. My forte is enchanting what has already been forged which takes quite a bit more than a hammer and anvil. However, if you take a look down aisles (sic pages) 1 and 2 you will find Magic Sharpening Stones and my special Honing Oil. Used alone or together they imbue whatever weapon you use them on with bonuses to damage, albeit temporarily. Not exactly what you're looking for, I know, but it is currently the best my capabilities can offer. Oh and the Magic Horse brushes have apparently arrived... self cleaning and ready for use. Is there anything else I can provide?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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But today is a gift.
That's why it is called "the present".
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

The old man turns back to Eryops and Kendragon with a nod. "Getting you back to the castle, eryops, is a simple matter... just walk right out the door and You'll be within a mile. Don't ask how, just smile and keep walking. As for the blood needed for the attunement... minimal really, but considering the bulk of items you're getting that you'll be needing it for, I'd recommend taking your time with it. You'll only need a drop or two per item though so it shouldn't take more than a couple of days to get everything all set. For the tapestries, i actually have several dozen in stock, including the defensive types. ones woven for entertainment purposes cost only 10,000 gold, defensive types will run you 30,000 each." He takes a step back as the requested footlockers and desks go sliding by, checking the pad and quill again before nudging a foot against one of the lockers. "Ah ah ah... only 6, not 7... I'm sure he'll need more in the future though, so be patient little one... now, the mirror passages... I have a few available... all totaled, 8 currently in stock at the moment, though I can have more ready in a few weeks if necessary. They cost 40,000 gold each and provide flawless transport from one mirror to the other... just touch the keystone on one mirror that corresponds to where you want to go... you'll see a mirror's eye view of the destination to confirm where you're going. Step into the first, you'll step out of the second. The mirror panic room... not readily available at the moment but I can have one set up in a week. That will cost 150,000 gold for a 20'x20' panic room ready and waiting to be furnished the way you like. For security measures, the only people who can access the mirror room are the ones who bind themselves to the room with... you guessed it... blood." The old man chuckles softly with a slow shake of his head before lifting his hand, a cup of tea appearing in his grasp, and sipping gently from it. "Considering your order has gone into the tens of millions, under normal circumstances, a larger down payment would often be required. But it isn't often that I get customers that purchase as much as you and your companions have, and I tend to have a pretty good eye for those that may try a swindle. Your down payment will suffice, good sir. I am confident that you'll be able to pay your tab in full. Especially since the only thing more feared than Naruni Repo-Bots are MY Repo-Demons." With a light laugh he takes another sip from his cup, sits back into a creaky old rocking chair that appears behind him, settling in comfortably with a gentle sigh and looking back up to the wizard. "You'll pardon my repose of course... I am a lot older than I look and can't stay on my feet like I used to... will there be anything else for you, sir?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man turns back to Eryops and Kendragon with a nod. "Getting you back to the castle, Eryops, is a simple matter... just walk right out the door and You'll be within a mile. Don't ask how, just smile and keep walking."

"Very well, then," says Eryops. "But you did not say if you can do an enchantment to increase the speed of the blade. If you can, that would be great, and I should like the armor enchanted to be impervious to cold, if that is possible. If not, I'm sure we can figure something out once I return." With that, Eryops leaves, pleasantly surprised to see the door open onto familiar hillside.
JuliusCreed wrote:"As for the blood needed for the attunement... minimal really, but considering the bulk of items you're getting that you'll be needing it for, I'd recommend taking your time with it. You'll only need a drop or two per item though so it shouldn't take more than a couple of days to get everything all set."

"Very well, then we should get the blood draw out of the way soon," Kendragon says.
JuliusCreed wrote:"For the tapestries, I actually have several dozen in stock, including the defensive types. Ones woven for entertainment purposes cost only 10,000 gold, defensive types will run you 30,000 each."

"I should like at least six of the entertainment type," the wizard says. "What sort of selection do you have? Maybe something with battle scenes would do, and something with dragons in a mating flight. As for the defensive ones, I imagine those will take a command word as the Peepers do, and I would prefer them to have some sort of gas attack rather than anything which might damage the furniture."
JuliusCreed wrote:He takes a step back as the requested footlockers and desks go sliding by, checking the pad and quill again before nudging a foot against one of the lockers. "Ah ah ah... only 6, not 7... I'm sure he'll need more in the future though, so be patient little one..."

"Go ahead and make it seven, then. I am sure my son Draco can use a new footlocker, especially one with Dimensional Envelope," the wizard smiles.
JuliusCreed wrote:"Now, the mirror passages... I have a few available... all totaled, 8 currently in stock at the moment, though I can have more ready in a few weeks if necessary. They cost 40,000 gold each and provide flawless transport from one mirror to the other... just touch the keystone on one mirror that corresponds to where you want to go... you'll see a mirror's eye view of the destination to confirm where you're going. Step into the first, you'll step out of the second. The mirror panic room... not readily available at the moment but I can have one set up in a week. That will cost 150,000 gold for a 20'x20' panic room ready and waiting to be furnished the way you like. For security measures, the only people who can access the mirror room are the ones who bind themselves to the room with... you guessed it... blood."

"I shall have to have my son and daughter come in for blood draws as well, then, so as to allow them access to the passage and panic room." The wizard looks around absently for a moment and then comes back to full attention. "I shall want the passages to go to most of the rooms, so I will need a total of 20 of the mirror passages. As far as furniture for the panic room, I was of the impression that the mirror created duplicates inside the room of everything that the mirror reflects. No matter, though, just add additional furniture to mirror the ones in my bedroom, which is where I should think I will have it situated, unless you think it would be better to have in a hallway. You did not address the matter of having the mirrors with personality for the bedrooms, to act as advisors..."
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man chuckles softly with a slow shake of his head before lifting his hand, a cup of tea appearing in his grasp, and sipping gently from it. "Considering your order has gone into the tens of millions, under normal circumstances, a larger down payment would often be required. But it isn't often that I get customers that purchase as much as you and your companions have, and I tend to have a pretty good eye for those that may try a swindle. Your down payment will suffice, good sir. I am confident that you'll be able to pay your tab in full. Especially since the only thing more feared than Naruni Repo-Bots are MY Repo-Demons."

"Truth be told, I had not anticipated spending quite so much, but rest assured I am good for it," the wizard confirms. "There is easily 200 million in my treasure room alone."
JuliusCreed wrote:With a light laugh he takes another sip from his cup, sits back into a creaky old rocking chair that appears behind him, settling in comfortably with a gentle sigh and looking back up to the wizard. "You'll pardon my repose of course... I am a lot older than I look and can't stay on my feet like I used to... will there be anything else for you, sir?"

"The next order of business is the kitchen. As I have no servants currently, I was wondering if you have any independently functioning appliances which could aid in the preparation of meals and the like."
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Gryphon Chick
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:Charonis takes a drink of the water, gratefully. "The cabana tent should work. As for the smithy, yes, that will do as well, with the impervious to fire enchantment. You don't happen to have any anvils with magical properties, though, do you? Like one that would give the wielder of any weapon created on it bonuses? Also, I saw some magical horsehair brushes back there that are self-cleaning, I should very much like a full set of those."

He nods with a slow smile, the requested tents being brought out by a spindly goblin grunting under the weight of the packages and hoisting them onto the counter. As it scampers back into the back room as a pair of horse brushes clomp along the countertop to the tents. "I'm afraid forging bonuses into a weapon is something beyond even my seemingly limitless capabilities. Best you find a blacksmith that specializes in Dwarven or Kobold forged items to meet your needs there. My forte is enchanting what has already been forged which takes quite a bit more than a hammer and anvil. However, if you take a look down aisles (sic pages) 1 and 2 you will find Magic Sharpening Stones and my special Honing Oil. Used alone or together they imbue whatever weapon you use them on with bonuses to damage, albeit temporarily. Not exactly what you're looking for, I know, but it is currently the best my capabilities can offer. Oh and the Magic Horse brushes have apparently arrived... self cleaning and ready for use. Is there anything else I can provide?"
"I'll take the Sharpening Stones and six ounces of the Honing Oil. If the oil works as well as you say, I'll be back for more eventually. So you don't know where I might learn to forge weapons so they have greater damage capacity (bonuses)? Pity, I really would like to learn.
"I saw some Barding of Pegasus while browsing, apparently meant to give a horse the ability of flight... Any way you could fit it to work on a Centaur?"
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Hmmm, still waiting on a response to my last post and it's been a week now since JuliusCreed has been online...
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by MrDisturbed »

the door bursts open revealing a stout dwarf his face covered in soot his red beard blackened. you dont know what troubles you most his lack of a left arm or the lack of his right eye. "Gorumn One-Eye Blacksmith and hero of DwarvenDale," he says loud and boisterously pointing his stump for an arm in your direction as he does so, "as ye kin see I could use a hand and I hear ye the best at such things!" his one eye sizing you up.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, still waiting on a response to my last post and it's been a week now since JuliusCreed has been online...

As of now, it is two weeks since he has been on the forums at all.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

A rather loud explosion is heard from the back room followed by plumes of grey brown smoke and a litany of curses in over a dozen different languages, most of them centering largely around the apparent lack of size of some un-named demon lord's manhood and exactly what said demon lord and his hideously deformed mother can go do with said undersized manhood in a local no tell motel. A few moments later, the old man himself stumbles out through the beaded curtain, smudged from head to toe in soot and ash with a small fire burning on his sleeve that he quickly smacks a hand over to put out and smiling to the gathered crowd with an apologetic expression. "I am so sorry, my most loyal and devoted customers and welcome newcomers. Due to some previously uncontrolled technical difficulties I was sucked away by a dimensional vortex and held prisoner in limbo until I could fix some higher power's problem... some insane creature that called itself 'Internet Provider'... anyway, the difficulties have been resolved and I can assure you any orders that have come in during my absence will be seen to as soon as I get a few other domestic things settled down and I will be able to tend all of your needs in as quick and efficient a manner as possible. I beg only your patience and understanding over the next couple of days during this rather hectic time. For those of you who have been waiting for current orders, particularly the wizard furnishing his castle and the Centaur awaiting word on a suit of Pegasus Barding, you have my most profound apologies for the inconvenience and an assurance of a 25% discount from your total order for your troubles. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding." With a gentle smile and a short bow he turns and heads back into the back room, a glowing black sword nearly twice his size appearing in his hand as he bellows a curse and apparently engages some hideously roaring creature that begins rampaging behind the curtain with a horrendous crashing sound.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:A rather loud explosion is heard from the back room followed by plumes of grey brown smoke and a litany of curses in over a dozen different languages, most of them centering largely around the apparent lack of size of some un-named demon lord's manhood and exactly what said demon lord and his hideously deformed mother can go do with said undersized manhood in a local no tell motel. A few moments later, the old man himself stumbles out through the beaded curtain, smudged from head to toe in soot and ash with a small fire burning on his sleeve that he quickly smacks a hand over to put out and smiling to the gathered crowd with an apologetic expression. "I am so sorry, my most loyal and devoted customers and welcome newcomers. Due to some previously uncontrolled technical difficulties I was sucked away by a dimensional vortex and held prisoner in limbo until I could fix some higher power's problem... some insane creature that called itself 'Internet Provider'... anyway, the difficulties have been resolved and I can assure you any orders that have come in during my absence will be seen to as soon as I get a few other domestic things settled down and I will be able to tend all of your needs in as quick and efficient a manner as possible. I beg only your patience and understanding over the next couple of days during this rather hectic time. For those of you who have been waiting for current orders, particularly the wizard furnishing his castle and the Centaur awaiting word on a suit of Pegasus Barding, you have my most profound apologies for the inconvenience and an assurance of a 25% discount from your total order for your troubles. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding." With a gentle smile and a short bow he turns and heads back into the back room, a glowing black sword nearly twice his size appearing in his hand as he bellows a curse and apparently engages some hideously roaring creature that begins rampaging behind the curtain with a horrendous crashing sound.

Having had a messenger wait at the entrance to the shop, just outside the door, for the old man to return, the elven wizard had gone about his business in meeting with his son at the ship docks. The dragon, Rezzidoo, transformed into elven form, had arrived at the shop but joined the wizard and his family in town on holiday once it was clear that the old man was not ready for him. Once the old man returns, the messenger informs him that he shall notify them at the inn and have them return to the shop.
In due time, the elven wizard Kendragon arrives with Rezzidoo, who transforms into full fire dragon size and awaits having his image rendered for use in decorating the furniture.
[Please review my previous posts for any unaddressed issues as well, including the advisor-type mirrors, appliances for the kitchen, the response regarding the tapestries, and an additional Dimensional Envelope footlocker being accepted for the son, Draco.]
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:For those of you who have been waiting for current orders, particularly the wizard furnishing his castle and the Centaur awaiting word on a suit of Pegasus Barding, you have my most profound apologies for the inconvenience and an assurance of a 25% discount from your total order for your troubles. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding." With a gentle smile and a short bow he turns and heads back into the back room, a glowing black sword nearly twice his size appearing in his hand as he bellows a curse and apparently engages some hideously roaring creature that begins rampaging behind the curtain with a horrendous crashing sound.
Okay, good to know. I had pretty much almost given up on hearing back on it.
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

The old man exits the curtain with a wide grin, a little scorched and dusty around the edges but no worse for the wear, tossing a broken sword to the side as he saunter back to his awaiting customers, giving each an apologetic nod as the quill and notebook float to his side. "Greetings once again my most valued and loyal customers. My apologies for my untimely departure, but for the most part I am back and ready to do business. Now first the easier part... yes lady centaur I can get you a set of Pegasus Barding fitted to your fram and, for the inconvenience, I will not only waive the standard customization fee, I will knock 50% off of the base price and throw in a full set of any style of Magic Horseshoes I have in stock, free of charge." With a warm smile he offers a friendly hand to her as Bubbles, the rather demonic looking fairy, zips out from the back room to hover before the wizard's assistant with a toothy grin, its voice rolling out in a smooth baritone. "As for you good sir, your Master has quite a bit left to fill on his list..." With a loud snap of its tiny fingers, the spindly Goblin shuffles out bearing a large leather bound book, straining with all its might to carry its immense 20 lb weight over to Rezzidoo, dropping the tome to the floor and paging through it. "Squeeb there will take care of the art stuff... don't worry, it's a rune book so even Nunder Tunder the Wonder Blunder there can't mess it up... as for the rest of the items on the list so far... the extra footlocker has been added to the list and the tapestry selection is second to none... as stated previously entertainment and security types are available... as for particular designs, you'd have to take a look at the selection to see if anything fits what you desire... if you can't seem to find what you're looking for, we can arrange a sit down meeting with our on call weaver who will be happy to fill whatever order you like with a replace/reweave or refund guarantee. If you're not satisfied with your tapestry's appearance or playback, we will make you a brand new one, again to your specifications, or refund your money, no questions asked. Appliances for your kitchen... a lovely selection available... ovens of various types and sizes, ever cold refrigerators, ice makers... for lack of a better way of putting it, I wouldn't be surprised in more than half the cast of Beauty and the Beast were on loan to Disney from this very shop. All at ridiculously low... or high, prices, depending on how generous you Master wants to be with his treasury. As for the mirrors... those are a touchy item..." The fairy flits a little closer to the assistant with a conspiritory glance. "You didn't hear it from me, but the old man has a few mirrors in back that might be along the lines of what your master seeks... but they're awful expensive... can't tell you why... putting a price on magical objects is a concept I find rather alien, but if it lets me live in relative comfort, who am I to argue, am I right? Anyway, when he's done schmoozing with the pretty little filly over there, ask him about the Angel's Looking Glasses... tell him you heard a rumor or something... he'll fill you in..." Giving a thumbs up and a sly wink, Bubbles flits off, pulling a tiny whip from his waist and snapping it harmlessly off the top of Squeeb the Goblin's head, urging him on like a sled dog, the belabored Goblin grudgingly grunting his annoyance at the tiny pops of leather against his gleaming bald pate as he shuffles his way back to the back with the book, muttering "Jobs done..." as he's herded away to the back room.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man exits the curtain with a wide grin, a little scorched and dusty around the edges but no worse for the wear, tossing a broken sword to the side as he saunter back to his awaiting customers, giving each an apologetic nod as the quill and notebook float to his side. "Greetings once again my most valued and loyal customers. My apologies for my untimely departure, but for the most part I am back and ready to do business.[
"Good, good," the elven wizard smiles.
JuliusCreed wrote:Now first the easier part... yes lady centaur I can get you a set of Pegasus Barding fitted to your frame and, for the inconvenience, I will not only waive the standard customization fee, I will knock 50% off of the base price and throw in a full set of any style of Magic Horseshoes I have in stock, free of charge."

Just noticing the other customer, the elven wizard is taken aback as the old man is so obviously flirty with the half-horse.
JuliusCreed wrote:With a warm smile he offers a friendly hand to her as Bubbles, the rather demonic looking fairy, zips out from the back room to hover before the wizard's assistant with a toothy grin, its voice rolling out in a smooth baritone. "As for you good sir, your Master has quite a bit left to fill on his list..." With a loud snap of its tiny fingers, the spindly Goblin shuffles out bearing a large leather bound book, straining with all its might to carry its immense 20 lb weight over to Rezzidoo, dropping the tome to the floor and paging through it. "Squeeb there will take care of the art stuff... don't worry, it's a rune book so even Nunder Tunder the Wonder Blunder there can't mess it up..."

Rezzidoo poses as he gets ready for his image to be immortalized.
JuliusCreed wrote:"...as for the rest of the items on the list so far... the extra footlocker has been added to the list and the tapestry selection is second to none... as stated previously entertainment and security types are available... as for particular designs, you'd have to take a look at the selection to see if anything fits what you desire... if you can't seem to find what you're looking for, we can arrange a sit down meeting with our on call weaver who will be happy to fill whatever order you like with a replace/reweave or refund guarantee. If you're not satisfied with your tapestry's appearance or playback, we will make you a brand new one, again to your specifications, or refund your money, no questions asked."

The wizard nods, finding all to be agreeable so far.
JuliusCreed wrote:"Appliances for your kitchen... a lovely selection available... ovens of various types and sizes, ever cold refrigerators, ice makers... for lack of a better way of putting it, I wouldn't be surprised in more than half the cast of Beauty and the Beast were on loan to Disney from this very shop. All at ridiculously low... or high, prices, depending on how generous you Master wants to be with his treasury."

"I think we are agreed that the quality of the merchandise is more important than price," the wizard asserts. "I am interested in your cold 'refrigerators', a large oven worthy of cooking for feasts, and numerous cupboards with the Dimensional Envelope spell for the kitchen, if you have them."
JuliusCreed wrote:"As for the mirrors... those are a touchy item..." The fairy flits a little closer to the assistant with a conspiritory glance. "You didn't hear it from me, but the old man has a few mirrors in back that might be along the lines of what your master seeks... but they're awful expensive... can't tell you why... putting a price on magical objects is a concept I find rather alien, but if it lets me live in relative comfort, who am I to argue, am I right? Anyway, when he's done schmoozing with the pretty little filly over there, ask him about the Angel's Looking Glasses... tell him you heard a rumor or something... he'll fill you in..."
"Will do," the wizard says, still slightly annoyed that the old man left him waiting.
JuliusCreed wrote:Giving a thumbs up and a sly wink, Bubbles flits off, pulling a tiny whip from his waist and snapping it harmlessly off the top of Squeeb the Goblin's head, urging him on like a sled dog, the belabored Goblin grudgingly grunting his annoyance at the tiny pops of leather against his gleaming bald pate as he shuffles his way back to the back with the book, muttering "Jobs done..." as he's herded away to the back room.
"Very well," Rezzidoo says, relaxing his pose and magically transforming back into the form of an elf. "You did say that I would have a chance to select furniture as well, did you not, Wizard? What might they have in the way of furniture which might be pleasing to a dragon?"
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man exits the curtain with a wide grin, a little scorched and dusty around the edges but no worse for the wear, tossing a broken sword to the side as he saunter back to his awaiting customers, giving each an apologetic nod as the quill and notebook float to his side. "Greetings once again my most valued and loyal customers. My apologies for my untimely departure, but for the most part I am back and ready to do business. Now first the easier part... yes lady centaur I can get you a set of Pegasus Barding fitted to your frame and, for the inconvenience, I will not only waive the standard customization fee, I will knock 50% off of the base price and throw in a full set of any style of Magic Horseshoes I have in stock, free of charge."
Charonis takes the old man's hand as he leads her off to be fitted for the barding, blushing. "Normally I don't find bipeds all that charming. You must have a spell at work," she says.
"After I get fitted for the barding, you will have to inform me on the types of horseshoes you have. I seem to recall we already discussed the stealth horseshoes, so those were bought and paid for, I believe. What do you have in the way of horseshoes that light afire the ground they come into contact with and do extra fire damage when used in combat?"
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by pblackcrow »

The short noble elf returns to the shop, dressed in an ivory linen ruffled shirt with a "Greek key" pattern embroidered in gold thread around the bottom, black wool britches, with the usual double belts with a rapier and whip attached, boots, and a half circle crimson cashmere wool hooded cloak with 3 mithril chains attaching tightly to the elf. With a warm glowing smile he lifts his hood, his long blond hair braided, and says "Hello, I'm baaack...And how is everyone's favorite uncle today? I know, it has been awhile, but I have been busy. But finally have time to visit." as he looks around the shop for some items on his list. "Um, do you have any more of these ever burn logs? If so, I need to get about 2,500 logs? A mixture of hickory and cedar....And 10 palo santo wood for myself? The tower is rather hard to heat in the winter months. Oh and I know it's asking a lot, considering you probably make a lot off of the chips, but could you also get me some pieces of sandalwood and agarwood and enchant them with the ever burn spell? About 5oz of each should be prefect. I do love the smell. And the solders on watch do so appreciate the undergarments you've enchanted, but they are wearing rather thin. I will need to do a major bulk order of 5,000 of those to give the cleaning mages a break. And the squires and pages have all out grown theirs but the good thing is they hand down what they can't wear. And I don't know what you did to their undergarments but they are holding together a lot better then the adults, but then again they aren't always out fighting."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

The old man gives Charonis a wink with a sly little grin as he brings his lips within a hair's breadth of the back of her hand, Bubbles the demon faerie flitting out from the back room, tucking away his tiny little whip with a smirk and lighting on his shoulder to whisper in his ear. "I assure you milady, the only spell that has been cast here, besides the Sanctum I keep in place, has been the almighty Discount. Victims are powerless against it and tend to suffer from fits of excessive friendliness or at least grudging tolerance of the caster." Giving Bubbles a brief nod, he smiles again before rising. "If you will please follow my assistant here, he will see to getting your armor fitted and compiling a list of the horseshoes I have available. I have another customer to tend to with quite a sizable order that needs to be finished and he has been awaiting my return as long as you have."

With a short bow, he turns and heads over to the wizard with an apologetic smile, the quill and notebook floating over with him. "My sincerest apologies good sir. Just trying to clear up some of the easier deals before I settle into finishing what we have. Now, I believe Bubbles has cleared up most of the lighter portions of this, the extra footlocker, your concerns about the tapestries and such... Let's deal with your kitchen... Dimensional Envelope cupboards are easily done. I'll need an idea of how large your kitchen is so we can figure out about how much cabinet space you'll need. Most castles I've seen in my lifetime, you're probably going to need about a dozen or so of the larger ones with a few medium and smalls to fill in the odd gaps. Prices for them are identical to the Closets we've already discussed." The old man pauses a moment to glance down, seeing the Goblin Squeeb presenting the image of Rezzidoo in the book and nodding slowly. "An excellent rendition Squeeb... and a very good angle to work with. I trust this will suit your needs for the appearance of everything, sir? As for the refrigerators, two different styles come to mind that would suit your needs... first, the larger of the two. It has the advantage of having a greater storage capacity and adjustable temperature levels, but it will have to be built and enchanted on sight since it's essentially a separate room with an elemental intelligence bound into it. The other is smaller, prebuilt and relatively portable, though you'll need a sizable wagon to transport it. It measures out as a 10x15x10 metal box with runes of cold engraved into it, keeping the internal temperature of the box at a constant 34 degrees, not quite enough to freeze, but certainly enough to be quite chilly. Both models will cost you about 500,000 gold." With a light smile he takes up a steaming cup of tea as it floats by, taking a sip from it before settling it back on the saucer and letting it float on. "As for stoves... If you don't mind, I'd like to send a consultant to your castle to have a look at your kitchen, specifically the hearth that is likely already built in there. I can make you a good custom stove and oven from there that should be able to handle any size banquet you can throw at your cooks. Again, the exact style of heating will be left to you, either elemental or runic, as well as being able to handle the mundane wood and coal routines. And, while she's there, she can take a few notes on cabinet space estimates and other minor details for outfitting your kitchen. Considering the earlier inconveniences, I am of course willing to waive the usual consultation fees."

Giving a glance to Rezzidoo, he smiles gently with a respectful bow. "Friend dragon, I can only offer you the humble workings you can see here along the line of furnishings and pray you find anything suitable for one of your stature. Of course, if you have any ideas or suggestions for anything you might wish to have, you've only to ask and I will do everything within my meager capabilities to accommodate your requests."
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

pblackcrow wrote:The short noble elf returns to the shop, dressed in an ivory linen ruffled shirt with a "Greek key" pattern embroidered in gold thread around the bottom, black wool britches, with the usual double belts with a rapier and whip attached, boots, and a half circle crimson cashmere wool hooded cloak with 3 mithril chains attaching tightly to the elf. With a warm glowing smile he lifts his hood, his long blond hair braided, and says "Hello, I'm baaack...And how is everyone's favorite uncle today? I know, it has been awhile, but I have been busy. But finally have time to visit." as he looks around the shop for some items on his list. "Um, do you have any more of these ever burn logs? If so, I need to get about 2,500 logs? A mixture of hickory and cedar....And 10 palo santo wood for myself? The tower is rather hard to heat in the winter months. Oh and I know it's asking a lot, considering you probably make a lot off of the chips, but could you also get me some pieces of sandalwood and agarwood and enchant them with the ever burn spell? About 5oz of each should be prefect. I do love the smell. And the solders on watch do so appreciate the undergarments you've enchanted, but they are wearing rather thin. I will need to do a major bulk order of 5,000 of those to give the cleaning mages a break. And the squires and pages have all out grown theirs but the good thing is they hand down what they can't wear. And I don't know what you did to their undergarments but they are holding together a lot better then the adults, but then again they aren't always out fighting."

The old man gestures slightly with his left hand, slowing everything in the room to a snail's crawl before striding over to the noble with a broad grin and hugging him like a long lost friend. "Welcome, welcome! It has been far too long! Trust me, I can understand the concept of being busy, as you can readily see..." He gestures around the time frozen room with a soft chuckle "As for what you need, of course... anything you like. Paolo Santo wood is going to cost you a bit extra though... it's been a rough season for my materials supplier and his stock has been ravaged by some hard times... Not to worry though, it shouldn't be more than a 25% increase... the rest will come in at standard costs. As for enchanting wood chips... why not just get a couple logs of the desired types and shave them down yourself... saves a heck of a lot on enchantment costs. The cold resistant underwear... I'm glad it's so greatly appreciated. I know it's breaking down by now, which is why I've had my weavers working on more of it since we last met. I've already got a full shipment ready, enough to completely resupply your men. And, I've taken a page from a few tailors I know and incorporated a few methods that should have these lasting a lot longer than the other stuff. Just bring in the old stuff and I'll have the new garments shipped out to you, no charge save for a small shipping fee. Just call it a free upgrade. As for durability, considering everyday wear and tear and occasional heavy stress, I can safely say any of these items should last you at least two years before starting to show any serious wear. Of course, any serious damage... rips, tears, sword cuts and so on, will need to be repaired... I'm just talking about everyday wear and maybe a fight or two a week for your men. Anything beyond that, you'll likely need to replace them in just over a year." He takes a sip from his cup with a slow smile, a Mai Tai appearing in his free hand as he offers it to you. "Got time for a drink?"
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:With a short bow, he turns and heads over to the wizard with an apologetic smile, the quill and notebook floating over with him. "My sincerest apologies good sir. Just trying to clear up some of the easier deals before I settle into finishing what we have. Now, I believe Bubbles has cleared up most of the lighter portions of this, the extra footlocker, your concerns about the tapestries and such... Let's deal with your kitchen... Dimensional Envelope cupboards are easily done. I'll need an idea of how large your kitchen is so we can figure out about how much cabinet space you'll need. Most castles I've seen in my lifetime, you're probably going to need about a dozen or so of the larger ones with a few medium and smalls to fill in the odd gaps. Prices for them are identical to the Closets we've already discussed."

The wizard lays out the floorplan of the castle on the counter. "The kitchen walls have not been firmly established yet. You see here where the stairs come up from the treasure room," the wizards says, pointing to a 30 foot by 30 foot space between where the first of the dining rooms has been marked out, "I had planned on establishing the kitchen within this space. You are quite right, about a dozen larger cabinets and a half dozen smaller should do. I had thought of having them made now and put in one the walls are built. The architect is an elf named Light Sky, if you would like to consult with him, and he is in town now, it would be only a small matter to summon him."
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man pauses a moment to glance down, seeing the Goblin Squeeb presenting the image of Rezzidoo in the book and nodding slowly. "An excellent rendition Squeeb... and a very good angle to work with. I trust this will suit your needs for the appearance of everything, sir?"

The elven wizard looks over at the book and gives a quick nod. "If it would not be too much trouble, maybe you could make up a couple of larger tapestries using this image. It is rather imposing and it would do to have it for over the thrones in the reception area to be imposing, you see."
JuliusCreed wrote:"As for the refrigerators, two different styles come to mind that would suit your needs... first, the larger of the two. It has the advantage of having a greater storage capacity and adjustable temperature levels, but it will have to be built and enchanted on sight since it's essentially a separate room with an elemental intelligence bound into it."

"Oh, my, we will need Light Sky, then," the wizard says, calling over the page he has at the doorway and scribbling a quick note to be taken to the architect elf.
JuliusCreed wrote:"The other is smaller, prebuilt and relatively portable, though you'll need a sizable wagon to transport it. It measures out as a 10x15x10 metal box with runes of cold engraved into it, keeping the internal temperature of the box at a constant 34 degrees, not quite enough to freeze, but certainly enough to be quite chilly. Both models will cost you about 500,000 gold."

"I will take both kinds, as it sounds like the second is perfect for sending with the Barking Frog Regiment on their missions. Torc's wagon is more than up to the task of carrying it, I'm sure," the wizard says.
JuliusCreed wrote:With a light smile he takes up a steaming cup of tea as it floats by, taking a sip from it before settling it back on the saucer and letting it float on. "As for stoves... If you don't mind, I'd like to send a consultant to your castle to have a look at your kitchen, specifically the hearth that is likely already built in there. I can make you a good custom stove and oven from there that should be able to handle any size banquet you can throw at your cooks. Again, the exact style of heating will be left to you, either elemental or runic, as well as being able to handle the mundane wood and coal routines. And, while she's there, she can take a few notes on cabinet space estimates and other minor details for outfitting your kitchen. Considering the earlier inconveniences, I am of course willing to waive the usual consultation fees."

"The only existing hearth is one to the rear of the entry hall, here," the elven wizard points, "quite a bit of a ways from where I had intended to put the kitchen. It vents plasma and heat from an active volcanic fissure. I am not sure if it is appropriate to use as a heating source. One I have the architect here, perhaps he can discuss with you how to create a secondary vent or perhaps how to put in a separate hearth."
The elven wizard takes a quill in hand and makes several quick notations on the parchment of the floor plan. "Runic style of heating is preferential to elemental, but I shall leave that to you to discuss with the architect."
JuliusCreed wrote:Giving a glance to Rezzidoo, he smiles gently with a respectful bow. "Friend dragon, I can only offer you the humble workings you can see here along the line of furnishings and pray you find anything suitable for one of your stature. Of course, if you have any ideas or suggestions for anything you might wish to have, you've only to ask and I will do everything within my meager capabilities to accommodate your requests."
"I would like to have a Master's Throne for the reception hall when in elf form, which the wizard appears to have neglected to purchase for me," Rezzidoo growls. "Along with an enormous couch for my leisure needs while in dragon form, fully impervious to fire, of course.
"Oh, and any furniture in the castle that CAN be made impervious to fire, you should do so, as I would not want to be held responsible for the destruction of so much valuable furniture that the wizard is spending so much valuable gold for.
"Speaking of treasure, do you have any substances which might remove any potential curses from items, or perhaps something to simply clean off non-living remains which might still cling to metal taken off the dead?"
Just then, the page arrives with a blond elf clad in sky blue who is wearing a pair of goggles and a smith's apron. "May I present Lord Light Sky," the page announces, "summoned as requested, m'Lord."
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:The old man gives Charonis a wink with a sly little grin as he brings his lips within a hair's breadth of the back of her hand, Bubbles the demon faerie flitting out from the back room, tucking away his tiny little whip with a smirk and lighting on his shoulder to whisper in his ear. "I assure you milady, the only spell that has been cast here, besides the Sanctum I keep in place, has been the almighty Discount. Victims are powerless against it and tend to suffer from fits of excessive friendliness or at least grudging tolerance of the caster." Giving Bubbles a brief nod, he smiles again before rising. "If you will please follow my assistant here, he will see to getting your armor fitted and compiling a list of the horseshoes I have available. I have another customer to tend to with quite a sizable order that needs to be finished and he has been awaiting my return as long as you have."
"Very well, then," Charonis says. "Lead on, Bubbles..."

Charonis cooperates fully in getting fitted and waits patiently for further information on the forepromised list of shoes...
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

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JuliusCreed wrote:The old man gestures slightly with his left hand, slowing everything in the room to a snail's crawl before striding over to the noble with a broad grin and hugging him like a long lost friend. "Welcome, welcome! It has been far too long! Trust me, I can understand the concept of being busy, as you can readily see..." He gestures around the time frozen room with a soft chuckle "As for what you need, of course... anything you like. Paolo Santo wood is going to cost you a bit extra though... it's been a rough season for my materials supplier and his stock has been ravaged by some hard times... Not to worry though, it shouldn't be more than a 25% increase... the rest will come in at standard costs. As for enchanting wood chips... why not just get a couple logs of the desired types and shave them down yourself... saves a heck of a lot on enchantment costs. The cold resistant underwear... I'm glad it's so greatly appreciated. I know it's breaking down by now, which is why I've had my weavers working on more of it since we last met. I've already got a full shipment ready, enough to completely resupply your men. And, I've taken a page from a few tailors I know and incorporated a few methods that should have these lasting a lot longer than the other stuff. Just bring in the old stuff and I'll have the new garments shipped out to you, no charge save for a small shipping fee. Just call it a free upgrade. As for durability, considering everyday wear and tear and occasional heavy stress, I can safely say any of these items should last you at least two years before starting to show any serious wear. Of course, any serious damage... rips, tears, sword cuts and so on, will need to be repaired... I'm just talking about everyday wear and maybe a fight or two a week for your men. Anything beyond that, you'll likely need to replace them in just over a year." He takes a sip from his cup with a slow smile, a Mai Tai appearing in his free hand as he offers it to you. "Got time for a drink?"

"Not a problem on the palo santo.....How much for the logs?" he asks a bit nervously, hoping it will ONLY be in the upper 5-lower 6 digit range for the agarwood.

"Yes, of course, I have time. Thank you. Any news or gossip of note you may have heard that I should know about? Oh, and I came to warn you...There have been a band of thieves that have been successfully looting magic shops in near by fiefdoms. If, for some reason, they should come here; I do advise caution. They don't care to kill bystanders and they have found away around the sanctum spell, and with the stuff their packing they are quite the force no one wants to dead with."
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Uncle Remus gives the wizard a smile and reassuring nod as the quill scribbles away, bowing slightly to the architect at his timely arrival. "Of course, of course. I'm sure we can manage to work out a solid plan for your kitchen. Runic heating I can deliver on for you. Shouldn't take more than a week to get everything set up and enchanted once the planning stage is over with. Yes I can have my weavers get to work on a couple of tapestries of Rezzidoo right away. I believe Bubbles has already informed you of my custom work guarantee policy. For the smaller refrigerator, I'm guessing you already have an idea of where you want it placed so I'll get the one I have available crated up right away. I'm sure the laborers can handle the details from there. As for reinventing your hearth, no need if it's too much trouble... remember, I am here to provide for you." He offers Rezzidoo a charming smile and reassuring nod as he turns to him." Of course... throne and ciuch, both impervious to fire, as is everything else on the list so far... he has been rather insistent on that little tidbit for nearly everything... I only hope my supply of salamander skin doesn't run out, or I won't be making very many things impervious to fire after this order gets filled. As for other request... a substance that might remove potential curses from items? I'm afraid you'll need to be a bit more clear on what you mean... not quite sure I'm following you there. As for something to simply clean non-living remains off of metal...?" The old man offers a clean white handkerchief with a smile.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:Uncle Remus gives the wizard a smile and reassuring nod as the quill scribbles away, bowing slightly to the architect at his timely arrival. "Of course, of course. I'm sure we can manage to work out a solid plan for your kitchen. Runic heating I can deliver on for you. Shouldn't take more than a week to get everything set up and enchanted once the planning stage is over with. Yes I can have my weavers get to work on a couple of tapestries of Rezzidoo right away. I believe Bubbles has already informed you of my custom work guarantee policy. For the smaller refrigerator, I'm guessing you already have an idea of where you want it placed so I'll get the one I have available crated up right away. I'm sure the laborers can handle the details from there. As for reinventing your hearth, no need if it's too much trouble... remember, I am here to provide for you." He offers Rezzidoo a charming smile and reassuring nod as he turns to him." Of course... throne and couch, both impervious to fire, as is everything else on the list so far... he has been rather insistent on that little tidbit for nearly everything... I only hope my supply of salamander skin doesn't run out, or I won't be making very many things impervious to fire after this order gets filled. As for other request... a substance that might remove potential curses from items? I'm afraid you'll need to be a bit more clear on what you mean... not quite sure I'm following you there. As for something to simply clean non-living remains off of metal...?" The old man offers a clean white handkerchief with a smile.
"Not everything was requested impervious to fire," the wizard interjects. "The couches initially ordered were not requested as such, nor were the beds, I don't believe. But Rezzidoo does have a point, plus the gargoyle child belches fire from time to time so there is a need for fireproofing EVERYTHING."

"I am more than happy to go over with you any of the layouts of the castle as revised," the architect explains, "but be mindful that there are natural factors of the rock the castle was built into that cannot be altered. The whole place is unstable, being as it is built right over a den of dragons and a volcanic fissures. If we put in the larger of the refrigerators in the area that was set aside for the kitchen, we could expand part of the kitchen to occupy the area of the hearth without having to add a secondary oven, His Lordship would have to simply make due with smaller dining halls, of which he currently has three, which is excessive anyway. What we could do is make one dining hall in the center of the lower floor, with the kitchen centered around the hearth to the back, placing the two tables and larger one in a 'U' formation. It would require knocking out a couple of walls in the dining area is all, none of which are support beams or anything."

"Some of the gold is cursed, as are some of the items stored in the treasure room, because it was looted from magically protected places. What the wizard failed to inform you of is that his son is a pirate," the dragon explains. "None of the gold you have received so far has come from that we believe to be cursed, but it would be nice to have a method of cleaning such items to remove the curses."

MrDisturbed wrote:the door bursts open revealing a stout dwarf his face covered in soot his red beard blackened. you dont know what troubles you most his lack of a left arm or the lack of his right eye. "Gorumn One-Eye Blacksmith and hero of DwarvenDale," he says loud and boisterously pointing his stump for an arm in your direction as he does so, "as ye kin see I could use a hand and I hear ye the best at such things!" his one eye sizing you up.
"This gentleman appears to have been waiting quite a while as well," Eryops says as he returns to the shop to check on his armor and sword which were being altered to allow him to transform sizes while wearing them, with other enchantments also.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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