Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Hello I know it's been a very long time since I was last here, I have been working on a Robotech story about the Robotech Master Elders escaping from their home world as the Regent was attacking it, they did a blind space fold and ended up on an unknow world.

This is my first atempt at a Robotech story so bare with me, also if you happen to notice and spelling errors try to bare with them, I have mental disabilties that make writing, spell a bit trick even with a spell checker.
I hope you will enjoy this story.

Dawn Of The Masters
Chapter 1

" Elders the damage to our ship is exstensive. " Ultron and his clone brothers heard Science Master Xorom say to them.

" How badly are we damaged? " Ultron asked as he and his clone brothers were taking stock of the aftermath of their flight from the Invid, " Our main and secondary engines are damaged beyond repair. " they heard Science Master Krulu say to them and for the first time in a long time they began to feel the icy cold hand of death grab them by the spine.

" What of our anti gravity systems? " Axlor asked Krulu as his clone brothers Ultron and Locon were lost in deep thought.

Xorom looked to his clone brother Krulu and Vermod and he could sense their growing unease, " Elders our anti gravtiy systems are functioning at only twelve percent and they could fail at any time, but we are doing our best to repair them as we speak. " he said to the Robotect Master Elders in the hopes of alaying their wrath.

" What of our communcation systems?, are we able to contact Thrullom and the rest of the zentraedi that were with us when we folded out of the Tirol system? " Locon asked as he felt himself becoming highly agitated and called for a protoculture stablziation drink.

" No Elders, our long range, short range and hyper-space communation systems have been completly destoryed, we are on our own. " Vermod said with a gallow's tone of voice which did little to ease the fears of Ultron and the others who were gathered before the Elders.

" Clone Masters what has been our casulties from this mishap? " Ultron asked as he looked towards Morlum and the other cheif clone masters and he noticed a strangely thoughtful look on his face and the faces of his clone brothers.

" Elders our crew had only suffered very minor injuries and no fatalites in our blind fold from our home system, for the time being our people are holding up under the strain we all are under, but I fear that given time they will start to become restless and rebeloiuse as our protoculture suply dwindles. " Cheif Clone Master Hurgon said as he looked at his clone brothers and saw that they had the same grim and forboding looks on their faces that he had on his own face.

" Then it appers that we are doomed. " Ultron said with a cold tone of voice as he felt anger grow in his troubled heart that did not go unoticed by his clone brothers or the science and clone masters that were gathered before him and his clone brothers.

" Elders there is a very slim chance of survival. " Krulu said and he watched as the elders gave him a peicing look that made him very unsettled, but he banished his fears to the back of his mind and pressed on.

" It is possable that the few seeds of the Invid Flower Of Life we have might grow on this world- " he started to say but he was cut off by Axlor, " Even if the seeds did grow and did not mutate into a useless strain of the Flower Of Life we have not solved the riddle of Zor's Protoculture Matrix, without that the flowers would be useless to us and in time would draw the thrice cursed Invid to our doorstep! " Axlor shouted hatefuly as he felt his fear and anger started to get the better of him.

Undanted by Axlor's erattic display of emotion Krulu continued to speak, " That is true Elders but we have managed to solve the phase varince in the enzymatic coverstion sub system which had held us back for some time in recreating The Traitor's Protoculture Matrix, given enough time and resrouces we should be able to build a fully functonal Protoculture Maxtrix. " he said and watched as the elders gave him a mean look.

" I concur with my Clone Brother, better to take the slim cance instead of waiting to die, given the fact that we are all that is left of our people it would be best to take the risk in seeding this unknown world with what is left of our seed suply then to sit back and give into exestiction. " Xorom said with a calm and steady tone of voice and watched as the Elders turn to face one another and confer among themselves.

After a few minutes of talking among theselves Ultron turned and face Xorom and his clone brothers, " Very well you my proceed. " he said and Xorom and his clone brothers left to cary out their task as Ultron and his clone brothers began to ponder their fate.

As time marched on Ultron and his clone brothers found up from the clone masters where were working the civilans and ships mataince crew into a feaver pitch in repairing the ship that while there were a few breaches in the ship's hull that they had ocured in non critical areas of the ship which was a major relief to him and his clone brothers.

" I think it would be in our best intrests to scout out the area around out ship to not only see where we are but also to see if there is any life forms on this world that could be a threat to us. " Locon said to his clone brothers and saw that they were in complet agreement with his plan of action.

" Clone Masters you will send both land based and arial forces to scout out an area around our ship out to a range of 200 hundred miles in cercumfrance. " Axlor said to Morlum and his clone borthers, " You will catolog any native life forms you come across, do not attack unless attacked first. " Locon added as he saw grim looks on the faces of Hurgon and his clone brothers.

" At once Elders. " Recalo said as he began to formulate a plan of action to cary out the will of the Eldars.

" Eldars, what forces and suplies will you make avalable to us? " Hurgon asked as he could sense the calm asruredness from Recalo and he too becgan to fromulate his own plan of action that he would disguss with his clone brothers once they had finished getting their orders from the Eldars.

" You will deploy three legions of ground forces consisting mostly of Legionnaires with four Bioroids consisting of two Nous'dohls, one T'sienramp and one Gister'dohl per platoon of Legionnaries with the Gistter'dohl as the commander of the platoon. " Ultron said to Recalo and his clone brothers.

" In addition to the ground forces you will deploy four wings of Roil-Tiluvos to scout ahead of our ground forces and to provide emergance air suport to our ground forces should they come under attack by hostile forces." Axlor said to the Clone Masters as he felt himself relax slightly as he was feeling a little better now that they were taking a coruse of action instead of fretting about their dire sittuation.

" At once Elders. " Morlum said with a deeply revrent tone of voice before he and his clone brother left to carry out the will of the Elders.
" Ale and Whores, it's not just your reward, it's your Motivation. "
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Dawn Of The Masters
Chapter 2

Centurion Trax willed his Gister'dohl biroid to take another step in the merky, swamp that he and his paltoon found himself in as he was feeling a mixture of aprehection and excitment at the prospects of a battle with any unknown lifeforms on this strange, ailen world.

He used his mind to open a telepathic link to the T'sienramp scout bioroid through his tele-mental interface that linked his mind to his mecha, Trooper Valdric what are you picking up on your sensors? " he though towards the pilot of the scout biorid and watched as a flury of pop up screen appered on the holograpic wall of the cocoon he sat in in order to pilot his mech.

" Centurion as you can see with are in a swamp like area that is compairable to the swamps of Eldrich Prime in the Qrelos system in over all tempature, air quilty and terrain configueration. " he heard the scout pilot say to him with his mind as he stuided the holgraphic displays with a sharp eye and keen mind.

But before he could reply he sensed a teleapatch conection with one of the clone master over seeing the scouting mission.

" Centurion we have dected what appers to be ruins of some kind in grid Sector Five, grid refrance 36.8 by 12.78 south east of your current poistion. " he heard the Clone Master say to his mind as the holgrahic displays were replaced with a new batch of areial view holographic displays.

" We are detecting no signs of civilization, no energy soruces or intact structures, you are to divert your paltoon to these coradnets and investage the ruins, however Centurion just because there are no sign of civilzation does not mean that there are no dangers in the area. " he heard the Clone Master say to him as he studied the holographic terrain map that showed the location of the ruins.

" By your will Clone Master it will be done. " he thought back towards the Clone Master and then felt the link between his mind and the mind of the Clone Master fade into nothingness.

Trax linked his mind to the loud speaker system of his bioroid, " Platoon halt, we have new orders. " he said and watched as the Leigonnaries stopped and turned to face him as did the biroids under his command.

" Our aerial scouts have discovered the ruins of an ailen civilzation south east of here, we are to devert our coruse to these ruins and investagate them fully. " he said and saw by the grim looks on the faces of the Legionnaries that they were ready for a battle should one present it'self to him.

" Inital intelilgance says that there are no energy soruces at these ruins and that there are no intact buildings which sugests that who or whatever built these riuns are either dead and gone or that they had abandoned the area some time ago. " he added as he saw the look of excitment on the faces of his seasoned troops that was a perfect refection of his own growing excitment.

" The ruins are 20 kilomters south east of our current poistion, the recon reports says that the route to the ruins is coverved with some very treacherouse terrian so be care, let's get a move on. " he said to his men as his finaly honed senses of hundrens of battlefeilds told him that he and his men would soon be facing a new battle.

Legionnarie Balcor took a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow as he found that dispite the heat and high humidety that he was reither enjoying this hellish march through the swamp.

Suddenly a loud scream and an earth shaking roar shattered his martial mussing and he quickly spun to his right with his Tr-LLR Mk.1 6.5mm Legionnaire Assault Rifle at the ready.

" GODS!, look at the size of that monster! " he thought to himself as saw a reptilian horror that stood an incredable twenety two and a half feet tall, next he took notice of the creatures four massive legs that were half submeruged in the brackish swampy water that was as thick as the leg of the paltoon commander's bioriod leg as he snapped off laser blast after laser blast from his assault rifle as the monster tore a luckless Legionnaire in two with two of it's massive seven heads turning the murkey water a dark red as the savaged Legionnaire's blood sprayed out in a wide arc of his shreaded body.

" Damn it! " thought to himself as he saw that while the laser fire he was pumping into the beat's body was hurting it it also seemed to enrage the mighty beast as it turned it's attention towards him.

" DIE YOU DAMNABLE MOSTER! " he thought to himself as he stood realy to sell his life dearly to kill this nightmareish horror as one of it's head streaked towards him.

As he continued to harmmer laser fire into the unknown creature, he watched in slow motion as the head that was streaking towards him opened it's mouth to reveal razor sharp teeth that messured a good two feet in leingth.

Suddenly the creature's head exploaed under withering hail of fire from the bioroid's TPBGpMk.I and TR-PBGp-Mk.II Pulse Beam Gun Pods and he could not help but to feel an adrian rush at how close he had just come to being eaten by what ever this reptilian horror was.

Then to his ever lasting confusion and dismay he saw two heads starting to grow out of the neck stump at an alarming rate, then before he could scream the two newly grown heads lunged at him and tore him in two.

" DRATH! " Legionnaire Swel spart as he watched in shock amazment as two more head grew out of the neck stump of the creature he and his were fighting then with a hellish roaor the monster's long tial that was as thick as his Nous'dohl's waist slashed out of the water and slam into a Legionnaire who was about this blast it with a mini-missile from his TrLRL Mk.I Light Rocket Launcher.

Swel watched as the missile streaked widly through the air and slam into one of the creature's heads and blasting it into a bloody shower of hot blood, shattered skull bone and pluped brain matter that coated his blue bioroid like a cheap coat of paint.

The the two heads that had grown out of the neck stump in a matter of seconds clapped down on his bioroid's right arm and tear his pulse beam gun pod out his his hands.

He saw the holograhic stauts indacator that his broroid had suffer extensive damage to his lower right arm and in a dispret move he lashed out with a powerful kick of his left foot and he smiled a grim smile as he could feel the creature's flesh tear and bone break though the force feed back system of his mecha that made the great monster roar in pain and hate filled rage.

Swel uttered a terrfied scream that was brutaly ended as four of the creature's near countless head clamped on to the head of his blue bioroid and crushed it and him along with it.

Trax let out a very foul curse as he saw one of his Nous'dohls get put out of the fight with this unknown monster, he realized that he had to end this fight NOW! or that he and his men were doomed.

He charged the wounded but still lethal monster and slammed the barrel of his pulse beam gun pod into the ragged wound in the creature's body and fire off as many laser blasts as he could.

" DIE! " Trax snarled as he watched as the nightmareish monster reared up as the laser fire from his gun pod was turning it's internal organs into chared meat, then with one last roar of rage and pain the creture colasped into the blood, muddy water of the swamp and was still.

He imeadtly contacted the clone masters over seeing this operation and called for medical evacuation of his wounded men as well as for recover of his downed Legionnaires and the junked Nous'dohl for recycling and to recover the body of the unknown beast to be take back for study by the secince masters.

After he had done that Trax looked at the overland map to the ruins and saw that he and his men had only traveled two and a half kilomters before they were attacked by the monster.

" If this is just a sample of what this ailen world has to offer in way of battle I think I'm going to like it here. " Trax thought to himself with a grim smirk before turned his attention to his men while they awaited the evac ships to arrive.
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Alpha 11 wrote:Interesting.

Thanks, I'm almost done with the third chapter, should have it posted tommorw
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Interesting viewpoints, but you need to run a spellcheck(right off the bat I noticed a 'chance' spelled 'cance') and add some punctuation(again, right off the bat I noticed two instances, of 'Elders we (something)' where it would be appropriate to have 'Elders,'.
Clean presentation forgives a lot of literary sins. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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taalismn wrote:Interesting viewpoints, but you need to run a spellcheck(right off the bat I noticed a 'chance' spelled 'cance') and add some punctuation(again, right off the bat I noticed two instances, of 'Elders we (something)' where it would be appropriate to have 'Elders,'.
Clean presentation forgives a lot of literary sins. :D

Well like I said with my mental disabilties writting is a bit tricky even with a spell checker but I'm glad you like, such as it is, do you know of any one who would proof read/edit my storiy?
" Ale and Whores, it's not just your reward, it's your Motivation. "
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Well here's the third chapter for what it's worth.

Dawn Of The Masters
Chapter 3

After a long march that was fairly uneventful save for a few random encounters with this world's animals Trax and his platoon reached the ruins.

" Very strange. " Trax thought to himself as he saw that the ruins consister of small one storie stone buildings that have been over ran with the swamps plant life and he got a strangle unsettling feeling as he saw a seven foot tall stone statue that was made from what looked like black onix.

He saw that the stature in question was shaped like a coiled snake that had two large ruby like eyes that glinted evily in the sunlight.

" Centurion I am detecting a large amount of lifefroms. " the thoughts of Trooper Valdric intrudted into his mind and snapping him out of his strangely apprehensive mood.

" What kind of lifeforms are you detecting? " he thought back to tooper Valdric as he not only felt the strange sense of apprehenction grow within his mind but also a small spark of excitement at the prospect of a battle.

" Unknown, I am detecting no energy signetures and the unknown lifefrom seem to be spread out over a large area. " he heard Valdric say to him with his mind.

" Very well continue your scaning. " he said back to Valdric and then linked his mind to his bioroid's loud speaker system.

" Men Trooper Valdric has detected a large concentration of unknown lifefroms, they do not apper to posse energy weapons but still be wary, you will brake into groups of three and fan out in a cerculer pattren and invistgate these ruins, this will be our rally point. " he said and watched as his men began to from up into there teams of three.

" Keep in consent contact, if you find any signs of senent life report it in to us, now go. " he added as he continued to watch over the data feed from Trooper Valdric bioroid's sensor systems.

" What a strange place place. " Trooper Hestal said to his brothers in arms as they moved through the ruins, " Yes this reminds me of the Illrun campain. " Trooper Pito said to Trooper Hestal as they came to a small stone building that was overran with thick vines that had small light red and purper flowers on them.

Like a well oiled machine Trooper Pito stormed ahead while Trooper Hestal and Trooper Grugan took the left and the right side as they entered the stone building.

They swtiched on the Selri/Argon flashlights that where mounted under the berrals of their laser rifles as the stone building did not have any windows to let the jungle sunlight in.

The first thing they noticed that the room they were in was around a hundred and tweneety feet in area, they the three of them noticed a large stoner cericle in the centre of the room as they could smell mildew and other unpelsent odduers.

Pito shined his flashlight on the stone cericle and saw that it the stone cericle in question appered to have been used as a fire pit that was not filled with small white mushrooms.

The three of them saw an open stone arch way to their left and Pito tapped Trooper Hestal on his right shoulder and pointed towards the open stone achway, he watched as Hestal slowly made his way over to the the stone archway while he and Grugan covered him in case of a hostile encounter.

When he reached the open archway Hestal shone his light into the room and saw that left wall was line with stone shevles that had a colection of desgusting looking molds and slimes, then he heard a low and menacing chittering sound, when he shone his flashlight towards the sound he saw a insect with a three foot long, segmented body.

Next he saw that the unknown insect had long, spinedely legs run the lientgh of it's body that was colored a bright fire red and orange, next he saw that the bug had a large head that had two large black compound eyes that glared at him in a threating manor.

Hestal took careful aim at the insect with his laser rifle as he saw that the bug had two long forearms that ended in wickedly seratted pincers and that it had a long, curled tail that had a four lobed venom sac on it and that it's lethal looking foot long stinger had a drop of glowing, dark blue venom on it's tip.

Then the unknown bug lunged at him with a surpising amount of speed, but ever the professonal soilder he was Hestal remained calm and pulled the trigger of his laser rifle and watched as the dark mettalic green laser bolt flamed the charging bug that let out a strange, high pitched hissing, whining sound as it died.

" It's ok it was just a bug that tried to attack me. " he called out over his right shoulder as Pito and Grugan come over to him to see what the shooting was all about.

After sreaching the stone building the only thing that Grugan and his fellow troopers found that would be of any intrest to the Science Masters were three crude stone tools and a large book sized stone tablet that was covered in strange markings.

Once the three of them were finished sreaching the stone building they left it and bagan to serach the riuns for any other signs of life beside the massive amount of plant and incect life.

Trax was pleased with the rate of progress that his men were making in sreaching what appered to be a lost city, ferither more he was very pleased with the amount of artifacts that his men had recovered so far as he had the amusing mental image of the Science Master's greedly wring their hands once they saw the ever growing colection of artifact that his men were recovering.

" Valdric what is the status of the unknown lifeforms? " he said to Valdric as he considered moving deeper into the ruined city.

" So far it seems that the unknown lifeforms are unaware of our pressnce. " he heard Valdric say to him and he decied to move deeper into the lost city.

" Very well infrom the men we are moving towards the center of the city. " he said to Valdric as he willed his bioroid to move.

As he was walking towards the center of the forgotten city Trax noticed that there were many statues of snakes and snake like beings that showed signs of damage, however he could not tell if the damage was due to age or a consorted effort to destroy the statues as he and the bioroids as well as the leagionnires that were with him came to what appered to be a large temple complex.

" Centurion it appers that the unknown lifeforms have taken notice of us and are heading towards us. " he heard Valdric say to him, " Recall the Legionnaires to rally at our position. " he said to Valdric he saw from the holographic data feed from Valdric that there appered to be quite a large amount of unknown lifeforms coming right at them from the north.

" Hold your fire. " Trax said over his loud speakers as he saw one of the unknown lifeforms apper from the temple entryway and he felt a slight amount of revultion as he say that the lifefrom in question stood at a height of eight feet and that it had the lower body of a snake, the torso of a man and a head of a snake.

Next noticed that it was armed with some kind of primtive looking melee weapon as the rest of the Legionnaires that had been sreaching the lost city started to arvive.

" In the name of the Robtech Masters you will surender! " he shouted at the strange ailen as more and more of the unknown ailens began to stream out of the temple.

Then without warning he found himself in darkness as the unknown ailens attacked his platoon.

Although his vision was impaired Trax could see by the data feed from Trooper Valdric's bioroid that there was an ungodly amount of the strange ailens, but to their credit his men remained calm and were blasting the charging ailens with an effeancy that was the trademark of the Legionnaires.

However even with the wirthering laser fire that that his troops were blasting the charging ailens with there were far to many for them to be gunned down and the battle degenerated into a chaotic melee.

Trax took a few steps and found that he was no longer shrouded in darkness and began to blast the ailens with his pulse gun drum as he saw that the ailens did not seem to have one set form and that they seemed to be a nightmarish mix of snake and man.

After a few chaotic minutes that battle began to turn against the ailens as the ground of littered with the bodies of the unknown ailens as well as a few of the Legionnaires who's luck had run out.

Then after an ungodly amount of ailens had been killed in the battle the unknown ailens began to retreat, " Stand down! " Trax called out to his troops as he knew that for the time being that the unknown ailens would not attack them after they had been so badly mauled by his men.

After contacting the Clone Masters and calling for a medical evacuation of the wounded Legionnaires as well as to bring back the artifacts they had recovered from the ruined city and the dead bodies of the ailens for study by the Science Masters.

Once he was certin that the area was secure, Trax willed his bioroid to open, " This was far to easy. " the thought to himself as the humid air of the jungle city was mixed with the stencth of chared ailen flash and spilled blood as he had a strange premnition that from here on out things where going be much more diffcult for him and his people.
" Ale and Whores, it's not just your reward, it's your Motivation. "
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Well I'm back, things have been quite hectic in the last little while that's why I have been away so here's the next chapter in my story.

Dawn Of The Masters
Chapter 4

" This is quite intresting, you say you beileve that this stone tablet is an acount of some race's history? " Science Master Xorom to the junior Science Master that was asisting him and his clone brothers in studying the ailen artifacts that had been recovered from the ruined city.

" Yes Elder Science Master, as close as I and my clone brothers have been able to decifer the markings on the stone tablet that the race that created this record were once a large and very prosperuse race. " Science Master Kewel said to Xorom as he looked at a computer display of the stone tablet in question that had some of the indicefrable markings highlighted.

" Elder Science Master take note of this marking in the far upper right hand line of markings. " Kewel said as he enlarged the marking he was talking about so Xorom could get a better look at it.

" We beileve that this marking is the name of the race that once created this artifact. " Xorom heard Kewel say to him as he saw that the marking in question consisted of two curved lines facing outwards from each other and that above the two curved lines was a small half cericle with a diagnoal slash throught it.

" Why do you base your assumtion that this marking is the name of the ailen race that created this artifact? " Kwel heard Xorom ask him and he placed his right hand on a small ireguler cericle on the protoculture cap that he was standing before and Xorom watched as the image of the enlagred marking was replaced with what appered to be mental images from an ailen mind.

" Elder Science Master, these are imagae of a Zylonic Mind Probe of one of the surviving ailens that was recovered at the ruined city, as you can see the ailen's mind is on par with a primtive low inteelagnce animal. " Kewel said as he began to show the mental images from the mind of the captured alien that showed strange and primtive mental images that seemed to be based on the alien's primtive instincts as far as Xorom could tell.

" Take note of this mental image. " Kewel said as the image of the alien's mind showed lines of markings that were simlure to the lines of markings on the stone tablet.

" As you can see by these mental images that the mark shown on the tablet and in this alien's mind show that it is reprecentive of a group of these unknown aliens which sugest a sixty-five point nine percet change that this marking is the name of this race. " Kewel said as the images from the mind probe of the wouned ailen that had been captured at the battle of the ruined city sifted between the mark and groups of these unknown aliens which seemed to lend creedance to Kewel's asumtion about the marking in question.

" Have you been able to ascetain the name of these ailens? " Xorom asked Kewel as he continued to study the mental images that were ripped from the wounded alien'smind with growing intrest.

" Unfortuently Elder Science Master the primtiveness of these aliens make it imposable to conjuer up images of their language that we can translate into our own. " he heard Kewel say to him which peaked his intrest.

" If these aliens are as primtive as you say then I fail to see how they could have created a civilzation that led to the contruction of the ruined city and the creation of this record. " Xorom said to Kewel as his razor sharp mind was conjuering up a number of theroies about the primtive lifeforms that had been recovered and of their seemly lost civilzation and culture.

" Elder Science Master we beileve we can explane that. " Science Master Freena and her clone sisters said as they hovered over to Xorom and his clone brother's portoculture cap.

" Elder Science Master as far as we have been able to determin that this aliens apper to be mutated decentents of a race that was once humnoid in from like ourselves. " Xorom heard Freena say to him.

" What have your studies into these alien's bioloagy uncovered? " Krulu asked Freena and her clone sisters as he put this thoughts on the alien's language and culture to the back of his mind.

" Elder Science Master our detailed study of the alien's bioloagy and genetics shows that at some point in this race's distent history that they were exsposed to some unknown subtance or force that began a slow process of mutation in their DNA. " Cildrlib said as she and her clone sisters nodded in agreement.

" Observe Elder Since Master. " Freena said as she placed her right hand on one of the ireglure cericles on her protocultre cap and the images of the alien's mental images was replaced with a strand of ailen DNA.

" As you can see Elder Science Masters that on the fifth, seven and forty thrid cromazones that the genetic metiral has under gone a mutaional phase shift that has introduce ofidain DNA into the humanoid DNA strand. " Science Master Selota said as she placed her right hand on another one of her protoculture cap's iregllure cericles and the image of the alien DNA strand was replaced sith more strands of alien DNA next to the first one.

" As you can see that these changes into the aliens's genome are not uniform. " she added as she highlighted the sections of mutated DNA on all the strands of the aliens's DNA.

" Intresting, but what was the cause of these mutations that have degraded this primtive lifeforms? " Vermod asked as his clone brother Xorom called for a protoculture stablization drink.

" Unknown at this time Elder Science Master, dispite an in depth study on the mutated DNA we have ruled out any kind of biological, chemical or radiological factors that has led to the mutation and subsequent degration of these primtive aliens. " Freena said and watched as Xorom and his clone brothers took a few minutes to confure among themselves.

After a few minutes of talking among themselves Krulu and his clone brothers turned their attention back to the two triumvirates of juinor science masters.

" Are any of these debased primitves able to communacate voicaly " Xorom asked Freena and her clone sisters, " Elder Scince Master some of these primtive mutants have shown the capastiy for voical communications but so far out translators have been unable to find comon ground in their primtive tounge and our own voical language. " Freena replied.

" Very well, continue to study this mutants and infrom us of when you have been able to translate their primtive language, also we want you to study that pattren of mutaion in these inferour lifeforms in case there is a threat to our people. " Vermod said to Kewel and Freena and then dismissed them with a small gesture of his right hand.

" The Elders will be impastent at the slowness of our studies of these degenerate primtives. " Xorom said to his clone brothers after Kewel and his clone brothers as well as Freena and her clone sisters left to cary out their tasks.

" This is true, I wonder if our juinor Sciece Masters are suffering from decressed perfromance due to a decress in their Bio Index due to our growing shortage of Protoculture. " Krulu said to his clone brothers as the spectre of exstinction weighed heavly on their minds.

" Unless we solve the riddle of The Traitor's Protocultre Matrix and of our ateemts to seed this alien world with a viable strain of the Invid Flower Of Life then our lack or progress into gleaning any information about this pritive aliens will be the lest of our worries. " Vermod added as they decided to turn their attention to the major problems of the growing scaristy of protoculture.
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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YYAAAA!!!! Update!
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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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:ok: :)
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Robotech Story:Dawn Of The Masters

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Agreed. 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling

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