Monstrous Creations

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:The weight of an animal does not determine the value of its meat. In Monsters and Animals,
the meat of a blue whale is 600-1200 gold. Meat/oil of a gray whale is 200 gold. Wild boar is
100-200 gold for the whole animal. For the value of the Demon boar I is simply doubled the
value of the boar. I think its important to remember non-adventure characters are doing the
majority of the hunting for these animals so the price should be based on availability, difficult
of acquiring, processing, and demand of ordinary people.
Well, originally I had accounted for the fact that the creature is basically impervious to fire, so hard to cook, plus the meat tastes terrible due to it being a monster. It is extremely difficult to acquire, being that it is a fire-breathing creature that rarely breeds.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Reagren Wright wrote:Glad you survived your encounter. The tale of how two party members and a half dozen
hunters npcs (in red shirts) got slaughtered by four boars takes to long to tell but its a funny
one. The idea of a vicious hogzilla I've always found deliciously wicked :twisted:

my poor ranger, ravaged by succubi then killed by a demon boar and thn my dog disguises himself as me... what are the odds the dog I bought would turn out to be a direling!!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

This was posted as its own thread by pblackcrow introducing his Shadow Walkers race:

I will be writing up a race of winged angel-like creatures tomorrow and should have them up on Tuesday.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I will be writing up a race of winged angel-like creatures tomorrow and should have them up on Tuesday.
Update: I have these written up and will be posting them tomorrow, probably. I also wrote up one other creature and have ideas for a couple more.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


Aerie are winged elves having claws and fangs. They were created to be a weapon during the great elf/dwarf wars by wizards who grafted animal abilities onto elven volunteers. The process used to create them affected their minds, lowering their intelligence and turning them into savage creatures. They were ultimately too wild to control, and the magic used to create them prevented them from breeding with ordinary elves. Aerie are extremely aggressive, ill-tempered creatures which fight anything they come across and feed on elves and other bipedal creatures.
The elves have attempted to solve the problem they created by hunting Aerie and killing any they find. Less intelligent creatures have been known to mistake Aerie for some kind of angelic beings and will defend them against those who hunt them.
Aerie are known to travel in groups of 3d6 members and reside in high places in the mountains.

Alignment: Any, but usually diabolic or miscreant
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+4, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6 (X5 for flight)
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2, +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 1d4X10+10, plus any gained by O.C.C. and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 6, but also uses armor to protect itself
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 1d4X10
O.C.C.s Available to Aerie: Any men of arms
Natural Abilities: Flight, nightvision 60 feet, track humanoids 60%, track animals 55%, keen hearing (60% likelihood of hearing an intruder, even from behind), keen hawk-like color vision (can see a rabbit two miles away).
Attacks Per Melee: Four per round, or by hand to hand combat training, whichever is greater.
Damage: Bite inflicts 1d6 points of damage or claws 2d6 damage, or by weapon.
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to dodge, +5 to dodge when flying at or near maximum speed, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor, +2 to save vs. magic
Magic: None
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 500 years
Value: 500 gold for alchemical purposes
Habitat: Old Kingdom mountains, Baalgor mountains, and also believed to inhabit the mountains that divide the Northern Wilderness and the Land of the Damned.
Languages: Elven and two of choice (+10%)
Enemies: Elves, dwarves and most other bipeds
Allies: None, though some misguided creatures will try to protect them.
Physical Appearance: Appear to be elves with feathered wings sprouting out of their backs, long sharp claws, and fangs.
Size: 5-6 feet tall; 12-16 foot wingspan
Weight: 120-180 pounds
Notes: Aerie love all forms of weapons and combat, but typically must scavenge, loot and kill to obtain weapons and armor. Any armor must be altered to fit on their winged form, also.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


Martyrs are elf-like creatures with shaggy hair/fur, horns and hooves, often being mistaken for Satyrs. They are naturally muscular with fur all over with the exception of their face and chest and belly, and they have lion-like tails. Natural warriors, it is a common misconception that they were created as a minion race of a war god. In truth, they were created to be a weapon during the great elf/dwarf wars by wizards who grafted animal abilities onto elven volunteers. The process used to create them affected their minds, lowering their intelligence and turning them into savage creatures. They were ultimately too wild to control, and the magic used to create them prevented them from breeding with ordinary elves. Martyrs are extremely aggressive, ill-tempered creatures which fight anything they come across and feed on elves and many other bipedal creatures.
The elves have attempted to solve the problem they created by hunting Martyrs and killing any they find. Martyrs of course fight back, and have allied themselves with trolls and other evil creatures in the past.

Alignment: Any, but lean toward evil alignments
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+4, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2, +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 1d4X10+20, plus any gained by O.C.C. and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 9
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 1d4X10
O.C.C.s Available to Martyrs: Any men of arms or blacksmith
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet, normal day vision, track humanoids 60%, track animals 55%
Attacks Per Melee: Four per round, or by hand to hand combat training, whichever is greater
Damage: Bite inflicts 1d6 damage, claws/punch inflicts 2d6 damage, kick 3d6+4, head butt 2d6+4
Bonuses: +4 initiative, +3 to strike and parry, +4 dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +5 to save vs. Horror Factor, +2 on all other saving throws
Magic: None
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 500 years
Habitat: Forest areas
Languages: Elven and Gobblely, plus two additional languages (+10%)
Enemies: Elves, humans and Faerie Folk
Allies: None per se; have been known to work with trolls, goblins and orcs in the past
Physical Appearance: Elves with shaggy fur/hair over most of their bodies, long stag-like horns, hooved feet, clawed hands and lion-like tails
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 240-320 pounds
Notes: Martyrs love all forms of weapons and combat, but typically must scavenge, loot and kill to obtain weapons and armor. They have been known to forge their own, however. They do not typically wear clothes other than weapons and armor.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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The Faery Queens of the the Unseelie Court
The Queens of ice are a cold, hard and unyielding bunch, bring trouble to their door and find out why they are queens of a bunch of sadistic savage psychopaths. They follow the rules of the Fae nobles so they can't lie to you or kill you outright (but can torture you until you wish for death) unless you involve yourself in their affairs. They love to see mortals making difficult life or death choices. Don't seek them out, talk to them or attract their attention and you will have a happier life, very few that get involved with them come out on the better side of things (or even the living side of things). However they tend to only be active in their times of the months/seasons and do tend to rest during the opposite season. Generally its only the king that can change their minds when they are set, and sometimes even the king (Aillil) can't. Mabh is the mother of Maillaidh and Macha, and is more powerful then either however both can infuence her. Aillil is the father to both and are the only two progeny that aillil hadwith mabh. There are more children but they are either Aillil's children with another or Mabh's children with another. During summer Mabh's power is reduced by half, unless she is with Aillil or extraordinarily involved, in that case she can work at full power during the night but must sleep during the day. If any of the Queens are killed they will reform\reappear during their aligned time of the year, unless the were killed by something extremely powerful (%99.99 of the rune weapons don't make the class, neither do dragons, the summer faeries or demon\devil lords, for it to stick it has to be done by Godlike entities.

Mallaidh (MAL-ee), Dark Queen of Autumn, mistress of the harvest.
Alignment: Aberrant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 16, M.E: 18 , M.A. 22, P.S: 25, P.P: 25, P.E: 18, P.B: 30, Spd: 28 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 1200 (600 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 800 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 18 when smiling (awe), 16 when angry
P.P.E.: 1500
Magic: All Air Elemental @ lvl 8, all wizard 1-6 @ lvl 8, All cold based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 10
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 600 feet (~300m).
Special Abilities: Immune to Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes double damage from fire. Can conjure things out of ice like a conjurer for no cost. Has godlike powers like demon lords (see dragons and gods). 6th level illusionist
Attacks Per Melee: 8
Damage: Ice spears do 3D6+4+ps bonus dam, Ice Sickle does 2d6 + 2d6 cold damage and returns when thrown.
damage + P.S. attribute bonus (if any).
Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +8 to strike, +12 to parry, +8 to dodge, and +6 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +10 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Hot ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from heat and fire. Mallaidh is weakest during spring, and gets her magical abilities halved during this time.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Maeve is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie, but likes walking through autumnal forests.
Language: All
Enemies: Faeries of light (Technically, she is on the best terms with the light faeries out of the 3 queens of dark), Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils.
Allies: Fae
Physical Appearance: Graceful elfin features, Reddish auburn hair, likes wearing golds browns and greens. Looks to be about 18
Size: 6'4, but can change size at will
Weight: You ask, im not, i like my life.
Mallaidh is the nicest of the Dark queens and sometimes takes a mortal lover, who generally doesn't live through the process but dies happyish anyway. Mallaidh is the one that relates to mortals most out of the three, and likes the process of mortal emotional discovery due to mental state alteration. Also throws awesome parties that are the envy of the heavens. Extremely Jealous of any that interfere with her current "man" she will got at great lengths to stick in the knife ... and twist it sideways.

Mabh (MEEV or Mab), Dark Queen of Winter, Mistress of all that is Cold and Dark
Alignment: Crazy psycho Hosebeast
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 26, M.E: 22 , M.A. 22(normal 28 when angry), P.S: 30, P.P: 26, P.E: 24, P.B: 31 (18 when angry as she takes on a demonic cast), Spd: 36 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 3000 (1500 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 2000 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 16 when smiling, 22 when angry
P.P.E.: 3000
Magic: All Air Elemental @ 12lvl, all wizard 1-12 @ lvl10, All cold based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 12
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 2000 feet (~660m).
Special Abilities: Immune to Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes double damage from fire. Can conjure things out of ice like a conjurer for no cost. Has godlike powers like demon lords (see dragons and gods). Induce nightmares, 10th level illusionist
Attacks Per Melee: 12
Damage: Ice Claws do 4D6 dam x2 vs supernatural creatures and beings , Ice Mourning Star (spelt correctly in this case) does 3d8+6 and save vs spells at or be frozen solid (like petrify, doesnt work on non-mortals).
damage + P.S. attribute bonus (if any).
Bonuses: +10 to initiative, +12 to strike, +16 to parry, +10 to dodge, and +8 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +12 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Hot ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from heat and fire. During summer Mabh stats are halved, unless in the company of Aillil. She can function at full strength during the summer night, but then has to sleep during the summer day to make up for it.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Mab is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie, doesn't like the "real" world very much.
Language: All
Enemies: Faeries of light, Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils, Angels. In fact pretty much everyone who isn't dark fae.
Allies: Dark Fae.
Physical Appearance: The most beautiful crazy psycho hosebeast you have ever met. Long thin features, elfin grace, Platinum hair. Looks to be about 30 - 35, can raise the interest of a dead man. Faeries are fertility spirits, and it shows, especially in Mabhs case. A fair few men would do(and have done) pretty much anything to spend some quality time with her.
Size: 6'10, but can change size at will
Weight: not polite to ask, in fact the last person who asked had his spine ripped out.
Mabh is the powerhouse of the unseelie court, and isn't afraid to do what is needed to be done to whomever its needs to be done to. Is cold and calculating but revels in bloodshed and destruction and only feels hatred for those whom are lesser. She is also willing to work with her enemies when the need has arisen, but has usually come out the better in those situations as she basically killed or neutered (sometimes literally) the others involved.

Macha (MAH-ka), Dark Queen of Spring and War.
Alignment: Miscreant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 20, M.E: 22 , M.A. 20, P.S: 28, P.P: 26, P.E: 24, P.B: 20, Spd: 24 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 800 (400 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 600 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 16
Horror Factor: 16
P.P.E.: 3500
Magic: All Air Elemental @ 8lvl, all wizard 1-6 @ lvl 6, All cold based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 8
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 1000 feet (~300m). Metamorphosis at will,
Special Abilities: Immune to Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes double damage from fire. Conjurer lvl12, things made out of ice are no cost. Has godlike powers like demon lords (see dragons and gods). 9th level illusionist
Attacks Per Melee: 12
Damage: Ice shards (range 500ft) do 5D8 dam, Ice Flamberge does 5d6 +3d6cold damage.
damage + P.S. attribute bonus (if any).
Bonuses: +10 to initiative, +10 to strike (includes WP), +10 to parry, +10 to dodge, and +10 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +10 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Hot ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from heat and fire. Autumn is the time of year when Macha is weakest, and this halves her hth combat abilities.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Mab is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie, doesn't like the "real" world very much.
Language: All
Enemies: Has fought pretty much everyone.
Allies: Dark Fae.
Physical Appearance: Older looking (50-55) but still good looking. Likes martial outfits in black and red (harder to see blood stains you see)
Size: 7', but can change size at will
Weight: not prudent to ask, she might actually tell you.
Macha is violent, very violent. She likes to watch blood slowly cool and freeze. She is the Dark Faeries Grand Marshal, and has the horn of Caillech, which she uses to rouse the unseelie court to war. Macha responds to any questioning of her power by using whatever weapons she has at hand to prove them wrong, and then usually calms down when watching her opponents die. She also likes martial tunes and they have been known to occasionally turn her wrath (to someone else usually) and not kill the music maker.
Has a personal redcap guard, who are very loyal and will defend her with their lives.

All the queens have been collecting for centuries, so they basically have pretty much any magic item they need, but do tend to rely on their own abilities as they can conjure up most things anyway.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


This thread wasn't really intended for deities and such, as those normally get their own thread.
The first one and last one seem to have really low SDC for deities. You have no OCCs listed for them, and have errantly listed their OCC levels under their abilities. Overall, these do not seem very well written.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kiralon »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:kiralon,

This thread wasn't really intended for deities and such, as those normally get their own thread.
The first one and last one seem to have really low SDC for deities. You have no OCCs listed for them, and have errantly listed their OCC levels under their abilities. Overall, these do not seem very well written.

Constructive criticism always welcome (i will rewrite these but i was hoping for comments on their abilities and such but english was never my strong suit, im more a maths/sci sort of guy), this is the shortened version as they are 3-5 pages each, and these are designed to not actually be deities but closer to immortals, powerful yes but get the right things and you can bring them down, they are missing equipment lists and backstory, and things that i have common to trooping fairy types.

Faeries don't have levels, not sure about second ed but first ed faeries don't really have levels, just hp and stats. first ed fairies mostly cast spells as a level 9 caster (+3 spell strength save 15 or higher for spell magic)

Im going to put in their immediate follower types and the classes of faery, for example these 3 are trooping faeries and trooping faeries have the following limitations (as opposed to solitary faeries who have slightly different rules, like they can lie for example)

Trooping Faerie
Trooping faeries are rarely found alone and generally work together well in groups. On quiet nights you can see and hear them walking through the trees following paths only they can see singing and dancing and generally having a good time.
- All Trooping Faeries have innate magic that varies between them but unless specified hits at level 9 strength.
- Can not Lie, a trooping faerie can't lie to even save its own life, it can mislead by saying things like big monsters like that can possibly have firebreath but if asked specifically say that the basilisk will petrify you.
- Have to try to follow through with their promises or after the first 3 months they lose %10 health per month until dead.
Cold wrought iron is iron hammered into shape cold, steel (even though steel is uncomfortable to trooping faeries and can give allergic reaction symptoms) doesn't have the same effect.
- Cold worked Iron does 1d6 damage per touch. Cold wrought iron weapons do an extra 1d6 damage and automatically penetrate their natural armour. Damage by cold worked iron weapons leave nasty burn like wounds that take twice the amount of healing.
- Cold worked iron will also disrupt trooping faerie spells on contact (fools gold, wall of force etc) but magic resumes after the iron is removed. However using cold iron on a faerie is going to get a response, usually immediate and fatal, possibly even from faeries that weren't involved. Trooping faeries don't like cold iron brought into their domain little own used on them, so use as a last resort.

The best way to win the respect and favour of the trooping faeries is to be kind and courteous, especially to strangers. They also respect quick wit and intelligence over brute force. They dislike liars boasters and other oafish behaviour but come down hard on people that steal and people that lie. Trespassing is also greatly frowned upon even if was accidently done, and it is the same with spying.
- Faeries also enjoy hunting, feasting, music making, drinking and sex and like mortal company who are good at these.
Trooping faeries mostly can (and do) breed with humanoids who catch their interest or who have had there interest caught.

The powerful trooping faeries can be summoned with a small ritual sacrifice and saying their name 4 times to the different directions of the wind (NSEW) and if the sacrifice is good enough they may appear.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:kiralon,

This thread wasn't really intended for deities and such, as those normally get their own thread.
The first one and last one seem to have really low SDC for deities. You have no OCCs listed for them, and have errantly listed their OCC levels under their abilities. Overall, these do not seem very well written.

Constructive criticism always welcome (i will rewrite these but i was hoping for comments on their abilities and such but english was never my strong suit, im more a maths/sci sort of guy), this is the shortened version as they are 3-5 pages each, and these are designed to not actually be deities but closer to immortals, powerful yes but get the right things and you can bring them down, they are missing equipment lists and backstory, and things that i have common to trooping fairy types.
My personal opinion is that you should make them deities. You are dealing with the Triple Goddess archetype, after all, and you do them disservice by toning them down.

kiralon wrote:Faeries don't have levels, not sure about second ed but first ed faeries don't really have levels, just hp and stats. first ed fairies mostly cast spells as a level 9 caster (+3 spell strength save 15 or higher for spell magic)

Im going to put in their immediate follower types and the classes of faery, for example these 3 are trooping faeries and trooping faeries have the following limitations (as opposed to solitary faeries who have slightly different rules, like they can lie for example)

Trooping Faerie
Trooping faeries are rarely found alone and generally work together well in groups. On quiet nights you can see and hear them walking through the trees following paths only they can see singing and dancing and generally having a good time.
- All Trooping Faeries have innate magic that varies between them but unless specified hits at level 9 strength.
- Can not Lie, a trooping faerie can't lie to even save its own life, it can mislead by saying things like big monsters like that can possibly have firebreath but if asked specifically say that the basilisk will petrify you.
- Have to try to follow through with their promises or after the first 3 months they lose %10 health per month until dead.
Cold wrought iron is iron hammered into shape cold, steel (even though steel is uncomfortable to trooping faeries and can give allergic reaction symptoms) doesn't have the same effect.
- Cold worked Iron does 1d6 damage per touch. Cold wrought iron weapons do an extra 1d6 damage and automatically penetrate their natural armour. Damage by cold worked iron weapons leave nasty burn like wounds that take twice the amount of healing.
- Cold worked iron will also disrupt trooping faerie spells on contact (fools gold, wall of force etc) but magic resumes after the iron is removed. However using cold iron on a faerie is going to get a response, usually immediate and fatal, possibly even from faeries that weren't involved. Trooping faeries don't like cold iron brought into their domain little own used on them, so use as a last resort.

The best way to win the respect and favour of the trooping faeries is to be kind and courteous, especially to strangers. They also respect quick wit and intelligence over brute force. They dislike liars boasters and other oafish behaviour but come down hard on people that steal and people that lie. Trespassing is also greatly frowned upon even if was accidently done, and it is the same with spying.
- Faeries also enjoy hunting, feasting, music making, drinking and sex and like mortal company who are good at these.
Trooping faeries mostly can (and do) breed with humanoids who catch their interest or who have had there interest caught.

The powerful trooping faeries can be summoned with a small ritual sacrifice and saying their name 4 times to the different directions of the wind (NSEW) and if the sacrifice is good enough they may appear.
You really need to do them in proper format if you want them to be proper NPCs or playable characters. Are they supposed to have the same stats as normal faeries or what?
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kiralon »

Hmm, do you call the demon lords gods because thats what i was aiming for, faerie lords of great power. Maybe not in the same class as mephisto and co but only by a smidgeon.
If you have some ideas for toning them up im happy to borrow them :)
The triple goddess idea is a good idea, i'd steal it if i hadn't built upon the spirits of the land from adventures in the northern wilderness and mostly used that up with with the maiden, mother and crone.
Both the good and bad faerie queens have 4 daughters (1 for each of the seasons), Titania's winter daughter was caught and basically turned into the heart of winter (see northern hinterland magic/rune weapons) and Mabh's summer child was caught at the same time and made into the summer crown and the pc's had to try to "rescue" them, and were rewarded or punished on how close they managed to stop the Dagda Mor and his minions of the outer dark from getting to the tree of wooden clogs

A lot of the faeries i have are trooping faeries (like the queens) and have the same limitations, the solitary faeries are a little bit again, so the bit about the trooping faeries applies to the queens, should i put the trooping faeries blurb at the top of the all the trooping faeries, (i dont in my write ups, i just say trooping faerie or solitary faerie as the faerie type.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:Hmm, do you call the demon lords gods because thats what i was aiming for, faerie lords of great power. Maybe not in the same class as mephisto and co but only by a smidgeon.
If you have some ideas for toning them up im happy to borrow them :)
The triple goddess idea is a good idea, i'd steal it if i hadn't built upon the spirits of the land from adventures in the northern wilderness and mostly used that up with with the maiden, mother and crone.
Both the good and bad faerie queens have 4 daughters (1 for each of the seasons), Titania's winter daughter was caught and basically turned into the heart of winter (see northern hinterland magic/rune weapons) and Mabh's summer child was caught at the same time and made into the summer crown and the pc's had to try to "rescue" them, and were rewarded or punished on how close they managed to stop the Dagda Mor and his minions of the outer dark from getting to the tree of wooden clogs

A lot of the faeries i have are trooping faeries (like the queens) and have the same limitations, the solitary faeries are a little bit again, so the bit about the trooping faeries applies to the queens, should i put the trooping faeries blurb at the top of the all the trooping faeries, (i dont in my write ups, i just say trooping faerie or solitary faerie as the faerie type.
You would have to follow the format of the Dragons and Gods book to tone them up properly. While they are faeries queens, they are deities in their own right as well, and it would not take much to write them up as such. Some of the demon lords are written up in the Dragons and Gods book, and you could use them for examples.
As far as the faeiries, I just would like to see them written up properly in the regular format (Starting with Alignment and Attributes). Your write-up is a tad general and not in proper format.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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er i did start with alignment and stats, in fact i copied the one above and put the info in as i went down. Im confused, i didnt bold things, i just removed occ because they are more of a rcc then have an occ. Do i have to bold the points, is that what your saying ?

Also note these are first ed faeries, thus the bits about only for 2nd ed.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:er i did start with alignment and stats, in fact i copied the one above and put the info in as i went down. Im confused, i didnt bold things, i just removed occ because they are more of a rcc then have an occ. Do i have to bold the points, is that what your saying ?

Also note these are first ed faeries, thus the bits about only for 2nd ed.
I was referring to the Troop Faeries that are not done in format. As for the Faerie Queens, I have already stated my issues with them.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kiralon »

Now i understand, I split faeries into 2 types, trooping faeries and solitary faeries and they have different things about them, mostly the faeries in the first ed book are solitary faeries and they have different issues but they can touch and use iron for example. What i was saying is that the queens are trooping faeries, so they have the weaknesses that the trooping faerie class have, the trooping faerie isnt a creature type, its a classification same with solitary faeries, and all faeries are either one or the other.
Daoine Sidhe - trooping faerie (fairly lords and ladies)
Urisk - Solitary faeries
Coblynau - Trooping Faeries
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Still redoing the queens, havent likes them as much in their tougher incarnations. So here is another faerie Lord

The Wild Hunt

The wild hunt is a collection of faeries (good and bad surprisingly enough) that race through the woods and over the hills and plains chasing whatever takes their fancy, which is unfortunate for whomever they chase because it rarely ends well for the quarry. Saying that the first target of the Hunt if they weren't summoned is a worthy opponent, preferably supernatural evil. If the target manages to lose the hunt it will then generally hunt whomever it can find. The Master of the Hunt is excellent wielder of the bow , and spear and light shield, and can do amazing tricks on his horse not even possible for the best human riders. It is said that if he wills it, the hunt can take to the air, to help catch the more elusive foes. If the Hunt comes across another hunter the Master of the Hunt has a charm ability a lot like the spell, except that it works on everything and has a bonus 5 spell strength on top of the already formidable magic strength wielded by fairies (-8 to save all told or 20 or higher). Those charmed will find a horse waiting for them with appropriate weapons and garb, and they will feel the cadence of the hunt in thunder and lightning that can precede them. If you are ever chased by the Hunt you have a few choices. 1 Slay the Master of the Hunt (Hunt disappears), 2 evade the hunt until sunup (Hunt then disappears), 3 Join the hunt (not often available), 4 Throw yourself on the mercy of the Hunt (who aren't known for mercy, this almost never works so be prepared to be chewed, then speared, and chewed some more then crapped onto the ground)

The Hunt is made up of two main groups, the first are the trooping faeries who ride nightmares with Lord Cernunnos the Erl King. These carry bows, spears and swords with which to dispatch their quarry, and much honour and gifts are given to he who brings the quarry down.
The second group are the hounds of the hunt, these are the faerie equivalent of Hell Hounds and are probably more fearsome, they snort fire when running hard, can leave burning footprints and if the Master of the Hunt wills it they can fly.

Cernunnos the Erl King
OCC: Lvl 12 Longbowman
Alignment: Aberrant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 18, M.E: 18 , M.A. 18, P.S: 24, P.P: 24, P.E: 24, P.B: 24, Spd: 42 running, 60mph/100kph flying, Wil: 18, Per: 22, Luck: 20
Hit Points: 200
S.D.C.: 200 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 14 normal 18 on hunt
P.P.E.: 600
Magic: All Wizard Spells lvl 1-8.
Charm Being. When hunting Cernunnos can charm a being into joining the hunt, said being has to make a saving throw vs spells at -6 to the roll or they will join him in the hunt, the Erl King will provide a magical steed if they have none.
Summon Steed. The Erl King can summon as many Nightmare steeds as required for the hunt.
Psionics: None.
Skills of note: Track %160, ID Tracks %180, Swim, Horemanship Palladin @ lvl 12
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 600 feet (~300m). Track by Scent (blood) %200 Trick shots. 1500ft range with his hair, horn and hide shortbow.
Special Abilities: 1/2 damage from Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, 1/2 damage from fire.
Spear Mastery, when using his spear and an opponent strikes at him and doesn't draw blood he gets a free attack then and there. Heal 1d6x10hp(or sdc) 12 times a day.
Call Hunt: This lets the Erlking summon and control the Hunt.
Attacks Per Melee: 6+ special
Weapons: Spear 4d6+3 criticals on a 15-20, Bow 3d6+3 shoots 2 arrows at once, Fists 2d6, Antlers 3d6, x3 when charging.
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +8 to strike, +12 to parry, +8 to dodge, and +6 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +10 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Pollution weakens him by %5 -%50 depending on the pollutant. (Heavy metals dissolved in water are the worst for him)
Average Life Span: Immortal and if struck down will reappear again the next night.
Value: The Erl King is a very powerful nature spirit, his bits can be substituted where anything from a faerie would be used.
Habitat: Faerie, but likes walking through autumnal forests.
Language: All
Enemies: Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils, Supernatural Evil, Necromancers.
Allies: Fae
Physical Appearance: Graceful elfin features, Shaggy brown hair full of leaves (actually growing out of his head) and a magnificent set of antlers. Likes wearing browns and olives on the hunt. He Looks to be about 16 - 18
Size: 6'4, but can change size at will up to 20ft and down to 3ft
Weight: 200lbs
The Erl King is the leader of the Hunt, the hunt can be summoned by the queens or lords of faerie, some good gods and some secret druidic rituals. The hunts preferred enemy are necromancers and supernatural evil, but will settle pretty much for anything if preferred prey isn't found.
When summoned the hunt will look for its target. If the target isn't found it will move on 2 miles over easy terrain or 1 mile over hard and look again. It will do this 7 times in total and if the target isn't found will then start hunting any mortal foolish enough to be out when the hunt is on.
If the target is found the hunt will close on the target, with the hounds using either the fear howl to make the target run at the last second, or the paralysing howl to make them freeze. The hounds then disable the target so it cannot run, and the Erl King (or a "Guest") will dispatch the prey.
The hunt will not kill those of principled alignment, hurt, chase all night and maim is fine, beat down and take all their goods is fine, but no killing.

Hounds of Cernunnos
The Hounds of Cernunnos are mean looking, huge black Rottweiler types, they have magical abilities for bringing their prey down in a hunt, and are good at doing so

Alignment: Any, but lean towards Selfish and Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6+10, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 5d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 1d6 + 40, Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6+3, Luck: 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. +40
S.D.C.: 80
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 15
P.P.E.: 4d6+40
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, track 120%, Track Magic %80, swim 90%. Leap 10 feet high and 15 feet long. Nightvision 500 feet.
Attacks Per Round: Three per round.
Damage: Bite does 1d12+4 points of damage, claw rake does 1d8+4 points of damage, or by weapon. Special Hamstring Attack, every critical also reduces speed by the amount of damage doneas well as the damage done. If any 2 connect with a bite in one round and they latch on the target he has to make a PS +d20 check and beat a PS +d20 check from the hound or be dragged to the ground and made prone (no dodge or parry bonuses)
Bonuses: Autododge, +4 damage(doesnt include ps bonus), +2 initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to dodge
Magic: Fear Howl - Save vs spells at -3 or run for 3d6 minutes.
Paralysing Howl, Save vs spells at -3 or cant run or walk (can crawl) for 1d4 rounds.
Howl Range: 500ft
Vulnerabilities: Weapons made out of silver or Rowan ignore sdc and do damage straight to HP. St Johns Wort will prevent them from tracking for 1/2 an hour (this enrages the Erl King though)
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 5000 years
Value: 50000gp+
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + Three of choice (+15%)
Enemies: None per se; bipedal humanoids in general
Allies: The Hunt
Physical Appearance: Look like 5ft at the shoulder 7 ft long rottweilers with shark teeth and burning red eyes..
Size: 4-6 feet tall, 6-8ft long (no tail)
Weight: 100-300 pounds
Notes: The Hounds are %100 loyal to Cernunnos and would take a deific level event to sway them from their master. They are bloodthirsty, loud and fast but will not harm Principled people or children under the age of 2. Preferred targets are living necromancers and witches.

Nightmares of Cernunnos
The Nightmares of Cernunnos are mean looking, huge black Arabian horse types, they have magical abilities and are just plain mean, make sure you know how to ride before climbing on the back of one or you will be in for a surprise or two.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Evil
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 4d6+10, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 5d6, P.B. 6d6, Spd 3d6 + 40, Wil: 3d6, Per: 3d6 Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. +80
S.D.C.: 120
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 16 (awe, they are pretty)
P.P.E.: 80
I.S.P.: 100 + ME
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 2000 feet, Fly, Breathe Fire (4d6 damage)
Attacks Per Round: 3 per round. (2 front and 1 rear)
Damage: Front Kick does 2d6+ps points of damage, Rear Kick does 5d6+ps points of damage
Bonuses: Autododge, +4 damage(doesn't include ps bonus), +2 initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to dodge.
Magic: Any nightmare riding within 300 ft of a dreamer can choose to enter the dream of said sleeper and turn his dreams to nightmares which stop him from getting a full nights rest (Target will wake up fatigued, like he has been running all day)
Vulnerabilities: Weapons made out of silver or Rowan ignore sdc and do damage straight to HP
Psionics: All lvl 1-3
Average Life Span: 1000 years
Value: 250000gp+
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + Three of choice (+15%)
Enemies: None per se; bipedal humanoids in general
Allies: The Hunt
Physical Appearance: Look like huge black Arabian horses, they are very graceful and beuatiful to watch, but have a nasty streak a mile wide.
Size: 6-8 feet tall, 9-14ft long
Weight: 500-1300 pounds
Notes: The Nightmares are %100 loyal to Cernunnos and would take a deific level event to sway them from their master. They love to cause bad dreams amongst men, for this Mabh tends to like them a lot
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Will you do the Summer faeries.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Cernunnos is another one better suited as a deity, not a high form of faerie creature. And if they are merely faeries, their Natural AR is way too high. And since when is Cernunnos a god of the hunt? You appear to be mixing him with Norse deities of the hunt, such as Odin. What source are you using for this depiction of him?
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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gaby wrote:Will you do the Summer faeries.

i have some yes

well if you look up cernunnos some think that because of the location he can be an aspect of herne the hunter who actually does lead the hunt, and i prefer cernnunos as a name over herne, and odin is already taken in palladium.

but it wouldn't matter, cernunnos is a better name.

and Cernunnos needs to be defeatable when he is chasing pc's, so making him godlike would take away that part that i use him for, and with his AR the pc's will penetrate his armour generally on a roll of 8 or 9 so thats about where i want him to be. He had leaf and bark armour as well but i cant find it.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Asrai or Ashray
Asrai are water faeries found in the colder and lonesome parts of the coast, and this isn'tthe only thing that makes them hard to find, as direct sunlight will melt them into rainbow coloured pools of water. They are also usually fairly shy of land dwellers as they cant leave the sea themselves. Asrai like to walk across calm seas singing beautiful songs to the moon, who will sometimes reply, and if a lucky mortal is nearby he/she can ask a question of the moon as well. As solitary faeries they make no friends and generally seem to be in a world of their own. Asrai look to be translucent bluish ghosts, and are sometimes mistaken for such, but they are solid enough if you provoke them.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 4d6, M.A. 4d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6+4, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6 (on or in water), Wil: 5d6 Per: 3d6+3, Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. +30
S.D.C.: 20
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 13 (Awe, they look pretty, male or female)
P.P.E.: 125
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, swim 110%. Nightvision 500 feet, Watervision 500 ft.
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Water Dagger does 2d4, otherwise by spell or weapon
Bonuses: +3 Dodge (don't actually dodge, just become less solid, works like autododge except attacks just pass straight through them, and any dodge bonuses are added)
Magic: All Water Elemental Magic Lvls 1-5
Vulnerabilities: Weapons made out of driftwood ignore sdc and do damage straight to HP.
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: For the elixer 30000gp +
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: None-Leave them alone and they will return the favour
Allies: None
Physical Appearance: Look like 5-6ft tall ethereal youths wearing transclucent blue white robes walking on the sea, singing and looking a little melancholy unless playing with the denizens of the sea.
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 30-140 pounds
Notes: Are a solitary faerie. The Asrai celebrate the full moon with singing between the hours of 12 and 2, after they finish singing they actually tell their sorrows to the moon, and the moon replies, when this occurs a pc can sneak up and ask the moon 1 question for every song they successfully sing up to 3, can get an answer to a question. The moon is almost all knowing about things it has "seen". (i.e. underground things, or things that have never seen the light of the moon won't be answered).
Also drinking the dissolved fluids of an a Asrai will give you the powers of a 5th level water elementalist until sunup, however most good creatures find this distasteful.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Moss People
The moss people are small flying faerie folk who's wings look like leaves, and they are divided up into clans who's wings have the shape of particular trees. They prefer dense woodlands and hills as they are fairly shy around the big people. They are also a source of luck to those that they call friend and a source of discomfort for those who harass them.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 2d4+4 on land, x10 flying., Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6, Luck: 5d6
Hit Points: P.E. +40
S.D.C.: 10
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 10 in large numbers if you know what they are, otherwise they do tend to look like swirling leaves from a distance.
P.P.E.: 40
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, Nightvision 500 feet, Track %90, Trap humanoids %80, ID plants/fruits %95, ID Tracks %80, When a mossman wraps his/her wings around himself he looks like a leaf (camouflage %90, unless in a different tree type %50). Anyone who has offered elderberry sweets or wine has a %50 chance of gaining 1d4 bonus luck points for the day, these fade at sundown and can be used as rerolls)
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Mossman arrows are the equivalent of human shortbows. Mossman Sword 1d4+2, Mossman Stone Greataxe 1d6+3 (magical).
Bonuses: +2 Strike, +4 dodge, +1 Parry, +3 to save vs magic and psionics.
Vulnerabilities: Will do just about anything for elderberry wine or sweets.
Psionics: None
Magic: Grow Plants, animate plants, wind rush, circle of rain, hopping stones, quicksand, repel animals, faeries dance. +3 spell strength, same magic limitations as book.
Average Life Span: 1000 years
Value: Unknown
Habitat: Faerie, Dense Woodland Forests
Language: Fairie, + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Dark Faeries and evil creatures, woodpeckers.
Allies: All good aligned folk
Physical Appearance: Look like 6-8 inch tall, leaf winged faeries, like most faeries are graceful and beautiful.
Size: 6-8 inches tall.
Weight: 1/2 pound
Notes: Are a trooping faerie and have the same negatives as all trooping fae. The Moss People enjoy midday feasts and have been known to invite friendly humanoids into these as long as they don't make and quick or dangerous looking movements. They make little houses hanging of the sides of tall trees and like to hang shinies in the branches.
Last edited by kiralon on Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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The Grant
Certain isolated villages around the palladium world have come under the protection of these strange creature. They look like foals standing upright and erect on their hind legs, with sparkling red eyes that lend a hellish bent to its looks, to help with this demonic horse look there are times when it will dash around a village, setting the dogs to barking and the cats to hissing, and if it can will leads the village dogs out towards a particular direction. Those of religious bent have been known to try to cast the fire demons down, and when that happens they do just leave as they actually are one of the seelie court, and the ruckus they make warns of impending doom from the direction the try to lead the dogs, and only fools ignore them. If the villagers immediately respond to the warning and always keep up the required gifts, the Grant will even help out if there is a fight.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd, Wil: 3d6 Per: 4d6, Luck: 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. +50
S.D.C.: 20
Natural A.R.: 10
Horror Factor: 12 (Look like demon horses standing on their back legs)
P.P.E.: 150
Natural Abilities: Impervious to fire, Prowl 80%, swim 90%. Nightvision 500 feet, See Invisible, Track by scent %60, Track %85
Attacks Per Round: Two Physical and Two Magical per round. (cant swap between them either)
Damage: Front hooves do 1d6+ps +2d4 fire damage. Back hooves do 4d6+ps+2d6 fire damage.
Bonuses: +4 Strike, +4 Dodge, +2 parry.
Magic: All Fire Elemental Magic Lvls 1-4 at 6th level proficiency. 16 spells per day.
Vulnerabilities: Standard
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 2000+ years
Value: Unblemished skin is worth 10000+gp.
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + and five of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Those who disturb the ones they have chosen to protect
Allies: Good creatures
Physical Appearance: Look like a 5-6ft tall glinting red eyed black foals walking on their hind legs. Rather scary really.
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 200-400 pounds
Notes: The Grant doesn't like villages over 200, nor does he like villages with militia armed with iron. He likes milk, beer and bread and will stay as long he gets some of the above left out for him every new moon. The grants skin can be tanned and made into strong soft leather that has the attributes of chainmail, and is fire resistant.
Last edited by kiralon on Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

How are you listing Faerie as a Habitat? Is this some realm that I am unaware of? I have never seen it listed as a region before.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:The Grant
Certain isolated villages around the palladium world have come under the protection of these strange creature. They look like foals standing upright and erect on their hind legs, with sparkling red eyes that lend a hellish bent to its looks, to help with this demonic horse look there are times when it will dash around a village, setting the dogs to barking and the cats to hissing, and if it can will leads the village dogs out towards a particular direction. Those of religious bent have been known to try to cast the fire demons down, and when that happens they do just leave as they actually are one of the seelie court, and the ruckus they make warns of impending doom from the direction the try to lead the dogs, and only fools ignore them. If the villagers immediately respond to the warning and always keep up the required gifts, the Grant will even help out if there is a fight.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd, Wil: 3d6 Per: 4d6, Luck: 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. +50
S.D.C.: 20
Natural A.R.: 10
Horror Factor: 12 (Look like demon horses standing on their back legs)
P.P.E.: 150
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, swim 90%. Nightvision 500 feet, See Invisible, Track by scent %60, Track %85
Attacks Per Round: Two Physical and Two Magical per round. (cant swap between them either)
Damage: Front hooves do 1d6+ps +2d4 fire damage. Back hooves do 4d6+ps+2d6 fire damage.
Bonuses: +4 Strike, +4 Dodge, +2 parry.
Magic: All Fire Elemental Magic Lvls 1-4 at 6th level proficiency. 16 spells per day.
Vulnerabilities: Standard
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 2000+ years
Value: Unblemished skin is worth 10000+gp.
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + and five of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Those who disturb the ones they have chosen to protect
Allies: Good creatures
Physical Appearance: Look like a 5-6ft tall glinting red eyed black foals walking on their hind legs. Rather scary really.
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 200-400 pounds
Notes: The Grant doesn't like villages over 200, nor does he like villages with militia armed with iron. He likes milk, beer and bread and will stay as long he gets some of the above left out for him every new moon. The grants skin can be tanned and made into strong soft leather that has the attributes of chainmail, and is fire resistant.

Since when are will and luck listed as attributes? Are they fire resistant or impervious, or is that only something that can be done to the skin when treated? Also, five additional languages seems like too many.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:Moss People
The moss people are small flying faerie folk who's wings look like leaves, and they are divided up into clans who's wings have the shape of particular trees. They prefer dense woodlands and hills as they are fairly shy around the big people. They are also a source of luck to those that they call friend and a source of discomfort for those who harass them.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 2d4+4 on land, x10 flying., Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6, Luck: 5d6
Hit Points: P.E. +40
S.D.C.: 10
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: zip
P.P.E.: 40
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, Nightvision 500 feet, Track %90, Trap humanoids %80, ID plants/fruits %95, ID Tracks %80, When a mossman wraps his/her wings around himself he looks like a leaf (camouflage %90, unless in a different tree type %50). Anyone who has offered elderberry sweets or wine has a %50 chance of gaining 1d4 bonus luck points for the day, these fade at sundown and can be used as rerolls)
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Mossman arrows are the equivalent of human shortbows. Mossman Sword 1d4+2, Mossman Stone Greataxe 1d6+3.
Bonuses: +2 Strike, +4 dodge, +1 Parry, +3 to save vs magic and psionics.
Vulnerabilities: Will do just about anything for elderberry wine or sweets.
Psionics: None
Magic: Grow Plants, animate plants, wind rush, circle of rain, hopping stones, quicksand, repel animals, faeries dance. +3 spell strength, same magic limitations as book.
Average Life Span: 1000 years
Value: Unknown
Habitat: Faerie, Dense Woodland Forests
Language: Fairie, + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Dark Faeries and evil creatures, woodpeckers.
Allies: All good aligned folk
Physical Appearance: Look like 6-8 inch tall, leaf winged faeries, like most faeries are graceful and beautiful.
Size: 6-8 inches tall.
Weight: 1/2 pound
Notes: Are a trooping faerie and have the same negatives as all trooping fae. The Moss People enjoy midday feasts and have been known to invite friendly humanoids into these as long as they don't make and quick or dangerous looking movements. They make little houses hanging of the sides of tall trees and like to hang shinies in the branches.

I like this with the exception of how you listed the Horror Factor. It should read "None" not "Zip". I would also give them at theast three attacks per melee round, not just two.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:Asrai or Ashray
Asrai are water faeries found in the colder and lonesome parts of the coast, and this isn'tthe only thing that makes them hard to find, as direct sunlight will melt them into rainbow coloured pools of water. They are also usually fairly shy of land dwellers as they cant leave the sea themselves. Asrai like to walk across calm seas singing beautiful songs to the moon, who will sometimes reply, and if a lucky mortal is nearby he/she can ask a question of the moon as well. As solitary faeries they make no friends and generally seem to be in a world of their own. Asrai look to be translucent bluish ghosts, and are sometimes mistaken for such, but they are solid enough if you provoke them.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 4d6, M.A. 4d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6+4, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6 (on or in water), Wil: 5d6 Per: 3d6+3, Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. +30
S.D.C.: 20
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 13 (Awe, they look pretty, male or female)
P.P.E.: 125
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, swim 110%. Nightvision 500 feet, Watervision 500 ft.
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Water Dagger does 2d4, otherwise by spell or weapon
Bonuses: +3 Dodge (don't actually dodge, just become less solid, works like autododge except attacks just pass straight through them, and any dodge bonuses are added)
Magic: All Water Elemental Magic Lvls 1-5
Vulnerabilities: Weapons made out of driftwood ignore sdc and do damage straight to HP.
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: For the elixir 30000gp +
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Faerie, Elven + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: None-Leave them alone and they will return the favour
Allies: None
Physical Appearance: Look like 5-6ft tall ethereal youths wearing translucent blue white robes walking on the sea, singing and looking a little melancholy unless playing with the denizens of the sea.
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 30-140 pounds
Notes: Are a solitary faerie. The Asrai celebrate the full moon with singing between the hours of 12 and 2, after they finish singing they actually tell their sorrows to the moon, and the moon replies, when this occurs a pc can sneak up and ask the moon 1 question for every song they successfully sing up to 3, can get an answer to a question. The moon is almost all knowing about things it has "seen". (i.e. underground things, or things that have never seen the light of the moon won't be answered).
Also drinking the dissolved fluids of an a Asrai will give you the powers of a 5th level water elementalist until sunup, however most good creatures find this distasteful.
If the Horror Factor is actually an Awe Factor, you should have listed it as Horror Factor/Awe. And again, I would have given them at least three attascks per melee round.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kiralon »

luck, perception and willpower have been stats since between 95 and 2000 ;)
willpower is save vs magic instead of PE, and it is also bonus to spell strength
perception - spot checks and ranged bonuses
Luck - 1 point can be burned for a reroll once a round, comes back slowly. Low luck attracts more misfortune (more nastier random encounters). Very high luck effects ecerything you do with a luck bonus equivalent to IQ for skills and PP for combat, except that the modifier number for combat starts at 20 instead of 16
yes the grant is impervious to fire, not sure how i missed that cheers, and they live a long time anf get kicked out often because of their demonic visage, this makes them sad but they then travel a long way to find another village, so if the first village was in ophids grasslands the next place he guards could quite well be in timiro.

this is palladium 1st ed for attacks per round, 3 is quite a lot. Most first ed fairies have only 1.

And with the habitat i use the walk around the mound 3 times anti clockwise and it will take you to the faerie realm, i have it as part of the ethereal plane that the faeries have inhabited for themselves, and there is a definate border between the light fae and the dark fae. The old forest in GNW expresses this by kidnapping people occasionally and dumping them there. While there IQ is PP and speed, Wil is PS, ME is PE and alignment is PB (diabolic is UUUgly, Principled is pretty).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Creatures of the Outer Dark
Imagine that the world you lived in was one of billions, and the plane you exist in one of an infinite amount. These different planes of existence wrap around the palladium world like the layers of an onion and at the centre of these is The Palladium World (That's why the old ones chose the palladium world as their home base, it was at the centre of reality, with the cracks (rifts) leading to many other places. The next physical layer is rifts earth, and it shares that layer with earth N&S, and robotech earth. Lubricating the lot is the astral plane, and the squidgy ball at the centre is the ethereal plane.
The outer planes slowly rotate in as the inner planes rotate out, but the earths and palladium stay where they are. (This is what caused the nightbane effect, the world where this occurred had been knocked out of rotation and ended up partially outside reality, that's why it is so hard to get to).
The elemental planes, demon and devil planes, angelic planes and some of the deific planes all rotate to the outer edge, and when they do it is war, as there are creatures outside of reality that want in where it is warm and full of juicy little meatsacks. Worse still it's not a random just trying to bash our way in, there is a malevolent force directing or controlling these things, and whatever this being was it fought the Old Ones for ownership of the know multiverse, and lost - just. In fact if it wasn't for the malevolent force attacking the old ones the Alliance of Light would have lost.
(The spell that the three cast was always assumed to be an uber sleep spell, on the guys who made magic . . . really, on the creatures that made magic, well everything. What really happened was in their greatest despair the three cast a great magic that opened a portal to the outer dark, which is really, really hard as their rules of physics/life or whatever aren't the same and magic (not just magic unfortunately) often doesn't work or works differently there (and on them). This entity came in and made itself known, and immediately attacked the old ones and put them to sleep in a magical battle that lasted about 10 seconds, as XY was already down for the count and XY was the one responsible for removing the entity last time the others were overwhelmed rapidly. Fortunately a plan that XY had came to fruition and prevented the apocalypse as King of the Outer Dark was heroically forced back out where it belongs, mostly. Over time they found little fragments left behind but apparently XY had foreseen this and had hidden information and items around the world on how to disrupt, destroy or deny existence to these fragments, but every now and again some make it through the defences to the palladium world, and in the palladium world these fragments can drain the slumbering old ones of their power, and if they gain enough power they will be able to recreate the portal and allow all the entity/ies? through.
That's where we come to the creatures of the outer dark, they come in all shapes, sizes and powers. Their major plan is to open the door to the darkness permanently, and will always be working towards this end even if they aren't specifically working together.

The Creatures of the Outer Dark (CotOD) don't belong here, and because of this there are things that break down their power structure, effectively killing them. They are only fully vulnerable in their manifested form, if they are possessing someone or something it is a lot harder to effect them with their particular vulnerabilities, but this is offset by the fact the the CotOD are a lot weaker when they possess somebody.
Vulnerability: Music
Music is an anathema to CotOD, well played music (especially sung, harped or fluted, they do +2 damage per round) hurts them and hurts them bad, but the musician has to be almost perfect, average tavern musician need not apply, The top paid opera singers, harpist's and flutist's are what you need. For every %10 the person succeeds in their music roll over the base %50 (you have to make your music roll by %50 or they don't even flinch) they do 1d6 damage straight to HP. If its vs a possessed, its only 1pt of damage. Multiple singers don't do extra damage. The music or singing rolls have to be made each round because the unreality of the CotOD is very distracting, and it always wants to distract you.
While the music is still going the CotOD's natural AR drops by 2d6 for 1 hour per level of the player, can only be overridden by higher level musicians (the theory there is they are better).
Really good poetry is a potent attack form. Each successfully spoken line (effectively an attack per melee) has +IQ to strike, does 3d6 + wil damage. If you have an MA of 21 or higher you also hit it with a D.O.T. (damage over time) of 2d6 for your level in rounds. There can be only one D.O.T. per person. Same as music, your poetry/prose roll has to be made by %50 or more to be of any effect. Range is 20ft per level.
If your public speaking score is high enough you can tell heroic stories which somehow interact with the unreality of the CotOD and sort of become reality, while successfully telling a story the story teller gives the following bonuses. This is the only type that requires the person to be stationary.
Make roll by %50 or more
gain second attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD.
Make roll by %60 or more
as above +
Gain third attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD
these bonuses are cumulative.
Make roll by %70 or more or a natural %1 roll
as above +
Gain fourth attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD
each blow from a CotOD that does damage instantly heals 1d6 hp or sdc.
Gain Range attack vs CotOD only for 1 minute per level
300ft range
+3 (and any other bonuses to strike)
does your level d6 damage
costs 1 hp damage.

Surprisingly gold isn't good for their health either, they cannot pass through it ethereal, astral or any ***al. Weapons made out of gold do double damage and ignore their armour. Molten or Burning gold does max damage (which is doubled) and the CotOD has to make a saving throw vs pain/unconsciousness or be paralysed until the end of round.

Lasers (You never know when this might be handy)
True Lasers do x4 damage, and ignore natural AR. The rest of technologically advanced weaponry does half damage, just like almost everything else.

Fertility Rituals
Anything expressing the affirmation of life (making love counts, prostitution or worse doesn't) creates a 50ft diameter per 4 people (1-4 people 50ft, 5-8 people 100ft etc) radius area of protection while it is occurring. During this time the CotOD or its magic cannot enter the area nor can it even notice the area to affect it.

Elemental attacks and magic do normal damage, rather than halved.

Angel attacks and magic do normal damage, rather than halved.

Faerie magic attacks at normal for faerie strength, weapons made in palladium do half damage, weapons made in faerie do normal damage.

Ignore CotOD's natural AR.
Demon Locusts do normal damage
Balrogs do x2 normal damage.

Elvis is king, so he smites CotOD's with impunity, he does 1d6 CotOD's damage per round.

Footsoldier of the Outer Dark
These are tiny shards of the creature of the outer dark that have manifested a body or have possessed someone (possession is preferred)

Manifested Body
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: I.Q. 1d6(d6), M.E. 1d6(d6), M.A. 1d6(d6), P.S. 1d6(d6), P.P1d6(d6), P.E. 1d6(d6), P.B. 1d6(d6), Spd 1d6(d6), Wil: 1d6(d6) Per: 1d6(d6), Luck: 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. + (1d6)
S.D.C.: Base 2d6 + PE+10. Then 2d6 per level
Natural A.R.: 8+2d6 , or by armour.
Horror Factor: 1d6+14 unless possessing someone
P.P.E.: They have 1d8-2(x10) ppe available per round, changes round to round.
Attacks Per Round: 1d6 + 2 per round. Changes round by round
Damage: 1d6(d6), might be tentacle, tooth or weapon
Bonuses: 1d12-3 to Strike, Parry, Dodge, Damage, and all Saves
Magic: Roll 1d6, 1-2 no, 3-4 wizard, 5-6 warlock. 1d6+2 lvls.
Natural Abilities: 1/2 damage from everything, Prowl 80%, swim 110%. Darkvision 500 feet.
Vulnerabilities: special, see above notes
Psionics: non direct damage psionics do nothing, evil eye is reflected back at caster. Direct damage psionics do max damage (no need to roll)
Average Life Span: doesn't technically have a life
Value: Unknown
Habitat: Unreality
Languages: Elven, giantish, Faerie, Elemental, Demonic.
Enemies: Everyone who likes living
Allies: Other critters of the outer dark
Physical Appearance: Look like all the bad things you ever imagined were lurking in the dark,
waiting for their prey . . . waiting to carve pain into your very being. For inspiration for looks google cthulu images or geiger images.
Size: 1.5-12 feet tall
Weight: 30-1400 pounds
Manifested bodies are killing machines, they have multiple bladed limbs for scything, mouths full of razor sharp teeth, ooze acid slime, spit fire. They are wholly unpleasant beings that like to see if they can cut out enough of your tendons to make you a marionette. However, the outlook isn't all bleak, when they are in their "real" forms they are also vulnerable to certain things, and these things can kill them a lot quicker.

When a footsoldier possesses someone or something it gains the following.
Natural AR: 12
+15 HP
+(3d6)-(1d6) to all physical stats, roll for each.
+1 attack per melee
+2 all saves
triple endurance (go 3 nights without sleep, run 3 times longer etc).
Loses vulnerabilities to poetry, storytelling, and gold.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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kiralon wrote:snip...
Elvis is king, so he smites CotOD's with impunity, he does 1d6 CotOD's damage per round.

While singing? or mere presence? What about playing his records?

kiralon wrote:snip...

Surprisingly gold isn't good for their health either, they cannot pass through it ethereal, astral or any ***al. Weapons made out of gold do double damage and ignore their armour. Molten or Burning gold does max damage (which is doubled) and the CotOD has to make a saving throw vs pain/unconsciousness or be paralysed until the end of round.

What about the other noble metals?
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
kiralon wrote:snip...
Elvis is king, so he smites CotOD's with impunity, he does 1d6 CotOD's damage per round.

While singing? or mere presence? What about playing his records?

kiralon wrote:snip...

Surprisingly gold isn't good for their health either, they cannot pass through it ethereal, astral or any ***al. Weapons made out of gold do double damage and ignore their armour. Molten or Burning gold does max damage (which is doubled) and the CotOD has to make a saving throw vs pain/unconsciousness or be paralysed until the end of round.

What about the other noble metals?

The elvis thing came about from a party encounter in chicago in the1960's and elvis music from the radio was used to drive it off. It was a pretty much you had to be there situation but it was funny so i decided to add i,. and i guess that his presense would kill 1d6 CotOD per round.

Any metal that has the same resistance to oxidising as gold would likely react like gold, palladium however is a showstopper for them and is a bit like sun to vamps, but since it hasn't been used on them yet i haven't had to nail it down.

and anything that really gets the creative juices flowing is nasty to them (they hate muses)
The parties have only figured out music, gold and some of the creation aspects of their vulnerabilities over the last 5 years
Last edited by kiralon on Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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kiralon wrote:luck, perception and willpower have been stats since between 95 and 2000
willpower is save vs magic instead of PE, and it is also bonus to spell strength
perception - spot checks and ranged bonuses
Luck - 1 point can be burned for a reroll once a round, comes back slowly

I think SG was asking since when has wil and luck been an attribute in Palladium Fantasy. Cause I have never seen either listed.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kiralon »

Grug wrote:
kiralon wrote:luck, perception and willpower have been stats since between 95 and 2000
willpower is save vs magic instead of PE, and it is also bonus to spell strength
perception - spot checks and ranged bonuses
Luck - 1 point can be burned for a reroll once a round, comes back slowly

I think SG was asking since when has wil and luck been an attribute in Palladium Fantasy. Cause I have never seen either listed.

I think it was a rhetorical question because SG already knew the answer
House rules rule.
I was just mentioning when i added them, i didnt like pe being the base for saves vs magic, especially mind altering magic.
People do a lot of perception checks (is there anything in the room that stands out. i dont know, make a per check etc)
and luck was because i wanted the pc's to be able to reroll that critical failure when the bad guy hit the big red button.

One of the things i like about palladium is the house rules, i know people who play dnd straight out of the book (boring), but other then when we first started i don't know anyone who plays vanilla palladium. Im a believer in story trumps rules, but that might be because i do most of the DM'ing.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:
Grug wrote:
kiralon wrote:luck, perception and willpower have been stats since between 95 and 2000
willpower is save vs magic instead of PE, and it is also bonus to spell strength
perception - spot checks and ranged bonuses
Luck - 1 point can be burned for a reroll once a round, comes back slowly

I think SG was asking since when has wil and luck been an attribute in Palladium Fantasy. Cause I have never seen either listed.

I think it was a rhetorical question because SG already knew the answer
House rules rule.
I was just mentioning when i added them, i didnt like pe being the base for saves vs magic, especially mind altering magic.
People do a lot of perception checks (is there anything in the room that stands out. i dont know, make a per check etc)
and luck was because i wanted the pc's to be able to reroll that critical failure when the bad guy hit the big red button.

One of the things i like about palladium is the house rules, i know people who play dnd straight out of the book (boring), but other then when we first started i don't know anyone who plays vanilla palladium. Im a believer in story trumps rules, but that might be because i do most of the DM'ing.
I personally don't think that you should present them on a creation such as you did without explanation. But ultimately it comes down to the fact that I don't have the energy to argue about it, as you seem to want to write up your stuff the way you want to without considering that someone else, such as myself, probably won't use it since it uses a lot of oddball stuff that they don't already incorporate into their games. I can't realy stop you from posting your stuff here, just know that I don't really have use for any of it myself.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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I personally don't think that you should present them on a creation such as you did without explanation. But ultimately it comes down to the fact that I don't have the energy to argue about it, as you seem to want to write up your stuff the way you want to without considering that someone else, such as myself, probably won't use it since it uses a lot of oddball stuff that they don't already incorporate into their games. I can't realy stop you from posting your stuff here, just know that I don't really have use for any of it myself.

Im sorry, i didn't know that the extra little bits were that disconcerting, i just copied them out of my note books. But the fact that you saying i cant stop you from posting here means im bugging you which wasn't my intent, i'll leave your thread alone from this point on and make my own, sorry for the bother. I didnt think the extra not in use stuff for a normal game(like 3 extra stats) would make a difference as all my monsters are first ed anyway, and i tried to do a bit of conversion but it can make things confuzzling.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kiralon wrote:
I personally don't think that you should present them on a creation such as you did without explanation. But ultimately it comes down to the fact that I don't have the energy to argue about it, as you seem to want to write up your stuff the way you want to without considering that someone else, such as myself, probably won't use it since it uses a lot of oddball stuff that they don't already incorporate into their games. I can't realy stop you from posting your stuff here, just know that I don't really have use for any of it myself.

Im sorry, i didn't know that the extra little bits were that disconcerting, i just copied them out of my note books. But the fact that you saying i cant stop you from posting here means im bugging you which wasn't my intent, i'll leave your thread alone from this point on and make my own, sorry for the bother. I didnt think the extra not in use stuff for a normal game(like 3 extra stats) would make a difference as all my monsters are first ed anyway, and i tried to do a bit of conversion but it can make things confuzzling.
The little bits are only disconcerting because of the fact that they were not fully explained from the time you started posting them. But I did explain from the beginning that I thought what you were presenting was more akin to gods than actually being faeries. Your material seems to encompass more than just the creatures now, including your interpretation of how the rifts work and relationships to the other realms of the Megaverse, which are becoming more and more outside of just posting creatures.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

The following creature was inspired by an image a friend of mine, Andy Beattie, created using the Sculptris 3D modeling program and posted on Facebook.


Deerborne are a race of tauric creatures that are half cat person, half deer. They have the bodies of humanoid cat people from the waist up sprouting out of a deer body. Deerborne are psychically sensitive and aware of supernatural forces. Extremely rare, they are known to inhabit forests and savanna in small family units of 1-4 members. Their diet consists mainly of fish, which they catch primarily using spears, very rarely resorting to using nets or other methods. The spear is their weapon of choice, though they will also use swords and other types of blades in addition to their natural weaponry of claws and teeth. Though some grow antlers which they can be trained to fight with, this consists of only 5% of the males that can grow them. Deerborne are covered in fur on humanoid torsos and wear very little in the way of clothing. When using armor, they will generally use leather types and dislike having metal of any sort resting against their bodies.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 3d6, Spd 4d6X2
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 25, plus those gained by O.C.C.s and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 5
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 1d6X10 for typical Deerborne
O.C.C.s Available to Deerborne: Any, with many choosing to study magic and spiritualism
Natural Abilities: In addition to great speed and prowess, Deerborne can prowl 70%, track by smell or sight 60%, swim 50%, and have nightvision 600 feet and exceptional hearing and eyesight. Leaps 8 feet high and 16 feet across +1 foot per level of experience. Sensitive to Supernatural and Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.) by instinct, range of sensitivity 400 feet. Sense ley lines, nexuses, and places of power, as well as incredibly powerful creatures of magic (1500 P.P.E. or more), range of sensitivity 200 feet.
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round, or by hand-to-hand combat training, whichever is greater.
Damage: Kick does 2d4 points of damage, those 5% of males having horns/antlers have a head butt doing 2d6 damage, claws on hands do 1d6+2 points of damage, bite 1d4+2 damage, or by weapon.
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +5 to strike, +3 to parry, +6 dodge, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 90 years; some have lived to 140
Habitat: Forest and savana; can be found in areas of the Eastern Territory and the Baalgor Wastelands
Languages: Three of choice (+20%)
Enemies: Deevils and other supernatural creatures
Allies: Elves and Faerie Folk
Physical Appearance: They look like deer with a humanoid torso coming out of the neck. The head and hands resemble those of a cat, with fur covering the humanoid torso, arms, head and hands. 5% of males have horns/antlers.
Size: 6-7 feet tall
Weight: 500-600 pounds
Notes: Deerborne like weapons of all kinds but they rarely use bows, preferring the rush of close quarter combat. They are typically trained to use spears and pole-arms, which they use for fishing and hunting, and blades. They can wear half-suits of any kind of armor but generally prefer leather types due to a dislike of metal against their skin.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:The following creature was inspired by an image a friend of mine, Andy Beattie, created using the Sculptris 3D modeling program and posted on Facebook.


Deerborne are a race of tauric creatures that are half cat person, half deer. They have the bodies of humanoid cat people from the waist up sprouting out of a deer body. Deerborne are psychically sensitive and aware of supernatural forces. Extremely rare, they are known to inhabit forests and savanna in small family units of 1-4 members. Their diet consists mainly of fish, which they catch primarily using spears, very rarely resorting to using nets or other methods. The spear is their weapon of choice, though they will also use swords and other types of blades in addition to their natural weaponry of claws and teeth. Though some grow antlers which they can be trained to fight with, this consists of only 5% of the males that can grow them. Deerborne are covered in fur on humanoid torsos and wear very little in the way of clothing. When using armor, they will generally use leather types and dislike having metal of any sort resting against their bodies.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 3d6, Spd 4d6X2
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 25, plus those gained by O.C.C.s and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 5
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 1d6X10 for typical Deerborne
O.C.C.s Available to Deerborne: Any, with many choosing to study magic and spiritualism
Natural Abilities: In addition to great speed and prowess, Deerborne can prowl 70%, track by smell or sight 60%, swim 50%, and have nightvision 600 feet and exceptional hearing and eyesight. Leaps 8 feet high and 16 feet across +1 foot per level of experience. Sensitive to Supernatural and Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.) by instinct, range of sensitivity 400 feet. Sense ley lines, nexuses, and places of power, as well as incredibly powerful creatures of magic (1500 P.P.E. or more), range of sensitivity 200 feet.
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round, or by hand-to-hand combat training, whichever is greater.
Damage: Kick does 2d4 points of damage, those 5% of males having horns/antlers have a head butt doing 2d6 damage, claws on hands do 1d6+2 points of damage, bite 1d4+2 damage, or by weapon.
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +5 to strike, +3 to parry, +6 dodge, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 90 years; some have lived to 140
Habitat: Forest and savana; can be found in areas of the Eastern Territory and the Baalgor Wastelands
Languages: Three of choice (+20%)
Enemies: Deevils and other supernatural creatures
Allies: Elves and Faerie Folk
Physical Appearance: They look like deer with a humanoid torso coming out of the neck. The head and hands resemble those of a cat, with fur covering the humanoid torso, arms, head and hands. 5% of males have horns/antlers.
Size: 6-7 feet tall
Weight: 500-600 pounds
Notes: Deerborne like weapons of all kinds but they rarely use bows, preferring the rush of close quarter combat. They are typically trained to use spears and pole-arms, which they use for fishing and hunting, and blades. They can wear half-suits of any kind of armor but generally prefer leather types due to a dislike of metal against their skin.

Hey SG these guys are really cool :ok:
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Since the beginning of the Age of as Thousand Magicks, Castle Crows have coexisted with
elves and humans. These birds are often seen eating freshly dead corpses probably killed by
other means and have been hunted to no end for eating the grain in the Timiro Kingdom and
raiding date crops in the Baalgor Wastelands. In the Eastern Territory, they have been
documented chasing, attacking and seriously injuring young lambs. The birds can be found
nearly everywhere, from deserts to coniferous forests and coastal cliffs. In forests, they
make stick-made nests on trees, on deserts in rock cavities. Yet for some reason they seem
to have a deep love for humanoid built fortifications, thus reason behind their name. Mated
pairs form large families of up to 15 individuals from several breeding seasons that remain
together for decades. Offspring from a previous nesting season will usually remain with the
family to assist in rearing new nestlings. It was During the Age of Elves that these annoying
scavengers were discovered to possess a talent that makes them highly prized messenger
birds. Each bird has an innate homing ability, meaning that it will generally return to its nest.
No matter how far away the bird is taken it will repeatedly find its way home even over long
distances. Even young birds can be taken as far as 1200 miles (1920 km), and once the bird
is allowed to fly away on its own accord, it will find its way back home. And because of
their astounding endurance and environmental adaptively, the birds can survive almost any
climate conditioning they should happen to fly into. They have successfully flown over the
Northern Mountains and endured the harsh climate of the sandy desert of the Baalgor
Wastelands. By tradition, the messages the birds carry are written on thin parchment that is
rolled into a small glass tube attached to the bird's leg. The birds can only find its way back
to its "natural starting point” that place the bird has identified as its home , where its nest,
parent, or siblings can be found. So “crow mail” can only work when the sender is actually
holding the receiver’s crow.

Besides being astounding navigators, Castle Crows are capable of aerial stunts similar to
those executed by birds of prey. This makes them difficult targets to be shot down and
ensures that they have few natural predators. The birds are quite vigorous at defending
their young and are usually successful at driving off perceived threats. They attack
potential predators by flying at them and lunging with their large bills. Humanoids are
occasionally attacked if they get close to a nest, though serious injuries are unlikely. The
birds prey on small invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals and birds. They may
also consume the undigested parts of animal feces and humanoid garbage.

Castle Crows are considered extremely intelligent, displaying a high learning ability and the
use of logic for solving problems. They can even be taught to count and naturally mimic
sounds from their environment, including humanoids speech. These birds are also known to
steal and cache shiny objects such as pebbles (gemstones), pieces of metal (gold, silver, or
bronze coins), and small sacks (who knows what may lie inside). They are also one of only a
few wild animals who make their own toys. They have been observed breaking off twigs to
play with socially. This behavior becomes expanded as the bird grows in age and starts
learning to manufacture and use its own tools in the day-to-day search for food. These
tools include “knives” cut from stiff leaves and stiff stalks of grass. Another skill involves
dropping tough nuts in front of horses and/or wheel vehicles then waiting for the nut to be
crushed open. These birds have even have demonstrated the ability to distinguish individual
humanoids by recognizing facial features.

The Castle Crow is a nuisance and asset. Particularly in Timiro and the Eastern Territory
where the birds are used to communicate back and forth with the forts and cities, but in
the Western Empire these birds often gather in large communal roosts at night (by the
hundreds, sometimes thousands), driving most individuals mad with their constant
caaw-caaw-caaw or worse repeating the conversations that they heard like talking parrot.
It’s enough to drive most people into a frenzy of madness.

Alignment: Considered anarchist
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+4 (a high animal intelligence), M.E. 1D4, M.A. 1D4,
P.S. 1D4, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 2D6+4, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 1D4 (walking), 50 mph (80.5 km) flying,
can be pushed up to 60 mph (96.6 km) for short distance (less than 100 miles/(161 km).
Hit Points/S.D.C. Combined: 2D6+2
Horror Factor/Awe: 8 when in group over 30.
P.P.E.: 1D4
Magics: None
Psionics: None, although it has the same natural sensitivity to ley lines and magic as horses.
Natural Abilities: Fly, change direction, superior aerial acrobats, hearty endurance,
resistant to heat and cold (reduce temperature penalties by one-half), land and aerial
navigation 96%, detect ambush 50%, mathematics: basic 40%, pick pocket 45%, wilderness
survival 80%, prowl 65%, recognize a specific person by sight 55%, concealment (hiding
items in a nest) 65%, imitate voice & sounds 70%, salvage 65%, dowsing 70%, track
animals 50%, area knowledge 70%, and fashion tools 35%.
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Bite 1 point, raking talons 1D4, or flying lunge 1D6 damage.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, and +2 to automatic flying dodge. These
bonuses do not include attribute bonuses.
Value: A trained bird is worth 35 gold. In the Western Empire killing at least 50 birds
can be worth 15 gold in some cities.
Average Life Span: They can live 40 years in the wild and 70 in the right castle conditions.
Habitat: All areas accept the Yin Sloth Jungle, especially common in the Timiro
Kingdom and Eastern Territory.
Language: Each bird knows between 30 to 45 categories of vocalization, most of
which are used for social interaction. Calls include alarm calls, chase calls, and flight calls.
Non-vocal sounds include wing whistles and bill snapping. Those trained in falconry can
learn to mimic these calls to command the birds. The birds are also amazing mimics and
impersonators, able to replicate simple human speech in the manner equal to a parrot.
Enemies: They are very territorial when it comes to their nest when there are eggs
or chicks being raised. Large mammalian predators such as lynxes, coyotes, wolves and
cougars have been known to prey upon them. The birds face potential attack from Great
Horned Owls, Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine Falcons and eagles.
Allies: None
Physical Appearance: The bird has a longish, strongly graduated tail, with a mostly
black iridescent plumage, and a dark brown iris. The bill is large and slightly curved.
Size: Two feet (60 cm) long, with a wingspan of almost 3.3 feet (1 m).
Weight: 3 lbs (1.3 kg) for a mature adult.
Rifts® Conversion Notes: Remains an S.D.C. creature in Mega-Damage settings. On
Rifts® Earth, they can be found throughout North America, Australia, most of Asia, and
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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CINDERHAUNT (The Burning Entity)

The Cinderhaunt (or Burning Entity) is an extremely malevolent supernatural creature
that is said to be the spirit of a trapped victim killed by fire without receiving last rites or
improperly executed by fire without receiving a proper burial. Elf legends also insist
Cinderhaunts are the spirits of pyromaniac that escaped the Underworld and now seeks to
burn everything until there is nothing but cinders. The latter is heavily disputed, but for
certain the Cinderhaunt is among the most feared entities around, and thankfully among the
rarer types. Most of the time, the Cinderhaunt lives very much like a poltergeist, a malicious
spirit that takes great delight in deliberately starting fires for gratification and self induced
euphoria, and often fixates on those able to control fire (warlocks in particular) or put them
out. However, setting a wheat field ablaze, while gratifying, does little to satisfy its need to
watch living things become overcome by panic/sense of hopeless as it is surrounded and
eventually consumed by flames. This emotional energy the creature craves, just as much as
consuming the psychic energy of a victim burned to death. This stolen energy is used to
spread even more flames or make an existing fire rage completely out of control (fuel flame).
Once there is nothing left to burn, the entity departs for someplace else to cause even
more mayhem. In the past a lone entity has reducing a large fortification (a castle) to a
smoldering ruin, but if there is nothing alive to watch suffer, there is little enjoyment out of
it. Killing animals while slightly amusing doesn’t provide the emotional desire the entity longs
for. It’s only by incinerating humanoids that it can feel satisfaction. Once it starts setting
fires, and the screaming begins, it’s nearly impossible to get it to stop, unless one is
actually able to confront the entity and force it to depart. While they enjoy burning living
things, the entity is apprehensive about going against those capable of snuffing out their
flames, specifically warlocks. Those who cannot be burned are no fun to torment, nor are
those who can force the entity to spend its precious stolen energy just to generate fires
and/or restore its fiery aura. The Cinderhaunts is very difficult to combat, yet relatively
easy to return to its native dimension. An exorcism will banish the creature and has a +10%
bonus success rate, far greater than all other entities. These pyromaniac bullies are easily
frightened by those who can do them harm, making them quickly abandoning an area, never
to return.

Alignments: Diabolic only.
The Eight Attributes: Not applicable. Medium intelligence (I.Q. 7) with very little
personality other than a pyromaniac or a sadistic burned victim and a M.E. of 12. The
entity’s natural energy form is invisible and intangible and has a speed of 40 (28 mph/32.2
Hit Points: 1D6x10+20.
S.D.C.: Not applicable
Natural A.R.: 14 with flaming aura
Horror Factor/Awe: 16
P.P.E.: 10, plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E. around them from ley lines and
nexus points, but prefers to drawn upon living beings as they die via fire.
Magic: None.
Psionics: Automatic Empathy (counts and costs no I.S.P.), Ectoplasm, Levitation,
Mind Block, Pyrokinesis, Presence Sense, See the Invisible, See Aura, Sixth Sense, and
Spontaneous Combustion. Equal to a 7th level master psychic.
Psychic Vampire: Natural Base I.S.P. is a mere 10 points, but the entity can draw on
the I.S.P. and/or P.P.E. around it to perform psionic feats. This means the entity has a
virtually unlimited amount of I.S.P. when on a ley line (converting one P.P.E. point into four
I.S.P.). The entity however prefers to gains it’s P.P.E. by extracting it from a living creature
by burning it death! Any living animal (or humanoid) that is killed by fire within a 100 foot
(30 m) radius of entity will have its P.P.E. doubled at the moment of death then instantly
absorbed. There is no limit to the amount of P.P.E. or I.S.P, the entity can absorb by those
incinerated by flame.
Stealing psychic energy: In order to initiate its pyrokinetic attack, the Cinderhaunt
will likely need to steal I.S.P. or P.P.E. from a living source. Stealing psychic energy is
considered a psychic attack and intended victims must roll to save vs. psionics (standard
save). A successful roll means the entity did not gain any energy from that particular victim
and must use its own energy reserve or skip an attack. A failed roll means the entity can
steal up to 20 I.S.P. or 5 P.P.E. from that specific person. That individual temporarily loses
the energy points as if he had used psionic powers or cast magic himself. Stealing psychic
energy doesn’t harm the individual. However, the entity is likely to use the stole psychic
energy to begin burning living beings in order to steal even more psychic energy via their
Natural Abilities: Ethereal and Intangible, meaning it can walk through solid matter.
Its natural state is invisible, but if it can steal 30 I.S.P., during a five minute period, it
becomes semi-transparent, visible to the human eye. At this point, it can no longer go
through walls or other solid objects. The entity is surrounded by a fiery aura. Despite being
semi-transparent, the entity can emerge through any small opening (size of a keyhole). The
fire will ignite anything the entity touches, such as carpets, drapes, furniture, paper, wood,
etc. Although semi-transparent, the entity is still impervious to normal weapons and
non-magical energy attacks. The entity is impervious to heat and fire, including plasma and
fire attacks generated by psychic abilities and magic.
Fiery Aura: Range: Self, Duration: Fourteen Minutes, Natural Armor Rating: 14.
Damage: 4D6 per strike to anyone or thing that it touches. Damage is accumulative. Plus,
all combustible articles will catch on fire, doing 4D6 additional points of damage per melee
round until the fire is extinguished. Any physical attack (solid object) that fails to penetrate
the natural armor rating via hand to hand or a hand held weapon, the victim and the object
takes 4D6 points of damage and the aura and the entity suffers no damage. Physical
attacks/objects that inflict damage against the aura, still suffer 4D6 points of damage harm
passing through the flames. Conventional weapons (including projectiles and energy
attacks) can penetrate the aura, but only magic weapons and magical energy attacks can
harm the entity. I.S.P. Cost: 30. Note: The aura can be neutralized by water and/or ice
attacks (magical attacks inflict double damage). The aura has 30 S.D.C. that has to be
destroyed first before the actual entity takes any damage.
Attacks per Melee: Two psionic attacks per melee, however once it gains its fiery
aura it gains two additional psychic attacks per melee round.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +3 to dodge, +2 to save vs. magic and psychic attack,
and +14 to save vs. horror factor (no bonus against fire or water warlocks or anyone
capable of putting out its fire or impervious to fire).
Vulnerability: The entity is vulnerable against magic (magic weapons) and psionic
energy attacks (impervious to bio-manipulation, telekinesis, and psychic powers that affect
the mind, but takes full damage from psi-sword and mind bolt).
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain.
Habitat: Anywhere
Languages: Communicates by empathy (but the only thing it really cares about is burning down anything standing).
Enemies: Enjoys watching living things burn and flee from fire. The prettier and nicer
it looks, the greater the desire to burn it down.
Allies: None per say, unless controlled by a summoner or a powerful psychic
(commune with spirit) who helps to feed it hunger by giving its things to destroy.
Physical Appearance: Its normal state is a large energy sphere, but once it gains
enough for a fiery aura it takes on an appearance of a ghostly apparition with a beautiful
face that turns skeletal as it starts to set everything on fire.
Size: The energy sphere is the size of a baseball but as it feeds on more psychic
energy it grows, at its maximum it can be a troll-size energy being.
Weight: Not applicable.
Rifts® Conversion Notes: Becomes an MDC creature in Mega-Damage settings with
1D6x10+20 M.D.C. On Rifts® Earth, they are among the most rarer of entities, however
their fiery aura is not powerful enough to damage M.D.C. items/armor unless within a mile
(1.6 km) radius of a ley line, then the S.D.C. damage can be increased to 1D4 MD (2D4 at a
nexus point). The fiery aura provides a limited field of protection equal to 30 MDC. This aura
can be destroyed by conventional MD weapons, MD physical attacks, and non-magical MD
energy attacks, but the entity itself is only harmed by magical (weapons) and psionic
energy attack.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Deerborne

Hey SG these guys are really cool :ok:
Thanks. I might do a few more tauric hybrid creatures like this.
As far as your recent contributions, I liked the Castle Crow quite a bit.

Update: I have started figuring out what I want to do for a Woolly Centaur, which would basically be half bear man and half buffalo or other creature with a large amount of hair. I am debating whether I want to give it Supernatural PS and PE.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:CINDERHAUNT (The Burning Entity)

The Eight Attributes: Not applicable. Medium intelligence (I.Q. 8) with very little
personality other than a pyromaniac or a sadistic burned victim and a M.E. of 12. The
entity’s natural energy form is invisible and intangible and has a speed of 40 (28 mph/32.2
I think you want to edit this so it does not make an emoticon with the 8 and the ). Otherwise it is pretty cool.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Hmm, thanks for noticing that SG. As for the question of strength, I'd say stay with normal
strength. I'm Bear Men and Centaurs don't have it. Why would these Wooly Centaurs? Just a
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:Hmm, thanks for noticing that SG. As for the question of strength, I'd say stay with normal
strength. I'm Bear Men and Centaurs don't have it. Why would these Wooly Centaurs? Just a
Well, Bear Men do have 4d6+8 P.S. and 6d6 P.E., which is pretty high. I was thinking of giving it to Woolly Centaurs because of a possible link to giants. I wrote them up as having it, but someone could always exclude it as part of their Natural Abilities.

Woolly Centaur

Vile tempered and solitary creatures, Woolly Centaurs seem to resent their very existence on the face of the planet. The result of some magical experiment gone awry, these half bear man, half woolly mammoth elephant creatures killed their masters long ago and now wander, simply wishing to be left alone. They can mostly be found wandering in the area of the Old Kingdom.
They are relentlessly hunted as prize trophies by those wishing to kill them for the sport of it and are considered the most exotic of creatures. They are not sought out as much by slavers as they once were, as they are hard to keep imprisoned, but when they are kept as slaves it is as warriors in the arena or as heavy laborers. As a result of their mistreatment by other races, they have a great hatred and dislike for other intelligent beings.
Although generally antisocial, Woolly Centaurs are not particularly aggressive. Most are loners and just want to be left alone. Woolly Centaurs are very blunt creatures who say what's on their mind, typically being rude and insulting. Their pursuits are typically more geared toward food, drink, animal traps and weapons, but some have been known to have more scholarly pursuits.

Alignment: Any, but mostly aberrant or anarchist
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+1, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6+8 (supernatural), P.P. 4d6, P.E. 6d6, P.B. 3d6, Spd 3d4
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2 plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 3d6X10 plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 11
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.s Available to Woolly Centaurs: Any Men of Arms, with some taking interest in magic.
Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance, considered the equivalent of supernatural physical P.S. and P.E. Nightvision 10 ft. (3m), poor daylight vision (about 120 ft./36.6m), superior sense of smell and hearing, prowl 10%, track (by smell) 68%, swim 60%, recognize poison 90%.
Attacks Per Melee: +1 attack per melee round, in addition to hand to hand combat training
Damage: Claws do 2d6 plus P.S. bonus, Power Punch 4d6 plus P.S. bonus (but counts as two attacks), bite does 2d4 damage, head butt 1d6 damage, stomp 5d6, trample does 5d6+2 damage, or by weapon.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative and +1 to save vs. Horror Factor at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 60 years; some have lived up to 90
Habitat: Varied; mainly found in the Old Kingdom
Languages: Three of Choice (+10%)
Enemies: Everybody
Allies: Faeries are tolerated
Physical Appearance: They look like woolly mammoths with a humanoid torso coming out of the neck. The head and hands resemble those of a bear, with fur covering the upper body.
Size: 12-15 feet tall
Weight: 8000-12,000 pounds
Notes: Woolly Centaurs never use armor because they believe it impairs their movement and that armor is for cowards and humans. However, they will wear arm bands and gauntlets. Resourceful warriors, most will use whatever weapon may be at hand, be it a sword or club, or a table or door. If a Woolly Centaur comes across a weapon he likes, he may carry it around until it breaks. Large, two-handed swords, giant battle exes, and small trees (used as clubs) are favorite weapons.
Fewer than 5,000 Woolly Centaurs are believed to exist in the Palladium World. Of those, 80% are found in the area of the Old Kingdom.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

RGG wrote:I'm impressed by the submissions!
Well done to all. I'd love to see more. :D
They are more contributions than submissions, as they won't be appearing anywhere other than here unless the creators of the material also submit them to Palladium for publication in the Rifter and other places. I do thank you for the compliment, though, and I will be adding more as I get inspired and have time to do them.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
RGG wrote:I'm impressed by the submissions!
Well done to all. I'd love to see more. :D
They are more contributions than submissions, as they won't be appearing anywhere other than here unless the creators of the material also submit them to Palladium for publication in the Rifter and other places. I do thank you for the compliment, though, and I will be adding more as I get inspired and have time to do them.

My thoughts exactly. Anything you see on the board here is just for pure fun and enjoyment.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I have a few ideas circulating in my mind's eye that should be written up and put up in here this week. I got lazy over the weekend, though, and have not begun putting them to paper yet.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Although the name is the same as a certain Marvel Comics character who is an enemy of Doctor Strange, this is in no way based on that and is not in any way related. I just thought the name was cool and sounded aquatic.


These water creatures were created as slaves to unknown beings who wished to keep them as slaves but they killed their masters long ago rather than live in bondage. Humanoid from the waist up, they have the tails of sharks and their right arms form sceondary heads with the shape and teeth of sharks. 75% of all Dormammu are males, making competition between males for mating rights fierce.
Dormammu are aggressive towards strangers and other races, and will readily attack other creatures in the water for food. Able to breathe air as well as in the water, they make their homes in the shallow waters near beaches.

Alignment: Any, but usually selfish or evil.
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 1d6 on dry land, 5d6+5 in water
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2 plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 6d6 plus those gained by O.C.C.s and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 2d6
O.C.C.s Available to Dormammu: Any men of arms
Natural Abilities: Breathe in air as well as in water, swim 100%, nightvision 3000 feet (914m), can locate moving objects in water 90% by keen hearing (can hear prey up to 3000 feet/914m away). Like sharks, their sensory system makes them sensitive to movement in the water around them (within 60 foot/18.3m radius), thus they will know where prey is even if they cannot see it. Their eyes are sensitive to light, making them close their eyes to attack (other senses compensate for their poor vision). Maximum depth tolerance is unlimited.
Attacks Per Melee: Three, or by hand to hand combat training, whichever is greater.
Damage: Their actual head bites for 1d6 damage, the shark head on their right arm does 1d6 damage on a nip, 4d6 damage on a full strength bite. Slashing tail does 2d4 damage, or by weapon.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to dodge, +4 to save vs. poison and disease, +10 to save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: None
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 100 years
Habitat: Shallow water areas near beaches; Land of the Damned
Languages: Three of choice (+10%)
Enemies: Everybody
Allies: None per se
Physical Appearance: Humanoid from the waist up with shark tail and right arm with a shark head instead of the forearm and hand
Size: 9-13 feet long
Weight: 600-1200 pounds
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

This one was inspired by a drawing game I play with my friend Adam on the weekends.

The Skwawk

The Skwawk are a race of humanoid bird people with bird heads in the place of hands. They are not very intelligent and are kept as slaves for the arena. As they have arms and not wings, they are flightless. Aggressive, they do make adequate fighters.

Alignment: Any, but usually good or selfish
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 3d6+6
Natural A.R.: None; must wear armor for protection
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 2d6
O.C.C.s: None (natural fighters)
Natural Abilities: Keen eyesight and hearing, can leap six feet high or twelve feet lengthwise
Attacks Per Melee: Five
Damage: Kick does 2d6 points of damage, bite or peck from beaks on any of the heads do 2d6 damage (plus P.S. damage bonus if head on arms), or by weapon
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge
Magic: None
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 45 years; some have lived up to 60
Habitat: Grasslands and forests of the Eastern Territory, Ophid's Grasslands
Enemies: None per se, however, they are hunted and captured as slaves for the arena
Allies: None per se
Physical Appearance: Bird-like humanoids with arms that have bird heads instead of hands, and bird legs
Size: 7-10 feet tall
Weight: 150-300 pounds
R.C.C. Skills: Speak three languages of choice at +10%, land navigation 70%, wilderness survival 70%, track animals 60%, track humanoids 70%, climb 60%, prowl 50%, with skills increasing at +2% per level of experience
Notes: Can be dressed in armor when kept as slaves in the arens, and they will not use it normally in the wild. Rarely use weapons in the wild, though they can be trained to hold weapons using the beaks on the heads at the ends of their arms.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I am still planning on doing a few more, just got a bit sidetracked.


The Squidron are a race of humanoids with up to four tentacles replacing one of their forearms, with the other being a normal hand and arm, and smaller tentacles instead of hair on their heads. They can breathe in air as well as in water and have skin colors ranging from greens to blues to reds to purples.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 4d6 with each arm tentacle having an P.S. of 30 (with a strong grip) and head tentacles able to grip and hold items with a P.S. 0f 10, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 3d6 (X2 swimming)
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 3d6+6
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 5d6
O.C.C.s Available to Squidron: Any
Natural Abilities: Swimming 80%, climb 80%, prowl 60%. One of their arms has 1d4 tentacles, 01-50% left arm, 51-00% right arm. Maximum depth tolerance of two miles, can breathe in air as well as in water.
Attacks Per Melee: Three plus one per tentacle on arm
Damage: A hit from one of the arm tentacles does 2d6 damage with damage cumulative for more than one tentacle being struck with simultaneously, crush/squeeze does 1d6 points of damage per melee attack per tentacle, which is cumulative using multiple tentacles on a single target or can be used to attack multiple targets simultaneously. May pick up objects with arm tentacles and use them as weapons or throw objects in tentacles as weapons. Can attack with weapons normally with off hand for normal damage.
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to parry
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 80-120 years
Habitat: Oceans of the world
Languages: Three of choice (+15%)
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None per se
Physical Appearance: Humanoid with 1d4 tentacles replacing one of their forearms and smaller tentacles on the head in place of hair. Skins in a variety of colors.
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 150-250 pounds
Notes: Squidron live in families of 3d4 members and hunt in groups. Their favorite weapons are spears.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


The Dragonnu are creatures similar to the Dormammu, in that one of their arms is a dragon-like head, with the opposite arm being a whip-like tail. They are otherwise humanoid but are covered in scales and have leathery wings coming out of their backs. They are typically found in areas where there is intense heat and smoke that would normally be inhospitable to life, but they are able to endure in such environments They can see well even in smoky areas and have excellent nightvision. They will often lurk in dark places, attacking violently when approached.

Alignment: Evil or selfish
Attributes: I.Q. 1d6+1, M.E. 2d6, M.E. 2d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 4d6 (X5 in flight)
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2 +12
S.D.C.: 2d6X10+20
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 16
P.P.E.: 4d6
O.C.C.s: Not applicable, instinctive predators. Not recommended as a player character.
Natural Abilities: Fly, nightvision 100 feet, infrared vision 1200 feet, keen hearing and smell, track by smell 65%, breathe in smoke as well as regular air, impervious to poisons, gases and toxins, resistant to intense heat and fire (half damage).
Attacks Per Melee: Four, or by hand to hand combat training, whichever is greater.
Damage: Regular head's bite does 1d6 damage, head butt does 2d4. Dragon head on arm has head butt/punch of 2d6+4 plus P.S. damage bonus, bite does 1d6 points of damage on a nip, 4d6 damage on a full strength bite, plus the dragon head on the arm has fire breath capable of doing 3d6 damage at a range of 80 feet (can preform two breath attacks par melee). Whip tail arm does 2d4 slashing damage, claws on feet do 2d6 damage, spikes on wingtips can be used to slash for 1d4 damage.
Bonuses: +4 initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to save vs. disease, +10 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Skills of Note: Languages: Dragonese/elf and two of choice. Can also select a total of four skills from the categories of Rogue, Scholar/Technical, and/or Wilderness. No skill bonuses apply.
Average Life Span: 1000 years
Habitat: Volcanic areas and mountain tunnels. Most often sighted in the Old Kingdom.
Enemies: Everybody
Allies: None per se
Physical Appearance: Humanoid with arms which appear to be the head and tail of a dragon, with leather wings and scales.
Size: 7-9 feet tall; wingspan 9-12 feet
Weight: 500-800 pounds
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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