The Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most famous of the dinosaurs and has captured the imagination of people. That being the case, there isn't much to be said about the towering carnasaur. The T Rex is both a hunter and a scavenger.
Starting with the gaping mouth filled with serrated teeth the length of daggers, slashing tail and claws of the hind legs this war mount has added tentacle harpoons and organic rocket pods for weapons. The tentacle harpoons are used to spear and drag targets into range of its vicious teeth, while the organic rocket pods are used to hit those who are out of range of the harpoon tentacles.
Class: rapid strike war mount used by the Outrider's of House Hammond
Crew: one rider
MDC by location:
Head – 280 **
Eyes (2) – 15 each *
Forearms (2) – 190 each *
Tentacle harpoons (2) – 60 each *
Hind legs (2) – 300 each
Feet (2) – 90 each
Tail – 220
Underbelly – 300
Main body – 700 ***
Riders war saddle – 100
*A single Astrix indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "called shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.
**Destroying the head will stop the war mount in its tracks, eliminates all optics and sensory systems, reduces the speed to 10% of Max, reduces the number of melee attacks to three total (including the riders) and negates all bonuses from the animal, but the rider can still fire the weapon systems and makes the war mount walk (at a ponderous pace) for up to 12 hours after the head is gone.
***Depleting the MDC of the main body will shut down the war mount completely, rendering it totally useless and effectively destroying and killing it.
Note: the war saddle comes up and wraps partially around the rider, giving him some extra protection. This saddle must be destroyed before the pilot can be hit.
Running: approximately 60 mi./h cruising, capable of short bursts of speed at 120 mi./h.
Leaping: the powerful legs can leap up to 40 feet high or cross from a standing position, double with a short running start.
Digging: 10 mi./h through sand or dirt, but half that speed through play, rock or stone. Digging does not tire out the war mount. To dig down enough to adequately bury itself and hide takes 2D6 minutes.
Swimming: not possible
Flying: not possible
Statistical data:
Height: 30 feet tall
Width: 10 feet hind shoulder to hind shoulder.
Length: 50 feet long
Weight: 6 tons
Cargo: can carry 1200 pounds on its back or drag twice that amount along the ground.
Physical strength: 60 to 65
Production cycle: two years gestation period followed by two years of growth.
Operational lifetime: 50 year lifespan
Trade value: 5 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit
Bio regeneration: 5D6 MDC per hour to the main body and 2D6 per hour for all other locations. The war mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed it weapons systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at least two MDC points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive regeneration takes 1D4 +1 days.
Horror factor: 15 against humans outside the resistance, none against robots.
Senses and features:
Neurological link and controls, instinct driven reflexes, enhanced sight, enhanced hearing, bio-comms, enhanced sense of taste, enhanced olfactory sense, instinctive sense of direction, armored eyes. Forearms have been enlarged and lengthened to equip the tentacle harpoons.
Feeding: the T Rex mount is a carnivore and eats 100 to 200 pounds of meat per day.
Sleep requirements: as a modified organism, the war mount requires only six hours of sleep/rest per day.
Rider: the rider is located on top of the shoulders behind the head
Bio weapons systems:
1. Tentacle harpoons (two) housed along each of the T-Rex's modified/enlarged arms is a coiled tentacle appendage tipped with a wicked bony harpoon tip (visible even when the harpoons are retracted). The T Rex can fire this harpoon tentacle with incredible force, shooting it out through a portal along the wrist, above the hand. The tentacle is strong and elastic requiring 60 M.D. to sever it.
Primary purpose: assault
secondary purpose: defense
mega – damage: 4D8 M.D.
rate of fire: one or both at a time in a single volley counts as one melee attack.
Maximum effective range: 60 feet
payload: can be used repeatedly unless tentacle is severed or destroyed.
Bonus: +1 to strike
2. Organic rocket launchers (2): each of the T Rex is hind legs are topped with an arsenal of organic rockets. Each organic rocket appears as a small point protruding from the war mounts plated hind legs. These are the organic versions of high–tech mini–missiles. Each organic rocket has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to a tiny brain) and a single I mounted in the nose of the rocket allowing it to see, track and hit its targets independently. This provides each of the organic rockets with one attack/action per melee round, and a bonus of +6 to strike and Dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot down (each rocket has 11 MDC), or peters out and dies in 2D4 melee rounds.
Primary purpose: anti-aircraft and anti-robot.
Secondary purpose: assault and defense.
Mega-damage: 5D10 per individual organic rocket fired, with a blast radius of 10 feet.
Rate of fire: one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8. A volley counts as one melee attack. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the volley hit or they all miss.
Maximum effective range: 1 mile.
Payload: each launcher has a payload of 16 rockets, for a total of 32. The war mount can manufacture enough rockets to replace its entire payload of rockets in 6D6 hours, but needs 300 pounds of food to make them.
Bonus: see above.
Head Butt 3D6 M.D.,
bite 2D4xlO M.D.,
claw attack with hind leg 1D6xl0 M.D.,
kick 6D6 M.D.
slashing tail 1D4X10M.D.
Biological enhancements: arms: elongated arms: the arms have been made longer and over-sized compared to a standard T Rex.
Other Data (used when the War Mount is without a rider):
An unmanned Tyrannosaurus Rex is able to function independent of a rider
using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any
given situation. However, the creature tends only to take action
to defend itself when threatened or when obeying the commands
of an Outrider. Tyrannosaurus Rex like humans and accept
them as an equal member of the pack, but as an equal they
don't respect other people's privacy or property, and only obey
their Outrider/master and other forceful Outriders or people they
know very well and like. Otherwise, the War
Mount ignores, nips or runs away from people who try to command,
corral or bother it. The animal recognizes robots as a dangerous
enemy, but attacks only if threatened or commanded to
do so by someone it will obey. Though the animal likes humans,
it won't come to their aid out of loyalty or friendship. Unless the
Tyrannosaurus Rex is under the command of a rider, it is every man (and
Tyrannosaurus Rex) for himself.
Alignment: Considered Unprincipled or Anarchist.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. ID4+6 (medium to high animal intelligence),
M.E. ID6+7, M.A. ID8+8, P.S. 26-30 (Supernatural
P.S.), P.P. ID8+8, P.E. ID8+ 18, Spd (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks Per Melee: Four.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): + I
on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged attacks, +3 to strike in
hand to hand combat, +3 to parry and dodge, + I to pull punch,
+2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +2 to disarm, +5 to save vs
mind control attacks and the War Mount is totally immune to
Horror Factor (and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 60%/20%, Escape
Artist 65% (infamous for untethering itself, undoing rope, slipping
chains, opening pens and corrals, etc.), Identify Plants &
Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%, Land Navigation 90%, Pick
Pockets 50%, Prowl 50%, and understands languages (3) at
80%. Recognizes robots and machines as enemies to be avoided.
Combat Capabilities: The War Mount may use its long-range
weapons (each use counts as one melee action/attack) or engage
in hand to hand combat, or combine the two.
Restrained Forelimb Strike: 5D6 S.D.C.
Full Strength Forelimb Strike: 3D6 M.D.
Restrained Kick: ID6 M.D.
Full Strength Kick: 3D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 6D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks.
Sickle Talon Kick: 5D6 M.D.
Leaping Sickle Talon Kick: ID6xlO M.D., but counts as two
Stomp Attack: ID6 M.D.
Head Butt: ID4 M.D.
Biting Jaws: 2D6 M.D.
Body Block Ram: 4D6 M.D. and has a 01-50% chance of
knocking an opponent as large as 12 feet (3.6 m) tall off his feet.
If knocked down the victim loses initiative and two melee attacks/
actions. This attack counts as two of the War Mount's melee
Outriders of house Hammond have a choice of two different war mounts.
An Allosaurus can sometimes be confused with juvenile tyrannosaurus. When a large mouth filled with teeth that look like steak knives you may find the difference moot. It has been noted that there are carnivorous theropods of smaller build, adult Allosaurus have a combination of horns fins and bony ridges covering their skulls. They also have extremely dexterous grasping forearms, enabling them to grab a hold of prey and finish them off with their serrated teeth. It has also been noted that the Allosaurus is covered with intricate camouflage patterns in colors of greens, browns and dark reds making it an excellent choice for scouting and missions requiring some degree of stealth. Some of the first enhancements riders purchase are Chameleon Skin and or Stealth Field to help in these missions.
Class: rapid strike war mount used by the Outrider's of house Hammond
Crew: one rider
MDC by location:
Head – 180 **
Eyes (2) – 15 each *
Forearms (2) – 120 each *
Serrated whips (2) – 60 each *
Hind legs (2) – 200 each
Feet (2) – 90 each
Tail – 120
Underbelly – 200
Main body – 500 ***
Riders war saddle – 100
*A single Astrix indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "called shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.
**Destroying the head will stop the war mount in its tracks, eliminates all optics and sensory systems, reduces the speed to 10% of Max, reduces the number of melee attacks to three total (including the riders) and negates all bonuses from the animal, but the rider can still fire the weapon systems and makes the war mount walk (at a ponderous pace) for up to 12 hours after the head is gone.
***Depleting the MDC of the main body will shut down the war mount completely, rendering it totally useless and effectively destroying and killing it.
Note: the war saddle comes up and wraps partially around the rider, giving him some extra protection. This saddle must be destroyed before the pilot can be hit.
Running: approximately 90 mi./h cruising, capable of short bursts of speed at 180 mi./h.
Leaping: the powerful legs can leap up to 40 feet high or cross from a standing position, double with a short running start.
Digging: 10 mi./h through sand or dirt, but half that speed through play, rock or stone. Digging does not tire out the war mount. To dig down enough to adequately bury itself and hide takes 2D6 minutes.
Swimming: not possible.
Flying: not possible.
Statistical data:
Height: 25 feet tall
Width: 8 feet high and shouldered a hind shoulder.
Length: 40 feet long.
Weight: 4 tons.
Cargo: can carry 900 pounds on its back or drag twice that amount along the ground.
Physical strength: 50 to 55
Production cycle: two years gestation period followed by two years of growth.
Operational lifetime: fifty-year lifespan
Trade value: 4.5 to 5,000,000 credits for a healthy undamaged unit.
Bio regeneration: 5D6 MDC per hour to the main body and 2D6 per hour for all other locations. The war mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed it weapons systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at least two MDC points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive regeneration takes 1D4 +1 days.
Horror factor: 15 against humans outside the resistance, none against robots.
Senses and features:
Neurological link and controls, instinct driven reflexes, enhanced sight, enhanced hearing, bio-comm, enhanced sense of taste, enhanced olfactory sense, instinctive sense of direction, armored eyes.
Feeding: the Allosaurus mount is a carnivore and eats 100 to 200 pounds of meat per day.
Sleep requirements: as a modified organism, the war mount requires only six hours of sleep/rest per day.
Rider: the rider is located on top of the shoulders behind the head
Bio weapons systems:
1. Serrated whips: a thorny whip – like cable spools out from the Palm of the war mounts hand, wrist or forearm. It extends 10 feet and functions as a serrated whip covered in small shark like teeth/thorns. The whip as the thickness of rope and is extremely flexible. When retracted, the serrated whip appears to be nothing more than a button shaped depression in the middle of the mounts palm, wrist or front part of the forearm (usually on the underside), and does not interfere with the use of the hand at all. Each whip has 15 MDC. It is actually a living, tentacle-like appendage, so if a piece of it is severed, it writhes on the ground like a manic worm for 1D4 melee rounds before it stops. Even if cut to the quick, the dismembered whip regenerates within 24 hours.
Primary purpose: assault
secondary purpose: defense
mega-damage: 2D8 M.D. per lash of the whip.
Maximum effective range: 10 feet
payload: can be used repeatedly unless whip is severed or destroyed.
Bonus: +1 to strike and parry, +2 to disarm, and +4 to entangle. Bonuses only apply when the serrated whip is used.
2. Organic rocket launchers (2): each of the Allosaurus hind legs are topped with an arsenal of organic rockets. Each organic rocket appears as a small point protruding from the war mounts plated hind legs. These are the organic versions of high–tech mini–missiles. Each organic rocket has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to a tiny brain) and a single I mounted in the nose of the rocket allowing it to see, track and hit its targets independently. This provides each of the organic rockets with one attack/action per melee round, and a bonus of +6 to strike and Dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot down (each rocket has 11 MDC), or peters out and dies in 2D4 melee rounds.
Primary purpose: anti-aircraft and anti-robot.
Secondary purpose: assault and defense.
Mega-damage: 5D10 per individual organic rocket fired, with a blast radius of 10 feet.
Rate of fire: one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8. A volley counts as one melee attack. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the volley hit or they all miss.
Maximum effective range: 1 mile.
Payload: each launcher has a payload of 16 rockets, for a total of 32. The war mount can manufacture enough rockets to replace its entire payload of rockets in 6D6 hours, but needs 300 pounds of food to make them.
Bonus: see above.
Head Butt 1d6+6 M.D.,
bite 1d4x10 M.D.,
claw attack with hind leg 1D6xl0 M.D.,
kick 5D6 M.D.
slashing tail 1D4X10M.D.
Biological enhancements:
Other Data (used when the War Mount is without a rider):
An unmanned Allosaurus is able to function independent of a rider
using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any
given situation. However, the creature tends only to take action
to defend itself when threatened or when obeying the commands
of an Outrider. Allosaurus like humans and accept
them as an equal member of the pack, but as an equal they
don't respect other people's privacy or property, and only obey
their Outrider/master and other forceful Outriders
or people they know very well and like. Otherwise, the War
Mount ignores, nips or runs away from people who try to command,
corral or bother it. The animal recognizes robots as a dangerous
enemy, but attacks only if threatened or commanded to
do so by someone it will obey. Though the animal likes humans,
it won't come to their aid out of loyalty or friendship. Unless the
Allosaurus is under the command of a rider, it is every man (and
Allosaurus) for himself.
Alignment: Considered Unprincipled or Anarchist.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. ID4+6 (medium to high animal intelligence),
M.E. ID6+7, M.A. ID8+8, P.S. 26-30 (Supernatural
P.S.), P.P. ID8+8, P.E. ID8+ 18, Spd (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks Per Melee: Four.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): + I
on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged attacks, +3 to strike in
hand to hand combat, +3 to parry and dodge, + I to pull punch,
+2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +2 to disarm, +5 to save vs
mind control attacks and the War Mount is totally immune to
Horror Factor (and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 60%/20%, Escape
Artist 65% (infamous for untethering itself, undoing rope, slipping
chains, opening pens and corrals, etc.), Identify Plants &
Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%, Land Navigation 90%, Pick
Pockets 50%, Prowl 50%, and understands languages (3) at
80%. Recognizes robots and machines as enemies to be avoided.
Combat Capabilities: The War Mount may use its long-range
weapons (each use counts as one melee action/attack) or engage
in hand to hand combat, or combine the two.
Restrained Forelimb Strike: 5D6 S.D.C.
Full Strength Forelimb Strike: 3D6 M.D.
Restrained Kick: ID6 M.D.
Full Strength Kick: 3D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 6D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks.
Sickle Talon Kick: 5D6 M.D.
Leaping Sickle Talon Kick: ID6xlO M.D., but counts as two
Stomp Attack: ID6 M.D.
Head Butt: ID4 M.D.
Biting Jaws: 2D6 M.D.
Body Block Ram: 4D6 M.D. and has a 01-50% chance of
knocking an opponent as large as 12 feet (3.6 m) tall off his feet.
If knocked down the victim loses initiative and two melee attacks/
actions. This attack counts as two of the War Mount's melee
Please let me know your thought's and questions. Thank you!
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