What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

For talk about the upcoming Rifts Movie.

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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by cornholioprime »

The Day Is Saved.
The Heroes Have Won.


The camera pans out from their victory scene, going up....and up......and up........until it rises well above the Earth.

Then a series of Earths appears, and the camera quickly flash-dives into, and out of, each Earth.

The audience quickly realizes that these places are actually alternate Earths with wildly differing points in history -on this world, Luftwaffe planes fly unopposed over a New York in flames and a destroyed Statue Of Liberty; on that one, the truly unsinkable Titanic celebrates its 50th anniversary cruise; and on yet another Earth, Abraham Lincoln's decision to create the Secret Service pays off as his would-be assassin is thwarted before even getting close.

Finally, the camera slows down as it homes in on one particular Earth.


On this Earth, a man named Kevin Siembieda, along with Wayne Smith, Alex Marciniszyn, and a whole host of other Pallaidum Books longtimers, is attending the world premiere of the Rifts Movie.

At a gaming place not far away, newly reinvigorated by the movie's release to rave reviews, a new generation of players are discovering this thing called a "Pen and Paper Arr-Pee-Gee" for the first time.


An old man at a newsstand is having an unusually good day selling papers. The viewing audience soon comes to realize that this is their Earth, where Rifts is just a fictional game and now a movie, and there's no such thing as Giant Robots or Dragons or Wizards.

The Main Headline of the paper reads, "Pakistan and India on the brink of all-out nuclear war;" observant viewers can also make out that at least seven, and possibly eight planets, are in super-rare alignment from the second-biggest headline on the front page.

The final, long scene goes abruptly to black, and the end credits start rolling, right before the audience is allowed to know whether or not the Indian/Pakistani Prime Minister will authorize a preemptive nuclear strike on their hated enemies at midnight local time........
The Kevinomicon, Book of Siembieda 3:16.

16 Blessed art Thou above all others, O COALITION STATES, beloved of Kevin;

17 For Thou art allowed to do Evil without Limit, nor do thy Enemies retaliate.

18 Thy Military be run by Fools and Dotards.

19 Yet thy Nation suffers not. Praise be unto Him that protects thee from all harm!!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Chronicle »

When my Character realizes that the Stone master built his little pyramid upside down....2 weeks before the CS rolled in and built a base on it not knowing what it is.

The look on his face..........
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Silas »

Omg Snuzzles, I think I died a little inside. :eek:
Rogue Scholar, speaking over the grave of a black marketeer: "In the Great House and in the House of Fire, on that Great Day when all the days and years are numbered, oh let my name be given back to me."
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Little Snuzzles wrote:General Ross (holding up pistol): "I could kill you right now, but...."

Female Grackletooth (batting eyelashes): "Yes.....?"

General Ross: "But... I'd rather GET IT ON." (starts taking off armor)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Silas »

A streak of light in the night sky resolves into an object falling to Earth, bright yellow and whitish flames surrounding it as it crashes into a shallow bay. A tremendous boom and splash follows, steam obscuring the scene, then movement among the hazy wreckage: a giant 10-foot creature resembling a pumpkin-headed monster with glowing yellow eyes, a scrawny wooden body, and brown vinous limbs steps out of the water and sits down on a nearby boulder. Without warning, two blasts of energy erupt from the edge of the forest just past the shore, striking the creature and doing very little damage. Two scruffy-looking men in patchwork armor step out from behind the trees and shoot again, but the creature moves with blinding speed, running up to them and grabbing them by their armored chest pieces. The two men fire a third time, and the creature huffs a noxious cloud that envelops the men and turns their gear into melted sludge, leaving them naked and defenseless. Just then, a tiny butterfly flits into view, circles the men, who swat at it and curse, then lands on the large creature who only says, "Hello, little one."

The creature leans close to the two men and whispers, "That... was not nice. I believe you owe me an apology." The butterfly flits near the creature's orange ear hole and the creature amends, "And one for the little one, too." The men, both looking terrified, stammer out apologies in a thick brogue as they cover themselves with their hands. The creature nods once, then looks at the tiny creature which turns out to be a faerie, and says, "I am lost. Can you please help me?" The faerie starts flying in the direction of a massive tree that towers above all the others, and the creature follows her. As they walk away from the two naked men, the creature hears them yelling and cursing, their words fading into the distance.

He looks at the faerie and says, "I think your friends found them." The faerie seems to twinkle as she flies ahead.
Rogue Scholar, speaking over the grave of a black marketeer: "In the Great House and in the House of Fire, on that Great Day when all the days and years are numbered, oh let my name be given back to me."
Juicer, having killed said black marketeer: Oh %@$# this! His name is Dirtnap! Can we go now?!
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Did anyone catch the part about the Cyber-Knight mentioned he was a Sea-Titan ?
That explains why he did not have the cyberarmor implants yet survived the punch of that Megajuicer villian.
Or that it the custom full conversion cyborg was actually an Anti-Monster cyborg.


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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by mercedogre »

the opening sequence with Nema fighting demons then everything goes black..........
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by BookWyrm »

That edited scene where they gathered the 20 extra in full CS armor & re-enacted the Men In Tights number from Mel Brooks' Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
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Re: What was your favorite scene in the Rifts movie???

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Best Action Scene: Without a doubt, when the old cyberknight held the pass against a full armored company of CS troops. The power armor stormed in, but they couldn't see him, they tried to shoot blind, but had to pull back or kill their own. He was pressed greatly, fighting deadboys in melee, cutting down dozens with his zen skills until he finally fell heroically, holding on just long enough, but dying ignobly in the end. Ground to bits, stabbed through the heart, then face and neck and left in a field.

Best Funnies: Juicer and Crazy having a staring contest. Juicer claims he wins because he blinks faster and stronger.

The "I can't believe they included that..." Scene: Chain mail bikini girl with goggles and a rune rapier fights a dragon and wins.

The "Hell yeah, they included that!" scene: A group of "heroes" (not the main characters) traipses about, engages deadboys. The skullheads retreat and the party cheers, throwing all kinds of insults. Missiles rain from the sky and kill the "heroes."

At the End: The city of DweomLazlkeen-scape is victorious over the evil Prosek States and Erin Tarn is elevated to deity status, against her wishes as she's very embarrassed by all this attention and Victor Lazlo is revealed to have accidentally started the apocalypse by leaving his time when he did.
Last edited by Alrik Vas on Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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