What I would like to see in Robotech RPG Tactics.

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Re: What I would like to see in Robotech RPG Tactics.

Unread post by Armorlord »

Housepalmer wrote:I have been playing the Robotech RPG since 1992. I am excited about the Robotech RPG tactics. My wife and I plan on donating to kickstarter this Friday. two miniatures I cannot wait to see are the female and male power armor, especially the female power armor as it was my favorite in the series. Here are some miniatures I hope to see introduced into the game.

Zentradi foot soldiers with light and heavy weapons.

Zentradi mecha pilots on foot, both male and female.

Zentradi in dress uniform (not in armor) when encountered on the ships

Cyclops recon vessel.

Zentradi missile and laser turrets.

EBSIS mecha.

Conversion kits to customize UEDF mecha.

The most exciting games I played were across the devastated earth in the aftermath of the Zentradi Apocalypse. I think conversion kits would be great for zentradi infantry and mecha to give the look of a post apocalypse setting. instead of buying a separate miniature maybe you could buy bits to make the zentradi look more rugged and patch worked in a wasteland setting.

Conversion kits probably not, we'll have to handle that like the other wargames do and kit-bash things for conversions.

But otherwise, YES.
I'm really hoping that are at least some Zentradi troopers in the works if we hit a high enough goal.
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Re: What I would like to see in Robotech RPG Tactics.

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The Above. And minis from the other wars.

Would also like fleet minis for fleet battles.
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Re: What I would like to see in Robotech RPG Tactics.

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the Cyclops would be huge, the size of a Laptop computer in area. (it's a small starship, not a mecha)
the only conversion kits i could see for mecha is "battle damaged" parts, which seem pretty pointless as conversion. (though kits to let you build some 'destroyed mecha terrain' would be fun)

and there is no EBSIS in robotech. (it was a purely palladium creation for the 1st RPG, and doesn't exist in the new one. all the 'ebsis mecha' of the old RPG were misidentified ASC battloids and Powered Armors.. when the 1st RPG was made, no one over here knew what those mecha images went to, so palladium made stuff up.)

i would like to see non-mecha vehicles covered, the F-203 Dragon, the karyovin's, the comanchero, maybe that tank we glimpse during the destruction of earth. adds more variety.
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Re: What I would like to see in Robotech RPG Tactics.

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Housepalmer wrote:My wife and I are planning on donating this weekend. It will be our first kickstarter donation. Yes I plan on doing a lot of gaming in the wasteland. I enjoy running campaigns in the Mojave Desert, Amazon, and south east Asia. I have collected a lot of bits over the years from painting figs.

I think pilot figures would be great for representing Zentradi bailing out of their ruined mecha.

I as well hope to see minis for fleet battles. I played and ran campaigns on the SDF-1. If was fun having players take command (not their characters, but letting the players do ship combat)of the SDF-1 and fight the Zentradi.

I hope Robotech RPG tactics will be successful because it would be great to see minis from all three generations mixing in with eachother. I had great times playing a guerilla fighter against the Invid. Some of the fun aspects was finding first and second generation mecha. Seeing a hover tank or Ajax fighting Invid on the table top would be fun, as well as macros vertechs fighting the Robotech Maser's Veritechs.

I'm hopping for that too!

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