Invented Spells

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Re: Invented Spells

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There is the aspect that the effects are produced differently. (Making E-M Fields through Electrisity rather then making the E-M fields directly.)

Range....I did not just take the modern weapons' ranges and transpose them into the spell. Thought about how a accurately a normal human could aim it with out the aid of the sights that modern weapons use.

Why....hummm cause I saw something that inspired me.

W.P. Spells: When spells need to be aimed this WP comes into effect. +1 to strike with every odd level including level 1.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Empowering Force
duration: indefinate
casting cost lose access to spell levels 10-15 permenantly -2 IQ,ME,MA,PB permanently

Ps becomes Supernatural and +1 to Ps per 5 ppe spent, lasts 1 minute per level
PPE blast fire bolts of raw magic Energy 1d6 md per 3 ppe spent. counts as 1 action/attack +1 initiave +3 to strike
PPE Body gains a magical MDC aura equal to current PPE level,aura lasts as long as ppe is availible. 60 ppe= 60 MDC Aura, 1 ppe= 1 MDC aura

The mage burns out the pathways in his brain allowing access to higher magics, by flooding his body with magical energy a transformation of sorts takes place allowing him to bond with the ppe using it in spectacular ways. Hair becomes white and straight(If bald grows long straight white hair,) Eyes become Blue. Most times after the ritual takes place the mage often stops using spell magic all together relying solely on his new found empowerment.

Availible to the following mage OCC's only Leyline Walker, Mystic, Techno-Wizard, Mystic Study, Ninja Techno-Wizard, and the Silhouette RCC.
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:[
Movie Night (curse).

"Funny...that loud little kid getting toilet-trained for the longer portion of the movie looks kinda like you, Fitz!"

That would be the "Home Movie Night". :wink:
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Re: Invented Spells

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Wizard's Hat: Miyan StormLord, a wizard of some note in the Islands of the south seas, decided after being shot with an arrow decides to commission a hat for himself from a Alchemist friend. The hat, standing tall to a point. was delivered to him a few months later. Taking out on his newest adventure.
The hat being a magical item with three enchantments: Magic Armor: NAR:4, SDC 60 (like with the AoIthan magic, this covers the whole body.), Clean: no matter what filth it has been in the hat will not be dirtied by it, and Buoyancy (as per armor enchantment).
Cost:20,500 gp. Additional SDC can be added to the commission when ordered at a cost of 2,500 gp per 20 SDC.
The SDC regenerates 1 SDC per 10 min. on a Ley Line & -per 5 min. on a Ley Line Nexus.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Wizard's Hat: Miyan StormLord, a wizard of some note in the Islands of the south seas, decided after being shot with an arrow decides to commission a hat for himself from a Alchemist friend. The hat, standing tall to a point. was delivered to him a few months later. Taking out on his newest adventure.
The hat being a magical item with three enchantments: Magic Armor: NAR:4, SDC 60 (like with the AoIthan magic, this covers the whole body.), Clean: no matter what filth it has been in the hat will not be dirtied by it, and Buoyancy (as per armor enchantment).
Cost:20,500 gp. Additional SDC can be added to the commission when ordered at a cost of 2,500 gp per 20 SDC.
The SDC regenerates 1 SDC per 10 min. on a Ley Line & -per 5 min. on a Ley Line Nexus.
Would this not be better located in a magic items/alchemy thread? It hardly fits with Invented Spells. Also, as everything require a 5 or better to hit anyway, it is really unnecessary to list a Natural A.R. of 4. If it is to serve as magical armor, I should think you would want to give it an A.R. of 6 or better.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Wizard's Hat: Miyan StormLord, a wizard of some note in the Islands of the south seas, decided after being shot with an arrow decides to commission a hat for himself from a Alchemist friend. The hat, standing tall to a point. was delivered to him a few months later. Taking out on his newest adventure.
The hat being a magical item with three enchantments: Magic Armor: NAR:4, SDC 60 (like with the AoIthan magic, this covers the whole body.), Clean: no matter what filth it has been in the hat will not be dirtied by it, and Buoyancy (as per armor enchantment).
Cost:20,500 gp. Additional SDC can be added to the commission when ordered at a cost of 2,500 gp per 20 SDC.
The SDC regenerates 1 SDC per 10 min. on a Ley Line & -per 5 min. on a Ley Line Nexus.
Would this not be better located in a magic items/alchemy thread? It hardly fits with Invented Spells. Also, as everything require a 5 or better to hit anyway, it is really unnecessary to list a Natural A.R. of 4. If it is to serve as magical armor, I should think you would want to give it an A.R. of 6 or better.

There is no "Invented magic Item" Topic.

Nat. AR 4 just means the hat's magic SDC can not be by passed by a high attack roll. Thus any damage would be taken off the Magic SDC 1st. Which prevents someone from disrupting his magic by throwing a dart or shooting an arrow at him.

If it had just a AR 6, nearly ALL attacks would bypass the hat's magic SDC. The Armor Magic being only imposed on attack rolls of 4, 5, & 6. :roll:
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Re: Invented Spells

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Level: 3
Type: Invocation
Range: Self, Touch or 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: Effects are permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 4
A more limited version of Negate Poisons and Toxins, that works ONLY on alcohol. The recipient of this spell is subjected to 15 seconds of pure agony of the ‘pins and needles’ sort(one subject compared it to ‘taking a high pressure ice water hose up the arse’) as the alcohol leaving is a lot less pleasant than coming in. The melee round of disorientation is followed by instant sobriety.
While imminently useful and relatively low-level, many mages deliberately withhold the teaching of this spell from their apprentices until they are satisfied with their students’ dedication to the Art. Scrolls of this spell are fairly common in bars in magic-using communities, though the more unscrupulous barkeeps may charge a hefty fee for their use.

Faux Aura(General)
Level: 5
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch or 10 ft per level of experience.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 12
This spell allows the caster to temporarily endow an object with a false PPE aura, typically to disguise its true nature or decoy PPE-sensitive trackers. To beings with the psionic or magical power See Aura, the target of this spell appears to possess a living aura, while those with Detect Magic may be similarly fooled, or mistake the object for a magic object.
The resulting PPE aura is not as clear as that of a living creature, and appears ‘muddied’ or distorted to casual observation. The observer may be able to discern general alignment(that of the caster), but finer details such as the exact power level, exact alignment, and will be obscured and harder to make out. Only close scrutiny or use of a power like Object Read will reveal the true nature of the object and the applied magical mask.

Spark of Life(General)
Level: 6
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch
Duration: Can be successfully applied to victims dead no more than 5 minutes per level of experience of the caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 13
This spelll is effectively a lesser form of Restore Life, and can be used to revive the recently deceased, restoring life functions hopefully long enough for other life-saving measures to be applied. The spell is applied to victims who cannot be dead for more than 5 minutes per level of the caster, and supplies 2 Hit Points per level of experience.
Note that unless the victim has been patched up prior to the application of the spell, the wounds responsible for the victim’s deceasing will still be present, and will continue to bleed, doing damage, starting with the newly supplied Hit Points. Spark of Life essentially resets the timer, as it were, in an emergency, supplying a dose of vitality.
Spark of Life can be used multiple times on the same victim to resuscitate and ‘lifeboat’ them until more thorough treatment can be applied, but overusing it carries some risk. Spark of Life can be applied a number of times equal to the victim’s P.E. divided by 2, without side-effects. Beyond that, using the spell carries a risk: 5% chance of losing 1 point of PE, 2% chance of losing 1 point of IQ per each additional use of the spell. Loss is permanent.
Though an altruistic healing spell, Spark of Life has also reportedly been used as a tool of torture; evil characters have been known to use the spell to prolong the deaths of victims, snatching them back at the last moment from death only to continue suffering.
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:Though an altruistic healing spell, Spark of Life has also reportedly been used as a tool of torture; evil characters have been known to use the spell to prolong the deaths of victims, snatching them back at the last moment from death only to continue suffering.

OOOhh that's vicious. I like the way your mind works.
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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
taalismn wrote:Though an altruistic healing spell, Spark of Life has also reportedly been used as a tool of torture; evil characters have been known to use the spell to prolong the deaths of victims, snatching them back at the last moment from death only to continue suffering.

OOOhh that's vicious. I like the way your mind works.

Caution is advised... Excessive use of the spell in this manner may anger Utu.
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Re: Invented Spells

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"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

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Level 5 edit
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Invented Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Maybe that spell should have a limit on how many times it can be used on the same person/body in one day.

Yes, it's called death.
But seriously, if you use so many times, you might wind up with a braindead or permanently enfeebled person. If you got the magic juice to do the spell that many times, you might be better off investing in a more serious and effective spell like Restoration.

To be honest, I'm a little disappointed how, when there are so many spells to maim and kill people, healing magic can be counted practically on two hands. There's Heal Light Wounds, Negate Poisons/Toxins, Purge Self/OtherCure Illness, Fortify Against Disease, Heal Wounds, Restore Limb, Restore Life, resurrection, and a handful of spells in Elemental and other schools. Healing magic tends to be of the all-or-nothing; it's either rather limited or it's bit and expensive and ritual. Heal Wounds doesn't touch internal organ damage like a deep stomach or lung wound, so you either got to hope for a psionic healer or a EMT field surgeon to come along. And Restore Life is a big powefful PPE-hungry ritual.

Part of the problem may be that the Palladium system doesn't distinguish much between different types of wound, so blanket-spells cover, just barely, the essentials. THe other reason, I assume, is that for full coverage of all levels of triage, you better have a combined arms team of a mystic healer, a psychic healer, and an EMT with naotech medical kits.

But I imagine that there should be many healing spells out there, developed out of necessiity. Some of them, as mages and cultures meet each other, have been discarded or assimilated into the general lore. bowing to the canon spells mentioned above. On the other hand, many may survive, due to certain advantages not shared by the general spells, but also potentially handicapped by disadvantages...such as the 'use only x-times' as mentioned by drewkitty.

So here's hoping for more healing and medicinal magic.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


You're darn skippy. Bad enough Kenny gets away with that stuff on South Park.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:

You're darn skippy. Bad enough Kenny gets away with that stuff on South Park.

It's the Rincewind Rotary Portal Mortality Clause. :P
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Another TW Utility:
Patent Protection
Level 11
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
PPE: 150
Tool Needed: Engraver's Stylus
Given that he needed a way to keep people from easily copying and stealing his designs, the Nerf Warrior designed a special ward to prevent reverse-engineering via magical or psionic methods. Methods such as Reverse Engineer, Identify, and Telemechanics will not function on an item properly enchanted with Patent Protection, although conventional reverse engineering will function on both techno-wizard items and purely technological creations.
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Re: Invented Spells

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wyrmraker wrote:Another TW Utility:
Patent Protection
Level 11
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
PPE: 150
Tool Needed: Engraver's Stylus
Given that he needed a way to keep people from easily copying and stealing his designs, the Nerf Warrior designed a special ward to prevent reverse-engineering via magical or psionic methods. Methods such as Reverse Engineer, Identify, and Telemechanics will not function on an item properly enchanted with Patent Protection, although conventional reverse engineering will function on both techno-wizard items and purely technological creations.

How about Object Read?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Invented Spells

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taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:Another TW Utility:
Patent Protection
Level 11
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
PPE: 150
Tool Needed: Engraver's Stylus
Given that he needed a way to keep people from easily copying and stealing his designs, the Nerf Warrior designed a special ward to prevent reverse-engineering via magical or psionic methods. Methods such as Reverse Engineer, Identify, and Telemechanics will not function on an item properly enchanted with Patent Protection, although conventional reverse engineering will function on both techno-wizard items and purely technological creations.

How about Object Read?

I left it open-ended with the phrase 'Methods such as'. It's impossible to determine what a player character will use. The end result is that only conventional reverse engineering practices will work on it.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Hold on previous complaint about lack of healing spells; found Greater Healing. Medical kit/grimoire now somewhat more complete. :D
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Re: Invented Spells

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Calling Magic Pigeon or Holographic Magic Pigeon
Level: 7
Range: Appears near the caster.
Duration: Two months per level of caster. 20 min. per level of talk time.
Saving Throw: none.
PPE: 30

This incantation enables the mage to make a mystic facsimile of a pigeon that will seek out a person that the mage wants to talk to. Once the pigeon has found the the person and has gained the person's attention, the caster is notified of the finding of the person. The pigeon will transform into an image of the caster that the mage can talk through to the person that was sought out.

The mage must know the general place the person is located, the pigeon will preform a search pattern around the area out to thirty miles till the person is found or the end of the spell's duration.

Like with the normal magic pigeon, it looks like a real pigeon, but needs no food or rest: thus it can fly 720 miles every 24 hours at a speed of 30 mph. Normal weapons cannot harm or capture the pigeon. Only magic spells and circles of entrapment can capture it for a time. And only dispelling magic can destroy the pigeon.
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Re: Invented Spells

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Calling Magic Pigeon or Holographic Magic Pigeon

Ah, the magical version of Robotech Macross's 'stalking public phone'.
Very nice and relieves 'phone tag'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

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More like a homing 'phone call' then a drone.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Calling Magic Pigeon or Holographic Magic Pigeon
Level: 7
Range: Appears near the caster.
Duration: Two months per level of caster. 20 min. per level of talk time.
Saving Throw: none.
PPE: 30

This incantation enables the mage to make a mystic facsimile of a pigeon that will seek out a person that the mage wants to talk to. Once the pigeon has found the the person and has gained the person's attention, the caster is notified of the finding of the person. The pigeon will transform into an image of the caster that the mage can talk through to the person that was sought out.

The mage must know the general place the person is located, the pigeon will preform a search pattern around the area out to thirty miles till the person is found or the end of the spell's duration.

Like with the normal magic pigeon, it looks like a real pigeon, but needs no food or rest: thus it can fly 720 miles every 24 hours at a speed of 30 mph. Normal weapons cannot harm or capture the pigeon. Only magic spells and circles of entrapment can capture it for a time. And only dispelling magic can destroy the pigeon.
Two months per level of the caster seems excessive for a spell of this level and cost. Is that comparable to the normal magic pigeon?
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Re: Invented Spells

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Calling Magic Pigeon or Holographic Magic Pigeon
Level: 7
Range: Appears near the caster.
Duration: Two months per level of caster. 20 min. per level of talk time.
Saving Throw: none.
PPE: 30

This incantation enables the mage to make a mystic facsimile of a pigeon that will seek out a person that the mage wants to talk to. Once the pigeon has found the the person and has gained the person's attention, the caster is notified of the finding of the person. The pigeon will transform into an image of the caster that the mage can talk through to the person that was sought out.

The mage must know the general place the person is located, the pigeon will preform a search pattern around the area out to thirty miles till the person is found or the end of the spell's duration.

Like with the normal magic pigeon, it looks like a real pigeon, but needs no food or rest: thus it can fly 720 miles every 24 hours at a speed of 30 mph. Normal weapons cannot harm or capture the pigeon. Only magic spells and circles of entrapment can capture it for a time. And only dispelling magic can destroy the pigeon.
Two months per level of the caster seems excessive for a spell of this level and cost. Is that comparable to the normal magic pigeon?

A nomale magic pigeon is L6 @ 20 PPE, with a 2 months duration to find the person.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Disjoint(General Magic)
“The leg bone is connected to the shin bone...”
Level: 6
Type: Invocation
Range: 25 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience before the joints magically reset themselves.
Saving Throw: (Living Beings) Standard
(Zombies and Mummies) -6
(Skeletons) None
(Superhumans/Supernaturals) +6
PPE Cost: 13
An extremely painful spell derived from necromancy, this spell magically dislocates ALL the major joints such as the arms and legs, limbs, shoulders and hips,(accompanied by loud pops and likely a few loud screams), but NOT spines, ribs, or necks, in a person’s skeleton, effectively and temporarily crippling them. On a failed save, the victim takes 1d6 SDC damage(pulled muscles and bruising) but also suffers the excruciating experience of having their joints dislocated. Movement is cut to a Speed of 1d4(essentially reduced to crawling, and winged flyers will drop to the ground with their wings dislocated), NO bonuses to strike, parry, or dodge, and HALF any roll bonuses. If the victim can, they CAN attempt to manually reset their own bones(such as ramming a shoulder or hip into a surface to get the joint back into socket) but such attempts require a successful First Aid roll at - 15%. At spell’s end, the victim’s joints magically reset themselves(again with popping and likely some yelling as they go back IN), although the bruising damage remains(heals normally).
Mummies and Zombies can also be attacked with this spell, but they get a (much reduced) save against the magic as they still have some remnant of ligaments holding them together. However, once the spell lapses, the effects are permanent., and they would require somebody else to get their joints back into place
Magically animated skeletons are destroyed by this spell, falling literally to pieces.
This spell does NOT work on bionic or robotic joints(or full conversion cyborgs for that matter), and living superhuman/supernatural beings get bonuses to save versus the magic. Nor does it work on beings without internal bones(true exoskeletal beings would NOT be affected, as a disjointing would also likely result in traumatic bleeding from open circulatory systems)..
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

I notice that the spell has a duration, do the dislocated joints go back to their normal positions after the duration. Or does it give the caster multiple dislocation attacks? Or are some sentences in the wrong order?
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

3d6 damage seems excessive for something as minor as a dislocated limb. I would expect it to have pain, and the victim would have to save against it, but dislocation is not the same thing as a broken bone and the body would otherwise be intact other than the dislocation. I can see there being movement penalties while having the dislocated limb/joint also, but not making them completely immobile as you have it doing.
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Re: Invented Spells

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:3d6 damage seems excessive for something as minor as a dislocated limb. I would expect it to have pain, and the victim would have to save against it, but dislocation is not the same thing as a broken bone and the body would otherwise be intact other than the dislocation. I can see there being movement penalties while having the dislocated limb/joint also, but not making them completely immobile as you have it doing.

Dropped damage to 1d6 (bruising, pulled/torn muscles) and speed is now 1/10th normal Speed. You can still run/crawl using sheer muscle power, but it's going to HURT.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I notice that the spell has a duration, do the dislocated joints go back to their normal positions after the duration. Or does it give the caster multiple dislocation attacks? Or are some sentences in the wrong order?

Essentially the spell dislocates ALL the big joints(shoulders, elbows, hips, knees) for the period of time specified by the spell. Unless you somehow manage to pop those joints back into alignment during that time period, you'll have to wait until the spell lapses, in which case everything reverses, with much popping and yelling as it goes back INTO alignment.

I should probably look at more powerful variants, such as 'Back Throw' or "Durgle's Excruciating Neck Torque' that affect more solidly attached joints.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

taalismn wrote:
Essentially the spell dislocates ALL the big joints(shoulders, elbows, hips, knees) for the period of time specified by the spell.

sweet mother mcgurck! If it does THAT then I don't think the 3d6 was enough I'd go 4d6... cause you're forcefully dislocating MAJOR joints on all 4 limbs. there is a LOT of muscle, tendon, and ligament holding those things in place. In the dark ages this was accomplished by strapping the person spread eagle to 4 different horses and then rip! It's gonna do more than just hurt. Also if you pop out arms/elbows hips/knee's i don't think you'd be able to move at all as you're removed the fulcrum from the lever that is your limbs. mechanically I don't think it would work.

but hey, it's your baby.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Essentially the spell dislocates ALL the big joints(shoulders, elbows, hips, knees) for the period of time specified by the spell.

sweet mother mcgurck! If it does THAT then I don't think the 3d6 was enough I'd go 4d6... cause you're forcefully dislocating MAJOR joints on all 4 limbs. there is a LOT of muscle, tendon, and ligament holding those things in place. In the dark ages this was accomplished by strapping the person spread eagle to 4 different horses and then rip! It's gonna do more than just hurt. Also if you pop out arms/elbows hips/knee's i don't think you'd be able to move at all as you're removed the fulcrum from the lever that is your limbs. mechanically I don't think it would work.

but hey, it's your baby.

It's magic. Gargoyle has the right of it; if it was more than just painful dislocation, it would be called something more like 'drawn and quartered' or 'torn asunder'. The beauty of magic is that you can inflict inexplicable injury with such niceties as 'bloodless'*, so Disjoint just pops them out with a minimum of the tearing and tissue trauma normally associated.
Now, mind you, casting Carpet of Adhesion would probably do the trick of immobilizing somebody just as well, if not more so, but sometimes you just want the other guy to suffer(or fall apart, in the case of animated undead).

*And if there isn't, I see a whole new category of Assassin's Magic opening up. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

should they victims also need to save vs Pain when hit with this spell?
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:should they victims also need to save vs Pain when hit with this spell?

I'd considered that, but flopping to the ground with your hips out of joint and your shoulders popped out should be bad enough for 13 PPE...
Plus I'd have to figure pain threshold saves for folks who regularly disjoint themselves(you know, the kinky masochistic folk?). :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

taalismn wrote:I'd considered that, but flopping to the ground with your hips out of joint and your shoulders popped out should be bad enough for 13 PPE...
Plus I'd have to figure pain threshold saves for folks who regularly disjoint themselves

Ohhh disjoint them, stuff them into a small box, then close and lock the lid. muahahahahahaha!
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by 13eowulf »

So my laptop... got sent to live on a farm. :(

Going through my various backups I found this spell. This is the first spell I ever created. It is inspired by (or a variation of) the Fire Globe spell.
It was written with HU2 in mind, but should be applicable in all settings. If the information regarding this spell and paintball markers (including the size) seems overly specific, well, it is. :P

Level 8
Fire Marbles
Range: Touch; appears above the open palm of the mage's hand. Can be thrown 200 feet.
Damage: 5D4 SDC at the moment of impact 5D4 additional SDC per melee round (Damage becomes MD in MDC realms).
Duration: Stored in marble form for one week per level of the spell caster, but burns out within 1D4 minutes after it is activated.
Saving Throw: None
PPE: Forty (40)
This is a unique spell similar to the Fire Blossom and Fire Globe spells, only in this case the mage creates portable 'marbles' containing a magical fire (1D4+2 marbles are created when the spell is cast). The marble is about the size of a glass marble (about 0.55 - 0.65 inches in diameter) and flickers as if a fire burns inside (which it does), but no heat or significant amount of light radiates from it. Consequently, the marble can be held and put in a bag or backpack without fear of starting a fire. The fire does not burn until activated by the mage or the recipient of the Fire Marble (it can be created and given to another as a gift). To activate, the character must throw the globe while willing it to ignite or damage whatever it hits (Incidentally these marbles are the same size as paintballs, and remarkably lightweight, allowing them to loaded into, and fired from, any paintball marker, the act of firing the marker is enough to will the marble to ignite upon impact). Upon impact, the fire inside erupts like napalm, covering the surface body of its target in flame. It burns without combustibles (wood, rags, coal, etc.) for 1D4 minutes and then vanishes. The magic fire burns for 1D4 minutes or until extinguished. It can be put out magically, or by rolling around in dirt or being covered in dirt, sand, or other substance to smother the flame. The use of water to extinguish the fire hurts, creates steam, and inflicts 2D6 SDC (MD in MDC environments) scalding damage before the fire is extinguished. If placed on or stoked with combustibles, these items will immediately catch fire and continue to burn after the magic fire vanishes. In MD environments like Rifts Earth these marbles inflict MD.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:3d6 damage seems excessive for something as minor as a dislocated limb. I would expect it to have pain, and the victim would have to save against it, but dislocation is not the same thing as a broken bone and the body would otherwise be intact other than the dislocation. I can see there being movement penalties while having the dislocated limb/joint also, but not making them completely immobile as you have it doing.

Dropped damage to 1d6 (bruising, pulled/torn muscles) and speed is now 1/10th normal Speed. You can still run/crawl using sheer muscle power, but it's going to HURT.
Well, obviously it's going to hurt. And those who don't know it is temporary are going to panic and cry and otherwise blow a gasket. I can just imagine it being used on someone in battle and the sudden shock of being totally disarmed and felled by a simple spell.
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Re: Invented Spells

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13eowulf wrote:So my laptop... got sent to live on a farm. :(

Going through my various backups I found this spell. This is the first spell I ever created. It is inspired by (or a variation of) the Fire Globe spell.
It was written with HU2 in mind, but should be applicable in all settings. If the information regarding this spell and paintball markers (including the size) seems overly specific, well, it is. :P

Level 8
Fire Marbles
Range: Touch; appears above the open palm of the mage's hand. Can be thrown 200 feet.
Damage: 5D4 SDC at the moment of impact 5D4 additional SDC per melee round (Damage becomes MD in MDC realms).
Duration: Stored in marble form for one week per level of the spell caster, but burns out within 1D4 minutes after it is activated.
Saving Throw: None
PPE: Forty (40)
This is a unique spell similar to the Fire Blossom and Fire Globe spells, only in this case the mage creates portable 'marbles' containing a magical fire (1D4+2 marbles are created when the spell is cast). The marble is about the size of a glass marble (about 0.55 - 0.65 inches in diameter) and flickers as if a fire burns inside (which it does), but no heat or significant amount of light radiates from it. Consequently, the marble can be held and put in a bag or backpack without fear of starting a fire. The fire does not burn until activated by the mage or the recipient of the Fire Marble (it can be created and given to another as a gift). To activate, the character must throw the globe while willing it to ignite or damage whatever it hits (Incidentally these marbles are the same size as paintballs, and remarkably lightweight, allowing them to loaded into, and fired from, any paintball marker, the act of firing the marker is enough to will the marble to ignite upon impact). Upon impact, the fire inside erupts like napalm, covering the surface body of its target in flame. It burns without combustibles (wood, rags, coal, etc.) for 1D4 minutes and then vanishes. The magic fire burns for 1D4 minutes or until extinguished. It can be put out magically, or by rolling around in dirt or being covered in dirt, sand, or other substance to smother the flame. The use of water to extinguish the fire hurts, creates steam, and inflicts 2D6 SDC (MD in MDC environments) scalding damage before the fire is extinguished. If placed on or stoked with combustibles, these items will immediately catch fire and continue to burn after the magic fire vanishes. In MD environments like Rifts Earth these marbles inflict MD.

I like.
Incendiary fun for the mystic arsonist.

Now....I wonder if a 'Marbles of Ice' variant could be useful.....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by 13eowulf »

taalismn wrote:
13eowulf wrote:So my laptop... got sent to live on a farm. :(

Going through my various backups I found this spell. This is the first spell I ever created. It is inspired by (or a variation of) the Fire Globe spell.
It was written with HU2 in mind, but should be applicable in all settings. If the information regarding this spell and paintball markers (including the size) seems overly specific, well, it is. :P

Level 8
Fire Marbles
Range: Touch; appears above the open palm of the mage's hand. Can be thrown 200 feet.
Damage: 5D4 SDC at the moment of impact 5D4 additional SDC per melee round (Damage becomes MD in MDC realms).
Duration: Stored in marble form for one week per level of the spell caster, but burns out within 1D4 minutes after it is activated.
Saving Throw: None
PPE: Forty (40)
This is a unique spell similar to the Fire Blossom and Fire Globe spells, only in this case the mage creates portable 'marbles' containing a magical fire (1D4+2 marbles are created when the spell is cast). The marble is about the size of a glass marble (about 0.55 - 0.65 inches in diameter) and flickers as if a fire burns inside (which it does), but no heat or significant amount of light radiates from it. Consequently, the marble can be held and put in a bag or backpack without fear of starting a fire. The fire does not burn until activated by the mage or the recipient of the Fire Marble (it can be created and given to another as a gift). To activate, the character must throw the globe while willing it to ignite or damage whatever it hits (Incidentally these marbles are the same size as paintballs, and remarkably lightweight, allowing them to loaded into, and fired from, any paintball marker, the act of firing the marker is enough to will the marble to ignite upon impact). Upon impact, the fire inside erupts like napalm, covering the surface body of its target in flame. It burns without combustibles (wood, rags, coal, etc.) for 1D4 minutes and then vanishes. The magic fire burns for 1D4 minutes or until extinguished. It can be put out magically, or by rolling around in dirt or being covered in dirt, sand, or other substance to smother the flame. The use of water to extinguish the fire hurts, creates steam, and inflicts 2D6 SDC (MD in MDC environments) scalding damage before the fire is extinguished. If placed on or stoked with combustibles, these items will immediately catch fire and continue to burn after the magic fire vanishes. In MD environments like Rifts Earth these marbles inflict MD.

I like.
Incendiary fun for the mystic arsonist.

Now....I wonder if a 'Marbles of Ice' variant could be useful.....

I liked your idea, so I went with it.

Just created moments ago:

Level 8
Frost Marbles
Range: Touch; appears above the open palm of the mage's hand. Can be thrown 200 feet.
Damage: 3D4 SDC at the moment of impact 2D6 additional SDC per melee round (Damage becomes MD in MDC realms), plus numbness penalties.
Duration: Stored in marble form for one week per level of the spell caster, but thaws out within 1D4 minutes after it is activated.
Saving Throw: None (dodge); Standard.
PPE: Forty (40)
This is a unique spell similar to the Orb of Cold and Fire Marbles spells, only in this case the mage creates portable 'marbles' containing a magical frost (1D4+2 marbles are created when the spell is cast). The marble is about the size of a glass marble (about 0.55 - 0.65 inches in diameter) and sparkles as if frost swirls inside (which it does), but no significant amount of light or cold radiates from it (although some mages have been known to use a few in place of ice cubes to chill a beverage on a hot day). Consequently, the marble can be held and put in a bag or backpack without fear of freezing. The frost does not spread until activated by the mage or the recipient of the Frost Marble (it can be created and given to another as a gift). To activate, the character must throw the marbles while willing it to freeze or damage whatever it hits (Incidentally these marbles are the same size as paintballs, and remarkably lightweight, allowing them to loaded into, and fired from, any paintball marker, the act of firing the marker is enough to will the marble to ignite upon impact). Upon impact, the frost inside erupts like a flash-freeze, covering the surface body of its target in frost. It freezes without moisture (water, humidity, fog, other liquids or mists) for 1D4 minutes and then vanishes. The magic frost burns (yes ‘burns’) for 1D4 minutes or until extinguished. It can be thawed out magically, or by deliberately exposing the affected area to a heat source (including applied friction, fire, warmed towels, etc.). The use of water to thaw the frost hurts, creates additional thicker frost (momentarily), and inflicts 2D4 SDC (MD in MDC environments) freezing damage before the fire is extinguished. If placed on or ‘stoked’ with freezables, these items will immediately frost over and continue to freeze (or be frozen) after the magic frost vanishes. Those struck with a Frost Marble must also make a save vs. magic or suffer from a sudden, debilitating, numbing cold. A numbed victim loses one melee attack, is -2 on initiative, -1 on all combat rolls, and speed is reduced by 5%. All penalties (except the loss of the attack) are cumulative. In MD environments like Rifts Earth these marbles inflict MD.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Yep...that's rather how I envisioned it. :ok:
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Invented Spells

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Proxy Body(Invocation)
“How’d it go?”
“Smooth. In and out in a microsecond. Security cameras didn’t catch a thing and neither did she. In an hour she’ll walk into the death chamber and wake up, surprise, surprise, somewhere else. Since they cremate the body almost immediately, they’re going to be surprised too when the corpse falls to ashes of its accord. Of course, by then, we’ll have our little revolutionary well on her way to meeting the abolitionist council.”

Level: 11
Type: Invocation
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: 1 hour per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard, if the person is conscious and does NOT want to be proxied.
PPE Cost: 80
A ‘quick and dirty’ spell, as opposed to a ritual, that magically produces a duplicate body of a person, through which their consciousness can ‘pilot’ like a remote control drone. To external examination, the proxy looks exactly like the original, down to fingerprints, retinal prints, vital signs, and bleeding when cut. However, a genetic analysis or more thorough biopsy will reveal that there’s something ‘off’(for example, the biopsy samples evaporate after 1d6 minutes). A See Aura or magic-sensitive power will also detect the heightened and unusual PPE aura about the person.
Meanwhile, the person’s original body falls into a deep coma-like sleep. While in this state, the person is oblivious to the world around them, and cannot be woken without canceling the magic, but can feel and experience everything happening to the proxy body, regardless of the distance between the two bodies. Remotely ‘piloting’ the proxy-body feels somewhat sluggish. like the person has a cold or is very tired.
This spell is useful for doing work that is potentially dangerous or risky(like hostage negotiations in person) to the person. It can also be used to decoy, disguise, or conceal a person, or hide an abduction(flash-clone the person while they’re asleep, take them away, leaving the proxy behind for the person’s consciousness to awaken in, and then, just when they think they’ve escaped a kidnapping attempt, the proxy expires, and they wake up again in the clutches of their captors).

-The Proxy body can be commanded regardless of distance between it and the original body.
-The Proxy does not need to breath or eat(although it can still go through the motions)
-The Proxy can still be psionically and magically attacked, but gets a +2 to save because the proxy effectively acts as a ‘buffer’ for the person.

The magic proxy is a cheap imitation of the original, belying the ‘quick and dirty’ nature of the invocation spell format:
-The proxy body has only HALF the SDC, Hit Points, and PPE as the original.
-P.S. and SPEED are HALF, while P.S. is NORMAL(no Extraordinary or Supernatural P.S.). Hand to hand bonuses are also HALVED.
-Dispel Magic and Anti-Magic Cloud instantly destroy the proxy. Magic barriers and wards also stop the construct from passing through them.
-CANNOT cast spells or use psionics, even though the proxy registers as having both PPE and ISP. .
-Similarly, cybernetics and bionics CANNOT be duplicated. Full conversion cyborgs are effectively IMMUNE to Proxy.
-Similarly, superhuman abilities(including symbiotes and parasites) CANNOT be duplicated by Proxy.
-Supernatural Creatures and Creatures of Magic are IMMUNE to Proxy.
-When the spell elapses, the proxy body quickly breaks down into very fine dust. If the spell is deliberately canceled by the caster, or if it elapses normally, the body evaporates(takes 1d4 minutes) and the person wakes up back in their original body instantly, without ill effect. If the proxy body has been violently discorporated/killed, however, the effect is somewhat similar to a Familiar Link being broken; save versus psionic attack(12 or higher) or have the feedback stunning the person for 1d6 hours.

Everything else,with regards to a person’s physical performance, is the same as normal, albeit the person will feel loggy and slightly ‘off’ when using the proxy body. They can still perform skills, work, play, eat(though the construct derives no nourishment from the act and the chewed food is left behind when the construct evaporates), don equipment, use tools and weapons, and the like.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Proxy Body(Invocation)
“How’d it go?”
“Smooth. In and out in a microsecond. Security cameras didn’t catch a thing and neither did she. In an hour she’ll walk into the death chamber and wake up, surprise, surprise, somewhere else. Since they cremate the body almost immediately, they’re going to be surprised too when the corpse falls to ashes of its accord. Of course, by then, we’ll have our little revolutionary well on her way to meeting the abolitionist council.”

Level: 11
Type: Invocation
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: 1 hour per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard, if the person is conscious and does NOT want to be proxied.
PPE Cost: 80
A ‘quick and dirty’ spell, as opposed to a ritual, that magically produces a duplicate body of a person, through which their consciousness can ‘pilot’ like a remote control drone. To external examination, the proxy looks exactly like the original, down to fingerprints, retinal prints, vital signs, and bleeding when cut. However, a genetic analysis or more thorough biopsy will reveal that there’s something ‘off’(for example, the biopsy samples evaporate after 1d6 minutes). A See Aura or magic-sensitive power will also detect the heightened and unusual PPE aura about the person.
Meanwhile, the person’s original body falls into a deep coma-like sleep. While in this state, the person is oblivious to the world around them, and cannot be woken without canceling the magic, but can feel and experience everything happening to the proxy body, regardless of the distance between the two bodies. Remotely ‘piloting’ the proxy-body feels somewhat sluggish. like the person has a cold or is very tired.
This spell is useful for doing work that is potentially dangerous or risky(like hostage negotiations in person) to the person. It can also be used to decoy, disguise, or conceal a person, or hide an abduction(flash-clone the person while they’re asleep, take them away, leaving the proxy behind for the person’s consciousness to awaken in, and then, just when they think they’ve escaped a kidnapping attempt, the proxy expires, and they wake up again in the clutches of their captors).

-The Proxy body can be commanded regardless of distance between it and the original body.
-The Proxy does not need to breath or eat(although it can still go through the motions)
-The Proxy can still be psionically and magically attacked, but gets a +2 to save because the proxy effectively acts as a ‘buffer’ for the person.

The magic proxy is a cheap imitation of the original, belying the ‘quick and dirty’ nature of the invocation spell format:
-The proxy body has only HALF the SDC, Hit Points, and PPE as the original.
-P.S. and SPEED are HALF, while P.S. is NORMAL(no Extraordinary or Supernatural P.S.). Hand to hand bonuses are also HALVED.
-Dispel Magic and Anti-Magic Cloud instantly destroy the proxy. Magic barriers and wards also stop the construct from passing through them.
-CANNOT cast spells or use psionics, even though the proxy registers as having both PPE and ISP. .
-Similarly, cybernetics and bionics CANNOT be duplicated. Full conversion cyborgs are effectively IMMUNE to Proxy.
-Similarly, superhuman abilities(including symbiotes and parasites) CANNOT be duplicated by Proxy.
-Supernatural Creatures and Creatures of Magic are IMMUNE to Proxy.
-When the spell elapses, the proxy body quickly breaks down into very fine dust. If the spell is deliberately canceled by the caster, or if it elapses normally, the body evaporates(takes 1d4 minutes) and the person wakes up back in their original body instantly, without ill effect. If the proxy body has been violently discorporated/killed, however, the effect is somewhat similar to a Familiar Link being broken; save versus psionic attack(12 or higher) or have the feedback stunning the person for 1d6 hours.

Everything else,with regards to a person’s physical performance, is the same as normal, albeit the person will feel loggy and slightly ‘off’ when using the proxy body. They can still perform skills, work, play, eat(though the construct derives no nourishment from the act and the chewed food is left behind when the construct evaporates), don equipment, use tools and weapons, and the like.
Cool. 8)
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Thanks; I tried to balance the possibility for abuse, the relatively low PPE cost, and the many possible people it might be cast on.
Hopefully I haven't left TOO big gaping holes or made my hamstringing too complicated.
Essentially it creates a puppet body for the person the spell is cast on. Cast on an unconscious/sleeping person, they unknowingly can wake up 'in' the puppet body rather than their own.

Yah...shades of 'Avatar' now that I think of it...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

taalismn wrote:Thanks; I tried to balance the possibility for abuse, the relatively low PPE cost, and the many possible people it might be cast on.
Hopefully I haven't left TOO big gaping holes or made my hamstringing too complicated.
Essentially it creates a puppet body for the person the spell is cast on. Cast on an unconscious/sleeping person, they unknowingly can wake up 'in' the puppet body rather than their own.

Yah...shades of 'Avatar' now that I think of it...

Tal that spell is seriously cool! I didn't think so much Avatar when I read it, but rather that one movie who's name I can't remember that had bruce willis and the rest of the world piloting robot clones via a VR chair.

Regardless, it is nice to see some quality work once again! Much more usefull than major and minor versions of "Create Renfair outfit" :lol:
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn » technology, magic can't afford to remain static, and must, perforce, break out of the idea of 'they made everything worthwhile back in the Age of a Thousand Magics; we just need to preserve the old knowledge and find old scrolls' thinking.
Of course, a lot of those old scrolls might be records of magic MISTAKES("Whattya mean there's no inhibitor limit on the Giant Ball of Sunlight?! OH SHI-).
So I imagine technology and magic play off each other with regards to ideas, like RPVs, telepresence, and the like.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Uhhmm yeah, ....what you said. I was just saying it wasn't a crap-tastic waste of space. That's happened (imo) a few times farther up this thread, and is def. a problem in the We Gots Tha Skills thread.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I personally prefer quality over quantity, which is why I try not to bog up the boards unless I have something good. Some spells wind up being reworded versions of basically the same thing. I think I have seen multiple versions of spells to resize clothing or to create specialized forms of it based on genre when they weren't really necessary, as you could use existing spells to basically do the same thing. But at least here there is not anyone posting completely useless nonsense like has been posted in New Powers and We Gots the Skills lately.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Precisely why I complimented and thanked him. :)
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I personally prefer quality over quantity, which is why I try not to bog up the boards unless I have something good. Some spells wind up being reworded versions of basically the same thing. I think I have seen multiple versions of spells to resize clothing or to create specialized forms of it based on genre when they weren't really necessary, as you could use existing spells to basically do the same thing. But at least here there is not anyone posting completely useless nonsense like has been posted in New Powers and We Gots the Skills lately.

I figure you get different versions in part due to parallel development in separate areas of the megaverse. Once you start traveling interdimensionally, you start encountering various means to do the same thing, and market forces start taking over with the most convenient and efficient spells being taken up by the majority of spellcasters and spread through teaching or published tomes/'standardized' grimoires. Of course, some of those that fall by the wayside may have pluses that might make them arguably more useful in certain situations than the 'standard' or 'canon' spell, so the well-versed(or academic) mage shuold be careful to take note of these variations-on-a-theme when he encounters them.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I personally prefer quality over quantity, which is why I try not to bog up the boards unless I have something good. Some spells wind up being reworded versions of basically the same thing. I think I have seen multiple versions of spells to resize clothing or to create specialized forms of it based on genre when they weren't really necessary, as you could use existing spells to basically do the same thing. But at least here there is not anyone posting completely useless nonsense like has been posted in New Powers and We Gots the Skills lately.

I figure you get different versions in part due to parallel development in separate areas of the megaverse. Once you start traveling interdimensionally, you start encountering various means to do the same thing, and market forces start taking over with the most convenient and efficient spells being taken up by the majority of spellcasters and spread through teaching or published tomes/'standardized' grimoires. Of course, some of those that fall by the wayside may have pluses that might make them arguably more useful in certain situations than the 'standard' or 'canon' spell, so the well-versed(or academic) mage shuold be careful to take note of these variations-on-a-theme when he encounters them.
Or it could be that people don't read all the spells that have already been posted and then post their own thinking it is original. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people creating specialty spells and think it is great people still want to post to this thread, but it does get repetitive and redundant at times.
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:[Or it could be that people don't read all the spells that have already been posted and then post their own thinking it is original. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people creating specialty spells and think it is great people still want to post to this thread, but it does get repetitive and redundant at times.

"Ah, Eydysan....there's a spell already that's common to the might not have heard of it, being so far up in the mountains and, you know, doing the mad mage thing....but it's called 'Globe of Daylight'. It's like the first spell everybody learns."
"..there is? it does? it is?..." :-(
Last edited by taalismn on Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Invented Spells

Unread post by 13eowulf »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[Or it could be that people don't read all the spells that have already been posted and then post their own thinking it is original. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people creating specialty spells and think it is great people still want to post to this thread, but it does get repetitive and redundant at times.

"Ah, Eydysan....there's a spell already that's common to the might not have heard of it, being so far up in the mountains and, you know, doing the mad mage thing....but it's called 'Globe of Daylight'. It's like the first spell every learns."
"..there is? it does? it is?..." :-(

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oderint Dum Metuant.
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